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10 Red Flags That Reveal a Resentful Partner

Every relationship has its share of difficulties. Indeed, the honeymoon phase fades away once you are together for a while. You’ll find that the minor things annoy you, and you may disagree and argue more than before. It’s these little arguments that can cause a resentful partner to exhibit negative behaviors.

If you don’t resolve them, resentment and contempt will creep in, and it can choke the life out of your relationship. Daily irritations will challenge you, but they are toxic to the relationship. When you have a resentful partner, a once harmonious union can turn poisonous if you don’t take steps to fix things immediately.

Ten Red Flags of a Resentful Partner

When a person looks for issues in their relationship, it’s always easier to examine the other person. However, it takes two to form this union, and each of you has feelings and opinions that can get in the way.

Both of you are different, and you should examine your faults and your partner’s issues. Here are some signs of a resentful partner that’s destroying your connection.

resentful partner

1. A Resentful Partner Picks Disputes

Once you’ve been together for a while, you will notice that there are times you tend to bicker more than others. However, there’s always a reprieve, and things go back to normal. When you have a resentful partner, the bickering can become constant.

When you fight over every little thing, you might conceal something that you both fail to address under the surface. Even couples who despise each other don’t fight this much, so where is all this aggression coming from?

2. Your Efforts Aren’t Appreciated

Everyone wants to feel appreciated, but it’s essential for a good foundation in a relationship. You can express appreciation by several methods, but verbal accolades are necessary.

If your partner isn’t respecting you and thanking you for the little things you do, it could be that they harbor bitterness towards you. When they stop saying “thank you,” lookout!

3. A Resentful Partner Makes Snide Comments Disguised as Jokes

Jokes should be funny. Still, it hurts when your partner says sarcastic, insulting, rude, or condescending things. Do they make you the butt of jokes in front of other people?

This cruel punchline only adds insult to injury. Maybe you’re trying to deny the intentions of your partner’s jokes, or you’re crying inside because you feel your relationship is dying. When the one you love becomes cruel, it’s a sign of anger and pent-up frustration that’s coming out.

According to Dr. Jacquelyn Johnson, when your partner says something so offensive to you, you need to call out the absurdity of tactlessness. Flip the script on them and see how it feels. Then, you should talk about it away from others and get to the core issue behind these comments.

4. They Will Constantly Badmouth You

It’s impossible to agree with everything that your partner says and does. Yet, the real problem comes into play when they start scolding you in front of others. It can be especially troubling for them to demean you in front of children or other family members.

The resentful partner will make no qualms about calling you out no matter who’s present, and it’s easy to see that the badmouthing and embarrassing behaviors are because they’re emotionally distressed.

5. Absence of Affection and Intimacy

One of the best things about being in a relationship is the affection and intimacy that you share. Consequently, when these things are missing, it’s a sign that something’s not right. Many folks withhold intimacy to retaliate against the other party, and it’s a sign they’re harboring bitterness.

A resentful partner won’t want to hug, kiss, give verbal affirmations, or have any physical intimacy as something beneath the surface makes them bitter.

6. Sadness and hopelessness are Common Sentiments

It’s not unusual for people to feel sad at their partner’s actions, but when one of you starts to feel hopeless, it’s another ballgame. Sadness is fleeting and usually only lasts for a specific amount of time. However, hopelessness can be hard to repair.

When you have a healthy relationship, there’s no room for hopelessness. When you lose hope in your future as a couple, it can be underlying bitterness that’s trying to destroy you from within.

7. Communication is Lacking

If you want to be together for the long haul, you must learn to communicate with one another appropriately. Communication is a foundational building block in your union and trust and honesty. When you stop talking to one another, you’re dooming your relationship to fail.

How much have you been talking to your partner lately, or are their conversations becoming rare? Have you become bored with one another, or is there anger replacing the love you once had? It’s time to evaluate why this vital part of your union is breaking apart and strive to fix it.

8. There Are Negative Changes in the Behavior of a Resentful Partner

Remember how nice it was when your partner made all these small gestures to show you how much they cared? All those little extra things have fallen, by the way, as this person has changed. The love of your life who once made things much easier has become a puzzle that you must try to figure out.

Maybe you’re the one with the problem, and you skip by their favorite candy bar at the grocery store because you don’t feel like buying it for them. Perhaps, the tension under the surface is anger from years of unaddressed issues, or one or both of you have become emotionally distressed in the relationship.

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9. Your Partner is Critical of You

When you’re in love, you should be able to voice your concerns with one another. Unfortunately, a resentful partner who was once easygoing has become critical of everything you do. On the inside, they’re emotionally distressed, and this has caused them to criticize the most insignificant things.

There may have bad feelings towards you or something you’ve done on the inside. When you push these issues off to another day, you’re breaking down the hard work you put into each other to develop a good relationship. Instead of positive communication with one another, yours has become quite harmful.

