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Wildlife Artist Expresses Her Love for Animals in Her Murals

Ekaterina Sky, a wildlife conservation artist, inspires people to reconnect with nature and animals through her work. Her love for animals led her to become vegan, and she uses art as a creative outlet to promote kindness to all life. On her Facebook page, she says that painting makes her feel alive and gives her a sense of purpose. The fact that her work carries such an important message for the planet makes her paintings even more beautiful and moving.

“I can feel the suffering of our planet and the pain that is being caused to animals,” she said. “My mission is to speak up for those who can’t.”


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How the talented artist developed her style

Ekaterina began her art journey at The School of Fine Arts in Yaroslavl, Russia. There, she completed a fine arts program, which gave her the background she needed to become a conservation artist. She also received a scholarship to The Art School of Museum of Tel-Aviv. There, she expanded upon her knowledge and skills, learning to create her own unique style.

In addition to her formal education, Ekaterina took it upon herself to experiment using different artistic mediums in her own time. After a while, she combined her love for animals and art to create the masterpieces we see today. She calls her murals the Animalize project, intending to connect viewers deeply with the animals through their eyes. On her website, she says, “To animalize means to arouse sensuality found in nature. By connecting with these animals, the viewer experiences something intimate and discovers a close affinity for them.”

Because we have focused on our daily lives and experiences, we have lost our connection to what lies beyond our concrete jungles. We have become disconnected from how our actions and choices affect the environment, animals, and ourselves. “Animalize reminds us of nature’s brimming beauty, presence, and need for care,” Ekaterina says.

She hopes that her paintings will encourage viewers to look deeply into their own lifestyles and question how they may harm animals. We can all make a difference if we look at ourselves as a small piece of a greater whole. If we choose to see our oneness with everything else, we can learn to live cohesively with our environment.


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What inspires the artist

She paints to encourage people to show more compassion and care for animals and raise awareness of wildlife conservation efforts’ importance. Ekaterina says that her art helped her through many challenges and ultimately led to her life purpose. As a child, her family moved to different countries often, so she had to learn to speak the language in each place. It took her about a year to be able to communicate with others after moving, she said.

The only thing that remained consistent in life was her art, so she used her natural talent to get her through the shock of moving so much. “Drawing and painting would be my way to express myself and communicate without any need of words.” She said that not being able to talk with other kids left her feeling very alone and isolated.

However, sitting down somewhere to draw or paint helped her find a sense of identity. She used her art to stay connected to herself and create her own little world. “It is inspiring for me to use my best language, which is art, to help others in need.”

She says that her deep compassion for other beings comes from the fact that they can’t tell us they need help. She still hears their cries, though, and helps them communicate through her murals and paintings.


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Ekaterina shares her talent on a world tour.

Recently, Ekaterina went on a tour to different countries worldwide, painting murals of various endangered species. With each mural, she made the audience could gaze directly into the animals’ eyes. This helps them connect more with the animal and perhaps help them realize our interconnectedness with them. “Each animal was colorful to highlight their uniqueness and individuality.”

Her main goal is to connect people with animals, even in the most crowded, urban places. We have greatly lost our connection to Mother Earth and all the creatures who inhabit it. Ekaterina’s work can help raise awareness that we all must coexist here. She says our urban lifestyles make us forget about all the endangered species we can help protect by making different choices.

Ekaterina’s final words on the joys of being an artist

“As I believe, we connect through our eyes, which are windows into our soul, and I believe that when we get to meet someone’s soul, we don’t have a heart to hurt them,” she said. Currently, she paints murals at animal sanctuaries and rescue centers, in high schools, and in visitor’s centers. She got to paint a piece for the Burning Man festival, choosing to paint primate’s eyes since they are closely related to humans. This piece gave her the confidence to start a world tour, as she had never painted a mural that size before.


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At the festival, she led an artist workshop on painting. She said it inspired her, even more, to see others getting in touch with their creative side. On her Patreon page, she says, “My 10-year goal is to paint 50 murals around the world and meet 100 new animal species. Each mural will be an opportunity to capture and share the story of an animal, the nature it lives in, and how they are affected by humans.”

If you’d like to purchase some of her prints or learn more about her mission as an artist, you can do so here.

Prevent a Panic Attack: 10 Tricks to Never Forget

Your mouth is dry, you’re sweating profusely, and you can’t breathe. You feel like you’re having a heart attack as your heart beats out of your chest. You feel like you may faint, and an impending doom sets on you that you will collapse right where you stand. Sounds like you need some quick tips to prevent a panic attack!

