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10 Fruit Trees You Can Grow in Pots (and How to Plant Them)

While it’s easy to go out and buy fruit at the grocery store, it’s even better to grow fruit trees in pots at home. Growing fruit in planters can be life-changing, and you’ll love having the plants in your home, too. However, the task might seem overwhelming if you are unsure of where to start.

Experts say that adults should consume 1.5 to 2.5 cups of fruit each day. This amount seems like an easy feat, but it’s only easy if you have fruit on hand. When you grow fruit trees at home, you will always have easily-accessible snacks.

Once you’ve decided that you want to grow fruit trees in pots, you must figure out the best ones to plant. You’ll want to consider the climate in your location, accessibility to the sun, and other essential factors. Plus, you must know how to plant them if you want your fruit trees to produce food.

Focus on Self-Fertile Trees to Start if You Want to Grow Fruit Trees

Self-fertile trees don’t require another plant for pollination, whereas self-sterile options do. You might take plants indoors, depending on the season, when growing plants in pots. It would help if you considered that they might not have the other plants they need unless you plant those, too.

It’s best to start with self-fertile plants so that you don’t have to worry about it in the beginning. There are pros and cons to both self-fertile and self-sterile fruit trees, so research each type.

Ten Fruit Trees You Can Grow in Pots (and How to Plant Them)

fruit trees

1. Avocado Trees

Avocado trees are a good option for growing in pots because you can use the seed from the fruit you eat. You’ll use three or four toothpicks to suspend the pit with the pointy side down in a glass of water.

Cover only about one inch of the avocado pit in water, and put the cup in a warm place. Make sure to avoid direct sunlight until the roots appear. Once you have roots, you can plant your avocado tree in a pot, leaving half of the seed exposed.

Avocado trees thrive in moderate humidity, and you must water them two or three times each week. You might have to wait five to thirteen years for the tree to produce an avocado, but it’s well worth the wait.

2. Apple Trees

Before growing an apple tree, you’ll want to remember how big they get. If you keep the tree in a pot indoors, you’ll likely want to choose a dwarf size apple tree. The seed you plant might not be the same tree you receive, as apple trees are self-sterile and require another seed or plant to bear fruit.

You can start apple trees as seeds, placing them on a damp paper towel inside a resealable plastic bag. Put the bag in the refrigerator for 70 to 80 days, waiting until you see shoots coming from the seeds. After planting your tree, please place it in a sunny location and water it every ten to twelve days.

Apple trees can take eight to ten years to bear fruit, so be patient. Additionally, these fruit trees require colder weather for part of the year, so they likely won’t survive in tropical areas.

3. Cherry Trees

To grow cherry trees in pots, you’ll need to place dried cherry seeds in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Leave the seeds for ten weeks, and when the shoots are ready, plant them in the pot of your choice. You don’t need multiple varieties of seeds because cherries are self-fertile.

Cherry trees require lots of sunlight and circulation, so use sandy soil for proper drainage. Keep the soil moist, watering anytime it starts to feel dry. After seven to ten years, watch for the tree to produce cherries.

4. Tangerine Trees

When growing tangerines in a pot, you’ll want to keep them in a well-lit location but avoid direct sunlight. The plants grow to around three or four feet tall, so keep that in mind when you plant them.

Choose soil that drains well, and be sure not to over soak it. If possible, use seeds from fresh fruit for a better chance of growth. It can take four to seven years for a tangerine seed to grow flowers and produce fruit.

5. Currant Trees

Currant trees are self-fertile, so they can quickly grow in a planter. You can choose from many varieties and colors, making it the perfect fruit tree for your home. Start with a container of about ten gallons, and gradually increase the size each year.

When you water the tree, aim to pour about an inch of water each week over the root zone. Avoid giving it a little water each day because that only moistens the surface area. Your currant tree can produce fruit in one to three years, so you don’t have to wait as long as others.

6. Plum Trees

Plums are a great option when planting fruit in a pot, but obtaining the seed takes a little work. Put one pit from a plum on a sunny windowsill for a few days, then use a nutcracker to break the shell and get the seed from inside. Be careful not to damage the seed as you crack open the pit.

Place the seed inside a container of water to see which ones sink. The seeds that drop are good to plant because it indicates they’ll sprout when you plant them. Leave the sunken seeds in the water overnight before planting them.

When you’re ready to plant, you’ll want to fill a container two-thirds full of soil or compost. Add a little water, and plant the seeds inside before sealing the container.

Put your sealed container in the refrigerator until the seeds germinate and sprout. This process can take six to eight weeks, so be patient. Once grown, plant the seeds in the soil using a pot a few inches deeper than the roots.

A plum tree can produce fruit in three to five years with proper care, including watering, sunlight, and humidity. The fruit might not be the same variety as what you consumed, so don’t be surprised it’s different.

fruit trees

7. Lemon Trees

Lemons are easy to grow from seeds because you can place them directly in the soil. If some don’t sprout, plant at least five to ten seeds. If some don’t germinate, make sure you water them two to three times each week.

