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8 Types of Self Care to Never Ignore

Sacred writings from many cultures and traditions express the virtues of treating others how you want them to treat you. The idea is that you respect and accept other people so that they will do the same.

However, you may be one of the countless people who have no love for themselves, and you have no clue about the types of self-care available.

Listening to your inner dialog will give you a good clue to how you treat yourself. Is your self-talk positive, or are you constantly criticizing? Does that voice in your head make you feel unloved and unworthy?

Even if you have decent self-esteem, are you too busy taking care of others that you neglect your needs? Although it’s good to be respectful and consider other people’s needs, you must consider your needs, too. How would your family and friends feel if you treated and talked to them the way you do yourself?

Discovering Types of Self-Care

You may be startled when you realize how you treat yourself. Do you get enough rest and recreation, or are you chronically overwhelmed with work? Do you feel energetic and optimistic, or do you feel negative and completely drained?

If so, it’s time that you discover types of self-care you can start today. It’s never too late to stifle the negative self-talk and become a personal cheerleader. You can begin by becoming considerate of your body, mind, and spirit.

types of self careTreat Yourself to These Eight Types of Self Care

Have you placed your needs and happiness on the back burner? Have you forgotten how to show yourself compassion, forgiveness, and consideration? Here are eight types of self-care for you to consider.

1. A Technology Break

In the 21st century, society is getting even more dependent on technology. Make a quick mental list of all your gadgets that are supposed to make your life easier. The Internet, cell phones, television, and smart appliances are just a few things you feel you must have.

Did you know that Americans will spend an average of at least 44 years of their lives in front of a screen? That’s a disturbing statistic shared in an article published by Study Finds. How much of that time is necessary, and how much is robbing you of priceless moments with family and friends?

When you are considering types of self-care, try taking a technology break. Make it a habit of turning off your phone and the tv during mealtimes. You’ll be amazed at the lively family conversations you’ve been missing.

Make the hour or so before bedtime technology-free. Instead, you can take a soothing bath, tell your kids a story, or spend some quiet time with your partner. Remember not to allow social media to replace face-to-face visits with family and friends altogether.

2. Cultivating Your Creative Side

Do you consider yourself a creative person? Just because you’re not a famous artist or musician doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy art or music. Enjoying hobbies and learning new creative skills are types of self care that offer many benefits.

You needn’t be an expert in the creative interests you choose. Do you enjoy writing poetry or stories? Maybe you’ve always had a knack for decorating cakes or carving wood sculptures. Use your creative outlets to relax and have some fun.

Spending time doing creative things you love is an ideal way to lower your stress levels. According to an article published by the National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health, stress can affect your total well-being. While you can’t eliminate stress in your life, taking a creative break can help minimize it.

3. Showing Your Gratitude

Any list with types of self care would be incomplete without mentioning gratitude. How do you feel after you’ve done something kind for someone, and they thank you for it? Not only does it give you an emotional boost, but it also shows you as a grateful person.

Sometimes, life gets so hectic that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. You may not remember to count your blessings in this state of mind. If you allow a negative attitude to creep in, you may become more critical and less grateful.

When was the last time you considered how blessed you are? Not only do you have your basic human needs met, but you also have many of your wants. A distressing question asks how you would feel if you awoke tomorrow with only the things you were grateful for yesterday.

Part of self-care is lifting your spirit with gratitude. Many people like to make a gratitude list or include it in their daily journals. When you feel down, review past entries to remind yourself of the countless things that enrich your life.

4. Living Mindfully

It’s sad to consider how many people go through their lives without much thought to the world around them. One of the types of self-care taught by some Eastern religions and philosophies is mindful living. No task or idea is too insignificant for you to notice.

When you have a meal, do you race through it to get to another task? How often have you awakened early to watch a sunrise or considered the glittering stars at night? It sounds complicated, but living mindfully means opening your senses and being “at the moment.”

Try to consider every moment of your day sacred. Instead of rushing obliviously through your daily routine, do everything with reverence and purpose. Be mindful and grateful for every breath and every activity, no matter how small.

pop meme5. Communicating with Your Inner Child

If you have children, you know how curious they are about the world. Their curiosity, trust, and bursts of joy can be a lesson to adults. Many adults become callous through the years and forget how to see the world as a child.

Even though you are an adult, your inner child is still with you. While you have adult responsibilities and expectations, learn ways to relax and be a kid again. Revisit the fascination of nature or how fun it is to splash in rain puddles.

Spending time with your kids or grandchildren is the best way to bring out your inner child. Laugh at silly jokes or pretend you are a character in a make-believe world with them. Spending quality time together gives you a break from being an adult, and your inner kid will thank you.

6. Staying Active

Are you physically active, or have you become a permanent fixture in your recliner? An article published by the Cleveland Clinic states that over 80 percent of Americans don’t get enough exercise. Being physically fit is at the top of the list for types of self-care.

You don’t have to buy an expensive gym membership or run a marathon to be active. The important thing is to get your body moving regularly. Walking, swimming, and stretching exercises are low-impact and are easy for most people to do.

Talk to your primary healthcare provider or a certified fitness trainer about the best exercise routine for you. You can stay active, lose weight, and boost your mood. Take care of your body, and it will take care of you.

7. Creating Your Own Sanctuary

Sometimes, you want to shut your door to the world and be alone. Of the many ways to care for yourself, remember that you need a sacred space. It’s an area where you can retreat and rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul.

