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New Research Links Apple Cider Vinegar To A Better Mood

Apple cider vinegar is a pantry staple with many uses and benefits. You might associate the liquid with cooking but can do much more with it. It goes far beyond the kitchen and does more than improve the taste of your food.

Recent research shows that apple cider vinegar can improve your mood and promote mental health. This fermented beverage has a history as a home remedy, but its effects on mood have only recently been discovered. While there aren’t many studies regarding the topic, the existing ones prove the benefits.

Whether you have depression or have just been in a bad mood lately, vinegar can help. Health enthusiasts swear by it, but now it can help everyone else. You’ll appreciate the health effects even if you don’t enjoy the taste.

What the Study Says About Vinegar’s Effect on Mood

Researchers from Arizona State University wanted to find out if vinegar played a role in mental health. They believed it might be related because of the gut-brain connection of apple cider vinegar. For the study, the researchers found 25 healthy college students to test.

They spent four weeks giving half of the students a placebo pill and the other half an apple cider vinegar drink. The placebo pill smelled like vinegar, so the subjects believed they had the real deal. However, the drug didn’t have acetic acid, the main active ingredient in vinegar.

Those with the ACV drink had one cup of water and two tablespoons of vinegar. They sipped on the drink each day throughout the study.

During the four-week trial, students maintained their regular diet and exercise routines. They completed questionnaires about their mood and gave urine samples before and after the study.

The Results of The Study

The results showed that the drink proved beneficial for mood and brain health. Researchers found the subjects who consumed the drink experienced a 20-34% reduction in poor moods. On the other hand, those who took the placebo experienced an increase.

The urine samples give a clue as to why apple cider vinegar improves your mood. ACV affects metabolic pathways affecting the brain. It also promotes a healthier hexosamine pathway that encourages cognitive functioning and brain health.

Additionally, drinking this vinegar improves glycine and threonine metabolism, amino acids that balance neurotransmitters. They also stimulate hormones like serotonin, a feel-good hormone.

Apple cider vinegar also improves gut health, further improving your mood. When your gut is off-balance, you won’t feel your best, and it can interfere with your mental health and well-being. ACV contains probiotic properties, encouraging good bacteria that aid many bodily functions.

This study was small and lacked diversity, but it showed promising results. Further research is necessary, but researchers are on the right path. An improved mood isn’t the only benefit of apple cider vinegar either.

Other Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

This liquid helps improve your mood, but it also has many other benefits. Some of the benefits include the following:

Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar comes from apples, a fruit high in pectin. Pectin is an insoluble fiber that increases feeling full after a meal. Research shows that it can lead to people eating up to 275 fewer calories.

If you typically feel unsatisfied after a meal, mix some vinegar with water and drink it before eating. You’ll feel more satisfied and have reduced cravings later in the day. Without so many intense cravings, you’re less likely to binge on unhealthy foods.

Further studies show that consuming this liquid is associated with reduced belly fat. It is also low in calories, so you don’t have to worry about it adding to your daily count.

Growth Hormone Production

The acid helps break down protein into amino acids. Each amino acid aids in bodily processes, which’re essential for many reasons. They promote hormone creation, including growth hormone.

Releases Iron from Food

Another benefit of the acid in vinegar is that it helps release iron from your food. Iron doesn’t always release independently, but your body requires it. Your body needs iron for hemoglobin and myoglobin functioning. Hemoglobin and myoglobin carry oxygen to your cells, so you don’t want to go without iron.

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar and Glycemic Control

Apple cider vinegar helps lower blood sugar levels, and research indicates it could help with type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes can be caused by insulin resistance or lack of insulin production, but vinegar promotes glycemic control.

Researchers studied two groups of people. One group consumed a placebo, and the other had apple cider vinegar. The small study showed that the group with apple cider vinegar experienced significantly lowered post-meal glucose levels before their meal.

However, you can’t rely on vinegar alone to treat diabetes or regulate blood sugar. You also must avoid refined carbs and sugar and follow your professional treatment plan.

Detoxes the Body

This vinegar detoxes the body as it breaks down enzymes from food. It eliminates toxins and restores your body to a healthy PH level balance. It also allows your body to absorb the enzymes from food, allowing you to take in more nutrients to replace the toxins.

apple cider vinegar

Promotes Healthy Skin

Drinking a vinegar mixture each day works wonders on your skin. It controls the outbreak of acne, eliminating current breakouts and preventing future ones. Don’t apply the vinegar to your skin without diluting it with water first.

This type of vinegar also remedied dry skin and eczema in mice. It helps reestablish the natural pH balance of your skin, promoting a healthy protective barrier.

Boosts the Immune System

As bacteria become more resistant to antibiotics, scientists hunt for alternatives. Their search led them to test apple cider vinegar and its effect on the immune system. The results showed that it helps fight bacterial infections, boosting your immune system.

This research also showed that vinegar contains antimicrobial effects. It reduces inflammation, helping you overcome infections much quicker.

How to Experience the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

If you want to experience the benefits, you must know how to drink them. Consuming suitable vinegar is essential, so don’t overdo it. Add only one or two tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of water.

Your water can be warm or cold, so you can have it however you like. If you don’t enjoy the taste, you can add a tablespoon of honey or a few apple pieces. You can also use lemon juice or a little cayenne pepper to mask the flavor of the vinegar.

If you still can’t drink vinegar water, you can find capsule supplements in the store. Taking capsules means you don’t have to smell or taste the liquid.

