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Here Are 6 Ways to Make Homemade Herb Butter

If you’ve gotten tired of buying plain, boring butter, why not make some homemade herb butter? You can make more flavorful options at home, and they will taste much fresher.

Today, we’ll teach you how to make herb butter six different ways, so there’s something for every palate! Spread the butter on bread, sauté veggies with them, or use them for cooking any meal you like!

To get started, you’ll need a few basic items. Have a small bowl and wooden spoon handy to mix the butter spreads. You’ll also need a knife for cutting bread as well as a blender to combine some ingredients. Have a lemon zester nearby also. Now, on to the recipes!

Six ways to make homemade herb butter

You will be glad you tried these savory homemade spreads.



1 – Chili pepper cilantro butter


  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 tsp red chili pepper, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup cilantro
  • A few dashes of salt and pepper
  • 1 tbsp lime juice


Place the softened butter in the mixing bowl. Next, mash the butter with a wooden spoon until smooth. Add in the chili pepper, cilantro, salt, pepper, and lime juice. Blend thoroughly, spread some on your favorite bread, and enjoy! You may want to melt the herb butter in the microwave for a few seconds before serving.

2 – Cashew basil garlic butter


  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 1/3 cup basil leaves
  • 2 tbsp parmesan
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Few dashes of salt
  • 1/3 cup softened butter


Pour the cashews, basil leaves, parmesan, garlic cloves, and salt in a blender. Blend until the mixture is smooth and place it into a small bowl. Add the softened butter into the bowl and use a wooden spoon to combine with the cashew blend. Once again, spread on your favorite bread and melt the herb butter if you prefer!

3 – Loaded herb butter


  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1/2 tsp thyme
  • 1 tsp rosemary
  • 1 1/2 tbsp chives
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • Dashes of salt and pepper


Combine the softened butter with thyme, rosemary, chives, garlic, salt, and pepper in a bowl. We call this the loaded herb butter because, as you can see, it contains tons of herbs! Serve with bread or use it for cooking your favorite dish.

4 – Avocado lime butter


  • Half an avocado
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
  • A few dashes of salt and pepper
  • 1/3 cup softened butter


To make this delicious herb butter, blend the avocado, lime juice, salt, and pepper in a blender. When it’s fully blended, take the mixture out and place it in a small bowl. Next, add in the softened butter and combine it with the avocado lime blend. The consistency should be smooth and creamy. You can use this to make the classic avocado toast or as a spread for a sandwich!

5 – Parsley garlic lemon butter


  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • Dashes of salt and pepper


You know the drill – mash up the butter with a spoon until it’s smooth. Next, add the parsley, garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Mix all the ingredients and spread on some sourdough or multigrain bread. Heat in the microwave to melt the herb butter, and savor this delicious afternoon snack!

6 – Rosemary lemon zest herb butter


  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 tbsp rosemary
  • Lemon zest (about 1/2 tbsp)
  • Salt and pepper (however much you want)


We saved the best herb butter recipe for last. Just kidding – we think they’re all pretty awesome! For this one, mash up the softened butter as usual, and mix in the rosemary, lemon zest, salt, and pepper. Spread on the bread of your choice and melt the butter if you’d like. We hope you enjoyed all the different ways to make herb butter!

What kind of butter should you eat?

It’s best to look for organic, grass-fed butter since the cows are fed their natural diet. This makes for more nutritious, better-tasting butter. Steer clear kinds with added oils or preservatives, which counteracts the health benefits of butter.

Here’s some excellent news. Scientists discovered the following benefits of eating high-quality butter:

  • Butter contains around 11% of the RDI of Vitamin A. This vitamin is fat-soluble and helps improve skin health, vision, and the immune system.
  • It’s a great source of CLA. This stands for conjugated linoleic acid, and various studies have shown it has remarkable impacts on health. For one, it can reduce body fat and help with weight management. Another study showed that it might reduce inflammation and improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • Butter contains a high amount of a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. This helps provide energy to the intestinal cells and reduces gut inflammation. It also has been shown to promote regularity in bowel movements and improve electrolyte balance.

In the past, scientists believed that butter and high-fat animal products caused heart and blood pressure issues. They also thought that high cholesterol and saturated fat would lead to clogged arteries and promote weight gain.

New research has shown that the opposite is actually true. Butter can lower inflammation, a precursor to heart and blood pressure issues. It can also aid weight loss due to the butyrate, which helps lower insulin resistance. So, enjoy butter as part of a healthy diet – it’s good for you!

herb butterFinal Thoughts: These homemade herb butter recipes will become your new favorite spreads

When you go to a restaurant where they serve herb butter, you probably wonder how you can make it yourself. Now you can use these simple recipes! They only take a few household ingredients, and you can whip them up in no time. You can enjoy them on your favorite bread or use them for cooking veggies or meat.

