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4 Stress Reduction Techniques Most People Ignore

Stress is a massive concern that virtually everyone struggles with, but no one talks about stress reduction. Stress is something that people can’t always avoid, but it’s also so common that it’s become normalized. People see stress as a usual trade-off in life. If you want to have a high-paying job, you’ll have to deal with being stressed. If you want to make sure you hold on to your relationships and connections, you’ll have to get used to being stressed.

That’s what parents will tell their kids when the kids complain about how hard school is. That’s what your boss will tell you if you complain about being overwhelmed with your workload. Because of that, most people suck it up and try to live with it. But this is a big misconception. Just because stress is a natural reaction to adversity, it doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to reduce your stress levels.

There are many stress reduction techniques that people don’t even discuss. That’s partly because people don’t know them. But it’s also because the research in the psychological field has only advanced in the last few decades. People have many misconceptions regarding mental health. Stress reduction is just something that people need to be more informed about.

What Causes Stress?

Stress is something that everyone experiences, but most people don’t overthink about where it’s coming from. It’s not just something that appears out of thin air. It’s something that forms as a response to adversity or threats. When you find yourself experiencing something new or scary, your body’s first reaction is to prepare you. And it does that by making you more alert; by stressing you out.

When your brain signals your body that it’s experiencing something threatening, the body signals the adrenal gland. This gland is responsible for the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. This hormone triggers the “fight or flight response,” which is created with the purpose of keeping you alive and safe. This response is as old as human life, designed to preserve the human species.

stress reduction

Of course, people don’t need to escape being eaten by wild animals anymore. Nowadays, you have to deal with other types of dangers. Even though they are not as life-threatening, they are still significant concerns. Essentially, it doesn’t matter how big the threat is. It’s all about your perception. If you feel under pressure or in danger, the body will release cortisol.

At first glance, it seems ironic that your brain would try to protect you by making you feel stressed. But what cortisol does is trigger the activation of the immune system. It increases the heart rate and blood pressure while shutting down the activity of systems the body perceives as unnecessary for survival. Additionally, stress helps you concentrate on the task at hand. But all these benefits come from a moderate amount of stress. If you are constantly stressed out, you will have to deal with some harmful side effects.

When you are stressed, you might feel anxious, scared, afraid, angry, or frustrated. You might experience headaches, nausea, hyperventilating, sweating, heart palpitations, and pains. If stress overwhelms you, you will want to withdraw from others. You might randomly snap at people and be indecisive. Long-term stress can lead to depression and anxiety disorders. Chronic stress can also lead to weight gain, sleep problems, heart issues, and memory loss.

4 Stress Reduction Techniques Most People Ignore

Now that you recognize the need to remove this negativity from your life let’s look at four ways how.

Stress Reduction Technique #1 – Have a Healthy Lifestyle

This is not so much as a technique that you can whip out whenever you feel stressed, and it will instantly make you feel better. This is a full-on lifestyle change meant to help you be a less tense person. When you start having a healthy lifestyle, that will affect your hormones. That’s why being healthy helps improve your mood and makes you an overall happier person,

Studies show that working out helps regulate your hormonal balance, thus lowering your cortisol levels. Strength training seems to be helpful in burning calories in a way that helps reduce the amount of cortisol. If you only do aerobic exercises, that will also help you, but it’s less effective than strength training.

But if you don’t like strength training, you should try HIIT (high-intensity interval training) exercises. Even a 15-minute routine will significantly improve your mood when stressed or sad. Physical activity also helps improve sleep disturbances and mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Food is also a significant factor that you have to consider when you are trying to manage stress. We all know that ultra-processed foods and added sugar will mess with your hormones. Your cortisol levels are at risk of shooting through the roof if you don’t watch what you eat. But it can also go the other way around. Instead of your stress being influenced by your diet, your anxiety could affect your diet.

If you feel overwhelmed, your body consumes more energy. Because of that, your brain will signal that it needs more fuel. When you are stressed, there’s a high chance you will crave carbs, fatty foods, or very sugary foods. If you make a conscious effort to have a healthy diet, it could go a long way to improve your stress levels. And, the next time you are stressed, reach for an apple instead of a bag of chips.

Stress Reduction Technique #2 – Meditate

Meditation is something that has been practiced for thousands of years. Even though the practice is ancient, it is undeniable that its capacity to improve modern life. It’s a technique that helps connect the mind and body and allows you to slip into relaxation. There are many types of meditation, and all of them have different benefits. There are guided meditation, mindfulness meditation, tai chi, transcendental meditation, etc.

But they all have some things in common. They all require you to be focused and have an open attitude. You need to be in a quiet setting and sit comfortably. To meditate, you need to focus on your breathing and allow yourself to connect with your thoughts and feelings.

When you are feeling stressed, meditate for five to ten minutes. Breathe deeply and scan your body to see what it’s trying to tell you. For some people, it even helps to walk while they meditate. This will help you restructure your thoughts and feelings and slip into a positive mindset. Once you calm down and rewire your brain for positivity, it will be easier to tackle whatever was stressing you out.

stress reduction

Stress Reduction Technique #3 – Sleep Well

While you sleep, your body and brain get cleansed, and your systems reboot. It’s not just something you need to do because you are tired. Sleep is vital because it helps rebalance your hormones, amongst other things. Or, to put it more simply, you will feel less stressed after a good sleep.

