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10 Reasons Why Journaling Is What Your Soul Needs

Know the key benefits of a happiness journal.

If you aren’t into journaling, maybe it’s time to reconsider this practice. Like eating a healthy diet and exercising, writing in a journal is a form of good self-care. There are many benefits to your body, mind, and soul. So, if you’re unclear if you want to keep a journal, here are some reasons why it could be a worthwhile exercise and just what your soul needs.

10 Reasons Why Journaling Soothes the Soul

This should inspire you to start keeping a diary.

1. Journaling improves your mood

Writing in a journal helps you deal with your positive and negative feelings. Journaling improves your mood as you put down how you’re feeling on paper. It’s a form of self-talk that allows you to work out your emotions. It’s not understood why writing in a journal boosts your mood, but somehow the writing experience seems to help your brain get emotionally balanced. Whether you write a song, a poem, or a couple of short paragraphs, you’ll feel happier about your life.


2. It’s an outlet for your feelings

When you write in your journal, you get the chance to get stuff off your chest. If you’re stressed, write out why you’re feeling this way or who is stressing you out. Even though writing in a journal won’t change your circumstances, it helps you feel emotionally lighter and less burdened. As you jot out your innermost feelings, it’s like telling someone what’s going on in your life. Of course, journaling can’t replace therapy, but it’s a healing exercise. Dumping those feelings out on paper is a worthwhile exercise for your soul.

3. It lowers your stress

Face it. Life is stressful. Unfortunately, stress is unhealthy for your body, mind, and soul. Journaling is a form of stress management. It lowers the impact of the stress you’re feeling. Studies found that writing in a journal reduces anxiety and positively affects a person’s well-being. Try these journaling tips to reduce your daily stress.

  • Journal at the same time every day: Setting a specific time for journaling creates a habit. You may enjoy writing in the quiet of the morning or late at night before you go to bed. Whenever you decide is the best time, stick with this time slot.
  • Write for fifteen to twenty minutes daily: You don’t need to write for an extended period. Just a quarter of an hour could make a big difference in your feelings. Setting a timer helps you stay within a specific time frame. You’ll probably be surprised how quickly time will pass while writing. You can always extend your time to 30 minutes if you want a longer time to write.
  • Find a quiet place to write: Find a quiet secluded place to write in your house where you won’t be interrupted.
  • Choose a paper journal or online one: Depending on what you like, you can write in a paper journal or an online journal. If it’s online, be sure it’s a secure site.

4. A journal helps you find gratefulness

Being grateful increases the positivity in your soul. It’s a positive way of thinking about life. Gratefulness takes practice, but gratitude is the perfect thing to write about in your journal. It’s essential not to take anything for granted. Your life is a gift. Enjoy each moment of your day by focusing on gratitude. If you’re having difficulty coming up with ideas, here’s a list of essential things to be grateful for and write about.

  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Home
  • Family
  • Pets
  • Health
  • Sleep
  • Money for things
  • Fresh air
  • Clean water
  • Safe town
  • Car
  • Bike
  • Legs that work well
  • Friends
  • School
  • Job
  • Healthcare
  • Teachers
  • Music
  • Art
  • Color
  • Books


5. It helps you deal with fears.

Everyone struggles with fear. It’s good to write about your worries in your journal. When you write about your fears, it can help you address the fear. As you write, answer these questions to understand why you feel so fearful.

  • What is my biggest fear? Why?
  • Is this a realistic fear?
  • Is there an action I can take instead of giving in to fear?
  • Am I afraid of people? Why?
  • Do I fear what people think of me?

Acknowledging your fears will not necessarily make them go away, but it gives you a better understanding of what’s going on in your mind and heart. Plus, acknowledging fears lessens some intimidation and loosens their power over you.

6. Journal writing helps you remember

Journaling is a record of a day in your life. It’s a day you’ll never experience again. You can write about your feelings, what you did, who you saw, or even what you ate that day. You’ll remember this day when you look back at this entry several weeks, months, or years later. It’s a great way to record what you read or what someone said to you that touched your soul. Writing it in your journal memorializes your experience, so you never forget it, making it much more meaningful.

7. It keeps you focused

Life can feel out of control at times. When this happens, losing focus on what’s important is easy. If you have a situation at work that is stealing your joy, write about it. Don’t allow the problem to loom larger than life and eat away at your happiness. Write about what’s going on and what you feel. Allow your journal to be your dumping ground for all that’s going on inside your soul. This will help you let go of the situation and keep you focused with a freer mind.

happiness journal

8. Journal improves your self-confidence

Writing in a journal can boost your self-confidence because you’ll have a more positive attitude. When self-confident, you are clear-headed enough to choose a good course of action. Writing about what’s going on helps you reflect and decide what to do. This, in turn, boosts your self-confidence so you can face challenges and not give up.

9. Writing in a journal helps you pray

Journaling your prayers is one of the best things to do, especially when life feels out of control. It’s a form of talking to God, even though you’re not saying anything aloud. There are many historical examples of famous people who wrote out their prayers. You may be surprised as you reread your prayers weeks later how many of your prayers have been answered by God.

