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7 Reasons for Living in the Present

It’s tough to live in the present. As human beings, we’re trapped in our past pain and trauma and worried about the future that we move steadily toward. It’s normal to get a little lost in all of that. But when you get lost there for extended periods, you miss out on the life you’re living and all the great things that mindfulness has to offer.

Sometimes, people who live in the present get a bit of an eye roll. It can sound like a stuck-up, high-and-mighty concept to say that you only live in the present and don’t get bothered by other things. In reality, presence at the moment – or mindfulness, as it’s often called – can make a huge difference and drastically improve your life.

But it can be tough to unlearn all the habits of not living in the present. If you choose to get started, you’ll receive tremendous rewards in many positive changes to your mind, body, and life experience. If you want better well-being and higher happiness levels, start being mindful today! Here are seven reasons for living in the present.

1.      Being Present Brings You In Touch With Yourself

Being in the present is a beautiful way to get more in touch with everything: the world around you, the people in your life, but most importantly, with yourself. Mindful thoughts allow you to stay grounded, thus acquainting you with your identity on a deeper and more visceral level. This happens because:


  • You stop putting up a facade. When you’re not mindful, you’re thinking about how others perceive you, so you project your desired appearance onto the world. When you’re present, you live with your true, present self and bring that to the table.
  • You take the time to understand yourself. You’re not interested in avoiding or repressing your emotions and thoughts. Being present gives you a chance to hold a mirror up to yourself so you can trace various triggers and understand yourself.
  • You accept yourself. Being in the present means being in the present with who you indeed are. You stop trying to emulate others and focus solely on who you genuinely are, promoting greater acceptance.
  • You don’t try to change who you are. This doesn’t mean that you don’t work on growth or improvement. It means that you’re at peace with everything that makes you who you are, and you won’t become your own worst critic.

2.      Living in the Present Improves Your Relationships With Others

Research states that being present promotes happier relationships and better relationship acceptance. This is true for romantic relationships, but it can apply to your close bonds with others. This is because being present:

  • It makes you less likely to focus on past mistakes, flaws, or conflict, therefore reducing resentment, shame, guilt, and new conflict sources
  • Allows you to fully appreciate and experience every moment you have with someone without distractions and with the intent of attention
  • It prevents you from thinking of if only’s and could have been’s, so you don’t think about what you wish others would do and are focused on what they are doing now

3.      Mindfulness Helps You Do Big Projects

Significant endeavors are often overwhelming, but mindfulness helps you with that. When you’re present, you can focus on individual goals in more extensive schemes, allowing you to complete tasks efficiently without getting swept up by how significant the project is.

Being present allows you to see the truth of these big projects: they’re just multiple tiny tasks grouped. Sure, there are a lot of small jobs in one significant endeavor, but they’re still individual instances that you can move to one by one.

When you’re present, you recognize the need to plan things out and tackle each issue one at a time. Your concentration is razor-sharp, allowing you to pay closer heed to what matters and perform individual tasks well for a more significant overall result. You’ll also find it easier to learn new skills and sharpen current ones so that you can bring new lessons with you.

4.      Living in the Present Helps You To Manage Stress

When you’re present, you can stop focusing so much on the past and the future, allowing you to remain concentrated on only the here and now. You won’t obsess about what you can’t change and predict, restricting stress to only what you currently face. Some additional reasons living in the present aids stress management, such as:

·         You Get Better At Releasing Stress

For many, stress sticks with them for the whole day. Those who have perfected the art of being present release stress once they learn to handle their stressors. They can view stress as a passing, fleeting emotion and don’t allow themself to get swamped in it.

·         You Don’t Avoid Or Repress Stress

It sounds counterproductive, but one of the best ways to manage stress is to stop avoiding it. Repressing and avoidance only exacerbate current stress levels, and research shows that facing stress head-on is better for long-term stress management. You get to face problems, handle them, and move on quickly.

·         You Have Fewer Anxiety Symptoms When You Live in the Present

Studies show that mindfulness, which is the art of being present, reduces the experience of various symptoms of anxiety. Therapists even use it as a treatment method for the most debilitating anxiety symptoms. So if you experience anxiety disorders or symptoms of anxiety every day, being present can help you manage those issues, especially the most severe parts of them.

mindfulness methods

5.      Mindfulness Makes You Less Self-Conscious

Self-consciousness is common among those who struggle to live in the present. This is because it’s an inherently selfish or self-focused trait or one that involves you solely paying attention to yourself over others.

Living in the moment releases you from that kind of stress, allowing you to be unabashedly yourself without being too conscious about that. This is because:

  • You don’t think about things you’ve done in the past that may have been embarrassing or unwarranted.
  • You don’t focus on past negative situations and therefore don’t allow past pain to influence the way you behave now.
  • You’ll see yourself as fluid and changing; therefore, you’re open-minded and aren’t attached to the idea that you’ll make mistakes; you know you’ll be wrong sometimes, but you also know you’ll learn from that.
  • You focus on the present, the world around you, and what you’re experiencing and therefore aren’t overly focused on yourself.

6.      Living in the Present Makes You Feel Healthier

Many different things make up physical health, and mental health is one of those things. Being mentally unhealthy changes your physical habits, therefore indirectly affecting your health. Mindfulness and presence allow you to open yourself up for indirect health improvements. This outcome happens in the following ways.

·         You’re More Motivated To Stick To Healthy Habits

A lack of willpower quickly kills off most healthy habits, like going on a daily walk, going to the gym, or sleeping on time. This is because these habits are easily derailed by worries, dread, or feelings of unhappiness. You go with the flow when you’re present, which encompasses your routines.

·         You Enjoy Movement

Being present and mindful means engaging your senses in various things. This means that going for walks, working out, and moving your body become more rewarding as you tune into your body, its senses, and how each part of you feels.

·         You Can Overcome Cravings

Cravings are often overcome when you give yourself a moment to do something else. Giving in to cravings happens because you can’t control an impulse. Being present means that you recognize the impulse as temporary, and you can ground yourself in better goals. You allow yourself to wait before caving in, often enough to fight cravings.

