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Psychologists Warn About 5 Harmful Trends in Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders

Mental health is one of the most important things people must take care of. Ironically, most times, people refrain from talking about mental health disorders. In fact, it remains relatively unexplored when compared to physical health. Even certified psychologists can misdiagnose people. There have been many scandals and discussions concerning mental health diagnoses throughout history.

Not too long ago, conditions such as Dissociative Identity Disorder had entirely different names, which suggested other characteristics. The field of psychology faces many challenges, as there’s a lot of social stigma surrounding mental health. Society hasn’t yet developed past the idea that only “weak” or “lazy” people have mental health issues. Or that people with mental health concerns should “deal with them alone.”

This belief is especially true among older adults. Even going to therapy was unheard of just a few decades ago. Moreover, people learn not to talk about their mental health. They should never tell anyone else they’re battling demons or facing challenges. That’s because older generations see asking for help as a sign of weakness. It seems like there are always issues surrounding mental health. The last thing people need to deal with is negative trends surrounding diagnosis.

But misdiagnosis is a harsh reality that can even ruin someone’s life. So, what are the five harmful trends in diagnosis, and how should you avoid them?

How Should Mental Health Diagnosis Look?

There are a few ways in which an expert can diagnose mental health disorders. One of the first things that can be considered is a physical exam, which a doctor will rule out any physical issues that might cause specific symptoms. Alternatively, lab tests can ensure that everything is in order physically. That’s because often, things like substance abuse or issues regarding endocrinology can cause symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other disorders.

mental health disorders

After ruling out physical illness, the patient will undergo a psychological evaluation. This usually discusses your symptoms, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Patients often complete a questionnaire to help the provider assess the root causes. Of course, it’s not as easy as it seems to determine which disorder causes the symptoms the patient is suffering from. There are hundreds and hundreds of conditions that doctors have to consider.

There are many classes of illnesses, all of which encompass dozens of different disorders. Some types comprise neurodevelopmental disorders, depressive disorders, and even personality disorders. In psychology, there are always loads of problems that psychologists must consider. And mental health is such a delicate matter that many diseases even overlap. A well-trained specialist can diagnose you accurately if you are dealing with a somewhat common issue. But even the best-educated specialists risk being wrong or going through many evaluations to decide on a diagnosis.

The Stigma Continues to Harm Our Society

We see this reflected everywhere in our society when discussing mental health disorders. There is bound to be one person who will share their challenges regarding a diagnosis. Even more common conditions, such as ADHD and autism, are challenging to diagnose correctly. All discussed in the previous paragraphs start from the premise that doctors have the best intentions and that patients follow all instructions. But that’s not the reality we live in.

People are often scared to contact a specialist and choose to self-diagnose instead. Or doctors might not want to put in all the effort they need to give the best diagnosis. Even if they have the best intentions, they are human and can make mistakes. It’s sometimes too easy to slap on the diagnosis that fits without doing the due diligence to look deeper. Sometimes, doctors want to assign a diagnosis so that they can start treatment, and this pressure makes them skip steps.

All this goes to say that the field of psychology is especially vulnerable to human error. Any mistake, every corner that’s been cut, can lead to a misdiagnosis, which is detrimental to the patient. So, what are the trends that lead to misdiagnosis, and how to avoid them?

5 Harmful Trends in Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders

These five trends harm those who need treatment.

1.      Self-Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders

Self-diagnosing might seem like a good idea. Mainly because there are so many online questionnaires it looks like the real deal. However, online questionnaires should not replace professional diagnosis.  Instead, they should create clarity in the patient’s head while acting as an incentive to see a professional. But lately–mainly because of social media platforms–self-diagnosis has started to be taken more seriously than therapists and psychologists are.

There are two dangers associated with self-diagnosis. First, there’s the fact that people who self-diagnose might be content with the diagnosis they chose. Moreover, they don’t even bother going to a specialist. This belief means that many people think they have some minor, manageable issue they don’t need to worry about. They might be dealing with something much worse that requires immediate attention.

Second, self-diagnosis might also motivate self-medicating or treating the disorder without professional oversight. People might even fall into the trap of using the wrong medicines as a way to treat whatever it is they convince themselves they’re suffering from.

2.      Misunderstanding The Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders

Because mental health is so complex, understanding the symptoms is vital to assigning the proper diagnosis. But, in being so complicated, many disorders have overlapping symptoms. Or the symptoms are so similar that minor influences and nuances differentiate them. One of the biggest mistakes psychologists make is that they don’t take the proper steps to ensure they understand the symptoms to the fullest extent.

That’s mainly because understanding the symptoms and how they appear to require excellent communication. This level of communication is often impossible to achieve. All these specialists are people who get tired and make mistakes. It’s sometimes easier to scratch the surface and slap on the first diagnosis that makes sense.

