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Researchers Reveal Our Brains Are Smaller Than Our Ancestors

Human brains are one of the most complex things ever studied. Even after hundreds of years, scientists still don’t know everything there is to know about the cranium and brain. We know that the human brain is capable of things that no other living being is capable of.

We can communicate through languages, not just sounds, which allows us to create societies that give us many advantages. Even though monkeys and dolphins are brilliant, they can never build what humans built. They don’t have the means to organize and communicate, so they will never come close to recreating our society.

Even though we are the most advanced species, that’s not because of how big the human brain is. It is smaller relative to other species, but it’s getting smaller as time passes. Research done on the topic of cranium fossils reveals that our brains are significantly smaller than our ancestors.

This shows that it’s not the size of the brain that allows us to live in prominent societies and invent incredible things. But why is our brain getting smaller? And does that impact our intellectual abilities in any way?

Understanding The Structure Of The Cranium And Brain

To better understand why the human brain shrunk through time, it’s essential to know how to brain is structured now. Of course, the human brain has gone through multiple evolutionary stages, but right now, it seems to have stabilized. Right now, three main parts compose the brain: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. Each of these parts houses multiple segments. They sit inside the cranium, which you might call the skull.


The Tree Regions of the Brain

The forebrain contains the cerebrum, the most sizeable part of the brain, and other structures like the thalamus and hypothalamus. The cerebrum drives higher brain function and contains four lobes. There are: the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe, and the temporal lobe. Each of these structures is responsible for specific functions.

For example, the frontal lobe impacts a human’s ability to reason, speak, organize, move, make facial expressions, etc. The occipital lobe is responsible for visual processing. The parietal lobe controls complex behaviors and senses. It’s also vital for integrating information from the body and knowledge of numbers. And the temporal lobe is responsible for interpreting auditory stimuli.

The midbrain is the region between the thalamus and the pons. It’s composed of the tegmentum, the cerebral peduncles, and colliculi. This structure is the smallest out of the three, and it’s located centrally within the cranial cavity. Its role is to connect the brain with the spinal cord. The colliculi contain neurons that process different signals, such as visual ones.

The tegmentum plays a role in coordinating movements, suppressing pain, and keeping us alert. The peduncles are a pair of large nerve fiber bundles which are highways for signals that move from the cortex to other parts of the CNS.

The hindbrain is in the lower back part of the brain. It’s formed of most of the brainstem and the cerebellum structure. Most of the twelve cranial nerves are found in this region. The pons connects the rest of the brainstem with the cerebral cortex. It acts as a coordinator for signals and communications between the brain hemispheres and the spinal cord.

There are four cranial nerves in this part, each tasked with its own set of responsibilities. Behind this region lies the cerebellum (Latin for “little brain”), which coordinates sensation responses from the muscles. This allows us to make most voluntary movements. It also plays a role in maintaining balance and posture.

Why Is the Human Brain Getting Smaller?

Here are possible reasons why we have a smaller cranium than our ancestors.

1.    Increase in BMI

The current literature regarding encephalization in modern humans found that the modern brain is significantly smaller than prehistoric humans. The absolute brain size seems to have declined by 5.4%. However, throughout the past 50,000 years, encephalization levels have remained relatively stable, except for modern humans.

This change makes sense if we look at BMI levels now compared to the past. Scientists argue that the change in brain size is a direct response to changes in human physiology, so it’s an evolutionary change. Indeed, there is a lot of speculation regarding whether brain reduction is a consequence or a cause of weight gain. But the correlation remains undeniable.

Obesity also affects our neurocognitive health. Weight gain has been associated with a reduction in grey matter volume, even in neurologically healthy individuals. Because of this, the whole brain volume shrinks. Of course, this association is not universally true, as it doesn’t always account for other factors, such as diabetes and other issues.

Some studies found a positive association between brain size and a higher BMI, but in those cases, the cause of increased brain size was other issues. But the truth remains that, on average, because modern humans’ BMIs are higher, this leads to a smaller brain size when compared to our ancestors.

The exciting part is that the erosion appears in the grey matter, not the white one. The grey matter is what’s unique to humans, as it contains the cell bodies of neurons that allow us to communicate through languages and writing. This matter accounts for most of our complex behaviors, so it would seem like its reduction would mean a lower IQ. However, there are still many debates regarding this issue, and a consensus seems to elude scientists.


