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You Can Pursue Your Passion When You Adopt These 10 Habits

Are you actively trying to pursue your passions? Do you know what your desires are in life? Though you’re probably familiar with the word, few understand what it truly means. Your passions are the things that you like to do in your free time.

Your passions help to motivate and inspire you to do great things in life. Remember Mother Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu? She lived her entire life in service of others. She was considered a Saint, as she dedicated herself to charity, and she wasn’t afraid of hard work either, according to her Biography.

Now, you don’t have to be like Mother Teresa, but your passions are just as important. See, everyone has a reason why they’re on this earth, and it’s your goal to find it and embrace the enthusiasms within. Perhaps your desire is basketball, and the first thing you do when you get home in the evening is head to the hoops.

The thing about your passions is that you cannot fake them, and they’re something that brings you joy. For some, their career is their obsession, and it’s what helps you have the drive to succeed.

What Passions Do People Pursue?

Here are some common passions that folks list on job applications, according to Glass Door:

  • Art
  • Travel
  • Music and singing
  • Blogging
  • Gardening
  • Baking
  • Collecting antiques
  • Health and fitness
  • Video gaming
  • Charity work

Ten Habits To Help You Pursue Your Passion

pursue your passionAre you ready to live your best life and be happy chasing your passions? Well, here is a list of simple habits that you can do to turn your dream into a reality.

1. Push Yourself Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is the area where you find contentment and peace. It’s scary to push yourself beyond these boundaries, but your dreams will die if you don’t ever go beyond this area. Though you’ll have great anxiety and fears doing this, take one step towards your passions and away from the comforts where you find security.

2. Network With Others

If you want to play music, then networking with others who are musicians is helpful. If the drums turn your crank, then find a great drummer who will take you under their wing. Learning from someone who’s already mastered the skill you long to have is very beneficial.

3. Knock Out Problems Pursuing Your Passion

What problem stands between you and the passion you desire? It would help if you knocked them out one by one. For instance, if you want to play the drums but have no instrument, this would be a major issue.

So, buying a drum set would be the first issue. While all your obstacles won’t be as resolvable, you can learn to slay anything in your way.

4. Visualize What You Want to Accomplish

Assume you want to be a vet and travel the world helping animals in need. You must first visualize yourself doing this to make it happen. Take time to daydream and put yourself in the location of choice doing what you love. According to Self Growth, your mind is a complex and powerful thing.

When you see something in your mind’s eyes, it gets the visual cortex area in your brain to fire. You can project vibrations into the atmosphere that can help you accomplish the thing your heart desires. So, go ahead, dare to dream, and you’ll see it turn into a reality.

5. Pursue Your Passion Every Single Day

What if your passion is to be an ice skater? Did you know that according to Riddell Skates that four years old is the acceptable age to begin? Not only do they start early, but they must practice almost every day.

Each day, you should have a plan to fuel your desires. No one said that it would be easy to pursue your passion, but it will be worth it.

pursue your passion6. Fuel Your Mind

You must stay up to date on the current events with your desires. For instance, if you desire to be a doctor, then you should realize that things are changing all the time. It would help if you stayed in the loop to be in this field.

For instance, doctors 30 years ago didn’t use robotic surgery to perform operations on their patients. According to Health Research Funding, the first robotic surgery was conducted in 1997. However, by 2012, more than 400,000 robotic surgeries were performed in that year alone.

No matter your passion, you need to make sure you follow the news and developments in this area. It will help you to stay motivated.

7. Set Goals and Stay Committed

Grab a pen and paper and set some goals for yourself. Now, the important thing is that you stay committed during this process. There are times when you will have more energy to devote to things than others, but the goal is to keep moving ahead.

Commitment is hard, especially when life is busy enough. If your desires require schooling to make it happen, then you might need to work and go to school at the same time. No matter what your passions require of you, it will be worth it in the end.

8. Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Remember that you need to step out of your comfort zone, but what about all the fears that you have that hold you back? You may say things like:

•“There’s no way I will ever accomplish this goal.”

•“I don’t have the time or effort for my passions.”

•“I can’t do this as it’s too hard.”

•“How am I supposed to go to work and try to pursue passions at the same time?”

•“What will people think of me when I fail?”

These are all statements of self-doubt that pop into your head when you are trying to pursue your passion. When you give in to this negative pattern of thinking, then you’re going to have overwhelming pessimism about trying anything. However, when you start believing that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to do, your outlook will change as you become more determined.

9. Embrace Failure

Why is failing so hard? Sure, you’ve had a million successes in life, but it’s those few failures that you remember so vividly. When you fall short at something, it destroys your self-esteem, ego and knocks you down a few pegs. It’s hard to recover from defeat, but it can be done.

