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10 Things That Prove You Must Give Love to Receive Love

To receive love, it takes work on your part. You must give it if you want to receive it, even if the love doesn’t come from that individual. Every time you show love to someone, you get it back in return, even if you don’t notice it right away.

You don’t have to take this statement at face value, though, because there is proof that you must give love to receive love. The proof lies in the way you handle love and continue to give it despite anything that happens. It also lies in the self-love you experience when you show it to those around you.

Even when it’s hard, showing love is essential if you want to experience it in your life. Give it freely and look for ways to bring joy to other people’s lives. When you do, you will receive the love you desire and deserve.

Ten Things That Prove You Must Give Love to Receive Love

Keep in mind that you won’t always receive the love from the person you give it to. You might get it from other people and yourself, instead. Either way, you will experience an abundance of love as long as you continually give it.

receive love1. You Feel the Most Loved When You Are Showing Love

Think about the times that you have felt the most loved. In many instances, you were likely showing love to someone when you felt that extreme emotion. By showing love, you will see that you must give it to receive love.

If you feel like you lack physical love, try giving it first. Kiss your partner, hold hands, cuddle, or give long hugs. You can’t expect reciprocation right away, but keep up the acts of life, and it can bring about a change.

Another way that you can show love is by expressing gratitude. When you want to say something negative to your partner, try changing your mindset and say something that you appreciate about them instead. If your partner knows that you are grateful for them, they will show more love than if you criticized them instead.

Telling someone how much you love them is a great way to feel love, too. You can say it out loud, write it, or text it to them, so long as you get the message across. Everyone wants to hear that they are loved, so never hesitate to say it to those closest to you.

Listening is another way to give love to the people in your life. When your partner tells you about their work-life, talks about the kids, expresses worries or stress, make sure that you are listening. If they can see that you are paying attention and are available, they will give you love, too.

Finally, another way to show love when you want to receive it is to surprise your partner. Give your loved ones a small gift that makes them smile or take them on a romantic date. Find ways to bring joy and excitement back to the relationship.

2. You Find That You Love Yourself More When You are Showing Love to Others

Some people tend to keep their love to themselves, but they still don’t fully love themselves. When they give love away, though, they get much more in return, helping them love themselves more.

If you have experienced this situation, then you have personal proof that you must give love to receive it. Sharing love is always better than keeping it to yourself, and it will help you experience more self-love, too. Plus, you will receive it back from others.

3. Asking for Love Doesn’t Work

When you aren’t feeling the love from those closest to you, asking for it doesn’t always work. If you have tried asking your partner for more love, you likely noticed that you didn’t get it. Even when you fully share your feelings, you still don’t feel loved.

Since asking for love doesn’t help you receive it, then you must show it instead. By showing love, you are more likely to receive it in return.

Sometimes, asking for love will have the opposite effect. The person you are requesting it from will become defensive because they think you are implying that they don’t do enough. Then, your partner is angry, and you still aren’t receiving the love that you desire.

Instead of taking the approach of asking for love, remember to give it if you want to receive it. Do it with no expectations, either, and it will be more genuine.

4. You Keep Trying

It might be tempting to give up when you aren’t receiving love, but you don’t do it. The fact that you keep trying shows that when you give love, you receive it in return. Otherwise, you would have given up. You might not receive it from the person you are giving love to, but you will experience more self-love.

With that self-love, you stay hopeful that you will find someone that truly loves you in the future. You continue making plans with people and moving forward despite any pain that you experienced.

quotes about strong women5. You Keep Giving

No matter what has happened, you will keep giving what you wish to receive. If you aren’t giving love, then you feel like you aren’t receiving it, either, which is true. As you focus on giving love, you will notice an abundance in your life.

6. Despite Everything, You Have Renewed Hope

Even though frustrating and emotionally painful situations, you remain hopeful. You might have been the one let down, but that doesn’t mean you will lose hope. As you move through your life, this renewed hope makes it clear that you must give love to receive it.

Plus, when you’ve been let down in the past, your hope renews because you know something better is out there. You have hope for those that will come into your life later, and you stay open to opportunities to show your feelings.

7. You Feel a Natural Abundance in Your Life

If you are a person that freely gives to those around you, you will experience natural abundance. By giving, you are allowing yourself to attract love in excess.

On the other hand, if you hold back and don’t give, you will attract the opposite feeling. You will experience a lack of trust and appreciation with feeling a lack of love in your life. When this situation occurs, your quality of life suffers.

8. No Matter What Has Happened, You Don’t Hesitate to Love Again

Since you must give love to receive it, you don’t hesitate to give it in your relationships. Even when you know that you could get hurt, you understand that you can’t hold back. Giving love all of the time means that you won’t overlook the right person that will love you back.

Your ideas on love don’t change through it all because you know that it will all be worth it. If you chose to stop giving instead, however, you wouldn’t have the opportunity to receive it, either.