2.    Reliance on Collective Intelligence

A drastic decrease in brain size occurred in the past few thousands of years. This fact has long been a mystery for anthropologists, but recent studies seem to have an explanation. One of the most successful studies on this topic was done by a team that compared their findings to the inner workings of ant societies. Their theory stated that humans rely on collective intelligence to function correctly, like ants.

The team analyzed a dataset of 985 cranial fossils and modern crania and found that the brain increased 2.1 million years ago but decreased 3,000 years ago. This finding showed a more recent decrease than what was previously believed. The timing coincides with technical advancements that lead to better diet and nutrition and larger social groups. With these findings in mind, the team studied ant groups to determine whether social life affects any brain size.

They found that, when put in a group, a brain will adapt and specialize in doing the tasks it’s responsible for. This is true because brains use a lot of energy, so a smaller brain will help conserve energy. This being true in ant societies, it’s only natural to assume that this is the case for humans, too, as our social lives are very similar.

So, the human brain experienced a decrease in size because of how modern humans construct societies. Our ancestors lived in much smaller groups and had more diverse responsibilities. This is not the case anymore, so the rational evolutionary choice was for the cranium and brain to shrink to conserve energy.

3.    The Human Brain Is “Domesticated.”

We see this phenomenon in many species. When cats and dogs evolved into pets, their craniums and brains started getting smaller. And this seems to be the case for humans. Because our environment changed drastically compared to our hunter-gatherer ages, humans have gone through a domestication process.

One of the main things that changed is our need to be aggressive or to have built-in defense mechanisms. For example, babies’ brains are unmyelinated because they are born prematurely compared to other species. Theoretically, a baby could stay in the womb for a few extra months and be born with a myelinated brain, like all other animals. When an animal is born, it can walk right away. But that’s not the case for humans.

Because we live in societies, babies can be born without the ability to walk and still survive. Modern humans don’t need to be strong and to have hunter reflexes anymore. We live in a society governed by rules, and being safe from predators allows us to be docile. The modern human also encounters the pruning phenomenon. Our neural pathways differ from our ancestors because we don’t need to know the exact information they did.

We don’t need to remember every detail about our surroundings because we have maps. Our knowledge base changed to adapt to changes in our environment.


Final Thoughts On Why the Human Brain Is Getting Smaller

Evolution means that our brains have adapted to be helpful in the modern environment. Every structure plays an important role and allows us to integrate into societies. But the requirements to survive tens of thousands of years ago were different. Our ancestors differed from us physiologically because they had larger craniums and bigger brains.

Parts of the brain tasked with instincts were also more prominent than the modern brain. But that doesn’t mean we are less intelligent than them. From an evolutionary standpoint, it simply means that we don’t have the exact needs. One of the main reasons the human brain is getting smaller is our physiology. Humans, on average, have a bigger BMI than they had thousands of years ago. Being lean and muscular is no longer a requirement for survival.

While a bigger body should correlate with a bigger brain, the opposite is true. A larger body may indicate someone with a smaller brain. Modern humans also rely on collective intelligence, much like ants. Because of that, there is no need for our brains to be more prominent because that would consume more energy. Because we can rely on society, we can afford to have smaller brains that conserve energy.

Lastly, humans are domesticated compared to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. We don’t need aggression and defensive mechanisms to survive predators. The environment we built protects us from that to be more docile. However, that doesn’t mean we are getting dumber. Our brains are just smaller because they can afford to be.

Your Presence Means More to Your Children Than Wealth…Here’s Why

Spending time with your kids means more than sitting in the same room as them. It involves being fully present and engaged during your time together. Your presence can’t be replaced by physical objects or copied by anyone else. It is unique, and your children need it in their lives. You are one of your child’s favorite people, and they yearn for your attention.

Children thrive with involved parents, which means so much to them when you show up. Attending extracurricular events, helping with homework, and cuddling is essential to a developing child. Parents who work out of the home can still be diligent and present.

Children love new toys and tend to ask for many of them. However, nothing means more to them than spending time with you. Give them time, energy, love, and presence–it means more than any toy you could buy.

Why Your Presence Means So Much to Your Child

People are always on their smartphones or electronic devices when you look around them. Although they are in the presence of others, they’re not engaged or present. This same situation applies to the way you parent your children.

Your work life can interfere with your ability to be present with your children. When you work long hours and don’t make time to have fun with your kids, they’ll miss out on things they need.

