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Astronomers Find Strange Radio Waves Coming From the Galactic Center

Astronomers have recently observed peculiar radio waves emitting from our galactic center. Researchers say the radio waves don’t resemble any previous variable radio source. This data suggests that the signals may come from a new cosmic object in the Milky Way.

Could it be aliens attempting to communicate with us? Researchers aren’t sure, but it’s exciting to think about that possibility.

“The strangest property of this new signal is that it is has a very high polarisation. This means its light oscillates in only one direction, but that direction rotates with time,” said Ziteng Wang, lead author of the new study and a Ph.D. student in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney.

“The brightness of the object also varies dramatically, by a factor of 100, and the signal switches on and off apparently at random. We’ve never seen anything like it.”

In this case, the brightness doesn’t refer to light emitted from the object but rather the strength of the signal. So, a bright radio signal means a strong one.

Many different types of stars send variable light waves across the electromagnetic spectrum. Many advances have been made in radio astronomy, the study of unstable objects in radio waves in modern times. This field of study helps scientists uncover new information about how the Universe works.

Astronomers have observed that celestial objects with varying brightness levels include pulsars, supernovae, flaring stars, and fast radio bursts. The object emitting signals from the Milky Way’s center doesn’t resemble any of these, however.

“At first, we thought it could be a pulsar — a very dense type of spinning dead star — or else a type of star that emits huge solar flares. But the signals from this new source don’t match what we expect from these types of celestial objects,” Mr. Wang said.

Research about the celestial object appeared in the Astrophysical Journal.

galacticAstronomers Find Strange Radio Waves Coming From the Galactic Center

Mr. Wang collaborated with scientists from Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, Germany, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Spain, and France. The international team found the galactic object with the CSIRO’s ASKAP radio telescope in Western Australia. They also used the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory’s MeerKAT telescope for additional observations.

Mr. Wang’s Ph.D. supervisor from the Sydney Institute for Astronomy and the School of Physics, Professor Tara Murphy, commented on the findings.

Professor Murphy said: “We have been surveying the sky with ASKAP to find unusual new objects with a project known as Variables and Slow Transients (VAST), throughout 2020 and 2021.

“Looking towards the center of the Galaxy, we found ASKAP J173608.2-321635, named after its coordinates. This object was unique in that it started invisibly, became bright, faded away, and then reappeared. This behavior was extraordinary.”

The team observed six radio signals from the galactic center for nine months in 2020. The astronomers wanted to take it a step further and locate the object in visible light. Unfortunately, their search didn’t produce any results.

So, they decided to use the Parkes radio telescope in hopes of discovering the object. Once again, they couldn’t detect the source. However, they still had one last option.

Professor Murphy said: “We then tried the more sensitive MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa. Because the signal was intermittent, we observed it for fifteen minutes every few weeks, hoping that we would see it again.

“Luckily, the signal returned, but we found that the behavior of the source was dramatically different — the source disappeared in a single day, even though it had lasted for weeks in our previous ASKAP observations.”

Unfortunately, the observation didn’t tell them much about the source of the variable radio signal.

Radio Waves Unlike Any Observed Before

Mr. Wang’s co-supervisor, Professor David Kaplan from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, said: “The information we do have has some parallels with another emerging class of mysterious objects known as Galactic Centre Radio Transients, including one dubbed the ‘cosmic burper.’

“While our new object, ASKAP J173608.2-321635, does share some properties with GCRTs, there are also differences. And we don’t understand those sources, anyway, so this adds to the mystery.”

The scientists will keep tracking the galactic object in hopes of finding out more about the strange signal.

“Within the next decade, the transcontinental Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope will come online. It will be able to make sensitive maps of the sky every day,” Professor Murphy said. “We expect the power of this telescope will help us solve mysteries such as this latest discovery, but it will also open vast new swathes of the cosmos to exploration in the radio spectrum.”

The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) telescope project is a massive undertaking from 20 different countries. The world’s largest radio telescope will encompass one million square meters of surveying area. It represents one of the most significant scientific endeavors in history, a collaboration between the world’s most brilliant scientists and engineers.

The SKA will use thousands of dishes and up to a million low-frequency antennas. This information will allow astronomers to survey the sky in unparalleled detail and speed. It will significantly surpass the capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope. Upon its completion in the late 2020s, perhaps astronomers can uncover more about the mysterious signals coming from the galactic center.

galacticFinal Thoughts: Scientists Find Unexplained Radio Signals Astronomers Find Strange Radio Waves Coming From the Galactic Center

Scientists have observed many strange signals in outer space, but none compare to this latest discovery. Astronomers found a new radio signal emitting from the galactic center that doesn’t match previous findings. This suggests that a new cosmic object is sending the signals, but scientists can’t yet determine the source.