10. You See Passive-aggressive Behaviors in a Resentful Partner

One of the giant red flags that bitterness has crept into the relationship is passive-aggressive behaviors. When someone has become resentful, they usually act sarcastic or even vengeful. While it’s uncomfortable to watch or experience, it gives them a release they need from the pent-up frustration.

You may find their behavior confusing and unproductive. How can you resolve an issue if they won’t speak about it and would rather play games?

Healing the Rift with a Resentful Partner

Just because there are issues in your relationship doesn’t mean you’re doomed to fail. You can repair the problems and restore the love you once felt for each other. Here are some things you can do to improve and heal your connection.

•Apologize to Each Other

The first place to start when you want to heal your relationship is to apologize. You’ve done things wrong, and so have they, but it’s time to get this dirty laundry managed.


Make a conscious effort to communicate with one another. Addressing any concerns as soon as they arise is better than sweeping them under the rug. Set a time each night to talk about your day and things bothering you.

•Remember Why You’re Together

Sometimes, you need to get back to the basics and realize what initially attracted you to one another. You will see how easy it is to fall back in love when you start making a trip down memory lane.

•Make Time for One Another

When you don’t spend time together, you’re just asking for trouble. Make date night a priority, and try to carve out just a little bit of your day for the one who means so much to you. It’s effortless for anger and bitterness to creep in when you don’t spend enough time together.

•Get Professional Help if You Still Need Help Salving the Relationship with a Resentful Partner

If you’re serious about fixing things, seek professional help. You can mend the rift only if you both put your heart and soul into it.

resentful partner

Final Thoughts on Resentment in a Relationship

Every couple has some bumps in the road that make life uncomfortable. The difference between those who make it and those who don’t is showing support for each other–no matter what. A resentful partner harbors perpetual ill will towards the other person.

They have issues that aren’t being resolved rather than talking about them. They choose to act out. The sooner you deal with these issues, the less damage your relationship will suffer.

17 Quotes That Prove That You’re Braver Than You Think

Acknowledging your bravery allows you to experience mental strength and many other benefits. It helps you overcome adversity and get through hard times. If you ever doubt yourself, remember that you’re braver than you think, and you can get through anything.

Reading quotes that prove that you’re brave can serve as the perfect reminder. The quotes will remind you that you’re not alone in your struggle, and they’ll give you the courage to persevere. Plus, the words will help you appreciate being brave, urging you to do it in every situation.

You are brave each day when you deal with your daily struggles, even if you don’t realize it. When you could give up and let obstacles get the best of you, persevering shows your inner strength. Even if you don’t get recognition for being brave, it’ll build confidence and inner strength.

Being brave doesn’t mean you have to be fearless. Instead, it only means that you keep going even when you’re afraid. Use these quotes as a reminder that you are always more courageous than you realize.

Seventeen Quotes That Prove That You’re Braver Than You Think

These quotes prove that you’re braver than you think, offering inspiration each day of your life. As you relate to the words of others who have been in your position, you’ll recognize your true strength.


1. “I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” – Thomas Paine

You’ll run into trouble sometimes, but you can get through it. If you can smile through the hard times and find your inner strength from distress, you’re showing how brave you are. Not only will you feel good about it, but other people will look up to you for it, too.

2. “Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you don’t have strength.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

Sometimes you’ll feel like you can’t keep going. You’ll wonder how you can make something happen, and you might convince yourself it would be best to give up. If you can keep going even when these feelings overtake your thoughts, you’re being brave.

3. “There are so many ways to be brave in this world…Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through pain, and the work of every day, the slow walk toward a better life. That is the sort of bravery I must have now.” – Veronica Roth

Being brave doesn’t always require doing big things. Instead, it can be about going through your daily tasks and doing something to improve your life. As you go through each day, remind yourself that each step you take shows that you’re brave.

4. “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” – Dumbledore

Standing up to your enemies shows courage, but standing up to your friends is even more complicated. A good friend will someone when they cross a line or do something wrong. When you speak up to a friend or loved one, remember this quote and how brave you are.

5. “It takes courage…to endure the sharp pains of self-discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.” – Marianne Williamson

Discovering who you are is an act of courage, so don’t underestimate yourself along the journey. You could choose to sit back and live a dull life without meaning, but you aren’t doing that. Every time you do something that contributes to self-discovery, you’re being brave.

6. “A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.” – Mahatma Gandhi

As Gandhi explains in this quote, only brave people can exhibit love. If you can love and be loved, you’re already showing that you’re brave. Write this quote down and keep it somewhere you’ll frequently see as a reminder of your inner strength.

7. “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

Even when you feel like you didn’t do enough or let your obstacles get the best of you, there’s always tomorrow. If you can go to bed at the end of the day with a plan to try again tomorrow, you’re more courageous than you realize.

8. “If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” – Dale Carnegie

Sitting at home won’t allow you to push your limits or learn anything new. You can accomplish your goals and overcome your fear if you don’t do anything about it. Get out there and do what it takes to conquer fear and live a meaningful life.


9. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou

Things happen in life that you can’t control, but you can decide how you react. You might not like the situation, but staying positive and making the most of it shows how brave you are.

10. “Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” – Oprah Winfrey

You must struggle in life if you want to build strength and courage. If everything were easy, you’d never learn or grow resiliency. Embrace each struggle for the benefit it can be rather than viewing it as a reason to give up.

11. “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela

You’ll always experience fear in life, and it doesn’t make you weak. Instead, triumphing over the fear shows that you’re braver than you think. Each time you conquer a worry, you show how brave you are as you build inner strength.

12. “One small crack does not mean that you are broken. It means that you were put to the test, and you didn’t fall apart.” – Linda Poindexter

No one is perfect or flawless, so having a crack doesn’t have to be a bad thing. As Poindexter explains, the crack proves that you were tested and made it through. You persevered when things got hard, and your crack is only a reminder that you can overcome anything.

13. “Courage to me is doing something daring, no matter how afraid, insecure, intimidated, alone, unworthy, incapable, ridiculed or whatever other paralyzing emotion you might feel.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

When you feel any negative emotions expressed in this quote, it’s okay. You are still strong despite the negativity telling you otherwise. Use this quote to remember that you can overcome even the most intense feelings.

Keep pushing and do daring things, even when you feel like running the other way. When you keep going, it shows your courage more than anything else.

14. “Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that’s what makes you strong.” – Sarah Dessen

You might feel like hiding when things get hard, but most people can resist the urge. If you persevere and face up to complicated situations, you’re exhibiting more strength than you give yourself credit for. You show your power each time you keep pushing forward amid hardship.

15. “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Fear will convince you that you can’t do something, but you can make anything happen. When you push past those feelings that you can’t do something, you’re showing strength and courage. Face all of your fears, and don’t let them stop you from doing what you want and need to do.

16. “To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” – Criss Jami

Some people might want to hide their weaknesses, but that’s not the way to do it. When you show your weaknesses, it makes you vulnerable and shows how strong you are. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to show that you’re brave in this way. Sharing weaknesses and vulnerability have a way of bringing people together and promoting inner strength.

17. “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.” – Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)

Please do not underestimate your capacity to be braver than you ever thought possible. Remove your self-imposed limitations. Even when you feel all alone, know that those who love you will be right there to cheer you on.


Final Thoughts on Quotes That Prove That You’re Braver Than You Think

These quotes will help you remember that you are braver than you think. Even when things get hard, your courage and inner strength shine through and help you overcome. If you ever feel like you aren’t brave enough, come back and reread these quotes.

It might help to write down your favorite quotes to keep with you for later reference. The more often you read the passages, the more ingrained the idea becomes in your mind. Utilize these quotes that prove you’re braver than you think, and you’ll find that your life becomes more meaningful.

20 Behaviors That Help Optimists Look at the Sunny Side

There are many things in life that you can’t change. The good news is that you can change your attitude about them. Optimism is a tool that can help you stay on the sunny side of life.

When you approach life with an optimistic attitude, you will attract positive things that help you thrive instead of merely surviving.  Are you unsure how you can muster that positive thinking? We have some ideas to help you.

Twenty Behaviors That Help You Look at the Sunny Side

It’s just as easy to have positive thoughts as negative ones. With a bit of work, you can change your mindset and life. Here are twenty ways optimists look at the sunny side–even on their worst days.

1. Practice Gratitude

Do you know that special feeling you have when someone surprises you with a gift? When you smile and offer a sincere “thank you,” your thankfulness is a blessing to the giver. Try to keep that attitude of gratitude with everything in your life, which only makes things brighter.

Remember to thank everyone for the smallest acts of kindness. Count your blessings and consider creating a gratitude list. The more gratitude you show, the more positive affirmations you send into the Universe.

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2. Spend Time Outdoors–on the Literal Sunny Side

If you want to stay on the sunny side, it makes sense that you spend some time outdoors. Mother Nature is the perfect mentor to show you how to be more optimistic. She teaches you that the dark storms won’t last forever, and a stunning rainbow can inspire you.

Even if you have an indoor job, try to go outside and get some fresh air during breaks. Spend a weekend camping in the woods or spend an afternoon at the seashore. Delight in watching the beautiful wildlife that shares this world with you.

3. Do Good Deeds

Saying something kind and uplifting to someone doesn’t cost you a cent. In fact, being kind to others is priceless. If you want to be more optimistic, try bringing other people to the sunny side by doing good deeds.

According to an article published by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, doing kind deeds for others makes a brighter world. Per the article, it can also boost your serotonin levels and make you feel happier. What’s there not to love about bringing joy to other people and yourself?

4. Use Your Sense of Humor

Another great way to keep on the sunny side is to keep your sense of humor. No wonder even ancient physicians prescribed laughter as a medication. It soothes your spirit, lightens your burdens, and boosts positive thoughts.

