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20 Signs of a Truly Caring Partner

Finding true love is one of the most beautiful things you will experience. A kind and caring partner is a treasure, as those types of respect-filled relationships don’t come around daily. So many people think they’re in love but soon find that their significant other has an ulterior motive for being together.

20 Signs You’ve Found a Caring Partner.

You can fake many emotions, but true love isn’t one of them. Some signs cannot be denied when two people have genuine and pure love.

Even if you try to hide it from people, being touched by Cupid’s arrow is hard to conceal. Here are some signs that the person you’re with is a caring partner and one you should hold onto.

caring partner

1. A Caring Partner Connects with You on An Emotional Level

Physical attraction is usually the first part of any relationship, but this person gets you on an emotional level. They not only think you’re beautiful/handsome, but they also think what’s on the inside is fascinating. Your mind, body, and spirit connect.

2. Respect Your Views and Opinions

When you’ve found a caring partner, they don’t care if your views and opinions differ. They want you to be free to express yourself how you see fit. They respect the fact that you can be different and show them there are other views out there.

3. Your Biggest Cheerleader

You’ve their support in all things. When it comes to losing weight, getting job promotions, or accomplishing other goals in life, they’re behind you, cheering you on. They would never dream of seeing you admit defeat as they’re waving their pom-poms and have a cheering section dedicated just for you.

4. A Caring Partner Can’t Wait to Spend Time with You

Some people don’t seem to have enough time to spend with you, and when you’re together, it’s like pulling teeth to have a conversation. However, this person is a caring partner who can’t wait to be with you. They live for the moments they share in your presence, and the feelings are mutual.

5. Drawn Deep into Your Eyes

When they look into your eyes, it’s as if they can see into your innermost being. It’s not just a customary glance. But it’s as if your souls connect on a cosmic level. They can gaze at you without saying a word, yet your heart knows what’s truly being said.

6. A Caring Partner Includes You in Their Future

Whether or not you’ve made a long-term commitment, they include you in all their plans. They only see tomorrow with you in it and dream of a life together. This person isn’t just being kind; they’re trying to tell you that you’re the one they want to grow old with.

7. Wants to Know All About Your Day

You’re the first person they call or text on their lunch break, and you’re the one they call as soon as work is done. They can’t wait to hear about your day and whatever has happened, as they greatly value you. They can’t imagine not knowing what’s going on with you.

8. Vulnerability Comes Easy

Vulnerability isn’t easy to display for most people, but when this person is with you, they seem to let down all their guard. They can tell you their deepest secrets, and you know all about their skeletons in the closet. You’ve become a safe place where they can get rid of the baggage they’ve carried for years, and you make them a better person because of it.

9. Gives You Trust and Respect…100 Percent

One of the reasons why they can be so vulnerable with you is that they trust you 100 percent. They know that you won’t go around telling people about their personal information; in return, they keep your secrets too. According to an article by Michigan State University, trust is one of the essential foundational parts of a relationship.

Trust is about so much more than the basics, and it includes the following:

  • Boundaries
  • Reliability
  • Accountability
  • A vault that keeps all your secrets
  • Integrity
  • Non-judgment
  • Generosity

When you find all this in a person, you can trust them with your heart, mind, body, and soul.

lack of respect

10. Shows Affection

There’s a difference between affection and lust. When someone is affectionate towards you, they hold your hand while you’re in a restaurant. They caress your shoulders when you’re standing near them or make sure they kiss you before they go to work.

Anyone can have romance in the bedroom but showing affection on the outside matters most.

11. You Can Be Yourself

You eat what you want, say what you would generally say, and never change who you are just because you’re in their presence. You’re free to be who you are without apologies; they can be who they are too. So many people are fake to impress someone, but neither of you needs to put on the façade when you’re together.

12. Can Respect Your Differences

You may come from different religious backgrounds, political affiliations, and cultures, but they don’t see these things. This kind and caring partner see you for the beautiful person you are, and they respect your differences. They would never ask you to change for them and won’t change for you, either.

13. Doesn’t Expect Perfection

The person you’ve found is a realist. They know there’s no such thing as a perfect person, nor do they expect you to fit into an impossible mold. They understand that this unrealistic view of themselves and their partner is the ultimate self-defeating behavior, and they want their relationship to thrive, not barely survive.

14. A Caring Partner Works Through Conflicts

Having conflicts is normal, even with the most caring partner. Thankfully, they don’t like to stay upset for long. They’re often the first to apologize, whether they’re to blame or not.

They value you so much that they can’t stand being upset and having things feel off between you two. Their kind nature forces them to apologize and make things right, even if they’re not the one in the wrong.

15. Goes Out of Their Way to Make You Feel Loved and Wanted

If your stomach is upset at 3 am, they will find any store open and try to get you something to settle it. They rub your back because it’s sore from sitting in your office chair all day, and they stop and get your favorite ice cream to bring home to you.

They go out of their way to show you how much you mean to them. True love shouldn’t be mansions, big diamond rings, or vacations in the tropics. Sometimes, it’s showing someone how much they mean to you that is most special.

16. Doing the Little Things is Commonplace

Those little things that you do in relationships are what help to solidify the bond. According to Harvard Business Review, these things are essential on both a business and professional level.

Dealing with people requires you to go the extra step and show them they’re valued. The article states that you will develop more profound and meaningful relationships when you learn to step back and gain clarity into the dynamics of your relationships.

