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Pacific Ocean Clean Up Yields Over 20,000 Tons of Waste 

A nonprofit organization called The Ocean Cleanup recently collected 20,000 tons of plastic from the Pacific Ocean. The massive cleanup operation marked a considerable step toward completely ridding the oceans of plastic.

The environmental company based in the Netherlands creates technology to remove plastic pollution from oceans and rivers. 27-year-old Boyan Slat founded the company nearly a decade ago, in 2013. At just 18 years old, he knew his purpose in life: making the oceans more habitable for marine life. To do that, he wanted to develop technology to extract the trillions of plastic items from these delicate ecosystems.

He hopes to remove 90% of ocean surface plastic by 2040. It’s an ambitious goal, but some scientists remain skeptical about the organization’s execution. In 2018, the Ocean Cleanup launched its first plastic-catching device, but ocean currents caused it to break.

A follow-up model released in 2019 performed better than the first model. However, the company said it would probably require hundreds of those devices to reach its goal. Scientists and engineers wondered if the organization could deliver its promises backed by millions in funding.

This past summer, The Ocean Cleanup revealed its latest model, nicknamed Jenny. They believe this new device will make a massive dent in the plastic pollution clogging the oceans. The device acts as an artificial floating coastline with a plastic-trapping mechanism resembling a giant arm. Once the plastic gets caught in this fold, it makes its way into a large net shaped like a funnel.

Then, two ships tow the net through the water at a speed of roughly 1.5 knots. You could probably walk faster than that, but the slow speed ensures the net doesn’t break in rough waters. Ocean currents push any floating plastic toward the device, making it easy to trap the wayward garbage.

Pacific Ocean Clean-Up Yields Over 20,000 Tons of Waste

pacific oceanThe team launched Jenny in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in August 2021. This ocean area contains the most extensive collection of plastic garbage in the world. Located between Hawaii and California, over 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic swirl continuously in this enormous vortex.

According to a 2018 study in Scientific Reports, the vortex “covers an estimated surface area of 1.6 million square kilometers, an area twice the size of Texas or three times the size of France.”

At the time of sampling, the team estimated that over 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic had accumulated in the Pacific Ocean. It’s believed that the plastic weighed about 80,000 tons, 4-16 times higher than prior calculations. To put the sheer enormity in perspective, that’s the equivalent weight of 500 Jumbo Jets.

So, it’s of paramount importance to clean up this floating wasteland in the Pacific Ocean. The team couldn’t think of a better place to test their latest device than the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. They wanted to see if Jenny could carry large volumes of plastic to shore without any disruptions.

Luckily, Jenny performed even better than they expected. She hauled 9,000 kilograms, or 20,000 pounds, of plastic trash out of the Pacific Ocean. This overwhelming success proves that waste cleanup efforts with more of these devices would pay off.

How the New Technology Removes Plastics from Oceans

Slat’s first ocean-cleaning prototype, a 330-foot-long floating boom, resembled a long pipe in the ocean. While this first model failed, he’s significantly progressed in developing a functional, effective device. The latest U-shaped funnel version allows for more flexibility and can’t break as easily.

The net attached to the device gets filled with plastic every few weeks. Then, the crew pulls the net out of the water, removing the plastic onto two ships. Once they bring it to shore, the team sorts the plastic, recycles it, and creates sunglasses from the waste. 100% of the proceeds from the sunglasses go toward continuing cleanup efforts. The company hopes to collaborate with popular brands to create other recycled products in the future.

To clean 50% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in five years, Slat estimated it would require about 10 Jennys. He said that one of these devices could haul 10,000 to 15,000 kilograms of plastic from the Pacific Ocean.

Experts Still Concerned about the Devices

Scientists and engineers have voiced concerns about plastic-cleaning devices despite the recent successful cleanup. The Ocean Cleanup technologies capture a variety of floating garbage, from fishing nets to laundry baskets to microplastics. However, the machines only collect plastic floating near the ocean’s surface. Experts estimate that the ocean floor may have thirty times as much plastic as the surface.

The organization says the large plastic pieces on the surface will eventually break into microplastics. Even though they can’t access the plastic near the bottom, they argue it’s still better than doing nothing.

Of course, the best way to prevent plastic from entering the oceans is to stop producing and consuming it. Experts estimate that nearly 11 million metric tons of plastic enter the oceans annually. By 2040, they believe this number may almost triple to 29 million metric tons. According to the Ocean Cleanup, ten Jenny devices can collect about 15,000-20,000 metric tons annually.

That would barely make a dent in the plastic choking the oceans. The boats that pull the device use fuel, putting further strain on the environment. The original device passively collected plastic using the movement of ocean currents. However, the newly clean water quickly became polluted again since trash leaked into the ocean with this design.

The organization said they purchased carbon credits to offset the environmental cost of the boats’ emissions.

This project is a massive undertaking requiring support from the public and business interests. While some kinks need ironing out, Slat believes a small fleet of these systems would go a long way in cleaning the oceans.

pacific oceanFinal Thoughts: A new device eliminates 20,000 tons of plastic waste from the Pacific Ocean

Without healthy oceans, we can’t survive on this planet. Knowing the dire situation, the Ocean Cleanup vows to eliminate 90% of floating ocean plastic by 2040. While the devices still need some fine-tuning and scaling, they’ve already shown great promise in cleaning the Pacific Ocean. Hopefully, we will one day have an utterly plastic-free world where all life can thrive.