10. It helps you work out your problems.

Getting your problems down on paper helps you let go of them. This process, in turn, allows you to step back and see a solution you may not have noticed before. Writing in a journal unloads the burdensome issues that are bothering you. As you let go of them, you feel better,, and the problem doesn’t loom as large as before you wrote about it.

Is there a negative side to journaling?

Of course, almost any self-improvement book or blog will tell you to journal. But surprisingly, there is a negative side to journaling. Here are a few downsides to journaling that you may want to consider.

You may not get as much self-awareness as you hoped you would-Journaling has its limitations. Even though you write out your feelings, thoughts, and problems, you may feel more self-aware than before.

  • Journaling can make you overly inside your head: Life will get very clinical and sterile if everything becomes a tool to examine yourself. There’s a mystery and stuff in life that is not worth exploring.
  • It can make you self-obsessed: You’ve met that person–everything they do and say becomes a study about themselves.
  • It causes you to wallow in negativity: If you’re using your journal to dump negativity, it won’t help you. Balance of both the good and the bad is key.
  • Cause you to feel passive: If writing out what’s going on in your life is enough, and you’re not interested in getting involved, your journaling isn’t healthy.


Final thoughts on journaling to feed your soul

Many people say writing in a journal makes them feel happy. Some compare journaling to good self-care, like eating healthy and exercising. If you haven’t tried keeping a journal, give it a try to see if you experience benefits.

4 Things That Cause a Bad Attitude (And How to Fix It)

People have a bad attitude for many reasons, and it isn’t always a reflection of their character. Bad days happen to everyone, and sometimes, the stress of life can become overwhelming. They may react by complaining or venting to loved ones or attempting to numb the pain somehow. It isn’t realistic or fair to expect everyone to have a perfect attitude 24/7.

Humans naturally have a wide range of emotions, and it’s healthy to express them in a safe, loving environment. However, it can become a problem if your bad day turns into a bad week, month or year. In other words, if you allow that negative experience to shape your entire worldview, it could change your personality for the worse.

Usually, people have a bad attitude because of things entirely outside their control. For example, some like to blame politics, the economy, coworkers, or any other external stressor for their behaviors. But, we can choose how to respond to situations and people and become more aware of how our actions affect others.

4 Things That Cause a Bad Attitude (And How to Reverse It)

Below, we’ll go over a few common behaviors that can lead to a negative outlook. Also, we’ll list some steps you can take to increase your optimism in life.

bad attitude

1.     Frequent Complaining Transforms to a Bad Attitude.

If you complain to friends and family when something terrible happens, that’s one thing. But, if you make a habit of complaining about every minor inconvenience, it can darken your outlook on life. This occurs due to neuroplasticity, or the ability of the brain to form new connections or pathways. When you complain, your brain begins to rewire itself for negativity.

It might feel better to vent your frustrations, but it can harm you in the long run. Complaining raises cortisol levels, but it could also even shorten your lifespan! A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry discovered that optimists tend to outlive pessimists. They have a 55% reduced risk of all-cause mortality and a 23% lower risk of dying from heart failure.

How to Fix it:

Try to focus on positive things that happen each day. Or, limit your venting to a small window of time to get something off your chest. That way, you can move on quickly while still being able to express your emotions.

2.     Blaming Others For Problems Can Lead to a Bad Attitude.

Blaming others for difficulties or avoiding responsibility can also cause a bad attitude. It puts you in a victim mindset and makes you feel powerless to change anything in life. It may feel better to blame others in the short term because it liberates you from responsibility.

However, once you realize that the problems persist anyway, the victim mindset becomes a liability rather than an asset. The only way to take charge of your life is to tackle problems directly rather than running from them.

This builds character and increases confidence, helping to stave off a bad attitude. It also makes it easier to get along with others, as positivity makes you more magnetic and agreeable.

How to Fix It:

If you have a defeated mindset and don’t believe in yourself, it can cause a bad attitude. However, it starts by looking within for answers and having faith that you can overcome obstacles. You may have learned helplessness from your parents if they didn’t give you guidance or responsibility early in life.

But, you can still change this perspective by practicing resilience and getting outside your comfort zone. Ironically, having too little to worry about in life can lead to stagnancy and avoidance behaviors.

3.     Negative Self-Talk.

If you have a bad attitude, perhaps your self-talk is stealing your shine. Unfortunately, humans have a negativity bias, making negative thoughts or experiences stand out more than positive ones. This helped us survive in the wilderness when we constantly had to scan for threats. However, these negative thoughts no longer serve us, except for rare life-or-death situations.

Studies show that negative self-talk can exacerbate mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. So, not only does it rob you of mental wellness, it also can lead to a bad attitude.

How to Fix it:

Your perspective on yourself represents how you view the world, in many cases. So, if you can learn to love yourself, you will have a much brighter outlook on life. Practice self-compassion and rid yourself of any feelings of guilt or shame. Remember that you’re worthy and deserve to take up space on this planet just like everyone else!