Coke has been a staple soda in this country since 1886. However, they felt they needed to rebrand themselves. They introduced the “New Coke” in 1985.

Trying to beat their rivals Pepsi, Coca-Cola was desperate. The Pepsi Company had a stellar two years of sales with their campaign to “Take The Pepsi Challenge,” and Coke as in trouble. They wanted to do something to gain attention, so they reinvented their soda.

According to Marketing91, this was considered the ‘biggest marketing blunder of all time.’ People were so mad they began to boycott the new product. The soda was released in April of 1985, and by July of the same year, Coke went back to its original formula.

It’s okay to make mistakes and even have failures, but it’s what you do with those failures that counts. The Coca-Cola Company learned that even though things go well through the testing phases, it doesn’t mean the public will be happy. Without the public’s support, their product would be nothing.

They saw the error of their ways, and they fixed the issue. They didn’t quit the soda industry because of bad publicity and a horrible mistake, and It would help if you did the same thing. Learn and grow from your mistakes, as they will help mold you into a better person.

Today, The Coca Cola Company makes over $31 billion a year in earnings according to official reports.

10. Don’t Get Distracted

Many things will try to take your attention, but the key is to keep focused and not get distracted. Life is chaotic and crazy on a good day, but there are so many things that can pull your focus, which means you must be even more determined to pursue your passion.

pursue your passionFinal Thoughts on Habits To Help You Pursue Your Passion

Some say that happiness is the purpose of life, but to be happy means different things to each person. One individual may live in an apartment with the dream of saving up for a home to call their own, while another wants to play in the major leagues. Regardless of your passion, you’ll find your heart close by.

Pursuing happiness is going to require sacrifice, dedication, and staying the course. There may be times while living in a cramped apartment that the dream of becoming a homeowner seems impossible, but you can’t let self-doubt and negativity keep you from your goals.

Perhaps your dream is to own a law firm one day rather than working as an entry-level lawyer. However, the pay might not be what you want, and you may not have the prestige that comes along with it, but at least you get to do something you love.

Another thing to consider is that your passions are ever-changing. When you were a child, your dream might have been to be a teacher. Now, you realize that you’re more suited for a therapist. Pursuing your passions is an ongoing journey, but it’s where you find happiness and contentment in life.

18 Tips to Writing Affirmations to Reclaim Happiness

Using pre-written affirmations helps boost your happiness and well-being, but writing affirmations for yourself is even better. However, when writing affirmations specific to your life and situation, they’ll be more effective when you say them. You can make these mantras about anything you want to change or improve in your life.

Writing affirmations for yourself can be easy, but you have to follow a few essential tips. If you use these tips, you’ll write the best affirming statements for your life. You know what you need more than anyone else, so your self-affirmations will make a difference.

Affirmations are a powerful way to manifest the life you want to live. These positive phrases help you achieve all of your goals and maintain a positive, happy mindset. While the affirmations don’t make your wishes come true, they help you follow the best course of action.

18 Tips For Writing Affirmations to Be Happy Again

The most important thing you can do when writing affirmations is to get started. Once you get started, these tips will help with the rest. From there, you can focus on writing positive phrases to help you establish what you want in life.

writing affirmations1 – Affirm the Feeling That You Already Have Everything You Want in Life

Writing affirmations about already having or being what you want or need. It helps you imagine that you’re already experiencing the good things in life when you write it this way. On the other hand, writing about what you want or need makes you feel like you don’t have enough right now.

To write your affirmations this way, begin the phrases with the following words:

I am, I know, I have, I love, I choose, I embrace.

2 – When Writing Affirmations, Use the Present Tense

Writing your affirmations in the present tense helps you experience what you want right now. It helps you start the process and begin achieving your goals today rather than in the future. Don’t reference dates or times in your affirmation, or it’ll interfere with your happiness.

Avoid using the words “I will” because that makes it about the future. When you put it in the future tense, you subconsciously put your goals off for a later date. Affirmations should help create changes in your life right now.

3 – Stay True to Yourself

Use phrases and words that are natural to your way of speaking. You aren’t writing these affirmations for anyone else, so stay true to yourself as you create them. When you write them this way, you’ll have an easier time saying them out loud and believing the words.

4 – Write Down All of Your Ideas As You Are Writing Affirmations

You don’t have to write perfect affirmations as soon as you put pen to paper. Instead, start writing down all of your ideas and what you want your life to look like. Once you have all of your ideas written out, look for themes in each of them.

From the themes, choose a few positive words for each category. Then, you can write your affirmations using the positive phrases that help multiple areas of your life. Writing your ideas out this way can also help you formulate and specify your ideas differently than thinking about them does.

5 – Focus on Using Positive Words

Use positive words as you write your affirmations so that you can focus on what you want. Don’t focus on the things you want to avoid or eliminate from your life. Plus, avoid words that you associate with negativity.

