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Innovative Sleep Company Creates an Employee Right to Nap Policy

A sleep company based in India went viral when it announced a ‘right to nap’ policy. In the past, sleeping at work seemed lazy, but companies encourage it nowadays. Thankfully, businesses have realized that well-rested workers make happier, more productive employees. And, in our overstressed world, a nap serves as a way to slow down and recharge.

Recognizing the importance of employee well-being extends beyond just allowing naps; it’s about fostering a culture of support and understanding. Building high-performing teams in the workplace involves nurturing an environment where individuals feel valued, motivated, and empowered to excel. This means providing ample opportunities for skill development, encouraging open communication, and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

Effective leaders understand that teams that perform at a high level are comprised of individuals who are not only well-rested but also motivated and engaged in their work. Investing in team-building activities, regular check-ins, and professional development opportunities can further enhance cohesion and performance. By acknowledging the diverse strengths and perspectives within the team, leaders can leverage these differences to drive innovation and problem-solving. Ultimately, creating an environment that prioritizes both well-being and performance is essential for cultivating teams that consistently excel and adapt in today’s dynamic workplace landscape.

Wakefit, a sleep goods company that manufactures mattresses and pillows, established its new sleep policy in May 2022. The company blocked out 30 minutes from 2 pm to 2:30 pm, instructing workers to rest. Most people only dream of getting paid to sleep, but this company made it a reality!

It also comes as welcome news since around 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems, according to the CDC. Wakefit co-founder Chaitanya Ramalingegowda said that the company had been in the sleep business for six years. However, they had overlooked an important part of their employees’ health: the afternoon nap.

So, the company decided to rectify this and ensure no work gets done in the 30-minute rest period. While they’ve always encouraged employees to rest, they had never established a mandated nap time before. Now, Wakefit’s roughly 1,500 employees can benefit from the daily rest period penciled into their calendars.

Research Shows How Napping Increases Productivity

Research shows that afternoon napping can improve focus, productivity, memory, and innovation. In fact, a NASA study discovered that pilots who took a 26-minute nap had 54% improved alertness. They also showed 34% increased job performance compared to pilots who didn’t rest.

Ramalingegowda also cited a study conducted by Harvard University and Harvard Medical School, which analyzed participants performing visual perception tasks in four 60-minute intervals. Some participants took naps between 30 minutes and one hour after the second session.

Researchers found that half-hour naps participants maintained their performance throughout the sessions. However, the volunteers who took one-hour naps showed even more enhanced productivity.

‘Right to Nap’ Policy A Hit Among Wakefit Employees


Before the pandemic, naps at work were practically unheard of and not considered by most employers. However, employees learned the benefit of daytime naps when remote work became more popular during lockdowns.

They made time for a quick snooze between calls or meetings with more flexible schedules. This allowed them to recharge during the day and restore their focus for the afternoon.

Wakefit’s right to nap policy comes almost a year after the company encouraged employees to take weekend naps. The company cited that naps could help reduce fatigue, increase alertness, boost mood and improve productivity.

Wakefit aims to create a perfect sleep environment for its employees in the office. The company started building cozy sleep pods and carving out quiet areas in its offices devoted strictly to naps.

Wakefit said in a statement: “An afternoon nap is instrumental in helping the body recharge and refocuses on the task at hand, thus improving workplace productivity and motivation. Conversations around afternoon naps became predominant with the advent of work-from-home, and companies are slowly but steadily realizing its importance.”

Wakefit Employees Love the Innovative Napping Policy

Prateek Malpani, Brand Head at Wakefit, posted Ramalingegowda’s email to his LinkedIn account. He praised the nap policy in the caption, which read:

“Hahaha! What just happened. Quite truly walking the talk. This is for REAL. We just announced official nap time. I can proudly say I am getting paid to sleep at work!”

Ramalingegowda said that after announcing the right to nap policy, he received an overwhelmingly positive response from employees. This surprised him and other executives as they didn’t think it would have such an impact. He added that the policy helped employees who use public transit since they have to wake up earlier.

Additionally, he said that many employees had praised the company on social media. This encourages them to continue their quest to optimize employee health and advocate for their workers.

In 2020, Wakefit even started a sleep internship where they pay employees $1,400 to sleep 9 hours per night for 100 nights. They provided the interns with mattresses and fitness trackers to optimize their sleep. Clearly, the company cares deeply about its employees and wants them to prioritize their health!

Other Companies Encourage Employees to Nap

Twitter and Reddit users have also applauded the company’s progressive approach to naps. Some even commented that their company adopted policies allowing employees to nap. The trend is starting to catch on as companies around the globe see the benefit of catnaps.

Other companies that allow and urge employees to nap include Google, Uber, Zappos, Huffington Post, Facebook, and even Ben & Jerry’s! Perhaps the most well-known for its nap-friendly policies is Google, where you can find sleeping pods in employee lounges. The pods have a privacy visor, built-in speakers, and a programmed nap setting.

The Facebook headquarters offers capsule-shaped pods for employees to nap during the day. They have sliding doors for privacy and even have comfy mattresses inside!

Zappos employees can relax in massage chairs while watching fish swim in a 25-foot, 3,500-gallon saltwater aquarium. There’s nothing that calms your mind like watching fish swim in tranquil blue waters from the comfort of a massage chair.

Thankfully, more employers have realized that their employees require adequate sleep to perform their best. Hopefully, we will see more companies adopt nap policies in the future!


