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10 Ways Drinking Alcohol Harms Your Mental Health

Drinking alcohol is a coping skill many use to help ease their emotional pain. Though it has a depressive effect and sedates the body, it can cause an alteration in the chemical messengers in the brain. These messengers affect many things, including your behavior and thoughts. For some, even social drinking can harm mental health and emotional well-being.

Social drinking has been widely accepted as usual, and for most people, having the occasional drink typically doesn’t cause any harm. However, when a person drinks all the time, the effects can be catastrophic to the mind and body. One drink starts to impact the area of your brain that controls your inhibition, so you immediately begin to feel relaxed and even more confident.

Sadly, these great feelings are short-lived, and the changes that occur cause other, more sinister feelings to erupt. Have you ever seen someone get angry when they drink? It’s because the brain chemicals are out of whack, and the effect of alcohol is causing them to do and say strange things.

Alcohol affects people differently based on how their body responds, other supplements they take, and the amount they drink. Another negative consequence of too much drink is it slows your response times. It’s effortless to make foolish mistakes while under the influence and not comprehend the results of your actions.

Ten Ways Drinking Alcohol Affects Your Mental Health

The long-term effects of drinking alcohol are undeniable. It can reduce the number of chemicals in your brain, and this can cause serious mental health issues. You may drink more to combat the problems, but it’s only compounding.

Your mental health and alcohol are closely linked. A study by the Australian Government of Health and Welfare found that one in five people who regularly consume alcohol will have mental health issues. Here are some of the mental disturbances that drinking alcohol can do to you.

drinking alcohol

1. Drinking Alcohol Kicks Anxiety into Overdrive

Many folks who drink to self-medicate already have an anxiety issue. However, alcohol will only sedate those horrible feelings for a short while. You can’t depend on it to solve a common mental health disorder that can be effectively treated in other ways.

While social drinking one small glass might take the edge off at first, soon, you will need two drinks, then three, and even four to have the same effect. This is how dependence is born.

When you binge drink, having a hangover can make your anxiety accelerate. There are better ways to relax, like meditation, exercising, walking in nature, or doing yoga. It’s estimated that about 18 percent of adults in this country have some anxiety disorder, according to a study by the CDC. The American Psychological Association recognizes the following types of anxiety disorders:

  • GAD
  • Panic disorder
  • OCD
  • PTSD
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Agoraphobia

It’s not uncommon to have one or more of these anxiety disorders together. Some people will have GAD along with PTSD and panic disorder all rolled into one.

2. Drinking Alcohol Contributes to Depression

Drinking alcohol can have a depressive effect on the body, so folks already prone to depression can be severely affected. One way to tell if that social drinking is causing you to be more depressed is to stop doing it and see if your symptoms improve.

Consuming alcohol has a direct effect on the nerve chemicals in the brain, which are responsible for maintaining your moods. If you’ve drunk too much and felt horrible the next day, you may also notice you feel depressed.

Since some of the signs of depression do mimic a hangover, it can be challenging to distinguish. Thankfully, the uncomfortable depressive symptoms usually go away when you stop drinking.

3. Causes Psychosis

Drinking alcohol constantly makes you more prone to psychosis when under the influence. Psychosis is where you lose all bearings and the sense of reality. You may see and hear things that aren’t there, as hallucinations and delusions are commonplace.

Another major issue with psychosis comes when you suddenly stop drinking after your body has become accustomed to its effects. It throws your brain into a tailspin as it no longer has the substance it used to function.

4. Increases Self-Harming Behaviors

You already know that alcohol interrupts receptors and brain chemicals, so it stands to reason that it can make you act impulsively.

Maybe the drink isn’t numbing the pain like you thought it would, so you turn to cut and other self-harming behaviors. It’s not uncommon for people under the influence to engage in self-harm activities, as their rationale and sense of pain are numb when under the influence.

5. Causes Higher Rates of Suicide

A shocking study by the World Health Organization shows that over 700,000 people commit suicide in this country each year. It’s considered the 11th leading cause of death in this country. Self-harming behaviors and drinking alcohol also correlate with suicidal ideations.

Drinking alcohol causes you to be impulsive, take risks you usually wouldn’t take, and not think properly. These issues are a recipe for disaster, and suicide ideation signals that you need immediate help.

social drinking

6. Mood Disturbances

Inside your brain is communication pathways. This is where the brain sends commands to the other parts of your body. When you want to move your leg, your brain signals your leg to move. It happens so quickly that you don’t know what is happening inside.