If you need help writing positive words, think about what it is you want in your life. Then, use phrases that make you feel like you have already achieved it. Describe yourself and your life situations positively.

6 – Affirm Your Current Achievements

Don’t spend all of your energy manifesting things for your future. Spend some of your time writing affirmations about your current achievements. You have positive qualities and things that are going well, so add those to your affirmation list.

Brainstorm the things you like about yourself and the parts of your life that make you happy. Doing this helps you appreciate your life and reclaim happiness.

7 – Writing Affirmations Can Address Specific Situations in Your Life

Don’t be afraid to be specific with your affirmations. Think about what you want to change about yourself and your life, and implement those ideas in your phrases. The more specific you are, the more you embrace and believe the words.

You can also consider the experiences and opportunities you want to have. Being specific also helps you eliminate the broad ideas you’ve written down.

8 – Use the Words “I” and “My”

Your affirmations are for you and not anyone else, so start the phrases with these words. The words “I” or “my” help your mind process it better, helping you feel what you are saying. Your language in these affirmations should reflect the idea that they are personal statements.

9 – Write with Passion and Feeling

Envision the way you will feel when you achieve your goals and make positive changes. As you visualize the scenario, write the way you feel in that moment. When you do this, it helps you write with passion and feeling.

Passion helps manifest what you want for your life because your mind is open to the possibility. Additionally, describing your feelings can help you connect with the words on a deeper level.

writing affirmations10 – Write as Many as You Want

There is no correct number of affirmations you should write. The number you choose can be as unique as the words in your phrases. You might want to begin with a few affirmational statements, but you can keep going if you feel inspired.

11 – Don’t Get Caught Up in Grammar When Writing Affirmations

As you write your affirmations, don’t get caught up in how you will make your dreams happen. Instead, use the phrases to help you reclaim happiness. You can come up with an action plan later, but right now, focus only on what you want and now how to get there.

12 – Enjoy the Process of Writing Affirmations

Writing affirmations shouldn’t bring negative feelings. Focus on exciting and empowering thoughts because this is an experience that calls for it. Have fun as you write down words that inspire your happiness and well-being.

If you start to get frustrated or second-guess yourself, it might be time to take a break. You don’t want to keep writing positive mantras when you aren’t enjoying yourself.

13 – Keep the Affirmations Short

You can make your affirmations any length you want, but short ones tend to work best. Short phrases are easier to remember and say, and you’re more likely to think of them often. Plus, long affirmations can cause resistance and slow down your progress.

14 – Be Realistic

You can’t manifest things that you can’t make happen, such as finding a million dollars or becoming an overnight billionaire. These types of affirmations are detrimental because they’ll overwhelm and disappoint you. Make sure you write realistic phrases for your life so that you can get excited about working toward them.

15 – Believe the Words and Trust the Process

As you sit down to write your affirmations, release any thoughts of self-doubt. Have confidence as you write your ideas and trust that the process will improve your life. Experts say that when you write down what you want in life, you’ll remember it and accomplish much more.

16 – Keep a Separate Journal or Notebook for Affirmations

When you write affirmations, you want to keep them for future reference. Having them in a separate journal allows you to keep them safe and can help prevent losing them. Plus, if you choose another journal to write them in, you aren’t as likely to get distracted by other things.

17 – Clear Your Mind

Before you start writing your affirmations, make sure to clear your mind. Eliminate self-limiting beliefs and push away distracting thoughts of stress or sadness. The only thing on your mind at this time should be positive thinking and happiness.

Clearing your mind helps you set your mind up for developing positive ideas and finding motivation. You’ll quickly reclaim happiness when you can write self-affirming statements with a clear mindset.

18 – Acknowledge How You Feel When You Write Them

As you write your positive statements, notice how they make you feel. If you get a positive vibe from something you write, then make sure to hone in on that statement.

writing affirmationsFinal Thoughts on Implementing These Tips on Writing Affirmations to Reclaim Happiness

Once you’ve written your affirmation, start saying the phrases each day. You don’t have to use them all at once, so choose a few that you’d like to focus on each week. Say them as often as you like, but make sure to repeat them during your morning routine.

When you use affirmations during your morning routine, it starts you off on the right path. Then, anytime you need encouragement or happiness throughout the day, you can use them again. Plus, repeating affirmations before bed or while you lie in bed is beneficial, too.

Keep adding to your affirmation list so that your mantras always apply to your life right now. Things are constantly changing, so your positive phrases should, too.

Scientists Develop a Plant-Based Jet Fuel to Decrease Emissions by 68%

Researchers have developed a sustainable jet fuel made of plants, which can lower emissions by 68%. This new aviation fuel comes from a type of mustard plant, according to research by University of Georgia scientist Puneet Dwivedi.