Science proves that sleep deprivation can cause negative thoughts, low energy, and a generally bad mood. Adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. But sleeping the required hours isn’t always enough. You also need to make sure that you get a restful sleep.

If you sleep nine hours, keep waking up, or have bad dreams, you won’t wake up rested. That means you won’t get the benefits that sleep usually gives a person. Not sleeping well can cause stress, but stress can also cause sleep deprivation. So, it can quickly turn into a vicious cycle. If you find yourself very stressed and tired, consider taking a nap or even getting a full nine hours of sleep.

Stress Reduction Technique #4 – Practice Self-Care

Self-care is something that everyone should incorporate into their life. It has many physical benefits, but it can also improve your mental health significantly. Practicing self-care is all about those little moments in which you make yourself a priority. You do something because it makes you feel good, which can significantly improve your mood.

Many studies show that people who engage in self-care report an improved quality of life. Self-care relaxes you more than most activities, and it triggers relaxation responses. These responses are the opposite of the “fight or flight” response, so they help lower your stress levels. But that’s just on a biological level.

Most benefits are emotional and psychological. For example, taking a bubble bath or doing some skincare can make you feel way better about yourself. Pampering yourself boosts your confidence and helps you relieve some of your tension. It can also provide you with some time alone that you so desperately need.

It can give you the time to sort through your thoughts and understand what you need to do. And self-care doesn’t even need to be sophisticated. Taking a bubble bath, getting a massage, or even doing a hair mask qualifies as pampering. Do your hair, paint your nails, or even go for a walk. Do whatever you want to do as long as you treat yourself.

stress reduction

Final Thoughts on Stress Reduction Techniques Most People Ignore

Everyone has had to battle overwhelming stress at some point in their life. Stress is a normal, biological reaction to adversity or threat. And it’s even beneficial in small quantities. Stress can help you focus and get over whatever pressures you feel. But continuous anxiety or chronic stress can have lasting impacts on your life. It can cause depression, anxiety, heart problems, diabetes, etc.

But there are ways through which you can manage your stress. And most people either don’t know them or don’t talk about them. For example, having a balanced diet and exercising can balance your hormone levels. Even a routine 10-minute workout can instantly improve your mood. The same goes for having a healthy sleep schedule. If you get enough sleep and you make sure you are rested, your mental health will be better. If you need quick fixes, you can always try self-care and meditation. Taking a warm bath, walking, or just breathing and focusing on your thoughts can make you feel great. Relaxing can go a long way in releasing all that tension. When you deal with those stressors, all you need to do is focus on yourself and what you need.

15 Inspirational Quotes That Prove That Love Can Last Forever

We all want someone to love who feels the same about us. It makes the world a warmer, happier place. Having someone by your side through all the life changes can make a difference. While a relationship is essential to living a happy life, it can improve many aspects if you’re open to it.

Forever love means having someone who wants you in every season, growing older together. You might sometimes feel like you’ll never find this person, but these inspirational quotes give you hope. These positive words prove that relationships can last forever, and you can find your person.

Many people believe that love is fleeting and confuse it with infatuation. However, many others believe it lasts forever, and they handle their relationship with care. This second group of people prioritizes their romantic relationship because they view it as their one constant for all of their life.

These inspiring quotes prove that relationships can last forever and help you see the possibility. The phrases come from the experiences of many different people, allowing you to gain insight into the idea of a forever romance. Whether you’re a believer or not, these quotes can reassure you of the power of healthy relationships.

Fifteen Quotes That Prove That Love Can Last Forever

People in happy romantic relationships will tell you it gives your life meaning and fulfillment. These quotes will help prove to you that your romance can last forever.


1 – “The rose that you gave me has faded and wilted away. But, the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever.” – Unknown

This quote explains that gifts don’t last forever, but true feelings do. The emotions will last forever, and you’ll remember how you felt.

Embrace how your partner makes you feel rather than the physical items they give to you. When you do, your relationship will flourish, and you’ll see it can last forever.

2 – “True love that lasts forever… yes, I do believe in it. My parents have been married for 40 years, and my grandparents were married for 70 years. I come from a long line of true loves.” – Zooey Deschanel

Deschanel uses her parents and grandparents as the perfect examples of forever romance. They grew old together, proving to the world that it is possible.

3 – “I love you more than any words can say. You have made me a complete person. You are everything to me. And I cannot think of living life without you. And I love you forever.” – David Gest.

When you’ve found the right person, they’ll make you feel complete. You’ll spend your days thinking of them and wanting to be beside them. The feelings don’t ease, and your partner will become the most important part of your life. When this happens, it’s a sign of forever romance.

4 – “It isn’t possible to love and part. You will wish that it was. You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you. I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal.” -E.M. Forster

These intense feelings don’t end, no matter what happens. You’ll forever carry it inside of you because it is eternal. If you don’t feel it for someone anymore, it shows that it was never real, to begin with.

5 – “Words cannot express how much I love you. You are my love, now and forever.” – Jensen Wee

As Jensen says, words aren’t enough to get your point across. If you can relate to his quote, you’ll know that your relationship can withstand anything.

6 – “You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.” – Louis de Bernières

If your and your partner’s root have entwined, there’s no breaking the bond. You won’t be able to think of a life without them, and you’ll recognize the romance for what it is. These are lasting relationships, so stay open to receiving one.

7 – “Gifts are temporary and often forgotten; love is forever and always remembered.” – Ken Poirot

While you might be excited to receive a gift, its meaning doesn’t last long. You might lose or break the item, and sometimes even forget about it altogether. However, if your bond is real, the feelings of your time together will last forever.


