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 15 Signs of a Herniated Disc Never to Ignore 

A herniated disc occurs when a piece of a disc pushes into your spinal canal through a tear or rupture. Sometimes called a slipped disc or ruptured disc presses on your spinal nerves, causing pain. Herniated discs may occur in any part of the spine, but it’s most common in your lower back and neck. Where the herniated disc is will affect your spine and the nerves that go to different parts of your body.

Recognizing symptoms of a herniated disc is difficult. Believe it or not, you may have a herniated disc and no signs. Individuals often go to their doctor for another condition, only to find out they have a herniated disc. If you’re experiencing neck or back pain, here are fifteen signs of a herniated disc that are never to ignore. 

Fifteen Signs You Might Have a Herniated Disc

herniated disc

1. Your arm hurts with a herniated disc

Say what? That’s right. A herniated disc can make your arm hurt. This pain is because a slipped disc can happen anywhere along your spine. The pain from the herniated disc can show up in your back or other parts of your body, like your arm. You might have a dull aching feeling in your arm if the herniated disc is high enough on your spine. If your arm suddenly hurts for no reason and persists for weeks, talk to your chiropractor about getting an x-ray to rule out a herniated disc. 

2. Sciatica (lower back pain)

If you have pain from your buttocks and lower back radiating down your spine, you could have sciatica. It causes pressure and burning pain on one side of our body. A herniated disc often causes sciatica. Indeed, it’s thought that a herniated disc causes most sciatica cases. This is because the herniated disc presses on your spine nerves that make up your sciatica nerve. Symptoms of sciatica include the following:

  • Low back pain
  • Pain down your leg radiating from your buttocks
  • Pain when you move
  • Tingling in your legs, feet, or toes
  • Bladder problems

3. Shoulder pain

If you have a herniated disc in your neck, you’ll 

probably have shoulder or arm pain. This pain may shoot down your arm or shoulder when you sneeze or cough. The pain from a herniated disc in your neck can range from dull to aching and difficult to localize to sharp neck pain and easy to pinpoint. If you’re experiencing this type of pain, talk to your chiropractor. Ask them if you can get an x-ray or CT scan to determine the cause. 

4. Foot pain

Suppose you’ve herniated a disc in your lower spine—good chance you’ll have leg or foot pain. Sometimes a herniated disc in your lower spine can cause numbness in your toes. This sensation occurs because the disc is pressing on a nerve to your toes, causing numb feelings. 

5. Cold on one side of your body

Herniated discs symptoms can be challenging to pinpoint. You may have intense pain or feel cold along one side of your body. The discs in your spine are like pillows to absorb shock between the bones in your spine. A herniated disc is when the gel-like part gets pushed out of the disc and into your spinal cord. This presses on the spinal nerves causing pain. If you feel cold on one side of your body, it could be you’ve herniated a disc, and it’s pressing on your lower back area, causing the numbness or coldness you feel. 

6. Sudden, shocking pain

A classic symptom is a sudden bolt of pain that feels like you’ve been shocked in your back. It can affect your sciatica nerve on one side of your body, so you feel this excruciating pain down your leg when you walk, go upstairs or sit down. You can only get relief if you lie down. 

7. Weakness in your legs

A severely herniated disc can put so much pressure on your spine that it compresses the nerves running to your legs, making them feel weak. You may even feel off balance when you walk. Runners who have a slipped disc often miss these symptoms as simply a running injury. Please don’t ignore the signs that it could be a severe problem. 

8. Loss of bowel control

This sounds pretty bad, and it is. If you suddenly lose bowel or bladder control, don’t walk. Run to the emergency room. This event isn’t something that will resolve itself. You may have a severed nerve in your spine and need immediate surgery to heal this. 

9. It hurts when you laugh, cough or sneeze

Extreme pain in your lower back when you laugh, cough or sneeze is a classic herniated disc symptom. Laughing, coughing, and sneezing put pressure on your back and cause sharp pain in the area where you have the herniated disc. You may not feel it otherwise. If you talk to your chiropractor, they can determine what’s happening. 

10. Resting makes a herniated disc worse

This is an often-misunderstood symptom because typically, when you rest your back, it feels better. But a herniated disc pain won’t go away when you sit down to rest. It makes it feel worse. The only relief may be lying down, but this may not help. The best treatment can be these:

  • Ice and then heat
  • Massage
  • Gentle exercise like walking or riding a bike
  • Stretching to keep your muscles limber and flexible
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Muscle stimulation with electric probes

lower back pain

11. Neck pain 

When you have a herniated disc in your cervical spine, it leads to neck pain and stiffness. Who is at risk of this condition occurring in the neck? Here are the conditions that weaken your disc in your neck or other areas of your body and put you at risk for this condition.

  • If you’re middle age to older
  • Lifting objects too heavy for you
  • Improperly lifting objects
  • Being overweight
  • Sudden pressure in your neck
  • Sitting with poor posture.
  • Having a sedentary lifestyle
  • Smoking
  • Genetic factors-this condition tends to run in families

12. Muscle spasms

If a herniated disc ruptures, you’ll feel a lot of pain. You may have muscle spasms in your back, making it difficult to move without extreme pain. To ease the pain of muscle spasms, alternate between ice and heat. The coldness will relieve the inflammation and reduce the cramps. Ice is best initially for a couple of days, then use heat. Heat will relax your muscles. 

13. Pins and needles

Pins and needles are an itching, crawling, or tingling sensation when you have a pinched or damaged nerve from a herniated disc. Depending on where the herniated disc is on your spine, you might feel this in your legs, arms, neck, or back. If you continue these sensations, talk with your chiropractor to get a proper diagnosis. There is a chance that a herniated disc does not cause the feelings.

