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15 Ways Pets Increase Mental Health

You probably love the tail-wagging greeting your dog gives you when you arrive home. Sloppy licks and wiggles are normal ways dogs express how happy they are to see you. Cats are no different. Your kitty may give you a friendly head bump or tap you on the legs with their paws to show their love. Having a sweet pet not only makes coming home enjoyable.  Whether you have a dog, cat, or guinea pig, the benefits of pets on your mental health are significant.

15 Benefits of Pets on Your Mental Health and Overall Wellness

Whether your best friend is furry, fuzzy, or finned, they can significantly impact your life.

benefits of pets

1 – Supporting your mental health

Pets have an innate way of giving support. They are incredibly loyal and dedicated to being with you all the time. A lick or a nudge reminds you they’re there for you…or just hungry.  Either way, they need you. Even when you’re having a hard day, caring for a pet makes you get up to care for them. Stroking their fur is relaxing and calms you down. Your pet offers you quiet support and unconditional love every day.

2 – Comforts you

Pets remind you that snuggling isn’t optional. It’s mandatory for your fur baby. They are comforters by nature. Where humans need to learn how to comfort, pets seem to know exactly how to curl up next to you and bring comfort. Their presence offers improved mental health. Researcher Dr. Ann Berger offers insight into why we receive comfort from pets:

Dogs are very present. If someone is struggling with something, they know how to sit there and be loving, their attention is focused on the person all the time.”

So, if you don’t have a pet, knowing the mental health benefits could motivate you to find a furry friend to cuddle.

3 – Ease your loneliness

You’re never alone when you have a pet. They’re right next to you, eager for a pat on the head or tickle under the chin. You might trip over your canine because they lie right at your feet. You can complain or vent your frustration about work or school to your pets. They listen without judgment. Of course, they want you to pet them because pets seem to know when you need to touch them. It’s a basic human need they instinctively understand. Petting your sweet kitty not only lessens your loneliness but it helps lower your heart rate and helps you relax.

4  – Eases depression

Pets offer mental health benefits to everyone around them. They make you laugh even if you’re feeling sad. Whether it’s sticking their butt up in the air or flopping down on the floor comically, pets smile even if you feel blue. Pets have a positive effect on your mood. You have trusted friends who never withdraw from you but show you love and devotion even on your down days.

5 – Help with ADHD

Dogs help kids who struggle with ADHD. They help them focus and feel calm. They also help adults who have ADHD. They help you get exercise when you need to get rid of your pent-up energy. When you’re focused on your pet, you’re calmer and relaxed. Having a pet around naturally eases your restlessness.

6 – Exercise improves your mental health

Having a dog is great motivation to exercise. They need you to walk them several times a day. According to physical exercise standards, walking your dog gives you moderate to vigorous exercise depending on how fast you walk with your pooch. Not only does walking your dog increase your physical exercise, but it gets you outdoors for some fresh air and sunlight. It’s thought that older people will go for a walk with their dog more often than they go for walks with humans. That’s the power of the pet to motivate.

7 – Socializing can support better mental health

Never underestimate the power of your pet to help you strike up friendships. Pets are a natural icebreaker for talking to your neighbors. You’re more likely to see neighbors on your morning and evening walks. Discussing your dog’s breed or personality with the people you meet is natural. They may want to pet your dog or comment on how they look. These easy socializing experiences may grow into friendships down the road. You may end up meeting your next-door neighbor who loves pet sitting.

8 – Lower your risk of a heart attack

Your pet provides you with mental health benefits, and pet ownership can improve your physical health. It’s a proven fact that people who own a cat are less likely to have a fatal heart attack. Researchers aren’t sure why this is true, but it could be because cats help you feel calmer and more at peace. Or it could be that people who choose cats are naturally healthier. Whatever the reason, it’s a good thing for your heart if you’re a cat lady or cat man.

mental health

9 – Lowers your blood pressure (better mental health = less stress)

When you hang out with your pet, your blood pressure decreases. You may feel stress drop, causing you to feel more relaxed. Pets have the natural ability to help you relax, which lowers your blood pressure. Studies show that petting your fur baby decreases your cortisol levels and lowers your blood pressure. Cortisol is a stress hormone. Stroking your cat or dog also encourages your body to release mood-enhancing hormones, making you feel relaxed and happy.

10 – Eases stress, the underlying factor for many mental health concerns

Pets are a lot of work. You need to feed, water, and exercise them. They need regular check-ups and sometimes medications for physical conditions. Then there are the toys, special beds, and other paraphernalia you need to buy to keep your fur baby entertained and comfortable. Despite all the stress, your pet is your best friend. They’re there for you when you feel sad or tired. They cuddle and nuzzle you to remind you it’s time to eat or go outside. Pets give you unconditional love, and that is a huge stress release. Many offices, hospitals, and nursing homes bring dogs in to interact with people to help ease stress.

11 – Reduces your chance of allergies

Many pets shed. Although this isn’t fun to vacuum all the time, interestingly, having a pet around boosts your immune system. This is especially true for infants who are exposed to pets. Infants with one or more pets in the house are less apt to have an allergy than kids who aren’t exposed to pets.

