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12 Ways to Make Your Bathroom Smell So Good (#9 Is So Amazing!)

You know how hard it is to keep your home in perfect condition all of the time. After all, you live there, and if you have kids, the messes never seem to stop. However, you can make your bathroom smell good all the time.

Cleaning the restrooms in your home is likely the least favorite household chore. While everyone in the house uses the bathroom, everyone will avoid cleaning it. Those who avoid it haven’t learned that keeping the room fresh and clean is not as complicated as you think.

Keeping your bathroom smelling fresh is a simple yet effective way to enhance your daily routine. Whether you’re in the middle of a bathroom remodel Chicago or just looking to freshen up your existing space, using a few tricks to maintain a pleasant aroma can make a significant difference. You’ll feel more confident when guests drop by unexpectedly, and you’ll enjoy a sense of calm knowing your bathroom is always welcoming.

How to Make Your Bathroom Smell So Good

Keeping the room clean and smelling fresh can require much effort. The tips below can help you achieve the goal without wasting too much time or effort. Use a few ways simultaneously, and you’re sure to have a fresh-smelling room.


1. Find the Source of the Bathroom Odor

While more than one area of your bathroom might smell bad, you should find a starting point. Determine where the bad smells originate and tackle those areas first.

Once you clean the problematic areas, your space will start to smell better before following the rest of the tips. Determining the source gives you a good start and makes maintenance easier.

Ten Things That Cause a Bad Odor

Understanding why your bathroom stinks can help determine which tips to follow first. Knowing the source of the smells makes it easier to remedy the problem and have a fresher space in no time. The things that often cause a restroom to smell lousy include:

  1. Lack of ventilation
  2. Dirty sinks, toilet bowls, tubs, or showers
  3. Extra moisture
  4. Dirty clothes or towels
  5. Clogged drains
  6. Dirty bath mats
  7. Bath toys
  8. Dirty trash cans
  9. Mold and mildew
  10. Dirty toothbrush holders and soap dishes

2. Let Bathroom Air Circulate

When you allow fresh air to move in and out of the room, the space will smell better quickly. Don’t close the door when the bathroom isn’t in use, at least not always. Foul odors won’t accumulate much when air can freely move in and out.

If the room has windows, leave them open as often as possible. However, if it doesn’t have windows, open the nearest window to your restroom and leave the door open. Consider installing good vents or an exhaust fan that removes humidity and eliminates foul odors.

If you’re home alone, you can leave the door open while you shower to avoid nasty or musty smells. The steam from your shower will help push the odors out of the room if they can escape.

3. Implement a Regular Cleaning Routine

This tip is one that most people already know. You must clean your space regularly if you want it to smell good. A dirty sink, toilet bowl, or shower can cause undesirable scents.

You should clean the restroom at least a couple of times weekly and do a deep cleaning every month. Frequent maintenance will keep odors at bay, and deep cleaning will prevent issues. When you deep clean, you must set aside a few hours to get into every spot.

Start by taking out the trash because it’s sometimes the cause of the odor. Ideally, empty the trash every few days instead of waiting for it to get packed. Other areas to focus on include:

  • Sinks, faucets, and sink stoppers
  • Toilet bowls, including the tank and seat
  • The shower, including the showerhead
  • Bathtub, including faucets and stoppers
  • Bathroom mats, rugs, and hand towels
  • The floor, ensuring you clean every corner

Once you deep clean, set a maintenance cleaning schedule to help keep odors at bay. Setting a schedule can help you remember to do specific tasks regularly. With consistency, the bad smells won’t return as quickly. You’ll be able to get ahead of the odor so that it doesn’t get as bad as before.

While cleaning three days each week will work, you’ll want to increase the frequency for high-traffic restrooms. The restroom your family uses the most often should get cleaned daily to prevent odors. Daily spot cleaning doesn’t take much time, and the results are well worth the time spent.

Quickly wipe down the toilet seat, sinks, faucets, and counters with disinfecting wipes, and use a disinfecting spray in the toilet. Use a disinfecting wipe on doorknobs, light switches, and locks. You can also clean the mirrors or other glass as needed.

4. Add Fragrance

You can easily add fragrance to your restroom to make it smell good all the time. Choose from scented candles, diffusers, essential oils, and spray air fresheners. One way to add scent from oils is to add a few drops to the inside of your toilet paper roll.

Using scented hand soap will also leave a pleasant scent in the room whenever someone washes up. You can also use wax warmers for an easy way to make the room smell good.

5. Keep the Space Dry

When you take a shower, the room is sure to get damp. However, drying it up afterward is essential if you want the room to smell good. You also must remove wet towels and clothing to prevent bad scents from setting in.


6. Get Some Plants

Adding plants to your space is a great way to eliminate odors, increase oxygen levels, and provide a beautiful aesthetic. Any plant is fine as long as it gets enough light and water. You can also hang eucalyptus in your shower, releasing essential oil each time the water runs.

7. Use Baking Soda to Clean the Bathroom

Baking soda neutralizes odors, no matter where the smell originated. Once you locate the smell’s source, mix baking soda with boiling water. Put the baking soda and water mixture on the smelly area, and let it sit for a few hours. Wash it all away, and bask in the improved smell of the room.

8. Deodorize the Toilet Brush

Toilet brushes are a frequent source of bad smells. Since you use them to clean the toilet, they harbor germs and bacteria, resulting in unpleasant odors.

If you want to deodorize the toilet brush, you can add liquid disinfectant to its stand, eliminating potential smells. Adding essential oil to the toilet brush stand offers a more pleasant scent.

