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7 Reasons to Try the Autoimmune Protocol Diet (and How)

The Autoimmune Protocol Diet can help improve the symptoms of autoimmune disorders. The symptoms cause intense discomfort and worsening conditions. Finding ways to make it better is essential to finding happiness and wellness again.

The Autoimmune Protocol Diet, or AIP diet, eliminates foods that trigger inflammation for 90 days before reintroducing them individually. You reintroduce foods at a predetermined schedule to learn what foods your body can handle.

Autoimmune protocol diet helps reduce inflammation, pain, and other symptoms of autoimmune diseases. If you have lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, or rheumatoid arthritis, this diet can help. It also helps with other autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes and psoriasis.

Knowing the reasons to try the autoimmune protocol diet will convince you to make a healthy lifestyle change. However, you also must know how to implement it.

What Causes Autoimmune Diseases?

A healthy immune system produces antibodies that attack harmful or foreign cells. People who have an autoimmune disorder produce antibodies that attack healthy cells and tissues instead. The attack of healthy cells can cause joint pain, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, brain fog, and nerve or tissue damage.

These diseases can occur because of a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics
  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Medication use
  • Stress
  • Damage to the gut barrier

autoimmune protocol diet

Why You Should Try the Autoimmune Protocol Diet

The AIP diet can reduce many of the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. These reasons will give you all the motivation you need to give it a try.

1. The Autoimmune Protocol Diet Helps Heal Leaky Gut

Damage to the gut barrier can cause autoimmune diseases, but it can also be a symptom. Research shows a link between inflammation and gut permeability, explaining the correlation.

If you have a healthy gut, you’ll have low permeability, providing a barrier between your bloodstream and foreign particles. However, an unhealthy gut causes high permeability, allowing food or waste remains to leak into the blood.

Once the particles make it into the blood, they can cause inflammation and eventually lead to autoimmune disorders. Experts say that foods influence your gut’s health, including its function and immunity.

2. Research Proves That the Autoimmune Protocol Diet Works

In an 11-week study of fifteen people, participants experienced fewer symptoms by the end. Another study showed that participants experienced improved bowel frequency, stress levels, and physical ability. Furthermore, participants reported an improvement in their overall quality of life.

3. The Autoimmune Protocol Diet Reduces Inflammation, Pain, and Other Symptoms

Autoimmune diseases are incurable, but you can find ways to ease the symptoms. The autoimmune protocol diet reduces inflammation, easing many other discomforts. Eliminating a few foods from your diet and choosing nutrient-dense replacements has a powerful effect.

4. Helps Determine the Foods That Trigger Your Symptoms

If you can figure out which foods cause the most problems, you can start to reduce your symptoms. Once you clear your system of the potential triggers, you slowly reintroduce them. Doing it slowly allows you to identify the specific foods to avoid long-term.

5. You Fill Up on Healthy Foods if You Follow the Autoimmune Protocol Diet

When you eliminate foods, you’ll replace them with healthy options. It promotes eating nutrient-dense foods that make you healthier overall.

With the shift in your eating habits, you’ll quickly start feeling better. The healthy foods allowed in this diet can protect against chronic diseases, too.

6. Helps You Learn About Yourself on the Autoimmune Protocol Diet

This diet can help you learn more about your body and understand how it works. When you know how your body reacts to specific foods, you’ll feel more connected to who you are.

7. The Autoimmune Protocol Diet Teaches You the Foods That Enhance Your Health

It’s a learning opportunity when you eliminate foods and replace them with healthy options. You might learn about unhealthy foods and learn to appreciate healthy replacements. Additionally, it can help you subconsciously make healthier choices.

How to Start the Autoimmune Protocol Diet

The AIP protocol diet eliminates foods that could cause inflammation or trigger the symptoms of autoimmune disease. This diet isn’t supposed to last long-term, as you’ll slowly reintroduce the foods. By the end, the only foods you’ll have eliminated are the ones that trigger your symptoms.