Many people choose their bedroom as their sanctuary, as it should be. You may also have a separate room or even a little space to call your own. What matters is that you have a spot to close your eyes, breathe, and recollect your thoughts.

Be kind to yourself and create a space with beautiful things that bring you joy. Lovely pictures, plants, candles, and incense are inexpensive and can create a meditative mood. Your sacred space can be as straightforward or as elaborate as you wish.

8. Reading and Learning

When you learned how to read, you opened a world of infinite possibilities. No matter your chosen genre, you can empathize with the characters and become part of the story. Reading for fun can increase your vocabulary and expose you to new cultures and concepts.

You’re never too old to stop reading and learning. Have you ever wanted to learn more about a specific subject? You can find many books, magazines, and online material that will enrich your studies.

How would you know about the types of self-care unless you read or want to expand your knowledge? According to an article published by Words Alive, reading can benefit your mental health, boost self-esteem, and build better relationships. All things are ways to be kind to yourself.

types of self careFinal Thoughts on Indulging Your Senses in These Eight Types of Self-Care

It’s not selfish to care for yourself. The only way you can love others is to learn to love and accept yourself as you are. There are many types of self-care to choose from, and they are essential for survival and discovering the joy you’ve always wanted.

7 Stretching Exercises to Help You Wake Up Happier

When you do stretching exercises in the morning, your muscles have a chance to wake up and get ready.

Waking up your muscles results in loosening your body and increasing the blood flow to your muscles. Stretching is the perfect way to start each day, and you can make it a habit by implementing it into your morning routine.

As you wake up in the morning, you likely experience the urge to get back into bed or slowly get ready. You might not be excited to start the day, or it might be that you lack the motivation to get going. With morning stretching exercises, you will be more joyful as you begin the day and knock out your tasks more effectively.

If you drink coffee in the morning, it is a great way to take in caffeine and give you a jumpstart to your day. It won’t last, though, and you’ll soon feel groggy again while also experiencing brain fog. With stretching, that doesn’t happen because there isn’t an external stimulus that you depend on.

The positive effects of stretching exercises will stay with you throughout the day, helping you feel happier and more energetic. This addition to your morning routine is one that you will never regret, as the benefits are helpful and obvious. You will be happier because of the new routine, and it will quickly become something you look forward to.

The Best Types of Stretches for Morning

stretching exercisesMany people have the misconception that any stretching exercises are beneficial in the morning. This idea isn’t truthful, however, because your flexibility hasn’t quite kicked in by then. Some stretches are for later in the day when your muscles have had a chance to move.

Dynamic stretches are the best type of morning stretch because they don’t require as much flexibility. This type of stretch offers gentle and repetitive motion that helps transport blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your muscles. Dynamic stretches often require movement, but you won’t have to hold each position as long.

With dynamic stretches, you get your mind and body moving naturally and evenly. The movement required in these stretching exercises is more beneficial because it quickly awakens the targeted muscle groups.

Static stretches, however, are best for later in the day when you have already been moving around. While this type of stretch is often stationary, it requires that you hold the position for an extended period. When your muscles haven’t received blood and oxygen yet, they won’t be as flexible when holding these poses.

Stretching Exercises to Help You Wake Up Happier

Try these moves to get the blood flowing when you awaken in the morning.

1. Palm Stretch

This stretch will help you balance your mind and body while also improving your strength and flexibility. Plus, it improves your overall well-being and allows you to live a happier, more joyful life. It will also promote relaxation when you are feeling anxious or tense.

The palm stretch works for your arms, chest, abdominal muscles, spine, and legs, making it a well-rounded option. This stretch is perfect for beginners, those that are more advanced, and pregnant women. Some of the other benefits of the palm stretch include:

  • increased blood circulation
  • better mobility of your shoulders
  • positive digestive function
  • body detoxification
  • stimulation of the nervous system
  • clearer breathing
  • elongates the spine, relieving pressure on the spinal nerves

2. Waist Rotation

The waist rotation helps stabilize the spine and promotes movement as it coordinates the pelvic muscles. Your pelvic muscles flex, extend, rotate, and bend in unison but can get misaligned from one another.

With this stretch, you will have an easier time flexing or extending your muscles and bending your body. Pressure on your spine will ease, too, allowing for more comfort. In addition to the increased mobility and strengthened muscles, this stretch promotes happiness and well-being.

3. Butterfly Stretch

This stretch will help you start your day on a positive note as it promotes happiness and relaxation. It also improves the flexibility of your inner thigh muscles. The butterfly stretch also helps maintain stability and balance, encouraging good feelings throughout the day.

4. Head Rotations

Head rotations are a type of upper back release and help relieve any tension and stress in your neck, upper back, and shoulders. They also increase overall flexibility while reducing joint stiffness. This stretch also improves blood circulation throughout your body.

Head rotations also correct your posture and prevent slouching. The best part of this stretch is that it brings you feelings of peace, calm, and relaxation throughout the day.

5. The Tiger Pose

This yoga pose will help you wake up happier for a variety of reasons. First, it promotes spinal flexibility as it requires you to move in a wave-like way. It loosens the joins and helps lubricate them with spinal fluid.

The tiger pose can also tone and soothe sciatic and spinal nerve pain. Additionally, it activates the sacral chakra, promoting proper food digestion, pleasure, movement, and creativity. The up and down head movement of this stretch also helps you feel relaxed and calm.