·         You Have More Energy if You Live in the Present

Mental energy closely ties to physical energy. Being mentally drained can often be enough to take you out for the day. Mental energy gets used up by stress, worries, and other similar issues, especially things outside your control. Staying in the present allows you to keep your energy and use it for material things.

7.      Mindfulness Helps You To Heal Emotionally

Most people have some form of trauma or pain that continues to haunt them. The past experiences that have left you feeling this way can feel overwhelming and all-consuming, and sometimes you might wonder if there’s any way out.

Being present is not the cure-all to past pain, but it is one of the necessary ingredients to overcoming it. When you’re present, you leave the past in the past, taking only the lessons that serve your mindful self and releasing everything else. When you learn to be mindful, you stop the past from influencing your present.

Mindfulness helps you to analyze pain that stems from the past. You can witness this pain from a bird’s eye view separately. You’re able to unpack your emotions, process them, and manage different memories and trauma with reminders of the present. Again, this won’t cure everything – but it will certainly help.


Final Thoughts For Some Reasons To Live In The Present

Being present has a long list of benefits, from improving your relationships to better personal health and stress management to decreased self-consciousness. It’s a tricky skill to learn, but it’s worth it. That’s why mindfulness has been touted as a game-changer in well-being circles in the past few years.

If you struggle with learning to be present, online tools are available to help you on this journey. Regular therapy with a mental health professional can also be beneficial, especially if your lack of presence impedes your happiness or everyday life. Remember, you don’t need to have a severe disorder or damning struggle to make use of positive therapy!

You can’t discount the benefits of being present. It can have such a vast, transformative effect on life as you know it. Only when one learns to release that which they cannot control, accept the past, and surrender to the future does one truly understand the beauty of presence in the current moment.

4 Causes of Osteoporosis (and How to Avoid It)

Osteoporosis is a disorder that occurs when bone tissue deteriorates on a micro-architectural level, causing lowered bone mass and a higher risk of fractures. This systemic disorder most commonly affects aging people in the spinal vertebrae, hip, and forearm bones. Severe cases can cause fractures from seemingly minor or non-existent causes.

Over 200 million people have osteoporosis, especially among the elderly, who are the most commonly afflicted by the disorder. In most cases, one will not notice osteoporosis symptoms until a break or fracture is present. But once fractures occur, healed bones may continue to cause decreased mobility, chronic pain, and disability.

Several things can cause the disease, and knowing those causes can help you plan to minimize your risk. Here are four causes of osteoporosis and how to avoid it.

1.      Sedentary Lifestyle Can Contribute to Osteoporosis

According to the World Health Organization, spending a lot of time sitting down daily is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis. This is due to an occurrence known as bone remodeling, where the bones shift and change due to physical stress. A lack of activity, therefore, causes bone density to decrease.


Essentially, this means that you have to “work out” your bones in the same you work out your muscles to build their strength. Bone health depends on the amount of exercise your bones get. You can do this with several notably helpful exercises that place gentle stress on bones, such as:

  • Any flexibility exercise
  • Any resistance-based exercise
  • All weight-bearing exercise
  • Dancing
  • Hiking
  • Jumping or skipping
  • Running
  • Walking
  • Weightlifting

Do note that certain kinds of training and exercise are noted as being risk factors for osteoporosis, notably endurance training. Long-term endurance training in high volumes may reduce bone density, especially in female athletes, say studies.

It’s also worth noting that your weight is not necessarily what determines your risk of osteoporosis due to sedentary living. Research shows that overweight individuals are less likely to develop osteoporosis even when sedentary because their bones are “worked out” from their excess weight. As such, don’t focus on the number on the scale when exercising to avoid osteoporosis; focus on moving and keeping active. Consistency is key to avoiding a sedentary life’s effects on osteoporosis risk.

2.      Nutritional Deficiencies or Poor Nutrition

Bone health can often be determined by the nutrients that you consume. After all, the bones are fueled by different vitamins and minerals and need those for optimal health. A lack of the right nutrients can greatly increase your risk of osteoporosis. The critical nutrients for this are:

·         Calcium

You’ve likely heard plenty of times that calcium is essential for bone health. That’s why a lack of it can be detrimental to those seeking to avoid osteoporosis. Bones are replacing and losing minerals, so regularly consuming calcium is necessary for their upkeep. Calcium-rich foods include cheese, seeds, yogurt, soybeans, milk, canned salmon, sardines, almonds, lentils, beans, leafy greens, whey protein, fortified food and drinks, tofu, edamame, amaranth, rhubarb, figs, flour tortillas, and pilchards.

·         Vitamin D and Bone Health

According to studies, vitamin D deficiency is a significant factor in the increased risk of osteoporosis. This is due to the vitamin’s role in parathyroid hormone production, which is responsible for managing bone resorption. Excessive production causes too much resorption, which causes the loss of bone. Vitamin D also improves the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D-rich foods include fatty fish like mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines, orange juice, liver, oatmeal, egg yolks, cow milk and soy milk, fortified spreads, cereals, mushrooms, and red meat. Direct exposure to sunlight can also improve your vitamin D intake.

·         Protein and Aging Gracefully

Studies state that high-protein diets improve calcium absorption and promote enhanced bone density, especially in spinal health, which is often affected by osteoporosis. The precise connections are not perfectly-researched, but there is sufficient evidence to promote better protein consumption. Besides, protein is good for you and fosters strength and satiety! Foods rich in protein include eggs, poultry breast, spirulina, almonds, Greek yogurt, guava, cottage cheese, tempeh, lentils and beans, milk, chickpeas, fish and shellfish, lean meat, broccoli, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, cauliflower, Ezekiel bread, and peanuts and peanut butter.