But this method is extremely harmful because it doesn’t consider all the underlying reasons why a person displays a particular behavior. When the specialist doesn’t fully understand your symptoms, they can’t offer you the needed treatment. They will give you therapy for a similar disorder, but that doesn’t mean it will address your concerns.

mental health disorders

3.      Lack of Research Regarding Mental Health Disorders

The psychological field is one of the most complex domains in existence. Yet, it lacks the proper tools and funding to develop at its maximum capacity. Because of this, many areas lack the proper research. We don’t have enough disorders to describe everything a person might suffer from. This shortfall is not the fault of therapists and specialists so much as it is society’s fault, which has stigmatized mental health for so long.

Because of this trend, many people go without a proper diagnosis their entire lives. This means they must either deal with their problems alone or receive the wrong treatment and medication.

4.      Mental Health Is Overly Simplified

The field of mental health is one of the most complex sciences. But people are so scared or ashamed to talk about it that they don’t try to understand it. This stigma forces specialists to talk about mental health in an overly simplified manner. Furthermore, it can harm the relationship between the psychologist and the patient.

All this stigma surrounding mental health now impacts how psychology is taught and practiced. This has created some psychologists who are either less educated, experienced, or careless about tackling the root issues. Most patients are content with receiving the most superficial diagnosis, while most psychologists are content with giving them just that. Psychology has been overly simplified to the point of affecting diagnosis and treatment.

5.      Some Patients Don’t Receive Serious Consideration

This is potentially an issue that doesn’t only affect the field of psychology. But that doesn’t change the fact that many patients feel ignored. As we’ve seen in the past couple of decades, more and more young people have started reaching out to psychologists to get a diagnosis. The problem is that adults or parents often overlook their children’s concerns.

Parents often accompany their children. Thus, parents can interfere with the diagnosis process by invalidating their kids’ experiences. But teenagers and kids aren’t the only patients dismissed by therapists. Sometimes therapists ignore people based on how they look, their social status, whether they have a history of substance abuse, etc. This stems from an inherent human flaw which has society refuses to tackle.

Unfortunately, psychologists can often be subjective, and there aren’t even proper checks and balances mechanisms set in place. More often than not, if a psychologist is being stereotypical or hateful, no one is around to hold them accountable.

mental health disorders

Final Thoughts on Some Harmful Trends in Diagnosing Mental Health Disorder

Correctly diagnosing mental health disorders is one of the hardest things anyone can do. Mental health has so many complexities and nuances that it’s easy to misdiagnose a patient, even if you hold professional certification. As if that wasn’t a big enough issue, some harmful trends surround mental health diagnoses.

One of the most harmful trends is self-diagnosing. As a patient, you should know that only a specialist’s opinion matters. It would be best to try to get more than one opinion on your diagnosis to ensure accuracy.

How To Make An Ocean In A Bottle (Fun Craft Time Project) 

Craft time allows you to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. It can help take your mind off stress for a while and tune back into yourself. Whether you’re making crafts with family, your significant other, or yourself, it’s an enjoyable pastime for the artsy folks out there.

Today, we’ll show you how to make a homemade ocean in a bottle. If you can’t go on a trip to see the ocean, you can bring it to you instead! It only requires a few tools and a little time. So on your next free afternoon, we hope you’ll try out this fun project. Note that this will involve several ideas using glass bottles; make one or all of them if you’re feeling extra creative!

How to make an ocean in a bottle (fun craft time project)

Are you ready to start? Let craft time begin!

Tools you’ll need:

  • Cutting mat
  • Piece of blank white paper
  • Coffee (this will make sense in the directions, trust us!)
  • Piece of cotton or a cloth
  • Tealight candle
  • Piece of twine
  • Three tall glass bottles
  • White sand
  • Spoon
  • Seashells
  • Blue food coloring
  • Water
  • A bottle of baby oil

craft timeHow to make a message in a bottle:

  1. First, grab your cutting mat and place the sheet of paper on top. Have your coffee and cotton/cloth handy as well.
  2. Next, dip the cotton ball or cloth into the coffee cup. Start rubbing the coffee on the piece of paper until it’s thoroughly coated. However, don’t put so much that it causes the paper to disintegrate. Place a thin layer on it, and let it dry for a few minutes.
  3. After it’s dried, write a note on the paper to make a “message in the bottle.” When you’re finished, burn some of the edges on the paper to add an old, weathered effect.
  4. If you want, place the paper slightly over the candle to add burn marks to the page. This will give a “lost at sea” feel to the whole thing. When you’re done with this step, the paper should look very tattered and worn.
  5. Next, dip the bottom of your coffee mug in water and place the imprint on a corner of the page. This is just another way to add some pizzazz to this fun craft time project!
  6. Now, roll up the wrinkled paper very thinly. Tie a piece of twine around it several times, and finish it off with a bow. Cut off any loose ends.
  7. Finally, grab one of the glass bottles and scoop a few spoonfuls of sand into the bottom. Next, add several seashells and your message on top. Seal it with a cork and enjoy this timeless craft idea! Place it on a shelf or table to decorate your home.