In women, this stretch strengthens the reproductive system. It helps tone and strengthens the muscles in the reproductive area. Plus, it can improve the reproductive health of women.

The benefits don’t end there, though, as the tiger pose stimulates blood circulation in your abdomen. It also can help burn fat around the hips, thighs, belly, and waist, promoting happiness with your physical appearance.

6. Lateral Arc Stretch

This stretch bends your spine, helping to keep it flexible and healthy. It also relaxes the sides of your body as it stretches, which is part of the body that often gets ignored during stretching.

This stretching exercise also helps tone the muscles in and around your abdomen, hips, and waistline. It also reduces excess fat in your abdominal area. The lateral arc stretch improves liver function while also lengthening the hips, abdominal muscles, and thigh muscles.

7. The Cobra Pose

As you do the cobra pose, you will notice that you quickly begin to feel happier. This stretch promotes the circulation of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. It also helps you feel energized but relaxed if you do it at the start of your day.

The cobra pose can open and heal the heart chakra, allowing you to release grief and explore self-love. It also improves flexibility in your spine and releases stored energy in that area. This stretch improves posture, allowing less tension and tightness into your muscles.

Additionally, the cobra pose strengthens the muscles in your arms, shoulders, back, legs, and abdomen. It improves digestion, respiratory and cardiovascular health, and the health of your liver, kidney, and reproductive organs.

The best part of this stretch is that it brings a sense of optimism to your life. You will feel more positive and confident throughout the day.

Benefits of Stretching

If you still aren’t convinced that stretching exercises will help you wake up happier, there are even more benefits. Implementing stretching into your morning routine will improve mobility and help you prevent injuries, such as carpal tunnel and herniated disks. It eases muscle tension, reduces pain, and noticeably boosts your mood.

If you work at a desk, a morning stretching routine can help counter the uncomfortable effects. When you are hunched over a keyboard all day, tension, pain, and tightness build up. Staying happy is impossible when you are always tense and in pain, but stretching exercises can help.

Additionally, you will notice improved flexibility and respiratory function. Regular stretching can also help you heal faster and maintain a healthier lifestyle. You will quickly recognize an improvement in your overall well-being, and you will be happier because of it.

Plus, you will experience less stress and anxiety, and you will be more alert throughout the day. You will be more resilient when unexpected situations occur, and you will make better last-minute decisions.

Stretching in the morning can also help you get better sleep during the night. You will fall asleep easier and get higher quality sleep, helping you feel more rested and refreshed the next day.

Final Thoughts on Stretching Exercises to Help You Wake Up Happier

Implementing stretching exercises into your morning routine can help you wake up happier each day. You will experience less stress and anxiety, and you will be more resilient to unexpected changes. Making decisions will come easy for you, and you won’t question yourself as much because your confidence improves.

Alternate your morning stretches by trying some of these exercises when you wake up. You will quickly notice the benefits as you align your muscles and improve your well-being. These stretches can easily be adapted to fit your lifestyle, and you can do them anywhere.

The goal with these stretching exercises is to get your body moving first thing, without fast or jerky motions. As you implement stretching into your morning routine, keep all of the benefits in mind. If you think about the happiness your new routine will bring, you will notice the positive effects even more.

4 Reasons Never to Give Up On Yourself

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt close to quitting an endeavor? Maybe you’re at a point in your life now where things feel hopeless and pointless, and you’re just ready to throw in the towel. Well, we’re here to give you some encouragement, and science-backed facts, about why you should keep going. Always. Here are four reasons never to give up on yourself.

1.    You Have Control

You are the only person who can make decisions in your life. It is your choice how you act, how you respond to different circumstances, and what your paradigm is. Yes, there are things outside of your control, and many people who want to give up on themselves focus a lot on those things. But there are also plenty of things that you can be the boss of.

Concentrating on the control that you do have can empower you to continue. Why give up when you can make things work with that power you hold? Here are some ways that you have control:

·         All Problems Have Solutions

give upThis fact is simple: no matter what problem you face in life, there is a solution to it. You have to find it. This means that it is up to you whether you seek a solution or allow the problem to win, as regardless of a problem’s difficulty, the answer does exist out there somewhere. Better yet, there are often many different potential solutions, giving you more control over which one you can choose. Try brainstorming, seeking outside opinions, and exploring multiple options, and you’ll find that you have a lot of control over how your problems play out.

·         Your Reality Is Yours To Dictate

The way you experience your life and how you view it is entirely up to you. Only you have full say over your perception, and you get to decide how you respond to all sorts of different situations, no matter how negative or positive they are. This means it’s up to you if what you’re experiencing is an unfair struggle or a chance to learn, or if it’s a sign that it’s time to give up or a call to action and an attractive challenge. Harness that power to change your reality and boost your positive thinking!

·         You Already Have Everything You Need

You are strong and powerful. You’re capable of doing a great many things. You have tremendous strengths and surprising talents, and you already come with everything necessary to go far in life and succeed. You’re unique, and that combination that makes up who you are provides you with the required tools. Don’t forget that all those positive parts of you and all your strengths can prove themselves useful in all sorts of situations.

2.    There Is Something Waiting For You

You may want to give up because you feel that there is nothing out there for you, but that’s false. The reality is that there are things that wait in the future of your journey that you would love to see, and those things would be a huge pity to miss out on if you give up! Some things are waiting for you.

