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10 Signs You Really Are Strong Enough to Carry a Heavy Mental Load

People often view success as a specific formula they use that comprises things like luck, intelligence, and talent. While that sounds like a nice theory, you know that many ideas are invalidated. How well you handle your mental load is now believed to be the definitive predictor of your success, and it has nothing to do with having the “it” factor.

Has anyone ever told you that you had strong willpower, grit, moxie, or are just downright stubborn? They were probably criticizing you, but these traits can also be very desirable. When you’re relentless in your pursuit to change and be a better person, it shows how mentally tough you’re on the inside.

Possessing resilience is something that many people want, but they’re not sure how to go about it. Do you think you’re mentally strong? Then, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you keep going even when things get rocky?
  • Do you have zero time for excuses and procrastination?
  • When you have a goal in mind, do you do everything in your power to complete this objective?
  • Do you refuse to wallow in self-pity?

If you could answer these questions honestly with a “yes,” then it’s possible that you have that toughness that some people only dream of possessing.

10 Signs You Have the Strength to Carry a Challenging Mental Load

Strength comes from within, and some people are born with it naturally, while others need time to hone this skill. Your mental load will either make or break you. How often have you heard someone say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?

Even the Bible says in I Corinthians 10:13 that the Lord won’t put more on you than you can bear. However, His definition of what you can handle and yours might be different. Here are some signs that you have what it takes to manage a heavy mental load.

mental load

1. You Recognize Your Weaknesses

Being mentally tough doesn’t equal perfection. Someone who has this tenacity about them knows that they’re not invincible to failure. However, the difference is that they won’t let these obstacles stand in their way.

You won’t make excuses for what you can’t or don’t do well, but you will find another way to get the job done. You’ve realized that there’s no way you can do everything on your own, and you know that a practical leader delegates tasks for a greater chance of success.

You have weaknesses, but you don’t let these hold you back. Instead, you view them as mere challenges on the road to achieving your goals.

2. You Know the Limits of Your Mental Load

Being emotional is hindering only if you let it consume you, but acknowledging your feelings, even the bad ones, is essential. Sure, your nature is stubborn, and you don’t like to give up. However, you know when something is a lost cause, you need to abort the mission.

You know your limits on your mental load, so you must know when it’s time to walk away. Sometimes it takes a stronger person to leave when something isn’t working than to stay and be miserable. To be a mentally strong individual, you must recognize your limits and not be afraid to bow out gracefully.

3. You Know Life Isn’t Always Bliss

Some folks live with the mental delusion that life is supposed to be pure bliss. However, you’re not one of those folks. You know that it will be raining and storming some days, and the sun will be bright on other days. What keeps you mentally strong is knowing that you’ve learned to keep things under control inside no matter what’s happening around you.

You roll with the highs and lows and realize that it’s not a permanent emotion when you’re sad, as it can quickly change. You have times of adversity, but you know that this helps you make your willpower even stronger.

4. You’re Not Afraid of Commitment

Have you ever known someone who won’t commit to anything? Many people have something in their past that instills fear of commitment. This hesitation can happen in relationships and other aspects of life.

The key is that your strength doesn’t allow you to fear failure, but you’ll lick your wounds and keep going if it happens. Resilience is the drive inside you that you can’t let yourself stop trying even though you’ve had hurts. You have no problem committing; if it fails, you’ll try something new.

5. You Are Flexible in How You Handle Your Mental Load

Carrying a sizeable mental load means you must be flexible. You always have a Plan A and a Plan B, as you know that things never go the way you want. Resilient folks know that there will be bumps in the road, and things aren’t going even to look remotely how they should be, but you’ve always got that backup plan ready to execute to keep things going.

Being able to adapt to many situations makes you one tough cookie. For instance, the wedding planning for your daughter was going to be outside, but now the forecast says rain. Some people would fall to pieces and think the day was ruined, but you knew this might happen, so you step into a management role.

When the rest of the world might fall apart due to a heavy mental load, you pick up and keep going due to your flexibility.

mental load

6. You Realize It’s Okay to Fall

If you stumble and fall, you’ll shake the dust off you and get right back up. You have the drive in your spirit. Even if you fail a hundred times, you will still get back up. Remember when you were learning to ride a bike? If you stayed down each time you lost, you could never ride.

However, you are determined to conquer this goal that brought you to victory. Sure, you might have had some help along the way from parents or relatives, but you didn’t see it as rejection or failure. Instead, you knew to grow and evolve into a better person, and you needed guidance.