If these situations sound familiar, it could mean that your child needs more of your presence. It doesn’t matter how much money you make if your child feels disconnected from you.


They Want You to Notice Them

They want you to notice their smiles, laughter, hugs, and sadness. They also want you to be active in the uncomfortable moments when they need your security and comfort. They rely on you, and it can devastate their mental health if you aren’t there.

Your Presence Gives Them Comfort and Security

Children feel more comfortable when they know where you are. This comfort is why they seek you out when you’re at home. They might not need anything but want to see you and find comfort in your presence.

Knowing you are nearby gives children a sense of security that nothing else can replace. They often want to know that you’re close, even if they don’t need your full attention at that moment. When you’re always out of the house prioritizing wealth, they won’t find comfort because you’re not around.

It Lets Them Know They Are Loved

Your child grows up knowing that they are loved and cherished. They know their parents care about them and want to see them do well and be happy. It doesn’t take wealth to give your child these feelings, and it’s something they need.

They Need Your Example

Children learn from their parents from the time they’re born. They learn how to speak, walk, hold eating utensils, use the bathroom, and every other milestone. Children watch everything you do, even if they say nothing about it.

If you aren’t present for them to learn from, it leads them to miss developmental milestones. It can also push them to learn from other sources, and that’s not always beneficial. Spend time showing them that you are there to guide them through life.

Children Need Physical Touch

The physical touch from a loved one is powerful for children. Their need for contact is one of the benefits of skin-to-skin contact after birth. As your child ages, they still need you there to love and nurture them.

Physical touch increases brain development and protects your child from feeling separated. Cuddle with your child, let them sit on your lap, and give them plenty of hugs.

Your Presence Helps Build Their Self-Esteem

Involved parents help their children gain confidence and self-esteem. When you attend their concerts, games, and school events, it makes them feel secure and loved. Helping with their homework or making sure it’s complete also promotes their sense of self-worth.

When you prioritize wealth over presence, your child misses out on these opportunities for building self-esteem. They will be more likely to become insecure and feel unworthy.

Your Presence Promotes Better Communication Skills

Being present in your child’s life allows them to develop skills, including:

  • Critical thinking
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Socialization
  • Using manners

If you don’t spend time talking to and engaging with your child, they don’t get to learn from you. The more you talk to them, the better they’ll become at socialization. You can use this time to teach them about engaging respectfully and appropriately.

They Get Better Grades With a Present Parent

Studies show that children with present parents do better in school. They get better grades and make a better impression on their teacher than others. A parent’s involvement in school-related activities has the best effect, but being involved in homework plays a role.

Your Presence Promotes Better Behavior

Behavior issues often occur in children whose parents aren’t present in their lives. Their parent might be there physically but remain socially distant or disconnected. Children who have involved parents benefit because they:

  • Get in less trouble at school
  • Have less involvement with alcohol and other substances
  • Commit fewer delinquent acts than others
  • Experience less aggression


How to Be More Present in Your Child’s Life

When you assume your child needs wealth and materialistic items, you interfere with their development. They need your presence more than anything else, allowing them to grow and feel loved.

When you think you don’t have the time to be present, it’s time to reprioritize. Your child isn’t the only one who benefits from your participation in their life. It’ll help you realize how much you love being a parent and releases stress and pressure.

Everyone’s lifestyle is different, so what works for one family may not work for another. If you’re unsure how to become present with your child, these ideas can help.

Put Away Electronics

You might think you’re present but not fully there if you’re on a device. Multitasking and focusing on distractions eliminate the benefits of spending time together. Instead, make it a point to focus on giving your child warmth and attention.

Your presence involves letting your child take the lead while you engage. Offer observations, encouragement, and ideas to help you feel connected. These behaviors allow you to focus on your child, nourishing their needs and building a bond.

Do Housework Together

Doing chores helps you focus on the present and engage with those around you. Focusing your mental and physical energy on each task helps keep you from getting distracted or lost in thought. Asking your children to help you with household tasks allows you to bond with them while teaching the importance of hard work.

Focus on Your Five Senses

If you can’t seem to stay present with your children, refocusing can help. Take a deep breath, and then focus on your five senses by doing the following:

  • Acknowledge what you see
  • Focus on what you hear
  • Touch something nearby
  • Think about what you smell
  • Determine if you can taste anything

This mindfulness activity helps you embrace your presence in your child’s life. As you think about your senses, release any other thoughts so that you can focus on what’s going on right now.

