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20 Behaviors That Reveal a Failing Relationship

Are you in a failing relationship or one that’s thriving? The honeymoon period only lasts for so long, and reality hits you like a ton of bricks. Even the best couples have things they must overcome. Don’t let troubles fester for too long because if you don’t resolve things quickly, it could be the end of something great.

Twenty Signs of a Failing Relationship

No one wants to suffer a breakup, but are there any warning signs that things will sour? The first six months to two years are “the honeymoon” phase as everything is new and fresh. Love is exciting, and this time is unlike any high you will experience.

No matter how high the euphoria is initially, it’s a whole different ballgame once you become accustomed to one another. Remember the old arguments that he left the seat up or she left the cap off the toothpaste? Well, those are just common complaints that don’t amount to anything.

The real trouble comes into play when you must deal with finances, children, family members, and pressures from work. Here are some signs that reveal a failing relationship.

failing relationship

1. No Intimacy in a Failing Relationship

All the laughs, intimacy, and fun date nights disappear once you settle into a routine together. You’re headed for trouble when you don’t make time for each other romantically. While intimacy is just one part of a relationship, it’s a vital part you need to stay connected.

When they no longer want to be with you, you need to get to the bottom of it. It may be a medical or stress-related issue, but you must investigate something going on.

2. Cheating

Infidelity is a big sign that something is wrong. It doesn’t mean the problem is yours either, as it may be your partner’s issue to manage. When one of you goes outside of the relationship to have your physical desires met, something is lingering under the surface that needs addressing. For some folks, cheating is the final straw and the reason to end things.

3. Resentment

Resentment comes from not resolving things right away, and it can lead to a failing relationship if it’s not fixed. You bury those hurt feelings, and they fester like cancer deep inside. Maybe your partner is deliberately embarrassing or belittling you in front of others, so you build walls to keep from getting hurt. Resentment is a big sign that a breakup is imminent if things aren’t addressed.

4. A Failing Relationship Has a Lack of Trust

A lack of trust always follows poor communication. When you don’t talk as you should, it leaves room for unjust suspicions, hurt feelings, and people that live two separate lives.

5. Dishonesty

There’s never a reason to lie to one another. If they’re being dishonest with you about some things, you wonder what other things they’re lying about. Trust is one of the foundations of your relationship, and once it’s broken, it’s a challenging aspect to repair.

6. Always Fighting

Remember the days of pure love and bliss? You’ve forgotten about all of that because all you do is argue. You don’t even know what you argue about anymore, as it seems just being in the same room with them is all it takes, and the feuding begins.

7. Financial Troubles

one reason why so many relationships fail is money issues. You must both be on the same page about finances and have an active role in management, or there will be problems. Many couples keep things separate to avoid such issues with money.

8. You’re Miserable in Your Failing Relationship

The only thing worse than being single is being with someone wrong for you. You can be more lonely and miserable in a relationship than when you are all alone. If you notice that you’re just sad with your partner these days, it’s a sign of a failing relationship.

9. You Both Do Whatever You Want

You once did everything together, but now it seems you lead independent lives. Vacations are taken separately, and nights out are now spent with other people. You’re not investing any time into your relationship, and it’s apparent on the home front.

10. Disrespect

Disrespect occurs in many ways. Your partner may speak ill of your family and friends, constantly judge and belittle you, or they may criticize you and try to hurt your feelings. It seems you can’t do anything right these days in their eyes. The person who once praised you and was your biggest cheerleader now puts you down and doesn’t have a kind word to say.

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11. Physical or Verbal Abuse

This is one sure sign that your relationship has turned sour. When you start verbally or physically abusing one another, you must get out of this failing relationship. There is never any reason to put your hands on your partner in anger or to call names or destroy their self-esteem.

12. Ignoring Issues

Stonewalling becomes a typical behavior when someone wants to ignore the obvious. They would rather sweep problems under the rug than deal with them. When you confront your partner about an issue, they use this coping mechanism to disconnect from the situation as it overwhelms them emotionally.

13. A Failing Relationship Is Fraught With Jealousy

It’s healthy to have a little jealousy in a relationship, as you want to feel wanted and needed. However, jealousy can turn into cruel and destructive behavior. If your partner has unwarranted jealousy, constantly accuses you of affairs, or becomes suspicious of people you talk to, it’s a significant indication that something is wrong.

According to the American Psychological Association, jealousy is almost always a sign of someone with poor self-esteem. This person can quickly develop a preoccupation with losing someone they love. However, it also indicates control issues and underlying mental health disturbances.

14. Power Imbalance

Relationships are 50/50, and this is the way it works best. However, if one person tries to take control of the other, the power imbalance can cause issues that lead to a failing relationship. This can also occur with children, finances, and your household schedule. You’re both equal, and it’s devastating when one thinks they are better or above the other.

15. No Emotional Support

Empathy is a big part of any relationship, and one reason you need a partner is to hold you when the days are rough. Consequently, you may notice that the emotional support isn’t there anymore. They may downplay the situation and make you feel as if you’re overacting.

16. You’re Lonely

No rule book says that you won’t be lonely just because you’re in a relationship. When things aren’t going so well, you may find that you spend your days and nights alone. Your partner can be right by your side, but you still feel on your own when they won’t talk or spend any quality time with you.