The whole world is spinning, and you’re so dizzy you can’t hold your head up. Should you call 911 or see if this feeling passes? You’re sure you have a brain tumor or another disease that will end your life right here and now. Since you’ve had this feeling before, you know you’re experiencing a panic attack.

There’s nothing about this overwhelming anxiety that is pleasant, but you feel as if your life is ending every time you have these sensations. If only there were a way to prevent a panic attack so that you don’t have to experience these horrible sensations anymore, you could start living life again. Your irrational fears make you feel as if you’re singled out, and you’re becoming scared to leave your home for fear of another attack.

What you’re experiencing is quite common. Some people call them anxiety attacks, while others call them panic episodes, But rest assured–they are the same. When your anxiety gets to an explosive level, your body kicks into overdrive. Sensing the urgency of danger, you go into fight-flight or freeze mode.

Common Signs of Panic Disorder

prevent a panic attackThe symptoms of panic and anxiety are pretty much the same across the board. Each new attack will have similarities to the previous ones, but there can also be variations and changes in your anxiety that occur with time. Do you know the symptoms of panic?

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, these are the most observed signs:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Urgent need to run or leave
  • A feeling of impending doom
  • Racing pulse
  • Sweating
  • Numbness in your face or arms
  • Derealization – feeling detached from your surroundings
  • Depersonalization – feeling disconnected from your body
  • Chills or trembling
  • Breathing problems
  • Chest or stomach pain
  • Nausea
  • Weakness

It’s easy to see why someone experiencing these symptoms might be scared. Consequently, it would help if you remembered that anxiety is a great deceiver because it makes you feel and believe things that aren’t true.

On average, a panic attack can last between 2 and 20 minutes, depending on the person. Usually, after one of these attacks, you’re left exhausted and need to rest. Your body’s rush of adrenaline and cortisol wipes you out once things go back to normal. How can you keep living like this?

Tips to Prevent a Panic Attack

After going through some of these attacks, it’s easy to say that you want to do whatever possible to keep another one from happening. You should know that panic disorder is a treatable condition, so you don’t have to suffer this severe ailment without help.

Panic, when left untreated, can turn into agoraphobia. This condition makes someone afraid to leave the house or be in social situations. Here are some tried and true methods to help you stop or prevent a panic attack from occurring.

1. Practice Mindfulness

After you’ve experienced a few anxiety attacks, you will notice the feelings associated with them. When you feel your anxiety soar, you need to practice mindfulness. Focus on things around you to help ground you in your current surroundings.

You can reduce your anxiety when you turn your focus off the horrible feelings and onto something tangible. Many people experience derealization when their anxiety is high, which indicates that they are detached from their surroundings.

Thankfully, by being present in the moment, you can help to stop an attack. Suppose you’re in the grocery store when a panic attack occurs. Say things to yourself like:

  • “I am at the grocery store, and I shop there all the time. “
  • “I see three cashiers working. “
  • “They added a new display by the deli. “
  • “The store is nearly empty as it’s late at night. “
  • “I never noticed the walls in here are yellow. “

You’ve identified five things about your location to help ground you and calm you down. When you’re present at the moment, you can thwart the irrational thoughts your brain feeds from anxiety.

2. Learn Deep Breathing Techniques

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to prevent a panic attack. Start by inhaling to the count of seven, hold your breath to the count of seven, and release it to the count of seven. Keep doing this until you feel the anxiety dissipate.

release emotion3. Prevent a Panic Attack With Some Fresh Air

When your body goes into fight or flight mode, you may feel like you need to run and escape danger. One of the best things you can do is run outside in the fresh air. Removing your shoes and allowing your feet to feel the earth beneath them is also helpful. These techniques will help ground you and stop the panic.

4. Close Your Eyes and Count

If your head is spinning and you feel as if you may pass out, you should close your eyes and rest your head on a table. Wait for the moment to pass. While you’re waiting, slowly count. See how long it takes until this attack passes, and you can compare the numbers the next time.

5. Take Herbal Supplements

Many herbal supplements on the market can help to stop or prevent a panic attack. Lavender is a great herb that you can use for fast relief. Rub it on your wrist and breathe in the soothing aroma when your anxiety soars. Other things like chamomile, ashwagandha, and valerian are some of the most popular herbs used.