It’s best to obtain seeds from a fresh lemon and try to gather the largest ones you can find. Lemon trees require lots of sunlight, and it takes five to fifteen years to bear fruit.

8. Peach Trees

You can plant peaches after removing their seeds from the pits. Before planting peach seeds in a pot, you must wrap them in a damp paper towel and refrigerate them for eight weeks. After eight weeks, the seeds should have sprouted so that you can plant them in soil.

Peach trees require good drainage, or the root system can die. Plus, you must keep the soil moist without overwatering to prevent the tree from rotting. Peach trees need lots of sunlight, and it can take three to five years to produce fruit.

9. Blueberry Trees (Technically a shrub, not fruit trees)

Blueberry trees require cold temperatures, so this option might not work in a tropical climate. When you plant blueberry seeds, you must have at least one another variety because they are self-sterile plants. Blueberries are easy to grow, but you must keep some space between plants for the roots to grow.

10. Pear Trees

To grow pears in pots, you must place the seeds in a plastic bag with a wet paper towel. Put the bag in the refrigerator for sixty to ninety days until you see sprouts. After that, put the seeds in a glass of water for two days before planting them in the soil.

Pear trees thrive in well-drained soil and with at least six hours of sunlight. Water it at least once a week for best results, and remember that it’ll need more water depending on the amount of sun it receives. It can take three to ten years for a pear tree to produce fruit.

Growing From Seeds or Obtaining Roots to Start Growing Fruit Trees

While growing plants from seeds take a while to produce fruit, it’s a fun and easy way to get started. However, if you want plants that have fruit sooner, you can get plants by cutting roots from mature trees.

fruit trees

Final Thoughts on Fruit Trees You Can Grow in Pots (and How to Plant Them)

If you don’t have the space to grow fruit trees in your yard or prefer potted plants, these options can help. It’s fun to have fruit trees throughout your home or sitting on your patio, so start planting your trees as soon as possible.

Whether growing your trees from seed or using mature roots, it’ll be well worth the experience. Start with one or two trees at a time, and make it a point to try new ones as often as you can.

3 Signs It’s Time to Release a Toxic Person in Your Life

Emotions are one thing that humans have yet to master, especially when they’re dealing with a toxic person. Humanity has developed so that space travel is attainable; nevertheless, the soul remains a mystery. Even though the soul is regarded mainly as a philosophical concept, it still seems to be involved in many people’s decisions. That could explain why we seem to keep toxic people around us, even though logically, we know that’s not the best decision.

Most people can empathize with the feeling of wanting to keep someone around, even though you know they’re not good for you. This often happens in romantic relationships. And, young people are prone to making the mistake of falling in love with the wrong person. You’ve probably been that gullible teenager who believed true love would prevail. But toxic relationships are something much more common than they might seem.

These relationships aren’t just romantic ones. They are also platonic, like friendships, work relationships, acquaintances, etc. And they aren’t just the relationships in which one person is an abuser. Toxic behavior can quickly become abusive, but they aren’t always one-sided. In many unhealthy relationships, all parties involved act in harmful ways to others. Keeping a toxic person in your life will only hold you back and disallow you from finding true happiness.

Three Signs It’s Time to Release a Toxic Person

Do you see these red flags in your relationship?

toxic person

1.      You Can’t Communicate Well With A Toxic Person

Communication isn’t as easy as exchanging words and hoping the other person understands. It’s about how people frame a piece of information in other to send the right message. It’s about how willing people are to listen to each other. In simpler terms, communication is a two-way street. In a relationship, especially a romantic one, you need to take it one step further, but many people forget to be kind, proactive and listen to others when they communicate.

This leads to toxic communication patterns. There are four primary patterns: criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and contempt. Criticism is probably the most common one, but it can become very toxic quickly. Criticizing someone seems like a very normal thing to do. And that’s because you’ve heard criticisms thrown around all your life. That doesn’t mean you can’t express that you have a problem in a relationship. But there’s a difference between a complaint and criticism.

But when people start essentially throwing insults on each other’s faces, that’s when it gets toxic. Contempt works similarly. While criticisms are about attacking someone’s character, personality, or skills, contempt is more about showing disrespect. It’s usually passive-aggressive behavior, but it has similar effects in the long term as criticisms. They just hurt the other person without offering a solution to the problem.

And then there are the other two toxic behaviors, defensiveness and stonewalling, which are reactions to criticisms and contempt, respectively. When someone is constantly bombarded with complaints, they start being insecure and hurt. That’s when they will begin to act defensively in an attempt to minimize the pain caused by the criticisms. It’s a form of self-protection, but it’s still toxic behavior. This makes people less interested in listening to what the other has to say.

Defensive people are usually more focused on proving their innocence than solving problems. Stonewalling is similar, with one key exception. It does not focus on shifting the blame or getting rid of it. In fact, it isn’t even about guilt. It’s a response to contempt. Again, it acts as a self-defense mechanism.