They hope that with the completion of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) telescope, they can solve the mystery once and for all. The powerful telescope will also allow them to explore new areas of space, making it crucial to further scientific discoveries.

Eventually, it might help us solve the question humans have been asking since the dawn of time: are we truly alone in the Universe?

EPA Creates New Guidelines for Forever Chemical Cleanup

The EPA recently announced a new strategy to address ‘forever chemical’ cleanup in the US. They identified over 120,000 sites across the country that may expose people to these harmful toxins. Over time, these chemicals accumulate in the body and can lead to cancers and other health problems.

Since these contaminants don’t break down in the environment, they threaten animals, plants, and humans. The toxins pollute the air, water, and land and have been largely unregulated until recently. Now, the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a plan to ban these toxic chemicals and organize cleanup efforts.

This news comes only a day after the EPA released data on the industrial sites that handle these chemicals. Called PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, many industries utilize them to create products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. These include clothing, furniture, adhesives, food packaging, heat-resistant non-stick cooking surfaces, and electrical wire insulation. Because they’re costly and difficult to detect, environmentalists overlooked them until recently, when experts learned of their dangers.

The EPA compiled data on facilities handling PFAS to make it easier for officials to address chemical cleanup efforts. The recent report shows the far-reaching effects of PFAS – they impact nearly every part of the country. In addition to cancer, PFAS causes birth defects, liver disease, thyroid disorders, hormone disruption, and other severe health issues.

Colorado and Oklahoma have the most significant clusters of PFAS facilities – 21,400 and 12,000, respectively. California also houses 13,000 sites, but they also spread throughout the state. Industrial sectors that use PFAS include oil and gas, waste management, mining, chemical manufacturing, plastics, and landfill operations. They also use them in airports, metal coatings, and electronics.

EPA Creates New Guidelines for Forever Chemical Cleanup

EPA administrator Michael Regan said in a statement that underserved communities especially suffer from PFAS contamination. He added that the new strategy to address the chemical cleanup would help protect these communities and hold polluters accountable. The EPA plans to hold national webinars on October 26 and November 2 to discuss strategies with stakeholders.

chemical cleanupThe main goals of the plan include the following:

  • “Aggressive” timelines to limit PFAS in drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act to ensure the safety of each community’s water supply;
  • Timelines for establishing “effluent guideline limitations” for nine industrial categories;
  • Establishing a hazardous substance designation under the federal Superfund law that allows governments more extraordinary ability to hold PFAS polluters financially accountable;
  • A review of prior actions taken on PFAS regulations under the Toxic Substances Control Act to discuss inadequacies;
  • Increased monitoring, data collection, and research so the EPA can identify which actions to take, and when;
  • A final toxicity assessment for a group of PFAS called GenX used in manufacturing nonstick coatings that the EPA measured in drinking water, rainwater, and air samples;
  • Ongoing efforts to address action on PFAS emissions into the air.

The agency also said it would boost investments related to PFAS research. In the American Jobs Plan, President Joe Biden called for over $10 billion in funding “to monitor and remediate PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in drinking water” along with other water system upgrades. The EPA says this new plan addresses the need for action on the long-overdue chemical cleanup.

However, experts in the field criticize the EPA, saying they’ve known about the dangers of PFAS for years. Dusty Horwitt, the author of a report on PFAS by the Physicians for Social Responsibility, says the agency learned of health hazards 20 years ago.

“The evidence that people could be unknowingly exposed to these extremely toxic chemicals through oil and gas operations is disturbing,” said Horwitt. “Considering the terrible history of pollution associated with PFAS, EPA and state governments need to move quickly to ensure that the public knows where these chemicals have been used and are protected from their impacts.”

The Public Versus the Chemical Industry

Of course, the American Chemical Council (ACC) stresses that the dangers of PFAS have been exaggerated. The organization asserts that many essential consumer products and industrial practices rely on PFAS. “PFAS is vital to enabling our lives in the 21st century,” they say.

They added that not all PFAS are created equal, and therefore, it isn’t scientifically accurate to make sweeping assumptions about them. PFAS chemicals consist of over 5,000 artificial compounds used for industrial purposes since the 1940s. The EPA says they have very little information about most of these chemicals. The ACC claims that health officials have already discontinued harmful PFAS in the United States.

Even still, as the years pass, it’s become clear that PFAS poses a more significant threat than the ACC admits. For example, a study by the non-profit Environmental Working Group found that over 200 million Americans could have dangerous levels of PFAS in their drinking water.

