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12 Questions to Ask Your Crush to See If They’re Available for Love

Having a crush on someone is an exciting experience, but you likely have many questions. First, you must find out if an interesting prospective partner is available for a relationship. Being available could involve knowing if they are already in a relationship or if anything else is preventing it.

Sometimes, your crush might be unavailable, but not because they are in a relationship. Work commitments or simply not wanting a relationship can both prevent their availability, too. In this situation, you can decide if you want to keep trying anyway, but maybe it isn’t worth it to you.

These subtle ways to ask this intriguing individual if they are available can open up a line of conversation, too. Most importantly, though, you can find out if you are wasting your time. If they are open to a relationship, you will know that it is worth pursuing a relationship.

Finding out if your love interest is available early on can save you from embarrassment and disappointment. Plus, it can lead to a line of discussion that allows you to ask them on a date. The sooner you find out the romantic availability of your crush, the sooner you can move forward on forming a relationship.

Twelve Questions to Ask Your Crush to Find Out if They’re Available for Love

available1. What are your biggest goals for the next year?

Without making it sound like a job interview, find out what your crush’s goals are for the year. Knowing their plans and the situation they see themselves in can help you decide if there is room for you in their life.

2. What do you like to do for fun or to relax?

When you are just getting to know your love interest, you probably don’t know what they like to do. This question is a good way to start a conversation and get some background information. If your crush is unavailable, this is normally when that information will become clear.

Your crush will either mention that they are in a relationship, or they won’t talk about a significant other at all. Or, your crush might start talking about things that make it clear they aren’t ready for a relationship at this point in their life.

3. How did you spend the weekend?

Asking how your love interest spent their weekend is the perfect way to find out if they are available. If they spent time with a partner, they’d likely mention them in the conversation. Plus, you can find out if they live a lifestyle that has space for a romantic relationship.

If they are a workaholic and work on the weekends and the weekdays, you must consider whether that is an option for you. The small details of your crush’s weekend can tell you so much about their availability.

4. Do you think a relationship is in your near future?

While you should generally avoid yes or no questions, this one is essential. If they can’t see themselves being open to a relationship, then you know right away that they are unavailable. It will help you save time, energy, and negative feelings along the way.

Your crush might only want a friendship right now, and forcing more won’t go well. So, if that isn’t something you can settle for, you must decide what to do. This simple question can give you all of the answers you need.

5. What are your plans for the holiday?

There is always a holiday coming up, even if it is still a few weeks out. If your crush is in a relationship already, they will likely have plans with their partner for the upcoming event. So, if they don’t mention plans with someone special, they might be available for love.

6. Why did your last relationship end?

Asking a question about their last relationship will mention if they are in a current relationship. Getting the basics out of the way in this regard is always essential when determining if your crush is available.

Even better, though, the answer to this question can help you figure out how your crush handles relationships. You can likely find out when the relationship ended, too. Knowing when it ended will help you nail down a timeline to figure out if they had time to get over their ex.

Then, when you find out why the relationship ended, you can gather much-needed insight. You can find out how your crush refers to their exes, and you will likely see any lingering hints of anger or bitterness. These small details will help you figure out their emotional availability.

This question will also likely reveal any negative aspects of your crush’s dating history. If their relationships ended for reasons that raise a red flag, make a mental note to think that over later.

dating people7. How has your dating search been going?

When you ask how their search has been going, they’ll likely open up about their thoughts on the topic. They might be unavailable if they’ve stopped looking because they aren’t interested. Likewise, if they’ve already found someone, they’ll let you know that, too.

This question is an easy way to get the conversation started. After they answer, you can ask some follow-up questions to get any other information you want. This conversation is perfect for finding out the romantic availability of your crush.

Another reason this is a great question to ask is you can find out how they handle their relationships. If you hear that they are pursuing multiple partners at once during their search, you might decide that competing isn’t what you had in mind.

8. Do you want to come with me to an event this weekend?

If you’re comfortable asking, this question is perfect if you have an upcoming event. First of all, it’s direct and could potentially get you precisely what you want. When it comes to finding out the romantic availability of your crush, though, it’s even better.

Depending on the event, it could require you to dress up. If that is the case, people will assume that the person you brought is your date. Your crush will realize this, so if they agree to come, it is a good sign that they are available.

9. Did you come here with someone?

Asking this question can quickly let you know if your crush might be single. If you’re at an event that many people bring a date to and you see them alone, use it as an opportunity to find out if they’re available. By asking if they came with anyone, they have a chance to tell you if they’re seeing someone.

 10. Why are you still single?

Used in the correct context, this question can be a way to find out if someone is romantically open. They can either explain the problems going wrong in their dating life or say they aren’t looking for anyone right now. Either way, you can get the information that you need.