17. Absence of Affection

Many people confuse affection and intimacy, but they are different. Love can occur in the bedroom in a romantic relationship, but it’s more about how you display affection outside the bedroom. For instance, it includes holding hands, kissing, hugging, snuggling, and just being there for one another. It’s little ways that show that you care deeply. When these little acts are gone, it’s devastating for a relationship.

18. Isolation from Family and Friends

Does your partner try to isolate you from friends and family members? This is a common trait of a narcissist who fears that if you are around others, they will talk you into leaving or see the error in how they treat you.

Isolating yourself from others is very dangerous and can cause you health problems. According to the American Psychological Association, being shut off from the world can affect your immunity. It can cause you to be in a long-term “fight-or-flight” situation, which means your body is under stress.

This causes inflammation that can destroy your immune system. Don’t let anyone isolate you for their gain, as it can damage your health.

19. Avoid Coming Home

One or both of you may avoid coming home. You will find errands to run or people to have dinner with to avoid facing your partner. Avoidance behaviors are a big sign that something has failed on the home front.

20. No Dependability in a Failing Relationship

The person you could count on for everything has suddenly become the most irresponsible individual you know. They’re always late, don’t answer phone calls or texts in a reasonable time frame, and never do what they say they will do. How can you be in a relationship with someone who is so undependable?

failing relationship

Final Thoughts on a Deciding How To Move Forward in a Failing Relationship

It would help if you remembered that no relationship is perfect, and there will be many ups and downs. It’s essential to recognize the signs that something is amiss and get counseling or help before it becomes a failed relationship. Even if things don’t work out and you go your separate ways, at least you know you’ve tried.

It’s always best to maturely address things together than to use stonewalling and avoidance behaviors and pretend like nothing’s wrong. There will be bad times if you’re together for long, but it’s all about learning what to do during these seasons to keep your relationship healthy and strong.

15 Psychopathic Traits Never to Ignore in Your Partner

Are you dating a psychopath? It’s not easy to spot the signs initially, but as some time goes by, you will soon notice psychopathic traits. The psychopathological person can’t keep up the façade for long, as their true colors will come shining through.

You hear the term used often in the media and mental health, but how do you know if a person has psychopathic traits? The medical community diagnosed people suffering from their mind or soul as a psychopath in the early 1800s. There are some apparent signs that indicate psychopathy, and you should be careful should you see any of these red flags.

Fifteen Common Psychopathic Traits

The challenging part about this person is their ability to blend into the background like a chameleon. They become undetectable and can go unnoticed for years. Consequently, when you’re in an intimate relationship, it’s easier to see the discrepancies in their façade as they can’t keep up this game for long. Here are some signs that your partner has psychopathic traits.

psychopathic traits

1. Superficial Charm One of the Most Common Psychopathic Traits

Someone with sociopathic traits is very charming, but this appeal only goes skin deep. They turn on the charm to allure a partner, as they know how to use the correct vocabulary to make you go weak at the knees. Sadly, this is a common trait of someone who is psychopathic and playing games with you.

2. Disengaged, Cold and Callous Behavior

This person is so caught up in themselves and their needs that they can’t look beyond to see others. Your partner may come across as cold or callus if you’ve had a bad day, a death in the family, or suffered a major upset.

They’re not very comforting and probably would never hold you or try to comfort you in your time of need. However, when their world is crashing around them, they will expect you to drop everything to be there for them.

3. Habitual or Pathological Lying

Lying can fall into three separate categories. Those who lie to keep themselves from trouble are pretty different from habitual or pathological liars. Most people will tell a little white lie to keep from getting reprimanded, but a pathological liar is someone who lies to manipulate others.

If they want someone to feel sorry for them or appear more critical than they are, they will be deceptive. According to the National Library of Medicine, a habitual liar tells stories compulsively and without any apparent benefit to them or others. They are tricky because they can find emotional satisfaction in their tales that reality doesn’t provide.

Experts believe that pathological and habitual liars fall into the same mental illness category: borderline personality, sociopath, or narcissist.

4. Lack of Conscience

It’s always someone else’s fault when dealing with someone with psychopathic traits. They don’t accept responsibility for their actions even if they’re caught red-handed. They prefer to blame shift and make someone else take the fall for their deeds.

5. Masters of Deception

This person is out for number one, and they don’t care who they hurt in the process. The underlying mental illness is the real driving force here, and if you’re dealing with someone who is a narcist, they will use and abuse you to get their way. They are incapable of having any sincere, long-term relationships.

6. Broken Relationships

A big red flag that someone has psychopathic traits is that they have no friends or family members in their inner circle. These people can’t develop any relationship that lasts long, as their devious ways always ruin things between family and friends. This person will usually lack romantic relationships as people can generally see through their smoke and mirrors pretty quickly.

7. Grandiose Views of Themselves

People who think so highly of themselves don’t need anyone else to be their cheerleader. A constant opinion categorizes this person’s impractical sense of superiority: they’re better than everyone else. They criticize people, embellish their capabilities, and make others feel inferior.

8. Inability to Control Behavior

This person can become forceful, harmful, or violent actions they can’t control. When they’re angry, they will turn to threats and verbal and physical abuse. They don’t think before they act, which comes with severe consequences. Their temper is out of control.

psychopathic traits

9. Unrealistic Long-Term Goals

The person with psychopathic traits often sets unrealistic goals for themselves. However, it doesn’t mean that you have a mental illness because your goals are unreasonable. Setting unrealistic goals is commonplace in the narcissistic crowd as they are not practical or attainable.

