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12 Red Flags a Child Is Having a Mental Health Crisis

Mental health issues have skyrocketed over the past couple of years. Sadly, children are not exempt from a mental health crisis. Most parents seem to find themselves stuck in the daily cycle of juggling work and family life. They might even forget that their child’s problems are just as real as theirs in that rush.

The CDC states that for the year 2019, one in three teenagers experienced overwhelming sadness indicative of depression. You can only imagine that the numbers have increased since then. Additionally, the same report states that one in six children attempted to take their life.

With overwhelming statistics, it’s time for parents to educate themselves on mental health and the red flags regarding a crisis. The stigma of thinking that it’s weak to have a mental issue is not helpful, as being proactive can save their life. Plus, there’s no reason to suffer in silence when there are so many things to do to treat these conditions.

Many mental health issues can improve by balancing the brain’s chemicals. Indeed, they can achieve this with interventions such as meditation, healthy eating, and herbal supplements. Parenting kids today is not easy, but you can help them by being realistic about mental health struggles. It doesn’t help you or them push these issues under the rug and hope they go away, as they often get worse.

Twelve Red Flags of a Childhood Mental Health Crisis

Identifying the signs of anxiety and depression in your children isn’t always easy, especially when you may be dealing with your issues. However, there are some hallmark signs that something is amiss, and you need to get your child help.

mental health crisis

1. Isolation May Reveal a Child in Mental Health Crisis

While it’s normal for teenagers to spend time in their room, isolating takes things further. They won’t come out of their room for long, avoiding family and friends. They prefer the company of themselves and like to retreat to the four walls of protection where they dwell.

Be careful of isolating behaviors as nothing good comes from a child who continuously wants to close themselves in a small room.

2. Changes in Weight

Have you noticed that your child’s weight has gone up or down? Anything over a ten-pound fluctuation needs your immediate attention. Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are often commonplace during the teen years, and the desire to fit in can cause them to take drastic measures.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, your child may binge and purge, or they may be obsessed with exercising. If you notice your child becoming a fanatic about getting healthy and losing weight, it may cause concern.

3. Overly Emotional

Everyone has days when their emotions run high, and your child is not exempt. However, it’s a red flag if you notice that they’re crying a lot more than usual. Sure, hormones can do all sorts of things to kids, but constant tears are nothing that should go unnoticed. One of the hallmarks of a mental health crisis is crying a lot.

4. Sleep Disturbances May Indicate Childhood Mental Health Crisis

Teenagers sleep a lot, but how do you know if they’re sleeping too much? According to John Hopkins Medicine, teens are going through a second developmental stage of their mental maturation, requiring more rest. However, they shouldn’t be sleeping more than 9.5 hours at most.

Sleeping too much can make you feel just as horrible as if you didn’t sleep enough. On the other hand, if your child is barely getting any sleep and suffering from insomnia, it can be that they have too much on their mind that’s preventing rest. Sleep disturbances are a sign of a mental health crisis, and while a couple of nights of issues aren’t alarming, persistent issues prove something else is going on.

5. Rage

One would expect some irritability from a teen during these hormonal years, but how do you know when they’re crossing the line? It’s often challenging for parents to know when their child’s moods indicate another problem.

A child that was once respectful might begin slamming doors, busting holes in the walls, fighting with siblings, getting suspended from school, and just acting out of character. Parenting teens is not an easy job, but you can’t let this behavior go under the radar. A child with a hot temper like this has some underlying issues that they need help dealing with, even if it’s just anger problems.

6. Mood Swings

Mood swings are another hallmark of the teen years, but are they crying one minute and raging the next? When a child is rapidly cycling through their moods, it’s often the case that they’re having a mental health crisis. An imbalance of brain chemicals can cause a child to act erratic, but it can also be part of the hormonal shifts that occur with puberty.

It’s essential to have a doctor evaluate any severe mood swings to ensure there’s no serious underlying cause.

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7. Confused Thinking or Irrational Thoughts

While children think they know everything, it’s apparent that they have a lot of maturing to do. You expect the “know it all” attitude during these light-years, but what you don’t expect is them to be confused or to have irrational thoughts. Your teen may have delusions of grandeur, where they overestimate their abilities.

For instance, they may think they can drive their car going 90 mpg with the headlights off and be fine, as everyone else is doing it. Risk-taking behaviors are somewhat normal during the teen years, but you must watch for any indications that their thought processes are disturbed and not rational. Poor impulse control can be a sign of ADHD, but it can also indicate a mental health crisis.

8. Making Threats Can Reveal a Mental Health Crisis in Kids

How many times have you made idle threats when you’re upset? Your teen is no different. However, you need to realize if those threats are a well-thought-out plan or are they just blowing off steam?

According to the CDC, one death per suicide occurs every eleven minutes. At least 1.2 million will attempt suicide and seek medical help, but this doesn’t account for the unreported attempts. In 2020 alone, 46,000 people took their life, and most of these people had a treatable underlying mental health issue.

If you even suspect that your child is considering taking their life, you need to confront them and ask serious questions. Don’t just let these fears and suspicions go unnoticed. As a parent, you must find out what’s going on in their mind and find the resources to get them help.

