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People With a Disabled Sibling Have More Empathy, According to Psychology

A new study reveals that siblings of children with disabilities may have greater cognitive empathy. However, the research found no variations in emotional empathy or prosocial behaviors between those with neurotypical or neurodivergent siblings.

Researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Toronto collaborated on the study. They wanted to investigate how growing up with a disabled sibling may foster empathy and compassion. The findings have been published in the journal Child Development.

Having a child or sibling with a developmental disorder or disability often causes immense stress for families. Siblings who grow up with a disabled sibling may experience more adversity and challenges. However, few studies looked into the positive aspects of growing up with a disabled sibling until this research.

The recent study marks one of the first to investigate the connection between having a disabled sibling and greater empathy.

“The findings indicate that siblings of children with disabilities may have greater cognitive empathy (i.e., understanding of others’ thoughts and feelings), which is important as cognitive empathy is key for social skills,” said Yonat Rum, a postdoctoral researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Cambridge.

People With a Disabled Sibling Have More Empathy, According to Psychology


Researchers analyzed data from the Longitudinal Israeli Study of Twins for the study. This includes 1,657 families of twins born between 2004 and 2005, with demographic traits similar to those of the Jewish population in Israel. Researchers identified 63 families who had one twin with a disability and the other with normal development.

Next, the team compared the neurotypical twin siblings of disabled children to typically developing twin siblings from the remaining sample. They measured their cognitive and emotional empathy and prosociality when the children were eleven years old.

Researchers gave participants a self-report questionnaire assessment of cognitive and emotional empathy. They also asked them to complete a computer task to determine prosocial behaviors. These are behaviors that benefit or help other people. Finally, the team gave the participating children’s parents a survey to assess their children’s prosocial behaviors.

The findings revealed that neurotypical children with a disabled twin scored significantly higher in self-reported cognitive empathy than typically developing twins. They didn’t find any differences in emotional empathy or prosocial behaviors, however.

“These positive effects might be due to the specific ‘advantage’ of cognitive empathy to better understand their sibling with disabilities and to support the sibling relationship,” said Ariel Knafo-Noam, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The authors added that the experimental findings warrant more research using different measurement methods in the future. The Israel Science Foundation and partially supported by the Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and an Azrieli Fellowship, helped fund this study.

Another Study Reveals Similar Findings

Having a sibling can make life more fulfilling, especially since siblings usually have a strong bond. A 2020 Tel Aviv University and University of Haifa study reveals that having a sibling with an intellectual disability further strengthens this bond. They found more positive relationships between children and siblings with developmental disabilities than those between neurotypical siblings.

Prof. Anat Zaidman-Zait of the Department of School Counseling and Special Education at TAU’s Constantiner School of Education performed the study. She collaborated with Dr. Dafna Regev and Miri Yechezkiely of Haifa’s Graduate School of Creative Art Therapies. The findings first appeared in Research in Developmental Disabilities.

“Having a child with a disability in a family places unique demands on all family members, including typically developing siblings,” Prof. Zaidman-Zait explains. “Although challenges exist, they are often accompanied by both short- and long-term positive contributions.

“Through our research, we found that relationships among children with siblings with intellectual disabilities were even more supportive than those among typically developed siblings. Specifically, we found that children with siblings with intellectual disabilities scored higher on empathy, teaching, and closeness and scored lower on conflict and rivalry than those with typically developing siblings.”

Researchers decided to measure children’s kindness using art or self-reporting for the study. This would allow them to assess the emotional health of children who had a disabled sibling.

The scientists recruited sixty children aged eight to eleven for the study. Half the participants had neurotypical siblings, and the other half had neurodivergent siblings. Through drawings and questionnaires, they asked the children to express their relationship with their siblings. The team also asked the mothers of the children to answer questionnaires about their children’s relationship with their siblings.

Prof. Zaidman-Zait says this:

“We drew on the basic assumption that artistic creation allows internal content to be expressed visually and that children’s self-reports have special added value in studies measuring sibling relationship qualities, especially in areas where parents might have less insight.”

Researchers asked both sets of neurotypical children to draw pictures of themselves and their siblings. Then, licensed art therapists used specific criteria to assign scores to the illustrations. These criteria were as follows:

  • The physical distance between the figures;
  • The presence or absence of a parent in the image;
  • Amount of detail invested in either the self-portrait or the sibling representation, and;
  • Amount of support given to a sibling in the picture.

The children also filled out a Sibling Relationship Questionnaire, which asked questions about their closeness, dominance, conflict, and rivalry with siblings. Researchers then analyzed the children’s artwork and questionnaires, in addition to questionnaires completed by the children’s mothers.

They discovered that the children who had siblings with intellectual disabilities scored much higher on empathy, teaching, and closeness. They also scored lower on conflict and rivalry in sibling relationships than those with neurotypical siblings.

Prof. Zaidman-Zait concludes that having a disabled family member makes the rest of the family more empathetic towards others’ needs.


