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10 Acne-Safe Treatments for Glowing Skin

Acne seems to follow us through life, flaring up in different ways and for many reasons. Improving your skin health requires educating yourself on your skin type and breakout triggers. You can achieve glowing results if you know about safe skincare treatments that won’t cause more issues.

Many popular skin care products harm your face, even if their packaging promises otherwise. If they contain salicylic acid, niacinamide, and benzoyl peroxide, they can cause dryness, irritation, and redness. Because of these issues, people are turning to alternative treatments.

With more than 85% of young adults struggling with acne, you’ll hear many ideas for treating breakouts. It’s hard to figure out the best one because everyone’s skin is different and breaks out for various reasons. The treatment that works for someone else might not work for you, and some might even worsen your problem.

Identifying the best treatment depends on the causes of acne, so pay attention to your triggers. You don’t have to use harsh chemicals and additives to achieve glowing skin. There are safe options if you want to minimize blackheads or intense breakouts.

Causes of Acne

Understanding the causes of acne can help you determine which treatment you should use for glowing skin. Experts explain that pimples develop when your pores get blocked by dead skin cells and oil. When a bacteria called Cutibacterium gets trapped, it multiplies and becomes inflamed, causing breakouts.

Some of the things that might trigger breakouts include the following:

  • hormones
  • changes in skin type and texture
  • scarring
  • touching your face
  • genetics
  • stress levels
  • diet
  • infections
  • ingredients in your skincare products


Ten Acne Safe Skin Care Treatments for Glowing Skin

Finding the best treatment for glowing skin often requires a little trial and error. You have many options for treating acne, but it might take some time to figure it out. Don’t give up until you find the one that works best for your skin.

1. Tea Tree Oil for Spot Treatment

This oil comes from the plant Melaleuca alternifolia, and studies show it reduces breakouts. A second study shows that it causes less dryness and irritation than other treatments. Both studies show that people are more satisfied with the results of tea tree oil than other methods.

Before using tea tree oil, you should dilute it because it is potent. To use it, do the following:

  • Mix nine parts of water with one part of tea tree oil.
  • Use a cotton swab to apply the mixture to the desired areas.
  • Repeat the process up to twice per day.

2. Stress Management and Acne

Research shows that the hormones your body releases during stress can increase sebum production and inflammation. Each time it happens, it triggers or worsens breakouts. Plus, if you’re stressed, you might pick at spots on your face, spreading bacteria.

Experts explain in a 2018 study that stress reduction can improve breakouts. Some of the ways you can decrease stress are by:

  • Practicing deep breathing
  • Being physically active
  • Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule
  • Meditating

3. Retinoids

Retinoids are often thought of as anti-aging products, but they also help clear breakouts. These vitamins promote skin cell turnover rates which can decrease oil production.

Retinoids help exfoliate your skin because you can remove dead skin cells faster. Plus, they are anti-inflammatory, helping reduce flare-ups. Retinoids also prevent new breakouts from appearing because they prevent your pores from getting clogged.

It’s important to note that some retinoids can irritate sensitive skin. You can find less potent versions with a lower concentration to prevent irritation. Pregnant and breastfeeding people should also avoid retinoids.

If you want to try retinoids, there are a few options to consider. These include:

  • Retinol: This retinoid can be harsh, but you can find it in a low concentration. It can take a while to notice the benefits, and you must use it regularly in your skincare routine to see results.
  • Adapalene: Also known as Differin, this product is a synthetic retinoid that alleviates breakouts. It’s gentler than other options, making it a good option for sensitive skin.
  • Retinal: This is a natural retinoid that your body turns into retinoic acid. It is just as effective as other retinoids but gentler on the skin.
  • Bakuchiol: This ingredient is a plant-based retinol alternative, so it isn’t technically a retinoid. It helps manage fine lines and skin texture without detrimental side effects.

4. Green Tea

Green tea promotes good health because it’s high in antioxidants. Drinking it can help reduce breakouts because it contains polyphenols that fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. With bacteria and inflammation being two causes of acne, you must take care of it to promote glowing skin.

If you don’t like drinking green tea, you can take an extract instead. Research shows that people who take a green tea extract each day experience less acne.

Other studies show that applying green tea directly to your skin improves the skin’s appearance, too. It reduces sebum, minimizing clogged pores and breakouts.

You can make a green tea mixture at home, so you don’t have to worry about added ingredients in store-bought products. To make it, do the following:

  • Steep green tea for about four minutes.
  • Let the tea cool completely.
  • Pour the tea into a spray bottle to spritz on your face.
  • If you don’t have a bottle, you can use a cotton ball to apply the mixture.
  • Let it dry before rinsing it off and patting your skin dry.

5. Good Skincare Means Sunscreen

Protecting your skin is one of the best safe treatments for glowing skin. The sun can damage your skin, causing discoloration and other issues. Use sunscreen every day, ensuring the best chance of a healthy appearance. Many facial moisturizers contain sunscreen, making it easy to get started.


6. Use Aloe Vera for Moisturizing

Aloe vera is a plant that has leaves with a clear gel inside. This gel is used in ointments, creams, lotions, and soaps because it helps treat the following:

  • wounds
  • acne
  • inflammation
  • rashes
  • burns

Aloe vera is especially beneficial for treating acne because it contains salicylic acid and sulfur. Studies show that with these properties, the gel helps reduce the appearance of breakouts.

You can find many products that contain the gel from aloe vera. Or you can scrape the gel out of a live plant at home and apply it directly to your clean skin. It’s safe to use it as a skincare tool as often as you’d like.

