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10 Signs You Are Ready for a New Love Relationship

Are you ready for a new love? Entering a love relationship is about more than just wanting someone to go to the movies with on the weekend.

It would be best if you were psychologically ready to commit to a person, and it’s not always as easy as you think. Many people believe that a relationship will fix all the things that are wrong in their life. For instance, finding a wealthy partner will make it all go away if you have money woes. No, sadly, finances are a horrible reason to seek a partner.

It’s kind of the same rationale that people use when they say having a baby will fix a broken relationship. Sadly, this skewed thought process only adds more complexity to an already delicate situation. Before you bring someone else into your intimate space, you need to be ready for the mind, body, and soul.

Ten Signs You’re Ready for a New Love Relationship

Timing is everything in life, so how do you know if it’s the right season for finding love? Here are some signs that show that you’re ready, willing, and able to handle such a commitment.

love relationship1. You Might Be Ready for a New Love Relationship If You Love Yourself

If you don’t love yourself, then how can you ever expect anyone else to? Having poor self-esteem is a bitter pill for a partner to swallow. You’re putting them in the position where they need to lift you constantly.

When you feel down on yourself all the time, it can cause your partner plenty of issues, including some accusations due to jealousy from your insecurities. You must be in the right headspace for a relationship, and this includes being able to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love the person staring back at you.

2. You Won’t Settle

You know how it is to fly solo, and you would rather be alone than be with someone who makes you miserable. You’ve developed a confidence that you know that you don’t have to settle because you can make it yourself. You won’t take someone who has no vision and is going nowhere in life, as you’re not desperate.

Desperation makes people do strange things, especially when it comes to love. How often have you seen a friend or family member in a horrible relationship that they won’t leave because they don’t think they can do any better? Thankfully, you’re at a place where you feel confident enough to know what you want and not settle for second best.

3. You’re Finances Are In Order

Credit and financial woes are the worst things to bring into any good relationship. Since many couples fight about money, why would you want to get someone into a mess? Additionally,

Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D., states that most people fight about money as their mindset. In life, there are spenders, and there are savers. It’s okay for you to want to save, and it’s okay to spend on occasion.

However, the problem often comes about when there are not enough finances to go around. For instance, if you don’t have any money for dates, weekend getaways, or random gifts, it’s not fair to put the entire burden on the other person. It would help if you were secure enough to take care of yourself financially.

When a couple fights about money, Dr. Seltzer says it can lead to alienation and loss of intimacy. Make sure your credits are in order, you have a little bit of money in the bank, and you can take care of yourself. It’s just too big of a burden to expect someone to come in and save you financially.

4. You’re Ready for Love Relationship Only After You Are Over Your Last Love Relationship

The last thing you want is to bring baggage from a past relationship into a new one. It’s unfair to you or the other person because you’re not ready for anything new as you haven’t dealt with the old stuff.

People often build walls of resentment and protection after they leave a lackluster relationship. Still, if you want to have a fair chance at a strong relationship after a bad one, you need to work to move past your history.

5. You’re Open-Minded When You Look for a Love Relationship

To find a good love relationship where you complete one another means thinking outside the box. They often say that opposites attract, but it’s true. If you were with someone who was just like you, wouldn’t it be boring?

They wouldn’t challenge you, encourage you to grow, and help you be better. While you may want someone who checks all the proverbial boxes on your list, it may not be what’s best for you. Take, for instance, real-life couple Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn. According to MSN, the couple has lasted three decades, a significant feat in Hollywood.

You don’t hear much about them in the way of scandals, and they seem happy together. Yet, she was the blonde bombshell, and he was the classic bad boy when they met. While they did have acting in common, they were complete opposites.

This is just one of many couples that prove that you must be open-minded and change what you think the perfect person is supposed to look and be like.

love relationship6. You’re Not a Puppet on a String

If you’re going to have a love relationship in today’s world, you need a backbone. You can’t let someone control you like a puppet on a string. You should have your points of view and be free to speak your mind. Never let anyone influence you to the point of losing your identity.

7. You’re Not Afraid To Be Vulnerable

Being vulnerable means you’re willing to open up and show the most intimate parts of your heart. You’re not afraid to tell someone the times you’ve failed, and you should be open about past regrets. While you don’t have to expose all this on a first date, you should be available to open your heart in a way that you don’t do with just everyone.

8. You’re Willing To Take a Risk for Your Love Relationship

Dating and finding a genuine love relationship is no different than a game of Blackjack at the casino. You may lose a lot, but you may hit the jackpot. However, you will never know how much could be yours if you don’t put yourself out there and take a risk.

9. You’re Not Just Looking for Intimacy

Some folks don’t want a relationship, but they want intimate matters. They do better with one-night stands or friends with benefits situations, more so than a commitment. In fact, the word commitment downright scares some folks.

You need to ensure that what you want is truly a love relationship, not a random intimate encounter. It wouldn’t be fair to someone looking for more if all you want is a night of passion.

10. You Don’t Need Anyone to Save You

If you’re expecting someone to ride in on a white horse and save you from your crazy life, then you’re not ready for a new love. If you’ve more problems than a math book, don’t complicate matters further by bringing someone else into your mess.

You need to clean up your life to the point where you can enjoy finding love and experiencing every emotion that goes along with it. If you face financial woes, legal battles, major medical problems, and other life crises, then it’s probably not the right time. Now, that’s not to say that people don’t find and help one another and save the day.

