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Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Eat A Pear Every Day

What could be more satisfying than to bite into a sweet, juicy pear? Pears have a soft, buttery texture, making them unique among other fruits.

You’ll be glad to know that eating this fruit has many health benefits that make it even more delicious.

Pears are also called Pyrus and come from a tree by the same name. The next time you sink your teeth into a tasty piece of this fruit, you should consider its history. Botanists say that Pyrus trees were among the first fruits cultivated by humans. Archeological evidence points out that they are native to parts of Europe and Asia.

Pyrus belongs to the same family as the Empress of Flowers, the rose. The Latin name for the European variety is Pyrus communis, while the Asian types are called Pyrus pyrifolia. An article published by Food Print says that there are at least 3,000 species of these trees worldwide.

While North America has its bountiful share of native fruits, Pyrus trees are not one of them. Some of the earliest records of these cultivations on this continent are from the Jamestown Settlement in 1607. Later records from the Plymouth colony also list Pyrus trees from England to plant in Massachusetts.

After the Revolutionary War, New Englanders introduced these trees during the era of Western Expansion. Fortunately, these fruits did better in the warmer climates of the Western territory. Today, the Pacific Northwest supplies most of the harvest from these trees in the United States.

Popular American Pyrus Varieties

pearsAccording to a report from the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, Americans consume approximately 6.27 pounds of pears and their products annually. Of the Pacific Northwest states that produce most of this fruit, Washington leads with 832 million pounds, according to the report.

Although these juicy fruits are renowned for their eponymous shape, some are round, like the Asian varieties. Some trees have inedible fruit and are only used for ornamental purposes.

An article from the USA Pear Organization says ten varieties are available in America. They have unique colors and shapes and have overlapping seasons that make these fruits available throughout the year. The United States also ships them to other countries.

As you wander through your local produce department or farmers market, you’ll find some lovely pears varieties. The texture and scent of these fresh fruits celebrate your senses.

Here are some delightful American types to sample:

1. Bartlett

The esteemed Bartlett comes to mind when you think of a pear and its iconic bell shape. However, the same variety is called William in Europe and other parts of the world.

Bartletts have a classic shape and are available in yellow or red varieties. They are juicy and sweet with a soft texture.

2. Anjou

This smooth variety is light green and has an oval rather than bell shape. They have a delicate flavor and scent that many people enjoy. Anjou has a crunchy texture and is available in scarlet or green.

3. Bosc

Do you enjoy using pears for yummy tarts or other desserts? Boscs have thicker skin and are ideal for cooking and baking. They are also a little more rounded and have a brownish-green hue during maturation.

4. Comice

Here’s a tasty variety round like an apple with a stubby neck and stem. They are green with a hint of blush and are one of the sweetest types. Comice is a late-harvest variety available in late summer to early spring.

5. Concord

If you want a versatile fruit for eating fresh or cooking, reach for a Concord. They have an elongated neck and have a cheerful lime green color. Their flesh is firm but juicy and satisfyingly sweet.

6. Forelle

This colorful Forelle may be one of the most miniature varieties of this fruit, but don’t let its size fool you as it’s big in flavor. Another unique thing about Forelle is that they change colors as they ripen, often green with reddish dots. Their crisp texture and tangy-sweet flavor make them ideal for eating fresh.

7. Seckel

Of all the Pyrus varieties available, this sweet baby may be the only true American native. They are delightfully small and have a juicy sweetness, making them a perfect snack. Seckel also may be canned whole.

8. Starkrimson

Thanks to the breeding work of Stark’s Nursery, this vibrant cultivar has been popular in the United States since the 1950s. They have a lusciously sweet flavor and a gentle hint of a floral aroma. If you want a fruit that is as beautiful as it is tasty, try a Starkrimson.

Here’s a delicious idea for a healthy, light lunch. Slice up a Starkrimson and mix it with a bowl of fresh baby greens. Add a few crumbles of bleu cheese or feta, and enjoy.

Try these various pear varieties to increase your daily fruit intake. According to an article published by the USDA, adults need between 1-2 cups of fruit every day. You can eat one medium pear for approximately one-half of this recommendation.

pearsSeven Health Benefits of Eating Pears

Are you trying to maintain healthier eating habits? Fruits like tasty pears can be part of your plan. Here are seven healthy reasons that nutritionists recommend them.

1. They Are Versatile for Any Diet Plan

The way growing seasons overlap in the United States, you can find at least a couple of varieties of this fruit all year round. Not only do they make attractive centerpieces in a bowl, but they are a quick and healthy snack option on the go.

Just wash your favorite variety well, and you needn’t bother peeling it since many vitamins are in the skin. Chop one up for a delicious addition to your morning oatmeal or yogurt. You can also slice one for a salad or eat it for a sweet snack.

You can bake or poach them for a side dish if you choose a firm cooking variety like a Concord. They go well with light meats such as fowl and pork. A few slices of this juicy fruit, some walnuts, and a small wedge of cheese make a healthy and satisfying snack.

