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6 Things That Make Physical Attraction (Besides Good Looks)

Many factors play a role in physical attraction beyond just appearances. Of course, our biological drive encourages us to choose a physically fit and healthy partner for reproduction. This response happens unconsciously most of the time, as evolutionary forces guide us in picking a partner. But what about long-term happiness?

Historically, women once valued physical fitness more than men, which pointed to healthy genes. Men preferred young, fertile females, offering the best chance of delivering a healthy baby. However, even though we still have instincts that impact decision-making, physical attraction isn’t so black and white.

When choosing a partner, we have evolved to care about more than just beauty and physical fitness. In the modern world, finances, kindness, personality, career choices, religion, and other factors also determine compatibility.

What Happens to the Brain in Physical Attraction?

Attraction isn’t just about how someone looks – it’s a cocktail of factors, including physical appearance, scent, and even a person’s voice. The brain plays a huge role in all of this.

When you see someone you’re attracted to, your eyes send a message to your brain, zooming down the optic nerve. They say, “Hey, look at this person; they’re interesting!” This information then makes its way to the hypothalamus, one of the command centers in your brain.

The hypothalamus is a bit like a puppeteer. It pulls all the strings that control your hormones, and in the case of attraction, it releases dopamine and adrenaline. These two hormones make you feel good, and give you that excited, butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling. It’s like nature’s way of rewarding you for finding a potential mate.

That’s not all, though. The hypothalamus also sparks off another process that creates a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone, often known as the ‘love hormone’, is involved in bonding and trust. It can make you feel more connected to the person you’re attracted to.

Then, the amygdala, the part of the brain involved with emotions, gets involved. This brain area helps assess the other person’s suitability as a mate. It’s like a little matchmaker in your head, weighing up all the information and deciding.

And let’s not forget about the part pheromones play. These are chemicals that we unconsciously smell, and they can influence how attractive we find someone. It’s believed that they might signal genetic compatibility. Amazing, right?

So, as you can see, physical attraction is a complicated process involving different parts of the brain, a range of hormones, and even our sense of smell. It’s like a grand orchestra playing a symphony, each instrument adding its unique sound to create the melody of attraction. No wonder it feels so powerful!

physical attraction

6 Other Factors That Influence Physical Attraction

Below, we’ll delve deeper into these factors that determine physical attractiveness.

1. How Kind You Are

Regarding physical attraction, kindness, and generosity instantly make someone more appealing. After all, most people naturally gravitate toward friendly people and steer clear of mean-spirited individuals. Not everyone shows their true colors at first, of course. But after getting to know them, you can generally tell if they have a good heart.

Scientists have confirmed that kindness plays a massive role in physical attraction. One study found that women find altruistic men more desirable, both emotionally and physically. The research also showed that women felt no more attracted to “macho” men than non-aggressive men.

Another study involved women choosing a man named Todd based on three different descriptions of him. Researchers presented one version of the man as kind and gentle, another neutral, and the third as a “bad boy” persona. Women mainly chose compassionate Todd for long-term relationships, platonic friendships, and sexual partners.

Researchers also asked the women what personality traits they considered most important in a steady partner. They gave them ten different characteristics to choose from. They listed sensitive, confident, easygoing, and assertive from most significant to least important. Physical attraction declined for dominant, demanding, aggressive, submissive, shy, and quiet men.

Finally, another study found that men and women felt more attracted to partners displaying prosocial behaviors, such as altruism.

2. Confidence Boosts Physical Attraction

If you feel comfortable in your skin, others will take notice when you walk into a room. Self-confidence makes you more desirable because it gives off a vibe of security and stability. People with high self-esteem tend to have better relationships because they have learned to love themselves. This makes it easier to get along with people and increases physical attraction.

One study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences analyzed the link between emotional honesty and physical attraction. Researchers told participants to watch as people expressed various emotions and rate their attraction to them. Participants rated the actors who displayed more authentic, clear emotions more highly.

Researchers also measured each participant’s brain activity while they watched the actors. Brain scans displayed increased activity in the reward circuit, an area of the brain linked to social relationships.

3. Your Sense of Humor

Having a sense of humor is essential to make it through life with a shred of sanity! It also increases physical attraction because it shows potential mates that you don’t sweat the small stuff. A University of Kansas study supports this, showing that men and women prefer funny partners.

Also, meeting someone you can share jokes with makes a happier future together. And, humorous people tend to have more friendly, agreeable personalities, a trait that increases physical attraction.

physical attraction

4. How Often You Smile and Display Happiness and Joy

Even if you don’t always mean it, smiling can signal to others that you’re open and friendly. In a study from the University of British Columbia, researchers discovered that participants felt more physical attraction to women who smiled. However, women did not find men who smiled any more attractive. Perhaps from an evolutionary perspective, friendliness and happiness in women holds more weight.

5. Being Easygoing Increases Physical Attraction

Having an easygoing, agreeable nature also matters regarding physical attraction. No one wants a partner that will add stress to their lives. One study published in the journal Biology Letters discovered that women rated visibly stressed men as less attractive. Researchers believe that evolutionary forces also play a role since cortisol lowers testosterone levels.

In general, having a laidback approach to life leads to happiness in relationships. It shows potential partners you have the resilience and emotional stability to handle challenges.