Final Thoughts About How Having a Disabled Sibling Increases Empathy

Caring for others keeps society functioning and makes life worth living in this world. We’ve survived for millennia by cooperating to solve problems, and it’s no different in the modern era.

Studies have shown that caring for a disabled sibling increases empathy and consideration for others. Of course, many people without disabled siblings are empathetic and want to help others. But, looking after someone with a disability can help foster kindness at an early age.

13 Signs of Social Phobia Never to Ignore

Social phobias are a group of phobic disorders characterized by fear. Living with these conditions means that you’re always afraid of what others think or say about you. The most common social phobia is a social anxiety disorder, ranging from mild to debilitating.

Do you know that there are people in this country who can’t go to the mall, get on the freeway, or enjoy going out to eat with their families? It’s because the fear of not being able to escape these public situations inhibits them from living. Each person has different fears, but many social phobias follow a similar progression.

The Difference Between Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder

If you’re a shy person and feel awkward in a crowd, it’s not as severe as someone who has a phobia of social situations. Sure, being timid can make you uncomfortable and anxious, but the difference between being shy and having a disorder is night and day.

Someone shy will experience some mild symptoms when there in certain situations. However, a person with a social fear has a debilitating mental condition impacting every facet of their life. Suppose you were to examine a scale based on the two people’s anxiousness.

Shyness would be at the lower end of the spectrum, while a social disorder would be higher. Remember that being shy means having some unpleasant symptoms, but the feelings are not paralyzing enough to keep you from returning. Perhaps you hate the doctor’s office because of all the people in the waiting room, but it doesn’t bother you enough to keep you from going back.

A person with a phobic disorder will change their life and patterns to cope with intense fears. They will take extreme measures and rearrange their life to accommodate their mental illness.

social phobia

Thirteen Signs That Reveal Social Phobia

Have you ever had social fears that overwhelm you? Do you suffer from phobias that limit or impact your life significantly?

Some say that socially intelligent folks who learn to control their emotions can conquer these issues, but knowing the signs of what you’re dealing with is an excellent place to start. Here are the most observed symptoms of a social panic disorder.

  1. Racing heart
  2. Can’t focus or concentrate
  3. Profuse sweating, including but not limited to the palms
  4. Flushed or reddening of the face and body
  5. Tremors and shaking
  6. Choking sensations
  7. Heaviness in your chest area
  8. Dry or cottonmouth
  9. Dizziness or feeling faint
  10. Clumsy
  11. Rapid or disorganized speech
  12. Muscle pain and tension
  13. Headaches

In most instances, these feelings will subside when you remove yourself from the situation. Additionally, a coping skill that many people use is to reset their bodies by taking a nap. When you’re resting, your body is at the point of total relaxation, and you can get rid of much of the angst you feel.

Emotional Indications of Social Phobia

While you know about the physical signs and how they can impact you, what about the mental issues this phobia causes? These can be just as powerful and can cause you to limit your interactions with people. You may develop such an intense fear of being judged that you avoid public places, like restaurants, concerts, or anything out of your comfort zone.

You may have a challenging time at work because you feel inferior around persons of authority. Many individuals with social phobias are afraid that people will notice their intense anxiety and judge them. It’s commonplace for these folks to let others walk all over them, as they’re too afraid to speak up for themselves.

Being asked to give a public speech or do a work report involving a demonstration can cause a commotion. The fears can be so bad that they might consider quitting their job to get out of it. These folks don’t like to be the center of attention. In fact, even praise or applause is too much to handle.

Another thing that people with these phobias do is fear stuff before it even happens. For instance, you’re taking your children to an amusement park for the day. Your anticipatory fears are overwhelming you, and you’ve already worked the situation up until a full-blown panic before you leave.

You’ve mapped the route, studied the traffic patterns and road closures, and made sure you know about the check-in procedures. You can’t handle any surprises as it sends your fears into orbit. You must remember that these anxieties are not reality, but your brain magnifies your fears and triggers painful thoughts and feelings.

Avoidant Behaviors

Avoidance behaviors become commonplace with social phobia. People who have this disorder avoid specific places and larger crowds. This disorder makes having friendships, dating, and getting a higher education extremely difficult.

While the person needs to function, they choose the path of least resistance. They have a list of “dangerous” social situations in their mind, and they do everything in their power to limit exposure. Have you ever wondered about the places and things that folks with social phobias avoid? Here are the most common:

  • Parties
  • Being with strangers
  • Authoritative people or those that are well accomplished
  • Making conversation with new folks
  • Large stores or ones that are overly crowded
  • Job interviews
  • Public speaking or performing
  • Family reunions or meeting up with distant relatives
  • High school or college reunions
  • Concerts
  • Banks or government offices
  • Social media and chatrooms where they can be judged
  • Checkout lines
  • Malls
  • Doctor’s offices or hospitals
  • Dating
  • Driving

social phobia

If they go to these places or experience these situations, they do so with a supportive partner. This person is a family member or friend who will be there should they fall to pieces. The phobia becomes debilitating because they can’t go anywhere without that support person, and these irrational fears take over their entire life.