10 Foods That Help Slow Down Aging

Do you want to slow down aging for as long as possible? Do you wish to keep your skin free of lines? Is there a way that diet could help you do that?

What you eat directly affects your health. What your skin and hair look, the strength in your bones, your metabolism, everything relates to your diet. If you eat healthy foods, there’s a higher chance you will live a healthy life. So, what’s the best way to have a balanced diet and slow down aging?

How Are Diet And Health Are Intertwined?

According to Timothy Harlan, MD, poor-quality foods can cause inflammation. And, as aging is a chronic inflammatory state, the link between diet and aging becomes clear. And they don’t affect the skin only. These foods can be harmful to your overall health. They can lead to heart disease and diabetes.

For example, overeating sugar and processed carbohydrates can damage the skin’s collagen, which will make your skin less springy. That’s why the skin starts to become more wrinkled. Or so says Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD, a policy analyst for Beach Cities Health District.

The skin is the organ that reflects overall health levels the best. The skin goes through two processes of aging. The first one is intrinsic aging, which is chronological and affects the skin like other organs. The second one is extrinsic aging, which results from environmental and other external factors. These might be sun exposure, pollution, UV radiation, smoking, sleep deprivation, and poor nutrition.

slow down aging10 Foods That’ll Help You Slow Down Aging

You can combat extrinsic factors, but mainly through prevention. You can maintain your skin’s youthful appearance by striving to live a balanced lifestyle, have a good diet, exercise, and limit stress factors. Food can help you achieve that because of the chemical composition they have. Vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids, and plant extracts have been reported to possess potent antioxidant properties. They are used in the skincare industry to prolong youthful skin appearance.

1.    Bell Peppers

Whether red, yellow, orange, or green, bell peppers are filled with antioxidants called carotenoids. Carotenoids are pigments that color certain plants yellow, red, or orange, indicating possible anti-inflammatory properties that can protect your skin from sun damage and other environmental factors. The red bell pepper is the richest pigment, thus having the highest amounts of antioxidants.

Additionally, they contain vitamin C, suitable for collagen production because it keeps your skin flexible. It also fights cell damage, boosts the immune system, and is anti-inflammatory. Also, each half-cup accounts for 47% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin A.

2.    Blueberries

Blueberries are very popular because they are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K. A cup contains only 84 calories, with 15 grams of beneficial carbs.

They are rich in antioxidants that protect the skin from radicals (molecules that can damage cells and cause aging and diseases). They have the highest antioxidant levels of all popular fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in blueberries are flavonoids. A study showed that after a few weeks of drinking mixed apple and blueberry juice, oxidative DNA damage was reduced by 20%. Another study showed that obese people noticed a 4-6% reduction in blood pressure after eating two ounces of blueberries daily. This might help prevent heart disease in the long run.

3.    Broccoli

Broccoli has many nutrients, like fiber, vitamins, iron, and antioxidants. While it can be served raw or cooked, steaming appears to provide the most health benefits.

Broccoli is very low in calories (31 calories per cup) but high in fiber, promoting gut health. It is relatively high in protein, higher than most whole foods.

Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K1, Vitamin B9, potassium, manganese, and iron when it comes to vitamins minerals. Vitamin C is essential to promote skin health and boost the immune system. Thus, it can slow down aging. The other nutrients are good for lowering blood pressure, transporting oxygen to cells, bone health, and more. Broccoli contains other nutrients, such as carotenoids and other antioxidants.

The vegetable helps to prevent cancer and improve eyesight, amongst other health benefits.

4.    Spinach

Spinach is a leafy vegetable rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It is deficient in calories (23 calories per 100 grams) and high in insoluble fiber, which can protect your digestive health.

Similar to broccoli, it’s rich in vitamins and other nutrients. It has high levels of vitamin C, which boosts skin health and slows down aging. Other nutrients, like calcium, promote bone health.

It is filled with plant compounds, like lutein, which improves eye health, and nitrates, which promotes health. It has antioxidants like kaempferol and quercetin, decreasing the risk of chronic diseases and reducing inflammation. These antioxidants also fight oxidative stress and help reduce the damage it does.

5. Avocado

Avocado is a unique fruit, as it is high in healthy fats. It is referred to as a superfood because of its many health properties. There are many types of avocadoes, but the most common is the Hass variety. It has 20 different vitamins and minerals.

The most abundant nutrients are vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. For every 100 grams, you get 160 calories, two grams of protein, and 15 grams of healthy fats. It is a low-carb and vegan-friendly food.

They are higher in potassium than bananas, and a high potassium intake is linked to reduced blood pressure. It lowers the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. It is high in oleic acid, which reduces inflammation and benefits genes linked to cancer. Eating avocado has been shown to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Avocado is associated with many health benefits in that it will reflect on your skin and help keep it youthful.

slow down aging6.    Dairy Foods

While the first five foods on the list were all whole, vegan foods, this won’t be the best choice for everyone. But, if you don’t have any restrictions or allergies, you should incorporate dairy items into your diet.