Herb butter is incredibly versatile, delicious, and easy to make. Best of all, you can customize them to experience new flavors or combinations that you enjoy.

20 Habits That Keep Couples Out of A Relationship Rut

Relationships require hard work! From finding new ways to communicate healthily to carving out time to spend together, digging out of a relationship rut takes a lot out of you.

If you’re stuck in a relationship rut and hope to find your way out, you will enjoy reading these tips.

20 Ways to End a Relationship Rut

Use these tips to break this negative cycle. No couple wishes to feel stuck!

relationship rut1. Break the Relationship Rut By Opening Up to Share Secrets

In an article from February 2021, Utah State University reminded couples that inside jokes shared in person or by text could make their partner smile.  The power of an inside joke or secret is that it helps bring two people together. Sharing secrets can spice things up if you’re looking for a way out of a relationship rut.

Create a secret ritual or unique memory with your partner between the two of you. This way, you’ll break out of your routine as you try something new.

Try sneaking away at a party or event to get some alone time together. The goal is to create a lasting bond or practice that will rekindle your original feelings for each other.

2. Spend Time Admiring Others

Another mistake couples make is trying to ignore their attraction to others. As human beings, it’s natural and healthy to be attracted to other people. Instead of trying to hide this information, share it.

This attraction is normal. Still, fidelity is critical for a successful partnership.

By telling your significant other about others you’re attracted to, this newfound honesty could grow your bond like never before. These feelings will also help to rekindle your attraction to each other as you work to keep the spark alive between you two.

3. Talk About Your First Date

There’s magic in the moment of your first date. Even if you’ve told the story hundreds of times, reliving those very first moments will help you both remember why you fell for each other in the first place.

Think about how you both met, where you went, and how it all felt. By recalling these exciting feelings, you’ll immediately get your imagination and emotions working overtime.

4. Spice Things Up in the Kitchen to Ease a Relationship Rut

While routine is part of our lives, it can cause things to get old quickly. To spice up your relationship, try stepping into the kitchen. Switching up your meals will spark something new in your relationship.

Shake up your routine by thinking about new ways to eat together. Whether you have a romantic meal outside, picnic to the beach, or cook a five-course meal, eating together is one of the more primal ways to get closer to your partner.

5. Dream Together

Manifesting and envisioning a future together brings us closer to our partners. Couples typically spend their first few months together dreaming big and planning for the future.

By creating plans and sharing fantasies of their future, couples boost their dopamine levels and bond with one another even more.

If you’re in a relationship rut, it’s time to start daydreaming. Share your biggest dreams and watch the romance return.

6. Sleep Separately to Improve a Relationship Rut (Yep, You Read That Right!)

Distance does indeed make the heart grow fonder! If you’re feeling far away from your partner, it may help gain even more physical distance.

Whether you sleep on the other side of the bed or you go to a different room, shaking up your nighttime routine can help kick you out of a rut. Sleeping alone will help you remember just how much you enjoy being next to your partner.

An article published by Dr. Sara Allen, a marriage counselor, says this about changing your sleeping arrangement:

“A lack of sleep can cause relationship issues, including resentment if you are being woken up by snoring. Not getting enough sleep can also cause irritability and fatigue, and if you have other medical issues, lack of sleep can make them worse.”

7. Redesign the Bedroom

Your bedroom’s layout has more of an effect on your relationship than you think. If you’re tired of how your bedroom looks and feels, this can easily translate into how you feel about your partner.

Experts suggest revamping your room by making a few adjustments every month. Consider switching out the color of your lights, changing your furniture, buying new pillows, and adding other creative touches to spice things up.

8. Practice Gratitude to Break Free of a Relationship Rut

Saying “thank you” is more powerful than you know.

Gratitude has a way of ultimately shifting our perspectives. In long-term relationships, it’s easy to take your partner for granted. Intentionally practicing gratitude daily will help both of you reset your moods and remind you why you fell for each other.

With just a simple “thank you,” you’ll see a new resurgence of attraction and intimacy in your relationship.

9. Get Dressed Up

The jitters everyone feels on the first few dates help both partners feel so close to one another. While you may still get gussied up for special occasions, it’s easier to start putting little to no effort into your outfits after a few years together.

Research shows that switching out of your casual clothes and opting for something more exciting may rekindle your romance.

10. Get a Housekeeper

Housekeeping duties can suck the life out of your relationship. The realities of living together can make it challenging to spend quality time with one another.

Inside of going on date night, it may be more tempting to sit at home tackling the dishes or doing the laundry. In fact, many couples insist that date night is not a splurge; it is a necessary way to keep the relationship solid.