People engaging in stonewalling tend to close off, and they do anything they can to withdraw from any interaction. It’s possible that this person will stop responding altogether, or they’ll only talk to you as long as the conversation is light. People can be defensive and stonewall you without these patterns responding to anything. But these behaviors are usually reactionary.

2.      They Aren’t Supportive

In a relationship, a certain level of support is expected. For example, a healthy relationship with a friend means that you can rely on them to hang out when you’re feeling down. In a healthy romantic relationship, it’s normal to expect your partner to help you achieve your dreams. Of course, supporting someone else has its limits. Your partner can’t sacrifice themselves so that you can achieve your goals. But expecting them to be the ones making dinner if you work more hours than them isn’t unreasonable.

Unfortunately, when dealing with a toxic person, you won’t get much support. If a friend, family member, or partner never does anything to help you out, that’s a sign that they probably don’t care if you succeed. That means they aren’t attached to you for who you are inside. For example, even if a partner expresses that they love you, they probably don’t care that much if they don’t show it. Not only that, but unsupportive people often hold you back.

They don’t understand why you can’t always be with them. An unsupportive friend will probably expect you to answer the phone whenever they have a problem, but they won’t do the same for you. Toxic people expect support from you and get mad if you don’t offer it. But they rarely give you the same consent they demand. They are probably holding you back and forcing you to make unhealthy sacrifices so that you can maintain a relationship.

3.      They Exhibit Controlling Behaviors

It’s important to share information with the people you have connections with. The stronger the bond is, the more personal the information will be. Telling your partner where you are going is one thing. But them demanding you send them pictures with you holding a fork in your head so they can be sure you aren’t lying is not acceptable. In most cases, the controlling behaviors won’t even be that obvious.

They might ask one too many questions about who you are hanging out with. They might offhandedly mention that they don’t like one of your friends. Slowly, they might start getting mad if you don’t text them enough or go out a lot. Maybe they comment on your purchases or try to make you financially dependent on them. And these behaviors get worse and worse as time goes on. Sometimes, it might even become psychological, emotional, or physical abuse.

The easiest way to spot a controlling person is by seeing if they always insist on doing things their way. They will act that way even if they know their way is objectively worse than yours. And they do it just because they have an innate need to control everything. They are also the people who never accept that they are to blame and are very unpredictable. They often lie, even if they risk being caught in that lie.


Three Ways to Move on from a Toxic Person

Read these three tips for when it is time to release someone from your life.

1. Don’t Expect Closure

Moving on from any relationship is hard, even if you get closure. Even when you have all your questions answered and your slate is clean, you still miss the person you left behind. But it’s even harder to move on when you don’t have that closure. And most toxic people won’t bother giving you the peace of mind you need.

Because they don’t know how to communicate, or they genuinely don’t care about how you feel, they will probably refuse to have a mature conversation. They won’t attempt to tell you what went wrong, what bothered them. And they definitely won’t offer you a sincere apology and then just let you go.

When dealing with toxic people, you need to cut all ties and give yourself closure. Forgive yourself for how that relationship made you act. Understand that you made the best decision for yourself, and you don’t owe them anything. And always keep in mind that your future will be much better without them.

2.      Cut Off Contact From The Toxic Person

A toxic person will probably refuse to let you go and try to pressure you to come back at all costs. They are also likely to know how to manipulate, gaslight, or guilt-trip you into doing whatever they want. Because of that, it’s best to cut all ties with them when you decide to move on. Otherwise, you risk rekindling your connection with them, and you will likely fall back into the same unhealthy pattern you were in before.

3.      Focus On Loving Yourself

If you’ve had to deal with a toxic person for a while, you’ve probably had to make sacrifices without getting anything in return. You’ve been so focused on caring for them that you forgot how to care about yourself. That’s why one of the first things you need to do when leaving a toxic person is learn to love yourself again.

You need to care for yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. Going to a therapist might be the first step in rebuilding your life. But it’s also essential to take things slow and focus on your well-being for a while. Take some rest days, exercise, meditate, read, eat healthily, or watch a show. Every tiny thing you do for yourself will help you heal the wounds created by the relationship’s toxicity.

toxic person quote

Final Thoughts on Signs It’s Time to Release a Toxic Person and How to Move Forward

People love and care because of many reasons. They care for their parents because they are the people who raised them. They care for their co-workers because they see them every day. And they even fall in love with the wrong person for reasons that don’t make any logical sense. But, because we care, we also risk allowing toxic people to come into our lives.

When it comes down to it, we all know who the toxic people in our lives are. They are the ones who make us feel insecure, scared, and even unlovable. They are the ones who we would give everything for. However, they don’t give us much in return. They are the ones who make us act in unhealthy ways, even if we are good people on the inside. And it would be best if you let these people go. Cut all ties with them and move on. Don’t ask for closure. Just leave. Give yourself the closure you need, and learn to care for yourself again.

