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14 Behaviors That Reveal Histrionic Personality Disorder

There are many personality disorders recognized by the mental health community, but one of the more severe is histrionic personality disorder. This disorder’s severity stems from the person’s intense and unstable emotions that make them quite unbalanced. Since this individual has a twisted self-image, they want everyone to notice them.

The very root of the word means dramatic or theatrical, so it’s easy to see why HPD is a condition where the person’s emotional stability is volatile. According to the Cleveland Clinic, females tend to have this disorder more often than males. They also state that the signs of this mental health condition are usually displayed in childhood, but it can be diagnosed early in adulthood.

Signs of Histrionic Personality Disorder

With HPD, it’s not always easy to detect because the person has keen social skills. Sadly, they use these skills to manipulate and control those around them. They desire to be the center of attention in everything they do, so they can often be confused with a narcissistic or self-centered person.

Here are some classic behaviors that indicate that a person has a histrionic personality disorder.

histrionic1. Problems Maintaining Relationships

Like the classic manipulator, they cannot maintain relationships. They use people to make them feel better and to further their agenda. Relationships with family and friends are often strained, which is why there are few, if any, in their inner circle.

2. Dress Provocatively

To get attention, their attire stands out to get them noticed. This individual will wear the most outlandish clothing just so that people can’t help but look. Their poor self-esteem is boosted when someone looks at them longingly.

3. Uncomfortable Unless All Eyes Are on Them

The person suffering from histrionic personality wants all eyes on them. If others in the room are getting more attention, they will use emotional displays to shift the focus to themselves.

4. Shifting Emotions Rapidly

Their emotions are all over the board. They can be happy and on top of the world one minute, and the next minute they’re crying and wanting to end their life. Finding a happy medium is hard for a person who needs the constant approval of others to keep themselves going.

5. Acts Dramatically

Some might call this person the king or queen of drama. They will turn the smallest infraction into a huge ordeal. Everything is over the top, and people dread interactions with them because of their outlandish behavior.

6. Uses Suicidal Attempts for Attention

The person with HPD is not against using suicidal attempts to get attention. They want people to cater to them and rally around in support. They may like the attention they get from this behavior, and they may often use this threat to get their way.

7. Seductive and Flirtatious

Their seductive nature knows no bounds. They will flirt and seduce anyone in their presence. They openly use inappropriate advances to control people, and they have no problem with one-night stands, as long-term relationships don’t often work for them.

8. Bored by Routine

While some people thrive on routine, the HPD person finds it boring. Since they don’t like a set schedule, holding down a job may be impossible. They won’t be the type of person to sit home on the weekend with nothing to do.

They will find something to get into, even if it’s significant trouble. Some might say that they run to danger like a moth to a flame.

pop quote9. Makes Rash Decisions

Sure, these individuals make rash decisions, but their brain is working in overdrive. Their impulse control problems are similar to that of a person suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD.

Remember, this person is bored often, so they will do anything for a little fun. They don’t think twice before doing something most people would think long and hard over. Making big purchases or running away for a weekend with a stranger just seems like the thing to do. Sadly, they put themselves in harm’s way too frequently.

10. Self-Centered

No one is as important to the theatrical person as themselves. They think no one can do anything quite as good as they do. While this may be the persona they portray on the outside, inside is usually a deeply wounded individual who has been traumatized by something in life.

11. Extremely Sensitive to Criticism

The HPD individual doesn’t like criticism, even if it’s meant to help. They find that anyone who calls them out on their behaviors is trying to hurt them deliberately. Due to their sensitive nature, going to therapy or getting help for their condition is challenging.

12. Very Gullible

While they tend to focus on themselves, they are very susceptible and don’t see when someone uses them. Their poor decision-making skills and rash movements often make them extremely sensitive to getting involved in sinister things. So, you might not be surprised to learn this person has a history with the law or a substance abuse problem too.

13. Starts Many Projects but Doesn’t Finish Them

Their attention span and tendency to be easily bored means that most projects they start don’t get finished. People have learned in their dealings that they can’t count on them to get the job done. This individual may start with the best of intentions, but their hyperactive brain just goes in circles.

14. Needs the Constant Reassurance and Approval of Others

Something happened in their life that destroyed their self-worth, so they desire others’ approval at all costs. They need that constant reassurance from others, even if it’s strangers, that their life is okay.

What Causes Histrionic Personalidy Disorder?

Not much is known about the origins of this mental health condition. However, the medical community believes that there are genetic links, according to an article on the National Library of Medicine. Since this disorder is often found in families, like bipolar and schizophrenia, it’s believed there are inherited components.

