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15 Unique Habits of People Who Prefer to Be Alone

The population of the world is quite diverse. Each person has a personality, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that make them unique. It’s quite fascinating when you consider that out of the 7.9 million people who live on this planet, according to Worldometer, no two are the same. Consider the vast differences in personalities. Some folks prefer to be alone, while others thrive when they’re in the spotlight.

We often hear of many stereotypes developed regarding different people, specifically those who prefer to be in solitude rather than in the crowd.

They’re often labeled as being shy, having a lack of confidence, or having a mental illness that causes them to be reclusive. The loners are introverted people who find great comfort in being alone. They don’t need anyone else to make them feel secure, as they know where they want to go in life.

These folks don’t thrive on the praise or guidance of others, as they assume complete responsibilities for themselves. Additionally, these folks don’t have time to waste, and they would see going out with a group of friends to a club as a misuse of time and money. So many folks have the need to belong, but the introvert doesn’t crave it like the extrovert does.

These people aren’t depressed, and they’re not lonely either, as flying solo has become their comfort zone. Other common traits of those who prefer to be alone is they’re quite agreeable, dependable, and conscious of those around them. They don’t care if you show up to work in a new outfit that you bought at a designer boutique, as they’re going to wear what makes them feel comfortable.

It doesn’t mean that this person isn’t fashionable, it’s just that they don’t put an emphasis on clothing and material possessions. They prefer to search much deeper for meaning, and they look at your heart more than your clothes.

Fifteen Habits of Those Who Prefer Solitude

There’s many characteristics and habits of those who prefer to be alone. Do you fit into the introvert or extroverted category, or are you a mixture of the two? This list will help you identify common characteristics of the lone wolf, and you can see if you and those around you fit.

be alone1. They Acknowledge Their Imperfections

The lone wolf isn’t worried about having the perfect appearance to impress those around them. They desire to be authentic far above the perception of others. This mindset helps them to keep their self-esteem at a healthy level.

They’re not the type of person that blames everyone else for their blunders, as they’re comfortable enough to admit their wrongdoings. The introvert sees acknowledging their errors to grow.

2. They Have a Great Moral Compass

Individuals who prefer to fly solo frequently have a good grasp of right and wrong. Since they have a good understanding and are in touch with their feelings, they’re able to honestly think and comprehend their place in life. Introverts are typically compassionate and see others as good until they give them a reason to think otherwise.

3. Their Time Is Valuable

Most people overlook the value of time, but those who like to be alone have a better grasp of such things. They strive to make the most of the moments they spend with others, and they don’t like wasting a precious minute. They often are planners that have each part of their day scheduled.

4. They’re Loyal

While the loner likes the peace that comes with solitude, they do value close friendships too. However, they’re very selective on who they spend their time with, as they don’t want to waste it on gossipers and those who cannot contribute to valuable conversation.

Once someone earns their loyalty, they have a high ranking and value in their life. They would do anything to help this individual, as the loner is usually a great friend to have.

5. They Have Tremendous Emotional Strength

The level of emotional intelligence with the introvert is high. They spend plenty of time reflecting on their own thoughts and feelings so that they can understand their emotions. Due to this reflection, they’re able to manage their feelings well. One of the most admirable parts of this person is the inner strength and the peace they have in life.

6. They’re Open-Minded

Opposite popular belief, introverts don’t close themselves off from everyone around them. Rather, they choose to focus on the positive aspects in life. They do this to maintain a positive mindset, which is especially important in the fast-paced and stressful world around them.

7. They’re Intuitive

When a person is aware of their emotions and instinct, they’re said to have an intuitive nature. When times of trouble come, they want to be alone and think through things. They also want to surround themselves with positivity rather than negativity.

8. They Have Incredible Self-Awareness

This person has an inner sense of peace that most folks don’t possess. It’s because they don’t allow themselves to become overrun by worrying about things that may not happen. They have this inner peace because they choose to fly solo and develop their sense of self-awareness, rather than get involved with the busy and frantic worries of the day.

being alone9. They’re Independent

The personality of those who like to be alone is that of a self-sustaining individual. They don’t require others to help them, as they prefer to do things by themselves. They’re very self-sufficient and usually quite smart.

Rather than calling for a dryer repair, they would rather order the part and figure it out. They would save money and learn a valuable skill, both of which is important to them.

10. They Surround Themselves with Other Intellectuals

While the introvert isn’t much for small talk, they do like to have meaningful conversations. They prefer to hang out with those that have a positive outlook on life more so than a negative one. These interactions are seen as an opportunity for growth.

11. They Don’t Need the Approval of Others

Being accepted by others is not on the top of their list. They love and embrace themselves as they are. They take the good and the bad and know their self-worth.

While popularity and fame are all nice things to have, they have a love for themselves that transcends these things. People refer to them as an old soul because they don’t seek the approval of anyone, and they are content in their own little world.

12. They’re Natural Empaths

While they hone their skills on their feeling and emotions, they also learn how to be empathetic towards others. Many people deal with rash emotional reactions each day, and they lash out at the ones closest to them.

This usually doesn’t happen with the introvert. They tend to be kinder and gentler to those around them, regardless of what’s going on.

