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15 Behaviors That Reveal a Harmful Relationship

All relationships have problems once in a while. But if you’re in a relationship that makes you feel uncomfortable, this should be a red flag to you. Harmful relationships have some common characteristics. Here are fifteen behaviors that show you could be in an unhealthy relationship.

1 – Unhealthy communication reveals a harmful relationship

In a toxic relationship, partners have unhealthy communication. Instead of open, honest communication for both partners, one person dominates the conversations. They may insist on being the one who has the last word or always corrects you when you share your thoughts. Other harmful ways of communicating in these relationships include

  • Sarcasm
  • Criticism
  • Hostility
  • Anger
  • Bitterness
  • Contempt
  • Guilting the other person

You must be free to share your opinions without fear of being judged or attacked. If you do, this is an alarming sign that your relationship isn’t healthy.

harmful2 – A harmful relationship displays jealousy

Jealousy in a relationship is a big red flag. Many people mistakenly believe that jealousy is a sign of genuine love or care, but jealousy isn’t healthy. Your partner is controlling and possessive. Jealousy is called a “green-eyed monster.”

That’s how bad jealousy is! It’s a suffocating type of love that doesn’t give you a happy relationship. If you see this happening in your relationship, it may be wise to end it. There are dire consequences ahead if you don’t.

3 – Those in a hostile union may not be supportive of each other

In a healthy relationship, both partners support one another in their careers, ambitions, or dreams. They want the other person to succeed, even if they need to sacrifice to make it happen. In an unhealthy relationship, there is little encouragement. Instead, your partner laughs at you when you share your dreams. They don’t respect how hard you work but feel angry if you succeed. This competition makes the relationship feel unsafe. You’re tempted not to mention the good you do or anything you’d like to do because you are afraid of being humiliated by the other person.

4 – Controlling behaviors reveal negativity

Some signs your partner is controlling are they ask you where you are all the time, they get upset if you don’t answer their calls right away, or they get angry when you want to go out with friends. A controlling person is manipulative. They act loving, but this gets you to do what they want more than genuine care for you. They may cry or complain that you don’t love them because you want to be with your friends more than them. This behavior is to make you feel bad. You may believe them at first, but after a while, recognize this is toxic behavior. A harmful synonym is subversive. This is an excellent description of what’s going on in this relationship. Subversive means to overthrow, which a controlling person is trying to do.

5 – Dishonesty in your relationship

Does your partner lie to you? Have you found out they lied about where they were? Do you sense they’re lying about their feelings or wants? If you pick up these vibes, there is a good chance they are dishonest. Other signs of dishonesty are the following:

  • Accusing other people of lying
  • Avoiding looking you in the eye
  • Leaning away from you when they talk to you
  • Accusing you of lying to them
  • Turning off message notifications on their phone
  • Turning off their location on their phone
  • Hiding transaction receipts

Honesty is everything, so this is an enormous red flag.

6. Disrespect is common in a harmful relationship

Disrespect is harmful to a romantic relationship. It essentially says you’re not that important to the other person. If they cared for you, they’d attempt to show respect. Other signs your partner disrespects you includes these behaviors:

  • Interrupting you
  • Never listening to you
  • Excluding you in their decision-making process
  • Telling lies to you
  • Ignoring your boundaries
  • Gossiping about you
  • Being late for appointments together
  • Talking at you instead of talking to you
  • Minimizing your concerns

7 – A harmful relationship might include dangerous financial behavior

If your partner makes bad financial decisions without consulting you, this is a sign of a toxic relationship. Their poor financial choices can come back to bite you if you sign off on loan paperwork or share a bank account. Please don’t ignore this behavior or think they’ll eventually change. Recognize this as a red flag that you’re in a negative relationship.

8 – A negative partner hinders your other relationships

Have you stopped going to your family’s house on the weekend because of this relationship? Do you feel guilty hanging out with friends? If you’re avoiding conflict with your partner by avoiding your family or friends, this is a sign you’re in a toxic relationship. Your partner doesn’t care about you. They want you to be with them all the time. This clinginess is a sign of jealousy and control.

harmful9 – Constant tension stems from a harmful partnership

Tension is stressful when you’re around your partner or worrying they’ll be mad at you. Living constantly on edge is a bad sign that this relationship could cause you injury. It affects your mental and physical health. You may give in to drinking too much alcohol or overeating. If you’re living in a constant state of fear and tension, your relationship is not healthy.

10 – A toxic partner will ignore your needs

Does your partner ignore your needs? Do they plan things without you? Do they make financial decisions without consulting you? These are signs they are more aware of themselves than they are you. When your partner doesn’t care if they include you in their life, this relationship won’t succeed.

11 – A harmful partner is critical of your friends

If your partner belittles your friends and family, it’s a sign they don’t accept the essential people to you. Their tendency to criticize your family and friends could be rooted in their insecurities. If you see this in your relationship, it’s a sure sign of a toxic relationship.

12 – Outbursts of anger arise from a harmful partnership

Does your partner have outbursts of anger at you? Do they yell or maybe even throw things when they’re mad? These are signs of an unsafe person who has lost control. They aren’t safe to be around, and you shouldn’t feel you need to stay in this relationship. At some point, your partner may feel remorseful for their behavior and beg you to forgive them, but sadly, they don’t attempt to change once you forgive them. The cycle of anger and abuse will be without actual resolution.

13 – Threats may come from the most dangerous type of relationship

If your partner threatens or intimidates you, this is a sign of an abusive person. They may threaten verbally or physically. A mean person also manipulates. After their threats, they may apologize so sincerely that you think they are sorry for what they’ve done. They may make you feel guilty for thinking of breaking up with them by saying you’re a hypocrite because you get angry. As much as you want to believe your partner, it’s best to get out of this relationship immediately for your safety.