4.     Comparing Yourself to Others.

Finally, seeing how you measure up against others can lead to a bad attitude. It’s human nature to compare ourselves to others, but it rarely leads to happiness or peace. If you feel jealous of someone else’s accomplishments or possessions, it can be bitter and resentful. You may feel inferior or behind in life by comparing yourself to others constantly.

How to Fix it:

However, remember that we’re all on a unique journey in life, and there isn’t just one blueprint to follow. If you have found inner peace and contentment, you’ve already won the game of life. Comparing yourself to others will only lead to disappointment, insecurity, and information overload. You’re enough already – you just need to realize that within.

chronic complaining

Final Thoughts on Behaviors that Cause a Bad Attitude

No one truly enjoys having a bad attitude; it happens unconsciously most of the time. We all deal with stressful situations, and if we’re overwhelmed, it isn’t easy to remain positive. However, we should remember that we can only control our reactions to life. We have no control over events or people outside ourselves, so we shouldn’t waste energy on them.

Only by changing ourselves can we alter our perception and, therefore, positively influence the world around us. So, try to see the silver lining in every situation, believe in yourself, and don’t play the comparison game. Also, talk to yourself the same way you’d talk to your best friend. By practicing these habits, you can stop a bad attitude and improve your mental well-being.

Silent Stroke Symptoms, According to Brain Region

A silent stroke has no symptoms. Strokes can happen when a blood clot obstructs the blood vessels in your brain. The blockage stops the blood and oxygen from getting to the parts of your brain, causing brain cells to die. Depending on where the clot is located, it will cause symptoms like weakness or problems with your vision. But a silent stroke is small enough and usually occurs in a part of your brain that doesn’t control any vital functions or significant movement. This is why it’s called a silent stroke. Here is some vital information on both silent and traditional strokes that you should know.

How can a stroke be silent?

It’s possible to have a stroke and not know it. This is because a silent stroke has no traditional symptoms. You may only find out you had a stroke if you have a brain scan for another reason. Many patients are surprised to learn they’ve had a stroke because they had no signs of it. This doesn’t mean that silent strokes aren’t severe. If you’ve had a silent stroke, it increases your risk of having a typical stroke.

Who is most at risk of a silent stroke?

Certain people have stroke risk factors because of their health issues. Remember, if you’ve had a silent stroke, you have a greater chance of having a stroke with symptoms.  Here are conditions that put you at risk of a symptomatic stroke.

silent stroke

  • Heart disease: Heart disorders increase your chances of having a stroke. This is because plaque builds up in your arteries, causing blockages of blood and oxygen to your brain.
  • High blood pressure: High blood pressure damages your blood vessels, causing them to get too narrow or rupture. It also causes blood clots in your brain or arteries, which blocks the blood flow to your brain.
  • High cholesterol: Having high cholesterol puts you at risk for a stroke. Cholesterol in your blood causes fatty deposits to plug up your arteries so they become narrow and complex, and blood won’t flow well.
  • Diabetes: Because diabetes prevents your body from assimilating food properly, your body can’t make or use insulin, which causes glucose to build up in your blood. High sugar levels damage your blood vessels and increase your stroke chances.
  • Smoking: Smoking almost doubles your chances of having a stroke. This is because smoking increases your blood pressure and lowers the oxygen levels in your blood.
  • Afib: If you have afib, you don’t have a normal heartbeat. This can lead to a blood clot that plugs up the blood and oxygen flow to your brain, leading to a stroke.
  • Obesity: Excess body fat is linked to bad cholesterol. This may lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and hardened arteries.

What is the most common cause of a stroke?

You can have a stroke at any age. If you have a family history of strokes, this puts you at a higher risk. But if you have high blood pressure, you have a higher chance of having a silent or symptomatic stroke.  According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), high blood pressure is the leading cause of strokes. Talk to your doctor if you think you have high blood pressure. They will check your blood pressure and give you medication to bring it under control. You may also need to incorporate lifestyle changes to lower your blood pressure.

How can you prevent a silent stroke?

The best way to prevent a silent stroke and a symptomatic stroke is to follow these suggestions:

  • Don’t smoke: If you already smoke, try to quit. There are many helpful medications, patches, and even gum to stop smoking. You will sleep better, feel better and even be able to taste foods better.
  • Eat a Mediterranean diet: Eat a diet high in fresh, wholesome vegetables, pristine fruits, whole grains, chicken, and fish. Eat only a small amount of beef. Use olive oil for salads and cooking.
  • Lower the sodium in your diet: Aim to eat no more than five grams of sodium per day. This reduces your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. Use spices or lemon juice to add flavor to your foods.
  • Control your weight: Being overweight leads to health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes. All these conditions put you at risk of a stroke.
  • Avoid too much alcohol: Don’t drink too much alcohol if you want to reduce your risk of a silent stroke. Alcohol raises your blood pressure levels and your triglycerides, which cause fat to form in your blood, which results in hardened arteries. Women should stick to no more than one alcoholic drink a day, while men should have only two drinks per day.
  • Regular physical: Staying active lowers your chances for both a silent and a symptomatic stroke. Add exercise to your daily life for the best results. You don’t need to join a gym. There are many ways to be active without gym memberships, such as biking, walking, gardening, hiking, or swimming.