Dairy is a crucial ingredient for strong bones. It is high in calcium, higher than any other food. Dairy is the best to ensure your bones are in top shape and you can move around quickly. Try incorporating milk, yogurt, and cheese into your eating habits. The intake of calcium reduces the risk of bone fractures.

You shouldn’t swap dairy with non-dairy alternatives, like almond milk, as those items don’t have calcium. Instead, you should get dairy items that are low in fat to encourage healthy eating.

7. Green Tea

Green tea is less processed than other teas, but it has higher antioxidants. The antioxidants are polyphenols, which prevent chronic conditions. It also has flavonoids, a plant-based nutrient, that can be used as an anti-inflammatory.

The compounds in green tea can fight radicals, thus preventing cellular damage. It can significantly lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. It can help with weight loss and lower BMI.

Finally, green tea promotes hydration, which can make your skin glow. It can also guard against UV damage, which can slow down aging.

8.    Dark Chocolate

Everyone loves sweets, so the fact that dark chocolate can help to slow down aging is just a bonus. It can be enjoyed alone or with nuts to boost the health benefits (nuts can also prevent aging and many other benefits). And, for the people who want vegan foods, there are dairy-free alternatives to dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate increases blood flow and circulation, which helps with moisture in the skin. Moisturized skin reduces the likelihood of wrinkles being formed. Dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants, reducing inflammation and slowing aging.

9. Salmon

It is nutritious and promotes healthy skin. Along with most fatty fish, it has omega-3 fats that create a strong skin barrier and have anti-inflammatory qualities.

Salmon contains an antioxidant called astaxanthin. A study was conducted on people with sun-damaged skin. For 12 weeks, they consumed high amounts of astaxanthin and collagen. After those weeks, they experienced improvements in skin elasticity and hydration.

Salmon and other fatty fish are high in protein, essential for collagen and elastin production. These molecules encourage skin elasticity, strength, and plumpness. It is also high in selenium, which can help reduce and prevent UV damage.

10.  Coffee

Probably everyone’s favorite morning drink, coffee doesn’t just wake you up. It can help with skin aspects and other health conditions.

Coffee decreases vasodilatation and is an immunosuppressant. Because of these qualities, it can soothe rosacea, a skin inflammation. Interestingly enough, only caffeine intake from coffee decreases the risk of rosacea. Caffeine from other beverages, like tea, soda, and chocolate, doesn’t have the same effect.

Additionally, caffeine is associated with reducing the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer. A coffee per day reduces the risk by about 10%. And, the more coffee people drank, the lower the risk became. Of course, decaf coffee won’t do the trick. This results in a better skin condition that makes you look younger.

slow down agingFinal Thoughts On Foods That’ll Help You Slow Down Aging

Everyone wants to slow down the aging process. But that can be difficult. Sometimes, people even rely on medical interventions to make themselves look youthful. But there are better ways to maintain your looks without getting cosmetic surgeries.

Diet is a great way to care for your health, especially your skin health. The skin is the organ that shows signs of aging, so the more you take care of it, the younger you will look. Having a balanced diet can also boost your immunity and prevent diseases.

Whether you want vegan foods, whole foods, or you would eat whatever, some items will make you look younger in every category. Vegan people can get vitamins and antioxidants that lower inflammation and boost elasticity from bell peppers, spinach, avocado, and more. And, the people who don’t follow any restrictions can dabble in some dairy foods and maybe some fatty fish. No matter what items from this list you incorporate into your diet, you will slow down aging and enjoy a balanced life.

Professional Animator Now Makes Magic in His Garage

Cameron Porter, a professional animator, turned woodworker, makes stunning creations right out of his garage. Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, he now calls Columbia, South Carolina home. He’s enjoyed making art from a young age, often helping his parents with home improvement projects.

After leaving his career as an animator, he realized he had a passion for woodworking, especially the lathe. A woodturning lathe helps shape wood by rotating the piece around a stationary cutting tool. It’s mainly used for removing unwanted portions of wood to create the desired shape. Everyday items made using a lathe include cylindrical or circular objects like furniture legs, lamp posts, baseball bats, and bowls.

Using this tool, Cameron creates art in many forms for his home business known as Cammie’s Garage. While he makes mostly decorative items, he also crafts bespoke functional pieces, such as bowls, stools, and even a chess set. He sells some of his work on Etsy, where many buyers have given him five-star ratings.

Here’s more about how this professional animator became a talented woodworker, making magic in his garage.

Maintaining a functional and secure workspace is crucial for any woodworker, and Cameron’s garage is no exception.

For those who also work from their garages, ensuring that the garage door operates smoothly is essential. While Cameron focuses on perfecting his woodturning skills, he understands the importance of reliable garage door functionality.

Its same for the residents in Boise, ensuring that your garage door remains in top condition is as vital as the craftsmanship itself. Garage door repair in boise is a service that helps maintain the efficiency and security of your workspace, allowing you to focus on what you do best—creating exceptional art and functional pieces.

“I’m a full-time studio artist; I have what I consider a very meager workshop with a limited amount of tools. In reality, you don’t need tools to make art – you just need your hands and some imagination,” Cameron says.

He’s always been a creator but didn’t begin his woodworking career until later in life. However, it’s never too late to follow your passions, as Cameron shows us. Sometimes, you need a reset in life to reignite that spark within you.