Reprioritize to Make More Time in Your Schedule

If you don’t have time to be present with your children, you must make a change. Let go of activities that no longer serve you, and adjust your schedule to fit your family life. Make time to read, create, connect, and spend time with your children.

Enjoy life, doing things like being in nature or relaxing with your family. Take the time to slow down and embrace each moment you have with your kids. It makes your children feel better, easing stress, anxiety, resentment, and overall discontent.

Focus on Gratitude

When you focus on gratitude, you’ll realize the essential parts of your life. A gratitude journal can help you remember what you’re thankful for before bed each night. It reminds you that you’re here to encourage and nurture your child, not focus on wealth.

When you focus on gratitude, it also teaches your child to do the same. They’ll pick up your habits and live happier lives from an early age.


Final Thoughts on Why Your Presence Means So Much to Your Child

While your child might beg and insist on having the newest toys and electronics, they don’t need them. They need your presence in their life every step of the way. You can’t buy your child’s love or make enough money to teach them the things you’re not there for.

Instead, you must be there to guide your child as they develop and grow. Don’t let their childhood slip away without spending as much time as you can nurturing and loving them. No one can replace your role in your child’s life, and it’s up to you to make it happen.

Why People Should Expect Excellence to Receive It, According to The Law of Attraction

If you want to achieve excellence in life, it begins with having a positive mindset. After all, if you look at the world through a pessimistic lens, you can only attract negativity. Our thoughts shape the reality we live and see each day, says the Law of Attraction. So it’s important to remain optimistic. That doesn’t mean you should walk through life with your head in the clouds and ignore problems.

It would be best if you looked at the silver lining in all situations because every experience holds valuable lessons. By going through difficulties in life, we can learn how to navigate situations more efficiently and strategically. Plus, no one ever achieved success without a trail of failures behind them.

However, remaining persistent and knowing that you will eventually be victorious allows you to stay focused on your goals. Below, we’ll go over why having an abundance mindset leads to success, according to the law of attraction.

Here’s Why You Should Expect Excellence, According to the Law of Attraction

Anyone who follows the law of attraction knows that they can only receive what they believe. If you think you’re not worthy, you will only attract people and events that reflect this mindset.

You may take lower-paying jobs or avoid challenging situations because you lack self-confidence in your abilities. Or, perhaps you attract relationships that don’t allow you to grow or become your best self.

You can see how not expecting excellence in life can cause myriad problems. People with a positive mindset have no problem going after their goals because they genuinely love themselves. They know they deserve the best life offers, so they don’t settle for any less. However, they realize that life will throw them curveballs sometimes in this dualistic reality.

However, this doesn’t stop them from remaining focused on the finish line. They find a solution to any problem that comes their way without complaining. Because they believe in their abilities, they have endless energy to achieve their dreams. Having this unstoppable attitude is crucial if you want to achieve excellence.


You can only attract the energy you send into the world, so why not emit positivity? This allows you to rise above any self-perceived limitations and see the bigger picture in life.

You can attract excellence no matter what happens around you by simply knowing you’re enough. You have everything you need within, and when you genuinely believe that, so many doors begin to open for you.

Some people who practice the law of attraction have found that positive affirmations enhance their mindset. In one study, researchers used MRI scans to reveal that self-affirmations activate the reward centers of your brain. The increased dopamine makes you more likely to take action toward achieving your goals.

Positive affirmations can include statements like:

  • “I am perfectly capable of achieving my dreams.”
  • “I’m enough.”
  • “I will earn $5,000 in the next month with my new business.”

Affirmations with immediate goals, such as the last statement, are ideal for manifesting excellence. When you know precisely what you want, the universe will open the right doors for you.

Expecting Excellence Allows For A Growth Mindset

When you strive for excellence in life, it ensures you keep moving forward and don’t stagnate. Knowing your “why” helps you formulate strategies and plans to manifest your vision into reality.

The people in society who achieve success have a clear direction and continually set new goals. They keep their minds open and possess a healthy curiosity about life.

Having a growth mindset means being flexible and non-resistant to challenges that could lead to better opportunities. Most people strive to live a comfortable existence, but the most successful people don’t shy away from problems. They know that by confronting reality head-on, they can flourish no matter what it brings.