What else puts you at risk for a stroke?

Several other factors put you at risk for a stroke, including:

  • Genetic circumstances: If you have a family history of high blood pressure, you might notice a pattern of strokes in your family. High blood pressure damages your blood vessels, making them too narrow to flow through. This leads to a rupture of stroke.
  • Sickle cell disease: This is another genetic factor that could put you at risk for a stroke. This condition is linked to an ischemic stroke, which affects mostly African Americans. If you suffer from this disease, your red blood cells don’t form in a regular shape. If one of the cells gets caught in your blood vessel, it leads to a stroke.
  • Family history of a stroke: It only makes sense that if your grandparents, parents, aunts, or uncles had a stroke, you are at risk. If you change your lifestyle while you’re young, it could help you avoid having a stroke later in life.

Symptoms of a silent stroke

The effects of a stroke depend on the area in your brain where the stroke occurs, the severity of the stroke, and the type and number of strokes you’ve had. When your brain gets damaged because of a stroke, you will lose some function in part of your body.

Your brain has three areas:

  • Cerebellum: Front and top of your brain
  • Cerebrum: Left and right sides of the brain
  • Brainstem: The base of the brain

silent stroke


The effects of a stroke will be different depending on which region of your brain occurred.

If the stroke occurred in your cerebrum and what side of the cerebrum it occurs, these areas of your body will be affected.

Stroke on the left side hemisphere of your cerebrum side effects include:

  1. Speech problems
  2. Lack of understanding of language
  3. Right side weakness
  4. Paralysis on the right side
  5. Problems with your vision, especially the right field of vision in both eyes
  6. Failure to do math, reason, or analyze
  7. Behavioral changes such as hesitancy, extreme caution, or depression
  8. Can’t write, read or learn new things
  9. Memory difficulties

Stroke on the right hemisphere of your cerebrum. Side effects include:

  1. Left-sided weakness
  2. Left-sided paralysis
  3. Visual problems, especially the left field of vision in both eyes
  4. Can’t recognize body parts
  5. Memory problems
  6. Can’t localize
  7. Behavior changes such as inappropriate actions and speech, depression, and lack of concern for others and yourself
  8. Can’t toilet yourself
  9. Can’t dress or eat


The cerebellum of your brain is behind and underneath the cerebrum at the back of your skull. Strokes aren’t as common in this portion of your brain, but if you have a stroke here, the effects can be debilitating.

Side effects of a stroke in the cerebellum include:

  1. Can’t walk
  2. Loss of balance and coordination
  3. Headaches
  4. Vomiting
  5. Nausea
  6. Dizziness


The brainstem is at the bottom of your brain, right at your spinal cord. Your life support functions are here, such as your heartbeat, your blood pressure, and your breathing. Damage because of a stroke in your brain stem is life-threatening.

Side effects of a stroke in your brainstem include:

  1. Heart function problems
  2. Breathing problems
  3. Balance problems
  4. Coordination problems
  5. Weakness
  6. Paralysis
  7. Swallowing difficulties
  8. Speaking problems
  9. Chewing problems
  10. Coma
  11. Vision problems
  12. Death

silent stroke

Final thoughts on knowing the signs of a silent stroke

Silent strokes may not have symptoms, but they are serious. If you’ve had a silent stroke, you may not know it unless you have a brain scan for some other reason. If you find you’ve had a silent stroke, you are at a greater risk of having a symptomatic stroke. This type of stroke can be debilitating, depending on where it occurs in your brain.

It’s important to be aware of stroke risk factors such as your family history, genetics, or sickle cell disease. Other lifestyle factors put you at risk. Your health is important. Choosing a healthful lifestyle will go a long way in helping to prevent a stroke.

Lack of Sleep Causes These 4 Diseases, According to CDC

Lack of sleep is linked to several chronic diseases. You may feel you can catch up on your sleep over the weekends or holidays, but sleep isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity for your good health. Individuals who continually lose sleep end up with health problems. Here are four diseases connected to lack of sleep and sleep disorders like insomnia.

1 – Lack of Sleep Can Cause Depression

According to the CDC, one-third of American adults sleep less than the recommended seven to eight hours per night. If you do not get enough sleep, you’re at a higher risk for a car accident, work mistakes, and injuries. One of the health risks of a lack of sleep is depression.  Doctors know that sleep is a symptom of depression. They’ve also found when they treat sleep apnea, and a person is sleeping well, their depression symptoms decrease. If you struggle with depression, you may not have realized how important it is for you to get enough sleep. Sleep helps improve your mood and reduce your depression.

Ideas to Beat Sleeplessness

lack of sleep

Here are some suggestions to help you sleep better if you feel sad and depressed.

