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If You See Doves Often, This Is What It Means

Doves can symbolize a multitude of things and is a highly recognized symbol.

They are used in politics, religion, and historical context and often symbolize peace and spirituality. Dove sightings can represent many other things, though, and understanding the meanings is helpful.

Encountering a dove can represent many things and often occurs during difficult times in your life. They also often appear when bad times are coming to an end. Seeing these birds indicates that balance is returning to your inner energy.

Doves tend to make you recognize and delve into your spiritual depths and think about your existence. You will begin to think about the deeper meaning in life and interpret them based on your lifestyle and mindset. The true meaning of a dove appearing in your life is personal and based on what resonates within you.

These birds are indicative of internal energy and connection in life. The meaning behind frequent sightings depends on what is happening in your life, so spend time reflecting. Several meanings could apply to your life, so finding the right one will help with understanding.

Behavior of Doves

dovesAn interesting thing about doves is that when they make noise, they don’t open their beaks. They fill their throat with air and let it escape slowly, producing a gentle “cooing” sound.

Their “coo” signifies making your inner voice heard without even speaking. You can make your inner voice clear by using your thoughts, behaviors, and imagination to express an inner radiance. This method of communication can be more powerful than speaking any words at all.

Since these birds communicate without speaking, try thinking of how you can do the same. This unique behavior of doves can open up a whole new thought process for you, so pay attention when you see one.

What It Means if You See Doves Often

A dove might be your spirit animal, guiding you to greater things.

1 – Love Is in Your Life

These birds indicate romantic love, bonding, and a deeper soul connection. This love doesn’t always have to be romantic, as having a deep connection with anyone can entice dove sightings.

If you have found your soul mate, you might see pairs of these birds more often. Or, if your love for your current partner deepens, you might see pairs then, as well.

A dove can even indicate increased levels of self-love. Experiencing love doesn’t have to be with anyone else because you can love yourself just as much.

It is likely a message if you have recently experienced grief or trauma and see this bird often. The message is that you are protected and loved unconditionally. It is also a sign that you have guidance all around you, even during this difficult time.

2 – Things are Coming Together

These birds symbolize unity, union, and harmony coming together. These symbols are one of the reasons that these birds are used during wedding ceremonies. If you notice these birds often, it is a good indication that you are experiencing a feeling of connection and oneness.

3 – You Have Peace and Harmony in Your Life

This beautiful bird often represents peace, harmony, and gentle energy. If you don’t feel peace in your life now, but you keep seeing these birds, it’s a good sign that harmony is coming. Watch for signs of tranquility because you are likely going to experience them soon.

Seeing doves might also be a sign that you should consider conflict peacefully. Set your views aside and think about the argument from all sides. Doing this helps keep the peace in your relationships, as well.

When your life feels out of control, and you keep seeing these birds, it is a sign to stay calm and find peace. It often means that things will calm down soon and that you will experience harmony and peace of mind.

A dove appearing is often a sign that you should reflect on this situation once you return to a peaceful state. It is a sign that there is something major to be learned, and it is time to move past this stage.

4 – Parenthood is Taking Precedent

Whether or not you are a parent right now, seeing this bird often can indicate that parenthood is taking precedence in your life. A dove is a nurturing creature, and both the mom and dad participate in taking care of the baby.

Seeing these birds often might be a sign that you will soon be a parent. When this is the case, it could also mean that the other parent will play a positive role in your child’s life.

5 – Loyalty

These birds tend to stick with the same partner for life, which makes them loyal creatures. Seeing them often indicates loyalty and devotion in your life, whether you already have it or will experience it soon. Please pay attention to this because it means you have a positive person in your life.

6 – Communication With Your Intuition

Seeing these birds often represents being in tune with your emotional language and intuition. It means you can look forward to inner balance, healing, and peace. They are also linked to the third chakra involving creativity, expression, and truth recognition.

7 – Sincere Compassion

Experiencing a deep sense of compassion in the presence of a dove is a sign of a spiritual flow within. It indicates that your heart is opening up to receive and give love while recognizing you deserve love.

Seeing these birds often also indicates compassion and acceptance for those around you despite differences. The beliefs and values of others don’t hinder your ability to feel compassionately toward them. It could also be a sign that you will soon experience a challenge with this type of situation.

These birds also indicate that you should share your wealth with others. Sharing your wealth doesn’t always have to be about money, either, as it can apply to creative, emotional, or spiritual health, too.

compassion meme8 – Your Life is Off Kilter, and You Aren’t Living with Intention

When these birds keep appearing, it is a sign that your life is off-kilter. It is a hint from the universe that you aren’t living with intention, and you must find a way to refocus.

9 – You Aren’t Following Your Spiritual Flow

Sometimes, these beautiful creatures tell you you aren’t following your spiritual guide. It might mean letting your life flow rather than trying to control or force situations.

10 – You Should Be Patient

If you feel frustrated because something you want is taking too long, seeing a dove could be a sign to be patient. Frustration and impatience hold you back in life, and these birds remind you to relax and find peace. If you see them often, embrace your life journey, trusting that things will work out.

11 – You are in a Period of Rediscovery

Sighting these birds often could symbolize a time of self-discovery for you. This could be the reason why you experience more introspection than usual and wonder about your greater purpose. The dove sightings signify that you should follow your desires and make drastic changes.