Common Social Phobia Scenarios

Sometimes a story can help illustrate things and put them into a better perspective for you.

According to an article published by the Mayo Clinic, both examples below could indicate agoraphobia, a social phobia. They both fear and avoid places where they feel another take may happen, and they will be trapped.

Fear of Crowded Places

Linda was a mother of three who was doing her grocery shopping. She made it through the first few aisles of the store, but by the time she turned down the cereal aisle, she knew something wasn’t right.

Her head was hurting, her chest felt heavy, and her heart was racing so bad she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Since she had her children with her, she feared they would see her die. The room was spinning, and there were people all around.

Linda managed to make it to a bench to calm herself. She felt for sure the end was near, but she had issues with panic before, so she hoped things would stop. The attack lasted for around ten minutes, and she finally felt well enough to get up and finish shopping.

Though weary, she vowed if she ever got out of that store, she would never come back. A couple of essential things happened here that will alter her views. First, Linda will forever associate the grocery store with panic attacks. Second, she will go out of her way to avoid going to the store.

Though she’s been to that supermarket hundreds of times. But all it took was ten minutes of irrational fears to change her views forever.

The Freeway Nightmare

Adrian just got her tax refund check, and she was on her way to buy a new purse. She was excited as she paid off all her debt, and life was good. She had her four-year-old daughter with her, Abby. Right when Adrian got to a busy intersection, her head started spinning.

Her heart was racing, and she felt like she was going to pass out. She decided it was better to take flight rather than fight, so she opened her car door to run down the expressway. She remembers that she couldn’t run because her daughter was in the car.

Adrian made it through the intersection and rested in a nearby parking lot. She was so weak and sick that she had to call a family member to drive her to safety. That day forever changed the mindset of this once fearless driver, as she was always waiting for another attack.

It’s been more than six years now, but she still doesn’t drive very much. She only drives on country roads, and she makes sure that she always has an easy way to exit. Though she was always a socially intelligent person, these fears have paralyzed her to the point of being nearly housebound.

social phobia

Final Thoughts on Recognizing a Social Phobia

What have your experiences been with panic, and what steps have you taken to ensure it doesn’t control your life? Social phobias come in all shapes and sizes. One person might have some slight shyness that makes them nervous, while another person can’t leave their home because of their intense fears.

The most important thing to consider is that all these conditions are treatable. According to NHS Inform Health, you can do things to combat your social phobia like breathing exercises, keeping your blood sugars stable, meditating, and avoiding things like caffeine, alcohol, and smoking.

While you may experience issues with panic, it doesn’t have to control you. You’re more robust and able to conquer anything you set your mind to, even overcoming your irrational fears.

India Masters Solar Food Dehydration, Reduces Food Waste

Many farmers have adopted solar food dehydration in India to preserve food and reduce waste. Plus, it’s helping rural farmers earn extra income for any food not sold in markets. They collect leftover produce that would have been thrown away and use special solar dehydrators to remove excess water. Then, farmers process the dried fruits and vegetables and resell them.

In total, the process takes just four hours and can keep food from spoiling for months. This technology dramatically benefits rural Indians since summers are brutally hot, and many don’t have refrigerators. Unfortunately, due to the lack of industrialization, thousands of tons of food go to landfills in India. However, the solar food dehydration methods could reverse this trend and lead to less food waste.

Not to mention, the simple food preservation method helps empower women by providing them with a source of income. The company that created the solar food dryers, S4S, or Science 4 Society, sets up the machines in rural villages and teaches women how to use them. So, it gives rural Indian women a purpose and offers financial independence, transforming their lives.

India Masters Solar Food Dehydration, Reduces Food Waste

Produce tomatoes, onions, ginger, garlic, coconut, chilies, and corn go through the solar food dehydration process. Then, they’re turned into dried fruits and vegetables and sold to over 1,100 food and beverage industries worldwide. The solar food dehydrators preserve 20-50% more nutrients than other techniques and cut carbon emissions from refrigeration and food waste.

The company states that they’ve prevented 350,000 metric tons of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere. In addition, they’ve reduced food waste by a staggering 40,000 tons due to the solar food dehydrators. By deploying these innovative machines in India, Science 4 Society has provided 800 women in Maharashtra with economic opportunities. Average wages for women have risen by 110% from their prior employment.

solar food dehydration

Other accomplishments of the solar power food dehydration methods by S4S include:

  • 2,600 installations in 15 countries
  • 37,000 metric tons of annual CO2 saved
  • 12,000 market links to 6,000 different farmers
  • Over 1 million people now have access to nutrient-dense foods, helping eliminate hunger
  • Preserves produce for up to 1 year without chemicals or preservatives
  • Solar food dehydrators have a drying efficiency of 22%
  • 40,000 per year capacity for a farm-level solar food processor
  • Use of all modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation) reduce air requirement 10X
  • The simple yet effective technology reduces microbes by 10X
  • Assures farmers an additional yearly income of $1000-1500

What’s on the Horizon?