Final Thoughts on India Sleep Company’s Right to Nap Policy

A mattress and pillow manufacturer in India realized that, despite making customers happier, they had overlooked their employees. However, the sleep company called Wakefit recently enforced a ‘right to nap’ policy from 2-2:30 pm each day. Employees can’t perform any work during that period and are encouraged to snooze mid-day.

Before the pandemic, most people probably thought only elementary school children should take a daily snooze. However, many studies prove that adults can benefit from afternoon rest also! Most employers have seen improvements in productivity after allowing workers to rest during the day.

Slowing down isn’t just good for business; it’s vital for mental and physical health. Does your boss let you nap at work? Let us know in the comments!

Doctors Explain 8 Benefits of Medical Marijuana

The subject of marijuana and its use is quite controversial. But as cannabis and its use become legal in more and more states in America, people also note the substance’s medical benefits. Medical marijuana is a medication that safely takes advantage of the naturally positive qualities of hemp plants and can be a lifesaver for those who need it. Doctors are on board with prescribing this natural healer, from pain management to mental health.

Medical marijuana is a substance that contains an extract from cannabidiol hemp plants that is devoid of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is the chemical responsible for the “high” from cannabis, potentially causing psychoactive effects. As such, medical marijuana provides marijuana benefits without the risks associated with typical CBD smoking.

Many people can get some of the benefits of medical marijuana from smoking regular cannabis. However, as the drug is psychoactive and has additional side effects that can hamper everyday life and tasks, this is not a suitable way to consume marijuana as a necessary means of treating illness.

Scientific studies on the benefits of marijuana and medical marijuana are still in their early years, with all the stigma surrounding it. With that said, there have already been clear upsides to its use that have led to more and more health professionals recommending it. Here’s how science and doctors explain the eight benefits of medical marijuana.

1. Medical Marijuana Can Benefit Mental Health Disorders

Various mental health conditions and diagnoses improved by medical marijuana. Studies have extensively covered and discussed the many ways that medical marijuana is beneficial to some aspects of mental health. It also improves symptoms of disorders like:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Social anxiety
  • Panic disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder


It’s believed that this occurs due to the natural relaxant effects of marijuana. Research confirms the benefits of the substance for those with anxiety, even before medical marijuana was more widely used.

Some have even suggested that medical marijuana can treat anorexia and similar eating disorders by relaxing stress and stimulating appetite, encouraging patients to eat. This is not a particularly well-studied area of the drug, so caution is recommended before attempting this treatment.

That said, medical marijuana is not a suitable treatment for all mental health disorders, nor is it ideal for all patients. Patients may react differently to the medication, and some may experience exacerbated symptoms.

Meanwhile, some disorders, such as psychosis or bipolar disorder, may be unwise to treat with medical marijuana. Still, some claim that despite the controversial concept, the substance may be able to help those with schizophrenia when used alongside other medications.

2. It Can Help Pain Management

The most common use of medical marijuana in America is to help manage various pain-related symptoms and conditions, says primary care physician Dr. Peter Grinspoon. With over 25 million United States residents with chronic pain, this is the country’s leading cause of disability.

Medical marijuana has been a godsend to those with chronic pain daily. As it turns out, the ingredients and components of the cannabis plant relax the brain receptors responsible for the perception of pain. This healing product helps conditions like:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraine
  • Arthritis
  • Endometriosis
  • Pain from various medical treatments, including cancer treatments

Medical marijuana can also help reduce the body’s inflammatory response, which is part of its pain-fighting features. Studies say it suppresses neuropathic pain, which means it can alleviate:

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

This has made it a workable replacement for ibuprofen, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. Since most NSAIDs have harmful side effects, medical marijuana can be a good solution for some patients.

On a similar note, many gastrointestinal disorders may lessen with medical marijuana, says other research into diseases like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. That research also covers the aforementioned inflammatory disorders. Overall, medical marijuana can ease GI issues.

Finally, medical marijuana can relax muscles in those with multiple sclerosis, which can be crucial in regaining movement and reducing overall pain. Those with random muscle spasms may also benefit from this.

3. Medical Marijuana Can Treat Epilepsy

Cannabidiol medication has been approved by the FDA for treating two specific kinds of epilepsy, both severe and rare. These types are Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which can improve from the drug Epidiolex. Before this, these syndromes were notoriously drug-resistant.

The purified, non-psychoactive substances used in Epidiolex have many benefits for epilepsy patients. Dravet syndrome, in particular, is greatly aided by Epidiolex, as the syndrome has high lethality rates that mean twenty percent of those with the disorder do not live past the age of twenty. Research states that medical marijuana helps those with Dravet syndrome by reducing the frequency of seizures, often by fifty percent or more.

4. It Reduces Blood Pressure

We already know that marijuana has calming, anti-anxiety effects. It makes sense, then, that medical marijuana may be affecting symptoms of stress on a deeper level. A study showed in 2017 that healthy individuals experience lower blood pressure after using an equivalent of medical marijuana. This affected blood pressure:

  • At rest
  • After a cold pressor test
  • After performing mental arithmetic
  • Post-isometric exercise

This is likely why medical marijuana is so good at combating stress. It’s not currently understood or known if using this substance may be able to benefit heart health, with limited research on the matter. But given its benefits for blood pressure, it might be a workable substance for those who struggle with too-high pressure levels.

medical marijuana

5. Medical Marijuana May Help Those Battling Addiction

Research indicates that the use of cannabis can help those with opioid and alcohol addictions to overcome their dependencies on those substances. Using a “safer” drug alternative can allow recovering addicts to transition to a less dangerous substance.