9. You Receive More When You Give More

Giving more love doesn’t require physical contact. Instead, it could simply be sending positive energy or saying a kind word. As long as you intend to create happiness and joy in someone’s life, you will get love in return. The more love you put out there, the more you will get back.

Even if it doesn’t happen right away, you can find solace in the fact that it will find you. The positivity will make its way back to you. When that happens, you will see that all the love you gave was well worth it.

10. You Find Joy in Giving Love

When you give love and experience joy, it is a form of receiving love. The happiness you give to yourself by generously loving someone else comes back to you as self-love. As long as you are giving love as a way to bring joy to someone else, know that it will come full circle.

When you experience joy from giving love, you won’t ever feel the need to hold back. You don’t wait for people to earn your love before you show it because loving others is a way of loving yourself.

receive loveFinal Thoughts on Things That Prove You Must Give Love to Receive Love

Keep giving love no matter what happens in your relationships. By giving, you will be open to receive love, too. Continue staying true to yourself by loving in the way that you desire in return.

As these examples prove, you must give it to receive love. You might not get it back from the source you gave it to, but you will get it back one way or another. Most of the time, you will get back more than you gave, too.

Even when things get hard, keep being the loving person that you are. Continue loving everyone around you without reservation and see what it can do for your wellbeing.

4 Mental Health Benefits Of Tree Bathing

Tree bathing has been a recent trend in fitness. It is most commonly called “forest bathing,” a translation of “shinrin-yoku,” its original Japanese name. This name translates to “taking in the forest atmosphere.”

The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries first coined this term in 1982. However, the concept had existed in many cultures both before and after it became popularized in Japan.

The practice was introduced to encourage individuals to spend more of their time outdoors in a low-impact manner without intense exercise. The primary goals lie in mindfulness. It is an alternative to spending way too much time in front of technology, and it was also intended to allow locals in Japan to be more connected to forests.

However, tree bathing isn’t as simple as walking around in wooded areas. It means mixing mindfulness and contemplation into the idea. You experience taking in and thoroughly “bathing” in the natural atmosphere in a conscious and engaged manner. That’s the core of many mindful practices. After all, engaging the senses and being aware of your environment rooted in the present.

Tree bathing seems to have many health benefits, both for physical and mental purposes. Researchers started studying it after locals of Japan began to embrace the practice wholeheartedly, leading to an explosion of proof that forest bathing is beneficial in many different ways. Who could have guessed that taking a mindful walk in nature could be so potent? Here are four mental health benefits of tree bathing.

1.    It Satisfies The “3 Circle” Model of Mental Well-being

tree bathingThe Three Circles model refers to a combination of systems functioning together, namely the emotion regulation and nervous systems. When the criteria for the healthy functioning of these systems are met, the Three Circles model applies to that scenario. To best understand what this model is, here is a breakdown of each one:

·         Anxiety (The Boar)

This circle is related to the amygdala, which is crucial for protective stress and fight-or-flight responses that help you survive. It essentially means that this circle is responsible for alerts, emotions, and reactions to perceived threats. This can be helpful in difficult, sudden situations where quick thought is necessary, and the amygdala can inhibit or activate the system as needed. This circle dictates avoidance and anxiety and involves the neurotransmitters cortisol and adrenaline.

·         Contentment (The Ash Tree)

This circle deals with affiliative focus, essentially creating positive feelings by processing stimuli and using them to generate feelings of calm, kindness, affection, and more. This typically occurs from positive connections and involves the hormone oxytocin.

·         Drive (The Falcon)

This circle refers to motivation to survive or succeed in some way or other, typically by achieving the collection of resources or experiencing success in life through work, hobbies, or family. It means a yearning for the pursuit of great things to find happiness and positive thinking. This usually involves the chemical dopamine.

Each of these three circles must exist in a healthy balance to achieve mental well-being. Overactivity of any of these circles leads to mental issues, such as depression, anxiety, and other problems. For example, too much anxiety stresses you out, too much drive makes you impulsive, and too much contentment can bore you. Or, in reverse, too little anxiety makes you impulsive, too little movement makes you depressed, and too little bliss worsens that depression more.

But what does this have to do with tree bathing? Well, as it turns out, studies show that tree bathing has a positive effect on the balancing of these circles, creating an improved emotional and mental experience. A lot of early research without using this model became confused, as tree bathing affects different people differently, but the introduction of the model cleared up some questions.

Here are some complexities that the Three Circle model explains with tree bathing:

  • Some individuals experience an activation of certain circles, and others experience a subduing of certain circles, but most participants result from balanced processes.
  • Different individuals can use tree bathing for various purposes, and though they all benefit, the exact reason they help can vary.
  • Tree bathing helps control different systems in the body from a biological perspective, leading to more compelling mental health benefits.
  • There are many different kinds of happiness and different ways to experience positive thinking, and tree bathing can provide somewhat varied experiences for those involved.
  • Tree bathing helps with emotional regulation.
  • Tree bathing is good for the central nervous system.

