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6 Ways Setting Priorities Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

In your life journey, your time is finite. It sounds morbid, but it’s true! You have a set amount of space every single day in order to do what you need to do. When you have big dreams and goals, that limit on your time can feel restrictive. You may feel like you never have the time to do the things you need and want! If this sounds like you, setting priorities is a must for you.

That’s where priorities come in. The exact meaning of a priority can differ from person to person, but the gist is pretty simple. Essentially, a priority is something that you put urgency and importance on. It’s the subject that holds your focus and it’s what you consider the most important thing above your many responsibilities.

Of course, there can be more than one priority for each person. More specifically, most individuals have a list of priorities, ranked in terms of how important they are. These priorities often also correlate to an internal set of values. They determine how you spend your time and what you’re willing to sacrifice if need be.

Setting priorities is a powerful tool when it comes to taking control of your life. When you know how to set your priorities, you’ll also be able to achieve better productivity and effectiveness. This is why this activity can be so crucial to reaching the success you seek in life! Here are six ways setting priorities can help you achieve your goals.

1.    Setting Priorities Helps You Adapt

Priorities are not static things. Different points in your life will require different subjects of focus. If you learn to set good priorities, you’ll also get a lot of practice in adapting to new situations and life requirements.

Much like priorities, goals aren’t meant to be static. Unfortunately, not many people realize that! It’s a common thought that if you have a goal, you can’t change it or you’ll be abandoning it and giving up. But that’s not the case at all! The goals you made ten years ago were a reflection of the person you were then. The person you are now will likely have different visions of the future.

Being able to prioritize allows you to recontextualize your goals as and when you need to. When your life shifts in unpredictable ways, you’ll be rolling with the punches and learning more about what you want in life. You’ll be happy to make adjustments to your life and will handle destabilizing challenges from your journey in more positive ways.

setting priorities2.    Setting Priorities Ensures That You Know Yourself

Your goals are a big deal to your future. If you don’t know yourself well enough, you won’t be able to make goals that are true to you. A lot of people make the mistake of deciding their dreams based on others. Luckily, priorities don’t often wind up in that situation, and here’s why!

You have to decide what’s most important to you. Things that don’t truly matter aren’t priorities – and in fact, they’re typically things that you can leave behind. You won’t wind up deciding to prioritize something that you don’t truly want.

You need to be honest with yourself if you want to prioritize in a positive way. Lying to yourself won’t truly allow you to set genuine priorities. “Fake” priorities will fall apart pretty quickly, and you won’t be able to ignore that.

Prioritization means being able to learn and self-reflect. We’ve already said that as time goes on, your priorities will shift and change. You can only properly adapt to these factors if you’re practicing healthy and mindful reflection.

3.    Setting Priorities Lets You Think Ahead

Making goals short-sightedly is almost sure to result in a bunch of bad expectations and disappointment. While your goals do need you to dream big, they also need you to maintain some degree of realism. Being able to plan ahead lets you properly set long-term goals and outline steps to achieve them.

Setting priorities is one fantastic way to ensure that you’re thinking ahead. In order to determine what is best for you, you need to use critical thought. You’ll have to place yourself in the shoes of a future you and decide what would be best for them. This kind of thought allows you to determine what to go for first.

This ability to look ahead also lets you put some metaphorical space between yourself and your goals. The resulting “distance” allows you to view your ideas with a critical, third-party eye so you make more rational choices.

4.    Setting Priorities Gives You Positive Step-By-Step Management

Goals consist of more than just one big dream. They are often made up of smaller, more short-term goals. These little steps help you work your way towards your desired end result in a reasonable way. But how can you ensure that those small steps are actually effective and helpful? Well, prioritization can help you!

Sometimes, goals can get stifled by a tendency to do tiny things first. Instead of tackling large but necessary steps, you’d rather fiddle with little fusses that have less of an effect. This can happen because:

  • Finishing small things gives you a reward of the feel-good hormone dopamine. You become conditioned to that rewarding mood boost. As such, you keep doing things that’ll get you that reward the fastest.
  • You feel the need to be visibly productive all the time, and small tasks let you feel more productive. Even if it’s not really productive, the feeling of business can trick you into believing that it is.
  • Big tasks and steps are much more overwhelming and can seem daunting. It can feel safer to stick to the smaller things, even if the big things aren’t that hard.

setting prioritiesWhy Failing to Set Goals Doesn’t Work.

Why? Think about trying to pack a suitcase. If you fill it with tiny little things, you won’t have space to put bulky items. The same happens with steps towards goals. If you burn yourself out on small tasks, you won’t have the energy for the more important ones!

Prioritization gives you the chance to tackle big and necessary things over small ones. It also allows you to balance them. You’ll fill your metaphorical suitcase with the first few big items. Then, you’ll fill in the gaps between them with small items. You’ll take a break and then repeat the process for the next layer of “packing”. This is a positive way to get things done and is more likely to be a success for your goals!

Doing the hardest step first ensures ease when you’re turning your attention to simpler steps. You’re able to willfully assign challenging tasks to yourself for the sake of getting them over with. It can sound like a drag, but it’s a good way to get real about the effort needed for your goals.