Keep a good sense of humor and enjoy a hearty laugh every day. Please don’t take our word for it… here’s advice from one of history’s great thinkers.

“He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.” – Epictetus

Watch a funny movie with your partner or go to a comedy club. Read a joke book or some humorous essays. Never miss a moment to giggle, laugh, or even chuckle.

5. Rest Your Mind to Be Open to the Sunny Side

It’s not easy to have optimistic thoughts when your mind is exhausted. Your brain is just like every other part of your body. To perform at optimal levels, you need to give it some rest.

You don’t have to go to sleep to get rest. The best way to give your mind a break is by diversion. Do something relaxing and stop focusing on problems for a while. A well-rested brain is more apt to find better solutions and make you more positive.

6. Surround Yourself with Other People Who See the Sunny Side of Things

Remember the old saying that one rotten apple can spoil the whole basket? It’s the same way with a pessimistic attitude. When you hang around people who are always grumping and spouting negativity, their attitude soon rubs off on you.

Instead, surround yourself with people who have a positive outlook on life. It doesn’t mean they are perfect or without problems. They have just learned to accept life as it comes and improves their coping skills.

7. Avoid Ruminating about the Past and Worrying about the Future

It’s disheartening to see how many people waste their present by living in the past. They often begin their thoughts with “if only” and “what if.” These statements are not evidence-based. Moreover, they can harm your well-being.

Neither is it healthy to worry about the future. Counselors often observe how so many people have anxiety over things that will never happen. That’s enough to make you want to live in the present and be happy.

8. Try to Find the Positive in Situations

Having an optimistic view doesn’t mean that you are oblivious and carefree. Nor does it mean that you live in a world where everything works out perfectly. You can be a realist but still, hope for the best.

9. Practice Mindful Breathing

In the Greek language, the word “pneuma” is the same for breath as it is for the spirit. Yogic traditions also equate your energy with breathing. Mindful breathing works in tandem with yoga practice and other mindful exercises.

Try taking a slow, deep breath through your nostrils and holding it for several seconds when you feel stressed. Then, gently exhale through your mouth, aware of the warm, life-giving oxygen. Mindful breathing benefits your body as well as boosts your spirit.

10. Take A Walk

The next time you feel frustrated or downhearted, try taking a walk. It is good exercise, but it gives you time to free your mind. Walk around the block or wander through a park or the forest.

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11. Connect with a Friend

Being connected to others is a basic human need. It’s what builds a sense of community and personal empathy. While you need some solitary time, don’t forget to reconnect with your circle of family and friends.

12. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re probably cranky in the morning. You go throughout the day in a zombie state, looking for the next cup of coffee. According to an article published by Harvard Medical School, positive thoughts can lead to better sleep.

Conversely, negativity can interrupt your sleep patterns. It can create a brain fog that makes it difficult to concentrate. Give the sheep a break and think on the sunny side for better slumber.

13. See the Sunny Side by Giving Yourself a Pep Talk

Do you ever pay attention to how you talk to yourself? Do you create positive affirmations in your mind, or is it a constant inner chatter of negativity? Boost your self-esteem and confidence by repeating positive affirmations and mantras that resonate with your spirit.

14. Get Your Body Moving

If you live like a couch potato, you’re bound to be more pessimistic. A daily exercise regimen keeps you physically fit, but it benefits your mind and spirit. Getting healthier is something to bring you more joy and may extend your lifespan.

15. Do Something Fun

There’s a reason why people say that all work and no play make you dull. While you need to work for a living, you still need some time for fun. Schedule time for some of your favorite hobbies or do something exciting with your family or friends.

16. Write in Your Journal

Journaling is an ideal way to put your thoughts and feelings into words. As you reflect on your entries, you can see moments that inspired you and made you happy. You can build on your experiences and compose a gratitude list.

17. Practice Meditation

You don’t have to resign yourself to an aesthetic lifestyle to benefit from meditation. Designate a quiet space in your home or office to sit or lie quietly. As you practice mindful breathing, allow your brain to clear itself of negative thoughts and be in the moment.

18. Nourish Your Soul

There’s a big difference between being religious and being spiritual. You needn’t belong to any particular religion to attend to your soul. You also don’t have to appeal to a specific deity to reap spiritual benefits.

Nourish your soul with meditation, visualization, prayer, or whatever works. Maybe you attend a place of worship and find comfort in faith traditions. Remember that your spirit is just as important as your body and mind.

19. Celebrate Small Victories

Are you tired of procrastinating your joy? Take a walk on the sunny side and use any occasion to celebrate. When you lose a few pounds, break a bad habit, or finish a project at work, make a celebration of it.

20. Bring the Sunny Side to Others

One of the best ways to cultivate joy in your life is to bring it to others. Consider volunteering for a worthy cause that’s dear to your heart. It makes you feel good, and you’ll be doing something worthwhile for others.