When you put alcohol into your system, it alters these pathways and communication methods. Imagine getting water on the hard drive of your computer system. What would happen? It would short-circuit, fry, and not work as well or at all.

You might notice that you can’t think, have a more challenging time with your moods, and your coordination can be off. If you get angry while drinking alcohol, your pathways are more susceptible to the effects, which alter your moods.

7. Alcohol-Related Brain Injuries

What started as social drinking can turn into a habit. Long-term use of alcohol can have severe effects on the brain. The alterations that were once temporary while you drank have now become permanent due to the amount of alcohol consumed.

Your brain can become injured or altered because of this substance. You may notice that you have problems understanding what people are saying, can’t remember things, and lack reasoning skills. Alcohol-related brain injuries are called “wet brain,” it’s just as traumatic as having a brain injury in a car accident.

8. Memory Loss Can Come from Alcohol, Even Social Drinking

If drinking alcohol becomes commonplace, it can cause you to experience amnesia or loss of memory. If you drink until you blackout, you can be unaware of what you’ve done, where you’ve been, or all the in-betweens. It only takes a few drinks for your short-term memory to be impacted.

Sadly, long-term memory loss is possible. Ethanol is the substance found in alcohol, and it profoundly affects the hippocampus area of the brain. If you drink until you pass out, your brain is flooded with ethanol and damaging cells. If the drinking doesn’t stop, a temporary loss can become permanent.

9. Partial or Complete Black Outs

When you’re under the influence of alcohol, you can blackout. There are two different ways this occurs inside the body. A partial blackout happens when you’ve been social drinking and only had a few.

You may forget the names of the people you’re with and have recall issues. The complete blackout comes when you do not recall anything while under the influence. Your cognition is impaired, but so is your judgment.

Have you ever had someone tell you things you did or how you acted when drinking alcohol and had no recollection of them? When your blood alcohol levels rise too quickly, it causes you to blackout, which leaves you vulnerable.

10. Sleep Disturbances

Having a drink to put yourself to sleep is commonplace. However, inducing yourself with alcohol will only help in the short term. The things you took to help you sleep can soon start causing you to get little to no sleep. You may toss and turn and be unable to get any quality rest. Therefore, you need more to produce the same effects as you become immune.

drinking alcohol

Final Thoughts on Drinking Alcohol and Your Mental Health

The correlation between social drinking and mental health problems is undeniable. The more you drink, the more damage that occurs in your brain. The more dependent you are on alcohol to self-medicate, the more apt you are to cause significant mental disturbances.

Being a heavy drinker increases your risk of developing depression and anxiety. Another shocking statistic from this study shows that those who have anxiety and depressive disorders and start drinking are more likely to form a dependence.

Some people cannot tolerate an occasional social drink, as drinking alcohol takes hold of them and rules their life. Your genetics, personality, and mental health dictate whether having even one drink is safe.

Kind Nurse Designs Adult Bibs That Look Like Shirts, Restoring Dignity

Paige Meyer, a young nurse from Australia, designed dignity bibs for her patients to help them feel more comfortable. During her career, one of her tasks involved feeding patients who could no longer do so alone.

Paige put adult bibs on them to keep their clothes clean but never liked traditional bibs much. Since they’re associated with babies, she felt they might humiliate her elderly patients. They never disliked the bibs, but Paige’s intuition told her they deserved better.

Plus, she had firsthand experience with the degrading nature of adult bibs when her grandma’s dementia worsened. Her caretakers supplied her with a bib during mealtimes, which wasn’t easy for family members to witness. After all, no one wants to watch their loved ones suffer.

So, based on her experiences with adults in her care, Paige wanted to create dignity bibs instead. They resemble everyday button-up clothing so patients won’t feel embarrassed at a meal. This aesthetically pleasing clothing provides protection functions like regular vinyl bibs, making meals more enjoyable for patients.

“Dignity bibs are designed to protect clothing from mealtime mishaps while providing dignity by not looking like a bib,” she told The Courier.

“Our dignity bibs are designed and made by a nurse to help ease of use by both consumer and nurse. As a nurse, my aim is to promote dignity to all of my patients and believe this is just one way I can help.”

During the pandemic lockdowns, Paige had much extra time on her hands. When she wasn’t working, she began sewing the dignity bibs after rekindling her passion for the hobby. She discovered a unique pattern for the shirt covering and transformed it into an original design.

Then, she challenged herself to sew fifty per month during 2021. She planned on donating them to the area’s special schools and nursing homes.