Very few goals in life are going to come easy. There’s a lot of work that needs to be put into bringing them to fruition. A fair amount of that work will be things that are tricky and even overwhelming. It’s easy to simply never do those things, practicing avoidance and ending up with unfulfilled goals.

Learning to prioritize breaks this cycle and replaces it with positive thinking. You’re willing to work through the hard stuff in order to get to better days. This combination of motivation and commitment will be a great help to your performance, according to studies.

5.    Setting Priorities Prevents Distractions

Distractions are a huge goal-killer. If your mind and eye wander and leave your attention somewhere else, your goals remain stagnant. After all, goals require constant work, and you need to do things every day that move you in the right direction. You can’t do that if your focus simply isn’t there.

Priorities allow you to skip past distractions and keep your concentration on the things that truly matter. Things that can be classified as “distractions” get put low on the list of priorities. You’ll be used to doing important and urgent things first, leaving the rest for a future time. This doesn’t mean you’ll never do them – just that they’ll come after what matters most.

Some distractions also make good rewards. For example, going to watch a movie isn’t a priority and shouldn’t come before the more important things in your day. But it does serve as a good reward. Once you finished up the priorities you have on your list, you’re free to enjoy that film at your leisure!

This can create a very rewarding and positive system for working on your goals. You get to give yourself pats on the back for each short-term accomplishment. Those well-earned self-congratulations are important for maintaining intrinsic motivation and can encourage you to keep going!

6.    Setting Priorities Gets You Used To Baby Steps

When you’re used to prioritizing, you’re also used to taking action in positive ways. You don’t let ideas and thoughts lie dormant. You act on them and come up with plans to get them done. That’s also part of what healthy and productive goal-setting and work are all about! Forward momentum is always needed. But how much is necessary?

That’s an aspect that goal-setters often overlook: it’s okay to take things slow. We’ve talked about the need to work step by step and to do the big things first, true! But there doesn’t have to be a rush to do them all in one go, especially if you’re trying something unfamiliar. Prioritizers know how to set priorities based on how much time it will take to complete something, too!

Being kind to yourself and using positive thinking to help you work through challenges is crucial to long-term success. No one wants to burn out right away. Set high standards for yourself, but be reasonable. You’ll face challenges and hurdles throughout your journey, but it’s not a race! All you have to do is not stop moving and trying, even if the steps you take are small. As long as you keep yourself going, you’re heading for your goals!

setting prioritiesFinal Thoughts On Some Ways Setting Priorities Can Help Us Achieve Goals

Priorities are useful ways to keep your tasks in line, but they’re also really great for managing goals! If you can harness their power well, you’ll be able to determine exactly what must be done for your success.

Find Emotional Closure After a Breakup With These 9 Habits

Once you experience something traumatic in life, like a breakup, you need emotional closure. This healing is significant because it can cause issues now and in the future. If your relationship ends badly, you won’t be able to move on from it unless you heal.

Unresolved matters with an ex will haunt every relationship that comes after it. If the emotional pangs you feel aren’t enough, you may experience flashbacks that will only worsen matters. Your emotions can break your spirit, and you may be inclined to try to do something to get revenge.

It would help if you reminded yourself that revenge isn’t going to do anything but get you into trouble.

When the Past Interrupts the Future

Your past certainly plays a significant part in your future. Amanda met Fred when she was 16 years old. He was the love of her life. However, Fred became tired of the relationship and wanted more once they married and had two children.

Amanda woke up one morning to find Fred gone, and all she got was a note. She never saw or heard from him again. He never had anything to do with his children, and it was as if he had disappeared into thin air.

She never got the emotional closure she needed on the situation, and the fact that she spent more than 15 years of her life with this man only made matters worse. She felt like she couldn’t move on because she didn’t know what happened. Amanda wasted years of her life wishing he would come back, and she couldn’t move on because she was left in limbo.

Fred meant the world to Amanda, and she didn’t know how to live without him, but she had no choice. She needed that final word from him that he was never coming back, but she never got the respect of a phone call or any communication.

emotional closureNine Habits To Help You With Emotional Closure

Your mind is reeling after a breakup that cuts you like a knife. However, there are some ways to gather your thoughts and emotions and pull yourself back together. Here are some tips and habits you should develop to help you on your journey towards emotional health.

1. Get Rid of Any Memorabilia

If you’ve been together for any length of time, you have all sorts of things that you’ve bought for one another. There are pictures of you two together, as well as articles of clothing and other items that are linked to this individual. However, you can’t move on if you’re still holding on to the past.

It’s time to either have a big bonfire or throw them in the trash. If it’s stuff that someone else can use, you might want to donate them to a charity or your local thrift store. Keeping just one thing in your possession means you’re holding on in some manner, and it can inhibit the emotional closure you need.

2. Cut Off All Contact to Gain Immediate Emotional Closure

Cutting off all contact means you delete them from social media pages, erase their number from your smartphone, and have nothing to do with them. Don’t let your moments of weakness cloud your judgment and text one of their friends or family members.

It would help if you let go completely, and this means having no contact at all. Erase all the text messages, too, so you don’t torture yourself with reliving both good and bad times. If anyone comes graveling back, it should be them, and then you can show them the door.