The bottom line? Forest bathing helps to balance the body, making it an excellent mechanism for improved mental health, no matter how it personally benefits you.

2.    It Reduces Stress

It’s easy to see how a lovely walk amongst nature can comfort and reduce stress levels. In fact, research has shown in detail just how positive forest bathing can be for the production of stress hormones and the body’s overall feelings of calmness. Here are some key findings from studies that cover this topic:

  • Tree bathing helps the body relax away from the risk of triggering the body’s natural stress response.
  • The stress hormone, cortisol, decreases after time spent tree bathing, even compared with those who walk and exercise away from nature; concentration of the hormone is much lower after time spent in nature this way.
  • Tree bathing boosts the activity in the parasympathetic nervous system, which relaxes the heart rate and promotes positive thinking; this also helps promote serenity and relaxation, allowing for energy conservation.
  • By reducing stress levels, tree bathing can remove the catalyst for many health problems, often triggered by excessive stress hormones.
  • Tree bathing also reduces blood pressure, which is a common issue for those dealing with a lot of stress.

stressed3.    It Gives You More Energy

A specific mental state often depends on how much energy you have. People often assume that all power is purely physical, but it can very much be mental or even spiritual. The energy you have has to be distributed throughout these different means, and when you don’t have enough of it, your mental health suffers.

Studies into the effects of tree bathing have found that it can help replenish energy in several ways, namely:

·         It Promotes Sleep Quality

You can sleep for a very long time and still feel drained in the morning if the quality of your sleep is terrible. The sleep cycles must complete themselves to restore you, and disrupted sleep can ruin your restfulness. Forest bathing can improve sleep quality, which lends itself to your ability to handle the following day’s stressors.

·         It Allows Faster and Longer Sleep

If you’ve ever laid awake in bed tossing and turning, then you know just how frustrating it can be to try and sleep for hours and not succeed in time to get sufficient rest. For many, the source of such insomnia lies in anxiety. Fortunately, forest bathing helps to counteract that by evoking a sense of calm. The exercise that comes from this can also help you fall asleep faster at night, increasing the duration of rest, so you have more energy the next day. Getting enough sleep is also essential for mental health, as it dictates how resilient you are to stress and anxiety.

·         It Provides Additional Energy

Tree bathing is a fantastic source of rejuvenation. When you’re out walking in nature, your body begins to fight stress with positive hormones, making you feel invigorated. These revitalizing effects give you a little more energy and enthusiasm to get through the day, feeling refreshed. This helps to reduce mental condition symptoms, especially anxiety or stress.

4.    It Boosts Creativity

Forest bathing has been found to have positive effects on overall creativity. Creativity is often overlooked when it comes to mental health. But it does play a fairly significant role in your psychological wellbeing. A creative mind is an active and healthy one, and this trait comes into play in areas such as:

  • Solving problems, allowing you to overcome hurdles and challenges with more ease and resilience
  • Coming up with new ideas allows you to think outside the box and be more innovative.
  • Creating art, which is a fantastic form of expression that can help your mental health

The previous research revealed that you could enjoy a 50% increase in your performance related to creativity and problem-solving after spending time in nature. Tree bathing without access to technological devices is a great way to gain these benefits.

tree bathingFinal Thoughts On Some Mental Health Benefits Of Tree Bathing

Many people believe that the concept of tree bathing or forest bathing is best reserved for those who love the wilderness and the great outdoors. But you don’t need to be a nature lover to enjoy the many benefits of tree bathing. Anyone can enjoy the positive results of being out amongst lush greenery and retaining a mindful presence in your surroundings and senses.

Remember, you don’t need to exert yourself significantly if you’re going tree bathing. The point is not to break a massive sweat or even increase your heart rate. All you have to do is be amongst greenery and bask in it with your focus and enjoyment. You should also leave your devices behind if you can, enjoying nature without technology. It’s an excellent exercise for people of all kinds. Those who want a breather, those with limited mobility, and those who want to explore!

Of course, the mental health benefits of tree bathing only go so far. If you’re severely struggling with your mental health, you shouldn’t rely on forest bathing as a method for “treatment” of your symptoms. This is especially true if your mental health issues are starting to affect your everyday life. It would be best if you spoke to a mental health professional for help. Indeed, tree bathing is excellent as a treatment supplement but can’t replace medical care.

The bottom line is this: tree bathing works! It’s a fantastic tool for managing mental health, handling all sorts of negative emotions, and boosting positive thinking. If you’ve never tried it before, there’s no time to start like the present! Bring some friends or family along, or enjoy solitude as you head out into the great outdoors.

Scientists Find a Protein That Helps Make Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

A new study reveals a protein that helps make an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s possible. Scientists found that abnormal blood levels of many proteins could signal the development of dementia up to five years before diagnosis. Before these findings, most of these proteins did not connect to dementia or Alzheimer’s. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health led the study.