17. Laughter is Commonplace When You Have a Caring Partner

Do you laugh together? A caring partner knows that life isn’t all fun and games, but they keep things lighthearted. Their kind nature also has a humorous side that you enjoy. They don’t care if your jokes aren’t funny. They will laugh right along with you anyway.

18. They’re There When You Need Them

When life isn’t kind and things are hard, you know you can count on them to be there for you. Whether it’s a bad day, a death in the family, a sickness, or some other life-altering event, they’ve got your back.

19. The Relationship is Easy

It’s different when you have a relationship with a caring partner. You’ve had relationships, and they always seemed like a struggle. Some endless arguments, a lack of respect, or things didn’t click. However, things have been so easy with this person that it’s almost scary how perfect it is with them.

20. A Caring Partner Is Not Afraid of Commitment

It’s a big deal and a relationship breaker when you’re ready to take things to the next level, and your love wants to move forward. This person has no problem committing to you or labeling your relationship for what it is, and you see the respect and love for years to come.

caring partner

Final Thoughts on the Caring Partner

If you think the person you’re with is the one for you, don’t let them get away. If you can’t imagine one day without them by your side and in your life, run to them. You will always have to kiss a few frogs before you find the prince/princess. But once you find them, you’ve found a treasure.

15 Cute Dog Tricks and How to Train Them

Teaching your dog tricks is a fun way to hang out with your canine. Dogs love brain-stimulating activities. It’s fun to see them enjoy them. Anyone can teach their dog tricks. It takes patience and consistency…and lots of treats. Here are some cute dog tricks and techniques for you to teach your pup.

Why should you teach your dog tricks?

One of the best reasons to teach your dog cute tricks is that it’s fun for you and your dog. Canines, like humans, get bored. They enjoy spending time with their humans. Plus, they enjoy getting treats or lots of praise, motivating them to keep working. Never underestimate your dog. Shelter dogs can be some of the best dogs to teach dog tricks. If you know someone who wants a dog, show off your dog’s skills. Maybe you can even persuade them to adopt a shelter dog. Finally, when you’re training your dog, it gives them physical exercise. Obesity is a problem for dogs. Besides feeding them a healthy diet, exercise keeps your dog in shape. Doing dog tricks with them is a helpful way for them to stay in shape.


15 Cute Dog Tricks and How to Train Them

Here are some cute dog tricks to teach your pet. Please spend a few minutes running your furry friend through the tricks you teach them daily. This practice keeps them fresh in their mind, and it’s fun to see what they’ve learned.

1 – Shake

It’s a basic command, but it’s a cute way for your dog to greet guests. Have your dog sit. Tell them, “shake,” and gently pick up their paw. Give it a little shake. Give your dog lots of praise. Do this repeatedly. You can give your dog a treat when they lift their paw on their own. Keep praising them; they should shake on command after a few quick sessions.

dog tricks

2 – Give a kiss

Who doesn’t like a little doggie kiss? This trick is cute for kids. First, put a treat on your cheek. Give your dog the command to “give a kiss.” Keep doing this repeatedly until your dog does it without the treat on your cheek. This dog trick can help your dog stop licking you and instead give a little kiss. Give your dog lots of affirming praise along with pats on the head.

dog training

3 – Beg or sit up

You’ve probably seen cute small dogs begging. This trick is hard for bigger dogs, but small dogs learn this trick quickly. Gently lift your dog in a begging position while saying the command, “beg” or “sit up,” whichever you choose to call it. Give a treat. Do this repeatedly until your dog is begging on their own. Mix up praise and treats. This keeps your dog motivated to do the trick. Plus, it limits how many treats they get.

dog tricks

4 – Fetch

Canines enjoy the challenge of finding things. One idea is to put a slit in tennis balls and slip a few treats inside. Show your dog the ball and the joys. Then throw the ball and say, “fetch.” You may need to run with them to find the ball. Please give her a treat when she sees the ball. In no time, you’ll be able to provide the command, and they’ll run and get the ball.

Some dogs have a hard time letting go of the ball once they’re brought it to you. Keep a treat in your hand and say, “drop it.” Your dog will drop the ball, and you can pick it up as you give them the treat. Mix it up. Don’t give a treat every time. Sometimes pat your dog’s head, and provide them with a treat. This limits the number of treats they’re getting.

dog tricks fetch

5 – Turn around

This dog trick is adorable. Hold a treat near your dog’s nose and move in a circle so your dog turns around. Say, “turn around” as you do this. Repeat this trick, sometimes with a treat and sometimes without a treat. Keep your dog guessing. Soon they’ll be able to do the trick at your command.

dog training

6 – Bow

This trick involves your dog leaning down to the ground with the butt in the air. It’s a natural movement for dogs. Take a treat in your hand and hold it low while your dog is standing. Tell your dog “bow” You may need to lower your dog’s legs to get the proper position. It may take several tries before you and your dog figures out how to do this. Keep at it. Your dog will learn it with patience and lots of practice.

dog tricks

7 – Roll over

Dogs seem to learn to roll over quickly. Tell your dog to lie down. With a treat in your hand, guide your dog to roll over. They may stop but keep moving and give them the treat when they fully roll over. It may take a couple of tries, but your dog will get the point soon enough.

