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JJ Watt Covers Funeral Costs for Fan Trying to Sell His Gear

It’s nice to know that many good people are still in the world, like NFL star JJ Watt, for instance.

Watt, a superstar defensive end currently on the Arizona Cardinals’ starting roster, previously played for the Houston Texans for ten years until 2021.

A man with great concern for other people, Watt stepped up in a show of excellent care and compassion on Twitter on Wednesday, July 20th, 2022, responding to a fan who had an urgent financial need. The fan, Jennifer Simpson (on Twitter @JenniferSimpson2004), posted some of her JJ Watt Houston Texans fan gear for sale. She explained in her Tweet that she was selling these treasured personal items to help cover her grandfather’s funeral costs.

Her grandfather, Jerry R. Roderick, Sr., passed on Monday, June 20, 2022. The family continues to try to raise the burial costs.

Simpson’s Tweet–and Watt’s response–went like this:

Simpson responded with a statement of thanks and posted information on how to donate. Many Twitter users, inspired by Watt’s generous heart, also offered to pitch in some funds.

On the other hand, some Twitter users felt uncomfortable helping a random person from the platform. Power of Positivity reached out to Brookside Funeral Home and Memorial Park in Houston, the funeral home handling Mr. Roderick’s final arrangements. A representative named Paulina confirmed. She stated: “We can confirm that we do have Mr. Roderick in our care.

The JJ Watt Foundation

jj watt

This is not the only time JJ Watt has stepped up and helped those less fortunate than he. Previously, Watt established the JJ Watt Foundation to allow middle-school children to participate in after-school sports programs. Since Watt founded the program, the program has funded over $6,500,000 in schools in 39 states and Washington, D.C.

The foundation’s mission statement is as follows:

“Our mission is to provide after-school opportunities for middle-school aged children in the community to become involved in athletics, so that they may learn the character traits of accountability, teamwork, leadership, work ethic, and perseverance, while in a safe and supervised environment with their peers.”

The Watt Foundation helps children participate in after-school sports, keeping them in a safe place while their parents are still at work. The program developed out of Watt identifying a problem during his junior year at the University of Wisconsin. He realized that his middle-class upbringing allowed him to play hockey, baseball, football, and soccer–and even compete in track. At the same time, his less fortunate peers could not always reap the same benefits. He vowed to do all he could to help uplift those less fortunate if he ever had the chance.

Multiple studies indicate that children involved in athletics learn discipline, teamwork, and other social and emotional skills that equip them for adulthood. Furthermore, after-school programs keep them physically safe and off of the streets until parents can supervise them. Often, children from the lowest-income families do not receive these benefits–a recognition that Watt helps to correct.

Thus, supporting athletic-based after-school programs for middle school students in at-risk communities is a positive step toward helping make the world fairer for all.

Hurricane Harvey Relief

Watt played for the Houston Texans when Hurricane Harvey decimated the Gulf Coast of Texas in 2017. Watt led a donation drive with a goal of $200,000 to help ease the pain of the hardest-hit location in Houston. Much to his delight, his appeal brought in over $37,000,000–shattering his initial goal. In a press release, he thanked all the generous donors and explained that the funds would go to the agencies that would spend months on the ground performing rescue, recovery, and clean-up after the destructive storm.

Recipients of these funds, which included Feeding America, Save the Children, Americares, and other strategic partners, assisted residents of Houston through 2018 during the long restoration. To this date, five years after the hurricane, clean-up efforts continue. The generosity of Watt and his donors certainly helped the ongoing recovery and eased the pain and suffering of the families hardest hit.


Final Thoughts: JJ Watt Helped a Fan Pay Funeral Expenses, But He Does So Much More for Others

The world needs more outstanding individuals like JJ Watt. He makes a difference in his current community. People can feel the impact of his kindness across the United States of America. Watt leads by example and exemplifies the positivity we all need to see in the world. Shine on, JJ Watt, shine on.