3. Write A Dear John Letter

Sometimes you have things to say, and you didn’t get the opportunity to do so. In this instance, you need to write a letter to them expressing yourself. Now, it’s up to you whether you mail this letter, as some people just prefer to burn it.

Dear John, letters date clear back to 1862. According to Poem Analysis, Victorian poet Christina Rossetti wrote a poem about leaving her lover, John, and moving on with another man. Poetry and letter-writing became extremely popular during times of war.

Women would often write their servicemen to let them know they’ve moved on with another guy while they were gone. Today, the phrase is commonly used for anyone who wants to break up without doing it in person. You have a right to get your feelings out in the open, so a Dear John letter is best.

4. Set Firm Boundaries

Some people break up and make up many times throughout their relationship. However, that one time always tends to be the final straw. It would help if you had emotional closure from these situations too, and the only way you can do this is to set firm boundaries.

Let them know that you don’t want them to call you anymore and don’t want them coming around your home either. Tell them how you’ll handle this breakup, as you need to do this for your sanity. You can’t carry on as if nothing happened.

In some instances, you will rub shoulders with your ex due to work, place of worship, or other social situations. However, you have the right to set firm boundaries that will allow you to heel.

emotional closure5. Don’t Turn Around and Look in the Past

How can you look forward to the future if you’re constantly living in the past? You must remember the good times, but let go of all the failure and things that brought you pain. The good news is that your past is not a life sentence, and you no longer have to live there.

You will undoubtedly have moments when you relive things but can’t ruminate about them. Although you can’t bring back yesterday, you can change tomorrow. So, stop thinking about all the failures and what might have been, and look for a brighter future.

6. Forgiveness Fosters Emotional Closure

There is no perfect relationship, and every story has two sides. It would be best if you forgave your ex so that you get rid of any excess baggage from them. The worst thing you can do is carry baggage from one relationship to another, as it’s unfair to the next person.

Additionally, it would help if you also forgive yourself. As they say, hindsight is 20/20, and you’ll probably beat yourself up over the “what ifs.” To get proper emotional closure over this situation, you need to forgive them for what they did to you and forgive yourself for any part you had in the breakup.

7. Get Your Emotions Out Through Talk Therapy

If the breakup was tough, you might need to talk to someone about it. You may be tied to this person for all of eternity if you have children. Breaking up is hard to do, but you can use therapy to get through it.

According to Good Therapy, a counselor may be a vital part of the healing process. They can help you to address issues with low self-esteem, posttraumatic stress, and depression. They can give you little tasks to help you with emotional closure and become a better you.

8. Use Art For Emotional Closure

Art is a powerful way to express your emotions safely. Did you know that the famous painter Vincent van Gogh used his paintings to deal with his mental illness? According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, van Gogh had psychotic episodes, an eccentric personality, and unstable moods.

He devoted a decade of his life to painting, and it was his therapy. No matter what upset you’re going through, you can learn to express yourself through art forms like painting. Perhaps your thing is dancing, or running, or playing a musical instrument. Whatever your fancy, you should pour yourself into that thing to help eliminate the negativity from a devastating blow.

9. Take Care Of Yourself

One thing that many people do after a breakup is sinking into a depression. You must take care of yourself during this time and get the emotional closure you need. Your hygiene is essential, and you must keep up with your home too.

Self-care is so important at any time, but it’s imperative after a breakup. If you feel like your physical or mental health is getting away from you, then care enough to talk to someone and get help.

emotional closureFinal Thoughts on Emotional Closure After a Breakup

Your emotions are as unpredictable as the weather. When you experience a major life change like a breakup, you may feel as if you can’t go on. However, the truth is that you can go on, and you will find love again.

The key is to allow yourself to work through the grieving process as you heal. Even if you parted on good terms, it could be a significant shock to your system for such a loss. Your emotional health is vital; you need proper closure to move on and have a promising future.

15 Ways to Remember to Speak Kindly, Even When You Feel Annoyed

Have you ever forced yourself to smile and be nice to a difficult person? Let’s face it, some people know how to press your buttons, and you may feel like giving them a proper tongue lashing. However, there are ways you can diffuse your irritation in an awkward situation and speak kindly.

Fifteen Ways to Speak Kindly

Being a compassionate person can be a tough job. However, avoiding confrontations makes it better for everyone. Here are fifteen ways you can speak kindly in difficult situations.

1. Offer a Sincere Compliment

This may be an all too familiar scenario for you. While you enjoy holidays and special occasions at the office, you may dread bumping into that certain coworker. You know, as soon as you get a glass of punch, they’ll appear out of nowhere and change the mood in the room.

It’s a little easier to be kind to some who’s irritating you when you’re in a crowd than when it’s only the two of you. One way to lower your steam is to find something good about that person and say so. When you pay a compliment that’s genuine, it often throws the office party pooper off guard, and you can walk away with your dignity.

speak kindly2. A Smile on Your Face Makes It Easier to Speak Kindly

Remember the old song that tells you to smile through your heartbreaks, and you’ll get by? Being in the crosshairs of a difficult conversation may not be heartbreaking, but it can wrack your nerves. However, the iconic tune has a good point to help you speak kindly.