When you fail, you’re just taking a step towards doing it the right way. You will keep failing until you accomplish the task at hand. However, you know that your failures are not your end game; it just means you must play harder to turn the failures into wins.

7. You Strive for Self-Improvement

When people think they’ve arrived, they’re in a dangerous position. There’s always room for self-improvement, and if you realize that you need to be growing and changing, it shows your mental strength. Have you ever had to work with someone who thought they knew it all?

After working with them for some time, you soon realized that they had much to learn. People who walk around and act cocky are often the ones who have the most knowledge to gain. However, you know that self-improvement will continue throughout your life. You get older, wiser, and become a better person with every lesson.

8. You’re Humble

Some folks need external gratification, but the mentally tough people are the ones that have everything they need inside themselves. You don’t feel like you need to show off to prove yourself to others, as you are sure about things and don’t feel the need to brag.

You feel bragging is a waste of energy, so you’re likely not a person who gets on social media to post every time you have a gourmet dinner, get a bonus, or pay off a credit card bill.

9. You’re True to Your Principles

You have an internal set of rules that you live by, and even if it means winning or losing, you won’t compromise your principles. Your mental load is a lot right now, but you won’t defy your core values to make something change. You’re true to yourself above all else, and this means you won’t stoop to unscrupulous methods to get things done.

10. You Live Life on Your Terms

Part of your resilience is that you don’t need or seek approval from others. You know the status quo but keeping up with society isn’t what motivates you. You’re not afraid to live life on your terms, and if people like you, that’s great, and if they don’t, you’re not going to lose sleep over it.

mental load

Final Thoughts on the Ability to Carry a Heavy Mental Load

It’s often been said that those folks who are mentally healthy live authentic lives. They’re true to themselves as well as everyone around them. They don’t need smoke, mirrors, or any fancy tricks to get things done, as they’re not afraid of hard work.

This person is even more endearing because they’re not afraid of failure. They expect to fall a few times before they get things right. They see these times of disappointment to grow and become better.

Bartender Explains Why Every Woman Should Know About the Angel Shot

If you’ve never heard of an angel shot before, it just might save your life during a night out. Of course, most people don’t encounter any trouble when they’re on a date or out with friends. However, it’s essential to remain aware of your surroundings and know how to escape a potentially dangerous situation.

Perhaps you’re at a bar or club ordering drinks when a shady man or woman approaches you. If they’re making you uncomfortable and won’t leave you alone, order an “angel shot.” Benji Spears, a bartender from Los Angeles, explains that you can order three varieties of the shot. They have different meanings depending on what you need.

Of course, this isn’t a real drink but a code word that bartenders know to help patrons in a sticky situation. In his viral TikTok video, Benji reenacts a common scenario where a woman looks uneasy on a date. While making drinks for other customers, Benji informs his coworker about the situation.

He says he believes the couple is on their first date. However, the woman’s body language reveals that she feels uncomfortable or unsafe for some reason. So, Benji decides to step in and ensure the woman can leave safely. He wants the public to know that bartenders aren’t just there to serve drinks. They also look out for customers and understand the warning signs that something is amiss.

So, if you ever feel threatened or scared during a night out, here’s how to order an “angel shot.”

Bartender Explains Why Every Woman Should Know What an Angel Shot Is

Here are the terms to use if you need to order this drink.

angel shot

Angel Shot With Lime

In the video, Benji checks on the couple after discussing his suspicions with a coworker. He brings a couple of glasses of water to the party, and then the woman asks for an “angel shot with lime.”

Benji instead asks a coworker to prepare the drinks while he continues to converse with the couple. He opted to stay with the couple rather than run to the back, in case the man became suspicious. Of course, the coworker isn’t actually making drinks, but finding the manager or calling the cops.

Benji explains in the video that angel shots are “becoming more common and more known throughout all bars.” He added that an angel shot can save you or your friend’s life, and it’s essential for everyone to know about them.

So, the first “translation” of the drink is an angel shot with lime. To reiterate, you need the bartender to call the police. He or she will typically ask a coworker to make the “angel shot” so the date doesn’t suspect anything. Of course, when the coworker goes to the back, they find a manager or call the cops for you.

Angel Shot Neat

 “Second you can order an angel shot neat; that means you need someone to walk you to your car, a bartender or security,” Benji says. He explains that ordering this shot means you need an escort to your car if you feel unsafe.

johnny depp

Read how men can order the Johnny Depp shot if a date becomes dangerous.