13. Their Opinions Are Well Thought Out

There’s not too many topics and situations that the introvert doesn’t know much about. Part of this comes from the hours spent on reflection and research. They don’t get caught up in the hype from the local news channels, as they tend to rely on science and proven facts.

14. They Exude Kindness

They may like to be a loner, but they can still see the needs of the world around them. They’re very compassionate towards others, and don’t mind helping charities too.

They ensure that love is the dominate feeling that radiates from them, and their gentle compassionate nature is adored by many. Though they have few words, their kindness speaks volumes.

15. They Engage in Self-Love

One of the things that most of the emotionally intelligent have in common is their desire for selflove. They understand that if you don’t love yourself, then you can’t expect anyone else to love you either. They take time to accept what they’ve been given by the Universe each day.

Loving yourself opens doors to independence that those who engage in self-loathing acts would never understand. Before you can be in a relationship, you must first have an established value of your worth.

recharge batteriesFinal Thoughts on the Habits of People Who Like to Be Alone

Did you see any habits listed above that you find within yourself? Maybe there are some characteristics of the loner that you want to develop, which wouldn’t be a bad thing. Many people misunderstand the introvert and think they’re shy or just miserable and don’t like others.

According to the National Library of Medicine, some even believe these folks to be suicidal or to have serious mental illness, which isn’t true. Keep in mind isolation is a sign of mental health issues, but it’s not always the case.

Actually, the introvert is usually someone who is self-sufficient. They don’t want someone else getting into their head with all the negativity the world offers, so they’re very selective about their friends. While they do have friendships, they focus on quality rather than quantity.

The loner is a well-rounded person who just appreciates the simple things in life, like being kind to others as well as compassionate. They think before they speak, and they’re slow to anger. While it may take you a while to win their trust, once you have this person in your corner, you’re very blessed for the friendship.

15 Emotional Outlets That Most People Forget

Wouldn’t it be great if your body, mind, and spirit had a reset button like most electronics? You may not have a reset mode, but you can do things as an emotional outlet that can rejuvenate you.

These simple activities divert your brain and can help you cope with daily challenges.

What is an Emotional Outlet?

Have you heard the saying “blowing off some steam?” It doesn’t necessarily mean that your temper is flaring. When you are stressed, and your emotions are churning inside, you need constructive and healthy coping methods. Some of these outlets may include hobbies and other interests that clear your mind and relax your mood.

Since everyone is different, what works as a stress reliever for one may not work for another. Fortunately, your choices of activities are vast. Here are 15 emotional outlet suggestions for you to consider.

emotional outlets1. Coloring Books

Parents and teachers of young children know that one of the best ways to keep kids occupied is to give them coloring books and crayons. Notice how it calms them as they fill in pictures with vivid colors. You can have the same tranquil effect as an adult.

Adult coloring books are all the rage in department stores and art supply shops.

Whatever your favorite subject, be it nature, fantasy, or abstract, you can find it in a coloring book. They are inexpensive and come at all skill levels. All you need are some crayons or colored pencils to color away your stress.

2. Trace Your Family Tree

When you know about the past, it helps you to understand the present better. Did you ever do a family tree project in school? Most people can trace back to their grandparents and sometimes their great-grandparents.

Tracing your genealogy is not only a pleasurable pastime, but you can also glean fascinating information. Many public libraries have a local history and genealogy department, and they can help you on your journey. You can also find a plethora of online sources that show people how to trace their lineage.

During your research, you may meet new distant relatives and see the country origins of your family.

3. Volunteer

Doesn’t it seem like when you help others, you benefit, too? An article published by Aging & Mental Health explains that volunteering can positively affect your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. No matter how you volunteer, you get the satisfaction that you’ve helped make life better for a person, animals, or the environment.

4. Learn to Bake

What could be more satisfying than the aroma of fresh baked goods wafting through your kitchen? If you are looking for an efficient, emotional outlet, whipping up some homemade bread or chocolate chip cookies may be your answer. You can save money when you make your own goodies, and they taste much better than store-bought.

Start with simple recipes and work your way up to more advanced ones. Baking is something fun you can do with the family. You’ll love the smiles you see across the dinner table.

5. Take Dancing Classes

Have you ever seen a dancer who wasn’t smiling and having the time of their life? You needn’t be a Broadway star to use dancing as an emotional outlet. Whether you choose tap dance, ballroom, or even hip-hop, there are classes for them.

According to a study published by Sports Medicine, dancing is also a beneficial form of physical fitness. You can groove to your favorite tunes yourself, with a partner, or in groups. The next time you are feeling frazzled, turn on some music and get your body moving.

6. Learn a Meditative Exercise

When your emotions are over the top, they can affect you physically and mentally. One way you can address your body is with meditative exercise. Ancient practices like yoga and Qigong use gentle stretching, meditation, and mindful breathing to pull your body in sync.

Talk to a certified fitness instructor to find the meditative exercise that’s right for you. The good news is that you can practice almost anywhere, and it doesn’t require a bunch of expensive equipment. Plus, stretching and movement can help keep your bones and joints limber and healthy.

7. Take a Technical Course

Do you often get frustrated when your computer or other electronic devices go haywire? Why not consider taking a technical course to improve your skills and give your nerves a break? Most universities and community colleges offer individualized studies that don’t require you to earn a degree unless you choose to do so.