Making an ocean in a bottle for your craft time

  1. Now grab your other glass bottle and fill it about halfway with water. Next, add a couple of drops of blue food coloring. Stir with a long stick or spoon.
  2. Next, fill the rest of the glass with baby oil. The oil will sit on top of the water since water and oil don’t mix. Shake it up, tilt it around, and marvel at your very own ocean in a bottle!

How to make a sandy beach in a bottle

  1. You guessed it – get out your third glass bottle for this next craft time Add a little sand to the bottom, along with several more seashells.
  2. Fill it up about 1/3 of the way with water, and add the blue food coloring. Stir it with a long stick or spoon, being careful not to disturb the sand.
  3. Fill up the rest of the bottle with baby oil, and seal it with a cork. No matter which way you turn the bottle, the sand will always return to the bottom. (Remember those bath toys you used to play with as a kid? This is the same concept in an adult version!. You can even place a small toy ship or fish inside to maximize the beach vibe for funs.

Making a centerpiece with the bottles

craft timeWhat you’ll need:

  • A piece of rope
  • Hot glue gun (you can find one at Glue Guns Direct shop)
  • Small piece of cardboard, cut into a circle


  1. First, place a dollop of hot glue in the middle of the circle. Press the end of the rope firmly in the center.
  2. Then, start wrapping the rope around the center to create a spiral. Add glue as you go, remembering to press down firmly.
  3. As you work your way around the circle, make sure you don’t leave any open spaces. When you’re finished, cut off any excess rope. Place your three bottles on top, and enjoy this beautiful, tropical centerpiece!

Tips for making this craft time project amazing

  • If you want to add something to the plain ocean in a bottle, please feel free! As we said above, some ideas include a small toy ship, fish, or other marine life. You could even place coral or seaweed at the bottom to give it a realistic feel.
  • Perhaps you have always dreamed of sending off a message in a bottle to some faraway land. Use this craft time project to turn that dream into reality! If you live near a beach, place it in the water and watch it float away. Who knows where it will end up?
  • Have kids? Use this as an opportunity to teach them the science behind why water and oil don’t mix. (Hint: water is denser than oil, so that it will sink to the bottom).

craft timeFinal Thoughts: These craft time projects will make you feel like a kid again

If the world seems stressful lately, why not escape with these fun craft projects for a while? Everyone needs a break from responsibilities sometimes, and there’s nothing like the ocean to take your mind off things. You don’t always need to travel to the ocean to relax, though. Create it in the comfort of your home with these beautiful ocean in bottle ideas. If you decide to make them, please share the finished product with us!

Psychologist Explains How to Fight Negative Thoughts by “Decentering”

It’s only human to recognize your feelings, thoughts, and memories, whether positive or negative. Unfortunately, you may spend an extraordinary amount of time focusing on the negative to understand them better. When you learn how to decenter yourself, it can help you fight negative thoughts.

Do you sometimes ruminate over past hurts and failures, almost like a perpetual loop playing in your brain? Although reflecting and learning from negative experiences can be beneficial, too much can overwhelm you with negative energy. Such energy-zapping thought patterns can link to depression and anxiety.

The Pitfalls of Negativity Bias

Experts still don’t fully understand negativity bias, which is the human habit of focusing on negativity and positivity. Unfortunately, this bias can create skewed opinions and thought patterns that aren’t reality-based. If you allow this to go unchecked, your pessimism can attract more negativity into your life.

fight negative thoughts

• Living with Yourself

Philosophers throughout the ages have pondered the concept of the triunity of humans, being body, mind, and spirit. While you are a single individual, each of your three components has independent characteristics and duties. Yet, they work together to complete you.

While you may have someone who resembles you, there will never be another you in this entire world. You’re wonderfully and uniquely created. So, are your mind and spirit ultimately confined in the recesses of your mortal body, or can they act separately?

It may seem like a metaphysical question, but it does make sense. What did the person who invented the phrase “to think outside of the box” mean? Many psychologists and other experts believe it’s possible to metaphorically separate yourself from your perceptions and the thoughts and ideas they form.

You probably use this example daily when you mention “I” and “myself” as different entities. For example, you may say, “I’m just beside myself with anger.” How can you learn to be more objective regarding your perceptions and the resulting attitude and reactions?

It takes determination, open-mindedness, and a positive attitude to fight negative thoughts that stand in your way. Seeing yourself as others do can be your first step in the right direction.

Distancing or Decentering to Fight Negative Thoughts

How can you deal with these uncomfortable feelings and memories without creating an emotional storm? Although you can’t change the hurdles of the past, how can you fight negative thoughts and let them go? Many people have learned to practice decentering to bolster positive thinking, self-esteem, and spiritual healing.