You can often manage a mental health crisis. But it’s unfixable once someone takes their life or someone else’s. Pay attention to their statements and note them saying things like “I want to die” or “I will kill someone.” While many times these are veiled threats, some children are serious about suicide and may even have a plan. Frequently it’s severe depression that’s driving these feelings.

9. Loss of Pleasure

When teens slip into depression, they will often stop going out and doing things with their friends. They lose interest in things that once brought them much joy. This also goes along with isolation, as they will prefer to spend their days in their room rather than enjoying childhood.

Never let your kids sit behind four walls all day because if there is a mental health crisis, it will only worsen. Please encourage them to take a long walk, see a movie, visit a restaurant, or do their favorite things. You might have to force your hand a bit. But when you get them out and do something, it will help their depression.

10. Hallucinations or Delusions

If your child tells you that they see or hear things that aren’t there, you need to get them the appropriate help. This behavior can stem from many things, including some mental health issues like schizophrenia. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for children to experiment with drugs or alcohol during their teen years, which can also cause these occurrences.

11. Paranoia

When someone goes through a mental health crisis, they often become quite paranoid. They may think that everyone is out to get them or even feel that someone is watching them. Many things, including poor self-esteem, cause these feelings. However, it can be a red flag of a mental health problem, often schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder.

12. Rapid Speech Can Show a Mental Health Crisis in Kids

Is your child talking so fast that you must ask them to repeat themselves? Rapid speech can come from anxiety, or it can indicate bipolar disorder. According to the Children’s Health Network, the pressure of speech may indicate ADHD, a neurological problem, or it can be associated with the mania stage of bipolar. While it’s not the most troubling of symptoms, it can certainly help you uncover what’s going on.

mental health crisis

Final Thoughts on Mental Health Crisis in Children

Parenting is never an easy journey, and it seems the older your children become, the more significant their problems are. Your child will likely experience a mental health crisis at least some point in their life, and you can help them when you know the red flags of such conditions and get them help.

11 Behaviors an Emotionally Supportive Partner Displays

There are many kinds of support, and all of them are necessary for you to thrive. You may need physical help if you have trouble walking or you feel dizzy and can’t see straight. Having an emotionally supportive partner is also essential, as this is the kind of aid that helps you thrive psychologically.

Your friends, family members, coworkers, and others around you help to give you the strength you need to face another day. Support can mean many different things, but it’s encouragement, reassurance that you’re making the right choices, and compassion when you’ve made the wrong ones. It might also include things like a hug, signs of sympathy when you’ve lost a loved one, or a word of encouragement.

There are many different sources of emotional support, and they come from places you least expect it. According to studies, Pet owners know the strength they find in their beloved fur babies. According to the American Kennel Club, an animal can help ease anxiety, depression, and specific phobias.

Some people are naturally supportive, while others must work hard to develop this ability. However, it’s vital to have support to maintain physical and mental well-being.

Eleven Behaviors of an Emotionally Supportive Partner

emotionally supportive

When you fall in love, there are specific characteristics that you look for in a person. Some folks have a proverbial checklist to ensure that this individual makes the mark. However, supporting your partner and having someone be there for you when things are rough makes everything work.

Romance and intimacy are vital parts of a relationship, but the physical stuff will fall along the way if the mental support isn’t there. Here are some things that an emotionally supportive partner provides.

1. An Emotionally Supportive Partner Builds You Up

There are times when you will be rejected and feel down on yourself. These periods of self-doubt can be devastating psychologically. However, your supportive partner offers compliments to help build you up.

They say things to you that pinpoint where you are in life and how you can make it better. They don’t want you to be so hard on yourself, so they try to help in any way to improve your outlook.

2. They Avoid Minimizing Behaviors

An emotionally supportive person would never minimize your situation. You will face many challenges in life, and some will be much worse than others. However, they’re not going to downplay your pain and try to make it irrelevant. While they won’t lie or sugarcoat things to you, they will see the situation and try to be a supportive tower for you so you don’t fall to pieces.

3. An Emotionally Supportive Partner Will Check on You

Once you talk to your emotionally supportive person about all your troubles, they’re not going to let it go. They will check back on you and talk with you until you’re okay. Sure, life and responsibilities may get in the way, but they’re not going to think it’s a one-time and done situation.

This person knows that it takes time to heal, and you’re not going to recover from a significant situation overnight, so they will give you extra attention and support until they know you’re okay.

4. They Validate Your Feelings

As you go through life, you will encounter difficult times. During these struggles, you want a shoulder to lean on and someone to talk to. It’s not that you like this person to fix everything, but you want someone to validate your feelings.

Venting is only therapeutic if you get some acknowledgment from them. They don’t try to put a spin on things as they see them, but they say something like, “I am so sorry you’re going through this, and I understand why you’re so stressed.

5. They Care About Your Mental State

Emotional support means that you care about someone on a much deeper level. You have good intentions towards them, and you want to ensure that their state of mind is good. They may ask you if you’re anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed.