You don’t even have to attend in person since so many courses today are offered online. If you are a senior, many colleges and institutions provide deep discounts or even free classes. Learning new technical skills can always come in handy around your house.

emotional outlets8. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument

Are you a musician, or have you always longed to play a musical instrument? Maybe you played one in your high school band and haven’t picked it up since. Playing music is an emotional outlet for the musician and those who hear it.

Be true to your dreams and take classes with any instrument you choose. You may not become a concert pianist or play the drums for a rock band, but you can have fun learning. Learn to appreciate different musical styles and incorporate them as you practice.

9. Transform Your Bedroom

Your bedroom should be a sacred space where you can cloister yourself from the world. It should be a beautiful sanctuary meant for sleep, romance, and restful contemplation. If you use your bedroom as a workspace and it’s a cluttered mess, consider revamping it.

Get rid of the clutter and create a soothing space decorated tastefully with only things you love. You’d be surprised how a couple of gallons of paint can transform the mood of a room. Invest in a lovely comforter and plenty of fluffy pillows.

10. Adopt a Pet

One of the many beautiful things about pets is that they live to please you and love unconditionally. When you are feeling depressed, spending time with a furry friend can lift your spirits. They are remarkably intuitive to their humans’ feelings.

Instead of paying exorbitant prices at a pet store, consider one of the countless dogs and cats in shelters waiting to be adopted. You can adopt a fur baby that’s been fixed for a nominal fee and had all its shots.

11. Plant a Garden

Give your green thumb some exercise and plant a garden. Even if you only have a small area in your yard, you can raise a few veggies or attractive flowers. You can even create a lovely container garden on your patio if you haven’t a yard.

It’s magical watching your seedlings grow into stunning plants that will benefit you and the wildlife around you. Growing your produce or cutting flowers you grow saves money and beautifies your space. Try planting a few pots of your favorite herbs and set them on your kitchen windowsill.

12. Go Thrifting

If shopping is your emotional outlet and you don’t want to spend a fortune, go thrifting instead. Visit thrift stores in your area to find gently used items for you and your family. You can find brand-name clothing, vintage items, and just about anything you can think of at affordable prices.

13. Play Board Games with Your Kids

You never get too old to enjoy a game with your kids. Instead of their usual high-tech video games, why not introduce them to some classic board games. Turn off the cellphones and tv and have an evening of fun and laughter.

Another classic pastime is working on jigsaw puzzles. Set up a small table in your family room so everyone can help. You can find tons of beautiful puzzle pictures and styles in department stores or online.

14. Write an Old-Fashioned Letter

Unfortunately, the gracious habit of writing letters has been replaced by impersonal emails and texting. Why not surprise a friend or loved one with a handwritten note? Buy some stationary, some colorful pens, and a book of stamps to bring back the nostalgia of letter writing.

15. Go for a Nature Walk

When the stress of life is too much, taking a walk outside can boost your spirits. It can be a stroll through your city park or a familiar path in the woods. With each step and mindful breath, you can feel the tension at ease.

Listen to the melodies of the birds and watch the antics of the squirrels in the trees. Feel the warmth of the sun, and the gentle breezes whisper past. Just a half-hour can revitalize you and may offer you a different perspective about your problems.

walk bad moodFinal Thoughts on Using Emotional Outlets to Restore Joy in Life

Don’t let undue stress rob you of freedom and joy in your life. When you give yourself a break with an enjoyable emotional outlet, you can restore your well-being. It’s one of the most compassionate things you can do for yourself.

12 Things That Prove Your Third Eye Chakra Is Blocked

Your third eye chakra is the sixth of seven chakras that make up your body’s energy centers. These energy centers are all connected to your physical and emotional life, determining whether your mind and body are in unison with your purpose.

You will experience unhappiness and other negative feelings when your chakras become blocked. The third eye chakra guides your spirit using inner knowledge and awareness.

Additionally, your third eye serves as a way to warn you about situations that you wouldn’t otherwise see. Finally, it allows you to understand that everything you experience in life is part of the overall plan.

Twelve Signs That Your Third Eye Chakra Is Blocked

If your third eye chakra is blocked, your perceptions will be off-balance, and the truth will seem out of reach. It also interferes with spiritual awakening. Knowing the signs that your third eye chakra is blocked can help you awaken your chakra and find happiness again.

third eye chakra1. You Lose Sight of Your Dreams

If you feel disconnected from your dreams or sense that there is no way to reach them, this chakra is likely blocked. Likewise, if you completely forget your goals, it is a good sign of a blockage. A good indication of this happening to you is if you can’t identify your dreams anymore.

This chakra allows for inner visualization and a deep perception of the world. When it is blocked, you can’t experience that inner vision that the senses that come with it.

Sometimes you might notice that you can’t make a plan for reaching your goals. This struggle is another sign of a blockage because you can’t tap into your inner visualization to help guide you. As a result, you will feel like you lack direction and a lack of purpose in life.

Losing sight of your dreams usually occurs when you distrust yourself and your inner voice. As a result, your life perception becomes confused and unrecognizable.