Other studies suggest that medical marijuana and even non-medical cannabis can be used as a treatment plan for recovering addicts. The substances are capable of reducing the risk of a relapse.

That said, this must be handled and discussed wisely with individual medical experts for each patient. Those who become easily addicted to substances may become dependent on marijuana or even become bolder about trying other substances that can give them a better hit than marijuana.

6. It May Help You Sleep Better

Given the relaxing effects of medical marijuana may be able to help those who struggle to sleep due to insomnia or other similar factors. This also helps pain management, as many people with insomnia do so due to discomfort or pain. It is currently unknown if medical marijuana helps reduce the severity of diagnosed sleep disorders.

7. Medical Marijuana May Be Able To Fight Cancer

As strange as it sounds, medical marijuana may benefit cancer patients. These benefits occur in the following ways:

· Reducing Chemotherapy Side Effects

Nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting are common among chemotherapy patients. Medical marijuana has been shown in research to alleviate these side effects effectively.

·Encouraging Cancer Cell Death

Cancer is caused by cells growing uninhibited to form large masses that can be benign or dangerous. Studies indicate that medical marijuana may slow the progression of cancer by killing these excess cells safely, especially in cervical cancer.

·Reducing The Risk Of Cancer

Overall, medical marijuana has several potential anti-cancer effects. They are not universally effective, but they’re a safe way to treat tumors, prevent many cancer types, and boost the immune system.

8. People Can Use It For General Pain

Medical marijuana is surprisingly versatile and can support medical conditions in numerous ways. It’s no longer necessary to smoke cannabis to obtain the benefits, and research proves them equally or similarly effective. The medically made substance is available as:

  • Topical pain relief oils and treatments
  • Cannabidiol Oil, or CBD oil, can be inhaled via a vaporizer in a way similar to e-cigarettes
  • A diluted liquid dropped onto the tongue
  • Edibles, such as gummies, lollipops, or brownies

This versatility is partly due to the natural nature of medical marijuana, as it comes from a plant extract. This means that extract can be easily adapted and applied to different forms without dramatically altering its effects. Those concerned about lung damage will not need to smoke the drug to gain the necessary benefits.

medical marijuana

Final Thoughts On Some Benefits Of Medical Marijuana

It is undoubtedly true that medical marijuana has many benefits. Many people who could benefit tremendously from it may have trouble accessing it due to the negative stigma surrounding this medication. This is certainly something that those working in the health field will have to work to overcome in the upcoming years.

Thus, we must acknowledge any treatment’s side effects and potential downsides. To begin with, not everyone will see the same outcomes. Some will benefit, while others will find that it makes things worse. For the most part, potential side effects are rare but are still worth knowing.

Medical marijuana poses a small risk of causing mental health issues, such as suicidal ideation, depression, psychosis, and anxiety. It may also cause problems with cognition and memory. There is also a chance that the use of cannabis may increase the risk of lung cancer, though this typically does not apply to its medical varieties.

All this is to say that you should speak to a doctor about this option, its possible side effects, and other concerns you may have before you decide to use it. In most cases, medical marijuana does not pose any adverse risk, as it has the more harmful portions of cannabis removed, so you should be clear to enjoy its benefits!

15 Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise Never to Ignore

When it comes to having a healthy heart, never underestimate the importance of cardiovascular exercise. Revving up your heart rate and increasing your blood pressure through cardio exercise warrants a healthy heart, stronger muscles, and a better brain. Besides helping your heart, cardiovascular exercise has other worthwhile benefits you should never ignore.

15 Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

These reasons for working out will convince you to get on track.

1 – Working out aids digestion

Working out stimulates your blood flow to your gut. This increase benefits your digestive system, helping you to work more efficiently. Studies show exercise improves the composition of bacteria in your gut, so you digest foods quickly. This is important for gut health. It also aids intestinal activity to prevent digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea.

cardiovascular exercise

2 – Lungs benefit from cardio

Your lungs get significant benefits from cardiovascular exercise. Working out improves your overall lung capacity, so your lungs work harder. This stimulates the blood flow to your lungs and, in turn, increases the oxygen going into your blood. Even if you’re in good shape, you’ll benefit from including cardio exercises in your regular workout because it improves your breathing and lung capacity.

3 – Cardiovascular exercise promotes healthier skin

Cardiovascular exercise raises your heart rate, which increases your blood circulation. This delivers nutrients and oxygen to your body. This also stimulates collagen production and grows new skin cells in your skin, making your skin look brighter and healthier. Exercise is the best form of anti-aging help you can do for yourself.

4 – Lower your cholesterol by working the heart

Cardio raises your good cholesterol. Unhealthy “bad” cholesterol causes plaque to develop in your arteries. This may lead you to have a stroke or heart attack. Some of the best cardio exercises to help lower your cholesterol include:

  • Jogging
  • Brisk walking
  • Biking
  • Swimming

Be sure to keep an energetic pace while doing these exercises to get the full benefits of lowering your cholesterol. It would be best if you tried to do at least ten to twenty minutes of brisk activity to get the full effect.

5 – Cardiovascular exercise also builds stronger muscles

Working out strengthens your muscles. Your quadriceps, pectorals, and biceps are part of your skeletal muscles. They comprise long, thin, long cells. When you use these muscles, the force causes the cells of the muscles to get larger. Periods of rest and eating healthy protein aids the process of cell growth and strengthening. Staying active with regular cardiovascular exercises keeps your muscles strong and flexible. Use these machines for good muscle resistance training.