Permit yourself to enjoy each other’s company by hiring someone else to take on your responsibilities. Whether you hire someone regularly or once in a while, this tip will make it easier to feel calm and relaxed around your significant other.

stagnant relationship11. Be a Bit More Unpredictable

Unpredictability can keep things exciting in your relationship.

While you shouldn’t completely change your personality, you can make unpredictability part of your relationship by switching your daily schedules. For example, if your partner typically eats lunch around 12, consider surprising them occasionally with their favorite meal.

12. Get Sweaty Together

According to a 2019 article in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, your well-being dictates your level of interest in romance.

Thus, working out and promoting a healthy lifestyle can draw you nearer to your love.

Couples that workout together often find that their shared experience brings them closer together. Consider taking workout classes together or finding exercises you can both do simultaneously.

In addition to the time spent together exercising, having your partner by your side can motivate you both to reach your fitness goals even faster. Moreover, working out together will kickstart your libido and boost your mood–all important factors when rekindling romance.

13. Get Out of a Relationship Rut by Volunteering Together

Volunteering can take your relationship to the next level. Altruism is important in growing one’s understanding of the world and themselves.

By volunteering together, you’ll contribute to your community while enjoying an experience that bonds you.

Look for new opportunities to volunteer with your partner. Whether you go out at your local church or walk dogs from the shelter, doing good together will do wonders for your relationship.

14. Go on a Road Trip

Hitting the road with someone else is one of the fastest ways to grow a bond. If you and your partner are up for it, consider hopping in the car for an impromptu road trip.

Whether you travel just a few miles for a staycation or try a cross-country trip, this journey will help you both grow. With several hours in a car together, you’ll have no choice but to spend quality time together.

15. Redefine Your Boundaries to Beat Your Relationship Rut

Our boundaries exist to help us feel comfortable with each other without losing too much of ourselves in the process. These boundaries give us the space we need to feel safe.

While it’s natural to spend a lot of time with your partner, being with them, 24/7 can cause you to feel like you’re losing yourself.

Now’s the time to discuss setting new boundaries with each other. It’s important to have regular conversations about your comfort levels to make sure each person is on the same page.

16. Express Your Love frequently

Saying “I love you” is another relationship game-changer. Sure, your partner may know you love them, but they may long for you to express this feeling more clearly.

Expressing your love for your partner differently will help rekindle your love. While this doesn’t mean you need to say “I love you” every few minutes, finding creative ways to show, this feeling will help keep you out of a relationship rut.

17. Communicate More

Communication is the foundation for everything in a happy and healthy relationship. If you need to get out of a relationship rut, practice actively communicating.

This is especially important when you both disagree on something. Instead of getting into an argument, find ways to hear each other out. This way, you’ll genuinely listen to your partner without adding unnecessary anger and anxiety to the relationship.

18. Keep it Positive

Positivity can completely shift your perspective on life and your relationship. While all relationships have their peaks and valleys, maintaining a sense of positivity will help you overcome each circumstance.

Find ways to look on the bright side in life and encourage your partner to do the same. With this new outlook, you’ll be able to encourage one another and see each other in a more positive light as well.

19. Don’t Forget the Little Things

Little things like hugs and kisses can go a long way in rekindling the romance. While newer partners are often constantly all over each other, partners in long-term relationships may let hugging and other physical signs of affection fall to the wayside.

Bring back your favorite signs of affection to keep things heating up with your partner.

20. Be Independent

Independence is sexy!

If you’re in a relationship rut, try spending time with yourself. By going on solo adventures, you’ll remember why your partner loves the little things that make you, you.

relationship rutFinal Thoughts on Ending Your Relationship Rut

Relationship ruts are natural, but they don’t have to be permanent. Work your way out of a negative space by practicing these twenty tips. Start by choosing two of your favorite ideas, and work up from there. Indeed, you will most likely strengthen your bond after this hard work.

Female Airline Pilot Explains How She Pursued Her Dreams

Lindy, a 27-year-old female airline pilot, obtained her flying license at age twenty. She travels worldwide and sees beautiful places such as Greece, Italy, and Cape Town, South Africa. From a young age, she knew she wanted to become a pilot when she got older.

“I had always loved flying, and I admired the pilots when I saw them walking in the airport, but I never thought it was possible for me to become a pilot,” Lindy said. “So, I kept the idea of becoming a pilot somewhere in the back of my head, and the spark was reignited when at age 15, with school, I visited the career fair.”

That day, something inside told her to visit the flight school booth. Her passion for flying never disappeared, and she felt the calling to pursue her dream. Plus, it seemed like perfect timing that a flight school had decided to attend the career fair.