·         Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids You Need During Aging

Fatty acids are essential to overall health and multiple bodily functions, so it’s no wonder that even bones benefit from them. An imbalance in healthy fats to less healthy fats has been found in studies to increase osteoporosis risk. Foods rich in these components are fatty fish, poultry, walnuts, tofu, nuts and seeds, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, soybean, corn, canola oil, eggs, fortified foods, meats, and safflower and sunflower oils.

·         Various Other Necessary Vitamins And Minerals

Other vitamins and minerals are often not intrinsically linked to bone health, but malnutrition can contribute to various factors that harm your chances of avoiding osteoporosis. These include vitamin A, E, K, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, fluoride, iron, and boron. Make sure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals you need according to the standard recommended intake or a unique intake as dictated by your doctor or dietician.

Of course, good nutrition isn’t just about what you need to eat a lot of it. It’s also about foods you may need to reduce your intake. Sodium is one common issue, and diets high in sodium mean a higher chance of bone disease. Research also shows that cola may be a risk factor, though only in women, or carbonated drinks may otherwise make calcium absorption less reliable.

Finally, alcohol consumption connects to osteoporosis. Slight or moderate amounts are typically acceptable and can benefit bone density. But high alcohol consumption and chronic heavy drinking can make you more likely to develop fractures and other indications of bone loss, say studies.


3.      Medical Conditions That Can Cause Osteoporosis

Certain medical conditions either predispose you to or can link to osteoporosis. These conditions include the following:

  • Acromegaly
  • Andropause
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Bulimia
  • Cancer
  • Celiac disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2
  • Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
  • Epidermolysis bullosa
  • Gaucher’s disease
  • Glycogen storage diseases
  • Hematologic disorders such as leukemia, lymphoma, sickle-cell disease, and multiple myeloma, among others
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Hypothalamic amenorrhea
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Kallmann syndrome
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • Marfan syndrome
  • Menkes’ syndrome
  • Multicentric Osteolysis, Nodulosis, and Arthropathy
  • Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis syndrome
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Rheumatologic disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and ankylosing spondylitis, among others
  • Thyroid disorders, such as hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, and hypothyroidism
  • Turner syndrome
  • Ulcerative colitis

Osteoporosis Risk Factors

Other medical issues can also negatively impact your risk of osteoporosis. Prolonged immobilization due to injury, paralysis, or wheelchair use can worsen your chances of avoiding the disease. Many surgeries also open you up to heightened risk. Some surgeries that affect hormone production, such as bilateral oophorectomy or surgical testes removal, are more likely suspects. The same goes for disorders that cause the malabsorption of nutrients.

Living a healthy lifestyle can help reduce your risk of developing the above conditions. Receiving the proper treatment for conditions once you develop them is also crucial. That said, there’s not always a way to avoid or even properly treat certain medical conditions, some of which are far outside your control.

However, you can reduce your risk of osteoporosis by remaining informed after diagnosing any of the conditions above. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors and discuss what steps you can take to keep your chances of the disease low.

It’s also worth noting that some medications medicines connect to a heightened risk of osteoporosis. Talk to your doctor about your prescribed medications to get a complete overview of their risk factors. If necessary, you may request medication changes that suit your needs, mainly if your condition results from unchangeable risk factors.

4.      Aging and Other Unchangeable Risk Factors

While you can attempt to avoid multiple causes of osteoporosis, some risks are unchangeable and out of your control. These risks are:

·         Aging and Osteoporosis

Your risk for developing osteoporosis increases with aging. Those aged fifty and over are automatically more susceptible to the diseases.

·         Sex

Women have a higher chance of developing osteoporosis than men, especially at post-menopausal age. Once entering menopause, women experience a sharp decline in bone mass over the following decade. Studies show this is due to decreased estrogen levels, which reduces bone mineral density. Men are still at risk due to a decline in testosterone as they age, but their risk is lower, says research.

·         Ethnicity

Osteoporosis can affect anyone of any ethnic background or group. However, European and Asian ancestry has been found in studies to relate to a predisposition for the disease. It is worth noting, however, that mortality after diagnosis boasts different statistics. African-American women are most likely to pass away after sustaining a hip fracture due to osteoporosis, though this may be due to additional factors.

·         Frame or Build

Those with small statures and body frames have a higher risk of osteoporosis. This is because these individuals have less bone density naturally, so the loss of any additional density puts them in jeopardy.

·         Family Background Includes a History of Osteoporosis

If you have grandparents, parents, or siblings with osteoporosis, there’s a good chance it runs in your family. Research states that the heritability of fractures and osteoporosis is high, going as far as 80%. This is because thirty or so genes are associated with the disease’s development.

These are factors outside of your control, but don’t fret. Focusing on what you can do to reduce your risk of osteoporosis is still helpful. On top of that, knowing your unchangeable risk factors means you can be more alert to potential symptoms of osteoporosis, allowing you to seek early treatment.


Final Thoughts On Some Causes Of Osteoporosis As You Are Aging

Though osteoporosis is typically not deadly, it can cause numerous problems during aging. As a result, it can decrease mortality or lead to disability or reduced mobility. That’s why knowing the causes of osteoporosis so you can avoid them is so important.

That said, osteoporosis is not a death sentence; you can work with a doctor or licensed medical professional to decrease its symptoms and aging gracefully with the disorder.

Finance Experts Reveal 15 Things Never to Purchase New

You want to ensure you get the best deal when you purchase an item. You might search for the best sale on a new item, but investing in second-hand items is sometimes better.

Clipping coupons, shopping at outlets, and hitting every sale might work, but it’s not always efficient. Neither is spending full price for brand-new items that devalue immediately. People often sell items in new or like-new condition, so taking a look is worth it.

Buying second-hand can help you spend less money on the same product, giving you more buying power. Plus, it helps our environment because fewer materials are needed. When you stop purchasing everything new, it eliminates waste and allows nature to grow and develop.

Identifying what you should never purchase new can change your financial health. The benefits are too good to ignore, and you’ll start to rethink all of your investments.

Fifteen Things Never to Purchase New

While there are some items you might want to invest in brand new, there are some you can comfortably buy second-hand. These items are often expensive new, lose value quickly, and last for a long time.