An article published in Forbes by Dr. Bryan Robinson states scientific evidence linking smiling and your mood. Even when you must fake a grin, Robinson says that it may trick your brain into producing endorphins and a pleasant disposition. You’re also less prone to give a regretful response if you show those pearly whites as you talk.

However, be careful of smiling when the other person gets heated. They may perceive it as mocking, and they may get angrier. Reserve your smile for when the conversation is civil.

3. Don’t Buy Into Their Negativity

Your attitude can affect your atmosphere, be it positive or negative. According to the law of attraction, you attract whatever you put out into the Universe. If you decide to smile, be positive, and speak kindly, and you’ll attract more of the same.

You needn’t be smothered by comments from negativity. Refuse to be influenced by a negative attitude and try to take the high road. Although it may not change the person’s disposition, you can reap the benefits of positivity.

4. Is an Apology Due?

It’s human nature to make mistakes or inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings. If the situation hasn’t been rectified as soon as possible, it makes for contentious moments. Perhaps the other person isn’t so gracious because you’ve offended them.

When you’ve hurt someone even unknowingly, be quick to apologize sincerely. Realize that genuine apology includes amends and the determination not to repeat the offense. After that, forgiveness is up to them.

Maybe the other person offended you and has yet to apologize. You may have stewed over their trespass until it’s festered into bitterness. Most people may not be able to speak kindly when they’re angry with another person.

5. Speak Kindly When You Offer Forgiveness

While apology and forgiveness are closely linked in human relationships, they have their differences. When you hurt or offend another, you owe them an apology. It’s like having a utility bill that says what’s due.

However, you can’t owe somebody forgiveness. If you decide to forgive a person’s offense, it’s a gift from your heart. Plus, forgiveness sets your mind and spirit free from bitterness so you can go on with your life.

Just because you offer forgiveness doesn’t mean you’re letting the offender off the hook. It also doesn’t erase the hurt from your memory. Forgiveness clears the way to get past the offense, and you both can speak kindly when you meet.

6. Consider The Other Person’s Life

You’ll never be at a loss for grumpy people in your personal and professional life. Whether it’s a staff meeting or a dreaded family reunion, a problematic personality will be present. If it’s inevitable that you must interact with them even for a bit, considering their past may help you speak kindly to them.

Most children don’t make a personal goal to mature into a miserable, hateful adults. Negative personalities are often products of past environments, circumstances, and mental health issues. According to an article written by the Association for Psychological Science, some people may naturally focus on negativity.

While it doesn’t excuse rude behaviors, it might explain why your surly coworker or cantankerous uncle is so tricky. You may not realize the trauma someone’s endured or other situations that have turned their lives bleak. By not taking it personally and learning to speak kindly, you don’t add to their frustrations.

speak kindly7. Remember That First Impressions Aren’t Always Accurate

Let’s say you were just hired at a company, and you introduce yourself to a new coworker. Ideally, they would smile, shake your hand, and welcome you aboard. But what if they didn’t smile and were short with you?

It would be understandable for you to feel a bit stunned, rejected, and mad at this person. You could assume that they immediately didn’t like you, and you’re not going to like them. However, this unfortunate first impression may not be an accurate portrait of your colleague.

At least give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they had been verbally shredded by a client on the phone right before you introduced yourself. Or your new coworker might be crushed with stress from a pressing deadline.

Before you decide this person is a bad apple, see what happens next. The chances are that they will stop you later and apologize for being short. By showing consideration and being kind, you may discover that they’re a friendly person after all.

8. It’s Easier to Speak Kindly if you Pause First

When the conversation with a problematic person goes south, it’s easy to let your mouth be quicker than your brain. You may end up saying something you’ll live to regret, so practice mindful pausing before you speak. Listen to the other person and take a moment to think about how to answer.

9. Try to Stay Calm

Talking to someone who gets on your nerves may immediately send your temper into orbit. One way to keep a civil tongue is to stay calm and manage your emotions. If need be, count to ten silently, and don’t allow their emotion to dictate yours.

10. Have a Practice Session

You’re going to your high school reunion, and you know your long-time rival will be attending. Even though it’s been years since you were in school, those old emotions of anger and jealousy find their way to the surface. You’ll need to smile and be civil if you don’t want the evening ruined.

This is one of many examples where preparation can make all the difference. Decide what you’ll say in different scenarios. Practice smiling and being genuinely cordial while you work on leaving past differences behind you.

11. Have a Little Help from Your Friend

Sometimes, you may anticipate a strained situation with another person. You already know you can’t cope with them and don’t want things to escalate. Plan with a trusted friend to create a polite escape route.

When cornered by this boring individual, your friend can call your cell phone or pop into the conversation. You have your chance to get away, and the toxic person will find somebody else to annoy. It’s a clever way to keep the peace.

12. Sharing Points of View

Deep down, many obnoxious people feel helpless and lonely and want someone to listen to them. Maybe the seemingly grouchy lady next door would like to be your friend but doesn’t have good communication skills. By actively listening to what they have to say, you may determine their underlying motives.