You can also implement more apple cider vinegar into your diet by using it in cooking. It can be added to salad dressings and homemade sauces, making it an easy ingredient to use.

Drink the beverage before your meals, as doing it afterward can cause gastric issues. Drinking the water every day isn’t necessary, although you can if you want to. Otherwise, you can have it every other day.

Cautionary Advice

Although apple cider vinegar benefits your mind and body, you don’t want to overconsume. You also don’t want to consume it alone, as direct consumption can have consequences. Drink it in a moderate amount, and dilute the vinegar in water.

Apple cider vinegar is a highly acidic liquid that could cause tooth erosion or a burning sensation in your mouth and throat. After you drink the vinegar water, rinse your mouth out.

You also might want to drink it through a straw if you make it a daily beverage. Using a straw prevents it from touching your teeth as much.

However, don’t brush your teeth right afterward because it could grind the acid into your tooth enamel. Wait at least thirty minutes before brushing to be safe.

Make sure to drink the beverage before a meal to avoid gastric issues. Having it afterward could delay digestion as it slows down the food so it can’t pass into the intestine. It’ll give you a stomach ache and make you feel unwell.

Additionally, avoid drinking the mixture before bed. It can cause acid reflux and esophagus irritation. You’ll want to sit upright for at least thirty minutes after having the drink.

apple cider vinegar

Final Thoughts on New Apple Cider Vinegar for Your Mood

Given all the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, try the mixture. It might not be the best-tasting beverage, but you can add things to make it taste better. Additionally, you can think about the benefits of chugging the vinegar water.

Whatever way you get it down, you’ll be happy about the benefits. It promotes an improved mood, boosts physical health, and has many other benefits. It might be hard to get used to initially, but you’ll be glad you did.

Editorial note 10/02/2023: Changed reference to the skin study, noting that it was conducted on mice.

If You See a Black Butterfly, This Is What It Means

If you see a black butterfly, you might wonder what it means. Rest assured, you shouldn’t be afraid if you see one in your home, flying around your garden, or even landing on you.

As part of the Erebidae family, black butterflies help pollinate plants. They consume fermented fruit juice and prefer to take refuge in the shade. If you see one in your home, you’ll likely notice that they stay in the doorways and corners where it’s darker.

While often thought of as gothic and mysterious, many positive symbols are associated with a black butterfly. They signify positive change, gracious aging, and many other beneficial aspects of life.

What It Means When You See a Black Butterfly

Butterflies signify growth and transformation, as their life cycle relies heavily on both aspects. Their change takes time and isn’t easy, but it leads you to something beautiful. Black butterflies have many other symbols, too.

black butterfly

1 – A Black Butterfly Signifies Spiritual Awakening or Positive Life Changes

As a symbol of renewal, this butterfly species signifies spiritual awakening or positive life changes. If you encounter a black butterfly, it indicates that you will soon embrace rebirth and life transformation.

They represent a shift and encourage you to embrace change. Even when the change is beneficial, it can surprise you and cause uneasy feelings. However, if you see a black butterfly, you can find comfort knowing that the shift is for the best.

Don’t try to avoid the change, even if it isn’t easy. Instead, face the challenges that come your way because it’s the only way to grow and develop.

2 – You Might Experience Good Luck

Seeing a black butterfly means good luck will come your way. You might win a prize or the lottery, so keep an open mind if you see one in your home.

3 – A Black Butterfly Promotes Healthy Relationships

Black butterflies can guide you to new romances and friendships and deepen family relationships. They are guides to lead you to healthy relationships that enhance your well-being.

If you’ve recently had a dispute with a close friend or loved one, a black butterfly could be a sign to address it. It indicates that you should be compassionate and remember how meaningful the relationship is.

4 – Forgiveness

If you are holding a grudge, it implies that you should let it go and release your anger. When you release the negative feelings, it creates a shift that improves your relationship and benefits your life.

Forgiveness is life-changing, and you’ll be glad you left your grudges behind. Don’t hesitate to make amends, especially after seeing a black butterfly.

5 – The Black Butterfly Represents Mysterious Wisdom

The color black is associated with mystery and wisdom, and the black butterfly is the same. If you encounter one, it hints that you’ll be receiving insight into something beneficial. Be ready for the mysterious wisdom, and keep an open mind whenever you hear something. It could mean much more than you realize.

6 – Freedom and Following Your Path

Some urban legends explain that black butterflies were saved from death, indicating freedom. They represent a free spirit unconfined by anything. It implies that you should follow your path, regardless of what anyone else wants for you and your life.

Abandon herd mentality and the opinion of others for something aligned with your skills, values, and dreams. You don’t have to do what everyone else does, so stop listening to what society tells you. The black butterfly reminds you that you must redefine what success and happiness mean to you.

7 – A Black Butterfly Tells You to Dig Deeper

If you see a black butterfly, think about if there are any topics you need to look into. There might be a specific issue in your life that you must think about a little more. Take a step back to fully comprehend the steps you need to accomplish to resolve an issue.

Don’t give up if you feel you’ve reached a dead end and are all out of options. Dig deeper and see if there’s anything you missed or anything left to discover. Let go of limiting beliefs and develop a growth mindset to avoid missing out on opportunities.

Seeing a black butterfly is a reminder, so don’t ignore it. If you do, you will surely miss something because it tells you you must seek additional information. Use whatever you have right now to dig deeper, researching to fill in the things you don’t know yet.

8 – The Black Butterfly Encourages You to Cope with Aging

You can’t control getting older, which often causes anxiety and other issues. Don’t ignore the signs if a black butterfly comes to you in your dreams, subconscious, or real life. Instead, view it as a symbol of the beauty of aging.