Angel Shot on the Rocks

The last translation of this drink is an angel shot on the rocks. When you ask the bartender to make this, it informs them that you need a taxi or Uber. If you can’t call one yourself, the bartender will happily do it when you order this angel shot.

Benji concludes the video with this message: “I think this is a great learning lesson. Everyone should know about the angel shot. It’s just a great way to make sure we all feel safe.”

Feedback on the Angel Shot Video

Many people thanked Benji for sharing the video and agreed everyone should know about the angel shot. Men and women who go to bars or clubs can greatly benefit from this potentially life-saving information. One person even called Benji the angel and thanked him for the education.

However, some people wondered what would happen if the creepy date knew the code words. Fortunately, most bartenders have already thought of this and will stay with the couple until help arrives.

Some women in the comments said the angel shot code saved them or someone they know. In fact, a viewer said it saved her from “being roofied and abducted into trafficking.”

Some commenters said patrons can ask for help using other codes also. For example, in the UK, someone who needs help at a bar or club would “Ask for Angela.” When they ask the bartender if Angela is working tonight, the bar staff automatically knows to call a taxi or police for them.

Finally, other viewers wanted to remind people that men can also benefit from knowing about the angel shot. Anyone who feels uncomfortable or unsafe during a night out can potentially use this trick to save their lives. And, Benji agreed wholeheartedly.

Clearly, many people have benefitted from Benji’s original angel-shot video. It’s been viewed over eleven million times and has almost three million likes.

So, if you’ve never heard of an angel shot until now, make sure to keep a mental note about it. The next time you’re at a bar or club, it could help you avoid danger or at least inform the bartender that you need a ride home.

angel shot

Final Thoughts on Knowing How (and When) to Order an Angel Shot

When you first hear it, an angel shot sounds like a legitimate drink. That makes this code word so effective since most people don’t know about it. So, when you ask the bartender for an “angel shot,” your date probably won’t suspect anything. However, it’s your lifeline to escape from a distressing situation and leave the bar unscathed.

The angel shot can save lives since it brings other people into the situation in a discreet manner. That way, you don’t have to feel alone or helpless if you’re dating someone with bad intentions. The bartender will either ask someone to call the cops, inform a manager, or call a taxi for you. If you have any friends or family who might value this information, please pass it along. It just might save their life, after all.

Writing Down Why You’re Thankful Helps You Release These 5 Fears

Do you often feel burdened by the frustrations of life? Maybe the “light” you see at the end of the tunnel is a speeding train coming in your direction. Have you considered the things that make you thankful?

Five Benefits of Keeping a Journal of Gratitude…Write Down Why You Feel Thankful

If you’re already writing in a journal each day, you know how it can offer better insights into your life. Why not consider creating a section or dedicated journal for your countless blessings? Writing down what you’re thankful for can ease these five fears.

1. Your Physical Health


Although your body won’t last forever, your lifestyle can influence the quality and length of your life. Part of optimal physical health includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. But did you know that being thankful can also benefit your body?

First, expressing gratitude can offer peace and calmness internally. You probably recognize those overwhelming feelings of anxiety that make you feel like you’re about to die. Panic and chronic stress keep your survival instinct on autopilot and floods your body with excess stress hormones.

Perhaps some of your stress is brought on by unfounded fears. Do you constantly fret about your job, finances, and relationships? It could be that these are in better condition than you realize. Keeping a gratitude journal can make you appreciate what you have and have less stress.

You minimize stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline as you bring down your stress levels. While these are necessary for an emergency, chronic overflow can contribute to coronary disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even certain cancers. According to an article published by UCDavis, keeping a journal with a blessings list can reduce your stress hormones by 23 percent.

Are you afraid of developing diabetes, or do you already have it? While questionable eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to Type 2 diabetes, stress is also a contributor. A study published by the Journal of Positive Psychology found that being grateful may help lower your blood sugar levels.

Have you ever noticed that you don’t feel well when you have a negative outlook? Maybe you see unexplainable aches and pains and have a general pessimist view about your health. According to an article published by the Journal of Personality and Social Science, being thankful for your blessings can make you complain less about your feelings.

2. Your Sleep Health Can Make You Feel Thankful

The modern world is in such a busy frenzy that many people consider sleeping a luxury. However, your entire well-being depends on getting enough revitalizing sleep. If you’re sleep-deprived, it will negatively affect each aspect of your life.

