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10 Ways A Sensitive Person Handles Their Relationships Differently

Highly sensitive people handle their relationships differently than other people do. Recognizing sensitive people is easy because they will have specific qualities that set them apart. For instance, they might cry more quickly than others, but that doesn’t have to be bad.

A sensitive person is often overstimulated, but with the correct knowledge, can use this to their advantage. Instead of letting overstimulation cause issues, they can learn to make it a positive aspect.

Understanding how sensitive person handles their relationships differently is helpful for other people. It can help others address the relationship in a beneficial way to everyone involved. There is nothing wrong with a sensitive person; it is simply the way they are.

Everyone has a different personality type and handles relationships differently. The more you understand people, the easier it is to navigate relationships with them. Knowing how they take things will make all the difference when you encounter a sensitive person (or yourself).

Ten Ways A Sensitive Person Handles Their Relationships Differently

billionaire meme

1. A Sensitive Person Is Passionate and Feel Things More Deeply

Sensitive people love passionately in all of their relationships. Those closest to them know that they will always feel loved and cherished within the relationship. This is the case for their friendships, family connections, and romantic relationships.

Their passion also causes them to take loss particularly hard. When sensitive people lose someone close to them, they might not get past it. They will overcome, but it will take time and require the support of those around them.

Their passion sometimes turns the other way when they are hurt or betrayed. They don’t forget what people say to them, even if they say they have forgiven the person. Their dislike for those who have wronged them runs deep, too, and they will not be secretive.

As you can guess, sensitive people feel things a little more deeply. Feeling so profoundly means that they cry more quickly than others. It also means they tend to think and react emotionally rather than logically.

Their passion also makes them more compassionate and aware of their partner’s feelings. They are loving and supportive because they see when their partner needs it the most. Plus, a sensitive person cares about the well-being of those around them.

2. The World Affects A Sensitive Person More Intimately, and It Shows

While everyone lives in the same world, sensitive people are more affected than others. They notice small things going wrong and the more serious issues, too, and take it personally. World issues are meaningful to them, and they tend to get involved in helping.

On a smaller scale, they enjoy the little things in life more and might pass on overstimulating things. Big parties or crowded outings don’t sound enjoyable to them. They’d rather stroll through a nature reserve and bask in simpler pleasures.

In their relationships, this quality manifests itself in a couple of ways. First, they might expect their partner to care just as much as they do. Another way it makes their relationship different is because they will be more emotional when things happen in the world.

3. They Are Good at Listening and Offering Advice Without Overstepping

The energy of a sensitive person draws others to them, even if they don’t want it that way. They tend to be Godo listeners, so their partner talks to them more about problems in their life. Their relationships are stronger because of their inability to listen and offer advice that works.

As they offer advice, they don’t insult or belittle anyone. Sensitive people also don’t overstep or make it seem like there is no other option except what they suggested. This characteristic makes their partner more comfortable talking openly about what is happening.

4. They Take Things Seriously and Think Their Decisions Through

Sensitive people tend to overthink things, which leads to them taking longer to make decisions. They want to think of every possibility and then weigh the effects of the situation. While this is good, it can also cause obsessive behaviors, thoughts, and worry.

They also tend to experience regret and ruminate over the past. As sensitive people work toward deciding, they try to even out their emotions and logic as they decide.

5. They Are Intuitive and Can Read Their Partner

A sensitive person can sense when something is wrong with another person. They can feel problems coming in their relationships, too, even before the other person notices. The way people look at them or seemingly inconsequential comments also give them a glimpse of what is coming.

Sensitive people know when others are hurt or upset, and they genuinely care about the person’s feelings. Sensitive people also see things from the perspective of other people involved. It helps them fix issues to make everyone happy, including themselves.

Sensitive people also pick up on lies easier than others, making it hard for those close to them to escape it. This characteristic suits the sensitive person but is not so great for those trying to sneak something alone.

Even animals sense the love and empathy that comes from sensitive people. When a sensitive person is around, you may notice that animals often approach them and cling to them. The person’s ability to care about all living things makes them the perfect person to care for animals.

sensitive person6. A Sensitive Person Can Easily Become Upset Over Poor Decisions

Sometimes, people make bad or poor decisions, but sensitive people handle it worse. They are harder on themselves and believe they should never make mistakes. Because of this, they tend to experience anxiety and depression more frequently than others.

Since they aren’t accepting of making poor decisions, they sometimes feel like they aren’t good enough. They have high standards and take it hard when they don’t immediately meet the goals.