Kind Nurse Sews Adult Bibs That Look Like Shirts For Her Patients


In her interview with The Courier, she explained a bit more about her inspiration for taking on this incredible project.

“I’ve just finished my nursing degree, and through nursing and learning to nurse and working as a nurse, it’s all about promoting dignity wherever you can … but the big gap I always found and had trouble with was putting bibs on adults and them losing their sense of dignity as soon as you put a bib on them,” she said.

Thankfully, her new design seems to be a hit with both patients and families alike.

“They use the front panel of a button-up shirt and once placed on top of the clothing, they just look like clothing. It’s less confronting for family as well because it looks like normal clothes.”

You can find a variety of designs for these trendy products online. One of the most well-known patterns comes from an Etsy store called Fabric Greetings. Their downloadable digital patterns cost $7.25 each and have received over 245 rave reviews.

The shop owner described the inspiration behind the design on the item’s main page.

“This bib was designed for a friend who had that same problem. He now shows up to dinner with one of his dignity bibs in hand. One of the nice things about these bibs is that each bib comes with a pocket – sometimes two. Great place to store your hankie or medicine container,” the description states.

How To Make Your Own Dignity Bibs

The owner added that they designed the bib using upcycled men’s shirts. However, you can use other shirt sizes to make them for children or young adults. For example, the bibs can also work for children with special needs. Patients with severe dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurodegenerative disorders can also benefit from the bibs.

The description continued: “If you have a basic knowledge of sewing and a sewing machine that does straight and zig-zag stitching, this bib can be made with no problems. If you have a serger, the process is even easier. When your bib is finished, it will cover the lap of the wearer when he is seated. So it is much longer than most adult bibs. I have made these bibs from denim shirts, regular oxford cloth, and flannel shirts. Whatever you have on hand works.”

The innovation even comes with a piece of velcro to connect the straps behind the wearer’s neck. Throw it in the washing machine with other clothes to clean it after mealtimes.

If you don’t have a sewing machine, no need to worry. You can still buy stylish adult coverings through many retailers online.

Ms. Meyer had already sewed fifteen of these coverings at the start of January 2021. Her mom and younger sister also helped her since they knew the positive impact it would have on patients.

“Watching nan … was a particularly big eye opener for the fact that as a family member it was hard to see. As a nurse, it’s hard not being able to do anything, but as a family member, it’s hard seeing it,” Paige said.

Paige set up a Go Fund Me page to help raise money for the sewing and transport of the bibs. While it’s no longer active, she was able to raise over $1,200 to support her goal.


Generous Nurse Restores Dignity to Patients With Stylish Bibs

Mealtimes shouldn’t be a humiliating or stressful experience for patients who need help with feeding. However, Australian nurse Paige Meyer found that the adult bibs used in most care homes looked childlike. She also watched her grandma with dementia suffer through mealtimes and felt elderly patients deserved more respect.

Wanting to give her patients a more dignified experience, she decided to sew new bibs for them. Instead of having an unsightly vinyl appearance, these resemble button-up denim shirts.

This helps patients look forward to mealtimes and keeps their dignity intact. If a relative needs help feeding, consider buying them a fashionable bib. It’s a small gesture that shows them you care, and they will certainly appreciate it!

Iowa Teacher Built Thousands of Desks for Students During Virtual Learning 

When many students began virtual learning during the pandemic, one Iowa teacher made a shocking observation. Many students had nowhere to do their work, often logging into class in bed or at their kitchen table.

Nate Evans, a seventh-grade literacy teacher from Ankeny, Iowa, knew they needed a dedicated workspace for remote learning.

In an interview with CBN News, Evans said school boards gave public school teachers explicit instructions. Teachers stressed to students the importance of creating a learning space at home. However, Evans thought this wasn’t fair to students who lacked the resources or space to thrive during virtual learning.

So, in 2020 alone, Evans and over 50 volunteers built around 600 desks for students to use at home. The teacher from Des Moines Christian School in Urbandale wanted students to have a sense of normalcy.

He knew students would get distracted if they completed assignments on the floor or at the kitchen table. Virtual learning came as a shock to most school children. But, at least having a desk would help foster a school environment.

He told Good Morning America, ”Somebody had to provide it, and I thought, ‘Why not me?'”

Motivated by his desire to help children, Evans started a Woodworking With a Purpose project. The nonprofit aims to “serve God and others by building community one piece of furniture at a time.” He started the project by building thirteen desks in the first week from his garage. Over the next few weeks, he created two hundred more for school-aged children.