  • Keep your bedroom as dark as possible: Use blackout curtains to darken your room at night. If the street lights bother you, try double blackout curtains to block out all the light.
  • White noise: Make white noise with a white noise machine or fan to block outside noises. Noise during the night could cause sleeplessness.
  • Update your mattress: It can disrupt your sleep if it is old and lumpy.
  • Keep a bedtime routine: All living organisms have circadian rhythms that regulate your biological clock. Little things like changing daily routines can interfere with your circadian rhythm. Your sleep is affected when this rhythm gets disrupted. Having a set time to go to bed and get up helps you stay in sync with this biological clock.
  • Get up when you have insomnia: If you’re having difficulty staying asleep, it’s best to get out of bed. Then do something like read a book or listen to music for15 minutes. Then return to bed. This often resets your brain to allow you to sleep. If it doesn’t, try around fifteen minutes of reading and then go back to bed. Eventually, your body will calm down, and you’ll fall asleep.
  • Avoid blue screens: Blue screens have overstimulated your brain. Avoid using your devices at least an hour before bed.
  • Increase your exercise: Regular exercise helps decrease depression. This is because exercise stimulates your brain to release endorphins, that are a natural antidepressant which can improve your mood. Aim for thirty minutes of exercise every day.
  • Get into the sunshine: Try to get outside every day. Sunlight increases your vitamin D, which improves your mood. Sunlight also helps reset your circadian rhythms.

2 – Obesity May Result from Insomnia

Lack of sleep or not sleeping long enough contributes to obesity. Insomnia changes your metabolism, which results in weight gain. This was especially true for kids and adolescents. Sleep is essential for kids’ development. If a child lacks sleep while growing up, the hypothalamus, that part of the brain that controls their appetite and metabolism, can’t develop correctly. This causes them to gain weight. Adults who get less than the recommended seven hours of sleep repeatedly struggle with weight gain plus a higher body mass index (BMI). This is because of several reasons:

  • Insomnia or insufficient sleep increases your appetite: When you’re not sleeping, you have an enormous appetite. This is partly because your body is trying to compensate for lost energy. Also, when you’re not getting enough sleep, it affects your hormones that pick up your appetite. Plus, when you’re not sleeping, you crave high-fat foods and carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain.
  • Lack of sleep leads to a lack of exercise: It goes without saying when you’re not sleeping well, you feel tired and lack the motivation to exercise. If you try to exercise, you’re likely to shorten the length of your physical routine because you’re too tired to finish. Not getting enough exercise increases your risk of gaining weight.


3 – Lack of Sleep Contributes to Cardiovascular Disease

Insomnia has been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease conditions, such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia)
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Cardiovascular events
  • A buildup of cholesterol plaque in your arteries

Doctors suggest that lack of sleep is a good indicator of a heart condition and even increases your death rate if you’re diagnosed with heart disease. It’s important to make sleep a priority. If you’ve tried all the conventional ways to get more sleep, and they haven’t worked, here are some strange but practical suggestions that might work for you.

How to Beat Insomnia

  • Tell yourself not to sleep: If you suffer from insomnia. It’s suggested that if you lie in bed with your eyes open and refuse to go to sleep, you’ll relax. This is because you aren’t trying to sleep. There’s suddenly no pressure. Before you know it, you’ll fall asleep. It’s reverse psychology for your brain.
  • Keep your feet warm: When you’re in bed; your body gets cool. Anecdotal reports suggest that putting a heating pad on your cold feet or wearing socks helps redirect the blood to your feet and warm them up.
  • Eat cheese: Cheese has a lot of tryptophan which enhances sleep. Always avoid high-fat cheeses late at night because this cheese can have the opposite effect and keep you awake. Eating a lower-fat cheese is better. Low-fat cheese to eat before bed includes the following:
    • Cottage cheese
    • Ricotta cheese
    • Low-fat cream cheese
    • Parmesan
    • Feta
    • Goat’s cheese
  • Make bee sounds: This sounds strange, but people say it works. The idea is to lie in your bed as if you’re going to sleep and make a humming sound like a bee for 10 minutes. Doing this helps eliminate your negative emotions and causes your brain to release chemicals that help you sleep.

4 – Diabetes Worsens With Insomnia

Insufficient sleep puts you at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Researchers say that the quality of your sleep and how long you sleep are predictors of your hemoglobin, a key marker of your body’s blood sugar control. They say increasing how long you sleep improves your blood sugar control.

So, if you find you fall asleep but wake up during the night, here are some things that could interfere with your ability to stay asleep and upping your risk for high blood sugar.

What to Do if You Struggle With a Lack of Sleep

  • Stress: If you fall asleep only to wake up in the middle of the night, it could be stress waking you up. Stress can interpret your circadian rhythms if you have a lot on your mind, even though you’re tired. Destress before bed by reading, calmly walking outside, or listening to peaceful music. Avoid action-packed television shows. They can stimulate your mind and cause you to wake up during the night.
  • Drinking alcohol: When you drink alcohol, it makes you sleepy. But drinking it even a few hours before bedtime can interrupt your sleep in the middle of the night. If you want an alcoholic drink in the evening, drink earlier so it won’t interfere with your sleep.
  • Going to the bathroom frequently: If you need to get up at night to go to the bathroom, you might drink too much water in the evening or have an overactive bladder. This is a common condition for many adults. Reduce your beverages after dinner so you won’t need to get up at night. Talk to your doctor if you think you have an overactive bladder. They can prescribe medication that can help you.
  • Drinking caffeine: Caffeine revs up your brain for hours. If you keep drinking it all day, your body is on caffeine overload when you’re ready for bed. You might fall asleep only to wake up during the night vigilant and unable to fall back asleep.

lack of sleep

Final Thoughts on the Harmful Impact of a Lack of Sleep

Sleep is essential for good health. It’s easy to assume that missing a few hours of sleep each night won’t make a difference. Trying to catch a few extra winks on the weekends or holidays won’t help. Sleep is a necessity for good health.