2. May Help with Weight Loss

Wouldn’t it be grand to have a natural food that is not only tasty and nutritious but it may help you lose weight? A study published by Food & Function found a positive link between consuming these fruits and losing weight. Since they are an excellent source of fiber and hydration, they can be an excellent addition to your weight loss plan.

3. May Be Healthy for Your Heart

If you enjoy some fresh green wonders each day, you get healthy antioxidants. These antioxidants fight free radicals that can cause cell damage. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that may help lower your cholesterol and reduce hypertension.

A heart-healthy benefit was discovered by a study published by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry.

4. May Lower Your Risks of Type 2 Diabetes

Maintaining a healthy diet and fitness plan can reduce your risks of developing Type 2 diabetes. When you add some of these delicious fruits to the menu, they may help your endeavors. According to a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, these green delights contain a flavonoid that may help regulate blood sugar and reduce risks of Type 2 diabetes.

5. May Help to Prevent Cancer

There are no miracle foods that will prevent or cure cancer. However, some foods, like these fruits, may have a positive correlation. Some of their compounds demonstrate cancer-fighting properties.

In a study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, some of this fruit’s flavonoids have a positive effect on lung cancer cells.

6. May Benefit Your Eyes

These green fruits Perhaps you’ve studied the benefits of eating carrots to boost eye health. Did you also know that these green fruits are an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which have eye health properties? According to a study published by Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, these compounds may also help prevent certain diseases of the eyes.

7. May Benefit Your Digestive Health

Do you have constipation or other digestive issues? Just a single pear has enough fiber to provide almost a fourth of your daily requirements. Plus, this fruit may benefit your gut flora, says an article published by Nutrients Journal.

Having extra fiber in your diet can help your sluggish colon. It helps flush out waste materials and keeps your bowels on a regular schedule. You won’t be likely to experience the painful gas and bloating caused by chronic constipation, either.


Final Thoughts on Adding Pears to Your Menu

Not only may an apple a day keep the doctor away, but these fruits might also. Enjoying these ancient crops can be an excellent part of your diet plan. You may soon realize that pears are becoming your favorite treat.

10 Essential Oils That Can Help Oily Skin

How would you describe your complexion? Not a whole lot of people would say that their skin is normal. Most faces are either dry, oily, sensitive, or a combination of the three. If you say that you have too much oil on your skin, you aren’t alone.

According to an article published by The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, it’s one of the most common skin conditions. Oily skin, or seborrhea, is usually associated with enlarged facial pores and “greasy” looking shine.

Seborrhea affects both men and women, and it’s common during adolescence when hormonal changes can lead to the overproduction of skin oils. One of the frustrating side effects of having greasy skin is acne. While pimples are prevalent during the teen years, acne can also affect you as an adult.

Oil and Your Skin

Your skin has the colossal task of protecting your body, keeping it waterproof, and providing a natural cooling system. It also does an efficient job of producing oils to keep itself smooth and hydrated. In the middle layer of your skin, called the epidermis, you have thousands of glands that make oil.

The oil glands manufacture the oil that comes to your skin’s surface to keep it hydrated and block dirt and bacteria. If you have seborrhea, your oil glands can produce too much oil, causing that classic “shiny” face. It can also trap microscopic dirt in your pores, leading to blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

Having seborrhea can be a challenge, especially when it’s combined with acne. Many people have combination skin, which means that they have an oily T Zone (forehead, nose, chin), and the rest of their skin is dry. Combination skin also needs specific treatment for seborrhea.

According to an article published by the National Eczema Association, you can also develop seborrheic dermatitis. It’s a condition that causes inflamed, itchy patches of skin on your scalp, face, and other areas. These patches are often greasy and flaky, explains the article.

oily skin

How to Care for Oily Skin

Have you been bothered with seborrhea since your teen years? You’ll probably need a lifelong skincare routine if your skin is naturally oily. Since everyone is different, one method doesn’t fit all skin types.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association states that your seborrhea may be caused by genetics, hormone fluctuations, humidity, and even stress. The article shares some good news: greasy skin is usually thicker with fewer wrinkles. However, it needs tender loving care to prevent acne and breakouts.

For optimal seborrhea care, the AADA suggests these things:

  • Choose skincare products that are oil-free and won’t clog your pores (noncomedogenic).
  • Gently wash (not scrub) your face every morning and evening with a mild foaming face wash. It would help if you also washed your face after exercising.
  • Avoid cleansers with alcohol because they can irritate your face.
  • Always use moisturizer and sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher.
  • Avoid touching your face during the day and wash your hands before a beauty routine.
  • Consider using blotting papers to gently blot (not rub) away from excess facial oils.
  • Remove your makeup before going to bed.