It’s important to note that some children who grow up with a person suffering from HPD might mimic their behaviors. They may learn that it’s socially acceptable to use people to get their way. While this is not indicative of the disorder, poor parenting and a chaotic childhood can be a factor.

Genetics is one possibility of developing this condition, but many environmental influences cannot be ignored. A child who has suffered from damaging psychological situations might use some of the behaviors of HPD as coping mechanisms.

For instance, a kid who was severely neglected by parents who didn’t have time for them may crave attention to fill the void. They can develop such a condition to ease the chaos they feel in their mind.

Treating Histrionic Personality Disorder

As with any mental illness, there is no cut and dry treatment that works for all.

The person who suffers from HPD doesn’t see the need for care as most don’t believe that they have a problem. Treatment is brutal when they don’t like routine and fight any changes.

They may be willing to accept help for specific aspects of the condition, like depression or anxiety, but they don’t consider the bigger picture. The best way to treat a person with HPD is by using psychotherapy. During treatment, the therapist tries to get to the root of their fears, which is the cause of their behaviors.

Uncovering the motivation behind these actions can be quite scary, and therefore so many are resistant to care. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps the person suffering from HPD learn how to treat others more positively so that they can have meaningful relationships.

Since this mental health condition affects social, professional, or romantic relations, they must seek treatment to have any normality in their life. It’s not uncommon for this individual to suffer from deep depressive moods when their tactics to get attention and compensate for their negative feelings don’t work.

histrionicFinal Thoughts on Histrionic Personality Disorder

HPD falls under “Cluster B” personality disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM-5. Due to the nature of personality disorders, they’re often hard to treat. Someone suffering from histrionic personality will battle this condition lifelong in most instances.

If you regularly deal with this person, you will need firm guidelines in what will be acceptable to you. It’s increasingly challenging to have any relationship with this individual, so encouraging them to seek treatment is advisable. With therapy and a healthy support system, the person with HPD can have a good, quality life.

The goal is to retrain the brain to view situations differently and get at the core issues driving these toxic behaviors. When trauma and environmental factors are to blame, processing these events can help to bring relief and ease the internal struggle. Genetic components are harder to fight, but therapy can be a useful tool to cope.

Woman Reinvents Herself With 115 Pound Weight Loss

When you have the urge to reinvent yourself, it usually stems from a strong desire for change. People go through many transformations, but weight loss is the most common life change by far. In our world of modern food choices, staying healthy and fit is a real challenge. However, with practice and consistency, it can be done.

Marissa Dawn went on this journey herself, losing 115 pounds in the process! She now works as a personal trainer and does online coaching as well. Here is her uplifting and motivating weight loss story.

“My starting weight was 260 pounds, and I was like a lot of other people,” Marissa says. In the beginning, she thought she’d missed out on many opportunities in life. She thought she was stuck forever being overweight, at a job she hated, and in a relationship that didn’t make her happy.

“Overall, I just thought my life was what it was and there was no changing it, no matter how hard that I had tried.”

However, she quickly found out that she could reinvent herself at any time; she didn’t have to settle. After beginning her weight loss journey, she documented her results on her Instagram and YouTube channel. She never imagined she’d have a fulfilling new career helping others achieve their fitness goals as well. Now, her YouTube channel has over 120K subscribers, and she’s been voted the #1 personal trainer in the San Antonio area.

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“I have gone through my very own 115-pound weight loss journey, but more importantly, I went through a major mindset shift along the way, and this is how I did it,” Marissa says. “One of the main reasons I decided to lose weight is because I realized that my body was no longer serving me.”

Marissa decided to reinvent herself to feel good in her own skin again.

She says that at 25 years old, she couldn’t walk and keep up with friends while in New York City. She had to hold her breath, experiencing chaffing on her thighs and getting quickly overheated and red in the face. Marissa felt embarrassed and uncomfortable in her own skin like she was suffocating. Feeling this way made her want to lose weight for good so she could enjoy life again.

When she returned home from her trip to New York, she went to the doctor and got diagnosed with pre-diabetes. This motivated her even more to reinvent herself and shed the excess weight she’d been carrying around. She had tried many times to lose weight in the past, but she finally found success this time thanks to fitness  gadgets like those on sale at

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Here are three main things that she attributes to her weight loss success:

How did she achieve this?

