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7 Behaviors That Reveal Someone With a Strong Personality

Do you have a strong personality? If so, people may describe you as assertive, dominant, or even intimidating. Strong characters tend to know what they want in life and speak their mind confidently. Strength means they don’t sit on the sidelines and wait for anyone to give them directions; they act without needing approval from others.

People with a strong personality seem to have no fear of anything. They’re not easily swayed by circumstances and roll with the punches, no matter what happens. Strong people benefit society in many ways, from watching over the vulnerable to tackling complex problems.

They also aren’t afraid to stand up to bullies or people who belittle others. People with a headstrong demeanor live purposefully and don’t hide from challenges. You have probably met many strong people in life, and they likely displayed some of the following traits.

7 Behaviors That People With A Strong Personality Display

strong personality

1.     Their Strength Means They Don’t Allow Disrespect from Others

People with a strong personality have no tolerance for disrespect or bullying. They have an aura of self-confidence and strength, which automatically repels those with harmful intentions.

For example, narcissists prey on people they perceive as quiet, weak, or vulnerable. However, a person with a strong personality would never allow themselves to be manipulated or controlled.

They have clear boundaries with people and demand respect, ensuring they surround themselves with authentic individuals. Because they don’t tolerate flakiness or inconsiderate types, it’s easy for them to avoid drama. When they walk into a room, their assured, composed energy shows people how to treat them without saying a word.

2.     A Strong Personality Avoids Toxic People.

Someone with a strong personality doesn’t mesh well with overly harmful or toxic people. They know that having a positive outlook on life will enhance their well-being and make it easier to achieve goals. A strong person sees negative people as a drain on their energy and prefers to keep uplifting friends. This preference doesn’t mean they lack compassion or understanding about the inevitable suffering in life.

However, since they have an optimistic attitude, they naturally feel drawn to others with similar strength. They’re kind to everyone but only keep friends that inspire and motivate them toward greatness.

3.     They Don’t Require Validation or Approval.

A strong personality doesn’t need anyone to build them up or validate its existence. They already feel complete on their own, so no words of praise or criticism phase them. Strong people aren’t arrogant or aloof; instead, they have a clear sense of self and move through life with ease. This clarity of identity means they’re not constantly searching outside themselves for approval.

They get the job done because it’s their duty, not because they expect fame or attention.

4.     They’re Self-Reliant.

If you know a strong personality, you probably notice that they often don’t ask for help. Instead, they would rely on themselves for the answers since they’re confident in their abilities. These people like to learn about subjects in-depth and remain curious throughout life. If they want something, they do what it takes to achieve it without complaining or feeling sorry for themselves.

This independent streak gives them a strong work ethic and allows them to become a jack of all trades. They only ask others for assistance as a last resort or if it’s a complex problem requiring specific knowledge. Of course, they have a small support system, but take full responsibility and don’t expect others to save them.

give you strength

5.     A Strong Personality Holds Their Ground.

They don’t need others to speak for them or tell them what to think. They’re independent thinkers who come to their conclusions and don’t mind standing alone. After all, they would rather be a lone wolf than go along with the crowd, anyway. In debates, they listen to the speaker without interrupting but will firmly stand their ground.

The strong personality doesn’t change their opinions on a whim just to fit in with others. They have clear convictions and live according to their standards, not society’s expectations. Strong people dare to live authentically and never sacrifice their values to maintain the status quo.

6.     They Have An Open Mind.

While a strong personality might have a stubborn streak, they remain open-minded and flexible. They stand their ground but aren’t afraid to admit when they’re wrong. So, once they’ve gathered all the facts and heard every side of a story, they might change their minds. They fluidly move through life, despite having sincerely held beliefs.

This ability also means they’re open to new experiences that will help them grow. Whether that means changing their career or moving to a different city, they’re always looking to expand their horizons.

7.     A Strong Personality Practices Active Listening.

Finally, strong people know when to stop talking and listen to others without feeling a need to interject. They realize that relationships require effort from both people, and if one person doesn’t feel heard, it creates an imbalance. It’s also a basic rule of respect to consider others’ thoughts and opinions. Plus, studies show that active listening enhances trust and empathy in relationships.