  • Treadmill
  • Stairclimber
  • Rowing machine
  • Swimming
  • Exercise bike
  • Elliptical

6 – More energy comes from cardio

If you struggle with an afternoon slump and feel exhausted at the end of the day, cardiovascular exercise could be your answer to more energy. Doing cardio exercises help you have good tiredness after your workout. Cardiovascular exercise makes your brain release endorphins, improving your stamina and increasing your energy levels. Cardio exercises also get the blood flowing, so your oxygen levels increase, and your heart rate increases. These add to your growth in energy and stamina throughout your day.

7 – Cardio helps you get better sleep

Cardiovascular exercise has many benefits, including better nighttime sleep. A good workout tires out your muscles, makes your heart beat faster, and forces your lungs to work harder. Your body feels tired and relaxed, so you’re ready to rest. Exercise is a natural bedtime remedy that’s a thousand times better than medication. Remember, always avoid intense exercise near your bedtime because this will keep you awake. When you sound asleep at night helps you:

  • Not get sick as much
  • Not gain weight
  • Lowers your risk of heart problems
  • Reduces your stress levels
  • Improves your mood
  • Helps you focus
  • Improves your memory
  • Improves your overall outlook on life

8 – Sexual desire increases after a workout

When you work out, there is a good chance your sexual desire will increase. This is because as you feel better physically, you’ll have more energy and feel happier about your life. These attitudes help you feel motivated to engage sexually. Studies show that a positive body image improves with cardiovascular exercise and increases a sense of sexual well-being. This is true, especially for women. So, if you’re lacking in the intimacy department, it may be time to start doing some cardiovascular exercises to improve your sexual desires.


9 – Healthy heart, healthier brain

Who doesn’t need a better brain? Cardio does the trick to stimulate your thinking and better brain function, so you’re more focused. It’s suggested that cardio exercises may lower your risk for dementia and reduce an aging brain. Working out can also improve your brain by:

  • Increasing your blood flow, so you’re less apt to have a stroke
  • It helps your memory and ability to think clearly
  • Prevents aging brain
  • Protects against memory loss
  • It helps fight osteoporosis or brittle bones
  • Helps fight arthritis

If you’re struggling with your memory, discuss it with your doctor to find out your options for memory improvement.

10 – Cardiovascular exercise lowers your blood sugar

Cardio exercise lowers your blood sugar and improves insulin resistance if you have diabetes. Weightlifting and resistance training increases your muscle strength while improving your blood sugar. The more physically active you are,  the better your blood sugar levels and the easier it is to keep your diabetes in control. If you have diabetes, start exercising for better blood sugar control. These exercises can help you accomplish this:

  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Weight Lifting
  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Resistance bands
  • Team sports

11 – Working out improves your memory

Sadly, there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Besides this, it’s a growing problem for the United States’ aging population. Cardiovascular exercise is one way to slow down the progression of this terrible disease. Getting at least three days of high-intensity exercise for fifteen to twenty minutes is essential. If you like to walk for exercise, kick it up with a brisk 15 walk several days a week. Get your blood pumping and your heart rate up for the best results. Cardio improves your memory and your ability to stay focused on an activity. It’s worth it to yourself to improve your memory and avoid a debilitating brain disease like Alzheimer’s disease.

12 – A workout makes you feel happier

It’s normal to have fluctuating moods, but regular cardiovascular exercise improves your overall mood and helps you have a cheerful outlook on your life. When you do cardio exercises, your body lets go of chemicals in your brain that provides you with a sense of well-being. It also resists hormones that increase your stress levels. The chemicals that your brain releases include:

  • Serotonin-Improves your feelings of happiness
  • Dopamine-Aids with pain sensitivity
  • Endorphins-Another mood enhancer to boost your feelings of cheerfulness

Working out helps you let go of anxiety. It eases tension, so you feel relaxed, and helps you face your day in a good mood.

13 – Cardio makes you more focused

It’s already been said that cardiovascular exercise improves your focus. Revving up your heart stimulates blood flow and more oxygen moving throughout your body. This includes your brain. Working out helps you

  • Interpret information
  • Organize it
  • Learn new things
  • Remember things
  • Stay focused
  • Increase mental stamina

14 – Cardiovascular exercise helps fight arthritis

Aging affects your joints, so you’re more likely to get arthritis. It seems counterintuitive, but cardio exercise can get rid of stiffness and the pain of arthritis. Combining cardio exercises with healthy eating can lead to less pain and more flexibility in your joints. Try any of these cardio exercises for the best benefits.

  • Fast walking
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Biking
  • Rowing

To get the full benefits of cardiovascular exercise, the American Heart Association suggests you do 150 minutes a week of moderate heart revving movement or 75 minutes of sweat-producing exercise several days a week.

15 – People who do cardio are less apt to get sick

Cardiovascular exercise boosts your immune system, making you less apt to get sick. Regular exercise lowers your chances of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure. It keeps your lungs healthier, so you breathe easier. It lowers your heart rate, so there is less stress on your heart. All in all, cardio exercises combined with eating a healthy diet give you a better chance of living longer and healthier.

cardiovascular exercise

Final Thoughts on Reaping the Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

It’s usually difficult to get doctors to agree on anything, but on cardiovascular exercise, they unanimously agree it’s one of the best ways to stay healthy. It revs up your heart and increases your blood flow as extra oxygen moves throughout your body. It also brings needed nutrients. Of course, you’ll burn calories and get your muscles in shape. Plus, you’ll feel better, look better, and have a better outlook on your life. You don’t need to join a gym to do cardio exercises.