“I’ve been an artist since I was a child, but I didn’t start doing it for a career until I was in my late 20s. I had a 20-year career in the animation industry, including working on The Simpsons TV show and movie,” Cameron explained.

Now, the animator turned woodworker creates masterpieces in his garage.

“Life took me in a different direction, and when I was about 40 years old, I went to university and got a Studio Arts degree. While I was going to university, I discovered that I really enjoyed working with wood.”

The animator reveals some of the woodworking process on his YouTube channel. He shows viewers how to make certain items like tables, spoons, bowls, and even a wooden race car! Cammie’s Garage is now thriving, all because Cameron took a chance and followed his heart. While he mainly creates this wood art as a hobby, he makes custom pieces upon request as well.

“Art can mean a lot of things to different people. I like to make art that hopefully will enrich people’s lives. So, in my opinion, a home without art is empty,” he says.

Like most artists, he doesn’t create art with any specific result in mind. Instead, he lets his imagination take over and sees where it leads him. After all, art is all about letting go and creating what inspires you. It’s very much an intuitive process, which doesn’t follow rhyme or reason.

“I often start with an idea or notion and make things up as I go along. I know it’s finished if I get to a place where I feel like it meets the idea that I had in my head. And really, a piece is done when the artist says it’s done,” Cameron explains.

When he’s only working for himself, it might take him a while to finish a project. However, if he’s doing work for a client, he must meet specific deadlines. This timeframe helps speed up the process and puts his creative juices into overdrive.

Behind the scenes of the woodworking process

“Motivation is sometimes difficult to come by. For me, just staring at a blank canvas is the most daunting barrier to starting a piece. Having a purpose or a deadline, or a commission is usually the best motivation I get,” he says.

Cameron believes that art means something different for everyone. Some people want beautiful decorations to adorn their home with, while others desire functional art. Some people enjoy abstract art, while others prefer more realistic pieces. To each their own, right? That’s what makes life beautiful – the diversity in all existence.

“I think many artists would argue that your work should have a meaning or a message. I don’t necessarily agree with that. Sometimes it’s okay just to make things that are nice to look at. I try to create things that I believe are visually compelling, I hope,” Cameron says.

He offers the following advice for anyone wanting to get started with woodworking:

“If you want to make art, just go make art! You don’t need tools – all you need is your hands and some imagination. When I encourage people to go make art, I tell them: ‘Now go make something beautiful, or ugly.’”

The professional animator proves that you can always change directions in life, no matter your circumstances. Sure, it will take hard work and dedication, like anything, but you hold all the power you need. If you remain persistent and allow your intuition to guide you, there’s nothing you cannot accomplish.

Tips on getting started with woodworking

  • Gather any necessary tools. While you don’t need anything fancy to start, simple tools like a tape measure, chisel, and sander will come in handy.
  • Learn about different wood species to ensure you have the suitable wood for your project.
  • Gather resources from industry experts or blogs.
  • Start small. After learning about woodworking, set your sights on a small project to learn the ropes. Once you’ve mastered making something simple, like a cutting board or wall shelf, you can move on to larger projects.

Final thoughts on the professional animator now making wooden masterpieces

At some point in life, we all begin to question our purpose. Most of us follow the safe path in life, but that can get pretty boring after a while. As they say, life begins when we break out of our comfort zone, and that’s exactly what Cameron did.

After a 20-year career as an animator, he decided to get a degree in Studio Art. While in school, he found his true calling: woodworking. Now, he creates beautiful art made from wood right in his garage. If you’d like to check out his work, make sure to visit his Etsy or YouTube page.

4 Early Morning Habits That Will Set You Up For Success

The trick to success isn’t in one big gesture but multiple small, positive habits. Consistency is key to achieving your goals and being effectively productive. That’s why you need to start from the top – that is, the top of your day! Indeed, these early morning habits can help you shape your success.

What you decide to do when you wake up determines the mood of the rest of the day. Taking control of your morning is powerful. It’ll give you the chance to ensure that the next 16 hours or so of your wakefulness are bright and filled with achievement. So, where do you start? Here are four early morning habits that will set you up for success.

Best Early Morning Habits #1 – Visualize Your Success

Visualization is a powerful tool. The human brain experiences mental imagined events the same way it experiences real ones, say studies. As such, visualizing success makes the brain naturally confident in its capabilities and puts it on the right track. You need to be specific in your imagination and immerse yourself in detail into the world in your brain.

While simply thinking about success and envisioning it is a great start, there are even better habits to use for this purpose. Here are some early morning habits to use to visualize your success:

·         State Affirmations With Commitment

Many positive affirmations involve the use of a statement of personal value. You’ve probably heard mantras like “I am capable of what I set out to do” or “I achieve my goals.” But you can take them a step further by stating affirmations with commitment. This exercise is a great way to create affirmations that are results-oriented. So ask yourself what you’re committed to, why it’s meaningful, what you can do about it, and how you’ll commit to those actions. In this way, you affirm your commitments every day. You can also make changes as desired to set different daily intentions for better success!
early morning habits

·        Replenish Motivation

Some good early morning habits for success boost and replenish motivation. The truth is that motivation isn’t an infinitely self-sustaining function. It would be best if you worked on self-motivation continuously. Reaffirm your motivations by listening to inspirational podcasts, videos, and quotes each morning. Remind yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing. This early morning habit will guarantee that you’re sufficiently inspired for the day!