“There was nothing that made my heart beat faster than the stand of the Flight Academy. I expressed to the people that were operating the stand my concerns about the flight training being difficult and expensive,” Lindy explained. “They told me that it was possible to take a loan from the bank and fund the flight training this way, paying it back as soon as you start working.”

Lindy took the plunge, deciding to enroll in flight school

“I started to do a lot of research; at some point, I found one school that I felt very positive about, and it was in Madrid. I was 17 years old at the time, and I traveled alone to Madrid to go for the selection process. It was three days full of tests, simulators, and a medical exam.”

She anxiously awaited the results of the tests, hoping she’d passed all of them. Lindy may have been young then, but she knew what she wanted. Nothing excited her more than the idea of becoming a pilot. Luckily, she got the answer she’d been waiting for.

“After a few weeks, I got the results that I was accepted to flight school. At age 18, I finished all my exams at high school, and I moved to Spain for two years to become a pilot. I loved every part of flight school. We had theory classes – we had to study hard – but the theory training was combined with flight training.”

Flying a plane may seem fun, but it’s more complicated than it looks. Becoming a good pilot takes years of training and learning the controls. Plus, the lives of all the passengers are in your hands, so you must know what you’re doing. However, you learn all the ropes in flight school, so you have all the knowledge you need as a pilot.


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“This was a very practical and efficient approach because everything we learned in class we could put into practice during our flights. One of my first amazing memories was my first solo flight, and I believe that if you ask any pilot about their first solo flight, you will hear a love story,” Lindy says.

Flying alone for the first time reassured Lindy she’d made the right choice

“I remember that I was repeating to myself all the procedures. I really needed some courage, and as I rolled over the runway and lifted, I looked up to the right side, and the seat was empty,” Lindy recalled. “There was no instructor, and it was really me flying the plane. This is such a powerful feeling that I think I will never forget.”

After that flight, Lindy knew she’d chosen the right career path. She dreamed of becoming a pilot as a young girl, anyway. She couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

There’s no better feeling than seeing the world from 30,000 feet in the air and seeing new places. Not many careers out there allow you to travel constantly and explore new countries, after all!

Lindy hopes that anyone wanting to become a pilot will get inspired by her story. She proves that if you set your mind to something, you have the power to accomplish it. She knew exactly what she wanted and didn’t let anything stop her from achieving it.

Lindy says this:

“In the course of two years, I finished all the exams, and I had my very own flying license in my hand. My goals for the future would be to especially keep enjoying what I do; I think this is the most important career goal. My advice for you if you’d like to become a pilot is to go for it; don’t get discouraged if things don’t go as planned. Stay motivated; where there’s a will, there’s a way. And, you get to see the world from the most amazing angle. It is, in my opinion, the best job in the world.”


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Lindy even runs a blog about her travels and answers questions about becoming a pilot as well. If you’re interested in going to flight school to get your license, check out her page. There, you’ll find all the information you need, from choosing a school to landing a job as a pilot! Lindy says on her site: “Get on board, follow my page, and get motivated to follow your dreams!”

Final thoughts about a 27-year-old female airline pilot who followed her passions

Lindy proves to the world that anyone can follow their dreams if they never give up. Staying persistent and remembering your goal will help you achieve whatever you want in life. As long as you give 100%, you’ll get where you want to go in time.

We hope this story inspires you to become a pilot if that’s what you desire. However, no matter your dreams, Lindy shows us that anything’s possible if you believe. So here’s to your happiness and success in whatever you choose to do in life!

15 Ways Authenticity Improves A Relationship

What do you want in a romantic relationship? Is it to be with somebody who fills you with doubts and suspicion? Of course, you want a genuine mate, and you want someone you can trust with your heart. The trait you might be searching for is authenticity.

Remember that’s the kind of person your partner wants, too. Are you honest with yourself, or are you trying to be someone you’re not? When you are both authentic with yourselves, you can see a marked improvement in your connection.

Ways Authenticity Improves Relationships

Maybe it’s time for you to take a good look in the mirror. Do you recognize the person you are presenting to your significant other? Here are 15 ways that being authentic can make your love relationship flourish.

authenticity1. Build More Positivity and Less Negativity

When you and your lover are together, a positive atmosphere can make you feel closer. Perhaps nothing can spoil a relationship quicker than pessimism. It forms like a dark cloud that keeps everyone and everything in the shadows.

When you are genuine, it helps you have a more positive outlook on life. You are happy to be yourself, and you needn’t try to measure up to anyone’s standards but your own. Positivity is also contagious and can boost your mood and may improve your health.

2. Makes You More Adaptable

Wouldn’t it be nice if you never had to worry about change? If you are like most people, you find comfort in the familiar, and change is stressful. However, authenticity gives you and your lover the strength to adapt as needed.