7. Avoid Touching Your Face

Touching your face is one of the worst things you can do when you want to treat breakouts. If you can keep your hands down, you’ll notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin.

You can also achieve glowing skin by keeping items off your face. Some objects that can trigger or worsen a breakout include:

  • phones
  • tight collars
  • straps
  • backpacks
  • headsets

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Research shows vinegar can fight bacteria and fungi, helping reduce inflammation and breakouts. Apple cider vinegar comes from fermenting the unfiltered juice of apples.

Apple cider vinegar contains citric acid, a compound that kills the bacteria that cause acne. It also contains lactic acid, which reduces the appearance of scars.

You’ll want to dilute the vinegar before using it on your skin, or it could cause irritation. Before covering your face with it, test a small spot on your skin. Once you’re ready to use it, do the following:

  • Mix three parts of water with one of part apple cider vinegar.
  • Wash your face, and apply the vinegar mixture using a cotton ball.
  • Let the mixture sit for up to 20 seconds before rinsing it off and patting your face dry.
  • Repeat no more than two times each day.

9. Try Witch Hazel in Your Skincare Routine

Studies show that witch hazel can reduce breakouts. This study involved a three-step treatment twice daily, and witch hazel was in the second step. However, other research shows that witch hazel alone fights bacteria and reduces irritation and inflammation.

To use witch hazel, use a cotton ball to apply to your skin once or twice a day. You can do it more often if you want, too.

If you have a witch hazel plant, you can extract it yourself by doing the following:

  • Soak one tablespoon of bark in one cup of water in a saucepan.
  • Let it soak for 30 minutes, and then boil the mixture.
  • Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat, cover the saucepan, and cook for ten minutes.
  • Remove it from the heat and let it sit for ten more minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and store it in a sealed container.

10. Hydrate Your Skin

Many products are drying agents and can burn or dry your skin. Stop using these products and focus on hydrating your face. Use a moisturizer for your skin type, using light layers if you have oily skin.


Final Thoughts on Acne Safe Skincare Treatments for Glowing Skin

These acne-safe treatments will help you achieve glowing skin. You don’t have to use harsh chemicals and spend a fortune trying new products. Using these natural ingredients can improve the appearance of your skin while keeping it healthy.

Don’t introduce too many new ingredients to your skin at once. Give each one time to see how you react before adding another one to your skincare. Once you become more familiar with what works for you, it’ll be easier to manage and prevent breakouts and blemishes.

10 Things Never to Say to Someone with Low Self-Esteem

If you know someone with low self-esteem, you likely want insight into what you can say that isn’t hurtful. Saying the wrong thing can harm their well-being, even when you don’t intend it that way. Sometimes knowing what you should never say to them is more beneficial.

Many people think that low self-esteem only requires character adjustment. Although someone can overcome it, it’s not always as easy as a simple adjustment. It’s hard to adjust your mindset and develop self-esteem when you’ve been without it for so long.

You might say good intentions and try to help the other person, but it backfires. Sometimes the things you say make the other person feel worse about themselves as they struggle to accept it. It could be that the person resists positivity and reframes the situation as a negative experience.

Sometimes what you shouldn’t say depends on how you say it and in what context. While that can be hard to perfect, you can learn what you should avoid saying entirely.

Ten Things Never to Say to Someone with Low Self-Esteem

People with low self-esteem don’t process information the same as others. They can take a harmless comment and convince themselves that it was negative.

Plus, they can sometimes interpret harmless statements as hurtful. You should never say these things to someone with low self-esteem to ensure you don’t worsen their situation.

low self-esteem

1. If you work harder, you can overcome anything.

Working hard and achieving goals doesn’t improve a person’s self-esteem. Even the most successful people can lack self-confidence, and this phrase can be offensive.

This phrase implies that the other person isn’t doing enough, even if they’re doing their best work right now. If they think other people view them as lazy or incapable, it’ll only exacerbate their feelings of insecurity.

2. Be more confident in yourself. It’s easy.

If the person thought it was easy to be more confident, they would have already done it. Telling someone to be something they’re not will only remind them of their shortcomings in that area. Rather than asking them to be more confident, try helping them build their confidence by listening to their issues.

Pointing out their lack of confidence only worsens the issue. It’s frustrating and constantly reminds the person of their struggle.

3. You’re just looking for validation.

When you imply that someone is looking for validation, it’s a way of saying they’re fishing for compliments. Low self-esteem does not mean someone is looking for validation or wants it. They usually don’t want you to compliment the things they don’t like about themselves, so it’s far from seeking attention.

4. You’ll find someone better soon.

This phrase is common after a breakup but doesn’t help someone with low self-esteem. It dismisses the person’s feelings and offers them false optimism. They are experiencing the end of a relationship, and the thought of a replacement won’t help.

Saying that they’ll find someone better soon dismisses the significance of their situation. Your goal might be to put things into perspective, but it’s not likely to help here.

5. Love yourself, and everything else will work out fine.

Telling someone to love themselves might seem like good advice, but it could backfire. Life isn’t as easy as simply loving yourself. It’s more about accepting and appreciating your insecurities, identifying areas that need work, and discovering your strengths.

Loving yourself is a process that requires constant work and self-reflection. Someone who is self-conscious and doesn’t like themselves can’t flip a switch and start loving themselves unconditionally.