·         Don’t Stick To The Status Quo

Success looks different for everyone. The success that you visualize should be strictly your definition of it. It’s okay if you have an unusual goal or are going against the grain. Your visualizations will work best when you genuinely believe in them, and that’s hard to do when you’re following a crowd. Find your meaning for success in life and pursue it relentlessly.

Best Early Morning Habits #2 – Get Organized As Part Of Your Early Morning Habits

Success is often about having all your ducks in a row. Knowing what you need to do for the day is essential, and there are tons of early morning habits that play into this. Here are some of the best practices for better habits in organization:

·         Develop A Routine

Having the same schedule every morning is an excellent way to get yourself ready. It gets your brain into the mindset of preparation and alertness. You associate this routine with the start of a new day, and your mind acts accordingly. Studies show that people function best with routines, which are essential for efficiency, productivity, and cognitive function. A little variety can be fun, but it’s best to save that for the rest of the day! Morning routines filled with good early morning habits will set you up for success.

·         List The Things You Need

If you have the same things you need to bring every day, you might be frustrated when you forget them. And yet, people are always leaving their wallets, keys, and other crucial items behind! Have a checklist near your door that you can quickly sweep over before you go. According to research, the brain reacts well to lists and plans to grab these items more effectively. That way, you won’t get stuck doubling back and can focus on success!

·         Get Your To-Dos Down

A to-do list can be stressful or valuable. It all depends on how you go about it. However, research shows that writing a to-do list can make you much more organized and productive throughout the day. Scribbling the things you need to get done that day is an excellent way to utilize this early in the morning. It helps you wake up directly to the right mindset, so you know what your game plan is.

It’s also great because you don’t have to try and remember all your commitments desperately! If desired, you can use a long-term scheduling system instead, where you write down your to-dos as you find out about them. This means you can write to-dos weeks in advance. If this is your preferred method, your early morning habits should involve looking over your daily schedule and making changes as needed.

·         Develop A Timetable

When you have a to-do list ready, you can set it to a nice and neat timetable. This habit allows you to stay on task throughout the day and track your progress. Your productivity and effectiveness will be on point from the start, which is always an excellent way to set yourself up for success. Just make sure to set realistic expectations with reasonable periods. If you do it well, studies say this makes for successful time management.
early morning habits

Best Early Morning Habits #3 – Work On Yourself

Successful people are constantly working on themselves. That’s why some of the best early morning habits are all about that! Every moment of the day is a precious one to someone striving for success. So use that time to work on yourself in simple, achievable, and positive ways. These methods can set the tone for the day’s success, and it’s entirely up to you which steps you take for self-improvement. Here are some ideas!

·         Meditate

Meditation is a handy tool for grounding yourself, reducing stress, and giving yourself time to wake up. It’s one of the best early morning habits for success, with research showing that it improves productivity and performance. You can easily find guided meditation videos online to follow each morning. Try to spend at least ten minutes performing this habit!

·         Keep A Gratitude Journal

Every morning, write down a few things you’re grateful for. You can also write about the previous day. Anywhere from five to ten things will suffice. This is an excellent practice for improving life satisfaction, giving you a positive mindset that works wonders for your potential success. It’s a thoughtful way of thinking about yourself and your life, and it’s a great way to build gratefulness. Studies reveal how gratitude also increases resilience, which you’ll need to face the day well. Besides, it’s a beautiful trait for personal growth!

·         Exercise

Even a short period of exercise is capable of waking you up significantly! You’ll get a nice burst of energy from something as low-intensity as yoga stretching and as quick as a minute of jumping jacks. If you want to commit to a longer exercise routine, that’s one of the best early morning habits for success! You’ll feel more alert and ready to take on the day.

·         Do Some Reading

No matter the time of day, reading is one of the best habits out there. So use it in your morning routine! Is there something you’d like to learn or get better at? Pick up a good nonfiction book about the subject and spend some time reading a few pages every morning. You can read while you eat breakfast, during your commute, or simply by setting aside some time for it. Even if you only read five pages per day, you’ll be finishing at least a book a month! These books can give you so many lessons on self-improvement that inspire and spur your success.

·         Sit In Silence

Even if you’re not doing anything actively, sitting in silence is a surprising way to work on yourself. For at least 10 minutes, do absolutely nothing and relax in silence. The quiet might seem tedious at first, but it’s very therapeutic. It turns your attention inward, clears your mind, and relaxes you, so you’re set up for the day’s success.

Best Early Morning Habits #4 – Eat A Good Meal

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and that makes it the most important. Those who skip breakfast don’t often realize what they’re missing out on! You’ve been asleep for at least eight hours, so of course, you require some fuel. This meal provides you with the energy you need to start your day on the right foot.

Studies show its numerous benefits, ranging from mental and physical health improvements to better stress management. Here are some tips for making eating a good breakfast one of your early morning habits!

·         Eat Lots Of Protein

Carbohydrates are great for energy. Healthy fats are ideal for satiety. But protein does both of those things and more! It helps you feel satiated without too many calories, it gives you the energy to get your motor running, and it’s fantastic for the brain. Research shows that it has tons of positive effects on cognitive function. Great protein options for breakfast for success include cottage cheese, eggs, Greek yogurt, and almonds.