8 Things That Cause Dark Spots on the Hands (and How to Fix Them)

As you get older, you’ll notice your skin changes. Whether it’s the tiny lines around your eyes or wrinkles on your forehead, your skin looks different from when you were young. One change many people notice right away is the dark spots on their hands. You may wonder what causes these dark spots. Here are eight reasons you have dark spots and, more importantly, how to get rid of them.

What are the dark spots on your skin?

Sometimes called age spots, solar lentigines, or liver spots–dark spots on your hands that come from the hyperpigmentation of your skin. Besides finding them on your hands, you may have some hyperpigmentation under your eyes, on your chest, or neck. These areas are more sensitive as you get older, and the skin looks thinner. The dark spots are a surplus of something called melanin. Melanin is the natural pigment found in your skin. It gives your skin its color. The darker your skin shade, the more melanin you have. Age spots happen when your body makes too much melanin. The melanin gets massed together, forming flat, oval shapes on your skin. Dark spots don’t hurt, and they’re not dangerous, but some people don’t like them.

1 – Vitamin E deficiency

Dark spots get worse as you age. According to studies, vitamin E may help reduce them. There’s not much evidence in humans yet, but vitamin E deficiencies in lab rats caused skin changes. So, in case vitamin E deficiency results in dark spots, try to get enough vitamin E in your diet. Add these foods to your diet to increase your vitamin E.

  • Sunflower seeds and oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Almonds
  • Pine nuts
  • Brazil nuts
  • Pistachio
  • Peanuts and peanut butter
  • Beet greens
  • Collard greens
  • Spinach
  • Red bell peppers
  • Pumpkins

dark spots

2 – You’re over fifty

Once you’re over fifty, you notice signs of deterioration and discoloration on your skin. The damage could have occurred years ago, but it may not show up until you’re older. After 50, your body doesn’t produce as much collagen or elastin as it did when you were younger. These proteins make your skin look plump, smooth, and healthy.

3 – Fair skin makes you more inclined to develop dark spots

You’re more apt to get age spots if you have fair-colored skin. You don’t have as much melanin as someone with dark skin, so if you’re in the sunshine, you’re more likely to develop age spots on your hands, face, and arms.

4 – You’ve had bad sunburns in the past

Back in the day, beach babes put baby oil on their skin to get a nice sunburn that would later turn into a tan. Little did they know that they’d have age spots on their skin a couple of decades later. There was a lack of understanding back then about how sunburn damages your skin. If you’ve had bad sunburns in the past, you’re more apt to develop skin problems later in life, including age spots or cancer.

5 – Dark spots might appear if you use a tanning bed

Tanning beds, like the sunshine, can damage the skin. There’s a misconception in the United States that a tan makes you look healthy. Because of this, many people unknowingly use tanning beds to achieve the “tanned” look. What they don’t realize is that they’re damaging their skin. Tanning beds use UV lights that cause dark spots, just like the sun’s rays.

6 – You spend a lot of time in the sunshine

Spending time in the sun makes you prone to dark spots, especially as you age. The ultraviolet light speeds up your body’s production of melanin. After years of exposure to the sun’s rays, the melanin masses together into dark pigmentation spots.

7 – Genetics can increase your chances of dark spots

You might be predisposed to get dark spots if your parents or grandparents had them. This may be because of your skin tone and your hereditary tendencies. You can’t change your family genetics, but you can take certain precautions to avoid getting dark spots.

8 – Ultraviolet rays from artificial sources

Being in the sunshine exposes you to ultraviolet rays (UV rays), but many artificial sources of UV rays can also cause dark spots.

  • Black-light lamps: These lamps give off UV rays.
  • Sunlamps: How long you’re exposed to this type of lamp determines how many UVA rays you’re exposed to. These lamps treat people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to reduce their depression. Limit your time under this lamp if you have this condition.
  • Mercury-vapor lamps: These are used to light public areas like gyms or streets. When they’re working correctly, you’re not exposed to UV rays, but UV rays can escape if the outer bulb gets broken. Protective measures have been created to avoid breakage of the outer bulb, but they’re often not installed correctly or faulty.
  • High-pressure xenon or xenon-mercury arc lamps or plasma torches: These sources of UV rays are used in many things like solar panels or even car headlights. So, depending on how much you’re exposed to these lights at work or home, you risk getting dark spots on your skin.
  • UV lamp: UV lamps, or germicidal lamps as they’re sometimes called, are used to disinfect water, nonporous surfaces, or air. This radiation reduces bacteria growth and spread. Exposure to this radiation causes burns on your skin. It’s important to avoid direct skin exposure to UV radiation and to never look directly at a UV lamp, not even for a second. Studies show that the UV rays emitted by these germicidal lamps put humans at risk for skin cancer or cataracts.

How do you get rid of dark spots?