This phrase reminds them of their insecurities as they think about what they don’t like about themselves. If you say anything, encourage a specific way that they can learn to appreciate who they are. Otherwise, despite your good intentions, your words will seem hurtful or even passive-aggressive.

6. You are so…

This phrase can conclude in many ways, including offering compliments. When you praise someone with low self-esteem, they aren’t likely to believe it. Instead, they might feel like you’re pretending to be nice while somehow insulting them.

These people have difficulty believing compliments because they don’t believe them. They have a negative mindset surrounding who they are, always thinking the worst of themselves.

If you want to give a compliment, make sure you do it in a way that seems sincere and honest. Don’t be obvious that you are saying kind things, which could make them uncomfortable. Instead, find subtle ways to vocalize your praises and ensure you’re telling the truth.


7. One thing I don’t like about myself is…

You might think that stating your insecurities will help, but it tends to have the opposite effect. The other person’s deep insecurities won’t disappear when they hear about your flaws. You might even say that you don’t like something about yourself that the other person also struggles with.

If you say you dislike the same body part as the other person, it can cause them to compare the two of you. When this happens, it only exacerbates their self-sabotaging thoughts.

They might think you’re better than they are, so these comments will make them think even less of themselves. Since it’s not your intention to make them feel worse, it’s best to avoid remarks about things you don’t like about yourself.

8. You can cure your self-esteem issues.

When you say a cure is possible, it implies that they have an illness. The person’s self-esteem issues aren’t an illness, as they are simply a characteristic of who they are.

Saying there is a cure also implies a permanent fix, but that’s not the case because it requires continual effort. It can also make the other person feel that something is wrong with them if they have a terrible day.

9. Stop being so hard on yourself.

People can’t always control how hard they are on themselves. They see their flaws and weaknesses much more than other people see them.

Telling someone to stop being hard on themselves might sound helpful. However, it only reminds the person of why they are hard on themselves in the first place. Plus, telling someone, they are self-critical implies another flaw they don’t need to consider.

10. Be more positive, and you’ll feel better.

It’s not as easy for some people to stay positive as it is for others. They would always focus on the good parts of life if they could. However, their mindset goes in other directions, and it takes effort to be more positive. Even with effort, they are sure to have periods of negativity still.

Telling them positive makes them feel like you’re asking the impossible. This phrase feels hurtful to your friend. It could make the person feel isolated because they’ll feel like they have to pretend when you’re around.

Why You Should Avoid These Hurtful Phrases When Speaking to a Friend With Low Self-Esteem

People with low self-esteem don’t always handle positive comments how we think they should. Using these phrases can worsen their negative outlook, even when you intend to do the opposite. Some of the reasons you should avoid these phrases are things that seem hurtful:

  • Make the person feel like no one understands or accepts them
  • Invalidate their feelings or thoughts
  • Increase vulnerability and sensitivity
  • Make them feel like something is wrong with them

What to Do or Say  to Help Someone Who Has Low Self-Esteem Instead

Now that you know what you shouldn’t say to someone with low self-esteem, you’re likely wondering what you can say. Sometimes it’s not about saying anything at all and is more about being there. Let the other person talk while you listen, and follow their lead in the conversation.

If you have been in their position before, it might help if you relate to what they say. Let the person know about your experience or acknowledge that you know how hard it can be. Don’t overshadow the conversation and what they’re saying, but you can let them know you understand.

The best thing you can do when talking to someone with low self-esteem is to be sincere. If you compliment the person, make sure it’s something the other person knows to be a positive remark. Otherwise, they’ll think you meant it negatively instead.

You can also allow the other person to accomplish their goals. You can subtly make it possible rather than saying something to encourage them. Then they recognize their ability and feel like they accomplished it alone.

You can acknowledge an upsetting situation without further distressing the other person. Let them know that it’s okay to experience negative emotions. Your role should only involve addressing the issue and providing support, even if it’s silent support.

low self-esteem

Final Thoughts on These Hurtful Things Never to Say to Someone with Low Self-Esteem

You can say plenty of helpful things to someone with low self-esteem. These things never to say to them will help guide you in the right direction. When you know the phrases to avoid, you can rest assured that you didn’t unintentionally say something hurtful.

Instead of saying something unhelpful, look for a way to support them without worsening their condition. Recognize their struggle and offer your help in other ways like listening or keeping them company. Acknowledge their situation by telling them you know how they feel, and be careful not to invalidate their feelings.

Once you know what not to say, you’ll have an easier time talking to someone with low self-esteem. With your support, the person can overcome their issues and work toward positivity and confidence.

Veterinarian Explains How Dog Behavior Is Not Based on Breed

Everybody has their favorite dog breed. You may love a particular type for its characteristic temperament and personality. It turns out that the dog behavior you admire in your pooch may not be typical of their breed. Vets now say each individual dog behaves differently, and it does not directly link to breed.

How does dog behavior connect to breed?

Breeding dogs became popular during the Victorian era, approximately 150 years ago. Since then, certain breeds have become popular based on what people considered their temperament.

For instance, “friendliness” is often associated with certain breeds, like a Labrador Retriever. But another dog breed, like a Pit Bull, that could be just as friendly, has an unfairly bad reputation.  For instance, many view American pit bull terriers and Staffordshire terriers as aggressive. Conversely, they see English bulldogs as calm and friendly.  A better criterion to describe a dog, the researchers say, is their physical characteristics such as color, fur quality, size, or ear shape rather than whether the breed is friendly.

Senior author Elinor Karlsson, Ph.D., associate professor of molecular medicine at the University of Massachusetts, says:

“While genetics plays a role in the personality of any individual dog, specific dog breed is not a good predictor of those traits.”