11. I didn’t recognize the person you were with when I saw you the other day. Is it your partner?

Casually ask this question the next time you see your crush if you saw them out with someone. It will clear the air on their availability while making it look like you’re just curious. Your crush will either tell you about their partner or explain that the person was just a friend.

12. Did you celebrate with your partner?

If your crush just had a birthday, got a promotion, or had another event that deserves celebration, this is the perfect question. This question is your crush’s chance to say whether or not they are already romantically involved. Plus, they will tell you who they celebrated with, giving insight into who they are closest to.

If your crush says they didn’t celebrate at all, it opens up another line of discussion. You could always suggest that you help that special person celebrate and make a plan to do something fun together.

availableFinal Thoughts on Things to Ask Your Crush to See If They’re Available for Love

As you experience the excitement of having a crush, use these questions to gather information. You can find out if they are romantically available while getting to know them better at the same time. The questions are subtle and casual enough that you won’t have to be embarrassed by the answer.

The sooner you find out if your love interest is available, the better things will work out. You won’t become as emotionally involved if you know they are unavailable ahead of time. Plus, if they are open, you can spend more time working on pursuing the relationship.

The best-case scenario from this line of questioning is that you land a date with your crush. Otherwise, at least you will know an essential thing there is to know at this point. If you didn’t know how to ask, these questions would help you get the answers you need.

12 Behaviors Empathetic People Display Often

Have you ever experienced loss or trauma, and somebody told you that they feel for you? Although most people can relate to the shared human condition, some have a natural gift for empathy. If you have some of the traits of the most empathetic people, you understand well.

Sympathy vs. Empathy

It’s a common mistake to use these connecting emotions interchangeably. However, they aren’t because one involves a more profound emotional attachment. You can be sympathetic to another’s burdens while not being empathetic.

An article published by the American Psychological Association explains that these emotions entail different psychological processes. According to the report, sympathy involves a heightened awareness of another person’s pain, while empathy seeks to understand those subjective feelings. They have also been used differently throughout history.

For example, your friend could be grieving the death of a pet, and you feel bad for them. In response to your sympathy, you tell them that you’re sorry for their loss and you’re there for them. It’s the kind thing to do for anyone who has experienced a loss or is struggling with a problem.

most empathetic peopleAlthough you’ve expressed your sympathy, you can’t have genuine empathy for your friend’s situation unless you’ve experienced a similar loss. Empathetic people seek to share the pain with their friends because they can relate. It’s not saying, “I know how you feel,” but rather, you’re a loving presence.

Psychologists define an empath as a person who is so connected to others that they absorb the same feelings, often at their own expense. These most empathetic people tend to be emotionally intelligent and highly intuitive.

Some empaths have explained their personality as being emotional sponges. They instantly connect with other people’s feelings and share in their pain. Such empathy often leaves them exhausted and emotionally drained.

Behaviors of the Most Empathetic People

Would you describe yourself as a person who can display empathy? Maybe it envelopes your life to the point of being an empath. Here are 12 behaviors of the most empathetic people to consider.

1. The Most Empathetic People Are Highly Sensitive

Some people can turn their emotions on and off like a light switch. While they can show empathy for others, they know how to draw healthy boundaries for their own sake. However, many most empathetic people are so sensitive to the emotional atmosphere that they’re in sympathetic overdrive.

Perhaps you’ve had people tell you that you’re highly sensitive or even too emotional. Empaths make the best friends lean on during times of trouble. However, their heightened sensitivity can also make them easily offend or upset.

2. Empathetic People Are Introverted

A strongly empathetic person would be most comfortable in a crowd. They are more approachable and easier to start a conversation. However, most empathetic people avoid the limelight and retreat to a personal haven.

Being in many people or even a tiny get-together may overwhelm empaths. All the individual emotions become a tidal wave for their sensitive soul to absorb. So, they do best by sharing experiences on a one-on-one basis.

3. Most Empathetic People Experience Heightened Intuition

According to an article published by the Association for Psychological Science, intuition can make successful decisions without relying on analytical thought. The article shares a study by the University of New South Wales which suggests that unconscious information from your body and brain may help you make better decisions in life.

While many people occasionally use their intuition, the most empathetic people use it as their life’s compass. They aren’t afraid to trust their gut feelings about others and situations. They’ve learned to develop self-awareness and are usually open to their inner voice.

4. Empathetic People Thrive in a Natural Environment

Empaths are at their best when communing with nature. They are often smothered by the bustles of the concrete jungle and prefer the great outdoors. These sensitive souls feel an innate connection with plants and animals and thrive in any nature-oriented career. They have a passion for the environment and are unique conservationists.

5. Empathetic People Have Heightened Senses

An empathetic person not only has a heightened sense of intuition, but their other five senses are usually on the same level. These people are often troubled by too much light or noise. They can also have a keen sense of hearing, taste, and smell.

These hyper senses can make being in a crowd miserable for them. Everyone talking at once, the laughter, clatter, and bright lights can send them to a hasty retreat. However, this condition serves them well as they enjoy the outdoors and their private sanctuary.