Potential Legal Ramifications of the Chemical Cleanup

Even more damning, some industries that use PFAS have known about their public health risks for decades. In the mid-2000s, lawyer Rob Bilott brought these chemicals into the public eye in a class-action settlement with DuPont.

The company had knowingly contaminated waters in West Virginia and Ohio with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA. Part of the settlement paid for a six-year health study, which found links between PFOA and many health problems, including cancer. Bilott sent the EPA copies of DuPont’s internal corporate documents, which showed they were well-aware of PFAS’ dangers.

However, he says that the EPA still hasn’t issued any federal regulatory guidelines almost two decades later. In that time, Bilott has continued to fight for tighter PFAS regulations and corporate responsibility for chemical cleanup. His work led to DuPont and other industries discontinuing the use of PFOA in the US. However, similar alternatives have sparked new worries about safety.

He now filed a new lawsuit against chemical manufacturers 3M, DuPont, and DuPont-owned Chemours. He’s seeking class-action status on behalf of all United States citizens exposed to PFAS or PFOA.

chemical cleanupFinal Thoughts: New EPA Guidelines Will Prompt Chemical Cleanup of PFAS

For over twenty years, the EPA has known about dangerous ‘forever’ chemicals called PFAS leeched into the environment by industries. Until now, environmentalists did little to clean up these toxins. Recently, the EPA came out with updated guidelines detailing aggressive actions against polluters. Hopefully, this will help rid the Earth of chemical waste and ensure health for all United States citizens.

4 Best Things To Do On Days You Feel Like Doing Nothing At All

Have you ever struggled with feeling like there’s nothing you’d instead do than lay in bed all day–doing nothing at all? Does the prospect of having to face a full day of work and other chores overwhelm you?

Often, people get so fed up with everyday duties that they start to feel like doing absolutely nothing. Feeling this way is legitimate, and, surprisingly, there are many things you can do in that situation. And, spoiler, mastering the art of doing nothing is the best remedy for getting out of this funk!

Why Do People Feel Like Doing Nothing At All?

Choosing to be utterly unproductive is one thing. But feeling like, no matter how hard you try, your brain refuses to get in motion is another thing. You might have asked yourself before why do you feel this way sometimes. And you probably didn’t find any reasonable explication.

Most people blame themselves when they get in these moods, thinking they’re too weak or unmotivated to get going. And in some cases, that can be true. However, most people have no control over these funks and have legitimate reasons for the state they’re in.

Most of the time, these feelings are fueled by stress or an overly busy lifestyle. Most people describe this as burnout. When prolonged stress reduces energy and motivation, you become unable to meet particular demands, so you feel like giving up. It can make you feel helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful. If it’s a fleeting sensation, then it’s nothing to worry about. But if you struggle with burnout long-term, that might indicate something more profound is the root cause.

doing nothingBut not everyone feels like doing nothing because of burnout. This state of mind is often a sign of mental disorders like depression or anxiety. In that case, it’s not an event or lifestyle that fuels how you feel. Instead, your brain is intent on sabotaging itself. This can sometimes tie to anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure. After all, why would you want to do things if they aren’t rewarding?

For some, the need to do nothing stems from apathy, lack of motivation for a prolonged period. Apathetic people don’t usually care about what’s going on around them. But don’t get it twisted. It’s not because they are sociopaths or something. It’s just that they are so affected by specific mental issues that it’s too hard to keep caring.

The truth is, sometimes, wanting to do nothing is not that deep. Some days, your brain and body need a little time to relax and regain energy. If you wake up one day and you feel this way, don’t panic. It’s probably just a short-lived feeling. But if these feelings persist, don’t hesitate to contact a therapist or psychologist.

In those cases where the feeling is manageable, you have a choice. You can either indulge in it or want to get over it as soon as possible. Read on to find tips to guide you through the day.

Four Things To Do When You Feel Like Doing Nothing At All

Here are some excellent options when you feel like taking some downtime.

1. Roll With It And Take A Break

Like Adler said, you have to allow time to do nothing to have things occur to you, to let your mind think. Sometimes, the best remedy is to step back and do next to nothing.

If you don’t have to attend to any responsibilities in the day you feel unmotivated, do nothing. Or, better yet, do whatever you want but don’t have time to do on a regular day. Want to catch up on that TV show you started months ago? Now’s the time to binge an entire season. Want to read a book? Now you have the time. A great thing you can do to relax and make yourself feel better is simple self-care. Take a bubble bath, try a new skin-care routine, and pamper yourself.

And if you don’t have the energy to do that either, just lounging in bed can do the trick. If your mind is asking you to give it some rest, listen to it. You even have to opportunity to get some extra sleep. After a busy week, relaxation can be a relief, and a few hours of “me-time” can restore all your energy. After a well-deserved break, you will feel rejuvenated and fully motivated.