Just remember that life doesn’t always happen the way it appears in fairy tales. For every prince or princess that you find along the way, you’re going to kiss a few toads. So don’t be on your last leg like Sleeping Beauty and wait for the prince to awaken you with one embrace.

love relationshipFinal Thoughts on Being Ready for a Love Relationship

Gabrielle Applebury, a marriage counselor, wrote an interesting article on Love to Know. She states that you must be in tune with yourself and know if you’re ready or not to find a love relationship. She further says that if the idea of being tied down to someone gives you anxiety, then it’s probably not the right time.

She also states that those in a pattern of picking wrong partners need to think long and hard before jumping back into the dating pool. Additionally, always trust your gut. Sometimes people spend so much time and effort looking for the right one that they come up empty-handed.

When they stop looking and focus on themselves and their needs, they run right into the one meant for them. If you can check off the ten things listed above and say that you’re truly ready, don’t push things too hard. Let nature take its course, and fate will bring the person that’s meant for you your way.

4 Positive Ways To Boost Your Cognitive Ability

Are you seeking new ways to boost your cognitive ability?

No matter your age, chances are that you want to get a more robust, brighter, and a sharper brain. It’s a great goal to work towards and can ensure lifelong cognitive health and strength. Your career and general performance will improve, and you’ll be at lower risk of neurodegenerative disorders.

It can be hard to find out exactly how your brainpower can be improved. After all, you can’t see what’s going on in your head, so you have to rely on what you know can work. To help you with that task, here are four positive ways to boost your cognitive ability.

1.    Boost Your Cognitive Ability By Training Your Sense Of Direction

Many people claim to have a poor sense of direction, but that’s a skill that can be trained! Having a good sense of direction and using that sense will let you engage various brain regions. Being able to navigate easily is a sign of mental sharpness. Here are some ways to train that sense of direction for the sake of cognitive ability.

boost your cognitive ability·         Stop Relying On GPS

In our modern world, using a GPS to get everywhere is pretty standard. Not to sound old-fashioned, but what happened to the old days of remembering your commute without help? Turn the GPS off whenever you go to familiar places and rely on your memory. It’s okay if you get lost the first few times – you’ll get used to it, and your brain will be stronger for it! When going to new places, it’s okay to use a GPS first, but then try to find your way home without it later. It might also be better to try using a physical map, memorizing the route that way, and then going without a GPS. You can also do your best to figure out the right way without any help if that’s safe and feasible. Whatever difficulty level you prefer, you’ll be training your brain!

·         Take New Routes To Old Places

Repetitive daily tasks and activities don’t have to be the same way each time. Try training yourself by switching up your commute. There are often many different ways to get to the same place, so take new roads and commit them to memory. Once you’ve learned all the possible routes, rotate between them and use a different one each time you go out. Studies have found that changing up these routes during your travel can provide tons of benefits to cognitive ability. You can also try changing your mode of transportation regularly. Regardless, variety is your friend!

·         Draw Maps From Memory

Challenge yourself to draw maps of familiar places in detail. Don’t look up any information. Just grab a piece of paper and sketch them out! Try to make specific landmarks, and major streets are included and do your best to get them accurately. Then, after that, obtain an accurate map of the location and compare it to your rendition. You can continue doing this again and again whenever you go somewhere new. Start with more manageable tasks, like a map of your neighborhood, and work your way up. Eventually, you’ll be able to challenge yourself to draw maps of places you’ve only been to once or twice!

2.    Boost Your Cognitive Ability By Playing Games and Solve Puzzles

Boosting cognitive ability doesn’t have to be all about severe and complex tasks. You can have fun while you do it! There are many ways to improve your mental capabilities through puzzles, games, and other fun things. Here are some suggestions backed by science:

·         Cards

Card games can increase the volume of different brain portions, says research. You may also improve your thinking skills and overall memory. So games like gin rummy, crazy eights, solitaires, hearts, bridge, and poker all work! Memory-based card games are also an excellent choice for even more memory-related boosts.

·         Checkers

Playing checkers can help to increase brain volume! It’s a cognitively stimulating game, and research shows that it can boost cognitive health. Other similar board games, like chess, may have a similar effect, too.

·         Jigsaw Puzzles

Studies say that these kinds of puddles help visuospatial cognitive abilities. This means that it allows you to challenge your brain by training it to visualize and connect pieces into a larger space. Puzzles that challenge you are ideal, but even 100-piece ones can have benefits! These positive effects include improved levels of mental rotation, reasoning, working memory, and perception.

·         Video Games

Few people realize just how great video games can be for your brain! Strategy, action, and puzzle genres of video games can be great for cognitive ability, says research. These games can improve mental flexibility, attention and focus, and even the ability to solve problems. Tetris is a perfect option, improving gray matter in the brain shortly after you play it!

·         Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku is a great way to maintain sharpness and build on cognitive abilities. Number-based puzzles of any kind are ideal challenges, say studies.

·         Crossword Puzzles

These puzzles are great for protecting memory and cognitive sharpness, especially as you age. This is according to studies on those with preclinical dementia, but it’s presumed to apply to all ages and health levels.

boost your cognitive ability3.   Boost Your Cognitive Ability Through Exercise

It’s easy to forget that physical health and brain health are directly linked. After all, the brain is an organ in your body! One of the most positive ways to boost cognitive ability is through exercise.

  • It Increases Brain Cells

It’s believed that exercise can promote neurogenesis, according to preliminary research. Neurogenesis is the formation of new brain cells, which is essential for cognitive ability.

  • It Makes You Smarter

Suppose you’re looking for ways to boost your intelligence, exercise! Studies show that it can prevent the shrinkage of the brain, keeping you sharp and cognitively capable.

  • It Improves All Neuropsychiatric Function

The various cognitive functions you have can all be improved by exercise, say studies. Physical activity boosts motor coordination, memory, and even cognition!