The Elimination Phase

During the elimination phase, you stop eating the following foods:

  • Grains, including wheat, oats, rice, and corn
  • Nuts, seeds, and seed-based spices
  • Eggs
  • Coffee
  • Butter and ghee
  • Most oils, except coconut, olive, and avocado oil
  • Legumes, including lentils, black beans, chickpeas, and green beans
  • Dairy
  • Refined and processed sugars, including chocolate
  • Nightshade vegetables, including tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers
  • Food additives
  • Thickeners and gums
  • Soy
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco

Additionally, you should avoid taking certain medications during the elimination phase. Avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, and high-dose aspirin.

While in this phase, focus on eating fresh produce, meat and fish, avocado, bone broth, vinegar, honey, sweet potatoes, fresh herbs, and other whole foods. You might notice a change within three weeks, but sometimes it takes up to 90 days.

The Reintroduction Phase

Once the elimination phase is over, you can start reintroducing the foods. You’ll know you can move on to this phrase when you notice a significant improvement in symptoms and overall well-being.

Reintroduce foods one at a time, giving your body a chance to see what it can handle. When you do it one at a time, you’ll see which foods trigger your symptoms. Choose the food you’ll reintroduce, and then eat it multiple times on the testing day. Then, avoid it for five or six days.

Then, eat a small amount, and watch for a reaction within 15 minutes. If you have symptoms, stop eating the food immediately. However, if no symptoms appear, eat a slightly bigger portion and monitor your body.

Wait about a week before reintroducing another food. This timeframe gives you a chance to notice any changes. If you introduce another food too soon, you might not know which foods cause the flare-ups.

The goal of the reintroduction phase is to figure out which foods trigger your symptoms. If you reintroduce multiple foods at once, you won’t have a chance to determine your tolerance. Your tolerances may change over time, so you may have to repeat the autoimmune protocol diet.

autoimmune protocol diet

Common Triggers That Cause Autoimmune Flare-Ups

There are many food triggers, but some are more common than others. Once you identify your triggers, you can make an effort to avoid them.


Your body produces chemicals called histamines as an allergy response. It also requires the enzymes Histamine N-methyltransferase and diamine oxidase to break down the histamine. If you don’t consume enough enzymes, it can cause histamine overflow or intolerance.

Histamine intolerance can cause a rash, difficulty breathing, a runny nose, digestive problems, or joint pain. It is similar to an allergic reaction but isn’t the result of an allergen. Some of the high-histamine foods that can cause problems for you include:

  • Cheese
  • Chocolates
  • Nuts
  • Bone broth
  • Fermented foods
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • Smoked meat

Fermentable Sugars

Fermentable sugars include Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. To shorten it up, many people use the acronym FODMAPS.

Fermented foods can lead to uncomfortable symptoms, including pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. If you notice these symptoms after reintroducing fermentable sugars, it indicates a FODMAP intolerance. Some fermentable sugar foods include:

  • Bananas
  • Legumes
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Asparagus
  • Artichoke
  • Mushrooms
  • Sauerkraut
  • Cabbage

Foods That Release Mold Toxins

Mold releases mold toxins called mycotoxins. These toxins cause inflammation because those with autoimmune disorders struggle to flush them out. It triggers or worsens symptoms, causing discomfort and other issues.

The foods that are high in mycotoxins include:

  • Nuts
  • Dried fruit
  • Corn
  • Rice
  • Coffee
  • Processed meat

Potential Downsides to the Autoimmune Protocol Diet

This diet is beneficial for figuring out which foods trigger your symptoms, but there can be some downsides. As an elimination diet, it is heavily restrictive and hard to follow. It also makes social situations difficult, as it’s hard to be picky in restaurants or at a friend’s house.

While research backs the autoimmune protocol diet, there is no guarantee that it’ll reduce inflammation or symptoms in everyone. All situations differ, so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work for you.

If you notice an improvement in symptoms, you may be afraid to reintroduce any foods. This situation is problematic because you may lack essential nutrients. Long-term restriction can result in deficiencies and poor health.

If you struggle with the reintroduction phase, don’t hesitate to seek help. You can reach out to a registered dietitian or another health professional for advice.

autoimmune protocol diet

Final Thoughts on Trying the Autoimmune Protocol Diet

The autoimmune protocol diet can help reduce symptoms of autoimmune disorders. It involves two phrases that help you figure out the foods that trigger inflammation and other symptoms. Once you know which foods to avoid, you’ll feel better overall.