6. Being Similar Enhances Compatibility and Long-Term Happiness

We tend to feel drawn to people most like us in terms of upbringing, values, and personality. We want our partner to validate and understand us; having a similar SO makes this much easier.

When you have a partner with similar thoughts and beliefs, it reduces the likelihood of conflict. This likely plays a huge role in our relationship choices since we naturally desire partnership harmony.

Science also confirms this, as a study of 1,523 pairs revealed similar personalities among romantic partners and friendships. Perhaps we instinctively choose those who feel familiar because it seems safer than branching out.

One of the study authors, Assistant Professor of Psychology Angela Bahns, summarized this phenomenon best: “Change is difficult and unlikely; it’s easier to select people who are compatible with your needs and goals from the beginning.”


Final Thoughts on Factors That Determine Physical Attraction (Beyond Just Looks)

Physical attraction may have mattered more in ancient times when society wasn’t as complex. Back then, people didn’t care much about personality since we had to work harder to survive. We no longer live off the land, but some of these evolutionary forces still apply.

Men and women still value physical fitness and appearance but also consider someone’s inner beauty. Kindness, generosity, agreeableness, and sense of humor increase physical attraction when choosing a lifelong partner. This proves that beauty isn’t just skin-deep; looks fade while personality lasts forever. Of course, that is the key to long-term happiness.

15 Ways to Change Your Life for the Better

Are you unhappy or want to change your life for the better? The key to self-improvement is willpower. You can do and become anything you want to, as long as you have the proper mindset and good habits.

Where do you see your life in six months, one year, or even five years from now? Only you can envision your future and ensure you follow through.

Fifteen Habits to Change Your Life

If you don’t like the direction you’re going in life or how you feel inside, you can take control and fix it. If you feel stuck, your mindset tells you you can’t change. Here are some simple things you can incorporate daily that will help you in your journey of self-improvement.

1. Live in the Present to Change Your Life

If you’re constantly living with the regrets of yesterday, then you’re robbing yourself of the pleasures of today. You can’t change what happened yesterday but can fix your tomorrow. So, live for the moment, and don’t miss out on the beautiful things around you because you’re too busy turning around.

Use the past mistakes as lessons learned. Everything that happens in your life is a learning experience, and when you embrace it as such, it will change your view on things.

change your life

2. Don’t Sleep the Day Away–Get Up Early!

Your body runs on a time clock known as the circadian rhythm. People used the sun to gauge their sleep/wake cycles in past generations. When the sun came up, they got up. When the sun went down, they went to bed.

These days, people work weird shifts and stay up all night. It throws your body’s internal clock off. Have you had a clock that the battery was getting low and started losing time? Your body is like this broken clock which can’t keep up when things are off.

According to the National Library of Medicine, behaviorists have found when the internal clock is out of sync, it can cause issues like:

•Poor eating habits

•Chronic digestive issues

•Shifts in body temperature

3. Change Your Life by Going Device Free

If you want to change your life, learn to put down your devices for a bit each day. Connect with your children, partner, or your friends without distraction. You’ll find it will enhance your relationships and give you a sense of freedom.

No one should be tied to a device and living in a virtual world, as it’s unhealthy and mentally harmful.

4. Drink Water (one of the healthiest life habits!)

When you stop and consider that your body is made up of 60 percent water, you understand why drinking H20 is essential. According to the U.S. Department of the Interior, being deficient in water dehydrates your body. Many people are mildly dehydrated and don’t know it. However, the article says that when you lack sufficient water, it can cause the following issues:

•Poor digestion

•Inability to absorb nutrients

•Poor circulation

•Dry mouth

•Problems maintaining the proper body temperature

•Issues with the transportation of nutrients

5. Eat Real Food

Your diet is an influential factor in how you feel. When you eat plant-based foods and fill up on protein, it has a dramatic impact on your mental health. If you feel horrible and struggle to get out of bed daily, one way to change your life is to fix your diet.

6. Create Things-To-Do Lists

Do you know you waste a lot of time and energy trying to remember what you must do? Lists help you stay organized and ensure you accomplish the most important things. David Allen, the author of The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, discusses lists’ importance. Using his groundbreaking methodologies, he says that organizing your day will help you stop procrastinating and enhance your life.

7. Sharpen Your Mind (healthy brain habits may help you retain cognition for longer)

You work your body to enhance your muscles, so why not work your brain too? Cognitive training exercises are all the rage these days, and they can help you improve your cognition, memory, and creativity. Doing puzzles, math problems, and games like checkers or chess can help keep your mind sharp. Also, listening to Ted Talks can help with your cognitive function.

8. Strive for Six to Eight Hours of Rest

Program your mind that nothing good happens after midnight, so you should strive to be in bed no later than midnight. Your body needs six to eight hours of sleep to restore and function properly. Skimping on rest to reach an important deadline may help you in one area, but it will hurt you in another.


9. Exercise Regularly

Exercising is essential for your health. Did you know that when you move your body, you will balance glucose levels, handle stress better, be happier, improve your circulation, and feel better overall? Your body is lacking if you’re not getting at least twenty minutes of physical activity three days a week.

10. Stop the Negative Mental Chatter

Everyone has mental chatter they contend with, but you can silence it with willpower. Think of this negative chatterbox as a toddler that demands to be heard.