A strong personality isn’t domineering or controlling but sees everyone as equal to them. Just as they ask for respect in relationships, they reciprocate by treating others with decency and compassion. Despite what the word implies, being strong doesn’t mean steamrolling over others. It means feeling confident in your skin and permitting others to do the same.

strong personality

Final Thoughts on Basic Qualities of a Strong Personality

Some people may shy away from those with strong personalities because they intimidate them. However, influential people attract others and have a calm, open demeanor. They’re not interested in trampling on others to appease their egos.

Instead, they have learned to feel secure within themselves and don’t need strength from others. This self-confidence radiates outward and makes others feel safe in their presence.

While they don’t tolerate disrespect or toxicity, people with strong personalities still treat everyone with basic kindness. They have learned to accept reality, both good and bad. We can all benefit from having a strong person in our lives, someone to anchor us in turbulent times.

5 Reasons People Feel Unmotivated (and How to Fix It)

People feel unmotivated for various reasons, such as lack of purpose or mental disorders like depression. Regaining motivation doesn’t happen overnight, but you can feel inspired again by taking baby steps. The most important thing to remember when feeling unmotivated is to sit with your feelings rather than fight them or overcome obstacles.

Remember that you’re not a machine, and you don’t owe the world anything. You’ve come here to realize your true nature and a sense of purpose. You will naturally serve the world without much effort since the energy will flow freely.

When we live our truth, all the obstacles we face seem to melt away. Our vision becomes more precise, and we feel at one with the world around us. If that sounds like a pipe dream, perhaps you need a change in perspective. We’ll give you a few common reasons why people feel unmotivated and how you can find inspiration.

5 Reasons You Feel Unmotivated (And How to Reignite Your Spark!)

Do you recognize any of these signs of an unmotivated life?


1. When Unmotivated, You Don’t Live With Purpose.

When you suppress your true desires in life, you lose energy and vitality. Living to please others in fear of rejection or shame may cause you to follow the wrong path. If your parents wanted you to attend college and become a doctor, you might have felt pressured to make them happy. However, did you ever stop to think about what you truly wanted in life?

Others may encourage us to get a typical job because of societal pressures and a sense of security. But, this path isn’t for everyone, especially the dreamers, creators, and visionaries among us. People that think outside the box typically don’t do well in routine careers, and that’s okay. However, if your dream requires a degree, there’s nothing wrong with following the crowd.

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t allow others to dictate your life trajectory. By following your heart, you will awaken and inspire the creative spirit in others. So, if you feel stuck or unmotivated, ask yourself if you’re living your truth. If not, it’s time to move beyond your fears and find your voice!

2. You Don’t Exercise.

This may seem like a strange reason for feeling unmotivated. However, studies show that exercise helps improve motivation and ward off symptoms of depression. This occurs because exercise releases feel-good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, which can boost your mood. Of course, if you feel unmotivated, it isn’t easy to get off the couch and hit the gym.

But, after your first gym session, it becomes easier to continue the workouts each time. After a few weeks, it will become part of your everyday routine and won’t require as much effort. Try exercising just three days per week to start, and do something that you genuinely enjoy. Moving your body will allow your mind to become more flexible, making your goals more attainable.

3. You’re Burnt Out and Can’t Deal with Obstacles.

When you overwork yourself, you start to feel unmotivated about life. You may become frustrated, depressed, or restless with little energy left for yourself. Unfortunately, more people have started to experience burnout at work than ever before. In fact, a recent survey from Indeed found that 52% of workers felt burned out in 2021.

Burnout can happen for several reasons, such as being disconnected from your job, experiencing chronic stress, or feeling unmotivated. When you feel unable to cope with life’s incessant demands, it can cause burnout syndrome.

If you feel unmotivated due to overworking or disinterested in work, ask your boss for a few days off. This way, you can recharge your batteries and perhaps look into other types of work.

4. If You’re Unmotivated, You May Lack Structure or Discipline.

Everyone needs a reason to wake up in the morning. If you feel unmotivated, perhaps you don’t have a routine or obligations to fulfill. Some people shy away from discipline, but it makes you feel better in the long term. In today’s world, we have become spoiled by instant gratification, but as they say, nothing good comes easily.

If you want to achieve your goals, you will have to sacrifice some of these habits. Or, prioritize the most critical tasks to knock them out while you have the energy. Setting a schedule will help you stay focused and avoid obstacles such as scrolling on social media or watching TV. You can permanently save these activities for the end of the day when you’ve completed your work.

5. You Have Unrealistic Goals.

Just as lack of discipline can make you unmotivated, so can setting too many lofty goals. Being on either end of the spectrum can quickly lead to restlessness and frustration. For instance, think about someone who aims to lose thirty pounds by the end of the month. They will most likely quit shortly because of their unrealistic expectations.