While there are a few downsides to this diet, the benefits can change your life. Be careful and remember to reintroduce one new food each week. You must reach your nutrition requirements to stay healthy.

Health and wellness are a journey, so don’t get frustrated if it takes time to accomplish it. Focus on making healthy choices for your life and figuring out what you can do to feel better. Start with your diet because it can affect your mental and physical health.

7 Relationship Behaviors a Gaslighter Will Usually Display

If you’ve ever been involved with a gaslighter, you know that they’re clever, deceitful individuals. Gaslighting happens often in relationships, but most people don’t realize it immediately. It’s a form of narcissistic abuse that distorts the truth and makes someone question their reality. The perpetrator’s goal with these tactics is complete control over their victims.

Imagine being on the receiving end of the gaslighting if this sounds terrifying. People who desire to gaslight their partner don’t have their best interests at heart. Unfortunately, narcissists prey on those they perceive as weak, vulnerable, or highly empathetic. They target these individuals because they believe they can easily manipulate or control them.

It isn’t always obvious when someone gaslights you, as they use subtle techniques at first. However, you can see right through their abusive behaviors by knowing the warning signs. Hopefully, this will help you avoid getting involved with a gaslighter.

7 Common Behaviors a Gaslighter Will Display in Relationships

These habits may reveal a toxic person.


1.     The Gaslighting Controls Every Aspect of Your Life.

A gaslighter craves complete dominance and power over its victims. Therefore, they will try to convince you that you cannot do anything for yourself. They will manipulate you into giving up your phone and computer passwords under “protecting you.”

However, their true motive stems from fear of losing control of you. They want to ensure you aren’t talking to anyone else to keep you in an iron grip. They also will want to know your location and movements at all times. In addition, they may ask for access to your bank accounts or financial statements. Their actions don’t come from a place of love or want to keep you safe, despite what they tell you.

Unfortunately, a gaslighter lives in constant fear and anxiety and doesn’t feel in control of their own lives. They take this out on others by isolating them and dictating their every move.

2. A Gaslighter Will Always Act Like A Victim.

A gaslighter will never admit fault for their mistakes in a relationship, no matter how severe. They blame everyone else, especially their partner when something happens. The manipulator plays the victim card to avoid responsibility while getting their SO to feel sorry for them.

Inside, they’re still emotionally immature and can’t make adult decisions. Therefore, they will constantly shift the blame to others to perpetuate their constructed reality. By destroying their partner’s self-confidence and identity, they try to control the narrative as much as possible.

After all, if their partner believes they’re actually crazy or mentally ill, it’s easy for the narcissist to play the victim. The gaslighter will accuse or misunderstand them of being wrong and display a “poor me” attitude.

3. They Constantly Downplay Your Concerns or Needs.

Narcissists and manipulators only look out for themselves and see others as tools to use for their benefit. So, they will always deflect your concerns if you have been tricked into a relationship with a gaslighter. They will always make it seem like you’re blowing things out of proportion, even when you have legitimate worries. Ironically, they have a calm, aloof attitude about life, except for their needs.

4. They Never Hesitate to Point Out Your Flaws.

Another toxic behavior that a narcissist will display involves putting you down whenever possible. They may resort to name-calling, public humiliation, or sarcastic remarks to lower self-esteem. The perpetrator may also give “backhanded compliments” to their victims.

For example, they might say, “You look so much healthier after losing weight!” As you can see, this is an insult masquerading as a compliment. Narcissists do this to make you feel inferior and powerless, but it only hides their insecurities.

They may even joke after patronizing you, even though they meant every word.  They can only gain power by trampling on others and will take any opportunity to do so.

5. A Gaslighter Never Follows Through On Their Promises.

Another typical behavior of a gaslighter involves blatant lying or being flaky about responsibilities. They may say one thing and do another to confuse and control you. They always need something but can’t ever offer anything in return. With them, relationships only exist to serve their needs and nothing more.