14 – You sense something is off

Suppose you sense something wrong with how the person relates to you—good chance you’re right. Trust your gut even if you can’t explain your feelings about the other person. If you feel uncomfortable, get out of the relationship.

15 – A hostile relationship causes a lack of affection

Romantic relationships should include appreciation. A loving caress, a kiss, or a smile across the room are all regular displays of love in a healthy relationship. A lack of affection is harmful and could mean your partner isn’t interested in you. If you notice this, don’t ignore this behavior. It’s revealing.

How do you know if you are in an abusive relationship?

You must acknowledge signs of an abusive relationship. If you notice your partner is controlling, this could indicate abuse. Other warning signs of abuse include

  • Humiliating you in front of others
  • Blaming you for everything
  • Verbal threats
  • Name-calling
  • Mocking

Heavy alcohol use and violence go hand in hand. Studies show that partner abuse is often connected to heavy drinking. Drinking causes loss of control and fight response. Other factors that are linked to partner abuse are

  • Personality disorders
  • Drug use
  • Having been abused by another partner

harmfulFinal Thoughts on Getting Out of a Harmful Relationship

If you suspect you’re in an unhealthy relationship, here are steps you should consider.

  •  Keep track of what’s going on: Write about what is happening. It can help you get a clear picture of the toxic nature of the relationship. Seeing the patterns of negativity will help you take the next step.
  • Safety is critical: Safety is vital if you’re in a toxic relationship. If your partner has threatened you, do not be alone with them. Always have a trusted friend with you as you leave. Call the local authorities if you don’t have anyone to help you. Go to a safe location. Don’t tell your partner where you’re going and ask your friends not to say to them.
  • Break all communication: Stop all contact with them. Please don’t talk to them on the phone or social media. Don’t let other people convey messages to you. You may need to change your phone number. This is a hassle, but it’s important they can’t reach you or leave threatening messages.
  • Don’t go back: Even if you still feel you love the person, don’t get back into their relationship. You don’t need to put yourself in this harmful relationship again. Toxic people rarely change unless they put enormous effort into it. If you are still in danger, get a restraining order for your safety. It would be best if you acknowledged things are badly broken, and you can’t fix them.

12 Tips to Find Common Ground With People Who Disagree With You

Disagreements are commonplace in any relationship. Whether you have personal or professional turmoil, finding common ground and resolving the matter is essential. There will be conflicts whenever you have a group of people, and it’s a fantasy if you think that things will always be easy sailing.

The most common reason for disagreements is a communication breakdown. Have you ever played the old game called Telephone? A group of people sits in a circle. One person whispers something into the first person’s ear, continuing to pass the saying around the group.

By the time the sentence gets to the last person, it’s completely different than what the first person stated. This exercise is a technique that’s often used in team-building to show how effortless it is to get things misconstrued. A breakdown in communication or gossip can be the most significant cause of arguments.

Since you know there will be disagreements, you must develop strategies to handle them. Have you ever heard of a mediator? These professionals spend their days as a go-between for people who can’t agree. These folks are often used instead of going to court, as they have a knack for problem-solving.

While having a mediator is a nice perk, you can learn some of the same tactics to resolve disagreements in your life. The next time you have an issue with someone, you need to find common ground to build on.

Twelve Ways To Find Common Ground in Disagreements

If you want to handle your disagreements productively, you need to utilize the tools of those specializing in resolutions. Here are the twelve most common ways that you can find common ground and end disputes.

common ground1. Be Open To Hearing the Other Side

One of the biggest reasons people disagree is that they don’t understand one another. If one person wants to be heard but won’t even consider the opinion of others, then it’s undoubtedly going to cause disagreements. While you don’t have to agree with the other party, you should be open to listening to their side of things.

2. Get Past Your Triggers

Everyone has triggers, and some people know how to push every button. Try to overlook anything that might set you on defense mode, as it’s usually personal things that trigger you. It would help to get beyond these tender spots to deal with the matter effectively.

3. Focus on Similarities

Stop looking so much for the differences and start focusing on the similarities. One way to look for common ground and begin resolving a disagreement is to focus on your agreement.

If you only look at the things you differ on, you’re only widening the gap between you. Even if you must stretch yourself a bit, you must find a point of agreement to build on.

4. Listen More Than You Speak

Why is it that when people are arguing, they want to talk more than they listen? It can become quite intense when two people try to interject their feelings.

Make it a rule that you listen more than you speak while trying to resolve a matter. Resist the urge to let your opinions fly and see what the other person says.

5. Take Responsibility

There are three things to consider in any conflict: their view, their opinion, and the truth. When the disagreements become heated, you want to avoid pointing the finger. When you start making accusations at the other person, you will have little chance of resolving the matter.

Try taking responsibility for your part or feelings on the issue. Don’t lay everything at their doorstep. Realize that you can be just as much a part of the issue as the other person, so work on finding common ground rather than hurling blame at one another.

6. Focus On the Topic and Don’t Bring In Other Things

Why do people want to bring up the past when there’s a disagreement? Don’t focus on things that happened yesterday that aren’t relevant to the issues. Instead, work hard to keep your focus on the problem at hand.

These situations often occur when one person has their foot out the door, so you don’t want to give them the push they need to keep going.

common ground7. Bring Positivity to the Table

Have you ever heard the old saying that you will attract more flies with honey than vinegar? Rather than bringing a negative attitude into conflict resolution, try being positive. If you think you will resolve the issue, you will probably accomplish this task.

However, if you come into the conversation determined to get your point across and have an “in your face” attitude, you’ll likely make things worse.