In the past, mental health professionals promoted “distancing” from the thoughts and feelings that overly stress you. Today, the same concept is called decentering. In other words, you take a deep breath, step back, and become an observer rather than the subject.

The American Psychological Association defines this technique as not concentrating on one aspect of a situation and considering “the big picture” instead. You train yourself to take a step back from yourself and your circumstances. It’s a unique way to gain a new perspective and fight negative thoughts.

How can you not take it personally when someone hurts or blames you for past failures and shortcomings? Let’s say your boss chose to promote a coworker over you, and you’ve been with the company for much longer than this individual. Understandably, you’d feel slighted by the boss and resentful of your coworker.

If you decenter in this situation, it doesn’t mean that you’re ignoring your anger and hurt feelings. Instead, you decide to back away from the issue and try to empathize with your boss’s decision. As a distanced observer, you may realize that your coworker still had more experience, and that’s why the boss decided to promote them.

How to Fight Negative Thoughts by Decentering Yourself

Not one size fits all when decentering and learning to be objective about yourself and fight negative thoughts. Here are four basic ways that will give you a broader view. Choose one or a combination that works best for you.

1. Use Spatial Distance

Have you ever been overly critical of yourself, and a compassionate friend told you that you were too close to the situation? Unfortunately, it’s human nature for people to be their own worst critics. However, you’ll also tend to be protective of yourself and your achievements because they’re part of you.

Using spatial distancing allows you to decenter and observe. Sometimes, you may discover that the negative feelings may not be warranted. As an observer, you may see angles you couldn’t as the subject, fighting negative emotions.

2. Use Objective Distance to Fight Negative Thoughts

Sometimes when you’re in the middle of a complex problem, you may consider your mentors and others you admire. You may even ask yourself, “what would they do if they were in my shoes?” You can fight negative thoughts as you consider their positive traits and actions.

Instead of being at the center of conflict, you remove yourself to become that objective mentor. Of course, none of this should trivialize your feelings or lose your identity. It’s an empathetic step that gives you pause to separate what is valid and what is an emotional blindfold.

3. Use Temporary Distance

Suppose you’re in a hurtful or embarrassing situation at this moment. How could you briefly set aside emotions and subjectivity to see it as others? Another helpful decentering tactic is to be an imaginary time traveler and focus as if the event was in the past or future.

How would you feel and react if this sudden issue were several years ago? Time doesn’t heal wounds, but it often provides different perspectives. If you project the situation into the future, what have you learned from the past that would help you fight negative thoughts today?

Another possible benefit of temporary distance is that you take more time to think before acting. You consider different options and weigh the pros and cons. Such wise decision habits give you more confidence and a positive outcome.

fight negative thoughts

4. Use Hypothetical Distance to Fight Negative Thoughts

Dr. Jim Taylor discusses the philosophical connection between perception and reality. While your perception may be a reality, it doesn’t make it so. Per Dr. Taylor, how you perceive things often determines how you process, remember and act upon reality.

Decentering hypothetically may allow you to understand that what you perceive isn’t always the accurate picture. Try to be open-minded, challenge your perceptions, and see if they are based on reality. Being open to other perspectives may encourage you to modify yours and be more positive.

Consider Meditation to Decenter and Fight Negative Thoughts

Part of adopting a more mindful lifestyle is to realize that everything isn’t about you. Humans innately form a fixed view of themselves and others when it’s often not grounded. Learning to decenter by meditation helps you question those views and open yourself to change.

1. Find Your Sanctuary

Whether it’s a spare room or a quiet corner somewhere in your house, designate a sacred space that’s your own. Sit or lie down and be aware of each cleansing breath. As you transcend into more profound relaxation, let your mind focus on being present and not worrying about anything else.

2. Bring up a Memory

Now that you’re in tune with your inner voice and spirit try to recall an incident that brought negative emotions. Were you angry, sad, frightened, or confused? Honestly and compassionately acknowledge these emotions.

3. Stay Briefly in the Center

As the subject, notice the thoughts that may start racing through your mind without judgment. Now, recognize your physical responses, such as the tightened gut and clenched teeth. Acknowledge these feelings and slowly bring your focus back to breathing.

4. Step Out of Yourself

One of the goals of transcendental meditation is to allow your consciousness to leave your body and become a silent observer. Surround yourself with healing breaths and light and see how your misperceptions may have hurt you rather than helped. Be willing to change your attitude, and it can help you fight negative feelings.

5. Record Your Thoughts

Keeping a meditation journal is a superb way of tracking your emotion and spiritual growth. Write down any sensation or thought that you had during your quiet time. Reading past entries can inspire you to keep looking for more positive energy.