·         Purpose

Don’t feel discouraged if you haven’t found a sense of purpose yet. Having a sense of purpose is a highly positive force in your life, improving your physical and mental wellbeing. But many people take time to get there, and they find it along the way on their long journeys to success. That could be true for you, too! Plus, purpose can be very varied and look like a lot of different things. Someone’s goal can be as lofty as being a renowned philanthropist or as simple as having a family and loved ones surrounding them. You’ll find out what yours is – but you have to keep going first!

·         Success

Here’s the truth: success is waiting for those who work smart and don’t give up. It is a certainty in those who play their cards right. How can you play your cards right? By not giving up, which will give you more opportunities to learn how to be savvy as you work towards success. In other words, the act of not giving up is already your first step towards almost inevitable success.

·         What You Deserve

You deserve to be happy and to achieve your goals. You deserve to learn more about yourself and discover what matters most to you. And you also deserve not to give up on yourself. Don’t let yourself down – keep pushing forward so you can reach the things that are rightfully yours!

michael jordan3.    Failure Is Important

Giving up can often occur when you think you’ve failed, as you feel discouraged and unmotivated by the perceived failure. But what you don’t realize is that this failure is instrumental to your future successes. This is because:

·         Failure Gets You Used To Discomfort

The easier people have their lives, the less likely they are to handle impending failures and issues. Think about it: who’s more likely to have a robust and keep-going response to challenges – someone who’s already been through and bested their past hurdles, or someone who’s never had to work a hard day in their life? When you fail, you become more used to the feelings that come with it. You get accustomed to the concept of being uncomfortable or picking yourself up after a failure. And, in turn, this means you’re more comfortable taking risks and expanding your horizons beyond your initial comfort zone – and that helps to increase your chances of success!

·         Failure Teaches Lessons

When you fail, you get the opportunity to learn from the mistakes that led to those failures. You can reflect on what happened, find its root causes, address those root causes, and work on ways to avoid similar events in the future. The next time you face a similar challenge, you’ll be armed and prepared with the knowledge from the failures you’ve had before, increasing your chances of success each time.

·         Failure Increases Your Resilience

Resilience refers to mental fortitude and strength, often of an emotional kind. It means having the ability to pick yourself back up and bounce back from difficult, painful, or harmful scenarios. When you’re not used to failure, every single mistake hurts. But the more you get used to it, the stronger you’ll be, and the less likely you are to want to give up. It can be an uphill battle at first as you build resilience, but this trait is crucial to positive wellbeing and can be instrumental in your success.

·         Failure Lets You Re-evaluate

Sometimes, being so forward-driven can mean you don’t have the time to stop and think about your approach or if your goals have changed. When you fail, you’re hitting a red light that tells you, “hey, it’s time to pause and reflect on this.” Failure gives you a reason to pause and take a good, long look at yourself. Is this the path you want to be on? Has your approach been flawed? Are there things you’ve been ignoring that need more attention, or are there things you’ve focused too much on? Do your priorities remain the same? Use failure to be productive, and you won’t want to give up anymore!

4.    You’re Almost There

One of the biggest problems with giving up on yourself is that it’s a huge, colossal waste. You’ve worked so hard and for so long, and you’re going to throw it all away. If that thought already makes you have less positive thinking towards the idea of giving up, then consider this – you could be almost there and then lose it all due to giving up. Here are some thoughts to keep in mind along this vein:

·         You Can Never Tell How Close You Are To Success

There is something especially sad about giving up right before you would have found success or the desired breakthrough. And you never know – that sad thing could be happening right now to you. You could be so close, and you’d have no idea until you get there.

Do you want to risk that?

·         You May Be Past The Point Of No Return

There comes the point in your journey where you’ve made enough commitments that you can’t simply turn around and go back on them – but ironically, this is where many people cut and run. The pressure heightens, and things can feel overwhelming, so people sacrifice everything they’ve done to throw in the towel and escape to a safe zone that is now no longer reliable. It’s a shame, and you’ll be much worse off if you go back on yourself than if you see things through and then fail.

·         Assuming You Are Always Almost There Can Keep You Going

An “almost there” mentality can fill you with positive thinking and help keep you moving forward. It’s a great source of intrinsic motivation, which studies are reasonably clear is the most positive way to develop a healthy sense of self-determination. It makes you want to seek success for your sake, not for any external factors. When balanced well with the ability to congratulate yourself on progress and the achievement of milestones and goals, and “almost there” way of thinking fuels your drive forward in powerful ways.

·         You Truly Are Always Almost There

People often assume that success will be a massive transformation, so they tend to give up on themselves when they don’t see that significant change in their lives. But that’s not the case at all. That significant change is happening all the time. Every step you take towards your personal goals, you’re actively participating in that evolution. Don’t forget that you’re always almost there because you’re continuously improving and moving towards your new goals and achievements. The transformation happens all the time!

As a disclaimer, remember that being “almost there” doesn’t mean you have to work yourself to the bone. There is a difference between giving up and simply taking a rest to recharge. There is no shame in needing to rest even if you genuinely are almost there. A little break to focus on self-care can be the best thing you can do for yourself to push yourself through the finish line.

giving upFinal Thoughts On Some Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up On Yourself

Giving up on yourself is never the answer. It’s okay to take breaks, but remember that you have the power to move forward, learn from failures, claim what lies ahead, and finally reach your goals!