8. Agree to Disagree

In many instances, there will be no way to agree on everything. You have your opinion, and they have their views. So, the best way to resolve this issue is to agree to disagree.

While it’s not the perfect resolution, it’s certainly better than fighting. In many cases, there isn’t a way to resolve the matter or find common ground.

9. Talk Face to Face

There are breakdowns of communication that occur when you talk on the phone or in text messages. It’s always best to handle any issue face-to-face.

Whether you’re dealing with professional or personal things doesn’t matter. Look someone right in the eyes to handle conflict. Additionally, it also helps to avoid misunderstandings. You are more likely to get a better resolution when present and engaging in the conversation.

This is especially true in business. Your mind can wander and make you think the person on the other end is a monster, but when you’re in front of them, you realize they’re not that bad.

10. Take a Break

It might be time for a break if you cannot find anything in common and the discussions seem to be going nowhere. It doesn’t mean that the debate isn’t necessary or doesn’t need to be deliberated, but you need some time to cool off and come to your senses.

11. Use a Lower Voice

People automatically assume you will raise your voice when discussing things get heated. When you do the opposite, you will throw them off and make them more apt to listen. Talking in soft tones doesn’t put the other party in defense mode; second, it makes them listen to you more intently.

Michael J. Formica, MS, MA, EdM, states that you should raise your words, not your voice. Uncooperative dialogue can fracture a relationship. You show your social and emotional limitations when you raise your voice and use tactics like name-calling.

12. Put It Behind You

Once you’ve resolved things, you must put them behind you. While what’s been forgiven isn’t always forgotten, you don’t want to keep throwing it in the other person’s face. Do you like it when people bring up things from your past?

No one likes to remember times when things didn’t go so well. So, when you make a pact to resolve the matter, remind yourself of the importance of letting it go. Whether in a business or a professional relationship, starting with a clean slate rather than harboring malice is vital.

common groundFinal Thoughts on Finding Common Ground

Relationships take work. There’s no way you will always agree with everyone; sometimes, arguments can make or break your partnership. Ironically, many people get upset about something, and the feud grows until they don’t even remember why they were angry in the first place.

Have you ever seen family members that haven’t spoken in years? They let something small come between them, which drives a permanent wedge. Very few things are worth cutting someone entirely off in life, and you need to stop and look at the situation.

Take, for instance, Edna. Everything was going great in her life. Her son decided to get married, and things were going well at first. When they had their first child, Edna was a bit overbearing.

During a heated argument about how to properly mother the baby, the daughter-in-law became furious. She and her husband decided never to speak to Edna again because of her constant overbearing approach. Years passed, and Edna never got to see her grandson grow. At her time of death, it had been over forty years since she had seen or heard from her son. They didn’t even show up at the funeral.

Something as small as a disagreement on mothering a newborn became a family feud lasting four decades. Edna tried to apologize over the years, but the stubborn nature of her son and daughter-in-law made them ignore her words.

Think long and hard before burning bridges and cutting ties with people. Try to find common ground, no matter how challenging, and work from there. There’re very few things worth severing relationships, so be careful and work towards a resolution.

In the instance of the overbearing grandmother, setting firm boundaries might have been the conflict resolution they needed. There’s always a way to resolve issues, but you must take your emotions out of the situation.

12 Habits to Help Let Go of Traumatic Feelings

A traumatic event shocks or scares you. It puts you in danger, either physically or emotionally. A person who experiences trauma can feel a wide range of emotions right after and long after the event. We will explore twelve science-backed suggestions for overcoming emotional and physical traumatic feelings.

What can cause traumatic feelings?

There is a long list of experiences that can cause you emotional trauma. Some of these include

  • Natural disasters-Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods
  • Accidents-A car accident, seeing a drowning, or witnessing a horrible accident
  • Assault-Rape, abuse, mass shootings, or terrorist attack.

Different responses to trauma

traumatic feelingsTraumatic situations can affect you emotionally, physically, behaviorally, socially, or cognitively.

Traumatic Feelings Due to Emotions:

Emotional reactions to trauma may produce feelings of anger, fear, shame, or sadness. Processing emotions can be difficult for some individuals, causing them to deny their feelings, which can cause a lack of emotions or a feeling numb emotionally.

Traumatic Feelings Due to Physical Health:

Physical reactions to trauma can include headaches, stomach pain, insomnia, racing heart, and being jumpy. Other physical problems after a traumatic experience include the following:

  • Heart problems and circulation conditions
  • Trouble breathing
  • Skin disorders
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Stomach disorders
  • Joint pain

Cognitive Causes of Traumatic Feelings

Cognitive reactions to trauma are common. Studies found trauma challenges you at the very core of your understanding of life. You suddenly realize the world may not be as safe as you thought it was. Trauma challenges your expectations that you can protect yourself.

Behavioral Reactions to Traumatic Feelings

Behavioral reactions to trauma occur when you engage in a particular behavior to cope with the after-effects of the trauma. You may try to reduce your feelings of stress with alcohol, overeating, high-risk behaviors, or self-injury. Other people suddenly become aggressive or act out their trauma.

Twelve Habits to Help You Let Go of Traumatic Feelings

Here are some positive changes you can make to let go of negativity.

1 – Give yourself time to recover from those traumatic feelings

Getting over your traumatic feelings can take time. Don’t rush it. Processing your emotions, letting go of negative thoughts and feelings are part of healing. You may need to grieve the loss of someone or something. As you go through these traumatic feelings, remember you’re not alone. It’s thought that approximately 70% of adults in the United States experience a traumatic event at least once. Although knowing that it’s common doesn’t change what you went through, but it helps you see that you’re not alone. So, give yourself the time you need as you let go of your traumatic feelings.