Try this decentering meditation whenever you feel negative energy or stifling emotions from the past. It may encourage you to release unfounded feelings and beliefs that no longer work for you.

fight negative thoughts

Final Thoughts on Decentering Your Mind to Fight Negative Thoughts

The Universe is an infinite space where positive and negative energy co-exist. However, clinging to pessimistic thought patterns can send negative affirmations into the Universe that will attract more of the same. Learning how to decenter and be more objective will teach you how to change and attract more blessings.

Psychology Explains How to Declare Your Love to Someone Without Fear

Why is it so hard to declare love to the person who stole your heart? For many folks, it’s the fear of rejection. If you show your vulnerabilities and make such a bold statement, there’s always the chance it won’t be well received.

What if the person isn’t head over heels about you, and you get rejected? Many individuals don’t know how to say they love someone, especially when a relationship is at stake. Once you cross that proverbial line from friends to lovers, there’s no turning back.

Fear is a big reason so many try to keep their feelings a secret, at least until they know the other person feels the same way. If you keep putting off how you feel, then it’s going to make you miserable. Every time you see this person, your heart will skip a beat, and you will feel butterflies in your stomach.

Still, many find that it feels like ripping a Band-Aid off a wound when you declare your love, and there’s instant relief. The situation has much to do with your feelings, as each instance and the people involved differ.

Saying “I Love You” Doesn’t Come Naturally to Everyone

declare your love

Some folks can roll those three famous words off their tongue like it’s nothing, but others have a hard time with the emotional vulnerability of it all. When you let your guard down, you feel very exposed and raw. At this point, you’re the most vulnerable, and you’re afraid someone will take advantage of you and your heart.

Much of these feelings stem from your childhood. For instance, if you grew up in a home where you told your parents how much they meant to you before bed each night, then it’s probably not going to be that big of a deal. However, if you grew up in a home where emotions were rarely shown and people didn’t declare their love daily, you’re going to have a challenging time saying such things.

It didn’t mean that your parents didn’t love you, but they didn’t feel that words of affirmation were that important. Again, your parents were molded by what they learned, so if your grandparents aren’t emotionally open, they might pass down that trait. Don’t beat yourself up because someone can bump their shopping cart into another person and fall in love, and you’ve classified yourself as a cold fish.

Everyone is different. Your ability to love and be loved is no different than anyone else’s, but you must learn how to express yourself appropriately.

Overcoming Feelings of Unworthiness

Many times, people feel like they’re unworthy of being loved. This can come from an abusive background, failed past relationships, or significant upheaval in your life. You should know that every person on this earth is lovable, no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done.

People who have low self-esteem often find uttering these words difficult. Even if the other party tells you they love you first, you may still find it challenging to get these sentiments out of your mouth. You need to learn to love yourself before you can ever love anyone else, and you need to know that everyone has flaws, but they’re still loveable.

You’re just as worthy of love as the next person. If you’ve done some bad things in the past or haven’t been so good in relationships, there’s nothing to say you won’t be different this time. It takes two people to mess up a relationship, and things may be perfect for you this time.

Five Ways to Declare Your Love Without Fear

When you declare love to someone, the key is to get the nerves under control. Maybe you need to meditate before telling them, or perhaps, you need some wine and good food to loosen you up.

Whatever it takes to get you to let down your guard and subdue your fears, you need to do it. Here are some ways that you can declare your love without being fearful. Sometimes, an icebreaker is all you need.

1. Declare Your Love by Giving Flowers

Maybe saying those words face-to-face is just too much for you to handle. So, it would be best to allow a card on the flowers to say how you feel. Flowers put anyone in a good mood, and if you know your person’s favorite bouquet, it will surprise them even more.

You don’t have to go overboard with the card; you can say something like, “It’s time I tell you that I love you.” You can sit back and wait for the call. This takes the pressure off you and puts the ball in your court. It’s up to them to say whether they love you too or want to be friends.

2. A Romantic Dinner Can Set the Stage to Declare Your Love

You don’t need a special occasion to declare your love for someone, as this is a significant milestone in a relationship. Both men and women love a good dinner with candles and plenty of ambiance. Many folks like to make a big production of the first time they say, “I love you,” and they will celebrate this day to infinity.

If you’re a couple that will remember all these little anniversaries, then a nice dinner in a memorable spot is the way to go.

declare your love

3. Keep it About Love, and Don’t Make Future Promises

Often, individuals expect this declaration to follow a promise of life and commitment, but it doesn’t have to have all these additional connotations. You can tell someone how you feel without saying you will love them to infinity and beyond.

You don’t have to promise marriage or give a ring. Just telling someone how special they are to you doesn’t need to be any more than that. Many people express struggles in this department because it feels dishonest. When he wanted to tell someone how he felt, it didn’t always mean he was ready for the next step or a serious commitment.

4. Make Sure It’s The Right Time

Unless you’re off in the left field, most people know when there’s something extraordinary between you and the person you love. Though your heart can mislead you sometimes, you have a good indication of whether this person feels the same way.