Here are a few treatments that can help decrease dark spots.

dark spots

1 – Over-the-counter skin-lightening products

You can buy fade creams and lotions to lighten your dark spots. They may have some effect on them. You may not notice fading until you’ve used it for several weeks or months. Some skin-lightening products aren’t safe because of high levels of mercury. Mercury damages your kidneys and nerves. Avoid using these skin-lightening ingredients, such as

  • Calomel: The United States recently banned this ingredient. If you buy skin products from overseas, be sure they don’t contain this chemical.
  • Cinnabaris
  • Quicksilver
  • Hydrargyri oxydum rubrum
  • Any product that has the word mercury or mercuric in it

2 – Vitamin C

Vitamin C can fade hyperpigmentation like dark spots.

3 – Laser and intense pulsed light

Your dermatologist can use laser light therapy to destroy the melanin cells without hurting your skin. It can take several sessions for the dark spots to fade totally.

4 – Freezing off dark spots

Freezing is a procedure by a dermatologist to remove dark spots. They apply liquid nitrogen for several seconds. This will destroy the excess pigmentation. Your skin will heal lighter than before. There is a slight risk of scarring when you get this procedure.

5 – Chemical peel

This is a chemical solution applied to your skin to remove the dark spots. It may cause some reddening or scarring of your skin.

When to contact your doctor for advice on age spots

Contact your doctor if you notice any of these conditions on or around your dark spots.

  • Growing larger
  • Bleeding
  • Changes in colors
  • Getting irregular sides

How to prevent dark spots

If you already have dark spots, you’ll want to protect yourself from getting more. Here are some suggestions to prevent getting more age spots.

  • When you’re outside, stay in the shade.
  • Choose to be inside during the hottest times of the day (10:00 to 3:00).
  • Wear protective clothing that covers arms and legs
  • Put on a hat with a big brim to protect your face, head, and neck.
  • Always wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and the skin near your eyes from UV rays.
  • Wear zinc-based sunscreen on the exposed parts of your skin. Reapply every few hours.
  • Don’t use a tanning bed.
  • Choose to make up with an SPF.

dark spots

Final thoughts on understanding the causes of dark spots and how to treat them

Skin problems like dark spots are part of aging. You may notice these on your hands, face, or your neck. Of course, you can age gracefully if you take precautions to protect your skin. Hyperpigmentation of the melanin in your skin is primarily because of sunshine’s UV rays. Here in the west, it’s thought that a “healthy” tan is a good thing. This thinking has caused many people to damage their skin and get age spots. Of course, other things contribute to dark spots like being fair-skinned or even some artificial UV lamps that most people are exposed to without knowing it. The best thing you can do is protect your skin the best you can and avoid tanning beds and too much sunshine.

Science Explains Why Dancing Is So Good for the Mind and Body

Dancing provides a full-body workout while also stimulating the mind. Not to mention, it’s good for your soul as well since it gets you into a “flow” state. It’s no wonder why so many people have taken up dancing instead of tedious gym workouts.

There are many different types of dance, from Zumba to hip-hop to contemporary and more. No matter what style you prefer, dancing offers something for pretty much anyone wanting to make exercise fun.

Many people look at exercise as something to avoid because they associate it with pain or punishment. It’s about time to reform your relationship with activity, as it’s been a part of humanity since the dawn of our existence.

The only difference is that we have to put in the effort to sweat consciously in our modern world. Of course, manual labor such as farming or construction work is the exception.

Humans naturally moved more to acquire food, water, or other resources in the past. We didn’t have the luxury of sitting in climate-controlled environments or running to the grocery store for food.

Fast forward a few hundred years, and most of us sit in offices or stand in one place all day. It’s not exactly helping our bodies or minds, but we don’t have a choice. So, what can we do about this predicament? If you’re not a fan of exercise but still want to move, dancing might be your cup of tea.

Science Explains Why Dancing Is So Good for the Mind and Body

Dancing can improve all aspects of health (mental, emotional, and physical). Below, we’ll go over why dancing might reign supreme when it comes to exercise.


Physical Benefits of Dance

  • Enhances agility and flexibility. Many of us have stiff, inflexible bodies due to our sedentary lifestyles. Aging and performing repetitive movements (ex. working in a factory) can also cause stiffness and joint pain. However, it can loosen up our tense bodies and increase vitality. One study found that cross-country skiers who engaged in several months of dance training had improved spinal flexibility and joint mobility. Their speed and agility also increased.
  • Improves cardiovascular health. Dancing may offer the perfect remedy if you’re worried about your heart health. Research reveals that frequent, moderate-intensity dancing may reduce early death from cardiovascular disease. Researchers found that when compared with walking, dancing showed more pronounced benefits.
  • It helps you lose weight. Many people today have a hard time losing weight due to a lack of movement. We don’t get enough chances to move our bodies during a regular daily routine. However, dancing for even thirty minutes a day can help lose weight. Because dancing combines aerobic exercise with muscle strengthening, it burns insane calories. For instance, one study found that one hour of mid-to high-intensity Zumba can burn between 300 and 900 calories!