In their relationships, this shows up as neediness or a reluctance to open up intimately. They need reassurance when messed up, even if everything worked out fine.

7. They Struggle with Conflict

While no one likes to fight with their significant other, sensitive people have an even harder time. They would rather struggle internally than speak up and start or continue the conflict. Not wanting to experience conflict isn’t to say that they don’t want to find a solution, but they’d instead do it in a way that avoids conflict.

8. A Sensitive Person Might Take on Their Partner’s Feelings

Instead of just focusing on their feelings, sensitive people also take on their partner’s emotions. They do this because of their empathy and deep awareness of those they care about. When their partner is anxious, stressed, depressed, or in a bad mood, the sensitive person will likely be.

Taking on their partner’s feelings often leads to working extra hard to meet their needs. They might let their own needs go to make their partner happier.

9. Their Feelings are Hurt Easily

In all situations, sensitive people tend to get their feelings hurt easier than others. Their feelings are even hurt when someone tells them not to be so sensitive or cheer up. They need support more than negative comments or advice that isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Little comments that don’t mean much can highly affect a sensitive person. They read into things and look for the real meaning behind someone’s words. Then, their feelings get hurt as they read into something and figure out what it could mean.

They need their partner to validate their emotions without judging them. Plus, they need you to communicate positively, in a way that could have no hidden meanings for them to find.

10. They Listen to Their Bodies

Sensitive people are, in turn, with their bodies and know when something is wrong or even slightly off. Since they know what their body needs, they tend to gravitate toward things like yoga as a way to connect their mind and body.

Their partner will know when something is off because their demeanor will likely change. They strive to be fit and healthy so that their body is getting what it needs.

Likewise, they also listen to what their body needs when it comes to their relationships. They will know what feels right and what makes them uncomfortable. This awareness will all become known during the relationship as keeping their body feeling good is essential.

sensitive personFinal Thoughts on Ways A Sensitive Person Handles Their Relationships Differently

A sensitive person handles their relationships differently, just as they handle all things in life differently. Knowing how they handle things differently can help them navigate relationships and stay happy.

With their heightened awareness and deep feelings, they are beneficial partners. Learning to treat them the way they need helps maintain a healthy relationship.

Instagram Users Share The Sweetest Marriage Proposal Ideas Ever

Receiving a marriage proposal is one of the most exciting, memorable events in life. When you’ve found your special someone, you know in your heart when it’s forever. Some people enjoy the more traditional marriage proposal ideas, such as the place you first met or over a candlelit dinner. However, others prefer more thrilling options like a rugged, remote canyon or a beautiful, exotic beach.

No matter where you get a marriage proposal, it’s still a memory that will last a lifetime. Nowadays, most people like to capture their proposal on video or camera to look back on their special day. Below, we’ll share a few cute marriage proposal ideas in case you’re thinking of popping the question soon! We hope these will inspire you to get creative when you ask your partner for their hand in marriage.

Instagram Users Share The Sweetest Marriage Proposal Ideas Ever

These marriage proposal ideas are so romantic!

1 – It doesn’t get more romantic than a marriage proposal in front of the Eiffel Tower!

This guy knows how to bring his A-game when it comes to romance. The proposal is complete with a violinist, tons of candles, and, course, the picturesque Eiffel Tower in the background. Many couples flock to the most romantic city in the world for an intimate vacation or weekend getaway. However, a marriage proposal makes the experience even more special.


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Could there be any more romantic location to pop the question? Our hearts are just melting over here!

2 – Who wouldn’t want a marriage proposal with the Brooklyn Bridge as the backdrop?!

It’s all about location, and this man picked a beautiful spot to ask for his partner’s hand in marriage. The fact that it takes place at night just adds to the romantic vibe, and the roses and candles bring it all home.

3 – This marriage proposal really raises the bar when it comes to popping the question!

As you can see from the video, the woman isn’t paying attention when her partner drops to one knee. When she turns around, he’s asking for her hand in marriage overlooking a gorgeous canyon. If you’re into nature proposals, this one could be right up your alley.

4 – Not much beats a marriage proposal on the beach at sunset!

If you’re into the classic marriage proposal ideas, arrange for a day trip or a weekend getaway to beach with your partner. There’s nothing more romantic than walking on the beach at sunset while asking your SO to stay with you forever!

5 – Speaking of the beach, how about this unique underwater marriage proposal?!