Meet Sisters Who Turned Their Town Into the Kindness Capital of Kentucky

This world needs more kindness, and thankfully, two sisters in Kentucky have plenty to give. Raegan and her younger sister Rylyn Richins (13 and 10) felt inspired to uplift their community after a family outing.

One day in 2019, they noticed a few yard signs along a country road during a ride home. The signs had the simple message “Just Be Kind” written on them. The message pulled at the girls’ heart strings since they have two sisters with Down Syndrome.

“We have siblings with special needs,” Raegan told People Magazine. “And we both felt that people sometimes were not as kind to them as they should be.”

After witnessing others mistreating their siblings, they felt motivated to enact change. When the girls got back home later that day, they wanted to spread more kindness somehow.

They decided to construct their own eye-catching yard signs to place all over their hometown of La Grange, Kentucky. After talking about what message to write, they agreed on “Be Kind.”

In an interview with The Oldham Era, Raegan said the girls believed they could be more than kind. For instance, showing courage and being an example to the community are also important. So, they decided on the simple message of “Be Kind” instead.

Little did they know that this message would reach thousands of people across Oldham County. Eventually, people around the world would hear their call for kindness as well.

So, the sisters gathered supplies and began working on their yard signs. A picnic table in their backyard served as a creative workspace where all the magic happened. They used only spray paint and wooden block letters to create the colorful signs, selling them for $10 each. All the proceeds would go to local charities, they decided.

Sisters Spread Kindness Throughout Their Small Town


Initially, they aimed to sell at least 65 signs to members of their community. However, they underestimated how many people would resonate with their kindness message. Since they started the project in August 2019, they have sold over 3,500 hand-painted signs!

The sisters have raised over $40,000 for the Humane Society, food banks, and other private businesses. The girls hoped that their message would catch on at Locust Grove Elementary, where they attend school. Thankfully, they got their wish.

An anonymous donor bought signs to display throughout all the public schools in Oldham County!

When people drive through the county, it’s hard to miss the numerous signs in shop windows and front yards. The signs serve as a reminder for everyone to look out for each other and spread kindness.

It doesn’t take much time or effort to show people you care, but the memory will last forever. After all, people may forget your words or actions, but they never forget how you make them feel.

Rylyn added, “Kindness makes the world a better place. An act of kindness doesn’t have to be something big. It can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, which is what I do at school all the time and it always makes me happy.”

The young children couldn’t believe the impact their signs had on the community. The local city council and the mayor even agreed to call the city of La Grange “Kentucky’s kindness capital!”

Raegan and Rylyn’s parents taught them from a young age about the importance of showing kindness. Their parents, Rhonda and Ryan, a La Grange police officer, adopted two children with Down Syndrome. They joined the family right after the girls’ brother Kallen, who also had the condition, died shortly after birth.

Tragically, their oldest sister Kendall, who had Down Syndrome as well, died in 2021 following an illness. In order to cope with their grief, the girls focused their attention on painting the kindness signs. Raegan recalled that working on the signs lifted their spirits when Kendall fell ill.

Their Movement Is Spreading Far and Wide

Because the sisters have had such a positive influence on the community, their message quickly reached others. They even got featured on the Today Show, where an enormous billboard displayed “Be Kind” in Times Square.

The sisters also appeared on the HGTV show Home Town Kickstart Presented by PEOPLE! On the episode Love for La Grange, which aired on May 15, 2022, the duo helped paint a mural for the community.

While the girls have made a huge impact on the world so far, they aren’t finished yet. They will keep making their signs to remind people to show kindness more often. Also, they sell T-shirts and cards through their website. The girls have even started writing a book about the importance of kindness!

“I cannot tell you how many of our signs we see each day,” Raegan concluded. “But every time we see one, it makes us happy because we know we’re spreading kindness.”

The girls prove that it doesn’t take a revolution to change the world. A smile or other kind gesture can move mountains and create a ripple effect throughout communities. As they say, kindness is contagious, and it doesn’t cost a penny to give.