  • Medications
  • Antibiotics
  • Toxins such as lead 
  • Poor diet
  • Drinking too much alcohol

14. Burning feeling

A burning sensation in your arms, back, legs, or neck is another sign of a herniated disc you shouldn’t ignore. This searing pain is distracting. It occurs when a disc is pressing on a nerve in your spine. Many people experience this when they first have a herniated disc. 

15. Hand numbness

Numbness in your arms or hands occurs when you have a cervical disc herniation. The pressure on your spinal nerves leads to numbing feelings in your extremities. The best treatment is to rest. Stretching and gentle exercise also help to reduce the numbness and pressure on your nerves. 

How do you prevent a herniated disc? 

Staying healthy is the best way to prevent a bulging disc. Get lots of exercise and eat healthy, fresh foods to keep your body strong. Try strength training exercises to work on your core to maintain a strong back. Be sure to have good posture during the day when you’re sitting at your computer or driving. Don’t slump. This puts pressure on your lumbar and cervical spinal areas. 

Good news, if you have a herniated disc.

Fortunately, 85% of people with symptoms of herniated disc find it resolves itself within 8 to 12 weeks. This is because your body can remove the damaged tissue on its own. It’s good to get an evaluation to make sure the damage isn’t permanent. There are three steps to getting checked out.

  • X-ray: You can go to a clinic or chiropractor for x-rays. The x-ray will rule out a fracture in your spine. 
  • CT scan: Your chiropractor can give you a prescription for a CT scan so they can look at the bones in your spine. 
  • MRI: This is one way a doctor can see your spine and the tissues around your spine. Your chiropractor can rule out any significant damage to your spine. 

Your chiropractor will likely have you come in for treatments to help align your spine. Still, if you have neurological symptoms or other weird symptoms, you need to seek additional medical treatments, so you don’t end up with irreparable damage. 

herniated discFinal thoughts on Living With Back Pain or Neck Pain Resulting From a Herniated Disc

This painful condition is not fun. They cause discomfort or pain in different parts of your body depending upon where the herniated disc is on your spine. It can be challenging to pinpoint the exact nature of your back pain. Symptoms range from numbness, neck pain, back pain, and tingling. 

If you have some symptoms, get checked out by your chiropractor right away. They can determine where your herniated disc is and begin the healing process so you’re feeling pain-free once again. 

15 Cellulite Treatments to Smooth Your Skin

As the old song says, “Baby’s got back.” The only problem is that if you have a nice backside, then you probably have some cellulite to go with it. These unsightly dimples on your butt, thighs, or stomach are harmless but can affect your self-esteem. Fortunately, cellulite treatments are available to help release fluid retention and smooth fat cells.

To be clear, cellulite is a collection of excess fatty cells that cling to the tissue below your skin. However, water retention can make the bumps appear puffier, so reducing excess fluid can help improve the appearance faster. That’s because it’s easier to lose water than to lose fat.

Shockingly, it’s estimated that between 80-90 percent of adult-aged women have these lumps, according to research conducted by Medical News Today. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite doesn’t discriminate. It has nothing to do with your size and weight. However, hormones can cause an imbalance in the body, which is a significant factor.

Many women notice that they develop more cellulite during pregnancy or while they’re going through menopause. It has everything to do with their body being androgen-deficient, and it causes these lovely lady lumps to appear.

You know these fatty deposits can make you self-conscious about slipping into your favorite two-piece bikini, but is there anything that can be done about them?

Fifteen Cellulite Treatments You Must Try

You can go as holistic or invasive as you desire when it comes to cellulite treatments. However, it’s always best to try the all-natural approaches first, as they’re easier to do and require less downtime. These therapies encourage the release of fluid retention and fat cells. Here are the most popular treatments on the market.

cellulite treatments

1. A Raw Food Diet

Though weight doesn’t directly impact cellulite, your fat amount matters. You can decrease your overall body fat when you eat a diet with less processed foods and more whole grains.

It’s challenging, but you must learn to cut out fast food, candy, white bread, pasta, sugary drinks, and most things with refined carbohydrates. Eating these things will increase your body’s fat, and fat is a big part of these unsightly dimples.

2. Lose Some Fat

You can weigh 120 or 250 pounds, and you may still have problems with cellulite, as it has to do with your fat distribution. While weight doesn’t directly impact the situation, it can make it more visible. The fat in these prone areas exaggerates the cellulite when you’re overweight.

Forget all these fad régimes that cause the yo-yo dieting effect, too, as they will only worsen matters.

3. Massage the Dimpled Areas

One of the simplest ways to help redistribute this fat can be done in the comforts of home. Massaging the affected areas can help to improve blood flow. Make it part of your daily shower routine to rub this area to reduce fluid retention and help the dimples to dissipate.

4. Get Moving to Decrease Fluid Retention and Shed Fat Cells

When considering cellulite treatments, sometimes the best methods are the ones that don’t cost a penny. Exercising these areas can make your muscles more robust, and the cellulite will disappear.

These lumpy areas lack structure, allowing the fat to dimple. However, eating healthier and exercising can’t help but improve things.

5. Stop Smoking to Increase Blood Circulation for Healthier Looking Skin

If you smoke cigarettes, you’re depriving your body of much-needed oxygen. When you don’t get enough oxygen, it can affect the blood supply to your system, specifically your skin. Areas with insufficient blood flow will sag and look unsightly.

The sagging is much worse if you have cellulite on your buttocks, thighs, belly, and arms. Many programs can help you stop smoking, and assistance from your doctor is available.

6. Creams with Plant Extracts

While creams aren’t a permanent fix, they can help things look better in the short term. Plant extracts are potent aids to the body. Caffeine in small doses can do wonders, mainly when used in a cream.

One word of caution; many of these creams have things that can be irritating to sensitive skin. So it’s best to try a small sample area before applying it in large sections.

7. Rolling Massage

Cellulite treatments that use massage are beneficial to inflammation. Previously, it was mentioned to massage the area with your hand. However, adding a foam roller to the mix can give you a deeper massage.