2 – Find a support group

Talking to other people who have gone through similar trauma can be helpful to you.

When people share memories of a traumatic event, they have different perceptions of how things happened. Things stand out to them in a way that you may not have thought about. As you hear their different perspectives on similar experiences, you feel less trapped by the trauma.

3 – Face the facts about your traumatic feelings

This advice can be one of the most challenging things for you to do after trauma. It’s tempting to want to ignore what happened. But a crucial part of your recovery is learning to be okay with your memories of the trauma. When things trigger these memories, don’t avoid them. Choose to face your negative thoughts and feelings head-on. This approach helps you deal with them and enables you to heal. It’s tempting to avoid talking about the worst parts. Maybe you feel humiliated, or you’re scared to think about it. You may worry that you’ll fall apart when you talk about it. Or you think no one understands what you went through.

Traumatic feelings are messy. It produces a jumble of emotions. If you don’t talk it out, it will control you. Even if you don’t know what to say, that’s okay. Part of processing the trauma means making some sense of it. Talk to a trusted friend, a family member, your pastor, or even start journaling what happened.

4 – Laughter

Laughter is good for you. An ancient proverb says this:

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22).

The literal meaning is a joyful heart causes good healing. It turns out; the ancients knew something about the power of laughter. Research says that laughter has positive effects on your body when you engage it regularly. After a traumatic event, it’s understandable that you don’t feel like laughing, but as time passes, smile. Little by little, practice these ideas to put laughter back into your life.

  • Smile: Many suggest that smiling is contagious. Smiling activates mirror neurons in human brains, sort of like how yawning makes the people around you yawn. So, smile and watch others around you follow your example.
  • Tell jokes: According to research, people who tell good jokes are more likely to get a raise or promotion.
  • Be silly: Do silly things that make you laugh. Here are a few suggestions, if you’re brave enough:
    • Go to MacDonalds’s and ask for fries without potatoes
    • Go to a pet store and buy birdseed. At the checkout, ask the person how long it will take for the birds to grow.
    • Sit in your car and point a hairdryer at people driving by. See if they slow down.
    • Call your friend and tell them you can’t talk right now.

If you’re interested in more zany ideas, check out these. Some of them are over the top! Even if you’re not brave enough to do these in public, you’ll get a good laugh just reading them.

5 – Avoid isolating

After experiencing trauma, It’s tempting to isolate yourself from your friends and family.

Withdrawing from society is a common side effect of trauma. Your friends and family may feel some of the same awkwardness as you. Being with these loved ones is essential to your recovery, so don’t withdraw from them. Even if you can’t talk about the trauma immediately, it’s good to be with the people you love and trust.

6 – Get professional help

There is so much stress that comes from a traumatic event. You may feel sad, fearful, angry, depressed, or have grief. If these feelings persist and interfere with your ability to do life, it may be helpful to get professional help. A mental health expert can walk you through some things you are feeling.

traumatic feelings7 – Press into your faith

Remember to press into your faith when dealing with traumatic feelings. It’s in the hard times that your faith is tested. Suffering is a common human experience that helps you recognize your need for God. Attend church services, talk to your pastor, or read books on suffering to help you draw closer to God and find peace.

8 – Have a balanced lifestyle

As much as possible, try to keep a daily routine. Incorporate a balanced lifestyle with regular meals, daily exercise, and get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. It may seem small, but routine can bring peace and a sense of control into your life.

9 – Exercise

Exercise reduces your adrenaline and cortisol stress hormones. It stimulates your body to produce chemicals in your brain that improve your mood. It improves your thinking and memory so you can concentrate better and feel mentally sharp. Exercise also causes the growth of new brain cells. Studies show that aerobic exercise can be an effective therapy for people with PTSD. Some of the best exercises you can do to help you let go of your traumatic feelings include

  • Running
  • Biking
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Fast walking
  • Team sports
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi

10 – Take care of your body

Ongoing stress because of trauma harms your body. You’re more prone to weight gain, digestive problems, fatigue, or moodiness when going through trauma. Eating nutritious foods helps your body deal better with stress. Include these foods in your diet to help you let go of traumatic feelings.


Carbs help increase your serotonin levels. Serotonin regulates your mood, lowers anxiety, and makes you happier. Low levels of serotonin link to depression. Eat healthy carbohydrates like the following:

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Beans
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits

Vitamin B

B vitamins impact your energy levels and brain function. It helps your body fight infection. Vitamin B6 produces serotonin, which lowers your anxiety and boosts your mood. Good sources of B vitamins are these:

  • Lentils
  • Black beans
  • Wheat germ
  • Cereals
  • Leafy greens
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Milk or yogurt
  • Chickpeas
  • Bananas
  • Avocado

11 – Mindfulness

Mindfulness allows you to notice the things around you more profoundly. It helps you relax and let go of the anxiety related to your traumatic feelings. Try deep breathing or these relaxing techniques to release your negative thoughts.

  • Walk outside and enjoy the sounds and smells
  • Notice colors in your home or your clothing
  • Eat a meal enjoy the various flavors of each food
  • Listen to music and enjoy the notes or the different instruments

12 – Do normal things without talking about the traumatic feelings

After you’ve experienced trauma, you feel different. You wonder if you’ll ever feel normal again. It takes time to get over these feelings of being different. One thing you can do is to try to do everyday things with other people without talking about the traumatic feelings. Go out to a restaurant. Hang with your buddies at a sporting event. Doing these simple things is part of your healing process.

emotional traumaFinal Thoughts on Letting Go of Traumatic Feelings

It can be tricky to let go of traumatic feelings that become ingrained in your soul. But once you absolve yourself of the weight of your worries, you will feel free to be happy all over again. And that is a gift you should give yourself freely.