12 – You Have Creative Energy

Natural-flowing creative energy can entice regular dove sightings. Suppose you experience this. Set aside time each day to do something creative. Don’t forget to reflect and meditate, too, because they go along with creativity.

13 – You Have Undiscovered Potential

If you aren’t giving yourself enough credit, dove sightings might become typical for you. These birds sometimes serve as a message that you have undiscovered potential. Spend time reflecting and thinking about your calling in life to see if this could be the reason for all the sightings.

14 – You Aren’t Kind to Yourself or Your Loved Ones

These birds sometimes signify that you should reflect on how you treat yourself or those around you. Try being a little more nurturing and gentler and see if it makes a difference.

What it Means When You Dream of Doves

Open up and let this spirit animal guide you.

Indeed, seeing these birds in your dreams can mean a few different things. Seeing a pair signifies that you should implement peacefulness, loyalty, and unconditional love into your life. It could also remind you to work in unison with your partner to yield the best life results.

When the birds appear in your dreams, it could also be a sign that you are aligned with a personal way of thinking. Your reality might shift to open up space for love. Dreaming of these birds is also a sign that an ongoing conflict will soon come to an end.

crowsFinal Thoughts on If You See Doves Often, This Is What It Means

If you see doves often, it is often a sign of something deeper. There are many reasons for frequent sightings, and reflecting on your current life situation can help you figure it out.

These birds appear as reminders of the deeper feelings and experiences in life. They will guide you on your spiritual path, showing you the way to peace, harmony, and development. Use your intuition to determine what seeing doves often means for you.

Advice From an Inspiring Woman on a Weight Loss Journey

30-year-old Dawn Estelle Archer, an inspiring woman who cut back on television and spend that time working out instead. With the myriad streaming services and cable channels available, you could spend hours upon hours in front of the TV. Some people spend that time just searching for something to watch! Dawn wanted to use her time more wisely and invest it into bettering herself.

What she did not realize is that her new love of fitness would lead to a total transformation of her life–and a new business!

“I decided to cancel my cable and use that money towards my gym membership,” Dawn said. “That way, I was able to work out, I was able to feel good, and I was able to lose weight.”

She totally transformed her body and her life, and it all began with one small decision. Choosing to exercise instead of watch television may not seem like a big deal, but we’re built by our habits. When we slowly start incorporating positive habits into our lives, big things can happen! Over time, these helpful habits become second nature, and they form the foundation for a better life.

Plus, working out at a gym or fitness center can help you both physically and mentally. Exercise is one of the world’s greatest stress-relievers and can put you in a better mood instantly. You could have the world sitting on your shoulders, and in one workout, feel that weight disappear. If you don’t have access to a gym, simply walking or running outdoors will help you break a sweat.

“I began exercising as a college graduate because I was depressed, I had student loans, I was overweight, I was really unhappy, and fitness was my therapy,” Dawn said. “I was going outside and walking places. Instead of driving, I would walk, and that was my start and introduction to fitness.”

Dawn’s love of fitness inspired her to launch a workout program

“The more I exercised, the more my endorphins flowed and the happier I was. I actually like doing anything outside, but my SWEAT workouts that I teach involve muscle building, strength training, and cardio all in one, so it’s a win-win.”

This is how an inspiring woman started her business, as she describes on her website:

“SWEAT is a feeling that cannot be described. It is an energy that is present in every class. Estelle created this class in March 2013 in a parking lot located in her hometown of Richmond, Virginia. She quickly drew the attention of neighbors + peers in the Manchester area.

In January 2014, she sold her car, placed all of her belongings in a storage unit, and flew to California on a one-way ticket. She had a goal to visit all fifty states in one year and help at least one person in every state. That was only the beginning…

Present-day, she has completed the tour of the United States (including Mexico + Puerto Rico) in just one year + operated at her own studio, “theSWEATbox” located in Richmond, Virginia. Estelle visits California and other states when sponsored to continue to ‘inspire + uplift men, women + kids.’”

Who knew that the decision to stop watching television and work out would take her so far? By getting off the couch and moving her body, she freed up so much energy to work on her dreams. Our bodies weren’t designed to sit so much; it causes our energy to stagnate and become depressed. Once Estelle realized this, she started to feel better in both mind and body.

Dawn says that her future kept her motivated to keep the television off and continue her exercise routine. She said being able to live in a healthy body someday kept the fire burning within her. Being an unhealthy weight caused her to develop prediabetes, so she didn’t want to deal with that any longer. Plus, she wanted to prevent any other illnesses caused by being overweight.

If you want to get in shape, take it one day at a time

Estelle says that when you’re first starting, don’t focus so much on weight. Just follow a steady workout routine and keep in mind how much better you’ll feel eventually. With social media, it’s easy to compare yourself to others and look like them.

However, it’s not about how you look on the outside; it’s about your inner peace and happiness. By taking some weight off physically, you’ll feel lighter on the inside, too.

“My advice for anybody who is trying to lose weight or get started in fitness is to be consistent. Regardless if you see results after a week or two weeks, or even a month, know that by consistently exercising and doing something good for your body and your mind, it’s going to pay off. Even if you don’t see results, keep going – it’s worth it.”

Estelle proves how something seemingly small like turning off the television can ultimately change your life. Once you release yourself from watching television, you can fill your time with more productive activities, like exercising. Not only will you feel more energetic, but you’ll also improve your health. If you’re new to working out, start by walking around your neighborhood or other light exercises.