2. You Have Judgmental Thoughts

Judgmental thoughts about the actions or choices of others indicate a blocked chakra. This behavior signifies an inability to embrace uniqueness in the world around you. If you notice that you subconsciously judge others or experience narrow-mindedness, a blocked chakra could be the reason.

3. You Feel Disconnected from Your Intuition or Natural Instincts

Feeling disconnected from your instincts or intuition is a sign of a blockage in your energy center. When there is no blockage, you will experience personal understanding through intuition. Find a way to unblock your chakra and reconnect if you notice a disconnect.

Intuition and instincts allow you to use personal insight and inner guidance to move through life. You will use your wisdom to problem-solve and make decisions. If you experience feeling lost or confused about your life track, you should check your third eye chakra.

4. Your Imagination is Lacking

With a blockage, you will be unable to perceive life and all of its potential. When your chakra awakens, you will create and form ideas and plans.

If you struggle with creative problem-solving, creation, or visualization, it is a sign of lacking imagination. You must find a wake to reawaken your chakra and allow the creativity to flow through you.

5. You Experience Light Sensitivity

Unexplained light sensitivity could indicate a blocked third eye chakra. Your pineal gland is linked to your third eye, causing sensitivity to light when it is blocked. The production of melatonin decreases, interrupting your natural circadian rhythms.

Your body should adjust naturally to the cycles of sunlight, so if it doesn’t, it proves there is a problem. Pay close attention to when the light sensitivity occurs. If it is when there is low or filtered light, it is proof of a blocked chakra.

6. You Consume too Many Processed Foods

You might not realize that the food you eat can be a sign of a blocked chakra, but it is. If you regularly consume processed foods, it indicates a blocked third eye chakra. What you eat affects your energy body, so try consuming whole foods instead.

Avoid foods that contain excessive additives and chemical modification. Switching the foods that you eat can quickly and effectively clear your chakra.

food intolerance7. You Feel Disconnected from Others

You might have a blocked chakra if you feel disconnected from other people, including those close to you. For example, the third eye chakra deals with feelings and experiences of oneness and unity. Those feelings can’t come through when it is blocked, and you feel disconnected.

You might notice that you feel less understanding of others and struggle with acceptance. This experience will be the case with even those you love and usually understand well. You will constantly question the validity of the people around you.

When your chakra awakens, you will see the perfect interconnection of everyone’s paths. You will see how everyone can work together and is already connected. Plus, you will see how other people are vital to your growth and development.

When your chakra is blocked, you will feel separate from everyone else. You will experience loneliness and isolation and struggle to develop meaningful connections. However, if you can clear the blockage, you will find a sense of community and belonging again.

8. You Live in Fear

Living in fear is never a good sign, and it is proof of a blocked chakra. Anytime you have an irrational fear that clouds your reasoning, you should find a way to clear the blockage. Some of the things you might fear include:

  • the truth
  • criticism
  • other people’s judgment
  • failure

Your fear might manifest as regret about the past or worry and anxiety about the future. Rather than thinking positively, you think of everything that could go wrong. Plus, you will believe that people are saying bad things about you even when they aren’t.

9. Your Sleeping Habits are Off

When your third eye chakra is blocked, it affects your melatonin production, interfering with your sleep cycle. As a result, you might experience insomnia, nightmares, or constantly feel lethargic. If you notice that your sleeping patterns are abnormal, consider whether your chakra is blocked.

Experiencing insomnia means you can’t get the quality or amount of sleep you need. You don’t wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested. Nightmares sometimes cause your insomnia, but not all the time.

Anytime you experience a dream that gives you overwhelming feelings of fear, it is a nightmare. You might not always remember the details, but you will likely carry the emotion with you after waking up. Nightmares signify fear-based energy within you, indicating a blocked chakra.

10. You are Depressed, Anxious, or Feeling Sad

Unusual depression or anxiety can indicate that your third eye chakra is blocked. A blocked chakra affects the production of serotonin, which affects your brain chemistry, moods, and emotions.

A shift can indicate a blockage if you don’t usually experience these feelings. Finding ways to stimulate the pineal gland can help alleviate these feelings.

11. You Feel Disconnected from Nature and the Universe

When you feel disconnected from nature or the universe as a whole, you likely have a chakra blockage. You might feel like you do not connect with nature and your environment. If this happens to you, you might subconsciously reject all spiritual feelings and ideas.

Other signs of a disconnect from the universe include feeling a lack of purpose and being devoid of ideas. In addition, you might notice a deep sense of longing for something that you can’t identify. Reversing these feelings is possible, but you must find a way to awaken your chakra.

To overcome this blockage, try spending more time in nature. Find a quiet place outdoors to meditate, practice mindfulness, or try new breathing techniques if you can. You will see things clearly, and the truth will appear in your heart and mind.

12. You Are Unable to Recognize the Truth

Anytime you can’t see the obvious truth, it is proof of a blocked third eye chakra. As a result, you will feel confused or disoriented as you try to see past the illusions of your mind.