The foam roller helps reach all the fibrous bands in your connective tissue that tend to dimple. You can soften these areas when you massage them frequently. The kneading will help improve circulation, which will help stop the collagen and elastin from breaking down in the area.

fluid retention

8. Cellfina™

When considering cellulite treatments, you can opt for this surgical jab. It shrinks the fat cells in the affected area, causing dimpling. The results are that it will thicken your skin and cause the uneven spaces to even out.

Though it’s a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require time off work, it will only last for about a year or two. It does shrink the troublesome fat cells, but it will not be a long-term fix. The fat will eventually fill back in without replacing the area with muscle.

This process will not work for you if you have severe cellulite, or your BMI is on the higher side. Additionally, if the sight of needles freaks you out, you might want to skip this treatment. They don’t use lasers to zap the fat, but they use needles inserted into the area.

9. Hit the Spa for a Body Wrap

A body wrap may be the answer to your prayers. It’s another quick fix that won’t be permanent, but it’s great if you’re heading on a beach vacation. Your body will be wrapped tight in an elastic bandage that specifically targets the areas of inflammation and cellulite. It helps to smooth the region and bring cosmetic relief.

10. Retinol Cellulite Treatments

While there’s no miracle cream on the market, creams with retinol in them certainly reign supreme. Scan the ads and find one that has at least a .3 percent of retinol in it. Now, you must understand that this isn’t a quick fix, and you will likely have to use it for up to six months to see results.

However, retinol has an excellent reputation in the category of cellulite treatments. In time, the skin will thicken on the top, and it will cause the bumpy layer underneath to be less noticeable.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar

The source of most home-based remedies comes from everyday items in your kitchen. Apple cider vinegar seems to treat what ails you, but when considering cellulite treatments, it’s the amino acids and probiotics that help.

Toxins in the body can affect the skin, specifically the connective tissues. Most people don’t know that the fat in your body helps store these toxins, making it challenging to break them down. This causes a warping sensation in the skin, which causes cellulite.

According to cardiologists at Piedmont, the toxins in your fat can affect other areas of your body, not just your skin. It can cause thyroid levels to be off and issues with other hormones.

12. Dry Brushing Cellulite Treatments

Dry brushing is a newfangled name for exfoliation. It not only reduces inflammation in the area you’re brushing, but it also helps to increase blood flow. It’s very similar to a massage, but it uses a different technique.

You start at the feet area using a natural bristle brush. Using firm strokes, you want to work your way up the body. Each stroke will stimulate blood flow as it reduces fluid retention, a common problem among women.

13. Drink More Water to Avoid Fluid Retention

It’s entirely possible that of all the cellulite treatments, water may be one of the easiest and best. Water not only helps with inflammation in the body, but it will also improve your circulation.

Your skin is made up of 64 percent water, according to USGS, so the more water your drink, the healthier your skin. When the body is dehydrated, the skin won’t have enough hydration to make it look amazing. So drinking more water may be the answer needed.

14. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a healthy fat that’s known for its superpowers. However, when it comes to cellulite treatments, they may be easy and affordable. Just massage pure, unrefined coconut oil into the affected area.

This oil is super moisturizing and will help the area eliminate toxins. It counteracts the fat by pushing against it, which can profoundly affect the dimpling.

cellulite treatments

Final Thoughts on Cellulite Treatments

While there are many remedies out there that make big promises, all of them are just probable. It all comes down to the person, how bad the dimpling is on the skin, and the amount of fat you have on your body. You may need to try several remedies to find something that works, and in the end, it might not do a thing for you.

Learn to love the skin you’re in, and you can find ways to camouflage the imperfections. Makeup is a multi-billion-dollar industry a year, and it just helps to enhance and cover your body. Sunless tanners can be beneficial as a tan body doesn’t show cellulite as much as one that’s not. So even if you don’t have access to these cellulite treatments, you can do things to make you feel better about yourself.

11 Things That Cause Parental Abuse in Families

Parents and children have occasional conflict, which often increases during the teenage years. However, parental abuse is different because it occurs when a child seeks to cause intentional harm. This harm doesn’t have to be physical, as many abusive behaviors can interfere with your life and well-being.

Children want to individualize themselves and often rebel while establishing their independence. You’ll notice that they become defiant and resist authority during this time. However, it doesn’t usually go as far as becoming abusive.

Parental abuse differs from typical rebellion and the desire for separation. It isn’t a disagreement or argument because it intensifies and becomes a need for the child to gain power and control. They continually manipulate and intimidate their parents to get their way.

Many people wonder what can cause parental abuse in families, and all situations are different. Families differ, and everyone goes through personal childhood experiences. There are many causes, and they all vary based on each experience.

What is Parental Abuse?

parental abuse

Parental abuse is sometimes called child-to-parent violence (CPV). It’s physical or phycological abuse targeted toward the abuser’s parents. This abuse can cause:

  • despair
  • anger
  • fear
  • hopelessness and helplessness
  • physical harm
  • financial distress
  • emotional turmoil
  • Self-blame
  • guilt or shame
  • depression and anxiety
  • strained relationships
  • headaches
  • muscle tension
  • digestive issues
  • lack of sleep or sleeping too much
  • intense stress
  • self-isolation
  • consuming too much alcohol
  • drug use
  • eating too much or too little
  • loss of control over their own life

The abuse involves a pattern of harmful or demeaning behaviors from children. It often causes physical, financial, or emotional distress.

Abused parents lose their ability to parent their children. They no longer have a leadership role in the family and are in constant despair. Their children intentionally cause physical, financial, and emotional damage to control their parents.

Parental abuse often begins as verbal or emotional abuse before turning physical. Many young adults live with their parents, and it can be stressful. The stress can eventually turn to hostility, with abuse being the outcome.