Using Essential Oils to Treat Your Oily Skin

Have you ever considered the benefits of pure essential oils for your seborrhea condition? It seems to be counterproductive, but they may help you. Although, before you start, there are a few precautions to take, such as using carrier oils.

Essential oils are the pure essence of an herb, spice, or fruit. Since they aren’t diluted, they are quite potent and can cause skin irritation if you apply them as they are. That’s why you need a carrier oil, which is a pure neutral oil used to dilute the potency of these essential oils.

Some of the most familiar carrier oils are sweet almond, olive, argan, coconut, and jojoba. These natural oils are light and almost scent-free. They are ideal for diluting essential oils because they don’t interfere with the oil’s health benefits.

If you are using essential oils for oily skin, you may consider jojoba as a carrier. According to a study published by the Journal of Clinical Aesthetic Dermatology, jojoba is an efficient moisturizer that’s often mixed with greasy skin and acne medication. Jojoba also won’t clog your pores, which means you can achieve the skin look you want by adding just one product.

Essential Oils that May Help Treat Seborrhea

Are you searching for a natural treatment for your oily skin? Essential oils with jojoba may be your answer. Here is a list of ten essential oils for you to consider.

coffee for skin

Read about how you can use coffee for a skin detox.

1. Rosemary

The woodsy herb that is the darling of Mediterranean cuisines can do more than flavor your food. Rosemary essential oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, says an article published by the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemicals. It may help fight the bacteria that can get plugged in oily pores to produce acne breakouts.

2. Tea Tree

People have used tea tree oil for years to treat skin conditions, especially excess fat and acne. They have also used tea tree oil as a natural treatment for scars, which would be useful if you have damage leftover from bad acne. It’s an ideal essential oil for greasy skin because it has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties.

3. Fennel Seed

Fennel seed is a renowned culinary herb that lends a delicate licorice flavor in foods and beverages. You’ll often taste that subtle sweet flavor note in many pasta sauces and ground sausage. A study published by Biomed Research International states that fennel seed and its oil have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-fungal properties.

4. Thyme

Here’s another venerable herb long prized for its culinary and medicinal uses. Thyme oil has a lovely smell and is soothing to irritated skin. Thyme oil has antimicrobial properties that may prevent acne breakouts.

oily skin5. Lemon

Just the smell of this beloved citrus fruit can take you to your happy place. Pure lemon oil (not juice) is extracted from the cheery yellow rinds of lemons. The oil is mildly acidic yet gentle enough to help excess dry oil without irritating your skin.

6. Rose

Since recorded history, rose oil has been used for perfumes, cooking, and personal care. Few know that it can help with the skin due to its disinfectant and antibiotic properties. It can easily wipe the oil away and diminish any dark spots that come with aging. Its pleasant aroma makes it a top choice over other essential oils.

7. Eucalyptus

If you love a strong smell and a tingling feeling on your skin, then you should try eucalyptus oil for your oil control issues. The beauty industry already knows about this product’s wonders, so they use it to produce facial cleansers, shower gels, beauty emollients, and bath spritzers. If you have eczema or other skin conditions that cause rashes and burning, you should avoid this as it can irritate.

8. Basil

Oily skin or clogged pores are no match for the power of basil oil. It removes dirt and impurities from your skin, leaving a cool and refreshing feeling behind it. Did you know that this oil is an excellent source of vitamin K?

Not only can it open your pores and clean out that debris, but it can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It’s one to try if you’re plagued with oily skin.

9. Cedarwood

Cedarwood is often a favored treatment by dermatologists because it has antiseptic properties. It’s not irritating like other oils, so it can be used on those who have eczema and other skin conditions.

It’s so powerful that it can be used for hair loss and even help reduce stress too. This one needs a carrier oil as it’s a bit strong, but the plethora of uses for this essential wonder is remarkable.

10. Lavender

Very few people don’t like the pleasant aroma of the lavender bush. It’s used to help calm nerves, ease someone to a peaceful sleep, and keep your skin glowing. It can eliminate the blotchiness and redness that comes with uneven skin tones and take care of excess oil in the skin.

Some experts recommend using it in a steam bath rather than putting it directly on the face. While it’s getting rid of grease and cleaning your pores, it can also help control your wrinkles.

oily skinFinal Thoughts on Coping with Oily Skin

When it comes to oily skin, it’s a problem that no one wants to face. It can make your skin look greasy and unclean. You don’t need to turn to harsh prescription medications or over-the-counter creams for your oil control. You can use the power of nature to combat your oily complexion and have a radiant glow that isn’t greasy to the touch.

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Castor Oil

You’ve heard about coconut and avocado oils, but do you know all the health benefits of castor oil? You’ve probably learned a little about it since it’s been around for thousands of years, but few know that it’s a vegetable oil that has so many uses.

It’s made by collecting the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, and then machines extract oils from within those seeds, called beans, to deliver a powerful oil.