Her study surveyed a little over 18,000 dogs, half purebred and mixed breed. They found different dog behaviors did not stem from the breed. There were similarities in the same breed. But overall, the breeds weren’t predictive for individual dogs. Traits could more closely connect to genetics or environmental factors. Surprisingly, researchers found pit bulls were as comfortable and social around people they didn’t know as retrievers.

dog behavior

Which breeds do not get adopted due to dog behavior myths?

This tendency to view certain dog breeds as friendly or aggressive behavior often plays out at animal shelters. Because of prejudice, certain canines are less likely to get adopted. But researchers say it’s best to judge a dog individually. You can accept them as excellent adopted pets if you see them with unique personalities. The breeds that don’t get adopted as often in animal shelters include the following:

  • American Pit Bull Terriers:

It’s the breed you often find in high number shelters. These famous dogs often get misused or abused. Some localities ban this dog breed from certain housing areas. Pit bulls are generally athletic, loving, and loyal dogs that deserve love.

  • Labrador Retriever:

Even though this dog breed is considered friendly, you find many of them in shelters. Labs are high-energy and fun-loving. Perhaps people see them as too much work. Whatever the reason for the increased numbers of labs at shelters, they make lovely family pets.

  • German Shepherd:

Similar to a pit bull, shepherds get a bad rap. They’re excellent guard dogs, but people shy away when they see these dogs at shelters. It’s an active breed but very loyal to its humans.

  • Beagle:

Second to the pit bull, many beagles and beagles mix dogs in animal shelters. These sweet dogs get a bad rap because they need lots of exercises and they’re hunters. They have a characteristic mournful baying bark, but not all beagles are prone to this as sometimes thought.

  • American Bulldogs:

These dogs are part of the bull breeds. They’re athletic and loyal to their humans. Some jurisdictions have banned this breed, similar to the restrictions put on pit bulls. You’ll see a lot of bulldogs at animal shelters. Past owners often abused them, making them more unpredictable, but many people love this breed.

Of course, there are some differences among dog breeds. If you adopt a Border Collie, it will probably be easier to train than a Great Pyrenees. This usually has something to do with their genetic makeup.

What dog behavior and personality traits do people value?

People like certain personality traits or dog behavior. This makes the dog more acceptable to them. Things that people say they look for in a dog include:

  • Easy to teach
  • Friendly
  • Good with kids
  • Cuddly
  • Energetic
  • Protective
  • Loyal

Remember, each dog’s personality traits can vary depending upon an individual dog. So, even if you get a dog breed you think is friendly, the individual dog may be affected by how it’s been trained, treated, and environmental factors. One study found that only 9% of dog behavior can be accredited to breed. The dog breed is often a poor predictor of a dog’s behavior. This shouldn’t be your main criteria for selecting a dog as your pet.

Is your dog similar to you?

Researchers say a dog mirrors their owners. Because dogs are sensitive to their human emotions, they may reflect these emotions. When you’re relaxed and friendly, your dog will act this way. Your dog will mirror this behavior if you struggle with anxiety and negativity. Interestingly enough, dogs and humans affect one another. A calm dog helps humans to relax and cope better with stress.

dog behavior

How to choose a dog from a shelter

So, you should not judge a dog by its breed. So how do you choose a dog from the animal shelter? Here are dog behavior and personality to look for at a shelter.

  • Relaxed body language: They’re not shaking or nervous. They seem relaxed and calm when you approach. This shows a dog isn’t afraid of humans.
  • Friendly: They come over to you in a welcoming way. They are eager to be petted. This shows they are friendly around humans. It could also show they trust humans because they haven’t been abused.
  • Playful or energetic: A playful, happy dog is a healthy dog. They should be energetic but calm at the same time. Some dogs are less active, but playfulness is a key indicator they’re healthy and happy.
  • Eye contact: If a dog makes eye contact, they’re already bonding with you. It’s a meaningful experience.
  • Roll over on their backs: This shows a submissive-natured dog. They do this to show you they trust you and want a tummy rub.
  • Tail wag: This indicates the dog is happy to see you. A dog with its tails down shows fear. A wagging tail tells you they’re excited to see you.
  • Licking: If you meet a dog wanting to lick you, they show affection.
  • Cuddling: If you get to hold a dog at the shelter, the ones that want to cuddle indicate an affectionate puppy.
  • Jumping: Although jumping isn’t perfect dog behavior, jumping could mean the dog likes you if you’re looking for a dog at the animal shelter. This is a physical demonstration of an affectionate personality.

If possible, try to spend some time with the shelter dog. Watch for these dog behaviors as you decide if they’re the right dog for you.

Why is your dog’s breed necessary to consider?

If a dog’s breed isn’t a good indicator of dog behavior or personality, why is knowing their dog’s breed helpful? A dog breed isn’t always the thing that tells you where you’ll be happy with a dog, but it can guide you to what type of dog will be best for your life situation.

  • Health issues: Breed information helps set expectations about what a particular dog might need to stay healthy and happy. For instance, Pugs are known to have breathing issues. Great Danes are prone to autoimmune diseases. Knowing a dog’s breed helps you understand what health problems they could be prone to so you can better care for them.
  • Size: You can’t turn your Dachshund into a Chihuahua. You can’t assume you can carry a Doxie around in your purse like you would a Chihuahua. If you want a small dog, be sure it will stay small throughout adulthood.
  • Energy level:  Even if you view your dog as unique to its breed, you shouldn’t choose a dog that loves to hunt and chase to live in a small apartment.
  • Lifespan: Your dog’s lifespan is affected by its breed. Knowing how long your dog will live is helpful to see if you’re pushing too much.
  • Drive: Certain breeds do tasks while others don’t. Your cattle dog may nip at your kids’ heels to control them. Allowing for proper outlets related to your dog’s drive helps them stay happy and content.