Raegan told The Oldham Era that just sitting next to someone who’s alone can make a difference. Oftentimes, it’s the small acts of kindness that create the largest impact on people, anyway. By being kind to others, we can create a happier, more equitable world.

If you would like to purchase any Be Kind products or give a donation, please visit their website.


Final Thoughts on Sisters Turning Their Town Into Kentucky’s Kindness Capital

When two sisters from a small town in Kentucky decided to spread kindness, their movement quickly gained traction. After creating yard signs stating “Be Kind,” they placed them throughout their hometown of La Grange, Kentucky. They also began selling them and donating all the proceeds to local charities.

They felt inspired to make the signs after noticing that people sometimes treated their siblings with Down Syndrome differently. So, they wanted to remind the public that everyone deserves kindness, and to treat others with respect.

Clearly, their message has touched the hearts of thousands and continues to make an impact on communities. These young girls are wise beyond their years, as they remind us what’s truly important in life.

89-Year-Old Earns Ph.D. in Physics, Proving Age is Just a Number

In October 2021, 89-year-old Manfred Steiner achieved his lifelong dream of earning a Ph.D. in physics. He received his Ph.D. after completing his Brown University in Rhode Island dissertation. While he enjoyed a career in hematology, his dream of becoming a physicist remained one of his lifelong goals.

“It’s an old dream that starts in my childhood. I always wanted to become a physicist,” Steiner said. “I knew physics was my true passion by the time I graduated high school. But after the war, my uncle and my mother advised me to take up medicine because it would be a better choice in these turbulent after-war years.”

Steiner encountered many roadblocks on his path to earning a Ph.D. in physics but never gave up. He put his goals on hold until it became feasible to attend college again.

Also, fleeing his home country of Vienna after World War II impacted his career path. When he eventually arrived in the U.S., he listened to his family’s advice about pursuing a medical degree. He wanted to play it safe and have a stable job in those uncertain times.

Steiner Followed an Unconventional Path to Becoming a Physicist


“My uncle was a physician, an ear, nose, and throat specialist, and he had taught in the United States for a while,” Steiner said in a statement. “He taught plastic surgery — showing people how to make noses smaller or how to straighten them out. My family’s advice was that medicine was the best path for me. So I reconciled myself, ‘they are older and wiser,’ and I followed their advice.”

So, Steiner earned a medical doctorate in 1955 from the University of Vienna and set his sights on Washington D.C. after graduating. There, he completed his training courses in internal medicine.

Afterward, he began training in hematology at Tufts University under the esteemed. Dr. William Damashek. In addition, Steiner earned a Ph.D. in biochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1967.

Upon completing his rigorous schooling, Steiner moved to Rhode Island. He began working as a hematologist at Brown University (now the Warren Alpert Medical School).

In 1968, he became an assistant professor of medicine, mainly doing research work. He was appointed as a professor in 1978. In 1985, Steiner earned the title head of hematology at the medical school. He continued working there until 1994.

After nearly 30 years, Steiner felt ready to retire and enjoy his golden years. However, one of his colleagues approached him about creating a research program in hematology. He couldn’t turn down the offer and helped direct the program until 2000, when he finally retired from a long medical career.

89-Year-Old Earns Ph.D. in Physics, Proving Age is Just a Number

Throughout his years as a hematologist, he managed to keep his true goal alive, however. His love of physics never left him, so he attended classes despite his age.

“Physics was always a part of me,” he said, “and when I retired from medicine, and I was approaching age 70, I decided to enter the world of physics.”

So, Steiner enrolled in undergraduate physics classes at MIT, but found the commute to Boston too draining. Then, he transferred to Brown University, his old stomping grounds.

Teachers at the Brown Physics Department welcomed him with open arms and felt thrilled to have him in class. The students also treated him kindly and took an instant liking to him.

While Steiner thoroughly enjoyed the physics classes, he didn’t intend to earn a third doctoral degree. Initially, he just wanted to keep his mind sharp by taking a few classes. However, by the spring semester of 2007, he’d completed the necessary coursework to enroll in graduate school.