So, if you feel unmotivated, perhaps you should reassess your goals and desires in life. Remember to take baby steps and focus on smaller achievements along your journey. No one builds an empire in one week; manifesting any vision takes time and persistence.

To keep motivated, celebrate your small wins along the way to the finish line. With this attitude, it becomes much easier to feel inspired.


Final Thoughts on Feeling Unmotivated and Ways to Fix It

Sometimes, everyone feels unmotivated; it’s just a part of life in today’s fast-paced world. Often, though, a lack of motivation stems from having unrealistic goals. daily obstacles, or overworking ourselves. Frankly, we expect too much from ourselves and society in general, causing us to work ever-longer hours to keep pace with demands. However, we can see the detrimental effects of our obsession with productivity playing out in real time.

People have become more stressed, unhappy, and unhealthy than perhaps in any previous era. We must restore our balance between ourselves and nature by working moderately and simplifying life. Motivation naturally increases as we do what’s needed rather than what our egos desire.

Science Reveals Why You Feel Tired After Eating

Postprandial somnolence is the scientific term for some people’s shared experience of feeling sleepy after eating a meal. It’s challenging if you struggle to stay awake at work after you eat. It causes you to lose focus and lack motivation. You may be curious about what causes the common health issue of food exhaustion.

Here are reasons why scientists think you feel tired after eating.

Why People Feel Tired After Eating

It’s a typical experience because it takes your digestive system several hours to digest a meal. Thus, it’s normal to feel drowsy after eating. If you go back to work after lunch, you’ll notice this because you need to focus on your job. Don’t worry too much, but be aware of what you’re eating and how it affects you. Here are some other factors.

1 – You are eating big meals

Did you know it takes your body two to three hours to digest a meal? Your body is working full time to digest the food you eat. Enjoying a heavy meal while your body breaks down an earlier meal slows down your system. This leads to feeling tired and sluggish. Consuming less helps you not feel so full, and you won’t feel as sleepy later.


2 – Your body makes too much serotonin

Some people feel tired after eating because their bodies produce too much serotonin. This hormone regulates your sleep and moods. Although it’s a good hormone to have,  too much of it causes drowsiness, tiredness, and even feelings of a lack of motivation. So, be aware of eating foods rich in serotonin,  including

  • Pineapple
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Tofu
  • Soy products
  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Salmon

If you notice feeling tired at work after lunch, try to avoid these foods that could increase your serotonin levels.

3 – You enjoy eating foods with tryptophan

This amino acid comes in protein-packed foods like cheese, turkey, fish, chicken, and eggs. Eating a meal that contains these foods will make you feel sleepy because they’re high in tryptophan.

4 – Blood sugar dips

When you eat, your blood sugar goes up, but your blood sugar drops back down as the insulin releases into your bloodstream. This drop causes you to feel sluggish and tired. Some people have a health issue that causes low blood sugar after dining. It’s called postprandial hypoglycemia21. This triggers drowsiness and feelings of weakness.

5 – You eat high-fat foods

Eating high-fat processed foods is another cause of food coma after a meal. Scientists aren’t sure why high-fat meals cause drowsiness. But eating a lighter meal with whole grains, low-fat proteins, fresh vegetables, and crisp fruits can help you avoid this mid-day sleepiness. Try eating whole foods like these:

  • Avocados
  • Peanut butter
  • Vegetables and vegetable oils
  • Brown rice or quinoa

6 – You don’t get enough sleep

A significant contributor to daytime drowsiness is not getting enough sleep at night. If you have trouble sleeping at night, it throws off your circadian rhythm so that your body is off all day, and you’ll feel tired, especially after consuming your mid-day meal. Aim for at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night to help offset feeling tired during the day after you eat.

7 – You drink alcohol with your meals

Alcohol contributes to tiredness after eating. It makes you feel sluggish and tired when combined with a meal. Even though you feel like drinking helps you fall asleep, sleep quality is worse. Avoid drinking alcohol with your meals if you want to avoid a daytime slump.

8 – You have thyroid problems

Individuals with an underactive thyroid condition are prone to feeling tired after a meal. This is because your body’s metabolism slows down, making you feel fatigued. You may also experience dry skin, moodiness, and constipation.