12 – Lowers your blood sugar

Of course, your pets aren’t overseeing your diet to be sure you keep your blood sugar down, but there’s a connection between owning a pet and being more disciplined about maintaining your blood glucose levels. Having the responsibility to care for an animal helps kids who are diabetic because they learn to feed and water them daily. This transfers to their daily care. Those young people who care for pets were better at keeping tabs on their diabetes.

13 – Feel happier

People who own a pet are overall happier than those without a pet. This is because they may have a sense of belonging or meaning. When caring for a pet, you feel in control of your life and theirs.

14 – Improves your brain

Having contact with pets creates positive memories, helping your brain. People who have experienced a stroke or have dementia often smile at pets. This is because there’s a connection that only an animal can provide. Also, older people who care for pets stay engaged mentally.

15 – They make you playful

As an adult, it’s easy to lose your sense of playfulness. Maybe your job is stressful with many decisions, or you struggle with depression. No matter what’s happening in your life, your pet inspires you to be playful. They love it when you throw a ball, tickle them or play hide and seek with them. Something about a pet brings out your playfulness like you were a kid again. And that’s a good thing.

mental health

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Pets on Happiness and Mental Health

It’s no wonder so many people own pets. Their sweet kisses, head bumps, or wiggles tell you they’re so happy to see you when you get home. Besides showing their love, pets provide humans with mental health benefits. You’re less apt to have allergies, a heart attack, or depression when you have a pet. Your fur baby motivates to get outside and walk for better health. The benefits of pets even include causing you to socialize more and have less stress. Having a sweet pet makes your life more enjoyable and overall happier. If you don’t own a pet, maybe it’s time you consider the advantages. There’s a fur baby out there somewhere, just waiting for a mandatory cuddle with you.

15 Metabolism Boosters Most People Forget

Are you tired of battling excess weight and feeling drained all the time? Maybe you’re convinced that you inherited a slow metabolic system. Is there anything you can do to change your body’s fat-burning capabilities? These metabolism booster tips can help.

Fifteen Easy Metabolism Booster Hacks You Should Try

You’ll be glad to know that lifestyle changes may kick your fat furnace up a few notches. While there are no “miracle” foods or supplements, there are some that may give you the energetic zap you need. Here are some metabolism boosters for you to consider.

metabolism boosters

1. Protein Is a Metabolism Booster

Your body is made of protein, so you must consume enough to stay strong and healthy. Eating protein can keep your muscles strong and your metabolism high if you work out to build muscle mass. Some people benefit from having a high-protein snack before and after their workouts.

According to an article published by Harvard University, the RDA for protein is .8 grams per kilogram of your weight. Your protein choice can be animal or plant-based. Consider metabolism boosters like lean meats, eggs, nuts, dairy, and dark-green leafy vegetables.

2. Get Enough Sleep

It’s hard to have a lot of energy when staying up all night. Sleep deprivation will catch up with you, whether it’s insomnia or you’re binging late-night television. Not only will you be in a helpless brain fog the next day, but your metabolism will be on the weak side.

If you want metabolism boosters that work, aim to get between six and eight hours of sound sleep. Avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol in the evenings so it doesn’t hinder your rest. You may be surprised at your energy when you’re well-rested and alert.

3. Reduce Your Stress for Metabolic Support

Stress will usually be a hot topic in just about any media outlet you choose. Stress has been part of the human condition since the beginning. Your brain’s automatic stress response gives your body a boost of energy to save your life.

However, your brain doesn’t differentiate which stressors are life-threatening and which ones aren’t serious. So, chronic stress puts this temporary defense mechanism on overdrive, leading to serious health risks. Metabolism boosters can be even more productive when you minimize your stress levels and learn to relax.

4. Water Is an Essential Metabolism Booster

The next time you drink a glass of cold, refreshing water, consider its crucial role in your body. The U.S. Department of the Interior published an article explaining that the adult human body comprises approximately 60 percent water. It stands to reason that you need enough water to maintain your well-being.

When you enjoy between six and eight glasses of water each day, it helps flush away toxins and lubricates your joints. Plus, staying hydrated can be one of those metabolism boosters that helps you lose weight.

5. Enjoy a Cup of Tea

Eastern medicine has touted green tea as a powerful health tonic for centuries. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, the natural chemicals found in green tea may promote fat burning. Good metabolism boosters like green tea may be your key to losing a few pounds.

You can also brew a cup of oolong tea from the same plant as the green variety. Sip some of these flavorful teas hot or over ice for a refreshing treat. You may consider green tea supplements if you prefer to skip the drink.

6. Trade The Saltshaker for Herbs and Spices

Your body needs a certain amount of sodium to function and survive. However, a diet heavy in salt can lead to serious health issues like hypertension and weight gain.

It creates a vicious cycle where lack of energy can affect your weight, and your weight can nix your energy levels. The good news is that you can shake your salt habit and use more herbs and spices. They lend complex flavors to your food without adding extra sodium.