Researchers analyzed blood samples of over 10,000 middle-aged and older adults for the study. The scientists took the samples and stored them for previous large-scale studies decades earlier. The scientists found that abnormal blood levels of 38 proteins increased the risk of developing Alzheimer’s within five years. Among the 38 proteins, 16 seemed to result in an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, up to two decades in advance.

The researchers point out that many of the risk markers may occur due to slow cognitive decline from Alzheimer’s. However, they found that high levels of one protein, SVEP1, likely directly contribute to the disease process. The findings were published in the journal Nature Aging on May 14, 2021.

“This is the most comprehensive analysis of its kind to date, and it sheds light on multiple biological pathways that are connected to Alzheimer’s. Some of these proteins we uncovered are just indicators that disease might occur, but a subset may be causally relevant, which is exciting because it raises the possibility of targeting these proteins with future treatments.”    -Senior author Josef Coresh, MD, PhD, MHS, George W. Comstock Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the Bloomberg School.

Currently, over six million Americans live with an Alzheimer’s Disease diagnosis. It’s the most common form of dementia, which results in cognitive and physical decline. Researchers have searched for a cure for decades, but to date, no treatments exist to slow or stop the disease.

How specific proteins could help with early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

cognitive declineScientists say that making an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s gives patients the best outlook. Treating Alzheimer’s before dementia symptoms begin developing could stop the disease altogether. Thus far, scientists have focused on two major Alzheimer’s brain pathology features to evaluate patients’ risk.

Amyloid-beta proteins, known as plaques and tau proteins, have been the focus of scientists researching Alzheimer’s risk. Brain imaging of plaques and blood or cerebrospinal fluid levels of amyloid-beta or tau have been able to predict Alzheimer’s well in advance.

However, scientists have noticed a significant flaw in this method of diagnosing Alzheimer’s. Humans have thousands of other vital proteins in their cells and blood. In recent years, scientists have made many advancements in measuring these proteins from blood samples. For this study, researchers wanted to analyze whether these techniques could also help make an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.

The study about proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease

The scientists analyzed blood samples of over 4,800 late-middle-aged participants in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) research. Since 1985, researchers have run a large epidemiological study of heart disease-related risk factors and outcomes in four U.S. communities.

A laboratory technology company called SomaLogic collaborated on the study. Using a recently developed technology, SomaScan, they recorded blood levels of almost 5,000 distinct proteins in the ARIC samples. After analyzing the results, the team discovered that abnormal levels of 38 proteins led to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s within five years.

Next, they used SomaScan to measure protein levels from over 11,000 blood samples from younger ARIC volunteers from 1993-95. They found that, of the 38 proteins, 16 were linked to an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s within two decades.

Essential proteins linked to early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

To validate these findings, scientists analyzed results from a different patient population. They studied effects from a previous SomaScan of blood samples taken from Icelanders from 2002-06. That study also evaluated proteins, including 13 of the 16 identified in the ARIC analyses. Among those 13 proteins analyzed, researchers linked six to an increased Alzheimer’s risk over a 10-year follow-up period.

In another analysis, scientists compared those proteins with data from past investigations into the genetic factors contributing to Alzheimer’s. They determined that the SVEP1 protein didn’t just increase the likelihood of an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Instead, it triggered the disease.

While scientists don’t yet fully understand how SVEP1 functions, some studies have linked it to other diseases. This year, a study found that the protein was a risk marker for atherosclerosis, which causes heart attacks and strokes.

Other proteins which could help make an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s include several essential immune proteins. This reiterates previous findings over several decades, which have found an association between Alzheimer’s and immune overactivity in the brain.

Researchers will continue using SomaScan and other similar techniques to study proteins in blood samples from long-term studies. They hope to identify potential pathways that trigger Alzheimer’s to improve treatments for the devastating disease. They’ve also studied how protein levels in the ARIC samples can predict other conditions, like vascular disease in the brain, kidneys, and heart.

early diagnosis of AlzheimersFinal thoughts about the study discovering proteins that help make an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

In a new study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, scientists found proteins identifying Alzheimer’s much sooner. Specifically, a protein called SVEP1 is associated with increasing Alzheimer’s risk and triggering or driving the disease. Specific proteins in the brain signal the development of Alzheimer’s up to two decades in advance of diagnosis.

Perhaps this study will lead to earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and more advanced treatments.

The National Institutes of Health helped support the study with grants.

The team hopes to result in better treatments or earlier diagnosis of the deadly disease by learning this. Currently, no cure exists to eradicate or even slow Alzheimer’s. However, research may offer hope to Alzheimer’s patients, as identifying the proteins is the first step in preventing the disease.

10 Reasons Why You’re Not Happy Even If You Have Everything In Life

So you have it all. You have a good job, a safe home, and supportive family and friends. You should be happy, but you aren’t. What could possibly be wrong? Potentially, a lot of things. No one is immune to unhappiness, and true happiness takes some soul-searching. You owe it to yourself and those close to you to give it all you have. Here are ten reasons why you’re not happy even if you have everything in life.