Nutritionists Reveal 25 Tricks to Speed Up Weight Loss

When you want to supercharge your weight loss, many tips and tricks exist.

Not all of the weight loss tips that you find will help, and many ideas are unhealthy.

Nutritionists know all the proven ways to supercharge your weight loss, giving you the information you need to get started. With the right weight loss tips, you can quickly supercharge your weight loss plans.

Nutritionists Reveal 25 Tips to Supercharge Your Weight Loss

Use these proven tips to help you boost your weight loss quickly and effectively. With science to back it up, you can rest assured that the methods are safe and accurate.

supercharge1. Limit Refined Carbs

Refined carbs are often found in sugar and grains that have been stripped of their natural fiber, such as white bread and pasta. These carbs can cause your blood sugar to spike, making you experience more cravings and feel hungrier sooner afterward.

2. Split Meals in Half

If you don’t have time or don’t want to count calories, cut your meals in half instead. Cutting your meals will help you eat less, supercharging your weight loss. Most of the time, meals are too big already, so cutting them in half will make them closer to the correct serving size.

You can do the same with high-calorie beverages, too. Pour them into a cup instead of drinking right from the bottle or to-go cup. By pouring them into a different cup, you won’t be as tempted to drink more than half.

3. Do Cardio Exercises

Cardio or aerobic exercise is the perfect way to burn extra calories. As you burn more calories, you will lose weight, targeting belly fat.

4. Drink More Water

Increasing your water intake is one of the best ways to supercharge your weight loss. Drinking water boosts metabolism for up to five hours, helping with additional calorie burning that entire time.

If you drink a decent amount of water about 30 minutes before a meal can help you eat less, too. You won’t consume as many calories, and water helps curb cravings.

5. Get More Sleep

Getting more sleep is directly related to weight loss, but many people don’t take advantage. Those that don’t get enough sleep have an increased risk of obesity. Plus, when you’re tired, you are more likely to eat junk food without thinking about it.

6. Use a Smaller Plate

When preparing your meals at home, use a smaller plate. With a smaller plate, you will fill it with less food, meaning fewer calories. You aren’t as likely to go back for seconds, and even if you do, your servings will be a little smaller.

7. Consume Spicy Foods

Eating spicy foods can boost your metabolism and reduce your appetite. The capsaicin found in chili peppers quickly causes these effects, and it keeps working for a while.

8. Go for a Walk After You Eat

If you can, go for a short walk after every meal. It increases your overall daily movement while supporting healthy digestion and supercharging weight loss. If you have the time, increase the length of your walks for additional benefits.

9. Eat Eggs

Eating more eggs can help you lose weight and consume fewer calories. The protein makes you feel full for a longer time, meaning fewer cravings and mindless snacking. Avoid adding oil or butter to your eggs, though.

10. Practice Portion Control

You can lose a ton of weight if you practice portion control and pay attention to calories per serving. You can exercise portion control by tracking your food and measuring out your servings. This one dietary change can enhance your weight loss right away.

As you pay more attention to portions and calories, you will become more aware of what you eat. You will begin to make healthier choices a habit instead of a chore.

11. Take Breaks to Stretch

If you work at a desk or in a sedentary position, take breaks to stretch every half hour. Spend one minute stretching each time. If you need a reminder, set a timer on your phone when you are working.

Not only does stretching help burn calories, but it will relieve knots and tightness in your back and shoulders. The goal is to move and stretch often, so start making it a habit today.

12. Drink Coffee

Coffee is full of antioxidants and increases metabolism by up to 11%. It promotes fat burning, too, making it perfect for weight loss,

Coffee can be tricky because it is healthy, but many things that people add to it aren’t. If you add sugary or full-fat creamer to your coffee, you are likely negating all of the benefits.

Try to drink your coffee black. If you don’t like it, add sugar-free creamer instead.

coffee helps in losing weight13. Do Weight Training

Lifting weights promotes muscle strength and increased metabolism. As the exercise challenges your muscles, you will burn more calories as you tone your body.

14. Consume More Protein

Protein is essential for weight loss because it boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories. Eating more protein also decreases cravings and late-night snacking.

15. Try Green Tea

One of the many benefits of green tea is that it helps you lose weight. It contains caffeine and antioxidants that work together to burn more fat. It also boosts your energy level, increasing your daily movement and burning more calories.

16. Increase Your Fiber Intake

If you eat more fiber, you will lose more weight. It makes you feel full for a longer time, helping you control your weight easier. You won’t eat as much, either, supercharging the weight loss even more.

17. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand

If you keep healthy snacks around, you will be less likely to indulge in unhealthy foods when you get a craving. You can use fruits, vegetables, low-fat cheese, nuts, hard-boiled eggs, and other healthy snacks ready.

18. Avoid Sugary Beverages

Sugary drinks like soda and fruit juice are incredibly fattening and can lead to obesity. The added sugar in these drinks is one of the leading contributors to weight gain. Limiting these drinks is a good start, but eliminating them from your diet entirely is best.

19. Do Intermittent Fasting

This popular eating cycle requires you to go a set amount of time without consuming anything but water. Studies show that this is an effective method to supercharge weight loss by restricting calories. It will also help you avoid the loss of muscle mass.

20. Eat a Whole Food Diet

Whole foods are single-ingredient foods in their natural state. These foods will help you stay full while filling your body with essential nutrients and vitamins. When you fill your diet with whole foods, it is difficult to gain weight, too.

21. Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Not only are fruits and vegetables good because they are whole foods, but they also have other things that make them effective for weight loss. Since they don’t contain many calories and are filled with fiber and water, they are good to fill up on. The high amounts of nutrients are also highly beneficial to your overall health.