Whenever that child inside screams something negative, you combat it with something positive. Soon you will find that you can control those inner voices and improve your life.

11. Change Your Life by Choosing Simplicity

Society lives with the philosophy that you must accumulate material possessions and wealth to be fulfilled. What a powerful concept when you learn that less is often more. Collections of accomplishments and material goods will only sustain you temporarily.

You can’t escape from the mindset of wanting more, as it possesses you and takes over your life. Simple living is the key to happiness, and it’s a start in the right direction towards self-improvement.

Even in Biblical days, this was a significant issue, as pointed out in Philippians 4:11. Paul stated in this verse that he’s learned to be content with what he had and to embrace the season of life he was in. Rather than working and making your life’s goal to fill your bank account, it can change your life to strive for the betterment of humankind.

12. Set Life Goals with a Vision Board

Self-improvement always starts with goals. An article in The Huffington Post mentions vision boards and several behaviorists’ views on these new trends. The goal of making these boards is to give you a clear path toward where you want to go.

When you take the time to create this vision board, you’re giving yourself a roadmap toward future success. Incorporating things like your health, relationships, finances, home life, personal and professional growth, and spirituality can help you improve your life.

13. Create Passive Income Streams to Change Your Life for the Better

If you want to be financially stable and not put “all your eggs in one basket,” you need passive income. This will give you a cushion to fall back on should one part of your income cease.

Developing such strategies takes time and effort, but it’s the new way to protect your future. Jobs can come and go, but it’s life-changing when you have your finances in order by having several income streams.

14. Have a Desire for Self-Improvement

If you want to change your life, you need a desire. Staying on the right path is a daily struggle, but you can accomplish it if you push yourself a bit. Even moving slowly is still moving. Tell yourself you must keep going no matter how tired, stressed, or depressed you feel.

15. Cut the Timewasters

Everyone has time wasters in their life. These are unproductive activities that inhibit you from reaching your goals. If you’re spending three hours a day on social media, think of what else you could do in this time if you weren’t on the internet. What if you spent this time doing crosswords to enhance your brain or reading a good book?

Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest men in the world, with an estimated net worth of over $113 billion. At the beginning of his career, he would read all day long. At times, he would read over 1,000 pages a day.

Now, you must consider that being an avid reader doesn’t guarantee success, but on the flip side, most successful people love reading. How can you change your life by cutting out timewasters and picking up other, more beneficial habits?

change your life

Final Thoughts on Ways to Change Your Life by Having Better Habits

Having toxic habits and people in your life will be like arsenic, and it slowly drains the energy out of you. However, when you’re on a journey for self-improvement, you can combat these toxicities with a positive mind, spirit, and emotional stance. When you let go of some of these poisonous habits, you will notice your world changes for the better.

15 Inspirational Quotes About Being a Happy Person

If you want to be a happy person, you must look within to find it. Taking responsibility for your happiness is essential, but you’ll sometimes need inspiration. Many inspiring quotes can help you find the joy you deserve and desire.

You can’t control what happens in the world around you, but you can manage your reaction. External situations can trigger negativity if you let it, or you can shift your mindset to focus on the good.

A happy person chooses this state of mind, and it doesn’t just come to them by chance. You can maintain joy by looking at your situation in a positive way, even when you can choose negativity.

These inspirational quotes about being a happy person can remind you of your choice each day. You can’t make a change at any time, too, choosing to be happy despite the circumstances.

Why Being a Happy Person is Essential

Being happy improves your life by benefitting your relationships, health, performance, productivity, and overall well-being. You’ll see the good all around you, even when things don’t work out as planned.

Being happy also makes you feel good about who you are, encouraging you to chase your dreams. You’ll feel motivated to wake up and tackle your goals, checking one thing off your list at a time. Inspirational quotes about being a happy person can help you get back on track. They’ll help you focus on what truly matters in your life and see the good every day.


Fifteen Quotes About Being a Happy Person

These words of wisdom remind you of what it takes and why it’s essential to be a happy person. They give you a boost, allowing you to overcome uncertainty. You’ll become a better person as you grow and develop in meaningful ways. Choose a few of your favorite quotes and place them in a place you’ll see each day.

1. “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” – Andrew Carnegie

Being happy requires setting goals that consume your thoughts. You must focus your energy and hope on something positive if you want to feel good about your life. Remember this quote so that you never forget to set goals that bring meaning to your life.

2. “In our lives, change is unavoidable, loss is unavoidable. In the adaptability and ease with which we experience change, lies our happiness and freedom.” – Buddha

You can’t stop change from coming, even if you want everything to stay the same. Likewise, loss happens sometimes, creating negative feelings within.

However, you can still choose to be a happier person even when things don’t work out how you’d hoped. If you can learn to adapt to changes and accept things as they come, you can find joy and freedom in your life.

3. “In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy.” – Albert Clarke

Being happy isn’t what makes you grateful for what you have. Instead, it’s gratitude that brings joy to your life. Take the time to express thankfulness for all you have and the people who love you. When you focus on the good in your life, you’ll feel happy more often than not.