Within each of these beans is an enzyme called ricin, which is quite toxic to humans and pets. The good news is that as it goes through the manufacturing process, it gets heated, and this procedure neutralizes the toxins. Thankfully, it becomes safe to use in many applications.

Seven Excellent Health Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil has several therapeutic, engineering, and pharmaceutical uses, not to mention that it’s commonly used in skincare lines, some foods, and even medications. Due to its chemical structure, many are shocked to find that it’s also used as a bio-diesel fuel, as it serves well as a lubricant in industrial processes.

Castor oil can also be burnt as petrol, and it was a commonly used fuel in Egypt during the ancient days. It’s also been touted as a stimulation method for pregnant women who want to go into labor, according to an article published in the National Library of Medicine. Yet, it’s gentle enough to be used for treating eye inflammation too.

The many health benefits of castor oil cannot be denied, and yet many people have no clue all the uses of this valuable lubricant. To show you how excellent this product is, here are seven advantages to know.

self care meme1. Remarkable Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Castor oil has amazing anti-inflammatory properties due to the ricinoleic acid in it. This oil can not only relieve pain but can also reduce inflammation to an affected area. Those who have chronic inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, seem to benefit.

If you have painful, dry skin conditions like psoriasis and contact dermatitis, you can also benefit from its moisturizing properties. A few studies have been done on the effects of castor oil and inflammation, one of which was regarding knee pain.

Many people suffer from arthritic conditions that affect their knees. However, a study published by the Wiley Online Library shows promising results. During the research, participants who used this oil three times a day for four weeks showed a dramatic reduction in their symptoms.

2. Can Help Your Wounds Heal Faster

When you have a cut, burn, or other skin irritation, it goes through a process as it heals. At the middle stage of healing, the lesion will dry out. Apply castor oil to your wounds can help to avoid this drying phase, which also causes itching, according to an article published on the National Library of Medicine.

Additionally, one of the health benefits of castor oil when it comes to wound care is that it helps to stimulate new tissue growth. Additionally, coating the sore in this oil facilitates protection properties from the elements and further risks of infection.

3. Fights Fungus

Another fantastic health benefit of castor oil is that it can help to fight oral bacteria. Gum infections due to plaque overgrowth are pretty common in folks. The Candida Albicans fungus causes it, and it’s painful when it affects the tender tissues in the mouth. Thankfully, castor oil has many attributes, including antifungal properties.

It’s also been used to assist with painful conditions like denture-related stomatitis, which is quite common among the elderly crowd. Not only can it clear the inflammation, but it can also attack the fungus that causes pain. A study was done on the benefits of this oil for denture wearers.

The Canadian analysis used 30 participants who wear dentures daily, according to an article published in the National Library of Medicine. They found that this common fungal problem improved by adding a bit of this oil to the soak each night. Castor oil was compared with other over-the-counter treatments, and those who used this natural oil had better results.

nail fungus

What causes nail fungus? And, more importantly, how can you fix it?

4. Keeps Constipation at Bay

Since castor oil is a lubricant, it can do wonders in the digestive system. One of the most popular uses for it is as a laxative. Not only does it assist in clearing the bowels, but its super laxative abilities trigger the muscles in the area to clear anything in its path.

Often referred to as a super laxative, it acts amazingly fast to bring relief. Though it’s not recommended for long-term use in this aspect, it’s great for occasional constipation. When you take a tablespoon orally, the small intestines work to break down the fatty acids within this oil.

The acids, known as ricinoleic, start working to clear the bowels within minutes. The good news is that you won’t strain as much, and you will empty the area, bringing relief. Keep in mind that this oil is powerful, so you should only use it in small doses.

While it has superb laxative properties, it can also cause you to have some abdominal cramping as well as nausea. Though it’s suitable for short-term usage, you should never consider it a long-term solution to an ongoing problem.

5. Helps with Hair and Scalp Health

There are many conditioners on the market that make bold promises to heal and restore your hair. However, few can stand up to the power of castor oil. Yes, you can use this oil on your hair to have shiny locks and a flake-free scalp.

Hair can become dry and damaged when exposed to the elements, but using castor oil can help bring life back into your lackluster tresses. Since there is a high-fat content in this oil, it will lubricate each strand and reduce the risk of breakage.

If you have dandruff due to a dry scalp, then it can help with that too. Since it has soothing properties, it nourishes the scalp and keeps the dry, flaky skin at bay. Since dandruff can be caused by seborrhoeic dermatitis, the antifungal properties of this oil can treat that too. When using it on your hair, remember that a little goes a long way.

6. Moisturize the Skin

The fatty acid in castor oil adds to its benefits, another being the ability to moisturize your skin. The ricinoleic acid within this oil can help to prevent water loss. Since it’s known to promote hydration, it’s often used in cleansers, makeup, and lotion products.

The next time you’re at the drug store or makeup counter, look for castor oil or the acid compounds in the ingredient list. It’s important to note that you can replace your current products with this oil as it doesn’t have the harmful dyes and perfumes of many manufactured products.

