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A Letter to My Bestie, Who Treats My Children Like Her Own

New moms often complain about losing friends as they get pregnant and become a mother. Friendships take a hit when you get pregnant, there is no denying it, but that doesn’t mean all is lost. When you have a bestie who treats your children like her own, you’ll know that every friendship change was worth it.

I am one of the lucky ones, and I couldn’t be more thankful for my bestie, who always treats my children like her own. Time constraints, lifestyle changes, and misunderstandings come between friends, but it all works out when you have a friend who is more like family.

This letter is for my best friend, the one who is always there for us and loves my littles for who they are. It’s also for all other women who treat their bestie’s kids like their own. You deserve to know how cherished you are.

Dear Bestie,

You’ve been here through so many moments in my and my kids’ lives. As the first person I text when I have something to share, you get my initial reaction to every situation. You know what’s going on with my kids before everyone else, going along for the ride every time.

Our relationship was much different before kids, but it’s even stronger now than before. When we were teenagers, you knew me better than anyone else. Now you know who I am as a parent, too.

You’ve known me through every stage of life, and it holds so much meaning to me. As our children grow together, it’s another unforgettable phase of my life with you as my bestie. This time it doesn’t only make me happy, but you also bring so much joy to my kids’ lives.

Even through our many ups and downs in life, love was always there. Now, the love pours over onto my children, and I can never thank you enough, Bestie.


I am so grateful that having kids didn’t pull us apart.

Instead, having kids brought us closer together. Now my kids have another amazing woman in their lives to look up to and find comfort with. Even better, our kids get to love one another like family.

You celebrate my kids when they’ve achieved something new or have a big day. Your excitement for them makes their day, and seeing their faces light up means so much. You remember the little things, which shows how much you genuinely care and what a great bestie you are.

I love that you can appreciate the random videos I send of my kids. Even better, I love how you understand why I’m sending them without me having to explain. You know my kids so well that you know what to expect and how to handle each moment.

You entertain my kids when you know I’m getting frustrated, and you’re always willing to jump in when you see a need. You’ve picked my kids up from school, dropped them off, did their hair for school, and more. You’ve done it all for us, and we’ll always appreciate your love and willingness to be here with us.

Thank you for going above and beyond as my bestie, loving my children as your own.

I turn to you for guidance because I know you want what’s best for my babies. You’re open and honest, giving thoughtful and helpful advice for the kids you love like your own.

Thank you for not making me feel ashamed when I’ve made parenting mistakes or done things differently than you would have. We don’t do everything the same way, but we respect and appreciate each other’s perspectives and methods.

When my kids are with you, I know they will feel loved and nurtured. I know you’ll care for them as I would, and it’s not something I take for granted. Not everyone can count on someone the way I can count on you or trust someone to love their kids so much.

Thank you for instilling positive behaviors in my kids, just like you do with your own. When you correct their behavior, it helps shape my kids into the amazing little people they have become. You look out for them, but you also expect them to be respectful and kind.

You inspire us because you aren’t afraid to be yourself.

I want to tell you that you’re awe-inspiring as you play with the kids and remain gentle with them. Having a bestie like you is rare and precious, and I’m truly blessed to have you in my life.

You don’t only remind us to have fun, but you also remind us all to be true to ourselves. Even when things get hard, you stay true to who you are and what you believe in. Your independence and drive to succeed are things I want my kids to learn from you.

Having you in their lives shows them what’s possible and that you can give yourself the life of your dreams. My kids have learned that it’s not about perfection but about being yourself. Thank you for encouraging them to be who they are and building their confidence.


You’ve touched our lives in ways that I’ll never be able to explain.

We’re so lucky to have you here through all of the sporting events, practices, and life milestones. Thank you for being my bestie, and thank you for loving my kids as your own. More than anything, thank you for being the inspiring woman that you are.

I want you to know that we see and appreciate everything you do. Thank you for choosing to be part of our lives and loving my kids like they’re your own. You’ll always be so important in our lives, and I love seeing your bond with my littles.

We will never be able to repay you for the love you’ve shown, but we’ll do what we can to show our appreciation. As we continue growing together in our parenting journey, I know I’ll have your support along the way. We love you more than you know, and I want you to understand what a fantastic bestie you are.

Love always, Your Bestie

The Perfect Person Doesn’t Exist, But You Can Have a Great Relationship

Social media, fictional media, and other sources of romantic goals have created numerous unrealistic relationship expectations. Many obsess over finding the perfect person who meets every one of their desires. Unfortunately, that’s not possible. The truth is that the ideal person doesn’t exist!

Seeking the perfect person can leave you unable to find a long-term partner, or it might put you in a string of unhappy relationships. Worse still, it could make you project an idealized version of a partner onto something you meet. This notion could subject them to severe expectations that might harm them and you all at once.