We’ll leave you with this powerful advice from Estelle that will help you take charge of your life.

“Don’t take this day lightly. Know that anything that is not for you cannot enter your space without your permission.”

Final thoughts on this inspiring woman who made working out her new priority

Estelle decided she’d had enough of living small; she wanted to reach her full potential. She started by canceling her cable and using the money toward a gym membership. Little did she know how much this decision would impact her life later on. Now, she enjoys the opportunity to start her own business and travel the country, inspiring thousands.

She’s found the spark within not only to transform herself but help others along the way. This inspiring woman now does private fitness and business consultations in addition to hosting her fitness class. Perhaps we should all take Estelle’s advice and turn off our televisions; it just might change our lives.

15 Behaviors That Reveal a Faithful Spouse

You know what to look for in a cheating partner, but what about one that has eyes for only you? Are there any signs and indications that a person will be a faithful spouse? Life and seasons change, and anyone can find themselves in a situation they weren’t prepared for.

However, the mindset and wiring of a cheater are often very selfish and narcissistic, so they tend to put themselves first. A cheater usually has characteristics like:

  • A flirtatious nature
  • Lies a lot
  • Has an increase or decrease in intimacy with you
  • Works late hours with no extra money
  • Has financial issues
  • Is secretive with their phone
  • Deletes or has numerous social media accounts

The list is quite massive that can help you spot a cheater, but how do you pick the one who won’t betray you? Are there some unique signs or characteristics that you should look for in the vast dating pool?

Fifteen Behaviors of a Faithful Spouse

faithful spouseIf you want to spare yourself the heartache and pain, then you should learn to identify the behaviors of those who will be loyal to you. Here are the most common characteristics and behaviors of the faithful spouse.

1. They’re An Open Book

People who have something to conceal tend to be a bit secretive. However, if a person is an open book with you, it shows they have little to hide and probably aren’t deceptive. While you can always be fooled, those who are incredibly honest tend to be truthful too.

2. They Didn’t Remain Friends with Their Ex

While it’s noble to maintain a friendship with the ex-lover, it can be dangerous. Remaining on friendly terms is different than still talking and hanging out. When this person keeps close ties with the ex, then it’s a cause for alarm. However, when they say it’s over, they truly end things; it’s a sign they are done.

3. They Are Conscious of Your Needs

Do they care about your needs? If you want ice cream at 3 am, will this person go get it for you? Being faithful is all about being conscious of making you happy, so they’re willing to go the extra mile. This person wants to be with you, so they want you to be content and at ease in life.

4. They’re Not Possessive

Jealousy or the green-eyed monster is a big problem. Most jealous people either have been cheated on before, or they’re guilty of being the cheater. No matter how it comes up in your relationship, it’s never a good sign.

5. They Do Tons of Little Things for You

The little things are really what makes your relationship special. Does your partner make coffee and breakfast for you each day? What about buying you flowers “just because?”

All these extra things, you don’t require them to do, help to make your relationship fantastic. Plus, when they’re attentive to you, they don’t have a minute to think of anyone else.

6. There’s No Bad Boy or Girl Vibes About Them

The proverbial bad boy or girl gives off a vibe that is hard to ignore. While the bad boy may be attractive, they usually have loose morals and standards for living. They march to the beat of their drum, and they tend to be a rebel.

An article in Glamour Magazine interviewed women who went for the nice guy and those who went for the bad boy. Many underestimated the motives behind the nice person, but they notated the emotional roller coaster of hooking up with a thrill seeker.

Many people come disguised with various outward appearances, and you need to find out the true motives and see the heart. Remember the old saying that you can never judge a book by its cover because it can be camouflage.

7. They Remember All the Special Dates Like Birthdays and Anniversaries

It takes a lot for a person to remember dates. With all the passwords and other things required in today’s life, your brain can be on overload. However, the faithful person sees these as relationship holidays, and they won’t miss one of them.

8. It’s Been Years, and They Haven’t Changed

Stability is vital in any relationship, and you can tell a lot about the future by looking at the past. Does this person have a history of cheating? Serial cheaters usually remain unfaithful and don’t think that you can change them.

However, if they were a faithful spouse in a previous relationship, then it’s a good indication that you’re safe with them.

loyalty meme9. You’re Friends with Their Friends

Engaging and being a part of their friend’s life gives you an advantage. A cheater won’t allow their partner to get too close to their buddies, as they’re afraid some of their secrets might come out. However, if they welcome you into their inner circle, then it’s safe to say they’re a keeper.

10. There’s Passion and Care Far Beyond the Bedroom

Many people think of passion and intimacy as something that only happens in the bedroom. Such acts go far beyond the bedroom. For instance, does she kiss you every day before you leave for work?

What about your man? Does he hug, rub your neck, hold your hand, and whisper sweet nothings in your ear?

11. They Text or Call When They’re Away from You

You can always tell if you’re on someone’s mind by the communication. Do they call or text when they get a break at work, or are they eager to talk to you as soon as they get off for the day? When your number one on the speed dial, then it’s also possible that this is the ranking of importance in their life.

The person they think about all day long, and they can’t wait to talk and be with is you. These are all indications that they will be a faithful spouse to you no matter what comes your way.