They can’t focus too long on one thing, and they will burn out before they even get halfway. This person also doesn’t hold down jobs very well because of their short-term attention span, though some use their positions to manipulate others.

10. Irresponsible Behavior Goes Along With Psychopathic Traits

You can count on a person who has psychopathic traits. They will tell you one thing and do the other. They will make date plans and never show up. Indeed, they function much like a teenager in an adult’s body, as their level of responsibility is lackluster at best.

11. Thrill-Seeking Behaviors

Their impulsive nature will get them into trouble, especially in relationships. They have no qualms about cheating, engaging in illegal activities, and doing whatever feels good. Their impulsive nature is much like a person with ADHD but to a more severe degree. They don’t think through their actions, which causes them great trouble in life.

12. Freeloading Lifestyle

Many sociopaths like to freeload because they can’t hold down jobs for long and don’t like to be accountable. Remember, they can’t set or achieve long-term goals, so they would rather sponge off the kindness of others. They’re very frustrating in a relationship because they won’t work but expect things to be handed to them.

13. Need for Power, Control, and Dominance

It’s common for this person to desire positions that give them power and authority. Since they like to dominate and control others, it gives them a platform to do so. Their immoral and manipulative tendencies are often used in corporate situations where they have the power to carry out their wishes. They have a hunger for power and control that can’t be quenched.

14. Contempt for Policies, Laws, and Social Norms

People generally have a code of ethics to get through the world. However, the sociopath doesn’t go by the same compass, as they do immoral things and have no problem doing criminal activities. While not every sociopath is a violent criminal, they don’t fear the consequences of their actions or learn from them.

15. Psychopathic Traits Often Experienced Childhood Behavior Problems

Most personality disorders are present in the teen years, and the signs and symptoms are apparent. These adults may have shown signs of an antisocial personality or conduct disorder before they reached sixteen. Some folks who have a more severe case might be able to trace troublesome behaviors back to their elementary days.

Children with these tendencies were often a handful in school and engaged in bullying, cruelty to animals, fistfights, and a total disregard for any authority figure.

Understanding the Psychopathic Traits in a Person

Most sociopaths see each individual they interact with as a means to an end. They will feel no remorse for their actions, as they don’t believe what they’re doing is wrong. They lie with ease, and the way they relate to other folks is very distorted.

This person may be unpredictable, impulsive, and aggressive in interpersonal relationships. They don’t follow social rules and feel like they don’t fit in, so they must put on a façade. According to the National Library of Medicine, experts believe that this disorder is the only way the mind can cope with past events.

Most of these folks have experienced a traumatic upbringing, becoming vulnerable. Perhaps they grew up in the foster care system, had an abusive parent, or their parent had substance abuse issues. Being neglected, abused, or tossed from home to home has a profound effect on a child, likely behind the mental disturbances you observe.

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Final Thoughts on Psychopathic Traits

Abnormal psychology can be present in many ways. A person with psychopathic traits might be selfish or have an antisocial or borderline personality disorder. The severity of the symptoms and the trauma the person experiences can dictate a lot.

Some are more likely to be involved in crime and violence, while others are just manipulative and have a hard time with relationships. It will not be easy, no matter which version you face with a partner. These people don’t usually respond well to treatment, so you should steer clear if you don’t want to be their next victim.

You need to take care of yourself. Suppose you’ve had interactions or intimate relations with a sociopath. In that case, you need to find a therapist who can help you overcome the poison they ingested into your mind and the abuse you likely suffered.

15 Journal Prompts to Help Express Gratitude in Life

When life gets hard, it’s sometimes hard to express gratitude. One way to switch your mindset is to use journal prompts. These journal prompts are also helpful if you can’t think of topics. When you spend time journaling, it allows you to process your thoughts and feelings.

Journal writing helps you identify your emotions and work your way through them, as it takes time to get the words out. Rather than jumping from one thought to another, you fully process the situation.

When things get complicated and don’t work out, remembering what and who you love can make a difference. You have many things to be thankful for, and these journal prompts can bring them all to mind.

How Journal Prompts Work

A one-sentence writing prompt can inspire you to write a full page or more. The sentence might give you other ideas, too, encouraging you to write something entirely different.

Journal prompts give ideas for your journal writing, allowing you to discover new topics and ideas. They also help you tap into your inner thoughts and feelings, allowing you to tune into your subconscious. Whichever the prompt works for you, get your pen to the paper.

Writing makes your thoughts and feelings more permanent, too. You have time to embrace what you’re writing about, and it sticks with you. These writing prompts can help you identify the things you’re thankful for, promoting happiness and fulfillment.

journal prompts

How to Start a Journal

Starting a journal is easy. All that you have to do is grab a notebook or a cute journal and get started. You can write about whatever you want, and targeting specific areas can improve your life. When you write about gratitude, you’ll experience more thankfulness each day.

Gratitude journal prompts can improve your life, even when nothing else changes. It’ll help you see the good in your life, transforming your mindset.

As you write, focus on the things that consume your thoughts. Write about the essential people and things in your life. When you write about these things, you’ll experience more positivity.

Writing every day is best, but you don’t have to. Do whatever works for you, from jotting down a few lines to writing a couple of pages and anywhere in between. Repetition will help you dig deeper, honing in on the best parts of your life.

Set aside 20-30 minutes at a tie to write about gratitude in your journal. It’ll help you experience a positive change in your life and mindset. Plus, it’ll help you approach the complex parts of life a little better.