training your canine

8 – Play dead

If your dog has learned to roll over, they can learn this trick. When they’re lying down, tell them, “play dead.” You want them to roll on their side and stop moving. This takes practice because your dog may try to roll over. Just keep working with them. If your dog gets tired, take a break and just play with them. If you work them too hard at training, the tricks won’t be fun for them.

dog tricks



9 – High five

High fives are fun dog tricks. Dogs naturally raise their paws. It’s easy to teach this cute trick. So your dog doesn’t get confused. Teach high five with the opposite paw they use for shaking. Have your dog sit down. Give the command, “high five.” Gently lift the paw they don’t use to shake and high-five with your hand. Say, “high five” as you’re doing this. Your dog may seem confused, but keep doing it. Tell them “good job” when giving even a slightly lifted paw. Eventually, they’ll understand and do it on their own.

dog tricks

10 – Crawl

If your dog knows how to lie down on command, you can teach them to crawl. With a treat in your hand at your dog’s nose, say, “crawl” while dragging the treat along in front of your dog. Your dog will follow the treat. Give praise and repeat this until your dog does it on command without seeing a treat. You may need to drag your hand along the ground to motivate your dog to crawl, but they’ll eventually get it.

canine training

11 – Speak to me

This works better with some dogs than others. If your dog likes to bark, it could set off a barking session you didn’t intend. When your dog barks, use a command, “speak to me.” Give them praise and repeat this until your dog understands you tell them when to speak. This could help your dog not bark as much.

dog speak

12 – Stand

This is like begging, but it is a different command. Have your dog sit and then hold a treat at their nose. Gradually lift the treat upwards, and your dog will stand up to get it. Praise them and say, “stand.” Repeat the process using the command.

dog tricks

13 – Put away toys

Who doesn’t want their dog to put away toys? Please take one of your dog’s toys and throw it across the room. Your dog will fetch it and bring it back to you. Hold a treat over the toy basket and say, “put away your toys.” As your dog drops the toy into the basket, give them a treat. Repeat this until your dog naturally drops the toys into the toy basket on their own.

dog tricks

14 – Lie down

Ask your dog to sit. Tap the floor and say, “lie down.” You can gently pull your dog’s legs down, so they’re lying down. Praise them and give them a treat  Repeat this until your dog is lying down by themselves when they hear the command without you needing to pull their legs down.


15 – Wave

Have your dog sit. With a treat in your hand, keep your hand up as if you’re going to say, “shake.” Say, “wave,” and see if your dog lifts his paw. Give lots of praise even for the slightest effort. Some dogs keep their paws low but encourage your pooch to lift it higher by lifting a treat higher. You might get your dog to wave their paw back and forth with extra effort and patience.


Final thoughts on teaching Fido some cute dog tricks

Teaching your dog to do cute dog tricks is a great way to spend time with your canine. Dog training bonds you with your dog. They love the challenge of learning new things, and it keeps them from getting bored. Remember,  it takes lots of patience and practice for dogs to learn. Don’t overwork your dog. Make dog training fun. Take frequent breaks so they can romp with you on the grass. Before you know it, you’ll be able to show off your dog tricks with friends and family. And your dog will enjoy getting the praise and attention.

13 Ways Better Communication Improves a Poor Relationship

If you are in love but have a poor relationship, opening up the lines of communication might remedy your relationship.

Here’s why. One thing that separates humans from the animal kingdom is how they communicate. Although many animals vocalize and use gestures to connect, people have the language to converse. Sharing thoughts, emotions, and abstract ideas strengthens relationships and makes them last.

Thirteen Ways Communication Improves Your Poor Relationship

When was the last time you and your person took a break from technology and had a meaningful chat? Communicating effectively with each other is essential. Here are 13 ways that talking with each other can improve your relationship.

1. Judgmental Attitudes Decrease With Better Communication

One of the best ways to heal a poor relationship is to eliminate judgmental attitudes. You are both individuals, and each has preferences and opinions. The critical perspective comes from trying to place your views above theirs.

Instead, you learn to listen to them and accept them for who they are, not what you think they should be. In turn, they’ll respect and welcome you. Even when you disagree, you can do so respectfully and try to see each other’s points of view.

poor relationship

2. It Decreases All-or-Nothing Thinking That’s Often Present in a Poor Relationship

Poor relationships are often based on all-or-nothing thinking. Your conversations are peppered with unhelpful words like “always” and “never.” For example: “It’s always going to work out like that,” or, “that’s never going to happen.”

You’ve decided about an issue, and there are no in-betweens. You can improve your relationship by adopting a more flexible mindset. Instead of one option, good communication can help you see other perspectives.

3. You See One Another’s Vulnerabilities, Improving Your Poor Relationship

Like most people, you probably think that vulnerability is the same as weakness. It can be a weakness in a one-sided, poor relationship. However, showing your openness to your mate shows tremendous courage.

According to an article in the Southern Journal of Philosophy, mutual feelings of vulnerability are essential to intimacy. You and your partner love each other so much that you’ll accept the risk of being hurt. The relationship can flourish if you respect one another and don’t take advantage of the other’s weaknesses.

4. Keeps You Focused on the Present

Remembering the past can be a blessing or a curse in a relationship. It’s worthwhile for you and your mate to reminisce about delightful memories. Things like your first date and first kiss are beautiful moments to cherish always.