1. Holding herself accountable by making video diaries.

She put the video diaries on YouTube, which helped her stay accountable since other people followed her journey. They checked in with her once a week to see how much weight she had lost or what meals she’d made. They also asked her about the exercises she’d done to have inspiration for their own workouts.

2. Surprisingly, she said letting go of the idea of motivation helped her lose weight.

Instead, she focused on the process and procedures of losing weight. This way, it became part of her routine, whether she felt particularly motivated each day or not. By taking the necessary steps to reach her goal and putting feelings aside, she found it easier to maintain a routine.

3. Finally, she turned her weight loss journey into a fun experience.

Many people end up quitting the gym or whatever exercise routine they have because it’s simply grueling. However, Marissa wanted to find exercises she enjoyed to stick with the process to the end. She found that dance classes, HIIT body workouts, and lifting weights made exercise fun.

So, by holding herself accountable, sticking to the process no matter what, and making exercise fun, Marissa reached her goal. Actually, she ended up losing more weight than she ever imagined, having a whole new lease on life. By reaching her goals, she found a whole new passion and career path as well. Plus, since people had watched her lose weight, they felt even more inclined to hire her as their personal trainer.

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Marissa’s advice to anyone looking to reinvent themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally

“My biggest piece of advice for somebody who’s just getting on a weight loss journey and the same piece of advice that I give to all of my clients is to stop focusing on instant gratification,” Marissa says. “You have to be focused on the long term, so really ask yourself throughout the day, check-in with yourself, be mindful, get rid of negative self-talk. You CAN do it, you are worthy, you’re meant to be whatever you want to be in life, and it is never, ever too late for you.”

If Marissa can do it, you can too! For someone who reinvents themselves, they already know what they signed up for. They know the journey won’t be easy, but the reward waits for them at the end. Actually, the whole process itself is rewarding because every positive step gets you closer to your goal. Never give up on your dreams or yourself because you’re more capable than you think.

Final thoughts: you can reinvent yourself at any time and become whatever you want

Marissa’s story is a powerful reminder that we are not trees – we don’t have to stay stuck in life. We can move wherever and however we please and grow to become something totally different. In life, the only constant is change, so it doesn’t make sense to resist it. If we can embrace life by emboldening ourselves and realizing our inner power, we will no longer be bound by limits.

We leave you with this helpful piece of advice from Marissa’s Instagram:

“Instead of focusing on quick results, turn your focus towards just the system, aka the choices you are making. Make choices with a purpose, get the results you want. Make the same choices you have been; get the same results.

My journey started in 2016. I have been making choices with a purpose for four years now. And every year, I have gotten more and more results.”

Therapists Explain 5 Ways to Discipline Children Without Hurting Feelings

The methods to discipline children have evolved over the past two decades. Corporal punishment has been proven to be damaging to a child’s psychological well-being, and many studies have been used to validate this claim further.

One such study occurred at the Punjab University Laboratory School over six months.

The children in this study were divided into two groups. One group of children received corporal punishment, while the other was corrected using positive methods. The children with a more aggressive approach to discipline showed negative signs from their instruction. They didn’t have any desire to learn, and they had more psychological issues than the other students.

It’s easy to see that the old-fashioned philosophies of striking the child have done more harm than good. So, how does one discipline children healthily without hurting their feelings or psychological well-being?

Five Ways to Discipline Children Without Causing Further Pain

discipline childrenYou want to be a good parent, and you want your child to grow up well-rounded. You certainly don’t want to be the cause of why they’re sitting on a psychiatrist’s couch crying their eyes out about their childhood when they’re older. It’s your job as a mom or dad to guide them and provide instruction to make wise choices.

It seems like a simple task to keep your children in line, but parenting is not for the faint of heart. Did you know that many people who use corporal punishment acts are doing it to vent their frustrations in the actions rather than as an effective form of discipline? To balance this best, parents need to find positive ways to correct their children that don’t have long-term effects.

If your toddler has a temper tantrum and throws toys while screaming, does it make sense for you to yell and spank their bottom as a punishment? Essentially, you’re punishing the behavior by acting similarly. Here are five ways to discipline children without hurting their feelings or causing them more significant pain.

1. Time Out

Time out is an effective punishment that toddlers can use for teens, though the methods will vary. Children love to stay busy, and they don’t want you to interrupt them from their activities. For a toddler, having them sit in a dedicated spot where they can no longer play is the equivalent of torture.

While the action is essential, what you say during this period is even more beneficial. They must know that this is a natural consequence of their actions. You don’t want to call them names, shout, or be aggressive, but keep reminding them that they didn’t listen, so this is the result of their bad choices.