1.    You Can Be Secure But Unfulfilled

Having everything isn’t necessarily fulfilling for you as a human being. You can end up spinning your wheels without much meaning in your day-to-day. That’s because success doesn’t answer the underlying question of why you’re doing anything. You may remain unhappy if you aren’t driven by purpose. Prevent that by being passionate about your life and having a vision of who you are.

·         Understand Yourself

You may need to dig deep to understand your personality and what you want in life. Decide if you’re comfortable with where your career is going in the next few years. Drop hobbies that aren’t worth it while emphasizing ones that suit you. Be open about your aspirations during quality time with family and friends.

·         Make Changes

It may all call for drastic lifestyle changes, but health coach Emily Laurence points out that just learning what you want is a significant advantage. Then it’s simply a matter of creating the space for you to enter into a new way of being. Don’t hesitate to act because you don’t want to lose time mired in a life you don’t like.

not happy2.    You’re Focused On Impressing People

Starting from a young age, people spend a lot of time trying to impress others. Even if you have everything, the need to impress will keep you unhappy. Just because people like your fancy clothes, car, and house, doesn’t mean they’ll stand by you in your time of need. It’s a fragile sort of happiness that makes you clingy and leaves you bitter when you aren’t getting the attention you think you deserve.

·         Impressing People Isn’t Worth It

When you crave admiration, it’s hard to appreciate all the nice things you have. Maintaining other people’s interests, rather than your happiness, is stress you don’t need. It’s been shown that buying things to impress others tends to remove your satisfaction with the purchase.

·         Seek A Healthier Kind Of Happiness

It would be best if you were above seeking validation from others, so take advantage of what you have. If you’re considering spending to impress people, save your money for something important. Stay positive to be satisfied with yourself and strengthen the bonds you already have to secure happiness through being loved.

3.    You Have To Practice More Gratitude

It might sound harsh, but try to be grateful for everything you have. If you have everything, savor it and remind yourself how lucky you are. Some people become disillusioned with their satisfactory lives, filling the void by buying more things, not knowing what they’re doing.

·         Give Back To The World

Avoid this by deciding to give back to the world from your position of power. Enthusiastically say thank you and praise people. Contribute to charitable causes. It’s also important to take some pride in yourself and remain interested in your accomplishments. If you have everything, there’s no reason not to be optimistic.

·         Be Thankful Of Your Accomplishments

Set aside time every once in a while to be thankful for your decisions that garnered success. How does it all affect your view of the future? Ponder your hopes for what good can be accomplished next and engage in positive thinking about your impact on the world.

4.    Learn How To Appreciate Goals And Milestones

Just because you have everything doesn’t mean you can’t work toward something. Regardless of luxury, stagnating as a person isn’t a nice feeling. So challenge yourself and get excited about trying new things.

·         Set New Goals

Set goals that are fun rather than more tasks to check off. Cook food you’re not good at making, learn a new language, and cultivate yourself into the best you can be. It’s daunting, but Laurence recommends you start pursuing what’s missing from your life in small ways because baby steps are powerful.

·         Create New Milestones

Your mental state is aided by looking forward to milestones too. In a life where you have everything you need, it’s good to get people together and celebrate that. Make anniversaries and birthdays about quality time rather than gifts, so you’re in an appreciative mood. Like the goals we accomplish, milestones are thresholds of growth, showing us how far we’ve come.

5.    You’re Restricted By Routine

A life where you have everything is safe, meaning you can become restless and bored quickly. This is especially true if you live by a rigidly regimented routine, lacking the fun of spontaneity. It’s hard to be fulfilled by a life of prosperity when you’re on a tight schedule, always doing the same thing. As author Travis Bradberry says, some structure is necessary because the happiest people have honed habits maintaining their good mood day in and day out.

Learn to mix things up! You’ve still got to mix things up, so you don’t go stir-crazy. Now and then, tell yourself to come up with something interesting to do. Complete tasks in a different order or wake up at a different time. See how quickly you can get a particular chore done. It’s good for your brain to face varied situations, allowing you to stay sharp.

pop meme6.    You Don’t Take Time To Relax

Even if you have a good life, you can’t be endlessly running from one thing to the next. Between work, household duties, and time with your kids and partner, you’ll burn yourself out. It would be best if you had time to reflect on life and indulge in what you like.

·         Free Yourself And Get Some Quality “Me” Time

Without any “me time,” you can get sidetracked from who you are and what you’re all about. Let yourself eat, meditate, get fresh air, and be free. Research shows that just going for a walk is pretty beneficial. Such mental breaks are essential to fostering good concentration and stress management.

·         Rest And Recalibrate

This good habit of resting and recalibrating opens you up to positive reminders, accepting your life, and recommitting hard work. Treat yourself properly, and you’ll be a well-oiled machine, able to enjoy the life you’ve made for yourself. It’s impressive how small breaks can have such a pleasing effect on the body and mind.