6. Learn Meditation and Relaxation Techniques

Meditation is an ancient art form that has been practiced for thousands of years. It helps you to relax your mind, body, and spirit. Studies have shown that those who practice meditation faithfully can reduce or stop their panic attacks altogether.

Once you learn control over your breathing and learn how to release your muscles’ tension, it can change your anxiety.

7. Go to Your Happy Place

Everyone has a happy place where they can go and relax. It’s helpful to visualize your comfortable spot when you feel like your world is spinning from anxiety. Transport yourself to the beach or the cliff of a mountain. Feel the tranquil air blow across your body and allow the feelings of panic to dissipate.

8. Use Self-Talk to Prevent a Panic Attack

Self-talk is one of the best techniques when it comes to anxiety. Since panic is flooding your head with thoughts and feelings that aren’t true, you need to combat those feelings with the truth. Tell yourself that you’re going to be okay; this will pass, and you won’t die.

Using self-talk can help you talk your way out of a battle with anxiety and keep you from taking the panic to extreme levels.

9. Focus on An Object

Some people find that using an object when they start to feel panicked helps them focus on their feelings. For instance, you can hold a picture of your children or spouse to help calm you. Some people use a pet rock or other object to help adjust their focus and prevent a panic attack.

10. Turn to Medication

If you’ve tried all the holistic methods possible and still can’t find relief, you should consider medication. Various medicines help adjust the brain’s chemicals, preventing a panic attack in the future. Balancing the serotonin level seems critical as this neurotransmitter is the main component in controlling your fight-flight mode.

Even if you must use medication for the short term, it doesn’t mean you will be on these drugs indefinitely. Many folks only need them for a short period, and then they can go off them without issue. Be careful about which ones you take; some are habit-forming and can cause addiction problems. Your doctor should be your guide, so have that discussion.

prevent a panic attackFinal Thoughts on Knowing Techniques to Prevent a Panic Attack

Panic disorder affects 2.7 percent of the adult population in this country, according to studies. Times are tough, and when you must deal with life’s stressors, it only makes things worse. Remember to take care of both your physical and mental health needs.

Many folks find that they have anxiety and panic issues when going through a difficult time in life, which is called situational distress. Consequently, others find no rhyme or reason for why they feel the way they do. Experts believe there is a vital genetic component to any mental health issues, and a family history only increases the likelihood that you will deal with these problems.

Panic attacks can be debilitating, and you must learn how to cope with these horrible occurrences. The good news is that it’s a highly treatable disorder, that many can find relief. There are ways to prevent a panic attack so that you can live an everyday life without overwhelming fear getting in the way.

Science Explains The Differences Between Being Shy And Being An Introvert

You’ve been asked to present in front of your entire company. Do you see this as a chance to further your career, or do you feel like you’re about to be violently sick? If you feel sick at the thought of speaking to the masses, then your shyness is controlling you.

You probably already know that you have issues with being a shy person, but have you ever considered that you might also be an introvert? There are subtle differences between the two personalities, but there are variations that can’t be ignored. Many people automatically think that someone shy is also introverted, but that is not always true.

When meeting new people, neither the shy nor the introvert is up for the challenge. However, shyness doesn’t mean you prefer to spend time alone, but introverts crave solo time. Two children are sitting in a classroom; one is shy, and the other is introverted.

When it comes time to come to the chalkboard to solve a problem, the introverted kid refuses because they would rather stay at their desk. However, the shy kid also declines because they are afraid that everyone will be looking at them. It’s not that the timid kid doesn’t want to participate. It’s that they can’t.

Now, both kids refused the invitation to go to the chalkboard, but the reason they declined was not at all similar. Using this example, it’s easy to see that introverted and shy people may appear the same, but their mindset is quite different. Shyness may make you afraid to step out of your comfort zone, but it’s not that you don’t want to do things.

Introverts don’t want to do something as they prefer to be alone. Is there a way to overcome shyness and introversion?

Genetics and Environment Matter

shynessPsychologists and counselors from around the globe have examined the differences between being shy and introverted. Many believe that shyness is a trait that defines personality. Are people born introverted, or do genetics and environment shape these traits?

According to a report in the Chicago Tribune, it’s estimated that about 30 percent of your shy nature can be from your genetic makeup, and the environment around you will cause the other 70 percent. When you combine both your genetic components with your surroundings, it can make you shy and reserved.

Understanding Shy Folks

Consider a child on the playground at recess. The kid finds that all the running, screaming, and confusion is scary to them. So, they prefer to play independently where they can control things better.