For believers in soulmates and true love, learning that the perfect person doesn’t exist can ruin your hopes and dreams. But you don’t need a “perfect” individual to have a lifelong, happy, and healthy relationship that you’re proud to be in. In other words, the perfect person doesn’t exist, but you can still have a great relationship! How? Read on to find out.

1.      How To Build A Great Relationship Despite The Fallacy Of A Perfect Person

Great relationships are a result of a lot of hard work. Of course, this effort doesn’t mean that they feel like a chore. But it does mean that great relationships don’t spawn out of anywhere. You and your partner must try to build a genuine relationship on a healthy foundation. This groundwork will create a harmonious, love-filled partnership!

perfect person

·         Begin With Purpose

A relationship will best thrive on a solid foundation built by both partners. When you make decisions for the development of the relationship, you should make them with purposeful and mindful thought. Many people fall into the trap of “sliding” into the following stages of their relationships, say studies. They unintentionally end up following an incremental progression of relationships without really thinking about it.

For example, you might label yourself partners simply because you’ve gone on five successful dates, not because you both have sat down and discussed making yourselves official. It sounds silly, but starting a relationship with purpose and developing it based on active decision-making is crucial to a great, realistically built relationship. It keeps you both on the same page so you can grow together!

·         Make Time For Quality Time

You want to spend all your time together at the beginning of a relationship. But as time goes on, this can sometimes fade into the background. This shift can damage the quality of a relationship, and you can start to feel like you have nothing in common, driving home the idea that your partner isn’t the perfect person for you. So make sure that you always make time for each other! Put away the phones and games and meet face-to-face to talk and hang out. Have fun together, try new things, and make time for each other.

·         Show Appreciation For The Perfect Person For You

One of the leading causes of breakups is one or both partners feeling unappreciated through a shortfall of attention or affection. This is according to research. Showing appreciation varies and should be adapted to suit your partner’s preferences. The goal is to make them feel loved. They may not be a perfect person because no one is. Instead, trust they are the perfect person to complete your life. Don’t let them forget that, and your relationship will flourish.

2.      The Importance Of Communication

You’ve likely heard repeatedly that communication is crucial to a healthy relationship. Although it’s almost a cliche statement, it’s also a very true one. It’s easy to expect your partner to read your mind or make assumptions about them based on your experiences and feelings.

Many ideas of a “perfect” relationship involve a partner who “just knows” what to say and do. This expectation is incredibly unrealistic. The fact is that every single person is unique in the way they think, feel, and perceive the world. They’re all shaped by their own past experiences.

As a result, how you react to something is not necessarily how your partner reacts to something. Things important to you are things they may not have thought about, and vice versa. If you don’t tell your partner your wants and needs, they may never figure them out. And their way of showing love and appreciation may not be read by you as expressions of affection, causing you to miss their attempts at displaying love.

The importance of communication cannot be overstated. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy, open dialogue between partners:

·         Communicate With That Perfect Person For You Through Conflicts

Conflict is going to arise in any relationship. This is why it’s not the existence of fights that determines the greatness of a relationship. It’s the way you communicate through these conflicts that matters, says research. When angry at a partner, it’s easy to lash out, say unproductive things, get closed off, cross boundaries, or wear yourself out.

For conflict to remain productive, you must continue to communicate healthily. Say what you feel in a way that doesn’t blame your partner, then listen to your partner closely when they speak. Continue to validate each other and try to practice empathy, taking each other in good faith and seeking to understand each other as a priority.

perfect person

·         No Guessing Games!

There’s a false idea that your partner should know what you want. There’s an even more false idea that telling your partner what you want them to do diminishes its value. You might feel that if you ask your partner for something and do it, they’ll only be doing it because you asked, not because they want to. But here’s the truth: people express love in different ways.

Your partner may not know how you best want to receive love, and their natural love language may leave you wanting. The second they realize your desire, they’ll do it – not because you asked, but because they want to show your love. So don’t play with hints or make your partner guess. They can’t read your mind! Be direct and communicative for the best results.

·         Be A Good Listener

Communication is about more than just talking. It’s also about listening to your partner’s thoughts. Engage with your partner’s voice and focus on them entirely when they speak. The goal of listening is to come away with understanding, so listen to understand. Don’t listen with the intent of responding or replying, even if the communication is something you might not want to hear. Focus on empathy above all else!

3.      How To Overcome Unreasonable Expectations Of A Perfect Person

It’s difficult to overcome the natural conditioning to seek “one true love” in the form of a perfect person. Even when trying not to think this way, you may still have unreasonable expectations and projects regarding the people you date. Here are some tips for overcoming those unjustified expectations:

·         Be Ready For Ups and Downs

Your relationship will have good times and bad times. There will be moments where you feel more distant, rough patches, and other difficult periods. You’ll have fights and make mistakes since neither of you is perfect. But you’ll also have more good days than bad ones, and you’ll have a life filled with love, which is well worth it. Don’t lose sight of all the ups because of a few downs! It’s normal to have bad points in relationships. As long as you work on those issues together, you’ll be fine.