A growth mindset also makes you more resilient and well-rounded in adversity. In addition, having a confident, positive outlook increases your chances of achieving excellence, according to studies. While research on the law of attraction is scarce, this study proves that optimism does impact a person’s experiences.

As we said initially, someone with a fixed or negative mindset usually resists change. They may hold back in life out of fear or low self-esteem, whereas someone expecting excellence doesn’t settle. No matter their goal, they remain persistent and ruthless in seeing their vision materialize.

Studies prove how visualizing excellence works in your life

A 2010 review discovered that people who practiced visualization increased their chances of making their dreams a reality. This proves that the mind is mighty and can accomplish anything with intense focus. The combination of a firmly held belief and dedication action leads to excellence, most of the time.

Other circumstances in life may hinder progress, but one’s attitude largely determines the outcome. If you believe in yourself and have clear goals, it is much easier to achieve them. The law of attraction states that it will eventually manifest if you desire something badly enough.

So, be careful what you wish for because both conscious and unconscious thoughts turn into reality somewhere down the road. It only makes sense to focus on excellence and positivity to create a better reality. And we can only do that by expanding our energy to include the well-being of others.

law of attraction

Final Thoughts on Creating Excellence With the Law of Attraction

You may wonder why some people seem to thrive in life while others struggle to achieve goals. Many factors contribute to a person’s success, including mindset and self-esteem. If someone believes they can’t accomplish much, they probably won’t stray outside their comfort zone often. However, someone with a burning desire to achieve an important goal will stop at nothing to reach it. Because they expect excellence in life, they don’t allow anything to stand in their way.

To propel them forward, they practice the law of attraction, including positive affirmations, visualization, and a growth mindset. This allows them to expand their energy field and increases their resilience to adversity.

We make life difficult, but by seeing the beauty and potential in every moment, it becomes pretty simple. Remain thankful for what you have, but never stop dreaming and working toward a brighter future.

Science Reveals Why Smart People Keep Just a Few Close Friends

You may feel like an outcast if you only have a few close friends. However, studies show that loners typically have greater intelligence than popular folks. So, if you prefer being alone most of the time, don’t beat yourself up about it. It simply means you choose to reflect on life instead of forming many meaningless friendships.

Not all highly intelligent people identify themselves as introverts, but most do. When introverts spend time alone, they gain energy and feel more invigorated. Introverts derive the most pleasure from solitude, where they can read books, meditate, or contemplate the deeper meaning of life.

They may also invent something that changes the course of humanity by spending thousands of hours by themselves. Intelligent people require intense concentration and peace that can only be found alone. Below, we’ll delve into why smart people usually have a handful of close friends.

Researchers Reveal Why Smart People Only Have Several Close Friends

A 2016 study published in the British Journal of Psychology investigated why intelligent people have fewer friendships. Evolutionary psychologists Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Norman Li of Singapore Management University performed the research. They wanted to know what makes people the happiest in our modern era.

 The researchers posit that what brought us happiness in our hunter-gatherer past still holds today. Our ancient ancestors derived security and joy from their tribe since frequent socialization helped them survive. In many ways, modern lifestyles don’t mesh with our biological instincts, which could explain skyrocketing anxiety and depression.

The team explains their findings using “the savanna theory of happiness,” suggesting that ancestral consequences affect current mental health and intelligence. The results came from a national survey meta-analysis involving 15,000 respondents aged 18-28.

close friendships

What the research shows

 The research revealed that people living in densely populated urban areas generally report lower life satisfaction. Secondly, the team found that the more people socialize with close friends, the higher their self-reported happiness. Of course, the only exception occurred when it came to intelligent individuals. For this population, joy diminished as socializing increased.

 “The effect of population density on life satisfaction was, therefore, more than twice as large for low-IQ individuals than for high-IQ individuals,” they found. And “more intelligent individuals were actually less satisfied with life if they socialized with their friends more frequently.”

 In other words, when intelligent people hang out more with their friends, they feel less happy. Perhaps it’s because we’ve evolved as social creatures, just not to the level modern society requires.

 Kanazawa and Li added: “Residents of rural areas and small towns are happier than those in suburbs, who in turn are happier than those in small central cities, who in turn are happier than those in large central cities.”

 However, some people thrive from frequent socialization, such as the extroverted among us. So, what makes highly intelligent people so different from the average person?