Another great benefit of adding castor oil to your beauty regimen is that it’s very affordable, and it’s safe to be used anywhere on the body, even the face. Though it’s considered safe, some people are allergic when applying it directly to the skin. Should any irritation develop, discontinue immediately.

7. Reduces Acne

Acne is a horrible condition that causes the skin to be covered with pus-filled pimples and black and whiteheads. These bumps can be painful as well as unsightly to look at. While it’s commonly thought of as a teenage problem, it can affect adults too.

Clearing acne is beneficial as it can affect self-esteem. One of the amazing health benefits of castor oil is that it has both inflammatory and antifungal properties, so it’s excellent for stubborn acne. Zits are caused by staphylococcus aureus, which is a bacterium that forms on the skin.

Not only can castor oil fight this common bacterium, but its anti-inflammatory properties can help to soothe the inflammation in the area too. This oily substance would appear to add more grime to an already greasy area, but it has an opposite effect.


Though there are many health benefits of castor oil, and it’s considered safe to use in all these applications, side effects are possible. Even herbal remedies come with minor risks. It can cause painful sensations in the stomach and bowels when taken orally, so it’s essential to use a little bit.

Applying it to your skin, face, scalp, and cuts can be a mess if you use too much. Try to use the minimum amount and increase as needed. The last thing you want is an oil mess to clean up on top of your issue.

castor oilFinal Thoughts on The Health Benefits of Castor Oil

While castor oil might not be the first remedy you reach for when you have dandruff, stubborn acne, constipation, and want to moisturize your skin, it should be. The excellent health benefits of castor oil are not widely known, but it’s becoming increasingly popular. As people look for more natural remedies for what ails them, herbal treatments like this gain attention.

Since castor oil is cost-effective, easy to find, and doesn’t require a trip to the doctor, it should be in every medicine cabinet across the country.

How to Make Homemade Banana Ice Cream Recipes 4 Ways

Banana ice cream offers a healthier alternative to one of the most popular desserts out there. Whether you enjoy a plain ice cream or prefer a few toppings, these recipes offer something for everyone. They include fruit, nuts, and dark chocolate, all of which have many health benefits.

Bananas, for instance, contain potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, and copper. They also help balance blood sugar due to high levels of pectin and resistant starch. Furthermore, bananas improve digestion because of their fiber content and have high antioxidant levels. Antioxidants help reduce the risk of heart disease and other degenerative illnesses.

One of the recipes includes strawberries as well, so we’ll discuss some of their health benefits. Strawberries have tons of Vitamin C, potassium, manganese, and folate. They also reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve heart health, and lower blood sugar levels. Because of their antioxidant content, berries such as strawberries have also been linked to a lower risk of cancer.

Some of the recipes call for almonds and pistachios, both of which are loaded with nutrients.

Here are the stats on these nutty additions to the banana ice cream.

A one-ounce serving of pistachios contains the following:

• Calories: 159
• Carbs: 8 grams
• Fiber: 3 grams
• Protein: 6 grams
• Fat: 13 grams (90% are unsaturated fats)
• Potassium: 6% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
• Phosphorus: 11% of the RDI
• Vitamin B6: 28% of the RDI
• Thiamine: 21% of the RDI
• Copper: 41% of the RDI
• Manganese: 15% of the RDI

A one-ounce serving of almonds offers these nutrients:

• Fiber: 3.5 grams
• Protein: 6 grams
• Fat: 14 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated)
• Vitamin E: 37% of the RDI
• Manganese: 32% of the RDI
• Magnesium: 20% of the RDI
• They also contain a decent amount of copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and phosphorus

Both almonds and pistachios contain tons of antioxidants and help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well.

Dark chocolate

Finally, dark chocolate (70-85% cacao) is also a powerhouse of nutrients, with a 100-gram bar containing the following:

• 11 grams of fiber
• 67% of the RDI for iron
• 58% of the RDI for magnesium
• 89% of the RDI for copper
• 98% of the RDI for manganese
• It also has lots of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium

Additionally, dark chocolate may reduce the risk of heart disease due to high antioxidant levels. The most prevalent antioxidants include polyphenols, flavanols, and catechins, among others. One study actually showed that cocoa and dark chocolate had more antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavanols than any other fruits. Researchers tested many others in the study, including blueberries and acai berries known for their antioxidant content.

Now that you know a little about the ingredients’ health benefits let’s get to the recipes!

Here are four delicious homemade banana ice cream recipes:

You will love these treats.

For each recipe, you’ll need an ice cream dish for serving, as well as a container or pan for leftovers. You also need a food processor to blend the ingredients and give the ice cream a smooth consistency. Finally, it would be best to have a knife, cutting board, and ice cream scoop handy.