These questions are not meant to be intrusive but rather to see if you need any additional support from them. This partner will use phrases like “You seem a little down today; do you want to chat about it?”

emotionally supportive

6. An Emotionally Supportive Person Has Your Back

It doesn’t matter who comes at you, what the situation is, or how bad you’ve messed up; you can always count on them to have your back. They’re emotionally supportive of you in all areas, and your life is better because they’re beside you.

They’re willing and prepared to help or defend you at a moment’s notice, and they will dare anyone to come against you. This person will go out on a limb to protect their partner, as they love you.

7. They Listen Empathetically When You Speak

Communicating is about so much more than speaking. Supporting your partner means that you listen empathetically to them when they talk. You can always tell if a person is doing this by body language. They will turn their bodies toward you and avoid distractions like their cell phones.

8. They Support Your Solutions

Loving someone gives them the freedom to make decisions even if they’re not the right ones. Even if your partner doubts the effectiveness of your solution, they will still support you as it’s what you feel is right. They won’t point out flaws in your plan, nor will they chastise you. Instead, they will offer gentle guidance to help you succeed.

9. They Lighten Your Burden

Sometimes the burdens of life can get quite heavy. Emotional baggage can be the worst to handle, as it seems ever-present. However, an emotionally supportive person will do everything to lighten your load.

If it means picking up the kids, cleaning the house, or paying all the bills, they will do whatever it takes to give you a break. In marriages, you often see this where one person falls apart because of stress, and the other person steps up to the plate to take charge.

They may bring you flowers, make you dinner, or run errands for you. They want you to be mentally well, so they try everything to make your burden lighter.

10. They Don’t Give Advice Unless You Ask for It

An emotionally supportive person knows how they would fix the issue, but they don’t offer their advice unless you ask for it. There’s no way two people will resolve a situation in the same manner, so they want you to do what feels natural. When they speak, it’s a natural expression of concern that shows that they genuinely for you.

11. They Give Plenty of Physical Affection

While physical affection isn’t everything, it feels good to have arms wrapped around you when you feel down and out. Supporting your partner means holding them, giving hugs, kissing them, and allowing them to handle your warmth through intimate touches. These can have a profound effect on your mental well-being. These are ways they wordlessly emphasize their feelings of support.

emotionally supportiveFinal Thoughts on Emotionally Supportive Partner Behaviors

It’s hard for some folks to understand and be emotionally supportive, as this type of support isn’t tangible. It’s not something you can hold, feel, smell, or even taste, but it’s a powerful force that you need in your life.

When you’re struggling or facing hard times because of your choice, they don’t judge or put you down. Instead, they become the shoulder to cry on and a source of strength and comfort. They remind you and others that they have your back, see your value, and love you deeply.

You, too, should offer this support to your partner, as life is a challenging journey. When you have a strong support system, it significantly impacts your mental and physical health.

10 Signs Someone Wants to Hurt Your Energy Field

Have you ever been around someone in a bad mood, and it wasn’t long until their negativity rubbed off on you? You’re like an emotional sponge that absorbs the atmosphere around you, so you must be careful about the places you go and the people you allow into your energy field.

Another problem that folks often face is allowing the judgment of others to affect their self-worth. It’s toxic to enable a person’s negative influence to affect you. They’ve achieved power over you if they can change how you think, feel, and behave.

Now, some folks don’t mean to have such control over you, as they’re just being themselves and know no different. Still, you must be selective about who you allow in your inner circle. Whether they mean to or not, toxic behavior can profoundly affect you.

The Effect Others Have on Your Energy Field

Assume you went to the grocery store on a crowded weekend to shop. You used your turn signal to indicate you would park in a spot once the other vehicle exited. You waited patiently for a few minutes. Consequently, as soon as the other car left, another car pulled before you and took the spot.

You’re mad, and you felt rage rising with you as parking spots were hard to come by that day, and you lost your cool. You rolled down your window, yelled, honked your horn, and revealed your anger. Regrettably, you didn’t consider you had passengers in the car watching how you behaved, and you now regret what you’ve done.

The other party knew you were waiting and acted rudely by ditching you to get this spot. But when you lose your cool, they get the best of you. They hold their power over your thoughts and actions and manipulate your emotions by coming into your energy field, and you allow it.

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Ten Red Flags Someone Wants to Hurt Your Energy Field

Every day you make a choice. Just like in the example of the stolen parking spot, you choose to let that person get the best of you. You gave away your power and didn’t realize how their actions affected you until it was too late. Here are some other signs that someone wants to hurt your energy field, and you must stop these toxic influences.

1. Their Opinion Dictates Your Self-Worth to Drain You of Your Energy

As the old saying goes, you can please some people sometimes, but you will never please everyone. Individuals have opinions, and many of these beliefs won’t align with your views. While you must be courteous of the opinions of others, you cannot allow them to dictate how you feel about yourself.

For instance, you got a new haircut and color that you’ve wanted that’s trendy and cutting edge. However, a coworker hates your fresh cut and doesn’t care to tell you that you’re too old for this style. If you let this negativity penetrate you, you’re giving them control.

Their opinion on such a frivolous matter doesn’t even count, and you might second guess your choice if you allow them to get into your head.

2. They Try to Dictate Your Schedule

You have free choice, and you don’t live under the confines of another person. However, they’re getting into your energy field when they start to dictate where you will go, who you will see, or if you will attend that family gathering.