Spend time reflecting on the passage of time because seeing the butterfly is a sure sign that there is a vital lesson for you to learn. As you reflect on your situation, remember that aging comes with developing the heart, mind, body, and soul.

It signifies a life well-lived, full of knowledge and experience. This butterfly is also a reminder to live in the moment, cherish each moment, and find a passion for life, learning, and growth.

9 – Let Go of Anxiety and Worry if You See a Black Butterfly

A black butterfly could imply that you are experiencing too much stress. If you see one, take a moment to reflect and re-evaluate the stressful situations in your life.

See if there’s anything you can let go of, allowing you some time to breathe and take care of yourself. It can also be a sign that you should stop ruminating and focus on living your best life right now. Plus, you should stop worrying about an uncertain future and use your energy to learn and grow.

butterfly cocoon

Besides a Black Butterfly, Here is the Symbolism of Other Species

Black butterflies aren’t the only symbolic butterfly species. All butterflies symbolize growth, transformation, rebirth, and change, but each species offers other insights, too. The symbolism of butterflies runs much deeper than you may realize.


Monarch butterflies symbolize strength, spirituality, trust, endurance, staying true to values, and transformation. They travel from Canada to Mexico, making them a strong representation of evolution and spiritual connection. Monarchs encourage you to connect to your inner self, allowing you to reflect on who you are and what you want.

If you see a monarch, it could mean that you’re in a season of growth and transformation. Keep an open mind and discover your inner truth because your life is likely changing. It reminds you to be strong and persevere while embracing your journey.

Don’t fear a new stage in your life journey because it means you’re growing and becoming a better version of yourself. If the monarch lands on you, it implies that you’re heading down the right path, so find comfort in the experience.

Red Admiral

A Red Admiral butterfly signifies life-changing news, so something big could be heading your way. Important things will happen for you, and red butterflies are a good omen. The changes will be positive and offer prosperity, so look forward to a new job, relationship, or beginning.

If a red butterfly lands on you, it could mean you have the solution to a current problem. Your life-changing news will come from discovering the answer you’ve been searching for. You already have the solution in mind, so spend time reflecting and focusing on growth and spiritual alignment.

As you wait to figure out the change, be aware of how you speak, think, and behave. Life is changing, and you must actively improve your characteristics. Hone in on your listening skills and ability to act with grace while accepting things you can’t change.


The Viceroy butterfly is a sign that you’re manifesting things quickly. Your spiritual being is in tune with the universe, and you’ll soon start getting everything you’ve wanted and needed. If you don’t currently feel like things are going your way, it’s a sign that some changes are coming that’ll get you there.

The Viceroy butterfly serves as a reminder of all the good in the world around you. It encourages you to be grateful for what and who you have right now.


Swallowtail butterflies represent grace, free nature, hope, endurance, change, and a good life. These butterflies are also symbols of innovation and encourage growth and reflection.

This butterfly helps you see yourself for you who you are right now. The Swallowtail encourages you to embrace your life and live in the moment, seeing life as a miracle of hope, love, and joy.

White Butterflies

If you see a white butterfly, it symbolizes spiritual change and transformation. It also signifies purity and innocence. It is the universe’s way of telling you that there is a message for you and that you should keep an open mind.

If you encounter this butterfly, take some time to clear your mind and open your heart, allowing the universe to reach you.


Final Thoughts on the Symbolism of a Black Butterfly

If you encounter a butterfly, don’t ignore the symbolism it could offer. A black butterfly can help pave the way for your next steps in life. It can also signify what you should focus on or do to improve your mind.

Black butterflies aren’t the only species that offer signs and symbolism. The symbolism of butterflies is relevant for all species, although they may mean different things. Use this information to help you recognize the signs that come your way.

15 Ways to Stop Procrastination

Procrastination happens to all of us, but it can interfere with our success. Constantly putting things off doesn’t help your journey but can make the whole experience more stressful. Learning ways to stop procrastinating is essential if you want to get anything done promptly.

If you can stop procrastination, you’ll notice increased productivity. You’ll also experience less stress than before. It improves your mental health and makes your life better overall.

These ways to stop procrastination can make a difference in your life. You can overcome the urge to slack off while getting more done. You’ll have more time for fun when you get things done ahead of time.

The Difference Between Procrastination and Laziness

Many people think procrastination and laziness are the same, but that isn’t true. When you procrastinate, you work long and hard before your deadline. Being lazy would mean that you wouldn’t get it done at all.

Since being a procrastinator doesn’t indicate laziness, you can find ways to overcome it. Once you find the methods that work for you, you’ll have less stress getting your work done.

How to Stop Procrastination

Procrastination is a bad habit that stands in the way of your success. It can cause unnecessary stress and failing something you could have done well on. Learning to stop avoiding essential tasks can immensely improve your life and well-being.


1. Acknowledge the Procrastination

The first step to stopping procrastinating is recognizing that you are doing it. If you put things off indefinitely or avoid doing something, it’s time to admit the problem.

Some other signs that you might be procrastinating include:

  • Filling your day with low-priority tasks
  • Leaving things on your to-do list for an extended time
  • Putting off dealing with emails
  • Avoiding making decisions
  • Starting essential duties and then immediately taking a break
  • Waiting for the right time

2. Figure Out Why

Once you acknowledge that you’re putting things off, it’s time to figure out why. Determine the reason before tackling the problem so that you know what to work on. If you avoid something because it’s boring, make it a point to do it first and get to the enjoyable tasks. You might procrastinate because you’re unorganized, so that’ll be the issue that you address.