22. Use a Glucomannan Supplement

Glucomannan is a fiber that has been linked to increased weight loss. This type of fiber is water absorbent and stays in your gut longer, making you feel full. It makes you consume fewer calories and have fewer cravings.

23. Chew Slower

If you chew slower, your brain will register that you are full before you overeat. By chewing slowly, you will consume fewer calories while increasing the production of weight loss hormones. Plus, when you don’t eat as quickly, you will be more mindful of your eating habits.

24. Limit Added Sugars

Added sugar is highly detrimental to your health and causes significant weight gain. Most people consume too many added sugars each day, making weight loss impossible. To supercharge your weight loss, stick to natural sugars and avoid added ones.

Even some foods that are labeled as health foods are full of added sugar. Read all labels, and never assume something that says it’s healthy is free of added sugars.

25. Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing gum can help curb your cravings, preventing you from overindulging in unhealthy snacks. Most gum is full of added sugars, so avoid that kind and choose a sugar-free option. Whenever you want something unhealthy, try chewing gum first and see if the craving passes.

If you replace a snack each day with a stick of sugar-free gum, you will be cutting out quite a few calories. Plus, your snacking habits will improve, and you won’t be as lucky to cave and have too many treats.

superchargeNutritionists Reveal 25 Tips to Supercharge Your Weight Loss

As you work toward your weight loss goals, you may hit times when you want to supercharge your progress. Use these tips to boost your weight loss and reach your goals.

You don’t have to implement all of these tips at once, so don’t feel overwhelmed. Try a few tips at a time and see what works for you, then implement a few more tips later.

10 Ways to Stop Your Mind From Feeling Stressed

Your brain may be the most complex computer in the universe, but its power isn’t constant. As with manufactured electronics, your mind and body can overwork and become depleted of energy. Fortunately, there are ways to energize yourself and avoid feeling stressed.

In an article published by Northwestern Medicine, Dr. Kapil Sachdeva explains that the average brain only weighs about three pounds. Yet, it’s one of the most singular marvels in the world. Sachdeva states that your brain is composed of approximately 86 billion neurons and one quadrillion connections.

Imagine the speed of some of the luxury cars across the globe. According to statistics published by The Measure of Things, a Peregrine Falcon car can reach speeds of 240 mph. Now, consider the fact that your brain can send and receive signals up to 260 mph. It’s little wonder that such extraordinary speeds would cause your brain the need to be recharged regularly.

In the past, some research suggested that the average person has about 70-80 thousand thoughts per day. However, a new study cited by IFLScience believes that you probably only have about 6,200 ideas each day. Even at the much lower number, it still means you’re generating about 4.3 thoughts per minute.

Stress: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Talk to just about anyone in your circle, and they’ll probably mention they’re stressed out. Perhaps, you also join the ranks of people across the nation who feel burnout. It’s a crisis that affects people regardless of their socioeconomic status.

A report published by the American Psychological Association states that three-fourths of the US population has stress-related symptoms each month. These include sleepless nights, anxiety, irritability, anger, and fatigue. Undue stress creates a negative effect on your entire well-being, and it could be life-threatening with time.

feeling stressedGood Stress

It’s difficult to classify any stress as beneficial, but some of it is. In fact, your brain reacts to stressors for survival. It’s known as a part of your survival reaction, fight, flight, or freeze. Early humans depended on this automatic reaction to survive in an often dark and dangerous environment in the prehistoric world.

Your survival reaction signals your brain to dump emergency hormones into your bloodstream immediately. This adrenaline and cortisol increase your strength and stamina in an instant to save your life. The reaction has sometimes enabled people to lift cars from a person who is trapped under them.

Life without some stress is impossible. Your brain uses good stress as a tool for learning and growing. In this sense, stress can help you. However, you can also have undue stress that wreaks havoc on your health.

Undue Stress

The same reaction meant to preserve your life from danger can also be a hazard to you. This instinct evolved to be used in an emergency and not perpetually. A constant flow of adrenaline and cortisol in your body can lead to disease, mental health problems, and conditions that can cost your life.

Ten Ways to Avoid Feeling Stress

Isn’t it frustrating when you try to make a call on your smartphone only to see that the battery needs recharging? The multitude of tasks and stress on your mind takes its toll on you. How can you renew your brain and break the cycle of anxious feelings?

It’s all about taking time for yourself and providing the rest you need and deserve. When you give your mind some respite each day, it will become a beneficial habit. Try these ten ways to energize your mind and lower unnecessary stress.

1. Create a Diversion When Feeling Stressed

Although your brain does go into rest and repair mode when you sleep, it’s still maintaining your vital functions. Due to the constant activity, your brain doesn’t fully rest. You can relax your body, but the only way to calm your mind is with diversion.

Determine each day to take a mental break to energize your brain. Do something fun and fulfilling. Find time to laugh or stretch your imagination. This welcome diversion will benefit your mind more than you know.

2. Spend Time With Family and Friends

Modern technological advances make connecting with people near and far a simple task. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when people may feel the most disconnected. Energize your mind and spirit by spending time with precious family and friends.

Surround yourself with positive folks who lift your spirits, inspire you, and make you laugh. They can provide a bright spot in your daily life when your stress levels are overflowing. Plus, your communication will be uplifting for them.

3. Take a Technology Break

Speaking of technology, you can have too much of a good thing. Most of each day, you’re surrounded by computers and mobile devices that are vying for your attention. Even when you’re relaxing, you depend on electronics to deliver your favorite movies, shows, and music.