·         Expect To Give And Take

Partnerships are all about compromise. You can’t have your way 100% of the time. Many people who want the perfect person feel slighted whenever they give or sacrifice something for their partner. As unfortunate as it is, you will have to make compromises, as will your partner, to keep the relationship healthy. Instead of focusing on “winning,” focus on cooperation and compromise. Try to find a win-win!

·         Check Yourself For Double Standards

When you expect your partner that they’re not meeting, check to see if it’s reasonable by using yourself as a gauge. Have you lived up to those expectations recently? Would you react well if someone made these demands on you? If you were your partner, would you be able to meet those standards with all their daily stressors and baggage? If you realize there’s a double standard, it’s time to drop the expectation.

We’ve established that many popularized relationship expectations are unhealthy and unfeasible. But that doesn’t mean you should have no relationship expectations or preferences. It’s okay to have ideas of what you’re looking for in a long-term partner. If those expectations are reasonable and fair, they can save you a lot of heartbreak.

In other words, while the perfect person doesn’t exist, there will be people who aren’t the right fit for you. This may be due to irreconcilable differences in core opinions or values. It may be because you’re not compatible due to personalities, stages of growth, emotional maturity, or healing from past experiences. It may be because you have very different ideas about the future.

Knowing how to set and uphold healthy but realistic relationship expectations sets the stage for a great relationship. You should not expect perfection, and you should be willing to build a relationship and grow together with someone. But you should also have some expectations and standards for your health and happiness.

Finding the balance here is essential! Work hard on building a great relationship, utilizing communication, and overcoming unreasonable expectations without removing realistic, healthy desires.

perfect person

Final Thoughts On How To Have A Great Relationship Without Expecting To Find A Perfect Person

The quest for a perfect person has been doomed from the start. There is simply no such thing. Instead, you must build great relationships, communicate, and overcome unreasonable expectations to live harmoniously with a partner.

It’s a harsh lesson, especially if you’ve had these desires for perfection for your whole life. But look on the bright side! Sure, a perfect person may not exist, but imperfect people always build lifelong happy relationships!

15 Quotes About Regret to Help You Let Go

Experiencing regret is a natural part of human life, but you can’t let it overtake your thoughts. When you can’t let go of past mistakes, it can prevent you from moving forward. These quotes about regret can help you let go and start living a meaningful life right now.

You might regret something you did or said in the past. Regret could also come from something you didn’t do. Anytime the outcome wasn’t what you intended or desired, it can cause lingering sadness.

If you can’t release negativity and overcome regret, it can affect every area of your life. You’ll find that it’s hard to move forward and chase your dreams when you keep thinking of the past. However, many inspirational quotes about regret can give you the strength you need to get through.

These quotes about regret are perfect for helping you let go of negative thoughts from the past. They’ll give you the motivation you need to live a better life, and you’ll find comfort knowing that you aren’t alone.

Fifteen Quotes About Regret to Help You Let Go

1. “Regret is an odd emotion because it comes only upon reflection. Regret lacks immediacy, and so its power seldom influences events when it could do some good.” – William O’Rourke

You can’t regret things that haven’t happened yet, so it occurs when you think back on your past. Regret doesn’t happen right away, so there’s nothing beneficial to gain from fixating on it.

The power of regret is intense, but it doesn’t do any good when it occurs so much later. Use this quote to remember that holding onto regret won’t help, so it’s best to let go.

quotes about regret

2. “Regrets only apply when we don’t learn from a situation. No sense looking back, look forward with new knowledge and no regret.” – Catherine Pulsifer

If you learn from a situation, you shouldn’t regret what happened. Mistakes are all about learning and doing better in the future.

You wouldn’t get these learning opportunities if things always went perfectly and you didn’t mess up. Learn from your experiences and then refuse to look back because your new knowledge will help the present and future.

3. “Let’s dare to promote ourselves to better ‘us’ by working hard and moving forward instead of regretting and rewinding the past.” – Pantea Kalhor

You won’t become a better version of yourself if you can’t let go of the past. This quote about regret reminds you to keep moving forward no matter what happens. Regret leaves you stuck in the past, hindering your ability to improve your life.

4. “In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment, and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour.” – Stefan Zweig

No matter how much you regret something, it doesn’t change what happened. The moment is gone, and all you can do is accept how things turned out.

Regret only impacts your present life and your opportunities in the future. Since there’s nothing you can do to change the past, let go of those feelings so that you don’t keep losing time over it now.

5. “Stop fretting about past decisions. They have provided valuable wisdom. Go forward without fear or regret.” – Paul Martens

You might not love every decision you’ve made in your life, but there’s no use dwelling on them. Since you can’t change what happened before, let go of the negative feelings. Instead, use your newfound wisdom to move forward and be happy.