Sometimes your inability to recognize the truth results from what you watch or listen to advertisements, and things on the internet. Anywhere that you experience programming and illusion, you are at risk of being deceived. However, you will see through these deceptions with an awakened third eye.

third eye chakraFinal Thoughts on Identifying When Your Third Eye Chakra Is Blocked

Recognizing that your third eye chakra is the first step to awakening it and starting fresh. Anytime there are imbalances or blockages, your mental and physical well-being can be affected. So help yourself feel and live better by finding ways to open your chakra.

Once you acknowledge that your third eye chakra is blocked, you can find ways to unblock it. Then, when you have reawakened your chakra, you can experience growth and development again.

10 Signs That You Make Someone Nervous

Do you have a commanding presence that causes others to have anxiety when they’re around you? Some people are naturally nervous, but it could be your overall demeanor that makes someone feel fidgety.

When it comes to the dating world or looking for a job, you certainly don’t want to make others feel uncomfortable.

Have you seen someone jingle change in their pockets, pick up and put down their beverage over and over, or pace the floor? All of these are outward manifestations of inward anxiety. Everyone has those people that make them feel on edge, regardless of how much of an easy-going person you try to be.

Some folks do better at hiding these feelings of angst than others. If a person struggles with social anxiety, it might not be you that makes them feel nervous. Instead, their illness makes the encounter uncomfortable. Anxiety is not always bad; it can be a good sign in some instances.

If you don’t fear things like job interviews, first dates, or other occasions, it shows that you’re not afraid to go for those things that make you vulnerable. How much more vulnerable can you be than when you’re meeting someone you met off the internet for the first time?

Assume you have a date with someone you’ve only recently met. If your nerves don’t bother you at all, then it’s a sign that you might not be so into this person. However, if the other party is a bundle of nerves and stumbling over their words, it’s one indication that they like you. They feel they must put their best foot forward when the stakes are high.

Ten Signs A Person Is Nervous Around You

nervousYour nerves can undoubtedly get the best of you when you need to make a good impression. If you make a person nervous, then it can be a sign that maybe your personality is bold or that you have a knack for making people feel that they need to walk on eggshells. Here are some indications that you cause anxiety to others.

1. Laughing Too Much

Some folks are naturally jolly, but others laugh at everything that comes out of your mouth. For example, if someone is anxious to be around you, then they may laugh too much.

It’s easy to tell this kind of laugh over a traditional one, as it seems forced. Additionally, someone who is giggling all the time can be irritating.

2. Can’t Sit Still from Fidgeting

Have you ever tried to take a child someplace where they needed to sit still? It’s like nailing Jell-O to the wall. They can’t help themselves, as their energy levels and possible nerves won’t allow them to be stationary.

When someone is anxious, they will have a hard time sitting. Some describe it in the old saying as a “Cat on a hot tin roof.” They’re all over the place with their nerves. They’re up and down and pacing the floor. They may make you anxious just watching them.

According to the National Library of Medicine, social anxiety is often observed in outward signs such as fidgeting or trembling.

3. They Keep Going to The Restroom

Unless someone is sick, going to the bathroom constantly is a sign of nerves. The restroom is a great place to hide when your nerves are getting the best. Furthermore, many folks feel the need to urinate when their anxiety is high, so they might be using the bathroom.

However, an escape is needed when social anxiety and general angst are at an all-time high. Splashing some cool water on the face or taking a time out can help calm jittery nerves.

4. They Display a Facial Tic

A tic is an involuntary movement from the muscles caused by nerves. For example, some people will get spasms in their arms and legs, or they will jump. Others develop a twitch that makes their mouth move, while some will feel a pulse that nearly closes the eyes. The body has strange ways of dealing with anxiety, and these tics appear under times of high stress.

5. They’re Constantly Touching Their Face

When someone is nervous, they will touch their face constantly. It seems that when your nerves are frazzled, everything itches. Have you ever been rushing to get a meal on the table, and your nose won’t stop itching?

You probably wouldn’t have that itch if you weren’t cooking. However, it always happens in the most inopportune times, and you often feel the need to itch or scratch something. Playing with your face, nose, ears, or rubbing your chin is all signs of high anxiety.

nervous breakdown6. Their Body Is Stiff as A Board

It’s hard to deny the mind-body connection. Most folks want to make a good impression, so they want to have the appropriate body language. However, when you’re nervous, it can cause you to feel tension, which makes you appear stiff.

You can always tell when someone is tense by indications like a stiff jaw, clenching their fists, raising shoulders, and their knees are locked. But have you heard of fight or flight mode when your body senses duress? Well, it’s also known as fight, flight, or freeze? Many people freeze when they feel intense nerve issues.

7. Preening Or Other Motions of Self-Comfort

Preening is not a well-known term today, but it’s how one prepares themselves for social interaction or stress. Have you ever seen someone rub their head constantly or play with their hair? These are examples of preening.

The term preen came from birds. Have you ever seen a bird do maintenance behaviors like using its beak to clean and pick at its feathers? While humans don’t have beaks, they use their hands to preen themselves to look their best in some situations.

According to The Free Dictionary, in humans, it means to elaborately groom. It’s ironic how much the animal kingdom and human actions are related.

8. They Have No Opinion and Are Super Agreeable

When someone doesn’t want to make any waves, they will agree with whatever comes from your mouth. They will nod in confirmation if you tell them the sun is purple. It’s not that they don’t have other opinions, but it’s that you make them so anxious that they don’t want to voice their true feelings.