Study Found Intelligent People Better Adapted to Modern Life

 Despite not needing as much social interaction, intelligent people still possess social intelligence. They prefer to spend their time alone, usually because they have a larger goal in mind. They see socializing as a distraction when they could use their time more wisely.

 Also, they don’t appear to be as sensitive to population density as those with lower IQs. Therefore, they can navigate the challenges of modern living more efficiently and perhaps find novel solutions to our most significant problems.

 “More intelligent individuals, who possess higher levels of general intelligence and thus greater ability to solve evolutionarily novel problems, may face less difficulty in comprehending and dealing with evolutionarily novel entities and situations,” the researchers write.

 Intelligent people don’t need many friendships and can adapt better to modern conditions. For instance, think about CEOs of massive tech companies like Apple. They must talk with many different people to keep the business operating efficiently. This situation benefits them to have hundreds of business contacts or acquaintances rather than tight-knit friend circles.

 So, living in cramped urban areas doesn’t affect intelligent people as much because it suits their ambitions. They can still enjoy solitude at home near their company or business. Also, those with lofty goals usually pursue them in bigger cities.

Giving These Tight Knit Friendships a Historical Context

 However, according to the findings, most people still feel happiest when surrounded by close friends and family. This aligns with Kanazawa and Li’s savanna theory of happiness, suggesting that the human brain explicitly evolved for hunter-gatherer lifestyles. In the past, we would have lived in tribes instead of densely populated cities, helping to stave off loneliness.

 “Our ancestors lived as hunter–gatherers in small bands of about 150 individuals,” Kanazawa and Li explain. “In such settings, having frequent contact with lifelong friends and allies was likely necessary for survival and reproduction for both sexes.” 

 While we no longer live in small tribes, most still require close friends and family to survive. That may explain the epidemic of loneliness affecting millions of people worldwide. Our minds and bodies haven’t been able to keep pace with the rapidly changing urban environment.

 However, knowledgeable people are the exception to this theory. They don’t mind spending most of their time alone but aren’t phased by the complexity of civilization. So, if you don’t have many friends, you may have learned to override your primitive instincts. Perhaps you represent this small group of humans who can thrive in the modern era.


Final Thoughts on Study Showing That Intelligent People Prefer Fewer Friendships

 Many people can’t live without at least one or two close friends. After all, we have evolved in small groups to survive harsh conditions in the wild. We still have ancient minds and bodies that haven’t yet caught up with the rigors of modern living. However, intelligent people seem to easily navigate the turbulent waters of urban life by forming wise friendships.

 The study found they don’t require many close friends to feel happy. They also can live in mid-sized or megacities with fewer issues than most of us would have in these environments. The research suggests that since they tend to focus on larger goals, they aren’t as focused on socializing. According to the findings, they would rather expend their mental energy solving humanity’s most pressing problems.

Science Explains Why Some People Are Lonely But Others Love Alone Time

Do you ever wonder why some people crave solitude while others feel alone? Usually, introverts can’t get enough alone time, while extroverts thrive in social situations.

It comes down to how people’s brains are wired. Introverts derive energy from being alone, and extroverts feel energized around others.

And, personality types don’t always determine if someone feels lonely in their own company. Some introverts may still feel isolated, even though they don’t enjoy socializing often. Anyone can learn to enjoy alone time by cultivating a healthy, positive relationship with themselves.

Everyone still needs time to recharge their batteries, whether you identify as an introvert or extrovert. Some people need more time alone than others, however. Below, we’ll discuss the science behind why loneliness affects some people while others thrive independently.

Why Some People Feel Lonely Being Alone

Being alone doesn’t mean feeling lonely if you enjoy your own company. Some people feel bored or unstimulated when they don’t have someone to converse with. Others may not want to be alone with their thoughts and prefer a distraction.

Usually, it’s extroverts who need more social engagement and can’t stand the thought of being alone too long. Scientists have found that extroverts lose energy when they don’t socialize enough. This happens because they require more stimulation and low dopamine sensitivity.

So, that explains why extroverts feel more lonely by themselves because it depletes their feel-good hormones. According to studies, they’re more energized and excited by external rewards than introverts.

On the other hand, introverts feel drained and irritated by too many stimuli. When they feel overwhelmed, they retreat into their shell and prefer being alone for a while. It doesn’t mean they dislike people; they just have differently-wired brains that require more rest.