Love is one of the most terrifying emotions you experience, leaving you vulnerable. If you’re romantic, you probably see fireworks, shades of pink and red, and growing old with someone when you think about love. However, everyone won’t see things the way you do, which can cause issues.

There might not be a fantastic fireworks display, or there could be one that rivals the 4th of July. The key is to make sure you’re not rushing things. It’s not wise to make such declarations soon after you start dating, or the chances of being turned down are more significant.

5. Be Yourself

You want someone to love and care about you for who you are, so you need to show that to them when you declare your love. You feel you need to be everything the other party wants and more. However, you must be honest above all else.

If you start a relationship with false impressions of yourself or not being 100 percent honest, it can cause you many issues. Remember, you want to receive love for who you are, so that needs to be good enough.

You don’t need fancy dinners, candles, flowers, and gifts that cost more than you can afford to declare your love to someone. All you need is just to be yourself and show them how wonderful a gift you’re to have in this life.

declare your love

Final Thoughts on How to Declare Your Love Boldly and Without Fear

Once you put your feelings on the line, you’ll expect a reply with the same sentiments. However, some folks need a little more time to make such a declaration. According to Little Things, some people are cautious about uttering those three words.

The good news is that once they feel safe enough to say them to you, you know how hard it was for them and how much they mean it. While you may be ready to declare your love, someone else may need more time. You must have realistic expectations of the outcome, even if it’s not what you want.

You must remember that this person’s background and previous relationships dictate a lot to the situation. If they declared their love way too soon, they might be slightly leery of repeating it. While you should never hide your feelings, tell everyone but the person, and think that you need to make a lifetime commitment with your declaration, you do need to have patience.

If you feel true love, there’s no need to rush things. Let everything happen naturally. After all, this could be your soulmate and the one your heart will love forever.

Enjoy the Stunning Work of a Modern Batik Artist 

Annie Phillips, a Batik artist from London, creates stunning art enjoyed by people around the world. Batik is her greatest passion in life, and she’s thankful to make a living doing what she loves most.

What is Batik?

Batik art involves creating colorful designs and patterns on various fabrics using wax-resistant dye. This traditional dyeing method is common in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, the Philippines, Nigeria, and Malaysia. Perhaps the most widely known version of batik comes from Indonesia, on the island of Java. The word batik comes from the Javanese word ‘amba,’ meaning write, and ‘tik,’ which means dot.

How does a Batik artist create this unique art?

Batik art involves different dyes and fabrics like cotton, wool, silk, and other natural fabrics. The artist will first wash the cloth to eliminate starch and beat the fabric with a wooden hammer to produce batik art. Next, the Batik artist will use pencils to mark off areas of fabric where the dye will go. Then, they cover the fabric with hot wax, usually made of bee wax or paraffin.

To pour the wax, artists use a tool that resembles a pen called a canting. They use a brush or a tool called a cap to cover larger areas. Then, the Batik artist pours various colored dyes over the wax. This dying and waxing process gets repeated to create more complex, beautiful designs.

The Batik artist employs discharge dyeing, stencils, and etching to make these intricate designs. After the final coat of dye is applied, the Batik artist removes the wax. Sometimes, this process can take up to a year before the cloth becomes ready to use.

The global appeal and history of Batik art

The original batik of Indonesia had declined in popularity until it was rediscovered in the 21st century. Batik artists worldwide create items like traditional clothing, framed art prints, household decor, and more. Besides Indonesia, it’s become popular in the US, Europe, and other countries colonized by the Dutch.

By far, the US consumes more Indonesian Batik art than anywhere else. About 37% of traditional batik textiles get exported to the US. Batik exports from Indonesia have increased from $22 million in 2010 to around $340 million in 2014. Clearly, the market is hot for Batik artists, especially those from Indonesia! Other countries like India, China, Sri Lanka, Singapore, and Malaysia also produce and export batik clothing worldwide.

Batik prints have evolved from being worn as solely traditional clothing to become fashion statements around the world. Batik combines simple designs with colorful patterns to create an art form that’s versant and unique. The beauty of Batik art can brighten up homes and offices, adding color and life to any room. Whether it’s framed on a wall, stitched as curtains or pillow covers, or adorning your coffee mug, Batik art adds simple beauty to the world.

The UNESCO acknowledged Indonesian batik as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in October 2009. This designation makes it “internationally recognized as a historical fabric of human civilization.”

Annie’s journey as a modern Batik artist

“I was in my early 20s, I was very lost, I was very low, I was very fed up, and I just thought I’ll create something like a visual diary of my existence,” Annie said. “So, on Monday I created flowers, on Tuesday, I created an abstract, by the end of the week, I’d created 7 pieces of artwork, and that made me feel good.”