They soon learn they prefer to be alone, so they develop this routine. Fast forward 20 years later, and the shy kid is the one who is in a cubicle off by themselves and doesn’t interact much with others.

It’s not that they’re unfriendly or even a good worker, but it all comes down to the fact that this person prefers to be alone because other folks make them uncomfortable. However, did you know that these learned behaviors can be unlearned? Counselors have found that they can give their clients techniques to help them cope by using psychological therapies.

Understanding the Introvert

Consider the introvert. Are they like the shy person who learns such isolating behaviors early on? Is this person just as much a victim to their surroundings as the shy individual?

The answer is no. An introvert is not formed in the same capacity as a shy person. People tend to group individuals into classes as either introverted or extroverted, and they think that the two personality types are nowhere similar. So, it’s easy to blame genetics on being introverted.

Consequently, much research has been conducted regarding the brain of the introvert and extrovert, and Discover Magazine covered such research. For the introvert, their brain’s reward center is stimulated differently. You reward yourself by attending a party when you had a great week at work, or you may buy yourself a new outfit when you lose 20 lbs.

When you reward yourself, you release the neurotransmitter dopamine in your brain. Before purchasing a new item, your brain already feels the buzz from this vital chemical. However, researchers have discovered that introverts don’t get nearly the same euphoric feeling from this burst of brain chemicals as extroverts.

An Illustration of the Difference Between the Introvert and the Extrovert

The difference in how the brain processes these rewards is essential. Imagine you and your sister are opposites. Your sister is the life of the party and an extrovert, but you tend to be more introverted. You both receive an invitation to a big event where all the local legends will attend.

Your sister is so excited at the thought of a party, and she immediately starts daydreaming about food, fun, and good music. However, you aren’t so happy about the invitation. You automatically start thinking about how loud music bothers you and you don’t like small talk with people you don’t know.

You start to think that this event will require more effort from you than it’s worth, but your sister feels it’s little effort for a night of fun. Do you see how the two brains work differently? While this comes off as personality differences, it has everything to do with how the brain reacts to stimuli.

Since the brain thinks and processes information differently for introverts, it’s a genetically based link stopping them from attending the party. Now, what about the shy person? Is their brain to blame, too?

No, the shy person has learned the behavior of being withdrawn, but the introvert’s brain processes things differently.

pop memeThe Contrast Between the Shyness and Introversion

To further confuse things, a shy person can also be an introvert. This individual may avoid the limelight and prefers to be alone. Additionally, some introverted people don’t battle with shyness. They don’t mind being out with others but prefer flying solo.

There’s no right or wrong personality type unless it’s holding you back from doing what you want in life. Being shy and reserved is okay if it’s not causing you any issues. However, if you need to overcome your shyness to get the job you’ve always dreamed of, there are ways to help.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has proven to be amazingly effective in retraining the brain. CBT works well on those who are shy, but it’s not so great with the introvert. See, introverts are fighting genetic ties that often cannot be undone. The shy person is overcoming learned behaviors from their environment.

A Famous Extrovert Who Displays Shyness Traits

You’ve probably heard of Barbra Streisand, the famous singer. She is known for her outgoing personality, which makes her larger than life. However, few know that she hasn’t done much public singing for 27 years, with the few exceptions of a few events, according to Closer Weekly.

She won’t get on stage because she is terrified that she will forget her lines, and she did go blank once in a concert. It’s easy to see that Streisand has an extroverted personality, but she is also shy because a previous event changed her brain to fear it will happen again.

Consider another scenario. The phone rings. The shy extrovert pauses before answering. They wonder who is on the other line, if they really want to talk to them, but they want to find out. Sadly, they’re too afraid to answer, so they miss the call by picking up the line too late.

The shy introvert gets a phone call. They instantly think that they can’t answer the phone because they’re afraid they will make a fool of themselves when they speak. They decide to let it go to voicemail because they don’t want to talk to anyone.

Both people denied the call and had shy natures, but one was introverted, and one was extroverted. The reasons they rejected the calls were different, but the outcome was the same the call didn’t get answered.

personal space

Final Thoughts on Understanding the Difference Between Introversion and Shyness

Shyness is the concern of adverse judgment, and introversion is a liking for tranquil, marginally stimulating situations. The two cross many lines and often seem connected, but the reasons behind the two personalities are contrasting.

Remember Albert Einstein, the most famous physicist and all-around brainiac? The genius received a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his work in physics. He often stated that he enjoyed the quiet life’s solitude because it helped stimulate his mind during these times.