To an introvert, paradise looks like a quiet evening with the house to itself. A home-cooked meal, Netflix marathon, warm bath, and cozy pajamas sound like heaven to them. An extrovert might find staying in quite boring, whereas introverts look forward to a rare evening alone.

Extroverts require much more activity and excitement to restore their dopamine levels. Introverts are highly sensitive to dopamine and external stimulation, meaning they don’t need as much to feel satisfied. They feel more pleasure from a particular chemical in the brain called acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter associated with calmness and internal reflection.


Studies Show Differences in Brain Chemistry Between Introverts and Extroverts

According to a 2002 study published in The Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney, PsyD, cerebral blood flow (CBF) increases this neural pathway in introverts’ brains. Interestingly, this pathway is longer and more intricate than the dopamine pathway, which is more active in the extrovert brain.

Acetylcholine aids in long-term memory, perceptual learning, slowing heart rate, and inducing feelings of tranquility. So, introverts may enjoy their quiet time without feeling lonely more than extroverts because of this neurotransmitter.

Being introspective or concentrating intently on something can trigger the release of this chemical. And, because it takes longer to travel through the brain, introverts feel subtle, slow-burning happiness. On the other hand, dopamine travels a shorter pathway, so extroverts use it up faster and need frequent resupply.

Also, studies show that extroverts may find humans more captivating than introverts. This doesn’t mean introverts hate people; it simply means extroverts prioritize social rewards more. Because of this, they place more emphasis on regularly socializing with others for enjoyment and status.

Researchers analyzed participants’ brains using an electroencephalogram (EEG) to record electrical activity for the study. The scientists showed participants various pictures of both objects and people. Then, researchers measured the P300 levels in their brains – a spike in activity due to a sudden external stimulus. It happens immediately after the brain reacts to a stimulus, within three hundred milliseconds or less.

After analyzing the brain scans, researchers found that extroverts had a more robust P300 response after looking at faces. However, introverts showed a more pronounced reaction to viewing objects. Essentially, extroverts value social stimuli and external rewards more than introverts. Because introverts place more significance on internal stimuli, they don’t feel as lonely during moments of solitude.

Other Reasons Some People Feel Lonely Being Alone

Feeling lonely doesn’t just stem from one’s personality type. Other factors come into play when someone dislikes being alone, such as the following:

  • Not wanting to sit with their thoughts. Many people feel restless and anxious when they have no outside stimulus. If they can only listen to their thoughts, it tends to drive them crazy after a while. Of course, spending all your time alone isn’t normal or healthy. We all need some socialization as social creatures, even the most introverted!
  • They could have abandonment issues. Some people fear being alone or abandoned because of abuse or neglect in childhood. For them, feeling lonely is a byproduct of trauma or unhealthy attachments to family members.
  • They feel vulnerable. We still have the same survival instincts that helped us navigate life in the wilderness. In that period, being alone made us vulnerable to predators, accidents or natural disasters. We stuck together to survive, and our biology hasn’t changed even though we live in modern society. So, being alone may trigger that ancient fight-or-flight response in some people.


Final Thoughts on Why Some People Crave Alone Time While Others Feel Lonely

Unlike introverts, not everyone looks forward to canceled plans or a quiet night at home. It’s paradise to them, but extroverts feel trapped or restless when they spend too much time alone. They need time to recharge, just like introverts, but their batteries don’t deplete as quickly. Since they’re not as sensitive to dopamine, they require more socialization and stimulation to feel satisfied.

Brain scans have found differences between those who identify as introverts and extroverts. Introverts don’t feel lonely alone because they respond more efficiently to acetylcholine, a chemical released during intense reflection or tranquility. So, if you never feel lonely during time alone, your unique brain chemistry could explain why.

Psychology  Explains Why Some Women Prefer Beta Males

It seems that many women today prefer beta males instead of the stereotypical “manly” alpha males. Perhaps nice guys don’t seem as threatening or domineering as alphas do. And, since more women have entered the workforce, they may not value status and finances as much anymore.

Women and men have more equal roles today than in previous eras. Therefore, the stereotype of the chest-pounding, aggressive, powerful alpha is not as appealing to most women.

That doesn’t mean women don’t want a strong, capable man by their side. They just have different priorities and put greater emphasis on kindness, altruism, and generosity.

Women may opt for a more reserved partner, especially if they’ve had bad experiences with dominant males. They may feel more secure around laidback, thoughtful types who don’t feel the need to show off.

