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15 Surprisingly Healthy Benefits of Fidelity in a Relationship

Infidelity has, unfortunately, become common in relationships, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead, you can experience fidelity in your relationship and have a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

Research identifies infidelity as a cause of significant relationship issues, stress, and messy situations. On the other hand, Fidelity offers many benefits to you personally and to your relationship.

Knowing the benefits of fidelity in a relationship can help you resist temptation. Once you see all the good from having a trustworthy and faithful relationship, you won’t want anything else.

Fifteen Mental Health Benefits of Fidelity in a Relationship

It turns out that staying faithful to your partner provides emotional and mental stability.

fidelity1. You Will Experience Security, a Deep Connection, and a Sense of Partnership

Security, connection, and partnership are essential in a healthy romantic relationship. All three of these things require commitment and loyalty from both partners.

When both people feel like the relationship is only between them, it gives a sense of partnership. It shows that you are in it together; no matter what happens, you will support one another.

Experiencing security in your relationship means that both partners will feel comfortable being away from one another. There will be no second-guessing the other’s intentions, and you can live free of the constant worry.

When you’re loyal, you can also form a stronger emotional connection with your partner. You will both be more comfortable with one another, and there is strength in that feeling.

2. You Will Feel More Confident and Prouder of Yourself

Fidelity in a relationship fosters positive character traits, including confidence and integrity. The way you live your private life is where you develop these positive qualities.

When there is infidelity, the rest of that person’s life seems to crumble, too. They lose their confidence and no longer feel proud of who they are. If you stay faithful, though, this doesn’t happen, and you can continue feeling good about yourself.

Plus, you don’t want to be the reason for your partner’s pain, which will drain your self-confidence. If you have family, you will feel ashamed to hurt them all and let them down.

3. There Will Be More Respect

In an honest, committed relationship, there will be more respect. This allows you to show respect to your partner in the most important way. Plus, your partner will respect you for being faithful, and others will respect you for showing your loyalty.

4. It Boosts Your Overall Well-Being

Those in a healthy relationship tend to be happier, more fulfilled, and more relaxed. Plus, people in this type of relationship typically smile more than those who experience infidelity.

5. You Will Experience True Love Fully

If you split your time and commitment between two people, you won’t experience loving someone fully. Instead of spreading yourself between two relationships, you can focus on your partner and give your all to the relationship.

Only if you commit yourself fully to one person will you experience true love. If you stay faithful, you will have the chance to experience real love with them.

6. You Can Enjoy Deeper Intimacy With Your Partner

When all of your energy and emotion are focused on your one partner, you will experience more intimacy. With all of it focused on one person, you will connect to a level that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. It boosts the quality of your connection, and your experiences will be incomparable.

loyalty meme7. You Won’t Deal With As Much Stress or Drama

Sneaking around with someone else behind your partner’s back is stressful. You will spend so much time trying to cover your tracks and creating lies that will work. This situation causes indescribable stress, and your well-being will suffer.

On the other hand, if you are faithful, you will have peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about your partner finding out about infidelity, and you can be honest. You won’t have excessive drama in your relationship with fidelity, either.

8. You Will Be a Good Role Model

Other people are watching you. When they see that you are faithful to your partner, it shows them that they can do the same. It will help them stay loyal and resist temptation.

9. You Will Have Trust in the Relationship

There will be trust between you when there is no infidelity in your relationship. With confidence, you will be comfortable opening up and having deep discussions. Plus, you will feel more comfortable in your relationship if you trust your partner.

Another benefit of fidelity is that you can demand the same from your partner if you are faithful. If you have been unfaithful, you can’t expect your partner to treat you differently than you treated them.

10. You Will Have More Meaningful Friendships.

You might not realize that the way you handle your relationship reflects on your friendships. Good friends won’t find it acceptable for you to be unfaithful to your partner. They will see it as disrespectful and question your loyalty to all of your relationships, including your friendship.

Instead, the people you want to be friends with are the ones that expect you to be honest and trustworthy. They will notice that you treat your partner with respect and resist temptation. This recognition will help them see that you are a positive person to have in their lives.

11. You Will Always Have Your Best Friend Around

When you are in a healthy relationship, your partner often becomes one of your best friends. If you betray them, however, you lose your relationship and your friendship as well. Staying in a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship requires loyalty.

For most people that cheat, the thrill eventually fades away. Then, they want to go back to what they once had with their partner. You can’t make things the same as they used to be if infidelity has been an issue.

Even if your partner wants to give you another chance, the damage has already happened. The relationship you once had is destroyed. You will likely never experience being in a relationship with your best friend again.

12. Karma Will Catch up With You

Depending on how you look at it, this could be beneficial or a problem for you. If you are faithful to your partner, you can find comfort knowing that your karma will be good. As long as you do what is right, you won’t have to worry about anything.

13. You Will Know You Have Good People in Your Life

When there is infidelity in your relationship, the person you are unfaithful with likely isn’t trustworthy. If they know you are in a relationship but spend this time with you anyway, they don’t have your best interests in mind. They are honoring their own selfish needs and desires instead.

While the person might make you feel good at the time, it won’t last. The other person doesn’t care about the stress or drama they are causing in your home life. Of course, this isn’t to say that you are innocent in the situation, but neither are they.