Another reason people avoid doing things is that they fear failure. If things don’t go well, they default to the excuse that they didn’t have time to do a better job. Procrastination can even stem from underlying health issues or stress. If you think that’s why you should seek help from a professional.

There are many reasons for putting things off, and it’s up to you to figure out your motivation. You can’t stop doing it if you don’t know the root of the problem.

3. Work on Developing New Habits to Replace Procrastination

Since procrastinating is a habit, you must develop new ingrained behavior patterns. You can’t break habits overnight, and being patient with yourself is best. Find positive actions to replace your old habits, and it’ll become easier soon enough.

4. Find an Accountability Partner

Sometimes it’s easier to stop putting things off with an accountability partner. Ask a friend to check-in or join a self-help group that can encourage you.

5. Minimize Distractions

Distractions make you put off your essential tasks, so minimize them. Think about your biggest distractions and plan to avoid them.

If email is a problem, log out during your most important tasks. When social media keeps you from getting things done, turn off your notifications for a while. You must control whatever distracts you if you want to stop procrastinating.

6. Forgive Yourself

You might guilt-trip yourself for procrastinating in the past, which can interfere with your life today. If you haven’t forgiven yourself, it can lead to further procrastination.

Research shows that forgiving yourself can make you feel good about your life. It also reduces the chance that you’ll continue to put things off now and in the future.

7. Instead of Procrastination, Do Things as They Come Up

One of the best ways to stop procrastinating is to do things as soon as they arise. Take care of a task as soon as it arises. This habit prevents stuff from building up and making you feel overwhelmed. Plus, it stops you from putting things off, and you’ll quickly realize how good it makes you feel.

8. Get the Unpleasant Tasks Done First

You know the tasks you dread each day, and you likely put them off for the end. However, you’re more likely to procrastinate when you only have dreadful things to look forward to at the end of the day. You don’t want to do that task, so you won’t be in a hurry to get to it.

Change this habit by doing the most unpleasant task first. Then, you have the most challenging part, giving you more to look forward to. You’ll feel relieved each time you accomplish the task early in the day.

Doing the most unpleasant task early in the day can be a form of active procrastination, delaying a job to focus on urgent things. Make the unpleasant tasks the urgent ones on your list, purposely putting off the more enjoyable things. Not only will you get it over with, but you’ll also feel motivated to get things done.


9. Reference a To-Do List

If you put things off because you’re unorganized, it’s time to make a change. Keeping a to-do list can help you prioritize and focus on what needs done. It’ll stop you from forgetting about or ignoring the task.

When you make a to-do list, place the most important tasks at the top of your list. Prioritize everything, and don’t start on the lower tasks until you’ve finished the other ones.

10. Commit to What You are Working On

Whatever task you’re working on, commit to it and focus on getting it done. Specify a time for accomplishing the essential activities, helping you work proactively.

If you can’t seem to get started, commit to a small task. Whatever task you choose, please write it down and get started. Once you finish, you’ll feel motivated to move on to the next item on your list.

Committing to the task and seeing it through gives you confidence and reminds you that you can get things done. Force yourself to finish the job no matter what happens. You’ll begin to trust yourself more, breaking your habit of putting things off.

11. Think About Your Procrastination and Set Long-Term Goals

When nothing else seems to work, think long-term. You’re less likely to put things off when considering the long-term benefits of getting it done. Think about the consequences of not accomplishing the task, too.

Having your long-term goals in mind will keep you motivated. It promotes positivity, productivity, and happiness. Remember that the most important thing is learning and achieving, not simply rushing to get things done.

12. Schedule and Plan

When you plan your time effectively, you can get more done and reduce stress. Schedule specific dates to complete tasks, and continually track your goal. It’ll motivate you to reach those milestones, helping build confidence and accomplish things.

Each night, spend time planning for the next day. By planning, you avoid figuring it out at the start of your workday. Schedule everything you need to accomplish so you know what you must do.

You can choose one big thing that you must do, and then make sure to include your daily habits. If you exercise every day, add it to your plan. Then, plan whatever else you’d like to accomplish.

Planning in this order ensures getting the most important things done first. You also give yourself time for daily habits, ensuring you don’t forgo your to-do list to exercise or read a book. You always know what you must do when you schedule and plan everything.

13. Reward Yourself

Reward yourself when you accomplish a difficult task or one you dislike. Make the reward something you love, like a piece of chocolate or a latte. It doesn’t have to be big, but it does have to motivate you.

14. Rephrase Your Thoughts

Negative self-talk won’t help you get things done. Instead, it’ll hold you back and cause you to put things off. Switch your thought from negativity to positivity, and you’ll notice a difference. It might help if you use positive affirmations each morning.

Stop using phrases that begin with “need to.” These phrases cause a lack of motivation because it makes you feel like you have no control over your situation. Instead, say “I want to” or “I choose to.”

15. Break Your Tasks Down to Avoid Procrastination

When you think of a large project, it might feel overwhelming. If that’s the case, you’re more likely to put it off. Instead of focusing only on the desired result, you must focus on what you can do now.

Break your goal down into manageable tasks, and put them on your to-do list as smaller milestones. Make the first task or two easy ones, gaining momentum by crossing things off your list. Accomplishing these small milestones will make you feel better about tackling the larger ones.


Final Thoughts on How to Stop Procrastination

Procrastination can hinder your progress in life, interfering with your goals and happiness. Delaying essential tasks might be easy at the moment, but it causes problems later on. Overcoming procrastination is necessary for your success and well-being.