The main thing is to add intensity to your activity to get an actual cardio exercise. Adding just ten to twenty minutes of heart-pumping exercise at least three times a week makes up a cardio exercise. Whether you choose brisk walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or yoga is up to you. The main thing is to decide what you want to do and get busy. You’ll be glad you did.

14 Benefits of Staying Single Most People Don’t Realize

Society pressures us to find a long-term relationship and settle down. This situation isn’t for everyone, though, and some people prefer staying single. Whether you’ve been single for a while or a new breakup has brought you to singlehood, you can benefit from the experience.

It can be hard to adjust to singlehood if you’re used to being in a relationship. Understanding the benefits can help you embrace the experience and make the most of it. You can live a fulfilling and meaningful life without a partner, and you may learn to love it.

If you’ve been single for a while, these benefits apply to you, too. You’ve likely already experienced some of them, and these benefits will serve as a reminder. Knowing these reasons can help you resist settling for the wrong person.

Although many people don’t acknowledge the benefits, there is value to staying single. If you’re single, don’t overlook the good that can come from being on your own.

Why People Prefer Staying Single

More Americans than ever are choosing a single life. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly half of American adults are free of a relationship.

Additionally, people are waiting longer to get married. The median age of first marriages occurs at 30 years for men and 28 years for women.

People who choose to stay single are often stigmatized and pitied while people celebrate marriages and relationships. It can make them feel like they aren’t living a meaningful life, but that’s not the case. Many people ignore the stigmas and prefer staying single for the following reasons:

  • They haven’t found the right person
  • Dating new people can be exhausting
  • They enjoy the freedom of singlehood
  • Not wanting to change their life

staying single

Fourteen Benefits of Staying Single

You can reap the benefits of staying single if you aren’t in a relationship. These benefits will help you live a meaningful life no matter your relationship status.

1. You Have Time to Learn More About Yourself

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one to nurture. Staying single allows you to learn more about yourself, including your likes and dislikes. You’ll get to know your authentic self and learn about new activities or hobbies you haven’t tried before.

If your last partner didn’t enjoy an activity, now is your chance to try it. You can do anything that helps you get to know your true self.

As you learn more about yourself, you’ll also learn to value your freedom. It helps you make the best decisions for yourself, become accountable for your actions, and pursue your goals. As you identify all of these things, you develop inner strength and a sense of wholeness.

2. You Can Learn Many Skills

As a single person, you can spend time developing many skills. You can take on new hobbies or foster the growth of other abilities. You’ll have all the time you need to focus on what you want to learn. Plus, you’ll have to do things on your own that others rely on their partner for.

3. You Can Flirt Without Anyone Getting Angry

Flirting can be fun, and most people enjoy it sometimes. Flirting can be harmless and entirely innocent, but a partner won’t always see it that way. It could lead to an awkward or tense situation, mainly if someone develops feelings.

You don’t have to worry about this if you’re single because no one can get upset. Not everyone likes to flirt, but if you do, then staying single might be for you.

4. You Can Travel Whenever and Wherever You Want

When you’re single, you can wake up one morning and decide to go on a road trip. Or, you can consider going backpacking or to a tropical island. You can do whatever you desire without factoring anyone else in.

5. You Have More Time for Other Relationships

If you don’t have a partner, you can spend more time with your family and friends. You can develop strong relationships with others, focusing on healthy friendships. Without a partner to worry about, you can spend more time with the people you care about.

A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships explains that staying single increases your social connections. The increased interactions are due to having more opportunities to reach out to social networks. It also allows you to offer and accept help from other people more often.

6. You Have the Bed to Yourself Without Disruptions

While cuddling is nice, having the bed to yourself can also be good. You don’t have to worry about sharing the blankets; you can sleep in whatever position you desire. Plus, you won’t get disrupted by snoring or another person moving around.

7. You Have Time to Focus

You have more time to focus on your dreams when you don’t have a partner. You can spend your time and energy on your studies or work, helping you advance sooner. Before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to accomplishing your dreams.

8. You’ll Have More Time to Help Others

As a single person, you can contribute meaningfully to your loved ones and society. You can help those closest to you, caring for people in need. Plus, you can volunteer for projects that you’re passionate about. Plenty of organizations can use volunteers, and helping others will bring joy and fulfillment.

9. Decisions Will Be Less Complicated

When you only have to make decisions for yourself, it’s less complicated. Plus, you’ll experience less regret because you choose what you want in life without considering a partner.

When you’re single, you can be selfish about what you want. Plus, you’ll make the most fulfilling decisions since you better understand who you are. Making decisions without discussing them with another person allows you to maintain a sense of self-identity.

single people

10. You Can Do Whatever You Want

If you’re not in a relationship, you can freely do whatever you want at any moment. You can make last-minute plans to go out with friends or see whoever you want. If you like to live with this freedom, staying single is the best option.

11. It Allows you to Pursue Meaningful Work

Those who aren’t in a relationship have more opportunities to pursue their interests and passions. They can focus on doing work that they find meaningful. This situation allows them to live a fulfilling life while enjoying what they do for a living.

12. You Can Focus on Your Health

When you aren’t in a relationship, you have a better chance of caring for your health. A survey of over 13,000 people showed that single women exercise more often and are likelier to stick to a routine. Plus, you’re more likely to take the time to prepare healthier meals when you don’t require input from a partner.

Research shows that single people tend to have lower BMIs and are less likely to develop the risks of smoking and drinking alcohol. Other studies show that staying single can decrease your risk of heart disease.