9 – You’re drinking too much caffeine

A steamy cup of coffee in the morning is a great way to start your day. But if you drink too much coffee and other caffeinated drinks, it may lead to health issues. Overdoing the caffeine can lead to

  • Poor sleep
  • Irritability
  • Jitteriness
  • Sluggishness
  • Leads to heart problems
  • Anxiety

Keep tabs on how much caffeine you drink during the day to avoid feeling tired after eating.

health issue

10 – You take medications for another health issue

Certain medications cause drowsiness after you eat.  If you take medications, read the side effects and understand the best times of day to take your meds. It may help to carry them around bedtime to avoid daytime drowsiness.

11 – You don’t eat enough

If you don’t eat enough during the day, you’ll feel tired when you eat a meal. This is because skipping meals makes your energy levels drop. When you finally eat, you tend to overeat, which causes your body to overwork while digesting your food. This leads to tiredness.

12 – You need to exercise more frequently

It sounds counterintuitive, but getting more exercise gives you more energy. When you’re not getting enough exercise, you will lack the power to do your daily tasks. Lack of exercise also makes your digestive system sluggish, so you gain weight and feel even more tired.

13 – You’re dehydrated

Dehydration could be the reason you’re feeling so tired after eating. Lacking enough fluids makes you feel tired and lethargic. Remember to drink an adequate amount of water all day to avoid dehydration, especially in the hotter summer months. Most adults should drink at least eleven to fifteen cups of water a day.

14 – You’re eating sugary meals

Sugar and processed carbs make your blood sugar levels rise, then crash shortly afterward. Skip the candy bar after lunch and eat a handful of berries instead.

15 –  You lack specific vitamins and minerals

Another reason you feel so tired after eating could be a shortage of specific vitamins and minerals. You can get your blood work checked to see if you’re low in vitamins and minerals such as

  • B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
  • Creatine

16 – You may have an undiagnosed health issue or medical condition

If you upped your exercise, changed your diet, and tried to plan for smaller meals. Still, you feel exhausted after dining–you may have a health issue. If tiredness prevents you from being able to do your daily tasks, talk to your doctor. Your extreme fatigue after eating could be chronic. You may struggle with a health issue, such as the following:

  • Allergies, especially food allergies
  • Anemia
  • Celiac disease
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia

How Do You Counteract Food Exhaustion After Eating?

If it’s a challenge to stay awake after eating a meal, some suggestions may help you.

  • Don’t eat big meals a day: Try eating mini-meals throughout the day. Avoid sugary, high-fat snacks. Instead, choose to eat fruits, lean proteins, or vegetables.
  • Eat smaller portions: Eat half as much as you normally would eat. This makes it easier for your body to digest the good. You’ll have short bursts of energy from eating instead of feeling tired after eating a big meal.
  • Get enough sleep at night: Try to keep a regular bedtime, and avoid things that disrupt your ability to sleep, like blue screens before bedtime, snacking too late in the evening, or drinking caffeine too close to bedtime. Take a quick power nap only if you need it.
  • Exercise: A short walk around the neighborhood or doing some exercises helps your blood sugar levels stay up and gives you energy. Take a walk after you eat a big meal. This can help your body digest better.
  • Eat a balanced diet: If you’re struggling with fatigue after you eat, it could be that you’re not eating well. Focus on healthy proteins, whole grains, fruits, and non-starchy veggies.
  • Don’t drink too much caffeine: Avoid drinking too much caffeine during the day. It may help you function during the day, but it’ll keep you awake at night, disrupting your rest. This makes you tired the next day and prone to drowsiness, especially after a meal. Read drink labels. Many low-calorie drinks contain caffeine, even some seltzer waters. Certain herbal teas have caffeine, too.
  • Bright light therapy: Studies show that exposure to bright light lamps could help counteract sleepiness after meals. Researchers are still studying how to apply this to work settings, but they think using a bright light therapy could have a future impact on workers.


Final Thoughts on Identifying the Health Issue That Makes You Feel Drowsy After You Eat

It’s no laughing matter if you struggle with feeling sleepy after eating.  It’s challenging to get your work done when you lack focus and feel moody and lethargic. Researchers are trying to understand all the causes of postprandial somnolence, but it’s usually because you’re eating too high fat, sugar, processed foods, and too large portions for your meals. Be aware that you could have a health issue causing a food coma after eating. Check this list of typical reasons you may feel tired after eating. Try some suggestions on avoiding post-meal drowsiness to see if they help. If not, be sure to speak with your doctor, who can diagnose any health issues that may cause you to feel exhausted and tired after you eat.