There’ll constantly be some rough spots on the road, whether you have a thriving or poor relationship. These trials can be teaching tools if you don’t dwell on them. Keeping the lines of communication open keeps you both focused on the present and improving your future.

5. Better Communication Allows You to Understand Your Feelings

One of the most prominent buzzwords in relationship psychology is talking about your feelings. If you both assume that you can read each other’s minds, it can result in a poor relationship. Honest communication is the only way to know what the other is thinking and feeling.

Also, giving voice to your feelings allows you a deeper understanding of them. When you have genuine and transparent discussions, it leaves little room for misunderstandings. You are more aware of each other’s feelings and emotions and work to solve any problems.

6. Teaches You to Listen More Than You Speak

People with excellent communication skills have learned it’s not a one-way street. Your ears and auditory nerves can physically “hear” someone talking, but it doesn’t mean you’re “listening.” Hearing is passive while listening requires action as you consider the meaning of each sentence.

Like most valuable skills, active listening takes practice and some patience. You listen to what your person is saying without interrupting. Plus, you practice mirroring their emotions and restating what they’ve said so you don’t misunderstand anything.

7. Helps You Alter Your Body Language and Gestures

Your body language is just as essential in communication as your words. An article published by Frontiers in Psychology suggests that early humans developed gestures and body language before language. When conversing with your partner, notice if your words and body language match.

An ideal way to observe your body language is in front of a mirror. Is your posture relaxed and receptive, or are you tense with your arms crossed? Using positive body language corresponding to your words can make a difference.

8. Minimizes Arguments

It’s unrealistic to expect that all will be rosy in your relationship and that you’ll never quarrel. Even the most loving couples have an occasional disagreement or even a heated argument. If the waters are always calm, someone isn’t being honest, and you’ll have a poor relationship.

There’s nothing wrong with debating opposing opinions as long as it doesn’t cross a line. When you’re used to openly communicating with each other, you can consider different points of view. While it doesn’t mean you’ll never argue, at least you can defend your opinions respectfully.

mindful communication

9. Allows Goals and Future Planning

If you’re in a lasting relationship, you plan for the future. Your discussions naturally use we, us, and ours. If your goals only include “I,” you will likely have a poor relationship.

It would help if you shared each other’s dreams and aspirations. Some discussions may involve compromise, but that’s part of a healthy relationship. While planning together, consider making a dream board and adding to it as needed.

10. Helps Honesty Flow

People can love each other all they want, but a relationship is nothing without honesty and trust. It would help if you had someone who has your back and won’t lie to you. They’ll answer your questions honestly, even if the truth sometimes hurts.

Having meaningful discussions allows you to know each other better. As you both open up, you soon learn about each other’s mindsets. Close partners can usually tell when the other is being truthful or deceitful.

When those honest opinions sting, you know if it’s meant in love or is mean-spirited. You appreciate that your partner loves you enough to point out something that will help you. In turn, they will appreciate your honesty and genuineness.

11. Enhances Patience and Understanding

It’s easy for you and your mate to get frustrated. You both may have habits that annoy the other. They gripe about you keeping the house too warm, and you’re forever scolding them for leaving the toilet seat raised. These little irritations can turn into more significant issues unless you communicate.

Nobody’s perfect in a relationship, and you learn to be patient with each other. Each one works on their shortcomings while not being too judgmental. When you can cooperate on minor issues, you have the patience and confidence to tackle the large ones.

12. Improve a Poor Relationship by Understanding Your Partner’s Individuality

In many cultural and religious traditions, they see couples so intimately connected that they are “one flesh.” While it’s a lovely metaphor, it’s not that simple. You and your mate bond in love but still retain individuality.

How much do you and your significant other know about each other? You won’t have a healthy relationship if you allow your individuality to fade. That’s why discussing your interests, hobbies, and aspirations is essential.

Instead of following conventional wisdom, keep your relationship strong by supporting each other as an individual. Encourage your mate to enjoy their hobbies and other activities and do the same. You’ll have more to share and have more fun when you do things as a couple.

13. Teaches You to Respond Rather than React

There’s a big difference between responding and reacting and knowing that can improve your relationship. For example, you ask your partner to stir a saucepan on the stove while you chop some veggies. They get side-tracked and enter the living room while the sauce burns in the pan.

If you react to the situation, you yell at them for being careless and say the whole meal is ruined. But you respond to the situation and take a few minutes to cool your temper and consider other options. Maybe you could whip up some more sauce or enjoy a meal that’s just as tasty without it.

Communicating with your partner often helps you respond instead of having a knee-jerk reaction all the time. Of course, you’ll both have situations when you explode and must apologize later. The more you relate to each other, the better you can discuss things, even in the heat of the moment.

poor relationship

Final Thoughts on Improving a Poor Relationship with Communication

The beauty of being a couple is that you can share your heart and mind with them. Meaningful conversations pave the way for a better understanding and a tighter bond. The first step to improving a poor relationship is learning to talk to each other.

12 Habits to Trust Yourself So You Can Accomplish More

Trust is vital for any relationship to work, whether it’s personal or professional. However, these relationships will fail or be one-sided unless you trust yourself. How do you increase self-belief and give yourself the trust you deserve?

Twelve Ways to Build Trust in Yourself

Practicing self-trust and a healthy love for yourself is not selfish or narcissistic. You can’t love or trust anyone else until you offer the same justice to yourself.