While typical exercise, like jogging or lifting weights, can be an excellent physical activity, you can opt for many other choices. There are even some specific forms of interesting exercise that have additional benefits to cognitive ability. Here are some of them:

·         Sports

The benefits of sports span beyond just the ones that come from physical activity. Some sports are additionally cognitively challenging, requiring multitasking and sustained attention. They may also require constant adaptability or the ability to plan on the fly. Research shows that elite athletes in sports that are high-demand have better cognitive processing speed and higher attention rates.

·         Dance

Dance is an excellent option for those looking to exercise in a more fun way. The parts of your brain involved in balance and rhythm will be engaged and kept sharp. In fact, you can improve your memory, organization, and planning skills when you follow choreographed dances.

·         Tai Chi

Have you ever heard of tai chi? This Chinese form of exercise involves the use of rhythmic breathing, gentle motion, and meditation. It’s fantastic for mental health, sleep, stress levels, and positive thinking, but it has other effects. Studies show that practicing this exercise leads to long-term brain volume increase by restructuring the brain entirely. Additional research indicates that tai chi practitioners form connectivity in enhanced ways between brain regions. Indeed, some theorize that this boosts cognitive ability and can also help memory.

4.    Continually Challenge Yourself To Boost Your Cognitive Ability

Novel experiences and new challenges are the cruces of cognitive strength. Your abilities in that department only degrade when you stop engaging them. The brain requires regular challenges to continue getting stronger. This means you have to seek novel and challenging things to try regularly. Studies have shown that novel challenges:

·         Increase Plasticity

Plasticity is the brain’s ability to form connections quickly between different regions through neurons. The amount of information that you’re capable of taking in is determined by plasticity. To retain new information, your brain has to be used to regular novel challenges.

·         Form New Connections

The synaptic connections formed by novel challenges are intense! The references are capable of boosting cognitive activity by building up on top of each other. So the more connections you have, the more new relationships you form. This is how people learn things and take in additional information when faced with a novel challenge.

·         Boost Positive Hormones

Dopamine is a feel-good hormone that boosts your motivation and makes you feel great. When you seek novel challenges, your body releases this hormone in abundance. On top of that, the dopamine released increases new brain cell growth or neurogenesis, so your cognitive ability gets more substantial.

So, how can you challenge yourself in novel ways that will best improve cognitive ability? The trick is to simply never stop learning with positive thinking. Research proves that learning new skills is central to maintaining and building cognitive ability. Here are some suggestions for methods that have additional positive mental effects!

·         Build Vocabulary

Learning to develop a more extensive lexicon via vocabulary tasks can provide additional benefits, say studies. You’ll be better at auditory and visual processing and will gain many new words to commit to memory. Besides, if you want to sound smart in addition to being cognitively strong, vocabulary is a great way to do it. Try keeping a notebook with you while you read and writing down unfamiliar words. Then, try to actively use that word according to its definition five times that day!

·         Learn A Language

Done with building your vocabulary? Kick it up a notch by learning a whole new language. Tons of research has shown that being able to speak more than one language fluently is highly beneficial to your cognition! You’ll enjoy improved memory, creativity, visual-spatial skills, task-switching ability, and general cognitive function. Already bilingual? Nothing wrong with adding a new language to that list!

·         Learn A Musical Instrument

When you play musical instruments, you train your brain in coordination and cognitive development. Research shows that people of all ages can reap mental rewards from playing instruments!

You’ll gain the most benefits from these new, novel challenges by remaining open to various experiences. Studies show that being engaged with these challenges and genuinely wanting to participate in them is key to improving the brain. This challenge provides way more benefits than just doing something challenging for the sake of it. Being engaged and choosing something that challenges you is central to the boost you seek!

boost your cognitive abilityFinal Thoughts On Some Positive Ways To Boost Your Cognitive Ability

Cognitive ability is something that can be trained and honed. However, by training your sense of direction, playing puzzles and games, exercising, and performing novel challenges, your brain will gain sharpness and strength. The best thing you can do for your brain is to keep improving it, so get to it!

7 Reasons You Should Join a Support Group

Have you heard the ageless expression about the strength in numbers? It’s a difficult challenge to face severe issues by yourself. Fortunately, a support group can provide the people and understanding you need. No matter what you’re going through, you can find a group of compassionate people who’ve walked the same road.

You’ll often hear people refer to support groups as peer groups. It’s because those who are involved are on equal standing and can empathize with one another. One of the benefits of belonging to a peer group is that nobody is there to judge you, and anonymity is a top priority.

When you’re ready to talk and find comfort with like-minded folks, there’s a peer group for you. If you don’t want to join in person, many groups meet in real-time via the Internet. You can also find peer group pages on social media.

Since these groups do a lot of networking with hospitals and social service organizations, these places can often refer you to the right people. If you can’t find a local group, there are several options for you online.

You’ll be glad to know that most local peer groups are sponsored by national organizations and are accessible to everyone who needs help. A few ask for donations to provide coffee or other light refreshments during the meetings, but most don’t charge to join. Most groups offer supportive literature and pamphlets free or for a small fee to cover printing costs.

What Are Support Group Meetings Like?

Peer groups are as different as the people who attend them. While common courtesy and etiquette are expected, most meetings are open and relaxed. You’ll probably have a moderator who will suggest topics of discussion and will gently keep the flow going. Everyone is in a safe place and is free to speak their mind, just as long as it’s respectful to others.

Meetings usually convene in clinics, social service offices, libraries, or places of worship. They usually set up chairs in a circle to encourage open conversation. Participants respect each other’s opinions and agree to keep names and discussions under strict confidence.