7. Try a Cup of Joe for a Metabolism Booster

Perhaps you’re not a morning person and need your first cup of coffee to be fully awake. You may also sip through a whole pot of coffee at work. While you don’t want to overdo it, enjoying java can increase your stamina.

Of course, caffeine gives your brain and body the jolt you need. It’s one of those metabolism boosters that can also enhance your mood. Just be cautious with calorie-laden additives like cream, sugar, and syrups.

8. Get Your Body Moving

Your body can’t be a fat-burning machine if you prefer a sedentary lifestyle. Even having a desk job can contribute to unhealthy weight gain. Health issues like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some forms of cancer all come from this way of life.

Make fitness a priority and try to exercise at least twenty minutes a day. Take breaks from sitting in the office and walk outside for a while. You might also consider energy-enhancing exercises like yoga, Pilates, or weightlifting.


9. Stop Smoking as  Metabolism Booster

As if you need more solid reasons to stop smoking, revving your metabolism is another. Oxygen and optimal blood circulation are the main components of human metabolism. Since smoking inhibits both, your metabolic rate will be minimal.

Kick the habit, and your body will immediately start the healing process. You’ll be able to breathe better and be more active. Since tobacco and nicotine have many health risks, vaping and chewing tobacco aren’t safe alternatives.

10. Try to Be More Positive

How do you feel when you think everything and everyone is against you? These waves of pessimism make your posture weaker and rob your vitality. Negative vibes smother every ounce of strength and self-confidence you have inside.

Consider how you feel when you have a more positive outlook. You smile and laugh more and feel stronger physically, mentally, and spiritually. Improving your attitude is one of the many metabolism boosters that cost you nothing, but they’re priceless.

11. Practice Meditation for a Metabolism Booster

Did you know that your metabolism is just as much mental and spiritual as physical? No wonder concepts related to either three are referred to as energies. Meditation is an ancient practice that can bring you more clarity and internal vibrancy.

The delightful thing about meditation is that you can do it your way. You only need a quiet place to sit or lie down without being disturbed. It might seem forced at first, but soon it will come as naturally as breathing.

Now, allow your body and mind to relax and let your thoughts pass by without judgment. You’ll hear that inner voice that strengthens and guides you in this silent sanctuary of your mind. If you meditate for twenty to thirty minutes daily, your mental and spiritual vibrations will rise, possibly affecting your metabolic rate.

12. Be Careful of the Booze–It Impairs Your Metabolic System

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a couple of drinks as long as you do it responsibly and in moderation. Whether your alcohol of choice is beer, wine, or spirits, drinking too much can devastate your health. Alcohol can make you gain weight and even slow down your metabolism.

If you want to raise an occasional pint, keep it to a minimum. Also, alternate your drinks with plenty of water and ignore the salty snack foods. You can have a good time but still keep your body healthy, safe, and energized.

13. Appreciate the Gift of Laughter

When was the last time you were nearly breathless from laughing so much? A hearty belly laugh brings out the best in your spirits. Your burdens are lifted and replaced with metabolism boosters like humor and laughter for a moment.

No wonder the ancients said it was one of life’s best medicines. It’s challenging to be dreary and slow-moving when you’re giggling with glee. Give yourself a generous dose of laughter’s medicine and watch an occasional comedy or read a funny book.

14. Have a Bit of Dark Chocolate (The Sweetest Metabolism Booster!)

Have you ever seen a kid with a piece of chocolate be less than energetic? While you can’t go overboard, dark chocolate is one of the most tempting metabolism boosters. The natural flavonoids in cocoa may lower your stress hormones and increase your metabolic rate.

Remember that all chocolate isn’t created equally. Consuming a milk chocolate bar won’t offer you the same potential benefits as quality dark chocolate. Try to keep your serving at about 1.5 ounces, which is about the weight of an AA battery.

15. Don’t Forget Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D is necessary to build healthy muscles, bones, and teeth. It’s plentiful in dairy products, eggs, and some fish. Your body also makes this essential vitamin from sunlight.

Building strong muscles can help you increase your metabolism and burn fat more efficiently. According to an article published by Harvard University, the RDA of Vitamin D for adults 19-70 is 600 IU. Adults over seventy should have at least 800 IU.

metabolism boosters

Final Thoughts on the Metabolism Booster Tips Most People Ignore

You don’t have to be content with the metabolic levels that genetics dealt you. These helpful hints can help increase your metabolic rate and burn more fat. These metabolism booster hacks are a healthier version of you that will make a difference.

14 Reasons Why Strong People Don’t Give Their Energy to Toxic People

Every person you spend time around gets some of your energy. When you give them your energy, you also receive things from them, good or bad. Toxic people can deplete you; strong people eventually learn not to let them anymore.

Taking control of who you give your energy to can improve your life and overall happiness. You don’t have to let negative people interfere with your well-being. If you want to live a good life, you must decide to stop feeding into the people who trigger you.

You’re going to encounter many people who don’t deserve your energy. It’s up to you to decide how and why you’ll limit your time with them.