So, he thought, “Why stop now?” He earned a spot in the Ph.D. program and began searching for a dissertation mentor. Soon after, he came across condensed matter theorist Brad Marston, who assigned Steiner a detailed project on bosonization. While Marston initially hesitated to accept Steiner as his student, he quickly embraced the idea.

“To be honest, I was skeptical because people do not usually do physics, especially theoretical physics, at an advanced age,” Marston said. “But in a moment of weakness, I agreed and said ‘yes.’ I knew his story, and I was very sympathetic to his desire to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a physicist.”

After Successfully Defending His Thesis, Steiner Completed His Goal of a Physics Degree

Despite Steiner’s old age, Marston didn’t water down his Ph.D. dissertation topic. He gave him a challenging project about bosonization, a mathematical procedure involving various fundamental particles.

In the universe, two types of particles exist: fermions and bosons. They’re differentiated by a quantum property known as angular momentum or “spin.” Particles with half-integer spins are fermions such as quarks and electrons. Particles with whole integer spins are classified as bosons, such as photons and the Higgs boson.

However, in some instances, you can classify a fermion as a boson, known as bosonization. Usually, researchers approach this as a one-dimensional problem, but Marston and a former colleague also applied it to higher dimensions. They encountered obstacles in their experiments, so Marston passed the torch along to Steiner for his dissertation project.

The duo then worked on preparing Steiner’s dissertation for publication, and Steiner continued with his physics research. After earning his third doctoral degree, Steiner couldn’t have been happier with his accomplishments.

“I am really on top of the world,” Steiner said. “This Ph.D. is the one that I most cherish because it’s the one that I was striving for my whole life.”


Final Thoughts on 89-Year-Old Earning Ph.D. in Physics, Reaching a Lifelong Goal

When Manfred Steiner earned a Ph.D. in physics at 89 years old, he surprised everyone, including himself. However, his lifelong goal was to become a physicist, so he didn’t let age stop him. After working as a hematologist for over thirty years, he finally had time to pursue his true passion. So, Steiner enrolled in physics classes and eventually earned his Ph.D. almost twenty years later.

What a hardworking and inspiring man! We can all learn this valuable lesson from Steiner: if you follow your heart, it will never disappoint you.

Psychology Explains Why the “Grey Divorce” Rate Keeps Rising

Research shows a steady divorce rate increase among older couples, especially in recent years. Over the past few decades, family dynamics have shifted dramatically in the United States and other countries. While marriage rates have declined in younger generations, divorces have also decreased. On the other hand, people over fifty have the highest rates of divorce–grey divorce.

Many factors have contributed to these trends, including the rise in individualism and women joining the workforce. People have also begun prioritizing their happiness rather than the desires of family members. These societal changes and cultural shifts have transformed family life as we know it.

Some psychologists refer to the rising divorce rate in older couples as “grey divorce.” In 2012, Bowling Green State University researchers discovered that divorce rates in American adults over 50 doubled between 1990-2010. For adults over 65, rates of divorce more than doubled.

Half of the married people in the U.S. are fifty and over. So, researchers predict that by 2030, the divorce rate for people fifty and older will increase roughly 33%.

Furthermore, the grey divorce rate isn’t only increasing in the United States. Researchers have observed similar trends in countries like the UK, Canada, Japan, Europe, Australia, and India. Officials in Canada state that divorce rates have gradually risen among adults 55 and older. As the population ages, they expect this rate to increase further.

In the U.K., the Office for National Statistics reported that the grey divorce rate had doubled among adults 55 and older. In the last twenty years in Japan, divorce rates for couples married for thirty years or longer have quadrupled. So, it’s clear that grey divorce will only continue to increase as the worldwide population ages. But why are older people divorcing more frequently?

Why More Older Adults Are Getting Divorced

divorce rate

Many factors have contributed to rising grey divorce rates over the past few decades. In the 1960s, a cultural revolution took place where society emphasized personal fulfillment. People no longer wanted to stay in jobs or relationships that didn’t bring them happiness. So, in many developed countries, divorces became more common as people’s attitudes about marriage changed.