In the future, the company has plans to:

  • Develop a hybrid solar dryer that will use a combination of solar and biomass power
  • Develop higher capacity solar food dehydration systems
  • Create a domestic solar dryer, solar seed dryer, and solar grain dryer

Other Companies Creating Solar Dryers in India

Around 80% of farmers in India live in poverty since they can only preserve food for one or two weeks due to a lack of infrastructure and poor government support. Farmers also must dispose of produce when market prices decline, which adds to the global food waste problem.

Sadly, these economic hardships lead many rural Indian farmers to commit suicide. Wanting to find a solution for the farmers, Varun Raheja, a 23-year-old mechanical engineer, decided to create affordable solar food dehydrators.

Solar food dehydration creates its heat, removing excess moisture from fruits and vegetables. This process allows for longer food preservation without adding CO2 to the atmosphere. However, Raheja says that many food dehydrators are too costly and high-capacity for most rural farmers in India. With this knowledge, he founded his own company, Raheja Solar Food Processing Pvt. Ltd. (RSFP), in 2018 to create an affordable solar food dehydration system for rural farmers.

The U.N. recognized his company for creating accessible food dryers and instructing farmers to use them. To reduce production costs, Raheja relies on local materials and utilizes a folding design to lower transportation costs. Also, the user-friendly design eliminates the need to hire someone to install the dryers. It doesn’t require electricity to operate and uses “stainless steel mesh” to dry produce. Unlike plastic mesh, this does not produce any toxic gasses.

The Cost of Solar Food Dehydration Technology Equipment

The solar food dehydration system costs only $200, which is fifty percent less than most solar dryers on the market. To help increase farmers’ profits, Raheja created a “Circulo-Economy” business model, which entails collaborating with NGOs and the government to assist rural communities. They help farmers connect with and understand the dried foods market.

Using this method, farmers can preserve their food for at least six months and sell produce when market rates increase. This leads to a profit increase of four or five times that farmers typically make.

So far, RSFP has sold its solar food dehydration system to 26 Indian states in the last four years. The innovative solar dryer has allowed farmers to sell healthy dried pineapples from Manipur, walnuts from Kashmir, cashew apples from Goa, and berries from Ladakh.

One farmer from Madhya Pradesh who grows stevia said that the solar food dehydration system improved his harvests by eliminating dust and food waste. Another dairy farmer in a small Indian village added that the dryer has helped preserve a water-grown fern for cattle during harsh winters.

The invention has allowed more than a hundred Indian farmers to increase profits. Raheja hopes to eventually bring his solar food dehydrator to other developing regions such as South America and Africa.

solar food dehydration

Final Thoughts on the Solar Food Dehydration Technology Implemented in India

Several companies in India have developed solar dryers to extend the shelf life while also creating jobs for women. In addition, these solar food dehydrators help increase profits for farmers since they eliminate food waste. So far, the inventions have provided income for hundreds of Indian women and increased profits for many small farmers.

It’s easy to see how solar food dehydrators could assist other developing regions by increasing food production and providing economic opportunities. Hopefully, struggling farmers in other areas will have access to these solar dryers in the future.

8 Reasons You Don’t Need to Prove Yourself to Anyone Else

Finding true happiness in today’s world is not an easy feat. Everyone seems to have an opinion about your life and how you should live it, and it makes things impossible for you as you feel you must constantly prove yourself to others. Society engrains in your mind that you need to be like this person or act like that one, and it causes more misery than bliss.

Why do people feel that they need to prove themselves to their family members, spouses, coworkers, management, and everyone else in their daily life? Thankfully, you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone or define your happiness by what others think of you.

Eight Reasons Why You Don’t Need to Prove Yourself

Now, when you stop living by the rules others have established for your life, it will cause you some grief, as people don’t like resistance and opposition. However, whether it’s a comfortable journey doesn’t matter, as it’s your life. Here are a few reasons you don’t have to prove anything to anyone and how you can be happier when you stop trying to please others.


1. External Validation Doesn’t Define You

You may write a book, but the chances of making the New York Times’s bestseller list are slim. You might be able to sing like a canary, but this doesn’t mean that you will be the next American Idol. Seeking validation from sources like this is not only flawed but they’re superficial.

It doesn’t matter if you have world recognition or fame beyond your expectations. What truly counts is that you show kindness to those around you. You can have all the money and fame in the world, but if you can’t be charitable and help someone down and out, have you accomplished anything?

Your internal values are way more important. Finding success on your own and setting the terms for what that means is the best way to win in life.

2. All You Need to Do Is Give Your Best

You’re afraid of failure, and the thought of coming in second or third place doesn’t sit well with most folks. They want to win or want nothing at all. Students don’t want a “B” on their exam, as only an “A” will do.

Striving for the best is not bad, but you can’t hold yourself to such a high standard that you can never measure up. Do you want to prove something to others or yourself? You have good reason to be proud as long as you give all you’ve got.