4. “Being happy is something that each of us determines, it is not something that we find outside of yourself, it is within us and our choice.” – Catherine Pulsifer

You can choose joy at any point in your life. Searching for it through external sources won’t work because it’s all about looking within. If you want to be happy, remember this quote so that you can always find joy.

5. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Stay true to your values and beliefs. Don’t say anything you don’t think, and don’t do things that don’t fit your thoughts and words. All of these things must be the same if you want to be a happy person.  Speak your mind, stand up for yourself and your beliefs, and do what you say you’ll do. If you follow these words of wisdom from Gandhi, you’ll notice an improvement in your mindset.

6. “Our capacity to draw happiness from aesthetic objects or material goods in fact seems critically dependent on our first satisfying a more important range of emotional or psychological needs, among them the need for understanding, for love, expression, and respect.” – Alain De Botton

You can have all the pretty little things you want and still not find joy. Instead, you must first identify and tune into your emotions and psychological thoughts. Reflect on and practice self-love, respect, and understanding. If you can focus on these things, you’ll feel better about expressing yourself and who you are.

7. “Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

You only get one life, so don’t waste it on meaningless things. Follow this advice from Radmacher and live your best life each day. Do the things that bring joy and take every opportunity for excitement and progress. You’ll be glad you took the time to do it all because it leaves no regret at the end of the day.

8. “The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are, and not who people think you are.” – Goldie Hawn

You must embrace who you are and what you’re about if you ever want to be a happy person. Don’t be who you think others want you to be, or you’ll always feel like something is missing. Be true to yourself, appreciate what makes you different, and focus on enjoying life.

happy person

9. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

When you’re happy, everything else falls into place. You can’t find joy by tackling your to-do list and becoming successful. However, if you can be a happy person, you’ll find that success comes a little easier. Follow your dreams and stick to your values, and you’re sure to find a career or lifestyle that you love. With that, you’ll be happy and feel passionate about making progress and developing.

10. “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

You’ll find joy if you can bring your thoughts to the present. Joy is present in each moment, even if you aren’t where you want to be. Look around you and find something to be thankful for, and you’ll start to see everything good in the world.

11. “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” – Denis Waitley

You can travel the world and buy everything possible, but it doesn’t guarantee joy. Instead, you can become a happy person by living in the present and loving each moment of life. As Waitley says, show and receive love, live with grace, and practice gratitude.

12. “We can have peace if we let go of wanting to change the past and wanting to control the future.” – Lester Levinson

You can’t change the past or control the future, and trying will only disrupt your peace. Let go of anything you can’t change, and focus only on what you can do now. When you let go, you’ll find peace and joy again.

13. “Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.” – Walt Whitman

There’s no reason for waiting or searching to find joy. It is always with you, and you only have to know how to look within. You can choose to make a change right now, switching your mindset to focus on contentment.

14. “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” – Roy T. Bennett

Many of these inspirational quotes about being a happy person focus on being present. Therefore, you must let go of the past and stop ruminating over things that went wrong. Likewise, stop worrying about the future because it disrupts your peace and productivity in the present.

15. “If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu

Some people look for another person who will make them feel happy and fulfilled, but it won’t work. Even when you find a great person you like to spend time with, you won’t find joy in life. You must look within, be thankful for what you have, and love the life you live. Doing these things helps you find satisfaction with or without another person.

happy person

Final Thoughts on Inspirational Quotes About Being a Happy Person

Being a happy person can make all the difference in your life. You’ll feel good about who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Besides that, you’ll embrace the people who care about you. Contentment is essential in life, and all else falls into place once you find it.

So remember these quotes, and write down the ones that resonated within you. Read your favorite quotes when you wake up to help start the day positively. You can also read some at bedtime, allowing you to fall asleep with a clear and happy mind.

12 Traits Abused Kids Display When They Grow Up

Were you one of the abused kids who suffered daily with the pain someone else inflicted on you? These formative years help mold and shape you into who you are today. They contribute to your behaviors, self-esteem, and thought processes that have become the essence of your being.

If you drive down the streets in your city, you will likely see some pretty scary things around 2-3 am. Crime leaders and all these people involved in illegal activities have a story. Everyone has a reason for why they do the things they do.

A study was conducted by Radford University in Virginia. They examined famous serial killers throughout history, their backgrounds, and the common links in the cases. The results were quite shocking, as almost all these people come from horrific backgrounds where abuse was present.

This certainly doesn’t mean that everyone suffering from abuse as a child will grow up to be a monster, but it just shows the profound effect childhood has on everyone. These events change their dreams, outlook on life, and personality.

Twelve Signs that Adults Had an Abusive Childhood

Therapy is an excellent tool for those who’ve suffered such abuse, but it’s not always an easy fix. You can’t go back and undo what’s been done, but you can try to prevent things from happening to other people by talking about it. Any child that’s been through abuse will bear the scars of these events.

They must live their entire lives with the pain someone else caused them. How can this country develop a healthy society if their parents’ actions damage children and don’t know how to be good parents? Below are some of the most common issues that children who’ve been abused will display in adulthood.

abused kids

1. Self-Esteem Issues

Most abused kids believe that they were the reason for the abuse. They blame themselves and use negative self-talk to determine that they’re the guilty party.