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body When You Take Probiotics Every Day

Over the years, probiotics have become a household word. This “good” bacteria can benefit some people, but they aren’t helpful in all situations. Probiotics aren’t medicine. They’re a natural supplement found in many foods. It’s essential to understand the difference when taking them for gut health. Here is what scientists suggest happens to your body when you take probiotics every day.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are a combination of live yeast and bacteria in your body. They’re considered the ‘good bacteria which keep your gut healthier and boost your immune system. Probiotics are part of the microbiome, a group of organisms made up of microbes that live together in and on your body, keeping it healthy. Microbes in your lower intestines digest your food, fight off bacteria and keep you regulated. When these microbes get off balance, it leads to health problems.

What are the health benefits of probiotics?


Researchers are still learning the health benefits of probiotics and who benefits the most from taking them. Probiotics may help treat people who have these health conditions, including:

  • Antibiotic-resistant diarrhea
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Irritable bowel disease
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Obesity
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Pediatric acute infectious diarrhea
  • Gastro symptoms like gas, bloating, and constipation, especially in older people.

Studies show that taking a probiotic while on an antibiotic may help you avoid diarrhea. Researchers are still unsure whether probiotics help healthy individuals.

When choosing a probiotic to improve your gut health, what do you need to know?

There are so many probiotics on the market that it’s hard to know which ones live up to their claims. Many probiotics get destroyed by your stomach acids even before reaching your digestive tract. So, consider these things when you buy a probiotic.

  • Shelf-stable: Make sure the probiotic supplement is shelf-stable. Probiotics shouldn’t need to be refrigerated, and they should last at least two years.
  • Soil-based organisms: Your probiotic should be soil-based.
  • Strain varieties: Choose a probiotic at least ten probiotic strains. These include the following: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus coagulans, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium strains.
  • A high number of probiotics: Your probiotic should have at least 50 billion probiotics per serving.
  • Delay release: Choose a delayed-release capsule that protects the probiotics from stomach acids.
  • Prebiotic included: Choose a probiotic with prebiotics included in the supplement’s formula.

What foods are natural probiotics?

There are many foods loaded with probiotic cultures for good gut health. Today, people understand that it’s best to get their nutrients from healthy foods rather than supplements to meet their dietary needs. If you want to be sure to get enough probiotics in your system, these are some excellent foods with natural probiotics.

1 -Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that are good for your gut. Be sure to choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao for the best source of prebiotics and probiotics.

2 – Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics. It has two strains of bacteria that restore your gut health. Some people say that eating yogurt regularly helps repair your gut to the right balance of good bacteria if you’re on antibiotics. Be sure the label on the Greek yogurt you choose says live active culture for the best results.

3 – Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a cabbage fermented with lactic acid rather than vinegar. Thus, it delivers the most probiotic benefits. Sauerkraut contains fiber, vitamins K, B, C and iron. When you buy sauerkraut, ensure it’s unpasteurized and fermented with lactic acid. Buy it fresh rather than on the shelf in a can.

4 – Kimchi

Kimchi is a spicy Korean dish made from fresh cabbage and vegetables fermented in lactic acid bacteria. This spicy side dish boosts your gut health, similar to sauerkraut. Kimchi comes either pasteurized or unpasteurized. You’ll find the best benefits in unpasteurized kimchi with live active cultures. Buy fresh kimchi at the market or make your kimchi to guarantee it’s new.

5 – Kombucha

Fizzy and fermented and made with drinks like black or green tea, kombucha has grown in popularity over the past few years. It’s not a cure-all, but many people have experienced health benefits from this probiotic blend. Be sure to buy an authentic kombucha, not a kombucha-type drink. There are many copycats, so read the label to see if the drink contains lactic acid.

6 – Kefir

Kefir is a dairy with probiotics. Even if you’re lactose intolerant, you should be able to drink kefir. It’s made from lactic acid, yeast, and bacteria. It’s thought that drinking kefir will improve your gut and bone health and help fight infections. Be sure to read the label to guarantee you’re getting genuine kefir and not an imitation drink.

gut health

7 – Pickles

If you like to eat dill pickles, you’re getting natural probiotics. Made from cucumbers fermented in their lactic acid, pickles contain good bacteria and salt, and water. Pickles are sour probiotic snacks. You should choose the type of pickle in the refrigerator section of your grocery. These contain lactic acid. Conversely, food manufacturers make shelf pickles with vinegar, not lactic acid.