If you don’t have someone else taking up your time and giving input into your lifestyle, it’s harder to maintain healthy habits. You have more time to focus on your health without distraction or compromise. Plus, your habits won’t interrupt anyone or be interrupted by another person.

13. It Promotes Resiliency

When you’re on your own, you become a more self-reliant person. You don’t have someone to depend on to do what you don’t want to do.

Over time, resiliency becomes a huge benefit in your life. You can handle things alone and grow to like it because you know it’ll get done. Plus, you can overcome hardships without falling back on someone else.

14. You Avoid Settling

Sometimes the societal pressure to get married will push people into settling. Staying single ensures you don’t choose a bad match that doesn’t fit your lifestyle or dreams. Settling can cause you to stay with someone you don’t mesh well with because of finances or having children together.

How You Can Learn to Enjoy Staying Single

You might experience times when you wish you weren’t single. If this happens, don’t give in to the temptation to settle. Instead, remember all the benefits of staying single, and use these tips to learn to enjoy it.

Live the Life You Want

There’s no sure way to find happiness unless you live the life you want. Do what you enjoy, try activities that interest you, and spend time with those you love. You don’t have anyone telling you you can’t or demanding your attention, so take advantage.

Develop Healthy Habits

When you’re healthy and feel good, enjoying your life is easier. Implement healthy eating habits and an exercise routine that you enjoy. Prioritizing your health can make all the difference in enjoying your life.

Ignore Negative Comments

Society seems to tell us that we should get married and settle down, but that’s not the best situation for everyone. Ignore comments from people who don’t understand the benefits of staying single. If you’re happy, don’t make any changes to appease others.

staying single

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Staying Single Most People Don’t Realize

Learning to embrace staying single can help you live a meaningful and fulfilling life. You won’t settle for anything less than you deserve, and you’ll find the right person for you. Or, you might choose to stay single forever.

Whatever you choose, it’s best to understand that staying single isn’t bad. It gives you a chance to focus on yourself, allowing you to live up to your potential.

12 Reasons a Fresh Perspective Can Reduce Stress

Your outlook on life and attitude toward the world reveal whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist. If you tend to think negatively, it’s a good sign that you need a fresh perspective on life. A new perspective can help you handle things positively and avoid unnecessary negativity.

A negative outlook on life can affect your health and well-being because it causes many issues. It causes unnecessary stress and can spread from one area of your life to another. Luckily, you can learn positive thinking skills even if you struggle to push away negative thoughts.

As you learn more about shifting your mindset, you’ll notice that negative thoughts don’t set in as often as before. This experience doesn’t mean that you won’t have unpleasant situations, but you’ll be more resilient and able to let go.

Twelve Reasons Why a Fresh Perspective Can Reduce Stress

When you want to reduce stress, these reasons why a fresh perspective can help you make the necessary jump. Then, you’ll be ready to improve your health and well-being, so get started as soon as possible.

fresh perspective

1. A Fresh Perspective Reminds You That the Problem Isn’t Long-Term

Anytime you experience stress, ask yourself how long the situation will affect you. This question gives you a fresh perspective reminding you that the negative feelings won’t affect you long-term.

You might not even remember the stressful situation in a week, let alone years down the line. When you think this way, it helps you identify minor problems that you can let go of immediately.

2. It Affects the Wiring Of your Brain

Experts indicate that we have similar stress systems to animals, and it hasn’t changed even as life changes for humans. Human stressors have evolved, but the stress system hasn’t. The situation produces more stress than your brain centers can regulate.

When your brain doesn’t know how to regulate something, it triggers the fight or flight response. Your system reacts as if you’ll die, although that’s far from the truth in most stressful situations.

It’s hard to stay calm when your brain is overwhelmed with concerns and negative thoughts. You’ll think of the worst-case scenario rather than telling yourself that things will be okay. However, if you can take on a new perspective, the wiring in your brain changes, allowing you to stay positive.

As you practice looking at things from a new perspective, it strengthens your neural pathways. You can form better habits, improve your brain health, and lower your risk of developing chronic illnesses.

3. You Stop Thinking About Things the Same Way

As your life changes, you must shift how you think about things. With different job titles, experiences, thoughts, mental states, and values, you must adjust your perspective often. If you shift from one mindset to the next, you’ll experience less stress.

Being able to shift how you think about things stops you from feeling trapped. You won’t feel like you must stay the same all the time. The shift allows you to embrace who you are at each stage of life.

4. Eliminates Negative Self-Talk

Taking on a fresh perspective doesn’t mean you must ignore issues in your life. Instead, it indicates that you approach those situations with a positive mindset, looking for productive ways to handle them. Assume the best possible outcome will occur, rather than constantly thinking the worst.

Let go of negative self-talk so that you can automatically think positively. Give in to reason and logic rather than misconceptions based on lack of information or far-fetched expectations.

Switching your self-talk is essential because it affects your outlook on life. With negative self-talk, you’ll have a negative perception of life. On the other hand, positive self-talk encourages a positive outlook on life.

5. A Fresh Perspective Determines How You Interpret Things

Your perception determines how you interpret a situation or message. One perception allows you to think of a message as friendly, while another perception makes it seem angry. It all depends on how you look at the situation and your thoughts surrounding the experience.

6. You’ll Feel Better Overall

When you can think with a new perspective, it makes you feel better overall. You’ll experience fewer headaches, less weight gain, and improved sleep.