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Final Thoughts on Finding the Sunny Side So You Can Stay Optimistic in Life

While nobody walks on cloud nine every minute, the good can still outweigh the bad. Joy isn’t an emotion but rather a choice that you make. When you choose to be positive, your path will be brighter and your life sweeter.

8 Ways to Show Gratitude Besides Saying Thank You

Most folks find it effortless to thank you, as it just rolls off the tongue. The problem is that you say these two words every day and don’t think much about them. For example, when you stopped to get a coffee on the way to work, you said “thank you” to the clerk who handed you your change. That’s not to say you should not be grateful.

But this phrase can mean everything or nothing at all. You’re not thankful you got change back, but you’re being polite. There’s a significant difference between someone who shows gratitude and those who use the term for lip service.

It all comes down to being appreciative. Being grateful comes from a different place deep inside, and it’s about more than a phrase you use repeatedly. Most parents want their children to grow up and show gratitude, but you must be willing to live by example to teach your children.

A typical scenario is to examine two children from different financial circles. One child gets everything they want and could care less if their parents buy them another new outfit, as they already have an overflowing closet. However, that new outfit would mean everything to a child who doesn’t have much and only wears hand-me-downs.

So many kids grow up having everything handed to them, and they aren’t thankful for their blessings. It’s time for parents to stand up, change this entitled dynamic, and help their kids be more grateful for all they have.

Eight Ways to Show Gratitude…Back up Your Words with Positive Action

Showing thankfulness is not always easy, especially when you’ve had a bad day or don’t feel well. However, you must realize that people are watching you, especially your family. Your kids see how you react during the good and challenging times, and you must have the right attitude. Here are some ways to show gratitude more in your life and be a more positive person.

show gratitude

1. Making Thanksgiving a Habit

Did you know that you can make appreciativeness a habit? Do you tend to complain a lot about the smallest things in your life? Well, instead of always focusing on the bad stuff, why not develop an attitude of gratitude?

Each day, make an effort to recite what you’re thankful for and make it a fun game with your children. Some people use sticky notes to post these things, or you can write them down on paper or a whiteboard. Here are some things that you can be grateful for each day:

  • A lovely home to live in
  • A car to get you where you need to go
  • Clothes and shoes to wear
  • Food to eat
  • A family who loves you
  • Toys/books/video games and extra things to do together
  • A job that pays the bills
  • A supportive partner

When you start teaching your children to be grateful for their house, they will think and treat it differently. Why not take them to an area where you see homeless people? They will learn to appreciate that home more when considering the options.

Sometimes, parents must give children a glimpse at the harsh realities of life to realize the blessings. It’s a lesson for everyone in the family when you step into someone else’s shoes for just a moment.

2. Communicate Your Why You Feel Gratitude

You miss many opportunities each day to display your gratitude for all to see. For instance, assume your spouse started your car and warmed it up for you before work. By thanking them publicly and telling your family how nice it is to have someone who goes the extra mile, you’re displaying how to show gratefulness.

What about the nice big backyard or a nearby park where your little ones play? Why not remind them of how nice it is to have ample space for them to enjoy the great outdoors? You are showing them thankfulness, but you’re causing them to be present at the moment. They will look at that yard again with fresh eyes and see all the things they might have taken for granted.

3. Make Random Gestures of Kindness

One thing you can try with your family is making gestures that show gratitude. For instance, having your family help out at a local food pantry or soup kitchen is one way to offer such Thanksgiving. You won’t have to say a word, but the mere act of serving those less fortunate will be lesson enough.

There’s always someone who has less than you, and if you stop your busy life and help for just a moment, it can change your perspective on many things. It’s a humbling experience to serve a fellow human being who may be down on their luck, and it shows not only gratitude but kindness.

4. Smile More Often to Show Gratitude

It’s impossible to have a heart full of thankfulness and walk around with a frown. Please notify your face if you’re happy and thankful for life’s blessings. You get the opportunity to show the world your attitude of gratitude by simply changing the expression on your face. Don’t think your spouse and kids won’t notice a change in your countenance.

When you have an ear-to-ear grin, it helps you feel better. Did you know smiling is contagious? According to a study from Penn State, you activate the orbitofrontal cortex in the brain when you smile. Something as simple as beaming can release neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

These hormones will help relax you, reduce stress, and lower your blood pressure and heart rate. As the cherry on top, it will lift your mood. The next time you feel down and out, start smiling; it will change you and those around you. Plus, it’s easier to show gratitude when smiling rather than frowning.

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5. Act Without Reward

The biggest blessings in life often come from the simplest gestures. Doing things like paying for the food for the car behind you, covering someone’s groceries in the line at the supermarket, or paying the toll across the bridge for another vehicle can boost your thankfulness.

The grateful waves that reverb from such an act put goodness into the atmosphere. Not only does it help you, but it profoundly helps someone else. Plus, your kids are sitting in the back seat as you do these things, and they will never forget when you show kindness and love to others.