When you go diving with your partner in a tropical location, you’re probably not expecting a marriage proposal. That’s what makes this one so special because you can tell she had no idea what was coming!

6 – Proposing in the snow is just as romantic as at the beach, in our opinion.

If you’re aiming for a winter proposal, you could easily make it a surprise by booking a cabin in the mountains for the weekend. Then, while your partner thinks it’s just a little vacation, you can pop the question and give them memories for a lifetime.

7 – It’s sweet to make your pup a part of the marriage proposal, too!

In today’s world, many people think of their dogs as family members. When it’s time to pop the question, they also want their dogs to enjoy the memories with them. This couple brought their dog along to the marriage proposal and even took pictures of their pet with the ring. Simply adorable!

Other Sweet Engagement Ideas

When you’re thinking about getting engaged, you want to sweep your partner off their feet with the marriage proposal. Sure, they already love you with all their heart, but it’s still important to show how much you care. These ideas will take your proposal to the next level:

  • Take them to the location of your first date. Or, perhaps consider taking them to the place you first met. They will surely remember the moment you first crossed paths, so popping the question there will bring back fond memories. Take some wine, flowers, and the ring, and pour your heart out to her. It’s hard to say no to a sweet proposal like this one!
  • Ask her to dance. You can hire violinists and do this at a candlelit dinner or a location with a ballroom. With dim, romantic lights and music in the background, ask for her hand in marriage. This sweet gesture will blow her away and make for a beautiful marriage proposal!
  • Set up a candlelit dinner on the beach. All you need for this is a table, a couple of chairs, candles, and roses. Once the sun begins setting, pop the question over a romantic dinner with the sound of the waves in the background. It’s a classic marriage proposal idea that never gets old!

Final Thoughts on Romantic Marriage Proposals

Whether you’ve been dating for a few months or years, your partner will surely be impressed with these engagement ideas. Of course, you’ll want to consider their interests when setting up the plan.

If they’re a nature lover, bring them to a secluded, quiet spot where you can pop the question with no distractions. Or, if they enjoy city life, consider a rooftop proposal at night with the city lights shining in the background. You could even have a romantic dinner overlooking the city as well.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to marriage proposals, but when you’ve found your true love, all that matters is that they say “yes.”

15 Hilarious Tweets About Families

Whether you tweet about family or text your sister about that one crazy aunt, almost everyone has their stories to tell. Family tends to drive you up the wall one second, and then make you want to give them the biggest hug the next. That’s the nature of families; you can’t live with them, but you can’t live without them.

They’re your greatest supporters and will always have your back in a time of need. However, their strange habits or propensity for heated political debates at Thanksgiving dinners can make you want to crawl under a rock.

15 Hilarious Tweets About Families

But, you tolerate these quirks about your family because deep down, you love them with all your heart. Plus, they have a way of making you laugh when the world seems dark or depressing. In summary, families aren’t always easy to deal with, but they make life worth living. We hope you will relate to the following tweets about family, or at least get a chuckle out of them!

1 – We all have that one relative at Christmas who does this, and it never gets old.

Do any of your parents still put “From: Santa” on some of your gifts as adults? Mine do, and I can’t decide if it’s sweet or disturbing. Maybe a bit of both?

#2 – Some people take things a bit too literally.

In the dad’s defense, technology has come a long way in the last decade. It’s hard to keep up with it sometimes, especially if you’re older. Still, iPhones are some of the most user-friendly devices out there, so we’ll assume the dad was just being weird.

3 – When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade…

In this case, when life blows away your TV antenna, an aluminum Christmas tree is clearly the next best option. And, it makes a nice rooftop decoration, so it seems like a win-win for this family.

4 – If your in-laws are in the latter group, we feel for you.

In these tweets about family, it’s inevitable that this topic would arise eventually. You have to be a special kind of person to enjoy running on Thanksgiving morning. The rest of us will watch from the sidelines, cheering you on with leftovers and a mimosa in hand.

5- Sharing and keeping secrets doesn’t just stop when you reach adulthood.

Some things are simply better left unsaid, right? Kids aren’t the best at keeping secrets, but adults know when to keep their mouths shut. That’s the beauty of getting older; you have the wisdom and experience under your belt to know how to avoid unnecessary confrontation.

6 – We could all take a few pointers from Aunt Cheryl!

If you want to casually remind people that your birthday is coming up, this is the way to do it. Okay, maybe it’s kind of obvious, but wouldn’t it be awkward if the family didn’t throw a surprise party? Cheryl clearly thought this through and knew her family wouldn’t leave her hanging after that. A smart woman indeed!