If your day doesn’t allow you to lay around all day, at least take it more accessible than usual. If you have to go to work, giving the bare minimum on this type of day is okay. Don’t bother taking on extra assignments or anything like that. Just get through the day, and don’t even think about working when you get home. Take those few hours you have left to disconnect completely. Stop thinking about work and other responsibilities and indulge in relaxing activities.

The Dutch have nailed the art of doing nothing. They even have a word for it: niksen. They use it as a form of psychological detoxing, a concept supported by Dr. Simantini Ghosh. And still, they are some of the most productive people on the planet. Why? Because you avoid having to make decisions at a time when you want to hide from the world. Instead of doing things superficially now, taking a day off and doing them well tomorrow is better.

2.    Catch Up With Friends

When you feel like doing nothing, it’s best to be close to the people you like most. They can cheer you up and motivate you better than anything else.

Hanging out with your friends or even family will make you forget about everything stressful you have to deal with. Just talking and laughing alongside someone can make your brain release all the built-up negativity you were feeling, making space for a positive attitude.

Meeting your favorite people is low effort and a great way to regain energy. Simply talking to someone about how you feel and having them reassure you will immediately boost your confidence. You can even relax inside and watch a movie. Do nothing together! There’s nothing better than sharing your desire to lounge in bed all day with your best friends.

doing nothing at all3.    Get In Tune With Your Emotions

More often than not, feeling like doing nothing at all is not random. As discussed previously, it can be associated with underlying issues. If you’re in a slump and feel capable of doing next to nothing, try to understand why that’s happening. This self-awareness is critical if this feeling persists for a few days. For that, you need to listen to your emotions.

Try to take some time alone with your thoughts and figure out what’s different now than before this state of mind took over. Are you working more? Have you not taken a break in a while? Do you have other reasons to be stressed, like family issues or other things? Make a direct comparison, on paper if it helps, between your life before and now, and identify the differences.

Try working on those issues once you understand what changed that might have fuelled the way you feel. If you’re overly stressed, try reducing your load of responsibilities. If a friend is acting in a bothersome way, talk to them. Whatever the core issue, you probably won’t get out of the slump unless you work on fixing it.

This is a process, and it might not be resolved in just a couple of days. Don’t give up if you don’t get over the slump quickly. It’s ok to be less productive than usual and to focus on relaxing and being mindful. After all, even Gandhi agreed that “there is more to life increasing its speed.”

4.    Do Small Chores Instead of Doing Nothing At All

If you can’t afford to waste time, you can try to get moving gradually. If you need to be productive, doing small things can motivate you.

The most challenging step is starting a task when you feel like you don’t want to lift a finger. So, do little things that don’t require much effort. The simple fact that you can accomplish some small goals can be a great reward on days when you feel like doing nothing at all.

If you’re at home, make sure your house is tidy. Do the dishes, make your bed, and don’t leave things thrown around. The cleaner your surroundings are, the less stressed you will feel. Maybe your living space feels crowded, or you’re bored seeing the same thing every day. You can try rearranging things, moving furniture around, or getting some new décor. A fresh-looking home might lift your spirits.

Take a shower and put something other than pajamas on. This will make you feel invigorated. Once you put a little effort into your hygiene and looks can trick your mind into believing it has an important day ahead. Thus, you can become more focused. If that doesn’t do the trick, exercise a little. Go for a run or to the gym.

Yes, getting there will require a lot of willpower, but you will feel energized after you’re done. If you want something low-effort, try some yoga. And if you don’t want to engage in physical activity, you can try meditation. It can be relaxing and can help you put your priorities in order.

Every small task you get done will make you feel a little prideful and bring your confidence back. The more you can prove to yourself you can still do things, the better you will feel.

doing nothing at allFinal Thoughts On The Best Things To Do On Days You Feel Like Doing Nothing At All

No matter your views on life, one thing is sure: doing nothing at all is an art you must master. If done right, it can be relaxing and eye-opening. If you wake up one day and feel like doing nothing, indulge. Lay in bed all day if that’s what you need. Not only is there nothing wrong with that attitude, but it can help your mind and body release built-up stress and anxiety.

If, for some reason, you need to be productive on days like that, it’s ok to give only your bare minimum. Just do small things, and don’t overwork yourself. Take the time you need to relax. When you shake that funk, you will be more motivated than ever.

3 Ways Being Unpredictable Can Help You Discover New Possibilities

Have you ever wondered how it would feel to be unpredictable? To be open to anything and go with the flow? Do you feel like your predictable life is keeping you in a slump? Do you wish you could experience new things but don’t know how?