1. Purchase Some Furniture Pieces

Buying brand-new furniture can be expensive, and you can’t resell it for nearly the same price. Check flea markets, vintage stores, and resale shops for strong furniture that’s been taken care of. You’ll find most of the pieces you need for your home without spending nearly as much money.

Another idea is to search online for used furniture for sale near you. Set the perimeters, choosing how many miles you will travel for the items you hope to invest in. Look for the following second-hand furniture pieces:

  • Desks
  • Filing cabinets
  • Tables
  • Patio furniture
  • Wooden furniture

You might want to avoid choosing used upholstered furniture or mattresses. These items can carry bedbugs, making the purchase a costly hassle. Instead, a Calgary upholstery company like this will help you find high-quality, pest-free options and provide expert advice on maintaining your furniture, ensuring a worry-free investment for your home.

2. Purchase Used Clothing You Won’t Wear Often or For a Long Timeframe

When buying clothing that you won’t wear often, you should never purchase new. If you know you’re choosing an outfit you’ll never wear again, look for a second-hand option first.

Outfits you won’t wear include clothing for a wedding, recital, or special event. These items are often only used once or twice the first time around, and you can save tons of money looking for a second-hand option. The thing will seem new at less than half the price of a new one.

Consider buying used maternity clothing. You won’t need maternity clothes for all of your pregnancy, so they’ll only get a few months of wear. Someone is likely selling their maternity clothes after having their baby, and they could be in like-new condition.

It’s also best to buy used baby clothes. Babies grow so fast, and they often don’t get to wear the same outfit more than once. You can find used baby clothes with minimal wear and tear, saving yourself a lot of money.

3. Purchase Used Books

Books can last for centuries and withstand many uses. Not only that but think of a used book’s history. You never know how many journeys it’s been on.  Buying new books can quickly become expensive. However, used books tend to be affordable and cheap. You can sell it when you’re finished with it, too.

If you’re purchasing textbooks, you likely know that they’re expensive. However, you rarely have to pay the total price if you know where to find them. A quick online search will show you where to find your specific textbook for a better price.

If you’re looking for even more ways to save money, sign up for a library card. A well-stocked local library could save you tons of money because you can check out your wish list for free.

4. Home Decorating Pieces

Decorating your home is fun and gives you a space that you love. However, home decorating can quickly become expensive. Instead of looking to purchase new ones, consider visiting thrift or second-hand stores for the perfect pieces.

You can also look at garage sales for hidden gems. If you find outdated pieces, you can easily paint them to make them fit your style. Most thrift stores have tons of baskets to choose from, so always head there before purchasing new ones.

Home décor isn’t touched often, so it stays in good condition through multiple owners. Searching for unique items that fit your style is a fun experience.

5. Increase Your Buying Power by Investing in Used Instruments

Musical instruments aren’t updated as often as other items, so they stay the same for decades. You don’t need a new version when you can find a used one that’s the same.

If you’re starting in music, buying used is best to get acclimated and comfortable. Then, you can decide if a new one is worth it, but you’ll likely find that it’s not. Look online for instruments for sale to save yourself lots of money.

People often buy instruments for their kids that get very little use before being forgotten and resold. You can have the instrument appraised at a local music store to ensure you’re not buying a broken item. Some music stores even sell used musical instruments, so you could start by asking there.

6. Exercise Equipment

Staying active is essential to living a healthy life, and you don’t have to spend much money. Some equipment is expensive, but you can do the same things with second-hand options. Look for treadmills, dumbbells, weights, and other exercise equipment for a better price at thrift stores.

7. Invest in an Older Home or New Home

Enjoy luxury living at Tingdene Parks, where our exclusive residential park homes provide a tranquil and secure environment for those over 45. With picturesque locations and a welcoming community, you’ll find the perfect place to start your next chapter and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Buying a used house is often better than buying a brand-new one. It saves you money and still offers everything you need for a better price. You don’t have to buy a 75-year-old home to reap the money-saving benefits. Even homes with one or two previous owners can save you money and come with newer, energy-efficient amenities.

For those looking to own a piece of paradise, HRU Holiday Home Sales provides an ideal opportunity for holiday home ownership. Whether you’re after a family getaway or a tranquil escape by the coast, our parks have something to suit every need.

While purchasing a pre-owned house certainly has its advantages, there’s a distinct allure to investing in brand new home builders in Canberra. Opting for a freshly constructed home allows you to personalize every aspect to suit your taste and lifestyle. Plus, with cutting-edge designs and modern amenities, these brand new homes promise unparalleled comfort and style, elevating your living experience to new heights.

The real estate market in Canada is experiencing a dynamic shift, with a particular surge in interest in bungalow townhouses for sale in Saskatoon. These properties offer a unique blend of convenience and charm, attracting a wide range of buyers from young professionals to retirees. Saskatoon’s growing economy and vibrant community make it an appealing location for those looking to invest in real estate. The bungalow townhouses provide a modern living space with the advantage of single-level design, catering to the increasing demand for accessible and low-maintenance homes. As the market continues to evolve, Saskatoon stands out as a hotspot for real estate opportunities, especially in the bungalow townhouse sector.


8. Electronic Devices

Technology is constantly evolving, and many people want a new version. Since they want all of the latest updates, they often sell their used items within a year of purchasing them. Check for second-hand electronics and video games before heading to the store to buy new ones.

9. Plants and Garden Supplies

Working in your garden can get expensive if you purchase everything new. Plants are expensive, and the tools you need to plant them are, too.

Before buying anything, check around for the plans you want. Many gardeners are willing to split the plants from their yard and pass them on to someone else for free. You can also find used rakes, shovels, flower pots, and other necessities at yard sales and second-hand stores.

10. Purchase Cars, Boats, Motorcycles, and RVs Used not New

Vehicles and big toys lose value as the first owner drives them off the lot. Buying these items second-hand allows you to have the things you want without spending nearly as much money.