8 – Tempeh

Tempeh is fermented soybeans made into a loaf or patty. Thus, it works for people who enjoy a plant-based diet. It’s high in protein and a great source of probiotics, calcium, and protein. Be sure to buy fresh tempeh for the best health benefits and taste.

Probiotic risks

There is a wide assortment of probiotics currently on the market. The FDA does not regulate most supplements. Because of this, it’s hard to know what’s inside many of these supplements. There is a risk of taking these probiotics because of the unknown ingredients that could make you sick. Beware of probiotics from other countries, especially those countries that don’t have the same medical standards as the United States.

A second risk is that many people assume probiotics are like medication instead of supplements. The lack of quality of some of these probiotics that promise to cure you of certain health conditions could be dangerous. Many of these probiotics don’t list the ingredients or disguise them. Studies show that unregulated probiotics may transfer a plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance to your gut, especially in certain at-risk groups. Researchers suggest you use discretion when choosing a probiotic that may not have FDA approval and could cause more harm than good. Generally, it’s best to get your nutrients from eating healthy foods rather than taking supplements.

Misuse of probiotics can kill you.

It may sound dramatic to say probiotics can kill, but it can happen–rarely. People with serious medical conditions like severe infections should avoid probiotics. Probiotics are harmful to these individuals. There have been cases where probiotics led to sepsis in people who are:

  • Post-operative patients
  • Infants with serious illnesses
  • Elderly patients
  • Immunocompromised patients
  • Cancer patients on immunotherapy inhibitors-Avoid taking them since they lower your chances of remission.
  • Babies: Probiotics aren’t safe for babies, especially preemies, since their immune systems are still developing.

Individuals in the ICU who take probiotics can develop bacteremia or fungemia, two deadly infections. The risk is incredibly high if they have a catheter. Sepsis can spread to other patients in the room through the air, hand contact, or objects and utensils used by the medical staff.

Two common probiotics that can kill high-risk people include the following:

  • Saccharomyces: This yeast causes fungemia in the person who took the probiotic and those around them. Most of these cases happen in intensive care units in hospitals.
  • Bifidobacterium: These bacteria cause invasive infections and even sepsis in people with low immune system function. It’s essential to understand a person’s health status before giving them probiotics. You could cause them a severe or even deadly infection.

Should you take probiotics every day?

Whether it’s healthy to take probiotic supplements every day for gut health. Probiotics are safe for most people, but it’s probably better to skip them if you fall into specific categories.  Even if you’re healthy, sometimes probiotics can cause side effects such as

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach

Once you get used to them, your system settles down, and the side effects will go away. Most importantly, is t at before you give probiotics to someone, be sure you understand their health conditions. Generally, unless your doctor prescribes probiotic supplements, it’s best to get your probiotics from a well-balanced diet that includes foods that naturally have probiotics. Your digestive system functions quite well, so there’s no need for daily probiotic supplements.


Final thoughts on understanding how probiotics help your gut health–and who should avoid them

Today, people understand that the best way to stay healthy isn’t to take great supplements, but to eat healthy, natural foods, including those with natural probiotics.

If you want to receive the many benefits of probiotics, choose fermented vegetables such as kimchi or sauerkraut or fermented dairy foods like kefir for probiotic health in your gut. Hopefully, this article helps you answer whether it’s healthy for you to take probiotics every day or if you should look for ways to get them in your diet.

Dads Adopt a Family of 6 Siblings to Keep Them Together

In 2021, six siblings who had spent 5 years in foster care finally got adopted by their two dads. They found their forever home and couldn’t have asked for better parents. Steve and Rob Anderson-McLean, a couple from Pennsylvania, adopted the six brothers and sisters to keep them together. They first heard about an adoption need for Carlos, 14, Guadalupe, 13, Maria, 12, Selena, 10, Nasa, 9, and Max, 7, in 2018.

When the two dads saw their pictures for the first time, they instantly felt called to adopt them. The couple knew that many siblings get split up in the foster care system, which can cause lasting psychological damage. They didn’t want to see that happen to these siblings. The state also agreed they should stay together, luckily.

So, in July 2018, all six kids came to live with the two dads as their foster children. After just the first week, the siblings asked their new parents if they could stay forever. They’d been having a blast going to the zoo, and parks and playing in the backyard together.