Procrastinators may act like they’re okay with the lifestyle, but you know it’s stressful. These tips can help you stop putting things off. When you stop, you will surely notice an improvement in all areas of your life.

14 Things That Prove You’re on The Right Path in Life

Have you ever felt a bit lost in your world? If you’ve ever asked yourself why you were here and what’s your purpose, you’re in good company. Pursuing the right path in life has been a human endeavor since the beginning.

You’ll be disappointed if you wait for a personal message on a giant billboard to direct your paths. You may receive general guidance from spiritual leaders, but they don’t get the final say as you control your destiny.

Most people grow up with a list of accomplishments that pinpoint their success. You finally live the good life when you do this or have that. However, it’s not usually so obvious.

Will you have a unique feeling, or will it come to you in a dream? Must you be a certain age or earn a specific salary? Maybe the realization will hit you on top of the head like Newton’s mythical apple.

Fourteen Ways to Tell You’re on the Right Path

The irony of discovering your destiny is that you’ll only find it when you stop searching. That doesn’t mean you stop trying to improve yourself or curb your curiosity about life’s mysteries. The Universe and your inner voice will enlighten your steps.

All you need to do is listen to your heart and look for the signs. Some of them are more obvious than others. Fourteen signs prove you’re traveling the life path meant for you.

right path

1. Experiencing Profound Life Changes

As you travel the right path, you’ll often experience monumental changes. Be they positive or negative, they will become your life’s touchstones. The positive ones may include your firsts, like your car, job, diploma, apartment, etc.

These are the changes that you build on for your life’s goals. Other positive changes include relationships and having children. These are beautiful moments that leave indelible signatures on your heart.

On the other hand, you’ll also encounter negative changes like loss and grief. You learn to turn the pain into a tool that helps you. While nobody likes change, it defines learning, maturing, and progressing.

2. Craving More Solitude Can Reveal You Are on the Right Path

You often crave more time alone when you’re on the right path. It doesn’t mean that you dislike people. It’s just that you need solitude to recharge. According to an article from the Journal of The Theory of Social Behavior, isolation has many benefits.

Spending quality alone time may boost your creativity and self-awareness. Unlike loneliness, solitude is usually a positive experience.

3. Distancing Yourself from Materialism

Everyone likes to have nice things. It’s not a moral deficit to want a lovely home, sharp vehicle, and a lucrative career. However, the more confident you are on the right path, the less material-minded you are.

The good news is that you needn’t renounce the world and become a hermit. You’re discovering actual values, such as health, love, and relationships with family and friends. No amount of money in the world could buy these intangible treasures.

4. Taking More Risks

As you mature, you learn to trust your intuition more. Consequently, you may be willing to take more risks. There’s a nugget of truth in the old saying that nothing ventured is nothing gained.

It takes self-confidence and faith to step into unfamiliar territory. Perhaps you’ve contemplated a career change or freedom from a toxic relationship. It could be the first step on the right road to your destiny.

5. You Are on the Right Path if  You Find Your Niche

It’s not easy to find where you fit into this world. Be assured that the Universe has your best interests at heart and will gently guide you. If you follow your intuition, your life’s path will align with the purpose you feel in your spirit.

Some people instinctively know their niche even when they are children. That could be you, or maybe you’re destined to have more experiences and soul searching. Either way, your heart will “know” your role when you find it.

6. Noticing More Motivation

Have you always been a highly motivated person? You know how to set reasonable goals and achieve them. Then, you use these achievements to set your bar higher.

When you’re traveling the right path, you eventually realize no stopping point. You won’t announce that you’ve “arrived.” Instead, you are continually motivated to seek, knock, and ask.

7. Dreaming Vividly about Your Future

Dreams and goals are used interchangeably because people often have literal dreams about their future. Do you consider yourself a dreamer? Have you experienced vivid night visions about your life’s purpose?

You might consider keeping a dream journal on your nightstand. Write down details about these visions so you’ll remember them. You may be surprised how the Universe will use them as signposts that you’re on the right path.

right path

8. Asserting Yourself More Often

There is a difference between aggression and assertion. While aggression threatens others’ rights, assertion protects your rights as an individual. You can make a stand for yourself firmly and politely without even needing to raise your voice.

You have every right to expect others to treat you with respect and dignity. As an individual, you have skills and talents that are valuable. You know that you’re worthy of love while walking your life path.

9. Learning from Failure Helps You on the Right Path

In his article published by the National Library of Medicine, Dr. Joseph Loscalzo takes a unique perspective on failure. Loscalzo urges people to embrace failure instead of avoiding it at all costs. Per the article, it can be a great teacher for self-improvement and self-esteem.

There are inevitable stumbles even when you’re on the right road. Instead of quitting, you get back up, dust yourself off, and move forward. As Dr. Loscalzo emphasizes, your only fundamental mistake is one that you make without learning anything from it.

10. Accepting Responsibility on the Right Path

Isn’t it astounding that you don’t have to teach young children to play the blame game? Even toddlers with limited vocabulary instinctively know how to point the finger at another kid. It may be cute for a toddler but ceases to be amusing when adults play this childish game.

Not only is shifting the blame a sign of immaturity, but it can also signify a toxic personality. As a mature person who knows where you’re going, you own your mistakes. Your ego isn’t too big to apologize for an offense and make proper amends.