Instead of feeling pressured by societal expectations, people took their power back and redefined marriage. Before, families and communities looked down upon people who got divorced. However, these rigid beliefs left many unhappy couples without any options.

The Cultural Shifts That Contributed to a Higher Divorce Rate in the Last Half Century

In the 1960s and 70s, people started seeing marriage as optional rather than expected. If they didn’t feel satisfied in their relationship, a divorce wasn’t the end of the world. It simply represented the start of a new chapter in their lives. Furthermore, women began to join the workforce in record numbers, making them less dependent on men.

Growing individualism and flourishing economic opportunities have changed what people look for in relationships. Instead of marrying for status, money, or societal expectations, people get married based on compatibility. Even more than that, modern men and women want someone who can make them feel secure and comfortable. In fact, one study found that women who felt securely attached to their partners had better mental and emotional well-being.

Unsurprisingly, couples with deep bonds and mutual support tend to stay married longer. However, couples in unhappy marriages who feel distant from one another have higher divorce rates. They may realize they have grown apart and have different desires than when they first married.

Also, as people become invested in their careers, they may spend less time with their spouses. Children may have kept them together, but couples may find they have nothing in common when they move out.

Happy couples don’t mind an empty nest as it gives them more time for each other. However, married couples with frequent conflict or lack communication may dread all the extra time together.

Some couples will look elsewhere for happiness if they no longer feel satisfied in their relationships. The modern world offers endless options for new connections and personal fulfillment, contributing to rising divorce rates.

So, How Can Couples Find True Happiness?

While the definition of happiness differs for everyone, an 80-year Harvard study found what creates the most fulfilling marriages. The Harvard Study of Adult Development followed two groups of men for over 80 years. Researchers hoped to unlock the key to lasting happiness and health. They made unexpected discoveries throughout the research period, which remains one of the world’s most extensive studies on adult life.

“The surprising finding is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health,” said Robert Waldinger, director of the study, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital, and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too. That, I think, is the revelation.”

In a popular TED Talk, Dr. Waldinger said that people in happy relationships at age fifty had the best health at eighty. Part of his study showed that people in satisfying marriages felt happier even on days when they experienced physical pain. However, those in unhappy relationships had greater emotional and physical pain.

What Impedes Happiness and Raises the Divorce Rate?

The study’s main takeaways on what makes a happy marriage include:

  • Social connections promote well-being, while loneliness reduces it.
  • Being in a high-conflict relationship negatively impacts our health.
  • Happy relationships protect both our physical and mental health.

grey divorce

Final Thoughts on Why the Grey Divorce Rate Keeps Rising

Surprisingly, younger adults are divorcing less than older couples. A study showed that the divorce rate for U.S. adults over fifty doubled between 1990-2010. The rate for people over 65 increased even more over the same period. Furthermore, researchers noted this trend in countries across the globe.

In most cases, societal expectations and cultural shifts can explain the rising divorce rate. As divorce has become more acceptable in recent years, couples have finally decided to leave unhappy situations. This changing view of marriage and more emphasis on self-fulfillment make people feel less resistant to divorce.

Entomologist Explains Why You Should Let Spiders Live

Do you kill spiders the moment you see them crawling around your home? If so, you may want to reconsider harsh pest control methods. While some people have an intense fear of spiders, they usually don’t harm humans. They may benefit your home in a variety of ways.

All creatures have a role to play in nature, helping maintain balance in ecosystems. Moreover, spiders are no exception, even if they look creepy. Learning to coexist with these eight-legged friends may seem impossible, but they deserve to live too.

Most of us want to think of our homes as fortresses separate from the outside world. However, all homes have a few cracks where small creatures like spiders can enter.

After all, our dwellings still exist in nature, and animals want food and shelter as we do. You might notice these unwanted visitors before a rainstorm or heatwave as they seek refuge from the elements.