11. Glassware, Kitchenware, and Appliances

If you need glassware or kitchenware, consider heading to a yard sale. You can often invest in glass, ceramic, and stainless-steel items that you can sanitize for use in your kitchen. People often sell these items, and it’s common to find:

  • Pie dishes
  • Casserole pans
  • Measuring cups
  • Mixing bowls
  • Drinking glasses
  • Pitchers

It’s also beneficial to consider used kitchen appliances like instant pots and food processors. You can also usually find second-hand bread makers and coffee pots in good shape.

12. Games and Kids Toys

Kids get bored with their toys quickly and don’t always get much use. Buying used allows you to give your children the things they want, and you won’t feel as frustrated when they get over it quickly. The same goes for games because they might not see too much use before being discarded and resold.

13. Invest in Used Sports Gear

Sports equipment is also expensive to purchase new but affordable if you buy used. Check thrift stores and online sales websites for the best options. If the sports equipment is for your child, remember they’ll quickly outgrow it, and you’ll have to rebuy it. With this in mind, you’ll be even more ready to buy second-hand and save money.

14. Purchase Used Baskets

Baskets are popular for home organization, holding gifts, and carrying items to and from home. You can also pack them full of things you’ll need for a beach day, taking the basket with you for easy access. However, they can be expensive, making purchasing more than one at a time hard.

Thrift stores are usually full of baskets; you can find whatever kind you’re looking for. Head there before going to a store and invest in used baskets instead of buying something overpriced.

15. Video Games

People, especially kids, get bored with video games quickly. You can typically find used versions of the game you want for a great price online. Ask at your local video game store if they have a used copy, too.


Final Thoughts on Things Never to Purchase New

When purchasing, consider whether you need a brand new one from the store. A second-hand option is often just as good, and you can pay only a fraction of the original cost. Browse at resale shops, antique malls, and online resale websites before purchasing a new item.

You can also ask friends and family to see if anyone is getting rid of the item you want. Sometimes, you’ll find people who have it sitting around their house collecting dust, and they’re more than willing to part with it. If you can find a cast-off freebie, you won’t need to invest any money at all.

You’ll be surprised by how much money you save when you avoid making a new purchase. Plus, it’s fun to search for gems and find what is used.

16 Reasons That Sisters Make the Best Relatives

Having siblings is a blessing that not everyone embraces all of the time. Sisters can get on each other’s nerves, but they make the best relatives overall. Even brothers can have the best relationship with their sisters because it’s such a powerful connection.

All siblings know that there are high and low points in the relationship. However, they’re still in your life at the end of the day.

You’ve likely had many relationships and friendships throughout your life, but none are like the one you have with your sisters. There are so many reasons for this, and knowing them can help you embrace your sister even more.

Sixteen Reasons Why Sisters Make the Best Relatives

Sisters make the best relatives for many reasons, and you’ll likely relate to many of them. Acknowledging the power of sisterhood will help you remember why you love her so much.

sisters quotes

1. She Can Make You Laugh When No One Else Can

A sister pays attention to what makes you laugh, and she knows how to get it out of you. You’ve developed inside jokes that no one else will get, making it even more special. Even when you’re having a bad day, she can have you laughing in no time.

Sisters can joke like children in a way you can’t do with anyone else. You two know each other better than anyone else knows you, and you get the jokes much more than others.

2. She Will Always Have Your Back

Even when your sister doesn’t know the situation, she’ll have your back. She’ll be on your side no matter what you’re frustrated or upset about. You need someone who listens to you, is on your side, and validates your feelings when someone wrongs you.

Sisters have a protective instinct and always look out for their relatives. They won’t put up with someone insulting someone they care about, especially if it’s a sibling.

3. Sisters Can Cover For Each Other

Having a sister always gives you someone to cover for you and give you an alibi. While this might not matter as much as adults, it’s a perk during the teenage years. They’ll always help you get out of a self-inflicted obstacle.

4. You’ll Always Have Someone to Help Tease Your Parents

It’s always fun to tease your parents in a fun way. Teasing them is even more fun when you have someone else to do it with you.

They can back you up and add even more humor to the situation. Your entire family will be laughing together in no time.

5. You Call Her for Everything

Your sister is often the person you call during an emergency. She’s your person, so you want to lean on her for support when things get complicated.

6. Sisters Still Love Each Other When Someone Gets Mad

When you and a friend fight, it could mean the end of the friendship. Even if you remain friends, the situation could be awkward as you struggle to regain what you had. However, with a sister, you can be angry at one another one day and love each other the next.

The fights never make things weird between you because the love is unconditional. You can say what you think or feel and know that things will be okay the next day.

7. You Can Benefit from Siblings’ Strengths

If your sister is better than you at something, you can still benefit from her talent. She’ll likely be more than happy to help you out. You’d do the same for her, proving how powerful a sibling relationship can be.

8. You Can Bounce Ideas Off One Another

When you need to know what to get your parents for the holidays, your sister is the perfect person to ask. You can bounce ideas off one another, coming up with good ideas. She’ll ease some of the burdens, helping you find confidence in what you choose.


9. Sisters Can Borrow Each Other’s Things

Sisters are known to borrow things from their siblings, with or without permission. You have to expect your sister will view your belongings as a fair game. The best part is that you can do the same to her, so look at this as a benefit.

If you ever feel like you don’t have something to wear, you’ll always have a backup plan in your closet. Anything else she owns benefits you, as well, because you can borrow it whenever you want.

10. You Understand Each Other

When you’re with your sister, you don’t have to say anything for them to know what you’re thinking. If you’re upset, they know it before anyone else does. They can also guess what you’re going to say about something.

11. You Can Work Together to Convince Your Parents

If your parents have more than one child pressuring them to do something, it’ll work out better. This tactic might not linger into adulthood, but maybe it will. Either way, it’s a benefit when you all live under one roof.