Start small, and keep an open mind. You might only want to write about simple things at first, but it’ll turn into deeper topics. Plus, allow your brain to flow from these journal prompts and write about whatever comes to mind.

Fifteen Journal Prompts to Help Express Gratitude

Gratitude doesn’t eliminate your problems, but it helps you focus on the good parts of life. You’ll feel happier and better able to manage the hard times. These gratitude journal prompts can change your mood and improve your overall well-being.

Journal Prompts That Make You Reflect

1. Discuss something you accomplished today or in the past.

Writing about your accomplishments and how you feel about them can help you express gratitude. As you write about the things you’ve achieved, don’t forget the people who helped you. Recalling successes can help you remember that your life is pretty good and you’re on the right track.

2. Write about something hard that happened in your past, but you’re now grateful for.

Think back to a hard time in your life that resulted in something great. When things don’t go the way you’d hoped, it leads to devastation and hardship. However, time proves that these hard times often lead to something better.

Write about a time you thought of as a negative experience but turned out to be a good situation. Even when you thought it was a dark time in your life, it worked out for the best. It helps you remember how seemingly hopeless moments can turn into something better.

3. Brainstorm ways you can show how grateful you are.

Writing about how you can show gratitude helps you think of all the good in your life. Think of ways you can make someone happy or improve their life. Identify the good things you can do for those who have helped you, including making them laugh or smile.

When you reach out and show someone how grateful you are for them, it’ll make you both happy. Plus, thinking of how you can bring joy to someone else will help you appreciate them more.

One option is to write a thank-you letter in your journal. You don’t have to give the letter to anyone, but get your feelings out. It’ll help you learn to express gratitude and see the good in your life.

Journal Prompts to Explode Your Growth

4. List and discuss five things you’re grateful for this week.

Don’t overthink it when you sit down to use this journal prompt. You can list small things as long as they bring positive feelings to your life.

If you want, you can focus on writing about one thing at a time. List the five things you’re grateful for, and then write about one each day. It helps break it down a little, allowing you to focus on individual people and things.

5. Write about a challenge you overcame and the growth you experienced from it.

The challenges you overcome can become some of the best experiences of your life. You learn from every obstacle, and you also realize your inner strength.

Write about your biggest challenge, what you learned from it, and how it helps you today. You can re-use this journal prompt, writing about a different challenge each time.

6. Talk about the last time you laughed until you cried.

The moments you laugh until you cry are experiences to be grateful for. Looking back on these moments can bring a smile to your face while helping relieve good memories. Even when things aren’t going well, the memories help you experience gratitude.

Journal Prompts That Help You Appreciate Your Relationships

7. Who are the people you’re most grateful for at this time?

If possible, start by describing your favorite person. List all of their good qualities and what you love about them. If you can’t choose one person, make a list of all the people you’re grateful for and work your way down the list.

You can make this journal prompt last for a few days if you have multiple people to describe. It helps you avoid taking people for granted, encouraging you to appreciate their presence in your life.

journal prompts

8. Discuss an act of kindness you received or witnessed.

Reflecting on acts of kindness can help you express gratitude in your life. If someone does a random act of kindness to you, it is worth embracing and recording. It will help you see the good in your life, encouraging fulfillment and meaning.

You can also write about acts of kindness you witnessed happening to someone else. These actions can also make a difference in your life, allowing you to see the good in your community.

You might see volunteers helping around town or someone doing something kind and unexpected. No matter what the situation is, don’t miss out on the opportunity to write and reflect.

9. Think about something good that happened to you, and write a thank-you letter to anyone who helped you.

You’ll always find someone who helped you during your life. Use your journal as a chance to write a thank-you letter to someone who contributed to something good that happened. Write about what happened, how that person helped, and how grateful you are for their assistance, no matter how small.

Journal Prompts That Examine Your Habits

10. Reflect on five childhood memories you are grateful for.

If you had a good childhood, spend some time reflecting on it. It’ll help you feel grateful for your experiences, allowing you to feel fulfilled in the present. Write about the positive impact your parents or other caregivers offered, the sacrifices they made, and how they expressed their love.

11. Discuss your favorite hobby and why you love it.

If you have a hobby that you love, consider writing about it in your gratitude journal. Writing about how good it makes you feel can open your eyes to the positive aspects of your life.

12. What made you smile today and why?

You can always find something to smile about, and it’s a good prompt for your journal writing. As you make this a regular part of your writing, you’ll start looking for more things to smile about throughout the day.

13. Write about the most exciting thing that’s happened to you this year.

Think about one of the most exciting moments this year. Reflect on how you felt at the time and how you feel about it now. Thinking about aspects of your life that changed for the better can help you express gratitude for what you have.

negativity detox

Journal Prompts to Help You See the Positivity in Life

14. Discuss the one thing you’re most grateful for in your life.

This prompt helps you recognize the good parts of your life right now. Even if you don’t like your job or things didn’t go as planned, you can find something beneficial.

Write about something that cheers you up when you’re feeling sad, whether an animal, a person, or an activity. Detail how and why it makes you feel better, and you’ll think of this good part of your life frequently.

15. List things you like about yourself, and then delve into each point.

Writing about the things you like about yourself will help you express gratitude. It might be hard to come up with ten things but keep at it until you do.