8 – “I love you neither with my heart nor with my mind. My heart might stop, my mind can forget. I love you with my soul because my soul never stops or forgets.” – Rumi

Many people believe the feelings are within their hearts or mind, but that’s not entirely true. Instead, your feelings are within your soul, and your soul never forgets how it feels.

9 – “Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.” – Germaine de Staël

Being loved and loving someone back can erase fear and make you feel like you’ve known your partner forever. You won’t be afraid that it’ll end, so you’ll feel free to let your guard down and embrace the relationship.

10 – “Souls do not have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another.” – Lang Leav

If you feel like your relationship is right and you have a strong bond with your partner, don’t ignore it. Your soul knows what it wants and will let you know who the right person is for you. Once your soul knows, there’s not letting it go.

11 – “True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” – Ricardo Montalban

Many people believe that their deep feelings for someone develop in an instant. However, that isn’t the case, as Montalban explains. Relationships require growth, suffering, laughter, and every other emotion known to man.

Only when you’ve gone through many ups and downs with someone will you know if it’s a forever romance. When the newness wears off, you won’t experience intense bouts of infatuation as often, but it only shows that the feelings go deeper.

12 – “Sticking to one person for a lifetime is not a waste of time or lack of better ones; it means you’ve found your place of eternity.” – Michael Johnson

Pessimistic people often believe that long-lasting relationships waste time because they think they don’t last. They spend their lives running from one relationship to the next, never considering that there could be something more for them. Remember Johnson’s words and know that sticking to one person is a meaningful opportunity in your life.

13 – “Even before we met and long after we’re both gone, my heart lives inside of yours. I’m forever and ever in love with you.” – Crystal Woods

Once you’ve found your forever person, it’ll feel like you’ve known them forever. As Woods explains, you will feel like your heart lives inside of theirs. It’s a feeling that lasts forever and doesn’t diminish with time.

14 – “The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love, and that’s that.” – Woody Allen

While you can control many of your emotions, you can’t always control who you feel deeply for. When the feelings are real, they don’t just disappear. The feelings remain, proving that they can last forever.

15 – “Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever.” – Erich Fromm

Once you’ve found the person you want to spend forever with, you must embrace the relationship. There will be a time in the relationship when you can walk away or choose to stay and embrace the journey.

Once you decide to stay, you promise to be by their side forever, choosing to do right by them each day. It’s sure to last forever when you handle your romance this way.


Final Thoughts on Inspirational Quotes That Prove That Love Can Last Forever

While many believe that love can end, these quotes prove that it can last forever. These words will inspire you to give yourself entirely in your relationship to make it last. Once you’ve developed the feelings, they don’t just disappear, so rest assured your romance is safe.

Of course, you’ll still need to foster the relationship being kind, respectful, and supportive. Embracing your relationship ensures that your partner knows how you feel about them. Then, you can grow old together, proving to the disbelievers that forever romance is possible.

10 Habits to Help Decrease Daytime Sleepiness

Each tick of the clock is a blatant reminder that you can’t sleep. No matter how you reposition the pillows or yourself, sweet slumber still eludes you. As the sun peaks over the horizon into your bedroom window, you’re already awake and know you’ll battle sleepiness all day.

Does this sound like a familiar scenario for you? Although it’s normal to have an occasional sleepless night, your well-being can be compromised from chronic insomnia. What are the issues that stand between you and a refreshing night’s sleep?

Perhaps no other human activity has been pondered more than sleep. It’s evolved as a vital function that allows your brain to recharge while your body rests. Many early cultures believed that sleeping and dreaming were a portal to the spiritual realms.

Sleep is a common trope in global art, literature, and spiritual tradition. According to an article published by Ultimate Facts, you will spend at least a third of your life resting. Surprisingly, it also states that you will devote at least seven years during your life trying to get to sleep.

Sleepiness During the Day is a Danger Most People Ignore

Nothing is quite as miserable as battling sleepiness throughout your day. It is that groggy feeling that creeps up on you, usually right after eating. No matter how much coffee or cola you chug, you’re perpetually lost in a brain fog.

An article published by the American Sleep Apnea Association reports that approximately seventy percent of Americans don’t get enough sleep at least one night per month. Of that number, eleven percent say they are sleep-deprived every night. According to the article, approximately 50 to 70 million people in this country have some sleep issues.

sleepinessPossible Hazards of Daytime Sleepiness

When you haven’t slept a wink all night, your body will pay in the morning. You’ll probably feel groggy and grumpy and may snap at anyone who crosses your path. During the rest of your workday, you’ll feel as if you’re moving in slow motion and can’t be productive.

Everybody has an occasional rough night due to stress and other factors. However, chronic daytime grogginess can affect your personal and professional relationships. Your work performance may be negatively affected, which can threaten your job.

Also, this chronic exhaustion from lack of sleep can put your life at risk. According to a study published by the United States Department of Transportation, approximately 91,000 reported traffic accidents in 2017 were related to sleep deprivation. Of these, about 5,000 led to injuries, and 800 people died.

Ten Habits to Help Decrease Daytime Sleepiness

If you are tired of being exhausted continually from a lack of sleep, then there are some things you can do to help decrease sleepiness. Here are the most common ways to help with sleeplessness.

1. Beat Daytime Sleepiness by Limiting Caffeine and Alcohol

These sleep robbers include going to bed after eating a big meal and drinking too much caffeine or alcohol. Both will tamper with your brain and can cause sleeplessness.