“And, I think the reason I am an artist is because creating still makes me feel good. I’m an abstract Batik artist, and being an abstract artist is what excites me most. When you’re an abstract artist, you don’t know where you’re going; you’re not trying to replicate something in your head. You’re trying to explore something in your being, and it’s a magical mystery with destination unknown, and that’s what excites me.”

Most artists would agree that the fun of creating art lies in the process itself. It’s not about rushing to the finish line or trying to prove anything to yourself or others. Art serves as an expression of emotions, of inspiration; it’s a way of conveying what words often cannot. Annie always sets the bar higher but doesn’t put too much pressure on herself.

“I’m motivated to carry on creating after all these years because I can still see myself improve. I want to get better, and I can see that I am getting better now. I can see I’ve still got a long way to go. But I so enjoy seeing myself jump over hurdles and meet certain challenges, and get better at a craft I absolutely love,” she says.

“My work doesn’t aim to say something in the literal sense, but what it aims to do is inspire people to create and to make people feel joyous. And I want, when people look at my work, to feel good like I feel when I create it.”

Here’s her advice for anyone wanting to become a Batik artist (or any artist):

“Don’t wait for inspiration, don’t worry, don’t try. Just start, play, with no destination. Just see where you end up, but start. Inspiration will follow, flow will follow, joy will follow, fun will follow – lots of wonderful marvels, amazing things, but you have to start.”

Final thoughts on the Batik artist who creates beautiful, unique works of art

A Batik artist living in London, Annie Phillips makes the world a little brighter with her stunning art. She’s always been an artist, but art gave her life a new trajectory in her early twenties. She began drawing each day to see where it took her. Years later, she’s still creating art because it brings so much meaning to her life.

She even sells her artwork on the home decor site Society 6. Make sure to check out her work if you’d like to spruce up your home or office area!

Highly Sensitive People Need These 3 Things for True Happiness

You probably have someone you would describe as a highly sensitive person in your life. While being too sensitive is often used as an insult, that’s not the case. When someone around you seems too sensitive, they are probably highly sensitive people whose internal systems work differently. There’s absolutely nothing inherently wrong with being a highly sensitive person, and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you any differently.

Even though people who presumably overthink are seen as obsessed or annoying, they’re highly empathetic. Society needs highly sensitive people because they balance out the people who are cold and calculated. They also make for the best friends and advisors one could ever ask for. The only problem is that highly sensitive people often lead very unsatisfied lives.

They are often unhappy because they spend all their day trying to help others, to the point where they forget to take care of themselves. They’d do anything sacrifice anything for the well-being of others, which hinders their ability to grow. They often put everyone else’s happiness above their own. Because of these reasons, highly sensitive people have special needs for finding true happiness.

Often, they won’t be able to fulfill those needs and enforce the proper boundaries without the help of the people around them. So, if you are a highly sensitive person, here are three things you can do to find happiness. And, if you know someone highly sensitive, here is what you can do to ensure they take care of themselves.

Characteristics of Highly Sensitive People

highly sensitive people

First and foremost, while being a highly sensitive person might sound like a diagnosable disorder, it’s certainly not. Being a highly sensitive person is a personality trait, not a disease or an illness. In fact, highly sensitive people can display common personality traits. But all of these traits revolve around heightened responsiveness to negative and positive influences.

Imagine a highly sensitive person. Just think of every stereotypical dramatic thing you’d think a softie does. Think of that person who cries because a dog died in a movie. Or think of that person that starts smiling because they see a pretty sunset. Please think of the person who’s always in their head, always daydreaming, and always in tune with their emotions. Indeed, this sounds cliché. It sounds like some fairy-tale prince or princess straight out of a Disney movie.

But many people, even people you know, maybe even yourself, have at least one of these character traits. Even the smallest gesture moves many people. In fact, HSPs make up around 20% of society. But being an HSP is not all about getting emotional or smiling because you saw a puppy on the street. Heightened sensitivity goes hand in hand with overthinking and stress.

Many people confuse high sensitivity with introversion or sensory processing sensitivity. While all these things share some commonalities, they are not the same. Not all introverted people need alone time every day to recharge. Though highly sensitive people might need to isolate themselves because of how responsive they are to external stimuli. But that’s just because they need some time to manage their emotions and handle everything that’s going on around them.

The Input That Stimulates Highly Sensitive People

Highly sensitive people are also the ones who often shy away from tense and overwhelming situations. You will not see them picking fights or choosing to be around violence. They will do virtually anything to avoid conflict. But the main struggle highly sensitive people face is being overwhelmed in many more situations than others. HSPs don’t just get overwhelmed when dealing with conflict or violence.

They also get overwhelmed when they have too much to do when they start overthinking, or even when someone seems just a little bit mad at them. Also, highly sensitive people feel a lot of pressure regarding other people’s needs and feelings. They feel like they must make others happy and feel terrible when letting others down. The sheer thought of upsetting someone else gives them insane amounts of stress. Also, it’s important to remember that highly sensitive people are their own worst critics.