Types of Parental Abuse

Identifying and figuring out parental abuse involves understanding the different types of abuse. These different types involve harmful behaviors towards others.

  • Verbal abuse: This type involves yelling, arguing, sarcasm, challenging what you say, criticizing, belittling, name-calling, swearing, and other things.
  • Physical abuse: This type is the most visible and might involve throwing things, punching walls, and breaking objects. It also includes physical attacks of hitting, slapping, punching, shoving, pushing, or spitting.
  • Emotional abuse: This type involves manipulating the parent’s mind or threatening violence. It’s intended to make the parent feel crazy and give into what the child wants.
  • Financial abuse: This might include stealing money or taking belongings without asking. It also involves damaging their possessions and forcing parents to pay for things they don’t want or can’t afford.

Signs of Parental Abuse

There are many signs of parental abuse to watch for. Some are more obvious than others, but if you know what to look for, you can see them all. The signs include:

  • uncontrollable rage or anger
  • physical violence
  • intimidation
  • demeaning comments or behaviors
  • manipulation tactics
  • controlling behaviors
  • angry outbursts
  • verbal threats
  • destroying property
  • broken bones and bruises
  • unexplained cuts or wounds
  • Isolation

The signs of parental abuse in elderly parents are a bit different. These parents can’t take care of themselves and rely on others for care. Some signs of abuse for them include:

  • malnutrition
  • dehydration
  • ignored medical issues
  • unclean home in disrepair
  • missing money or possessions
  • gaslighting
  • incurring debts that parents must cover

Who is Affected by Parental Abuse?

Parental abuse doesn’t target anyone specifically, and both males and females become abusers of their parents. It affects all cultures, economic groups, and social classes. Mothers get abused more often than fathers, but it can happen to either parent.

Women tend to be the primary caregivers, giving them a closer emotional connection to their children. Because of this connection, it’s easier for a child to manipulate them than to abuse their father. If the father was the primary caregiver, then it’s more likely that the father experienced abuse.

No matter which parent falls victim, the situation affects everyone in the family. Children of any age can abuse their parents, from as young as eight years old to adult children.


Eleven Causes of Parental Abuse in Families

Parental abuse happens for many reasons, all involving trauma and dysfunction. Every situation will differ, so not all causes will apply to your situation.

1. Lack of Bonding Between Children and Parents

When young children abuse their parents, it’s often due to a lack of bonding. Children under the age of ten tend to react in an abusive way when they’ve missed an essential connection with their parents. Some siblings see this differently, as one will lack bonding while the other has positive memories.

2. Witnessing or Being the Victim of Physical Abuse

When young children witness or experience abuse, it teaches them to mimic the behavior. They react in the ways they’ve seen others react when they get upset.

Some of the ways they mimic abusive behavior is by using intimidation and standing over, looking down on, or getting in someone’s face. They’ll refuse to back off until the other person retreats. Another way they exhibit parental abuse is by isolating their parents from escaping the abusive situation.

They might also stop their parent from leaving by blocking a doorway or locking a door. In extreme cases, they will physically harm their parent.

Some of these actions might seem extreme, but they can happen in a parental abuse. Whatever type of physical abuse the person witnessed, they might exhibit it now.

3. Lacking Problem-Solving Skills

Children who abuse their parents lack essential problem-solving skills. They’ve learned that abuse and being mean gets them what they want in life.

Since that’s how they’ve learned to get things, they don’t know any other way. When they get frustrated, the behavior intensifies because it’s the only thing they know to do.

4. Increased Conflict Reveals Abusive Tendencies

As kids become teenagers, they want to assert their independence. There are more disagreements about boundaries, expectations, and misunderstandings about rules than before. A parent and teenager are likely to have more verbal conflict, and sometimes it becomes too much.

A child that pushes too far can sometimes begin abusing their parent. They will want to see how far they can go until it crosses over into physical abuse.

5. Parents Disagreeing About Punishments and Dealing with Issues

When parents agree on dealing with issues with their child, it can lead to parental abuse. The child will recognize that they can drive their parents apart while getting what they want. They sense the division and target the parent they can get more out of.

6. Abusive Children Need the Parents for Financial Support

Adult children sometimes abuse their parents because they need financial support. They learn to blame, manipulate, and criticize their parents until they get what they want.

7. A Child Feeling Vulnerable and Isolated

Teens and young adults sometimes abuse their parents if they feel vulnerable and isolated. They don’t know where to direct their anger from these feelings, so they take it out on their parents.

8. Poor Communication Skills

When someone has poor communication skills, they’ll often abuse their parents. They place blame on their parents rather than admitting their mistakes. The child likely doesn’t know how to get their point across, and it comes out in an abusive way.

9. The Child Experienced Financial Abuse

You might think children can’t experience financial abuse because their parents are in charge until a certain age. However, if the child is forbidden access to money they received as a gift, it could cause long-term psychological issues.

The child might have also exploited the child for financial purposes. They could have had bills or credit cards in their name without their knowledge. Sometimes, a parent will even forbid their child from earning money or seeking higher education.

10. The Child Went Through Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse affects kids long-term, causing issues well into adulthood. They might have experienced the following:

  • excessive nitpicking
  • shame or embarrassment
  • excessive guilt
  • being held to an unrealistic expectation
  • feeling alienated
  • being belittled by friends and family
  • having every move and motive questioned
  • threats and intimidation
  • rejection from their parents
  • withholding love
  • frightening behavior from a caregiver

11. The Child Experienced Mental Abuse

When a child experiences mental abuse, it can cause them to abuse their parent later in life. Some of the mental abuse they may have encountered include:

  • rage or intense anger that comes out of nowhere
  • gaslighting to make the child doubt their reality
  • the silent treatment
  • projection and blame
  • manipulation, abandonment, or rejection

parental abuse

Final Thoughts on Things That Cause Parental Abuse in Families

Parental abuse in families occurs for many reasons. You might think it’s harmless, but it can lead to highly detrimental experiences. Figuring out why it happens can help you get help or urge your loved one to get help.