If you attempt to confront them about their lack of commitment, they will deny any accusations. The gaslighter will say you misunderstood them or that they never promised anything in the first place. After a while, you will learn not to trust them because they never keep their word.

6. The Gaslighting Makes You Question Your Reality.

This is a hallmark of any gaslighter since they can only feel powerful by manipulating others. They confuse and destabilize you to cloud your judgment to achieve their goal. The more you question reality, the greater your dependence on them. They want you to feel so small and helpless that you bow down to them, unable to make your own decisions.

However, these master manipulators can only carry out their plans if you let them. So avoid intimate relationships with gaslighters, as they never have good intentions.

7. A Gaslighter Will Twist Your Words and Perspective.

Finally, gaslighting involves twisting the story just enough so that you can no longer discern lies from the truth. If you remember something happening one way, they will say you have a bad memory. It’s either their way or the highway, so they will never accept your version of events.

They may not even know the absolute truth since they’re compulsive liars. Sadly, you can’t believe anything they say because they live in an alternate reality built on confusion and manipulation.

gaslighting in relationships

Final Thoughts on Warning Signs of a Gaslighter

Sadly, many people don’t recognize the red flags of a gaslighter until it’s too late. They may initially seem charming and loving, but it’s all just smoke and mirrors. They only put on this disguise to trap you in their web of lies. Before you know it, you’re caught up in a nightmare of manipulation, emotional abuse, and tarnished self-esteem. It’s best to avoid gaslighters by remaining aware of these warning signs and avoiding their mind games.

5 Reasons It’s OK to Put off Dating After Divorce

You probably don’t consider dating a priority after getting a divorce for many reasons. Separating from your ex-wife or husband takes a huge toll on your mental and emotional health.

It can take a while to heal from such a life-altering event, especially if you’ve been together for many years. So, please be gentle with yourself and ease your way back into the dating scene on your own time.

Some people may not even want to date after getting a divorce, opting for the single life instead. The thought of being in a long-term relationship again may cause great anxiety or abandonment issues. Plus, being single can offer new opportunities for self-discovery and allow for expansion in other areas of life.

5 Common Reasons People Avoid Dating After a Divorce

So, don’t sweat it if you want to hold off on dating temporarily or permanently. You have plenty of reasons to savor the single life after a divorce, such as the following.

1. They Want to Rediscover Themselves After a Divorce.

People who have gotten divorced often have no energy for another relationship. They need time to heal and figure out their identity apart from their ex-wife or husband.

After years of being together, couples may feel like one person rather than separate selves, making divorce even more painful. So, dating isn’t even on the table for most people who recently divorced.

They need ample time to process their feelings before considering jumping into the dating scene. Being single can feel scary again, so most people lean on their support system for comfort.

When not spending time with friends and family, they may want to revisit old hobbies or interests. For instance, going on hiking trips may help them heal while also restoring their sense of self.

dating people

2. They’re Still Grieving From Their Last Marriage.

Please don’t rush into the dating scene if you’re still healing after a divorce. This process may require months or years before you feel ready to begin dating again. Usually, people go through five specific stages in their emotional recovery: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

Of course, it isn’t a linear process – you may skip one phase or oscillate between them depending on the day. You may feel wholly numb or experience every emotion at once, but your feelings deserve attention. After you and your spouse agree on getting a divorce, you may feel numb or that it’s all just a terrible nightmare. Being in denial is a natural reaction to a stressor or loss in life.

After a while, you may start to feel angry at your spouse for doing this to you. You may lash out at them or engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with the pain. Then, you try to reason with yourself and figure out where things went wrong.

Perhaps you could’ve saved the marriage if you had done things differently. After coming to terms with the reality of divorce, the depression starts to set in. You may lose your sense of purpose and identity, and the loneliness can feel overwhelming. However, after a while, you start to accept the divorce and realize that you will heal in time.

As you begin to heal, you may start thinking about rebuilding your life. Perhaps your optimism returns, and you feel a renewed excitement about the possibilities in life. Everyone gets there at their own pace after giving themselves space and permission to honor their feelings.

3. Dating May Seem Scary or Overwhelming.

Some people may choose to avoid dating because of the uncomfortable feelings it triggers. The prospect of dating can seem overwhelming after being with the same person for many years. Your ex knew you to the core, and your heart may not feel ready for that vulnerability with someone new.