In their time in foster care, they never had much of a chance to have fun. So, they soaked up the experiences as much as possible, and never wanted them to end.

Steve and Rob expressed initial concerns about how the oldest sibling, Carlos, would react to having same-sex parents. Since he was a teenager, they thought he might have problems adjusting. Thankfully, he didn’t seem phased at all and fit right in with the family.

All six siblings just feel grateful to have two caring dads that want to give them the world. They look forward to Friday nights at the trampoline park the most. But after the adoption, they enjoy every moment together.

The Family of Eight Loves Their New Life Together


The two dads felt so lucky and blessed when they officially adopted the children on May 23, 2019. Steve already had two sons from a previous marriage, Parker, 25, and Noah, 21, as well. The judge told the couple that from now on, the adoptive children were just as much their own.

When the dads looked up into the grateful eyes of their new children, they couldn’t have been happier. They have never forgotten that special day, and have always treated the siblings like their biological children.

After spending 1,640 days in foster care, the siblings finally had a chance at a normal life after adoption. The couple says the children have brought so much love and warmth into their lives. They also get along wonderfully with friends and extended family, a bonus to the arrangement.

Steve and Rob Anderson-McLean have been a couple for nearly two decades. They held a commitment ceremony in 2006 before tying the knot in Maryland in 2013. After Parker and Noah grew up and moved out, they felt like they weren’t yet done raising children. Steve said that after he and Rob saw a TV show about a couple adopting siblings, they felt inspired to do the same.

After researching adopting kids, they learned how many siblings get separated in the system. It broke their hearts, and they wanted to prevent that from happening. So, they started searching in the United States for children to adopt. They came across the six siblings on an Ohio website stating they had been in foster care for almost 5 years.

Sadly, the children had been victims of abuse and neglect, and the parents lost custody of them in 2017. They initially matched with the children in June 2018, hoping to give them a much better life. The siblings went to live with the two dads the next month, and the rest is history.

The Kids Still Can’t Believe They’ve Been Adopted

Adoption can sometimes be a difficult, tedious process, but it’s worth it to transform children’s lives. Steve knew he could give the children a better opportunity. But, he didn’t realize how much the siblings would impact him and his husband. The family of eight thoroughly enjoys their new life together, and the children couldn’t feel more thankful for their dads.

But, sometimes they still can’t believe they’ve been adopted and even worry it won’t last. One day, their 7-year-old son Max came up to Steve and said, “I’m adopted.” It seemed as though he had to say it out loud to accept the new reality of his adoption.

After hopping from one foster home to the next, Steve understood exactly how Max felt. He also asked Steve if he could get unadopted, so his dad reassured him that would never happen. He told him that he would always be their son, a message that the couple reiterates to all the children. They want to ensure the kids know they aren’t going anywhere.

They’ve lived with the couple for three years, but it feels like they’ve known each other forever. Rob says they’ve had an emotional bond for many years. They make new memories every day and feel blessed to have each other. And, their love knows no bounds, helping to transform the children from their turbulent past.

Carlos told his parents that having a stable, forever family seemed surreal. He no longer had to call himself a foster kid, a label he thought would always stick with him. Now, he’s a son to two loving dads who ensure they give the children the best life possible.


Final Thoughts on Dads Adopting Six Siblings to Keep Them Together

When two dads adopted six siblings in Pittsburgh, they didn’t realize how much it would change their lives. The children came from an abusive household and lived in the foster care system for nearly 5 years. Sadly, they had never known love, stability, or security, things they desperately needed. Thankfully, Steve and Rob decided to give them a second chance and transform their lives with love.

After hearing their story, they felt heartbroken about the children’s past and wanted to make a difference. Now, the family of eight has lived together for three years and will cherish many more together. It’s amazing how love and affection can heal even the most broken souls. If you have ever considered adoption, hopefully this story will inspire you to do so!

5 Tips to Rebalance Life and Bring Back Joy

Do you feel a need to rebalance your life? Perhaps you’ve been feeling frazzled or pulled in many different directions. When we’re too busy in the outside world, it usually means we have to sacrifice in other aspects of life. For instance, if you spend all your time at work, you won’t have any extra time for relationships, health, or self-care. In a noisy and rushed world, it may seem impossible to rebalance your life with chaos around every corner. After you solve one problem, it seems like another crops up before you have a chance to recuperate. Life requires endless juggling and multitasking.