Breaking the cycle of abuse is essential to living your best life. You may have experienced hard times during your childhood, but seeking help can help you break the cycle. The issues might affect you, but you don’t want to teach your child the same abusive tendencies. Whether you’re mistreating your parents or you’re a parent mistreated by your child, it’s not okay. A positive change is necessary and often starts with addressing the cause.

10 Signs of Ovarian Cancer Most Women Ignore 

Doctors call ovarian cancer a “silent killer” because so many women do not recognize the symptoms of this type of cancer. They ignore them mainly because they get mistaken for other conditions. Learn the symptoms of ovarian cancer since early detection is critical for successful treatment. Here are ten signs of ovarian cancer that most women ignore. 

Who is affected by ovarian cancer? 

According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer affects approximately 20,000 women annually in the United States. Sadly, most women don’t recognize the common symptoms. 

Ovarian cancer is most common in women aged 55 to 64 years old. It’s most common in women who start menstruating before they are 12 years old. Other factors that put women at higher risk include those who are:

  • Overweight
  • Had fertility treatments
  • Have no history of pregnancy
  • Have a family history of ovarian, breast, thyroid, colorectal, or endometrial cancer
  • Smoking
  • Taking estrogen without progesterone for at least ten years or more
  • Have inherited a gene mutation

ovarian cancer

What are the different kinds of ovarian cancer?

  • Epithelial ovarian cancer: This cancer develops on the surface of our ovary. It’s the most common type of ovarian cancer. 
  • Germ cell ovarian cancer: This cancer develops in the reproductive cells of your ovaries. It’s a rare form of this cancer.
  • Stromal cell ovarian cancer: This cancer is in the connective tissue cells, and it’s infrequent. 
  • Small cell carcinoma: This is a rare type of ovarian cancer. Doctors aren’t sure where this cancer originates. 

Early detection makes some kinds of ovarian cancer more likely to be treated. 

Ten signs of ovarian cancer you should never ignore

Early detection is the key to survival!

1. Get full quickly when you eat and feel nauseous

If, when you eat, you feel like you get full quickly and then feel nauseous, be aware that it could be a sign of ovarian cancer. As cancer spreads, it affects your bowels. Things get backed up, causing the whole feeling and nausea. You could also have fluid buildup, which makes you feel full. These signs are easy to overlook, but you shouldn’t ignore them. Take action, and get checked out. 

2. Persistent Pain in the Abdomen or Pelvis

Persistent pain in your stomach or pelvis is a symptom of something wrong. Having pain in your abdomen isn’t normal. If the pain lasts more than a week, be sure to get checked out by your doctor. This is a classic symptom of ovarian cysts or cancer. So, please don’t ignore it. 

Other reasons for your abdominal pain could be:

  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Food allergies
  • Food poisoning
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Appendicitis 
  • Bowel blockage
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm

3. Weight loss when you aren’t trying

Weight loss is often the first sign of cancer in women. If you have an unexplained weight loss of ten pounds or more, understand what’s happening. This is a classic symptom of ovarian cancer that often goes unnoticed. Early detection is critical. The American Cancer Society says that only 20% of ovarian cancers are found in an early stage. When it’s found early, approximately 94% of women live longer than five years after diagnosis. Of course, weight loss isn’t always a symptom of cancer. These other conditions cause unexplained weight loss.

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Dementia
  • Celiac disease
  • HIV
  • AIDS
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Abdominal infection 

4. Irregular periods

When you have a tumor on an ovary, it throws your menstrual cycle off. You may note changes to your menstrual cycle:  more or heavier periods than usual, cycle irregularities, or no periods. Women who get ovarian cancer after menopause may suddenly start stopping. You may also experience heavy bleeding and bloating. Interestingly, this isn’t the most common symptom of ovarian cancer. Some conditions affect your menstrual period, including:

  • Stress
  • Birth control pills
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine polyps
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Premature ovarian insufficiency

5. Increased urgency to urinate

Running to the bathroom every twenty minutes is not typical. If you aren’t drinking more water, frequent bathroom visits could be an early sign of this silent cancer. If you have a tumor growing on your ovary, it puts pressure on your pelvic area, which puts pressure on your bladder. This causes you to need to go to the bathroom more. You might mistake this for a UTI or think it’s because you’re getting older. It’s good to be aware of other conditions that may cause extra bathroom breaks. These include:

  • Bladder stones
  • Kidney problems
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Vagninal prolapse
  • Diabetes
  • Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine
  • Taking diuretics

early detection

6. Back pain

Back pain doesn’t always mean you have this type of cancer, but it’s worth noting because it is a disease symptom. You may have lower back pain that persists all day. It can interrupt your sleep. Pain relievers may not help or help temporarily. The cause of this pain is fluid buildup collecting in your pelvic area, irritating the tissue in your lower back. Take action, and get checked out to ensure you don’t have this cancer. 

7. Fatigue (extreme tiredness)

Another common cancer symptom is fatigue. It’s probably one of the most common effects of cancer. There’s no evidence that one ovarian cancer has less fatigue than another. Early detection is essential for prompt diagnosis and treatment. If you have had extreme fatigue for several weeks, don’t ignore it. Other conditions that cause fatigue include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Heart disease
  • Anemia 
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Weakened immune system
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

Be sure to get checked out even if you feel silly going to the doctor because you’re tired. Better to be wrong than to find out later you have cancer. You don’t want to have regrets about not getting checked out. 

8. Pain during sex

If you have an ovarian tumor, it will cause you pain and discomfort during sex. This could be because the tumor is pressing against your vagina. Besides this, your body undergoes hormonal changes after ovarian cancer. This can be the source of the pain you’re feeling. If you notice this during intimacy, don’t delay getting checked out by your gynecologist.