If the child is older, making them have time out in their room to think is advisable. Ensure they don’t have electronics and other devices as this is no pleasure sentence. You want them to pause and separate themselves from others for a short period to allow time to think.

The goal is to make them realize the error of their ways and give them the keys to empower them to make changes.

2. Grounding

Grounding will have little effect on a child until they’re old enough to understand the concept of loss. If you take a toy from a toddler who has 1,000 other toys, it’s not going to have an impact. However, if you take a video game system from a 15-year-old, it will send a powerful message.

Grounding is a consequence they will see as unfavorable, but it’s not psychologically damaging. Remember that if you’ve taken the game system ten times in the past month, it’s clear that this method is not practical for this child. Grounding should be from events and objects but never from things like the family dinner table, game night with their siblings, and other special events.

The goal is to never isolate the child from the family unit, where they draw their strength. You want to keep them engaged to feel isolated from their family, which can hurt their feelings and cause severe damage. No one wants to grow up feeling like an outsider, even if it’s due to their behavior.

oldest child3. Having A Heart-to-Heart Conversation

All kids are different, and what works for one will not work for another. If you have a child that needs a distinct look from you, then having a heart-to-heart may be a good form of correction. Sit the child down, look them right in the eye, and tell them why what they did was wrong.

Assume that your son climbed out his window to meet friends at midnight. You found out about it the next day from a neighbor. Your son needs to understand the severity of his actions. He could have been kidnapped, got hurt, got in trouble with the police for being out past curfew, or had many things happen.

Children don’t think about consequences, and they only live for the moment without forethought. Kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are notorious for having poor impulse control, but they’re not the only ones. Your child probably counted on the fact that he wouldn’t get in trouble because he had no intentions of being caught.

They should know how much they hurt you by their actions and how scared you were for their well-being. You must never use words like dumb, stupid, brain dead, loser, moron, or an idiot. These words should be erased from your vocabulary when it comes to discipline, as they cut like a knife and can cause long-term psychological damage.

4. Use the Reward System

One way to look at discipline is to counter bad behavior by honoring good deeds. Star charts and other accomplishment trackers are seen as positive forms of direction. If you lead them in the right way, then you will do less punishing. You can stop them from engaging in destructive behavior by allowing them to see what happens when they do right.

Children under ten years of age love seeing stars by their name, and a goal is accomplished. To be honest, don’t you like getting praise from your boss when you do a good job, and doesn’t it make you want to do even better? It feels good to be praised and told you did good, so one way to discipline children is to use positive reinforcement.

Why focus on all the negative stuff anyway? The reward system makes direction fun, and you get to play the “good cop” by praising and rewarding when they’ve done what is required. Plus, it feels so good to encourage rather than punish, and it can change the whole atmosphere and relationships in your home.

5. Create Diversions and Redirect

Redirection is a technique that is seen as positive. Rather than focusing on punishing the negative actions, why not redirect them into another activity? Assume your little three-year-old daughter won’t stop fighting with your five-year-old son over a toy.

It’s a little flashlight that isn’t that great of a toy anyway, but they are continuously fighting over who has control of it. If you let them argue, they can keep up these actions for long periods. The result may be a temper tantrum, physical violence, and an uncomfortable afternoon for all involved.

However, what if you cut off their wrong actions at the pass? Go over, remove the flashlight, and direct their attention to another activity. When you take the object out of the equation and turn the focus towards something else, then you can avoid all this drama.

Parents are guilty of letting things drag on because you learn to tune things out. If you’re scrolling social media or talking on the phone, you might not catch everything. However, being proactive allows you to create a more harmonious atmosphere in your home.

discipline childrenFinal Thoughts on Methods to Discipline Children Without Hurting Them

Think back to your childhood and how you were disciplined. What things would you change, and what did you think was acceptable? Was there anything that hurt you and caused you significant psychological discomfort?

When you discipline children, the goal is to learn from your parents’ mistakes and make wise choices in your child-rearing. Now, that’s easier said than done. It never fails; you will inevitably hear your mother or father coming out of your mouth at some point.

While you can take the good things about your child-rearing to direct your kids, you need to remember that society knows much more now about the long last effects of poor discipline. You don’t want to hurt your children’s feelings, nor do you want to cause them to be aggressive towards your future grandchildren.

If your children grow up in a home where there is name-calling, hitting each other, and mind games are used as forms of punishment, then it’s going to be impossible for them to be well-rounded and not affected. Kids don’t come with a manual, and it would be great if they did. You will find that each child responds differently to correction, and some need more assertive actions than others.