Why Strong People Don’t Give Their Energy to Toxic People

Sometimes the toxic people in your life are close friends and family, making the situation harder. Breaking free from their influence will help you flourish, even when letting go is hard.

toxic people

1. Toxicity Holds Them Back

Someone is toxic if they don’t help you grow or hold you back. You don’t need and shouldn’t want these people interfering with your life. Sometimes you’ll think you can ignore their negativity, but it’ll affect you even when your guard is up.

2. They Know They Don’t Need Toxic People

You don’t have to surround yourself with many people to live your best life. Instead, choosing a select few people who contribute to your life in meaningful ways is the best way to go. It provides you with the opportunity for connection and growth.

3. They Know They Won’t Live Up to Their Potential

When surrounded by toxicity, these people know they can’t live up to their full potential. You’re tough, too, and you deserve nothing but the best from the people in your life.

4. They Make You Feel Lousy

At the very least, stop letting toxic people ask you for favors, and don’t go out of your way to see them. They will only steal your energy and make you feel lousy. You might feel bad at first, but once you notice the improvement in your life, you’ll realize it was well worth it.

5. They Don’t Feel Sorry for Themselves

When people mistreat a firm person, they don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves. They count their losses and move on, not giving the person another chance to hurt them. These people take responsibility for their life and acknowledge that they can choose to who to give their energy.

6. They Choose Their Attitude

Spending time with negative people makes it easy to take on their attitude. You’ll start to think in pessimistic or gloomy ways, but you don’t have to. Strong people know they can choose their attitude even when toxic people threaten their well-being.

Rather than letting them ruin your well-being, decide to stay motivated. When you make this decision, it’s easier to change the areas of your life that disrupt your positive attitude. It gives a negative person too much control over you if you let them dictate your mood or mindset.

7. Strong People Aren’t Afraid to Spend Time Alone

Strong people aren’t afraid to spend time alone. They’d rather have silence than spend their time with toxic people. Their thoughts don’t scare them, so they either embrace the silence or spend that time being productive.

8. They Don’t Feel Obligated

These people don’t feel obligated to keep people in their life. They know who is bad for them and willingly let go of that relationship. Guilt trips don’t work with them because they know what decision to make to improve their life.

9. They Behave Productively

Firm people know that toxic people bring out the worst in them. They don’t give them their energy because they prefer to behave productively. When they want to do what’s best for their life, they must focus on beneficial aspects and people.

10. Strong People Stay in Control

It’s not worth giving in to toxic people because it takes away your power. Strong people don’t give their energy because they know it’ll cause them to lose control. They take responsibility and ownership of their life rather than placing blame on others.

11. They Surround Themselves with Positive Energy Instead of Toxic People

When someone knows what they want in their life, they surround themselves with it. Surrounding yourself with positive people helps eliminate any toxicity. When you give your energy to good people, it helps you prevent giving it to anyone else.

Surrounding yourself with positive people helps you stay on track. You’ll keep your eye on your goals and find ways to grow as a person. Positive people impact you in beneficial ways, helping you become the best version of yourself.

strong people

12. They Know Their Time is Worth More

Toxic people can zap all of your energy. It’s not worth giving in when you know you’ll receive nothing. Don’t waste a minute worrying about encounters with the person because no matter what happens, it’s not worth the lost time.

If a strong person starts thinking about a toxic person, they find ways to shift their thinking. They know that giving the negative person attention will only worsen the situation.

13. They Won’t Spend Their Time Dwelling on the Past

Toxic people often spend their time dwelling on the past. People who recognize their inner strength refuse to do the same. They don’t want to waste their energy rehashing the past when they could be looking forward.

Those with inner strength know they must acknowledge and learn from their past. However, these people don’t want it to affect who they are now. When they spend time with negative people, the past seems to resurface, so they try to avoid it whenever possible.

14. Strong People Don’t Mind Change

Some people dread life changes, but those with inner strength don’t. They welcome change because they know it can improve their life and well-being. There’s no reason for them to give their energy to negative people when they aren’t afraid to make a life change.

How to Identify a Toxic Person

If you’re ready to take control of your life and stop giving your energy to toxic people, you must identify them. There are red flags to watch for that will help you identify the negative influences in your life.

Toxic People Talk Badly About Others

If someone is comfortable talking badly about others, they’re likely toxic. There’s a good chance they’re talking about you when you’re not around.

They Don’t Follow Through

Pay attention to what someone says they’ll do. If the person rarely follows through on what they say, it’s a good chance they’re toxic.

Toxic People Are Inconsistent

While it’s common for people to have good times and bad, a toxic person is constantly inconsistent. They will behave erratically and never follow through on commitments. You won’t know what to expect from them because they rarely do what they say they will.

They Always Seek Attention

When someone in your life always needs something from you, it’s a sign of seeking attention. They’ll always want you to drop your actions to offer emotional support. However, they won’t often return the favor and seem to disappear when you’re in need.

They seek attention by only showcasing their positive aspects. You’ll notice that they only think with self-interest, never caring how it’ll affect others.

They Always Have Ongoing Drama

Drama seems to follow some people, and there’s a reason. Toxic people always seem to have dramatic situations going on, and they also create conflict. They want to see what happens when they cause issues in their inner circle.