If you want to energize your mind, plan to take a daily technology break. During family, mealtime is an excellent opportunity to shut off the phone and video games. Spend these cherished moments and have meaningful conversations with your family around the dinner table.

4. Reduce the Negative When Feeling Stressed

You can no more eliminate all the negative energy in your life than you can all the stress. While you can’t eliminate negativity, you can reduce its influence. You can also spend as little time as you can around energy-draining people.

When interacting with a bitter relative or a sour coworker, you needn’t partake of their drab outlook. Sometimes you need essential information from depressing news media outlets. After dealing with negativity, energize your brain with something positive.

feeling stressed5. Getting Past Your Past When You Are Feeling Burnout

Everyone has words and actions in their lives that are hurtful or shameful. Although your past is written in permanent ink, it doesn’t dictate the chapters of today or tomorrow. Living in the past is often a source of depression and negativity for many folks.

Energize your brain and cultivate a more vibrant present by closing the book on past failures, pain, and disappointment. Gratefully receive the lessons it taught you and leave them. Keep your eyes and your heart in the present, and you won’t stress about past problems.

6. Forget about Multitasking If When You’re Feeling Stressed

Multitasking is a modern buzzword that often appears as a personal strength on resumes and job applications. It’s the perceived ability to do several things at the same time. While you may view multitasking as efficient, it can also cause you to be overstressed and make foolish mistakes.

Instead, try to focus on one task at a time. Not only will your work be more accurate, but you won’t be as stressed. It will also be easier to energize your brain during breaks.

7. Practice Meditation If You Are Feeling Stressed

Although your brain likes to stay busy, it also needs some peaceful moments to reflect and energize. Spending as little as 20 minutes a day in meditation can keep you grounded and nourish you mentally and spiritually.

As you meditate comfortably in your sacred space, consider using visualizations or mantras to manifest positive energy. Your mind will get used to this daily break and will welcome it. Feel free to add candles, incense, or tranquil music if it helps you relax.

8. Challenge Your Brain

It seems counterintuitive to take your mind to a task when you’re trying to de-stress and revitalize. However, boredom is a great enemy of the brain, and it can also induce stress. Beat the boredom by challenging your brain every day.

Make it a habit of learning something new each day or solving a brain teaser. Keep crossword puzzles, sudokus, or other fun puzzles for a bit of a brain challenge. It will keep your mind more agile, and it can enhance your problem-solving skills.

9. Address Any Substance Abuse That Stem From Anxious Feelings and Stress

If your body and mind are overloaded with stress, it increases your anxiety level exponentially. Anxiety has many adverse effects, and your body naturally seeks to alleviate it. Many people temporarily mask their fear with substances that leads to addiction.

The masks of addiction are as varied as those who are addicted. It includes substances like alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Addiction to work, technology, or forbidden romance can also destroy your life and relationships.

After you awaken from the temporary high, your stress and anxious feelings are still there. Breaking the chains of addiction can bring healing to your body, mind, and spirit. If you battle addiction, get help.

10. Keep Your Body Healthy to Avoid Feeling Burnt Out

Do you want your brain to work at peak performance? Keeping your body healthy and robust adds many benefits to your brain. Enjoy a balanced diet of fresh whole foods and eliminate junk and processed items. Also, follow a daily exercise routine you custom-tailor to address your needs.

feeling stressedFinal Thoughts on Energizing Your Brain

As with any computer or technical gadget, your brain needs to be recharged to run efficiently. By minimizing your stress and following some of these suggestions, you can revitalize your mind daily. It will bring you more clarity and a greater sense of accomplishment. And of course, it will help eliminate feeling stressed.

7 Signs It Is Time to Set Firm Boundaries With Your Family

Some families are good at living with boundaries. They naturally give others space. But other families can’t understand limits. They need some gentle but firm boundaries. How do you know you must set some ground rules with your family?

What is a relationship boundary?

Everyone lives with boundaries. Whether at work or school, you understand why limitations exist with other people. But family can be more complicated. So it’s easy to ignore the signs that indicate you need to set some limits with them.

Someone has described a boundary as an imaginary line you establish with other people regarding how you expect them to speak and act around you, your kids, and your house.

firm boundariesSigns you need to set firm boundaries with your family

Here is a list of the seven signs indicating it’s time for some family boundaries.

1 – Nonstop or frequent unannounced visits

If your sister stops by your house unannounced every day of the week, it’s time to set a boundary. Frequent, unannounced visits are disruptive to your family life. You may need to change your plans if she shows up at the wrong time. Perhaps your sister is lonely or looking for your support but hasn’t expressed it.


Studies show that sibling relationships are often the longest-lasting family relationships a person will have. A good relationship with a sibling is essential for your well-being.

You may want to ask your sister why she’s coming over so often. It’s essential to be clear about your need for a boundary yet remain kind towards her. Being kind but firm, will help your sister feel like you care about her, but help her understand your limits.

2 – Unwanted advice about your life, your partner, or your job

Family members often feel like they’re helping you when they give unsolicited advice. Their suggestions about your work, where you live, or your partner can feel very intrusive. It’s easy to put up with them, but you may start to feel angry at them if you let it go on. Anger is harmful to your mind and body. Don’t allow their comments to fester. It would be best if you spoke up.


No one else is going to set your boundaries. It’s something you must do yourself. So, when your aunt says something belittling about your partner, you must speak up and tell her to stop. If she continues, you need to say firmly and calmly,

“Aunt Elma, I know you’re concerned for me, but I don’t like the way you’re talking about Joe. If you keep talking like that, I’ll need to leave.”

While you acknowledge her concern for you, you also set a boundary for how she talks about someone you care for.