Although, some studies show that mothers, in particular, benefit from high-quality relationships post-divorce. The research found that people in healthy relationships after divorce fare better than those who remain single. However, low-quality relationships can cause significant reductions in mental health after a failed marriage.

So, to increase your odds of finding a stable, happy partnership, it’s essential to mend your heart first. After doing so, you’ll be better positioned to decide who to allow into your life.

grief of divorce

4. They Have Kids And Want to Respect Their Feelings.

If you have children with your ex, it can complicate things when it comes to dating. You want to ensure the children get along with your new partner, for one. You also don’t want to introduce an unfamiliar person into the family dynamic too quickly after a divorce. Children have a difficult time coming to terms with their parents separating.

So, you should consider your children’s feelings before bringing home a new partner. Have they had sufficient time to heal from the divorce? If you’re in a new relationship, make sure to ask about your children’s feelings before introducing them.

5. They’re Not Sure What They Want in a Dating Relationship.

Indecisiveness marks another common reason someone might delay dating after marriage. They didn’t have to think about dating after being with the same person for a while. So, they probably have no idea what they want in another partner after a divorce. Once they’ve healed from the heartache, they may decide to date around for a while before settling into a serious partnership.


Final Thoughts on Why People Don’t Start Dating After a Divorce

You’re not alone if you have no interest in dating after recently leaving a marriage. Most people don’t want to welcome a new person into their life while still reeling from the shock of a breakup. Especially if you’ve been married for decades, the idea of dating someone else may not even cross your mind. If you have children with your ex, that complicates matters even further.

Not to mention, you may want to spend time by yourself, simply reconnecting with your soul. Also, even if you’re ready to dip your feet into the dating pool, you may feel unsure about what you want. Give yourself time and space to heal; the right person will come along when you least expect it.

4 Ways Playing Hard to Get Can Make You More Attractive

Did you know playing hard to get can make you more attractive to potential mates? It may not seem like a winning strategy, but being unavailable increases your desirability. As they say, some people love the thrill of a good chase, especially in relationships. It makes the reward (you) more enticing when a partner must work harder to gain your affection.

Of course, not everyone enjoys these types of mating games, especially if they’re older and want to settle down. However, some people find that the excitement of pursuing a love interest makes them even more attractive. As long as you don’t string the person along, there’s no harm in having a little fun!

But why exactly does playing hard to get make you more appealing? We’ll go over why being elusive can make someone more interested in you. However, it can have the opposite effect if you’re too mysterious or inaccessible. We will also discuss the downsides of each behavior below.

4 Ways Playing Hard to Get Makes You More Desirable

hard to get

1.     It Increases Anticipation if You Appear Unavailable to Advances.

Playing hard to get creates a challenge for your potential partner. Most people enjoy having something to work towards, especially if it means winning the affection of their crush. So, if you seem unavailable or aloof, it may keep your love interest on the edge of their seat. Even thinking about going on a date with you or experiencing that first kiss can increase anticipation.

Just fantasizing about a reward boosts dopamine levels, which may explain why people love a good chase. As they say, nothing good in life ever comes easily, which also applies to relationships. If someone knows you’re interested but can’t have you, it will only increase their attraction towards you.

How This Could Backfire:

There’s a fine line between acting secretive and uninterested in the dating world. If you create too much anticipation, the other person might tire of the game eventually. It only works if your love interest believes they have a real shot at being with you. Otherwise, building anticipation and desire for no reason will only lead them on and end in disappointment.

2.     Playing Hard to Get Makes You Seem More “In Demand.”

According to research, if you’re too available, it can make you appear desperate to prospective suitors. However, playing hard to get can make you seem more “valuable” and attractive. As humans, we naturally want what we can’t have, including potential partners. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that playing hard to get increases “mate value.”

In other words, the more selective you are, the more sexually desirable you will seem to romantic interests. The study also revealed that participants made more significant efforts to continue dating potential mates they perceived as hard to get.