Where would society be today without his development of the theory of relativity? You’re only limited if you allow yourself to be. You can do or be anything you want, but you must change your mindset. Whether you’re shy or introverted doesn’t matter; it’s how you overcome these character and personality traits to accomplish everything you need to do.

How to Make a Nutritious + Delicious Garden Vegetable Lasagna

If you’re starting to run out of ideas for dinner, why not try fresh vegetable lasagna? Not only does it contain tons of nutrients, but it’s also pretty delicious! Plus, the recipe calls for ingredients that you probably have lying around the kitchen already. This is a spin on the classic lasagna recipe, packed with tons of veggies and herbs.

Olive Garden has nothing on this lasagna recipe. Trust us. You can munch on it throughout the week, too, since you’ll have tons of leftovers. So, without further ado, we’ll show you how to make this mouth-watering vegetable lasagna!

How to make a nutritious, delicious garden vegetable lasagna

vegetable lasagna

This vegetable lasagna is so delicious that you will forget how healthy it is.

What you’ll need:

  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Large cooking pot
  • Spoon
  • Casserole dish


  • Olive oil
  • 1/2 chopped onion
  • 2 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 1 zucchini, chopped
  • 1 eggplant, chopped
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 large can of chopped tomatoes
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Dried basil
  • Oregano
  • Lasagna noodles
  • Béchamel sauce
  • Spinach
  • Your favorite shredded cheese
  • Whatever veggies you’d like for toppings (optional)

How to make the veggies for the lasagna:

  1. First, get out your cutting board and the carrots, onion, garlic, and zucchini.
  2. Chop the ends off the zucchini, then cut it lengthwise into slices.
  3. Next, line up a few slices at a time, and dice the zucchini.
  4. Peel and dice the carrots as well, and then dice half of the white onion.
  5. Next, finely mince two garlic cloves.
  6. Finally, cut the ends off the eggplant and dice it into cubes.
  7. Then, grab your large cooking pot and drizzle olive oil in the bottom. Turn the heat on medium.
  8. Add in the onion and carrots, and cook until soft.
  9. Next, add the chopped zucchini into the vegetable lasagna Stir and allow it to cook until it becomes slightly soft.
  10. Then, mix in the eggplant, also stirring and cooking until soft.
  11. Finally, add the minced garlic cloves to the veggies.
  12. Next, pour in the large can of tomatoes.
  13. Pour in a tsp of salt and pepper and a pinch of dried basil and oregano.
  14. Stir all of the herbs and spices until thoroughly mixed into the veggies.
  15. Allow the vegetables to simmer for 15 minutes.
  16. Now, grab your lasagna noodles and fill up the large pot halfway with water.
  17. Bring the water to a boil, and cook the noodles for about 11-15 minutes.

vegetable lasagna

How to make the vegetable lasagna:

  1. Now it’s time to make the lasagna. Get out your casserole dish, and scoop some béchamel sauce into the pan. Spread it thoroughly around the bottom, so the noodles don’t stick.
  2. Next, line the bottom with about six noodles, and scoop some of the veggie mixtures on top. Make sure to cover the noodles thoroughly.
  3. Then, scoop some more of the béchamel sauce onto the vegetable lasagna.
  4. Sprinkle some of your favorite shredded cheese on top.
  5. Next, place spinach leaves onto the lasagna (about 15 or so).
  6. Then, layer some more of the lasagna noodles on top.
  7. Repeat the process with the veggie mixture, spreading it thoroughly on the next set of noodles.
  8. Layer it up with more béchamel sauce and your favorite shredded cheese.
  9. Add some more spinach and a last layer of noodles.
  10. Top it off with a thick coating of béchamel sauce and shredded cheese.
  11. Finally, add your favorite veggies or herbs as toppings. We decided to make a cute garden scene with dill and rosemary for trees. We also used onion and tomato slices for flowers and some small sliced carrots for grass. (Feel free to skip this step if you want).
  12. Bake at 350 degrees F for 40 minutes.

Cut yourself a slice of this scrumptious, healthy vegetable lasagna, and enjoy!

By the way, in case you’ve never heard of it, béchamel sauce is a traditional French sauce. It’s mainly used as a base for other sauces to add texture and creaminess. To make the sauce, you mix milk, butter, and flour until the sauce thickens. Feel free to buy it at the store if you’d like, but if you prefer a homemade version, here’s the recipe below.

How to make a béchamel sauce for the vegetable lasagna

This sauce is so rich and velvety.