You can write that you like your confidence level or you have a talent. Or, you can also write about your favorite qualities and unique characteristics. If it’s easier, break this prompt up for ten days.

journal prompts gratitude

Final Thoughts on Journal Prompts to Help Express Gratitude in Life

These journal prompts will help you express gratitude in your life. With gratitude, you’ll feel happier and more fulfilled. These helpers are perfect if you are confused, stressed, or overwhelmed. It helps you identify the good in your life, allowing you to express gratitude even during the hard times.

12 Reasons Why Empaths Feel Like They Don’t Belong Here

Being sensitive to others’ feelings is considered a virtue. It’s a sign of maturity when you can put yourself in someone’s place. Although can it be a case of being overly empathetic?

Almost everyone is familiar with sympathy cards sent to families whose loved one has passed. Signing “with deepest sympathy” acknowledges their loss and your sadness for them. While you can express your polite condolences, it’s not the same as being empathetic.

These two concepts are related, but they’re not synonymous. As a sympathetic person, you can feel sorry for someone and go your way. Empaths not only express sympathy, but they “feel” for those who are hurting.

Sympathy says you’re sorry someone fell, while empathy reaches down to pick them up. It mirrors the embarrassment of taking a tumble and the pain of a bruised ego. There’s a thin line between healthy empathetic feelings and having too much of a good thing.

Emotional Saturation

If you’re a strong empath, any group situation can be challenging. You can immediately feel the charge of the atmosphere, be it positive or negative. Empathetic people naturally absorb both until they are saturated.

The good news is that if you surround yourself with positive folks, you connect with positivity. If you allow yourself to be bogged down by pessimists, you’ll take on their negativity like an emotional chameleon.

Are you the only person in this world who has this emotional condition? An article from the National Library of Medicine shares that at least twenty percent of Americans are susceptible. Ironically, it’s a condition to which you can easily relate.


Twelve Reasons Why Empaths Don’t Feel Like They Belong

Are you an empathetic person who feels trapped in your world of absorbed emotion? Understandably, you may feel different from everyone else. Here are twelve reasons why empaths may feel like they don’t belong here.

1. Empaths Are Usually the First Person to Sense Others’ Moods

You can often see a friend or stranger and “read” their mood without them saying anything. Perhaps you’re one of the unusual empaths who can see other people’s auras. The person can be smiling, joking, and laughing. However, you instinctively know the pain hidden behind the façade. You also know just how to approach people according to their feelings.

2. You’re Bothered by the Smallest Things

Some people may accuse empaths of being petty because little things get to them. You may often have problems wearing your emotions on your sleeve if you’re highly empathetic. Insignificant actions and words may leave you feeling puzzled or resentful.

For example, a coworker invites you to a cocktail party, and you ease into a group conversation. Another coworker says they are surprised to see you. While this person was probably expressing their happiness, you wondered if they had a double meaning. Worse, you cannot shake the question from your head.

On a positive level, your attention to detail can be a blessing. You can often see the whole picture or a piece that’s missing. Your sensitivity is helpful if it doesn’t turn into perfectionism.

3. You Confuse Other People’s Emotions with Yours

Empathy allows you to walk in another’s shoes. You not only identify their feelings, but you experience them as well. If you’re already highly sensitive, you have enough profound emotions on your own.

Sometimes, it may be challenging to tell if the emotions are another’s or yours. You may be so emotionally vested in the other person’s situation that you feel overwhelmed. The best way to avoid such confusion is to spend more alone time decompressing.

4. Empaths Can’t Watch Any Horror or Violence

Many people get a strange thrill from watching horror and graphically violent movies. However, empaths like you aren’t among this crowd. You realize that it’s all make-believe, but evening fake violence and suffering become too real for you.

It only worsens when the violence, pain, and suffering the media broadcasts are real stories. All the reports and rumors about victims of crime, war, and other horrors are too much for you to absorb. Consequently, you may rarely watch the news or read the papers because you can’t bear the negativity.

5. You Can’t Tell People No

Empaths despise drama and try to keep everyone happy. According to an article published by UC at Berkeley, people-pleasing doesn’t serve you well. Eventually, you’ll be less genuine to your own needs and wants.

Do you always say “yes” to people’s demands just because you want them to like you? Even though it’s a strain on your time and resources, you would somewhat agree that it causes ill feelings. When you learn to say “no,” you empower yourself to choose what you do and what you want.

6. You Battle Depression and Anxiety

Try to picture the brain as a bustling highway in a major city. Like the sea of countless vehicles coming and going, so are impulses in your mind. Sometimes, your thoughts and emotions become like bottlenecked traffic and affect your brain.

When highly sensitive, you’re more apt to face depression and anxiety. You may still be clinging to the past while worrying about the future. Healing comes when you decide to live in the present and release negative emotions.


7. You’re an Old Soul

It’s common for empaths to feel out of sorts with their body and surroundings. Do you have experience déjà vu and other unexplainable sensations? Undoubtedly, friends and family have dubbed you an old soul born out of your time.

Past eras may hold a fascination for you. You sense familiar sights, sounds, and scents when you read about them. Proponents of reincarnation explain these phenomena as remnants of your past lives.

8. Empaths Don’t Like Too Much Change at Once

The only thing that’s static in life is that nothing stays the same. Change can be difficult for everyone, especially highly sensitive people. You get used to the status quo in your life, and then the rug gets pulled out from under you.

A study published by Stanford University discusses the psychology of change. According to the survey, self-affirmation and adaptation are tools for coping with change efficiently. It may take your sensitive personality longer to get used to a new normal, but you can do it.