1. Banana honey ice cream


• 2 medium bananas
• 1/4 cup honey
• 1/2 cup almond milk (or whatever milk you prefer)

To make this delicious ice cream, chop up two bananas and freeze them overnight. Then, blend the bananas, honey, and milk in a food processor until fully combined. It should have a creamy, thick consistency, just like ice cream out of a tub.

2. Strawberry-banana vanilla ice cream


• 2 cups strawberries
• 2 medium bananas
• 1/2 cup almond milk
• 1/2 tsp vanilla powder

For this one, you’ll want to freeze the strawberries and bananas overnight as well. Please put them in a food processor the following day and the almond milk and vanilla powder. Blend until thick and creamy.

3. Chocolate peanut butter almond ice cream


• 2 medium bananas
• 1 bar of dark chocolate
• Handful of almonds
• 2 tbsp peanut butter
• 1/2 cup almond milk

You know the drill. Freeze the banana overnight, so they’re ready for the food processor. The following day, blend them with peanut butter and almond milk until you get a thick, smooth texture. Then, chop up the dark chocolate bar and a handful of almonds into small pieces. Add them into the food processor, and blend completely.

4. Pistachio mint banana ice cream


• 2 medium bananas
• 1 cup fresh mint leaves
• 1 cup pistachios
• 1/2 cup almond milk

First, take the shells of the pistachios so you can blend them in the processor. Then, put the frozen bananas, mint leaves, and almond milk into the food processor. Add the pistachios, and blend until smooth.

bananaFinal Thoughts: Storing the banana ice cream

If you are serving multiple guests, you may want to invest in ice cream pans. You’ve probably seen them in your local ice cream or gelato shop. If you can’t find these in stores, you can keep the leftovers in a large casserole dish.

Fold three sheets of aluminum foil into a rectangle to use as dividers. Then, place each ice cream in its own slot so you can serve it or store the leftovers. Freeze the ice cream for at least six hours before serving.

Feel free to add any toppings you’d like, such as strawberries, chopped nuts, or chocolate. After all that hard work, you can finally enjoy your delicious, healthy dessert!

Final thoughts: You won’t miss dessert with these four banana ice cream recipes

Forget all those high-sugar ice creams loaded with fake ingredients. You won’t miss them once you try these banana ice cream recipes; they have all the flavor without the guilt. You can try all of them in one day or make one at a time. Either way, you and your loved ones won’t be disappointed with this delicious treat.

Since bananas still have a decent amount of sugar, they make a nice ice cream base. They also have a thick, rich texture which adds creaminess to the dish. We hope you enjoy these banana ice cream recipes! Let us know how you like them in the comments.

6 Signs from the Universe That It’s Time to Celebrate Your Imperfect Life

You’ve heard it said time and again that nobody’s perfect. Yet, countless people berate themselves for being anything but perfection. If you listen to your heart, the Universe may be telling you that it is time to embrace your imperfect life.

Down through the ages, society has placed an unspoken burden on people to be flawless in their appearance and everything they do. Ancient cultures highly regarded perfect beauty and riches beyond comparison. Those who had the “it” factor ruled over those who didn’t have it.

Women were among the most harmed by this unjust thinking. In just about every culture in any era, they had to be impeccably beautiful, perfect wives, and devoted mothers. Any imperfect woman was considered “less than.”

It’s Time to Release Societal Expectations and Accept We Are Imperfect Beings

Consider the hardships and dangerous practices women have endured being the “perfect” lady in the past. In the sixteenth century, noblewomen often used white makeup made of toxic lead to makeup their faces. They also blushed their cheeks with a poisonous mercury compound and used contaminated belladonna drops to make their eyes sparkle.

Victorian women practically crushed their internal organs with cruel corsets to make their waists slimmer.

Unfortunately, perfect standards haven’t changed much in modern times. Some people are still crimping, cutting, dying, starving, and doing anything to conform to Hollywood standards. The media is overflowing with romantic pictures of the perfect family, home, and career. Society compelled males to make their way to the top and gauge their worth by what they own.

Even the wisest folks often get tangled in the false illusion of perfectionism. It’s a toxic mindset that causes adverse reactions in each aspect of your life. According to an article published by the University of Washington School of Medicine, perfectionism can also affect your mental health.

The modern definition of perfection has nothing to do with its original meaning. The word perfect comes from “perficere,” which means complete in Latin. The Latin definition doesn’t mean faultless or doing something without errors.

Six Signs You Should Celebrate Your Imperfect Life

You are the express image of the divine and are “complete” in yourself. Allow yourself to recognize the myth of perfection for the delusion it is. Open your heart to these five ways the Universe is telling you to embrace your limitations for a better life.

1. You Start to Recognize the Need to Accept Your Fallibility

Have you ever met someone and had a gut feeling that they were fake? You listen to them talk and brag about their accomplishments and possessions. They look down their noses at everybody in their façade of perfectionism.