·         Prep Meals Ahead (This Is One Of The Best Morning Habits To Also Help You Eat Healthily)

Do you often find yourself running late, leaving you unwilling to prepare breakfast so you can stay on top of your schedule? Plan meals and prepare them in big batches! This allows you to quickly grab food out of the fridge and warm it up. It’s a good compromise between home-making breakfast every day and ensuring you have enough time to spend on other habits.

·         Stay Hydrated

Hydration keeps your head clear. You need water for every single one of your body’s functions. That includes your cognitive ability! People are often so focused on grabbing coffee or a smoothie that they forget to add water to their breakfast menu. If you want to set yourself up for success, it starts with getting enough water in your system!
early morning habits

Final Thoughts On Some Early Morning Habits To Set You Up For Success

If you want to develop good habits, start first thing in the morning! There are so many ways that you can craft a good routine of multiple great habits. These habits will help you to find success every single day!

3 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms (And How To Change Them)

How do you cope with difficult situations, sensations, feelings, and thoughts? Do you do your best to process and handle these events well? Or do you turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms that turn out to make matters worse?

If you’ve noticed that the ways you cope aren’t particularly productive, it may be time to alter them. Proper coping strategies should be helping you, not making things worse. But how can you tell if you’re coping poorly, and what can you do about it? Here are three unhealthy coping mechanisms and how to change them.

Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Separating Yourself From Reality

Reality is important because it’s, well, real! But sometimes, reality comes with negative truths and facts that can cause mental and emotional stress. This behavior can lead some people to adopt unhealthy coping mechanisms that attempt to separate them from reality. These coping strategies may involve:

·         Repression or Denial

Denial and repression are both unhealthy coping mechanisms that come from the same cloth. They involve refusing to acknowledge the truth of a situation to create a false sense of security. You don’t want to accept reality, so you insist that what’s happening isn’t real. You revise your beliefs into the desired reality, creating fantasies that elevate your idea of yourself, the world, and your situation. Some people also do this to meet expectations, especially when it comes to repressing or denying emotion. For example, you might decide to pretend that you’re okay so that no one judges you or uses that against you.

unhealthy coping mechanisms·         Dissociation

Dissociation is an inability to express certain parts of personal experiences. This behavior often involves separating your awareness from the reality of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings. It’s most commonly invoked automatically as one of the brain’s subconscious coping strategies for extreme trauma. You don’t remember what happened, so it can’t hurt you. However, this is nothing more than a survival mechanism to get you through the moment. To heal from trauma, research indicates that you have to live through it and experience it.

·         Toxic Positivity (one of the overlooked unhealthy coping mechanisms)

Positivity is a good thing, and on its own, it’s one of the better coping strategies for various challenging situations. But there’s a point where it can be taken too far, and that’s how you get toxic positivity. This habit involves the act of avoiding anything and everything that is even slightly negative. It can also include refusing to acknowledge or experience negative emotions, thus interfering with repression and denial. Forcing positivity instead of realistic optimism can be highly detrimental, separating you from reality and causing bottled-up negative emotions.

·         Romanticization Of Past Events (one of the most unhealthy coping mechanisms)

When you’re in transitional phases in your life, it’s tempting to look back and romanticize the past. You look at what you went through with nostalgia-filled rose-colored glasses, glossing over all the negative things you left behind. This makes you long for a more comfortable past, so you can’t look to the future with positivity.

To stop separating yourself from reality, you have to find value in admitting to the truth. There has to be a point where you realize that a refusal to accept fact prevents you from moving forward. Learning better ways to cope with reality can also prevent you from needing to separate yourself from it. You can work on changing this poor coping skill in the following ways:

·         Get In Touch With Your Subconscious

Talk to yourself regularly and ask how you’re feeling. Openly speak to yourself about what you think and how different events have affected you. Remind yourself that it’s okay to feel whatever you think and ask yourself deep and probing questions. Whenever something challenging happens, spend more time speaking to your subconscious and understanding how it feels.

·         Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an excellent tool for maintaining groundedness. Its concept is simple: you have to be present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. However, those experiences shouldn’t define or control you, nor should you try to manage them. All you need to do is be their witness, acknowledge them, and let them pass so you can process what remains. Studies find mindfulness to help cope with anxiety and cope with depression.

·         Keep A Journal

A journal is a safe space where you can write about anything under the sun without judgment. Keeping a journal can let you note and process painful emotions, grounding them in reality while allowing healthy expression. Research indicates that journaling can improve mental health!

Do note that separation from reality that stems from severe trauma requires professional assistance.

Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Self-Medicating

Self-medicating is the act of treating emotional or mental distress, discomfort, and pain with something that quickly makes you feel better. While it can be done healthily, many people turn to very negative forms of this behavior. Unhealthy self-medicating may involve:

·         Food

Emotional eating is one of the most common unhealthy coping mechanisms. Releasing temporary feel-good hormones from fatty, sugary, and fried foods often serve as a “balm” in emotional distress. This pattern causes an unhealthy relationship with food and can lead to food and eating disorders. It may also work in the opposite way, where one self-medicates by starving themselves to feel better about their appearance.