6. “We all do things we desperately wish we could undo. Those regrets just become part of who we are, along with everything else. To spend time trying to change that, well, it’s like chasing clouds.” – Libba Bray

Mistakes happen, and since you can’t change them, you must learn to make the most of them. Embrace your life as it is right now and find ways to improve things in the present. You can only change things that haven’t occurred yet, so living with regret won’t get you anywhere.

7. “We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here now with the power to shape your day and your future.” – Steve Maraboli

Everyone makes mistakes in life, as this quote about regret reminds you. Indeed, everyone wishes certain situations had gone differently. However, your mistakes and struggles don’t define who you are.

Don’t let these thoughts hold you back in life because you deserve every opportunity and experience you can take. As you realize that you can change your present, you’ll forgive yourself for the past and have the confidence to chase your dreams.

8. “When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell

When things don’t work out the way you wanted them to, it doesn’t mean that your opportunity is lost. Instead, it means there’s something else out there for you, but you have to remain open to the chance.

Stop looking back and fixating on things you can’t change. Focus on living in the present and doing what you can to live a meaningful life from now on.

9. “Don’t regret your mistakes. You’ll always make mistakes. The better you are, the less mistakes you make. The only way to get better is to thoroughly analyze your mistakes.” – James Altucher

One way to let go of regret is to stop regretting your mistakes altogether. Mistakes happen, and each mishap is a learning opportunity. Don’t regret situations that you learn from because they help you become a better version of yourself.

Inspirational quote

10. “If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.” – Jim Carrey

Stay focused on living in the moment because it’s the only way to let go of regret. This quote about regret reminds you that looking at the past stops you from seeing the present and building a better future.

11. “Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret, and depression. Do not repeat them in the future.” – Swami Sivananda

Constantly thinking of your past decisions only leads to more regret and negativity. Remember this quote and do as Sivananda explains. Let go of the past and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes in the future.

12. “The past could always be annihilated. Regret, denial, or forgetfulness could do that. But the future was inevitable.” – Oscar Wilde

When you live with regret, denial, or forgetfulness, it causes problems in your present. Those aspects of negativity can destroy anything, so let go of them right away. Your future has potential, but you must first overcome your feelings of regret.

13. “We don’t have to be defined by the things we did or didn’t do in our past. Some people allow themselves to be controlled by regret. Maybe it’s a regret, maybe it’s not. It’s merely something that happened. Get over it.” – Pittacus Lore

The things that happened in your past don’t matter anymore. You can decide to move forward and forgive yourself for your mistakes at any moment. Don’t continue regretting what you did because it won’t help you progress in life.

14. “Sure, you wish you did some things differently. But there is no sense in becoming burdened with regret over things you have no power to change.” – Rihanna

You’ll always wish you made different choices at specific parts of your life, but you don’t have to fixate on regret. Instead, learn from your mistakes so that you can use the situation as a positive stepping stone.

This quote about regret warns that rumination doesn’t do anything but waste your time and energy. You can’t change it, so focus on what you can change right now.

15. “One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” – Shannon L. Alder

Follow the path you want for your life so that you don’t look back with regret. Many people regret the things they didn’t do and the opportunities they didn’t take.

As Alder explains, please don’t give in to pressure from others who think they know what’s best for your life. Be yourself and do the things that bring meaning to your life so that you don’t live with regret.

quotes about regret

Final Thoughts on Quotes About Regret to Help You Let Go

While you wish you could change things that happened in your past, regret can consume your life. Learn to let go and move forward so that you can make the most of your life. When you let go of remorse, you can focus on the present and do what’s best for your future.

These quotes about regret can help you let go and move forward while focusing on positivity. As you read through the passages, remember that you aren’t alone in making mistakes. Remember the phrases that apply to your situation and refer to them anytime you feel remorse.

12 Ways Tired Parents Can Spend a Rare Moment of Alone Time

Parenting is a non-stop job, on top of all the other life demands you experience each day. It can be exhausting, and tired parents often don’t get a break. While everyone’s situation is different, you can find ways to be by yourself without making significant adjustments.

Parents spend their day handling adult responsibilities, and then they jump into their parenting duties as soon as their children get home. Most parents don’t get much time alone between having a career, managing the home, being a parent, and maintaining other relationships.

Many people believe they need at least an hour to recharge, but that’s not entirely true. While longer self-care sessions are great, you can renew a little even if you only have five minutes.

How Tired Parents Can Spend a Rare Moment of Alone Time

These ways that tired parents can spend a rare moment of solitude can help you get through these years. It’s not ideal to have to steal moments for self-care, but it’s the reality of being a parent. Don’t tell yourself you don’t have time, though, because you can find it by utilizing these ideas.

tired parents

1. Tired Parents Should Write in a Journal

Writing in a journal is beneficial because you won’t get distracted easily. You focus on the words, processing your feelings as you write it all out. It forces you to take time alone because it’s not something you can do while multitasking.