Below, we’ll go more in-depth about the psychology behind why beta males have become more popular with women.

Psychology Explains Why Some Women Prefer Beta Males

Before we go any further, we’d like to acknowledge that no one should have ultimate power in a relationship, male or female. Ideally, partnerships should be equal and bring out the best in each person.

Currently, society is undergoing a great awakening and transformation regarding gender roles in relationships. The traditional alpha male and beta female models no longer apply in modern-day relationships.

Women want their careers and incomes instead of being dependent on men. And more men than ever have decided to switch roles and raise children rather than work full-time jobs. They also emphasize gentleness and emotional health more than the stereotypical male values.

This doesn’t mean beta males are submissive and passive. Instead, they have embraced their feminine side while also being strong providers and caregivers. So, both men and women have begun to explore other facets of themselves that society didn’t accept in olden times. With that said, we’ll list a few common reasons women prefer nice guys nowadays.

beta males

1. Beta Males Don’t Feel Threatened by Strong Females.

Contrary to what society might think, beta doesn’t equate to weakness or inferiority. Beta males have healthy self-confidence without needing to prove themselves to others like alphas do. They also respect women and don’t hide their softer side since they have realized showing emotions makes them human.

Beta males are the typical nice guy that every woman loves. They support their woman no matter what and always cheer her on from the sidelines. Alpha males may feel threatened by strong females with ambitious goals and a go-getter attitude. However, beta males feel secure enough to encourage their partners and support their dreams while building their empire. Or, perhaps they have taken the role of stay-at-home dad while the woman is the sole provider. Times have changed, and beta males have no problem with progress.

2. Nice Guys Are Compassionate and Embrace Their Emotions.

Many women prefer beta males nowadays because they have a gentler, more compassionate demeanor. Studies also show that women find men who display altruism more physically and sexually attractive. Furthermore, the same research discovered that women did not find dominant men any more attractive than non-aggressive men.

In the study, researchers asked the women which traits they consider most appealing for a date and long-term partner. They listed sensitive, confident, easygoing, and assertive in order of importance. Undesirable traits included dominant, aggressive, demanding, submissive, shy and quiet.

This shows that women prefer men somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. According to the study, a healthy balance of assertiveness and sensitivity makes an ideal partner.

This proves that perhaps those nice guys do not finish last.

3. Nice Guys Easily Approachable.

Some women may find alpha males intimidating or not well-suited to long-term relationships. Sure, alphas are typically charismatic and confident, but not all women feel attracted to dominant personality types. Introverts, in particular, are more drawn to soft-spoken beta males since they’re more approachable.

Betas don’t have that in-your-face, aggressive attitude that alphas display, making them more enticing to some women. In addition to introverts, alpha women may also find beta males more attractive since they help balance their personalities.

Either way, betas have a more laidback approach to life. And according to the study above, women highly value this trait in men.

4. Beta Males Are Loyal and Trustworthy.

Beta males feel most comfortable and satisfied in long-term, stable relationships. Therefore, they remain fiercely loyal to their woman and don’t just jump ship when things get complicated. They are reliable and trustworthy partners, the level-headed type you want to have around a crisis. While beta males are emotionally available, they don’t let feelings cloud their judgment.

Their partner and other loved ones always count on them because of their history of keeping promises. Beta males have a quiet confidence about them that most women find irresistible. They don’t have to flaunt their knowledge or abilities – they get the job done while staying humble.

In addition to their dependable nature, they know how to listen and empathize. When their partner needs to vent or have a heart-to-heart, beta males put down distractions and tune into their woman completely. They don’t run and hide from raw emotions, knowing that any relationship requires open communication.

nice guys

Final Thoughts on Why Women Prefer Beta Males

Do you have a beta male in your life? If so, you know how trustworthy, reliable, and generally good-natured they can be. Many women today prefer dating and marrying more laidback, easygoing men for these reasons. That doesn’t mean alpha males have no place in society because we need a healthy balance of both.

However, priorities have shifted with more women working full-time and focusing on careers. They no longer need a sole breadwinner, a role typically filled by the alpha males in the past. With more men staying home with their children, they’ve learned to get in touch with their softer side instead.

Luckily, we live in a time where both men and women have broken the barriers holding them back. Whether you prefer betas, alphas, or a mix of both, hopefully, you have found your special someone!

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