Benefits for Emotional Health

  • Improves mood and provides stress release. Nothing can relieve stress quite like dancing your heart out. When the music is pumping, you tend to forget your worries, and you’re fully in the moment. One study found that dance therapy also lowered depression and stress in people with conditions such as breast cancer and Parkinson’s, in addition to students. Another study from 2014 discovered that dancing increases endorphin release more than other types of exercise and lowers cortisol levels.
  • It offers a chance to socialize. If you’re taking group classes at a gym, it allows you to make friends while getting your groove on. Multitasking isn’t always a bad thing.
  • Improves self-esteem and confidence. Any time you lose weight, you feel more comfortable in your skin. Dancing offers that benefit along with the satisfaction of learning a new skill. Sure, you could shed some pounds running on the treadmill, but dancing is arguably a more fun way to get the job done.

Mental Benefits of Dancing

  • Boosts memory and cognitive abilities. One study found that Zumba — the Latin dance-inspired cardio routine— helped improve working memory, motor function, and depressive symptoms in females with fibromyalgia. Another study discovered that women aged 57-90 who participated in Zumba for six weeks showed increased brain power and cognition. Some doctors even prescribe dance classes for patients recovering from brain injuries. The activity can improve our mental stamina and energy levels.
  • Reduces risk of dementia. Since dancing improves memory, it’s no surprise that it can lower dementia risk as well. A paper published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society examined the effect of dancing on mental health. The researchers analyzed 32 studies that included over 3,500 people aged 50 to 85 to determine whether mind-body activities such as dancing, tai chi, and yoga could enhance adults’ cognition. The team found that aging adults who participated in mind-body exercises like dancing had better cognitive function than sedentary people. They found that 60 to 120 minutes of tai chi or dance per week improved cognition from all mind-body practices more than any other workouts, even in adults who already showed a mental decline. These exercises also improved cognitive flexibility more than the other mind-body activities.
  • Increases white matter in older adults’ brains. Another study from 2017 discovered that dancing increases white matter, which usually declines due to aging. Having white matter can improve cognition and processing speeds.


Final Thoughts on How Dancing Heals the Mind and Body

As you can see from the studies above, dancing offers numerous benefits for the mind, body, and soul. Getting your body moving isn’t always enough to feel better, especially while doing repetitive, boring gym workouts. However, engaging in a fun, stimulating activity like dancing loosens up the body and mind. It allows you to let go and move with the rhythm of the music, forgetting all your stress and worries.

It’s no wonder that Zumba and other movement classes have exploded in popularity in the last couple of decades. If you’re looking for a new exercise to shake up your routine, consider dancing to add a little pep to your step!

Research Reveals Differences Between Being a Mom Versus a Grandma

Being a mom versus a grandma comes with different responsibilities and expectations. If you’ve had the privilege of playing both roles in this lifetime, you know about their differences firsthand. Mothers tend to have a closer relationship with their children since they’re with them almost 24/7. Raising a child takes a lot of work, so that’s where grandma comes into the picture.

Grandmothers have been critical in parenting and ensuring family stability for thousands of years. Traditional communities around the globe revere the grandma since she represents strength and matriarchy. She is the glue holding the family together, bringing her wisdom and life experiences to the table.

While moms are usually the primary caregivers, grandmas also step in when mothers need a break. When parents go on vacation or need a babysitter in general, the grandparents usually fulfill that role. So, even though moms and grandmas have differences, they both work together to keep the family going.

Research Reveals Three Key Differences Between Being a Mom Versus a Grandma

Below, we’ll go over these key differences in more detail.

1 – A grandma gets to enjoy their grandkids without the mothering obligations of raising them.


This doesn’t mean moms get the short end of the stick here. However, it’s no secret that mothers have many responsibilities when it comes to raising children. Between changing diapers, waking up in the night to feed them, and caring for them in general, raising a child requires sacrifice and patience.

The grandma in the family will offer a helping hand whenever needed, but she’s not the primary caregiver. As such, she gets to enjoy the relationship with her grandkids more since less stress is involved. Children normally associate their grandma with fun, memories, and comfort and look forward to bonding with them.

Grandmas sneak sweet treats like cookies and candy and tend to spoil their grandchildren when they visit. The role of a mother undeniably requires more boundaries and rules to instill discipline. Of course, moms always make exceptions occasionally, but they keep their children in line. It’s tough love, but necessary so the child grows up knowing right from wrong.

So, in general, grandmas are a bit more lax with their grandkids and can enjoy them without financial obligations and time constraints. Moms have a more significant burden on their shoulders because they’re shaping their children, which comes with great responsibility.

2 – A grandma will offer wisdom to moms still learning the ropes of parenting.

A grandma is a wellspring of wisdom, with many life experiences that she can pass on to her grandkids. When a child gets a cold, she knows ancient remedies and healing techniques that a mom may not know. Because she’s been on the planet much longer than her child, a grandma can offer parenting advice or “hacks” to make things easier. Any mom would take the advice of her elders if it enriched her child’s life.

In addition to parenting tips, the grandma offers her grandchildren pearls of wisdom. Life lessons such as the golden rule and staying true to themselves become a normal part of visits with their grandkids. Grandparents get to pass on their legacy to their families, offering valuable and sacred wisdom to guide their life journey.