12. They Got Rid of All Dating Apps

It’s very suspicious when someone starts dating, but they won’t get rid of all the dating apps. Why do they need to stay in touch with these folks, and is there a chance they have a couple of different relationships going on? When someone gives you their heart, they won’t think twice about getting rid of dating apps and clearing exes from their social media profiles.

13. They Tag You in Social Media Posts

Speaking of social media, if they tag you in all their posts, they’re saying to the world that you’re connected. They won’t mind sharing memes about love or jokes about relationships with you. Interacting with your wall and you with theirs is just another sign of commitment these days.

14. They’ve Linked Their Social Media Bio to Yours

Most social media, like Facebook, have a place where you can link your profile to a spouse, partner, girlfriend, or boyfriend. If they link your profiles together, it’s safe to say that they want to make sure everyone knows that you’re taken. Plus, it also shows you that they have nothing to hide.

If a person is this open to the world about your relationship, they have no thoughts of cheating on you. Cheaters often play it low-key on social media accounts, and they won’t connect anything to you or anyone else.

15. They Are Genuinely Interested in Your Life

Finding someone that cares about you and your life is a gem. The person who wants to hear about your day holds you when you cry or are upset, and shares your dreams, is a keeper. However, when someone invests so much time in your relationship, including getting to know your most intimate desires, they’re usually not the cheating type.

faithful spouseFinal Thoughts on the Treasure You Hope to Find in a Faithful Spouse

When you consider the dating world, it’s pretty scary as things don’t always appear as though they are. However, before you make someone your spouse, you want to make sure that they have your best interests at heart and that they’re not a serial cheater. The most significant indication of how the future will be is to look at the past.

Have they cheated before, or were they faithful to their other loves? You want someone that is with you for the long haul, and you don’t want your heart to be to be broken. If you’ve ever been cheated on before, you know that it damages your self-esteem as well as gives you trust issues.

Thankfully, these 15 habits and behaviors can help you to weed out the good from the bad. Keep in mind there are no guarantees, as time and chance happens to everyone. According to Health Research Funding, about 60 percent of folks admit to cheating on their spouse at least once, so there are no guarantees.

However, by taking your time and really getting to know someone, making sure you’re a good fit, and developing a deep relationship, you lessen the chances that this will happen to you. You can find a faithful spouse, but it will take some effort.

12 Ways to Create a Caloric Deficit, According to Science

If you’re like most people, you’re concerned about your weight. Whether you want to lose a few pounds or have a great deal to lose doesn’t matter, you must create a caloric deficit to accomplish your goal.

The Keto diet is all the rage these days.

This eating plan’s premise is that by giving up carbohydrates and eating more fat, you will lose massive amounts of weight. The theory is excellent, but many people fail because they overeat and don’t have a caloric deficit. Sure, you can have two double cheeseburgers and hold the bun according to the plan, but you also must consider the calories.

It doesn’t matter what diet strategy you follow or how you choose to eat; the bottom line is you must eat less to lose weight. For every 3,500 calories you eat, you will gain a pound, according to Today’s Dietician. Consequently., to lose a pound, you must also create a deficit of the same amount.

It’s believed that it’s safe to lose 1-2 pounds per week on a diet plan. To accomplish this task, you need to make sure that you create a caloric deficit of 7,000 in your week. It seems like a significant task, but it’s not that hard when you break everything down into daily increments.

Creating a Caloric Deficit

caloric deficitRemember those trying word problems in math. Many kids hated them because it required you to look at the whole picture and then divide it into small parts. Dieting is much like these mathematical equations in that you must break them down into daily segments.

Like those word problems, if you look at the big picture, it can become quite overwhelming. However, when you break it down into smaller bits, it’s easier to accomplish the task at hand. So, here are some ways that you can create a caloric deficiency each day to help you in your weight loss journey.

1. Eat Your Calories Don’t Drink Them

One of the most significant issues that most dieters face is drinking water. Some people hate the taste of plain water. However, science shows that your body needs water as it’s made up of about 60 percent.

Sure, soda, sport’s, and energy drinks, as well as juice, tastes way better. However, have you considered the sugar levels in these drinks? Take, for instance, Mountain Dew. It’s one of the most popular soft drinks around. Yet, a standard 12 ounce can has 170 calories, according to Fat Secret. On top of many calories, it has 46 grams of pure sugar.

Now, assume you had a soda at each of your main meals. Before you eat a morsel of food, you’ve already consumed 510 calories. If you’re striving to eat 1,500 calories a day, then one-third of your calories are going for something that won’t provide any nourishment. Additionally, you won’t survive on 1,000 calories a day, so you will have difficulty sticking to the plan if you don’t forgo the soda.

If you want to find an easy way to get rid of a few calories, switch to pure water. Those who absolutely cannot stomach it can try adding some lemon flavoring for a healthy boost.

2.Use A Smaller Plate

How many times have you sat down to dinner feeling ravenous, and you fill your plate to overflowing? About halfway through your meal, you realize that your eyes were bigger than your stomach. The key here is that you eat with your eyes first.

So, in using this theory, you should use a smaller plate. When people from other countries visit America, they are often overwhelmed by the plate’s sizes and portions. No wonder America is having an obesity epidemic, as people are eating way too much.

Switch from a standard 14″ dinner plate to a 10″. You will notice that you will be more inclined to take less food, and you will trick your brain into thinking you’re getting more.