When you see spiders in your home, your instinct tells you to eliminate them. Some people opt to catch and release spiders, but others immediately grab a tissue to kill them.

Before you smash it, however, remember that it doesn’t realize it’s invaded your space. It may have simply become trapped or wanted a cozy space to catch other insects.

Most spiders feel content to live in nature and usually steer clear of humans. But, spiders are also opportunistic creatures, so they build webs wherever they feel confident they will catch prey. Inside your home, you may see cobwebs in the dark corners of your room, for instance.

As secretive creatures, spiders typically remain on their webs for hours to catch prey. They prefer to stay in the shadows because they don’t like to draw too much attention to themselves. So, they won’t cause much trouble and don’t present a danger to humans.

Why Spiders Are Friends, Not Enemies 


Dr. Matthew Bertone, a Professor of Entomology at North Carolina State University, explains why we should befriend rather than kill spiders. First, most arachnids don’t show aggression towards humans, preferring to stay in their corner of the world. We pose a more significant threat to them due to our size.

Secondly, spiders can help out around the house since they eat pests such as mosquitoes and ants. Some even eat other spiders to eliminate the competition.

2017 study found that the world’s spiders collectively consume around 400 to 800 million tons of insects annually. To put that in perspective, humans eat about 400 million tons of meat and fish. These tiny carnivores play a critical role in keeping our ecosystem balanced.

In 2016, Bertone and his colleagues conducted a survey of 50 North Carolina homes to investigate which spiders lived there. He said that every house had at least one type of spider inside. He often discovered common species such as harmless cobwebs and cellar spiders in the homes.

These opportunistic spiders sit patiently in their webs for other insects to get caught. However, cellar spiders will sometimes wander from their webs in search of fellow spiders. This hunting strategy confuses the other spiders, which is advantageous to the cellar spider.

 Spiders aren’t ordinarily picky about what they eat, as most insects are on their menu. They act as natural pest control in homes, catching annoying pests and sometimes insects that carry diseases. For example, one jumping spider captures female mosquitoes in East Africa. Mosquitoes can carry several deadly diseases, such as the West Nile virus and malaria.

 They may also eat tiny moths around your home, ensuring your clothes won’t have holes! Many people have problems with ants in the summertime, but spiders will also take care of them. So, killing arachnids may cause more harm than good. You not only carry its life but remove a helpful creature from your home that works hard to keep it pest-free. However, if your home requires expert assistance, contact Marietta OH pest control company.

 Finally, even though many people fear spiders, their venom usually isn’t strong enough to cause harm. Often, their small fangs can’t even penetrate our skin, making spider bites relatively uncommon. Even the more venomous spiders, such as black widows and recluses, rarely pose a threat. Still, you should probably remove these poisonous spiders if you see them.

How to Humanely Remove Spiders From Your Home

If you can’t stand the thought of living with spiders lurking around your home, that’s understandable. However, you can still catch and release them into the wild safely–natural pest control! To do so, grab a paper towel and let it crawl on top. Then, place the spider on the ground outside where it can find a new place to live.

You can trap the spider under a cup and slide a piece of paper underneath. Then, carry the glass outside and remove the form. It will crawl out without giving you too much trouble.

Spiders can also help out around your garden, helping to remove any unwanted pests. Whether you decide to keep them indoors or release them, they will always benefit the environment in some way.

However, remember that you probably can never eliminate all spiders from your home. At least they pay their fair share and contribute to keeping your home free of other insects, though!

pest control

Final Thoughts on Why You Shouldn’t Kill Spiders (Use Kinder, Natural Pest Control Like Relocating Them)

Many people have an irrational fear of spiders based on what they’ve heard about them. Sure, they might look scary and lurk in the shadows, but they also play a vital role in our ecosystem. They eat unwanted, disease-carrying insects like mosquitoes, flies, and ticks. Arachnids also keep to themselves and generally don’t get in the way, making them ideal house guests.