Counselors Explain Why Rebound Relationships Are A Bad Idea

It’s never easy to break up with someone with whom you shared a romantic relationship. Whether it was good or bad doesn’t matter; breaking up is hard to do. However, jumping right into another relationship seems like an excellent way to get over your heartbreak, but rebound relationships are a recipe for disaster.

Many people think the best way to get over one person is to fall for another, but it’s a bad idea. Rebound relationships are real, and there are feelings involved. While you may be coming out of a breakup, the other person may be ready, willing, and able to love you in the purest sense. You, on the other hand, have a lot of healing to do.

Sure, people get married on the rebound and even go on to find their true love, but it’s not always the case when you’re trying to get over someone else. You’re a human being, and you’re going to make mistakes along life’s journey. However, you must be careful because you tend to turn a blind eye to all the toxic things in a relationship when you’re in love.

The truth is that you need time to heal and to process all that’s happened in your previous union. While it feels good to move on and validate the feelings that you still have what it takes, it’s not always a sign that you’re over your ex. They say that it takes seconds to fall in love but a lifetime to get over it, and nothing could be more accurate.

Tales of Rebound Woes

Do you know how easy it is to jump into a rebound situation? Here are some speculative stories for you to consider.

rebound relationships• The Legal Nightmare

Destiny was successful in life and love. She and her boyfriend of four years were going strong until he cheated. Destiny didn’t have the time or effort she needed to put into a relationship as a busy lawyer.

When her boyfriend dumped her for another woman, she felt betrayed, angry, and wondered what people would think. Everyone believed they were destined to be together and going to get married. Rather than taking time to heal and reflect, she jumped into a new relationship within a week with a partner at the law firm.

The relationship was messy, and it ended badly within two months. Now, she must face this guy every day, and it’s made things tense at work.

• Depressed and Vulnerable

Consider William, an auto mechanic whose wife left him after ten years of marriage. He is devastated, and they have two kids that are tangled in this situation. William is so hurt by his wife leaving him that he sinks into a deep depression.

His friends suggest he come to a club with them where he meets Danielle. They instantly have a connection and become physical. The relationship becomes friends with benefits, but the rebound situation lasts but a few weeks.

William didn’t really know much about Danielle, but she stole a bunch of money from him. She had a criminal history and a substance abuse habit. Thankfully, he got away from her before things could get any worse.

• Used to Settle The Score

Lisa was a carefree spirit that everyone loved. She had lots of friends and a boyfriend of six years. When Chris decided that he wanted to move on and try new things, Lisa became devastated.

To get back at him for leaving her, she started dating his best friend, Mark. Mark didn’t really want to be with Lisa, but he wanted to get back at his friend for a grudge he harbored from years prior. Though he treated her well, he was never emotionally available to her.

Though Lisa fell hard for Mark because of his kind and caring nature, she ended up hurt even worse when she found out he had a secret mission of revenge and used her. She would have been better off to have never even entertained a relationship with him.

Ten Reasons Why Rebound Relationships Are A Terrible Idea

If you’ve faced a breakup, you may want to reconsider jumping into a rebound situation. It would help if you had time to mend, which can take months or even years. Here are some reasons why these relationships don’t work.

1. No Time to Reflect and Heal

It would be best if you had time to reflect on what happened, process it, and grow. Every life experience gives you a chance to take inventory and purge the bad things in you. If you don’t use this opportunity to fix yourself, it could be a disaster for the next relationship.

2. You Can Be Taken Advantage Of

You’re very vulnerable after a breakup, so you need to be careful. In this vulnerable state, you can be taken advantage of, especially if you get with the wrong person. Not everyone in the dating world will have your best interests at heart.

3. It Can Be Dangerous

It’s impossible to have rational thinking when your heart has been ripped in two. Your emotions are raw, and you might find yourself in potentially dangerous situations. Many people turn to drugs and alcohol to ease their pain, and they’re just asking for an even bigger problem.

4. You’re Not on Your “A” Game

You want to give your rebound relationship the best chance possible. However, once you’ve been hurt and are trying to heal, you’re not exactly on top of the world. You’re not ready to give yourself a hundred percent to your rebound because a piece of your heart still belongs to your ex.

pop meme5. It’s A Temporary Fix

Rebounds are often a temporary fix to a long-term issue. Sure, it feels good to be desired and intimate with someone again, but it’s only going to put a band-aid on the wound. The truth is that it’s going to take time, and you’re not allowing yourself the proper amount of time when you jump back into a relationship too soon.