He told CBN News that God continued to provide everything they needed to help the children. When he first decided to build the desks, he brought $300 to the store for supplies. He spent nearly all of it but checked his Venmo account to find $300 more in donations. Evans took that as a sign that he should help the families with remote learning.

Iowa Teacher Built Over 2,000 Desks to Help Students With Virtual Learning

virtual learning

Donations kept pouring into his accounts after he posted about his project on Facebook. The community donated a table saw, sanders, and a $500 gift card to Home Depot! Local businesses, lumberyards, and residents supplied tools to contribute to the mission.

As of June 18, 2022, Evans and his team of over 50 volunteers have constructed 2,149 desks. They initially hoped to build 2,020 (representing the year) and surpassed their goal by over 100 desks! Evans even launched a community build day at Ankeny Christian Church, where volunteers constructed 100 desks.

Each desk costs around $20-25 to build, and the team works on them in Evans’ garage or a storage unit. Evans told GMA they aimed to raise another $30,000 for additional materials. After they construct the desks, local educators pick them up and deliver them to needy students.

“I became a teacher to help kids. That was it. It wasn’t for the summer breaks,” he told Good Morning America. “I volunteer wherever I can. I want to see them learn and grow. Learn and grow in my classroom… I want to see them learn and grow at home too.”

In 2021, Woodworking With a Purpose expanded the movement by making thirteen hope chests for local foster children. In addition, the nonprofit bought and delivered a hundred bookshelves and over four hundred books to families in the Des Moines area. Evans revealed that he eventually hopes to help families in other states.

Evans added that many families don’t have the resources to provide bookshelves and desks for their children. The parents and children who received generous gifts during virtual learning have responded with nothing but gratitude. The school teacher said their reactions alone had been the greatest reward throughout the process.

“So many people say the desks have changed their lives,” he shared.

Even though virtual learning has ended, students still need desks to do homework and study. If you’d like to help with the cause, visit the Woodworking With a Purpose Facebook page.

Other Ways Teachers Helped During Virtual Learning

Many students had a difficult time adapting to virtual learning. Suddenly, they could no longer interact with friends or teachers in person. They had to learn via online classes and had no separation between school and home life.

Their parents had to adjust by finding babysitters while working or quitting a job to stay home with their children. The whole experience disrupted everyone’s daily routine in profound ways.

However, teachers around the globe did their best to help students adjust to the “new normal.” Shannon Anderson, a 3rd-grade teacher in Indiana, wanted to make the end-of-year project just as entertaining despite virtual learning.

Typically, students would write a book they would send to a publisher. They also created illustrations of the main characters. It helped students learn about the writing process while perfecting their skills.

When she found the company Budsies, it completely transformed the project. They create custom stuffed animals that bring book characters to life! However, the pandemic made it challenging to complete the tasks, as they couldn’t show off their Budsies via virtual learning.

So, Anderson decided to deliver the stuffed animals to each child’s home during the pandemic. This surprise made the end-of-year project fun and gave the students something to look forward to. It’s not every day you meet a teacher as dedicated as Ms. Anderson!


Final Thoughts on Teachers Who Helped Students During Remote Learning

When virtual learning started, students had to adjust to new routines rapidly. Some didn’t have access to desks or a dedicated remote learning space at home, making schoolwork difficult. When seventh-grade teacher Nate Evans realized the need for desks, he got to work building them. With a team of over fifty volunteers, they have constructed over 2,000 desks for students so far!

In addition, third grade teacher Shannon Anderson helped students by improvising on their end-of-year project. They always have a book reveal party where they get to present their books and stuffed animals. So, to make the most of virtual learning, Ms. Anderson delivered their Budsies in person. That way, they could still enjoy the project despite being physically apart.

How to Make a Ginger Turmeric Cleanse to Reduce Inflammation

A ginger turmeric tonic or cleanse can offer significant health benefits. Ginger and turmeric both have potent antioxidants that reduce free radicals. They also lower inflammation and ease stomach pain or digestive issues. In addition, people have used ginger and turmeric for centuries in herbal medicines to ward off respiratory illnesses.

As you can see, both of these roots can improve your health and stave off diseases. When combined, they make a potent natural remedy indeed. Below, we will expand upon the advantages of this cleanse and tell you how to make it at home.