Despite their appearance, they also don’t pose much of a threat to humans, except in severe cases. Most people don’t even react badly to a black widow or brown recluse bite. In summary, spiders are our friends and deserve to live as much as we do. Giving them a home will do their part by getting rid of nuisance pests.

Doctors Explain 5 Exercises That Can Increase Your Cardio Workouts

Most movements can be considered cardio, even if you don’t realize you’re working out. Walking your dog, riding your bike, or chasing your kids can raise your heart rate. When exercises increase your heart rate and get your blood pumping, it’s an aerobic exercise or cardio workout.

Cardio often involves repetitive and rhythmic movements that use large muscle groups. Adults need at least two and a half hours of cardio each week to maintain a healthy fitness level. When you’re active, making the most of the opportunity can improve your health and make exercising more beneficial.

If you have any health conditions, take the time to talk to your doctor before implementing any new activity. With their okay, start slowly and don’t do more than you’re comfortable with. You should also begin slowly if you haven’t worked out in a while to prevent injury.

Once you start working out, it’ll help if you keep learning all you can. Many people don’t know what makes a good workout or how to improve it. With this knowledge, you’ll be on your way to reaching your fitness goals and living a healthy life.

The Benefits of Cardio Workouts

cardio workouts

Cardio exercises are beneficial for many reasons. They increase your heart for a prolonged time, improve the functioning of your respiratory system, and expand your blood vessels.

Cardio exercise improves your body’s cardiovascular, respiratory, and circulatory systems. When the systems work correctly, it improves your overall well-being. It affects the rest of your body, allowing everything to work as it should.

When your respiratory system works harder, it makes you breathe deeply and quickly. Your expanding blood vessels carry more oxygen to muscles. Your body releases endorphins as you exercise, which work as natural painkillers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 150 minutes of moderate to intense weekly cardio can help maintain and lower weight. It also helps boost your mood and lowers your risk of heart disease. Some research even shows that those who regularly exercise live longer than others.

How to Increase Your Cardio Workouts

While you know cardio workouts are important to your fitness routine, you might not know how to make the most out of them. With all the benefits of cardio, you’ll want to ensure you’re doing it correctly. It’ll make it more effective, fun, and consistent.

1. Warmup and Cool Down

You might think a warmup only prolongs your exercise, but there’s much more to it. It increases your mobility, reduces your risk of injury, and prepares your body for working out. If you want to increase your workout, give yourself a chance by stretching and warming up.

It’s also essential to cool down at the end of your workout. Cooling down helps your body recover quicker as it progressively slows down instead of abruptly stopping.

2. Choose the Right Time

You’ll be more motivated to work out at specific times during the day. If you tend to skip cardio after doing the other parts of your workout routine, try doing it first. Getting it out of the way can ensure you get to your cardio routine before getting tired or wanting to finish.

Likewise, if you tend to skip your entire workout, change the time of day you do it. Choose a time when you’re motivated and enjoy working out, if possible. Increasing your cardio workout requires doing it when you’re going to try your hardest.

3. Monitor Your Heart Rate During Your Cardio Workout

Monitoring your heart rate allows you to track when you’re doing a good workout routine. Knowing how hard you’re working helps you increase the intensity if necessary. It also promotes a good rhythm throughout the exercise.

Without a heart rate monitor, you’ll have no idea how beneficial your workout is. You might be going through the motions without ever getting your blood pumping.

Monitoring allows you to see the changes and adjust right away. You can see how hard you should work, getting a good feel for a beneficial workout. Plus, you’ll know if you’re working too hard and need a break.

4. Plan and Track Your Workouts

Have a plan for what you’ll do during your workout before you begin. Don’t get on a treadmill or start walking around a track without knowing what’s coming next. When you have a plan, it promotes consistency and routine.

Becoming consistent with your workouts is the best way to see results. You can’t exercise occasionally and expect to see an improvement in your health and appearance.

To further improve consistency and routine, keep track of your work. Track how far you ran or walked and which tempo you used in the process.