The perfect time to journal is at night after your kids are in bed. It allows you to reflect on the day, release your stress, and process everything. Not only will you feel better after some time alone, but you’ll capture your memories and emotions to revisit later.

2. Sit in Your Car for a Few Minutes

If you have errands to run and your kids aren’t with you, sit quietly in your car for a few minutes. Focus on your breathing before returning home to your family. You can also journal while sitting in the car or doing anything else you’d like to do with a rare moment alone.

You can take a few minutes to drive around if you don’t want to sit in a parking lot or your driveway. Don’t feel bad if you take a long way home while basking in silence or singing along to your favorite song. It’s the perfect time to reflect and have a few minutes of uninterrupted freedom.

3. Commit to Playtime in the Morning

If your kids spend the day begging you to play with them, make it a point to do it early. This way, you don’t have to listen to the whining all day, preventing further frustration. If you play with your child early in the day, you can have some pleasant and productive time afterward.

Your child will likely play better alone after a little of your time. Once you get playtime out of the way and set your child up for independent play, you can take a few moments to yourself.

4. Tired Parents Can Wake Up Early

If you want solitude, get it before everyone else wakes up first thing in the morning. Get out of bed early and do things you can’t do when your family is around. You can bask in the quiet, enjoy a coffee, or step outside to breathe in the fresh air.

Tired parents dread waking up early, but it has so many benefits. Even if you only get five minutes before someone wakes up, you’ll be glad you did it. Taking that time helps prepare you for the day ahead, especially when you know it’ll be hard.

5. Put on Noise Cancelling Headphones

If you have a few minutes, you can put on noise-canceling headphones and listen to something that calms you. Listen to an audiobook, a few songs, or a podcast. If you choose something calming, it’ll help you relax and process your thoughts.

6. Create a Dedicated Space for Quiet Time

It’s okay to need time alone, and your family will understand when you need a moment. Find a quiet place in your home and create an area for you to go for quiet time. Tell your kids that this is your place to go when you need to be alone.

It’s not foolproof, but it can get you a few minutes to yourself when you desperately need a break. Consider keeping a journal, book, or magazine in that space so you can quickly grab them when you have a minute.

If you need solitude late at night, make sure your space isn’t in a bedroom where the light might bother someone. As a parent, you never know when you’ll get a few minutes, and you don’t want to disrupt anyone.

tired parents

7. Sit Outside For a Few Minutes

Getting a few minutes of fresh air can make a huge difference in your life. Never pass up the chance to step outside and bask in the sunlight or feel the wind on your skin. It can make all the difference when you need a moment to breathe.

On days your kids wake up early, you can take your coffee outside and let them run around in the yard. They’ll be distracted so you can enjoy a few minutes to refocus and have a break.

8. Ask People You Trust to Take Care of Your Kids

Most people understand that tired parents need time to themselves. If you have trustworthy people that are good with your kids, don’t hesitate to ask for help. It’ll be good for your kids to spend time with other trusted adults, and you’ll get the time you desperately need. You may also look for child care providers that can look after your kids while you take the time to relax.

When someone else is taking care of the kids, you can take more time to yourself. While many other tips are about taking a few minutes to yourself, you can go a little bigger here. Do something you can’t do when the kids are home, and embrace every moment.

If you are close to another parent, you can swap babysitting favors. Other tired parents feel the same as you, and they’ll benefit from the plan just as much.

9. Find an Activity That Keeps Your Kids Busy

Plan for time alone by setting up an activity to keep your kid busy. Make sure it’s an activity they won’t need help with so that you can embrace every moment of their independent play.

Consider what your child is into and use that as a starting point. You’ll want to keep them interested and preoccupied for as long as possible. Sensory tables are an excellent way to do this, but the options are limitless.

10. Tired Parents Can Adjust Their Sleep Schedules

This tip might not work for everyone, but a flexible schedule allows you to use it effectively. You can stay up a little later at night to get time by yourself, making sure the kids are sound asleep. Use this time to pamper yourself, relax, meditate, or do anything else that will help you destress.

Some parents might have the option of waking up in the middle of the night when the house is quiet. If you can make this situation happen, take full advantage. Make sure you don’t let it interfere with your energy levels, though, or it can negatively impact you.

11. Put on a Movie for the Kids

Screen time isn’t always the best way to entertain your kids, but it works, and there’s nothing wrong with a movie night. Putting their favorite movie on the TV can give you some time to yourself. When you know your kids are enjoying their time, it’ll make your time that much more enjoyable.

12. Tired Parents Should Schedule Self-Care Time

It can be hard to prioritize self-care when you haven’t set aside time. Ask someone you trust to watch your kids for a short amount of time so you can take care of yourself. Use this time to do things for yourself that you’ve been neglecting, or take a nap to catch up on sleep. Do whatever you feel like it because this is your time to spend by yourself.