Most people are afraid of being unpredictable nowadays. Indeed, most seem to misunderstand this trait. Some might describe an unpredictable person as chaotic, unreliable, and someone you shouldn’t take seriously. But that’s not even close to the potential that unpredictability has. If you learn how to become unpredictable the right way, a whole new world of possibilities can open up.

Can Unpredictable Actually Be A Good Thing?

Contrary to popular belief, an unpredictable person isn’t someone trying to figure out who they are. They aren’t people with conflicting views and values. And they certainly aren’t chaotic and unreliable. While all those types of people can be unpredictable, unpredictability is not the root cause of their behavior. Instead, it’s a by-product. Meaning they aren’t unreliable because they’re unpredictable. They’re inconsistent because they are unreliable.

Positively using unpredictability looks more like acting how you want to. People are expected to act in conformity to their environment. But that necessitates that people don’t question the rules and social expectations of that environment. So, being unpredictable is simply acting in a way that isn’t considered by the norms imposed on you—in simpler words, being open-minded.

unpredictableIf you think about it, everyone praises an open-minded person. It is generally considered a positive quality that’s necessary for rational and critical thinking. But not many people associate this with unpredictability. If you want to learn how to become unpredictable, stop listening to the people telling you it’s wrong. Understand what the core values of the concept are and adapt them to your life.

At the base of this personality type is the concept of learning. If you keep your knowledge limited to what your environment requires, you won’t know how to act differently. If all you know is your culture, the bare minimum to do your work, and a couple of other pieces of information, you will always react predictably. How would you ever know you like certain foods if you limit yourself to pasta every day?

Try to be curious about what the world can offer you. And that means looking outside the boundaries of your usual environment. Challenge your preconceived ideas. Don’t be reactionary, but approach discussions to exchange information. Pinpoint what your reflexes are in certain situations, and try to change them up. If you always solve a problem the same way, try to look for a different method.

3 Ways Being Unpredictable Can Help You Discover New Possibilities

Follow these steps, and you will be able to become more unpredictable and open-minded. But, once you get there, what are the benefits? How can you discover new possibilities when you adopt this behavior?

1.    Being Unpredictable Leads To Interesting Discussions And New Social Connections

When people talk to someone, they already predict how the conversation is going. If they ask you something, they have an idea about how you are going to answer. This can be based on how well they know you, on what expectations they have, or on mere stereotypes.

Because of this, many people will not engage in conversation with you if they don’t like what they predict. Even if those people are strangers, the first impression you give off will attract or push them away. For example, people will not talk business with a secretary because they expect them to be less knowledgeable than other people.

By being unpredictable from the beginning of any encounter, you give people something to be curious about. If you’re out with colleagues and find yourself in a similar position to that secretary, don’t wait to be asked a business question. So, what if social norms tell you not to interfere with a conversation that doesn’t involve you?

If you have something relevant to say, chime in. You will surprise people and make them want to know more about you. Don’t do this while at work. Being unpredictable is not about breaking rules that might jeopardize your career. Instead, it’s about finding moments when doing something unexpected has minimal risk.

Spontaneity and making new connections

A predictable person waits for someone to approach them. But an unpredictable person creates opportunities and approaches who they want. Once you break the ice, you get the chance to have a conversation you couldn’t have otherwise. This behavior can open the door to new relationships, be they platonic or maybe more. In either case, you have the chance to engage with new perspectives.

An unpredictable person takes a chance and engages even the people who seem to be their polar opposite. It can look like a liberal approaching a conservative. Doing something so unpredictable but in good-faith, makes people want to know what your deal is. Even better, try to let your guard down. Be vulnerable and honest with people. It will make them trust you, and there’s a higher chance they will grow to like you.

Finding new people to have conversations with can help you engage with different perspectives, values, and cultures. You can learn about their struggles, what they like, how they think. The more you enrich your knowledge, the more complex of a person you’ll become.

These new people can give you advice on what new things to try. The new friendships you’ll build can offer you the opportunity to do something you might have never thought of. You might you invited to take part in an activity specific to certain cultures. You might even get business proposals and other life opportunities.

The more you expand your social life, the easier it will be to discover new possibilities.

unpredictable2.    Is Essential For Success

The corporate world values order and rules above all else. But if you want to be truly successful, you should be unpredictable. By filling a tidy little box, you can only get so far. It’s the people who take real risks that get the highest rewards.

The biggest names in the world are people who did the most unpredictable things. Take Bill Gates, for example. He was admitted to one of the best schools in the world. Everyone around him probably expected him to finish his studies, as that would ensure he leads a good life. And while that’s true, he wanted more. So, he did the unthinkable. He dropped out of Harvard and founded Microsoft, which is now one of the biggest tech companies in the world.