You know that if you drink a lot of liquids before bed, you might need to run to the bathroom all night. Do yourself a favor and improve your sleeping habits for a better night’s rest.

2. Enhance Your Sleeping Environment

Your sleeping environment is vital to sleep success. Your brain is hardwired to go to sleep when it’s dark and awaken with the sun’s light. Is your bedroom dark, or are you getting some rogue lighting from electronics or a light-up clock? These lights may seem insignificant, but they can trick your brain into thinking it’s daylight and interrupt your sleep pattern.

In an article published by the Sleep Foundation, they state that the optimal room temperature for a good night’s sleep is about 65 degrees. If your bedroom is any warmer, you won’t be comfortable enough to sleep. So, decrease your room’s temperature, and put on extra blankets and socks, if necessary.

3. Lower Stress Levels to Beat Daytime Sleepiness

It’s impossible to clear all stress from your life. Some pressure is good because it helps you learn and mature. Stress plays a pivotal role by activating the survival mode that’s hardwired in your brain.

The second that your brain detects a stressor, it identifies it as a threat. It pumps emergency hormones like cortisol and adrenaline into your bloodstream. While your survival mode is essential, it’s not without drawbacks.

Try using meditation, yoga, and other holistic practices to lower your stress, which equals more quality sleep.

4. Don’t Nap Too Long

There’s no harm in recharging your brain with a short nap. An article published by the Mayo Clinic shares that a 10 to 20-minute nap can relax you, improve your mood, and boost your performance. However, warns the article, too much napping can have the opposite effect.

If you’re taking long naps after work, it can cause your sleep schedule to be off. Skip the snooze, and see if it helps your restlessness.

sleepiness5. Treat Mental Health Issues

You strive to strike an equal balance between your body, mind, and spirit for optimal well-being. If any of these essential aspects are out of balance, your entire body is affected. It stands to reason that mental health issues can lead to spiritual and physical problems, including disrupted sleep. Thus, you may experience daytime sleepiness

Depression and anxiety are common mental conditions around the world. One of the top symptoms for diagnosing either of these is poor sleeping patterns. These conditions are often worse at night, causing miserable nights plagued with worry.

Most people who have issues with their mental health are aware of them. If you know you have problems, it’s better to get them treated so that you don’t have to suffer needlessly when there’s help available.

6. Reduce Herbs and Vitamin Treatments

If you’ve become a nightly sheep counter, your treatments may be to blame, explains an article published by National Jewish Health. Some vitamins, like B12, can increase your alertness, which makes sleep challenging.

It can be helpful to take herbs first thing in the morning so that they do not mess with your rest. Also, you may need to take less of the vitamin if it’s messing with your sleep schedule. Sometimes, too much of a good thing can be too much, and no one needs excess sleep loss.

7. Crate the Pets to Improve Sleep Quality

Did you know that one of the issues with your rest could be your animals? If you have a large dog taking up most of the bed, it could be one of the issues why you cannot sleep. While poor Fido loves cuddling with his mom or dad, he should be in a bed of his own.

8. Beat Daytime Sleepiness by Investing in a New Mattress

How old is your mattress? Are you sleeping on a full when you and your spouse need a queen or king-size? Your bed can make or break your sleep. According to The Sleep Foundation, you should replace your mattress every six to eight years so that it may be time for some new springs.

9. Watch What You Eat

If you often cannot rest because you have a stomachache or acid reflux, you’re not alone. Eating foods that are on the spicy side too late at night is a big issue. Indigestion and nausea can keep you up late at night. Additionally, you might not drink any caffeinated beverage, but some of your foods can be laden with caffeine.

Take, for instance, chocolate. Did you know that the average chocolate bar has around nine to twelve milligrams of caffeine, according to the US Department of Agriculture? So, you might want to save that chocolate for later, especially if you do not get sufficient rest.

10. Make Sleep a Priority

If struggle with chronic sleepiness, it could be because sleep is not a priority in your life. Set a bedtime and strive your hardest to be in bed by that hour. Too many people borrow from their rest period and create a sleep deficit. The last thing you need is to borrow time from the Sand Man, as it can seriously affect your mental and physical health.

sleepinessFinal Thoughts on Overcoming Daytime Sleepiness

Today’s overburdened society may not value sleep as much as it should, but you must have rest to survive and thrive. If you’ve been wandering through daily brain fog, it might be time to do some investigating and take preventative measures to help your sleepiness.

When you don’t have sufficient rest, your entire day is off. You feel moody, irritable, and don’t function as well as you should. Actually, sleep deprivation can cause things like delayed reflexes and even psychosis. Make slumber your priority, and you will see a difference.

Lastly, if you have a problem that causes you to stare at the ceiling for hours each night, there could be an underlying issue. Things like sleep apnea and other medical conditions can mess with your rest. So have any of these issues evaluated to get the help you need.

4 Signs an Ex Wants to Reunite (And Why You Shouldn’t)

Getting over someone you once loved is one of the hardest things people have to deal with. You have to give up on a person and deal with that. They’re not part of your life anymore. You have to make peace that you won’t reunite with them. Someone who once was your everything is now gone. Sometimes, the decision is mutual and genuinely for the best.

But love is complicated, and people are even more complex. Relationships have ups and downs. People who love each other are bound to be at each other’s throats occasionally. Because of how tumultuous relationships are, breakups are often one-sided. Someone gets thrown to the curb while the other moves on. Or both of them still have feelings, but one decides that moving on is for the best.