9. You Crave Solitude

Empathetic souls like you need time to sort their feelings. Therefore, solitude is a place of healing and comfort. While you may be intuitive with people, you’re probably an introvert.

During your times of seclusion, meditation may be a valuable tool for decompressing. This ancient practice may help you live more mindfully and detach from unhealthy attitudes. Some folks enjoy the benefits of lowering their stress by writing their thoughts and feelings in a journal.

10. You Often Struggle with Emotional Fatigue

Dealing with emotions requires a lot of energy, especially if you are highly empathetic. Not only do you face your feelings, but you also deal with the ones you’ve absorbed. It’s little wonder that you often feel drained physically, emotionally, and mentally.

People with heightened senses often experience stress to the point of breakdown. You must practice self-care and realize that you can’t fix the world. Sorting your feelings can promote emotional healing and more positive energy.

11. You’re Hunches are Often Right on the Mark

Empathetic personalities often have a strong sense of intuition. You notice patterns and are usually more in tune with your inner voice. You trust your gut instincts, and they often prove to be correct.

For example, say you were planning a vacation but felt subtle reservations. After heeding your intuition and rescheduling the trip, a hurricane hit where you would have been. Is it just coincidence, or is it just a thread in the tapestry that’s you?

12. You Have Difficulties Sometimes in Intimate Relationships

The ability to empathize with others is one of the mainstays of a healthy, lasting relationship. You have a deeper understanding of your partner’s feelings, and you can offer affirmation. Empathetic people are usually excellent listeners and are willing to discuss a compromise.

Conversely, empaths can often be loners and don’t want their solitude violated. You may be okay with an intimate relationship as long as you maintain your own space. Making a long-time commitment or moving in together may be problematic.


Final Thoughts on Empaths and Feelings of Not Belonging

Being an empathetic person can often be a two-edged sword. Your compassionate nature can be a blessing, or it can leave you with feelings of isolation. When empaths learn to destress and practice self-care, they can bring that sensitivity back into balance.

11 Signs of an Overwhelmed Parent Never to Ignore

Parents know that the parenting journey isn’t easy, and some stages seem harder than others. With late nights, meltdowns, homework, sporting events, and other commitments, you don’t have much extra time. It’s easy to place your needs last, even when you know you’re an overwhelmed parent.

When you experience burnout as a parent, you’ve reached a state of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. It can lead to depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, trouble concentrating, and illness. You might zone out, show minimal emotions, and offer little support to those around you.

After a while, you might have feelings of shame, guilt, and resentment. When you feel like you’re always doing things for others, it’s hard not to feel like a personal assistant 24-hours a day. Eventually, you will have nothing left to give your children and partner.

Luckily, if you feel overwhelmed, you can make some changes to improve your situation. You’ll begin feeling better with self-care, better communication, and processing of your feelings. You can identify the signs of an overwhelmed parent in yourself and others, allowing you to address your situation.

Why Does Being an Overwhelmed Parent Happen

Sometimes society will put pressure on you based on their expectations of parenting. Likewise, you might pressure yourself because of your perception of what parenting should look like. Either way, being pushed to be a certain way certainly doesn’t help.

You’ll become overwhelmed because of prolonged stress. With constant demands, it’s easy to feel like you can’t meet the expectations. Your family looks to you to take the lead, leaving you feeling like the scheduler, planner, organizer, and everything in between.

However, don’t lose hope because being an overwhelmed parent is temporary. You can make changes that will shift the way you feel, helping you live a more fulfilling life. Determining the causes and risk factors of parental burnout can help you identify and address the issue.

overwhelmed parents

Who is at Risk of Being an Overwhelmed Parent?

All parents are at risk of parental burnout, but some are more susceptible than others. While it doesn’t target any specific group, the risk factors include:

  • Not having the necessary resources to care for a child
  • Inability to handle child-related stress
  • Lack of employment
  • Being an older parent
  • Having multiple children
  • Lack of support from other trusted adults
  • Experiencing financial concerns
  • Working too much or in a stressful environment
  • Having poor boundaries
  • Being a people-pleaser
  • Lack of communication
  • Unrealistic expectations from yourself or others
  • Scheduling conflicts that require missing an event or stressful planning
  • Not trusting others

While these risk factors increase your chances of being an overwhelmed parent, it can happen to anyone. You might not identify with any risk factors and still experience burnout. Look for the signs of an overwhelmed parent to know if you need to make any lifestyle changes.

Eleven Signs of an Overwhelmed Parent

Do these signs sound familiar to you?

1. An Overwhelmed Parent May Feel too Tired to Speak

If you ever feel like you don’t even want to talk to anyone because you’re so tired, it’s a sure sign of being overwhelmed. You won’t want to put in the effort even when you want to tell someone something. Plus, you may have already had to talk to your kids so much today that you need a few minutes of silence.

2. You Cringe When You Hear Your Child Yell for You

You know you need a break if you cringe when your child calls your name from the other room. Even parents who love having kids will feel this way sometimes. There are days when it seems like your kids need you every second, and it can be enough to cause burnout.

Every time your child calls your name, you can guess what they want. It’s not usually to tell you they love you, as more often it’s because there’s a problem. You’ll cringe because you know they need something, want to whine, or something happened. It often signals that something more gets added to your already overflowing plate.

3. You Over-Caffeinate

If you need three cups of coffee before you can function and communicate, it’s a sign of an overwhelmed parent. While you might not think it’s a problem, too much caffeine has detrimental effects. Sure, it helps you get through your morning with kids, but it’s not a fix-all.