Plan it ahead of time, so you have everything you need ready and know you have someone to distract the kids for a bit. It might be a bit of a process to set up the time, but it’ll be well worth it when you feel better.

tired parents

Final Thoughts on Ways Tired Parents Can Spend a Rare Moment of Alone Time

Having children is a blessing but comes with many challenges, including the lack of alone time. It’s exhausting, and tired parents struggle to find ways to destress. These tips can help you find rare moments to breathe and refocus.

Getting a few moments to yourself is sometimes as easy as going outside for a few minutes, but that’s not always the case. Tired parents know that no plan is foolproof, so you must embrace each moment of quiet that you receive.

10 Succulents That Are Perfect, Even If You Lack a Green Thumb

For those who lack a green thumb, succulents make the perfect plants. It’s tough to kill succulents since they don’t require much water, and many don’t even need much sunlight. Consider a few succulents if you’re looking for low-maintenance plants to spruce up your indoor or outdoor living areas. They come in many varieties and can grow in almost any environment, although they do best in dry, arid climates.

Many people want to feel closer to nature but don’t have much time to care for plants. Luckily, succulents can offer the best of both worlds. Below, we’ll show you a few succulents that can add greenery and life to your home.

10 Succulents That Are Perfect, Even If You Lack a Green Thumb

Check out these beauties–they’ll add charm to your home.


1 – Zebra Cactus

Native to Africa, the Zebra Cactus succulent gets its name from the horizontal stripes on its leaves. Since it’s relatively small, you can place this cute succulent in a windowsill or ledge in your home. White flowers will begin blooming between October and November, adding even more beauty to your environment. It also soaks up water in its leaves, so it will only need water every two weeks or once a month.


2 – Crown of Thorns

These succulents from Madagascar can thrive as outdoor or indoor plants. However, they grow best indoors at a temperature between 65-75 degrees F. They need at least three or four hours of direct sunlight each day, so make sure to place it in a window facing the sun.

It doesn’t need much water, especially in the winter months. Remember that it has sharp thorns and excretes a latex sap that can cause skin or eye irritation. When caring for it, make sure to use gloves.


3 – String of Bananas

This succulent from South Africa gets its name from the long vines of banana-shaped leaves. Not only is it adorable, but it’s a low-maintenance plant that blooms white flowers in early spring, making it aesthetically pleasing. It requires bright, indirect sunlight and only needs watering once a week in spring and summer and every two weeks in the fall and winter.


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4 – Lithops (Living Stones)

Also known as living stones due to their appearance, these succulents are native to South Africa. The compact, squishy leaves have a slit down the middle, giving them half-moon shapes. The succulent produce leaves in the spring and beautiful yellow or white flowers in late summer or fall.

They come in various colors such as pink, green, gray, and brown and may also have curved lines or dots. They need 4-5 hours of direct sunlight daily and only need water every two weeks. In the summer and winter, they don’t need any water since they’re dormant during this time.

living stones

5 – Donkey’s Tail

This plant is another hanging succulent from Mexico and grows best in sunny, moderate climates. They can grow up to four feet long in about six years, although most only reach 2 feet long. If you place these succulents outdoors, red, yellow, or white flowers may bloom in late summer.

The donkey’s tail needs about 3 hours of sunlight; however, if you’re growing it outdoors, make sure it’s partially shaded in the afternoon. The direct sunlight may burn its fragile, sensitive leaves. Water this plant about once a month indoors and every two to three weeks outdoors.

donkeys tail succulents

6 – Alabaster Rose

Easily one of the most beautiful, common succulents, these plants get their name because of their resemblance to a rose. They’re native to Mexico and parts of Central America, so they grow best in desert conditions. However, they will tolerate moist, cold environments as long as they’re grown indoors.

They grow slowly and typically measure about twelve inches in height and spread. These gorgeous plants need direct sunlight and moderate amounts of water in the summer.

7 – Christmas Cactus

These stunning hanging succulents bloom in late fall and early winter, making them an excellent addition to your home at Christmastime. Native to Brazilian rainforests, this plant grows reasonably fast and can reach two feet tall within two years. The flowers are generally pink, red, magenta, white or purple. Holiday cacti grow best in low light and need water one to three times per week, depending on the season.

christmas cactus

8 – Kalanchoe Tessa

These decorative succulents bloom orange-red, tubular flowers late winter to early spring. They can grow up to a foot tall and two feet wide and only need partial sunlight. However, in the growing season, make sure to expose them to direct sunlight. These succulents only require watering once per week.

kalachoe tessa

9 – Jade

Native to South Africa, these succulents are pretty popular and easy to grow. They have thick stems similar to tree trunks and fleshy, dark green leaves. People in South Africa used to believe they brought good luck and would offer them as housewarming gifts. They can grow between three to six feet tall, requiring full sun and frequent watering.

jade plant

10 – Hens and Chicks

These unique succulents are native to Europe and parts of Africa. It gets its name from how it grows since the rosettes form offshoots (chicks) from the mother plant in the center (a hen). These plants resemble artichokes when they reach maturity. They come in various colors, typically including shades of green, red, blue, copper, and purple.