9. They Refuse to Make Eye Contact

One of the most annoying habits is when you try to talk to someone, and they stare off into the corner. It would help if you always looked in the eyes when speaking, as looking away or down is a sign of dishonesty. While these folks aren’t being dishonest, they cannot handle the level of anxiety they feel when they talk to someone looking them eye-to-eye.

10. Closed Body Language

This is a strange term that many won’t understand. However, each person has windows that they shut down to protect themselves. Think of it as closing the windows in your home before a significant storm.

If someone feels anxious around you, they may cross their legs, purse their lips, and hide the palms of their hands. They’re using body language to tell you they’re nervous, but they’re also closing off things that regard to touch.

When they close their hands, you can’t hold them. They don’t want you to kiss them when they pierce their lips. Finally, crossing their legs puts their intimate areas off reach too. These observations are primarily observed in the dating world.

nervousFinal Thoughts on Making Someone Nervous

Now that you know what signs can help you identify that someone is nervous, it’s time to break the ice and help them feel better. It’s always best to address the “elephant” in the room. Once you break through these barriers, causing them issues, you can move on with business.

If you notice someone fidgeting, rubbing their nose, twitching, and running to the restroom, you need to say something to put their mind at ease. They need to be reminded that you’re a human being just like them. Telling a funny joke or laughing can help break the tension, but it all depends on the person.

What is it about you that causes people to feel nervous? A quick evaluation of your overall appearance, attitude, and demeanor can be beneficial. Is there something about you that you can change to make people feel more comfortable in your presence?

You may be very likable, but the other party is the one with the issue. According to the National Library of Medicine, someone who suffers from social anxiety disorder fears social situations as they’re worried they will have a panic attack. Social anxiety can be crippling and turn into agoraphobia if left untreated.

Dealing with nerves and anxiety can be difficult, but you can help someone with these issues, at least when they’re with you.

10 Easy Ways to Open Up Your Heart Chakra

The seven chakras in your body make up your aura and work as energy centers that can open and close. Each energy center is in a different part of your body, with the heart chakra being in the center of your chest. This chakra focuses on feeling love in your life, and it determines if you are open to love.

If your heart chakra is closed, you won’t feel love manifesting within you. It’s important to learn how to open it so that you can experience love, happiness, and a balance within your life.

If you aren’t sure if your heart chakra is blocked, there are signs that you can watch for. You might feel sad, lonely, anxious, shy, unforgiving, or unempathetic. Other indications might include feelings of anger, jealousy, grief, or hatred.

To let go of these negative feelings, you must open your heart chakra and find balance. There are many ways to reopen your chakra, and you can implement any of them that you are comfortable with. Building some of these methods into your daily routine will help keep your chakra open, too.

How to Open Up Your Heart Chakra

Try these ten easy tips for opening your heart for love and positivity.

spriritual gifts1. Learn About and Practice Color Therapy

Color therapy involves using light and color to balance your energy physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Start by sitting quietly and bringing your attention to your heart and chest area. Take a few deep breaths and then visualize the first color that comes to mind.

Trust your intuition and go with the color that comes up first for you. The color you think of first is usually what your energy field needs to find harmonization and balance. This type of therapy relies on light frequencies of a specific color to enter the body.

If your heart chakra is closed, the color green will often come to mind. You can practice color therapy by simply viewing the color for a few minutes in an uninterrupted space. It is common for art therapy to play a role in color therapy, as well.

If you want to try color therapy equipment instead, you can locate a color therapist for guidance. A color therapist will use different types of psychology to treat your emotional problems and open the chakra.

2. Be Authentic

People around you will always try to change you and urge you along a specific path. They might do this unconsciously because differences make them uncomfortable. If you go along with their desires, though, you obstruct your development and well-being.

Being authentic involves standing your ground, being firm in your truth, and having the courage to speak up. You don’t have to create conflict or be mean or uncompassionate to be true to yourself, either. Being loving and connected to someone is still possible, even as you stand up for yourself and your beliefs.

When you are authentic, it means that you did your best despite the situation. You put yourself first and focused on self-love. Listen to your heart no matter what, and focus on what your intuition guides you to do.

3. Spend Time Connecting with Nature

Connecting with nature helps you reconnect with yourself on a new level. Find a quiet, peaceful place outside and come to the present. Start by focusing on the trees, plants, and other things around you because it all has an aura.

Focus on the way you feel as you spend time scanning the scenery with your eyes. Think of yourself as being part of nature rather than being a foreign object in nature. When you think of yourself this way, it helps you form a deeper connection with the earth.

Spending time connecting with nature can help with grounding, too. As your heart begins to align with the rhythm of the earth, you will remember that you are loved and valued.

4. Write in a Journal

Journaling is a beneficial way to open up your heart chakra. Fill the pages of your journal with stories of your day and with your life experiences. Anytime negative feelings start to creep in, pull out your journal and pour all of your feelings onto the pages.

Letting your feelings out in this way can bring relief and a sense of release. The way you choose to write doesn’t matter, as long as you get words onto the paper.