11. Cultivating a Tighter Circle

Both extroverts and introverts have paths that are right for them. Some people are social butterflies with countless friends and acquaintances. Others are more reserved, with a few tight relationships with family and friends.

While making new friends is always great, your circle often gets tighter as you realize you’re on the right road. You value friendship, and you emphasize quality over quantity. As difficult as it can be, you learn to end relationships you’ve outgrown or are toxic.

12. Giving Back to Others

Although your destiny is a singular path, it’s not solitary. There have been many folks in your past who’ve been loving mentors. They reached out to you and shared their knowledge and resources. In honor of their sterling example, you learn to give to others who are finding their way.

Whether it’s being an after-school tutor or a volunteer in your local food pantry, you want to make a difference. This perpetual circle of giving and receiving is what makes future leaders and world influencers.

13. Allowing Yourself to Let Go More

Have you ever noticed how travel experts recommend that you pack lightly? When you pack only the necessities, the journey is so much lighter. You’re not paying a fortune for extra baggage and lugging them through the airport.

Likewise, traveling on the right path requires light packing. After a few miles, you start to discard heavy burdens like grudges and regrets. You trade them for necessities like love, joy, peace, forgiveness, and happiness.

14. Questioning Your Beliefs

Consider doing an honest internal inventory as you’re discarding some extra baggage. You may have blindly accepted these assumptions and beliefs in the past. Ask yourself which of these resonates with truth in your spirit or fall short.

Any of these that don’t pass this honesty test can be tossed. Why cling to hurtful beliefs that aren’t based on truth and reality? Instead, keep only those that agree with your heart that point to the right path.

right path

Final Thoughts on Proving You’re on the Right Path

Even though the Universe is the sum of all power, you still have free will to design your life. When you learn to trust your intuition and Higher Power, they’ll guide you on the right road.

Fulfilling your destiny is the journey of a lifetime, so don’t be in a big hurry to get somewhere. Just take your time and enjoy each step embracing the freshness of each day and experience.

12 Signs You’re Making an Emotional Decision

Decision-making is an unavoidable part of life. It’s natural to become emotionally invested and feel sentimental reactions toward things, but you’ll regret letting it impact your decision. By identifying the signs you’re making an emotional decision, you can learn to avoid the mistake.

Decisions are everywhere, from what you eat or where you shop to what you post online. You also have to choose who you spend your time with, where you will work, and whether you’ll let your child go to their friend’s house later. As an adult, you can’t avoid making decisions, and even small ones can seem overwhelming when they pile up.

Watch for the signs that your emotions are interfering with your decision-making skills so that you can make a logical decision instead. It’s often difficult to make a decision, and that’s because of the worry that comes with potentially picking the wrong choice. There’s no sure way to make the right choice every time, but controlling your emotions can help.

The next time you must decide something, take some time to reflect and check for the signs discussed below. If you identify with any, it might not be the best time to make your final choice.

What Science Says About Emotional Decisions

Scientists say that your brain uses two systems in collaboration to make a choice. The first system is the one that produces automatic responses, and the second system is for more complex decisions.

When you finish a common saying, you use the first system. However, computing math formulas require a more complex system. When you must make a decision, the two systems work together, so the decision-making process takes less effort.

When you lack energy or mental focus, it leads to making emotional decisions. It happens when you experience burnout, lack of sleep, or overthinking. Making an emotional decision during this mindset leads to regret later on.

Once you’ve had time to reflect on your decisions, you might realize you could have chosen a better alternative. Making decisions in the heat of the moment rarely works out long-term.

Additionally, experts discovered that emotions affect more than the situation they regard. If you’re experiencing intense emotions on any topic, it can affect your decisions in other areas of your life.

Signs You’re Making an Emotional Decision

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1. You’re Acting Impulsively and Making an Emotional Decision

Impulsive behavior is often emotional, and taking a step back is best. If you choose to use this mindset, the intense emotion can lead to something you later regret. You subconsciously tell yourself that your feelings control your life.

Resist making an impulsive decision so that you can make the best one for your life. Once the tense emotion subsides, you can find a creative solution to your problem.

2. You Make Decisions with Personal Relationships in Mind

While personal relationships are essential, you can’t allow them to sway your decisions. You might find yourself doing things you don’t want to do because of personal relationships. Likewise, you’ll pass on the opportunity to do something you’d love to experience.

Your decisions with personal relationships in mind can cause issues in your life. They could harm your well-being or interfere with your success.

3. You Might Make an Emotional Decision if You Are You’re Settling

When you’re sad or experiencing intense emotions, it might cause you to settle. You’ll set lower goals, devalue your sense of self-worth, and set the bar low for yourself.

While people often settle, hoping that achieving their minimal goal will improve their mood, it tends to have the opposite effect. It prevents you from becoming the best version of yourself and living the best life possible. Settling can make you miss out on opportunities or cause you to feel like you shouldn’t even try.

4. You Don’t Know Why You Made the Decision

When you think you’re ready to make a final decision, take a moment to reflect. Consider your reason, allowing you to see if it’s justifiable. If you can’t come up with a reason, you are likely making an emotional decision.

5. You’re Making High-Risk Decisions

Intense emotions can lead to high-risk decisions that likely have a low payoff. Research shows that feelings like anger and embarrassment can interfere with your self-regulation skills, and you don’t want to make a rash decision.

Give yourself time before deciding so that you don’t regret anything. You don’t want to choose a self-destructive path during a moment of intense emotion. It won’t pay off, and your negative feelings will likely intensify.