Plus, children who have a close relationship with their grandkids tend to fare better, according to a study of 1,500 children. The research found that kids with actively involved grandparents had fewer behavioral and emotional problems.

So, grandparents aren’t just there to ease the strain of parenting – they also shape their grandkids’ mental health in significant ways.

3 – Grandmothers get to relive the experience of mothering, bringing a renewed excitement.

While new mothers haven’t had the experience of raising a child, a grandmother has fond memories of it. So, when her child announces she’s pregnant, of course, the grandma is filled with excitement and pure joy. She can’t wait to hold her precious grandchild in her arms just as she did with her own child.

There’s something about how a grandma’s face lights up when her grandkids visit. You can tell that being in the presence of her family brings happiness unlike anything else. Many elderly people suffer from loneliness, so seeing their grandkids and grown children offers much-needed social engagement. Not to mention, they get to relive the joys of parenting, as we said earlier.

They may find a renewed sense of purpose in helping to raise their grandchild since women naturally have that maternal instinct. It’s quite rewarding to care for a child, as you’re helping to ensure they grow into a healthy, strong adult. A grandma plays a crucial role in this process, and it’s ingrained in her DNA to support her family.

The grandma may not play as direct a role as the mother, but she’s still an important piece of the puzzle. She’s the backbone of the family, providing support and resilience in the face of adversity. When grandchildren come into the picture, she’s excited to pass down her wisdom, love, and joy to another member of the family.

Grandmas get to bake and cook for the little ones, read stories, put them down for naps, and give them way too many hugs. What grandma wouldn’t be excited about those life-changing experiences?


Final Thoughts on How Grandmothers Differ from Mothers

Grandmas and moms are fundamentally different, though they both have important roles to play in raising a family. Moms are more directly involved in parenting, while grandmas are in the background to offer support if necessary.

The grandma gets to relax and enjoy the company of her grandkids more, while the mom must take on all the responsibilities of parenting. That’s not to say she isn’t thankful for her children, but it’s a physically and mentally demanding job nonetheless.

Overall, the grandma acts as the protector and bearer of wisdom, while the mom plays the role of nurturer and disciplinarian. Both of these roles are crucial to raising a well-rounded child.

Hackers Reveal 14 Privacy Mistakes People Make Without Realizing It

Hackers are good at what they do, and they can use their talent for evil. When so much of your life is spent connected to the rest of the world, nothing is off-limits. Knowing the common mistakes can help you take the proper precautions and protect your digital privacy.

With more people than ever working from home, technology is being used in ways it wasn’t before. As technology growth offers many benefits, it can be detrimental if you make privacy mistakes. Whether you use the internet for work or pleasure, you’ll want to maintain digital privacy with world-class cyber security services.

Technology changes the way people go through their daily lives, transforming the world around them. It makes sharing documents and files simpler and allows for quick communication. Smart gadgets and phones make life easier, but they can lead to potential security risks.

With all the benefits, you still must watch out for cybersecurity attacks. Hackers target people who make common privacy mistakes because those people don’t know any better. The more devices you use, the more entry points you offer to cyberspace criminals.

Digital Privacy Mistakes People Make Without Realizing It

Hackers revealed some of the ways they take advantage of vulnerabilities.

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1. Not Understanding the Risk of Using the Internet

If you don’t know the potential risks of using technology online, you won’t know what to watch for. People who don’t know any better might freely share personal information without thinking twice about it. However, each time you enter your information online, it makes you susceptible to getting hacked.

You might not understand how easy it is for attackers to steal data or introduce malware to your system. Your best bet is to play it safe and avoid giving out personal information through the internet. It’s also important to know that downloading files or apps can cause security issues.

2. Not Using Strong Passwords Is a Common Digital Privacy Mistake

Weak passwords are a common privacy mistake that leaves many people susceptible to being hacked. Using strong passwords is essential to protecting yourself and your devices.

Some people use personal information in their passwords, and hackers are great at figuring it out. They can browse your social media pages to figure out who and what is important to you. Then, they can guess your passwords and get into your accounts.

Hackers can quickly identify simple sequences and patterns in a password, so you should avoid using them. The more prominent the pattern is, the easier it’ll be for a hacker to get in.

3. Not Protecting Passwords or Storing Them Unreliably

Many people don’t protect their passwords and often write them down in insecure places. When people write their passwords down, they can easily fall into the wrong person’s hands. Writing your information on a sticky note on your desk is one of the least secure things you can do because anyone walking by can obtain the information.

Emailing passwords isn’t always secure, either, so it’s best to avoid it whenever you can. Plus, many people keep their passwords open on their devices, sometimes in plain text.

4. Using Outdated Software is a Digital Privacy Mistake

You might be surprised to discover that outdated software makes it easy for hackers to get through. Without regular system updates, your devices are vulnerable and easy to access.