Your relationship will experience many ups and downs over time, and adaptability is crucial. If situations or settings in your lives alter, you won’t snap because of inflexibility. You both can help each other adapt as you realize a new normal.

3. Minimizes Ego Trips

What if the first name of your Mr. or Ms. Right is “I am Always?” If you or your significant other has a narcissistic personality, it will inevitably turn into a toxic relationship. Narcissists are all about themselves and what others can do for them.

As an authentic person, you don’t have room in your life or relationship for egotism. It allows you to have self-love without placing you and your needs above the other. It becomes easier to make compromises when you understand that you’re a team.

Just because you have authenticity doesn’t mean that you’ve lost your identity. You can both celebrate your individuality while still being a couple. An inflated ego does nothing but shuts everyone else out of your life, including your special person.

4. Develop More Empathy

Many people often consider sympathy and empathy as synonyms, but they aren’t. When you see someone in pain or a hurtful situation, you can extend sympathy out of kindness. However, empathy takes it a step further, and you “feel” the other person’s emotions.

Empathy isn’t an automatic human virtue. It comes with an authentic self who can reach out to others out of the experience. When you and your partner are empathetic with each other, your relationship can be more lasting and fulfilling.

5. Cultivates Creativity

It’s been said that only boring people will complain about being bored. When you are true to yourself, you can connect with your inner creativity. Boredom can be a stealthy enemy of committed relationships.

When you and your partner allow each other’s creativity to shine, your relationship can be spontaneous and fun. Only when you have authenticity can you cultivate your talents and innate creative abilities.

It also encourages the desire to learn more and develop skills you’ve always wanted. A false sense of identity only keeps you hampered, bored, and depressed.

6. Allows You to Forgive and Heal

Human beings are fallible, so there will always be mistakes and shortcomings along the way. Sometimes, the journey toward being your authentic self can be troubled, and you and your significant other will butt heads. Disagreements are not only expected but are the learning curves that help people grow together.

Authentic people find that holding grudges only hurts them and their relationships. Learning to forgive your mate and yourself gives you the freedom to acknowledge a grievance and get past it. You’re not excusing the wrong, but you’re letting it go.

pop meme7. Helps You to Be Less Controlling

Some people are dominating and controlling by nature. These alpha personality types can only have lasting relationships if they learn to use their strengths for the positive. If not, the relationship can turn toxic because the partner can’t be genuine.

When you face your true self, you may realize that you exert more control in your relationship than you should. If you are the submissive partner, you see that your mate isn’t respecting who you are.

Genuineness can help you be less controlling, or it can give you the strength to speak up for yourself.

8. You Can Be More Accepting of Others

When you love someone, you love them for who they are, not for who you think they should be. If you go into a relationship with the idea of changing your mate, you’ll be sadly disappointed. Not only are you dishonest with them, but you’re not honest with yourself.

Authenticity gives you the grace to accept others as they are, as they do the same for you. Yes, you both have faults and failures, but you realize that these are part of the human condition. When you’re true to yourself, you are also more accepting of who you are.

9. You Can Be More Loving

Isn’t it beautiful when you can love someone for who they are? More love is a gift of authenticity. You’ll find that you and your partner will have more time and appreciation for each other. Plus, it makes your intimate moments even more special.

10. You Will Own Your Mistakes

It takes strong people to own up to their mistakes. Not only can you find forgiveness, but others will respect you for it. Toxic personalities are noted for shifting the blame to others to make themselves look better.

Having authenticity means that you acknowledge your faults as well as your successes. It’s a lot easier to admit you’re wrong and apologize than to cover it with one lie after another. As a real person, you’ll take the rightful blame and ask for your partner’s forgiveness.

11. Your Arguments Will be Fairer

Have you ever heard the old saying of agreeing to disagree? Sometimes, a disagreement between you and your person can get heated. Sharp words can be exchanged that you’ll both regret later. If you’re honest with yourself and see your relationship is constant fighting, it’s time to reconsider.

You’re genuine when you both have differing opinions. However, authenticity goes further by knowing how to disagree without it escalating to a fight. If the argument goes south, you’ll know when to excuse yourself to take a breather and refocus.

12. You Will Be True to Yourself

Shakespeare said it well in Hamlet when he wrote: “to thine own self be true.” This expression isn’t calling for selfishness or narcissism. Rather, it’s an urging to be true to yourself so you can be authentic to others.

Maybe you see things in your personality that make it difficult to see yourself for who you are. That’s okay because self-reflection helps you make positive changes. It can also be beneficial in your relationship with your lover.

13. You Will Explore Your Core Beliefs

As a child, you naturally modeled your parents and accept their beliefs as gospel. However, age and experience encourage you to take inventory of your belief system. Do you accept a belief just because of your parents?