Self-belief can be the fuel that drives your internal flame. Here are some ways that you can learn to enhance your trust within yourself.

1. Don’t Be Caught Up in Perfectionism (It Harms Your Self-Belief)

There’s a common misconception that you must be perfect to trust yourself. Nobody is perfect, and trying to attain such a status is useless. Sadly, perfectionism may stand in your way of achieving your goals because you can’t accept mistakes.

So, because you’re afraid you can’t do something flawlessly, you do nothing. Perfectionism makes you feel like a complete failure, and your self-esteem plummets. Once you’ve embraced self-belief, you see mistakes as learning tools and reject the illusion of being perfect.

trust yourself

2. Give Yourself Some Slack As You Learn to Trust Yourself

Perhaps you value being tough on yourself as a virtue. Although self-reliance, courage, and perseverance are admirable, constantly berating yourself is toxic behavior. Would you have many friends if you treated them the way you treat yourself?

You needn’t lower your standards to develop self-belief and go forward with your dreams. When you’re self-compassionate, you extend the same grace to yourself as you would anybody else. Trust that you can try again even when you fall short or make a mess of things.

3. Accept Your Vulnerability

An article published by UCLA-Berkeley explores the contrast of showing vulnerability. You view the same vulnerability as a strength of character in others but as a weakness in yourself. However, says the article, embracing your vulnerability may allow you to see the beauty in a mess.

If you can trust yourself to lower your guard, other people can see your genuineness. They may be inspired to do the same, which helps in building mutual trust. It may take some time, but allowing yourself to be vulnerable will be a significant strength for you.

4. Start with Baby Steps

Is it possible that you don’t trust yourself enough to make a life-altering decision? Self-belief often starts with small risks, celebrating those victories, and moving on to larger goals.

For example, maybe you’ve wanted to lose a few pounds, but the process feels overwhelming. Instead of a significant goal of losing twenty pounds, try losing five pounds. You can also gradually modify your lifestyle and eating habits to make them healthier.

After the initial five pounds, you gain enough self-confidence to lose another five. Soon, you’ve gradually lost 20 pounds, and you trust that you can do more. You realize that you can apply this principle to other areas of your life you want to address.

5. Trust Yourself By Listening to Your Inner Voice

Perhaps this generation, more than any in the past, understands the meaning of the phrase that silence is golden. Traffic, road equipment, blaring sirens, and shouting people create a noise that overwhelms you. Your thoughts can be drowned out at home by blaring televisions, ringing phones, and noisy family members.

How can you trust yourself if you can’t hear yourself think? Listening to your inner voice is a crucial part of self-belief. You can change negative thought patterns into positive ones and attract more positive results. It’s that soft internal voice that reminds you that you have the power to achieve your goals.

Give your ears a rest and enjoy the silence as often as possible. Take a break from technology and spend some time in quiet meditation. Take a walk in the woods and let your thoughts harmonize with the songs of the birds.

6. Visualize Your Affirmations

The law of attraction works in tandem with self-belief, as you will attract whatever vibes you send into the Universe. If you send negative affirmations, the Universe will agree and get negative results. Consequently, if your affirmations are positive, you’ll attract more positive things in your life.

You make your declarations stronger with visualization. It puts action to your declarations by living as though they’ve already happened. For example, you want to be a successful entrepreneur, so you start having the confidence of one.


7. Communicate with Honesty

Many people grow up without their voice being heard, or they’re made to think that their opinions don’t matter. As you learn to trust in your abilities more, you regain your voice and are more honest with yourself about your feelings.

You don’t have to camouflage your emotions, and you can communicate with others honestly. Your self-belief will help you acknowledge your right to let them know what you’re thinking and how you feel. Not only will they respect you more, but you’ll have more respect for yourself.

8. Know What Matters Most to You

According to a study published by the Journal of Happiness Studies, defining life priorities is linked with well-being. You decide the essential things in your life and strive for them daily. As you learn to trust yourself more, you have the confidence to stand up for your priorities.

One of the best ways to help accomplish this is to make a list. It can be on a separate piece of paper or as part of your journal. Place your list where you can read it every day.

Most people list the tangible things: family, home, job, provisions, friends, etc. You’ll probably have subcategories for each of these priorities. These priorities don’t take much thought to list.

You’ll see how much you trust yourself when considering the intangible ones. How important are your spiritual walk and your relationship to the divine? What defines love and security to you or what makes you successful?

9. Turn Away from Toxic People

Everyone’s had someone in their lives who was bad news, as they were a toxic influence. These people might be a lover, family members, friends, or coworkers. These negative personalities drain your energy and frustrate you. Some may also keep you in a horrible cycle of abuse, which does nothing for your confidence or self-worth.

Toxic people are bullies and manipulators who want to control what you do and how you think. They can often beat you down so much that you don’t trust yourself to make any decisions. These are people who don’t deserve a place in your circle.

Your self-trust gives you the strength to stand up and tell them enough is enough. You deserve love, respect, and dignity, and those who can’t give it can walk away. Surround yourself with positive folks who love and support you as they should.

10. Trust Yourself With Some Self-Love

Unfortunately, many people compare themselves to the false illusions created by Hollywood. They use lights, camera tricks, computer enhancement, and makeup to represent the ideal person. These underhanded tricks are primarily aimed at women and teens.