If You Dream About Death Often, This Is What It Means

Nobody wants to think about death, especially their own. It’s even more disturbing if you dream about dying. Perhaps it’s one of the most prominent night vision themes.

Are dreams about death an ominous warning of doom, or could they be a bit of overnight indigestion? Is the Universe trying to bring you to terms with mortality? Whether you have visions of yourself or your loved one passing away, it can cause severe stress and sleepless nights.

Fascination with dreaming is as old as humankind. Everybody dreams, whether they remember them or not, shares an article published by the Sleep Foundation. The report says that most people dream about two hours every night, which can happen in any sleep state.

However, when you go into the most profound sleep state, called REM, your dreams can be more vivid and memorable. If you are experiencing troublesome dreams about death, you probably have them during REM state. Your brain activities are more active, and nightmares tend to be more bizarre.

On the other hand, when you dream during lighter sleep states, they’re more apt to be about everyday happenings. These surface dreams are often the ones you probably forget. REM dreams often have recurring themes that can be puzzling or even frightening.

About Those Dreams

breathe darling memeWhat is your dream style? Some people dream in black and white, like a noir film, while others see bright colors. Even people born blind have dreams, although theirs are grounded in their sense of sound, smell, and touch.

According to an article published by the Review of Neurosciences, dreaming serves many purposes. They can contribute to brain maturation and learning, giving you a deeper glimpse into your subconscious. Unfortunately, many of your dreams are the results of wishful thinking.

Since dreaming is firmly rooted in the human condition, it has constants for everyone. First, when you dream, you are always the first-person observer. Secondly, your dreams will be framed in a setting, not just floating in blank space.

So, this article concludes that an integral reason for human dreams may be to develop your sense of identity. As the omnipresent observer in your dreams, you learn at an early age that you are separate from your surroundings.

Two Universal Dream Themes

Talk to anyone worldwide, and you’ll find they share the same themes in their dreams as you do. The background may be a little different, but the themes are consistent. Often, a dream may reoccur during times of stress or indecision with these themes.

1 – Lost, Naked, and Afraid

How many times have you dreamed that you were back in high school and forgot where your class was? Maybe you see yourself walking into a crowded room and notice to your horror, that you’re stark naked. Some people may attribute these universal themes as a subtle indication that you feel self-conscious.

When you have those dreams, they probably don’t bother you much. You understand that they are familiar and harmless. Nevertheless, most people experience these themes periodically for the rest of their lives.

2 – I’ve Fallen, and I Can’t Wake Up

Another common dream theme is falling down an endless flight of stairs or through a bottomless abyss. When you dream of falling, you may awaken slightly panicked. You might feel your body slightly jerk as if you are trying to catch yourself.

Falling dreams are often scary because of your body’s reflexes and because they have been historically viewed as a bad omen. Many cultures believe that it predicts your premature death if you dream of falling and hitting the ground.

While some people may have passed away after having such dreams, it’s merely a coincidence. Your brain often uses falling as a symbol of you feeling frustrated or helpless in a situation. When you fix the problem, you may notice that your falling dreams have gone.

The Darker Side of Dreams

Since you are asleep and your brain can’t chat with you, it uses symbols in your dreams. For example, you may be hoping for a job promotion, so you may dream about flying effortlessly through the sky. Sometimes, you may have strange night visions representing inner conflict or other challenges.

However, sometimes your dreams take a more sinister approach, at least it seems to you. These dark dreams are alarming, especially when they reoccur in the same way. Here are the two most notorious ones:

dream about death1 – The Phantom Chaser

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You are in a deep slumber when you suddenly see yourself running for your life. You don’t know who or why someone or something is chasing you in this dream.

The setting is usually dark, in an open field, or down a lonely road. It feels like you are moving in slow motion, and you try to scream but can’t. It’s like a scene in a bad horror movie.

Your body is pumped with adrenaline, and the fear is natural. Fortunately, your brain is equipped with a mechanism that keeps you from running in your sleep and getting injured. Nevertheless, when you awaken, you feel shaken and wonder about the dream’s meaning.

The good news is that having an unknown pursuer is just a brain symbol. It can usually mean that you are running away from an important decision. On the other hand, others may interpret it as some past wrongs that must be rectified.

2 – Dreaming of Dying

Perhaps one of the scariest themes is when you dream about death. Although you have friends, family, and beloved pets deceased, your mind still can’t grasp the end. Instead, your brain protects you from this fear with a false sense of immortality.

If you dream about death, you may consider it more of a nightmare than a dream. As with the falling theme, death dreams have always been linked with evil premonitions. History abounds with stories about people who foretold someone’s demise or their death while being in a dream state.

Again, such tales are coincidental and aren’t based on reality. However, it’s a morbid theme, and understandably, it would upset you. Who wants to see themselves or someone else die in their dreams?

3 – Are You Going to Die?

Of course, you’re mortal and will eventually have your appointment with death. However, if you chronically worry and stress about dying, you’re missing the beauty of life in the present. Yes, a dream about death is unpleasant, but it’s not a premonition.

Having a dream about death doesn’t always mean a physical end. Instead, it is usually symbolic of your current situation in life. When you think about these situations, you can better understand your dream’s message.

4 – Dreams about Funerals

If you dream that you are attending a funeral, your mind is signaling the end of something. Maybe there are some things in your life that you need to lay to rest, like bitterness. If you’re attending a friend or loved one’s funeral in the dream, perhaps it’s time to bury your differences.