It’s also essential for you to clearly state your viewpoints, so there are no misunderstandings. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding that came between you in the first place. If they can’t be respectful, then you may have to keep your distance.

13. Use Positive Body Language

Your body speaks just as much as your mouth does. If your words and body language aren’t congruent, people may view your conversation as insincere. It’s imperative when you’re conversing with a problematic person.

Stand or sit in a neutral and relaxed position and avoid crossing your arms. When your body language is calm and open, it makes for a more peaceful atmosphere. You can talk to each other in respectable tones.

14. Set Boundaries

Just because you’ve determined to talk kindly to someone doesn’t mean you’ll be a doormat. Let the difficult person know that you’re willing to have a civil conversation without yelling or verbal abuse. If they can’t respect that, then you’ve nothing more to say.

15. Know When to Walk Away

It’s a sad fact of life that they are some people who will never change their negative or hostile attitudes. If you’ve tried your best to be kind and it doesn’t work, then walk away. You needn’t be part of their darkened view of the world.

speakkindlyFinal Thoughts on Remember to Speak Kindly, Even to Annoying People

It’s a given that personalities will clash, and people can have infuriating encounters. Being kind may give them a change of heart or de-escalate the situation. If not, you’ve done all you can do and can avoid them as much as possible.

USC Research Links Breathing Clean Air to a Healthy Brain

A study by USC researchers found a strong association between clean air and a healthy brain. They also discovered that areas with high air pollution had more Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline residents.

USC studies have determined that one pollutant in particular called PM2.5 leads to poor brain health. Cars and factories emit this fine particulate which measures less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. Once they enter the nose, the particles move into the brain past the blood-brain barrier. Usually, this barrier protects against dust and other foreign substances.

However, due to the minuscule size of PM2.5 particles, they quickly break this barrier. These particles can also exacerbate lung disorders, penetrating deeply into the lungs and impairing lung health.

Fortunately, the USC-led research shows that improvements in air quality have lowered Alzheimer’s risk in certain areas. They published their findings in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.

 In their research, the USC team explained that their labs reported recent drops in the neurotoxicity of PM2.5 air pollution in both humans and mice. Neurotoxicity occurs when exposure to natural or artificial chemicals causes abnormal activity in the brain or nervous system. This means that more people have a healthy brain because of improved air quality.

University Professor Caleb Finch and associate professor of gerontology and sociology Jennifer Ailshire took part in the research. They’re both with the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. They focused their investigation on PM2.5 pollution in particular to document its effects on brain health. Long-term exposure to PM2.5 can lead to early death, especially in people with chronic heart or lung disease.

USC Research Links Breathing Clean Air to a Healthy Brain

a healthy brainA 2004 study from Ailshire found a strong link between cognitive decline and air pollution in less-educated populations. Adults 65 and older with less than eight years of education had a higher risk of neurodegenerative disease when exposed to PM2.5. However, ten years later, Ailshire no longer found this association in the study participants. She based these findings on data from the nationwide Health and Retirement Study.

Ailshire believes that reduced PM2.5 emissions during the past decade increased their likelihood of having a healthy brain. Air quality data revealed that average annual PM2.5 levels in the participants’ cities dropped 25% since 2004.

In 2014, only a handful of the participants lived in areas with annual average PM2.5 levels that surpassed EPA regulations. This provides further evidence that reduced exposure to air pollution in older adults leads to a healthy brain.

“Improving air quality around the country has been a tremendous public health and environment policy success story. But there are signs of a reversal in these trends,” Ailshire said. “Pollution levels are creeping up again, and there are increasingly more large fires, which generate a significant amount of air pollution in certain parts of the country. This gives me cause for concern about future trends in improving air quality.”

Finch also published research on mice earlier this year in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. The findings provide further proof that lower air pollution leads to a healthier brain in the long term.

Finch and his team have been observing how pollution affects the brains of mice at a Los Angeles site since 2009. In 2017, the mice exposed to a tiny, nanoscale type of PM2.5 seemed to have a healthier brain. What’s more, they also had significant declines in several measures of neurotoxicity, including oxidative damage to cells and tissues.

Study Shows Importance of Continued Improvements in Air Quality

During Finch’s and Ailshire’s studies, the composition of air pollution in the United States began to change. According to the EPA, from 2000 to 2020, PM2.5 levels decreased across the country by 41%.

However, PM2.5 in Los Angeles declined very little from 2009 to 2019. In this period, ozone levels in the United States decreased overall. However, it increased in Los Angeles County. Before 2015, ozone dropped in LA County following the national trend.

Overall, the study results are encouraging, showing that lower air pollution leads to a healthy brain and better memory. However, the authors stress that they can’t evaluate the possible benefits of air quality improvement to risks of cognitive decline. While PM2.5 levels fell across the US from 2009 to 2016, they’ve increased each year since 2017. This shows that air quality can fluctuate based on regulations and emission levels, like Los Angeles County.

“Our findings underscore the importance of efforts to improve air quality as well as the continued importance of demographic and experimental evaluation of air pollution neurotoxicity,” Finch said.