A controlling person likes to ensure that those around them align with their guidelines. Remember that you make the decisions for yourself, and never let anyone else tell you where you can go or what you can do.

3. They Have Past Resentments, Depleting Your Energy Field

No one is perfect, but when someone harbors ill feelings from the past, they can be passive-aggressive rather than deal with it. Holding anger allows this person to take up space you don’t need in your life. According to the National Library of Medicine, passive-aggressive behavior is related to borderline and narcissistic personality disorders.

These people want to punish you for your actions by using snippy comments to show they’re angry. For instance, you overdrew the checking account and caused $200 in overdraft fees. Rather than telling your partner how upset they were, they keep saying everything is fine.

Yet, they keep mentioning it when discussing finances and your lack of money management. There’s an issue under the surface, but they use it to affect your energy field rather than clearing the air.

4. They Don’t Recognize Your Potential

The people in your life should uplift you and try to help you reach your potential. However, when life hits you hard, your manager overlooks you for a promotion, or you lose your job, they only add to the injury. You don’t need this in your life.

Don’t give up and allow them to control your self-worth, as you can do anything you want. You stumbled and fell, but you will get up and try again. Remember, the only actual failure is not trying.

5. A Person Who Zaps Your Energy Will Bring Out the Worst in You

Some people bring out the best in you, while others always bring out the worst. These folks may provoke and pressure you into things you wouldn’t usually say or do. Even when faced with strong opposition, you must hold to your values and not allow their toxic influence to control you.

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6. They Put You on Guilt Trips

Both men and women know how to manipulate people. You say something that pulls at their heartstrings until they have no choice but to agree. This is a way for them to gain control over you, and bringing your emotions into the situation is a dirty trick.

It would help if you spoke up when someone tried to take you on this journey and be a person of your word. No matter what they throw up in your face and try to make you feel, you can’t give into them. Emotional games like this are pretty dangerous, as you’re like a puppet on a string trying to be manipulated by your feelings.

7. They’re Always Trying to Prove You Wrong

It doesn’t matter what you say or do; this person always tries to prove you wrong. They think everything you say should be altered to match their opinions. You don’t have to convince anyone else of your statements’ worth or validity, as you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. Don’t let this toxic person destroy your energy field with chronic negativity.

8. You Become Focused on Pleasing Them

Your focus is to be happy; if you can spread a little sunshine along the way, it’s a good life. However, never live your life to please someone else, no matter how much you love them.

Each minute of the day you spend thinking about how to please this person is another 60 seconds they’ve stolen from you. When you dwell on these negative people, they dominate your mind.

9. An Energy Vampire Will Make Everything a Big Issue

Have you ever heard the old saying that someone makes mountains out of molehills? When you’re with this person, they exaggerate matters and turn everything into a dilemma. It’s very exhausting trying to manage someone who is so high-strung.

People who always tend to make everything a crisis have a drama-prone personality, which according to the National Library of Medicine, is also a histrionic personality disorder. These folks exaggerate even the simplest things and live a chaotic life. The article further states that these folks engage in attention-seeking behaviors, classifying them as a “Cluster B” psychological disturbance.

10. They Don’t Have Healthy Boundaries

Everyone has boundaries or limitations they set to protect themselves. Once you make your boundaries known, respectable folks will stay within these parameters. However, someone who wants to destroy your energy field will push these limits and go beyond them without a second thought. Never allow anyone to drive your economic, emotional, or physical boundaries as they’re there to protect you.

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Final Thoughts on Those Who Want to Hurt Your Energy Field

Is there a person(s) trying to influence your energy field negatively? Are they trying to control or dominate you by changing your thoughts, feelings, or behavior? Today is the day to take control once again of your life to reach your true potential.

Once you remove the toxic folks from your life, you will be impressed with how you can soar and achieve those goals you’ve been unable to conquer. Are you ready to make some changes?

10 Signs of Fibromyalgia to Never Ignore

Fibromyalgia is a long-lasting condition best known for causing widespread muscle pain or weakness throughout the body. It also causes other issues, including fatigue and cognitive problems, amongst many other symptoms. The signs of fibromyalgia interfere with your ability to function at work or home, and it’s often a misunderstood issue.

Research shows that women are more likely to suffer from this condition than men, but it can happen to men. Most patients become diagnosed between 35 and 45, although signs of fibromyalgia start much sooner.

The signs of fibromyalgia often begin after physical trauma, infection, surgery, psychological stress, or another significant event. There isn’t a cure for the condition, but you can work with a professional to control your symptoms. Stress management, relaxation, and exercise are all helpful ways to lessen the pain.

Ten Signs of Fibromyalgia

If you experience any of these signs of fibromyalgia, consider reaching out to a medical professional for an official diagnosis. You don’t have to let the symptoms control your life, as there are ways to manage them.

signs of fibromyalgia

1. Pain

This condition causes constant dull pain that feels like it’s starting in your muscles. Professional testing will show no damage to the tissues despite the never-ending pain. People with this condition are often more sensitive to pain, experiencing a painful sensation when most people would feel mild discomfort.