You might think that ignoring software updates saves time, but it’s also a privacy mistake. The pop-up alerts about updates sometimes appear at inconvenient times, too, and it doesn’t always get accomplished.

Additionally, many people ignore updates because they don’t want to learn something new. It’s easier to keep using the version you already know, but it isn’t safer or more beneficial.

Many of the updates fix bugs and security loopholes. When you miss the updates, hackers can obtain your information. You also must update your apps for the same reason.

5. Storing too Much Data

The more data you have on your devices, the more likely you are to get hacked. Each piece of data opens a new entry point for malicious behavior. Your sensitive information becomes easier to access with each bit of data you store.

6. Avoiding Regular Full System Scans

Even when you’re careful, you can pick up malware while browsing the internet. Running regular full system scans is essential to avoiding common privacy mistakes. Aim to scan your devices at least once each week.

7. Mishandling Sensitive Data

If you handle data, you might not realize how easy it is for a hacker to find. Whether it’s negligence or a lack of knowledge, you must understand the value of personal data. Some common ways people mishandle data include:

  • Deleting files with sensitive data
  • Removing files without knowing what they are
  • Sending emails to the wrong person
  • Mistakenly changing information in a document
  • Sharing sensitive data in an insecure way

8. Turning Your Firewall Off

If your firewall isn’t on, it’s an easy way for hackers to get into your system. You’ll be more susceptible to malicious data and invasion, along with running the risk that your data gets out there. It doesn’t hurt to double-check your firewall settings once in a while to ensure it didn’t accidentally get turned off.

9. You Let Other People Use Your Account

When you let your friends and family use your computer, it’s not a big deal as long as they don’t use your account. You can create a guest profile on your devices for other people to use. If you let them use your account, they could mistakenly compromise your personal information.

10. Holding Sensitive Data on Your Hard Drive Without Encrypting It

If you have private data on your hard drive, you must encrypt it to keep it safe. Then, if you lose your laptop or device, no one else can open the information. You can encrypt the data so that a password is required to access it.

digital privacy

11. Using Unprotected Public Wi-Fi Threatens Digital Privacy

When you use public Wi-Fi at a hotel or restaurant, you increase your risk of being attacked by hackers. These public servers are the perfect place for hackers to install malware or do other malicious things. However, if you use a VPN to encrypt your connection, you’ll be safe.

12. Accidentally Disabling User Account Control (UAC)

You open yourself to more considerable risk if you accidentally change your settings and disable UAC. UAC limits programs from changing your entire electronic system. If malware makes its way onto your device, UAC will stop it from spreading across the system.

13. Accepting Requests to Share Your Location

When you download apps to your devices, you might receive a prompt to share your GPS location. Each time you share it, you expose yourself to illegal tracking online. Hackers use the information to track your movements and benefit from knowing where you are.

14. Clicking Links or Opening Attachments in Emails

Additionally, many people don’t know they shouldn’t follow links in emails or click on attachments. Clicking on these things when you know for sure who they’re from and you’re expecting something is okay, but otherwise, avoid it. These emails sometimes look legitimate, and if you don’t know there’s a risk involved, you might fall victim.

How to Protect Your Digital Privacy

While all of these digital privacy mistakes are scary, you can protect yourself. When you know how to secure your information and devices, you can feel comfortable using the internet. Here are some tips to protect your digital privacy:

1. Use Strong Passwords to Increase Digital Privacy

Weak passwords are one of the easiest ways hackers get into personal information, so don’t make it easy on them. Instead, use something that will be hard to figure out.

A strong password should have ten characters, switching between letters and numbers. Avoid using your birthday, identification number, or other significant number associated with your life. It’s also beneficial to vary between upper and lowercase letters.

2. Type URLs Into Your Browser Instead of Clicking Links

If you use payment services online, you might receive emails that look like the company. These emails will closely resemble the real ones you get from the service, so it’s best to avoid clicking the links. Instead, type the website’s URL into your browser and access your account that way.

3. Stop Using Unsecured Apps

Avoid using apps that require you to use your location. Hackers sometimes use apps to gain information, so you don’t want to accept the prompt on every app. Delete the apps you already have and avoid downloading others.

4. Don’t Save Financial Information.

If you shop online, don’t save your information to the website. You never know if your information is secure on these websites, so opt out of the option to save it. Instead, enter it every time you shop online.

5. Use a VPN to Increase Digital Privacy on Public Networks

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network, and it promotes digital privacy when using a public network. They mask your IP address, making your information and browsing activities untraceable.

digital privacy

Final Thoughts on Hackers Revealing the Common Digital Privacy Mistakes People Make Without Realizing It

Common mistakes compromise your digital privacy to hackers, but you can learn to protect yourself. Exposing your private information to the wrong people can wreak havoc on your life. Malware on your devices can destroy the system and cause you to lose data.

No matter what your digital privacy mistakes cause, you’ll want to protect yourself. Please don’t make it easy for hackers to get into your system or obtain your private documents or data. Do what you can to protect yourself and prevent hackers from getting through.

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