They are so in tune with emotions that it’s sometimes to their detriment. They beat themselves up over being unable to help someone else or being unhappy or fulfilled enough. Sometimes, they get stuck in their heads, thinking of the worst. They start thinking that others don’t like them, are not good enough, or are simply doing something wrong.

Being a highly sensitive person or having an empathetic person in your life is a gift. They are the most compassionate people you could meet. But it can also be hard to make them happy and ensure they don’t get overwhelmed or stressed. So, if you are a highly sensitive person, here are three things you can do to ensure your happiness.

Three Things You Can Do to Ensure Your Happiness as an HSP

Take these actions to create a safety net for yourself.

highly sensitive people

1.      Communicate and Set Boundaries

For highly sensitive people, communication is critical. Most of their stress stems from feeling too much. Most highly sensitive people fear communicating because they don’t want to hurt anyone else. They are also bad at setting boundaries. As a result, they don’t know when to ask for what they want and when to stop giving. If you are an HSP, you need to make a conscious effort to enforce boundaries and ask for open communication.

Highly sensitive people rely on feelings. While it’s true that they are highly empathetic, they also need to learn to rationalize things around them. Just because you think another person is mad at you because they’re acting differently doesn’t mean that’s the case. They might be acting differently because they have a personal issue they haven’t told you about.

The only way to ensure that you don’t get stressed for no reason is to ask the people around you how they’re feeling. As a highly sensitive person, you need to have your feelings validated. Otherwise, you’ll start overthinking. Attempt to communicate how you’re feeling, even if it seems like you’re being irrational. Just telling the people around you you feel uncomfortable can go a long way.

  • Highly Sensitive People Must Set Clear Boundaries

Open lines of communication will also help you enforce boundaries. Boundaries are important because they are a foolproof way to ensure your needs are met. As a highly sensitive person, you might be prone to sacrificing everything just for the sake of someone else. When you enforce boundaries, you ensure you don’t allow yourself to go to those lengths.

For example, your friends might call you whenever they have an issue without considering whether you’re busy. Besides that, you might feel obligated to answer even though you might be working or doing something else. If you enforce a boundary that says they can’t call you when you’re at work, you won’t have to answer just because you feel obligated.

That way, you won’t jeopardize your workday, and you won’t feel guilty about having to hang up on them. Taking small steps like these can go a long way to ensure you have the time to work on your happiness.

2.      Practice Self-Care

Highly sensitive people are constantly overwhelmed and stressed, especially after a long day when they have to work, go out, talk to friends, and help them. They need some time to decompress. This is why they need to practice self-care and have a routine.

To deal with stress, it’s essential to take care of yourself. Watch what you eat, try to limit your caffeine intake, and get eight hours of sleep. It’s essential to work out if you have time. And it’s important to relax and treat yourself from time to time. So feel free to apply a face mask, take a bubble bath, or treat yourself to a shopping spree.

Because stress is your worst enemy, you must form routines and habits that calm you down. You might even benefit from meditation and other relaxation techniques for that purpose. It’s important to remember that preparing a healthy meal, watching a series, or even doing your skincare should be the time you reserve for yourself. Try to disconnect from society for a couple of hours while practicing self-care.

3.      Make Sure You Are Always Comfortable

Many highly sensitive people also suffer from sensory overload, and their environment and other externalities highly influence even those who don’t. It can be beneficial to take extra steps to ensure you’re always comfortable, regardless of your environment.

Everything from noise to the texture of fabrics to specific social interactions can make you feel overwhelmed. Make sure that you always wear comfortable fabrics and shoes. Don’t try to force yourself out of your comfort zone, which will only make you feel awkward. If, for example, you feel like there’s so much noise in the room, try using noise-canceling headphones or even step outside to get some air.

Don’t be ashamed to excuse yourself from specific social interactions. It’s far better to make sure you should don’t end up in uncomfortable situations. There is no reason to force yourself to enjoy certain things that make you uncomfortable. As long as you remember there is no shame in looking after yourself and asking for what you want, you’ll have no problem reaching happiness.

highly sensitive people

Final Thoughts on Three Things You Can Do to Ensure Your Happiness as an HSP

Highly sensitive people are beautiful individuals, empathetic, and in tune with emotions and feelings. They are the people who would smile because they saw a pretty flower, but they would also cry if they saw someone was hurting. They often get overwhelmed and stressed, and they need to make sure they don’t forget to look after themselves.

If you are an HSP, you need to make a conscious effort to communicate and enforce boundaries. You also need to practice self-care and put yourself above others occasionally. Don’t be ashamed to make yourself as comfortable as possible and remove yourself from the situations that stress you out. You can reach true happiness as long as you remember to look after yourself.

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