6. Most Empathetic People Crave Solitude

If you’re among the most empathetic people, you know how healing solitude can be for your entire being. After absorbing the emotional waves of others throughout the day, empaths need time to recharge alone in their sacred space. Some find comfort in meditation, journaling, and gentle stretching exercises.

This longing for solitude often makes empathetic people more independent. They usually like to do things their way in their own time. These people are often in artistic and other creative fields.

During these refreshing times, empaths reflect on their lives and discover what no longer works for them. They discard these and other toxic feelings that people have stuck on them. The only caveat is not to be so isolated that they lose human connections.

most empathetic people7. Intimate Relationships Can Challenge an Empathetic Person

Those with an empathetic partner are blessed with someone in tune with their feelings. Unfortunately, intimate relationships can be difficult for empaths because they don’t want to lose themselves in the tangle of emotions. They may remain emotionally distant to protect themselves.

8. Empaths Are Good Listeners

Anyone can hear you say and nod absently, silently constructing what they’ll say next. However, empathetic people easily connect in conversation and are active listeners. They instinctively mirror your emotions and use deceptive body language.

These empaths are the ones you want in your corner when you need a shoulder for crying. They’ll listen without interrupting and won’t pass judgment on what they hear. Plus, they cherish friendship and will keep your conversations in the strictest of confidence.

9. Empaths Embrace Spirituality

It’s not unusual for people to equate spirituality with religion. The fact is that you can be a spiritual person with no faith. The most empathetic people embrace spirituality as part of their triune being of body, mind, and spirit.

While they may not subscribe to any deities, sacred writings, or tradition, they are often in touch with the Universe. They feel the pain and injustices in the world and search for ways to make a difference in their community. Empaths usually tolerate other beliefs and seek to find common ground with others.

10. Most Empathetic People Realize That They Can Attract Toxic People

One of the downsides of being an empath is that you are easily drawn into people’s emotional turmoil. It becomes the perfect storm with the person acting as an emotional vampire, and it drains the empath of their time, resources, and energy. The empath doesn’t want to hurt the person’s feelings, so they are often walked on like a welcome mat.

When empathetic people know this pitfall, they can avoid being toxic or overly needy. It’s fine to be a sounding board with a kind word, but you needn’t be a built-in therapist. Empaths may need outside help to break free of toxic relationships.

11. Empaths Are Born Helpers

Talk to almost anyone in a helping profession, and you’ll probably discover how empathetic they are. These people are often drawn to careers that allow them to reach out to those struggling or who need assistance. You’ll find them as teachers, medical professionals, counselors, and any work that involves listening and helping.

12. Empathetic People Are Different

It would be the empath if there were ever a square peg in a world of round holes. Since childhood, they often have felt like they never fit in with their family, friends, or the rest of the world. Until they find peace with their uniqueness and abilities, it can cause them much anguish and trouble in life.

When empathetic people find their niche, they become comfortable in their skin. They embrace their differences and use them as tools to learn and grow. Empaths are usually the best people to help others find their way.

most empatheticFinal Thoughts on the Most Empathetic People

Most empathetic people know that sharing in the pain of others is a valuable gift when used correctly. If you’ve noticed any of these twelve behaviors in your life, you’re probably an empath. As you love supporting others, don’t forget to be kind and support yourself.

12 Reasons You Should Leave the Emotional Roller Coaster

Fairy tales depict relationships full of happiness and joy, but real life shows that these stories are make-believe. Even the best couples have their ups and downs, but what if your entire association is like being on an emotional roller coaster? One day you’re happy and smiling with joy, and the next day you’re crying because they’ve done something to hurt you once again.

Some relationships have unique dynamics that make them even more lethal. If there’s infidelity, physical or verbal violence, or other toxic characteristics, you might feel that this is how things are supposed to be. Sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty of the forest because you’re hidden beneath the trees, and it’s time to evaluate your dynamics truly.

The truth is that you don’t have to live on this toxic train going nowhere, and you don’t have to settle for anything less for your life. Trust your gut instincts, and don’t be naïve. If you’re feeling the urge to leave, listen to your heart.

Twelve Reasons To Leave the Emotional Roller Coaster

Leaving an emotional roller coaster relationship is easier said than done. This is especially true if you have children, financial ties, and other connections that make a clean break impossible. However, it would help if you broke the tie that binds, and here are twelve reasons why you should leave sooner rather than later.

emotional roller coaster1. Being Alone Is Better Than Being Miserable

Many people won’t leave a toxic situation because they fear being alone. Some folks are afraid that they will be flying solo in this big, scary world if they leave. However, the only thing worse than being single is being with the wrong one, and you deserve so much better than this emotional mess you’re in.