Finch and Jiu-Chiuan “J.C.” Chen, an associate professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, collaborated on a separate study. Based on human and animal data, the research found that cognitive aging accelerated with high air pollution. This may increase the risk of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases. Their study indicated that older women living in places with high PM2.5 levels suffered memory loss and brain shrinkage. They didn’t observe this in women who lived in areas with cleaner air.

Other Ways to Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

Advances in neuroscience have led to improved treatments for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s. To reduce your risk of developing the disease, make sure to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. Also, maintain positive social connections and intellectual activities, like puzzles or games. This advice comes from the Alzheimer’s Association.

a healthy brainFinal thoughts: Clean Air Helps Reduce Alzheimer’s and Promotes a Healthy Brain

Worries about pollution continue to grow across the world, and not just because of climate change. Many studies have linked air pollution to early deaths, lung disorders, mental health problems, and cognitive decline. The above study found that adults who lived in areas with low air pollution experienced better brain health. This should come as a no-brainer (no pun intended). Hopefully, governments and industries worldwide will strive to lower pollution so everyone can breathe clean air and have a healthy brain.

12 Effective Tips to Increase Self-Confidence Immediately

A low level of self-confidence is very detrimental to your overall well-being. When you lack the confidence you need in life, you’re cautious about taking risks, and you end up in situations that aren’t the best for you. For instance, you settle for someone toxic because you feel you can’t get anyone better. It’s time for you to find new ways to increase self-confidence!

Few realize the dangers of low self-confidence, and it can sabotage your life in ways you never dreamed possible. However, if you’re too confident, then you may take risks that are foolish too. Someone who has an inflated sense of self-worth can be considered haughty, arrogant, or selfish.

Twelve Actionable Ways To Increase Self-Confidence

It’s essential to have a healthy view of yourself and your abilities. It can help you develop meaningful relationships and power you to get through the most brutal storms in life.

So, what can you do to increase your self-confidence immediately, especially if it’s on the lower side? Courtney E. Ackerman, MA, is an author and writer for Positive Psychology. She expounded on a theory that your confidence levels help be relatable, have competence, and independence.

She suggests that you should go through cognitive restructuring through CBT therapy if you suffer from low self-worth. While therapy is a great tool, here are some tips on how to improve how you look at yourself immediately.

increase self confidence1. Exercise Regularly

You know exercise can do beautiful things for your body, but did you know that it can increase your self-confidence too? Your bodily image is heavily linked with your opinion of yourself. When you’re burning fat and losing weight, you feel great.

Additionally, when you’re exercising, you’re increasing the feel-good chemicals in your brain. When your brain’s chemicals are balanced, you have a better mood, lower levels of depression, and a better outlook on life.

2. Make Yourself Presentable to the World

Your personal hygiene is of the utmost importance. It’s essential to take a shower, wash your hair, shave, clip your fingernails, and do anything else that makes you presentable. It’s such a small action, but it has a big impact.

You know what it’s like to be behind someone in line at the grocery store who hasn’t showered. What are the first thoughts that run through your mind? Do you want people thinking those things about you?

How can you be confident in life if you don’t care enough about yourself to care for your appearance? If you always look like you rolled out of bed, then you’re not going to be on your “A” game or have stellar productivity. Remember that your outside appearance reflects your inner self.

Plus, did you know that poor hygiene is a sign that someone has hit rock bottom or is depressed?

3. Put Aside Jealousy

Are you appreciative of yourself, or do you spend your time being jealous of others for their talents and gifts? Maybe you wish you had a better personality, drove a nicer car, or made more money. However, none of those things matter in the grand scheme of things.

Every person on this planet has admirable gifts inside them. It would help if you focused on these things rather than looking over the fence into the lives of others. Be thankful for what you have if you want more in life.

4. Practice Gratitude Daily

Do you know what most high-achieving people have in common? No, it’s not lots of money or good luck. However, they have learned how to develop an attitude of gratitude.

By focusing on the blessings in your life, you make the bad stuff seem insignificant. A gratitude journal is a great place to start charting all your gifts, and it’s a great reminder of why you should be thankful rather than oppressed.

5. Dress With Care

The way you dress is closely related to hygiene, as your clothes improve how you feel. There’s nothing better than wearing something new that gives you a boost of confidence. No wonder the mantra “Dress for success” is so famous.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on an outfit to look good. You can get something at the thrift store that showcases your figure and makes you look like a million bucks. However, how you dress signals to those around you whether you care enough to take care of yourself.

Jerry Seinfeld made an astounding comment that said that people who live in sweatpants all the time are those who have given up on life. Perhaps, there is some truth to his theory.

6. Focus On Your Gifts, Strengths, and Talents

Do you focus on your strengths or your weaknesses? Most people tend to focus on everything they find wrong with themselves rather than the right things. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What have I accomplished in life?
  • What things can I do well?
  • Are there unique talents that make me special?
  • Are there special abilities that others have praised about me?

If you want to boost your self-confidence immediately, make a list of all the things that you’ve accomplished. It’s okay to pat yourself on the back occasionally.

increase self confidenc7. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

One way to bruise your confidence is by constantly comparing yourself to someone else. It doesn’t matter what the crux of the matter, the result is being miserable. Social media tends to have made this issue much worse, as people only post their best moments.