Final thoughts on how little breed impacts dog behavior

The dog behavior and breed relationship aren’t as high as most people expect. Dogs have different personalities and environmental experiences that may dictate their behavior. Even dogs of the same breed will have distinct personalities. Owners also dictate canine behaviors. Dogs mirror their owners. They pick up an owner’s anxiety and fear. There is a considerable variation between dogs, even though they look the same. So, don’t judge a dog by a stereotypical view of its breed. The breed is essential to help you choose a dog that is the right size for your home. If you are allergic, you don’t want to pick a dog that sheds. So, although you shouldn’t discount a dog’s breed, don’t let it be the only criteria for choosing a specific dog.

19 Reasons Never to Give an Ex False Hope

Breaking up is hard, and it’s even worse if you drag it on. Giving a sense of false hope interferes with both of your abilities to move on. There’s no reason to make it harder when it’s already a tough situation. When you finally break things off once and for all, it can lead them into depression or desperation–both of which are unfair.

It’s a common mistake for people to string their ex along, giving them false hope. While it may seem harmless, it’s detrimental to both of you. There are many reasons never to give an ex false hope, and you must know what they are.

When you give your ex false hope, they hold onto every little thing. They read into everything more than they should, and they’re always looking for more than you can give. It’s based on fantasizing and wishful thinking, and you giving in doesn’t help the situation.

Maybe you can’t give them up, but it’s not fair to string them along. There are many hidden dangers in giving an ex false hope, so don’t ignore them. You don’t want to hurt anyone during this experience, and remember how much your dishonesty can affect your ex.

Nineteen Reasons Why You Should Never Give an Ex False Hope

You’ll think false hope is okay if you don’t know these reasons. It might even seem like the best option at the time, making both of you feel good. However, think long-term and consider how it will affect you and your ex.

false hope

1. You Know Their Expectations and Desires

Managing expectations is essential when you want to date people. Your ex’s expectations will be much more intense than a new person’s. Putting your ex in that position is unfair if you know you can’t give what they want or need.

2. They Deserve Someone Who Will Cherish Them

This reason isn’t to make you feel bad. Instead, it’s to remind you that you’re the one choosing not to be with your ex.

Giving them false hope only prevents them from looking for someone who will cherish them. They might not be the right person for you, but they still deserve someone who will love them for who they are.

3. You Have to End Things Twice

One breakup is hard enough, and giving false hope requires you to do it twice. When you get your ex’s hopes up, you’ll eventually have to tell them that you don’t want to get back together. Avoiding this situation prevents you from having to end things twice.

4. False Hope Doesn’t Allow Them to Heal

Giving your ex false hope is highly detrimental because it doesn’t allow them to heal. They’ll continue holding on even after the breakup because you’re still giving them hope.

Your ex can’t address what needs to happen next because you aren’t allowing them to move forward. Their desperation to win you back will interfere with your ex’s healing process. The sooner your ex can move on, the better it will be for the both of you.

5. The Short-Term Effects of False Hope are Not Worth the Negative Effects

Giving your ex false hope allows many positive aspects, but it won’t outweigh the negatives–like feelings of low self-esteem or desperation. Think of the well-being of you and your ex. When you negatively impact the process, the negatives outweigh the positives.

Ultimately, the negatives come back to a feeling of disappointment. Your ex will be disappointed when they find out you’ve been leading them on. It’ll create hard feelings and hinder the healing process.

6. It Makes Your Ex Give into Ignorance

When you give false hope, you force your ex into a position of ignorance. Their ignorance results from your actions, omissions, and character as you make them think they can fix things with you.

7. False Hope Is Dishonest

Letting your ex think there’s the chance to get back together is dishonest unless you intend to see it through. Giving false hope is a lie because you know the outcome while your ex is unaware.

8. You Hinder Their Chance of Finding a Great Match

You’re the one who chose not to be with your ex, so let them find a great match if they can. The longer you give them false hope, the longer they pass up on opportunities to meet new people. You’re ensuring your ex isn’t available to meet their person when they come along.

9. False Hope Forces Them to Go Through Emotional Turmoil

When you give false hope, it causes unnecessary emotional turmoil. You’re forcing them through a roller coaster of emotions when they don’t even know what the end looks like. It’s unfair and insensitive to make them think something more will come of it.

10. Stops Them from Preparing for a Negative Outcome

False hope prevents your ex from preparing for a negative outcome in the situation. You cause them to think that something good will come from the situation, knowing that you don’t intend for that to happen.

Think of their well-being here, and don’t force them to be blinded sided by negativity when they find out the truth. The kind thing to do in this situation is to let your ex handle the negativity once and then let it go.


11. It Causes Obsession and Desperation

Giving false hope can cause your ex to become obsessed with you and the situation. They’ll always want to know what you’re doing and where you are. Even if you know the relationship won’t work out, this situation can overwhelm you and your well-being.

It isn’t beneficial for your ex either, so it’s best to avoid it altogether. You might be giving false hope, but your ex will know something is amiss, causing them to become obsessed with the details of your life. They’ll be so busy fantasizing about what could be that they don’t realize the truth.