Harry Reis, a professor of psychology and Dean’s Professor in Arts, Sciences & Engineering at the University of Rochester and co-author of the study, says: “We all want to date people with higher mate value. We’re trying to make the best deal we can.”

How This Could Backfire:

If you’re too selective with potential mates, it could discourage them from pursuing a relationship. You want to let them know you feel a connection but not act overly eager or available. After all, they will only keep up the chase if they feel confident they have a chance with you.


3.     Being Unavailable Adds a Level of Mystery and Uncertainty.

Playing hard to get makes dating more fun and less predictable. If your crush doesn’t know what to expect, it will pique their curiosity and keep them interested in pursuing you. For instance, perhaps you wait a few days to text or call them back after going on a date.

This will make you seem intriguing and make your potential lover even crazier about you! A healthy level of uncertainty creates excitement and a bit of urgency since your beau won’t want you to slip through their fingers.

How This Could Backfire:

Being too elusive can make your suitor think you’ve lost interest in dating them. For example, if you wait too long to text them back, they may take that as a sign you’ve moved on. You want to create a bit of tension but not become so withdrawn or unavailable that they lose attraction.

4.     Playing Hard to Get Gives Off a Vibe of Confidence and Independence.

Most people love an independent man or woman because it shows they’re comfortable in their skin. Playing hard to get can make you seem confident on your own and that you don’t need anyone to complete you. This goes back to the idea that people tend to want what they can’t have.

If you show interest in someone but continue living your life normally, you instantly become more attractive. You have shown potential partners that you’re open to a relationship but know your worth.

How This Could Backfire:

Of course, being too avoidant could make you seem arrogant or cocky. It can also send mixed signals if you act interested in someone but give them the cold shoulder. It’s great to feel self-confident, but not if it creates a barrier between you and others. Make sure to pursue a relationship only when you feel ready because playing with others’ emotions never ends well.

hard to get

Final Thoughts on Why Playing Hard to Get Makes You More Appealing

Some people feel more attracted to those who play hard to get, perhaps because it makes dating more exciting. However, it only works if both people have a genuine connection and feel interested in one another. After all, being too detached may cause a potential mate to run in the other direction.

It seems that playing hard to get increases attraction for several reasons. It enhances anticipation and uncertainty about dating you since your partner must work harder to gain your approval. Being aloof and mysterious also makes a relationship with you more valuable. So, if you want to gauge someone’s interest in you, playing hard to get can reveal their true feelings.

Woman Opens Store to Let Foster Children Shop for Free Clothing

After adopting two girls, a Georgia family decided to open a free boutique for foster children in need. Linda Durrence and her husband got the idea for the clothing store after seeing how little their foster daughters owned when arriving in the foster care system.

When they first arrived at their home, they only brought a trash bag half-filled with a few items. They had one hairbrush, a toothbrush each, a trial-sized toothpaste, and clothes that no longer fit them.

This broke Linda’s heart, so she and her husband immediately took the girls shopping to get everything they needed. Linda felt incredibly blessed that she could provide for the two girls. However, she wondered about all the foster children whose parents couldn’t afford even basic necessities. She wanted to do something to help them, at least to make their lives more comfortable.

So, she began collecting donations to open a free boutique called Blossom. While the store opened earlier in 2022, the Durrence’s had already started helping families in need. They have committed to providing seven full sets of clothing and shoes to children up to 18 years old who need them. In addition, they will receive seven new sets every season, or when the child’s size changes significantly.

Blossom accepts monetary donations along with new or gently used clothing for boys and girls, hygiene items, shoes, and school supplies.

The Durrence’s have been blessed with their foster daughters and the opportunity to serve their community. However, they have also been through their fair share of hardship and loss. Tragically, the family’s eldest daughter Kristin died in an automobile accident at the age of 27 in December 2016.

Still grieving, the family moved back to their hometown of Glennville with their two other daughters. They began attending a local church, where they met three foster sisters who lived with another family.

The Durrence’s Adopt the Foster Children and Open Blossom

foster children

The girls quickly became friends with the Durrence’s daughters, and their bond only strengthened over time. In 2018, Linda and her husband learned that the girls would soon become separated in the foster care system.