Dwivedi and his team estimated the break-even price and life cycle carbon emissions of this sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). It derives from oil extracted from Brassica carinata, a non-edible oilseed plant. In fact, their research could pave the way in phasing out petroleum-based jet fuel.

The research first appeared in the open-access journal GCB Bioenergy.

“If we can secure feedstock supply and provide suitable economic incentives along the supply chain, we could potentially produce carinata-based SAF in the southern United States,” said Dwivedi, an associate professor in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources.

The underlying cause for this need

jet fuelThe world population should reach approximately nine billion by 2050. Thus, demand for food will rise by about 60%. So, experts have been strategizing about how to feed livestock to keep up with orders. Research shows that carinata may provide a viable alternative to soybean meal for livestock animals.

Most farmers depend on soybean meal. However, price fluctuations and import dependency make it unreliable. Carinata can help plug gaps in the food supply due to its comparable protein levels and performance to soybean meal.

The aviation industry accounts for 2.5% of total carbon dioxide emissions nationwide and directly causes 3.5% of global warming.

“Carinata-based SAF could help reduce the carbon footprint of the aviation sector while creating economic opportunities and improving the flow of ecosystem services across the southern region.”

A sustainable fuel tax credit may help commercialize SAF.

Dwivedi’s research comes just a month after the announcement of a sustainable fuel tax credit. The Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge, a memorandum of understanding between several agencies, will include the directive. The Department of Energy (DOE), the United States Department of Transportation (DOT), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) entered into the agreement.

The challenge aims to scale the production of SAF nationwide, making it affordable and commercially available. The DOE set the following goals in regards to SAF:

  • a 20% drop in aviation emissions by 2030
  • a minimum of a 50% reduction in life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to conventional fuel
  • supplying sufficient SAF to meet 100% of jet fuel demand by 2050, making it fully carbon-zero

To reach these ambitious goals, it would require producing 35 billion gallons of SAF per year by 2050. Three billion gallons per year is set as a milestone by 2030. Based on the team’s research, the carinata plant would exceed the requirements for reducing emissions by 50%.

According to existing market incentives, the price per liter to produce carinata ranged from $0.12 to $1.28. The price for petroleum-based aviation fuel, including economic incentives, was $0.50. If these prices hold, the alternative fuel could easily outpace the production of petroleum-based jet fuel.

Dwivedi said: “Current policy mechanisms should be continued to support manufacturing and distribution of SAF.”

He believes the Grand Challenge will also ensure the success of carinata-based SAF production in the South.

Growing carinata in the Southeast to replace jet fuel

The Southeast provides the ideal environment for growing carinata, according to Dwivedi. He’s a member of the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata or SPARC. The $15 million projects funded by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture aim to establish over 800,000 acres of carinata. Over 50 researchers from the region have been working on the project, “testing thousands of carinata varieties to optimize yields, early maturity, cold tolerance, and disease resistance.”

Researchers have spent the past four years trying to establish carinata as a viable winter crop. They both investigated and studied how to optimize genetics, crop, and oil yields. Having done this research, Dwivedi feels confident that carinata will enhance the local economy and environment.

“In the South, we can grow carinata as a winter crop because our winters are not as severe compared to other regions of the country,” he said. “Since carinata is grown in the off-season, it does not compete with other food crops, and it does not trigger food versus fuel issues. Additionally, growing carinata provides all the cover-crop benefits related to water quality, soil health, biodiversity, and pollination.”

The only project goal left involves finding the infrastructure for crushing seeds and processing oil into SAF. Dwivedi’s current research focuses on supply-chain issues involved with producing carinata-based SAF across Georgia, Alabama, and Florida.

He said this:

“Our results would be especially relevant to the state of Georgia, which is the sixth-largest consumer of conventional aviation fuel in the country, hosts the busiest airport in the world, and is home to Delta, a leading global airline company. I am looking forward to pursuing more research for providing a sustainable alternative to our current model of air travel. Carinata has the potential to be a win-win situation for our rural areas, the aviation industry, and most importantly, climate change.”

Carinata could help with two sustainability goals. First, it could make airplanes eco-friendly. Secondly, it can provide cattle with an alternative food supply. Sustainable jet fuel will bring the world closer to a carbon-free future.

jet fuelFinal thoughts on the plant-based jet fuel that can decrease aviation emissions by 68%

The aviation industry contributes about 12% of overall transportation emissions in the US. Indeed, it only emits 2-3% of total carbon dioxide emissions. However, it still presents a challenge in the face of climate change. Luckily, researchers have been working on transitioning airplanes to sustainable jet fuel. In fact, they believe that the carinata plant could provide a viable replacement for petroleum-based fuels.