3. You Know Your Limits

Why do people judge others based on society rather than their abilities? It’s frustrating to lump everyone together in one big group and expect the same thing. Do you ever get tired of hearing the word “normal?”

People often use this word to describe mental and physical health, as it’s the status they want to achieve. You can go through your whole life just trying to reach an ideal, but you won’t ever quite measure up in your mind. You know what you’re capable of doing and your limits, and trying to gauge your life based on the standards of others is only setting you up for defeat. Set boundaries–it will empower you to lead a happier life.

4. You Must Be Satisfied with Your Achievements

You know there’s no way you will make everyone happy in this life, but you should at least strive for personal contentment. When you look back at the end of your month, day, or week, can you say that you gave it 100 percent and did your best? Or do you have regrets and wish that you did things differently?

You must be a cheerleader for yourself. While you need to maintain some modesty, you need to be proud of everything you’ve accomplished. Sure, it might not mean anything to the person in the cubicle next to you that you bought your first home, but it means the world to you.

That home shows dedication, hard work, and financial stability. Finding life satisfaction is about giving it all you’ve got and be proud of your accomplishments.

prove yourself

5. What Matters to You Is What Counts

Your view of success comes from observing those around you. Even watching television puts preconceived notions in your head about how life should be. Take, for instance, the fairy tales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty.

Most women wait for Prince Charming to ride in on a white horse and save them. When they find love, they will judge these relationships based on things engrained in their minds from these fables. These are just stories based on reality, so why do you measure your romance according to these tales?

If you want happiness in this life, you will stop using public opinion to govern you. To find contentment, you must decide what matters to you and how you want to live. Even if you fall and make mistakes, they’re your mistakes to make.

You get to define what makes a person successful and set the standards for your life, and don’t let anyone try to change your mind.

6. You’re in the Driver’s Seat

There’s nothing worse than getting unsolicited advice. While it happens to everyone, new mothers seem to get much of it. Why do relatives need to tell a mom to parent their newborn?

This child grew inside their womb for nine months, and they have a special bond. Learning to care for this child will come naturally. This doesn’t just happen to parents, either. In fact, at other time times you will hear statements like these:

  • “You need to find a new job because you’re just not making enough.”
  • “Your family has grown so much that it’s time for you to get a new house.”
  • “You’ll be happier if you dump that person and find someone more suitable.”
  • “Isn’t it time to get a new car, as that one is getting pretty old?”

These people mean well, but they want you to take their advice as they know more about your life than you do. It puts you in an awkward position when you feel you need to prove yourself to others in every aspect of life. You should learn a good comeback for these intrusive statements like, “Oh really, well, I like my job, house, car, and life just as it is.”

7. You Get to Define Happiness for You

What does happiness mean to you? It will not be the same for your neighbor, friend, or relative. Happiness is a perception or a status that one defines within themselves.

A realtor might define happiness by how many houses they closed within the past month, while a teacher defines happiness by knowing her class grasped a problematic concept. The view of happiness is subjective, but you get to decide what it looks like for you.

When you learn what makes you happy, you will set and live up to those standards. You’ll be a much happier person when you stop living according to what makes your coworker happy and focus on your contentment.

8. You’ll Never Please Everyone

Why is it that people are afraid of letting each other down? It’s impossible to please everyone, as someone will always be upset with your choices in life. One of the worst habits to get into is not knowing when to say no.

When you don’t set boundaries for yourself, you will wear down. When you overload your schedule, some things must fall by the wayside. Standing up for yourself and saying no is imperative for your mental health.

When you’re so socially obliging, you stretch yourself thin to please others, which has grave consequences. When you say no to someone, it puts you in the driver’s seat of your life, and you’re doing what you genuinely want to do.

Remember, you are the only person to you have anything to prove yourself to. Many people don’t say no because they’re afraid they will miss out, but the only thing you will do is burn out and be miserable.

prove yourself

Final Thoughts on Reasons You Don’t Need to Prove Yourself

Did you know that living to please others is a form of self-bondage? When you people-please, you’re putting their needs and requests ahead of yours. Additionally, she states that you should never give your power away or tower in the face of a bully.

You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. While you have some responsibilities to your spouse and children, you ultimately get to decide what’s best for your life. You don’t have to lie or agree to something you don’t want to do to make someone else happy.

To live a happy life full of contentment, learn to say “no.” It’s time to get back in the driver’s seat and reexamine your life with you in control.

7 Negative Outcomes When We Assume the Worst Will Happen

It’s only human to play out different scenarios when dealing with problems. As you’re brainstorming for solutions, you must consider the positive and the negative. But what if you assume the worst in every situation?

You have enough experience to know that the world isn’t all sunshine and roses. You have a better outlook when you see that the good often outweighs the bad. Unfortunately, it’s much easier to be negative than it is to be positive.

Psychologists call this mental phenomenon the negativity bias. It means that humans are more likely to focus on negative aspects, even when they are more favorable. No wonder the news media has so many people hooked on their latest stories of doom and gloom, but somehow you must be informed yet not consumed by what you hear.