That’s when they decided to step in and temporarily house the two youngest daughters, Princessa and Juanita. They planned to reunite them with their grandparents, who lived in Florida. Since the oldest sister Chelsea recently turned 18, she signed herself out of foster care and chose to live on her own.

So, the Durrence’s brought the two youngest sisters home, and they quickly became part of the family. Linda and her husband treated them like flesh and blood, providing everything they would need to feel comfortable.

After a while, they noticed a huge transformation in the girls. Months before, they had been in a dark, broken place, but love and support allowed them to blossom.

However, the time came to reunite the sisters with their grandparents. When the Durrence’s told them about the plans, the girls pleaded with them to stay. They didn’t want to move around any longer after years of living in foster care.

So, with the grandparents’ blessing, Durrence and her husband officially adopted the foster children in May 2019. Linda said she and her family keep in touch with the girls’ grandparents on a regular basis. And, the oldest sibling moved close to the Durrence’s so she could see her sisters more often.

Everything seemed to work out perfectly, except Linda still had a nagging thought in the back of her mind. The half-filled trash bags that the girls brought with them never left her memory. So, when a space became available in a small shopping center nearby, she quickly purchased it. She began working on the store in the second week of January 2022.

Finally, she would have the chance to open Blossom and serve foster kids in need.

The Future Vision for Blossom…Helping Kids in the Foster Care System

The Durrence’s have received donations for the store far beyond what they expected. Since opening in January, people in the local community and even other countries have donated and shipped clothes to them. Several people have offered monetary donations as well.

Family and volunteers have been helping run the store, including Linda’s sister Leslie. Even though Linda’s daughters have jobs and attend college, they still pitch in when they can.

Although Durrence opened Blossom with foster children in mind, anyone in need can shop there. Customers from infants to young adults are welcome to make a private appointment to try on clothes.

Durrence says if they don’t have the correct size in stock, they will purchase the clothes elsewhere for customers. The store also offers books, jewelry, hygiene items, and even toys for young children.

Linda added that the inspiration for the store’s name came from the transformation she noticed in her foster children. After watching them blossom in their new environment, it seemed like the perfect name for the boutique. She hopes that other children who come into the store will have the same opportunity to grow.

In the future, Linda aims to expand the boutique and add an education center. This would help foster children keep up with schoolwork and also provide support to foster parents.

Above all, the Durrence family hopes they can remind others that there are still people who want to help. With all the negative news out there, it’s important to keep faith in humanity and lean on each other in hard times.

foster care system

Final Thoughts on Woman Who Opened Free Boutique for Foster Children

When the Durrence’s lost their oldest daughter in a tragic car accident, their world turned upside down. However, when they met three foster sisters at church, they took it as a sign from God. They knew that by raising them, they could provide them with a better life. And, it turned out that the Durrence’s needed the girls just as much.

After officially adopting them, Linda got to work on opening Blossom, a free boutique catered to children in the foster care system. They’ve since expanded the business and opened a thrift store next door, offering adult clothing for just a dollar. Linda says that for adults who don’t meet the criteria for Blossom, it’s the perfect solution. Hopefully, this story warmed your soul and reminded you of the beautiful people that still exist in this world.

Study Links Breastfeeding to Lower Heart Disease Risks

A new study found that breastfeeding lowers the risk of heart disease or stroke. It also reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to women who don’t breastfeed. These new findings have important implications for nursing moms for several reasons.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease remains the leading cause of death for women in the United States. It’s responsible for about one in every five female deaths. However, it impacts African American and white women more than any other race. Nearly 1 in 16 women age 20 and older have coronary heart disease.

Women are more likely than men to have heart attack symptoms unrelated to chest pain. Common signs of heart attacks in women include shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and jaw, neck, or back pain. Because these symptoms mimic many other health problems, heart disease often goes unnoticed in women.

Lifestyle Changes, Along With Breastfeeding

Lifestyle changes and regular doctor visits can lower the risk of heart disease. However, the latest study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) found that breastfeeding may help prevent heart problems. The research is part of a special issue: JAHA Spotlight on Pregnancy and Its Impact on Maternal and Offspring Cardiovascular Health. It features 12 studies investigating cardiovascular health during pregnancy for both mother and child.