If you don’t want to reflect this attitude, learn to be comfortable in your skin. Everybody has things about themselves that they don’t like. Plus, making mistakes is part of learning and maturation. Give yourself a break and remember that you’re only human.

2. You Start to Change Your Perception of What You Used to Think of as Imperfect

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see a beautifully unique person, or do you focus on flaws? Maybe you’re not happy with the shape of your nose, your hair type, or your eye color. An unfair assessment of yourself may impact you. In the past, you felt too short, too thin, too big, too tall, etc.

You begin to fully realize that what you used to consider flaws are the things that make you beautiful. Embrace those flirty freckles. Or show off your naturally curly locks and wear your style with pride. You may not be an expert in everything, but try your best and enjoy your accomplishments.

3. Your Inner Self Says It Is Time to Let Go of Unrealistic Expectations

Flip through the latest magazine on your coffee table and notice the pictures. They are overflowing with photos of “perfect” people who are all smiles. If you purchase their product or services, the inference is that you’ll be just as perfect as the models you see on Instagram. Or you envy people who have stellar homes, careers, and achievements as you scroll. For instance, home websites feature smiling stars who have no problem with the budget or completion times.

Now, close the magazine and open your eyes to the real world. They don’t tell you that the glamorous model pictures receive airbrush treatments and use altered lights, cameras, and filters. The luxurious homes and manicured gardens only exist in doctored pictures and are impossible to maintain in real life.

Take a deep breath and release society’s unrealistic expectations at your door. How can you enjoy your home if everything is sterile and sealed like a museum? You’ll have a better life when you relax, enjoy your family, and count your many blessings.


4. You Start to Surround Yourself With Positive (But Beautifully Imperfect!) People

Perfectionism is contagious. Moreover, it can affect you before you realize it’s showcasing the imperfect things in your life. It’s also the by-product of a negative attitude. Anything perceived as less than perfect isn’t worth having for some people.

These are folks who are attached to the fake image that society worships. Instead of being grateful for what they have, they gripe and complain. Nothing pleases them, and they always have a bone to pick with others.

When you’re around these negative personalities, it’s hard to smile. They oppress the atmosphere so badly that you feel a bit grumpy. Misery loves company, and they’ll not be happy until they’ve dragged you down.

While you need not be rude and ostracize less than cheerful family and friends, you can limit your contact. Instead, try to surround yourself with people who are happy with their lives and don’t demand perfection. You’ll feel better about yourself, will have less negativity, and more positive energy to share.

5. You Begin to Notice Imperfect Things Everywhere in the World

The Universe presents itself with symmetry and syncope, and you notice stunning patterns in nature. However, you can also see just as many anomalies as regularities. That’s what makes the world and all its creatures unique and beautiful to observe.

Have you ever seen a platypus? These whimsical mammals have the tail of a beaver, the bill of a duck, and lay eggs like a bird. While most things shrink when they’re frozen, water expands. You can probably think of other unique features and oddities of nature.

The Japanese call this state of being perfectly imperfect wabi-sabi. It’s a philosophy that asks you to seek the beauty of bad things and embrace the imperfect life. Wabi represents life’s simplicity, while Sabi represents the fleeting aspect of life.

If the beauty of nature isn’t perfect, then you can’t expect yourself to be perfect either. The bad things in the world work together to form completion, which is the essence of perfection. Your triune being of body, mind, and spirit work in the same way for you to enjoy a better life.

6. Use Your Limitations to Help Others

Being broken is the quintessential human condition. Nobody goes through life preserved in a secured vault like a priceless antique vase, and you should embrace your imperfect nature. People, situations, and even your actions cause fissures and ever-present cracks in your soul. Just because you’re broken doesn’t mean that you cannot restore your joy.

You can mend your broken soul with divine intervention, patience, and self-love. Any of your imperfect characteristics represent the resilience and determination you have. They are battle scars showing that you’re an overcomer and accept yourself as you are.

When you are more compassionate and accepting of yourself, you can reach out to others in the same mindset. You can be a shining example that they needn’t be perfect to be valuable and worthy of love and respect. Soon, you begin to see your limitations more like assets.


Final Thoughts on Embracing the Realization That You Should Wear the Label Imperfect as a Badge of Honor

Life is too short to worry about trying to be perfect. Instead, learn how to use your uniqueness as a tool. You’ll discover that the beauty, talent, and worthiness you longed for were with you the whole time.

Morning Sunlight Helps You Heal in 4 Surprising Ways, According to Science

Getting morning sunlight can benefit your mental and physical health in numerous ways. We should fall asleep at dusk and arise with the sun; however, our biological clocks have been sabotaged by modern living.

Bright fluorescent overhead lights and blue lights from screens can suppress melatonin levels, making it more difficult to sleep at night. Since we usually keep lights on well past when our bodies begin melatonin production, our circadian rhythms become imbalanced.

However, morning sunlight can help us stay in tune with nature and ourselves. The sun doesn’t just provide nourishment for our physical self; it also rejuvenates the soul! Below, we’ll go over a few ways to improve your health by getting some fresh air for a few minutes each morning.