One reason that you may be counting sheep every night is chronic worry. You toss and turn as you contemplate the events of the day. It plays like a perpetual film strip in your mind as you change the scripts for different outcomes.

As you watch each hour pass on your alarm clock, you feel tired, but your anxiety won’t let you sleep. So, you drag yourself out of bed each morning, wandering through brain fog the rest of the day. Does this scenario seem familiar to you?

Poor sleep habits are often related to your thought processes. Ruminating about the past is not only futile, but it can lead to depression. The deeper you fall into depression, the less satisfied you are with life and the less sleep you get.

The good news is that journal writing can help you deal with some of your negative thoughts and feelings. Make it a habit to schedule about 20 minutes each evening for recording worries and fears. Set a timer fret over every worst-case scenario.

When the timer dings, fold the paper and throw it in the recycle bin. You stop worrying for the day. Now, review your list of blessings and add to them as more come to mind.

3. Your Spiritual Life

When everything is going in your favor, you feel on top of the world. It’s easy to be happy and thankful during these times. However, things can go wrong, and your happiness can be fleeting. You may develop a fear of failing and feel your soul sinking in despair.

Keeping a gratitude journal can be like a candle that illuminates your spirit. Even when problems, fear, and pain surround you, you can be thankful for the good things. Instead of fickle happiness, appreciation fosters a joy in your heart that doesn’t depend on your situation.

As you count your blessings in your journal, you feel empowered with inner strength. You can also change your internal dialogue from negative to positive. Instead of simply existing and allowing life to happen “to” you, appreciation makes you realize that life’s happening “for” you.

Often, a troubled spirit tends to be self-absorbed. You may be so focused on your current situation that you can’t think about other people. Many studies acknowledge the link between gratitude and empathy. Per the article, you become more grateful for your blessings, enhancing your compassion for others.

4. Be Thankful for Your Self-Esteem

It’s only human to occasionally feel like you’re not as good as everyone else. Sometimes, you may be afraid to step out and do something new because you have low self-esteem. Instead of concentrating on the things, you can’t do, keeping a gratitude list reminds you of things you can do.

You play the piano, and someone asks you to perform in a local charity event. You’re hesitant to say yes because other more accomplished musicians will also be playing.

Try to be thankful for the gifts and talents you already have. An article published by Applied Psychology states that gratitude can boost your self-esteem. You’ll also have more confidence to build on your abilities and try new things.

thankful affirmations

5. Your Relationships

Whether it’s personal or professional, relationships won’t go far without appreciation. When people take each other for granted, it does nothing but creates resentment and distance. On the other hand, when someone acknowledges something you’ve done, you appreciate them for it.

Being thankful for your mate, family, or coworkers can also improve their feelings toward you. It only takes a couple of seconds to sincerely thank someone or tell them how much you appreciate them. Sometimes, couples get lax and forget to tell each other how they feel.

According to an article published by the Journal of the International Association for Relationship Research, daily gratitude can improve romantic relationships. When your lover does something special for you, be thankful. It can create a deeper connection and satisfaction in the relationship.

How to Create a Gratitude Journal

Are you ready to push negativity aside in favor of a life overflowing with gratitude? It’s not difficult to make your journal for recording your thoughts and blessings. There’s no better time to start than the present.

1. Prepare Your Journal

The only rules for personal journal writing are the ones that you make. Your blessings journal can be as straightforward or as elaborate as you choose. Some people use plain school notebooks while others purchase or make lovely, printed journals.

If you are tech-savvy, you may choose to create a journal on a word processing program or use an online blog platform. List the things you’re grateful for in any way you want. You can also decorate your journal with inspirational clippings or your artwork.

2. Write Down Why You Are Thankful

It’s also up to you to arrange your journal and how often you will write in it. Some people compose an initial blessings list and add to it from time to time. However, you may get the most benefits if you try journal writing every day.

You can jot down a few thoughts from the day, a paragraph, or an entire page. The most important thing is that you write important stuff for yourself. Even if you journal for fifteen to twenty minutes each day, you’ll notice the benefits.

3. Reflection

Your journal is more than just a collection of writings to close up in a drawer and never see again. Not only does it help you put words to your emotions and experiences, but it offers you the wisdom of hindsight.

You better understand where you’re going when you know where you’ve been.