6. You Won’t Let Go of Your Ideas

Favoring your ideas is normal, but you can’t disregard other thoughts. You won’t often listen to or consider other ideas. Likewise, you won’t be willing to budge on any aspect.

When your plan doesn’t go the way you hoped, you still won’t let go of the thought. You’ll want to keep your process in place, making excuses for the lack of success.

If this happens to you, try deciding by looking at the data from an outside perspective. Stay objective and trust the numbers, letting go of your fear of a plan gone astray. If fear of judgment keeps you from letting go, you must also stop worrying about societal pressure.

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7. You Haven’t Taken Time to Feel Your Emotions

Frequently suppressing your emotions can lead to emotional decisions that you’ll regret later on. Suppression often intensifies the feelings you worked to push away.

Ignoring your feelings or refusing to deal with them can create an unhealthy situation. You’ll find that you won’t make the best decisions for your life.

8. Nobody Else Understands Your Thought Process and Rationale

You don’t need everyone to agree with your decisions, but they should at least understand it. If no one in your life can wrap their heads around why you chose something, it could be a sign. Don’t rely on others to make your decisions; open yourself to new, alternative perspectives.

If no one else understands, it likely means that you’re making an emotional decision. Take some time to consider what influenced your decision and if there is any emotion attached.

9. You Make Decisions Based on Other People’s Desires

Many people spend their lives listening to the expectations and desires of other people. Children learn to obey and do the things expected of them. They think they must be how society implies a child should be, plus they also deal with parental expectations.

As children get older, they become adults who continue feeling pressured to be a certain way. You might think you have to do things the same way others do, but that’s not true. If you find that you’re deciding what will fit in and please others, it is likely the wrong choice.

Instead, learn to make decisions that align with your value and help you become a better person. Don’t let the fear of judgment or rejection stop you from living the best life for yourself.

You must know yourself if you want to stop making emotional decisions based on what other people want. Spend time reflecting on your values, desires, dreams, and feelings. You can also ask yourself if you’d still make the same choice if you were alone with no outside influences.

If you don’t make your own decisions, it’ll lead to frustration and resentment. You’ll quickly regret your choices, causing you to miss out on other opportunities.

10. You Go Back and Forth on Your Thoughts

One minute you might be sure of your decision and then question it the next minute. When a decision is hard to make, this back-and-forth is normal. However, it could also indicate that your emotions are influencing your thoughts.

If you feel pessimistic, you’ll lean toward the easier option. On the other hand, if you feel optimistic, you’re more likely to choose the option with a higher potential payoff. If you keep going back and forth, give yourself more time before making the final call.

11. You’re Overly Excited, Which Can Lead to Emotional Decision Making

It’s easy to make an emotional decision when you’re overly excited. It causes you to overestimate your chances of success, causing you to jump into things you aren’t ready to handle.

Plus, excitement can make you willing to splurge and do things you typically wouldn’t. You underestimate the risks, causing you to make decisions you’ll regret.

12. You’re Listening to Your Self-Fabricated Mental Stories

You can’t escape your thoughts, and they aren’t always reality. If you’re prone to intense and obsessive thinking, it’s a good sign that you make emotional decisions.

Sometimes you’ll make the wrong decisions because you believe something untrue. These false beliefs often stem from fabricated thoughts that your mind processed as the truth.

Many times, these stories that you tell yourself happen regarding the future. You don’t know how things will work out, so your mind fills in the blanks rather than dealing with uncertainty. Before you know it, you believe what you made up in your head.

Take a step back if you’re using fabricated thoughts to make your decisions. You’re sure to make an emotional decision if you don’t wait, causing regret later.

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Final Thoughts on Making an Emotional Decision You’ll Regret Later On

It’s hard to disregard your emotions when deciding, but It’s sometimes essential. Try to focus your decisions on logic, allowing you to make choices that benefit your life. While emotion will always play a role, you shouldn’t allow it to become the determining factor.

If you think you might regret an emotional decision later, take a step back. Don’t decide until you’ve calmed down and reflected on the situation. You’ll be glad you waited as it helps you live the best life possible.

12 Signs of Verbal Abuse Never to Ignore

People endure many types of abuse every day, but they don’t all occur within the confines of a romantic relationship. Verbal abuse is one of those sneaky types of maltreatment that isn’t always easy to detect. These words are used to manipulate, control, or hurt another person. It often accompanies other forms of abuse, such as physical or emotional.

Being abused verbally can come from prominent places like a spouse to the more not so obvious, like your boss. So many people pass off verbal abuse because it isn’t always so cut and dry. There are some evident examples, like a coworker shouting and calling you names, but some other forms, like gaslighting, aren’t always as easy to identify.

You must know that verbal abuse is about nothing more than taking control and gaining power over you. The abuser wants to keep you submissive, so they use these verbal tactics to manipulate you into doing what they want. If you don’t comply, they will turn up the heat to get you to be submissive.

Of course, you must distinguish between spouting things off in the heat of an argument from actual abuse. Many people say things they shouldn’t know when they’re mad. Though this behavior isn’t proper, it’s not the same as verbal abuse.

Actual verbal abuse happens in an unprovoked setting and can make someone change their behavior. Things said in the heat of the moment result from temper flares, though they too can be damaging.

Twelve Warning Signs of Verbal Abuse

Since verbal abuse isn’t always easy to identify, you should familiarize yourself with the red flags. Here are some easy ways to tell if you’re partner, friend, parent, coworker, or anyone else is verbally mistreating you.