These images rattle your self-esteem in their efforts to make you feel “less than.” Unless you have these designer clothes, drive this sports car, live in this mansion, or have this body, you’re nothing. So, this media deception has created generations of undernourished, self-absorbed people chasing empty dreams.

The good news is that you can love and trust yourself just as you are. You don’t need a specific body shape or other material goods to be considered worthy. Self-trust lets you acknowledge that you’re more than enough, and that’s all you need.

11. Build On Your Strengths

Here is a little experiment that can go a long way in trusting yourself. Step outside of yourself for a while and be an observer. Write a list of your strengths as if you were writing about someone you know.

Of course, it’s challenging to be objective when writing about yourself, even in this experiment. Just be non-judgmental and list your admirable strengths, talents, and skills. Look at this list and see how you might not have given yourself enough credit.

Are you a proficient organizer, excellent communicator, and skilled active listener? What skills have you learned that have brought you success? Are you a loyal and loving mate, family member, and friend?

12. Learn to Say No

Why do so many people feel obligated to agree to every odd request? Whether volunteering for the P.T.A. bake sale or babysitting your neighbor’s hyperactive child, you can’t say no. Somewhere in your life, people-pleasing has become a pattern for you to gain acceptance.

Give yourself permission to say no and do it often. You needn’t be rude. Just say you’re sorry, but you can’t do it. Then, you’ll have more time to do the things you want.

trust yourself

Final Thoughts on Learning to Trust Yourself

Today, decide that you are going to have more trust in yourself. You have the strength, intelligence, and spirit to make a beautiful life. It’s yours to have and share with those who mean the most to you.

10 Small Talk Starters Perfect for Every Introvert

Do you automatically clam up when you meet a stranger, or do you have issues when a whole group of them surrounds you? You can find a happy medium between being a social butterfly and a wallflower who avoids small talk. It’s all about how you present yourself–try these conversation starters.

Ten Helpful Small Talk Starters for Excellent Conversation

Just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean you lack conversation skills. However, you’ll never regret learning to break the ice in a crowd. Try some of these helpful conversation starters.


1. Ask Them to Tell You About Themselves (an open-ended way to start the small talk)

Perhaps one of the most sensible conversation starters is to ask someone to tell you a little about themselves. According to an article published by PNAS, people spend thirty to forty percent of conversations discussing their experiences. Not only does this small talk put strangers at ease, but it makes you seem more intelligent.

How you phrase the question can also make the answers more interesting. Don’t just ask something generic like where they’re from or where they work. Instead, ask a broader question about their life.

2. How Do You Know the Host?

Assume you’re invited to a party at a friend’s house and don’t know anyone there. Instead of standing silently back in the corner of the room, it’s best to have some conversation starters planned. Ask the stranger near you how they know or are related to the host.

You might discover that you both have mutual friends. A polite and skilled host knows how to introduce people in a group and who would be more compatible with whom. Meeting new mutual friends can quickly help you find common ground for small talk and conversation.

3. Is this Your First Time Here?

One of the things you don’t want to do is to make your conversation starter sound like a cheesy pickup line. However, asking someone you’ve just met about the venue is fine. If it’s a first-time visit for them also, you’ll have the opportunity to share small talk about the experience.

If not, they may give you helpful advice about food, drinks, and other amenities. If you’re in a crowd of unfamiliar folks in someone’s home, feel free to start small talk about something you admire. Your host will appreciate it, and it may open a lively discussion.

4. What are Some of Your Interests?

Two classic observations about human attraction and relationships seem to contradict. How can birds of a feather flock together and opposites attract both be true? Opposite magnetic poles may attract, but people aren’t magnets.

A study published by the University of Kansas suggests that human brains are hard-wired to attract those who are similar. The case can be true whether it’s a personal or professional relationship. When you and a new acquaintance discover mutual interests, the small talk can cause you to bond quickly.

5. What’s Your Story?

Here’s a conversation starter that explores a bit deeper than asking someone to talk a bit about themselves. Plus, it’s tactful enough not to be intrusive. Even the most successful business magnets or celebrities had to start from somewhere.

It’s a charming way to use small talk and get people to open up and build a rapport with you. Some of their past or current experiences may resonate. You needn’t have a person’s entire autobiography to appreciate what events have helped form them.

6. What’s the Best Thing About Being Here?

Being the new kid in town can be nerve-racking, whether it’s the first day at a new school or work. It’s especially true if you don’t know a soul and tend to be introverted. The good news is that everybody’s been in that situation at least once and can empathize.

Find someone with a pleasant smile, introduce yourself, and ask about their experiences as a newbie. What are some of the things they enjoy about the place? Not only will you have this conversation, but you’ll make a new friend.

Barbara Walters did an interview for National Public Radio about the first time she interviewed legendary Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis. Instead of discussing his current success, she asked Onassis about the first job he ever had as a young person. It was an intelligent conversational move that allowed the iconic billionaire to relax and speak candidly during the interview.

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7. What’s the Most Daring Thing You’ve Ever Done?

Thrill-seekers often take risks so that they can have bragging rights. Not everyone has gone skydiving or completed a hike on the Appalachian Trail. However, most folks have at least one daring feat they like to share.

Often, you may be pleasantly shocked by the other person’s narratives. They may have some exciting experiences you’d never dreamed of just looking at them. You’ll never know the fascinating events in a person’s life until you ask.