7 – Leave it to dads to eat up all the food in the house. But 21 pizza rolls?! That’s a bit much.

8 – In these tweets about family, we wanted to throw in something sweet and supportive. After all, families don’t just eat all your food or say embarrassing things about you!

We think this mom had a pretty clever, funny response to her daughter, especially given the situation.

9 – This is probably relatable to most of you out there. Some parents are tech-savvy, but let’s face it – most still need a little help figuring things out!

I’ve even offered to text for my dad when I see him pecking at the keys with one finger. Yeah, it’s pretty bad. Many tweets about family seem to discuss parents’ difficulty with technology, because they always have a million questions about the simplest things.

10 – It’s no secret that men sometimes act like children, even when they’re grown.

I guess this mother-in-law didn’t teach her son the importance of picking up his socks?

11 – My grandma used to tell me this exact thing when I ate watermelon seeds. No one could fool this kid, though!

12 – Unfortunately, this happens more often than we’d like to admit.

In these tweets about family, hopefully, moms out there will take the hint and learn the laws of Facebook posting. If you want to share pictures of your kids, at least pick the cute ones!

13 – If you’re a dad, you know the sheer joy that overcomes you when you get behind the wheel of a boat.

Don’t even try to deny it.

14 – This tweet about family pretty much sums up what it’s like to have a sister.

One minute she’s annoying you to death, the next you’re making plans to hang out. It may sound dysfunctional, but it’s the standard of any healthy sibling relationship in our book.

15 – We wanted to end these tweets about family with this adorable text from someone’s grandpa. Leave it to grandparents to say the cutest things that turn our hearts to mush!

Plus, this grandpa takes care of animals, which automatically gives him extra brownie points. And at least he knows how to text!

Final Thoughts on These Funny Tweets About Family

We hope you found these tweets relatable, funny, or even heartwarming! Our families may push our buttons sometimes, but at the end of the day, they’re the ones we call when we encounter trouble. They’re the people we count on to get us through tough times and shelter us from the storms of life.

We may not see eye to eye on everything, but that’s what makes families so special. We still find a way to get along and have each other’s backs in any situation. Everyone else may leave you hanging in life, but family will always support you, no matter what.

Sure, they may say embarrassing things about you at the dinner table. They may sometimes annoy you with their lack of technological skills. And, you probably get in your fair share of arguments with them. Perhaps worst of all, your parents may eat your food when you’re not looking. Despite all the times when family makes us pull our hair out, we still wouldn’t change a thing.

15 Cortisol-Reducing Foods to Calm Your Anxious Mind

It’s true that healthy foods won’t cure your anxiety, but a healthy diet can affect your mood. Certain foods and drinks can relieve your worry and stress without spiking your blood sugar levels. These cortisol-reducing foods will make you feel calmer and less stressed.

Why is it essential to eat cortisol-reducing foods?

Cortisol is called a “stress hormone.” Your adrenal glands are on top of each kidney. The outer part of your adrenal glands is called the adrenal cortex. Your adrenal cortex produces cortisol, aldosterone, androgen, and estrogen. Cortisol has many roles in your body, including the following:

  • Reducing your body’s inflammation
  • Increasing your blood sugar
  • Regulating your sleep cycle
  • Controlling your blood pressure
  • Managing your body’s carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Cortisol gets released in stressful circumstances or when your body is under physical stress like an infection or an accident. It’s good if cortisol releases into your body short-term in emergencies, but if your body continues to release cortisol long-term, it creates stress. You may end up with inflammation. Left untreated, you may develop  Addison’s Disease, which needs to be treated with cortisol replacement drugs like Hydrocortone.

15 Cortisol-Reducing Foods to Calm Your Anxious Mind

cortisol-reducing foods

Try adding these foods to your diet to ease the impact of anxiety on your life.

1. Dairy products

Dairy products have stress-reducing properties. These foods contain whey protein, which increases your brain function and regulates your cortisol levels.

2. Eat cortisol-reducing sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are sometimes called a 3-in-1 food product. This is because this yummy orange veggie has high starch like a cereal, pectin like a fruit, and increased vitamins and minerals similar to a vegetable. Sweet potatoes are high in phenols. They have strong antioxidants properties that fight disease, improve your immune system, and protect your brain function. Recent studies found that sweet potatoes compounds have both physical and physiological benefits.