3. Skip the Sauces

Do you love sauces and condiments? You could easily add hundreds of more calories to your meals by being inclined to dip. Few people dislike ketchup, but many don’t know that it has as much sugar as ice cream. One cup of ketchup has around 27 grams of sugar, and the same amount of vanilla ice cream has about 22 grams.

When you add condiments to your meals, you’re packing on useless calories. Skimp on these items or switch to calorie-free options like mustard.

4. Forgo the Sugar in Your Coffee

Do you prefer one lump or two of sugar in your coffee? Not only is sugar not good for you, but you’re adding useless calories to your day. Try using natural sweeteners like honey or even spices like cinnamon to kick your coffee’s flavor. It will be healthier and help save your calories for real food.

5. Count Your Calories

One of the simplest ways to create a caloric deficit is by counting your calories. If you mindlessly eat during the day, then it’s hard to control your intake. Using an app that helps you see all the nutrient information in your consumption, you can quickly learn how to shave off a few extra calories for the day.

6. Fill Up on Vegetables

If you want to get proper nutrition for fewer calories, you need to fill up on vegetables. Loading up on greens and other sustainable veggies can fill your stomach without causing you to go over your calories. Plus, all the fiber from these natural plants will help ensure your digestive system is running smoothly.

pop meme7. Make Sure Each Meal Has Protein

Your body needs ample amounts of protein. Protein helps to balance blood sugars as well as fuel your system. You should have about four ounces with each meal, and it can help fill you up so that you eat less.

8. Do Some Food Swapping

Sure, you want those French fries because your stomach is craving them. However, it will be more calorie efficient to choose an extra helping of veggies or even some fruit. Learning to make swaps on greasy, calorie-laden items can become effortless once you do it a few times.

9. Don’t Pile on the Cheese

Have you ever been to those fancy Italian restaurants that pile your entrée with mounds of freshly grated cheese? Sure, it tastes fantastic, but it’s also packing on the pounds. Cheese is not a low-calorie food, and it’s not going to help you lose weight if you overeat it.

There’s nothing worse than losing 500 calories of your daily intake to cheese when there are so many other things that would taste better. One cup of mozzarella cheese has a whopping 341 calories in it.

10. Read the Labels

Just because a product uses eye-catching keywords doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Read further if you see things like:

  • Low fat
  • Keto-friendly
  • Sugar-free
  • Fat-free
  • Heart-healthy
  • Organic

According to the National Institutes of Health, passing up highly processed food leads to better health, weight loss, and reduced risk of metabolic disease.

So remember…

Marketing ploys don’t care about your bottom line, as they want to sell the product. No law prohibits them from saying these phrases even if it’s not 100 percent true. So, read the labels and make sure there are no hidden sugars or calories in your favorite items. After all, few know that ketchup is a very unhealthy choice.

11. Avoid Second Helpings

No matter how good the food was at dinner, don’t go back for a second helping. Essentially, when you grab two servings, you’re eating double the number of calories you need to at one meal. You won’t create a caloric deficit with these practices.

12. Opt for Thin Crust Pizza Rather Than Pan

If pizza is one of your favorite foods, then you want to find ways to have it with fewer calories. You can do this easier when you switch to a thin crust and use veggies for toppings rather than meat. Most pizza places have a plethora of toppings as well as various crust offerings. Some even have crusts made from cauliflower, which is even a better choice.

caloric deficitFinal Thoughts on Creating A Caloric Deficit Each Day

Many people are eager to jump on the next fad diet and hope to lose massive weight. Perhaps dieting has been made to be more complicated than necessary. See, according to science, a pound is 3,500 calories, so you merely need to create a deficit to reduce your size.

Rather than approaching your dieting as this humungous task that requires days of planning and buying supplements and devices you don’t need, why not just count your calories? Calorie counting has been working for folks for centuries, and it’s a free way to stay healthy.

Don’t make creating a caloric deficit overwhelming. Start small by cutting out soda, piling on more vegetables, using a smaller plate, drinking more water, and choosing healthier options of your favorite foods. You should see the pounds start to melt away as you make healthier choices in your eating habits.

10 Ways Loneliness Affects Mental Health

Many people make jokes about being introverts and liking alone time, and that’s perfectly fine! But trouble may arise when being alone morphs into feeling lonely, leaving you feeling alienated from others, socially isolated, and anxious for some company. Overall, that negatively impacts your mental well-being

On the surface, loneliness doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. You might even think that you need to “suck it up” and learn to love being around yourself more if you feel lonely. Again, that’s not an entirely false statement, but the reality is that social interaction is necessary for human life.

Human beings are naturally social creatures, and even the most introverted among us will suffer from feeling isolated and separated from others. Here are ten ways loneliness affects our health and mental wellbeing.

1.    It Can Make It Harder To Cope With Stress

If you’ve ever been through a breakup, you’re probably very well aware of how having an excellent social support structure can often make or break this highly stressful situation. And it’s something that’s backed up by science too! A study showed that having a social group:

  • Increases your mental resilience
  • It affects your neurochemical response in positive ways
  • Counteracts stressful influences from your environment
  • Lowers your stress levels

By contrast, being lonely means you don’t get all of these valuable benefits. You may even be experiencing higher levels of stress by comparison – even when you’re relaxing.