The pain acts as an aching, burning, or throbbing feeling. It is commonly felt in the following body parts:

  • Legs
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Head
  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Abdomen

The pain from this condition will be intense and constant. Sometimes it’ll be severe enough to stop you from going to work or living a social life. Many people diagnosed report experiencing pain most or all days of their lives.

2. Migraine Attacks or Tension Headaches

Research shows that more than half of the people with fibromyalgia experience migraine attacks or tension headaches. When you have a migraine, your head will throb, and you might experience nausea and vomiting.

Migraines might also cause light and sound sensitivity, making you want to lie in a dark room. These headaches can occur from painful muscles in your head, neck, or shoulders.

3. Unexplainable Tiredness and Fatigue

Being extremely tired even after you get rest is one of the signs of fibromyalgia that you should never ignore. You might wake up tired, even if you went to sleep at a decent time the night before. Additionally, you might have trouble falling or staying asleep because the pain disrupts your sleep cycle.

When you fall asleep, you will experience less REM sleep, which is the stage of body restoration. Sometimes you’ll also develop sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.

Fatigue is one of the most difficult symptoms to deal with because it significantly impacts your life. Experts explain that it affects more than 90% of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia. You’ll lack energy, have decreased endurance, and your exhaustion will be draining and debilitating.

4. Brain Fog aka Fibro Fog

Sometimes referred to as fibro fog, this symptom describes cognitive issues that can occur with the condition. Not everyone develops brain fog, but many report the struggle.

If you have fibro fog, you might struggle with focusing your attention. It leads to distraction, forgetting or losing things, and not keeping up with conversations. You might feel like you can’t clear your head, leading to confusion and concentration issues.

5. Mental Health Issues

This condition leads to mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and mood problems. Because it causes constant pain, it affects the central nervous system. With that area being affected, depression and intense emotional symptoms are common.

If you aren’t getting enough sleep or feel tired even after resting, it’ll only contribute to mental health issues. It can make you irritable, quickly leading to unpredictable moods.

6. Restless Leg Syndrome

Many of those diagnosed with this condition experience restless leg syndrome. It is an uncomfortable feeling that feels like a crawling feeling in your legs at night.

When you feel the sensation, you’ll want to keep moving your legs, preventing yourself from getting good sleep. It can sometimes wake you up, further hindering your sleep cycle.

7. Sensory Sensitivity

If you often experience sensory overload, it could be one of the signs of fibromyalgia. Research shows that it causes uncomfortable or painful feelings that other people don’t feel. This situation occurs because your brain processes the sensations differently.

The sensitivity might occur from touch or pressure, loud sounds, temperature changes, flavors, or unpleasant smells. It makes your environment seem noisy, bright, and painful. If you experience touch sensitivity, even slight pressure can cause pain.

8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a gastrointestinal disorder that causes digestive discomfort. Research shows that between 40 and 70% of people with fibromyalgia have also been diagnosed with IBS.

These conditions are similar because they cause your brain to be hypersensitive to stimuli. IBS affects your large intestine and can cause abdominal pain, nausea, bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation.

9. Rash or Itchy Skin

This condition sometimes causes a rash or itching. There aren’t many outward signs, so this is one of the visual ways you will know. It can cause dry skin and excess sweating, too.

10. Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, or TMJ, causes pain near your jaw. As one of the signs of fibromyalgia, you don’t want to ignore it. You might notice that your jaw makes a popping or snapping noise when you open or close it.

If it gets bad enough, it could become hard to open your mouth fully to speak or chew. Additionally, TMJ can cause headaches and pain near your ears.

signs of fibromyalgia

Causes of Fibromyalgia

Experts aren’t entirely certain of what causes the condition, but they are working on learning more. So far, they believe that this condition affects how your brain and spinal cord process pain, causing an increase in chemicals that signal pain. After a while of this increase, it causes your brain to remember the pain and experience pain from nonpainful signals.

This condition can also be genetic as it tends to run in families. Researchers believe that environmental factors also contribute, including too much stress and poor eating habits.

Some diseases increase your risk of developing this condition, too. These diseases include:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Chronic Back Pain

You’ll likely have some periods where you feel better, but there will always be triggers. These triggers can begin your journey or cause a flare-up, and they include:

  • Traumatic life events
  • Abuse
  • Accidents
  • Viral infections or other illnesses
  • Anxiety or depression
  • PTSD
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor sleep

Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

For a diagnosis, you must experience widespread pain for at least three months. The pain must occur in at least four of five areas. These areas include the left or right upper region, left or right lower region, or the axial region.

The left and right upper regions include the shoulder, arm, or jaw, while the lower include the hip, buttock, or leg. Axial region pain occurs in the neck, back, chest, or abdomen for the axial region.

Your doctor might want blood tests to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms. They might also recommend a sleep study to check for sleep apnea.

Fibromyalgia Treatment

While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, you can treat it to improve the symptoms. Many self-care strategies and lifestyle changes can minimize symptoms and improve your well-being. One treatment won’t ease all complications, so it’s best to try a few and see what helps.

Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Those who suffer from signs of fibromyalgia can benefit from a few kinds of therapy. Physical therapy will help improve strength, flexibility, and stamina, with water exercises being most helpful.