Some support meetings are held weekly or monthly and may offer morning or evening time slots for your convenience. It just depends on your group and what everyone decides. You’ll find hope and inspiration when everyone shares their stories and listens to yours.

support groupSeven Good Reasons to Join a Support Group

Since everybody copes with loss and challenging situations in their way, you’ll know when you’re ready for a peer group. These groups are perpetual so that you can join them any time. Here are seven reasons why you may need a support meeting.

1. You Could Benefit From a Support Group if You Experienced Loss

Perhaps nothing can trigger more grief and emotional despair than losing a loved one. Whether it’s the devastating loss of your spouse, child, extended family, or a friend, the smothering pain can trap you in a dark place. Although everyone’s grief is unique, you can discover strength and empathy in a peer group.

Grief counseling groups connect people who have endured profound anguish. You’ll find people from all walks of life who are in different stages of grieving. While nobody can genuinely tell you that they know how you feel, there’s still comfort in sharing pain and starting the healing process.

2. You Need a Stronger Support System

Who do you turn to when your world has flipped upside down? Fortunately, you may have a circle of supportive people like family and friends. However, your support network might be weak or nonexistent.

A loving peer group can become the surrogate family you need. Even if you have support from your inner circle, it doesn’t hurt to have more. You can’t have enough compassion and empathy surrounding you in a time of need.

3. A Support Group Can Help You Muddle Through a Family Crisis

Remember the iconic family sitcoms from the past? These sugarcoated tv shows presented the perfect American families living an ideal lifestyle. Even when these chronically happy families had a problem, it was magically solved within the half-hour show.

Unfortunately, real life isn’t a family sitcom where the fathers know best, and mothers live to cook and clean for their brood. Family dynamics aren’t perfect, and you can face crises with your mate and your children.

The good news is that family issues affect everyone, and you can find a support group for your specific problem. Divorce is an issue that puts both parents and children on an emotional roller coaster. It’s helpful to talk to others who are divorced or are in the process, so you’re not alone in your battle.

4. You Have Depression or other Mental Issues

In the past, mental illness was taboo, and those who had it were considered outcasts. They were often locked away in asylums and submitted to unspeakable tortures in the name of medicine. Thank goodness those horrible places and inhumane experiments are gone today.

Nevertheless, mental illness carries a lingering stigma to this day. It may be easier for you to discuss a physical condition with your family and friends than a mental one. According to an article published by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in every five Americans copes with mental health crises each year.

Some of the most common issues include anxiety and depression. If you’ve been diagnosed with a mental condition, you may feel helpless and alone. The acceptance and understanding these types of support groups can offer you are priceless.

support group5. You Battle Addiction

Addiction is similar to a massive boa constrictor that gradually squeezes the life from you. In the process, it destroys your personal and professional relationships and robs you of time, health, and resources. You might think you’ve got it under control, but addiction soon controls you.

Most people picture an addict as someone who’s hooked on heavy drugs and alcohol. However, an addiction is anything that consumes you and interferes with your life. People can be addicted to substances like food, caffeine, or tobacco. Obsessive video gaming and Internet browsing can also become addictive.

Some of the first recognized support groups were for alcoholism. These have provided a haven for recovering alcoholics and their families for years. The renowned 12-step program eventually branched out to serve those addicted to narcotics and other detrimental habits.

It doesn’t matter if you’re hooked on a dangerous substance or an obsessive hoarder; there’s an addiction support group for you. The friendship these groups offer can be an essential tool for your recovery and continued sobriety.

6. Trauma Survivors Benefit From a Support Group

Trauma can affect you years after the hurtful events. A report issued by the US Health & Human Services says that at least two-thirds of American children have experienced at least one trauma by reaching the age of sixteen. These violent and abusive events can be from home, school, on the streets, or all three.

Statistics from the World Health Organization report that most violence and abuse are perpetrated against women and children. However, abuse against males and seniors is also a severe issue in this country. Where do all these people turn when they need compassionate ears?

Maybe you’re a survivor of abuse or trauma, and you’ve blocked it from your mind. Unfortunately, your body remembers and may manifest in ways that affect you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Post-traumatic stress can make you relive the trauma day after day.

Many survivors have discovered inspiration and strength by attending support groups. It’s a sanctuary to be in the company of those who’ve been there and share your story. As you reach out to each other and find new ways to cope, you realize that you’re a survivor and no longer a victim.

7. You Have A Chronic Health Condition

Your good health is among the greatest blessings you have. It’s even more appreciated when you or a loved one is faced with illness or a chronic condition. Perhaps you or someone in your family copes with a congenital disorder that affects your daily activities in life.

It’s terrifying when you receive a diagnosis of a rare disorder that is incurable or may have limited treatments. Fear of the unknown can be just as debilitating as the disease or illness itself. Some chronic conditions present with visible signs that make you feel embarrassed or ashamed to be seen in public.

Name just about any chronic disorder in the medical books, and most of them provide support groups. The locations of the groups may have local, state, or national chapters. You have the chance to meet someone with the same condition, and you can be a mutual source of knowledge and strength.

support groupFinal Thoughts on Joining a Support Group

When you are hurting and desperate for a compassionate ear, consider the benefits of a support group. Sharing grief is a powerful way to heal, and you will never feel alone. Some offer mentors and a robust support system so that you can call on someone day or night when you feel like you need to talk.

5 Reasons Why A Friend Ghosted You

You wake up, go to check your phone, and realize your best friend hasn’t responded in more than a day. You start to get worried, asking yourself, “Are they ok?” “Are they still alive?” “Do they have family issues?”. Then you start calling them, once, twice. Eventually, you have called them about twenty times, texted them, checked social media, and nothing. Has your best friend ghosted you–without you ever knowing what even went wrong in the first place?