For instance, sweet potatoes are rich in magnesium, which helps lower anxiety levels and boosts your mood. Other benefits include the following:

  • Help you lose weight
  • Reduce your cravings for sweets
  • Boost your energy
  • Reduce constipation
  • Relieve adrenal fatigue symptoms

3. Legumes

Foods high in magnesium can reduce cortisol and its effect on your body. Adding unrefined, fibrous legumes(beans) to your diet can help control your cortisol levels. Eat legumes such as these:

  • Black beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils

4. Nuts (cortisol-reducing snack food)

Another cortisol-reducing food you can add to your diet is nuts. Nuts maintain healthy cortisol levels. The B vitamins and fatty acids in nuts strengthen your immune system, which stress affects. Eat these nuts for lower cortisol levels:

  • Pecans
  • Walnuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pistachios

5. Egg yolks

Eggs, a low-glycemic-index food, lower your cortisol levels. High glycemic index or foods that raise your blood sugar, like sugar and starch, also increase the cortisol in your blood. Eating the entire egg is okay, but egg yolk contains more fat, cholesterol, and calories than an egg white. Plus, most of the other nutrients are in the egg white.

6. Citrus fruits and strawberries

Foods that are high in vitamin C can stabilize your cortisol levels. Your adrenal glands contain a high amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a significant role in your adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla. These glands play a role in producing and regulating cortisol in your body. When you consume vitamin C-rich foods, it helps your adrenal glands. Another high in vitamin C include the following fruits:

  • Lemons
  • Grapefruit
  • Kiwi
  • Papaya
  • Mango
  • Guava

7. Dark chocolate (the most decadent of the cortisol-reducing foods)

Dark chocolate doesn’t just taste great. Lower in sugar than milk chocolate, dark chocolate helps improve your mood and reduces your anxiety by lowering your body’s cortisol levels.

8. Oily fish

Omega-3 fatty acids exist in oily fish. They play a role in brain health and regulating your cortisol levels, especially during stress. Eating a high amount of omega-3 rich foods like oily fish can also protect you from mood swings and depression. These oily fish can help lower your cortisol levels, including:

  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Anchovies

9. Sauerkraut or kimchi

An active bacteria called Lactobacillus reuteri is suitable for your gut and lowers cortisol levels. This good bacteria is found in fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi. Other foods that contain these friendly bacteria include these fermented foods:

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha
  • Tempeh

10. Drink green tea for its cortisol-reducing impact

Drinking green tea daily may reduce psychological distress. This is because green tea lowers cortisol. Individuals who drink green tea say it improves their mood.

green tea

11. Cloves

Clove oil is a fast-acting compound that lessens a cortisol response in your body. Cloves are a natural spice with high antioxidant activity. Eating spices like cloves can reduce and even eliminate the harmful effects of contamination on your body from the environment.

12. Bananas and prune

When you have too much cortisol in your kidneys, it can cause them to release potassium. Eating potassium-rich foods helps restore the proper amount of potassium and decreases stress and too high cortisol. Besides bananas and prunes, other potassium-rich foods include these:

  • Dried fruits
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • Potatoes

13. Collard greens and kale

Plants like collard greens and kale are high in vitamin E. This vitamin is high in antioxidants that help remove toxins from your body and improve cortisol levels.

14. Whole grains

Whole grains contain B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants, which help your body metabolize cortisol properly. Eating a warm bowl of oatmeal isn’t just comforting but boosts your levels of serotonin, which calms your brain and levels out your cortisol levels. Whole grains are brown rice, buckwheat, rye, bulghur, and quinoa.

15. Turmeric is a multi-beneficial cortisol-reducing seasoning

The spice turmeric contains cortisol-reducing abilities. It increases your serotonin levels, which lowers your stress hormones. Turmeric’s potent antioxidant powers help lower inflammation and protect your brain. Turmeric contains curcumin, which links to reversing heart problems and could help treat corticosteroid disorders. Studies found that the spice, curcumin, was used in American Indian medicines to treat several diseases, such as allergies, arthritis, diabetes, and dementia.

What foods make your cortisol rise?

Certain foods increase your cortisol levels. These foods have little nutritional value and affect your brain’s function and mood. These foods are common in the American diet. It may be challenging to eliminate these from your diet. Start small, taking a couple out of your diet over several months. At the same time, start adding in more cortisol-reducing foods.