The SPARC project, funded by the USDA, aims to grow over 800,000 acres of the crop in the Southeast. Not only will the production of carinata boost the economy, but it will also improve the environment. Indeed, it’s refreshing to hear some positive news for a change with all the doom and gloom about the climate.

15 Favorite Quotes About Keeping a Positive Attitude

As you go through life, you’ll experience situations that disrupt your mindset and attitude. However, if you can maintain a positive attitude, you can overcome whatever is happening. These favorite quotes can help you keep a positive attitude despite anything going on around you or in your life.

You aren’t alone, and these positive quotes will help you see that others have been through it before. Their insight can help you get through the hard times in your life, or they can help you get through a bad day. Either way, you’ll find solace in these favorite quotes.

With the wisdom from others in these favorite quotes, you can focus on maintaining a positive mindset. As you read through these best quotes, you’ll find that your thoughts begin to shift. You’ll gain positive insight as you remember why it’s essential to maintain optimism and joy in your life.

Favorite Quotes About Keeping a Positive Attitude

favorite quotes1. “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” – Khalil Gibran

No matter how you live your life, you will experience hardships and undesirable situations. Even with these unfortunate things, you can maintain a positive attitude. Your life depends only on your mindset, so always look for the positive aspects.

2. “Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” – Roy T. Bennett

You can choose your mindset, and that includes a positive attitude. If you want to be happy, choose joy. You can pick whichever attitude you want, including kindness, giving, or respect.

As Bennett explains, your attitude is always your choice. Think about what you want in life, and then focus on exhibiting a matching attitude. It’ll make all the difference and help you achieve the mindset you want to maintain.

3. “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

With the right attitude, you can achieve any goal you have. Nothing can stop you if you maintain a positive mindset, so keep going strong and moving forward. (One of our staff picks for favorite quotes!)

Best Sayings About Positive Thinking

4. “A positive attitude may not solve all our problems but that is the only option we have if we want to get out of problems.” – Subodh Gupta

Your problems won’t disappear because of a positive mindset, but they’ll be easier to handle. You can think clearly, allowing you to come up with solutions to your problems. Negativity won’t get you anywhere, but a clear and focused mind will help you overcome anything.

5. “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz

You might be capable of great things, but you’ll never know if you don’t have a good attitude. Even with motivation, you won’t do anything well if you don’t maintain a positive mindset. Don’t let your thoughts and attitude hold you back from doing your best and achieving great things.

6. “Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.” – Benjamin Disraeli

With good thoughts, you will nurture your mind in a way that allows for achievement. No matter what your goals are, you can make them happen if you maintain a positive mindset. You can do more than you know, so look within and allow your good qualities to shine. Indeed, this is one of the wisest statements on this list of favorite quotes.

7. “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey

When it comes to who you want to be in the future, anything that happened in the past doesn’t matter now. If your desires have changed, you can change the course of your future at any moment. All that you have to do is change your attitude to change your entire life.

8. “Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy or strong. The amount of work is the same.” – Francesca Reigler

You determine your mindset and the way that you feel. Even when there is chaos happening around you, choosing joy and positivity is still possible.

If you choose joy, you’ll experience happiness and strength. However, if you decide on negativity, you make yourself miserable. Either way, the choice is yours, and both take the same amount of effort.

favorite quotes

Best Sayings About a Good Attitude

9. “What kills the creative force is not age or lack of talent, but our own spirit, our own attitude.” – Robert Greene

When it comes to your creativity, nothing matters more than your attitude. You might not realize how important the creative force is, but it affects all areas of your life. Being creative allows you to come up with solutions and see other ways of accomplishing your goals.

Plus, with creativity, you can find new ways to work through problems. You’ll also express your feelings and work through emotions easier when you have a creative force. When you have a positive outlet, you’ll have a better chance of maintaining a positive attitude.

10. “Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.” – Dale Carnegie

You can’t find joy from any external source. It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life, but you must decide to be happy and joyous. Even when you reach your goals, you won’t be happy unless you choose to be.

Here’s one of the more famous favorite quotes about having a great attitude. So if you want to find joy and positivity, you can only look within. In fact, you already have everything it takes to be positive, so don’t underestimate yourself. Remember that your mental attitude determines your mindset, and choose joy over anything else.

11. “Keeping one’s attitude positive, especially when the world conspires to make us mad, is one of the great accomplishments of life.” – Brendon Burchard

You might sometimes feel like the world is designed to make you fail, but it isn’t true. Bad things happen no matter who you are or what you do.

Even when things aren’t going the way you wanted them to, keep a positive attitude. If you can do that, you’ll have accomplished something that not everyone can do. It’ll turn out to be one of the best things you ever did in life. Indeed, this positivity lands this on our list of favorite quotes.