Additionally, you’ll experience fewer asthma symptoms and an improved immune system. When you feel better, you experience less stress and more resiliency.

7. It Prevents Misunderstandings

If you only think from one perspective, it can cause misunderstandings. You assume everyone sees things the way you do, but that’s not true.

Everyone’s different, and you must remember to view things from a fresh perspective to prevent misunderstandings. It’ll help you relate to others or recognize why they think the way they do.

Without misunderstandings, you’ll have better experiences with others. A new perspective improves communication, allowing you to get all the details you need. Plus, you can clarify anything that doesn’t seem to add up.

8. Limits Anticipation and Anxiety

Your perception affects your mind and physiological responses. It can trigger the fight or flight response, even when there is no immediate danger. With a fresh perspective, you can prevent the trigger as you realize there are other possibilities.

Anxiety and anticipation lead to stress, and learning to ease the feelings can make a difference. When you notice these feelings set in, make it a point to change your perspective instead.

9. It Helps You Gain Information

Stress often forms because of a lack of information because your brain sees no other solution. It triggers the fight or flight response, causing your body to react as if there was imminent danger. However, if you can gain information by looking for a fresh perspective, your brain will understand that there’s another solution.

Stress is sometimes caused by being unable to differentiate between reality and desires. This inability stems from not having all the information you need to process the experience. Taking on a new perspective is necessary to assess the situation realistically.

When you don’t understand something, it leads to unnecessary stress, including conflict, frustration, anxiety, and guilt. It causes difficulty dealing with things around you and interferes with your work performance.

When you feel this becoming a problem, you must look at the situation differently. Taking another look and thinking differently helps reduce stress because you gain understanding. When you understand the experience, it’s easier to handle

fresh perspective

10. Helps You Focus on Different Things

Your perspective helps you choose and organize which experiences you focus on. You can only understand to the extent to which you perceive them. Without a fresh perspective, you won’t see them from a new perception.

However, changing your perspective helps change what you focus on and how you interpret each situation. You’re more likely to focus on things that reaffirm your thoughts and opinions. Shift your perspective, and you’ll quickly see things differently.

11. Having a Fresh Perspective Helps Influence Others

When communicating with others, it’s sometimes hard to get them to see things your way. However, if you can take on a different perspective and see things from their point of view, it’ll help them influence them.

They’ll recognize that you’re empathetically thinking of things how they see them. When you can understand their feelings and emotions, they’ll begin to understand yours, too.

12. It Improves Relationships

People will like and respect you more if they know you’ll view things from their perspective. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with their perspective, but you can understand it. When people see that you accurately understand, they’ll trust you to find a solution that benefits everyone.

How to Gain a Fresh Perspective

When you feel the stress setting in, it’s easy to forget about thinking differently. Before you know it, small things trigger significant responses, making you feel overwhelmed and stressed. Luckily, you can use these tips to gain a fresh perspective.

Think of the Importance Compared to Other Situations

When you compare the importance of the current situation to other issues, you can shift your perspective. You’ll recognize that in the grand scheme of things, this experience isn’t essential. This mind exercise allows you to reduce stress and refocus on a solution.

Step Back and Reflect

Stress can make you lose focus on the good things in your life. You become consumed with the things that aren’t going well rather than embracing the things you’ve achieved. When you experience negative thinking, take a step back and reflect on your accomplishments. Think of the things going well, and push away any other thoughts.

Think How You Dealt with Past Situations

You can also think about how you dealt with stressful situations in the past. You have overcome every issue before, and you can do it now. Considering what you did before can help you recognize that you can overcome this experience.

Take a Break

When you get stressed, take a break to do something different. Without a break, you won’t be able to shift perspectives. However, walking away and focusing on something else can help you gain a fresh perspective when you come back to the task.

Talk to Someone to See a Fresh Perspective

Talking to someone about your situation can give insight you hadn’t thought of before. It’s hard to see the reality of your experience when you’re overwhelmed, and a third-party perspective can help. Choose a trusted person that can help you see things differently.

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Final Thoughts on Reasons a Fresh Perspective Can Reduce Stress

A fresh perspective can quickly and effectively reduce stress. When you know why it helps, you’ll be more likely to make a few changes in your mindset.

With a fresh perspective, things that didn’t make sense will finally come together. Likewise, seemingly stressful experiences won’t seem as overwhelming anymore. Work to change your perspective so you can embrace life and live well while reaching your goals.

11 Hidden Reasons You Can’t Find True Love

Many people have trouble finding true love, and it sometimes leaves them wondering why. If you’re in this situation, you might wonder if something is wrong with you. Rest assured, nothing is wrong, and there’s likely a good reason you can’t find a loving relationship.

Society has created a negative stigma surrounding being single, but there’s nothing wrong with the situation. Everyone is at a different stage in their life, and sometimes being single is the best option for them. If everyone around you seems to be in serious relationships or taking the next step, you likely feel the pressure.

Even when you realize that there’s more to life than a relationship, you still might wonder why you can’t find your true love. Remember that it only shows you’re waiting for the right person, and it’ll be well worth it. Before looking into why you can’t find true love, it’s nice to remember the benefits of being single.

Benefits of Being Single

Although society makes being single seem like a negative experience, that’s not always the case. Being single has many benefits, including giving you space for growth and self-awareness. You can break down your barriers and work on yourself without worrying about anyone else.

Being single allows you to consider your life habits and identify if any hurt you. It also gives you a chance to develop healthy habits, focusing on doing what’s best for you.