  • 2 cups milk, heated
  • 6 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • Salt and pepper, if you’d like


Melt the butter in a deep saucepan. Stir in the flour and cook on low, stirring continuously. You want the paste to bubble a little, but don’t let it turn brown (cook for about 2 minutes). Add in the hot milk, stirring as the sauce begins to thicken. Turn up the heat, so the mixture starts to boil. Add salt and pepper to taste, turn the heat back to low, and stir for 2-3 more minutes. Remove from the heat. If you have leftover sauce, you can save it by covering the bowl with wax paper.

Also, feel free to add in sausage or whatever you prefer for all the meat-eaters out there. You can also use different veggies if you’d like, such as mushrooms, yellow squash, or bell peppers.

If you want to make it gluten-free, make sure to buy gluten-free lasagna noodles or swap vegetables for the noodles. You could use long, thin slices of eggplant or zucchini in place of traditional noodles. Just make sure to grill them first to remove moisture.

vegetable lasagnaFinal Thoughts: You will never want to eat meat lasagna again after trying this vegetable lasagna recipe

This vegetable lasagna will be a guaranteed hit with your whole family. Not only is it filling – it’s healthy and absolutely delicious, too! Plus, lasagna makes an excellent dinner for a busy workweek since you can heat the leftovers. Pair it with a side salad or a cup of soup if you’d like.

Even in the warmer months, you can’t go wrong with lasagna. It’s one of the most popular comfort foods for a reason! We hope you enjoy this recipe. If you try it out, let us know what you think in the comments below.

Doctors Explain How the MIND Diet Can Improve Brain Health

The MIND diet is all the rage for those serious about improving their mental and overall body health. If you aren’t a fan of carb restrictive diets like Keto and Atkins, then this may be the eating plan for you. The studies backing this diet are impressive, and it shows that even following this strategy moderately can produce significant effects.

It’s common knowledge that you eat certain foods if you have diabetes. Also, you know the foods to eat if you want to thwart heart disease. However, when it comes to weight loss, you can enjoy a wide variety of foods and still shed pounds. Consequently, the MIND diet takes things in a new direction by eating certain foods that keep your brain sharp.

Is it possible that you can eat foods that will benefit your neurological health? Studies posted on the National Institute of Health show that the MIND diet can improve inflammation in your body, issues with insulin resistance, and can boost the levels of critical vitamins your body and brain need to thrive.

Enhancing Your Cognition with Food

MIND dietDementia and Alzheimer’s disease are horrific conditions that rob a person of their memories. As the disease progresses, they’re unable to care for themselves or even recognize the faces of their loved ones. From the time of onset, a person can live with these mind-altering conditions for more than a decade, according to Dementia Care Central.

Many people often refer to these brain diseases as “the long goodbye.”

That term stems from the fact that they slowly kill off vital brain cells that control the body and mind. Any family member who ever experienced this sickness through a loved one knows. They found it horrific to watch someone slowly lose their mind. Now, science is shifting its attention to prevention by using food.

Is it possible to keep conditions like Alzheimer’s at bay by altering your foods? Neurologist Dale E. Bredesen, M.D. wrote a book regarding such a topic. He believes incorporating certain foods for those at high risk of developing this disease can prevent cognitive decline.

Dr. Bredesen believes that eating a specific diet makes it possible to keep your brain sharp and healthy, and his book outlines the process. Your eating style can optimize your brainpower and may be the way to end diseases such as dementia. His theories are not unfounded, as the medical community is jumping on the bandwagon with studies to prove the link between nutrition and brain health.

In 2015, a study was conducted by the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center. According to the National Institute of Health, researchers found it possible to reverse your cognitive age by over seven years by simply following a specific diet. Consuming good fats, like olive and coconut oil, and eating more vegetables can improve brain health.

Understanding the MIND Diet

The MIND eating plan is not new, but it’s getting more attention nowadays. According to Rush University, Martha Clare Morris is responsible for the creation of this diet. Along with colleges, they wanted to develop an eating plan that was a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH, but it focused more on brain health.

The Mediterranean and DASH diets are both great for lowering cardiovascular disease and improving diabetes, but she wanted something to help neurologically. They began testing in 1997 with people dedicating their eating habits to this plan, and the results were uncanny.

What Does the Acronym MIND Mean?

So, what is the MIND diet, and how can it benefit you? First, you should know that MIND is Mediterranean Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay since it comprises both eating plans. There are 15 different components that people must observe, and the program teaches you about ten other food groups to utilize for brain health and five that you should avoid.