12. You Can Talk to Siblings About Anything

No matter what you need to talk about, your sister is there to listen. You don’t have to worry about her secretly judging you because she already knows you well. Plus, she won’t be afraid to speak her mind, so you’ll know her thoughts on the situation.

You can go to her for dating advice, friend troubles, or anything else that interferes with your happiness. No topic is off-limits, so you’ll never feel alone if she’s around. She’ll tell you how she feels about your friends, your decisions, and even how your hair looks.

You can also talk to your sister about your family because no one else will get it as she does. She’s been through it all with you and can understand your feelings.

Another thing you can always talk to your sister about is your style. If you aren’t sure that your outfit is working well, she’ll give you the advice you need. She won’t be afraid, to be honest with you, and you know that you can trust her input.

You can be open and honest with your sister about her life. Even if she gets mad about your honesty, she’ll quickly let it go. They are one of the few people you can be completely honest with without hurting their feelings or making them angry.

13. Sisters Keep All of Your Embarrassing Secrets

Your sister knows more embarrassing things about you than almost anyone else. Since you know she’ll keep the embarrassing stuff safe, you can trust her with other stories and secrets. You know she won’t judge you if she sees embarrassing throwback pictures of you because she saw it firsthand.

14. Family Vacation is More Fun

You’ll have more fun when you have someone to enjoy time with on a family vacation. Sure, spending time with your parents is fun, but it’s more fun with a sibling.

You’ll have someone who understands you and knows what you think is fun. Activities will be more fun when you have someone by your side, and it’ll only deepen the bond.

15. Sisters Forgive

You might get in fights over trivial things, but she’ll always forgive you. Sometimes it might seem like you fight more than you get along, but you love each other regardless. Even when you have a big fight, you can trust that forgiveness will follow.

This benefit is one of the reasons people are nicer to their friends than their sisters. They know that their sister will forgive them when a friend might not. Plus, they’re more comfortable with family than with friends, so they let things out that they wouldn’t otherwise.

16. Siblings Are Your Forever Best Friend

Even your closest friends could leave your life unexpectedly, but your sister won’t. She’s there through it all; you can trust that she isn’t going anywhere. Even when you fight or move away, you’ll stay in touch and make it a point to see one another.

You have her to hang out with at family events and keep you company when you feel lonely. She’s there for it all, proving to be the most consistent friend in your life. Even when other friends don’t know what’s going on in your life, you always know that she does.

You know each other’s favorite shows, food, music, and movies. Plus, you likely share many similar favorites or at least like similar things.

soul sisters

Final Thoughts on Reasons That Sisters Make the Best Relatives

You might not always think it, but sisters make the best relatives. Your sister knows you better than almost anyone else, and you went through similar experiences growing up. Even though you’re different, you’re more alike than you might realize.

The reasons that sisters make the best relatives can help you remember why you love them so much. Embrace your relationship, and cherish each moment together. Your bond with her is unbreakable, so don’t take it for granted.

14 Reasons Why Married Couples Are Happier

Getting married is a joyous time for couples. They commit to a lifetime together and dream of all the future holds. Marriage can also be a stressful experience as life changes drastically, but many people believe married couples are happier.

Society portrays marriage as a necessity for couples, leading many people to believe it’s the ultimate life goal. However, it can be complicated, and a happy partnership requires choosing the right person for you.

The idea of why married couples are happier is still up for debate because experts can’t agree on the reasoning. While some studies show that being married brings happiness, others show that a variety of factors make you happy.

The Science Behind Happiness of Married Couples

A psychologist from the University of Denver conducted a study about married couples being happier. With the help of his colleagues, the study followed 168 people who were engaged to be married. The study showed their journey from engagement to married life, helping experts understand the happiness factor.

While some evidence supports the idea that married couples are happier, it’s not simple. It turns out that couples living together without being married can have the same level of happiness. The key is to have a healthy relationship rather than lingering in unfulfilling ones.

During the two-year study, participants were surveyed every two months about their:

  • General health
  • Alcohol use
  • Life satisfaction
  • Psychological distress

The survey helped experts identify physical or mental changes leading to the participant’s wedding day. They also monitored changes after the wedding. The reported changes indicated that couples aren’t always happier after the wedding, further confusing the discussion.

It is important to capture every moment during the wedding day with a reliable film wedding photographer, who can provide timeless and high-quality images that preserve the genuine emotions of the day. Looking for wedding photographers Rhode Island contact Stacy Smith Photography.

Also, hiring the best wedding photographer New Orleans would be a great option. This way, couples may remember the reason why they got married, and it’s all about their love for each other.

This study shows that there’s more to a happy couple than a legal certificate. The reason people believe that married couples are happier can bring enlightenment to the situation, though. It’s not the marriage that creates a happy life, it’s all about the health and positivity of your relationship.

Further studies show that people who remain single experience steeper drops in happiness. Since they have decreased happiness levels, married couples seem even more joyful together. Knowing why married couples seem happier can help you find the same joy in your relationship.

Why Married Couples Are Happier

married couples

1. Married Couples Share Commitment, Intimacy, and Trust

Getting married teaches couples the importance of committing to one another and establishing trust. If you treasure your partner, you won’t want to succumb to temptation and ruin what you have. The way you feel about your partner brings happiness, whereas couples who don’t commit are unhappy.

It implies the promise that neither of you will betray your partner by going behind their back to do things. You won’t lie to them or ask others to keep things from them, or it can cause unhappiness and conflict.

Marriage also brings about a deeper level of intimacy. It gives a sense of comfort, allowing you to be who you are without judgment. You can be honest and vulnerable without disrupting your sense of peace.

2. Married Couples Enjoy Security

Getting married is a process, and it’s legally binding. The endeavor makes the partners less likely to walk away when things get complicated. It brings a sense of solidarity and security that being unmarried doesn’t allow.

3. They Have Someone Who Accepts Them

Getting married implies that each partner accepts the other for who they are. They don’t want to change their partner and enjoy their partner’s personality. When people feel accepted, they tend to be happier, making others think it leads to happiness.