5 – Dreams about A Dead Body

It’s gruesome at best, but you may envision a dead body when you dream about dying. However, what you see isn’t a natural body but a representation of loss in your life. Losing your job or a broken relationship is like death; your brain may use that figuratively.

6 – Walking through a Cemetery

A dream about death can also be set in a cemetery, a place of eternal rest for the dead. It is usually a dark and stormy night in your dream. Perhaps you will unwillingly see your tombstone, as Dickenson’s classic Scrooge did.

All these creepy elements are enough to turn your dream into a nightmare. So, does this death dream act as a warning that you’ll soon be a resident of the city of the dead? Once again, your brain uses dark symbols to bring things to light.

What are you harboring in your mind that you must bring into the open? Maybe there are some past traumas or mistakes that need to stay buried. On the other hand, your dreams may encourage you to leave the graves and return to the living where you belong.

7 – Dreams about a Violent Death

Dreams about being murdered are so traumatic that they would be classified as nightmares. However, you can learn much about your subconscious, even from these horrific dreams. For example, if you are experiencing a sudden change or being forced upon you, your brain may symbolize that someone is “killing” your comfort level.

If you chronically dream about death, it can eventually cause anxiety and depression. You may also lose sleep because you don’t want to have these repeated visions. Talk to a mental health professional or your primary healthcare provider for referrals.

dream about deathFinal Thoughts On Dreaming about Death

Dreams and their universal themes have intrigued humans since the beginning. If you dream of death, you can learn about your life through your brain’s symbols. They are often imagery of changes in your life and new experiences that are in your future.

5 Reasons Why You’re Indecisive (And 5 Ways to Reverse It)

Life is all about making decisions. From choosing what to eat to deciding on life-changing opportunities, each day is filled with options that you must pick between. If you have trouble with being indecisive, it can clog your life with unnecessarily wasted time.

Indecision is a common problem that many face, and it’s a complex topic with many potential causes and solutions. Here are five reasons why you’re indecisive and ways to reverse that in 5 methods.

5 Reasons Why You’re Indecisive

Do any of these traits sound like you?

1.    You’re A Perfectionist

indecisivePeople may tout perfectionism as a positive thing, but its drawbacks can be easily seen within the term itself. Indeed, it’s the act of seeking perfection, something that is inherently impossible. There’s no way to make everything perfect all the time because nothing is perfect, and that’s part of what makes life interesting.

Studies have found that perfectionism is linked to indecisiveness. This is because:

  • Perfectionism can often mean fear of not getting the best outcome, making it hard to make decisions when even a slightly less favorable result would be condemned as imperfect.
  • Perfectionism can stem from childhood upbringing; if you were in an environment where being right was more important than learning and growing, your desire to be right can muddle decision-making with an obsession with getting it right.
  • Many decisions involve unknown elements, and perfectionists like to analyze every bit of knowledge to make the best decision, even when that knowledge isn’t available.

2.    You Are Afraid

Fear is a powerful motivator. Being afraid can make someone act out of character, show their true colors after years of hiding, or trap someone in a stagnant, frozen state – that’s how powerful it can be. And being frozen in fear is a quick way to become too frightened to decide anything. You might be afraid that:

  • You’ll make the wrong decision
  • You will lose valuable safety nets
  • You’ll have to deal with change and adjustments
  • You won’t be able to know what’s coming next
  • You’ll suffer as a result of your choices
  • You’re not good enough for your decisions

These kinds of fears quickly prevent you from solidifying a choice. The consequences for that choice are ones you may not ever want to face. Worse still, this can result in you making no decisions at all and winding up in an even worse situation than if you’d just picked anything at all.

3.    You’ve Lost Sight Of Your Goals

Big decisions are all about choosing which ones best align with your personal goals. When you’ve lost sight of where you’re heading in life, it’s easy for choices to become harder to make. You don’t feel the pull of your passions and drive as strongly, so you’re crippled as to what would best help you.

On top of that, the act of overthinking and anxiety can drive you even further away from properly keeping your goals in mind. You don’t know what you want any more, and you slip into uncertainty as the things you’re aiming for don’t make sense to you at the time. Without a clear guiding light, you don’t know where your desires to point, which can contribute to decision-making difficulty.

4.    You Have A Scarcity Mentality

A scarcity mentality refers to the concept of believing that there is a limited, or scarce, amount of resources in the world. This thinking doesn’t refer to more significant big-picture crises where resources are limited. However – it relates to the idea that there is only a certain amount of success that can happen to humanity, and if you miss out, other people will claim those remaining spaces.

The concept exists in many forms, but the ways it may be affecting your decision making include:

  • Causing a belief that every decision must involve a close look at every minute detail necessitates full evaluation to a microscopic level of every aspect of these decisions.
  • Altering psychological, neural processing at a subconscious level, leading you to make decisions based on the fear of losing out (according to research).
  • Freezing you amid complex calculations into the future, involving outcomes you cannot possibly accurately guess or know.
  • Believing that others are your competition, causing you to factor their thoughts and personal path into your decision-making.

5.    You Want To Please Everyone

It’s okay to enjoy making others happy. But at the end of the day, you can’t be responsible for others, nor can you successfully please everyone in your life. Some of the decisions you make will face disagreement and discord, and you’ll have to make choices against the wishes of the people around you.