Rules and predictability narrow your scope

They make you closed-minded, to the point where you can only do what you’re supposed to and nothing more. But, sometimes, you have to have initiative and think out of the box. If your boss gives you an assignment and strict guidelines on how to do it, take a moment to see if you can do it in a better way.

If you have a better solution, be unpredictable and tell your boss. Search for new solutions and strategies to improve our work. Sure, your boss might not ask for new strategy ideas, especially if your proposals are above your paygrade. But if you want to get professional opportunities, this is how you do it. Unpredictability means a different perspective that can add value to any environment.

While this behavior might be considered controversial, it will garner respect from the people around you. It lets people know that you meant to be better instead of just doing the bare minimum. The more professional consideration you get, the more opportunities you will get.

Another good outcome of being unpredictable is having the openness to take on personal projects. If you want to start a business or follow any other passion, you can only do it by being unpredictable. When everyone expects you to work on getting promoted at your nine to five, you can shock them and open a start-up!

3.    Being Unpredictable Helps You Find New Passions

You can only be passionate about something you are aware exists. If you have no idea that origami is a thing, you can never become passionate about it.

Unpredictable people have the opportunity to learn about many things. The more curious and open-minded you are, the more things you will find out. But being unpredictable is a step ahead of being interested. A curious person might learn about the possibility of sky-dive, but an unpredictable person might do it. The more you broaden your horizons, the more potential hobbies you will have on your radar.

Unpredictability changes your perspectives and lets you see certain things in new lights. Social expectations don’t hinder unpredictable people. For example, many people say chess is a game for men. With that in mind, a predictable woman will not try the game. But an unpredictable woman will try it because no one expects her to.

No matter their age, gender, physical condition, they will try new things because they seem interesting. And even if they don’t become passionate about everything they tried, the experience can still be enriching. As long as you have fun, that’s all that matters.

If it seems like you shouldn’t try certain activities, that’s just the more reason to do it. After all, society praises the people who run marathons at sixty years old. So, why shouldn’t you do something that seems just as unlikely?

unpredictableFinal Thoughts On Ways Being Unpredictable Can Help You Discover New Possibilities

If used correctly, unpredictability is a great strength. It can open your eyes to possibilities you never thought were in your reach. Allow yourself to have an open mind, and you expand beyond your boundaries. You will learn new things about the world.

Take people by surprise and engage in them in ways they didn’t expect. Make them interested in you so you can form connections. Every new social connection means the opportunity to create new relationships. That way, you might find yourself in new situations, like maybe visiting a new friend in a faraway country. Think outside the box and use unpredictability in your professional life.

Kind Teacher Brings Book Characters to Life for Her Students

One kind teacher decided to make learning more fun for her students. The third-grade teacher wanted to engage her students in the subjects instead of just lecturing. So she got the idea to allow her students to write their books and create illustrations of their main characters.

Then, she transforms those characters into custom stuffed animals that look just like their drawing! Called Budsies, the adorable stuffed animals are handmade replicas of any picture submitted. Pretty cool, right?!

In this way, the students’ stories come to life, allowing their imaginations to blossom. Instead of just reading a book, the students can visualize it with these cute stuffed animals. It makes learning an interactive experience rather than just a passive one.

Shannon Anderson, an author and third-grade teacher at Van Rensselaer Elementary School in Rensselaer, Indiana, wanted to share her experience with Budsies. The unique end-of-year project that she does with her students makes their stories seem more real. The pages genuinely jump out at them with the addition of the stuffed animals.

“As an author, I love writing, and I love to instill a love of writing in my students. So, every year I have my students write a story. And this isn’t just, you know, like a little one-page story. They’re writing a whole book.”  -Shannon Anderson

Then I have that story that they’ve written sent to a publisher who makes it into a hardcover book for them to experience what it’s like to be a published author. But then, I do something extraordinary with the illustrations. I send off the illustration of their main character to a company called Budsies, and Budsies makes them into a stuffed animal,” she explains.

kind teacherHow this kind teacher got the idea for this unique publishing project

Ms. Shannon has been an educator for 25 years, teaching first grade through college-level classes. She’s had her students write their books for most of her teaching career. However, the kind teacher didn’t get the idea for the publishing project until she taught first grade. The children would each contribute one page, which would then become a book.

Then, when she switched to teaching third-grade, she allowed the students to write their books. When she came across Budsies, she knew she wanted to incorporate them somehow into the writing projects. So for four years now, she’s been gifting the stuffed animals to students when they complete their books.

Ms. Shannon says,

“They’re custom made, and I’m telling you, they look just like the drawing that the kids drew.”