5. Light a Candle

Lighting a candle is a simple but effective way to open up your chakra. When you are in a quiet environment alone, light a candle and gaze at the flame. While you focus on the flame, breathe deeply in and out a few times.

After a few minutes, envision the flame spreading to the center of your chest. As you picture it, think of the Universe’s love entering and flowing through your body.

emotionally detached6. Set and Enforce Boundaries

Setting and enforcing boundaries is essential if you want to open up your heart chakra. As you move forward in life, you must think of yourself and what is best for you. Showing compassion for others is important, but being compassionate to yourself is even more essential.

When you set and enforce healthy boundaries in your life, you will promote the healing process. Plus, you will be more resilient and better equipped to handle things. As you enforce your boundaries, you will also experience a feeling of confidence and self-love.

7. Do Yoga

Yoga can quickly open your chakra and keep it that way as long as you continue doing the exercises. It also promotes movement and flexibility, further opening your chakra. Some of the positions that work for this include:

  • half camel
  • wheel pose
  • bridge
  • warrior 1
  • upward facing dog
  • reverse plank
  • bow pose

8. Practice Meditation and Mindful Breathing

Spending time meditating and practicing mindful breathing techniques is a sure way to open your heart chakra. Meditating will help you reflect and see what is coming next in your life. It also gives you the chance to open your heart to accepting and giving love.

When you begin to experience negative feelings, acknowledge them during meditation. Recognize the emotion that you are feeling, and use breathing techniques to help you accept it. By doing this, your heart will feel safe to open up and stay that way.

There are a few options regarding breathing techniques, so find the one that works best for you. One option is to inhale deeply and let the air out using a long, audible exhale. A second option is to inhale for five seconds, hold it for five seconds, and then exhale for five seconds.

Either of these options works, and you can even explore more breathing techniques when you become more comfortable with them. Breathing techniques can help you relax and calm down no matter what is going on in your life. When you can reflect calmly, it gives you a chance to open your chakra back up.

9. Connect with Friends and Loved Ones

Connecting with the special people in your life is a sure way to open your heart up. Focus on like-minded people that make you feel safe and loved. Doing this will help you heal, align with nature, and better understand what is happening in your life.

Your true friends and loved ones won’t judge you, and they will always show love and compassion. They will encourage you to be true to yourself, and they will never make you feel unloved.

When you feel like your chakra is closed, make plans to spend time with your loved ones. If you can’t spend time physically, then give them a call instead. Be intentional as you connect with them so that your heart will open quickly.

If you can’t call your loved ones, either, then you can envision them in front of you. As you visualize them, allow yourself to feel the love that you have for the person. It will ease your negative feelings and effectively open up your chakra.

10. Try Sound Therapy

Sound therapy involves different frequencies and pitches. You listen to them in a sound video or recording, and it helps bring balance to your mind and body.

The tones used for this type of therapy are associated with different feelings. Since everyone experiences differing emotions, the tones that work for one person may not work for another.

heart chakraFinal Thoughts on Easy Ways to Open Up Your Heart Chakra

When your heart chakra closes, it can hinder your ability to love and be loved. Opening it back up is essential to your overall well-being and becoming a more positive person. These tips for re-opening the chakra will help you overcome the negative energy that is holding you back.

Once your chakra reopens, you will experience more love in your life, including self-love. Don’t miss out on living the most meaningful life possible by leaving your chakra closed. Try these tips instead, and keep working on ways to keep it open.

The more you work on opening your chakra, the more effective it will be. Plus, you won’t struggle with it closing as much, either.

10 Behaviors That Help You Change Your Life

Life sometimes has a way of humbling you by shaking your very foundation as it brings about change in life. If you haven’t hit rock bottom a few times, you will never know how truly glorious it is to dwell on the mountain tops.

It’s those valleys and low places that teach you the most valuable lessons that can sustain you throughout life.

Think of it this way, where would the flowers be without the rain? Sure, plants need the sunshine to help them grow and flourish, but they also need the water from the rain to nourish their innermost parts. All the things that happen to you are for a reason.

The Heartwarming Story of a Special Man Who Overcame Adversity

change your lifeSome of the things you’re taught will use to inspire others, and some of your lessons will change your life for the better. Have you ever heard of the famous motivational speaker by the name of Nick Vujicic? Born with a rare genital condition, Nick’s life was anything but normal, as he had tetra-amelia.

According to National Health Institute, tetra-amelia syndrome is an unusual genetic disorder caused by a mutation of the WNT3 gene. Children born with this condition usually don’t live long as the lungs are often underdeveloped. It’s categorized by the absence of all four limbs as well as other severe deformities.

Nick’s birth was quite shocking for his parents, and they weren’t sure how to care for a child with no limbs. In fact, they were so shocked by his appearance that his mom refused to hold or comfort him for the first four months of his life. As you can imagine, his life was difficult, and he often questioned why he was born.

Gripped by misery and despair, Nick tried to take his life at the age of ten. When he didn’t die, he was faced with the reality that living would be more complicated than he could imagine. However, he wanted his life to have a purpose and to give back to others.

Through his mother’s help, he learned of another person who didn’t let a disability define them. He knew that he wanted to overcome and show others that if he could make it, then they could too. At 19 years of age, he gave his first public speech to motivate others through their adversity.