And it’s not hard to see why – with the help of a support group, you’ll find a safe space to vent and people who are there to help you both mentally, physically, and financially whenever you’re struggling!

mental well-being2.    It May Lead To Unhealthy Behavior

Just how many times have you been kept away from making bad life choices, thanks to your loved ones looking out for you? Or even (jokingly and lovingly) threaten you into forming healthier habits? As it turns out, research proves that having positive social bonds in your life can:

  • Encourage better eating
  • Ensure you get enough sleep
  • Force you to care for your physical health better
  • Push you into exercising sufficiently
  • Reduce the likelihood of you engaging in substance abuse
  • Encourage positive thinking habits

Inversely, being on your own often influences you negatively. Examples include:

  • It makes you more likely to drink excessively
  • Increases your likelihood of smoking
  • Increases substance abuse risks
  • Elevates your chances of engaging in risky behaviors

3.    It Can Cause Mental Well-being By Causing Depression

You may have noticed just how much more depressed you can be when you’re alone – and it’s not just your imagination, either. A study has shown that loneliness is a significant and notable risk factor in the development of depression.

It’s not too hard to figure out why, either. Because when you think about it, loneliness often means:

  • You’re more likely to contemplate, which can lead you to focus on negative thoughts.
  • You are more likely to be understimulated, which is a risk factor for developing depression.
  • You’re deprived of a basic human need for social and emotional connectivity
  • You increasingly struggle with positive thinking

These few factors often end up being more negative and self-focused in general, which can ultimately lead to depression.

4.    It May Worsen Your Risk Of Suicide

It’s a pretty common trope in media that it’s the lonely, ignored person who ends up committing suicide. As grim and dark as it may be, it’s a storytelling convention that unfortunately has its roots in reality.

Research has shown that loneliness often increases the risk of suicidal ideations and, ultimately, suicide attempts. Here are a few reasons why there’s such a strong correlation between the two:

  • It can exacerbate pre-existing mental problems that were previously going undetected or create new ones.
  • Often, it makes it difficult for people to look for help
  • It can feel like a problem with no other solution or end in sight – especially if there’s no clear and direct solution
  • It can be a source of shame, as it feels like a problem we should be capable of overcoming

At the end of the day, humans are an incredibly social species. We cannot forget that the need for social interaction is an extremely fundamental part of us – and without it, we may end up turning to darker ends in desperation to solve that issue.

5.    It Results In Inflammation

You may argue the connection between health and loneliness – or the lack of it – is unmistakable. If you’ve got friends looking out for you and pushing you to see the doctor when appropriate, then obviously, you’ll be physically better!

That is true, but research has shown it’s not the only linking connection. As it turns out, being a part of a social network also directly affects our physical bodies. More specifically, it helps regulate our inflammation response!

The most likely reason for this? It’s probably hardwired into our genetics and is crucial for our survival. This is because the body likely has to prep for the fact that lonely people:

  • They are more likely to be attacked or seriously injured
  • Are less likely to receive help and support
  • Must be prepared to counteract increased infection risks on their own
  • They can’t be cared for by others until they have fully recovered

As a result, your body tries to balance these possibilities by overcompensating with increased inflammation levels – a defense mechanism against potential injuries. Unfortunately, this can also ultimately lead to all sorts of health problems in the future too.

cut you off meme6.    It Puts You At Risk Of Heart Disease

Loneliness can be heartbreaking – in more ways than one. Studies have noted that loneliness often increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and coronary heart disease. Here are a few possible reasons as to why:

  • You’re more likely to overlook signs of stress on your own
  • You deal with more emotional burden and tension, with no way of relieving it
  • You may be more inclined to resolve your issues in unhealthy ways

7.    It May Cause You To Die Earlier

A common affectionate joke you may have in your social circles is “X will be the death of me!” – especially when you’re exasperated, even as you continue to love them. The opposite, however, is more likely to be true – you’re more likely to die because you don’t have them.

Studies have shown that loneliness:

  • It can be just as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day
  • Increases your risk of premature death
  • It is more harmful than air pollution, obesity, or even a sedentary lifestyle.

By contrast, the studies found that participants who had stronger social bonds had higher chances of survival – no matter who you are. So you can imagine just how badly loneliness can affect you!

8.    It Can Worsen Eating Habits

If you’re already struggling with some form of disordered eating, loneliness will only worsen your mental well-being. A study has found that loneliness has a lot of characteristics that link it together to various eating disorders such as:

  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Binge eating disorder

The result? Loneliness often ends up as a significant factor in rapid weight gain, loss, or even cycling between the two. But why is this the case?

  • There is a misguided attempt to “eat away” the loneliness or numb the emotions.
  • Instead of alternate, social-based stress relief methods, stress-eating often crops up as a coping mechanism against stress.
  • Intense negative emotions that stem from skewed perceptions can mean loneliness feeds back into eating disorders and vice versa, fuelling each other.

So if you find yourself reaching for the fridge more often than before and find yourself hating it, try reaching out to your nearest club or society to make some friends. The reason behind your recent increase in snacking may very well be caused by loneliness.

9.    It Can Make Interaction Even Harder, Impacting Your Mental Well-being

Why are you isolating yourself? What’s keeping you from connecting and interacting with others? With just how horrible the feelings of poor mental well-being can be, you would think that you’d jump at the first chance to make friends – but more often, you’ll find that this isn’t the case.