Even in mutual breakups, there’s no way that both people have lost all feelings. You are bound to have at least one relationship that ends on a sour note throughout your life. Or a breakup that doesn’t quite put an end to the whole ordeal. And you will most probably have to deal with exes who want you back.

You might even be that ex yourself. And, in some cases, getting back with your ex might even be the best possible option. Of course, you want to get back with the person you love. Right? But it’s not always that easy. So, for anyone confused about an ex, here are four signs they want you back. But don’t just rush into a relationship with them. Look out for these four reasons why getting back together is wrong for you.

4 Signs an Ex Wants to Reunite

Watch for these behaviors in your ex.

1.      They Keep in Touch in the Hopes You Will Reunite

In more cases than not, you also stop communicating after you break up with someone. Sure, you might wish each other a happy birthday or merry Christmas. You might even chat if you bump into each other on the street. Or you might even keep in touch if you run in common circles and share a group of friends. But the chances are that you don’t go out of your way to talk to each other. You probably don’t text every day, and you don’t take the time to show that you still care.

So, when an ex goes out of their way to text or call you, you know they still aren’t over you. If they text you out of the blue to ask you how you are doing, they are trying to rebuild something. No one tries to entertain a meaningful conversation if they’ve stopped caring about you. And, they want to be more than friends. After all, people who have shared a special bond can’t just return to being friends.

2.      They Always Bring Up the Past

If your ex wants to get over you, they will try their hardest to forget everything you’ve been through. No matter how good or bad your relationship was, you have undoubtedly been through extraordinary times together. So, when trying to move on, you will do whatever it takes to forget how happy that relationship used to make you. Otherwise, it will be that much harder for you to move on.

But if your ex takes every opportunity to bring up your past together, they could be trying reunite. They are trying to make you feel what you used to feel when you were together. They are trying to tell you that you can be happy together like you once were. It’s also a way through which they can communicate and get closer to you. The memories you share are something that no one else knows about, so they will always bring you closer.

3.      An Ex Who Wants to Reunite Will Try to Hang Out with You

Seeing an ex is so complicated it can make you physically hurt. Your heart starts beating like crazy, and it feels constricting in your chest. Your palms start sweating. Seeing someone, you love that you can never have back is maddening. So, if your ex is going out of their way to see you and hang out with you, it’s clear that they want to fix things.

No one would ever endure the pain of seeing someone who broke their heart. Plus, when you hang out with them, they can remind you of who they could be and why you should give them another chance. Or maybe they miss you so much that they want to see you again.

They don’t need an ulterior motive for asking you to see them. But one thing is sure. If they constantly ask you to hang out, they still have feelings for you, and they’re probably hoping to get you back.

4.      They Get Jealous

If an ex is over you, they will not care that you’ve started dating again. After all, they’re moving on and finding new happiness. In many cases, your ex won’t just move on that quickly, nor will they want to move on.

If an ex still wants to know who you are daring and they seem very critical of your choices, that’s a sign they’re still not over you. And we’re not just talking about ensuring your new boo is good enough. We’re talking about pure jealousy here. They will not accept anyone but themselves as good enough for you.

Your ex will always get angry or irritated when they see you out with someone else. They will try to do anything to convince you to leave them. While this behavior can be toxic, it’s normal for humans to get jealous. Jealousy comes from a need to be protective over the person they love. So, when an ex gets protective, that’s a sign that they aren’t ready to let you go.

4 Reasons to Stay Apart


Despite their charm and persistence, ask yourself this. Was your breakup a blessing in disguise?

1.      You Risk Falling into an Abusive Cycle if You Reunite With Your Ex

Making up with your ex can potentially be the best decision. But it can also be one of the biggest mistakes. That’s mainly because always making up and breaking up can create an abusive pattern that will do nothing but hurt you.

You will have a weird power dynamic when you repeatedly break up and get back together. You’ll start breaking up over minor things, only to chase each other afterward. You will be vulnerable to abuse. If they treat you wrong, you might let it slide because you are scared they’ll leave you again. Be careful before taking your ex back because you might take hurt.

2.      Unresolved Issues Might Resurface

No matter how much you love someone, you have reasons for breaking up. Whether they cheated on you, were toxic towards each other, or didn’t get along, you might set yourself up for fresh heartache. And, since you broke up, you couldn’t work through your issues. That means that some things between you are unresolved.

If your ex wants to get back together, you need to keep in mind that it’s not all smooth sailing. Many of the issues you had in the past could resurface and break you apart again. Even worse, if they used to act in specific ways, you’re always scared that they’ll hurt you again. There might be some trust and communication issues that you never resolved. Those issues could haunt you forever, and they might taint any attempt at rekindling.

3.      They Might Not Care Anymore

Even if your ex shows signs that they want to get back together, they might not desire it for the right reasons. It’s painful to think that someone who was once your world only wants to reunite for selfish reasons. But that’s a real possibility that you have to consider.

Breakups are hard, no matter if you want them or not. You get so used to having a specific person in your life that it can be hard to readjust to being alone. Because of that, your ex might want to get back together because they don’t want to be alone. Or maybe it’s not love that they feel anymore. Perhaps it’s just lust, or, even worse, they might be bored. Unfortunately, you can never be sure how pure an ex’s intentions are. Just ensure you emotionally prepare yourself for a situation where they let you down again.