1. Refined sugars

Sugar raises your cortisol levels more than any food. It also increases your blood sugar. After eating sugary food, you may feel good, then an hour later, you’ll experience an energy crash. This is because sugar elevates your blood sugar too quickly then causes it to plunge. Maintaining your blood sugar helps reduce your cortisol levels. Sugar causes cravings, similar to how people crave drugs. Get control of your stress by getting rid of sugar in your diet.

2. Refined grains

Similar to refined sugar, refined grains contain little nutrition. That’s because the bakery removes the whole-grain fiber. Thus, they are high in starch. They increase your cortisol levels and are high on the glycemic index. So eliminate these refined grains from your diet to reduce cortisol for better brain health.

  • White rice
  • White flour
  • Corn crits
  • White bread

3. Trans fats

Most processed foods contain trans fats. Foods like crackers, baked goods, and chips all have some amount of trans fats. They come under the name hydrogenated oils or fats. Some foods are labeled “no trans-fats,” but they still contain several trans fats. These fats increase your cholesterol and raise your cortisol levels.

4. Alcohol

Even though alcohol isn’t a food, it increases your stress levels by elevating the cortisol in your body. Alcohol is terrible for your liver and causes you to feel depressed after it wears off. Of course, alcohol is addictive, similar to sugar and caffeine. This response makes it so hard to stop with just one or two drinks.

5. Low fiber food

Foods that are low in fiber affect your cortisol. These foods increase your cortisol because they’re high in starch and harm your gut.

6. Excessive amounts of caffeine

Too much caffeine raises your stress levels and cortisol production. Consuming too much caffeine is like eating sugar. It increases your blood sugar, so you feel hungry. Caffeine has addictive properties. No wonder you need that cup of java when you wake up every morning. If you must drink caffeinated drinks, limit how much you drink every day to help maintain your cortisol.


Final thoughts on eating a cortisol-reducing diet

Dealing with anxiety is hard enough without worrying that what you’re eating could worsen your anxiety. Certain foods can calm your anxious moods. These cortisol-reducing foods can’t cure your anxiety but will affect your feelings. Whether you add more fermented foods, citrus fruit, green tea, or cloves to your diet, hopefully, you’ll feel better physically and mentally.

5 Behaviors That Show Someone Can Take Constructive Criticism

Do you want to be a leader? Then it would be best if you learned to take constructive criticism along the way.

All the greats use the advice they were given to help them accomplish their goals. Constructive criticism is extremely helpful, especially when you listen to the wise guidance of those who have been there.

Remember back to your teenage years. Do you recall feeling that your mom and dad thought they knew everything about your life? You probably got very aggravated when they tried to instruct or direct you.

Now that you have grown, you see that their sage advice was from love and not an effort to control you. They warned and lectured you because they didn’t want you to make the same mistakes as they did. Some children will sit and listen to their parents and comprehend what they’re saying, but others didn’t want to listen and would rebel.

Some teenagers seem to want to do things the hard way, and it’s just as accurate for adults. When you’re given advice, you have the choice of what to do with it. You can ignore it and continue to do things your way, you can become bitter and think the person is trying to control you or listen.

Understanding the Benefits of Constructive Criticism

constructive criticismTo criticize someone means to put them down in some capacity. However, to use constructive criticism means that you’re making suggestions for improvement. If you want to be an effective leader, you must learn to listen to the people underneath and above you.

An illustration of constructive criticism

Assume Joe has a company, and he is having morale issues. He’s had several employees quit, and there is tension in the workplace. One of the employees approaches him and wants to talk candidly about what can be done to change things.

Joe engages with the employee and hears what he has to say. The employee suggests that some of the equipment they use is so outdated that they lose productivity because they constantly fix and wait on repairs. The employee told him that someone will get hurt on top of losing more good help if things don’t get fixed.

While Joe listened to the staff member, he felt offended that he suggested the equipment was subpar. Rather than taking any of his considerations into play, he excused him and became incensed at his suggestions. Joe knows the equipment is old, but he is too stubborn to spend any money to fix it.

The following week, five more employees quit, and one woman got hurt on one of the machines. Joe refused to take the advice from a worker who dealt with these issues every day. If he had listened, it could have helped him improve his company, and in the end, it cost him way more than some updated machines.

To be an effective leader, you must listen to those under you and those who have trailblazed the way before you. Had Joe listened to his employee, he might have saved himself a lot of grief, but he didn’t want anyone telling him how to run his company.

How many times have you been in Joe’s position and taken the same type of stance? Appropriately done, constructive criticism can make your life better, not worse.