Becoming more genuine permits you to form your own opinions and belief system. You are free to discard what you want or keep those that resonate in your life. You will learn to be more sensitive to others’ thoughts and beliefs, especially those of your significant other.

14. You’ll Live in the Present

Do you ever listen to yourself when you talk to your lover or other people? Is your conversation peppered with the past tense? It’s beautiful and beneficial to reminisce, but you can’t let it keep you from living in the present. Past regrets and thoughts of “could have,” “should have,” or “if only” are not helpful to you or your relationship.

Bold authenticity brings you to the present. You and your partner can enjoy mindful living, which can minimize anxiety and depression.

15. You’ll Will Constantly Work to Improve

No matter how long you’ve been out of school or college, you’ll never stop growing, learning, and improving. If you do, your life may be ingenuine, and your love relationship can become stagnant. Genuineness gives you the strength to see your shortcomings and work for improvement.

authenticityFinal Thoughts on the Value of Authenticity in Your Relationship

You can’t expect your lover and your relationship to be genuine if you’re not those things yourself. Self-reflection and honesty can build a fulfilling relationship that can last for years to come. Authenticity is key. Be true to yourself, and you can be true to your mate too.

15 Habits That Make It Easier to Create Happy Memories for Your Kids

When you think back on your childhood, do you have good recollections to share with your kids, or are there things that make you strive to do better? You want to create memories with your children and have fun. You only get them for a few short years, then they’re gone and on with their lives.

Many parents are so caught up in the 9-5 grind that they forget about the little people who need them more than anything. Your job may be necessary, but to a child, you’re their whole life. They need to know you love them and for you to be present at their milestones and throughout their youth.

Fifteen Ways to Create Memories with Your Children

It’s easy to allow your children to play on technology while you engage with work or friends over social media. However, what is that going to mean to your kids when they’re older? Do you want your children to say that you never had time for them?

When your life is said and done, do you want them to think that you were successful in business or that you were a good parent? Family is more important than anything. Jobs and friends come and go, but your kids mean everything. Here are some ways that you can spend more time with them, making memories.

create memories1. Take Family Vacations to Create Memories of Happy Places

When you take a family vacation, you create memories that will last a lifetime. They will enjoy spending quality time with you doing things outside the norm. Whether it’s lying on the beach or hiking in the mountains, give them plenty of stories to share with their children.

2. Insist on Meals Around the Table

There’s something about the family dinner table that’s important and special. Many great conversations are had while gathering over good food.

It’s a time when you turn electronics off and find out about each other’s day. Don’t sit around the television for entertainment while eating. Communicate with one another.

3. Tuck Them in And Say Goodnight

When they’re little, always take time from your day to tuck them in and tell them goodnight. When they’re too old to tuck in, then you still should hug them and let them know you hope they have a good night’s sleep. It’s such a small gesture that signifies that you’re there for them anytime.

4. Put Your Focus on Experiences, Not Materialism

Many people focus on gaining material goods, but your focus should be on having new and exciting experiences with your family. Your children need stories to tell their friends how mom and dad went rock climbing, zip-lining, or surfing with them. Experiences are what mold and make childhood memorable.

5. Say “I Love You” Often

No matter how old your children are or what phase they’re in life, make sure you always tell them how much they’re loved. They know that you love them, but hearing you reaffirm your feelings puts their mind at ease. This is especially true when they’ve had a bad day, or they made a big mistake.

While you must be firm at times, don’t ever forget to include that firm hand with an acknowledgment that it doesn’t change how you feel.

6. Limit Technology to Create Memories by Carving Out Precious Time

Too much technology is a bad thing. Don’t let your kids sit in front of a television or gaming device all day long. If you want to create memories, you’re going to have to turn off the electronics and give them your undivided attention.

According to News and Medical Life Sciences, roughly 86 percent of children spend too much time on technology. The scary part is that it can strain their eyes and stunt their creativity. Additionally, video games can affect sleeping, cause problems in school performance, and create social awkwardness.

7. Have Family Game Night

While video games are great, there’s nothing like an old-fashioned board game night with your family. Pull out some of the great board games, grab some favorite snacks, and have a night laughing together.

Did you know that many children prefer playing these games as they get their entire family involved? Don’t forget to check out the newest board style games and get in on the fun with your family.

pop quote8. Create Memories by Celebrating the Milestones

There will always be milestones in life, and these events must be celebrated. Did your child that was struggling with their grades finally make the honor roll? You need to make a big deal about these events as it was a significant accomplishment for them.

Not only will celebrating these milestones put a smile on their face and boost their ego, but it allows them to create memories with plenty of photo ops.