Take time each evening to reflect on your blessing list and see if you can add to it. Read some of your past entries and see how far you’ve come in your thought processes. You may discover that most of the things you feared never came to pass.

thankful for a new day

Final Thoughts on Keeping a Written Record of Why You Feel Thankful

Nobody goes through life without problems, frustrations, and heartache. However, counting your blessings can help you realize that the good outweighs the bad. When you keep a journal of gratitude, you can see how you are blessed each day.

Psychology Explains 4 Signs Someone Has Mixed Personality Disorders

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) defines personality disorders or mixed personality disorders as patterns of inner experience and behavior that deviate from cultural expectations, cause distress or impairment, and last over time. How many people have personality disorders due to being undiagnosed or misdiagnosed is unknown.

However, studies estimate that at least 9.1% of United States citizens have one or more personality disorders. Also called a mixed personality disorder, it describes people who display traits of multiple personality disorders but don’t fit the criteria for a specific one. The DSM-IV referred to it as “Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (NOS).” However, it’s been replaced in the DSM-5 by “Other Specified Personality Disorder.”

The Ten Personality Disorders

The DSM-5 identifies ten specific personality disorders and categorizes them by types, or “clusters,” based on shared traits. They include the following:

personality disorders

Cluster A: Odd, Bizarre, Eccentric

People with Cluster A personality disorders often display bizarre or unconventional behaviors. They may have interpersonal relationship difficulties due to their detached and peculiar tendencies. Cluster A personality disorders are as follows:

  • Paranoid Personality Disorder affects 2.3% to 4.4% of adults in the U.S. Symptoms include being suspicious or mistrustful of others or even believing others want to hurt them. People with this disorder may hold grudges or feel hesitant about confiding in others, even close friends or family. In some ways, PPD overlaps with schizophrenia but doesn’t present with the hallucinations typical of the latter.
  • Schizoid Personality Disorder: marked by indifference or detachment toward others. Those with schizoid personality disorder usually lack close relationships and prefer being alone. They’re usually described as aloof and withdrawn.
  • Schizotypal Personality Disorder features eccentric thoughts and behaviors and feeling uncomfortable in close relationships. People with this disorder may have fanciful or odd beliefs and display significant social anxiety. Psychologists estimate that 3% of the population suffers from this personality disorder.

Cluster B: Dramatic, Erratic

These personality disorders present with dramatic or overly emotional behaviors. People with personality disorders in this cluster may experience extreme emotions or display impulsive, careless, or even criminal behaviors. These personality disorders include:

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder: Around 7.6 million Americans have ASD, characterized by desires to intentionally harm others and a lack of empathy. They also lack remorse for their actions, giving them a propensity for criminal behaviors.
  • Borderline Personality Disorder: marked by instability in interpersonal relationships, intense emotions, fluctuating self-image, and impulsive behaviors. People with this disorder have an intense fear of abandonment and may have repeated suicide attempts.
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder: characterized by excessive emotion and attention-seeking behaviors. Those suffering from this disorder feel distressed when they’re not getting attention and may display exaggerated behaviors to gain attention.
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder: marked by an inflated self-image, need for attention, and lack of empathy for others. People with NPD tend to manipulate or take advantage of others to meet their needs.

increase mental health

Cluster C: Anxious, Fearful

Finally, those with Cluster C personality disorders display anxious, fearful, and sometimes depressed behaviors.

  • Avoidant Personality Disorder: characterized by extreme shyness, sensitivity to criticism, and feeling inferior to others. It often co-occurs with other disorders such as anxiety or social anxiety.
  • Dependent Personality Disorder: presents with overly dependent, clingy behaviors. People with this disorder fear being alone because they feel depending upon others to care for them. They may have difficulty making decisions without reassurance from loved ones.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may adhere to schedules and work excessively long hours. Note: This isn’t the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

So, now that we’ve covered the various personality disorders, we’ll discuss the criteria for diagnosing mixed personality disorders.

Psychology Explains 4 Signs Someone Has Mixed Personality Disorders

Some personality disorders have overlapping traits and many similarities. For instance, a narcissist and antisocial display a lack of empathy and propensity for anger. Borderlines and dependents show clingy behaviors and extreme fears of abandonment. Schizoid and avoidant personalities have social anxiety and lack confidence.

While some people have one personality disorder, it’s more common for patients to have a mixed personality disorder. Since behaviors within clusters share certain traits, it’s easy to see how they overlap and mix. Common inter-cluster (involving two more clusters) personality mixes include Narcissistic/Obsessive-Compulsive, Borderline/Avoidant, and Borderline/Dependent. However, studies have found that the most common presentations include Cluster A and C personalities, such as Schizoid/Avoidant.