Though this is a normal reaction to trauma, it’s a false perception. Many abused people have low self-esteem and feel different from the rest of the world. The secret they keep buried in their hearts makes them feel like the odd one out. It would help if you told yourself there’s never a reason for abuse and you didn’t do a thing wrong.

Don’t take the blame for these events, as you were an innocent child. When you’re down on yourself and feel less than others, you’re letting your abuser still have control over your life.

2. Abused Kids Often Display Trust Issues

It’s common for abused kids to become introverted. They turn inward for comfort instead of to the outside world. They have trust issues because the person who abused them was someone who was supposed to take care of them.

3. Noise Sensitivity

When a person has an anxiety disorder known as posts traumatic stress disorder, they often jump at the slightest noise. According to the National Library of Medicine, this condition was often seen in soldiers coming home from the war. Their bodies learned to be on high alert to stay alive.

Abused kids, too, have a system that’s on high alert, and it’s all about survival for them too. If you were abused, you might notice that things like fireworks, loud music, or other loud sounds kick your anxiety into overdrive. Noise sensitivity is a serious issue that can impact your daily life, and it’s all part of sensory processing problems that develop from abuse.

4. Afraid to Stand Up for Themselves Due to Low Self-Esteem

When a person is abused, they fear these events reoccurring again. So, they do anything they can to blend into the background and not cause a commotion. They will not be eager to speak their mind in a relationship, as they don’t want to cause any waves.

It’s hard for this person to have a healthy relationship when they carry this excess baggage from the past, but it can be done. There’s never a reason to take a back seat in life because of something that happened to you as a child.

5. Abused Kids Might Experience Identity Issues

Could this be why so many people are struggling with identity issues today? When the innocence of a child is taken away, this kid will struggle to find themselves. The brain will do everything possible to cope, but sometimes it’s just hard to do without the right help.

6. Develop Narcissistic Tendencies

Narcissistic people come across as manipulative and arrogant and typically use people for their gain. While this person has such a lofty opinion of themselves, what’s truly happening inside is far different. They’re miserable and have very low self-esteem.

Due to these altered perceptions, it’s very challenging for this person to have or maintain any healthy relationships. According to The Narcissist Life support, the only way this can be done is to heal the wounds from the past, which will take time, patience, and therapy.

self-esteem affirmations

7. Anger Issues

Some personality disorders have genetic links, and some make folks more prone to anger issues. However, it’s entirely possible that people can develop an inner rage based on things that have happened to them in the past. Have you ever seen someone who has a chip on their shoulder and wants to fight the world?

This anger may be coming from past abuse. Their self-esteem may seem high as they think they can fight anyone, but inside, they’re a shattered mess.

8. Abused Kids Learn Dishonesty Early in Life

Some people lie to call off work for a day, and others will tell a little story to keep the bill collector off their back. However, abused kids often use lying as a coping mechanism to help them stay out of trouble. These children grow up with the fear that anything they say or do can be a trigger for more abuse.

Sadly, they don’t often recognize that dishonesty is not an excellent way to combat such things, and lies tend to snowball. A pathological or habitual liar has become such an expert in lying that they don’t often know what’s a lie and the truth for themselves. They will lie about anything and everything if they think it might help them.

Ironically, once the threat of danger is gone, they still lie. It’s a pattern they’ve developed and can’t shake.

9. Anxiety and Depressive Disorders

There are many types of anxiety and depressive disorders, but they all have elements of being miserable from fear and being in fight or flight mode. Abused kids often find that their mistreatment directly impacts their mental health. You can’t be called names for years and not have it affect your self-esteem and overall mental wellbeing.

Science Daily reports a study from Florida State University regarding anxiety and abused kids. Children who are neglected, mistreated, or abused in their formative years are 1.6 times more likely to have issues with depression and anxiety than others. The long-term effect of abuse is undeniable.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a great tool to help combat these demons of the past and can help you become a better parent to your children.

10. Drug and Alcohol Dependency

Sadly, over two-thirds of the people in drug and alcohol treatment centers across the country were abused kids. According to Child Help, these children often seek to numb the pain in unhealthy ways, as nothing else seems to work.

These folks are nine times more likely to seek a life of crime, and 18 percent of the men in prison were abused, while 34 percent of women are victims. Substance abuse and childhood violence are sadly and unquestionably associated.

11. Build Inner Walls

When someone’s been hurt, they often build walls around their heart to keep from being hurt again, and their self-esteem plummets. Abused kids never want to get in that position again, so these walls start forming as early as childhood.

However, tearing down these steel walls is not easy, but it can be done. Being closed off is a coping mechanism, but these walls can be torn down with therapy and healthy love.

12. Abused Kids Sometimes Engage in Promiscuity

People whose innocence was taken away and used for the pleasure of others often struggle the most. Abused kids forced to copulate against their will often have the most challenging times. While some will stifle their hormonal urges, others will run to it because of the feelings of gratification attached.

abused kids

Final Thoughts on the Common Traits of Abused Kids

Childhood should be filled with happy memories of playing, going to the park, and spending time with your parents. Sadly, the CDC states that 4.3 million children are reported yearly for childhood abuse and neglect. The mistreatment during these formative years dramatically impacts the child’s life, and they often grow into adults who are just as troubled.

Thankfully, nothing was done to you that you can’t process and move on from.