Have you ever been in a similar situation?

Ghosting is a practice that has existed for ages and ages, though it only recently got an official name. We live in a society where social pressures and expectations become heavier and social media often overpowers genuine connections. Thus, ghosting is more frequent than some might think.

What Is Ghosting, And Why Does It Hurt?

ghosted youContrary to popular belief, the act of ghosting is not reserved for romantic relationships only. Nor does it tend to happen more often in romantic cases. You will find ghosting behaviors in all kinds of relationships. Think acquaintances of everyone from work relationships to best friends, partners, and even family.

It is so common nowadays that a study of 1300 people found almost 39% of the participants were ghosted by a friend, and about 32% admitted to doing the ghosting themselves. Another survey found even higher numbers, stating that 65% of participants had ghosted someone and 72% had been ghosted.

According to Kelifern Pomeranz, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist, and relationship expert, ghosting is the act of terminating a relationship by abruptly ceasing all contact and communication with someone without offering any justification or explanation while also ignoring the ghostee’s attempts to reach out.

Ghosting is more or less abandonment. Your friend leaves you behind without valid answers to your questions, just wondering what you did wrong and why it wasn’t enough. Karen Ruskin, Psy.D., a relationship and behavior expert, validated this, who stated that ghosting makes the person left behind feel dismissed. It makes them feel like they have been thrown away, discarded. Being abandoned leads to lower self-esteem, anxiety, self-blame, and low self-worth.

The fact that a reason, closure wasn’t provided for the ghosting hinders the healing process of the ghostee, not allowing their brain to ponder over the relationship and learn from experience. This can lead to long-term mental distress. Lack of closure can lead to increased feelings of mistrust in future relationships and increases concerns about the possibility of abandonment.

Your Best Friend Ghosted You…Why?

What was your bestie thinking? Here are five things that might have been in their mind.

1.      They Ghosted You To Avoid Having A Confrontation

Your closest friends are probably the ones you would have never imagined being scared to tell you what’s on their minds. But precisely because they have once been so close to you, because they know you trust them and care about them, they might be the most afraid to confront you with the truth if the relationship grows cold.

Vinita Mehta, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist and relationship expert, explains that people ghost because they want to avoid confrontation and risk hurting their or the ghostee’s feelings.

There are many reasons why someone might want to avoid confrontation at all costs, but whatever the reason, all people tend to stray away from it as much as possible.

For some, it’s their upbringing. They are either raised to bail when things are hard, or they have been in so many conflicts with family and other friends that they are scared of having to deal with that pain again. For others, it might be out of fear of not being liked. So a talk about why they want to stop being friends puts them at risk of confronting their issues. Some fear confrontation because they fear failure. For them, having to see something end or chance being wrong in front of others makes them want to bail as soon as possible.

For most, it’s just about not understanding that a discussion is not only what the other deserves but the best way to find closure for both parties involved.

Whenever you feel like the person who ghosted you is afraid of confronting you, either try to text them that talking to you is a safe environment in which to express their feelings. If that doesn’t work, remember that you are not to blame someone else failing to communicate appropriately.

2.    They Ghosted You Because They Lack Empathy

Sometimes even the people you trusted most lacking empathy. You might find out that the only reason they were your friend in the first place was only for their benefit.

Ghosting is a clear sign of emotional immaturity; it shows that the person doing the ghosting might have a low EQ (emotional intelligence). Ghosting allows them not to have to face any backlash when giving up on their friendship. Thus, the behavior enables them to emerge unscathed. It also saves them from the pain of introspecting and potentially accepting that they did something wrong.

People who lack compassion for others, or choose to put their feelings first in a powerful way, to the point where they end up causing others pain, weren’t your friends, to begin with.

3.   They Ghosted You Because They Can’t Handle All Of Their Social Connections

There was a time when you and your best friends were so close that no one could separate you. You had gatherings at least weekly, told each other everything, and talked every day. But now you can’t seem to remember the last time you went out for a coffee with them, the last time you texted or even saw them.

You might have wanted to avoid that. Or you might have tried to keep everyone together. But know that one day they just disappeared from your life.

As people grow older, they also tend to grow apart. That doesn’t mean that the fact they ghosted you is justified, it isn’t, but it might explain why some people disappear without reason.

The more circles someone enters, the harder it is for them to juggle every single relationship. Someone’s workplace, hobbies, life partner, and so on always drastically affect their social life. They might find that spending time with colleagues is better for their professional life. They might sacrifice their relationship with you to make time for those social activities that help them in other aspects of life.

Don’t cry over these kinds of people. If they chose to ghost you because they couldn’t value your friendship over other circles, that person wouldn’t have been there for you in times of need.

ghosted you4.    They Ghosted You Because Are Too Busy

On the surface, this might seem like a pathetic excuse. Do some people not value others enough to make time? But it isn’t as simple as it looks.

Until now, we discussed egotistical, mean reasons for ghosting someone. But sometimes, ghosting isn’t personal. Sure, it’s still wrong not to tell someone you are overwhelmed with work or personal issues. Thus you will not be able to maintain a close friendship, but sometimes it happens.

As time passes, responsibilities add up. Maybe it’s a more draining job, new hobbies, maybe they started a family, and they have to give it a hundred percent. Many things in life keep people occupied, so they can barely get a good night’s sleep.

Again, they did not explain this to you, but you must still be compassionate and consider this a probability. And remember, even if your friend ghosted you in hectic times, you need to cut your friends some slack and stop worrying; when they have the time again, you can still reconnect.

5.    They Are Dealing With Trauma…and They Ghosted You Without Harmful Intent

Many people are dealing with situations you don’t know about, even your best friends. No matter how close you are, they might be scared to share what they are going through.