What Someone Eats on the MIND Plan

Food like fish, berries, nuts, and whole grains. Things to avoid include red meat, cheese, and fast food. If you’re interested in this eating plan, you will start by having three servings of whole grains daily.

You could have a nice salad with other veggies and then incorporate at least one other vegetable into your daily intake. Wine is recommended but not a requirement of this plan. Other recommendations include consuming poultry at least twice a week and fish once.

The hard part is limiting unhealthy foods. When it comes to butter, you should have no more than one tablespoon a day, and cheese or fried foods can only be one serving in a week. All other fruits are exempt from the list.

Berries are known to improve cognitive function and are low in sugar. Blueberries have long been known as a brain-healthy food, according to a study conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard Medical School. They examined the brain health of over 121,700 females. They found that just eating blueberries alone could delay cognitive decline by almost three years.


Read about the five stages of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Is MIND A Feasible Eating Plan?

Don’t confuse the MIND diet with strategies that aim to lose weight. Indeed, this eating style is so much more. This plan can improve the aspects of mental decline for people with a severe risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Now, saying a diet can cure a significant mental issue is still out for debate, and numerous studies are being conducted that will show further information. However, it takes time to gather evidence.

The downside to a diet like this is that it’s so restrictive that many cannot follow it. Like Keto or Atkins, many people can last two weeks with the best of intentions, but the MIND diet’s super restrictive requirements are to follow for the long haul. Incorporating some of the aspects of this eating plan can still provide brain improvement.

A person can’t say they will never stop and grab a hamburger at a fast-food establishment again, and can you honestly cut back cheese to one serving per week? What will you put on top of all those salads this plan requires? Still, if sicknesses like Alzheimer’s are a real threat to your genetics, is there any price too great to pay for a few more years of having a clear mind?

Can Food Help with Mental Illness?

Many people want to know if this eating plan can affect mental illness since it positively affects the brain. According to the Mental Health Foundation in the UK, the answer to that common question is yes. A study was conducted in 2014 that incorporated aspects of the Mediterranean-style diet to see how it has improved depression.

The study found that folks with a diet consisting of fast food and other junk-style eating were at a higher risk of poor mental health. The individuals who consumed a diet full of fruits and vegetables, and whole grains had fewer mental illness issues.

Doctors once believed that poor overall health had ties to socioeconomic circumstances. But now they believe that food choices can be just as much of a dictating factor for mental illness as poverty.

Studies have further identified that the link between obesity and mental health problems cannot be ignored. A person who is obese is more than 55 percent more likely to become depressed. Shockingly enough, an individual who is depressed is almost sixty percent more likely to become obese.

These stunning facts about mental health cannot go unnoticed. Fortunately, this diet could be the key to fixing both mental health and cognitive function. The gut-brain connection is another hot topic in the medical community, and research shows there are too many correlating facts to ignore.

MIND dietFinal Thoughts on The MIND Diet

The MIND diet is a radical alteration to your eating habits; for some, such a drastic change in their eating isn’t feasible. However, there are so many benefits to this plant-based eating plan that cannot be denied. Would it be better to eat a restrictive diet that improves depression, or would you rather use some radical methods? Does Western medicine prefer medicine that comes with a plethora of side effects?

Food is fuel for the body. How much better would it be to grab a handful of nuts and berries the next time you feel depressed rather than a chocolate candy bar? The focus has remained on prevention, not healing, once a diagnosis is given.

However, the medical science community is on the cusp of something great. They are learning how to use the gut-brain connection and using food as preventative medicine. As far as Alzheimer’s and dementia, there are few conditions as mind-boggling as these.

While there are methods to slow the progression, there is no cure. If you’ve ever watched a loved one die from these mentally deteriorating illnesses, you know that changing your eating habits is a small request to keep these conditions at bay. Of course, this is a discussion to have with your physician…but now you know you should ask!

Here Are 6 Ways to Make Homemade Herb Butter

If you’ve gotten tired of buying plain, boring butter, why not make some homemade herb butter? You can make more flavorful options at home, and they will taste much fresher.

Today, we’ll teach you how to make herb butter six different ways, so there’s something for every palate! Spread the butter on bread, sauté veggies with them, or use them for cooking any meal you like!

To get started, you’ll need a few basic items. Have a small bowl and wooden spoon handy to mix the butter spreads. You’ll also need a knife for cutting bread as well as a blender to combine some ingredients. Have a lemon zester nearby also. Now, on to the recipes!