Habits to Ensure You Grow from Constructive Criticism

Every decision you make has an action or a reaction. If someone critiques your parenting skills, how you do your job, or your marriage, you might be inclined to lash out. It’s important to use these experiences as stepping stones towards a better you, and here are some habits that can help you grow.

Don’t be so quick only to hear negative things but what they’re really trying to tell you.

1. Pause and Ponder but Don’t Overreact

The first thing most folks want to do when they feel someone is criticizing them is to lash out. If the person is doing this in love and not trying to put you down, don’t speak the first thing that pops into your mind.

Instead, you need to stop and really listen to what they’re saying. Are they speaking truths to you that you already know? If they tell you that you need to be more patient with your children and stop yelling, the chances are that you already know that you have this issue. Sometimes, people don’t like to be told stuff they already know, and you react by becoming defensive.

It will be difficult, but you need to make sure that you don’t spout back some harsh comments. Think about what they’re trying to tell you and how you can implement their suggestions into your life.

2. Consider the Benefits of Constructive Criticism

When a new mother brings home a baby from the hospital, both grandmas are usually there. Since they’ve already raised their children, they often have much advice to give. Now, they’re not trying to tell you how to raise your kid, but they want to provide you with tips to make it easier.

Since they’ve already been through it, they know way more than you at this point. Please don’t get mad at them, but you should consider the benefits of the information they’re giving you. They’re trying to help you and make your life easier, and much of their advice can be beneficial.

pop quote3. Listen and Engage

While it might be easy to tune people out, why not try listening to what they have to say? Listen with the intent that you might benefit from their advice. Next, engage with them.

If your mother-in-law tells you that you should never prop a bottle up to feed a baby, ask her why she thinks this needs to be done. There is some truth behind her theory as it allows the baby to take in more air. She’s not trying to be manipulative or take control of the situation; she honestly is trying to help.

4. Thank Them

Even if you don’t like the advice that they give you, always thank them for it. In 99 percent of cases, their mind and heart were in the right place. Sure, it’s not always easy to hear that you’re doing something wrong.

However, you can’t be unapproachable about everything in life, or you will have to learn things the hard way. Remember when your parents told you not to touch the stove?

You weren’t happy until you felt the stove, and you probably got burnt. If you had only listened, you could have saved yourself the heartache.

5. Process the Constructive Criticism and Move On

There are some good tidbits of information that can be given through constructive criticism. Once you’ve asked any questions and thanked them for sharing with you, then it’s time to process it. Maybe you learned something that you want to put to good use in your life, or perhaps it’s information you will file in the back of your mind.

Process all the data that you’ve been given, and then move on. Don’t harbor any bad feelings towards this person. Remember that they were only trying to help you. Even if it didn’t come across as helpful and was more hurtful, you still need to let it go.

Ways to Identify If the Criticism Isn’t Constructive

While, in theory, it’s nice to think that everyone with advice is doing it from love and concern, it’s not always the case. There are sometimes where people want to be mean or put you down. The narcissist may even try to manipulate you so that they can look better. Here are some signs that you’re just being criticized.

  • They speak to you harshly.
  • They’re rude
  • They call names or use phrases like dumb, stupid, ignorant
  • Their efforts are to put you down, not help you
  • This person doesn’t have a good relationship with you
  • The advice isn’t helpful but more hurtful
  • They try to demean you in front of others

If you notice any of these things in their critique, then you don’t have to follow this list to help you grow. It’s okay to put the bully in their place. If they don’t want to help you but are trying to tear you down, then it’s perfectly okay for you to stand up for yourself.

constructive criticism

Final Thoughts on Constructive Criticism

It’s hard to take criticism about you or your life, even if it’s on the constructive side. Still, you can always ignore what people tell you. If you become so set in your ways that there is no room for growth or change, then you’re stagnating.

Life is about rolling with the punches and being flexible. How can you be a great mom or dad if you don’t listen to how other parents did things? How can you be a great boss if you don’t want to listen to those that matter most, the people who work for you?

Don’t be so quick to bush off constructive criticism, as it may be the one thing that takes you higher up the corporate ladder or makes you a better human being.

This Adorable Guinea Pig Family Is Taking the Internet by Storm

Guinea pigs are adorable, fluffy, cuddly, and tiny; all the things that make a pet lovable. While they’re not as popular as dogs or cats, they do make great, loving companions. However, guinea pigs are actually considered exotic animals, so they need special care. Only certain veterinarians will see them because they’re more difficult to treat.