7.    You Aren’t In Touch With Your Emotions

Emotions are our lifeblood, so try to keep them in check. A good life can be harmed by an unpleasant emotional state. Unmet basic needs won’t stop you from getting cynical. You shouldn’t live life on autopilot and become stilted, distant from what’s going on. Though your needs may be taken care of, there’s still the matter of being a welcoming person.

·         Be There For Others

Being emotionally available makes you an asset to your loved ones. That’s not possible if you allow feelings of frustration, disinterest, and inefficiency to build up. Hone your empathy and have regular conversations with those close to you.

·         Reciprocity

Understanding others can help you understand yourself. If something bothers you, don’t hide it. Be introspective to know why you feel the way you do. All the while, be a good listener, and you can maintain a positive atmosphere.

8.    Learn To Indulge In Simple Pleasures

Lasting happiness is thought to be brought about by obvious markers like marriage or childbirth. Some people crave loud, exciting satisfaction. You can spend a lot of time chasing material wealth and not become happy. Don’t relentlessly pursue happiness like a destination. No matter how many good things you have, that can be destructive. Remember, happiness is a state of mind, not a destination.

·         Slow Down And Notice The World Around You

Instead, slow down and drink in the world around you. Discover the simpler pleasures in life. Bradberry says that fascinating things happen around us every day if you know where to look. It can fill you with awe, which is humbling. There truly is so much to appreciate.

·         Pamper Yourself With You Indulge In The Little Things

Have a relaxing bubble bath, stroll through morning mist and dew, follow a workout with a hot shower, explore bike trails on a summer night, bite into a juicy fruit, drink hot chocolate in front of the fireplace, dance to music, and more. Enhance these activities with positive thinking for time well spent.

9.    You’re Overthinking Instead Of Living

Having everything doesn’t change the destructive nature of overthinking. You’ve got to get out of your head and live in the present. Overthinking tends to be a response to anxiety but can just as easily lead to it.

Overthinking is more dangerous than you think. Research has found that overthinking is associated with the onset of depression and has been linked with psychopathologies like binge eating, binge drinking, and self-harm. To avoid this fate, talk openly with others about what’s rattling in your head. If you begin to zone out and overthink, question what’s bothering you and how the problem arose.

10. Sources Of Negativity Bring You Down

There’s plenty of negativity in the world. Sometimes when people are feeling down, they engage in negative self-talk that leaves them depressed for days. Sometimes everything in life is going well, but sources of negativity are pronounced and ruining it all. Negativity can’t be eradicated, but it should be dealt with healthily.

·         Put Your Foot Down

If you’re spending time with people who ruin your mood, you can have negative emotions stirring in your head, making it harder to sleep and concentrate. Sometimes your friends are complainers who pity themselves and put their problems in your lap instead of doing anything constructive. Put your foot down with people who stress you out, either by distancing yourself or presenting them with concrete solutions.

·         The Right Mindset

Rely on positive thinking, even when you don’t believe it, to lift you. Spend time on things you like, even if you’re afraid your mood will get in the way. Your hobbies and interests can always create good memories you can recall for weeks to come and provide a cathartic sense of accomplishment.

not happyFinal Thoughts On Why You’re Not Happy Even If You Have Everything In Life

There are no catch-all solutions. Everyone is different and suffers from various combinations of factors. However, everyone has the power to fight against their unhappiness. Never take it lying down. You and your loved ones are worth it and will grow by overcoming obstacles.

15 Ways to Reverse a Boring Relationship

Do you feel stuck in a boring relationship and you need to find ways to reenergize your connection?

Don’t feel bad, as this happens to most people who have been together for any length of time. Thankfully, there are many ways that you can put the spark back in your connection, and you can have fun in the process.

Life is stressful and chaotic at times, and you tend to take things out on those closest to you. How many times have you shut yourself away in the bedroom to recharge your drained batteries? The only problem is you often shut out those who are there to help you through the bad times.

As relationships hit the five, ten, and even 20-year mark, you morph into a stage of comfort. You certainly don’t have the same push to prove yourself as you did when you fell in love. After you’ve sealed the deal, most feel they don’t need to put as much effoFrt into their connection, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Fifteen Ways to Reenergize Your Boring Relationship

boring relationshipIf you feel you’re in a rut and want to change things, you must be proactive. You won’t get anywhere by sitting on the couch and watching TV every night till you fall to sleep, as this will only make things worse.

It will help if you put some actions behind your desire for a closer connection to get back to a place that feels right. Here are fifteen of the best ways that you can reenergize your relationship.

1. Bring Back Date Night to Break Out of a Boring Relationship

Even if you’ve been together for 25 years, you must have a date night. Taking a few hours out of your week for the one you love is not too much to ask. Put real effort into this night and plan something fun and exciting together.

2. Travel and Experience New Things

Taking weekend trips can put the excitement back into your relationship. When you’re seeing and exploring new places together, it’s easy to leave the cares of life behind. Reconnecting in new places is a great way to reenergize things, plus it just makes life better when you have something to look forward to.