Powerful Ginger Turmeric Cleanse For Reducing Inflammation

Key Ingredients

  • Two cups of water
  • 2 teaspoons organic ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon organic ground ginger (or grated, if you have the patience)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 pinch of cayenne or black pepper (this helps with the absorption of ginger and turmeric)
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey (optional)


  1. Bring the water to a boil and add the turmeric, pepper, ginger, and cinnamon. Reduce to a simmer and let cool for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Strain the syrup over a small heat-resistant bowl.
  3. Then, in another bowl, mix the lemon juice and optional honey. Once fully blended, add to the ginger turmeric mixture. If desired, you can add more water to increase servings.
  4. Let the liquid sit until it cools to room temperature.
  5. You can serve it cold over ice or as a hot tea if you prefer. For a bonus, slice lemon for added zest and flavor!
  6. Store leftovers in a tightly sealed container for up to two weeks.

ginger turmeric

Other Delicious Ginger Turmeric Drink Recipes

Here are some other delicious ginger turmeric beverages you might enjoy.

Turmeric (Golden) Milk

This tea gets its name from the rich yellow hue produced by turmeric. It’s a popular drink in India as turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for millennia.


  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric powder (if using fresh turmeric, add more)
  • A pinch of ground black pepper
  • 2 cups coconut milk or oat milk
  • 1 teaspoon ghee or butter
  • A teaspoon of honey for sweetness


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl. Then pour into a saucepan.
  2. Bring the mixture to medium heat and let the tea simmer for 10 minutes. Don’t boil it since this will reduce the potency and effectiveness of the tea.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Serve while still hot.

Ginger Turmeric Milk Tea

This recipe is similar to the one above, except you won’t use ghee or black pepper this time.


  • 1 cup of coconut or almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil (for richness)
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • ¼ inch ginger root, grated (or ground ginger)
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of honey (add to taste)


  1. Blend all the ingredients in a small bowl.
  2. Pour into a saucepan and heat for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Let the mixture simmer but don’t allow it to boil. Heating destroys some of the antioxidants present in turmeric.
  4. Allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes. Serve with sliced lemon if desired.

How Ginger Turmeric Tea Fights Inflammation

Not all inflammation leads to disease in the body. In fact, we need healthy amounts of inflammation as part of our natural defense system. Inflammation occurs when your immune system sends white blood cells to fight an infection or heal injuries. In general, acute inflammation doesn’t cause long-term damage and protects the body from disease.

However, chronic inflammation   triggered by stress, environmental toxins, or an autoimmune disorder can have a disastrous impact on the body. Studies show that when inflammation lingers, it can lead to conditions like cancer, strokes, heart disease, and diabetes. It may also result in arthritis, asthma, obesity, dementia, and other severe imbalances in the body.

Luckily, studies also reveal that ginger contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. The research discovered that compounds in ginger like gingerols, shogaol, and paradols might even ward off cancer. In addition, the findings revealed that ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties improve cardiovascular disorders, diabetes mellitus, and gastrointestinal health.

Research shows that turmeric offers similar benefits for mental and physical health. Turmeric contains a potent polyphenol called curcumin, which gives the spice its rich yellow color. It helps relieve oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, and anxiety.

Some people find that curcumin or turmeric offers pain relief after a workout. For highly active people, this may help increase performance and stamina.

A Study Proves It

However, those without known health conditions can still benefit from turmeric. A 4-week study measured the effects of turmeric on 60 healthy adults aged 60-85. Researchers found improved mood and lower stress in participants after taking 400mg daily during the study period. The researchers also discovered that participants had improved memory and attention after supplementing with turmeric.

So, everyone can benefit from drinking ginger turmeric tea and other beverages. However, it’s important to remember that ingesting turmeric alone may not have the same results. The body doesn’t normally absorb it well due to its poor bioavailability. As suggested in the recipes above, taking it with black pepper significantly increases absorption. In fact, some research suggests that it could enhance bioavailability by 2000%!

Hopefully, you will reap the benefits from this ginger turmeric cleanse and enjoy its healing properties.


Final Thoughts on Ginger Turmeric Cleanse For Improved Health

Cultures worldwide have made ginger turmeric drinks for many years to enhance health. Both roots contain potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that ward off chronic diseases. In fact, research shows that, when taken together, ginger and turmeric could even heal cancer.

They can also reduce pain, lower blood pressure, and alleviate stress in the body and mind. While ginger turmeric tea isn’t a miracle drink, it can provide healing when combined with a healthy lifestyle. Along with taking ginger turmeric supplements or beverages, getting plenty of rest and eating a balanced diet can restore health. Also, make sure to move your body regularly, practice mindfulness, and laugh often!

20 Signs Reveal That Your Partner Is Your Forever Person

You’re smitten with someone and believe they may be “the one” you will love forever. However, the classic question remains how do you know for sure? Is this the person your one true love or soulmate?