2. They’ll Never Change

Perhaps, one of the reasons why you haven’t left yet is because you keep hoping for change. They’ve promised you the sun, moon, and stars, yet they always fall right back into old patterns. This person, no doubt, has deep-seated issues, and they’re not going to change.

It’s tough for people to change patterns when they’ve been a part of them for so long. In fact, it would be easier to get a river to flow in the opposite direction. Those who change are very strong, but statistically speaking, the patterns are ingrained in their brains and part of them for life.

3. You Don’t Have To Settle for This Emotional Roller Coaster Ride

You must know your value. You are worth so much more than you can ever imagine, and you deserve better than this emotional roller coaster you’re on. Sherry Gaba is a psychotherapist that works with broken marriages.

In one of her recent writings, she spoke about why people settle for less in a spouse. The top reasons are low self-esteem, a denial of reality, shame, and feelings of inadequacy. It would help if you built your confidence to have the strength both mentally and physically to break these strong ties.

4. You’ve Had Enough of the Emotional Roller Coaster Ride

There’s a place called wit’s end, and when you get there, you’re done. You don’t need to put the blame on one another or make it a long-drawn-out battle, but you’ve had enough.

You want off the emotional roller coaster, and you can let someone else take a spin on this catastrophic ride. You’ve reached your limit.

5. You’re Missing Out on the Right One

When you waste your time with the wrong person, you’re missing out on someone who could be the love of your life. If you believe in soul mates, you could miss this chance encounter because you’re preoccupied living in misery. Don’t be like those people who waste the best years or decades of their life being on an emotional roller coaster because they don’t know the amazing person that’s out there waiting for them.

6. Living With Physical or Verbal Threats Is Psychologically Damaging

Many times, relationships that are emotionally all over the place have some toxic element. If there’s any physical or verbal abuse, it can be very psychologically damaging. In fact, many toxic people use these tactics to beat you down so that you don’t think you can do any better.

The truth is you can do much better than this, and cleaning up the emotional baggage from a bad relationship can be a complex process. Never let anyone have such control over you that you’re afraid to stand up for yourself.

You are beautiful, amazing, and have so many gifts and talents to offer the world. The problem is that you can’t accomplish all the things you were meant to do and live your best life when you’re stuck on an emotional merry-go-round.

emotional roller coaster7. Love Shouldn’t Hurt

There’s a passage of scriptures in the Bible that states what love is all about. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, it says that love is patient, kind, isn’t proud, envious, or boastful. Love is about giving your partner the best parts of yourself.

While love isn’t perfect, it shouldn’t be constant hurt and conflict. If your situation hurts you on an emotional level that’s unrelenting, it’s not the kind of love you need. Another scripture in 1 John 4:18 says that perfect love casts out all fear. This is the type of love you want in your life, not someone who makes you miserable.

8. Counseling Doesn’t Always Work

Counseling is a great way to work through many issues, but a person must actively engage with their counselor for this process to work. First, the person must admit there’s a problem and want help. Second, they need to open up and get to the root issues and work on them.

Some folks aren’t on board because they won’t admit there are issues. If you can’t get your partner to go to counseling, or it didn’t work, you’re right back on the emotional roller coaster where nothing is resolved.

9. You Can Facilitate Healing and Growth by Leaving the Emotional Roller Coaster Behind You

It’s time for you to heal from the past and grow so you can have a bright future. You’re never going to grow if you stay in this stagnate situation.

You deserve so much more than you give yourself credit for, and it’s time you start taking what the Universe has deemed as rightfully yours. Do you really want to live in misery for the rest of your life?

10. You Should Have Fun

Life isn’t 100 percent about sunshine and rainbows, but there should be some bright days. If you spend the bulk of your time cleaning up messes, crying, and living under a pile of emotional upheaval, you’re not living. You need to have fun, friends and enjoy yourself.

11. Crying Shouldn’t Be Part of Everyday Life

Dry your eyes and pick yourself up! If you’re crying more than you’re smiling, then it’s a toxic dynamic. Your emotional state can make you physically sick.

No doubt, depression, anxiety, and constant worry can get you so down you don’t feel like lifting your head from the pillow. However, today is a new day, and it’s time for a new you. The beauty is that once you cut away these toxic ties, you won’t even recognize yourself.

12. Negativity Has Chipped Away at Your Innermost Being

Some folks think that the most horrible thing in a relationship is cheating, but alas, some things are much worse. Did you know that negativity is the cold hand of death to a couple? Constant pessimism can eat away at the roots of your relationship, causing unrepairable decay.

Negativity will cause your relationship to lose its specialness, and it can cause you to withhold trust, attention and harbor unforgiveness. When you get out from under all this negativity, it will feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

emotional roller coasterFinal Thoughts on the Emotional Roller Coaster

Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., stated recently that many people are afraid to leave relationships for many reasons. However, the most noted that some people become accustomed to emotional blackmail and think it’s a way of life.