12. It Causes Them to Lose Personal Control and Power

You can’t only think of yourself in this situation. Thinking about your ex and their well-being is essential, too. When you give them false hope, it causes them to lose personal control.

They relinquish their power to you, thinking you’ll end up together. If they feel desperation, they’ll do whatever you ask to try and prove to you that they’re worthy of your love. While it doesn’t directly affect you, it’s best to think of what your ex needs long-term.

13. The Post-Breakup Desperation Hurts Worse the Longer it Goes On

The longer you give your ex false hope, the worse it’ll feel when they realize the truth. They will find out that your intentions are not what they thought, and it won’t go over well. Don’t hurt your ex anymore than you have to. You might not want to be with your ex, but there’s no need to hurt them any more than necessary.

14. It Makes Them Think They Don’t Have to Work for It

Deep down, you might want to get back with your ex if they can change their ways. In that case, you don’t want to give false hope because they think they don’t have to work for it. If you split up because of specific issues, you want to address the issue immediately.

Don’t let your ex think you’ll get back together with them before they change the issues. If you give false hope, they’ll stick to their habits that you weren’t okay with. Getting back together requires that they work on the issues that caused the breakup. You want them to learn from their mistakes rather than let them assume that you’re okay with their behavior.

15. False Hope Is Manipulative

Being manipulative is never a good look. It’s detrimental to you and your ex, and it doesn’t solve anything. When you let someone believe that you’ll give them what they want, it’s manipulative.

They’ll give whatever they can to ensure they do what you desire, but it isn’t good for either of you. Manipulation is abuse, and you don’t want to be an abuser.

16. It Sets Them Up for Disappointment

False hope sets your ex up for disappointment and defeat. They go through the motions, assuming you want to get back together. Then, when they find out that it was all a lie, they experience unnecessary disappointment.

Don’t be the person who causes someone to feel this desperation. You might not want to be with your ex, but it doesn’t mean you can create a sense of false disappointment. It doesn’t benefit either of you, and it can unnecessarily hurt your ex.

17. They Compromise Their Needs for Yours Out of Desperation to Reunite

When you give your ex false hope, they stop thinking about what they need in life and their relationships. They want to give you whatever you want and need so that they can keep you around. If you know you don’t want to be with them, it’s unfair to expect them to compromise their needs for yours.

18. It Interferes with Their Self-Esteem

False hope can interfere with your ex’s self-esteem. They’ll feel bad about themselves, and the feeling will worsen the longer the situation continues. Let them loose, and their self-esteem won’t receive such a big hit.

19. They Overthink

We all know what it’s like to overthink, and it’s not an enjoyable experience. When you give your ex hope it causes them to overthink. They’ll overanalyze everything you say or do, and it’ll eat them up inside.

false hope

Final Thoughts on Reasons Never to Give an Ex False Hope

Holding onto false hope can cause many issues for your ex. While you might not want to be in a relationship with them, it doesn’t mean you want to make to live in pain and desperation. You might try to convince yourself that you’re doing your ex a favor, but that’s far from the truth. Giving them hope only prolongs the inevitable.

15 Ways to Fall Back Asleep Fast if You Always Wake Up At Night

It happens to everybody once in a while. You fall asleep without trouble. But you are awakened in the middle of the night. You feel as if you just drank caffeine. It’s the dead of night, but your body and mind feel like it’s daytime. Maybe you toss and turn for a couple of hours, hoping to fall back asleep, but feel even more awake. By now, you’re stressed because you can’t relax or sleep. What should you do?

You’re not alone

If it’s any comfort, you’re not alone regarding sleep problems.  Lots of people have trouble sleeping. It’s thought that at least 50 to 70 million Americans have sleep disorders. Plus, one in three adults in the United States does not get the recommended seven or eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. So, if you’re regularly waking up at night, here are some suggestions to help you fall back to sleep quickly.

15 Ways to Fall Back Asleep if Awakened During the Night

How to relax your brain and fall asleep faster.


1 – Read a book

Apologies to these classic authors, but these books are considered sleepers… literally and by many readers. Certain books don’t hold your interest, so they make your eyes heavy. So, if you wake up in the middle of the night, pull out one of these authors’ books. Hopefully, one of these books will become your favorite way to trick your brain into falling asleep again.

  • William Shakespeare
  • John Steinbeck
  • Herman Melville
  • James Joyce
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Thomas Hardy
  • William Faulkner
  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Joseph Conrad

2 – Tell yourself not to fall asleep

A study found that people with insomnia fall asleep faster if they tell themselves not to fall asleep. It’s called the Paradoxical Intention. As you lie in your bed with your eyes wide open, all the worries about falling asleep fade away. This habit helps you relax, and before you know it, you will wake up refreshed after a good night’s sleep.

3 – Storytime

Listening to a story helps you get sleepy. You can download an app that is specifically for people who want to fall asleep, or you can listen to an audiobook. It’s worth trying. Maybe a story will put you to sleep just like it did when you were a little kid.

4 – Eat some cheese

It’s thought that cheese is a sleep remedy. Cheese contains tryptophan, which your body needs to make serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin controls your sleep while melatonin regulates your regular sleep cycle. So, if you wake up in the middle of the night, try eating a little bit of cheese. Avoid high-fat cheese. It’ll keep you awake. Instead, choose one of these low-fat options:

  • Cottage cheese
  • Ricotta
  • Swiss cheese
  • Mozzarella
  • Muenster
  • Provolone
  • Mexican cheese blend

5 – Get out of bed

If you find you’re waking up in the middle of the night, researchers say that getting up is the best thing. Instead of staring at the ceiling for hours, get up and read a book. Avoid using your devices because the blue screens will keep you awake. After you’ve been for a bit of time, you will relax and feel sleepy. Go back to bed.