7 Surprising Ways That You Harm Yourself When You Assume the Worse

Being smothered by a negative outlook can affect you and everyone in your circle. It goes beyond just being grouchy and saying the worst is yet to come. Here are six adverse outcomes when you assume the worst will happen.

assume the worst

1. When You Assume the Worst, It Limits Thinking and Creativity

When you assume the worst about your life, you put unnecessary limitations on your potential. You get so used to saying you “can’t” do something that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you see the adverse outcomes you expected, you feel justified in your negative attitude.

Consider the classic experiment with fleas in a glass jar. If you attract some fleas into a glass jar and close the lid, they’ll try to escape. Each time they hop, they bang into the cover, and soon they get tired.

After a while, you can remove the lid, and the fleas won’t escape. The top has conditioned them to how high they can jump. Although they can quickly jump out now that the cover is gone, they can’t see past their negative conditioning.

Likewise, negative thinking can limit you in many ways, including your creativity. It makes you wonder why you should ever try. In reality, the only limits you have on your potential are those you enforce on yourself.

2. Increased Tendency for Anxiety and Depression

An article published by Behavioral Research and Therapy discusses repetitive negative thinking and mental health. It’s linked with symptoms of anxiety and depression. Undue stress can jeopardize your mental health.

If you contemplate past hurts and failures, it can wrap you in thick clouds of despair. Then, you may assume the worst about your future, which can cause endless anxiety. Thankfully, through cognitive behavioral therapy and other treatments, you can learn to control your stress and get rid of the negative mindset.

3. Interpersonal Relationships Are Compromised When You Assume the Worst

It’s difficult to enjoy any relationship if you always assume the worst. Relationships with your family and friends can become strained because you’re always thinking they are against you. Such assumptions can make you seem so paranoid and unsettled that even loved ones keep their distance.

Romantic relationships often don’t last because this mindset undermines trust and intimacy. You may constantly worry that your partner is cheating or losing their love for you. Some of this mistrust may stem from broken relationships you had in the past.

Such negativity can also cause severe problems in the workplace. It won’t fare well if you assume that your coworkers are all liars trying to get you fired. You also may have difficulties with your supervisors and clientele.

Consider the case of a young accountant named Troy. He is an intelligent fellow who graduated top of his class. He won an academic scholarship and got a free ride to his chosen university.

One would think that he would enjoy his successful life with gratitude. Over the years, however, Troy has become more cynical. His boss passed on him several times for a promotion in his firm. Plus, he has been in and out of relationships, and none have ever lasted.

You’d never notice just by looking at him. He is handsome, intelligent, and well-spoken. Unfortunately, his negative attitude has made his circle of people much smaller.

4. If You Always Assume the Worst, You Increase Stress and Impair Your Coping Skills

Maintaining a positive mindset doesn’t always mean your world is perfect. They’ll be times that you feel down and don’t know where to turn. However, your optimism is an efficient tool to help you better cope with stress.

Conversely, assuming the worst in every situation can limit your coping abilities. According to the law of attraction, since negativity attracts even more negativity, you feel stressed and like nothing will ever go right in your life again.

5. More at Risk for Health Problems

Not only can a negative attitude affect your mental health, but it can be a risk to your physical health as well. An article published by the University of Minnesota explains negative thoughts and chronic stress. It can upset your brain chemicals and lower your immune system.

Chronic stress can lead to a host of serious diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart issues, stroke, and even premature death. All the time you spend worrying about the worst-case scenario can threaten your life.

assume the worst

6. Lower Self-esteem and Confidence

Assuming the worst in your life does little for your self-esteem. The more negative your outlook is, the less confidence you’ll have in your abilities. Since you figure you’ll fail anyway, you’ll become what you speak and believe.

You may also miss out on opportunities that may never come your way again. It can cause self-loathing, and substance abuse can become an issue. Pessimism doesn’t allow you to feel blessed, grateful, and content.

7. Negativity is Contagious, So Your Loved Ones Will Also Start to Assume the Worst

Remember the beloved children’s story about Chicken Little? He was a tiny chick wandering around the farm when an acorn fell and hit his head. Chicken Little didn’t bother looking up to see the acorns dangling from the oak tree overhead. Instead, he made a false assumption that the sky was falling, and everyone was doomed.

It’s another case when a cute little children’s fable teaches a profound lesson. Many people are spreading their messages of disaster and hopelessness in today’s world. Like Chicken Little, they can only see the negative and sound a false alarm that affects everyone around them.

If you’re generally an upbeat person and spend time with someone chronically negative, you’ll feel the effects. No matter how cheerful the conversation, these folks have some sarcastic rebuttal. If you’re around them enough, your blue skies may begin to turn gray, too.

You Know You Tend to Assume the Worst. How Do You Break the Habit?

Are you tired of seeing the world through negative lenses and expecting the worst? You can’t change everything around you, but you have the power to change your perspective. These are some helpful ways to bring joy back into your life.