Nick Now Teaches and Inspires Others

By using the power of positive thinking, Nick completely changed his life. The man with no limbs now travels the world and speaks to the masses. He also enjoys things like acting, music, and writing books.

In his free time, he loves to swim, paint, and even go fishing. He doesn’t have much free time because he is the father of four exceptional children with his wife of many years. His life is a testament that the things that come to destroy you can change your life for the better.

Ten Behaviors That Change Your Life

What adversities have you faced in your life that have altered your thinking? While you likely don’t suffer from anything as horrifying as Nick Vujicic does, the troubles in your life are just as serious. Here are ten ways to use the things that have happened to you to change your life for the better.

1. Make Goals with A Good Return on Investment

How many times have you made goals only to break them a short time later? Try setting some goals that will bring you a good return, such as practicing mindful thinking, learning meditation, or being thankful for all your blessings. When you alter your mindset for positive things, it will help make you a better person.

2. Learn the Lesson in Each Adversity

Each trial that comes your way has come to teach you a lesson. It would help if you determined what the lesson is to apply it to your life. Perhaps, you went through a battle with cancer, but you made it through okay.

The goal might have been to show you the importance of living life to the fullest, exercise, and eating foods that fuel your body. You can take this struggle and use it to help others going through the same battle. Rather than hiding from life’s storms, learn to embrace them and find their purpose.

3. Develop Daily Success Habits

Do you have power habits in your life that help you stick to a routine? How many times have you woke up on January 1st with a New Year’s resolution, and you’re ready to become a new you? The only thing is that you soon drop those habits because they weren’t ingrained in your brain.

When you develop daily success habits, like using positive affirmations, these habits don’t fall by the way. They become so much a part of you that you do them like you brush your teeth when you get out of bed. However, these habits have a significant impact on your life.

pop meme4. Strike A Balance with Self-Doubt

Do you have a dream that you’ve put on the back burner because you have doubts? What if you wanted to be a painter, but your hands shake so severely from Parkinson’s Disease that you can’t hold a paintbrush still? How did a man with no limbs learn to paint?

Sure, Nick Vujicic had plenty of doubts about doing most things, but he learned how to compromise. He uses his mouth to hold a paintbrush. When self-doubt comes creeping into your mind, you need to combat it.

It’s how writers with horrible grammar can become famous. They learn to overcome the obstacle in front of them. Your doubts are what fuel you to be a better human being.

5. Stop Stimulating Your Brain with Useless Things

Have you ever noticed how long you sit in front of the television or a computer screen each night? All this time on wasted things could be better spend on something else. Rather, invest your time in learning new things or meeting new people.

There are so many magnificent things that you can learn and do when you break the chains that tie you to one location. Though you can virtually travel and see anything you want online, it won’t give you nearly the satisfaction if you do it in person. Cut your screen time and see how it can enhance your life.

6. Learn a New Skill

New skills help you in personal development. Set a goal to learn to do something in the next year. You could learn a new language, teach yourself how to cook like a pro, or take classes to enhance your skills.

Each new thing you learn helps develop your personality more and branches you out of your comfort zone.

7. Stop Complaining – Be Thankful

If one thing will change your life, it’s gratitude. If you want to learn “the secret” to happiness, you will learn to be thankful for all you have. Stop looking at everyone else and their accomplishments and be grateful to the Universe for your blessings.

8. Learn Consistency

Consistency is the key to many things in life. If you want to lose weight, then you need to have consistent good eating habits. How many yoyo diets have you been on that produce good results for a while, but then you “fall off the wagon?”

Learning to be consistent in all things you do will change your life. What kind of parent would you be if you weren’t consistent with rules, discipline, and running your home? You can’t just “show up” when the mood hits you. If you learn nothing else in life, remember to be steadfast.

9. Don’t Listen to Naysayers

You will never get anywhere in life if you allow others to define your self-worth. There will always be doubting Joe who doesn’t think you’re good enough, pretty enough, or intelligent enough for a job promotion. However, you must prove these negative people wrong. You can and will do anything you set your mind to do.

10. Stop Playing the Victim Card

You have two choices in life, and you can either be a victim of an overcomer. Your choice will affect your future. The victim mentality is someone who uses their struggles as a crutch.

However, the overcomer uses their adversities as a stepping stool. Everyone has things that hit them in life that take them to rock bottom, but it’s how you use these life lessons that will define you.

change your lifeFinal Thoughts on Adopting Behaviors to Change Your Life and Teach You a Lesson

Throughout history, there have been many greats that have used their adversity as a stepping stool. Sure, it hurts, and it can be crippling when life hands you blow. It’s especially true when the storms don’t seem to end.

Consequently, it’s during these times that you are molded and made into a better person. When a potter takes a lump of clay and molds it into a beautiful spot, they must first take out all the imperfections to get the stunning masterpiece. You can think of the Universe as developing you by shaping you through adversity.

Rather than fighting the tough times, find out what lesson you need to learn. You can rise above anything life throws your way, and it will mold and shape you into a better person. You can change your life for the better when you learn to use your times of adversity as lessons rather than playing the victim. Learn to live by the old motto that winners never quit and quitters never win!

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