12. “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” – William James

When you start a hard task, make sure you do so with a positive mindset. If you begin the task with negative thoughts, you’ll have a hard time getting it done. You might not have a successful outcome at all if you start out telling yourself that you can’t do it.

Start difficult tasks with a positive thought to ensure the best results. When you go into things with a positive mindset, you can achieve anything, no matter how hard it is.

13. “Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.” – Norman Vincent Peale

When you experience hard times, the situation isn’t as important as the way you handle it. As Peale explains, your attitude towards the situation determines your success or failure. If you can maintain optimism and a positive outlook, you can overcome anything that comes your way.

14. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou

You are in control of every aspect of your life. So if you don’t like how things are going, make a change that improves your situation. However, there will be situations that you can’t control.

If you can’t change your situation, change your attitude, instead. It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life because you can always change how you think about things. Choose positive thoughts over negativity, and it’ll change your perspective.

15. “In one minute you can change your attitude and in that minute you can change your entire day.” – Spencer Johnson

If your day isn’t going well, you can change it at any time. The minute you decide to change your attitude, you can change the course of your entire day.

favorite quotesFinal Thoughts on Favorite Quotes About Keeping a Positive Attitude

As you read these favorite quotes about keeping a positive attitude, try to memorize the ones that resonate the most. If you can use the insight from others, you’ll find that it’s easier to maintain positivity. Others can do it, as you can see in these favorite quotes, and you are strong enough to stay positive, too.

No matter what is happening in your life, make sure your thoughts are positive. If negativity begins to creep in, reference these quotes to help you return to a positive mindset. It might help to put your favorite quotes in areas you frequent to serve as a constant reminder.

20 Best Affirmations to Remember Your Self-Worth

There will be times in your life that you question or forget your self-worth. You might be going through a hard time or have fallen into a pattern of negativity. Either way, the best affirmations can help you remember your self-worth.

These affirmational phrases serve as a reminder that you are valuable and worthy of good things. Using affirming statements first thing in the morning can help set you up for a good day. The positive phrases stick in your mind throughout the day, helping you focus on your self-worth.

Twenty Best Affirmations to Remember Your Self-Worth

Make a habit of using the best affirmations during your morning routine. Then, when unfortunate or disappointing situations occur, you’ll already have the positive words in your mind. With the phrases on your mind, you won’t be as likely to question your self-worth at all.

Best Affirmations for Self-Love

best affirmations1. I embrace my good qualities and unique characteristics.

You’re different than anyone else in the world, and those differences are what make you special. Embrace your good qualities and make a note of them whenever you can. Likewise, embrace your unique characteristics because they make you the person that you are.

If you struggle to embrace your qualities and characteristics, your self-worth suffers. Boost your self-worth by learning to appreciate the things that make you different.

2. I know I have a purpose in life.

Even if you can’t identify it right now, you have a purpose in life. You are on this earth for a reason, so start treating yourself that way. When you can affirm that you have a purpose in life, you will feel your self-worth increase quickly.

3. I feel good about who I am.

When you feel good about the person that you are, your sense of self-worth can increase. Sometimes, all it takes to boost your confidence and help you see your value in the world is feeling good about yourself. If you repeat this self-affirmation each day, you’ll notice that you feel better more often.

4. I prioritize my health and well-being.

When you make your health and well-being a priority in your life, you’ll remember your self-worth. Taking care of yourself is an essential aspect of feeling good, so use this affirmation each day. Implementing this positive statement into your routine helps keep your health and wellness at the forefront of your mind.

Affirmational Statements to Boost Self Confidence

5. I attract positive opportunities and experiences.

This affirmation will boost your self-worth and help you remember your value. When you tell yourself that you attract positive opportunities, you’ll open up to the idea. Then, you’ll notice that more experiences come your way, helping reaffirm your self-worth.

The experiences were always there already, but this affirmation helps you watch for them. Plus, once they come your way, you’ll know that you deserve these moments.

6. I am confident and can push away my fears.

With confidence, you can do anything that you want to do. Remember your self-worth and push away any fear that makes you think you can’t do something. It’s ok to feel fearful, but you can’t let the feeling make you feel like you aren’t worthy.

7. I am worthy of good things in my life.

If you ever question your self-worth, you might think that you don’t deserve good things. You might tell yourself that you only deserve what you already have, holding yourself back in life. If this is a problem for you, try using this affirmation to remember your self-worth.

Use this affirmation each morning to set you up for a positive mindset all day. When you know that you’re worthy of good things, you’ll be on the lookout for them, too.

8. I am heard, and the things I say are important.

Sometimes all it takes to remember your self-worth is acknowledging that people hear you. Reassure yourself that the words you say are important and that other people are listening. When you feel like your words matter, your self-worth will quickly increase.