While mixed personality disorders are pretty common, it’s important to remember that not all of them overlap. Some personality types have no similarities whatsoever, such as histrionic and schizoid. The former loves being in the spotlight, while the latter avoids attention.

Personality disorders often co-occur because they have traits that complement one another. Borderline and avoidant PDOs, for instance, share intense fears of rejection, criticism, and feelings of inadequacy. Both personality types have a negative self-image and avoid socializing unless necessary.

Four Key Signs of Mixed Personality Disorders

There aren’t clear signs or symptoms that point to multiple personality disorders. However, one could meet the diagnostic criteria for several personality disorders by having one or more of these signs:

  • A PD that doesn’t fit existing diagnostic criteria
  • Features of more than one personality disorder that causes significant dysfunction
  • A clinically considerable variant of a specific diagnosis
  • A specific personality disorder not listed in the DSM but still applicable, such as depressive personality disorder

personality disorders

Final Thoughts on Signs of Mixed Personality Disorders

As we said above, diagnosing mixed personality disorder is challenging because no specific criteria exist. That’s why the DSM-5 refers to it as an unspecified or other specific personality disorder. Despite the difficulties in making a diagnosis, it’s common for patients to exhibit several personality disorders due to overlapping traits.

Remember that some personality disorders cannot co-exist because of their stark contrasts. The most common mixed personality disorders include Cluster A and C because of their fearful, sometimes bizarre tendencies. However, only a licensed psychologist can properly diagnose due to the complex nature of personality disorders.

Couples Explain How There’s No Perfect Marriage But It’s Still Worth the Work

Most people would love to have a perfect marriage. But in the real world, life doesn’t work that way. In the beginning, marriage may seem like rainbows and butterflies during the honeymoon phase, sure. However, when the excitement settles down, reality crashes the party. Bills, work, kids, responsibilities, and chores become part of the everyday routine, and romance takes a back seat.

Some people may find that mundane and not even worth the effort. Unfortunately, divorce rates continue to rise because of our glorified idea of marriage. TV shows and movies have given many people the unrealistic notion that married life should resemble a fairytale. In this world, nothing ever goes wrong, and the couple lives happily ever after. However, real life can never meet the high standards set by filmmakers.

Not to mention, most people would get bored of a perfect marriage after a while. If you didn’t face challenges together as a couple, you would never grow or be able to appreciate your blessings. So, you shouldn’t wish for a perfect marriage; you should hope for a partner who will stand by you, for better or worse. It’s always worth the effort when you’re with the right person.

Couples Explain Why A Perfect Marriage Doesn’t Exist (But That’s Okay)

Today’s world seems obsessed with instant gratification due to the advent of technology and consumer culture. We always hear how we need to buy the latest gadget, fly to a different country, or get happiness from outside ourselves.

We’ve also sold this lie through the movie industry since they love to draw people in with fairytales. Eventually, though, we grow up and realize that life isn’t that simple. Would we even want it to be?

perfect marriage

Hard Times Strengthen Your Bond

We’d probably still feel unsatisfied if we never encountered obstacles and everything always went our way. Couples who face hard times together grow closer and appreciate one another more. They feel thankful to have found their person to navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of life with. For instance, a landmark study found that couples experienced a natural disaster felt more satisfied in their relationship, at least temporarily.

This bond probably happens because everyday life’s petty arguments and troubles seem trivial compared to a fire or hurricane. In those times, you put aside your differences and focus on survival, making you aware of life’s fragility. You’re just grateful to have your partner’s support as you face a life-threatening situation and deal with the storm’s aftermath.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should hope for a monster hurricane to come barreling toward your city. However, you can still apply the lessons learned from the study and focus on appreciating your partner daily. Please think of the little things they do to make your life easier or their sacrifices for your relationship. If you remind yourself of your partner’s positive traits, you won’t wish for a perfect marriage. You’ll feel grateful for the one you’ve got.

Loving Someone Isn’t Just Based on Emotions.

As we said earlier, the honeymoon phase won’t last forever. Once it fades, you have a partner whom you committed to spending your life with, in sickness and health and for better or worse. Many people believe that their love has faded if they don’t feel those butterflies all the time. This leads to resentment, heartache, passive-aggressiveness, and sometimes even cheating or divorce.

When your initial excitement about the relationship fades, you must remember why you married your partner. What did you love about them when you first met them? Remembering why you fell in love will hopefully put things in perspective and convince you to stay, even if it’s not a perfect marriage. Love becomes a choice after a while, and we decide to offer our devotion to a significant other each day.