If you’re trying to please everyone and gain everyone’s validation and approval, it’s pretty apparent that indecision will follow. You emphasize the desires of others instead of your own. While it’s good to listen to other perspectives and accommodate some people in certain circumstances, decisions regarding your life have to be influenced primarily by you.

breathe darling meme5 Ways To Reverse Being Indecisive

Are you ready to become more firm in your decisions? Take a look at this advice.

1.    Ask Who You’re Aiming To Please

It’s true that sometimes, you have to make decisions while taking into account certain other people. That can make choices more difficult, especially if it’s reasonable to include them. But if you’re indecisive by nature, the chances are that you tend to try to please too many people at once.

So ask yourself: who are you trying to please with your decisions? And should you care about their thoughts on your choices? For example, are you:

  • Trying to prove yourself to someone who isn’t worth the effort or the wasted decision?
  • Aiming to please everyone around you, including people with opposite opinions on the matter?
  • One of the people you include in your considerations people whose opinions shouldn’t have a say in your choices?
  • Someone who you’re trying to please known for being a perfectionist or demanding the impossible?

Consider if you’re allowing yourself to try and please too many people. It might be time to let some of them down gently. Remember, when you’re making decisions about your personal life, only your say matters in the end. It’s your responsibility to make choices and deal with the consequences, so why should anyone else get a say?

2.    Think Well Of Yourself

Many indecisive people are also insecure or have low self-esteem, which leads to:

  • Fear of being unable to make the right decision or a lack of trust in their capabilities to handle any possible consequences.
  • Thinking you’re not worthy enough for certain decisions and outcomes that could otherwise positively affect your life.
  • Acts of seeking validation from others by making decisions that will please, accommodate, impress, or receive attention or praise.

This is why positive thinking when you consider yourself is so important. Being aware of your strengths allows you to feel more confident in making decisions, as you know what you’re capable of and are more assured in your thought processes. Cultivate healthy self-esteem by listing and appreciating your strengths and feeling validated intrinsically.

3.    Understand The Broadness Of The Decision

There’s a broad spectrum of different choices, with varying severities, degrees of urgency, and degrees of importance. Fully comprehending where a decision lies on that spectrum will allow you to respond appropriately instead of rushing an extensive choice or overthinking a small matter. Here are some questions to consider:

·         What Matters Most In This Choice’s Outcome?

What do you want to come out of the choice that you’re making? Do you want personal happiness? Do you want to keep the peace? Are you looking for practical answers that may not be the most interesting but are essential for more profound reasons? Focusing on what is essential can allow you to hone in on the exact details required to make your decision.

·         How Far-Reaching Is The Choice?

How will this decision affect you in the future? And how will it affect you in ten days? How about in ten months? How about in ten years? Something that will have semi-permanent effects on you is likely to be worthy of more consideration than something that won’t matter anymore in a week. You will feel less indecisive once you put this into perspective.

·         Can The Choice Be Reversed?

Once you make this decision, can you go back on it? Will you be able to wing it if you see that things aren’t going to plan? If it is changeable, what will the effects of change be? A decision with long-term, unchangeable results requires more careful thought than something you can go back on.

4.    Visualize The Outcomes

If you’re having trouble deciding what to do, it can be helpful to try imagining the possible outcomes. Consider trying these actions why you feel indecisive:

  • What is the best-case scenario for each choice? Imagine them.
  • What’s the worst-case scenario for each choice? How will you handle those scenarios? Imagine yourself handling them.
  • What is your goal outcome? Imagine it. Which of the envisioned scenarios fits best, and which one are you more ready to handle adverse effects of?

Creative visualization can help you to make decisions by giving you a projection of yourself at your best. The goal is to visualize a good outcome with positive thinking or imagine yourself capably handling negative ones. You’ll feel more confident in your choices after this, and the visualization may help you realize what’s important.

5.    Forgive Past Bad Decisions

Holding onto past bad decisions can cripple you when you need to make new ones. The mistakes of your past may haunt you and cause you to second-guess regularly, which ironically may lead to more flawed decisions that generate more failure.

Forgive yourself for the bad decisions you’ve made, and then practice validating your new choices. Remember the times that you have successfully chosen well, and remember how you overcame terrible choices, too.

indecisiveFinal Thoughts On Why You’re Indecisive And How To Reverse That

It’s okay to take your time to choose between different options in your life, but not every decision is worthy of rumination. Suppose your indecisive tendencies are beginning to mess with you in earnest, time-consuming, or even problem-causing ways. In that case, it’s time to learn to step back and make decisions with a more transparent and more efficient mindset.

Why People Lose Relationships Even When Their Partner Loves Them

Love is complicated, and sometimes it isn’t enough to make people stay together. You can love someone with all your heart, but it doesn’t mean that it’s they’re the right person for you or the situation is ideal. You can lose relationships even when you both love each other very much.

What if the one you love isn’t there anymore by your side? When you first became a couple, you were inseparable. You sent texts every chance you got, and you must have told each other how you felt at least ten times a day.

However, life and circumstances get in the way. It doesn’t mean your love has changed, but the newness of your union has worn off. There are no more random trips out of town just so you can be alone, as your work schedule doesn’t permit such things.

You Must Nourish Love

lose relationshipsYou’ve stopped sending flowers just because she’s had a bad day, or perhaps you’ve stopped giving him cards to tell him how you genuinely feel. Once you’ve been together for any time, you settle into a pattern of predictability. Why do you think so many people need to reinvent their relationships occasionally?