According to the CDC, lack of sleep can lead to at least four chronic diseases. Individuals who have insomnia because of work hours, eat high-fat foods before bed, consume alcohol or caffeine too close to bedtime, or are stressed are at risk of developing heart disease, depression, obesity, and diabetes. Stopping your sleeplessness will help you stay your healthiest and happiest.

15 Reasons You Will Never Get Away with Lying to an Empath

An empath is gifted because they can identify and relate to the emotions of others. They are highly sensitive and know more than many people realize. You can’t get away with lying to an empathic person for many reasons, and the reasons all relate to their ability to tune into your emotions.

If you know an empath, you’ve probably already learned that it’s almost impossible to lie to them. Even if you lie, you’ll likely feel that the person knows you’re being dishonest. They don’t always say that they know you’re lying, but they can see through the false words.

An empath won’t always call you out on white lies, but they won’t let you get away with serious lies. Once you lose their trust, you have to prove that you’ve changed before they’ll let you back in their life.

Don’t overestimate your ability to lie when you’re around someone who empathizes. Even the best liars can’t get their lies past this person.

How to Know When You’re Around an Empath

These people are deeply aware of the emotions of those around them. You’ve likely heard of it before, but it’s sometimes hard to pinpoint the empaths in your life. Some of the ways you can tell if you’re around one are if they are:

  • Aware of the emotional energy from those around them
  • Highly sensitive and loving
  • Likely to absorb the negative emotions and stress of others
  • Often overstimulated
  • Seemingly unable to set or enforce personal boundaries
  • A natural helper
  • Affected by their physical environment
  • Needing time to recharge after spending time with others
  • Deeply connected to the people around them

empathic empathetic people

Types of Empathic Personalities

There isn’t just one type as everyone is different. The different types include:

  • Emotional: They pick up and absorb the emotions of those around them. This situation occurs with both negative and positive emotions.
  • Physical: They notice and take on the physical symptoms of others. These people often experience the symptom themselves and are receptive to it when the other person feels it.
  • Intuitive: They have deep insight into the emotions and physical symptoms of others. These people often become mentally, emotionally, or physically overwhelmed.
  • Plant: They make great gardeners or landscapers because they know what plants need. While plants can’t talk, these people enjoy being around plants and determining what they need.
  • Animal: They notice the needs and feelings of animals and go out of their way to help. These people enjoy being around and working with animals.
  • Earth: They are receptive to the earth and all of nature. These people are affected by natural disasters, weather, and environmental harm.

Why You Never Get Away with Lying to an Empath

It’s nearly impossible to deceive a person with highly attuned empathic tendencies.

1. Empaths See Things Other People Don’t

These people can see your true intentions even when other people can’t. You can mask your purpose, but they’ll see through your façade and know what you want or intend.

2. Empathic People Sense Discomfort and Dishonesty

Your basic emotions allow an empathizer to see your discomfort when you lie. They’ll know something is off, making them pay more attention to your demeanor. As they pay close attention, they’ll recognize other small clues about your lies.

3. They Recognize Exploitative Behavior

These people know when you’re trying to get the better of them or someone else. They’ll recognize when you use them for selfish reasons and don’t often let those actions go. If you exploit their kindness and generosity, they’ll either call you out or avoid you.

4. They Notice Self-Destruction

If you have self-destructive tendencies, an empathetic person will notice. They recognize if you often play victim, tough guy, or falsely portray another personality. Plus, they will also see the reason behind your display.

They know if you’re truly living the life you portray or looking for attention. This behavior might not go ignored because it frustrates them. They’re likely to call you out and tell you to stop behaving that way.

5. An Empath Recognizes Insincerity and Lack of Authenticity

These people know when you’re not being sincere. If you pretend you’re happy or excited for someone, an empath will know if it’s a cover. They also recognize if you’re pretending to be someone you’re not.

If you’re afraid to be yourself, an empathetic person not only sees it but also notices the beauty in who you are. You can be true to yourself around these people because they’ll know if you’re not. However, if your lack of authenticity stems from wanting to show off or look better, they won’t take so kindly to the situation.

6. Empathic People Have Interpersonal Intelligence

These people can read your emotions with their interpersonal intelligence. They always know how you feel, even when you don’t say it. Since they are highly aware of other people’s emotions, it allows them to see through any lie.


7. They Pay Attention to Details

You can’t get much past them because they pay close attention to little details. They notice how you conduct yourself by watching your body language, choice of words, and tone of voice. These details allow them to recognize dishonesty quickly.