6. Be Present

How often have you shown up to a family dinner or event, but you’re not there? Your mind is 100 miles away, and you’re on your cell phone or thinking about work. One way to show thanksgiving for your blessings is to be present and pay attention.

It’s challenging to clear your mind and be present with folks at a time. However, you’ll find it much easier to show appreciation when you engage with those who mean so much to you. Put your phone and all distractions away and open your ears and mind to be a good listener.

7. Grow and Become a Better Person

Someone who is genuinely grateful for their blessings will want to further it. When you grow, you want to spread your attitude of gratitude around. If you find yourself taking things for granted, it will result in complacency, which will only stunt spiritual and emotional growth.

Life is full of little lessons that help you become a better person, but you’re stagnating if you’re not growing and becoming better. Have you ever been around a water source that doesn’t move or get enough oxygen? It smells like rotten eggs because it’s stagnated. Seize every opportunity in life to become a better you and never decline.

8. Give Hugs to Show Gratitude

Like smiling, hugging someone also releases those feel-good chemicals and is just as beneficial for you as the person on the receiving end. According to Step to Health, hugging can be as powerful for your heart as cutting out all salt. It’s pretty profound to think that such a small gesture has such an impact.

Plus, consider the benefits to the other person who needed that hug and feel your warmth. It might be what keeps them going the rest of the day. Another study from the National Library of Medicine found that couples that hug more often have higher levels of oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, surging through their bodies. Additionally, experts found these people can live longer due to better heart health.


Final Thoughts on How to Show Gratitude Through Action, Instead of Uttering Empty Words

The next time you utter the words “thank you,” stop and realize if you’re paying someone lip service or if you genuinely mean it. There are many other ways to show gratitude towards others and teach your children the benefits of a heart of thanksgiving. What can you do today to change the world around you by simply being more grateful?

13 Quotes to Remember on Days When You Feel Invisible

There will be days when you feel invisible to everyone around you, but you don’t have to let it disrupt your peace—feeling like no one sees or hears you will quickly diminish your sense of self-worth if you allow it. However, these quotes can help you feel better and remember your value and self-worth.

These quotes will remind you of your self-worth, boosting your confidence. Self-confidence will allow you the comfort to use your voice and be heard. Don’t let the feeling of invisibility stop you from speaking up.

Using these quotes to build or maintain self-esteem and a sense of self-worth can make a difference in your life. You’ll feel better about who you are and easily forgive your mistakes. Plus, you’ll be more resilient when you feel invisible to the people around you.

Five Reasons Why You Might Feel Invisible

It’s tricky to pinpoint exactly why you feel invisible sometimes. Identifying the source of the feeling can help you overcome and move on, remembering how valuable you are. Reading quotes can help you feel better, but you must first understand where the negative feelings stem from.

1 – You Feel Invisible If You Did Not Learn to Speak up for Yourself

Some parents teach their children to listen without speaking, which can cause feelings of invisibility in adulthood. You learned to be physically present while not calling attention to yourself. It makes it hard to voice your opinion and speak up in groups, even when you want to.


2 – Ignoring Your Feelings Can Make You Feel Invisible

If you don’t listen to your gut, there’s a good chance you’ll feel invisible. Your intuition is your brain making quick and beneficial decisions for you. When you don’t honor your feelings, it leads to feeling invisible and unimportant.

3 – You Feel Invisible Because You Are a People-Pleaser

When you always try to make other people happy, it forces you to sacrifice your visibility. Being a people-pleaser teaches people to expect things out of you. When you constantly do whatever helps or pleases others, they stop noticing you and your actions.

4 – Lack of Presence in the Moment Can Lead You to Feel Invisible

If you feel like no one sees you, you could have mentally checked out. You might be thinking about other things no matter what you’re doing, living on auto-pilot instead of seeing what’s around you. Being present requires engaging with the world around you and seeking passion in your life.

5 – Low Self-Confidence Can Make You Feel Invisible

Feeling visible and vital can be tricky if you lack self-confidence. It makes you feel like no one sees you, sometimes even yourself. Luckily, you can build self-confidence and make a beneficial change.

Thirteen Quotes to Remember on Days When You Feel Invisible

Now that you know why you feel invisible, you can use these quotes to motivate a change. Breaking habits of being quiet and letting people overlook you will improve things.

Start opening up in a safe space of people you love, and then it’ll become easier to do in other situations. For now, use these quotes to help you get started.

1. “Power doesn’t have to show off. Power is confident, self-assuring, self-starting and self-stopping, self-warming and self-justifying. When you have it, you know it.” – Ralph Ellison

When you feel like no one sees you, remember that you don’t need anyone else to validate you. Power doesn’t need acknowledgment from others. If you’re confident in yourself, you’re the only one who has to know what you’re capable of.

2. “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” – Robert Morley

If you feel invisible because you spend all your time doing things for others, this Morley quote is for you. When you love yourself, it won’t matter if other people see you. On days you feel like no one sees you, remember this quote and do something that boosts your self-love. You can’t always change others, but you can remind yourself of your worth.

3. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

You deserve to put yourself first, so make it a point to do things yourself. It’ll remind you of your value and encourage others to recognize your worth.

4. “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” – Marie Curie

Sometimes you have to remind yourself that you have to get through the hard times and negative thoughts. If you feel invisible, make it a point to go out there and get what you need or want. Don’t let the feeling of invisibility stop you from believing in yourself.

5. “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

When the negative feelings set in, it’s time to shift your mindset. Start setting goals so that you have things to focus on. When you consistently check things off the list, you’ll feel sure of who you are, and other people will see it.

6. “The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you’ll make one.” – Elbert Hubbard

Your fear of making a mistake can hold you back and feel unseen. Stop worrying about what could happen, and get out there to chase your dreams. You can learn from every mistake, helping you grow and improve each time.


7. “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” – Anna Taylor

Other people might make you feel unseen if you don’t set and enforce boundaries. When you constantly spend all of your time and energy on others, they might start taking advantage of it. Remember to prioritize yourself when you manage your time so that others recognize that it’s what you expect.

8. “Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” – E. E. Cummings

If you want everyone to recognize your worth, you must allow yourself to show them. Believe in yourself and start exploring the world and achieving your dreams. You’ll be visible to everyone around you when you believe in yourself enough to take risks.

9. “Always be yourself–express yourself, have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee

Being yourself is the best way to gain visibility. You can’t be like someone else and expect anyone, including yourself, to recognize your worth. Speak up, stick to your values, and believe in yourself, and it’ll get you further than anything else.

10. “I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.” – Anne Freud

Don’t look to other people for validation. You know who you are and the best thing you can do is look to yourself for the visibility you need.

11. “Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball

If you love yourself, you won’t question your visibility as often. When you do, turn to this quote and practice self-love. It’ll make you feel better than finding recognition from outside sources.

12. “Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others, because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” – Lao Tzu

You don’t have to convince anyone else of your worth. If you’re happy with yourself, that’s the only thing that matters. When you feel invisible, remind yourself that what others think of you doesn’t matter. Focus on self-acceptance and self-love, and everything else will fall into place.

13. “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.” – Shannon L. Alder

Sometimes the only way to feel like people see you is to evaluate who you spend time with. If you know someone doesn’t value you, you owe it to yourself to eliminate or decrease their presence in your life. You don’t deserve to feel like someone doesn’t prioritize you, and it’s up to you to make the change.


Final Thoughts on Quotes to Remember on Days When You Feel Invisible

Everyone feels invisible sometimes, but you can overcome the sensation. Remember why you might feel this way and do what you can to make beneficial changes. Then, use these quotes to get through the hard days.

These quotes help you remember all the reasons you are visible. They also help you make the necessary changes to recognize your value and develop self-confidence.

10 Signs It’s Time to Put Down Your Phone and Be More Present

What’s the first thing you reach for when you wake up in the morning? If you’re like most Americans, you’ve no doubt grabbed your phone to check social media and any emails or messages you’ve received. Do you struggle to put down your phone and connect with the people in front of you?

It may be harder to leave your phone and be present in the moment than you think. People are addicted to their cell phones. These tiny devices have replaced alarm clocks, radios, televisions, and even computers.

You can pay your bills, grocery shop, talk with friends, video chat, text, and even work from the convenience of this little handheld device. Sadly, your cell phone can become a terrible addiction–like drugs or alcohol.

Signs It’s Time to Put Down Your Phone

Nomophobia is an addiction to a cell phone. Indeed, the condition represents a real problem. The journal Addictions claims that more than 84 percent of the population can’t give up their phone for even one day.

Here are some signs that you’ve become addicted to your cell. It’s time to put down your phone and start living in the present.

put down your phone

1. You’re Spending Too Much Time Connected

Under the settings function of your phone, you can see how long you’ve been online. If you’re spending hours on the phone and missing out on vital opportunities to connect with your family, you’re hurting your relationships. Additionally, when you put down your phone for a bit, you will have time to do all those things you keep saying there’s no time to do.

2. You Panic if You Leave Home Without It

Outside of the apparent need to have a phone while being on life’s busy roadways, some people panic if they leave forget it. They worry about calls they’ve missed, emails, and any text messages that might come in. Some folks are so attached to their cell that they would drive an hour back home and be late for work to get this beloved electronic.

3. Put Down Your Phone if You Check Email and Messages Every Few Minutes

It’s not bad enough that you must have that phone glued to your side every minute of every day, but you also check it constantly. If you counted how many times you checked your notifications in a day, you know it would be in the hundreds. You’re so afraid of missing something that you’ve developed an obsessive-compulsive habit of checking and rechecking your device.

4. You Avoid Cell Phone Restricted Places

If you go to church, business meetings, or dinner with executives, you can’t pull your phone out and check up on things. However, you try to restrict these occasions because you don’t want to be that long without your cell. In fact, you would go to the restroom a few times and fake a sickness if it meant checking your phone.