They might need to isolate themselves when dealing with complex and painful situations. The isolation lets them continue a relationship where they have to pretend that everything is ok not to worry.

According to Dr. Holly Schiff, a licensed clinical psychologist, part of a trauma response is the inability to feel a full range of emotions and diminish a sense of self. This might render them unable to communicate properly. Thus, their only option is to disappear to protect themselves from a potentially uncomfortable discussion.

Other issues, like depression and bipolar disorder, might make people isolate and ghost you when they are going through tough times or low moods. This is not because they want to be jerks but because their brain is wired and cannot cope with the disorder in other ways.

Don’t take it personally if you sense that trauma or mental issues are why they disappeared. Instead, try to learn how to be there from them, whether that means checking in on them even if they don’t respond just to let them know you are there from them or leaving them alone altogether, not to cause them more problems. Different people need different things. So it would help if you learned what those needs are to be a good friend.

ghosted youFinal Thoughts On Why Your Friend Might Have Ghosted You

People might ghost you if you thought were true friends for many reasons. Most of the reasons aren’t even your fault. So it’s important to remember that just because someone couldn’t handle their business well enough doesn’t mean you did something wrong.

Some people can’t communicate or own up to their own decisions. Some are too selfish to think about your well-being. Those people are the ones you should give up on.

For the few that might be ghosting you for a legitimate reason, cut them some slack and be there to help them. Sure, they should have handled things better. But consider giving them some grace. They might hurt, deal with trauma, or be overwhelmed by responsibilities. Indeed, they might need to know you’re still there even though they disappeared. Chances are, you will rekindle the relationship.

6 Benefits of Collagen Supplements and How to Take Them

Whether you’re studying health, fitness, or beauty, you’ve probably read about collagen. Did you know that your body has approximately 28 different types of collagens? The most common associated with your body and skin are types one through three, which many people often boost with collagen supplements.

Collagen has several purposes in your body’s cells that are both basic and complicated. Your skin’s structure depends on this essential protein to remain smooth and elastic. Cells in your muscles, bones, and cartilage are also built with collagen.

Since the human body is one of the most self-sufficient machines in the universe, yours creates its own collagen supply. An article published by The National Library of Medicine explains the synthesizing process. Fibroblasts in your cells use amino acid power to replenish the collagen your body needs.

The article also mentions that the production of collagen usually declines as you get older. It can also be negatively affected by poor nutrition, stress, and other environmental factors. In these cases, collagen supplements may be helpful in your diet.

How Does Your Body Use Collagen Supplements?

collagen supplementsHumans and other vertebrate animals also produce collagen. Oddly, plants don’t have natural supplies of this protein. The collagen supplements available are usually derived from farm animals or fish, and they’re processed into a digestible powder. You may see these supplements called gelatin, collagen peptides, hydrolyzed collagen, or collagen hydrolysate.

Once you ingest these supplements, your body will use water to break the protein down into its essential amino acids, called collagen peptides. According to a passage in Molecular Cell Biology, 4th Edition, the amino acids that create collagen peptides include glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Once the water breaks them down, they are easier for your body to absorb.

As you ingest these supplements, they go throughout your digestive system and are absorbed into your bloodstream through your small intestines. They will now circulate in your body and support fibroblasts, your natural collagen, and elastin production. The collagen boost can benefit your skin, hair, nails, muscles, bones, and joints.

How Can You Benefit From Taking Collagen Supplements?

It stands to reason that if your body lacks collagen, you may benefit from taking a supplement. You may see results such as healthier skin, hair, and nails. Also, your bones and joints may be more solid and flexible. It all depends on the person.

Have you noticed that your skin is a little less elastic and your hair and nails brittle? Maybe you have a few problems with stiff and sore joints. Here are six possible benefits you may receive when you supplement your diet with collagen:

1. Healthier Skin

One of the inevitable processes of aging is wrinkles and sagging skin. While there are no magical pills or creams to stop this process, collagen supplements may make it slower. They can encourage your body to produce more collagen of its own to provide hydration and elasticity to your skin.

The more elastic your skin is, the less noticeable small lines and wrinkles will be. Collagen also may reduce blemishes and help give your complexion more smoothness and radiance. Supplementing your diet with collagen may help turn back the clock of aging a bit for you.

2. Stronger Bones and Joints

Do you battle joint pain or weak bones? Collagen has amino acids called proline and glycine that may reduce these conditions. It acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and can help your body repair damaged tissue. You may notice less pain and more flexibility in your joints.

The cartilage cushions around your joints wear down as you age, resulting in arthritic conditions and joint pain. When you supplement your diet with collagen, it may be stored in your cartilage. The stored protein may encourage your body to make more collagen to strengthen your cartilage and give your joints more cushioning.

3. Improving Your Workout Performance

Adding collagen to your diet may supply essential amino acids, no matter what exercise you enjoy. Proline and glycine can reduce inflammation and help repair tissue damage from prolonged physical activity. It might also facilitate your workout recovery and promote healing of workout and sporting injuries.

Another reason you may consider taking collagen is that it may reduce the risks of injuring your ligaments, tendons, and muscles during workouts or playing sports. Arginine is an amino acid found in collagen, and it may help you restore or maintain your muscle mass. No wonder so many fitness fans and athletes supplement their meals with this vital protein.

collagen supplements4. Promoting Better Sleep

It’s three in the morning, and you’re still staring at the ceiling in your bedroom. You’ve tried counting sheep but got bored after the 20th one jumped the fence. Does this sound like a familiar scenario?