Twenty Signs You’ve Found Your Forever Person

Contrary to popular belief, making a relationship work takes more than love. You need honesty, compassion, loyalty, and hard work. If you listen to your heart, you’ll notice these twenty signs that reveal you’re with your forever person.

1. You Have a Simultaneous Love Connection

Maybe in past relationships, you were the one who fell in love first, or vice-versa. What if you and your current mate fell for each other simultaneously? It’s a good chance that this loving relationship was in the stars and you’ve found your forever person.


2. You are Best Friends With Your Forever Person

Using “friends” in a romantic relationship is poisonous for most people. However, you’ve discovered that your partner truly is your best friend. Shouldn’t friendship be as much part of a loving relationship as a physical one?

Research published by the National Library of Medicine suggests that friend-first initiation may be more prevalent than romance between strangers. Of course, it may have been love at first sight for you. Either way, a loving relationship usually develops into one of the deepest friendships imaginable.

3. You Don’t Have to Say a Word

Love is just as much a language of the heart as a verbal one. Consider how often you look into your partner’s eyes and know their thoughts. They also amaze you when they understand your feelings and needs without you saying a word.

Sure, such subliminal communication isn’t a substitute for verbally expressing your love, needs, and concerns. It’s just a beautiful touch of spiritual grace in a loving relationship. These are the times you know you’re committed to each other body, mind, and spirit.

4. You Can Be Genuine Around Your Soulmate

An article published by the Review of General Psychology states that authenticity facilitates your psychological well-being. Most couples agree that genuineness is essential for a lasting and loving relationship.

When you’ve found your soulmate, you’ll discover that you can be yourself with them; they feel the same when they’re with you. There’s no need for facades or hiding your real emotions. Your loving acceptance of each other encourages authenticity and honesty.

5. You Gravitate Toward a Forever Person

The law of attraction also works with finding your soulmate. Since like attracts like, you naturally gravitate to someone like you. They share some of the same interests and want similar things in life.

6. Your Spiritual Vibrations Get Higher

Did you know that everything in the Universe is tuned to a specific frequency? The more spiritually minded you become, the higher your frequency. You’ll notice more positive and higher vibrations when you’re in the right loving relationship.

7. The Spiritual Paths Soulmates are On Target

Your life’s path is just as unique as your fingerprint. However, when you find your soulmate, the merging of your paths shows similarities. You share some of the same dreams, aspirations, and the desire to share your journey.

8. You Feel Like You’ve Known Your Forever Person Your Entire Life

Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt you’d known them for a lifetime? Some may say that it’s dé·jà vu or connecting with a lover from a past life. You know you’re with the right person when your spirits resonate with attraction and familiarity.

9. You Meet Them at the Perfect Moment

One of the most beautiful gifts of the divine is meeting your lover when you need them most. Maybe you were experiencing a devastating loss or crisis of faith. You’ll probably discover later that they needed you just as much as you needed them.

10. Your Inner Voice Confirms: They Are Your True Soulmate

Do you take time to listen to that small, still voice that speaks to your heart? Your higher self knows you better than you do yourself. When you’re in a loving relationship, it will confirm that you’re both on the right path.


11. You Respect Each Other’s Opinions

Wherever there are two people, there will always be a difference of opinion. If a couple doesn’t respect each other’s thoughts and ideas, the relationship won’t last. You feel secure when you and your significant other can disagree but still respect and love each other.

12. Forever Partners Bring out the Best in Each Other

Does your mate encourage and make you feel like you can conquer anything? This supportive love is a significant component of a forever relationship. You do the same for them, striving to be the best version of yourself.

13. You Love Them Even at Their Worst

Nobody is perfect, and even the most charming soulmate can have bad days. How does your partner react to your mistakes, shortcomings, and emotional meltdowns? If you can see each other at your worst and still be in love, you can be sure it’s real.

14. You Listen to Each Other

Too many couples go through the motions and “hear” each other. Their partner’s conversation goes in one ear and out of the other. Then, they wonder why their relationship falters due to poor communication and misunderstandings.

In a healthy, loving relationship, you actively listen to each other. You don’t interrupt and think about their statements before you reply. You mirror the other’s emotions and maintain receptive body language.

15. You’ve Finally Released the Past

Let’s face it; everybody has a few skeletons in their closet that rattle from time to time. However, you can’t fully bond with your soulmate if one or both of you are shackled with past baggage. You know you’re with the right person when you can finally leave the past and walk with them into the present and future.