9. Heartburn

Besides feeling full and nausea, other digestive symptoms of this type of cancer include heartburn. This is an elusive symptom that often gets overlooked by women. It’s easy to assume your heartburn is because of something you ate, getting older, or some other condition. Ovarian cancer pushes against your bowels and abdomen, pushing acid into your esophagus. Don’t talk yourself out of making an appointment with your doctor. Even if you feel silly worrying about this symptom, that’s okay. You should be wrong than to find out your concerns were justified later. Early detection gives you a better chance for treatment and could save your life. 

10. Bloating

This symptom is a tough one because women experience occasional bloating. It’s easy to assume your bloating is because of your menstrual cycle or something you ate. 

When an ovarian tumor presses on your bowels and stomach, it results in bloating and discomfort. This elusive symptom is easy to overlook or discount. If you’re experiencing bloating for several weeks, visit your doctor to check out. You should find out it’s nothing more serious than waiting to find out you have ovarian cancer. Other health problems can cause bloating. These include:

  • Celiac disease
  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Overgrowth of bacteria in your small intestine
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Bulimia
  • Anorexia nervosa

What is the treatment for ovarian cancer?

Treatment for this cancer involves surgery and chemotherapy. In surgery, the surgeon removes the cancer tissue. The chemotherapy shrinks and kills any leftover cancer. This chemotherapy treatment will be an infusion or pills, or sometimes both. 

Can you get ovarian cancer if you had a hysterectomy? 

Believe it or not, you are still at risk for ovarian cancer–even if you had a hysterectomy. Your risk depends on the type of hysterectomy you have had. 

  • Partial hysterectomy- A partial hysterectomy takes out your uterus. 
  • Complete hysterectomy-Takes out your uterus and cervix. Both procedures leave your ovaries intact. A procedure called salpingo-oophorectomy removes your cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. If you have this procedure, you’re less likely to get this type of cancer But, it doesn’t remove all the risk. 

What’s the risk after a hysterectomy?

There is a slight risk of getting peritoneal cancer. The peritoneum lines your abdominal organs close to the ovaries. Cells in the peritoneum are like ovary cells. If you get cancer in these cells, it acts and looks just like ovarian cancer. 

ovarian cancer

Final thoughts on the early detection of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is elusive. Many of the symptoms of this type of cancer are easy to explain away as some other non-serious medical conditions. Plus, life gets busy. You’re trying to make it through your day. Ignoring even the apparent symptoms like fatigue, irregular menstrual cycle, bloating, or unexplained weight loss is normal. 

Learn these symptoms and disregard them as nothing. Early detection is vital for diagnosis and treatment. Remember, 80% of women are diagnosed early because they ignore these signs. Your quick response could save your life. 

10 Responses if Your Partner Mistreats You

It’s not a good feeling when your partner mistreats you. You don’t have to put up with abusive behavior, though, as there are some responses for dealing with an uncaring person. These responses can help alleviate destructive communication styles while promoting positive ones.

Research shows that a detached or angry partner leads to dissatisfaction in their relationship. On the other hand, helpful communication styles promote happiness. With this being the case, you must find ways to get through to your partner when they hurt you.

The best responses when your partner mistreats will not put them on the defense. Be careful not to shame or accuse the other person because it’ll worsen the problem. However, you should never let mistreatment continue, even if you love the person doing it.

Why It’s Important to Respond When Someone Mistreats You

When someone mistreats you, it indicates ongoing abuse. Verbal and emotional abuse isn’t as easy to recognize as physical abuse, but they’re all highly detrimental. It damages your self-esteem as your partner uses words to punish you and exert control.

Mistreatment makes you feel unimportant or less valued. An abuser often targets your insecurities, making you feel worse about things you already struggle with. These issues can cause long-term effects of depression and anxiety.

You can’t avoid being hurt by the people you care about, but you must let them know when it happens. If you don’t speak up, they will continue their behavior, not realizing they crossed a boundary. Using these responses helps reinforce your limitations and allows you to develop new ways to deal with situations.

Dealing with mistreatment can make you feel like you and your needs are not essential. However, they are important, and you must do what is best for you. Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are meaningful, and you should be able to address them comfortably.

You’ll feel powerless toward your partner if you never speak up. Some people suggest walking away when a partner mistreats you, but that’s not the best option for everyone. It all depends on your situation, so make a healthy decision.


Seven Signs That Your Partner Mistreats You

Mistreatment isn’t always easy to identify. If your partner makes you feel bad about yourself or your life, it’s a way of mistreating you. Watch for some of these signs:

1. A Partner Who Mistreats You Engages in Name Calling

Your partner should never call you names. Doing so is a sure sign of verbal abuse, and people use it as a way to target your self-esteem. Sometimes It’ll be obvious that your partner is calling you names, while other times, they’ll do it in subtle, backhanded ways.

If something they say doesn’t feel right, trust your gut when you think they’re putting you down. They’ll often target your insecurities and make you feel ashamed. An abuser claims they’re doing it for you, but making you feel bad is never a favor.

2. Abusive Partners Resort to Criticism

A partner who mistreats you will often criticize you outright, using sarcasm, or mocking you. They want to put you down and make you feel inferior. This technique allows them to gain control over you.

3. Yelling or Becoming Verbally Abusive

Your partner shouldn’t yell at you or raise their voice frequently. It’s especially alarming if they start shouting over minor situations. It leaves you feeling tense around them, waiting for the next episode.

4. Intimidating Through Threats

It’s never okay for someone to threaten your life, body, career, or anything else. You shouldn’t take it lightly, even if you don’t think your partner means what they say. It’s concerning, and you must take it seriously.

5. An Abusive Partner Blames You for What They Do

You might notice your partner mistreats you if they blame you for their actions or behavior. They use victim-blaming to confuse you about the situation, wanting you to apologize even when it wasn’t your fault.