4.      You Could Just Be Settling if You Decide to Reunite

One of the biggest fears is being alone for their whole lives. We don’t want to imagine a world where we are old, lonely, and have cats as companions. Because of that, people tend to settle for whatever they can get, especially if their hearts were broken in the past. Instead of moving on and searching for a person who finally deserves you, it seems easier to stay with someone comfortable.

An ex is someone you know. You know how they act around you. You know what they like and don’t like and how to manage them. They are someone comfortable. But, in most cases, they are not good enough for you. Or you aren’t compatible. You should never settle, so you shouldn’t jump at the occasion to get back with your ex.


Final Thoughts on Signs an Ex Wants to Reunite and Reasons to Stay Apart

Relationships are complicated affairs. You fall in love with someone, only to lose them after a while. Breakups hurt, and people would do anything to avoid them. But they are inevitable.

Even after a breakup, your ex might want you back. They might keep in touch and remind you of all the good times you’ve had. But don’t just jump back into a relationship with them. Sometimes it’s safer to stay away from an ex. Otherwise, you risk getting hurt or even hurting them. Don’t just settle for what you know. In many cases, there’s someone better out there waiting for you.

3 Red Flags That Reveal Emotional Neglect

Emotional neglect is one of the most dangerous types of abuse someone could experience. It’s especially harmful because it’s not about actively hurting someone else. As opposed to, for example, physical abuse, neglect doesn’t leave any signs. And it doesn’t look like abuse at first glance. Emotional neglect is much more subtle than other mistreatments, so it’s hard to realize if you are experiencing it.

People often do way too much for love or preserve relationships around them. When it comes to family, friends, and even romantic relationships, you will do anything to keep them intact. The problem is that some people we care about don’t return that same care and attention. Sometimes we sacrifice much of ourselves for the connections that we don’t stop to consider if anyone meets our needs.

While it’s true that neglect usually affects children, it can also appear in other types of relationships. Kids are more vulnerable to neglect because of the apparent power imbalance in a parent-child relationship. Parents don’t take that extra step to listen and understand what their children need. But that doesn’t mean that a romantic partner can’t also neglect you. That’s possible, seeing as even they can overlook your needs.

If you couple that with the fact that most people don’t even know how to stand up for themselves and fulfill their needs, you get a society prone to allowing neglect in their relationships. So, what red flags do you need to look out for when it comes to neglect? And what can you do to avoid either being neglected or neglectful?

What Is Emotional Neglect?

Neglect can take many forms. The one type that comes to mind most often is physical neglect. When someone is physically neglected, they are potentially hurt, unsafe, left to starve, etc. That should never happen to anyone, and it’s disgusting that people even physically neglect others. But emotional abuse is different. It’s much more subtle and harder to spot. Sometimes, even the person who is being emotionally neglectful towards others doesn’t realize what they are doing. That doesn’t make matters any better. No matter your intentions, you should never hurt or abuse anyone else.

emotional neglect

Emotional neglect means being inattentive to others’ needs and desires. Or, in simpler terms, emotional neglect means repeatedly ignoring someone to the point where you don’t meet any of their needs. For example, neglecting your partner means never asking them what you can do to make their day easier. It can mean never asking for their opinion regarding significant life changes, like big purchases.

Neglect can also affect kids, and it has a much worse effect on them than the one it has on adults. If a child is emotionally neglected, the parents never make time for them. They leave them with a nanny all day. For example, they don’t make time to look at their drawing. They give them too many responsibilities from a very young age. Emotional neglect halts a child’s normal development and leaves them with many issues to deal with when they reach adulthood.

Neglected people will always be made to believe that there are not worth anyone’s time or that they aren’t good enough. Neglect doesn’t only affect people while it’s happening. Trauma and scars will linger for years and years after the abuse is over. Unfortunately, there’s not much that kids can do while living with their parents.

The only ones who can intervene for children are relatives who might notice the red flags. But, when it comes to adults, you must be strong enough to address it. You start with a conscious effort to learn the red flags and how you can avoid ending up in abusive situations. So, here are three of the red flags that reveal emotional abuse you need to look out for.

3 Red Flags That Reveal Emotional Neglect

Do you see these behaviors that display emotional neglect?

1.      Neglected People Have Trouble Expressing Their Emotions

Everyone who has ever experienced neglect can confirm that it feels like screaming for help in the middle of a deserted field. You can scream as loud as you want, but no one will hear you. So, after a while, you grow weary and give up. You succumb to your fate. Emotional neglect feels the same. You try to communicate and express your needs, but no one cares. It seems like your safety doesn’t matter.

When you don’t feel listened to, you start believing that it’s your fault that you are so needy. You start thinking that your feelings are a burden and you should hide them as deep as possible. You stop talking about how you feel, and you start feeling ashamed if you ever feel sad, tired or need help.

If one of your friends or relatives closes you off, that’s a red flag. If you ask someone about how they feel, and they do everything to avoid answering, that should make you at least a little suspicious. And, if you are the person who is being neglected, remember that being able to share your emotions is necessary. Having needs and desires isn’t something to be ashamed of. It’s just part of the human experience. And if anyone makes you feel differently, cut them out of your life.

emotional neglect

2.      Emotional Neglect Makes People Feel Numb

Neglect is one of the most horrible things anyone can experience. Of course, all emotional abuse is bad. But most types of emotional abuse make you feel stuck and drive you insane. Neglect has a different effect. It doesn’t make you mad. Instead, it makes you feel unwanted and overlooked. It makes you feel numb, like you don’t even matter. And this feeling isn’t simply an emotional one. It manifests in a physical sense. You feel the numbness in all parts of your body. You feel heavy and empty.