When you’ve lived on the emotional roller coaster for so long, you might think that you’re the “crazy” one. Blackmail and manipulation often work this way, but you can decide that enough is enough. Stop calling your connection a relationship when it’s nothing more than emotional terrorism.

Sometimes, there’s too much pain to overcome. If you’ve stopped growing together and fighting more than you’re civilized, you deserve better. It would help if you began to rebuild your esteem and self-worth so that you don’t ever have to live like this again.

Know your worth, and don’t let anyone take you for granted. Simply put, get a lawyer, and get out! There’s a whole world waiting for you, and you’re wasting your time on an emotional roller coaster that’s doing more damage than you will ever know.

10 Signs of a Positive Thinker (That They Don’t Even Realize)

Are you a positive person, or do you tend to have a more negative outlook on life? You might even ask: What are the signs of a positive thinker?

Some folks are just waiting for things to turn around before becoming more positive, but will that day ever come? No one event will make or break your happiness, as you must decide that whatever comes your way, you’re going to remain optimistic.

Positive folks have a certain mindset that programs them to take whatever happens to them in stride. It’s not that the positive don’t get stressed out, but these folks have learned how to let things roll off their back rather than dwell on them. If you linger in the land of negativity for too long can affect your mental and physical health.

Ten Common Signs of a Positive Thinker

There are many signs of a positive thinker. For instance, they know that today is a good day to have a good day, and they’re not waiting for anything spectacular to happen to make or break their mood. If you want to adopt some optimistic habits, here are ten ways to think the positive.

positive thinker1. They Leave the Past in the Past

Everyone has good and bad memories, but a positive person has learned to keep the hurtful ones where they belong. While it’s okay to reminisce about the good old days occasionally, they would rather be busy making new memories. They don’t want to invest their time or energy crying over spilled milk, as there are much more productive things to do with their time.

They use the past lessons as stepping stones to a brighter future, and they certainly aren’t going to ruminate about all the mistakes.

2. They’re Not Victims but Empowered Folks

Have you ever seen someone have a victim mentality? This negative mindset is quite toxic and can keep them from moving forward in life. They use the bad things that have happened to them as a crutch.

Signs of a positive thinker tend to be refreshing: they don’t hold grudges and forgive the past. It’s essential to make peace with yesterday so that you can move on to a brighter future. Unforgiveness doesn’t hurt other people nearly as much as it hurts you.

The Mayo Clinic states that if you don’t allow forgiveness in your life, then you can be swallowed up by bitterness or feelings of injustice.

The article further says that forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation, but it cuts the toxic action’s ties on you.

3. They Don’t Let Fear Interfere With Their Life

Fear can be crippling if you allow it to be, but the positive folks understand that failures are just as much a part of life as winning. Even when life knocks them down, they have enough confidence within themself to get back up and try again.

The personal resilience that these people have is remarkable. According to Leslie Riopel, MSc. from Positive Psychology, people with resilience tend to adapt well and bounce back quickly, so there’s very little that keeps them down. It’s not that these folks don’t have heartache and pain, but it’s that they’ve learned how to recover from traumatic or stressful upheavals.

4. They Don’t Get Stuck With Their Limitations

Rather than focusing on all the things they can’t do and their limitations, the positive folks focus on what they can do. They have a realistic outlook on life, knowing there’s no perfect situation. They’re eager to step into resolution mode when trouble comes knocking at their door.

These are not the type of people that chase their tail or spin their wheels. They’re very driven and strive not to let anything destroy their happiness. Sure, they have limits, but it’s not the focus of their attention.

They love themselves enough to know that they have so many gifts to offer the world that these blessings should be what they concentrate on.

5. They Know Life’s Seasons Bring Pain and Sorrow As Well as Sunshine

There’re some misconceptions about the optimistic, and one of the biggest delusions is that they’re always happy. Sadly, it’s virtually impossible for someone always to be happy. There are many emotions in life that people experience, such as sadness, anger, and even disappointments, and they’re all a part of living you must endure.

If someone says they’re always happy, they’re living in denial. However, one of the signs of a positive thinker is that they have hope and faith that there’s light at the end of the tunnel when they go through the darkest times.

sings of a positive thinker6. They Understand the Difference Between Quitting and Letting Go

Some people like to hold onto things both physically and internally. Do you have old clothes in your closet that you keep because you think you will fit into them again one day? You’ve probably had those clothes for years, and you know that it’s going to take a lot of work to get back into them.

Still, you can’t seem to part with them as you paid good money for these items. Positive people know that hanging onto stuff for too long can cause them significant problems. They know that hanging onto toxic ideas, unhealthy beliefs, and people that are no good for them can impair their judgment and life.

These folks have learned to trust their gut instinct and judgment and let go of the negative things hindering their happiness. When it comes to relationships, they don’t hang around situations that rob their joy, as they know their worth.