Heaven forbid your neighbor posts a new story on their social media wall, and you miss it. It’s apparent to you and everyone around you that you have a cell phone addiction.

5. People Complain About Your Cell Phone Addiction

Being mindful means listening to your spouse and children talk about their day, and you take it all in. However, your family often tells you that you need to put down your phone and be more present. Sure, you’re sitting at the table and eating with them, but you’re scrolling through Facebook or TikTok while you do it.

Your mind is 100 miles away, and it’s beginning to take a toll on your relationships. Things are so bad that your spouse must ask you to turn off the phone and give them your undivided attention, and you get upset when they make such demands.

smartphone addiction cell phone addiction

6. You’ve Lost Interest in Hobbies and Activities

The cell phone has dominated your life to the point where you wouldn’t think of going bowling, fishing, or doing other activities that you once enjoyed. While you’re fishing out on the lake, you know that there’s terrible cell reception, so you avoid a once-beloved hobby due to your phone.

Part of mindfulness is noticing all those little things around you, and a lake is a perfect place to take in the splendor of Mother Nature. Can you enjoy the cool breeze, the frogs and their lily pads, or the fish jumping trying to get a bite when you’re on that phone? It’s time to put down the phone and start living and being present in the moment.

7. You Think Your Phone is Buzzing When It’s Not

When a mother has a new baby, she’s often on edge, not wanting the child to sit and cry. She will be so anxious about her new bundle of joy that she may get up to check on them several times for false alarms. She thinks the baby is crying, but her nerves make her hear things that aren’t real.

These behaviors also occur in people with a cell phone addiction. Some people have a phone but know how to keep it in perspective. If you don’t let it get out of hand, it’s a valuable tool. However, it crosses the line when you’re on edge waiting for it to ring or ding, imagining it.

According to the National Library of Medicine, some folks are more inclined to have a cell phone addiction than others. Studies have shown that those with mental health issues like depression and anxiety are more apt to be addicted. Additionally, they’ve found that impulsive and introverted people are more affected than others.

8. Put Down Your Phone if It  Disrupts Your Sleep

Are you losing sleep because you stay up half the night scrolling through your phone? You tell yourself that you’ll only watch two videos on TikTok before it’s lights out, but that was three hours ago.

You’re losing precious sleep because you can’t put the phone down. How can you possibly be present at work tomorrow when you’re exhausted and lacking the rest your body needs?

9. You Need Your Phone to Calm You

When you feel stressed and anxious, do you grab your phone to try to make it better? Many folks think that they can self-soothe by playing a game or watching videos. While it’s good to find something that can calm you down, why not turn to people instead of devices?

10. You Have Neck Pain from Constant Browsing

Like most addictions, there’s always some pain that comes along with it. Your neck hurts from all the looking down, and you might even have pains in your hands, wrists, and fingers. There’s a price to pay for being on that phone so much, and the loss of mindfulness isn’t the only issue.

Alarming Facts About Cell Phone Dependency

Perhaps you’ve tried several times to give up your cell phone, but you can’t be without it no matter what you try. When you put down your phone, you can be more mindful of the things going on around you and have better relationships. Here are some alarming statistics from studies reported by Slick Text.

  • Around 45 percent of parents believe their children have a cell phone addiction.
  • Teachers report that more than 67 percent of their students are distracted by their phones.
  • Over 22 percent of people admit that they can’t go without checking their cell phone every few minutes.
  • In England, over 47 percent of the population admitted to having a cell phone addiction.
  • Teenagers admit that more than 52 percent of them sit on their phones while they’re with their friends.
  • Around 71 percent of the population sleeps with their phone by their bed.
  • Nearly 25 percent of young adults from ages 18-to 24 have admitted they have fallen asleep with their phone in hand.
  • Only ten percent of folks think about their partner or spouse when they wake up, as the other 90 percent reach for the phone.
  • The National Safety Council released a report that stated that 1.6 million accidents, or around 28 percent, occur because of cell phone distractions. It’s hard to be mindful when driving and talking or texting. Due to these increases in accidents and deaths, many states are banning cell phone use while driving without a hands-free device.

cell phone addiction

Final Thoughts on Recognizing When It Is Time to Put Down Your Phone

When there’s a lack of mindfulness due to smartphone addiction, it can impact every facet of your life. If you’re on your phone, you’re not mindful, are easily distracted, can get into a car accident, and give a lackluster performance on your job. Additionally, it can hurt relationships that are important to you.

Do you feel that you’re addicted to your cell? The same treatment centers that focus on drug and alcohol recovery are now adding classes to help if you can’t put down your phone. Remember when there were payphones, and you had to get out of your car to call someone?

While you can’t reverse the hands of time, it was a simpler lifestyle with fewer hassles. Being connected 24 x 7 can bring some people much anxiety, taking away their quality of life. Do you need to be this connected, or is it taking a toll on your mental health?

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