16. You’re More Compassionate with Yourself

How many people would be in your circle if you treated them like you treat yourself? You’d probably be losing relationships left and right. Thankfully, you learn to give yourself a break when you’re with your forever person.

You become less judgmental, and you are more accepting of yourself. When you make mistakes, you apologize, make amends, and try to improve. You follow your lover’s example by being compassionate towards yourself.

17. Forever Partners Pick Each Other up When You Fall

Anybody can be madly in love when everything is going their way. The sun is shining, and the world’s a perfect place. It’s another story when the storm clouds roll in, and problems and mistakes darken your outlook.

You know you have a forever partner when they reach down further than you can reach up to them. They pick you up, dust you off, and encourage you to keep trying. You find that commitment and compassion sustain your relationship as you do the same for them.

18. You Can Still be an Individual

It’s a lovely metaphor to consider that you and your soulmate are one. It exemplifies how you work and love in tandem, like one flesh. The spiritual gist is inspiring, but it can’t be a literal interpretation.

Even though you feel eternally connected, a couple comprises two individuals. In human relationships, opposite attraction is just as important as similarities. You both need your interests and hobbies to maintain who you are.

In a healthy relationship, neither partner has a problem with allowing each other their right to individuality. The good news is that you’ll have more exciting things to discuss. You’re a complete person by yourself, but having someone special in your life puts a spring in your step and boosts your joy.

19. A Forever Person Knows How to Make You Laugh

Humor is a soothing balm for your heart and soul. Having a chronically grumpy and pessimistic partner is unpleasant, especially when considering forever. Spending time with your true soulmate will make you smile and laugh more.

You know how to tease each other good-naturedly, and they know how to make you smile. It’s those little inside jokes or their amusing observations that make you giggle and want more. They are a source of joy and light that strengthens your spirit.

20. You Can’t Imagine Being Without a Soulmate

In previous relationships, you stayed though you had many doubts. However, with this person, you can’t imagine spending one day without them by your side. Your connection with this person is much deeper than other people from your past.


Final Thoughts on Finding Your Forever Partner

Most people dream of finding their eternal soulmate to fulfill their lives. You may have a few broken relationships before you find that person. However, when you find them, the Universe will send you signs so you’ll know for sure.

18 Things to Say to Be a More Supportive Friend

Genuine friendship is a treasure that far exceeds any wealth the world may hold. It takes work and dedication, like a garden, to cultivate a relationship and make it last. You’re supportive and try to reassure each other, especially during difficult situations.

Eighteen Things to Say to Be More Supportive and Have a Stronger Friendship

As in any relationship, your friends are with you to weather the best and worst of times. How can you boost your buddy’s spirits when they are down or in a dark place? Here are 18 things you could say to reassure them of how much you care.

1. “I Believe in You.”

One of the most supportive statements you can offer a friend is to tell them how much you believe in them. You reassure them when they are at their lowest point and doubt their strengths and abilities. Love and acceptance are basic human needs, and you can offer these to your friend.


2. “I Can’t Stop the Storm, but I Can be Your Umbrella.”

When family or friends experience loss or other adversity, well-meaning people often say the wrong things. You can’t promise them they needn’t worry because everything will be fine. However, you can be supportive and reassure them that you’ll be at their side.

3. “I Love and Accept You Just as You Are.”

Best pals see each other for who they are and love them anyway. By loving and accepting them, you build their self-worth. They don’t have to look or be like anyone else for them to hold a special place in your heart.

4. “Your Past Mistakes Don’t Define You.”

Is it difficult for you to see your friend chronically kicking themselves for past mistakes? Often, it’s easier for folks to forgive others than to forgive themselves. Be supportive and encourage your friend to show themselves more forgiveness and compassion.

5. “You’re More Than Enough.”

The next time your friend feels down and less than, be the sunlight that brightens their day. Tell them that they’re more than enough and more incredible than what they can ever imagine. Please pay them a sincere compliment and boost their mood.

6. “It’s Okay Not to Be Okay Sometimes.”

Of course, you want to be supportive of your best buddy with words of encouragement. You may be quick to say, “be strong” or “you’re going to be okay.” But everyone has a right to grieve, feel vulnerable, and unsure.

They shouldn’t feel guilty if they need some time to fall to pieces and not be okay. Encourage them with your love and support, and your presence is a gift when you’re there for them.

7. “I’ve Always Admired Your Strength.”

Have there been times in your relationship that your best friend has been your anchor? Tell them how much that means and their strength inspires you. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to lift their spirits too.