Eventually, they will do you wrong, too. If the person is willing to be part of your infidelity, they will likely do it to you. However, if you refrain from being unfaithful, you won’t have to worry about this.

On the other hand, experiencing fidelity in your relationship helps you form genuine, meaningful relationships. You can rest assured that you have good people in your life that won’t cause you stress or pain. Plus, you won’t have to worry about being the victim of infidelity if you know the people in your life are good.

14. You Will Learn About Loyalty

Everyone has heard of loyalty and generally understands it, but it goes deeper than that. You won’t truly learn about commitment until you are in a faithful relationship where you are faithful to your partner. Making your significant other the only one you are in a relationship with will allow you to value their reliability and dependability.

15. Your Home Life Will Be Better

If you have kids, you must consider them to have stable, healthy relationships. With infidelity in their parents’ relationship, kids will experience trauma and grow in a dramatic, stressful household. By avoiding unfaithfulness, you can ensure that your children aren’t exposed to that type of emotional trauma.

Plus, seeing fidelity in your relationship will help your children learn about healthy relationships. Kids learn from the actions and behaviors of their parents, so make sure to set a good example. Your kids are paying attention even when you think that they aren’t.

fidelityFinal Thoughts on Surprisingly Healthy Benefits of Fidelity in a Relationship

While infidelity seems to be expected in relationships, yours doesn’t have to be that way. Even better, there are many mentally healthy benefits of fidelity. These benefits will help you grow as a person while strengthening your relationship with your partner.

Knowing the benefits can help you continue being faithful in your relationship. If you want a loving, fulfilling relationship, fidelity is required.

15 Signs Your Partner is Ready to Tie the Knot

If you’ve been in a committed relationship for any length of time, the thoughts of spending eternity together come to mind. How do you know if your partner is ready to tie the knot or wants to wait longer?

It’s always tricky to tell if someone is prepared to make such a long-term commitment, but a few clues can help you figure it out. Maybe they’ve started researching “marquee hire perth” for potential wedding venues or dropping subtle hints about their dream outdoor ceremony. These little signs might just indicate that they’re envisioning a future together as much as you are. You can call Debbie Eko Photography for a wedding photographer Richmond, renowned for their ability to capture the essence of your special day with creativity and elegance, ensuring every moment is beautifully preserved.

Fifteen Signs Your Partner Wants to Get Married

The old song says love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage. If you’ve been together for a while, you may want to consider settling down. While some people want to live together and skip the legal obligations, many still like the old-fashioned wedding and the commitment to true love. For those planning their special day, wedding photographers Jacksonville can help capture every beautiful moment, ensuring your memories last a lifetime. And if you’re planning to have an elopement with your partner, then you may consider checking out this guide in eloping in oregon.

If you’re scared about telling your partner how you feel, you need to look for signs that they think differently. Here are fifteen indicators that indicate your partner is ready to tie the knot.

1. They Ask for Your Ring Size

tie the knotHas your partner asked for your ring size lately? Everyone knows that a wedding ring is a vital part of the commitment to one another. Before they can purchase your ring, they need to know what size you wear.

Getting the right size ring is imperative to a lady for the engagement and is also vital for the man during the ceremony. No guy wants to bring a ring to the proposal that doesn’t even fit on their hand.

2. They Talk About Kids

Most couples who settle down want to add to their family. Asking about adding kids to your family indicates they’re considering a long-term situation. Children bind you together for life, so if they want to have kids with you, it’s safe to say they’re considering tying the knot.

3. Making Major Purchases Is Discussed

When a guy lives in a bachelor pad, he often wants to get a more traditional family dwelling before getting married. Has he asked you to consider another home or to get a mortgage together, or is she asking about a large abode so that she can put her touch on the place? A house is a big part of the marriage, as you need a stable place to live. Have honest conversations about these details.

4. They Ask You to Move In With Them

If you’re not already living together, one of the key indications that your partner is ready to tie the knot is moving in together. Most people like to try to share a space before they sign on the dotted line. Getting out of a marriage is costly, so moving in is a trial run.

5. Marriage Becomes a Hot Topic

When your partner mentions marriage more so than before, they may think about it. They may talk about some great relationships they’ve witnessed that made it a long time, or they may talk about the stuff of fairy tales. When marriage is discussed, it’s because it’s ever-present in their thoughts.

6. Everyone Around You Is Getting Married

Peer pressure can be a significant reason why some people tie the knot. They see their friends and family members happily getting married and starting a family, and they can’t help but feel those pangs of jealousy. If they seem to be bothered or interested in all the marriages around you two, then it’s a sign they’re ready. Jessica Smith Photographer is a wedding photographer Northern Virginia.

7. They Suggest Pre-Marriage Counseling

According to the Mayo Clinic, marriage counseling is an essential part of committing. It helps you to resolve any issues before you walk down the aisle. A good therapist can assist you in strengthening your bond and ensuring that you’re ready for such a promise.

pop memes8. They Use “We” Instead of “I”

Another sign that your partner is gearing up for a commitment is using the word we. Instead of referring to the home as theirs, they use plural ownership. They have already subconsciously walked down the aisle and committed; they must do the ceremony.