4. Financial Improvement

While money isn’t everything, having another income in your home is nice. Having a partner gives you someone to help out with the finances, easing your burden. Without the stress of financial problems, you’ll likely be happier.

5. More Support and Encouragement

Couples can provide support and encouragement in ways that other people can’t. Knowing you have someone by your side and giving you the strength to persevere can be empowering. They’re there for you no matter what comes your way, and that’s a feeling that doesn’t compare to anything else.

You won’t feel alone when struggling or hurting when you’re in a healthy relationship. You always have your person to share things with, good or bad. They’ll help you work through your emotions and offer another perspective.

6. Married Couples Can Get More Done

Being married allows you to divide up activities and get more done. You can share responsibilities and split up activities such as:

  • Family activities
  • Household chores
  • Community events
  • Planning leisure activities
  • Driving children to and from school or sports

When you divide these activities, it relieves stress for both of you. It also allows you to embrace more leisure activities.

7. Marriage Allows for a Strong Family Unit

You can build a strong family unit with your partner, embracing the journey as you go. A healthy relationship involves couples who think for the benefit of their family rather than being selfish.

Studies show that absent parents cause mental and behavioral issues in children. So, having both parents present can improve your child’s well-being. This information doesn’t imply that you can’t co-parent successfully because you can as long as both parents are actively involved.

When both partners are happy, the family unit strengthens. If you have kids, it also solidifies their view and perspective of a strong family unit. You’ll notice happiness and fulfillment as you continue your relationship and build a healthy family.


8. Deep Friendship

Having a deep friendship with your partner is one of the reasons married couples are happier. Experts from the National Bureau of Economics Research explain that people who consider their partner their best friend are more optimistic than others. People who have a best friend outside of the relationship don’t experience the same joy in their relationship.

This study showed that the results were the same for married couples or long-term partners living together. If you live with your best friend and share your life with them, it’s easy to find happiness. It brings emotional closeness, trust, and understanding from someone who understands your personality and values.

9. It Is the Ultimate Act of Love

When you love someone, you can envision a happy future with them. Marriage lets your partner know you want to take the next step with them. It’s one of the best ways to show your partner how much you love them. Plus, it shows you’re ready for a committed relationship with respect and love.

10. Marriage Promotes Physical and Psychological Health

Married couples encourage one another to live healthier. They speak up about irregular or unhealthy eating or drinking habits. Improving these lifestyle habits promotes better overall health. Regular meals, healthy drinking habits, and trusted social groups lead to improved changes.

11. They’re Already Happy

When happy people enter a healthy relationship, it leads to a happy relationship. Happy people attract other like-minded people, often resulting in a pleasant experience.

Plus, if people get married, it typically implies they’re happy together. So, once they join in marriage, they add to the idea that married couples are more comfortable because they came into the relationship that way.

Unhappy couples aren’t as likely to get married, meaning they aren’t considered in this topic. It can skew the results, making it seem like marriage leads to happiness.

12. People Recognize Your Relationship

Many people don’t recognize a relationship unless you get married. People in long-term relationships may hear negative comments about their relationship. While a long-term relationship can be just as strong, not everyone sees it that way. It causes tension and stress within the romance, potentially leading to arguments.

13. It Distracts You from Unpleasant Thoughts

Experts say that people are happier when they’re talking and being intimate. Spending time with your partner and investing in your relationship brings happiness. Resting and relaxing doesn’t encourage the same level of joy because your mind can wander to unpleasant experiences.

14. Married Couples Often Have an Active Social Life

Getting married can bring out your social side, improving that part of your life. You always have someone to go out with, so you don’t have to ask around to make plans. You’ll always have fun because you’re going out with your best friend. Plus, you’ll be confident enough to socialize with new people with them by your side.

Your partner can also improve your social life by bringing their relationships to your partnership. Expanding your social circle, you’ll meet and get close to their friends and loved ones. This improved social life brings a source of happiness that many people don’t always recognize.

married couples

Final Thoughts on Reasons Married Couples Are Happier

If a marriage involves the reasons mentioned above, both partners are likely happy to be together. However, long-term relationships with couples living together can produce the same results as happily married couples.

While getting married can make you happier, you must be in the right relationship. An unhealthy partnership will deplete you of joy, doing the opposite of what a marriage should involve.

Remember that you can be happy if you’re single, in a long-term relationship, or married. While some information shows that married couples are happier, it has more to do with a healthy relationship.

13 Red Flags That Reveal Emotionally Unavailable Parents

Parents provide the first sense of validation and guidance in their child’s life. They teach about boundaries and making decisions, allowing kids to form healthy relationships into adulthood. However, emotionally unavailable parents neglect to provide their children with the comfort and validation they need.

When parents don’t provide this guidance, it causes emotional issues for their children. It makes it hard for their kids to trust people, hindering their ability to build meaningful relationships. Emotionally unavailable parents neglect their children because they don’t give them what they need for proper mental health growth.

Kids with emotionally unavailable parents can develop problems that last well into adulthood. These issues stem from emotional abuse and include:

  • PTSD
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Insecurities
  • Depression
  • Fears
  • Dissociative identity disorder
  • Anger management issues

Identifying the red flags that reveal emotionally unavailable parents can help you address the issues in your life. If your parents weren’t there for you emotionally, make a change to improve your life right now.

Five Causes of Emotionally Unavailable Parents

While there’s no excuse for your parent emotionally neglecting you, there are some reasons it happens. If your parent went through mentally harmful situations, it could affect their parenting style.

emotionally unavailable parents

1. Mental Health Conditions

If your parent has a mental health condition, it can cause them to be emotionally unavailable. While it isn’t their fault, they have a condition. It’s still essential that they reach out to get help.

2. Deep Insecurity

If your parent has crippling insecurity, it can cause them to be emotionally distant. Their fear could overtake their ability to interact, especially in a loving way. They might be afraid to mess up how they raise you, unknowingly causing further issues.