6. Your Reputation Is On The Line

It’s not uncommon for people to get into a string of relationships because they don’t take time to address their feelings. You certainly don’t want to have the reputation of being fickle and irrational, and if you hop from one relationship to another, this is precisely what people will think.

7. Ends Chances of Reconciliation

Many couples have an on-again, off-again type of union. If you jump into another relationship, it decreases the chances of getting back with your ex. They may see you as moved on and let it go, which might be for the better anyway.

8. They Often Don’t Last

The Modern Man referenced a study on rebound relationships and how many end in disaster. It was discovered that more than 65 percent of these relationships wouldn’t make it to the six-month mark.

9. Usually More Damaging Than Therapeutic

Rather than helping you, having a relationship with someone that isn’t right can cause further damage. Since you’re so vulnerable, you’re likely to find that this new person will only make things worse, no matter how good of a person they are in life.

10. It’s About Your Ex – Not You or Your New Love Interest

The fact is that this new relationship isn’t about you or your new love interest. Rather, this new person is all about getting back at your ex. You want to show them, yourself, and the world that you still have what it takes to get someone. It feels good to show your ex that you don’t need them to make it and that many people still find you desirable.

Getting Your Mojo Back

You’ve found out all the reasons why these rebound relationships don’t last, but you need to know how to get yourself back to a good place. Here are a few tips to help you get your mojo back and heal.

•Stop blaming the other party and take accountability for what you’ve done wrong.

•Get counseling to help you get over this breakup and move on.

•Purge the negativity from your life so that you can be more positive about your future.

•Don’t rush things. Take all the time you need to heal.

•It’s okay to see people as friends, but you should be upfront and honest with them about your situation.

•Work on your self-esteem. Try using positive affirmations to boost your ego and help you feel better about yourself.

rebound relationshipsFinal Thoughts on Rebound Relationships

One of the best sayings out there is “don’t get bitter, get better.” You must acknowledge any wrongdoing on your part in this relationship so that you can move on. There are always three sides to every story, yours, theirs, and the truth.

Breakups are torturous, but the good news is, according to The Huffington Post, it takes about four months to get over a broken heart. They say that time heals all wounds, and there is undoubtedly some truth to that adage.

Rebound relationships complicate things, and they can make matters much worse. Do yourself and others a favor and allow yourself the proper time to heal so that you’re ready to be involved with someone for all the right reasons.

Special Needs Dog Learns to Use a Wheelchair, Leads a Happy Life

Hannah, a dog with special needs, lives a full life thanks to a wheelchair and her amazing owners. She has a hereditary neurological condition called cerebellar hypoplasia. This means that since birth, her cerebellum has been underdeveloped. Since this brain area controls motor movements, it affects Hannah’s mobility.

However, since Cassidy and her partner adopted Hannah, she’s been able to live a much happier life. Hannah spent her first three years of life in shelters and foster homes. Thankfully, she finally found her forever home in November 2019.

“We discovered Hannah through a rescue online in about October 2019,” Cassidy said. “We followed her story for about a month, and after she didn’t find a home still, we decided that we were going to apply to adopt her.”

Raising Hannah

They got to bring her home the following month after she’d just turned three years old. Cassidy and her partner then started training Hannah to walk in her wheelchair.

“Once she came home to us, we began working with her on her mobility. She’s unable to walk on her own – she wobbles, and she falls over,” Cassidy explained. “She came with a wheelchair, but she had never truly learned how to use it, so we kind of started there.”

It took a while for Hannah to get used to it, but she eventually got the hang of it. Now, she can explore both inside and outside with her mom’s supervision.

“After several months of trial and error – and practice – she now is able to get around by herself with a wheelchair while she’s outside.”

Hannah’s disability doesn’t seem to get her down. Cassidy says that she’s “always happy” and “is excited when you get home.”

Special needs dogs give so much love and deserve it in return.

While she can’t come up to the door to greet them, she shows her happiness differently. Cassidy says that Hannah’s whole body shakes with excitement on the couch when they walk into the house. Hannah has a dog brother named Coda and gets along great with him! They both love one another and seem to make an incredible team.

“He’s been such a blessing for her,” Cassidy said. “He knows how to play with her. He protects her; they’re just the best of friends.”

Cassidy says that they want to spread awareness about Hannah’s condition to others. They made her an Instagram account, in part, so that they can advocate for her. However, they also love having her around and want to spread that joy to others.