Watch their language and how they word things, as it significantly indicates their true feelings.

9. They Call You Wife or Husband

Some folks try to be coy about their feelings, so they might not immediately ask you. It’s a big question to ask, so they want some assurance. If they jokingly start calling you their wife or husband, it’s a sign that they’re trying to feel you out on the matter.

10. They Make Plans to Grow Old

Anyone who plans to grow old together has given the topic of marriage much thought. They see you as the person they want to spend all their days and nights with, and having the growing old conversations indicates they feel this way.

Engaging with this type of conversation will make them more apt to move toward forever. However, if you shut down such discussions, they might get cold feet.

11. They Take You to Housewares Stores

Shopping for couches, beds, rugs, and other household decorations is very personal. If your partner asks you to help them pick out such things, they value your input. Additionally, it’s a not-so-subtle way of telling you they want to build a life and a home together.

When two people tie the knot, they must bring stuff from two worlds to merge into one. It’s often better to pick out things that suit both parties and a more neutral pallet.

12. They Don’t Want You to Leave

One of the most infamous lines from the Shakespearian Play is that “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” When your partner doesn’t want to leave, it’s a sign they’re ready for something more. Going to the person you love becomes more challenging if you’re prepared for a long-term commitment.

Some couples feel it’s painful to be away from their loved ones. If you find that you can’t stay apart for long, it’s a sign that you are ready for marriage.

13. You’re Part of Their Family

Most people want their mother and father to approve of the person they love. If you’ve been to many family dinners and have become part of the family, it’s an indication that it’s time to move things forward. Becoming involved with the soon-to-be “in-laws” is a good sign that things are going right.

14. They Share Everything with You

Part of marriage involves being honest and transparent with one another. If you already know every little detail of their life, then it’s an indication that you “their person.”

The one you marry is the person to who you expose yourself to mind, body, and soul, and there’s nothing that you feel you can’t tell them. If they share their life with you, then their future is next.

15. Your Opinion Counts

If your partner is ready to commit long-term, they will value your opinions on everything. Even a job change affects you when you tie the knot, so they want to keep you in the loop. Making decisions together early on is a wise choice, and you need to ensure that you both are happy with the choices made.

Whether they’re thinking of children and houses with white picket fences, or they genuinely value your opinion, it’s a sign they’re moving towards marriage.

tie the knotFinal Thoughts on Signs Your Partner Wants to Get Married

You need to consider so many things before you tie the knot. Things like outstanding debt, children from other relationships, future kids, credit scores and financial standings, religion, values, and family all come into play. When your partner considers taking a trip down the aisle towards wedded bliss, they will contemplate about all these things in their minds. Exploring various options, including Peckham wedding venues, can help ensure that every detail of your special day is perfectly planned.

When you tell someone you want to get married, you put your heart and emotions on the line. It’s not an easy stance to be so vulnerable with your feelings, but there’s no turning back once you cross that line. Marriage is a celebration of the love of two people who would do anything for each other.

While divorce statistics were once alarming, things seem to be upward. According to BreakPoint, the rate of divorces in this country is declining, which means people are more choosey about their lifelong partners. It’s wise to put a lot of thought and effort into such a decision.

Sometimes there’s no easy way to ask someone if they’re ready to tie the knot. You may need to rip the band-aid off and ask your partner how they feel. The chances are that you already know how they act and where they see your relationship in the future. Being married to the right person can make your life much greater than you ever imagined.

15 Kind Ways To Tell A Partner That Things Are Moving Too Fast

When you meet someone compatible with and enjoy spending time around, things might start moving too fast. This is a common problem in relationships when the romance is perfect and new. You might realize that things are getting too serious for your comfort, though.

If you don’t want to end the relationship, it can be hard to tell your partner you want to slow down. Most of the time, your partner will respect your boundaries and your belief that things are moving too fast. However, your partner might think you are breaking up with them.

Other times, your partner will decide that they aren’t okay with slowing things down. In that situation, stick to your boundaries and remember that there is someone out there that will.

15 Kind Ways To Tell A Partner That Things Are Moving Too Fast

Finding kind ways to tell your partner that things are moving too fast is essential no matter how you think it will go.

moving too fast1. I like to take my time making big decisions, so I’d like our relationship to move at a slower pace.

When you use a statement like this one, you give a reason for slowing it down. The reason isn’t one that your partner can try to talk you out of, and if they do, it’s a red flag anyway.

Voicing your concerns in this way shows that it is your personal preference to take things slow. It will help your partner with not taking it personally so that you can continue the relationship.

2. I’ve been letting my work slide, so I think I need to spend more time focusing on that.

You can take this a step further by explaining that you will spend your weekdays focusing on work and that you’ll see them on the weekend. Adjust that timeframe to whatever works best, but it lets your partner know that you aren’t bailing on them. If you plan time together on the weekend, they will believe that you still want to be together.

If necessary, let them know that you are taking this step so that the relationship can work. They will be more understanding by explaining that interference with your work life can cause problems romantically.

3. I feel like we’re moving too fast, so I think I’ll take a weekend to myself and we can get together next week.

You can spend the weekend alone, with friends, or with your family. The point is to take a small break from your partner to give you both some breathing room. Spending time apart can prevent or reduce co-dependency in your relationship, which will make it healthier.