So this balancing act can take a toll after a while. However, we have a few tips on how to feel more peace and joy in daily life below.

5 Ways to Rebalance Life and Create More Happiness

Try these new habits to set priorities and make a happier life.

1.     Learn How to Say “No” to Rebalance Life.

If you want to rebalance your life, you will have to learn to create boundaries. It’s essential for your mental and spiritual health to assert yourself at times and not allow others to take advantage. By delegating tasks to others and saying “yes” to yourself more often, you will have more inner peace. Oftentimes, an imbalance in our lives stems from not prioritizing ourselves enough.

We expend so much energy trying to help others or be the perfect employee that we have nothing left for ourselves. It isn’t selfish to say “no” when you genuinely don’t have time or energy for more tasks. In this world that stresses ever-greater productivity, we must regain our power. Humans aren’t machines and need time to rest from the rigors of modern life.

Allow yourself to set boundaries at work and in personal relationships, and you’ll find balance more easily.

rebalance life

2. Stop Trying and Just Go With the Flow.

Ironically, when we attempt to control life, it usually causes everything to spiral into chaos. But if we don’t take any action, life will also slip through our fingers and result in even more problems. Like anything else, balance is necessary to keep life flowing without disruptions.

You can compare it to a musical instrument that requires tuning and regular maintenance to play the correct notes. To rebalance life, we need to learn to tune ourselves to the natural rhythms of the universe. Nothing in nature strives to achieve anything outside of itself, yet we still find it profoundly beautiful.

Since we’re nature as well, we need only slow down and learn to let things unfold without judgment. Exerting too much control over life’s events always leads to suffering and misery. To restore balance, we need to find our center and a sense of inner peace. With a clear mind and calm, steady heart, our energy will flow freely and we can achieve what’s necessary.

3. Listen to Your Own Intuition.

Many times, we follow the crowd instead of listening to our inner voice for the answers. However, we all have a unique path in life, so it doesn’t make sense to look outside for wisdom. No one else can make you happy except yourself, so create your own rules in life. Only by looking within can we rebalance our lives and discover the unique story we’re here to tell.

If you feel disconnected from yourself, take time to discover your soul and ignore the outside world. All the noise and mental chatter distract us from our true nature of peace, joy, and infinite wisdom. However, we can recover our souls by tuning into intuition rather than reason.

4. Practice Discipline.

Sometimes, you need to set priorities to rebalance your life. If you find yourself spending hours binge-watching Netflix or scrolling social media, for instance, you would benefit from discipline. This doesn’t mean you should throw away your phone or go to extreme measures, of course. Having a schedule of tasks you must complete each day would help in this case.

For example, you should always complete the most important things first and set aside distractions such as smartphones. Studies show that even having your phone in the same room reduces cognitive capacity and attention. So, make sure to leave your devices elsewhere while completing work.

Also, you might benefit from prioritizing certain activities, such as meditation and exercise, before beginning your workday. Making time for self-care and mental health will make it easier to accomplish necessary tasks. Discipline may not sound fun, but it leads to greater happiness in the long-term.

5. Avoid Multitasking.

If you want to rebalance your life, start by completing only one task at a time. After all, research shows that our brains can’t effectively multitask because it hinders cognition. Multitasking doesn’t mean that we’re accomplishing many things simultaneously, but rather switching between tasks. The study found that multitasking lowers productivity by 40%, meaning it will take you longer to finish work.

So, this point also ties back into discipline and focus, since we can achieve more with intense focus. Think of a doctor performing an intricate surgery or a student studying for a difficult exam. They perform tasks slowly and methodically, absorbing information as it comes to them. We find greater peace and fulfillment if we approach life in this manner. Remember, nature doesn’t rush, yet everything gets accomplished.


Final Thoughts on Ways to Rebalance Your Life and Leave Multitasking Behind

In our modern times, we have become disconnected from what brings true joy and lasting peace. We have become burnt out and discontent in our rush to achieve things at an ever-faster pace. That’s because working longer hours and earning more money doesn’t actually create peace or happiness. It only presents more problems to solve in our quest to outperform everyone around us.

Therefore, we need to slow down and look to nature for answers. Creating joy comes from living a fulfilling life that benefits others in some way. It comes from taking time to smell the roses, not from racing through life without reason.

So, give yourself permission to live on your own terms, and don’t apologize for it. Whatever makes you come alive, do it, because we need more people living with passion in this world.

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