You’re uniquely you, and there will never be another person like you. Whenever you feel yourself starting to get down and compare your life with someone else’s, remind yourself of all your blessings. You never know how good or bad someone’s life is until you walk in their shoes.

8. Maintaining a Positive Outlook on Life

When a negative thought pops into your mind, what do you do with it? Does it instantly change your mood and make you start thinking about all the bad stuff, or do you counter it with something positive? For instance, if you had a horrible first marriage that ended in divorce, you might feel some guilt for it.

However, when those thoughts of failure come knocking at your door, remind them that you have beautiful children that came from that union. Remember that every dark cloud has a silver lining, and it’s up to you to remind yourself of that bright spot.

9. Shape Your Self-Image

If you want to increase your self-confidence, then you need to adjust the way you see yourself. When you have a positive self-image, your confidence will automatically boost. The good news is even if you have a poor self-image, you can change it.

You can foster a good self-image by looking at accomplishments, practicing gratitude, and falling in love with yourself. How you see yourself is a big indication of how confident you will be in life.

10. Be Kind and Generous

You’re probably wondering how being kind and generous can increase your self-confidence, but it can do wonders. In the ancient writings of the Bible, Acts 2:35, it states that “It’s better to give than to receive?” When you’re doing things for others and giving back, it makes you feel better about yourself.

There’s a feeling of pride that comes from being a good person. Now you shouldn’t go out of your way to do things for others to improve your self-confidence, but it’s just an added blessing that comes from giving back.

11. Set Small, Achievable Goals

One great way to increase self-confidence is to set small obtainable goals. Rather than looking at the big picture and becoming overwhelmed, why not set small goals that you can knock out with ease? There’s a sense of pride that comes from each milestone you reach.

Assume you decided you want to get in shape and be a marathon runner. You don’t start by signing up for a 5k before you’ve lost a pound or done any training? Instead, you set smaller goals that help you to reach the larger ones.

With each mile you run, you will feel a sense of pride flood you inside that helps you keep going. It’s these little accomplishments that build your self-confidence enough to tackle the bigger things. It’s all about incremental progress, and it’s a potent tool to have in your arsenal.

12. Develop a Network of Friends and Colleagues

Your support system is everything. There are always people in your world that are critical and love to tear apart one another. However, you need people who help boost you when you’re having a bad day or doubting yourself.

This network of friends and family can help you when your day seems dark. They can help you to increase self-confidence by knowing just what to say. According to the experts at Reco, drug and alcohol treatment is more effective when you have a strong support system.

Those who have mentors are more likely to obtain sobriety than those that don’t have anyone. Their saying is healthy people, healthy outlook. So, you can use this to apply to your life. When you hang with people who have good self-esteem, they can help lift you and increase yours.

increase self-confidenceFinal Thoughts on Ways To Increase Self-Confidence

Your self-confidence is essential. It helps you to be successful, have good relationships, and live a happy life. The good news is that even if you lack the confidence you need, it’s not set in stone.

You can take positive steps to boost your esteem and have a better overall view of yourself. Though it might not happen overnight, you can increase self-confidence by trying some of these tips listed above.

8 Pros and 7 Cons of Being an Overachiever

There’s no actual definition of what it means to be an overachiever. Most people don’t think achievement is a problem. But overachieving can get sticky.

The problem is how an overachiever goes after or works to maintain a certain level of achievement. Overachieving can be either a problem or an inspiration, depending upon how you look at it. Whether you see overachieving as a problem or an inspiration, there are positives and negatives. Here are some pros and cons of being an overachiever.

Pros of being an overachiever

Being an overachiever has many positive aspects. Here is a list of some of them.

1 – An overachiever know how to get the job done

If you want something done, ask an overachiever to do it. They know what you want and what each step should look like to accomplish it. Not only do they accomplish what they set out to do, but they often get it done faster than others. This is because they’re already thinking about the next thing they want to do. Overachievers wholeheartedly embrace Tennyson’s thinking when he said, So many worlds, so much to do, so little done, such things to be.

overachiever2 – Focused on getting things done

Overachievers focus on what needs to get done, and they don’t get thrown off course by unexpected things. They get back on track and keep going. They also don’t fall into wasting time or doing mindless activities. An overachiever is a good time manager. Here are some things they might use to stay focused and not waste time.

  • Set goals
  • Keep a schedule
  • Establish priorities for the day, week, month, etc.
  • Keep track of time
  • Do the hard stuff first
  • Notetakers
  • Keep themselves accountable
  • Let technology work for them
  • Don’t get caught up in social media

3 – Ask others for help

Even though they get accused of overworking, overachievers know when they need help, an overachiever isn’t afraid to acknowledge they don’t know it all. They seek expertise from the right people. You’ve probably noticed how well-known overachievers surround themselves with a skilled team of people. This allows the overachiever to focus on what they’re supposed to do and lightens the load for everyone.