A guinea pig lives on average 5-7 years, so they’re a relatively long-term commitment. Unfortunately, many guineas end up in shelters or rescues due to being abandoned. That’s why it’s important to do your research before adopting one of these tiny furry friends. Many people buy them for their children because of the cute factor, not realizing how much work they are.

Guineas are social animals and need a lot of affection. They do best when living with another guinea pig so they have interaction while the owners are away. However, you should make sure to have two guineas of the same gender living together to avoid unwanted offspring. Two females are the best option, as some males tend to fight.

A guinea pig requires a decent-sized cage for their home, at least 8-10 sq ft for one or two pigs. You’ll want to make sure they have different “rooms” to roam around in so they can explore and stay active. Many cages sold in pet stores aren’t large enough for piggies, so some people prefer to build their own. Ramps, a closed-off sleeping area or loft, tunnels, hammocks, and several small toys are common guinea pig essentials.

Timothy hay makes up the majority of their diet, so make sure to have plenty on hand. You can either buy timothy hay pellets or the hay in its raw form. They’ll also need snacks like fruit, veggies, and a Vitamin C supplement, as their bodies don’t manufacture this vitamin (like humans).

Now that you know a little about caring for a guinea pig, we’ll introduce you to one adorable guinea family.

This Guinea Pig Family is the Cutest You’ll Ever See

“Roger is the smallest, Hugo is black and white, and Cecil is genuine white,” guinea mom Rebecca says. “Hugo is the oldest; he’s 7 years old. He was adopted after being spray painted and left in a pet shop. He has the world’s best rumble.”

“Roger is the youngest; he’s Hugo’s son. He was born in October 2020. When Roger first joined us, he was absolutely tiny. He grew up and became quite a nuisance. So all the boys have to now live separately.”

“Cecil is the third member of our herd. His favorite thing to do is to go loose in the garden, so we let him out on the patio in our garden, he goes and eats the lawn. He’s quite happy, and he’s a bit of a wild guinea pig at heart.”

Unfortunately, Hugo passed away about a week ago. He was adopted at seven years old, so the family knew they wouldn’t get much time with him. However, they made his twilight years comfortable and happy for him, and they considered him a part of the family. He had a glorious life after being adopted and will be greatly missed.

Guinea pigs don’t have as long a lifespan as cats or dogs, so that’s something important to consider when adopting. It’s not the years in their life, though; it’s the life in their years. If you give your guinea pig love, care, and attention, he or she will have the best life possible. Plus, they’re unique pets to have with their own quirks and personalities.

“The best thing about having guinea pigs is their personalities. Each pig is completely different, and it’s wonderful to see how much mischief they can get up to,” Rebecca says.

Guinea pigs are very vocal creatures, making a “wheeking” sound when excited or needing attention. The sound is adorable, but it can get quite loud at times! They also do something called “popcorning” when they’re happy. It’s called that because it resembles a kernel of popcorn popping as the guinea jumps straight in the air very abruptly.

History and facts about the guinea pig

Guinea pigs, otherwise known as cavies, are a domesticated species of rodents. They originated in South America. However, breeders throughout the world produced them for thousands of years as both pets and food. The Incas first domesticated guineas over 3,000 years ago. They kept them as pets or bred them for food, and even offered them as sacrifices to their gods.

At the end of the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors transported guinea pigs from South America to Europe. There, they became popular pets among Elizabethan societal classes. Today, they’re no longer found in the wild.

As far as the origin of the species name, no one really knows the answer. Some historians believe that Europeans named them because the roasted meat reminded them of suckling pigs. Others think that the squealing sounds guineas make gave them their name. Or, perhaps it came from the price of a guinea pig in 16th-century England: 1 guinea.

Some researchers say ships leaving the port of Guiana in South America or Guinea in West Africa may have carried the animals to the European market. However, they’re not from Guinea and they’re certainly not pigs, so their name remains a bit of a mystery.

Rebecca the guinea mom has a few parting words about caring for guineas.

“They are exotic pets, so they need exotic veterinary care. If you’re thinking of getting a guinea pig, please do your research,” Rebecca says. “We provide a lot of information through our website and our Instagram. We try and give our boys the best life possible, and they are some of the most spoiled guinea pigs on the Internet.”

Keep in mind that if you adopt a guinea, it may seem a little shy at first. However, once it warms up to you, guineas make very loving, affectionate little pets!

Do you have guinea pigs or any other small pets? Share some of your favorite memories with them in the comments!

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