The reason? After isolation, the stakes actually become higher:

  • You’re more sensitive to perceiving social cues and information – for better or worse
  • From an evolutionary standpoint, you’re more scared of connecting to someone who will hurt you
  • You end up approaching potential relationships with increased levels of doubt and anxiety
  • You’re more unsure of yourself and those around you

As a result, you become more reluctant to form relationships with others – even if it’s something you ultimately need and crave. In a way, it can become a tragic Catch 22 situation that’s hard to escape from, no matter how much you want to.

10. It May Put You At Risk Of Neurodegeneration

Found yourself struggling with memory problems and the like when you’re isolated and alone? You’re just not imagining it. A study has found that lonely older people have higher levels of amyloid – a protein that has been linked with the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

How does amyloid affect the brain? The current theory is:

  • An accumulation of amyloid creates protein deposits that may become plaques
  • The compound of amyloid interferes and inevitably kills cells responsible for inter-brain communication
  • It is responsible for the physical deterioration of the brain, and the subsequent cognitive decline

Many common ways of avoiding the development of Alzheimer’s suggest that you keep your mind active and engaged as much as possible.

While it’s not impossible to do this on your own (Sudoku is a famous example), the easiest way to achieve this is often via interaction with others in group activities. All that interaction and team-based work can be highly beneficial to your brain!

mental well-beingFinal Thoughts On Some Ways Loneliness Affects Our Health And Mental Well-being

Loneliness is a difficult feeling to grapple with, especially when making new friends or hanging out with others is difficult. Joining online communities, scheduling time for loved ones, and seeking professional help are all excellent ways to help you manage feelings of loneliness until they dissipate entirely.

Remember, it’s okay to want to be alone sometimes. But isolating yourself from the world and having no friends or trusted people to speak to at all will ultimately be damaging to your physical and mental well-being in the long run.

9 Myths About Anxiety Everyone Believes, But Aren’t Really True

Anxiety is a common experience on a very long spectrum. If you’ve ever felt anxious, you know just how horrible it can be. It can even feel debilitating and all-consuming, fighting all logical thought that you know exists. For many, it’s a frightening experience.

Sadly, as with many other issues pertaining to mental health, there’s a lot of misinformation surrounding anxiety that permeates the internet and the world. Knowing what’s real and what isn’t is important if you’re trying to manage your own anxiety. Here are 9 myths about anxiety everyone believes, but aren’t true.

Myth #1 – Anxiety Disorders Are Very Rare

Some people make comments about how “everyone” seems to have an anxiety disorder these days, implying that some of these people are lying or faking it. Unfortunately, anxiety disorders aren’t quite that rare.

myths about anxietyAnxiety disorders are far from uncommon. In fact, they’re the most common mental disorder in America according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. 18.1% of the United States population aged 18 and older experience an anxiety disorder.

That’s a whopping 40 million adults, and that doesn’t include children who begin to experience anxiety in childhood, which is also shockingly common; 25.1% of teenagers have one diagnosed! Here’s how many people have the five main anxiety disorders:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). In America, 6.8 million adults (or 3.1% of the United States population) have GAD.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). In America, 15 million adults (or 6.8% of the United States population) have SAD.
  • Panic Disorder (PD). In America, 6 million adults (or 2.7% of the United States population) have PD.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In America, 2.2 million adults (or 1% of the United States population) have OCD.
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In America, 7.7 million adults (or 3.5% of the United States population) have PTSD.

Myth #2 – Alcohol Is A Good Way To Ease Anxiety

When you drink a moderate amount of alcohol, you may notice that you feel a little calmer. It seems, at first, like this is a great trick for getting some liquid courage and feeling brave enough to do those things that make you anxious. You might even feel proud of yourself if you’re careful about only drinking reasonably and safely!

Unfortunately, alcohol’s boost to your positive thinking isn’t just temporary – it’s also counterproductive. Alcohol reduces sleep quality and makes you even more anxious the next day than you were the day before. Basically, the follow-up anxiety to alcohol is worse than the initial anxiety you may have been trying to get rid of!

Worse still, alcohol abuse is often a common comorbidity for those with anxiety disorders. The more reliant you become on alcohol to deal with anxiety, the more likely you are to overdo it, build up a tolerance, or use it as a method for avoiding your problems. You don’t need to quit alcohol if you don’t have an alcohol abuse problem, but you certainly shouldn’t be relying on it to aid your anxiety, either.

Myth #3 – Anyone Can Snap Out Of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders can seem silly to people who don’t have them. But like any mental illness, they don’t exactly resolve on their own. Most people do experience ups and downs with anxiety, meaning some days are worse than others. But even on good days, those with anxiety are still more anxious than those without it.

It’s not uncommon for people with anxiety to be told to simply snap out of it, but that’s just not how it works. Though everyone experiences occasional moments of anxiety, those with anxiety disorders have these issues chronically in a cycle. Most with anxiety disorders will require regular treatment in order to see any improvement in their state.

Myth #4 – Anxiety Has No Effects On Physical Health

Anxiety is a mental condition, so many people falsely believe that it’s just “in the head” and can’t affect any other part of the body. This is completely incorrect. Studies have actually found that people with anxiety can have such severe physical symptoms that they test within certain ranges equivalent to those with heart conditions, diabetes, and other problems. Here are some ways anxiety affects the physical body:

·         Respiration

Those with anxiety can often experience shallow or rapid breathing. Those who also have respiratory disorders, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, anxiety-related complications can worsen the risk of becoming hospitalized. Anxiety can also worsen symptoms of asthma.