Ms. Shannon says the kids truly cherish these unique keepsakes. The characters they’ve created come to life as 3D beings, making the project real and exciting. The kind teacher says she takes advantage of several grants to help cover the costs of the Budsies and publishing.

She’s got another surprise up her sleeve as well. Before the book reveal party, Anderson lets the students draw their characters on a white dress. On the day of the party, she wears the dress to school and presents their books and stuffed animals. It’s a special day where the students get rewarded for their hard work.

However, with the schools closing this past year due to the pandemic, Anderson had to develop a Plan B. So, when the Budsies arrived, she reached out to the parents to ask their permission to come to their homes. Then, she put on gloves and a mask to deliver the stuffed animals. She says, “it was the best day ever.”

kindnessThe students still got to celebrate with the personal Budsie deliveries

“I felt like Santa Claus showing up at these homes and getting to hand them this bag that had their Budsie inside. So I was still able to capture and enjoy the moment of them opening up the bag and seeing the Budsie for the first time,” Shannon said.

“So I would come up to a house, and in almost all cases, the child was already waiting for me, looking out the window, waiting for me to pull up. I would go up to the door and set down the bag, and then step away. And of course, I videoed their reaction because I wanted to be able to share with all the other students so they could see each other reacting to these special character reveals.”

It took her three days to deliver all the Budsies. The kind teacher enjoyed getting to see all her students. It had been two months since she’d seen them in person. For her, visiting them was the best part of the whole thing. Getting to watch them open their Budsie bag and see their reaction was also excellent. They’d been looking forward to it for a while and had worked so hard on the end-of-year project.

Ms. Shannon says that the most rewarding part of teaching is getting to bond with her students. She also loves watching them grow emotionally and academically. To get them excited to learn, she enjoys coming up with engaging projects like this one. Not only do the kids get to write their book, but they also get to see it come to life.

Budsies helps make this happen with their personalized stuffed animals, providing the students with lifelong memories. The cute characters help students believe in themselves and encourage their creativity. This kind teacher has a long history of making learning fun for her students. If you’d like to see more of her work, check out her website.

budsiesFinal thoughts on the kind teacher who brings her students’ book characters to life

One third-grade teacher goes above and beyond to help her students learn. She not only publishes their books but orders custom stuffed animals of the main characters. This allows students to connect more to their work and get excited to learn. She’s well-loved and admired at the school, and it’s easy to see why. It’s not every day you come across a teacher who cares about her students as much as Ms. Shannon does.

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body from Physical Inactivity

What happens to your body during periods of physical inactivity? We will take a closer look at the decline that happens to the human body when you do not get enough exercise.

What Happens To Your Body If You Don’t Move It?

Remember studying Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion in high school physics class? Since Newton’s discovery is a physical law, it would also apply to human bodies. Do you keep your body in motion, or does it tend to stay at rest? Here are some serious things that can happen to you when you lack physical activity.

1. Your Metabolism Rate Becomes Sluggish

physical inactivityRemember the boundless energy you had as a kid into your teen years? It probably seemed like your metabolism was set on overdrive. As you cruise into adulthood, things change.

Your metabolism slows down as you get older. Other factors that affect your energy levels include basic body structure, weight, gender, and health. Another major contributor is your physical activity levels.

Think of your metabolism as an interconnected process. For example, when you stay active and exercise, your body can burn more calories. Not only will that help you maintain a healthy weight, but it will keep your body fit and active longer.

Conversely, you won’t burn many calories as a couch potato. Your body will eventually adapt to a sedentary lifestyle, and your metabolism is affected. Combine physical inactivity and the consumption of too many calories, and you have a recipe for disaster. You’re at risk for obesity and other severe health conditions.

2. Your Sleep is Affected

Everyone experiences a sleepless night occasionally. According to a study published by the Rand Health Quarterly, at least a third of the people in the U.S. don’t get enough sleep. The ramifications may be more severe than what you think.

An article published by the Sleep Foundation warns that chronic sleep deprivation can affect you physically and mentally. Among the possible consequences the article lists are cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and mental health disorders. So, sleep isn’t just an optional luxury.

Of course, several risk factors can cause a lack of sleep. Surprisingly, physical inactivity is on the shortlist. While you may feel groggy and sluggish from a sedentary lifestyle, sleep can be a huge issue.

3. You Get Out of Breath Easily

When you are running, lifting, or doing other strenuous activities, it’s normal to get winded. Most people can sit down for a “breather” to rest and restore an average breathing pace. Cardio workouts raise your heart and breathing rate to supply your body with more oxygen to help burn fat.