Morning Sunlight Helps You Heal in Four Surprising Ways, According to Science

Read these four compelling reasons to take a short sunbath to start your day.

morning sunlight

1 – Being outdoors in the morning improves sleep quality.

Our minds and bodies greatly benefit from exposure to morning sunlight. The eyes have over two million working parts and require full-spectrum sunlight to maintain your circadian rhythm. When morning sunlight enters the eyes, it sends crucial information to the brain and body.

For instance, sunlight acts as an alarm clock, signaling the pituitary gland that it’s time to wake up. The pituitary gland responds by releasing cortisol and serotonin, both of which prepare your body for the day ahead.

Morning light simultaneously suppresses melatonin production. However, the pineal gland metabolizes serotonin into melatonin later in the day, inducing sleepiness.

According to Jacob Liberman, OD, Ph.D., each cell in our body depends on light as an energy source to function correctly. Indoor light offers some benefits but can’t compare to sunlight’s power and healing properties.

When sunlight enters our eyes, it guides our bodies through “photobiomodulation.” This refers to how light interacts with cell mitochondria, which converts energy from food into energy needed to power the cells.

So, in summary, morning sunlight doesn’t just help you shake off that sleepy feeling. It aids in producing crucial hormones such as serotonin and cortisol, which allow you to carry out your daily duties. Morning sunlight also ensures we get restorative sleep each night since serotonin is a precursor to melatonin, regulating our circadian rhythms. Finally, morning sunlight provides energy to the trillions of cells in our bodies, helping prepare us for the day ahead.

2 – Getting morning sunlight leads to a better mood.

So, we know from the information above that morning sunlight helps release serotonin via the pituitary gland. Serotonin isn’t just necessary to help you sleep at night; it’s crucial for maintaining a positive mindset. When we have access to full-spectrum sunlight in the morning, it helps ward off depression by ramping up serotonin production.

Many doctors recommend light therapy for people suffering from seasonal depression. Those living in cold climates that don’t get much sunlight may recommend bright indoor lights called lightboxes.

However, even these lights can’t compare to the lux levels of sunlight. On a cloudy winter day, the sun will produce lux levels of 1000 or greater, far surpassing the power of indoor lighting. On sunny summer days, sunlight can deliver light levels 11 to 43 times higher than indoor fluorescent lighting.

So, if you’re feeling down or drained these days, make sure to get at least 30 minutes of direct sunlight each day. Morning sunlight is preferable, but any sunlight will help boost your mood.

3 – Exposure to morning sunlight improves physical health as well.

Morning sunlight doesn’t just boost your mental health and help you sleep better. It also improves physical health markers, such as stress levels and vision. Studies prove that lack of sunlight may increase risk factors for myopia or nearsightedness.

This outcome happens because indoor light is much dimmer than natural sunlight, and we typically stare at screens or books for hours. Our eyes should not look at one object for extended periods but rather scan our environment at a distance throughout the day.

In addition, since we’re diurnal creatures, our bodies, and minds synchronize with the patterns of the sun and moon. Many health problems result when we disconnect from this natural cycle; unfortunately, poor health in modern times provides ample evidence. Simply getting outside more could eliminate many of our ailments in today’s world.

Sunlight helps increase the production of white blood cells in the body, warding off infections and bacteria. Also, morning sunlight can bolster heart health since it triggers the release of nitric oxide, which has been shown to lower blood pressure.

Finally, sunlight exposure can reduce the risk of certain cancers such as colorectal, prostate, breast cancer, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Scientists found that increased Vitamin D and immune system and circadian rhythm modulation played a role in reducing cancer risks.

4 – Morning sunshine may even help you lose weight.

If you’ve been trying to lose weight to no avail, perhaps early morning sunshine could help. According to one study, people who received morning sunlight weighed less throughout the study period. The authors said this,“Specifically, having a majority of the average daily light exposure above 500 lux (MLiT500) earlier was associated with a lower BMI. In practical terms, for every hour later of MLiT500 in the day, there was a 1.28 unit increase in BMI.”

Even after controlling for other factors such as food intake, sleep, and activity levels, individuals with morning light exposure weighed less.

The authors cited another study, which discovered that “exposure to at least 45 minutes of morning light (between six and nine am at 1300 lux) for three weeks in obese women resulted in reduced body fat and appetite.”

morning sunlight

Final Thoughts on How Morning Sunlight Impacts Health

Most of us probably don’t go outside upon waking up in the morning due to tight schedules. Instead, we’d hit the snooze button and then get morning sunlight for even fifteen minutes. However, studies prove that exposure to sunlight in the mornings can improve sleep quality, mood, and physical health.

If you want to feel more energetic and cheerful, walk outside when you wake up. Mother Nature knows what we need; we have to reconnect with her to receive the benefits.

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