3. Make Your Partner Your Priority

While you have 101 things you must do daily, your partner needs to prioritize that list. Ensure you text when you have a break, or you should call during your lunch hour. Put them high on your list, no matter how chaotic the day.

4. Take Social Media Breaks

When you’re with your special person, put down your phone. Why do so many people not interact with each other because they’re too busy on social media or checking their email and texts? Galena Rhoades is a clinical psychologist who has done studies on this matter.

Based on her studies at the University of Denver, she wrote a book entitled How Facebook Ruined Dating (And Breaking Up Too). She found that social media is ruining couples and often causes relationship disillusions. Do you and your partner a favor, turn off the phone, and connect.

5. Make Sacrifices For One Another

Sometimes relationships take real sacrifice to make things work. While you may not like pizza for dinner, but you know it’s your partner’s favorite food, then you should give in occasionally.

You must learn the fine art of compromise if you will stay together for the long haul. Life can’t be all about what you want all the time anyway. When you commit to someone, you must learn about give and take; this equation needs to be 50/50.

6. Say “I Love You” More Often

When’s the last time you told your partner you loved them? It seems so effortless to say when you start dating, but many don’t feel the need to say it as often over time. You probably think they already know your feelings, so why must you keep telling them?

However, you must tell the person you love how you feel and do this at least once a day.

7. Spend Time Apart

As much as you love being together, spending time apart is also healthy. It’s okay to have time with your friends or family so that you have something to come home and talk to your partner about. The old saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder is undoubtedly based on truth.

unplug for alone time8. Argue Less and Listen More

It’s common to get into a pattern of arguing and grumbling at each other, especially after you’ve had a long day. The next time you feel yourself starting to get angry, and you begin to say things out of the moment’s frustration, stop and listen more than you speak.

You will be surprised how much your relationship changes when you listen more and argue less. Plus, if you have children, you don’t want them to hear you quarrel as it makes them uncomfortable.

9. Appreciate the Little Things

Does your partner make your coffee every day before you go to work? Do they pack your lunch and tell you to have a nice day? When is the last time you told them thank you and appreciated those little gestures they don’t have to do?

Take time to do small things to show your partner how much you care, and make sure that you thank them when they do something nice for you.

10. Laugh Together (Humor Can Lighten Up a Boring Relationship)

When is the last time you had a good laugh together? Life can’t be serious all the time. You need to lighten up and find something that makes you both chuckle.

Did you know that when you have a good belly laugh, you’re releasing oxytocin? According to the National Library of Medicine, this hormone will lift your mood and make you feel better. Laughing really is good medicine for the soul.

11. Have a Meaningful Conversation

Having a good conversation is part of communication, which is one of the foundations of any relationship. Ensure you talk about more than the weather or the time the kids need to be at their game. It would help if you had a conversation that is meaningful, deep, and about your lives.

12. Remember Physical Touch

Physical touch is so important. When you hug someone, hold their hand, or put your arm around them, you tell them how much you care without opening your mouth. Plus, hugging for around 20 seconds can also get your feel-good hormones pumping, says an article in the National Library of Medicine.

13. Try A Fun Class Together

If you’re in a rut and need to reenergize, why not try something unique like a cooking class, pick up a new hobby, or even ax throwing? There are so many things out there for you to do, but many people don’t use their adventurous side to explore things.

Sure, you’re tired after a long day of work and all your responsibilities, but why not put some effort into making your relationship better by having new experiences.

14. Dream Together

Never, ever stop dreaming together. What are your goals, plans, and visions for the future? Take time to talk about all the things you want to accomplish in one year, five, ten, and twenty.

Get a pen and paper and make a bucket list of things you want to do solo in your career and together with your partner. Dreaming together is one reason you fell in love, and it can be the thing that helps you re-energize your relationship.

15. Write Love Letters

Do you still write love letters, give cards, or put sticky notes on the bathroom mirror with lovely messages? This is one of those little things you can do that has a huge impact. You’re telling this person they’re on your mind, and they’re so vital to you that you had to say it.

The key is not to overdo it as it can seem forced or not genuine, but an occasional note left on the bathroom mirror can do wonders for a boring relationship phase.

boring relationshipFinal Thoughts on Reversing a Boring Relationship

Before you head to a counselor and try to fix what appears wrong in your relationship, you must realize that all unions go through dry spells. It’s completely normal to feel like you’re in a rut and need to reenergize things. The key is that you fix things or may be one of the many couples that don’t make it for the long haul.

Additionally, sometimes things are beyond repair, and it’s not worth putting the time or effort into fixing it. In these instances, you need to learn when it’s time to let go for the sake of your sanity.

Thankfully, most people find that dry spells are part of the ups and downs of being together. When you’re in these periods, you must tell yourself that things will get better and then take steps to make it happen.