8. They Recognize When You’re Not Trying Your Best

If you hide your maximum potential, they’ll know it right away. Whether you’re afraid to put yourself out there or have a malicious reason, you can’t get it passed them. Sometimes you might hide your potential because you’re scared, and they will even know your reasoning.

When they know you don’t have a malicious reason for not doing your best, they’re likely to help you out. These people know what you’re capable of and want to help you tune into that potential. However, they’ll walk away if they feel you have a malicious reason for hiding your potential.

9. Empathic People See the Dishonesty in Your Eyes

An empathetic person sees right through your dishonesty because they can see it in your eyes. They might notice a subtle shift in your eyes and can see how you feel. You might notice that they don’t break eye contact while talking to you because they don’t want to miss anything.

10. They Know if You’re Not Fine

You can repeatedly tell them you’re doing okay, and they won’t believe it if it’s false. These people can see if you’re not okay and usually want to help you. You don’t have to lie to them about how you feel because they’re naturally caring and non-judgmental.

While you decide if you want to discuss your feelings or not, an empath will be open to a discussion. They recognize when you are uncomfortable, tense, annoyed, or scared. You might as well help yourself by letting them help you through the situation.

11. They Know When You Don’t Mean the Praises You Say

Don’t try to flatter or praise an empath with things you don’t believe. They can tell when you don’t mean what you say, making them want to avoid you.

12. The Empath Knows if You’re Being Judgmental

Empathetic people don’t enjoy being around judgmental people and know when you’re judging. You might not say anything aloud, but they can sense your feelings.

This person notices the moment judgmental thoughts start going through your mind. They don’t always say anything but will likely walk away and create distance between you.

13. Empathic People Recognize Negativity

An empath can spot negativity immediately, and they avoid the drama and chaos negative people attract. They create boundaries and limit their time with anyone who portrays negativity.

Negative people tend to lie and be dishonest; their reasoning is never understandable. Since the reason for the lies is usually malicious, someone who empathizes will pass on helping and distance themselves.

14. They Sense Jealousy or Hatred

An empath can often recognize these characteristics as soon as they see you. You might think you’re hiding them well, but you can’t hide them from them. They can see jealousy and hatred in your eyes and in how you carry yourself.

15. Empaths Hear the Things You Don’t Say

Empaths hear even the things you don’t say. They notice the way your voice rises and if your tone changes.

They also recognize if there is a slight hesitation before you answer a question or respond to a statement. These people also know what your silence means if you don’t say anything.


Final Thoughts on Reasons You Will Never Get Away with Lying to an Empath

It’s nearly impossible to lie to an empath because they always seem to know the truth. Don’t waste your time and energy trying to convince an empathic person of lies because it could backfire. They are incredibly understanding but don’t want to be taken advantage of.

If you’re unsure if someone is an empath, it’s best to go with honesty. Lying is wrong regardless of who is listening, so make it a habit to tell the truth. Telling the truth will make you feel better anyway and help you deal with your problems.

17 Traits of Well-Adjusted Teens

Teenagers are challenging to manage, as their surging hormones and ever-changing moods make them unapproachable. As a parent, you must ensure your child is well-adjusted and gets the best skills to handle adult life. How do you know if teens are adjusting well and have what it takes to make a well-rounded grown-up?

Seventeen Signs of Well-Adjusted Teens

Raising teenagers is not for the faint of heart. They love you one minute and refuse to speak to you the next. Parenting is hard, even on a good day.

However, you must ensure that your child is armed with the skills they need to take them from childhood to running their household. Here are seventeen traits that reveal well-adjusted teens.


1. Well-Adjusted Teens Know Their Strengths

Does your teen know their strengths? Can they solve math problems quickly, or are they a shoulder to cry on for their friends? Identifying and cultivating these strengths can put them on the right path for their career and life.

2. Understand their Limitations

While finding your strength is easy, it’s the limitations most people don’t want to admit. Does your child understand their limits, and are they working towards conquering their shortcomings? Some things can’t be defeated, so your child must learn to have a good relationship with themselves to find their boundaries.

3. Well-Rounded Teenagers Do Not Find Fault with Others

The sign of good raising is a child that accepts others. When people stop viewing the world through socioeconomic standings and things like skin color, you learn that everyone is equal and deserving of the same love and respect.

Parenting that teaches your teen to treat others equally is a positive step in the world. Does your child view everyone on the same plane as themselves?

4. Has a Realistic Perception of the World

Many teens struggle with their perception of the world around them, and reality usually hits them hard when they’re on their own. As parents, you must ensure that your child has a true sense of what life is all about, and they need to be ready for the changes that will occur.

5. Has Good Communication Skills

When your teen can effectively communicate with others, it signifies good parenting. They have no problem telling you how they feel or what’s bothering them. They aren’t inhibited by poor social skills that make communication a challenge.

6. Well-Adjusted Teens Feel Comfortable in their Surroundings

Like people of all ages, teens thrive when they’re in their comfort zone. An article published by the Association of Psychological Science states that they are more empathetic when home relationships are secure. If you create an atmosphere of support and trust, your teen is more likely to confide in you.