7. They Make Everyday a Good Day

Positive folks don’t wait, hope, and wish that things will fall into place for them to become happy. Instead, they fill their vocabulary with words and phrases that will be positively charged rather than negatively based. By being proactive with their language, it lessens their reactive urges.

The difference between someone positive and someone negative is that they’re involved in constructive behaviors rather than destructive ones. Rather than wishing things would be better, they take charge to make it happen.

8. They’re Great Communicators

These individuals understand that excellent communication is the best way to connect with others in their life. They tend to evade being judgmental or having enraged interchanges with folks. Additionally, they will never let someone else’s emotional outbursts give them a reason to react, so don’t expect to get a rise out of them.

Instead, these folks come across as individuals with tact and finesse. No one will push them around, but they know how to let people know how to treat them without losing their cool. Another sign of a positive thinker is that they won’t push their problems off others, as they tend to be private about those things.

9. They Practice Gratitude

An attitude of gratitude is undoubtedly one of the signs of a positive thinker. Life is like a treasure chest with each day; there’s something new and exciting to discover. They are thankful for all their blessings, and they look for the “pot of gold” in each day.

Sure, they have bad days and hit a few snags in life, but they won’t focus on those things. Instead, they want to experience new sights, feelings, and sensations as they are very present in the moment.

10. They Smile a Lot

What’s on the inside will show on the outside. One of the signs of a positive thinker is they tend to smile a lot. Their smiles are contagious, so if you’re with someone like this, you can’t help but smile too.

Many of these folks have a good sense of humor and tend to keep things on the lighter side. They try not to take themselves too seriously as they tend to go with the flow. You will notice that these folks have great self-respect, which helps them keep things in perspective.

signs of a positive thinkerFinal Thoughts on Signs of a Positive Thinker

Do you have more signs of a positive or negative thinker as you evaluate this list? While nothing positive about being negative, the good news is that you can do something about it. You can make a change starting today.

Start with just one small thing and work your way up to more positive outlooks. Do you have unforgiveness in your heart over past hurts? Maybe you can start by letting them go through the power of forgiveness.

One of the best signs of a positive thinker is that they don’t let the past define or cripple them. They don’t want anything to inhibit a bright future. It’s time to lay down the toxic thought processes and adopt new, healthier ones.

8 Signs You’re Entering a Personal Growth Phase

As you gaze into the night skies decorated with endless stars, you may feel small and insignificant. The earth’s solar system is one of possibly billions of more galaxies in the spanning universe. However, the same Universe that created the stars whispers lovingly to your heart, especially before a personal growth phase.

You’re part of something greater than you could ever imagine. You don’t need to be religious or even believe in such things for this voice to speak to your heart. It’s pure light and love, and it believes in you.

Have you ever been thinking of someone you haven’t seen in years, and you suddenly get a call from them? Perhaps you’ve had a strange feeling that you shouldn’t take a trip and later find your delay saved your life? It’s that still voice in your heart that’s gently trying to get your attention.

Your Cosmic Connection

There’s nobody in this world exactly like you, nor will there ever be. Even as a tiny speck on a planet twirling through space and time, the Universe knows you by name. It knew you before the galaxies took shape, and it has your best interest at heart.

Isn’t it reassuring to realize that the Source of All can tenderly light the paths to your best life? Your inner voice can provide valuable guidance as you enter a personal growth phase. The Universe will never overstep your free will, but it’s present as a kind mentor showing you the right paths.

personal growth phaseSpiritual Growing Pains

According to a guide published by the BBC, living organisms have specific characteristics that distinguish them from nonliving things. These include movement, reproduction, sensitivity, nutrition, excretion, respiration, and growth. To be alive, you must grow.

Humans are a composite of body, mind, and spirit, and each of these facets experiences growth. First, your body matures from an infant to a child, and later you turn into an adult. During this physical growth, you learn and experience things that provide maturation to your mind and emotions.

You also grow spiritually as you realize your eternal connection with the Divine. Remember when you were a kid and began to experience unexplained aches and pains in your joints and bones? You may have thought you were dying, but your parents assured you it was typical growing pains.

As your bones, muscles, and organs got larger and more robust, it was uncomfortable and often painful. The same process is true for spiritual growth. As you enter a personal growth phase, you feel the tug from growing toward the Light.

It can be painful to access your belief system and toss things that no longer work for you. However, purging negativity is good for you and an essential part of growth.

The Universe is Sending These Eight Signs

Just as your parents patiently explained your growing pains, the Universe wants to reassure you of spiritual growth discomforts. These may rend your heart and plunge your soul into temporary despair, but you’ll be fine. On the other side of the pain, your spiritual maturity will be your trophy.

Wouldn’t it be a blessing if you were warned of these inevitable growth spurts in advance? It’s possible when you’re in tune with your inner voice and follow its subtle cues. Here are eight ways the Universe may be signaling a personal growth phase.