Toxic People Don’t Respect Boundaries

When you tell someone your needs, they should respect what you say. Toxic people will ignore what you say and continue doing whatever they want. They can’t help but disrespect you by crossing your boundaries and making you feel uncomfortable.

Toxic People Manipulate and Take Advantage of Others

If someone takes advantage of you, they’re a toxic person. They manipulate people to get what they want and give nothing in return. You might notice that they lie, exaggerate, and leave out information to ensure they get their way.

How to Let Go of Toxic People From Your Life

Breaking free of toxic people can be tricky, especially if they’re close to you. However, you must do what is best for your life and what allows you to grow.

Don’t Feel Bad

When you cut people out of your life or minimize your time with them, they might make you feel bad. Sometimes you make yourself feel guilty about cutting them off. However, you shouldn’t feel bad for letting go of the relationship if you know it wasn’t good for you.

You don’t owe them anything even if you blow them off or ghost them. The person will be okay, so focus on your happiness instead. This life is yours to live, and you’re in charge of making the most of it.

Speak Up

When you recognize toxic behaviors in someone in your life, speak up and confront them. Don’t let their lies go unnoticed.

When you see inconsistencies, tell them you’re onto their tactics. It shows them that you notice the issues and gives them a chance to explain themselves.

toxic people

Final Thoughts on Reasons Why Strong People Don’t Give Their Energy to Toxic People

Giving your energy to toxic people is detrimental to your well-being. Strong people don’t give energy to these people, and you shouldn’t, either. You’re stronger than you think, so put yourself first.

Make a change if someone in your life makes you feel bad about yourself or holds you back. You don’t need these people in your life; you’ll be better if you stop giving them your energy.

12 Signs Someone Is Oversharing in a New Relationship

A new relationship is probably one of the most exciting things in your life. You’re more than happy to share the news with everyone. But what if your partner shares too much, putting you in an awkward position? Are they oversharing? Do they need to start listening to you more?

If your significant other has been through a toxic relationship, they are probably nervous about a new one. They may go overboard by discussing every detail of your relationship to feel more secure. They also may feel the need to gain other people’s acceptance.

Twelve Signs Someone is Oversharing in a Relationship

It’s normal for couples to talk to their friends, family members, and coworkers about each other. They go beyond respectful boundaries when they discuss things without your consent. It’s an invasion of your privacy and a breach of your trust.

Another negative consequence of sharing too much is that others may start to resent you. Your partner may force them to form opinions from information that may be biased. It’s almost like how the tabloids exploit and add to the private information of celebrity couples.

When the conversation goes from charming to sharing too much information, it may signal a problem. Here are twelve warning signs to notice if your partner is oversharing in the relationship.


1. Your Whole Relationship Is Chronicled on Social Media

In the good old days, lovers carried pictures of each other in their wallets. They would also keep thick photo albums of your vacations and travels as a couple. If they got married, they preserved the memories on a VHS tape to show anyone who visits their home.

Now, couples flood their social media accounts with posts and pictures. Often, they go overboard as if they are chronicling every second of their lives. Such oversharing is a popular reason that some people get blocked and unfriended on these social sites,

Yes, sharing photos, meaningful stories, and occasional videos are expected. However, it becomes obsessive if your friends and family feel like they are stuck in a reality show with you. Is your mate talking too much about your relationship on social media?

2. They Breach Their Confidence by Oversharing

If you can’t trust the one you love, it’s time to question your relationship. According to an article published by Sage Journals, a lack of trust can play a significant role in relationship problems. When you confidently share something with your partner, you expect it to stay between you.

Sharing too much and discussing your personal information and details about your relationship is taboo. It’s incredibly embarrassing if they share intimate things that nobody wants to hear. Plus, you have other items about your individual life that you don’t want spreading to whoever is listening, including things that happen behind closed doors.

3. Oversharing Might Reveal How They Have No Boundaries

One of the essential parts of starting a new relationship is to set mutual boundaries. These are the parameters you’ve established where you feel comfortable. You don’t want to discuss particular subjects until your relationship grows.

Your potential partner may be toxic if they initially talk too much. Why would they overshare about money, future children, and an inclusive relationship when you don’t know each other well enough? A lack of boundaries this early in the game can spell trouble in the future.

4. You’ve Had Past Arguments about Them Oversharing

Sometimes, talking too much comes naturally when you’re their first serious love interest. You may have noticed that talking too much has become a pattern for them. You’ve confronted them in the past, which led to several arguments.

If your relationship is healthy, your person will listen to you and change their habits. However, past behavior can often predict future behavior. If they are still sharing too much, it may be an issue that isn’t fixable.

5. Instead of Really Listening to Your Concern, They Become Defensive If You Mention Their Oversharing

At first, give your partner the benefit of the doubt and talk to them about their oversharing habit. Maybe they’ve been so caught up in the relationship that they overlook it. In this case, they may apologize and try to do better.

It is a red flag if they get defensive when you mention the subject. They may shift the blame to you and say that you’re being too sensitive. Or maybe they may view your objections to their oversharing as not loving them enough.