Occupational therapy helps you adjust the way you perform tasks so that it causes less bodily stress. You’ll also learn how to change your work area to ease symptoms.

Counseling can help build self-esteem, resiliency, and strength. You’ll believe in yourself and your abilities to deal with stress.

Develop Stress Management Techniques

Give yourself time to relax each day, and plan to avoid overexertion of emotional stress. One effective way to do this is learning to say no without feeling guilty. Don’t drop all activities, but do give up things that no longer serve you.

Other stress management techniques are also beneficial, such as deep-breathing exercises. You can also try meditation to clear your mind and bring yourself to the present.

Set a Sleep Schedule and Stick to It

Practicing sleep hygiene is essential to getting good quality sleep. Set a sleep schedule, going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time in the morning. Additionally, limit daytime napping to protect your nighttime schedule.

Exercise Regularly if You Have Fibromyalgia

You might think that exercise will increase your pain, but it decreases your symptoms. Try walking, swimming, biking, or aerobics. You can do these exercises comfortably, easing into more intense movement.

Yoga and Tai Chi

Yoga and tai chi involve slow movements, meditation, relaxation, and deep breathing. Both can help control your symptoms, allowing you to feel better each day.

signs of fibromyalgia

Final Thoughts on Signs of Fibromyalgia Never to Ignore

The signs of fibromyalgia can be debilitating, so don’t ignore them. The sooner you receive a diagnosis, the sooner you can seek treatments to minimize your symptoms. Once you get control of your symptoms, you can live a better life. You’ll experience fulfillment and meaning as pain and discomfort will no longer consume your thoughts.

7 Reasons Why Single People Are Happier Alone

The world has long sold us the idea that relationships are what make us happy. But there are single people across the planet thriving and living a lifestyle of independence, without a partner. The concept that you need someone else to make you happy and whole is far from true, and it’s even a little harmful to perpetuate.

But are single people that happy? How and why? And if you’ve been considering being single or are trying to enjoy it, maybe you want to know if happiness is possible without a partner. We’re pleased to inform you that it very much is! Here are seven reasons single people are happy alone and won’t apologize for it!

1. They Have More Freedom To Make Decisions

Healthy relationships allow for compromise and win-win situations, but the fact remains that the most decision-making freedom lies in singlehood. Single people have an independence that lets them make any choices they desire without worrying excessively about others.

Naturally, there are exceptions to this rule, but you’ll always have more freedom in this sector as a single person. Single people enjoy greater independence for the following reasons:

single people

·         They Make All Their Plans

When you’re in a committed relationship, especially a cohabiting one, most of your plans will involve the other party somehow. This means you don’t have as much freedom to be spontaneous and consider how your actions will affect your partner living with you.

·         They Can Hang Out With Anyone Freely

Yes, a good relationship won’t prevent you from seeing most of the people you care about. But you can’t deny the elements of jealousy, discomfort, and boundaries that come into play in a relationship. Being single means that you get to mingle with anyone you want.

·         Big Life Decisions Are All Theirs

A successful relationship requires that all partners be willing to discuss profound life changes before going forward. This can involve a fair amount of sacrifice and compromise. Single people don’t need to worry about this as much. Their decisions are thoroughly their own.

2. Single People Have Time For Restorative Solitude

Restorative solitude is the act of recharging alone. This can be done in many ways, including but not limited to:

  • Engaging in personal hobbies
  • Doing a self-care ritual
  • Spending time curled up in bed
  • Catching up on a series
  • Playing a video game
  • Going out to a nice meal or to a movie alone
  • Meditating in a calm environment by yourself

For introverts, a lack of restorative solitude is especially damaging, as they gain energy from being by themselves. But even ambiverts and extroverts need some time to themselves. People cannot rest, regain power, understand themselves, and perform reflections and check-ins without any time alone.

Single people are more likely to have the time and freedom to engage in restorative solitude. They get comfortable with being alone and learn to draw energy and power from that. That independence is rarely possible in a relationship.

Studies show that single individuals have more time for relaxing leisure activities as part of restorative solitude. This makes them even happier by reducing stress and creating a more varied, exciting lifestyle.

Of course, this isn’t to say that people who cohabit with partners don’t get any alone time! But this is often a secondary thought, not a priority, especially if you share a house with a partner. That’s why it’s important to maintain individuality and “me-time” in relationships. Without that healthy moment of solitude, you can become progressively

3. Many Single People Exercise More

Believe it or not, people who have never been married work out more than married or divorced people, say, studies. The exact reason isn’t scientifically known, but there have been a few theories, such as:

  • Married individuals have less interest in staying in shape to be attractive to others. They may feel more secure in their partner’s attraction to them regardless of their fitness level.
  • The spouses of married people might show affection in cooking, acts of service, and other signs of love that reduce their need to be active.
  • Married individuals may have less free time to spare and, therefore, may not work out.
  • Married individuals are more likely to have children than those who have never been married, which means they’re likely to be more tired and busier than their single peers.

However, these theories do not cover the fact that divorced individuals still don’t exercise as much as people who have always been single. This is believed to be more due to habit and routine than anything else.