A healthy relationship requires emotional and mental space to think and process as an individual. Doing things without your partner will help you remember that it is beneficial. Encourage your partner to take time for themselves over the weekend, too.

4. We should focus on the present right now. I’m not ready to talk about the future yet.

If your partner keeps talking about the future, but you aren’t ready for that, suggest focusing on the present instead. Just be honest with them and tell your partner that you don’t want to think too far ahead. Ensure them that you enjoy the relationship and don’t want anything to change yet.

You can also tell them that you might be ready in a couple of months. Only say it if it’s true, though, because you don’t want to give false hope.

5. I enjoy spending time with you, and I’d like to continue to, but things are moving a little too fast for me.

Starting the conversation with a positive statement makes the rest easier to say and hear. If you want to stay in the relationship but slow it down, this is a kind way to tell your partner. Without reassurance, your partner might think this is your way of breaking up with them.

Even if your partner is doubtful that you want to stay together, they should respect your wishes. They should give you a chance to show that you still want to be in their life, just taking it more slowly.

6. Our relationship feels right, but I still want to take my time.

Sharing your exact feelings will make the entire conversation easier. Make it clear that you think things feel right, but it doesn’t mean you are ready to go further. Ask your partner to respect you and continue enjoying how things are right now.

7. I feel like I’ve been neglecting my friends lately, and it made me realize that we’re moving a little too fast.

Your partner must know that you have other important people in your life, too. If your relationships with your friends have suffered, use this as a way to start the conversation. It might even cause your partner to realize they’ve been doing the same thing.

Even if they don’t feel the same way, it is still okay that you do. Your partner should understand either way and respect your feelings.

pop meme8. I like how our relationship is going, but I’m not ready to meet your family yet.

This statement will work in many situations, meeting the family being only one of them. Replace the family section with something about house hunting, marriage, etc. If your partner mentions doing something you aren’t ready for, switch this statement to fit the situation.

Be honest as you let them know your feelings. Make sure you reassure them that you enjoy the relationship, though, so they don’t feel rejected. You must tell them as soon as they mention it because they’ll take the news harder if you let them get their hopes up.

Making excuses to avoid the situations will only prolong the inevitable or force you to do something you aren’t ready for. Speak up right away and be completely honest about not being prepared.

9. I love the way our relationship is right now, and I’m not ready for any changes yet.

If your partner wants to take the next step, this is a way to tell them that things are moving too fast. Again, you may have to assure them that this isn’t a breakup. A good partner will respect your boundaries and wait for you.

10. Are you worried things are moving too fast? Because I’m a little scared.

If you’re nervous, this is a way to bring up the issue. Admitting that you’re scared while asking them if they are, too, shows that you aren’t trying to cut them off. It makes the topic more of a conversation than explaining your feelings and your partner getting upset.

Your partner might even admit that they feel the same way. Then, you can agree that it is a good idea to slow down and enjoy the present instead. If they disagree, then at least you approached it in a kind, compassionate way so that they know you care.

11. I think we should go out on a date rather than spend time at your place right now.

It is surprising how many people think that being alone at someone’s home is a date. While a nice meal at home can be a date, it might be too intimate for someone that wants to take things slow. Plus, your partner might not even have a homecooked meal in mind when they invite you over to their place.

Try suggesting a date in a public location if this happens to you. This makes it more informal than being cuddled up on the couch watching movies. When you go on dates in public places, you are more likely to talk and get to know each other better.

You will learn about each other’s passions and what sparks their interest the most. Plus, you can take notice of their characteristics as you watch them interact with other people. The way your partner treats others says so much about their character.

12. I’ve noticed I haven’t been doing my hobbies since we started spending much time together. I also realized that I needed to spend some time doing other things.

Instead of spending all of your free time with your partner, take some of that time for yourself. When you give all of yourself to someone, things tend to move too fast.

Let them know that you aren’t ignoring them, but you are simply doing what you enjoyed before. Once they realize your relationship doesn’t change when you spend more time apart, they will be more comfortable.

13. I’m happy that you feel good about our relationship, and I do, too. I’m just not ready to take the next step yet.

In most cases, reassuring your partner that you are happy in the relationship will help alleviate the shock of your request to slow down. If they aren’t okay with it, you can find someone much better that will respect you.

14. I love to spend time with you, but I’d like to slow down and get to know each other better.

This conversation will likely be uncomfortable no matter what, so focus on the positive aspects. Saying that you want to get to know each other better improves the situation because it helps your partner understand. They will realize that you aren’t breaking up but that things need to calm down a little.

15. I want to spend time with you, but I need more time before things get serious.

Telling your partner this way is perfect because it is straight to the point. There is no reason your partner should get offended about it, and it makes your boundaries clear. A good partner will always respect your wishes.

moving too fastFinal Thoughts on the 15 Kind Ways To Tell A Partner That Things Are Moving Too Fast

There is nothing wrong with taking things slow in a relationship, even when happy. Even if you are in love, there is no reason to rush living together, getting married, or anything else you aren’t ready for.