Your body needs proper sleep for restoration and total well-being. If you don’t have it, you will spend the day with brain fog and may notice physical and psychological symptoms. Supplementing with collagen may be an option if you have occasional sleepless nights.

One of the essential amino acids in collagen is glycine, which affects your brain’s neurotransmitters. Glycine in collagen has several essential duties. Among these are to help your body produce serotonin to regulate moods and sleep.

5. Assisting With Weight Loss

Many nutritionists and dieticians recommend a healthy diet plan low in carbs, high in protein and good fats. One tablespoon of collagen peptide supplements has zero fats and carbs, 50 calories, and 12 grams of protein. That’s as much protein as you would get if you ate one-fourth cup of almonds.

Maybe you are following a keto or another low-carb diet plan. Adding the extra protein from collagen peptides may help your stomach feel full faster. This may lead to eating less and losing weight.

6. Digestive Aid

If you’re like most people, you may battle occasional upset stomach and digestive issues. These issues may be caused by poor eating habits, stress, or other health factors. Since your digestive system needs protein for optimal function, why not add collagen peptides to your daily meals?

The essential fatty acids in collagen may help soothe an irritated digestive tract. It can also promote healing of the mucous lining that protects the stomach and intestines from acid irritation. You may find it easier to digest food because collagen naturally helps break down fats and proteins for better absorption.

If you are having digestive issues, taking collagen peptides can work in the healing process. It can increase protein absorption and encourage your body to produce more hydrochloric acid. That’s good news for people who have issues with acid reflux.

What are the Different Types of Collagen Peptides Available?

You’re busy and don’t have time for complicated mixes and figuring dosages. One of the many advantages of taking collagen peptides is the variety of ways you can incorporate them into your diet. All these depend on your personal preference.

These supplements are available as capsules, powders, pre-mixed drinks, tasty gummies, and other forms. It’s easy to add a collagen capsule to your daily vitamin rations. If you enjoy protein shakes or other healthy drinks, you can easily mix collagen powder in them without affecting the taste or texture.

It’s important to note that you’ll get the optimal amount of protein per serving when choosing the powder option. Adding powder to your beverages can pack up to 20 grams of protein per serving. However, you can still reap health benefits from taking lower-protein forms in gummies and pre-mixed drinks.

When Will the Supplements Begin to Work?

Remember that no magic snake oil or supplements will produce instant results. Even when you take natural supplements like collagen peptides, it will take some time. Plus, results aren’t typical and may vary from person to person.

The timing depends on what area of your body you’re targeting. Some areas take longer than others to notice benefits. Here is an approximate time chart for seeing results from supplementing collagen peptides to your diet.

• Skin, Hair, and Nails

It won’t take long for you to see the cosmetic difference that collagen peptides can offer. You may notice benefits for your skin in as little as one to three months. Stronger nails and healthier hair may take up to six months or longer.

• Workout Benefits

When adding collagen peptides to your diet while doing resistance training, you may gain more muscle mass and strength. However, it may take about three months. You’ll be happy to know that within a few days of taking these supplements, you may feel minor soreness after your workouts.

• Bone, Joints, and Tendon Support

Bone density support is essential, especially for women past 40. After a year of extra collagen, your bones may increase their density. It will take about six months to notice a difference in your joint health and tendon support.

collagen supplementsFinal Thoughts About Collagen Supplements

Since collagen is one of the most used proteins in your body, it makes sense to ensure you have enough. Supplementing your meal plan with collagen peptides may be a healthy option. Find the supplement type that best suits your needs and preferences.

4 Ways To Stop Overeating Processed Foods

Are you guilty of overeating processed foods? If so, you are not alone in this struggle.

Processed food has become more common over the decades. Stores stock their shelves with unhealthy packaged food filled with preservatives and too much salt and sugar. Fast food is inexpensive, and their shops are everywhere, making them accessible. Worse still, these foods taste great because manufacturers engineer them to be addictive to your palette. So it’s hard not to want them!

This is why so many people wind up overeating processed food. They’re cheap, they last long, you’ll find them much everywhere, and they taste good. But they keep you coming back with unhealthy but addictive ingredients. It can be hard to break the cycle of eating and crave these foods all the time, even when you know they’re bad for you! But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be done. Here are four practical ways to stop overeating processed foods.

1.    Add More Of Certain Food Groups To Your Diet

The desire to always eat processed food can often stem from an already not-too-balanced diet. The less healthily you eat, the more your palette will crave unhealthy foods. This is why adding positive food groups to your daily meals is important, so you begin to enjoy those types of food just as much – if not more – than processed options.

Many food groups also benefit things like satiety, energy, positive thinking, and cognitive function. These benefits can help you reduce cravings for processed foods and give you enough energy to avoid the need to reach for snacks. Here are some food groups to add to your diet:

overeating processed foods·         Protein

Protein’s great for brain function, reducing brain fog, and helping you build muscle and strength in the process – but that’s not even why it’s so good for reducing processed food consumption! Research has also shown that protein makes you feel satiated, which is more than enough to reduce the need to snack or the desire to fill meal plates with too much food. Lean meats, white meat, fish, nuts, and beans are all great options for protein.

·         Whole Grains

Refined grains like white rice, white bread, and white pasta aren’t the worst things for your diet, but they’re processed, and a lot of the nutrients they could have had aren’t present as firmly as they could be. Whole grain alternatives like brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, multigrain bread, and other similar options provide much more fiber and satiety without removing the essence of the refined versions you enjoy. Plus, studies show they’re beneficial for protecting you against various diseases!

·         Healthy Fats

There’s a vast nutrition myth that all fats are bad. That’s completely false, and in fact, your body needs some of them! Some of them are even very heart-healthy, thanks to a high content of omega fatty acids. Nuts and avocados, for example, are excellent sources of healthy fat. They taste great and help reduce cravings, which is ideal for reducing processed food intake.