1. Change Your Self-talk

Just because your negative self-talk is painting you a bleak picture doesn’t mean it represents reality. Start challenging your negative assumptions by asking yourself if they’re true. For example, will your whole life be ruined if you aren’t chosen immediately for management?

Then, try to bring your focus to a positive aspect. It doesn’t mean that you create a delusion. So, if you don’t get chosen for management this time, you can learn more skills to be a better candidate. Your outlook is positive while still grounded in reality.

2. Limit Your Worrying Time

Anyone who says they never worry is just fooling themselves, as everyone worries about something. It’s part of being human, and you’ll always catch yourself fretting at one point. The idea is not to let your fears consume your present and dictate your future.

Instead, schedule a time each day to write as many worries as you can in a notebook. Set a timer for 20 minutes and worry, fuss, and wring your hands all you please. When the timer buzzes, close the notebook, deciding that you’re not going to worry about anything again until tomorrow.

3. Create an Uplifting Atmosphere

One of the many reasons people stay in the downtrodden is because they surround themselves with negativity. You may overindulge in negative media stories and movies that are tragic and violent. Also, you may hang around people who have nothing better to do than grump, whine, and find fault with everything.

With such an unsettling atmosphere, it’s little wonder that your soul feels exhausted and hopeless. The good news is that you can make changes that will free you from the shackles of negativity.

Lighten your atmosphere by surrounding yourself with beautiful things that make your soul smile. Place limits on your exposure to negativity in the media or online. Try to include more positive people in your circle and avoid the negative ones as much as possible, as you don’t want folks around you who always assume the worst.

assume the worst

Final Thoughts on Negative Outcomes When You Assume the Worst

It’s comforting to realize that most of your worries never happen. You can still hope for the best while being prepared for worst-case scenarios. You can get more out of life when you start focusing on your many blessings instead of your problems.

6 Causes of Body Dysmorphia to Never Ignore

When a person’s self-image is so negative, it can take a toll on their mental health. Body dysmorphia occurs when people are preoccupied with the idea that their physical appearance is flawed. Their negative fixation causes issues in their life, but they can reverse it.

Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition that is difficult to diagnose. It often goes untreated because it is overlooked and ignored. However, there are some causes that you should never ignore.

The most significant indicator of body dysmorphic disorder is when someone is obsessed with their body. They’ll fixate on their skin, hair, facial flaws, body type, and other things that most people probably don’t even notice. While people might brush it off as a lack of confidence, it goes much deeper than that.

Body dysmorphia can affect a person’s life severely if left untreated. Identifying the causes can make all the difference in overcoming the disorder and living a more comfortable life.

What is Body Dysmorphia?

causes of body dysmorphia

People with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) have an inaccurate view of themselves. They might think they are deformed, ugly, or abnormal compared to others. It becomes an obsession, and they focus on their appearance so much that it interferes with their daily activities.

BDD goes beyond feeling self-conscious about a flaw because it causes severe distress constantly. The person might spend excessive time grooming themselves and checking their appearance. They also might hide their body when being social or avoid social situations altogether.

The preoccupation with appearance is typically unwanted but produces repetitive behaviors anyway. It becomes hard to control and time-consuming, making it harder to function. Some of the standard features those with BDD obsess over include:

  • Face, including nose, complexion, lines and wrinkles, blemishes, and acne
  • Hair, including styling, thinning, and baldness
  • Breast size or shape
  • Skin appearance, including veins
  • Muscle tone and size

This disorder can interfere with relationships, work, and learning abilities. It typically begins during the teenage years, but it isn’t uncommon to start during adulthood. There are two types of BDD, and understanding the differences can help identify the cause.

Types of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

While there are other forms of BDD, there are two main kinds, including:

Muscle Dysmorphia

When someone is obsessed with the size and shape of their muscles, it’s called muscle dysmorphia. It involves thinking their muscles aren’t big or toned enough. The condition causes distress and can lead to steroid abuse or unhealthy eating habits.

Craniofacial Dysmorphia

If someone excessively focuses on their face, it’s called craniofacial dysmorphia. The person often obsesses over the shape of their chin, nose size, or the position of their eyes. Their fixation can cause anxiety, social isolation, or depression as they constantly think they look bad.

Sixteen Symptoms of Body Dysmorphia Disorder

This disorder is different from wanting to get in shape or lose weight. It impacts your life in unhealthy ways, whereas getting in shape promotes your well-being. Someone suffering from the condition might experience some of the following symptoms:

  1. Obsessive fixation with one’s body
  2. Repeatedly checking the mirror
  3. Interruption of daily life
  4. Avoiding socialization
  5. Repetitive behaviors regarding appearance cause distress
  6. Can’t stop thinking about perceived flaws
  7. Frequently touching up your appearance
  8. Seeking constant reassurance
  9. Seeking numerous cosmetic procedures without achieving long-term satisfaction
  10. Feeling mocked about appearance
  11. Frequent skin picking
  12. Constantly comparing to others
  13. Perfectionist tendencies
  14. Preoccupation with the size of your body or muscles
  15. Avoiding situations that might draw attention to their appearance
  16. Constantly body shaming themselves

Six Causes of Body Dysmorphia

The exact cause of BDD remains unknown, but there can be many contributing factors. The condition could occur because of one reason or a combination of issues. By acknowledging the cause, you can work to overcome the dysmorphia. These causes include:

1. Genetics

People with close family members with BDD are more likely to develop it themselves. Knowing you’re at risk can make you more self-aware and watch for the symptoms.