Hens and chicks grow best in a temperature climate between 65 and 75 degrees F. They’re low-maintenance succulents that require six hours of full sunlight each day and very little water. They can go weeks without an ounce of water once they’re mature. However, it’s a good idea to water them once every one or two weeks in scorching climates.

hens and chicks succulents

Final Thoughts on Best Succulents to Grow in Your Home

Succulents require the minor maintenance of almost any plant, making them ideal for the busy and forgetful among us. Everyone deserves to have beautiful plants in their home, as looking at nature calms the nerves and uplifts the spirit. If you’re interested in connecting with nature, consider adding some succulents to your living space. You won’t regret it!

Psychologists Explain the Reasons Why Narcissists Need a Scapegoat

Narcissistic personality disorder is a complex cluster B disorder with many complex symptoms. These symptoms affect how a narcissist interacts with the people around them. Often, narcissists feel the need to cast the people closest to them in specific roles that fulfill selfish needs. One of these roles is the scapegoat.

A scapegoat in the context of NPD is someone who they can point to as the bearer of responsibility for a narcissist’s behavior. They’re an easy person to blame and point fingers at, which gives the narcissist a way to justify this behavior. The scapegoat, meanwhile, is entirely innocent of these charges.

The most common scapegoat dynamic occurs in a family with children, according to studies. In this situation, one child is singled out as the “scapegoat” to bear the brunt of all the family’s problems. The scapegoat can also be any other vulnerable member of the family. Whoever it is, they end up in a situation where they lose trust in others, lose self-esteem, and experience toxic shame.

However, a scapegoat can be anyone, not just a family member. Narcissists can find a target virtually anywhere and everywhere and will do their best to identify potential victims for the role when needed. But why do they do this? Are you at risk? Psychology explains why narcissists need to blame others and what type of people they abuse.

1.      Narcissists Use Scapegoats As Regulation Through Projection

Research reveals links between general narcissism as a trait, low self-esteem, and even self-loathing. That’s why narcissists often act the way they do because they are deeply unhappy with themselves. They have a lot of negative emotions that they try to suppress because they don’t know how to regulate them.

To find a way to deal with these emotions, narcissists use scapegoats. They’re not able to develop proper self-awareness, nor are they able to self-reflect. They also can’t benefit from therapy or healthy relationships because it’s hard for them to build that positivity without professional help.

It’s common knowledge that repressing emotions makes them stronger. Numerous studies confirm this. Without regulation, a narcissist’s feelings keep growing stronger and stronger. The fact that many of those emotions are about their own self-loathing only makes matters worse.


A Narcissist’s Need For Manipulation

Like anything bottled up, those negative emotions need an outlet. A narcissist uses a scapegoat as that outlet. They project their feelings onto that person and paint the scapegoat with the qualities that they dislike about themselves. Then, they yell at, berate, and abuse the scapegoat as they secretly think of themselves. Here are some examples of this projection.

A narcissist who worries about their appearance will constantly attack a scapegoat for how they look. This abuse may include ridiculing their fashion sense, questioning their eating or exercise habits, or belittling physical features.

A narcissist knows their manipulative tendencies and feels shame. Thus, they assume that their scapegoat is always out to get them. They will project their way of thinking and twisted toxicity onto that scapegoat. A narcissist casts themself as a victim and their scapegoat as the mastermind. However, the truth is the opposite.

A narcissist who feels they cannot reach their full potential will attack a scapegoat over their achievements. They might discourage the scapegoat by saying they’re incapable, lack skill, or are too “lazy” to succeed. Or they may downplay the scapegoat’s success by acting like it’s not a significant achievement or telling the scapegoat they don’t deserve to be proud. They could also demand more from the scapegoat by telling them they’re not doing enough to succeed.

Narcissists spend a lot of their lives creating a false version of themselves that they can hide their insecurities behind. Their real selves are what they then project onto others, complete with those vulnerabilities. Without a scapegoat, they have no outlet and would experience breakdowns and self-implosions.

2.      Narcissists Use Scapegoats To Avoid Detection

The most common reason for scapegoating – whether from narcissists or other people – is to transfer blame and responsibility. Narcissists care deeply about their image. They spend a long time carefully curating how they want to showcase themselves to the world. This usually involves hiding their narcissistic traits and behaving like a perfect, unblemished being.