After being forgotten for so long, you eventually stop caring. You stop making an effort to be seen and heard. You start feeling like it’s useless to stand up for yourself, so you give up. After a while, you’ll notice that you don’t feel strong emotions anymore. You just become numb and empty. You stop caring about yourself and even about others. This might be simply because you don’t feel worthy of ever being happy.

Or it’s just a defense mechanism meant to protect you from ever getting hurt again. When neglected, people feel a moment of happiness, it just seems like their starting to have false hope, so they give up on trying to be happy. If you think that this describes you, you need to reach out to s psychologist as soon as possible. And, if you know someone who seemingly gave up on trying, know that’s a red flag, and it might signal neglect.

3.      Neglected People Have a Hard Time Trusting Others

Because neglected people feel overlooked and ignored so often, they have difficulty believing that anyone could genuinely care about them. Being ignored is maddening because it seems like it’s your fault. Like you are not enough, and, if only you’d done something differently, maybe they’d care about you.

But, because of how hurt you feel, you don’t trust that anyone could ever truly see and understand you. You don’t want to risk developing a new connection, only for them to push you aside and ignore you later. Neglected people feel easily replaceable, but they also have an inferior and unrealistic view of themselves. They are the people who don’t even do things for themselves because they don’t think they are worth it.

People who live in neglect are the ones who will try their hardest to stay away from society and gatherings. They don’t easily trust people because they fear relying on them. They know that people have hurt and forgotten about them throughout their life, and they don’t want to end up in that situation again.

People on the receiving end of emotional neglect learn to be independent and self-sufficient. Plus, if they are currently in such a situation, they don’t have the emotional strength to trust new people. If you know someone who shuts you down and seems mistrustful of people, don’t just brush it off. What you are witnessing might be a cry for help.

emotional neglect

Final Thoughts on Understanding the Red Flags That Reveal Emotional Neglect

Emotional neglect is something so horrible that no one should live through it. Unfortunately, it happens way more than anyone would like to admit. People are selfish, busy, or don’t care enough about others, so they neglect them. The one doing the neglecting doesn’t stand to lose much from their actions.

But the neglected will be so affected that they might never fully heal from the abuse. Neglect is, unfortunately, way too common, even amongst children. Parents get so caught up in their busy work schedules or other endeavors that they don’t make the time for their kids. But that means that those kids will never have their needs fulfilled, which will negatively impact their development. Of course, neglect can happen in all different relationships, from romantic to family relationships.

Neglected people have to live with that pain every day. Consequently, they will have a tough time communicating and properly conveying their emotions. They will not understand how to express their feelings, mainly because they don’t see them as relevant. Or, in some cases, they might even feel numb and void.

Neglected people also have a hard time trusting others because they don’t want to risk getting hurt again. Or it might be because they have a terrible view of themselves and don’t see themselves as worthy of love. If you notice any of these red flags, make an effort to reach out and help.

3 Reasons Why Someone Keeps Picking Emotionally Unavailable Partners

Do you–or someone you know–seem to keep picking emotionally unavailable partners only to experience heartbreak?

In any relationship, it’s important to give what the other needs and receive what you need instead of being emotionally unavailable. All relationships, but especially romantic ones, are a two-way street. You need to be able to share everything with your partner without fear of being judged or dismissed. More importantly, you need to be able to express and talk about your emotions.

It’s essential to be able to share everything you feel, what makes you happy or mad, and what you need. But if your partner cannot talk about feelings and open up, your relationship won’t be a healthy one. People often fall for someone without a proper conversation about how the other sees feelings without considering whether they’d ever want to open up to you or listen to you opening up. This mostly happens because, realistically, not many people discuss boundaries and needs on the first date.

Somehow, people seem to think that everything else will fall into place if they feel attraction. But that’s not exactly the case. So why do people seem to fall in love with someone who can never offer them the level of intimacy they need? Why do we allow someone who is not ready to form a connection to break our hearts? If those questions are on your mind, here are three reasons why people keep picking emotionally unavailable partners.

The Differences Between Available and Emotionally Unavailable Partners

emotionally unavailable partnerThe first step in understanding emotional unavailability is to have a clear picture of what emotional availability is. This is mainly because not many people are genuinely emotionally available. So, you might not have an example from real life that you can use. The simplest definition of emotional availability is sharing a connection with another person.

  • An Emotionally Available Partner Does These Things in a Relationship

Or, more specifically, two people can create a healthy bond. An emotionally available person knows how to share their emotions productively and mindfully. They neither throw it in your face that they are mad. Nor do they shut down when something bothers them. They always talk to you intending to solve an issue. These people also understand and respect your boundaries, and they accept you as you are because they want to see you happy and give you all the space and time you need.

Additionally, they are consistent and reliable. If this partner promises to do something, that’s a guarantee that they’ll do it if nothing unexpected interferes. An emotionally available partner will say they’ll show up, and you can count on them. They make for great companions, and they can be your rock when everything else is crumbling. Part of the reason they act with so much compassion towards others is that they also practice self-compassion. They respect and know how to care for themselves, thus being better people for the ones around them.