You might encounter someone that isn’t okay with taking things slow. If that is the case, find solace in the fact that they weren’t the right person for you. Make your boundaries clear, and understand that a reasonable person will respect you when you say things are moving too fast.

15 Habits to Help Overcome Painful Memories

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could erase all the bad memories that you have inside you? Why do these painful memories haunt you and cause you pain weeks, months, or decades later?

According to research published by the National Institute of Medicine, there are ways to help you get over the past. The truth is that your memory is not the most reliable thing, and you tend to add to the drama of the situation as time goes on.

For instance, assume you went to a birthday party as a child that didn’t turn out so well. Another child at the event told you that your nose was too big. As a result, you became self-conscious about your nose and vowed to change it one day.

The research on memories shows that they become altered when you bring up these events. The process changes the memory as the brain brings it to the forefront. It becomes effortless to embellish or distort the events, making matters worse.

If the memory is a bad one you need to heal from, dredging it up from your memory bank can intensify the trauma. So, if you remember the feelings of inadequacy and fearing you were an ugly duckling, you can take an instance such as a child picking on you and morph it into an overall body issue.

Consider another example. Assume you’re an aspiring actor that wants the lead role in a musical. You’ve practiced your song 100 times, and you’re ready for the audition.

Sadly, you attend the event, and the piano player has you in the wrong key. When you insist it’s too high, they ensure it’s the key that they need you to sing in. As a result, you struggle and hit some flat notes trying to reach the high points.

When you failed the audition, you vowed never to get in front of people and sing again. The painful memory of this event affects you when you must speak in front of the board or to customers at work, as it’s developed into social anxiety. The real problem is each time you recall the event. Your mind has made it worse than it was.

Fifteen Ways to Edit Memories

Further research has shown that you recall a memory in the third person. You look at these painful memories as a narrator of a story. It would help if you worked on your memory bank to change the negative experiences into more positive ones.

Thankfully, there is a way to get through these painful memories. While you can’t rewrite history, you can get through it by doing the following things.

painful memories1. Live in the Present

First and foremost, the best way to handle such issues is to live in the present. There’s an old story in the Bible found in Genesis 19. God was saving Lot and his wife from the wicked city of Sodom.

His only commandment for them was that they could never look back. Lot’s wife couldn’t resist turning around, and once she turned to see the city she left, she was turned into a pillar of salt.

Now, you’re not going to turn into a pillar of salt, but this story can show you that nothing is good from turning around to your past. You no longer live in that place, so there’s no reason to keep revisiting it.

If you keep turning around and ruminating about the wrong stuff, you will miss the beautiful things right before you.

2. Make New Memories

The best way to get over the painful memories of the past is to replace them with new, better memories. Stop being fearful of the event holding you hostage and start living again.

3. Confront Your Demons

If someone has offended you, it’s time to tell them how they hurt you. It would help to confront the things that have tied you emotionally for years. Once you do this, it can be very freeing.

4. Learn But Don’t Forget

Although many people pray for mental blocks to help them, you should take the learning experience from the situation. For instance, you will teach your children not to make fun of people or to learn how to roll with the punches in life. When you look at the events as a learning experience, it changes your perception.

5. Disrupt Your Tendency to Ruminate on Negative Memories

In life, your positive experience will always outweigh the negative ones. The mound of bad and painful memories will constantly grow quicker. Your mind can be compared to Velcro adhesive regarding your bad experiences, as they seem to stick to you.

However, the positive memories seem like a non-stick skillet where everything slides away with little effort. The key is never to suppress painful memories but instead promote more positive ones.

6. Forgive Yourself and Others

To get over a mountain, you must first climb the steep incline. In this situation, the trek includes forgiving those that hurt you and yourself.

7. Meditation

Meditation is a great tool when dealing with memories that are overwhelming you. In this Zen state, you can purge your mind from negativity. Stop trying to resolve things out of your control. Learn to let go and gain the ultimate comfort.

8. Counseling

Counseling is an effective way to talk about the events of your life that define you. The negative experiences are the ones that can cripple you, and a counselor can give you a third-party objective view.

difficult roads quote9. Make The Choice to Forget

Did you know that you have the power to forget the memories that are so painful to you? Research shows that you can suppress the things that cause you discomfort. Science Daily shows that you can choose to hide the memories that have become a crutch in your life if you choose to do so.

10. Journal

When painful memories are too hard to talk about out loud, sometimes it’s best to put them down on paper. The key is to release these toxic things holding you back, and journaling is an excellent avenue to help heal the past.

11. Cut Ties with Toxic People

The past still haunts you because the person involved in those incidents is still in your life. Sometimes, it’s important to cut ties with the past so that you can heal from it. This is especially true in toxic or abusive relationships.

12. Divert Your Mind

Whenever you start having negative thoughts about the past or your mind goes to that hostile place, combat it with a diversion. This is a great trick for those who suffer from anxiety too. When you start remembering the feelings and events that happened, divert the thoughts with something more pleasant.

For instance, if you remember standing on that stage auditioning and feeling like a fool, why don’t you recognize the time you nailed your lead at a board meeting. Using the power of positivity and diversion tactics can change your life.