4. You Wonder if You Need Professional Help

If you ever wonder if you need professional help, you should probably reach out. You should seek help before you reach your breaking point. If it crosses your mind, there’s no reason not to start on a treatment plan.

It’s easier to find the help you need before reaching crisis mode. You’ll think more clearly and identify your needs easier if you get a head start. Parenthood is challenging for everyone, and there’s nothing wrong with getting professional help.

Preventative care can help you get ahead of worsening emotions. A professional can help you find coping mechanisms that work for you, helping you feel better and take care of yourself.

5. You Pretend Things Are Broken

If you pretend things your kids want to do aren’t working just so you don’t have to do it, you might be overwhelmed. Think about if you’ve told your kids the slide at the park is broken, and you can’t go that day. Or, you might have said that an annoying toy doesn’t work anymore.

Anytime you pretend things don’t work so that you don’t have to deal with it, it’s time to make some changes. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with disliking that annoying toy, but it shouldn’t cause a problem unless you’re overwhelmed.


6. You Don’t Have Time to Feed Your Kids Breakfast

If you don’t have time to feed your children breakfast, you’ll know your life is too busy and you’ve become overwhelmed. If the beginning of your day is so hectic that breakfast often goes uneaten, it’s time to make a change.

Your children won’t starve over missing one meal, but you don’t want to send them to school hungry. Having time to slow down in the mornings will improve your family life.

7. Parenting Is Hard and You Just Want to Get Away

You know you’re an overwhelmed parent when you feel like you can’t be around them anymore. The frustration becomes so intense that you want to get away however you can. When this happens, you’ll take your time grocery shopping alone or running to the post office because it’s the only chance you have.

You might feel like your kids don’t understand personal space, and you want some time to be alone for a minute. They come in the bathroom when you’re there, hang on your legs when you cook dinner, and always want you. Understandably, you want to get away sometimes.

8. You Experience Outbursts and Violent Urges

You likely try to hold it together, but sometimes you’ll be so overwhelmed that you experience intense emotions. It can manifest as emotional outbursts or violent urges. You might find yourself swearing at your child, losing your temper, or snapping over something minor.

If you experience violent urges, you should immediately remove yourself from the situation. It can be dangerous, and your first priority is to make sure your child is safe. Be honest with yourself if you experience these urges because they could intensify.

9. You Neglect Yourself if You Are an Overwhelmed Parent

One sign of an overwhelmed parent is self-neglect. You won’t take care of your needs, leaving you stuck in a depressive state. Taking care of yourself means eating nutritious foods, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough rest. If you stop doing these things, it’s clear that you need to make a change.

Parents often leave the house with spit-up or other stains on their clothes. Some parents don’t even get dressed or wait until late in the day to get ready. If you can’t bring yourself to change clothes or take care of yourself, it’s a sign of being overwhelmed.

10. It’s Not Worth the Effort to Move to the Next Stage

Overwhelmed parents often avoid taking the next step with their children because it’ll be more work. Mothers might continue breastfeeding even after they’re ready to stop because weaning their child seems like it’ll take too much work. Likewise, parents sometimes allow their children to continue using pacifiers or sippy cups even when it’s time to move on.

11. An Overwhelmed Parend Feels Constantly Exhausted

Constant exhaustion is a sure sign of an overwhelmed parent. You might lack the energy to cook dinner, so you resort to takeout more often than not. Additionally, exhaustion causes you to miss appointments, forget names, and show up late. Other people might not understand it, but other overwhelmed parents do.

overwhelmed parent

Final Thoughts on Signs of an Overwhelmed Parent

Parenting challenges are common, and burnout happens to many of us. If you’re an overwhelmed parent, remember that you can make beneficial changes. Identify your sources of stress and then find ways to alleviate the negativity.

You deserve to be happy and enjoy your journey. Don’t let the exhausting and overwhelming feelings get the best of you. Once you identify if you’re an overwhelmed parent, you can start making the necessary changes to enjoy your life again.

11 Red Flags of an Emotionally Childish Person, According to Psychology

Did you know that many people struggle with depression, anxiety, anger issues, and relationship difficulties because they never grew up? Just because you become an adult doesn’t mean you emotionally functioning like one. Emotional maturity is quite different from your age, and therefore, many people act childish regardless of age.

When you consider your age, you use your birthdays as a guideline. The medical community calculates your biological age by height and weight by cognitive abilities. Psychologists use a different scale for emotional age, as your reactions and habits determine it.

For instance, two children are arguing over a toy truck, and one throws a temper tantrum to get their way. This is typical behavior you would expect from kids, but what if it were two adults? Grown-ups know you must use tact and negotiate without smacking, screaming, or using hurtful words.

It’s not uncommon for children to cry and throw a fit many times during the day, but you don’t expect an adult to act the same way. You can’t expect a child to act civilized as they haven’t grown and matured enough to gain emotional maturity. The real problem occurs when a child isn’t allowed to grow emotionally, often due to trauma, abuse, or other circumstances.

They become adults with childish behaviors and emotional problems. While crying and throwing fits work as adolescents, it doesn’t have the same effect when they reach adulthood. Therefore, so many people are emotionally stunted and in relationships where they make others miserable.

Eleven Signs of an Emotionally Childish Person

Do you know the signs of someone immature emotionally? Here are some things psychologists have observed when dealing with someone who never grew up on the inside.