1. Your Gut Feelings are Off

Did you know that your nervous and digestive systems are linked? According to an article published by the Harvard School of Medicine, emotions like joy, anger, anxiety, and sadness have a direct effect on your gut. Negative emotions may be a motivation for digestive issues.

Listen to your gut if you’re experiencing a dizzy feeling in your stomach and everything seems off. The Universe works with your body systemically to get your attention. A season for personal growth may be in your near future.

2. You Have More Problems Than Usual

It’s impossible to live without problems because they challenge you and provide maturity. Nobody goes a day without some irritation or upset that requires rationalization and action. However, you may be experiencing more challenges lately than usual.

While many problems are typical or of your own creation, some may stop you in your tracks. It’s these times that the Universe is encouraging you to take a breath and reconsider your path. Personal growth phases can take you to higher levels of understanding and capabilities.

3. You May Receive Negative Omens

The Divine works in signs and symbols that are specific to each person. What you may perceive as an ominous warning may be disregarded by your friend. Having a working relationship with the Universe is the best way to hone your intuition.

Maybe you see an unexplained ripped page in your journal, or your winding clock has mysteriously stopped. It might seem like poltergeist activity to some, but perhaps these signs aren’t adverse at all. Maybe the Universe is telling you that your present occupation is changing by a personal growth phase.

4. You Feel Rather Clumsy Lately

Did you ever think that you were born with all thumbs or could trip over your own feet? Clumsiness is human and is often the product of a preoccupied mind. Remember how awkward you felt as a teenager?

The classic teen clumsiness is understandable when you consider all the changes in their bodies and emotions. Likewise, you may have irritating cases of butterfingers, trips, and bumps preceding a personal growth phase in adulthood.

personal growth phase5. Your Sleep Schedule Becomes Erratic

What could be more refreshing than awakening after a healthy night’s sleep? If you are tossing and turning all night, you pay the price in the morning. You feel sore, grumpy, and in blinding brain fog that coffee can’t dissipate.

While you’re watching the clock tick away another sleepless night, what’s on your mind? The Universe speaks with the softness of angel wings and a titanium strength that leads you through personal growth changes. Listening and following may help you return to the deep sleep your body needs.

6. Hurry Up and Wait

Patience is a virtue that everyone wants right now. It’s the prevailing concept fueled by a drive-through mentality and instant gratification. However, many valuable lessons are gathered by slow and steady persistence.

Before you can experience a personal growth spurt, the Universe may signal you to get out of the fast lane, breathe, and think. How will you notice the most beautiful lessons that fade in the blur if you rush through your life? You may see unusual delays or wrenches in your plans as a way of the Universe tapping your shoulder to get your attention.

7. Signs of the Time

Remember that the Universe often will seek your attention by using signs and patterns. Some of these may be specific to you, such as a significant number or word. While the Universe will rarely write your message in black and white, it may use another person to deliver what they need you to know.

Think about some of the unusual patterns that recently keep appearing. Maybe it’s a specific number, or you keep seeing monarch butterflies in many places you go. Is it a coincidence, or is this repeating pattern a warning to look upward?

Personal growth changes don’t always happen at once. They can be gradual and can catch you off guard. Realize that they are an essential part of your maturity process. The signs and patterns you see are reflections of the Universe, and it’s possibly trying to get your attention.

8. You May Feel a Disconnect

Have you ever been irritated by a lightbulb that continually flickers? It’s probably because it needs to be tightened and connected with the electrical socket better. When life’s struggles have shaken you to the core, you may feel a disconnect from the Universe.

Acknowledging this disconnect is your first step to revitalizing your spirit and benefiting from a personal growth phase. Do you feel more annoyed than usual and snap at your family and friends? Your disharmony makes you feel uneasy, and the Universe is gently guiding you back on course.

Sometimes, you don’t want to be around anyone, and you retreat to your sacred place. Use this time to reflect, heal, and reconnect with your inner voice. Your maturity will manifest in better feelings and more confidence in your relationships.

personal growth phaseFinal Thoughts on the Universe and Your Personal Growth Phase

It’s comforting to know that you were never meant to journey alone in this life. The Universe overshadowed you before you were born and will be at your side until you step into eternity. It can signal a personal growth phase, bringing you through as a stronger and wiser person.

Sadly, many people miss the signals or ignore them because they don’t realize what’s happening. Connecting with love and light and your spiritual beings can enhance your life and those around you. So don’t be so eager to dismiss strange occurrences or growing pains as bad luck, as it may be a gentle nudge from the heavens directing you.

Study Highlights the Importance of Biodiversity in Farming

As the global population continues growing, experts have been studying how to maintain high crop yields while not sacrificing biodiversity. The world faces mounting challenges due to climate change, which will inevitably affect the food supply. However, by simply working with nature instead of against it, we could overcome these problems.