·         Fruit and Vegetables

It goes without saying that veggies and fruits are crucial for a healthy and balanced diet, but did you know that they can also help you to reduce your processed food consumption? With the natural, healthy sugars of fruit, you’ll get your sweet cravings filled without the need for sugary candies. And with all the fiber in both vegetables and fruits, you’ll feel full after each meal. Therefore, you won’t need as many snacks!

2.    Get Into The Right Mindset

Your mind is a powerful thing. You probably already know just how much the way you think can influence what happens in your life. Plus, you know how you manage decisions. That can be extended to food and regulating your diet, too! You can genuinely utilize your brain to trick yourself into making more positive food choices.

A study published in the Appetite journal revealed that if you negatively look at junk foods, you lose some of your desire to eat them. This even affects your favorite processed food options! This means that viewing craved foods with certain mindsets may entirely remove your desire to eat them. Some of the perspectives used in the study that you can use in your life are to look at the food as if you:

  • Just saw someone cough or sneeze on the food.
  • Can envision all the potential consequences of eating those foods, such as weight gain, lowered energy, stomach discomfort, blood glucose imbalance, or guilt
  • Feel full already and can’t eat another bite
  • Would instead save this food to eat for later (in which case you are likely to forget about that food)

These thoughts aren’t accurate or objective, but if you can convince your brain that someone really did sneeze on that muffin or that you’re too stuffed to eat a bite of chocolate, you’ll genuinely start feeling as if it’s happening that way.

Conversely, this mindset works on the other end of the scale, too, according to more studies! If you want to feel more eager to eat healthily, using positive thinking to consider your healthy options can help you wish to partake in them. Think about the great benefits of eating healthy, the end goal you want for your health and appearance, or how good certain healthy foods taste, and your brain will enjoy them more than junk food!

overeating processed foods3.    Plan and Prepare In Advance

A lot of times, overeating comes from a lack of available options. When you don’t have good healthy options that are easy to grab, you’re likely to reach for quick and simple things instead. After all, with the hustle and rush of daily working life, few people have the time to stop by the kitchen to prepare food every single time they’re peckish.

This is why planning and preparing options in advance is a big part of stopping the habit of overeating. Studies indicate that having a plan like this can reduce “food cue reactivity,” or the human tendency to react to and be influenced by exposure to food-related information during the day. You’ll be less susceptible to that advertisement about the new fast food store if you know you already have lunch packed!

Here are some tips for being prepared in advance to avoid overeating processed foods:

·         Plan Meals In Advance

The day before your work week begins, take time out to plan all your big meals. During the days when you work, you’ll be too busy to figure out what you’re going to eat correctly, so if you don’t have a plan already in store, you’re likely to slip up and opt for easy but unhealthy choices that seem more appealing at the time.

·         Keep Easy Snacks

Eating well need not be a challenge.

When you’re hungry for a quick bite, your mind may drift to potato chips, candy, and quick fast food options. But if you have even simpler snacks on hand, you can avoid giving in to those cravings. Pack fruits that can be quickly eaten make healthy batches of snacks in advance to bring with you, and if all else fails, do a little research on healthy snack options that you can buy and bring around with you.

·         Prepare Large Batches Of Food

You may not have time to cook every day, but you can likely find one or two days to spend doing so. Preparing big batches of food to keep in containers in your fridge allows you to have food ready to go for the next several days. Your easy options will suddenly also be healthy ones! Just make sure that the recipes you choose aren’t too overwhelming and that you like how they taste!

4.    Shop Smart

The processed food that you bring home with you is a result of poor shopping choices. Shopping smart will allow you to stop reaching for processed food or buying unhealthy options that pretend to be good for you. When you’re hungry at home, you’re going to go for foods that are accessible in your pantry, so shop well to keep that pantry suitable for a balanced diet! Here are some tips for shopping smart:

·         Check Labels For Small Print

The labels on packaged food provide all the information you need to make informed decisions, but it can be hard to decipher that data. Generally, if a food’s ingredients list is filled with long words that you don’t know and can’t pronounce, it’s probably heavily processed. You should also check that data even if the food packaging proclaims boldly that it’s sugar-free, natural, or healthy. Your attention should be on the Nutrition Information Panel, which will list the sugar, sodium, and saturated fats in each food – the less of those are in the food, the better it’ll be for you!

·         Shop The Perimeter At The Grocers

In grocery stores, the perimeter aisles are where the fresh food and produce are kept. This means you won’t find the worst of the processed foods there. Instead, whole foods like fresh fruit and vegetables cut meats and proteins, grains, and more. By restricting yourself to these outer areas, you won’t see and be tempted by junk food. And you fill your cart with healthy foods. You’ll probably feel less interested in adding something in garish, bright packaging to it!

·         Go To A Local Farmer’s Market

If you have the time and are in proximity of a farmer’s market, patronize it! Make this local market your primary place to stock up on produce. Produce options here will be sold when they’re in season and therefore have the most nutritional value. You can better trust that the produce here is genuinely farmed organically or with as few pesticides as possible. Supporting small local businesses is also a great way to ensure healthier options!

overeating processed foodsFinal Thoughts On Some Effective Ways To Stop Overeating Processed Foods

Changing your diet for the better can be a challenging task. You don’t need to eliminate processed foods all at once. Cut down on them one by one, substitute them with healthier options, and take it slow. And of course, remember that the goal is not to stop overeating processed food, not to swear them off permanently. If you want an unhealthy treat now and then, be sure to space those treats out, and you’ll be fine!

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