Of course, some reasons for splitting up are warranted, and we’re not here to give relationship advice. We want to remind couples considering divorce that a relationship will always take hard work. But, it’s worth it to fight for your relationship, especially if you’ve been together for many years.

Expecting a Perfect Marriage Leaves No Room for Growth

If you’re looking for a perfect marriage, you’ll spend your whole life searching and never find it. We live in a dualistic reality, so the rollercoaster can’t ascend forever. Eventually, it must come down before rising once again. Having hard times once in a while makes life more meaningful and teaches you valuable lessons along the way.

If you’re a perfectionist, you may try your hardest to avoid painful or difficult experiences because you can’t control them. However, you can’t grow if you’re not willing to step outside your comfort zone.

In a relationship, many of the same rules apply. If you want to live a satisfying life and enjoy your marriage, you’ll have to take the good with the bad. Life isn’t a math formula, precise. It’s messy and chaotic. It will also take you on a wild ride through it all. However, if you’re flexible, open, and committed to experiencing it all with your partner, the idea of a perfect marriage will lose its appeal.

perfect marriage

Final Thoughts on Why You Shouldn’t Strive for Perfect Relationships

There’s nothing wrong with expecting certain things from your partner or having goals for your relationship. It only becomes a problem when unrealistic expectations prevent you from seeing reality clearly. In life, difficulties will inevitably arise because of the complexity of modern living. This challenge doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel, whether in relationships or general.

Facing the battles of life with your partner will make you appreciate them more deeply. You’ll feel grateful to have them by your side and remember why you signed up for this crazy ride with them in the first place. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it to experience life with your special someone, for better or worse.

6 Modified Burpees That Burn Fat and Make You Stronger

Burpees are a well-known exercise that offers many benefits. The workout isn’t for everyone because it’s not always beginner-friendly, but you can make it happen. You can learn to do the original exercise and some modified burpees with consistency and practice.

Burpees are a great way to increase your heart rate and get your muscles burning. Modified burpees can make the exercise easier or intensify the workout, depending on how you want it to go. As you become comfortable with the activity, you’ll see how you can modify it to make it work better for you.

This exercise doesn’t require any equipment, allowing you to skip the gym and work out at home. You can do burpees at home, making them perfect for busy people who don’t have lots of extra time. They are a full-body and high-intensity strength-training exercise, burning fat and helping you get into shape quicker than other options.

Benefits of Burpees

Burpees are an intense bodyweight exercise, and they’re quite a bit of work. They work almost every muscle in the body, so you feel the burn everywhere. It exhausts every muscle group, making it one of the most intense exercises.

They also burn more calories in less time than other exercises. Burpees improve your overall workout, helping your heart rate increase and promoting greater endurance. This exercise improves your stamina and cardiovascular health.

Burpees don’t take much time and, since you can do them anywhere, they’re a perfect option for busy people. When you don’t have time for a jog or full workout, burpees can get you the exercise you need.

With the many modified burpees out there, you’re sure to find one that works for you. Many people believe the exercise is too intense, but you can adjust it to work for you while still reaping the benefits.

modified burpees

Why You Should Try Modified Burpees

You might want to try modified burpees to switch your daily workout routine. Some people find modified burpees easier, making them a beneficial alternative to the original. Pregnant women and people with sensitive joints may benefit from a lower impact version.

The Original Burpee Exercise

You can’t modify an exercise that you don’t know anything about, so it’s essential to understand the original version. The workout originated as a physical fitness test but has intensified over the years, becoming one of the best exercises for getting super fit. An original burpee doesn’t require a push-up or jump at the end of the exercise.


  • Squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you
  • Jump back into a push-up or plank position
  • Jump forward, returning your feet to the original position
  • Stand up and repeat the exercise until you can’t anymore

Modified Burpees to Get Super Fit

Learning how to do modified burpees can change your workout routine for the better. Choose the one that works for you, your body, and your needs.

1. Elevated Burpees

This modified version is beginner-friendly and lower-impact than the original. It’s gentler on your joints, but you will still feel the burn in your arms, core, glutes, and legs.


  • Find an elevated surface like a chair or something similar, and place it in front of you.
  • Bend over, putting both hands on the surface
  • Jump your feet backward, planking before you reverse the movement
  • Reverse by jumping forward and standing back up
  • Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds

For an added challenge, attempt a push-up while in the plank position, just before you stand back up. You can also jump up when you stand, adding more cardio.