In a new study, an international research team stresses the importance of biodiversity in farming. Biodiversity refers to the biological variety and variability of life on Earth. As species adapt to their environment, they continue to evolve with time, creating more variation. The millions of organisms that exist on Earth all work cohesively, depending on one another for survival.

Biodiversity ensures that ecosystems remain balanced, and each species or organism plays an important role. When one species or organism loses balance, this creates a domino effect, disrupting an entire ecosystem.

The importance of biodiversity in farming

In regards to farming, growing a wide array of plant species offers benefits to nature and humans. Even though farms require humans to maintain them, they’re still an ecosystem in themselves. The plants, soil, and animals have mutualistic relationships – they all benefit from one another.

In a healthy farm ecosystem, the soil enriches the plants, and the plants then provide nutrients and habitat to small insects and birds. In turn, they pollinate the plants and keep the insect population in check. Finally, livestock eat leftover crops, providing manure for the fields, which acts as a natural fertilizer. Then, the cycle repeats, with each species doing its part to maintain the balance.

As you can see, healthy ecosystems require animals and plants, both small and large, to survive. Biodiversity in farming allows plant and animal life to flourish while providing vital food crops for humans as well. Unfortunately, modern agriculture doesn’t respect the laws of nature, altering ecosystems for its own ends of profit and higher yields.

In the new study led by researchers from the University of Göttingen, authors say both organic and conventional farming methods can incorporate biodiversity. The team adds that promoting large-scale biodiversity on all farms requires a “paradigm shift in agriculture.” Farms should ensure that landscapes include both natural habitats and small-scale, diverse cultivated areas. Of course, political leaders will have to enact laws which require biodiversity on commercial farms, both organic and conventional.

The research was published in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

biodiversityThe organic foods dilemma

Many people believe that organic crops don’t have pesticides, but unfortunately, that’s just a myth. The research team says that organic certification mostly focuses on avoiding synthetic pesticides and herbicides. Instead, they use natural agrochemicals derived from plants; however, organic doesn’t always mean better.

One study found that some organic pesticides can actually harm the environment more than conventional ones. Researchers compared organic pesticides’ effectiveness and environmental impact to conventional, synthetic agrochemicals on soybean crops. Surprisingly, researchers found the organic pesticides required larger doses to have the same effectiveness. They also caused more harm to predator insects that protect crops compared to synthetic pesticides.

Back to the current research, the team says that organically grown commercial crops have limited biodiversity advantages. They also produce far lower yields than conventionally grown crops, despite agriculture becoming more intensive and specialized.

“Areas cultivated under organic certification have a third more species but do not reach the yield level of conventional cultivation. This means that more land is needed for the same yield,” explains first author Professor Teja Tscharntke, Agroecology Group at the University of Göttingen.

Not to mention, since organic farming requires more land, this counteracts the small gains in biodiversity. Also, as we said before, organically grown crops still require pesticides to produce high yields.

“Pesticides are allowed as long as they are considered natural. For example, grape, orchards and also vegetables are sprayed extensively and repeatedly, mainly with copper products, even though these products accumulate in the soil,” says Tscharntke. “In addition, much organic farming has moved far away from the ideals of its early years: organic farming is not always done on idyllic family farms; organic monocultures are often similar in size to conventional farms; and vegetables are often grown under glass, at the expense of biodiversity.”

For example, Mediterranean farms often cover large crop fields with plastic sheets to produce higher yields. This practice leads to more profits but ruins entire ecosystems in the process. Despite this, many of the farms operate under organic certification.

Both organic and conventional farms benefit from biodiversity

Improving farming methods worldwide requires a shift in our relationship with nature. Whether a farm grows organic or conventional crops, authors say that biodiversity will ensure healthy, well-managed farms in the future.

“Landscapes with high crop diversity, small fields, and at least one-fifth near-natural habitats can promote biodiversity significantly more than just organic certification,” emphasizes the agroecologist. “Landscapes with small fields and long edges have many times more species than landscapes with large fields and are equally feasible both in organic and conventional agriculture.”

For example, on a land area of one hectare instead of six, “These can be home to six times as many plants and insect species. Variety in cultivation can also double the number of species and greatly increase biological pest control as well as successful pollination.”

The European Union’s plan aims to achieve at least 25% organic agriculture by 2030. However, the research team says that the biodiversity strategy will still require 75% conventional agriculture as well.

biodiversityFinal thoughts on the study showing that biodiversity is the key to healthy farms

In the near future, it seems inevitable that we’ll have to change our relationship with nature. We’ve largely focused on short-term productivity and profits at the expense of entire ecosystems. As a result, the planet has reached a critical tipping point, and it’s up to us to restore balance.

One way we can even the scales is to promote biodiversity in farming methods. This ensures healthier, more robust crops and requires much less land to produce the same, if not higher, yields.

Hopefully, more organic and conventional farms will start recognizing the importance of biodiversity. We’d have a much healthier, happier planet if we all work to live in accordance with nature.

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