8. Tell Me About Your Family (one of the best small talk starters if someone has children!)

Again, you don’t want to dig too deep into someone’s life that you barely know. Most people are happy to tell you all about their mate, children, and the things they enjoy as a family. Ask about their beloved pets if you want to endure yourself to someone.

In the past, people carried small photo albums of their kids and grandkids to show to any interested person. Now, with smartphones, people can share pictures and videos of their families for all to see. You’re sure to find a quick bond by sharing family photos.

9. What Do You like to Do When You’re Free?

If you want to get to know somebody, their hobbies and leisure activities are just as important as their careers. Wouldn’t you be surprised to learn that your new acquaintance is an accountant daily and a standup comedian on weekends? Some of the most unlikely people can have fascinating hobbies to share.

In fact, you may have some common interests. If not, maybe they have experience and skills in a hobby you’ve always wanted to pursue. Your friendship could blossom as you spend time doing things together.

10. Where Do You See Yourself in the Next Five Years?

Conversation starters about dreams and aspirations usually go well beyond small talk. People are often attracted to others who are interested in their dreams. The attraction is even stronger when you and they share similar goals.

Instead of the mundane small talk about the weather, go big and ask an acquaintance about their five-year plan. Of course, you don’t have to be specific on the number of years. You could always just ask about future ambitions or some recent goals they’ve achieved.

It tells a lot about a person who has the self-confidence and ambition to identify what they want in life. The person in your conversation may not share every detail, but the small talk can progress into a meaningful discussion. More than likely, they will start asking you about your plans.

The Art of  Small Talk Starts With Being an Effective Listener

The conversation is like a game of volleyball where the ball is served back and forth on each side. If the volleyball only stays on one side of the net, there’s not going to be much of a game. Likewise, each participant in a conversation must be a listener and a speaker.

Some conversationalists are naturally skilled at active listening. However, it’s a skill that you can quickly improve with practice. You can passively hear someone speak, but you have to be active to listen to them.

Active listening involves a total focus on the speaker and what they’re saying. Make appropriate eye contact and try to maintain an open posture. Mirror the emotion in their voice and ask them for clarification, so there’ll be no misunderstandings.

Be present in their statements instead of figuring out how you’ll respond. Listen respectfully without interrupting. It’s always helpful if you wait a few seconds before saying anything.

Conversation Starters to Avoid When Making Small Talk

Even the most seasoned conversationalists occasionally stick their foot in their mouths. No matter how hard you try, it’s inevitable that you’ll say something innocent that someone takes the wrong way. Effective communication involves knowing what to say and what to avoid.

The conversation starters you choose depend on the setting and with whom you’re talking. Avoid controversial subjects unless you’re with like-minded people and have met for discussion. Remember, the acronym for taboo subjects is R.I.P: Religion, Intimacy, and Politics.

It’s too easy to offend when one of the big three is mentioned. You can quickly steer to another subject if someone raises the topic one-on-one or in a group. If the insensitive person persists in an inappropriate conversation, make your exit as soon as possible.

If you’re face-to-face with someone or in a group, your body language speaks before you open your mouth. Does it say you’re at ease and welcome a conversation, or are you too nervous? Don’t forget one of the golden rules of effective conversation is to smile.

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Final Thoughts on the Best Small Talk Starters for Introverts

Some of the best orators and conversationalists in history struggled with being an introvert. When you’ve planned some appropriate conversation starters, people will assume you’ve always had the gift of gab. As with any skill, using small talk to build meaningful conversation takes aspiration and practice.

10 Reasons to Stop Teaching Boys to Repress Their Feelings

It was very commonplace in previous decades for men to repress their feelings. Guys who expressed their emotions were often seen as weak and vulnerable. Others often unfairly taunted them, so they bottled up their emotions.

Naturally, men learned that they were to repress and never cry or show any emotion. Fast forward a few decades, and society now recognizes that it’s healthy for men to show their emotional side. It makes them better sons, fathers, lovers, and all-around good people.

When you bottle emotions down deep inside, it’s like a ticking time bomb. This emotional bomb will explode when you least expect it. A study conducted at The University of Berkely found that men who show their feelings have emotional diversity.

When children learn to display both positive and negative emotions effectively, they have lower rates of depression and anxiety. Holding things inside is not suitable for anyone’s mental health.

Ten Benefits of Teaching Boys Not to Repress Feelings

The time to teach your boys not to bottle up their feelings is from the cradle. You want to ensure they know they’re free to express their emotions early on as it directly impacts their life.

While lower depression and anxiety rates are excellent, there are other benefits to teaching boys not to bottle up their feelings. Here are some other good things that can come when a young man learns emotional diversity.

repressing repress

1. They Have Better Relationships If They Don’t Repress Emotions

Relationships require people to be vulnerable and talk about things that bother them. When one person doesn’t discuss the issues, it’s like a festering wound that only worsens. However, if a boy learns how to deal with the problem and get everything out in the open, they learn to communicate effectively.

When they want a partner to spend their life with, they’ll desire someone open and honest. Their feelings are just as important as their partners, so they should be free to discuss things and not keep them bottled up inside.

2. Their Dreams Intensify

Imagine how horrible it would be to contemplate about your problems constantly. You didn’t feel free to cry, express your anger, or talk about the things that were bothering you. It’s hard to plan for the future, dream, and be present in the moment. When emotional diversity is allowed, it lifts the black cloud of sorrow that keeps a boy from seeing beyond the here and now.