3 – Opinions shared about how you raise your kids

Being a parent is like having a target on your back. People seem very comfortable giving unsolicited parenting advice. It may be your mother-in-law giving you the side-eye for allowing your daughter one more show on your iPhone or a sarcastic comment by your sister about how strict your bedtime routine is compared to hers. At some point, you’ll become fed up with their unsolicited opinions.


For relatives whom you know are genuinely trying to be helpful, you can say, “Thanks, but we’re going to stick with what we’re doing.” They’ll get the message to stop interfering.

But you need to be more direct with family members like your sister, who uses sarcasm to correct you. Tell your sister that her sarcastic comments make it clear she disagrees with your bedtime routine, but it’s what you think is best for your kids.

Your kids need to see how you work out disagreements with family members. It teaches them how to adapt to different people’s opinions without getting angry. It’s also helpful for your kids to understand that family members may parent differently.

4 – Buying things you don’t want without asking you

Do you have relatives who constantly buy stuff for you or your kids? Some relatives are extraordinarily generous, and gift-giving is how they express their love. But you may not appreciate your great aunt sending five stuffed animals in 30 days to your one-year-old. It’s probably time to set a firm boundary with your dear great-aunt.


Tell your sweet relative how much you appreciate her generosity, but you’ve put a moratorium on all gifts unless they are for a birthday or a holiday. If she wants to buy something for your kids, she can keep them at her house. Please don’t bring them to your house.

If she keeps giving unsolicited gifts, the best way to discourage her is to say, “My, this is cute. I’ll drop it off at the thrift store tomorrow. I’m sure someone will want it, but we’re maxed out at my house.” Hearing that her gifts are going to the thrift store will quickly stop her overly zealous gift-giving.


firm boundaries

5 – Comments about your diet or body

Families sometimes cross the line on comments about diet, weight loss, and weight gain. Everyone has advice on how you should look, how much exercise you need or what diet you should be on. If you’ve recently gained weight, it’s hurtful when your relatives make comments. You know you want to lose weight, but having them tell you that you should lose weight feels rude. It’s challenging to navigate through these comments. It would be best if you told them to stop.


The fact that your relatives are so free with their opinions reveals their rudeness towards you. These relatives may not be as “safe” as you thought. You don’t owe them an explanation about your weight gain. Set a boundary by not replying to their rude comment. Or you can say, “It’s none of your business.” That should shut them down. If not, walk away from the conversation.

6 – Asking intrusive questions about your personal life

Well-meaning family members sometimes ask too many questions about friends, dating, or your significant other. Perhaps you’ve shared a little about your partner, and now they feel free to delve into the nitty-gritty details of your relationship. At this point, your comfort meter goes off, and you realize it’s time to set some strict boundaries about your personal life with your family.


When your relatives ask questions about your personal life, reply, “Thanks for asking, but I don’t want to comment on that.” If they pry for more information, keep pushing back with the same comment, then change the subject to another topic you are comfortable talking about.

7 – Snooping around your house

There are those family members who come into your house and start looking through your entire home without regard for your privacy. This behavior is insulting and shouldn’t be tolerated. Even if it’s your sweet grandma doing it. You need to tell her to stop.


The first time you find a family member snooping around your house, say something like, “Oh, you must be lost. Let me show you where the living room is.” If they do it again, you need to address their behavior with something like, “Grandma, I caught you snooping through my stuff again. Please stop. If you don’t, you can’t come over to my house.

Why is it hard to set firm boundaries with family?

There are many reasons why you may feel hesitant to set boundaries with your family. Here are a few of them.

  • You love your family and worry that setting boundaries will ruin your relationships with them. It’s easy to assume that a limit will hurt your relationship with a family member, but the opposite is true. Even if they don’t like the boundary, they will respect that you can stand up for yourself.
  • Kids don’t stand up to the older family members in your family: This may have been true when you were little, but you’re an adult now. It’s okay to disagree with an older relative as long as you’re respectful. If they get belligerent and angry at you, it’s wonderful to tell them to stop or walk away from the conversation.
  • It’s the first time you’ve said anything: If you let things go for too long when you finally set up a boundary, it feels weird. Your family member may be surprised because “it never bothered you before.” You need to explain to them that it has bothered you, but you were afraid to tell them. This could open up a conversation about your relationship.
  • The living situation makes it more complicated: If you live with your parents or with you, setting up boundaries can be challenging. Don’t assume you can live with the annoying things they’re saying. You’ll eventually get irritated, which could result in you making angry comments. Your parents may be surprised at your reaction because they thought everything was okay. Speak up while you’re calm and express the need for a boundary.

Could setting firm boundaries improve your family relationships?

It’s not easy setting boundaries with your family, but ultimately they can strengthen your family relationships. Here are some reasons why limits can be helpful.

  1. Boundaries draw a clear line so family members feel comfortable knowing what is expected of them around you and your family.
  2. When you set up boundaries for your younger family members, you inspire them to stand up for themselves in a kind but firm way.
  3. Setting up healthy boundaries shows respect for your family and yourself.
  4. Your family will understand that you want an open, honest relationship with them.
  5. Instead of feeling resentful or avoiding your relatives, you feel comfortable around your relatives.
  6. Healthy boundaries make family relationships stronger

firm boundariesFinal thoughts on knowing that it’s time to establish some firm boundaries

Getting together with your family can be a lot of fun. Unfortunately, family get-togethers sometimes involve gossip, unsolicited advice about your personal life, or unhelpful comments about your kids. At some point, you know it’s time to set some firm boundaries with a family member. It’s challenging to do but important for the sake of the relationship with that person and for your own heart. Take the bold step of telling that family member to stop saying or doing something. Be kind but firm with them. Setting a boundary is worth the hard work and produces good results for you and your family.

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