6. Your Mutual Friends Joke About the Issue

One of Shakespeare’s memorable lines is how truth sometimes masquerades as a jest. Your family and friends may tease you about how obsessed your partner is with the relationship. The truth is that it’s getting on their nerves, and they are using humor to spare your feelings.

Maybe you’ve been so infatuated that you didn’t notice your partner talking too much. Don’t be afraid to speak to a close friend or family member for an honest opinion. Their honesty may give you a different perspective on your new relationship.


7. The Only Topic They Can Discuss is Your Relationship

When you’re a new couple, you often want to proclaim your love to the world. Your friends and family will usually understand and share in your joy. They’ll happily look at pictures and listen to stories about how you met and your first kiss.

At some point, you go beyond the “honeymoon” phase and have other discussion topics. If your new partner talks too much about your relationship, other folks will get bored. Sharing too much can make people dread meeting up with them for a one-sided chat.

8. They Bring Others into Your Relationship Problems

As long as humans are part of a relationship, there are bound to be problems. Learning how to solve these issues together can make your relationship stronger. These are problems between you, and you don’t need an audience.

Talking too much tends to bring outsiders into your private business. Does your partner freely share details of your arguments and other personal information? Communicating confidential information drags unwilling participants into fights to referee.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek couples counseling from a mental health professional or trusted spiritual advisor. It can get nasty if they coerce family and mutual friends into taking sides. Oversharing relationship problems can potentially break couples apart.

9. They Often Speak For You Without Listening to Your Views

It’s one thing for your significant other to share their opinion, but quite another when they share yours. Sometimes, you may share thoughts and ideas you don’t want to air to the general public. However, they may decide to be your voice and talk too much.

You may be shocked and irritated when you hear second-hand about all you’ve supposedly said or thought. Your partner gets so caught up with oversharing that they must include you. Remember that even though you’re a couple, you still maintain your individuality and your right to speak for yourself.

10. They Often Don’t Share What’s Important

An article published by Frontiers in Psychology maintains that communication is the heart of a relationship. You and your person can chat often, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re communicating. It involves active listening and sharing important information with you as a couple.

You should be the first person your partner comes to with problems and concerns. It’s critical when they talk too much about it with others, not you. Somebody isn’t communicating honestly if you’re the last person to hear stuff from the rumor mill about your relationship.

11. Oversharing the Past

When you’re in a committed relationship with someone, you don’t want to hear about all their past romances. If they’re talking too much about it, they may have issues. Does your partner habitually speak about their past loves to your friends and family?

Being present and having to listen to these ramblings is incredibly awkward. You feel like you’re being compared to past lovers, and your current company is embarrassed for you. Being honest doesn’t mean sharing every sordid detail about their former partners.

12. Sharing too Much with You

Sure, you’re both still human and may find other people attractive. It is OK to tell others you think someone is handsome or beautiful. However, it crosses a line when they are nearly obsessed with other people’s attractiveness.

You don’t want to hear them rave about how gorgeous one of your friends, coworkers, or family members is. Some things are best left to the imagination, and this is one of them. If your partner can become this infatuated, do they have eyes for more people than you?


Final Thoughts on Oversharing in a Relationship

If you want a loving, healthy relationship that lasts, be judicious about what you share with others. Some things should remain between you and your lover. Knowing and respecting these mutual boundaries can help your relationship flourish.

10 Exercises to Prevent Falls

Falls are among the most significant causes of fatal injuries, especially in older adults. As you age, your balance alters, making you not as steady on your feet as you once were, but there’s hope for older adults. You don’t have to take this sitting down; you can improve your balance and prevent falls by strengthening your muscles.

The National Council on Aging offers some alarming statistics on falls. Did you know that one in every four people over 65 will have a severe fall annually? In hospitals across America, older adults seek treatments for a fall every ten seconds.

Sadly, every twenty seconds, someone will die from a severe fall. The NCOA also states that 2.8 million people are admitted to the hospital annually due to falls, and 27,000 will perish. You probably knew it was a risk, but you might not have realized how serious it can be to you.

Ten Easy Strengthening Exercises to Prevent Falls

The good news is that you can do something about it. Sure, you can’t turn back the hands of time, but you can strengthen your muscles, enhance your flexibility, and improve your balance. Here are ten exercises to help you boost your system and prevent falls.

prevent falls older adults

1. Toe Raises (You Gain Stability to Help Prevent Falls)

Could you do something as small as toe raises to impact your balance? This milder exercise can help you prevent falls and strengthen those vital muscles in the bottoms of your legs, feet, and ankles. You’ll need a chair to sustain your balance during this maneuver. Here’s how:

1. Sit in a chair, straight and with good posture, while keeping your body comfortable.

2. Stretch your arms straight in front of you or relax them at your sides.

3. Slowly lift toes off the ground, shifting weight to your heels.

4. Try to do ten repetitions and increase as you develop more stamina.

2. Marching in Place

Marching in place is an easy exercise anyone can do, and you’ve probably done it a dozen times. However, you probably didn’t know its impact on strengthening your muscles. The key here is to use muscles instead of momentum and ensure you have a chair for balance. Here’s how:

1. Stand up straight with your arms at your side.

2. Start marching slowly, paying more attention to stretching those muscles rather than gaining speed.

3. Now, lift your legs to your chest area.

4. Try to do ten leg lifts on each side, alternating to avoid pain and stiffness.

3. Balance on One Leg (Older Adults Can Use a Chair to Aid Them)

Balancing on one leg is easy and benefits the goal of toughening those muscles. You will need to keep that chair handy for support. Here’s how:

1. Place your hands on the chair and slowly bend your knee to allow you to raise your foot with ease.

2. You should be supporting your entire body weight on one leg.

3. Place this foot on the ground and repeat with the other leg.

4. Try it with no hands if you feel you can do it safely, or use one hand as you become steadier.

4. Side Twist (Core Strength Will Help Prevent Falls)

This exercise is more challenging, so older adults can use a chair if needed. Here’s how:

1. Place a chair on either side of you that is the same height. The chair provides stability if you need it. However, those with good balance can also do this without assistance.

2. Stand firmly on the floor, keeping your feet about a shoulder’s width apart.

3. Slowly turn your body from the mid-section to your head in one direction, holding onto the chair for balance.

4. Hold this position for five to ten seconds.

5. Bring your body back to the straight position and turn to the other side.

5. Wall Pushups

You can stretch and strengthen your entire body while focusing on your upper chest and arm area. This will help your muscle flexibility and enhance your balance to prevent falls. Here’s how:

1. You need to find a wall to lean on for support and place your hands flat on this surface. Try to keep your feet about one foot from the wall.

2. The palms should be about shoulder-width apart and kept at shoulder height.

3. Your feet should never leave the floor as you slowly move your upper body towards and hold the wall.

4. Using your strength, push yourself back from the wall until your arms are straight.

5. Strive to do ten or twenty repetitions but stop if you feel any pain or discomfort in your chest.

6. Balancing Wand (Seated Exercise for Older Adults)

You can take a seat and do this strengthening exercise to prevent falls. Make sure to have a cane and chair near you. Here’s how:

1. Keep the cane’s bottom in the palm of your hand. You want to ensure the cane stays in the upright position.

2. Hold the cane and maintain balance for five to ten seconds.

3. Now, use the other hand and balance the cane.

7. Single Limb Stance

This move is for you to prevent falls while strengthening your muscles. It will target your legs, lower back, and hip region. With this maneuver, you should be able to stand on one foot while keeping your balance against the back of a chair. Here’s how:

1. Use a nice, sturdy chair and stand behind it, holding onto the back. You can skip the chair if you feel steady enough on your feet.

2. Slowly lift your right foot and balance your body on the left side. Strive to hold this position for fifteen or twenty seconds, if possible.

3. Switch to the left side and hold between fifteen to twenty seconds. Try to do five reps on each side.

8. Clock Reach

This one is a psychological exercise and a physical challenge, so you must be ready to use your imagination. You get to sit for the whole activity, which benefits older adults, who might want to learn a new chair exercise.

Picture yourself like you’re standing in the center of a giant clock. The twelve on the clock should be in front of you, while the six will be behind you. Here’s how to do the maneuver:

1. Start with your right leg and lift it to point towards the twelve. Your arm should also point in the same direction.

2. Rotate your arm till it’s facing the nine on the clock.

3. Now, point to the six, which will be behind you.

4. Rotate the arm to return to the nine and then move it on to the twelve.

5. Now, move on to the left arm, and try the numbers three and nine rather than six and twelve.

9. Walking Heel to Toe, A Leg Strengthener to Prevent Falls

The core area you should address to prevent falls is to strengthen your legs, and walking heel to toe can do it for you. This will help you walk with increased stability and reduce the tumble risk. Here’s how:

1. Take your right foot and put it in front of the left one.

2. The left foot’s heel should be touching the toes on the right foot.

3. Now, alter your weight so that your toes bear the brunt of it, and do the same with your left foot.

10. Shoulder Rolls for Older Adults

This strengthening exercise is for you if you want something simple to enhance your body balance. The significant part of this maneuver is that you can sit down or stand up.

1. Decide if sitting or standing is the most comfortable for you.

2. Move your shoulders around and upwards towards the ceiling.

3. Roll shoulders back to the starting position.

4. Now, rotate your shoulders forward and then downward.

Final Thoughts on Preventing Falls

If you have poor balance by nature, or you’re aging and noticing a decline in your stamina, you’ll find these exercises helpful. When you work to strengthen your muscles in specific areas, you’ll lower the risk of falls, which can be catastrophic.

While these are a few exercises to help, there are many other things that older adults–or anyone else–can do to help enhance your mobility. Here are some things to consider:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work or in travel
  • Go up and down your stairs at home a few more times a day
  • Develop a walking routine each evening
  • Stay active for at least an hour daily, cleaning the house, cooking, or shopping. The more you move, the more limber your muscles will become.

Another consideration is to add a creatine supplement to help strengthen your body. According to the National Library of Medicine, including a simple supplement in studies showed dramatic improvement to muscle injuries. It can be something to consider adding to your exercise routines to prevent falls.