When you document your progress, it helps you figure out what does and doesn’t work. It also aids with planning future workouts, adjusting your routine, and staying motivated.


Five Cardio Exercises to Try

Many of the things you do throughout the day can count as cardio. However, making it a regular part of your cardio workout can improve the effect. These exercises are beneficial to get your heart pumping during your routine. You can do these exercises at home without equipment, so there’s no excuse not to get started.

1. Arm Circles

You can do arm circles while standing or sitting, making them ideal when you don’t have much space. If you can’t get up from your chair but want to get some movement in, arm circles are the way to go.

  • Put your arms out to your sides.
  • Rotate your arms in a circular motion, starting clockwise.
  • Switch directions and rotate counterclockwise.

While it seems like this exercise doesn’t require much movement, it works out many muscles in your upper body. It’s similar to the motion involved in a butterfly or backstroke movement while swimming. If you have limited mobility, you can do smaller circles.

2. Squat Jump Exercises

This exercise is an intermediate exercise that increases the intensity of your workout. It gets your body moving and heart pumping, making it the perfect cardio workout. When you do a squat jump, it works your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

  • Start by standing with your arms at your sides and feet hip-width apart.
  • Bend your knees until you’re in a squatting position.
  • Jump in the air and straighten your body by extending your hips.
  • Land, and repeat.

You can adjust the intensity of this exercise by changing your arm movements. Try a few motions until you find the one you enjoy most. Make sure it targets the area you want to work out.

3. Lateral Shuffles

This exercise involves a shuffling motion, requiring you to move your body side-to-side. It will likely remind you of a move in sports like tennis, soccer, basketball, and football. The lateral shuffle boosts your metabolism, increases blood flow, and burns calories.

  • Move to the edge of the room.
  • Squat slightly with your feet hip-distance apart.
  • Bring both hands in front of your chest, keeping your palms together.
  • Move your body to the right by shuffling your feet.
  • Bring your heels together before beginning the next shuffle.
  • Shuffle four times to the right, reverse, and do it again to the left.
  • Keep your core engaged and chest lifted.
  • Try increasing your speed or squatting lower to intensify the workout.

4. Standing Trunk Rotation

This exercise works your abdominal muscles to improve core strength, stability, flexibility, and mobility. It also strengthens the cardiovascular system.

  • Start with your feet hip-width apart, elbows bent, and hands together at the midline of your body.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles and exhale as you rotate your body without arching your lower back.
  • Only move the top of your body, ensuring your head, chest, and torso move simultaneously.
  • Hold your body in that position for a few seconds before rotating in the opposite direction.
  • Increase the intensity by holding a heavy weight or extending your arms to shoulder height.

5. Supine Snow Angel

This exercise requires lying down, so you’ll need some extra space to do it correctly. It targets your abdominal muscles, chest, and shoulders.

  • Start by lying on your back, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground.
  • Place your lower back on the floor by tucking your pelvis.
  • Raise your arms from the shoulders and bend your elbows so that your hands are toward your ears.
  • Then, move your bands toward your head and bring them together.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat for as long as you want.

Other Cardio Workouts to Consider

Aside from exercise routines, you can incorporate cardio workouts into your daily life. Since finding ways to enjoy fitness is essential, consider some of these exercises:

  • running or jogging
  • power walking
  • hiking
  • cycling
  • swimming
  • jump rope
  • hula-hooping
  • dancing
  • playing sports
  • jumping on a trampoline

cardio workouts

Final Thoughts on How to Increase Your Cardio Workouts (and 5 Exercises to Try)

Cardio workouts and exercising are essential to maintaining a healthy body. Fitness doesn’t have to be a chore because there are plenty of fun ways to incorporate it. Use these tips to make the most of your cardio workouts. If you are unsure about your fitness level, check with your family doctor before you start.

Once you try these exercises and tips, you can look for other cardio workouts to try. You might not like some of the routines, and that’s okay. You’re sure to find some you enjoy and can even do it with people you enjoy spending time with.

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