Positive Thinking Statements

9. I think positively in all situations.

With a positive mindset, you’ll remember your self-worth. Everyone experiences negativity sometimes, but that’s where these best affirmations come into play. Repeat this phrase each morning to help yourself think positively throughout the day, no matter what happens.

10. I am a valuable part of my loved ones’ lives.

The people who love you and care about you value your presence in their life. If you ever start to think that you don’t make a difference in your loved one’s life, then use this affirmation. It’ll remind you of how valuable you are to the relationship or friendship, and you’ll remember your self-worth.

best affirmations11. I love myself in every way.

Practicing self-love is the best way to remember your self-worth. When you love yourself, you won’t question your value. You’ll always feel good and confident in your skin.

12. I focus on self-respect and building self-esteem.

When you respect yourself and build self-esteem, your self-worth will increase. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, focus on self-respect, and you’ll notice an overall improvement to your well-being. Repeat this affirmation each morning so that it can stay on your mind throughout the day.

Best Affirmations to Succeed

13. I overcome challenges and obstacles.

Challenges and obstacles are an unfortunate but unavoidable part of life. Even still, you can remember your self-worth as you work through these problems. Remember that you can do anything you set your mind on, including overcoming unexpected situations.

Anytime something undesirable occurs in your life, don’t waste time before repeating this affirmation. Even if nothing bad has happened, you can still use this positive phrase in the morning just in case something happens during your day.

14. I attract good people into my life.

The people you surround yourself with play a role in your sense of self-worth. If you spend your time with negative people, you won’t feel good about yourself. However, if you choose to have good people in your life, you’ll feel better about who you are.

Use this affirmation during your morning routine, and it’ll help you from the start of your day. Then, as soon as you head out into the world, you’ll attract good people while remembering your self-worth.

15. I am worthy of success and achievement.

Don’t let opportunities pass by because you don’t feel worthy of taking them. Use this affirmation to remember your self-worth and embrace every opportunity that comes your way. You deserve success and achievement, but you must know that you are worthy of it.

16. I learn from mistakes so that I can become better.

When you learn from your mistakes, you’ll remember your self-worth. By learning through each experience, you develop and grow into a better person. Then, your sense of self-worth continues improving as your confidence and knowledge increase.

Best Affirmational Statements for Emotional Intelligence

17. I deserve love and respect from the people in my life.

If you surround yourself with people who don’t respect you, then you’ll likely suffer from a lack of self-worth. However, by spending time with people that love and respect you, you’ll quickly remember your self-worth. Eliminate anyone from your life that makes you question your value because you deserve more than that.

18. I am determined and motivated in all aspects of my life.

With determination and motivation, you’ll surely remember your self-worth. When you work hard toward something, you’ll recognize your value and see that you are worthy. It’ll make you feel good about yourself, boosting your confidence and sense of well-being.

19. I make the best decisions I can and feel confident about them.

When it comes to making decisions, you never know which one is the right one. All that you can hope for is making the best decision for your life without outside influence. Once you’ve made a decision for your life, remain confident about what you chose.

By making the best decisions you can, you’ll remember your self-worth. Plus, by feeling confident, you won’t spend time questioning your choices and value.

20. I find happiness in every situation.

No matter what is going on in your life, look for the good things in your situation. Even during hard times, you can find small moments of happiness to boost your mindset. When you always look for joy, you can easily remember that you are worthy of good things.

best affirmationsFinal Thoughts on Best Affirmations to Remember Your Self-Worth

Everyone experiences times in their life when they question their self-worth and value. When you find yourself in this situation, refer to these affirming statements again to help you. If it’s a common problem for you, consider putting these affirmations in places you’ll see each day.

The best affirmations to remember your self-worth are ones that make you feel more confident. With confidence, you will know that you are valuable in all areas of your life. Even during hard times, you are worthy of good things and happiness.

As you work to remember your self-worth, focus on keeping a positive mindset by using the best affirmations. Positivity will help you see the good things in your life, including your positive qualities and characteristics. Anytime you find yourself struggling, recite these affirmations again to help you get through.

Researchers Find an Innovative Way to Store Carbon Dioxide Safely 

Researchers from the University of Texas and ExxonMobil have discovered a new way to store carbon dioxide. Currently, the most popular ways to capture carbon include direct air capture and planting trees. Scientists have now found that burying carbon dioxide beneath the ocean floor could also have promising results.

We’re now in a race against the clock to fight climate change. The latest IPCC report revealed that the effects of global warming have begun to intensify rapidly in recent years. In fact, scientists have observed widespread changes in Earth’s climate in every region.