Look at Oprah Winfrey, who was abused as a child growing up in Mississippi. She’s very public about her abuse, and what happened to her, yet she rose above it all. She showed those who mistreated her how strong she was and that they didn’t break her but made her the driving force she is today.

12 Human Behaviors That Your Dog Actually Hates

If you could interview your dog, you might be surprised to learn what human behaviors they dislike. Of course, they can’t tell you these things but assume that what dogs dislike isn’t what humans dislike. If you’re curious about what you’re doing, that’s driving your treasured pets crazy. Check out this list of human behaviors most dogs hate.

12 Human Behaviors That Your Dog Can’t Stand

Your pets don’t have the language to tell you, so take this feedback to heart.

1 – Human behaviors are hurried, but dogs hate you not letting them sniff around

A human’s definition of a walk is to keep moving. Your dog’s definition of walking is walking a few feet and then stopping to sniff the ground, the grass, or the sidewalk. It’s a chance for a dog to explore the world of smells. Rushing your dog through their walk is unacceptable to your pup, maybe even offensive to them. Of course, your dog won’t tell you this to your face. They’ll tolerate your human behavior.

The American Kennel Club explains that the nose is the primary tool canines use to interpret the world around them. They explain:

“Just as we use vision as our main sense for understanding our environment, dogs use their noses. The way something smells gives dogs more information than the way something looks, feels, sounds, or tastes.”

So, stop and allow your dog to sniff their little heart out the next time you’re out for a walk. They’ll love you for it.

human behaviors

2 – Not having rules

Dogs need rules. They need to know when they will eat or when it’s time for a walk. If your dog acts out, he or she says you should organize yourself. Keeping a routine provides peace for your dog. They like to know what to expect each day. Your dog will be happier after a few days of maintaining a habit. Plus, they’ll stop filling out wanted ads for a new owner, which will make you happy.

3 – Hugs are human behaviors, but pets might not love them

Why do humans think dogs like to hug? It looks cute in photos, but dogs hate this human behavior. Some dog owners insist their pup loves the contact. This may be the case for certain dogs. But generally, it’s good to skip the hugging. They feel restrained and threatened when you put your arms around your dog’s neck or body.

Of course, pets put up with this behavior with only an eye roll. If you want to show your dog some love, it’s best to pet them on the back or give them a little tummy rub. Be aware of your dog’s body language. If they’re giving you a stink eye, there’s a good chance they hate this human behavior. Besides a stink eye, dogs show their displeasure in other ways, such as:

  • Yawning
  • Licking their lips
  • Looking worried.
  • Moving away
  • Leaning away
  • Not looking at you
  • Looking downright uncomfortable

The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) warns:

“…many dogs don’t like to be hugged. While the person thinks this will be a pleasant event for both, the dog is actually unhappy or stressed about it.”

4 – Dressing your dog in clothes

Dogs hate this human behavior as much as they hate getting hugged. They wish humans knew that wearing clothes is scary and threatening. When you put your pet in a bunny outfit, they feel intimidated. If they could use words, they’d probably cuss at you.

If you must put clothes on your dog,  choose a loose sweater for the cold weather or a rain jacket that won’t restrict their movements but keeps them dry on a rainy day. Watch your dog’s body language. If they look afraid or upset, take off their clothing. It’s okay if they get wet and cuss you out all day.

5 – Putting your face too close

Dogs put up with a lot from their humans. They know humans are lovely but act strange sometimes. Getting into your dog’s face is human behavior dogs find threatening. No, they’re not threatened because of your burrito breath from last night’s dinner. Dogs interpret putting your face too close to theirs as aggressive behavior. Even the sweetest dog may back off and growl as a warning. Be gentle with your dog, keep your face away, and show affection by petting or scratching them behind the ears.

6 – Fits of yelling are uniquely human behaviors that your pets don’t understand

No dog wants a yelling human in their life. It scares them. Coming down hard on your dog won’t change its behavior. It confuses them and erodes their trust in you. Use a normal inside voice even if your dog does something wrong. Never hit your dog or threaten them. Dogs are loyal, loving pets. They need your respect even when they’re naughty.

human behaviors

7 – Being too rough

No matter how big or small your dog is, they don’t like aggressive handling. Roughly shoving them or pushing them with your hands is too harsh. Instead, give them gentle but firm instructions. Most dogs are motivated by food, not force, so they use treats. If your dog gator rolls when you clip their nails, find a special treat to convince them it’s not bad. Almost all dogs need lots of coaxing with sweet words and treats in these situations, such as:

  • Grooming
  • Nail clipping or nail grinding
  • Vet visits
  • Check-ups

8 – Too tight a leash

A tight leash is a sign you’re a stressed-out owner. Keeping the leash slack allows your dog to sniff the grass as you walk. They feel relaxed and happy to be outside. Your dog senses your nervousness, and this stresses them out. If your dog could talk, they’d probably tell you to take a yoga class. Try to keep calm control over your dog without a chokehold on them. Use a leash that allows you to control without pulling them. Many dog owners use a harness or leader with a halter around their faces. Like a horse’s halter, this gives you control without pulling on their neck. Whatever you use, enjoy a pleasant walk with a slack leash for a relaxed dog.