Six ways to make homemade herb butter

You will be glad you tried these savory homemade spreads.



1 – Chili pepper cilantro butter


  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 tsp red chili pepper, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup cilantro
  • A few dashes of salt and pepper
  • 1 tbsp lime juice


Place the softened butter in the mixing bowl. Next, mash the butter with a wooden spoon until smooth. Add in the chili pepper, cilantro, salt, pepper, and lime juice. Blend thoroughly, spread some on your favorite bread, and enjoy! You may want to melt the herb butter in the microwave for a few seconds before serving.

2 – Cashew basil garlic butter


  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 1/3 cup basil leaves
  • 2 tbsp parmesan
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Few dashes of salt
  • 1/3 cup softened butter


Pour the cashews, basil leaves, parmesan, garlic cloves, and salt in a blender. Blend until the mixture is smooth and place it into a small bowl. Add the softened butter into the bowl and use a wooden spoon to combine with the cashew blend. Once again, spread on your favorite bread and melt the herb butter if you prefer!

3 – Loaded herb butter


  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1/2 tsp thyme
  • 1 tsp rosemary
  • 1 1/2 tbsp chives
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • Dashes of salt and pepper


Combine the softened butter with thyme, rosemary, chives, garlic, salt, and pepper in a bowl. We call this the loaded herb butter because, as you can see, it contains tons of herbs! Serve with bread or use it for cooking your favorite dish.

4 – Avocado lime butter


  • Half an avocado
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
  • A few dashes of salt and pepper
  • 1/3 cup softened butter


To make this delicious herb butter, blend the avocado, lime juice, salt, and pepper in a blender. When it’s fully blended, take the mixture out and place it in a small bowl. Next, add in the softened butter and combine it with the avocado lime blend. The consistency should be smooth and creamy. You can use this to make the classic avocado toast or as a spread for a sandwich!

5 – Parsley garlic lemon butter


  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • Dashes of salt and pepper


You know the drill – mash up the butter with a spoon until it’s smooth. Next, add the parsley, garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Mix all the ingredients and spread on some sourdough or multigrain bread. Heat in the microwave to melt the herb butter, and savor this delicious afternoon snack!

6 – Rosemary lemon zest herb butter


  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 tbsp rosemary
  • Lemon zest (about 1/2 tbsp)
  • Salt and pepper (however much you want)


We saved the best herb butter recipe for last. Just kidding – we think they’re all pretty awesome! For this one, mash up the softened butter as usual, and mix in the rosemary, lemon zest, salt, and pepper. Spread on the bread of your choice and melt the butter if you’d like. We hope you enjoyed all the different ways to make herb butter!

What kind of butter should you eat?

It’s best to look for organic, grass-fed butter since the cows are fed their natural diet. This makes for more nutritious, better-tasting butter. Steer clear kinds with added oils or preservatives, which counteracts the health benefits of butter.

Here’s some excellent news. Scientists discovered the following benefits of eating high-quality butter:

  • Butter contains around 11% of the RDI of Vitamin A. This vitamin is fat-soluble and helps improve skin health, vision, and the immune system.
  • It’s a great source of CLA. This stands for conjugated linoleic acid, and various studies have shown it has remarkable impacts on health. For one, it can reduce body fat and help with weight management. Another study showed that it might reduce inflammation and improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • Butter contains a high amount of a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. This helps provide energy to the intestinal cells and reduces gut inflammation. It also has been shown to promote regularity in bowel movements and improve electrolyte balance.

In the past, scientists believed that butter and high-fat animal products caused heart and blood pressure issues. They also thought that high cholesterol and saturated fat would lead to clogged arteries and promote weight gain.

New research has shown that the opposite is actually true. Butter can lower inflammation, a precursor to heart and blood pressure issues. It can also aid weight loss due to the butyrate, which helps lower insulin resistance. So, enjoy butter as part of a healthy diet – it’s good for you!

herb butterFinal Thoughts: These homemade herb butter recipes will become your new favorite spreads

When you go to a restaurant where they serve herb butter, you probably wonder how you can make it yourself. Now you can use these simple recipes! They only take a few household ingredients, and you can whip them up in no time. You can enjoy them on your favorite bread or use them for cooking veggies or meat.

Herb butter is incredibly versatile, delicious, and easy to make. Best of all, you can customize them to experience new flavors or combinations that you enjoy.

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