  • An Emotionally Unavailable Partner Displays These Behaviors

In sharp contrast, emotionally unavailable people can’t seem to be able to form a genuine connection to save their life. They find it hard to express or handle emotions, so they don’t. If there’s an issue, they either pretend it never happened or blame it on someone else. They usually avoid topics that are even remotely related to feelings. You will probably never hear them engage in a philosophical discussion about what love is. And don’t get your hopes up about making them talk about past trauma. They’ll probably never open up to you about that.

And while you should never push people to talk about sensitive topics before they’re ready, this is different. It’s not a matter of readiness–or not. They don’t want to because they want to pretend it never happened. This issue stems from a lack of proper communication and will always lead to differences in a relationship.

If they never get over past issues or trauma, those problems will inevitably affect your relationship. Moreover, these people seem loud and standoffish. But perhaps that results from always needing to look tough and in control. Statistically, male gender-identifying people tend to display more characteristics of emotional unavailability. But that’s usually because society pushes them to be the tough ones. Usually, men learn that talking about their feelings, crying, or being vulnerable is a sign of weakness.

3 Reasons Why Someone Chooses Emotionally Unavailable Partners

Society seems to believe that no one but women should ever be emotional. So, it’s not a surprise that they never get the opportunity to learn to deal with their emotions appropriately. Still, it’s a misconception that only men can be emotionally unavailable. Everyone can display characteristics associated with emotional unavailability.

emotionally unavailable partners

1. You Mirror the Relationships You Saw Growing Up

Love now is much different than a few decades ago. Society is making a lot of progress in accepting and celebrating love regardless of what societal norms impose. Young people especially have started to care less and less about how others view their passion. Instead, they focus on how they feel. But that wasn’t the case for our parents and grandparents. In the past, relationships followed strict guidelines, and everyone tried their hardest to maintain a particular image.

A few decades ago, relationships followed the heterosexual norms imposed chiefly by religion. A woman needed to take care of the kids in every family, and a man had to provide for the wife and kids. And that relationship dynamic is probably the one you saw growing up. Sharing your feelings and being truly happy was never a focal point. Parents were probably distant and cared more about how their relationship looked from the outside.

Many studies prove that people unconsciously try to find something similar to relationships they know when looking for a partner. You try to emulate the dynamic your parents or other people close to you had while growing up. If the models you had were distant and emotionally unavailable people, that’s the kind of person you will be attracted to.

2. You Might Be an Emotionally Unavailable Partner, Yourself!

We don’t like to think of ourselves as part of the problem. So, if we get hurt by emotionally unavailable people, we want to believe it’s their fault. Indeed, your partner should never mistreat you. But it should also raise concerns that you always attract emotionally unavailable people. This doesn’t mean that you can always avoid ending in bad relationships. You never truly know how a person is when you first start dating them. But, when you start noticing a pattern, you should consider doing some self-reflection.

Feelings are probably the last thing you want to discuss if you are emotionally unavailable. You probably don’t like being vulnerable or truly understand how to be empathetic. In that case, it’s only natural that you will feel attraction to someone who shares the same traits. It seems easier to be with someone who doesn’t try to push you out of your comfort zone by talking about emotions and boundaries. Being with someone who can’t fully commit and connect can also feel safer because you don’t have to either. Depending on what you want from a relationship, being with someone emotionally unavailable can be alright. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a toxic relationship. But it’s not a relationship that can have prospects, either.

3. You Feel Bored When in Healthy Relationships

Paradoxically, people don’t always want what’s best for them. This is especially true for younger people, who don’t even know what’s best for them in most cases. As you get older, you realize that safety and comfort are paramount. But when you’re younger, you want to feel excited. You live for the thrill, and you get bored quickly.

Being comfortable is the last thing on your mind when looking for a partner. You allow yourself to be driven by attraction and desire, and you want to have fun. When you find someone healthy, who always wants to solve things maturely, it can be off-putting. You want passion and excitement. You want to feel a spark.

Emotionally unavailable people can seem attractive because they fit the narrative that love is always a bumpy road. You have to fight and suffer for them, but that’s how passion is, right? Not quite, though it might seem like it. Contrary to popular belief, love shouldn’t be difficult. Of course, it can’t be perfect either. But you should always be able to communicate and solve problems maturely.

Though this might seem dull and forced, you realize it’s the best dynamic you could ask for as you grow up. If you are young, don’t let your desires get in the way of your happiness. Understand that a healthy relationship isn’t always filled with adrenaline and excitement. Don’t just run when you first encounter a slow, “boring” day with your partner. Those days are standard and more desirable than dealing with an emotionally unavailable partner.

emotionally unavailable

Final Thoughts on Why Someone Keeps Picking Emotionally Unavailable Partners

In today’s dating scene, emotionally unavailable people are much more common than you think. That’s because we rely on technology often for our communication and how little we talk about emotions. Society has made some progress regarding healthy communication. We haven’t reached a world where everyone can process feelings healthily. Moreover, people are scared of vulnerability and commitment to someone else.

Being attracted to emotionally unavailable people is not uncommon at all. This can happen for many reasons. Most of the time, the relationships people saw while growing up were distant and emotionally unavailable. You will search for something similar if that’s all you know about relationships. Or, if you are also emotionally unavailable, it might seem like a no-brainer to date someone who’s the same.

That way, you won’t have to worry about being fully committed or having healthy emotional discussions. And surprisingly, you might be attracted by emotionally unavailable people simply because you are bored with healthy relationships. No matter the reason, you should keep one thing in mind. If you date someone emotionally unavailable, that relationship will not do you any good.

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