3. Their Confidence and Courage Improve When They Don’t Repress Their Feelings

When the emotions are out of whack, boys lack confidence in themselves. For instance, if they had a bad relationship where someone cheated on them, it puts the fear of dating anyone else in their mind. However, when boys learn to talk about these situations and get things out in the open, they’re no longer repressed by the hurt of the past.

It doesn’t mean that the hurt automatically goes away, but they find comfort in talking about it. They may find someone who’s had a similar experience and values monogamy as much as they do, but they will never know unless they have the confidence and courage to open up.

4. They Have a Better Social Life When Feelings Are Not Bottled Up

People don’t feel like going out with a group and having fun when they’re an emotional wreck. Keeping feelings bottled up inside makes anyone miserable. An emotionally upset person will struggle to go to work, go on dates, or have social interaction.

However, when boys learn at a young age not to repress their feelings and to get things out and process them, they’re freed from the ties that bind. They’ll feel like going out and having fun when they’re not tied to the past and have regrets.

5. They Smile More

Your face tells a story for all the world to see. You can usually tell if you’re sad by looking at your expression. Very few people have a true “poker face” where they can fool the world.

Boys will smile more when they don’t repress the feelings that hurt them. It’s impossible to be miserable inside and happy outside, as the innermost feelings will always shine through.

bottled up

6. They Have Better Communication

Have you ever dealt with a person you have to ask a hundred times what’s wrong, and they still give you nothing? This is a hallmark case of someone who is repressed. They know they’re feeling horrible, but they don’t know how or what to say to you.

Boys who learn to bottle up their feelings and hope they go away will have communication issues. The problem with “sweeping the dirt under the rug” is that there comes a day when the dirt pile is apparent. Communicating your concerns and getting things out in the open will free you.

Rather than adding more dirt to the pile, they learn to clean up the mess as it happens. Teach your boys that it’s okay to talk about their feelings and what’s bothering them, and it feels so much better than repressing them.

7. Boys Who Don’t Repress Emotions Have Better Health

Stress and carrying around excess baggage can have a direct impact on your heart. According to the National Library of Medicine, the effect on blood pressure is multiplied when the body is under stress. You can’t bottle up hurts and disappointments in life and not expect to be the picture of health.

You’ve often heard that stress kills, and your heart doesn’t need you putting any more stress or strain on it. You probably think this doesn’t apply to children, but according to the American Heart Association, kids are not immune.

Though it’s rare for a child to have heart problems due to stress, it does happen. However, arming them with the proper tools from infancy to handle their stress effectively will impact them throughout life.

8. They Become a More Positive Person

When you repress things, you dwell in negativity. Your mind is stuck in a loop of everything that hurt you or went wrong in your life. No one wants a black cloud of sorrow hanging over their head, so teach your kids to be optimistic.

Dealing with a problem as it occurs will allow your child to embrace positivity. They can’t be a happy person and carry tons of baggage. This doesn’t mean they will always resolve everything instantly, but at least they can work on a resolution.

9. Boys Who Don’t Bottle Up Their Emotions Don’t Play the Blame Game

Imagine your son has a cup inside of him that holds all his uncomfortable emotions. When he gets angry, sad, scared, or full of anxiety, the cup fills a bit with each emotion or feeling.

Eventually, his cup will be so complete that it spills everywhere, often called an emotional outburst. Once it starts spilling out, they’re unable to control it. Usually, it comes out in the form of blaming others.

It’s not practical to criticize others for mishandled situations, as your son repressed these feelings. However, breaking free from repression gives freedom and stops the blame game.

10. They’re Free to Forgive and Be Forgiven

It’s horrible to hold grudges. In many instances, folks get mad and refuse to speak for years, and they eventually don’t remember why they were angry in the first place. When boys learn from an early age that it’s acceptable to bottle up feelings, they won’t be apt to forgive others.

How can one expect someone to forgive when they’re not willing to forgive? Learning to deal with emotions at the time they occur allows people to be free to forgive and be forgiven.

Never Punish Your Child for Their Feelings

Why do parents expect things from their children that they don’t do themselves? Many adults want their kids to be “seen and not heard,” and they think they’re never going to have a bad day. You must be realistic and understand that your children will experience the same emotions as you.

There are days you’re cranky because you didn’t get enough sleep, and you say and do things you didn’t mean. Your children will also have these times and shouldn’t be punished for expressing their emotions. Instead, it would help if you talked with them about effective ways to handle these times. As a result, you will arm them with the knowledge of how to deal with their emotions positively.

By punishing a child for a temper tantrum, or another emotionally based issue, you’re saying loud and clear that expressing your feelings gets you in trouble. Correct the bad behavior, like kicking, hitting, coloring on the wall, or things of this nature, but never punish them for being human and showing emotion.


Final Thoughts on Why Boys Shouldn’t Repress Their Feelings

Parents have a great responsibility to raise well-rounded children. Things have shifted and altered in the past decades, making it socially acceptable for boys to show their emotions. Teaching your children not to bottle up their emotions but to deal with them at the moment will substantially impact their life.

The bottom line is your children, both male, and female should be free to express themselves and get things out in the open. It not only will make them better people, but it will free them from the emotional baggage they will carry throughout life.

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