9. Always Have Birthday Celebrations

Birthday celebrations are among the best ways to create memories with your children. There’s no need to hire a three-ring circus for a backyard production, as the smaller parties are usually the most fun.

Bake a cake, invite a few friends, and make a big deal of their special day. You won’t regret any time or effort you put into celebrating the day of your child’s birth.

10. Show Affection

It would be interesting to see how many children grow up and sit in their therapist’s office saying no one ever told them or showed them love growing up. There is power in your touch, and your child needs to feel it. Make sure they have your affection. According to the National Institute of Medicine, your children need your love to help

Now, different people have various levels of ease regarding displays of affection. Do what’s comfortable for you, but push yourself outside your comfort zone so your child knows you love them and feels it.

11. Do Dinner Dates

Children often vie for the attention of their parents. If you have more than one child, you will find it challenging to show them all equal attention. One of the best ways to make every kid feel important is to have one-on-one time with them.

Ask then to go out on a formal date with just the two of you, and then plan something special they will enjoy. These stolen moments with your child will sustain them and help them feel the power of your bond.

12. Tell Them Stories of Family History

Do you remember your parents telling you about the history of your family? Who can forget sitting on grandma or grandpa’s lap as they tell stories of things that they’ve been through in life?

Whether the stories are humorous or severe doesn’t matter. Most kids will sit attentively, hanging to every word during your storytime.

13. Create Memories by Dreaming Together

Always take time out of your busy day to dream with your child. What do they want to be when they grow up? What kind of car do they want for their first vehicle? Do they want to get married and have children, or do they see themselves as a nomad that wonders about viewing the world?

Your dreams and theirs might not align, but at least you will get the experience of hearing their changing visions for their future and being a part of it.

14. Always Be There

While you must work and provide for your family to create memories, you must be present now. So many people struggle with being present as their life is so chaotic. Make time for your family as it’s essential for an excellent foundation for their growth.

15. Play in The Snow

Who doesn’t like making snow angels or building a fort made of fluffy stuff? Children love to play in the snow and think of all the bragging rights on social media when you show off your icy creations. Even if you don’t like the cold and chills you to the bone, give your children the experience of playing out in the snow and having hot chocolate afterward.

create memoriesFinal Thoughts on Why You Must Create Memories with Your Kids

You want to give your children a well-rounded childhood and not one that requires years of therapy to overcome. You can be the best parent with the hand that you’ve been dealt in life. You don’t need wads of money, drive a fancy car, or take them to exotic lands.

While all those things are lovely, you can do things that won’t break the bank but will still help them create memories to last a lifetime. Give your children a good childhood that they can share with their children. You instill in them the value of spending time together and showing each other; you love them.

So many people put their focus on materialism and let the technological devices entertain their children. While playtime on video games is acceptable in moderation, what your kids need more than anything is you. They need you to be present, show them love, and be there for every milestone and birthday.

12 Scientific Reasons Why You Should Unplug for a Whole Weekend

How many times have you told your children to unplug and get off technology?

The American Pediatric Association recommends that your kid only spend about 2 hours of their time on electronic devices, and that includes their TV time too. So, do you ever wonder what the guidelines are for parents, and what is a healthy amount of time to spend on technology?

If you’ve been a parent for long, then you know that your children will throw up in your face that you are addicted to technology too. While you try to hold your composure and prove a point, you must admit they’re right, but you parent for what’s best for their growth and don’t always consider your health needs. The only difference between you and your child is that you don’t have to answer to anyone.

There’s no one standing over your shoulder telling you when you can and cannot connect to the world wide web. However, you must consider the needs of your body and the stress level that being connected 24/7 does to your mental health.

The Daily Presence of Electronic Devices

unplugMany experts call the plethora of electronic devices available today timewasters, and they do take so much time that could be used for something else. Have you ever kept track of how much time you spend on your cell phone checking your email or texting back and forth? What’s shocking is the average person spends about 5 hours on their cell phone each day, according to a study referenced on Kommando Tech.

How many times have you said that you wished that you have more hours in the day because you cannot get everything done? Well, maybe you can’t get everything done because you’re wasting time scrolling social media, texting friends, and doomsday surfing the latest news. Thankfully, you can add a few more hours into your day by simply unplugging a bit more.

What if you have dedicated times where the whole family unplugs? What would you do with all that extra time? How would it impact your life if you took an electronics sabbatical occasionally?

Why You Should Unplug for A Weekend?

If you need reasons why you and your family should unplug for a few days, here is a good list. There are scientific rationales and personal ones why it’s good to take a break from technology. What do you have to lose if you try it?

1. If You Unplug, It Lowers Your Stress Levels

Many people don’t realize that the source of much of their stress can come from being attached to a phone. You can never get away from people as you’re always a phone call or text away. You can lower your stress levels if you turn off the devices and spend more time in nature.