13. Restart Old Hobbies

If your hobby was signing or being in show business, you might be inclined to give it up after being so hurt after a bad audition. Why do people abandon the things they love after one mishap? The key is to get back out there and prove that you can overcome what held you back.

When trouble comes, don’t abandon the ship so quickly. Get back up and fight another day.

14. Use Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are an excellent way to change your mindset from negativity to more of a positive one. Start each morning by telling yourself that you can and will get over the things that have left a negative imprint on your heart. You can move forward when you learn to lay down your burdens.

15. Do A Vision Board

Vision boards are all the rage these days because they work so well. You need to acknowledge where you are now and where you need to be in the future. You can have fun with these boards and use them to chart your progress on issues and life in general.

painful memoriesFinal Thoughts on Overcoming Painful Memories

There’s scarcely a person alive who doesn’t have some pain or trauma that they need to heal from. Why do some people move on with ease while others are stuck in a rut of rumination? The folks who learn to process the traumatic events and move on are the ones who fare better.

It’s time to overcome the things that have happened to you. Yesterday was the past, and you don’t live there anymore. You can and will conquer the painful memories that plague you when you learn to utilize practical tools to work through them.

14 Day Soda Detox to Reset Your Body and Brain

Have you considered a soda detox? When you’re dragging in the morning or feel the afternoon slumps, can sugary drinks give you an energy boost? Maybe you are like many people who grab a can for the sweet taste.

While the caffeine may give you a boost of energy, you’d be shocked at the empty calories you’re consuming. Always remember you should eat your calories and not drink them. The State of California feels so strongly about reducing soda intake that they have legislation that requires all manufacturing companies to put warnings on the cans.

The 4-1-1 On Soda

An article published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine details the calorie count for seventeen of the top full-sugar 12-ounce cans of pop. They range from 135 to 180 calories per can, which gives an average of about 158 calories. Only nine of the 17 popular varieties have caffeine.

How many cans of soda do you average a day? Let’s assume that you drink one for each meal and one for a snack to equal four cans daily. If you take the 158 calories per can average, you would be consuming 632 empty calories. On an average two thousand calorie per day diet, almost 32 percent of your daily caloric allowance.

soda detoxSoda Statistics

According to a report published by Healthy Food America, full-sugar soda represents at least 68 percent of sugary drinks purchased annually in America. The report also states that at least half of all added sugar in adults’ diets comes from high-sugar beverages. People in a lower-income bracket tend to drink at least fifteen percent more sugary pop than those with higher incomes, per the report.

Besides high-calorie sodas, you may also be guzzling full-sugar sports drinks and other beverage mixes. When your body gets used to that onslaught of sugar and caffeine, it becomes a “fix” that’s difficult to overcome. The good news is that you can start a detox plan that can help you effectively kick the habit.

Steps for Soda Detox

No matter what your choice of sweet beverages, you can learn to exchange them for healthier options. It may take some time and patience, but your well-being is worth it. Here are some practical ways to do a soda detox plan to give you victory over your sugar addiction.

1. Change Your Habits Slowly

Have you decided to call it quits on soda and other sugary beverages? It’s a health-smart decision that you won’t regret. Just remember to give yourself some time to ease into the detox process.

Of course, you’re all revved up and may be determined to kick the habit. Unfortunately, going “cold turkey” can backfire on you. Remember that your body has grown used to the massive doses of sugar and caffeine.

If you stop suddenly, your body will react with unpleasant symptoms, like headaches, shakiness, and nausea. Instead, start your detox slowly so your body will gradually wean. Begin with drinking one less soda or sugary beverage the first day.

Give your body a couple of days, and then eliminate another can of soda. Keep giving yourself these adjustment periods until you’ve entirely weaned yourself from all pop and other sugar-filled drinks.

2. Switch to Diet Soda

One option is to switch to diet soda to avoid all the sugar. However, it’s not an easy fix. The artificial sweeteners used in sugar-free beverages and other “diet” foods have been a source of contention in the medical research community for years.

Many sugar-free drinks are sweetened with aspartame, a controversial chemical. According to a study published by Research in Nursing and Health, high doses of aspartame may lead to physical and cognitive issues.

If you switch to artificially sweetened pop and other beverages, shouldn’t you lose weight? Probably so, states an article published by the Endocrine Society. However, the report also warns that some people who consume artificial sweeteners may feel hungrier and gain more weight.

Although drinking artificially sweetened pop and other beverages may make sense, consider the possible side effects. A total soda detox will wean your system from all products, including diet pop. Neither sugar nor its artificial replacements are good for you.

3. Water It Down

In the initial stages of your soda detox, you will probably miss the flavor and the bubbly kick you get with each sip. Try this little trick to appease your addicted taste buds. Pour half the can of soda into a glass and top it off with seltzer water.

You will still get the effervescence with only about half the sugar and caffeine.

Remember that this is only a temporary step. Your goal is to eliminate as many sugary sodas and beverages from your diet. Doing the half-and-half is better than quitting cold turkey.

4. Identify Your Triggers

Most bad habits are behaviors that are usually automatic triggers. For example, after getting ready, the first thing you do is grab a soda for breakfast. You may habitually reach for the cold soda on your desk throughout your workday.