Cassidy says this:

“We share Hannah on social media for several reasons. One of the first ones is that she makes us very happy, and is very much a light in our lives. We share her to share that with others. Despite the cards that she’s been dealt, she doesn’t know she’s any different. Many of the dogs that have this condition don’t get a chance in life. This is another reason why we share Hannah, just to show that these dogs are out there, and they are spectacular. They deserve loving, forever homes just as much as any other dog.”

Hannah now has over 16,000 fans on Instagram, where she receives loving, supportive comments each day. Her life wasn’t always so happy, though. She was found as a stray in San Antonio, Texas, at ten months old. She went to rescue, and then a family decided to foster her for a year. However, because of all the extra work Hannah required, they chose not to adopt her.

Hannah finally found her forever family who truly loves her.

Hannah got transferred to a Wisconsin shelter, where Cassidy and her partner saw the special needs dog. Once they heard her story, they knew they had to bring her home. Hannah had just celebrated her third birthday and got the best present ever. Now, she could get the training and support she needed not only to survive but thrive.

Hannah now lives in Nebraska with her two moms and loving brother Coda. With plenty of wide-open spaces to practice with her wheelchair, it’s the perfect place for her. Hannah still struggles to steer the wheelchair due to her condition, but she practices almost every day. Cassidy and her partner give her love and patience, which is what she’s needed all along.

Along with the right support, special needs dogs like Hannah require proper training and guidance. She goes to hydrotherapy every week to improve her strength and mobility. Hannah is making fantastic progress with it thus far. Cassidy says that the vet recommends other therapies for her condition, but they are quite expensive.

Other needs emerge

Due to the costs, Hannah does not attend the additional necessary therapies. Cassidy says they also need additional supplies to make Hannah more comfortable. Her wagon is ripping on the side Hannah leans against, and they use it to transport her.

Additionally, they have been researching the right types of gear and outerwear for Hannah in colder temperatures. Hannah’s owners want her to enjoy the outdoors year-round, but her condition makes this challenging without the right equipment. If you’d like to help support their efforts, you can do so here.

Final thoughts: special needs dog finds a loving family to adopt her

Potential adopters often overlook special needs dogs like Hannah at shelters. People may get scared about the work or money involved in caring for these dogs. However, they still deserve a loving, supportive environment as much as any other dog.

Cassidy and her partner have worked hard to ensure Hannah has everything she needs. She does require various therapies and training, but Hannah’s moms don’t consider this a burden. In fact, they consider it a blessing to be able to help out a dog in need. Plus, Hannah doesn’t let her disability affect her outlook on life.

“Happy like Hannah is the motto that we use for her and is very much fitting of her.”

5 Things That Train A Child’s Brain to Be Happy

Your child’s brain is like a sponge that absorbs everything you teach them. Plus, they also pick up on your lifestyle and even your manner of speech. How many times have you slipped and said a curse word in front of your kid, only to hear them utter those words later?

Since your kids don’t know much about the world and life as you know it, they look to you for guidance. You can pat yourself on the back for being a good parent. You make sure they have clean clothes, food to eat, and they know they’re loved.

Sadly, there are sometimes that you and every other parent in the world get lazy. It’s understandable as you’re tired and stressed out. When you’re complacent in your efforts to guide your kids, it can cause them to lack the things they need to thrive and be happy.

It seems that as your children age and grow into a teenager, their problems become more extensive, and your abilities to resolve them diminish. Have you prepared your child for the struggles of life they will face as a teen and young adult? It’s so hard to see if your kid is okay, especially when they hide behind their smartphone or tablet.

When Unhappiness Causes the Unthinkable

child's brainWhat appears to be the face of a happy child could be a kid that is so miserable inside that he needs help. Please don’t fall for those fake smiles and isolation tactics to stay in their room because it’s what all teens do. The suicide rate among young adults and teenagers is skyrocketing.

While you may think that you don’t have to worry about such things until your children are older, you should consider the cautionary tale of Samantha Kuberski. According to Virtual Psyche Centre, this little girl is the youngest person in this country to commit suicide. What could be so wrong in a six-year-old’s life that they would want to take it?

When Samantha and her mother got into an argument one evening, her mother punished her by sending her to time out in her room. Devastated that she disappointed her mom and mad at her too, the little girl took a belt and hung herself on an old crib. There were no signs of child abuse, and investigative reports showed it was a stable family.

However, there was a sadness so deep in this child that she was crying out for help. Research theorized that the child was severely depressed. How could the parents not know their daughter’s mental state? Were they negligent by not paying attention close enough to her actions and feelings?