6. A Partner Who Mistreats You Will Be Dismissive

A negative partner will refuse to discuss issues because they don’t want to own up to what they did. They dismiss what you say, implying it isn’t as big of a deal as you think. This behavior is a form of gaslighting because they ignore your issues and pretend everything is okay.

7. Manipulation Goes Along With an Abusive Partner

Using manipulation to control you and the relationship is a common sign that your partner mistreats you. They’ll do and say things that make you uncomfortable and play on your emotions. Manipulation is how they get you to do what they want, regardless of what’s best for you or your relationship.

How to Respond if Your Partner Is Verbally Abusive or Mistreats You

Abuse is never okay, even if your partner wants you to believe it’s your fault. You deserve respect, and you shouldn’t put up with anything less. If you want to walk away or work to improve the situation, there are helpful ways to respond to a verbally abusive partner.


1. I want to talk about how I expect to be treated.

When you use this phrase, you must prepare yourself for a disagreement. Your partner might try to defend their behavior, but you must remain firm on what you expect. There is no way to justify mistreating someone, and you’re allowed to let them know.

Your partner might apologize once they realize they hurt you, but they won’t always. Even if they don’t respond the way you want them to, stay true to who you are and what you expect. Communicate clearly and be willing to find a resolution if you can.

2. I want to talk about how we treat each other when we disagree.

When you use the word ‘we,’ it shows that you’re not attacking your partner. They’ll be less likely to become defensive when you make it a team effort. Don’t be afraid to open up and share your feelings, and encourage your partner to do the same.

3. I am setting some boundaries that I’d like you to respect.

Tell your partner that you want to make some changes, starting with setting boundaries. Be clear about your limits so that there’s no confusion or misunderstanding.

4. I’m not letting you mistreat me this way anymore.

If you have low self-esteem, it’s hard to speak up and demand better treatment. However, once you do it the first time, you’ll realize how good it makes you feel. You deserve respect, so don’t settle for anything less.

5. Are you trying to hurt me on purpose?

Sometimes your partner doesn’t realize that they are mistreating you. Responding to your partner with this question can help you learn if it was unintentional or if you misunderstood. It also makes it clear that you’re not comfortable with what happened.

6. I want to fix our communication issues.

This response lets your partner know that you’re not trying to argue. By saying you want to fix the situation, they’ll be more likely to listen because they won’t feel attacked.

When you start the conversation in a reconciliatory way, it’ll be easier to discuss the issues. It promotes love, acceptance, and growth within your relationship.

7. I deserve much more than how you’re treating me.

Remember your worth and use this phrase if your partner mistreats you. Don’t become aggressive, but sometimes it’s best to be blunt.

8. Let’s give each other a few minutes to talk this through.

When you discuss something immediately, it sometimes results in both of you trying to defend your position. This experience means neither of you is listening to the other, and it won’t be a productive conversation. If your partner doesn’t want to let you talk, use this response to get through to them.

Then, while the other is speaking, sit quietly and listen rather than interrupt them with defensiveness. It allows both of you to say your part, making it more likely to result in mutual forgiveness and positive change.

9. I need some time to reflect on this.

Don’t hesitate to tell your partner you need time to think. It can become uncomfortable when your partner mistreats you, and taking time to reflect can help you understand. This time will also allow you to decide what to say next.

You can organize your thoughts and rationally think about the situation. Think about what you’re upset about and why it triggers your emotions. Once you’re ready to talk to your partner, you’ll have your thoughts in order, allowing you to communicate effectively.

10. I feel like I’m the target of your anger, although I’m not the source.

Your partner might not realize they’re taking their anger out on you. This response makes it clear that you feel targeted and don’t appreciate it.

What to do If These Responses Don’t Work When a Partner Mistreats You

You tried your best, and your partner still mistreats you. There comes a time when you must take the next step to protect yourself. Consider these options:

  • seek counseling with or without your partner
  • surround yourself with a positive support system
  • leave the relationship and end all communication
  • don’t blame yourself for what went wrong
  • acknowledge your feelings, thoughts, and instincts
  • remember that you deserve more
  • take care of yourself


Final Thoughts on Responses if Your Partner Mistreats You

If your partner mistreats you, it won’t result in a positive relationship. You must address the issue and let them know the treatment you expect. Try not to be accusatory as you tell them how you feel so they don’t become defensive.

These responses will help you improve your relationship or acknowledge that it’s time to walk away. Speaking up for yourself allows you to take control of your life. No one should be allowed to mistreat you, and it’s up to you to take action when someone becomes abusive.

Recognize that it’s wrong for your partner to mistreat you. You’ll be happier when you overcome the issue or decide to walk away from an abusive relationship. Whatever you choose to do, make sure to put yourself first and prioritize your safety.

10 Exercises for Hip Pain Never to Ignore

Is bursitis cramping your style, or is the pain from your arthritis keeping you from doing the things you love? So many people live a sedentary lifestyle, and when you’re sitting at a desk all day, it has a dramatic impact on your muscles and joints. If you’re suffering from chronic hip pain, exercising the area to improve flexibility may be the answer.