·         Alcohol

Alcohol’s nickname, “liquid courage,” can lead it to be an attractive option for self-medication for many people. Research shows that those who self-medicate with alcohol may do so to avoid feeling powerless or helpless. This consumption leads to addiction, which is often further handled with additional unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as denial.

·         Drugs

Like alcohol, drugs provide an effect that can be alluring to those seeking any method of coping with depression, anxiety, or other turmoil. They can make you feel more confident and energized at the moment, though the aftereffects make that counterproductive. Again, as with alcohol, this can lead to addiction and further bad coping strategies.

·         Media Consumption (one of the unhealthy coping mechanisms that traps you quickly!)

“Binge-watching” is a common term in these modern times, and it’s a more realistic term than you may think. Consuming media, whether TV, movies, books, comics, or music, can be a form of self-medication. This method of escapism ties in with a separation from reality. You don’t want to live in your world, so you seek an alternative one in fantasy. This habit can also happen via mindless social media scrolling.

·         Spending

Purchasing items creates a temporary release of feel-good hormones like dopamine. The acquisition of products to improve emotional state even has its term: retail therapy. This can cause financial stress and lead to numerous unnecessary purchases that don’t provide long-term value when taken to an extreme. It can even become addictive.

If you’d like to change unhealthy coping mechanisms of self-medicating, you need to replace the “medication” with something good. Here are some ways to alter this behavior:

unhealthy coping mechanisms·         Find The Root Of Urges

The urge to self-medicate is often a mindless one. When you feel the desire to perform unhealthy coping mechanisms of self-medication, take a pause. Ask yourself why you think this way and trace the root. Once you find the source, acknowledge it, accept it, and redirect your attention to something that handles it specifically. It may be helpful to use the tips to ground yourself and prevent separation from reality.

·         Exercise

A lot of the positive hormone rushes that you get from self-medication can be found in exercise. Exercising releases many different forms of productive hormones and makes you feel good about yourself. This covers lots of bases that are filled by self-medicating.

·         Participate In Hobbies

Engaging in hobbies is a commonly referenced way to avoid harmful self-medicating behaviors. Like exercise, hobbies make you feel good and give you the mood and confidence boost associated with toxic substances. You’ll also build skills, feel more accomplished, and be more productive as a result.

·         Get Enough Sleep

A lack of sleep can increase the desire to self-medicate. You’re tired, less resilient, and more susceptible to emotional stress when you’re not getting the rest you need. Make sure you sleep for at least 7 hours each day. Feeling restored and energized can prevent the desire to self-medicate or binge excessively.

Do note that many self-medicating problems require professional treatment, especially if they involve addictive substances.

Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Social Negativity

Socially negative behaviors are common unhealthy coping mechanisms. They involve behavior that makes you interact with others in a harmful or toxic way to cope with your feelings. You might do this through:

·         Projection (an unhealthy coping mechanism most people don’t consider)

When you experience negative thoughts or feelings, you may be ashamed of them if they’re less “nice.” For example, if you think you’re behaving selfishly, you may feel uncomfortable admitting that to yourself. Or, if you worry you lack the capability, you might not want to think about that at all. This makes you project those feelings and thoughts onto others. Projection is the act of transferring your emotions and thoughts onto someone else and making yourself believe that they’re to blame. For example, you might say, “That person’s the one who’s selfish, not me!” or something along those lines. This thinking distracts you from your accountability in that matter.

·         Isolation

When you’re overwhelmed by adverse events or emotions, you might want to withdraw from everyone else. Other people might force you to confront your feelings, or it could just make you more tired. So you separate yourself from others, severing connections. But human beings require regular social interaction to flourish, even if it’s just a little. Isolating yourself will only make you feel worse and will rob you of crucial social support. It also makes you more likely to continue that isolation.

·         Refusing Assistance

If you’re a perfectionist, you may believe that your efforts are only valuable if you do them entirely unassisted. Even when stress gets to you, and you feel exhausted, you refuse all help from others. This stubborn action causes you to become even more fatigued, ultimately resulting in burnout.

·         Downward Comparison

To manage issues stemming from low self-esteem, you may perform comparisons of yourself with others. Instead of looking upwards to find inspiration, you seek those you can look down on. You tell yourself that at least you’re not as bad as they are. Unfortunately, this only reinforces feelings of inferiority and doesn’t make you feel better. Plus, it’s pretty mean to do.

If social negativity is among your unhealthy coping mechanisms, it’s not usually others who are at fault. To change those coping strategies, you have to start with yourself. You can do so by:

·         Building Self-Confidence

Many actions of social negativity stem from poor self-esteem. You wouldn’t project, compare, isolate, or refuse help if you believed in your capabilities! Building self-confidence is a long, arduous task, but you can start by countering negative self-talk with positive affirmations. When your inner critic says something mean about you, silence it with facts about your strengths and abilities.

·         Surrounding Yourself With Positive People

An excellent social circle can help you to feel welcomed, safe, and uplifted. The people around you should be a source of encouragement, not unhealthy or toxic competition. They can also provide you with an open ear and a shoulder to cry on while increasing your sense of belonging!