9 – Being bored

Dogs love to stay active. If your pets do not partake in an activity, they can get bored quickly. And a bored dog is a dog who gets into trouble. They’ll tear up your yard or furniture just for something interesting to do. Of course, some breeds don’t need tons of exercise. Here is a list of dog breeds that require less exercise.

  • French bulldogs
  • Dachshunds
  • Shih Tzu
  • Pekingese
  • Pomeranian
  • Chihuahua
  • Mastiff

These dogs need to go outside for exercise and bathroom breaks, but you won’t need to throw the frisbee to entertain them on Saturday afternoon. All dogs need mental stimulation, so entertaining your dog with interactive toys is always a good idea.

10 – Too strong of a scent

Dogs have a good sense of smell. One human behavior that dogs hate is smelly perfume, stinky candles, or strong-smelling lotion. Strong fragrances bother dogs. It irritates their nose and eyes. Of course, never spray your pets with any perfume or spray, even if labeled “all-natural” or “organic.”

11 – Being lonely

Dogs get lonely when they’re left alone too much. If you work long hours or travel a lot, you may consider getting another dog or having a dog sitter stay at your house to watch your dog. How do you know if your dog is lonely? Here are some behaviors that indicate your puppy is feeling lonesome and blue.

  • Not eating: If your dog isn’t eating, it’s not good. Dogs usually accept food even when not hungry. So, take note if you see this behavior.
  • Not drinking: Your dog must drink water. Take them to the vet if this happens for more than a day.
  • Less playful: If they act tired and don’t get excited about going outside.
  • Lethargic: Doesn’t want to come when you call or play with you.
  • Clingy: Needs to be beside you all the time. Stand at the door when you leave the house.
  • Acting needy: Wanting to be petted all the time
  • Destructive: If your dog tears up stuff it never did before, it could be lonely.

Seeing your lonely dog can break your heart. If you work full time away from home, spend fun time with your dog, especially on the weekends. Have a neighbor, friend, or a hired dog sitter stop in and walk your dog at least once a day, twice if they seem really out of sorts.  If you travel, take your dog with you.

12 – Scary situations

Dogs don’t like being scared. They don’t like it when their humans force them into something they hate.  If you put your dog in a fearful situation, it will not like it. They’ll fight you. Whether you’re trying to get your puppy into the bathtub or inside the door of your vet, don’t force your dog.  Ease them into the situation. Let them sniff around the vet’s door, give them treats, and tell them they’re doing great. Keep moving them towards the door slowly and without force. It may take a while, but eventually, with gentle words and lots of treats, your pup will get inside.

motorcycle adventure pets

Final Thoughts on the Human Behaviors Your Pets Secretly Hate

Face it. There are human behaviors that dogs hate. You might be surprised to hear your dog gets offended at you when you don’t allow them to sniff the grass long enough or when you yell at them for a mistake.  If you could talk to dogs about it, they’d agree with this list of things they hate. So, if you want to make your dog happy and stop cussing you out, it’s time to stop doing these things.

10 Workout Moves to Have Stronger Glutes

Do you long for a backside that’s firm like steel? No matter what your favorite sport or fitness activity is, it helps if you work on strengthening your glutes. Unfortunately, you can’t get results by sitting and doing nothing, as it takes real work to sculpt your body.

How to Workout Your Glutes

Do any exercises focus on your hips and bottom if you have a daily exercise routine? The rest of your body will benefit when you build muscle in these areas. Here are ten excellent exercises to strengthen your gluteus maximus region.


1. Goblet Squat for Strengthening Glutes

This simple exercise focuses on the muscles around your hips. It’s a combination of hip extensions and squatting. If you’re new to weightlifting, the goblet squat is an ideal introductory exercise.

Equipment: Dumbbell or kettlebell

How To:

•Stand comfortably on your mat with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands and pull it up under your chin while tucking in your elbows.

•Keep your back and core tense, and ensure you feel comfortable.

Now, squat smoothly toward the mat while keeping your chest up.

Bend until both of your knees are at a 90-degree angle.

•Use your hip muscles and core to pull yourself back into the starting position.

•Start with four to six reps with a lightweight. As you get more practice strengthening your glutes, you can advance to heavier weights that you can safely lift.

2. Lateral Lunge

Your gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are two of the main muscles around your hip, explains an article published by the National Library of Medicine. They help rotate each leg internally and externally. Lateral lunges challenge these muscles and can increase your range of motion.

Equipment: None

How To:

•Start by placing your feet about hip-width apart and hold your dumbbells in each hand at your sides.

•Use your left foot and take a big step to the left while keeping your arms straight. Let your heel land on the mat first, then the rest of your left foot.

•Flex your left knee and lower yourself until your hip and knee form a 90-degree angle.

•Your right leg should only be at a slight angle. Hold this position for a couple of breaths.

•Extend your left hip and knee to return to the starting position. Try to keep your body straight and tall.

•Do three to four reps on your left side, then switch and follow the steps for your right side.

3. Step Down for Shapely Glutes and Calorie Burn

An article published by the National Library of Medicine states that climbing stairs can help burn calories. It’s also good for strengthening your leg and glute muscles. This step-down exercise is a simplified version of stair climbing.

Equipment: Sturdy step-up box or bench

How To:

•Begin by placing your step-up box or bench securely on the floor.