Your vitamin D levels are probably low if you’re inside too much anyway. A little sunshine won’t hurt you, and it can help your overall health.

2. Lower Stress Means Better Mental Health

One of the most devastating effects of stress on the body is it can deplete your mental resources. When you’re always under angst, your body feels the pain. Your blood pressure can elevate as well as your glucose levels.

You need to unplug and rest your mind. You will be amazed at how much better you feel when you can relax and not worry about the next email or text you need to answer.

3. You Can Reset Your Passions When You Unplug Once in a While

How long has it been since you grabbed a pen and paper and sat down and wrote your goals? Why not sit with your spouse and reset your passions without the use of technology? One of the reasons why so many marriages fail is because people stop dreaming together and get stuck in a rut.

Put the spice back in your relationship by making exciting plans for all your tomorrows. It’s fun to sit back and dream together, and you don’t need a cord connected at your side to have fun with your spouse.

4. Unplug to Have More Time to Get Things Done

If you spend five hours a day on technology, which is a basic estimate, you could have an extra 10-15 hours over the weekend if you unplug. Now, what could you do with all that time? Maybe you could try your hand at painting a masterpiece that you’ve always wanted to do, or explore new interests, like checking out a 카지노사이트 추천 to experience something different from your usual routine.

What if you bake some goodies with the children? There are so many things you can get involved in that the options are limitless.

5. Enjoy the Art of Face-to-Face Communication

One of the biggest pet peeves of many individuals is trying to have a conversation, and the other person is looking down at their phone. Think of all the amazing stories you’ve missed because you weren’t paying attention.

Your friends and family would love to spend time with you without your device in tow. Sometimes, a good, old-fashioned conversation is so much better than a text.

6. Get More Sleep

How many times do you lay down to go to sleep, but you can’t sleep because you’re scrolling social media? Social media is addicting, and since there are so many sites these days, it’s easy to spend hours of your sleep time being entertained. Thankfully, when you unplug for a weekend, you can catch up on your rest.

pop meme7. Give Your Eyes A Rest

All the lights from these devices take a toll on your eyes. Eye strain is a severe problem, and the blue lights are what’s responsible for this strain.

When you turn off the devices, you will be amazed at how much better your eyes feel. You won’t need all those rewetting drops from eye fatigue either.

8. Focus on Personal Relationships

When is the last time that you played a game with your spouse or children? Not a game over the internet, but you played an old-fashioned board game. When’s the last time you went on a scavenger hunt, took the family to the lake to fish, or played tag in the back yard?

There are so many things that you can do to enhance your relationships that don’t require an electronic device.

9. Can Improve Your Creativity

What happened to people using their brains to create things? Now, everyone hops on social media and copies ideas from other people.

You don’t need some DIY master on TV or a video online to tell you how to be creative. When you unplug and think for yourself, minus any distractions, you will be amazed at what you discover.

10. Improve Physical Health When You Unplug

Your physical health can only improve when you remove electronics. Why is it such an issue? Well, you know it can cause anxiety, but also, when you’re on a device, you’re sedentary. You need to take a walk, run around the track, do a few miles on a treadmill, and ride your bike. You don’t need a cell phone or other device to do these things.

11. Enhances Decision Making

When you have decisions, you need to make in life, you need to do them without any hindrance from the outside. If you’re contemplating buying a new home, you may be turned off when you see the news and all the drama in the world. What happens in your home should not be contingent upon the rest of the world.

Sure, it has some bearing, but you don’t need all these outlying factors to influence your steps. Sometimes, you just need to put on some mood music, like some candles, and be alone with your thoughts. This is the best way to solve problems.

12. Cultivate Healthy Habits

Finally, once you unplug for a weekend, you may find that you love how it feels. Why not schedule these technology-free days regularly? While your children may not like the idea at first, they may warm up to the idea if they realize that it means they have more of your attention. You may be surprised when you see how much fun it is to spend talking to people without texts dinging and emails pouring in.

unplugFinal Thoughts on Taking the Plunge–Unplug For A Weekend!

The first thing you probably thought when you saw this article is that you can never go without your cell phone. What if there is an emergency? There are some things to consider when you unplug. However, you must realize that unplugging doesn’t mean you can’t use your phone; it just means you’re turning it off for general use.

If you don’t think that you can go 2-3 days without your devices, start smaller. Maybe you should just give them up for a few hours or even one day. This electronic sabbatical is more about exploring your other interest and making time for the relationships that require your undivided attention.

Plus, if you have health problems because your job is calling and texting 24/7, this may be a way to save your mental health. Stress can kill you, and before it takes you out, it will make you physically sick. Why not try a weekend without your devices and see how much better you think, look, and feel?

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