Since the Industrial Revolution, greenhouse gas emissions from human activities have warmed the Earth approximately 1.1 degrees C. Over the next 20 years, scientists anticipate that global temperatures will reach or surpass 1.5 degrees C. We would experience more frequent heatwaves, longer warm seasons, and shorter cold seasons at these temperatures.

Encouragingly, the report says that “strong and sustained reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases would limit climate change. While benefits for air quality would come quickly, it could take 20-30 years to see global temperatures stabilize, according to the IPCC Working Group I report.”

That’s why it’s imperative to tackle climate change before it gets any worse. Capturing and sequestering carbon are the most promising ways to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. However, current methods to store carbon dioxide safely have barely made a difference in CO2 levels. The latest findings by UT researchers could help scale and improve the efficiency of carbon capture.

Researchers Find an Innovative Way to Store Carbon Dioxide Safely

store carbon dioxideThe UT and ExxonMobil researchers discovered a method to supercharge the formation of crystal structures called hydrates. These CO2-based structures could effectively store carbon dioxide safely under the ocean floor for centuries, perhaps indefinitely. In addition, they found that including magnesium in the reaction increased hydrate formation by 3,000x. So, instead of waiting days or even hours for the response to occur, the hydrates formed in mere minutes.

“I consider carbon capture as insurance for the planet,” said Vaibhav Bahadur (VB), an associate professor in the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering and the lead author of the research paper published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. “It’s not enough anymore to be carbon neutral, we need to be carbon negative to undo damage that has been done to the environment over the past several decades.”

The hydrates form when carbon dioxide combines with water at low temperatures and high pressure. During this process, the structure of the water molecules transforms, resembling cages that capture CO2 molecules. However, the process occurs typically over the course of hours or days, making it inefficient for storing carbon dioxide.

Researchers found that adding magnesium to the reaction sped up hydration formation by 3000x, however. In fact, this method is the fastest hydrate formation ever recorded, with some reactions occurring in just one minute. Not to mention, the reaction doesn’t produce any toxic byproducts, unlike other methods currently used.

“The state-of-the-art method today is to use chemicals to promote the reaction,” Bahadur said. “It works, but it’s slower, and these chemicals are expensive and not environmentally friendly.”

How the Hydrates Capture CO2Waste

The researchers use reactors in order to produce hydrates. To capture and store carbon dioxide safely, scientists would place the reactors on the ocean floor. Current carbon capture technology would suck carbon from the air and send it to these underwater reactors. There, the hydrates would form, storing carbon under the ocean for centuries.

These hydrates have a clear advantage over other forms of carbon storage. Injecting carbon as a gas into abandoned gas wells, for example, poses a risk of leaking into the environment. By storing the carbon dioxide deep in the ocean, however, it’s unlikely to travel back into the atmosphere.

For many researchers and scientists around the world, finding ways to reduce atmospheric carbon is a top priority. However, Bahadur says that only a handful of research groups have considered CO2 hydrates as a carbon storage method.

“We are only capturing about half of a percent of the amount of carbon that we’ll need to by 2050,” Bahadur said. “This tells me there is plenty of room for more options in the bucket of technologies to capture and store carbon.”

Since his arrival at UT Austin in 2013, hydrate research has been the focus of Bahadur’s work. The project was part of a research partnership between ExxonMobil and the Energy Institute at UT Austin.

Researchers from both organizations have filed a patent application to bring their discovery to energy markets. Next, they work on ways to increase the amount of CO2 being converted to hydrates during the reaction to boost efficiency. This would ensure constant production of hydrates, and therefore the ability to store carbon dioxide safely.

Other Ways to Store Carbon Dioxide Safely

In addition to storing carbon in hydrates beneath the ocean, other methods exist to sequester carbon. Some of the most popular carbon capture technologies include:

  • Simply by planting more trees, we could remove over half a gigaton of carbon dioxide per year from the atmosphere. This equates to the annual emissions of the entire U.S. agricultural sector.
  • Direct air capture. While this technology is relatively new, it shows promise in combating climate change. An Iceland-based company called Carbfix recently opened the world’s largest facility to capture and store carbon dioxide safely. Currently, it can pull 4,000 metric tons of carbon from the atmosphere annually.

store carbon dioxideFinal Thoughts: UT Researchers Find an Innovative Way to Store Carbon Dioxide Safely

Scientists all over the world have ramped up their efforts to develop carbon capture technologies. Recently, researchers from UT and ExxonMobil discovered that CO2-based crystal structures called hydrates could store carbon safely on the ocean floor. The carbon would remain there for centuries, if not forever. Unlike other carbon capture technologies, hydrates don’t produce any toxic byproducts. Since they can form rapidly, sometimes in one minute or less, it could provide a scalable, continuous carbon capture method.

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