Regardless, the fact that single people exercise more may be why they’re so happy alone! It’s well-known that physical activity can boost mood and reduce symptoms of various mood disorders. It also makes you physically healthier, making you feel better mentally overall.

4. They Choose Independence and Stay Single By Choice

There’s an unfortunate stereotype that single people must be unhappy because they’re alone. But have you considered that their singleness is as a choice as other people’s decisions to date and marry?

On top of that, consider the significant amount of pressure put on people to couple up and settle down. It’s an expected path in life. Someone willing to fight the status quo and go against the grain has to do it because they want to, not just for its sake.

Singlism seems minor, but it’s a big deal for many single people. These are the acts of discrimination and marginalization that many single people face worldwide. They may be viewed as unlovable, evasive, or unfit for partners. They’re excluded from gaining tax benefits and may face many other issues throughout their lives.

While some people are single by pure chance, the constant choice to be single for most of life requires going against what the world wants. It can be demeaning, so single people learn to find value in the happiness they get – the rewards from their fight well won!


5. Single People Are Not Alone, and They Enjoy the Independence

In serious, long-term relationships, prioritizing your partner is not unusual. And in new relationships, it’s pretty common to get very wrapped up in the new person in your life. No matter how serious or official, your partner will likely take up much of your time and attention.

There’s nothing wrong with that! But this means many people in relationships spend most of their social time with that partner. This is why being single can seem so daunting to those in relationships. You’ve had someone guaranteed to be alongside you for much of your time, making it hard to be lonely for long.

But single people don’t just spend all day lying around doing nothing. Quite the contrary! In fact, studies say they’re more likely to develop close, supportive, give-and-take relationships with:

  • Friends
  • Siblings
  • Parents
  • Neighbors
  • Colleagues

In other words, single people aren’t alone. They have plenty of fulfilling relationships with those around them and have better platonic and familial relationships than those in long-term partnerships. On top of that, if you’re still mostly dating casually, your life satisfaction will be determined more by family and friend relationships than any singlehood would upturn that satisfaction.

6. They Have Better Work-Life Balance

Not all non-single people wind up having kids or in a dynamic where only one party works. But for those who do, work-life balance is easy to lose. Concerning research indicates that:

  • Married men work longer hours than single men
  • Married women earn less than single women
  • Overtime and extra jobs are often necessary to finance property purchases, children, and other significant expenditures typical in relationships.

A good work-life balance is crucial to happiness. Single people are often happier simply because they can enjoy a steadier career advancement while working at a more balanced rate.

7. It’s Correlation, Not Causation

Seeing single people so happy alone may make you wonder if being single is better than in a relationship. Even studies have shown that single individuals have better life satisfaction. But, as it turns out, this is likely more correlation than causation. This is because:

Maintaining long-term healthy relationships is difficult, but settling for someone for companionship, especially casually, can be easy. This means that people who aren’t single may be using relationships as a form of avoidance, distraction, or other unhealthy coping mechanisms for various personal issues.

For example, if you’re unhappy with your life, you’re more likely to believe that a relationship might help reduce the unhappiness and won’t address the root issues. Some people also feel so uncomfortable being alone that they must seek out relationships actively and don’t get the chance to work on themselves.

Meanwhile, single people are more likely to have the time to focus on their improvement and growth because their attention is on themselves. This doesn’t necessarily mean all single people are happier than those attached, but it’s the reason you’ve likely seen many happy people alone.

single people

Final Thoughts On Some Reasons Why Single People Are Often Happier Alone

Single people experience so much happiness thanks to their independence, refreshing solitude, thriving social life, and general lifestyle enjoyment. They may even benefit by exercising more and working less! In other words, the idea that being single is somehow lonely is entirely inaccurate.

Independence has its fair share of pros and cons. But if you’ve been feeling pressure to continue being in relationships or finding a partner as soon as possible, why not slow down a little? You might find that you love and enjoy life on your own. There can be something truly wonderful about your own company!

10 Reasons Why Being Alone Can Be the Most Productive

Loneliness is a real problem that many people face. Numerous songs talk about being alone, and it seems like some folks can surround themselves with others and still feel the pangs of seclusion. However, being alone is necessary for many people, especially if you’re an introvert and need to recharge your batteries.

Why do people want to celebrate things in a crowd surrounded by friends and family? What’s wrong with curling up with a good book and your thoughts for a night? Did you know you can resolve many of the massive problems you face by spending some time in solitude?

It sounds ironic, especially considering it’s the opposite of how most people live. Perhaps, folks have been going about things all wrong. Maybe we need to incorporate some time for self-reflection instead of being surrounded by a crowd.

Assume you’ve had a rough day at work and you’re exhausted. It happens to be an evening that your friend wants to go out to dinner, or you have other pressing issues. How often have you stated, “I just want to be alone?” It’s because you need that time of solitude to escape the pressures of the day.

Sometimes you need silence when you’ve heard cash registers chiming, music, people, chatting, and customers complaining. Anyone fighting loneliness should work retail for a few hours, as it’s not for the faint of heart.

Why Being Alone is Productive?

To dedicate time to being alone, you must first change your mindset. Society has ingrained in people that it’s terrible to isolate yourself. You don’t want to close yourself off from the world for days at a time, but you do want to make time for yourself to be alone.