3. Trauma

When your parent experienced trauma in their past, it can linger into their parenting style. They may have gone through adverse life-changing events or experienced abuse.

4. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) cannot care about anyone but themselves. If your parent has this condition, it can be hard to make them guide you. It’s not your fault, and understanding the disorder can help you remember that it’s not you.

5. Hormone Deficiency

If your parents’ hormones are imbalanced, it can affect their personality and behaviors. They might not be able to attach emotionally, even if they want to.

Thirteen Signs of Emotionally Unavailable Parents

You’re not alone if you have emotionally unavailable parents. If you can identify the issue, you can learn how to overcome it and live a fulfilling life.

1. Emotionally Unavailable Parents Don’t Tell You That They Love You

Parents should vocalize their love for their children. It helps build a foundation for self-esteem and makes the child feel safe at home. This situation can be unsettling and confusing if you don’t hear it from your parents.

A parent telling their child they love them helps them feel secure. They’ll know that their parent will always be there for them. When a child knows they can always fall back on their parents, they’re more likely to seek healthy relationships with boundaries.

2. They Neglect Setting Rules for Their Children

Parents who don’t invest in their children don’t always care how they behave. If your parent was like this, they might have let you do whatever you wanted. While being overly strict isn’t ideal, there should be rules and boundaries.

The child might think it’s great at the time, but it’s highly detrimental long-term. It can also be unsafe if a child is allowed to do anything they want. The structure benefits social development, so parents need to implement it sometimes.

3. They Aren’t Interested in Your Accomplishments

Praise isn’t everything in life, but children must hear it from their parents. When a child works hard on a test, a parent should be interested and excited for the child. Parents who say nothing about it or barely engage are emotionally unavailable.

It can be devastating when your parents don’t care what you do in your life. Eventually, you’ll feel like you can’t share things with them because it’ll only lead to disappointment. When a child grows up this way, they’ll likely question their abilities well into adulthood.

4. Emotionally Unavailable Parents Don’t Listen to You

Emotionally unavailable parents don’t acknowledge what their children say. They don’t take the time to focus on the child, either being preoccupied or withdrawn. This behavior invalidates your child and the neglect can make them feel unloved and unwanted.

Don’t confuse not listening with the normal dynamics of a parent and child relationship. Sometimes disagreements arise, and one person will accuse the other of not listening. This situation is different because an emotionally unavailable parent often doesn’t respond.

Not listening leads to your parents not understanding you or your thoughts. It’s frustrating and causes children to miss out on the validation that helps form healthy relationships later in life.


5. They Don’t Hold Themselves Accountable

Emotionally unavailable parents blame their children for things that aren’t their fault. When the parent makes a mistake, they don’t admit it and tend to accuse the child instead. Or, they’ll say that the child caused them to mess up.

They might call you dramatic if you try to talk to them about the situation. They’ll accuse you of starting a fight rather than realizing you’re only trying to discuss a problem.

6. They Neglect Activities or Miss Important Events

Parents can’t always attend every event, coach a team, or be involved with the PTA to engage. They should prioritize some of your important events and make it a point to show up.

Of course, some jobs don’t allow any time off, but those parents still talk about the events with you and show excitement for them. As children become teenagers, not seeing their parents attend any events makes them feel unsupported or unloved.

7. The Don’t Congratulate or Validate You

No matter how well you do, emotionally unavailable parents don’t validate your hard work. They won’t congratulate you for a well-done job, and you’ll feel like nothing you do is good enough. If you do great, they’ll still point out one flaw and disregard the rest of your work.

When parents behave this way, the child thinks they aren’t worth anything. It can also cause the child to question their self-worth, pushing them down a negative path.

8. They Don’t Make You Feel Special or Important

Parents should make their children feel important every day. Without this kind of nurture, it can leave a person feeling worthless and unloved. Young children struggle with this the most because they’re growing and maturing then.

It’s hurtful to children of all ages when parents neglect making them feel special. Plus, the effects of this situation during childhood linger into adulthood, too.

9. Emotionally Unavailable Parents Yell Often

Emotionally unavailable parents often shout and scream over minor things. They over-react, leaving their children living with excessive hostility.

This situation affects children for life, confusing them about what healthy relationships and love look like. All parents lose their tempers sometimes, but the yelling shouldn’t be constant.

10. They Don’t Care About Their Child’s Happiness

Emotionally unavailable parents don’t seem to care about how their child feels. They prioritize their happiness instead and don’t care about the repercussion. This hurtful and disappointing behavior hinders a child’s view of healthy relationships.

11. Emotionally Unavailable Parents Don’t Show Affection

Studies show that children who receive regular hugs experience more positive emotions than those who don’t. Hugs increase oxytocin levels in the brain, helping people feel closer to loved ones. It also positively affects stress-related hormones that improve moods and ease anxiety.

When parents show their children affection, they grow up feeling loved and cared for. Feeling safe and loved is essential to a child’s growth and development.

12. They’re Friendlier to Other People Than to You

It’s a red flag if your parents behave one way in public but entirely differently when with you. They might smile and laugh with friends but then mope around the house, ignoring the family. These are the parents who prioritize appearances rather than emotional stability at home.

This behavior leaves children feeling stuck, empty, and alone. They feel unloved, wondering why the person supposed to love them is nicer to others.

13. They Neglect to Ask Questions or Talk to You About Your Life

Parents should ask questions about their child’s life, no matter how old they get. Emotionally unavailable parents don’t ask questions, leaving their children feeling inadequate. It makes it seem like they’re uninterested in you and your life, causing feelings of insignificance and loneliness.

emotionally unavailable partners

Final Thoughts on Emotionally Unavailable Parents

Emotionally unavailable parents stand in the way of healthy child development. The issues linger into adulthood, giving adult children problems to overcome.

If you recognize any of these red flags of an emotionally unavailable parent, remember that it isn’t your fault. Your parent behaves this way because of inner turmoil they haven’t dealt with yet. Try not to take it personally because the neglect has nothing to do with who you are.

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