People often think of narcissists as supreme evil villains who pull all the strings behind closed doors, but that’s far from true. They’re human beings who are prone to mistakes. When people get suspicious, they need someone to point their fingers at – and that’s why a scapegoat is essential to them.

This need is central to two other key characteristics of a narcissist’s lies: denial and rationalization. These are both defense mechanisms, both for the narcissist’s mental state and their covertness to others.

A narcissist may utilize denial with a scapegoat by:

  • Gaslighting the scapegoat into accepting a false version of reality where the scapegoat is entirely to blame for the narcissist’s behavior
  • Denying the emotions and thoughts of the scapegoat and constantly invalidating their views and opinions
  • Distracting people from reality and the truth by directing their attention to the scapegoat
  • Remain in denial about their own emotions, thus continuing projection onto their scapegoat


Similarly, a narcissist may utilize rationalization with a scapegoat by:

  • Justifying their behavior to both the scapegoat and the people around them
  • Normalizing their behavior in the eyes of the scapegoat, acting as if the victim is the weird one for having a problem with the narcissist’s behavior
  • Blaming the scapegoat for anything and everything that goes wrong
  • Telling a scapegoat that no one believes them or everyone thinks they’re crazy
  • Making their scapegoat codependent on them
  • Giving their scapegoat the silent treatment to make them question their actions and emotions

Narcissists employ many other tactics to keep their scapegoats in line. They need their scapegoat to believe their lies to be convincing. This abuse is why scapegoats often wind up with long-lasting trauma from the narcissism they endured.

What Type Of People Do Narcissists Look For As Scapegoats?

Not every person is a good candidate for scapegoating. The wrong person would not fuel the narcissist in the way they need. Perhaps they won’t engage with the narcissist’s goading, or they might cut the narcissist off. Or maybe they’re in too good a standing with those around them, so they’re unlikely to be blamed for the narcissist’s issues.

This is why narcissists often pick suitable targets for their behaviors. They need scapegoats with specific qualities that are susceptible to manipulation and malleable to a narcissist’s will. Here are the kinds of people they seek out:

·         Those With Low Self-Esteem

It’s easy to break down a person who is broken and vulnerable. Narcissists pick people who can be manipulated and coaxed into codependency because of their low self-esteem. They’ll feed these scapegoats just enough validation to keep them hooked while criticizing them enough to make them want to please. It’s almost like negging. Those with low self-esteem also make the perfect spaces for projection.

·         Caretakers

Caretakers are individuals who are naturally nurturing and tend to be forgiving. As their description suggests, they desire to care for those around them, making them quite empathetic. This makes them an easy target – pulling on their heartstrings is easy. Narcissists use caretakers by pretending to be hurt by them, playing the victim until the caretaker looks after them and takes responsibility for the narcissist’s behavior.

·         Rebels

When someone is already going against norms and getting in trouble, they’re a convenient target for scapegoating. This is especially true if the narcissist already manages to build a decent reputation. A troublemaker being to blame for someone’s problems is an easy idea to swallow. A narcissist will also likely lovebomb a rebel to get them attached, making the rebel feel like they’re important and giving them a much-desired bond of faked understanding. Once the rebel is trapped, the narcissist can turn them into an easy figure to blame.

·         Problem-Solvers

Problem-solvers are always looking to find solutions and fix situations. As caretakers, they may take responsibility for other people’s actions, working to correct any wrongs they have committed. The problem-solver can be a good scapegoat for narcissists because they’ll take it upon themselves to patch up problems. The narcissist has to point out all the issues, connect the problem-solver to them, and put them to work.

·         Those They Want To Be Like

If there’s someone a narcissist is envious of, they’ll likely try to turn that person into a scapegoat. For the sake of the green-eyed monster, a narcissist will project, hard, onto the subject of their envy to try and find things that are wrong with them. Being able to tarnish the reputation of someone the narcissist wishes they could be like is just the cherry on top for them.


Final Thoughts On Understanding Why A Narcissist Needs A Scapegoat

Narcissists need victims to handle their emotions and regulate their self-loathing. They also need scapegoats to form their perfect image and have someone to blame all problems on, creating the ideal defense. They convince their scapegoat that the scapegoat is always at fault in the process, leaving lifelong trauma on that victim.

Narcissists typically seek out vulnerable or highly empathetic people to use as scapegoats. This is why so many narcissists have a chosen child as a scapegoat. However, a narcissist will likely also find other scapegoats for the different social circles that they spend time in.

It is worth pointing out that the word “narcissist” has been carelessly thrown around more often in recent years. The term does not apply to anyone; people can be toxic, manipulative, or unpleasant without being narcissists. Identifying a real narcissist is vital for your mental health and safety. Incorrectly labeling them will only cause more trouble.

If you think a narcissist currently scapegoats you, you must disengage and get away as soon as possible. Being the victim of a narcissist can harm your self-esteem, and you may have already fallen under the spiral of their spell. Seek professional help if you need it!

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