There’s a big difference between the two. You will learn that solitude is the antidote to many things in life. Here are some reasons why it’s okay to spend some time by yourself.

being alone

1. You Can Plan and Set Goals

How can you plan for the future or set goals when you have commotion? It’s hard to think about where you want to be in five years when your spouse wants to know what you want for dinner, and the kids are fighting over a toy.

You can shut the door and be alone with your thoughts, and, incredibly, the amount of goal setting you can get done in just a few minutes.

2. You Get More Accomplished

When you have some solo time, you are calmer and more centered. This allows you to concentrate and get things done. If you have a project that you need to focus on, shutting yourself in a room for a couple of hours may be all the time you need.

It’s hard to concentrate when you’re being pulled in many directions but closing the door indicates you need to be alone. You can do this at home or in the office when you need to focus and shut off the outside noise.

3. You Can Rest

One thing that so many people don’t get is sufficient rest. Maybe you need a nap daily to help you feel refreshed and ready to go. You might not need to go to sleep, but perhaps you need to rest your mind.

Spending this time alone can give you the strength to keep going throughout the day. It can be the little boost you need to get your second wind. According to Harvard Health, there are many benefits to napping.

One benefit of a nap is that you reset your brain. The experts further state that you need 7.5-8 hours of rest each night; many people don’t get that amount. However, taking a nap can help boost the sleep you need so that your brain isn’t frazzled and can wake refreshed.

4. You Increase Your Spirituality

Whether you believe in a higher power, the Universe, or nothing, it doesn’t matter. Every person has a spiritual side to them. You’re a triune consisting of three parts, body, mind, and spirit.

Some folks pray while others meditate or chant, and some do nothing. Whatever you do to help bring you back to a center point is beneficial. You can’t pray with noise going on all around you, and you can’t get answers from the Universe when you’re distracted by your atmosphere.

Closing yourself off and being alone can allow you to increase your spirituality.

5. You’ll Improve Your Mental Health

Have you ever been in a crowded shopping center with people everywhere and couldn’t wait to get to your car? When you returned to your car and shut the door, the silence was relaxing. It’s because peace is not just luxuries; you must have them to keep your mental health in check.

Silence is refreshing. When there’s no one talking to you, bothering you, or asking a hundred questions, you get to bask in the silence. Your mind needs this time to refocus, regroup, and let go of the day’s tensions.

being alone

6. You’ll Cherish the Moment and Replenish

As you age, you realize that the moments you get alone are few and far between. Someone always needs you, and there are always numerous things you need to do. You no sooner get caught up with the things of yesterday if today’s burdens overwhelm you.

When you have children, they require the assistance of their parents nearly 24/7 and don’t think that when they turn 18, things will get any easier. While they won’t always be underfoot, you need to make each moment with them count. Therefore, you need these spaces of time to gather your thoughts, refresh your mind, and be alone.

This solitude allows you to gain the strength and energy you need to keep going. Remember that an empty pot can’t pour into others, so if you don’t take time for yourself and handle your needs, you won’t benefit anyone else.

7. You Have Time for Journal Writing

Being alone can help you reflect. What amazing things have you, your children or your spouse accomplished? Journaling is an essential part of mental health. You can not only write down the things that trouble you, but you can also keep track of any good things that happen along the way.

Most parents document their baby’s first steps, first words, and those initial milestones, but what about the other things that happen? Why not write down when your child wrote you a letter that made you cry because they poured their heart into you?

A journal is something that many people feel they don’t have time to do, but you need to make time. This little book can be a roadmap of your life and a legacy you leave behind for others. Though being alone sounds scary to some, you have time for these little things that can enrich you and your family.

8. You Can Pamper Yourself

Don’t look at being alone as scary or something that you dread. Instead, think of this as your time to pamper yourself. You will be a better parent, worker, and friend when you learn to give yourself a little TLC.

A study conducted by Southern New Hampshire University found that people who engage in self-care have better cognitive function than those who don’t. You’re at a higher risk of burnout, depression, and other mental health issues when you burn the candle at both ends.

9. You Get to Know Yourself Better

One of the things you will notice when you’re by yourself is that you don’t have to be something you’re not. When you’re at work, you must be customer-service-driven and listen to every management demand. However, you don’t have to listen to anything or anyone when you’re all by yourself.

You call the shots, and you can say or think whatever you want. It’s the one time in your life when you are entirely free.

10. Your Creativity Will Flourish

Did you know that most people who have a creative side need the peace and tranquility of being alone to be productive? Painters, authors, and other crafty folks need that solo time to think and allow their talent to flourish.

Do you have a story to tell or want to start painting? Now’s your time!

being alone

Final Thoughts on Why Being Alone Is Productive

You make choices every day, so you must choose peace and serenity over chaos and anxiety. Loneliness is a real problem, but it doesn’t have to be your issue. You can find plenty of things you can do when you’re solo to make you relish every moment.

Take this time to engage in activities that interest you and get to know yourself better. Being alone can positively affect your health and outlook, and who doesn’t want to feel better? This is your time to do what you like, and you don’t have to accommodate others. Doesn’t being alone sound amazing?

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