Even with the benefits of being single, most people search for their true love. You might want a partner to share your life with or to feel loved by another, and even this desire is a benefit. It’s a benefit because it shows that you aren’t settling or attaining a loving relationship in the wrong way.

Being single reaffirms that you will continue looking until you find the right partner. If you ever get down about your situation, remember that being single is good if it keeps you on the right path. It helps you stay open to a healthy relationship when the opportunity arises.

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Eleven Reasons You Can’t Find True Love

If you can’t find true love, identifying the reasons can help you understand. You might be pushing love away, or you might not be ready yet. Either way, these reasons can help you make the necessary changes to help you find a loving relationship.

1. True Love Evades You Because You Aren’t Going After the Right People

Some single people can’t find true love because they’re going after the wrong people. They look for someone they think can help them with unresolved issues or struggles. You might also subconsciously be attracted to people who reaffirm your fears.

You might also go after people who don’t want a relationship with you. When this happens, people tend to keep trying and doing whatever they can to make the other person want them. However, you must let go and allow yourself to meet a great person who wants to date you.

Another issue with going after the wrong people is dating someone emotionally unavailable. They can’t give you the romance you deserve because they can’t or won’t commit.

2. You Think No One Is Good Enough

While having high self-esteem is generally a good thing, it can become a problem. Your high self-esteem might lead you to believe that no one is good enough to be with you.

It’s okay to have standards, but you can’t assume you’re better than every potential partner. You are a great person, but so are other people. Be open to meeting new people and figuring out who they are.

3. You’re Focusing on Your Career Instead of Focusing on a Loving Relationship

If you’re too focused on your career, you likely can’t find true love. This situation isn’t a bad thing as long as you’re happy.

If a relationship isn’t on your mind, keep working your way up. However, if you want a relationship, you might need to find a balance between work and your personal life.

4. You Aren’t Over Your Ex

If you can’t find true love, it might be because you’re still not over your ex. You might not realize it at first or even think about them constantly. However, subconsciously, you might compare patterns and behaviors, hold onto special memories, or hope you’ll reunite.

Sometimes your ex will stand in the way of your new romance because you are still working through the pain. When things don’t end well or they cause mental turmoil, it takes time to get past it. Let go of the toxic baggage so you can move on to a healthy relationship.

5. You Won’t Settle for Anything Less Than True Love

If you can’t find true love because you won’t settle, it’s okay. Don’t settle because you deserve everything you want and need in a relationship. Keep doing what you’re doing, reminding yourself that true love is there.

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6. You Don’t Have Time

Life gets busy, and it can interfere with your love life. Between work, your social life, and focusing on a healthy lifestyle, it’s hard to time find time for meeting people. If you don’t have time or energy for anything else in your life, it’s time to reevaluate and prioritize.

7. You’re Needy

It’s hard to find true love if you’re too needy. Wanting to be with someone is not the same as needing them, but there’s a fine line. If you’re too needy, it’s likely because you want to fill a void by being in a relationship.

Being too needy repels potential partners because it makes them feel like you don’t see or appreciate who they are. They don’t want to be there only to fill your void.

If you are needy, take a step back and see how you can resolve the issue. One thing you can do is find ways to boost your self-esteem, as will addressing unresolved conflicts in your life.

8. You’re Being Overly Picky

Having standards is okay, but you can’t be too picky. This reason isn’t to say you should settle, but you must ensure your standards are attainable.

You might meet a great person who doesn’t meet all of your desires. If you disregard them over not checking off every item on your list, you might miss out on true love. Being too picky causes you to close yourself off from great people with superficial flaws.

Your standards are okay, but you must be a little flexible. Getting over being too picky is possible, and it might help if you list a few non-negotiable qualities. This list will help you remain flexible about the less essential aspects of who they are.

9. You’re Not Ready for True Love

You might not have found your true love yet because you’re not ready. If that’s the case, don’t rush it because there’s plenty of time to do it later. Things won’t work out when you aren’t ready with the people you date.

Sometimes you aren’t ready because you haven’t worked on yourself yet. Learn to value yourself so that you find someone who treats you well. Additionally, you must make sure you’re in the right emotional state for a relationship.

Consider why you want a relationship, and ensure it’s for the right reasons. You shouldn’t look for someone to fill a void or boost your self-esteem, so you might want to wait if those are your reasons. Take some time to figure out who you are and how you can be happy alone first.

Once you’re in a good place, you’ll notice an improvement in your love life. Working on yourself is essential for finding the love that you desire.

10. You Don’t Want to Share Your Life

Building a good life for yourself takes hard work. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine adding another person to the life you created because you know it’ll cause a change. Your life could change in many ways, involving your home, finances, lifestyle, and routine.

If you’re not ready to make these changes, you’re not prepared to share your life. However, if you are prepared to share, you don’t have to be with anyone who destroys the life you’ve created. Look for someone who will complement your lifestyle without making undesirable changes.

11. You Don’t Give Yourself the Chance

When you want to find your true love, you must put yourself out there to meet people. You won’t meet someone while sitting at home, avoiding social interaction. Put yourself in situations that allow you to meet new people who like the same things you do.

true love

Final Thoughts on Hidden Reasons You Can’t Find True Love.

If you can’t find true love, it could be for several reasons, but that’s not always bad. Being single allows you to work on yourself and chase your dreams.

If you’re ready to find a unique and loving relationship, figure out what’s holding you back. Once you know why you can’t find true love, you can resolve the issue, improving your life overall. Then, you’ll be ready to find your person and embrace a healthy relationship.

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