When you sit down at home after a long day of work, your mind triggers you to enjoy a soda. You love the sugary, bubbly goodness of your favorite cola and wouldn’t think of serving a meal without it. Not only do mealtimes trigger your pop cravings, but so may watching your favorite shows or enjoying a sporting event.

If you get a headache or feel sluggish, it may be your hint to pop open a soda or two. Now that you’ve identified triggers and time cues, you can be ahead of them with better beverage alternatives.

The whole idea is to wean your body from pop and train it to enjoy other drinks. It may take a few weeks for your body to get used to it, but your improved health is worth it.

5. Chug More Water

An article published by the United States Geological Society mentions that your body comprises at least 73 percent water. Without this vital liquid, life on earth would be impossible. However, does soda give you all the water your body needs to stay healthy?

An article from the Mayo Clinic cites recommendations for women to consume at least 11.5 cups of water per day and men at least 15.5 cups. Your body gets about 20 percent of water from food, and the remainder is from consuming water and other beverages. You may need more water in tropical regions or while doing strenuous exercise.

Although you may get enough fluid from drinking soda, the problem is that many popular sodas have caffeine. According to another article published by the Mayo Clinic, caffeinated beverages can increase your urine output and dehydrate you. So, you gulp down another pop, and the cycle continues.

Try drinking a glass of water before you drink cola for your soda detox efforts. If you are still thirsty, drink just enough soda until your thirst is quenched. Eventually, you’ll find that you will crave more water and less soda.

6. Try Turmeric Tea

Herbal teas are another ideal substitute for your pop detox plan. They are naturally caffeine-free and have many possible health benefits. One exceptionally healthy herbal tea for you to consider is turmeric.

It’s almost inevitable that you will have a few headaches as you wean your body from the caffeine and sugar overload. An excerpt from a book called Herbal Medicine posted on the National Library of Medicine claims that turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory. A serving of hot or ice turmeric tea can hydrate and reduce the pain in your head.

What if You Don’t Like Plain Water?

Many people enjoy drinking pop because of the flavor and the fizz. So, a glass of flat, tasteless water won’t do if you are one of them. If you are determined to complete a soda detox, you have acceptable alternatives.

Maybe you need some flavor in anything you drink. Try adding a bit of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice to your water. You could also infuse it with other fruit. Not only will you create infused water that’s tasty and quenches your thirst, but you get an extra boost of vitamins.

Other Thirst-Quenching Substitutions

What could be more tempting than the first bubbly taste of your can of soda? When you are doing a soda detox, you can still get the sensations you crave by drinking naturally sparkling water or seltzer water. Add a bit of freshly squeezed citrus, minced ginger, a sprig of mint, or a drizzle of honey, and you won’t miss cola as much.

soda detoxFinal Thoughts on Soda Detox for Your Health

Although an occasional soda isn’t going to hurt you, guzzling several cans a day can lead to health problems. Pure water is your best choice, but you can always jazz it up with some fresh fruit or a little fizz. So do a soda detox. You will find that ditching the overload of sugar and caffeine can make you feel better and stay hydrated longer.

5 Times That Wheezing Might Mean Something Worse

You’re no stranger to this odd whistling sound if you have breathing issues. It may appear suddenly or be a chronic problem. Wheezing is your respiratory system telling you that it needs attention.

What is Wheezing?

An article published by Clinics in Chest Medicine defines wheezing as a whistling or high-pitched, coarse sound when you breathe. It happens when your airway is inflamed or obstructed. As you inhale and exhale, the air vibrates on the swollen lining resulting in a raspy whistling sound, per the article.

Usually, you will hear noisy breathing either when you inhale or exhale. The root of the problem may be discovered by which breathing phase you hear the annoying noise. If your breath is crackly with inhalation and exhalation, it could mean a serious issue requiring medical attention.

When you gasp, you may often do it as you exhale. The reason is that your airway muscles are tightening to force the carbon dioxide from your lungs. The high-pitched whistle may be more noticeable and indicate a mild airway obstruction from infection, allergies, or a foreign object.

Other conditions may be present when your breathing is noisy as you inhale. These are the breathing sounds that are usually present if you have asthma. It usually originates deep in the lungs when the asthmatic airways are constructed and mucus-filled.

This obstruction and inflammation will produce the tell-tale whistle sound as air is forced into the lungs.

wheezingWhen Can Wheezing Point to Something Worse?

Anyone can have spells of raspy breathing. If you have allergies or sinus problems, your throat may be a bit tight in the morning, affecting your breathing sounds. Another common cause is mild upper respiratory infections from the cold or flu.

Under normal circumstances, a little squeak to your breathing isn’t a cause for alarm. However, wheezing can be a symptom of something more serious, particularly when it impedes respiration. Here are five times when raspy breathing may need medical attention.

1. Asthma

According to an article published by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, at least 25 million people in America struggle with asthma. It’s caused by sensitive airways leading from the nose and mouth to the lungs, explains the article. Allergens and irritants can cause inflammation of these airways and make breathing difficult.

Symptoms of asthma are tightening of the chest, raspy gasping, coughing, and impaired breathing. It can be deadly if the airways aren’t opened with a quick puff of a broncho-dilator or another fast-acting inhaler. Asthma attacks can strike at any time, and a whistle in the breath may be the first sign of trouble.