2. Trauma or Abuse

Emotional abuse can cause body dysmorphic disorder, mainly during childhood. Physical and sexual abuse can also lead to self-image issues that become obsessions. Excessive teasing from peers or body shaming can cause problems throughout your life.

Unresolved conflict from childhood can cause these severe body image issues. Neglecting by caregivers or parents can cause the disorder to set in later in life, along with any other form of neglect.

It’s also important to note that adulthood trauma or abuse can cause BDD. Anytime your self-worth is questioned, or someone makes you feel wrong about who you are, it can lead to serious body image issues.

3. Excessive Drinking or Drug Use

Some studies indicate that heavy drinking or drug use can lead to BDD. The substances change your thinking and cause you to feel bad about yourself.

4. Stressful Events

You’re more likely to develop BDD after stressful life events. These events could include the death of someone close to you or the diagnosis of a severe illness. With overwhelming stress, you’ll subconsciously look to control whatever you can, and appearance often takes priority.

5. Low Self-Esteem

People with low self-esteem focus on their flaws, which can quickly become an obsession. They struggle to appreciate their good qualities and assume no one else can see the good. It leads to avoidance behaviors and constantly checking their appearance.

Those with low self-esteem and BDD often use plastic surgery for their flaws. However, the comfort they receive from the surgery doesn’t last long. They quickly find something else to fixate on or decide the surgery wasn’t enough to correct the issue.

body dysmorphia

6. Societal Pressure

If you’re surrounded by people who fixate on their appearance, it can cause mental health issues. Even worse, having people tell you that you must look a certain way can drastically change how you view yourself.

What Can Happen if You Don’t Get Help for the Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphic disorder can cause many issues in a person’s life. There are a few mental illnesses associated with BDD, including the following:

  • Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is the most common mental illness associated with BDD. It causes overwhelming worry and fear regarding their appearance, causing anxiety every day.

  • Depression

When someone constantly stresses about their appearance, it can quickly cause depression. The person might feel like they’ll never be happy with who they are no matter what they do.

  • Eating Disorders

BDD can lead to eating disorders as the person attempts to take control of their body. They might restrict food intake, binge eats, or purge after meals. It not only helps them feel in control, but it also helps them cope with their negative feelings.

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

This condition can cause obsessive-compulsive disorder because it involves repetitive behaviors. It can overtake a person’s life and interfere with their ability to function in their daily lives.

  • Substance Abuse Disorders

BDD might contribute to substance abuse disorders because people use substances to cope. When they feel bad about themselves, they turn to unhealthy substances. It helps them feel comfortable around others without worrying about their appearance, but it causes serious issues in other ways.

How to Overcome Body Dysmorphia

While BDD is hard to overcome, you can get through it. When you work to overcome the condition, you’ll learn to love and cherish who you are despite your flaws. You’ll view your flaws as the characteristics that set you apart rather than ones to obsess over.

Seek Professional Help for Your Body Dysmorphia

If you think you have BDD, seeing a therapist can help. A therapist can help you sort through your thoughts and address your feelings about your appearance. They can also offer coping strategies to manage the symptoms and overcome the negative thoughts.

During therapy, you can learn to challenge your automatic negative thoughts and learn new ways to handle urges. You can find positive behaviors to replace your obsessive mirror checking, face picking, or other obsession.

You should also see your primary care physician and discuss the situation. Your doctor can help with mental health conditions or other concerns associated with the disorder.

Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself can help you focus on positivity. You won’t be as likely to fixate on your flaws when you’re at your best. Focus on relaxation techniques and gentle exercise to help manage your stress levels and feel better overall.

Learn About the Body Dysmorphia Disorder

The more you know about your situation, the easier it will be to overcome. Keep learning all you can about BDD to help you shift your mindset and take control of your thoughts.

Maintain the Treatment Plan

After seeing a doctor or therapist, they’ll likely give you a treatment plan to follow. Make sure to stick to the program at all times, even when you think you’re doing better. It’ll help you make long-term changes for the better and prevent regression.

body dysmorphia

Final Thoughts on Causes of Body Dysmorphia to Never Ignore

While worrying about your flaws sometimes is normal, you shouldn’t ignore an obsession. Learning the causes of body dysmorphia that you shouldn’t overlook can help you overcome the condition. Without treatment, BDD can severely interfere with your health and well-being. Use this information to help you identify the issue and get the help you or your loved one needs.

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