·         Immunity

When you experience anxiety, your body responds via a fight-or-flight instinct. This heightens the body’s pulse and breathing in order to supply you with the components you need to survive a situation, at the expense of other basic functions of the body. This is useful when you need it, but bad when it’s chronic, as your immunity is impaired by a constant fight-or-flight scenario.

·         Cardiovascular Issues

Constant anxiety adds to the risk of high blood pressure, palpitations, chest pains, and other cardiovascular issues. It certainly also doesn’t help that it’s easy to confuse panic attacks with heart attacks.

·         Digestion

You may have noticed that when you’re under severe stress, your stomach gets queasy. Anxiety disorders commonly affect the gut, leading to bowel movement problems, stomach pain, appetite changes, and even nausea. For some, it can also be a risk factor for diseases like irritable bowel syndrome.

therapy cats

Meet a therapy cat who helped his owner through adversity.

Myth #5 – Those With Anxiety Should Make Sure To Avoid Stressful Situations

It is genuinely simply not possible to avoid stress in life. Plus, it’s completely counterproductive to try. On the surface, it seems like avoiding anything that induces anxiety can reduce it in the long run, but that’s neither simple nor actually effective. This is because:

  • Viewing yourself as a fragile person in need of protection through avoidance only results in additional anxiety
  • Reduced exposure to everyday stressors can separate you from reality and make you even less used to it
  • Treating everyday sources of anxiety as things to be avoided turns them into enemies, reinforcing the idea that they are frightening or worth being anxious over

Of course, you shouldn’t throw yourself directly into the heart of what makes you anxious. Instead, try slowly and safely exposing your mind and self to things that cause anxiety. The world is full of causes of stress, and effective treatment of anxiety encourages a patient to learn that they can be courageous and accomplish tasks even when they are anxious!

Myth #6 – Social Anxiety Is Just Being Shy Or Introverted

Comparing introverted traits to social anxiety is like comparing mild sadness to major depressive disorder. These two things are so far apart on the spectrum that they’re simply not comparable at all.

Social anxiety refers to a significant fear or worries surrounding social performance and situations, typically to the point of significant fear, worry, or obsession with their own and other people’s behavior. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition lists the following as some of the symptoms of a social anxiety disorder or social phobia:

  • Avoidance of social situations that can produce anxiety or simply barely enduring them by attempting to manage intense fear
  • Anxiety that is not proportional to the situation
  • Intense or persistent anxiety and/or fear relating to specific social environments and situations due to a fear of being humiliated, judged, or embarrassed
  • A daily livelihood that is interrupted or harmed by the distress or anxiety

This is extremely different from simply being a shy person. It’s true that those who are shy could have a higher risk for developing social phobias, but that doesn’t mean they are the same thing. The difference in distress levels is noticeable.

Myth #7 – Anxiety Must Be Treated With Medication, And It Takes A Long Time

In this day and age, there are plenty of applicable and safe ways to treat anxiety that don’t involve the use of medication. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using medication to manage anxiety, but if that’s not the right path for a patient, there are lots of other choices, including:

  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Group-based strategies
  • Problem-solving strategies
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Combinations of different strategies

On top of that, many people begin to notice improvements in the symptoms of their anxiety within weeks or months of their treatment progress. This means it doesn’t take forever to begin getting better, and many people find that the right treatment plan tailored to their needs works wonders for quicker recovery and management.

Myth #8 – Anxiety Disorders Are Obvious To Everyone

Some people’s anxiety disorders may certainly present in obvious ways, but in most cases, onlookers will simply not notice the existence of the disorder at all. The lack of obviousness does not dictate the severity of someone’s anxiety, though. This is because an anxious individual may:

  • Employ coping mechanisms to hide their anxiety
  • Make use of excuses to explain certain behaviors
  • Avoid situations that could trigger their anxiety
  • Feel ashamed of showing any of their symptoms
  • Experience anxiety that is very specific to certain situations
  • Experience panic attacks or anxiety symptoms openly in private and repress them in public
  • Have psychological anxiety symptoms that do not manifest physically

Myth #9 – Deep Breathing, Self-Care, and Natural Remedies Solve Anxiety

Social media pages are often overrun by people who claim that all sorts of natural products cured their anxiety. Sure, making use of relaxing methods can help you feel calmer, but anxiety disorders can’t be eradicated by taking a nice bath. That’s like slapping a band-aid on a bullet wound!

You may have seen people claim that the following things can cure anxiety:

  • Essential oils
  • Herbs and herbal remedies
  • Taking time for self-care
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Eating healthily
  • Acupuncture
  • Relaxing teas
  • Just taking long breaks

None of these things on their own will cure anxiety. They can certainly help and there’s no reason you shouldn’t employ calming methods in your everyday life if you’re trying to better manage anxiety, but don’t expect them to magically fix everything!

myths about anxietyFinal Thoughts About Some Anxiety Myths Everyone Believes But Aren’t True

There are many things about anxiety and other mental health issues that we still don’t know, and buying into myths about anxiety certainly doesn’t help matters. If you’re seeking aid for your anxiety or trying to learn about anxiety to help someone in your life, make sure that the information you absorb is accurate!

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