The issue is that you will lose your loved one if you don’t wake up and realize that having a relationship takes work. Assume you bought a plant from the nursery for your home. What would happen to that plant if you didn’t water it when it gets dry?

It wouldn’t take long before the plant would wither up and die.

The good news is that many plants can be salvaged and brought back to life even in a decaying drought. The same can be said about your relationships. Even though things may appear beyond the point of return, there is always hope if little life is left.

Top Ten Reasons Why People Lose Relationships

Do you ever wonder why people lose relationships, even when they started so sizzling hot? What causes the flame of love to fade on a couple who still has feelings for one another? Have they become drowned by the cares of life? Here are the top reasons why people drift away from one another.

1. Communication Dies

Communication is an essential part of any relationship. While you can’t wait to talk to your partner initially, you may find that it’s not so easy to talk as things go on. If you don’t converse with one another, how will you know what you’re thinking, feeling, or going through in life?

One of the biggest reasons people lose one another is that they stop communicating, which builds walls around their hearts. It also leaves the door open for speculation and their lover’s mind to go wild with why you’re no longer communicating with them.

2. Priorities Are Off Balance

People have time for what they want to do in life. In the first days of your relationship, you would stay up all night long talking on the phone or texting. Do you remember dragging into work the following day because you had little sleep from all the activities the night before?

When the newness begins to wear off, you know that sleep is more important than impressing someone who already loves you. The sad part is it’s easy to let job responsibilities, exhaustion, and other issues get in the way of your time with your lover. Remember, if he or she is a priority in your life, then you can and will make time for them.

3. Taking One Another For Granted

When’s the last time you complimented her on her beautiful hair? When did you last tell him how much you love his cologne? It’s important to say those things to one another when trying to solidify the relationship, but it’s easy not to feel the need to say such things once you capture their heart.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for two months or twenty years; it’s your responsibility to make the other person feel needed and wanted. Many people lose relationships because they don’t tell their partner what they long to hear, and they find someone else who is more than eager to say such things to them.

4. Low Self-Esteem

Many times, people don’t stay together has nothing to do with anything you’re doing wrong, but the issue is that you don’t feel like you measure up. Low self-esteem may make you think you don’t meet your partner’s expectations. You may fear intimacy and want to shy away from any romance because you’re afraid you’re not good enough.

It’s important to talk about esteem issues and let the other person know what you’re feeling. They can help you discuss some of these matters and reassure you that your thoughts are not theirs.

5. Financial Troubles

When you take the step to get married or move in together, you may struggle with finances. The New York Post referenced research conducted by the Austin Institute for The Study of Family and Culture. The focus was using data from over 4,000 people who filed for divorce.

They wanted to uncover the most common reasons why marriage doesn’t always work. They found that financial issues are among the most prevalent reasons for couples to split. Whether you’re not making enough money or the other party is spending it like you’re printing it in the basement, financial problems can take a significant toll on a union.

financial habits6. Infidelity

If your partner isn’t your top priority, you’re leaving the door open for someone else to enter your heart. When you don’t communicate properly and lack the connection you once had, you’re setting yourself up for some real issues. Infidelity doesn’t mean that you don’t love the one you’re with; it simply means that there is something wrong in your relationship that you’re not addressing.

Dr. Joel Block is a psychologist at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, and he helped collaborate an article on their blog. He states that an affair is a mental exit strategy to a relationship that’s in trouble. After many years of counseling, he sees cheating as a sign that one party wants out.

7. Ignoring One Another’s Needs

Every person alive has needs that are emotional and physical. When you’re not meeting those needs, then it’s one way you can lose relationships. Your partner needs you to be intimate with them, as it’s one way to show love.

Additionally, they need you to hold them when they cry, be there when their world is crashing down, and support them. When you stop caring about the other person’s needs or put them ahead of theirs, it’s a recipe for disaster.

8. Commitment Issues

Love and commitment are two vastly different things. If there’s something in either one of your pasts that makes you suspicious of commitment. Indeed, it can be rough to make it long-term.

When a cheating partner hurts you or you watch your parents go through a painful divorce, it’s easy to fear commitment. However, the other party may not be willing to remain in the friend zone for long.

9. Untruthfulness

The only thing worse than someone not telling you what’s going on in their life is the person who lies about it. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone less than honest? Trust is one of the foundational building blocks of a partnership, and if you can’t trust each other, your relationship won’t last.

10. Sexual Incompatibility

Each person has a sex drive that is dictated by the hormones in their body. If one person has a higher drive than the other, it can cause some real issues. One party may desire to be together multiple times in a week, while the other person is satisfied just a couple of times a month.

It’s essential that even though you might not have the same drive for sex, you always consider the other person’s needs. You can quickly lose relationships if the person feels that their needs are going unmet.

lose relationshipsFinal Thoughts on Losing Relationships Even When You’re In Love

A famous songwriter once said that love is a battlefield, and this statement is absolute truth. Many folks don’t get into committed relationships because they know they take a lot of work to make things good. Even if you have a great partnership with your spouse, it didn’t just happen that way.

It would help if you always considered the needs of your spouse and their desires. Communicate with them and always be honest about your feelings. If finances are an issue, work through them so they don’t destroy your union.

If you don’t want to lose relationships, you must be willing to give yourself completely to someone you love.

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