Study Warns That 75% of Teens Don’t Get Enough Daily Exercise

University of Georgia researchers found that 75% of teens don’t meet daily exercise requirements. The research revealed that female students participated in physical activity less often than males. The result? A decrease in general wellness heightened anxiety and more.

However, the research team theorized that improvements in school environments could help students get more daily exercise. A positive school climate can encourage students to adopt healthy behaviors. These include following a nutritious diet and engaging in regular activity, said lead study author Janani R. Thapa.

“The length of recess, physical facilities, and social environments at schools have been found to affect physical activity among students,” said Thapa, an associate professor of health policy and management at UGA’s College of Public Health.

Because of this study, the state of Georgia enacted policies and programs to increase daily exercise in K-12 schools. Thapa serves as one of the lead evaluators of these programs.

“Over time, the state has observed declining levels of physical activity among all adolescents, but the rate is higher among female middle and high school students,” she said.

Thapa believed that a healthy school environment would encourage students to become more active in sports. She suggested that the more confident they feel, the more daily exercise they would get at school. The school climate includes safety, bullying, and social support.

If students feel included and accepted by peers, they’re more likely to participate in regular physical activity. However, before this study, researchers didn’t realize the effect that school climate had on students’ daily exercise.

“We do not know much about the role of school climate on physical activity,” said Thapa. “There must have been barriers that were faced by certain groups of students. Hence, we wanted to investigate the difference by gender.”

What the Study Found About Teens’ Daily Exercise Habits

daily exercise

The research team compiled data from a statewide survey including over 360,000 Georgia high school students. The survey consisted of questions regarding daily exercise habits and school climate. Using this data, Thapa and her colleagues tested the relationship between school environment and physical activity.

The data measured school climate by eight factors:

  • school connectedness
  • adult social support
  • peer social support
  • physical environment
  • school support environment
  • school safety
  • cultural acceptance
  • peer victimization (bullying)

The survey revealed that female students received less daily exercise than males. Only 35% of females reported being active compared to 57% of males. Physical activity decreased dramatically for male and female students in the 9-12th grade.

However, students of both genders participated in daily exercise more often in a positive school environment. Researchers noted that bullying had a particularly pronounced effect on physical activity levels.

Female students who reported instances of bullying received more daily exercise. However, male students who experienced bullying didn’t engage in as much physical activity. Bullying stood out to the research team since it impacted male and female students differently. Other measures of school climate showed more significant similarities among both genders.

The authors believe the disparity regarding bullying may exist because of masculine and feminine stereotypes. Regarding exercise, highly active females and less active males stand out more.

“For example, female students who are active in sports and physically active may not fit the gender norm and hence may face bullying,” said Thapa.

The findings suggest that school districts should improve school environments to increase daily exercise among students. For instance, they could focus on promoting student safety and acceptance while bolstering exercise programs. Students who feel safe and comfortable at school will find physical activity more appealing.

Daily Exercise Can Reduce Anxiety and Suicidal Thoughts in Teens

Exercise doesn’t just help teens improve their physical health. Studies show that regular physical activity can give their mental health a boost as well. With more teens than ever experiencing anxiety, researchers have been searching for a remedy. They have found that lifestyle changes such as increasing exercise and practicing mindfulness can lower stress.

In fact, one study by University of Vermont researchers found that bullied teens who exercised regularly had better mental health. The findings showed that teenage suicide attempts decreased by 23% with at least four days of physical activity per week.

“I was surprised that it was that significant and that positive effects of exercise extended to kids actually trying to harm themselves,” said lead author Jeremy Sibold, associate professor and chair of the Department of Rehabilitation and Movement Science.

“Even if one kid is protected because we got them involved in an after-school activity or in a physical education program it’s worth it.”

However, students can also benefit from other forms of daily exercise. Some students who don’t enjoy sports may prefer solitary workouts like yoga or Tai Chi. Studies have found that mindfulness exercises can lower stress hormone levels and promote mental wellness.

One study published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics confirmed these findings. It revealed that yoga classes could improve mood and lower anxiety in high school students. Yoga can also have beneficial psychological impacts on children, helping to foster resilience and enhance emotional regulation.

The World Health Organization recommends that adolescents engage in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least one hour per day. Unfortunately, the study above shows that most teens don’t meet these requirements.

Many schools have phased out physical education programs and placed more emphasis on academics. However, daily exercise would help improve academic performance and increase well-being among children and adolescents. Perhaps school districts should mandate physical activity again due to overwhelming evidence of its benefits.


Final Thoughts on Study Showing Most Teens Don’t Get Enough Exercise

A recent study by the University of Georgia discovered an alarming fact about teen physical fitness. About 75% of teenagers don’t meet daily exercise requirements for several reasons. Many schools have eliminated physical education classes and focused more on bolstering curriculums.

However, children and teens today have worse mental health and anxiety due to sedentary lifestyles. The study found that creating a positive school environment while promoting physical activity could reverse this trend. Teenagers should have an opportunity to learn various subjects, but not at the expense of their physical health.

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