Breastfeeding offers numerous well-documented benefits for children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nursing lowers the risk of respiratory infections and death from infectious diseases. It also positively impacts the mother’s health, reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

The senior author is Peter Willeit, M.D., M.Phil., Ph.D., professor of clinical epidemiology at the Medical University of Innsbruck in Innsbruck, Austria. He said this about the study:

“Previous studies have investigated the association between breastfeeding and the risk of cardiovascular disease in the mother; however, the findings were inconsistent on the strength of the association and, specifically, the relationship between different durations of breastfeeding and cardiovascular disease risk. Therefore, it was important to systematically review the available literature and mathematically combine all the evidence on this topic.”


Findings From the Study on Benefits of Breastfeeding

For the study, researchers performed a meta-analysis of eight previous studies conducted between 1986 and 2009. The research included Australia, Japan, China, Norway, the U.S., and one multinational study. The team reviewed the health records of nearly 1.2 million women and investigated the relationship between nursing and cardiovascular risk in mothers.

The first author, Lena Tschiderer, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher at the Medical University of Innsbruck, said the following:

“We collected information, for instance, on how long women had breastfed during their lifetime, the number of births, age at first birth, and whether women had a heart attack or a stroke later in life or not.”

Important discoveries from the meta-analysis:

  • 82% of the women reported breastfeeding at some point in their life.
  • Compared to women who never breastfed, women who reported nursing had an 11% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Over about ten years, women who breastfed at some time in their lives were 14% less likely to develop coronary heart disease. They also had a 12% lower risk of suffering from a stroke and a 17% reduced chance of dying from cardiovascular disease.
  • Breastfeeding was more pronounced in women who breastfed for one year or longer. They had an even lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease in their lifetime than women who did not breastfeed.
  • The number of pregnancies or age of the women did not impact cardiovascular disease risk.

The WHO and the CDC recommend exclusively nursing babies until they turn six months old, at minimum. However, only 25% of infants in the United States receive breastmilk solely for their first six months. According to the CDC, low breastfeeding rates add over $3 billion to medical costs in the U.S.


Importance of Breastfeeding When Possible

“It’s important for women to be aware of the benefits of breastfeeding for their babies’ health and also their own personal health,” Willeit said. “Moreover, these findings from high-quality studies worldwide highlight the need to encourage and support breastfeeding, such as breastfeeding-friendly work environments, and breastfeeding education and programs for families before and after giving birth.”

Mothers in the U.S., significantly, could benefit from nursing their children. Unfortunately, the maternal death rate in America remains the highest among industrialized countries, with cardiovascular disease as the leading cause. However, the American Heart Association estimates that proper maternal health care could prevent two out of three deaths during pregnancy.

“While the benefits of breastfeeding for infants and children are well established, mothers should be further encouraged to breastfeed their infants knowing that they are improving the health of their child and improving their own health as well,” said Shelley Miyamoto, M.D., FAHA, chair of the American Heart Association’s Council on Lifelong Congenital Heart Disease and Heart Health in the Young (Young Hearts). She’s also the Jack Cooper Millisor Chair in Pediatric Heart Disease and director of the Cardiomyopathy Program at Children’s Hospital Colorado in Aurora.

She added that raising awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding could help mothers make an informed decision about their child’s health. Miyamoto noted that mothers should feel empowered knowing that nursing lowers heart disease risk while providing optimal nutrients for children.

One noted limitation

The only limitation of the meta-analysis is this. The scientists lacked health information for women who breastfed for over two years.

“If we had this additional data, we would have been able to calculate better estimates for the association between lifetime duration of breastfeeding and development of cardiovascular disease in mothers,” Tschiderer said.

The Austrian Science Fund funded this study.


Final Thoughts on Study Linking Breastfeeding to Reduction in Heart Disease

Breastfeeding doesn’t just give the baby vital nutrients for growth and development. A new study reveals that it can also lower the risk of heart disease in mothers. The American Heart Association found that women had a 14% lower risk of developing coronary heart disease. Women who breastfed for one year or longer seemed to receive the most health benefits.

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