However, you can make the exercise easier by stepping back into the plank position rather than jumping. Please don’t overdo it in the beginning, either. Start slow and gradually increase your speed as you become comfortable with the movement.

2. Half Burpee

A half burpee doesn’t require going into a push-up position like you would for the original. Plus, half burpees put more emphasis on jumping than other variations do.


  • From a standing position, plant your hands on the ground
  • Pop your feet back until you’re in a plank position and immediately pull them back to the front
  • Stand or jump, depending on the level of intensity you want
  • Repeat the movement until you feel the burn in all of your muscle groups

When you stand or jump, make sure to extend your body. If you don’t expand, you won’t work all the intended muscles.

3. Modified Burpees Pull-ups

When you add a pull-up to your burpee, you target every muscle group in your body. It’s the ultimate workout and doesn’t take much time at all.


  • Stand straight with your arms at your sides and feet hip-width apart
  • Bend your knees and lower your hips while placing your hands on the outside of your feet
  • Kick your legs back until you’re in a push-up position
  • Quickly pull your legs forward again and return to a standing position
  • Jump straight up and do a pull-up
  • Repeat the exercise as many times as you can without losing form

When you do the pull-up, you can pause before doing it or jump straight into it. If you don’t wait, it leads to a more intense workout. Make sure you don’t let your hips get too low when you’re in the push-up position, and do each rep as quickly as you can.

4. Burpee Box Jumps

The burpee box jumps exercise targets muscles from all over your body, although it targets the quads. You’ll need a box or other surface that you can jump onto. This variation requires you to jump higher, making it a good exercise for intensifying your workout.


  • Stand in front of your box or platform with your arms at your sides and feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend at the hips and knees, placing your hands on the ground
  • Hop backward, extending your legs behind you into a push-up position.
  • Do a push-up
  • Quickly hop forward, placing your feet back beneath you
  • Stand up, and jump onto the box with both feet
  • Jump down, return to your starting position, and repeat the exercise until you tire out

As you do this exercise, keep a pace that allows you to stay in control of your movements. If you go too fast, you could lose a proper form or injure yourself.

5. Alternating One-Arm Bench Burpee

You’ll need a flat bench or another surface to lay on for this exercise. Keep your core tight while exercising, and take it slow until you have it down.


  • Stand facing a flat bench with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Bend at your hips and knees, placing one hand on the bench and the other behind your back
  • Jump backward to extend your legs behind you into a push-up position
  • Reverse the movement, bringing your feet back underneath you
  • Hop around and forth as quickly as you can, rotating your arms as you go

While you’re supposed to have one hand behind your back, you can adjust as necessary. You can place that hand on your hip or raise it to the side to help you stay balanced.

6. Burpee Tuck Jumps

This modified burpee will quickly raise your heart rate and build your upper body and core strength. It improves cardio fitness while helping with fat burning.


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, tightening your core from the start
  • Put both hands on the floor and jump back until you’re in a high plank position
  • Reverse the movement and bring your feet back towards your hands until you’re in a squat position
  • Explode into a jump while pulling your knees toward your chest
  • Draw your elbows in toward your knees while you’re in the air
  • Keep your knees slightly bent as you land, and repeat the movement as many times as you can

If you have knee or lower back injuries, the burpee tuck jump isn’t for you. You’ll want something with less impact on those areas of your body.

Other Ways to Do Modified Burpee Exercises

You can do any variation, including any modified burpees or the original. Once you’ve found the ones you’re comfortable with, you can make minor changes to customize your workout. There’s no correct way to do a burpee, as long as you focus on form and movement.

Some of the ways you can switch it up include the following:

  • Using dumbbells or weighted vests
  • Doing a knee push up instead of a regular one
  • Adding push-ups, pull-ups, or other movements into your exercise wherever you see fit
  • Skipping recommended push-ups or pull-ups to decrease the intensity
  • Adding mountain climbers
  • Doing long jumps

modified burpees

Final Thoughts on Modified Burpees That Will Help You Get Super Fit

Modified burpees engage almost every muscle group in your body. It results in a total body workout in a short amount of time. Plus, most variations don’t require equipment, allowing you to do them anywhere.

Practice the original burpee to see how you like it, and then you can adjust from there. Determine if you need something more manageable or would prefer more intensity. The best thing about burpees is that you can modify and variation as long as you focus on your form.

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