6 – Take a small amount of melatonin

Melatonin is a natural hormone that helps you sleep. It’s essential that when you take it, you accept the right amount, or it can have the opposite effect and keep you awake. The rule of thumb is to take approximately three mg to fall back to sleep.

7 – Go to bed later

A simple remedy for waking at night could be to try going to bed later. It sounds strange, but if you keep waking up in the middle of the night, it could mean your body isn’t ready for sleep. It would be best if you got in sync with your body clock. Try moving your bedtime back an hour to see if that helps you sleep all night.

8 – Ignore the clock when you must fall asleep

There is nothing worse than waking up and looking at your clock. You may calculate how long it is until you need to get up or how few hours you’ve slept. Constantly checking the clock can be stressful. Try to let go of the time. This will relax you, so you’re more apt to fall asleep.

9 – Gratitude practice

Instead of counting sheep, count your blessings. Start listing all the things you feel grateful for. It can be as simple or complex as you want. Gratitude has a beautiful way of helping you feel positive and happy. Here are some things you could list as you count your blessings:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Church Community
  • Job
  • School
  • Air
  • Rain
  • Plants
  • Lakes, oceans, and rivers
  • Clothes you wear
  • The home you live in
  • Food you eat
  • Clean water
  • Money to buy things
  • Pets
  • Neighbors
  • Car you drive
  • Bike you ride

Making this list could go on for hours, but hopefully, you’ll relax and feel tired as you marvel at all you have to be thankful for in your life.


10 – Take a walk

It’s a little unorthodox, but many people say that taking a walk if they wake up in the middle of the night helps them. Walking helps release your pent-up anxiety. As you walk, you will relax and feel sleepy. Of course, if where you live isn’t an excellent place to go walking around in the middle of the night, you may not do this. You may be able to walk around your backyard to get the same benefit.

11 – Try breathing relaxation exercises to fall back asleep

Get up and go into another room. Do some calming breathing exercises to release your tension or stress. Breathing can help your mind clear and your body relax. After these exercises, you can go back to bed if you feel tired. If not, keep doing the breathing relaxation techniques until you begin to feel sleepy.

12 – Be sure to follow your regular schedule the next day

If you wake up at night and never totally fall back to sleep, you’re guaranteed to feel tired the next day. Avoid taking a nap or drinking too much coffee to get through the day. Instead, follow your routine. This will ensure that you will sleep well that night. Keeping a routine despite waking up helps your body clock reset, so you’re apt to sleep better.

13 – Be sure to go to the bathroom

Sometimes what’s keeping you awake is that you need to empty your bladder. Before you go to bed, be sure to take care of business first. You may be surprised that this was all your body needed to get a good night’s rest.

14 – Listen to calming music

Listening to music is a beautiful way to relax and fall back to sleep. Create a playlist of calming classical tunes that you like to listen to. Avoid music with lyrics. They may wake up your brain. Let the music carry you away as you listen. Do a couple of deep breathing techniques and allow yourself to drift along with the notes.

15 – Pet your dog

Your dog might not appreciate the interruption, but petting your dog for a few minutes can help you relax. You’ll feel happier stroking your canine’s fur or giving them a little cuddle because your brain releases chemicals that improve your mood.  You don’t need to stay at it long because your pet may wake up and want to play. So, try petting your puppy for ten minutes, then head back to bed.

Why Can’t You Stay Asleep?

You probably ask yourself this question. Why do you keep waking up during the night?

If you try all these things and nothing seems to help, discussing it with your naturopath may be good. They can do tests to see if there is a medical reason you keep waking up. Certain medical conditions can interrupt your sleep cycle, including the following:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Acid reflux
  • Sleep apnea
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Stress
  • Age


Final Thoughts on Understanding Why You Can’t Stay Asleep and How to Relax Your Mind

Waking up at night is a common problem for many adults. Waking up during the night can be stressful. Tossing and turning do no good in getting back to sleep. You might eat cheese, do breathing exercises, pet your dog, or go for a walk. Sometimes the simplest things work the best, so don’t underestimate the fact that you may need to go to the bathroom. Hopefully, one of these suggestions will do the trick to help you relax and fall back to sleep quickly, so you’re feeling ready for the following day.

10 Ways to Gain Self-Confidence from Within

Not loving yourself could affect every facet of your life. You might miss out on the best jobs, and partners, or live life to the fullest. Many people with low self-confidence always end up with the short end of the stick, and these individuals end up in places they don’t want to be.

When you have low self-confidence, it’s always lingering under the surface. Sadly, the low view of yourself sabotages you in ways you never thought possible. You’ll have superior results when your confidence levels are where they need to be.

Believing in yourself and your abilities is a driving force that allows you to take risks, and healthy self-esteem will allow you to reach goals and have meaningful relationships. Is your self-confidence holding you back from having the life you desire?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

If your self-confidence is lackluster, how can you fix it? How do you increase your views of yourself without becoming arrogant or haughty?

By changing a few things and implementing some new methods, you can see a dramatic overall change. Remember, what’s on the inside will always reflect on the outside. Here are some tips to help you.