2. Allergic Reaction

Your body is a phenomenal machine that instantly recognizes microbes and other pathogens that don’t belong. In response, your immune system directs blood to the affected area. Your blood is rich in oxygen and will dispatch a vast army of white blood cells to surround and destroy the invading microbe or irritant.

Your immune response is a complicated process that involves body compounds like histamines, which help block the invaders. The result of the rush of blood and immunity compounds is inflammation. When an allergic reaction involves your respiratory system, it can be lethal.

Many people have sensitivities to allergens that can be inhaled, such as dust, pollen, and pet dander. These can irritate the lining of your airways and cause inflammation. Mild symptoms may include coughing, sneezing, and raspy breathing.

However, food allergies and venomous stings can also affect your respiratory system, which is usually dangerous. People who have severe allergies to a food or bee sting can have their airways swell and impede breathing. This condition, known as anaphylactic shock, can cost your life without emergency intervention.

One of the ways people are finally diagnosed with allergies is chronic wheezing and tight breathing. Sometimes, the noisy breath comes suddenly with an undiagnosed attack. Either way, that little whistle could be an allergy alert from your body.

3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

An article published by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute defines COPD as a progressive disease that makes breathing difficult. It may present as chronic bronchitis or emphysema, says the article. COPD symptoms usually include chronic coughing, rattling breath, air gasping, choking, and overproduction of thick mucus in the airways.

Unfortunately, there are no cures for COPD, and it often declines into a terminal state. However, lifestyle adjustments and medical treatments may help manage the symptoms and hinder their progression. The article warns that smoking is the leading cause of COPD.

You can still develop COPD even if you’ve never smoked. The article suggests that people who’ve been exposed to heavy dust or industrial chemicals over a period are at risk for the disease.

According to a study published by the National Institutes of Health, at least 30 percent of people who develop COPD never smoked. Research suggests that smaller airways may be a contributing factor.

4. Stridor

Stridor is a type of noisy breathing that sounds like a heavy wheeze. Instead of deep in the lungs, stridor originates in the upper chest and neck. It’s a high-pitch whistle that indicates an airway obstruction and can be one of these three.

  • Inhalation: This raspy noise occurs when you inhale, and the air vibrates swollen tissue around the vocal cords. Stridor is common in children.
  • Exhalation: If your obstruction is lower in your airway, you may hear a stridor as you exhale.
  • Biphasic: When stridor is present when you breathe in and out, it may indicate an obstructive problem in the cartilage above your voice box.

Stridor isn’t a disease but a symptom of a severe condition. If the obstruction continues, it can cause a dangerous situation. Since it sounds like wheezing, you need to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Stridor can be especially serious in infants and children.

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5. Other Times When Raspy Breathing Requires Medical Attention

When you are irritated with a common cold or flu, you will expect a bit of noisy breathing. If you’ve been diagnosed with asthma or allergies, a whistling breath may be your signal to use your inhaler. However, you should seek medical attention if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Difficulty catching your breath
  • Heavy breathing with pursed lips
  • A hint of blue on your skin or nails is a sign that your oxygen is too low
  • Raspy breathing after a bee sting or eating a food that causes an allergic reaction
  • Severe breathing difficulty and bluish coloration to skin and nails
  • Noisy breathing after choking on food or a foreign object

How to Quiet Mild Cases of Wheezing

Fortunately, most people don’t require medical attention if their whistling breath comes from a cold or a well-treated chronic condition. The sound can grate on your nerves and irritate your throat and upper airways.

1. Use A Humidifier

When the air in your space is too dry, it can dry out your breathing passageways and cause coughing and loud breathing. Consider using a humidifier. The moisture can soothe your irritated throat and airways and make your breathing smoother and more relaxed.

2. Drink Lots of Fluids

Did you know that respiratory issues can get worse if you’re dehydrated? Health experts have always recommended that people drink lots of fluid when they are sick. It may also calm inflammation in your mouth, throat, and sinuses.

One of the reasons you may hear a high-pitched whistle in your breath is from excess mucus in your airways. Staying hydrated with fluids can thin the mucus and make it easier to expel. Enjoy the water, herbal tea, and clear broth. Avoid milk and dairy products, which increase mucus production.

3. Avoid Smoking

Having clearer airways is crucial if you need another reason to quit smoking. Even if you don’t smoke, exposure to second-hand smoke can make you symptomatic. One of the many benefits is minor hacking, coughing, and rattled breathing when you quit smoking.

4. Take a Warm Shower

Do you wake up some mornings hoarse with a little noisy breathing? Get some welcome relief by taking a warm shower. The steam and moisture will help loosen excess mucus and open your airways. Elevate the shower’s benefits by adding a few drops of pure eucalyptus oil to the tub to ease your breathing.

wheezingFinal Thoughts on Wheezing

This common rattling noise may be a symptom of the cold, flu, or mild allergies. However, sometimes it can signal more serious issues that require medical attention. If you have difficulties breathing and other respiratory distress symptoms, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Many people live with chronic breathing problems, or you may have occasional raspy breaths that make you wheeze and struggle to breathe. It’s imperative to be proactive about an issue, as your breath is what gives you life.

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