·         Embracing A Growth Mindset Instead of Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

A growth mindset is the opposite of a scarcity mindset. It believes that everyone has an infinite capacity for personal growth and that each moment can teach a positive lesson. Instead of thinking that you’re running a race or contest against others, think only of your journey. Your mistakes aren’t a sign of failure or shame because you’re doing “worse” than others. These mistakes are merely lessons that you can use to grow and be better!

Do note that you may need professional assistance if you have social anxiety or other disorders that affect social behavior.

unhealthy coping mechanismsFinal Thoughts On Some Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms And How To Change Them

Everyone has a few unhealthy coping mechanisms on their plate. Some are more harmful than others, but all of them can be changed. Understanding where your unhealthy coping mechanisms stem from and what those strategies are is an important step. Once you do that, you can work on changing them.

Meet A Woman Who Quit Her Day Job And Became A Pottery Master

Kara Leigh Ford, a pottery master from England, quit her day job to pursue her passion full-time. As more people find dissatisfaction with the nine to five lifestyle, they’ve turned to entrepreneurship to make ends meet. With the advent of the Internet, following your dreams has never been easier. So when Kara started making pottery, she quickly found an online audience for her work.

“I make objects out of clay, and I teach others pottery too. I started pottery as a hobby nearly fifteen years ago. After finishing my Fine Art degree, I was working a nine to five office job, and I needed to do something to keep me sane. So, I started a pottery evening class, and I was hooked,” Kara explained.

She loved it so much, and she would rush home from work each day and design pots late into the night. Now her greatest passion has become a viable business, done right out of her home studio. There, she hand makes everything, including tableware, mugs, teapots, teaspoons, kitchenware, and larger art pieces.

The whole process can take anywhere from two to six weeks to complete, but it’s well worth the wait. Kara makes everything with love and great attention to detail, imbuing each piece with a refined yet rustic charm.

Kara says this about her work:

“I’d like to think my work offers a more mindful eating and drinking experience. Drinking from a handmade mug is a very different experience to drinking from a mass-manufactured mug. Think of me (the maker) whilst choosing a cup from the cupboard, enjoy the feel of the form beneath your fingertips and study the colors and textures of the glaze whilst waiting for your tea to brew. Feeling the love and care that went into the piece, taking time to ground yourself in this object which was born of earth, water, and fire.”

More about the woman who quit the nine to five grind to become a pottery master

Reminiscing about the beach gets her creative juices flowing more than anything else. She grew up along the Devon coast in England, where the beach was practically her backyard. When Kara, the pottery master, makes her pieces, she thinks of the lazy summer days next to the ocean. Most artists find inspiration in nature, and for Kara, it’s always been the beach.

Her favorite beaches include Bantham, Bigbury, and Challaborough, all of which have been incorporated into her works. She designs her pottery, intending to transport people to their favorite beach or coastline. Kara herself makes regular trips to the beach to recharge and gather inspiration.

It wasn’t long ago that she would visit those beaches with a head full of dreams. Now, they’ve become a reality, thanks to her hard work, dedication, and belief in herself.

“Being a full-time artist always felt like something other people did – a little too far out of my reach. Five years ago, I gave up the day job, and I built my own pottery studio. My work is inspired by the Southwest coast of England, the texture and colors of the beaches that I grew up by. All of my glazes are named after my favorite beaches and the changing moods of the ocean,” she said.

Some names of the pieces include Stormy Seas Dinner Plate, Calm Seas Bowl, Frosty Blue-Green Mug, Sandy Bay Jug. Aside from naming the works, part of the creative process includes deciding on a color scheme and form. With a background as a painter, Kara first decides on colors and textures.

From painter to pottery master

“As a painter, I was always very inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe. I also see her color pallet reflected back at me in my pottery,” she explains. “There’s something about working in 3D that painting on a canvas could never afford me. I think about the colors that I want to use on a pot first before I think about the form it’s going to take.”

“Every time I open my kiln, it’s a surprise. Every pot I make has its own unique character; no two pieces are ever alike. I want each one of my pieces to feel like it has a soul, I describe my work as natural, calm, and uncluttered. I make everything myself on the potter’s wheel, I use stoneware clay and formulate my own glazes,” she says.

The pottery master sells her work in her online store, featuring everything from mugs to lemon squeezers to teapots. She even offers travel mugs if you like having coffee or tea on the go. Of course, all her products have trademarked blue hues, giving them a calm vibe.

When Kara isn’t making pots, she teaches others how to make them. She offers online courses about the basics of pottery, as well as how to market it online. In addition, she teaches private lessons to those who are serious about learning the craft. For those who prefer reading, she also wrote a book for beginners interested in pottery.

Kara says she’s fortunate to have realized her dream. With the help of her community and loving husband, she got her studio set up and ready for operation. Following your passion means taking a leap of faith and sometimes asking for support, but it’s worth it because your heart will never steer you wrong.

Final thoughts on the woman who gave up her day job to make pottery

Being a pottery master didn’t happen overnight for Kara, but her dedication and passion catapulted her dream. She had a goal, made steps toward achieving it, and didn’t stop no matter what obstacles she faced. Now, she works out of a pottery studio in her backyard, running a full-time business. She designs and handcrafts the pottery, in addition to writing books and selling courses for beginners.

She makes being a pottery master look easy, though we know it took many years of hard work. Which of Kara’s pieces did you like best? Tell us in the comments!

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