•Stand with your right foot firmly close to the edge of the bench. Your left foot should be poised off from the side of the bench and aligned with your right foot.

•Lower your left foot to the floor using your right leg to control your body weight.

•Use your left heel to push off and bring your left leg back to the starting position.

•This is one set; your goal is to do at least eight to ten reps.

•Switch and position your left foot on the bench. Repeat the steps for another eight to ten reps.

4. Walking Lunge

Whether you’re into weightlifting or another fitness program, you may consider using this exercise as part of your routine. It helps strengthen your lower body and glutes and can enhance your balance and coordination.

Equipment: There’s none required, but if your routine is advanced, you can add dumbbells or a kettlebell.

How To:

•Stand comfortably on your mat with your feet and arms bent at the elbows in a running position.

•Step your left leg forward and place your weight on your left heel. As you lower yourself, bend your left knee until it’s parallel to your mat. Hold the position for one to two breaths.

•Next, move your right foot forward without shifting your left leg.

•Repeat the same steps on your right leg to equal one set. Try to do eight to ten repetitions.

5. Curtsey Lunge for Shapely Glutes

You needn’t have an audience with royalty to enjoy the benefits of curtsey lunges. They encourage your glutes to work together while strengthening your upper legs. You’ll also be enhancing your balance and range of motion.

Equipment: None. If you’re advanced, you may use a dumbbell for each hand.

How To:

•Stand straight and tall on your mat with your feet positioned a hip-width apart.

•Now, balance your weight on your right foot. Take a big step backward with your left leg and cross it behind your right knee.

•Lower your body smoothly by bending your knees until your right thigh is parallel to the mat.

•Continue to balance your weight on your right foot and smoothly bring your body back into starting position. It’s just like the classic curtsey they teach in charm classes.

•Try to do eight to ten repetitions for your right side. Then, repeat the steps for your left side.

•If you’re using dumbbells, hold them in each hand at your sides.

6. Sumo Deadlift

If strengthening and building muscle in your lower body is one of your goals, try this exercise. Sumo deadlifts are especially useful for weightlifters. You’ll notice how they work your glutes, quads, and adductors.

Equipment: Barbell with appropriate weights

How to:

•Stand firmly with your barbell on the floor in front of you.

•Position your feet a little farther than hip-width. Your toes should be pointed out to each side at about 30 degrees.

•Bring your hips back and let your knees bend naturally as you reach down for the barbell.

•Grip each side of the bar firmly as you tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep your head in a neutral position. •Use your abdominals and upper back muscles to support your spine and torso.

•Engage your muscles as you bring the bar up toward your hips.

•Hold for a second and slowly lower the bar back to the floor. Aim for at least three to five repetitions.

7. Elevated Foot Squat for Strengthening

Here’s a classic exercise you can use whether you’re a beginner or experienced. It can boost your coordination and balance and offer more flexibility to your hips.

Equipment: Two dumbbells, and a slightly raised platform

How to:

•Stand naturally before the raised platform and hold a dumbbell in each hand.

•Step forward, bring your right foot backward about twelve inches, and place it flat on the platform.

•As you keep your chest up, squat down until your legs are bent about 90 degrees.

•Use your left foot to push and bring yourself back into the standing position.

•Do three to five repetitions, then switch and repeat steps for your left side.

8. Seated Leg Lifts

Who could have guessed that enhancing your core and strengthening your glutes could be done in a chair? Seated leg lifts are ideal for beginners or if you must modify your exercises. You could even do a few while you’re at work.

Equipment: A sturdy chair

How To:

•Sit comfortably in a chair with your back and neck straight, feet flat on the floor, and arms at your side.

•Now, smoothly raise your right leg at the knee until your leg is parallel to the floor. Hold the position for three to five breaths.

•Lower your leg into the starting position and do at least five to ten repetitions.

•Repeat the steps now with your left leg. If you want to accelerate your leg lifts, try using small ankle weights.

•Try to keep your back straight against the back of the chair and not lean forward in each movement.

9. Have Super Sexy Glutes With Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are a popular exercise that countless people use to strengthen their legs, hips, lower back, and glutes. They aren’t difficult, but you can still feel the beneficial resistance. These fun kicks are also a great way to start your workout routine.

Equipment: None

How To:

•Position yourself on all fours.

•Now, lift your right heel towards the ceiling while keeping your knee bent. Use your glute and hip muscles and avoid arching your back.

•Bring your right leg back to the start position, then do five to ten reps.

•Repeat the steps for your left leg. Your goal isn’t how high you can get your foot. You should feel your hip and bottom muscles engage.

10. Pistol Squats

Here’s another easy exercise that doesn’t require equipment. Use these pistol squats to warm up or cool down. They’re also helpful warm-up exercises if you’re a runner.

Equipment: None

How To:

•As you stand on your left foot, raise your right leg in front of you.

•Now, tighten your core, bend your left leg, and lower into a squat.

•Keep your balance by holding your arms straight in front of you.

•Bring yourself up smoothly to the starting position and do three to five reps.

•Repeat these steps and do your opposite leg.

Final Thoughts on Strengthening Your Glutes

Since your glutes have essential responsibilities, paying attention to them is essential. Try these and other exercises to keep them firm. You’ll notice lower body strength and a greater range of motion.

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