1. Exercise Regularly to Build Self-Confidence.

In any self-help article, you will find sections about exercise. Authors highly recommend physical activity because it is vital to health and well-being. A study cited in the National Library of Medicine found a direct link between obesity and low self-esteem.

Being overweight is a challenge, but when you’re exercising daily, it can help you reverse weight issues. Additionally, working out helps keep your joints and muscles from stiffening as you age, and exercise can help you stay heart-healthy and feel great.

Moving and maintaining a proper weight will make you feel good inside and look great outside.

2. Be Thankful for Who You Are and What You Have.

You may not have a lot in this life, but when you have an attitude of gratitude, the Universe will bless you. Why do people focus so much on their collection of material possessions and money rather than other gifts?

Do you have a family that loves you? Many people don’t have anyone to walk this journey in life with them, so you’re blessed. Do you have a job? According to Statista, about 3.6 percent of the American population is unemployed.

The Census showed there were 331.45 million people who live in the USA. Considering 3.6 percent means that 1,191,762 people don’t have a job to care for their families. You’re blessed if you have a job. It may not be your desired job, but you have employment to meet your needs.

3. Start Loving Yourself With Daily Affirmations.

Using positive self-talk is one of the best ways of loving yourself. When you get out of bed each morning, you should cite positive affirmations to get you going. Look in the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are and that you love your eyes, hair, and smile.

Your self-confidence will improve as you start speaking positively about yourself each day. It’s hard to be downtrodden when using positive self-talk to fill your love tank.

4. Choose Your Inner Circle Wisely.

If you want to build good self-confidence, you need a robust support system. There will be days when you feel down and out because the world is so cruel. However, when you have people who stand beside you, they can lift you when you need it most.

When self-doubts come to try to tear your esteem down, your friends will help you get back to a place of loving yourself. If you have negative friends who tend to bring you down, it’s time to get new friends.

Surround yourself with people who will empower you for your journey, and you’ll see a drastic difference in your self-confidence.

5. Make a Statement With Your Appearance.

It’s often said that you feel good when you look good. Sometimes the little things can have the most significant impact on you. Taking time to shower, clip your nails, shave, dress stylishly, and make yourself presentable can-do wonders for your self-esteem.

Have you ever got a new outfit and had a little pep in your step because you felt amazing? When you learn to care for your body, you will feel like you’re wearing new clothes daily. Loving yourself boosts your esteem and makes you feel better in everything you do.


6. Develop a Self-Care Routine.

Loving yourself is about more than positive self-talk. It would help if you were pampered on occasion. When was the last time you bought yourself a new outfit?

Sure, you’ve got a family, bills, and other obligations that make you put off buying yourself anything. However, it would help if you learned to care for your needs too. You must get the stylish haircut you want, get a manicure/pedicure, and take a bubble bath with music.

You will boost your self-confidence when you learn to take care of yourself. Though many people love and support you, no one will take care of you as you can. Make sure you have at least a few hours each week for self-care.

7. Focus On Your Talents.

What are the things that you’re good at? Can you style hair like a pro, or maybe you’re a whiz at math? There’s not a person alive who doesn’t have unique gifts and callings.

So many people focus on the faults and failures that they have instead of focusing on the great things. Positive self-talk will get you everywhere in life. You should focus on the good stuff and work on the bad.

When you start talking to yourself like you talk to your partner or children, you will see a drastic difference in your esteem and confidence levels.

8. Change The Way You Think Towards More Self-Confidence.

Do you tend to see things that happen to you through a negative lens, or do you try to stay positive? There is power in positivity; you can’t deny how much better it makes you feel about yourself.

Don’t say how bad you feel when you wake up in the morning and feel horrible. Instead, say things like, “I feel great.” “I feel amazing.” “I am going to conquer the day.”

Stopping negative self-talk is imperative for your journey to enhance your self-confidence. Constantly seeing the proverbial glass as half empty will dramatically affect you. Start looking at the glass as half full even if you don’t believe it. Soon, you can change how you look at things by changing your mindset.

9. Buy the Right Clothes for Your Body.

Everyone has a particular shape, and certain clothes look better on you than others. Have you ever seen someone who could wear a burlap bag and make it look amazing?

On the flip side, you can wear uncomfortable clothes that are too tight or not flattering for your figure. Have you ever had an outfit that looked good on the hanger but was uncomfortable?

If you want to boost your esteem and have a go-getter attitude, you must learn how to dress to complement your shape.

10. Don’t Compare Yourself to Other People.

Everyone has times when they’re jealous of other folks. It’s easy to scroll social media and find people who seem to have a better life than you. Remember one thing; you never know what goes on behind closed doors.

Even the most put-together individuals have skeletons in their closets. People look at Oprah Winfrey and see all her successes. However, many folks don’t know about the struggles to get out of poverty and the trauma she experienced to get where she is today.

The grass always looks greener on the other side, but you must realize that your perception is skewed. It would help if you learned to be content with what you have in this life, as it will affect your self-confidence. Stop watching everyone else’s life and comparing yours and start living to the fullest.

loving yourself

Final Thoughts on Gaining Self-Confidence

It’s only normal to struggle with self-confidence and esteem on occasion. However, there are many things you can do to help you feel more confident and love yourself more. Have you ever heard the saying, “fake it till you make it?”

Sometimes you just need to start acting more confident, and you will see that soon it will become second nature to you. Many people struggle with their confidence levels because of anxiety and depression.

Thankfully, there are things you can do to combat these mental health problems and get your esteem back where it needs to be. What can you do today to start loving yourself more?

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