8. “Please Let Me Help You.”

Many people feel that it’s a sign of weakness to ask others for help. It shows great strength and courage to swallow your pride and let someone lend a hand. Your best friend may be struggling with a problematic situation, and they feel embarrassed to ask you to intervene.

You can be sensitive to their feelings while still offering your assistance. They may feel relieved that someone cared enough to ask. You can also provide something more specific like taking them somewhere special, or you can help by babysitting their kids for a day.

9. “I’m Not Your Judge or Jury.”

It’s only human to reach out to a hurting friend and try to fix things. If you get into this mindset, you may become their adviser rather than their supportive friend. Even when they’re asking you what to do, they want you to confirm the decision they’ve already made.

Avoid judgmental statements and tell them what you would do if you were them. If their thinking is awry, let them come to that conclusion themselves. It’s refreshing and reassuring when you lend an empathetic ear without condemnation.

10. “Those Toxic People Don’t Deserve Your Time.”

Sometimes, your best friend may be in a toxic relationship, or they may have just experienced a breakup. They’re shattered, and they may feel that the broken relationship was somehow their fault. You must reassure them of your friendship and make sure you let them know that you’re on their side.

You can tell your friend they deserve better without indulging in name-calling and insulting the other parties. If a person doesn’t want to treat them with love and respect, they miss out. Let them know how much you value and appreciate your friendship.



11. “Take all the Time You Need.”

Patience is not a virtue that naturally comes to humans. The only way to learn how to be patient is to go through adversity. When you use your painful experiences and tools, you are more patient with yourself and others.

Time and patience are also beautiful gifts in a friendly relationship. Allow them time to make crucial decisions or to heal. They will appreciate your kindness and lack of pushiness.

12. “Being Your Friend Makes Me a Better Person.”

The beauty of companionship is that you bring out the best in each other. How has your pal been an inspiration and positive influence for you? Tell them what a blessing they are to you, and make sure you let them know that they make you a better person.

13. “I’m Sorry; please Forgive Me.”

According to an article by UCLA-Berkeley, forgiveness may boost your relationship satisfaction. People will have shortcomings and hurt even the ones they love the most. While offending others may be inevitable, it doesn’t mean that these offenses must linger without apology.

It takes a big person to admit they’ve done wrong and ask for forgiveness. If you’ve hurt your friend, even unknowingly, be quick to ask them to forgive you. Then, try to be supportive of your friendship by making amends.

Take note of what you did wrong, so you can try to avoid the mistake in the future. Make sure you validate their feelings, even if you disagree with what they’re saying. Whether or not you intended the offense, your actions caused pain.

14. “I Accept Your Apology and Forgive You.”

What if your friend has done something to hurt you? If your friendship is genuine, they won’t rest until they’ve made it right. The essential thing to remember is not to allow bitterness to darken your spirits.

Holding a grudge can affect your entire well-being, says an article published by the Mayo Clinic. You can become anxious and depressed and can’t enjoy the present because you are stuck in the past. According to the article, learning to forgive may lower stress levels and improve mental health.

Your pal will be supportive and empathetic of your feelings. You can’t forget the transgression, but forgiveness allows you to leave it in the past. When they apologize, forgiving is more meaningful than harbor bad feelings.

15. “Have You Considered This Perspective?”

You can always count on a genuine friend to tell you the truth, not just what you want to hear. They’ll give you an honest opinion out of love even if the truth hurts a bit. You’ll do the same for them and help them explore other perspectives when they need solutions.

16. “Your Smile Makes Me Happy.”

What are some of the things about your companion that make you crave their company? Maybe when you’re having a bad day, all it takes is their smile to cheer you. It could be their infectious laughter or what brilliant conversationalists they are.

17. “I’ve Always Trusted Your Opinion.”

A solid friendship strikes a healthy balance of give and take. You both stand in the gap for each other. When you help someone and sense their gratitude, you may feel just as wonderful as they do.

Remember when your pal was your rock in a time of crisis? They have your best interest at heart and wouldn’t steer you wrong. They’ve had a lot of experience, and you value their opinion.

18. “You Deserve the Best in Life.”

It’s also important to be supportive during joyous occasions. Be genuinely happy for your friend’s success and other blessings. Stand with them on the mountain tops; you must be part of the joy they deserve.


Final Thoughts on Things to Say to be a More Supportive Friend

Weave the fabric of friendship with wefts of love and warps of strength. Honest communication is essential to keep your relationship happy and healthy. Knowing what, when, and how to say something meaningful to them can make all the difference.

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