7. Takes Responsibility for their Actions

When teens grow up learning that it’s acceptable to blame others for their offenses and shortcomings, their adult relationships may be toxic. However, it’s a well-adjusted young person who can own their faults, ask for forgiveness, and make amends. They soon realize that with more privileges comes more responsibility.

8. Knows How to Communicate Effectively

Teens are well-known for mumbled one-word answers, slumping, shoulder shrugs, and eye-rolling. While some of it can be chalked up to awkwardness and angst, some young people haven’t learned to communicate effectively. If your high schooler has good conversation skills, it will serve them well in the future.

9. Develops Their Own Beliefs and Morals

Children usually learn their morals, beliefs, and traditions from parenting and other adult models. However, adolescence is the time when they test these standards for themselves. It’s normal for young people to accept some beliefs and discard others.


10. Well-Adjusted Teens Can Set and Achieve Goals

During infancy and childhood, parents and other caregivers set the goals for their little ones. They record each milestone and help the child learn more and develop age-appropriate skills. By teaching your child how to select, achieve, and celebrate small goals, they learn to expand their aspirations.

Most teenagers aren’t mature enough to make adult decisions, so yours will still need your guidance. You can see how well they set goals and follow through from puberty to late adolescence. They’ll ultimately fail from time to time, but you’ve taught them to get back up and try again.

11. Displays Gratitude

Parenting also includes the role of teaching and modeling good manners. Two of the first polite words your kids learn are “please” and “thank you.” It’s a satisfying feeling when you still hear your teenager being mannerly and showing their gratitude.

During their times of darkest turmoil, gratitude can lighten their path. They know how to count their blessings and not take others for granted. Appreciation and other positive attitudes provide riches of the soul that money can’t buy.

12. Lives a Life of Passion

Socrates explained that it’s not worth living if your life isn’t carefully examined. In other words, you discover your passion and try to live daily with a purpose. Well-adjusted teenagers are insatiably curious and want to gain more knowledge and skills for their future.

Rare is the young person who has their life plans chiseled in stone. They may have a profound interest today that changes tomorrow. It’s why so many first-year college students change their majors a few times.

Your teen’s goals may be vague initially, but maturation and experience will help them narrow their focus. However, their basic passions will usually follow them for the rest of their life. These things bring them joy and make them want to wake each morning ready to start the day.

13. Cherishes Time with Family

Sometimes, it may seem that your adolescent has morphed into a brooding cat. They only slink out of their bedroom long enough to eat, hiss at you, and return to hiding. A study published by the National Library of Medicine suggests that teenagers may benefit from spending a little time alone.

Most importantly, your high schooler still enjoys being with you and the family. You have meaningful conversations and do fun things together. These are the times that create forever memories.

14. Well-Adjusted Teenagers Are Thick Skinned and Can Roll with the Punches

It’s only human to want to shelter your children from all the hurts and disappointments. While you’re usually even-tempered, you become a ferocious grizzly if anyone dares to threaten your young. Consequently, you can’t always protect them and must teach them how to be resilient.

Have they asserted their rights against bullies in school, and have they dealt appropriately with disappointment? Teaching resilience is one of the best skills you can offer your teen. Life can be challenging, but it’s your job to show them how to be strong and survive.

15. Doesn’t Give in to Peer Pressure

Since the beginning, kids have indulged in risky or forbidden actions. Of course, there’s safety in numbers, so they urge those in their group to do the same. Most adolescents face peer pressure to try addictive substances or promiscuity.

Bravo to your young person who dares to say “no.” They don’t need to prove themselves to anyone by making poor decisions. When they’re adults, they’re still more likely to refuse to bow to peer pressures and negative consequences.

16. Avoids Unsafe or Dangerous Activities

Haven’t you ever done something silly as a kid and ended up paying for it? Or perhaps it was something that could have hurt or even killed you. If that didn’t become a pattern in your life, you’ve lived to teach your teenager to learn from your mistakes.

Well-adjusted high schoolers value their lives and avoid dangerous activities to show off. You’ll also notice that your kid tries to drive carefully and is concerned about safety rules. Daredevils may occasionally impress, but the most significant impression they’ll give is using good judgment and avoiding catastrophe.

17. Good Impulse Control Is a Key Trait in Well-Rounded Teens

Grocery store marketers have a good reason for stocking the checkout lines with snacks and glittery toys. They hope something will attract your little angel’s eyes, and it must go into the cart. Or else a temper tantrum worthy of a Hollywood award will ensue with everyone in the store watching.

They call these “impulse” buys because children and some adults can’t resist them. Maturation and parental instruction help kids develop impulse control. When your adolescent adjusts well, they will use better judgment and not make as many snap choices.


Final Thoughts on the Behaviors Well-Adjusted Teens Will Display

Teenagers are not perfect, and you cannot expect them to be. They can be resilient in an ever-changing world with good parenting skills and self-confidence. There’ll be a mixture of triumph and disappointment, but you’ve raised them to rise above each time as it’s the sign of well-adjusted teens ready to face the real world.

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