4 – Stay fit

Another positive thing that overachievers do is to stay fit. They’re often the people who get up first thing in the morning to exercise. They say exercising increases their energy level and gives them a clearer mind. One example of someone like this is Richard Branson, founder of over 400 companies. He’s a self-proclaimed overachiever who insists that exercise is critical to his day. It’s no secret that movement has many health benefits. Overachievers embrace training because they know it gives them the stamina and energy they need to accomplish their goals. Some benefits of exercise include:

  • Help you control your weight.
  • Lowers your risk of heart disease
  • Help you manage your blood sugar
  • Can help you quit smoking
  • Improves your memory and mood
  • It helps you think better, improves your judgment and ability to learn

5 – A boss often leans on an overachiever

It’s no secret. If you’re an overachiever, your boss will probably pick you to do a job they want doing well and right away. Good chance you’ve earned their trust and know they can depend upon you. Those who say overachieving is negative frown upon being singled out. You may enjoy the limelight and like the challenge of being asked to do something special. It depends upon your perspective.

6 – Always busy

Overachievers love to stay busy. They start their day in the early morning hours and work late into the night. These folks get more done in 24 hours than most people do. They have a full schedule, and that’s the way they like it. Part of the thrill of their job is the traveling, scheduling, and planning it requires. Overachievers like challenges, so it only makes sense they enjoy the challenge of fitting everything into their day.

7 – Planner

Part of the reason overachievers are so successful is their ability to plan well. They make plans for work, home, exercise, and everything else. Of course, they plan meetings and other business-related things, but they also plan free-time and social activities. Their schedule is complete, but it’s well planned out, so they aren’t wasting time. Their personal goals are also planned out. Overachievers think ahead by days, months, and years. They often have a 5- year plan for their business and personal goals. With planning, overachievers are specific. They use things like:

  • Goal setting in every area of their life
  • Outlining their goals
  • Asking questions about plans for the future
  • Steps they want to take to reach their goals

8 – Play as hard as they work

It’s true; overachievers have a reputation for being hard workers. An overachiever is different from a workaholic because they always have an end goal. Once they have achieved it, they are ready to relax and play. They love exhilarating activities on vacations like

  • Skiing
  • Hiking
  • Hang gliding
  • Standup paddleboarding
  • Kayaking
  • Rafting
  • Surfing

Overachievers love the rush of playing as hard as they work.

overachieverCons of being an overachiever

So, there can be cons to being an overachiever. Here are some common problems an overachiever could face

1 – An overachiever might miss out on today

Overachieving can cause you to focus so much on future goals that you lose sight of today. It’s essential to live in the present, even if you have plans and goals. Enjoy what is in front of you today because it may not be there. Keep a balance of focusing on the end game but having a clear view of the present.

2 – Overachievers tend to work too much

Overachievers are known for being workaholics. This moniker may be an unfair characterization of them, but some individuals fit this description. They may be the first person to arrive at the office and the last to leave the office in the evening. What started as just working long hours for a specific period may have turned into a regular habit of working long hours and pulling all-nighters to finish a project. A workaholic overachiever never takes vacations because they’re too busy.

3 – Can’t say no

Overachieving means you take on extra work at the expense of your personal life. You get yourself involved in every detail of a project. It’s hard for an overachiever to say no because they love a challenge. The fantastic thing is that they usually have an enormous capacity. It’s not until they have problems with their health or at home that they limit themselves.

4 – Unhealthy habits

Overachievers push themselves beyond the limit. They work long hours, pull all-nighters, and rarely take a break. This is dangerous to their health and can lead to risky behaviors such as

  • Not eating, so they lose a lot of weight
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Drug taking for energy and clear their mind
  • doing unethical things to cut corners to finish a job

5 – Anxiety

High demands, long hours, and pressure to finish a job can lead to anxiety and stress. Being on edge because of stress can lead to being easily frustrated with your family or co-workers. There isn’t a work anxiety disorder, but specific symptoms point to anxiety from being overworked. These include:

  • Worry
  • Insomnia
  • Feeling edgy and nervous
  • Fatigue
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Lump in your throat
  • Racing heart
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating

6 – Refuse to delegate

Many overachievers ask for help when they need it, but some refuse to delegate. Because they’re perfectionists, they assume no one can do as good of a job as they can. Thus, if an overachiever doesn’t delegate, they end up a workaholic, stretched to the limit.

7 – Family life and social life suffer

One of the biggest cons of being an overachiever is that their family and social life suffer. They miss out on family time with their kids, spouse, and extended family. They’re too busy to take their child to a swim class or dinner with their spouse. Their friends give up asking them to do things since they always say no.

Why are some people overachievers?

Why are some people are high achievers and others aren’t? You often see these differences in people at school. Researchers say that the differences between low achievers and low achieving students are related more to personal factors than intelligence. They suggest that the most significant factors are self-regulation, learning strategies, and study techniques. Also, students’ attitudes about school and the teachers affect their achievement levels.

overachieverFinal thoughts on knowing the pros and cons of the overachiever

Interestingly, there is little scientific research on overachieving and whether it’s negative or positive. Being an overachiever isn’t a bad thing. If someone calls you, it could mean they think you’re innovative and successful. But if overachieving means you’re overworking and stressed out, then it probably is a bad thing for you. It could be time for you to reevaluate your life and how you approach your work.

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