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1. Backhanded Comments Are the Most Common Verbal Abuse

Verbally abusive people often use backhanded comments to destroy your self-esteem and make you feel less than you. Remember, this doesn’t happen during an argument, but this person is calm and acts like they’re trying to help you.

They may create a problem in trying to appear as offering constructive criticism, but often it’s an issue you didn’t know you had. You don’t need this person’s help as it’s not for your benefit.

2. Savior Complex

Many abusers use the “savior complex” to make them feel important. They want to appear necessary in your life, so they seem helpful and try to have all the answers. Their goal is to make you think that they can help, and you will start to believe them.

Be careful when taking advice from someone who seems to know everything, as their ill intentions will soon shine through. They only want you to see things through their eyes and push their agenda onto you.

3. Deflecting Guilt

Whether it’s abusive parents or a boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t matter, the blame game is something that people of all ages play. Someone who resorts to verbal mistreatment likes to deflect blame, so they always turn it around to make someone else responsible.

When a person cannot own what they’ve done and apologize, it shows narcissism and selfishness. They are never wrong, even when faced with hard evidence.

4. Threats

Making any threats toward someone is abusive. An abuser may threaten your safety, job, family, or anything they feel will influence you. They may threaten your relationship, demanding that they end things with you if you don’t do something particular.

Some narcissistic folks may go as far as to say they’re going to end their life if you don’t comply. It’s manipulation and abusive, and you don’t have to stand for it.

5. Isolation Is a Sneaky Form of Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse can isolate you from your inner circle, and they know it’s easier to gain control. For instance, the abuser may start to object when you hang out with your family and friends because it takes you from the protective circle of manipulation they’ve built. They don’t want anyone to influence you or make you think that what they’re doing is wrong.

They want to isolate you from your discernment or the ability to see when you’re outside of their control. Even if you go out with friends or family members, they may call or text numerous times to ensure things are okay.

6. Screams, Rants, and Argues

Every couple has arguments, and they’re considered a part of a normal, healthy relationship. According to Robert W. Levenson, a psychology professor at Berkley University, you can argue with your partner healthily. He states that while couples will always have disagreements over some issues, they should never let it affect their health.

Arguments that include yelling, cursing, screaming, or name-calling cross the line. It’s very frightening to the other party, and it’s a tactic used to instill fear in them. They want to manipulate you by being louder and crasser in their speech, so their goal is for you to back down. However, abusive parents can also use these tactics to get their children into control, but it’s pretty counterproductive.

Take into consideration that there could be an anger issue under the surface too, and not every person is trying to manipulate you. You must decipher if it’s abuse or anger in these instances.

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7. Blatant Insults

Insults occur when you attack someone’s character or personal things about them. Perhaps, the abuser doesn’t like your makeup, hair, or the way you dress. They will use abrasive language that will cut you down in an instant. Be careful here because the verbally abusive person will use this to gain control.

8. Gaslighting Can Be Verbal Abuse

Gaslighting is another form of abuse that abusers employ to play mind games. It’s an attempt to make someone doubt themselves. Common phrases used by gaslighters are:

  • “You’re so dramatic.”
  • “You’re losing your mind.”
  • “That never happened.”
  • “I guess I’ll repeat myself since you can’t remember.”
  • “Why do you take everything I say so seriously.”
  • “You’re being irrational.”

A gaslighter is verbally abusive and wants to question you to the point where you doubt your sanity. When they use these phrases to make you submissive, they slowly gain control. If they make you think your mental health is at risk, you internalize it and don’t accuse them.

9. Allegations Are Verbally Abusive

Accusations are also abusive, especially when you haven’t done anything that warrants such suspicions. How often have you heard of a cheater accusing their spouse of cheating, as it helps ease their guilty conscience?

They need to create a rationale in their mind that allows them to cheat without feeling guilty. So, if they can put the blame over on you and try to catch you in something, then they don’t feel nearly as bad.

10. Passive-Aggressive Behaviors

You’ve probably heard the term passive-aggressive, but do you know it? According to Dr. Daniel K. Hall-Flavin of The Mayo Clinic, these people do not want to deal with things bothering them, so they express them indirectly. Often, there’s a disconnect between two people, but the other person will use passive tactics to get their point across rather than addressing the situation.

Passive-aggressive tendencies are another way to manipulate you. They will insist that everything is fine even though their body language and speech show otherwise. They like to use things like the silent treatment to show they’re upset, but the manipulative undertone in this behavior makes it verbal abuse.

11. Gut Feeling Something is Off

You have an innate sense inside you that lets you know when something is off. It’s a feeling that you can’t shake that makes you unsettled. Often, someone is abusing you without realizing what’s going on, but your intuitive side is there to protect you. When something doesn’t feel right, always trust your gut.

12. Finding Fault with Everything

No matter what you do, it’s never good enough for your abusive partner. Even when you try your hardest, they still have something negative to say. This can be a common scenario when dealing with abusive parents or romantic relationships.

The abuser expects perfectionism, and there’s no way you can measure up. They’re destroying your self-esteem one insult at a time, and you need to get out before things escalate. Since verbal abuse often accompanies other forms, things only worsen.

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Final Thoughts on the Signs of Verbal Abuse

Many people don’t think they’re in a verbally abusive situation because the classic signs of name-calling and violent outbursts aren’t there. However, many types of verbal mistreatment can’t be ignored. It may be discreet in the initial phases, but it only escalates with time.

Remember that abusive relationships do nothing but cause pain, and they’re never worth it. When you have that intuition on the inside that’s telling you that something isn’t quite right, you need to trust in your feelings. These little feelings can save you from a lot of misery.

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