Physical inactivity can cause your body to have less endurance, including your lungs. For example, you may be gasping and out of breath by simply climbing the stairs at home or work. On the other hand, maybe you’ll notice that you must sit down often to rest and catch your breath if you do any walking.

Aerobic exercise helps bring more life-sustaining oxygen into your body, plus it gives your lungs a healthy workout. Chronically lounging in front of the television puts your body in a snail mode, so you’re entirely winded with the slightest exertion.

What happens when your lungs aren’t bringing in enough oxygen? You could be at risk for several health issues, and your muscles can be weak. Also, you may notice a decline in memory and cognitive skills because your brain is getting less oxygen.

4. You May Experience Mood Swings and Decreased Mental Health

Have you ever seen a spunky and joyful couch potato? Sure, it may be fun to binge-watch a new tv series over a weekend. It may also be a luxurious splurge to sleep in on occasion. However, constant physical inactivity will eventually affect your moods and mental health.

An article published by Johns Hopkins Medical states that physical inactivity can lead to mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. If you have been diagnosed with one or both disorders, consider how much exercise you get daily.

The good news is that being more active may decrease some of your anxiety and depression symptoms. According to an article published by the Journal of Clinical Psychology, exercises such as walking, swimming, cycling, and even gardening can positively affect.

Exercising can also influence endorphins and other chemicals in your brain responsible for well-being. Do you know that “natural high” you may experience after a brisk walk or other activity? It’s your brain’s way of thanking you for giving your body the desired workout.

physical inactivity5. Your Stress Levels May Increase

If you are alive, there’s no avoiding stress. Some stress from change is good because it helps you grow and learn. Your body’s instinctual survival mode is dependent on stressors.

Marginal stress is inevitable, but chronic tension and pressure can wreak havoc on your entire being. Humans evolved with a survival response. When triggered, your brain pumps power hormones like adrenaline and cortisone into your bloodstream to boost strength.

Unfortunately, your brain doesn’t prioritize stress and will react similarly in any situation. Therefore, if you are chronically stressed, the overdose of stress hormones can lead to physical and mental disorders.

An article published by the Anxiety & Depression Association states that regular exercise may reduce your responses to stress. Although physical activities won’t make your life stress-free, they may help you cope with stress in better ways.

Even walking for five minutes a day can positively affect your mood.

6. Your Bones Will Lose Strength

If it weren’t for your skeleton, you would be a puddle of flesh and organs. Your bones provide protection, strength, and stability. Your bone joints work in tandem with muscles and connective tissue to make movement possible.

Have you ever heard the warning “use it or lose it?” Besides eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium, your bones also depend on exercise for optimal health. Unfortunately, physical inactivity can make your muscles lax and flabby, and it can also weaken your bones.

Women are most at risk for a decrease in bone density, especially those in post-menopause. As a result, they can often develop brittle bone disease and osteoporosis. However, an article published by the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation says that resistance training may reduce these risks.

Do you feel a little achy in your joints? One reason may be that you’re not working them enough.

7. Your Lifespan May be Shortened

It’s good to know that Americans are living longer than they did in the past. A chart published by the UC Berkeley estimates the average lifespan of Americans at the beginning of the 20th century. Female lifespans averaged 48.3 years, while men averaged two years less at 46.3.

In the 21st century, the American lifespan has expanded impressively. Vital statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control estimate an average of 77.8 years for females and 75.1 for males. Many factors account for this increase, including better living standards and health care.

Do you want to be one of the people who live longer? A study published by the University of Cambridge suggests that more active people may live longer than non-active ones. The study mentions a link between being active with fewer risks of certain cancers.

A healthy diet, good mental health practices, and the prevention and control of chronic diseases are vital. All these plus regular physical activities may help give you more quantity and quality of life.

What’s Your Next Step?

It’s never too late to get in better physical health. The most important thing is to get off that couch and get your body moving. You needn’t buy an expensive gym membership or purchase high-dollar exercise equipment to get your desired results. Instead, your body will benefit from many simple exercises you can do at home.

Before you begin any new exercise program, discuss it with your healthcare provider or a certified fitness instructor, especially if you have underlying medical issues limiting what physical activities are best. They can give you information about combining healthy eating habits with a physical workout that’s tailored to your needs.

Your physical activities can be fun, like walking through the woods, swimming, or dancing. However, when you involve your family or an exercise buddy, you are more apt to stay motivated. A bonus has more quality time with your family and friends.

physical inactivityFinal Thoughts on Physical Inactivity

Boulders were meant to be stationary, but human bodies are meant to move. Physical inactivity can negatively affect every aspect of your life, and it can make you sick. When you get your body back in motion, you’ll see the benefits. Who doesn’t want to live a long and healthy life?

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