Exercises for Hip Pain Will Also Improve Flexibility

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to move pain-free? The key is to increase your flexibility and also decrease your inflammation. You can accomplish this by doing some simple exercises each day.

hip pain

1. Butterfly Stretch

You want to move as graciously as a butterfly when you walk, so you need to enhance your flexibility. It might be a little painful to do this stretch if you’ve knee problems, but you can modify it based on your comfort level. Here’s how:

1. Begin by sitting on the ground.

2. This is like sitting Indian style, but you want to bend your legs and bring your feet together till the soles touch.

3. Allow your knees to fall gently towards the ground.

4. Slowly move your heels towards your body, and you must lean your body forwards into this stretch.

5. Place both elbows on your knees, and you need to press the knees further towards the ground.

2. Banded Walk

You will need exercise bands for this stretch. The banded walk is a fun and easy way to work those troubled areas and brings more flexibility. Here’s how:

1. Place the exercise bands around your ankles.

2. Bend your knees a bit and shuffle sideways. You should feel movement in your hips as you stretch them.

3. When you sidestep, you must keep your feet straight for proper impact. ‘

4. Step approximately ten or twelve steps to the left, then stop and go to the right.

3. Yoga Squat

The yoga squat will work on your knees and legs to help you gain flexibility. According to John Hopkins Medicine, over 23 percent of people in this country have knee problems. Your knees can cause radiating pain affecting your entire leg and your hips. So, doing some yoga squats may help increase flexibility. Here’s how:

1. Start by standing tall and keeping your feet about shoulder-width apart.

2. Gently bend your knees and bring your backside down as far as you can towards the ground.

3. Go into a prayer-type position by moving your arms in front of you.

4. Take a moment and breathe deeply, and you should use your elbows to put pressure on your thighs to move them apart.

4. Donkey Kick

The donkey kick is excellent at targeting that hip pain as it will strengthen this area. This exercise requires you to get down on all fours, so that it may be challenging with advanced mobility issues. Here’s how:

1. Get on the floor on all fours.

2. Make sure your right knee is slightly bent.

3. Gently raise your left foot upwards toward the ceiling.

4. The position of your foot should be flat, with the sole facing upwards while raising it.

5. If you’re doing this position right, you will fully engage your glutes while moving your foot.

6. When your foot is as high as you can get it, slowly tilt your pelvis to add more impact to this maneuver.

5. Lateral Squat to Reduce Hip Pain by Strengthening the Glutes

Doing this squat will help you target your butt area, which also affects hip pain. It can help you with your inner thighs too. If you want to sculpt and reduce inflammation, this exercise is for you. Here’s how:

1. Stand tall with your feet spread wide.

2. Keep your feet at 11 and 1 o’clock or facing forward. Just find what position is comfortable for you.

3. Transfer your weight to your left heel and push the hips backward.

4. Bend your left knee while striving to keep the leg straight. You’re doing it right if your thigh is parallel to the floor.

5. Move your arms in front of you to help you balance better.

6. Now, push your left foot through to reverse the movement to the other side.

7. When you’re at the peak of your squat, tighten your glutes and move your hips ahead.

8. Switch and do the other side.

6. Fire Hydrant

The fire hydrant is a fun exercise that pays tribute to man’s best friend. You should feel the burn in this one, but don’t worry; it will help with the inflammation and hip pain. Here’s how:

1. Start on the floor on all fours like a pup.

2. Make sure you keep your hands below the shoulder area, and your knees should be positioned below your hips.

3. With your right leg bent, gently raise it to the side. If done correctly, your thigh will be parallel to the ground.

4. Your core must stay engaged during this time, and your neck and back should be straight.

5. Slowly bring your back down to the traditional position on all fours and repeat on the left side.

7. Leg Raise

You can make this move with or without an exercise band. The band will provide additional resistance to work on that hip pain. However, your body weight can help if you don’t have any bands. Here’s how:

1. Begin by lying on the floor on your left side.

2. Your legs should be straight and on top of one another, and your elbow should be supporting your upper body.

3. If you want to add an exercise band to help with resistance, you must place it right above the knees.

4. Start with your right leg. Lift it as high as you can without discomfort. Make sure you engage your core as you lift.

5. Lower it back to the ground and lift it again. Strive to do ten lifts on the right side, then switch to the left.

8. Leg Swings

Leg swings are a good option for those who want to open up the hips and reduce some of that chronic hip pain. Remember, it hurts more at the beginning as you’re stretching areas you don’t typically work. Here’s how:

1. Stand tall and find a wall to brace yourself on.

2. Take a step backward from the wall till you’re about twelve inches from it.

3. Take your right leg and swing it from side to side. Try to think you’re a giant clock, and your leg is the pendulum.

4. Make sure you keep your torso area as straight as possible, which will be challenging with the swinging.

5. Place the right leg on the ground and switch to the left-hand side.

When your leg is swinging side to side, you should feel a stretching sensation in your hamstrings and your glutes.

9. Hip Flexors

Hip flexors will target the area that causes you the most discomfort. These stretches might irritate your hips at first, but once you work this area, you’ll feel relief. Here’s how:

1. Get down on the ground.

2. Put your right knee on the floor and bend your left leg so it’s in front of you at a 90-degree angle.

3. Now, place your left foot flat on the floor.

4. Place your hands on your hips and move your torso forward slowly. You should feel a stretching sensation in your hip flexor region.

5. When you feel tension, stop. Hold this pose for a minute. You want to stay here until the pressure releases as the muscles loosen.

6. Come back to the starting position and work on the other side.

10. Glute Bridge Reduces Hip Pain By Making You More Flexible

The final stretch is more advanced, so you shouldn’t attempt this if you have any doubts. You should feel a great stretch in the hip area, which can help with that inflammation and pain. Here’s how:

1. Lay on the ground with your back against the floor.

2. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees slightly bent.

3. Take your left leg and push yourself up from the floor. You should use your center core and butt muscles to do this step.

4. Use your arms and help yourself if you can’t do it with your core and butt muscles alone.

Final Thoughts on Exercises for Hip Pain–That Also Improve Flexibility

According to Consumer Safety, there are more than 450,000 hip replacement surgeries done each year in the United States. The number one cause of this surgery is arthritis. Preventative measures can help you avoid such an invasive operation, but it takes time and effort.

While you can’t erase wear and tear on joints and muscles, you can do something to combat the inflammation and hip pain by working the area. Try some herbal treatments like turmeric and magnesium to help alleviate discomfort too.

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