Suicide of a child so young is an exceedingly rare occurrence, as most suicides are observed over 15 years of age. If the parents had only practiced training the child’s brain to be happy, could it have made a difference in this case?

Five Ways to Train a Child’s Brain for Happiness

While the story of young Samantha is extreme, there are things that you do each day that have a significant impact on your child. Do you hug them enough, show them the right ratio of attention and affection, and are you there for them when they need you? Here are five things that you can do to help ensure your child is happy.

1. Encourage Them

Have you ever been to a sporting event where the fans were going wild for their team? This encouragement they receive is like a powerful rush of adrenaline that fuels them to win. Your child needs to feel that sensation from their parents.

They need to know that you’re in their corner whether they win or lose. You should tell them every day something that encourages or motivates them to be better. This sense of support will be a strong foundation because when the world gets rough and things don’t go as they should, they will know they will always have you to lean on.

Never compare your kids or expect them to live up to their siblings’ expectations. Celebrate each child and their individuality, and you will find that you’re helping your child’s brain be more content.

2. Provide A Stable Place to Live and Grow

Children need stability, and they like routines. There’s nothing like running back to your mom and dad’s home when you’re older, as having those roots makes you feel secure. A home is a place where you must feel safe, as it’s essential for mental stability.

If you’re moving around constantly, your child never gets to form these roots that help to stabilize them in life. Children in the foster care system are rattled with anxiety and depression. One of the most powerful demonstrations they do with new foster parents is called “switching.”

To be a foster parent, you must take extensive classes. In the classes, you get too sick next to your spouse. The evaluator will ask the wives to get up and move to another husband, but they can only take two things with them. For the next hour of the class, you must sit with someone you don’t know.

The object lesson behind this demonstration is that you feel nervous, scared, and out of your element. You left half of your stuff at the other table, and you’re not with your spouse. The goal was to show you how the foster kid feels each time they’ve moved from one home to another.

While this example pares in comparison to what the child feels, it was eye-opening enough to hit home. Simply put, your child’s brain needs this stability that helps them to remain mentally healthy, and when they lack this vital part of their foundation, it can cause significant issues.

pop meme3. Teach Them Life Skills

The spouse of your children will thank you one day for the life skills that you taught your kids. Having a son that can do laundry, mop a floor, and cook a fantastic meal is noteworthy. Additionally, having a daughter that can change a flat tire, her oil, or rewire a light switch is always beneficial.

There are tons of moments in life that you can use to teach your kids something. These valuable skills will go with them throughout their days. Your child’s brain is large enough to learn whatever you can throw at them, and it will only make them smarter and have life skills that will save them money in the long run.

4. Let Them Develop Socially

Social development is just as crucial to your child as getting their next meal. Some parents tend to be overprotective and don’t want their child to be hurt by life. If you don’t let them go a little bit, you will hurt them more by not developing social skills.

They will work in a job, have a family, and need these social skills all through their life. You’ve seen socially awkward people, and it’s incredibly challenging for them to have healthy relationships. If you love your child, then you will let them have plenty of social opportunities to bond with other kids their age.

According to a report by the University of Minnesota, socialization is how culture is learned. Without this vital part of development, children will have behaviors and actions that differ from their peers.

5. Teach Them Problem Solving Skills

Your child needs problem-solving skills to make it through life. If things were all sunshine and rainbows, then you could skip out on these teachings. However, everyone has good days, and there are bad ones too.

Assume a bully is picking on your son at school. Your child doesn’t know how to deal with these things. He hides in the bathroom to eat his lunch, and he avoids this kid at all costs.

The sad part is that your child will encounter bullies all his life. There will be adult tyrants in the workplace, and they can make your life miserable. Your son needs the skills to stand up to these people, and if he can’t get the resolve he needs, he needs to go to the powers that be.

Teach your kids how to resolve problems, as it’s one of the most important things that you can teach them for a well-rounded life. They can’t fall to pieces at every trouble that comes their way. Instead, they need to know what to do to fix it.

child's brainFinal Thoughts on Training A Child’s Brain for Happiness

This article was a lot to ingest, and some of the things may be hard to hear. Being a parent is a tremendous responsibility. From birth to the age of eighteen is your time to make them the best humans possible.

Consequently, some children make the job easier than others. What are you doing with your child to ensure that they are going to be a well-rounded adult? What steps are you taking to help your child’s brain develop and live in happiness rather than chaos?

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