1. Childish People Distance Themselves from Others

Having a relationship means someone to shoulder the burdens of life and stay by your side. However, when someone lacks maturity on an emotional level, they don’t offer the support you need.

They may distance themselves when a crisis comes, as they don’t know what to say or react to your issues. They see things as a one-way street where people cater to their needs and not vice versa.

2. They Expect Everyone to Do Things for Them

Relationships with the person who still acts like a child are challenging as they want you to wait on them hand and foot. However, don’t expect them to lift a finger for you. You will need to ask them ten times to pick their clothes up off the floor, as they still have that kid-like manner where their parent must give them instruction.

Many people who lack this maturity will look at their partner as a nag or another parent figure and rebel just like a kid.

3. They Can’t Put Their Feelings into Words

Have you ever known what you wanted to say but couldn’t find the words to get it out? The emotionally stunted person does this as they have difficulty putting their feelings into words.

Their brains cannot process their complex emotions, so they often say nothing. It’s common for this person to withdraw and shut down rather than be vulnerable because they don’t know how to respond.

4. Relationships Are Kept Superficial When Someone Displays Childish Behaviors

Connecting on a deeper level is what relationships are all about. However, the person who lacks emotional maturity likes to keep things on a superficial level. While you can quickly open up about your life and past, they feel like something’s holding them back.

Sharing and communicating with your partner brings you closer and strengthens your bond. However, it can cause a lack of intimacy when a person can’t express their feelings due to a lack of maturity. Those couples who cannot be emotionally intimate will have serious issues.

5. Childish People Are Unwilling to Compromise

It would help if you found a middle ground as a couple, or it would lead to many arguments. Some give-and-take ensures that everyone is happy. However, when dealing with a childish person, they will throw temper tantrums to get their way.

They don’t consider your side or needs and are undoubtedly unwilling to compromise. Adult temper tantrums can be just as messy as a toddler, but it’s not fun to constantly walk on eggshells that your partner will fly off the handle when they don’t get their way.

6. They Don’t Take Responsibility for their Actions

Emotional intelligence allows you to admit when you’ve made a mistake. Once you’ve done something wrong, you know that you must apologize and make the situation right. Consequently, someone who lacks this intelligence doesn’t want accountability for their errors, as they would rather blame it on someone else.

According to the National Library of Medicine, blame-shifting is a form of verbal abuse, as this person would instead force someone else to take credit for their mistakes. It’s toxic and shows a selfish person, but there can also be other personality disorders, such as borderline or narcissistic, under the surface.

7. They’re Defensive

Even if someone hurts your feelings, you won’t get defensive as you have maturity. In contrast, immature people will become extremely defensive when someone blames them for any wrongdoing. When there’s an issue within the relationship, you may want to avoid it with this person as you don’t know how they will react.

They won’t show empathy towards you or the situation, and if you try to say they’re wrong, they will react. This person doesn’t like people to step on their toes as it triggers an outburst of emotions they can’t control. Don’t be surprised if they call you names or have a temper tantrum when you try to confront them about anything uncomfortable.


8. A Childish Person Is Selfish

The childish person isn’t the type of partner who will help you unless there’s some benefit to them. They will only help if it means that it furthers their agenda, or they can get a leg up some other way. It’s very challenging to have a romantic relationship with this person as they’re hard to read.

They can be exhausting to deal with as you’re constantly second-guessing what’s behind their motives. Most of the time, when they do offer to help, it’s just a scheme to further their plans or ideas.

9. They Make No Preparations for the Future

The emotionally intelligent person makes plans for their future and saves for tomorrow. Yet, those who lack intelligence can’t see beyond the here and now. It’s overwhelming for them to consider things outside of what they can see, and if you ask them about it, they’re likely to shut down as you’ve challenged their rationale.

10 They Hold Grudges

Everybody has things from their past that bother them. Even if you’ve forgiven this person, you could still have some baggage over significant situations. An emotionally mature person won’t hold a grudge against wrongdoing.

People will always disappoint and let you down, but if you expect to be forgiven by others, you must also learn to forgive. The childish person doesn’t know how to forgive or is unwilling to do so. They will hold grudges and avoid folks who’ve done them wrong, like that of a child.

According to Sage Journals, a study examined how forgiveness and holding grudges affect one’s health. They found that folks who had unforgiveness in their heart performed poorer than those who had forgiven and let go of their grievances. It can affect you physically, so these folks showed a lack of physical endurance in testing.

11. Childish People Don’t Like to Be Alone

If you were to leave a child alone for long periods, they would be afraid, get into trouble, and are unable to care for themselves. The same can be said about the person who lacks emotional intelligence. Technically they can be left alone due to their age, but their maturity level causes them to be at risk when left alone. They may be tempted to do things to keep their attention that is dangerous, much like a child.


Final Thoughts on the Emotionally Childish Person

If you’re involved with someone who is very childish and doesn’t act as much of an adult, you may be troubled about what to do. Society loves and accepts children and doesn’t put much thought into their behaviors, but they don’t view adults with these mannerisms the same. For the grown-up, they will only act out when they feel threatened or under duress.

You can’t change this person; they can only change if they see and accept their unsettling behaviors. You must keep growing and evolving as a person, as trying to fix someone who hasn’t reached this maturity level will only stunt you. If you haven’t matured emotionally, you can help further your emotional levels by learning some adult skills. A therapist can help you heal the past and work on fixing the future.

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