OSU Astronomers Now Have Proof of How the Milky Way Formed

Recent research by OSU astronomers reveals new estimates of when the Milky Way formed. The findings also provide a cosmological timescale of when our galaxy merged with other, smaller galaxies. Using new astronomy techniques, the researchers identified the most accurate ages of nearly 100 red giant stars in the Milky Way.

This, along with other data, revealed evidence of what happened when the Milky Way merged with an orbiting satellite galaxy. The galaxy, known as Gaia-Enceladus, went through a violent merger with our galaxy about 10 billion years ago. The journal Nature Astronomy published the findings on May 17, 2021.

“Our evidence suggests that when the merger occurred, the Milky Way had already formed a large population of its own stars,” said Fiorenzo Vincenzo, co-author of the study and a fellow in The Ohio State University’s Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

Most of the stars in the Milky Way appeared in the thick disk in the middle of the galaxy. On the other hand, most stars formed in the outer halo of the Gaia-Enceladus galaxy.

Josefina Montalban, with the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. and the lead author of the study, says this:

“The merging event with Gaia-Enceladus is thought to be one of the most important in the Milky Way’s history, shaping how we observe it today.”

universe memeCalculating the age of the stars allowed the researchers to identify new information about both galaxies for the first time. They discovered that the stars captured from Gaia-Enceladus are very close in age to most stars born in the Milky Way.

Vincenzo says that significant changes happen anytime a violent merger occurs between two galaxies. Their data showed that when the two galaxies collided, the orbits of the already-existing stars changed, making them more chaotic.

Methods used to find out how the Milky Way formed.

 Vincenzo compared the stars’ erratic movements to a dance. He said the stars from the Gaia-Enceladus galaxy move differently than those within the Milky Way. Vincenzo described other differences between the stars in each galaxy. The stars from the former galaxy had different chemical compositions than those born within the Milky Way.

For the study, the team utilized various methods and data sources within astronomy. To identify the most precise ages of the stars, they used asteroseismology – the study of stellar oscillations. According to Mathieu Vrard, a postdoctoral research associate in Ohio State’s Department of Astronomy, these sound waves ripple through stars’ internal structure.

“That allows us to get very precise ages for the stars, which are important in determining the chronology of when events happened in the early Milky Way,” Vrard said.

The study also utilized data from a spectroscopic survey called APOGEE. This reveals the chemical composition of stars, which also aids in dating the stars.

“We have shown the great potential of asteroseismology, in combination with spectroscopy, to age-date individual stars,” Montalban said.

The research team says these findings mark the first step in uncovering more information about galaxies in the future.

“We now intend to apply this approach to larger samples of stars and to include even more subtle features of the frequency spectra,” Vincenzo said.

“This will eventually lead to a much sharper view of the Milky Way’s assembly history and evolution, creating a timeline of how our galaxy developed.”

This research is part of the collaborative Asterochronometry project funded by the European Research Council.

Interesting facts about the Milky Way galaxy that we call home

  •  It spans about 100,000 light-years across.
  • It’s a barred spiral galaxy, like billions of other galaxies in this universe. About two-thirds of galaxies are spiral galaxies.
  • The galaxy contains a bar across its center region. Hence, the name barred spiral. This central bulge is surrounded by four large spiral arms that wrap around it. The Milky Way sits on the outer edges of one arm within a disk of cosmic material, such as stars and asteroids.
  • The Milky Way also contains two smaller spurs. One of these is the Orion Arm, where the sun and solar system are located. The Orion Arm sits between the two major arms, Perseus and Sagittarius.
  • The Milky Way constantly rotates, so the sun and solar system move with it. The solar system travels at an average of 515,000 mph (828,000 km/h). This rate may sound lightning-fast, but it would still take around 250 million years for the solar system to travel around the galaxy.
  • Astronomers named it the Milky Way because it appears as a milky band of light in the dark sky.
  • Scientists estimate that our galaxy contains around 100 billion stars, though it’s difficult to know.
  • It’s almost as old as the universe itself. Scientists estimate that our universe is around 13.7 billion years old; the Milky Way is approximately 13.6 billion. However, the disk and bulge didn’t form until about 10-12 billion years ago.
  • The Milky Way comprises around 90% dark matter, which we cannot see. It’s made of 10% “luminous matter,” which we can see with the naked eye. A large amount of dark matter creates an invisible halo around the galaxy, which causes the stars to orbit much faster than if they didn’t exist.
  • There’s an Earth-sized planet floating aimlessly within the Milky Way!

milky wayFinal thoughts about research showing proof of how the Milky Way formed

Studying outer space is endlessly fascinating, and scientists are continually uncovering more about its mysteries. Recently, a team from Ohio State University discovered estimates of when and how the Milky Way formed. They believe it merged with a galaxy called Gaia-Enceladus about 10 billion years ago.

The researchers also used new astronomy techniques to identify the ages of nearly 100 red giant stars in the Milky Way. They found that the age of these stars is similar to those born in the former galaxy. In the future, they will take samples from larger groups of stars, which will help them better understand how the universe developed.

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