9. Use Lemon

Lemon is beneficial when cleaning because it contains citric acid. The citric acid makes it a powerful cleanser and neutralizes terrible odors. Go through with a lemon after you use your usual cleaning supplies, and add the fresh scent of the fruit. You can even leave slices of lemon in the room to reap the benefits of its powerful scent.

10. Add Detergent to the Toilet Tank

Adding a few drops of detergent to your toilet tank can make a huge difference in how the room smells. Each time someone flushes the toilet, the scent of the detergent will waft through the air. The fragrance also sticks around, allowing your bathroom to smell clean.

11. Clean the Bathroom Drains

Dirty drains often cause an unpleasant odor, so don’t forget to clean them well. Drains collect hair, toothpaste, soap scum, and dirt. The accumulation of these things leads to intense smells that you likely want to eliminate.

To clean the drain, you’ll want to remove the stopper entirely. Then, use a long-handled brush or a drain snake to remove accumulated gunk. You’ll be surprised by how much a difference cleaning your drains can be.

12. Don’t Leave Dirty Laundry Behind

If your bathroom has an unpleasant odor, it could be from dirty laundry. Don’t leave dirty clothes and towels in the hamper for too long. Try taking all of it to the laundry room at the end of the day, starting fresh and preventing odors.

You can keep your dirty clothes hamper smelling good throughout the day while you wait to take them to the laundry room. Place a scented dryer sheet in the bottom of the hamper for a pleasant aroma. Another option is to put a few drops of essential oils on a tissue instead of a dryer sheet.


Final Thoughts on Ways to Make Your Bathroom Smell So Good

If you want your bathroom to smell good, use these tips to achieve the goal. When the room smells good, you’ll enjoy the space much more. Plus, it’ll motivate you to keep it clean so that the scent remains.

These ideas for making your bathroom smell good are easy; you likely already have what you need. Make a plan and stick to it, improving your home one room at a time.

12 Phrases Identical Twins Never Want to Hear

Twins hear plenty of comments from the people around them, and identical twins have it even worse. Identical twins are asked the same questions and hear many repetitive phrases. While people don’t mean their comments negatively, it can be incredibly annoying.

You might think that you’re being funny by commenting on their relationship, but twins have likely heard it before. Everyone seems to believe they’re the first to come up with phrases for twins, but it’s not true. Twins have likely heard it all, and it becomes more of a nuisance than anything else.

There are many perks to being a twin, but it also has drawbacks. These phrases identical twins never want to hear are one of the drawbacks. Look for something else to say or avoid referring to their sibling relationship altogether.

Twelve Phrases Identical Twins Never Want to Hear

identical twins

1. Are identical twins telepathically connected?

Twins share a special connection, and people falsely assume it means they can read each other’s minds. While they might think they know, there’s no way to know for sure what their twin is thinking. Twin relationships don’t come with supernatural qualities, so it’s an annoying question for twins.

If it ever seems like identical twins can read each other’s minds, it’s just a coincidence. They know each other well, so it’s easy for them to try and guess about each other. Plus, they have similar thought patterns due to spending so much time together.

2. Which twin are you?

Asking a twin which one they are is rude and offensive. It implies they aren’t an individual, and it shows that you don’t care enough to try and figure it out. While they’re often together, they still need a sense of individuality.

If you guess which twin you’re speaking to, they likely won’t get mad if you’re wrong. Instead, they’ll appreciate the effort rather than feel like it isn’t significant enough for you to think about. It’s more about how you approach the conversation rather than the topic.

3. Which twin is the smart one?

Twins have noticeably different qualities, but asking hurtful questions like this is never a good idea. Plus, comparing the two people is frustrating and detrimental to their well-being.

Asking questions like this one is a bad idea for a few reasons. First, it can hurt the person you’re speaking to if you imply that they aren’t smart. Plus, it can make them angry if they feel like you’re bad-mouthing their twin.

4. Does your twin feel it if you get hurt?

People love the idea that twins can physically feel what the other person is feeling. Some people even take it further by trying to inflict slight pain through pinching or something similar. The question is bad enough on its own, but adding in physical contact is the worst.

Some twins say they experience sensations when their twin goes through sometimes, but it’s not proven. Most twins say that a metaphysical phenomenon is not present and find the conversation irritating. Rest assured, if a twin experiences this, they’ll let you know if they want to.

5. Do you identical twins do everything together?

You’re likely to frequently see twins together, especially when they’re still children. However, they each have their own lives, and you shouldn’t assume they do everything together.

This phrase is another way of diminishing their individuality. Twins have their interests and enjoy doing things without the other person by their side. Each sibling will likely choose their path as they get older.

6. I like you better than your sibling.

This phrase makes twins uncomfortable, even if you mean it as a compliment to the one you’re talking to. Twins don’t like being compared to one another, and it’s hurtful no matter how it goes.

Plus, saying that you like one better than the other puts the twin, you’re talking to in an uncomfortable position. They don’t want to hear anyone saying negative things about their twin, even if it comes in the form of a compliment to them. Twins have often spent more time together than anyone else, and they share a deep bond.

If you have negative thoughts about one twin, keep it to yourself rather than saying something like this comment. They want appreciation as an individual, not when compared to someone else.

7. Is it fun being a twin?

Asking if it’s fun to be a twin or what it’s like to be a twin can be annoying. It’s a question twins hear often, and it can be tricky to answer. Twins don’t know what it’s like not to be a twin, so it’s hard to explain how their life is any different than yours.

Without a basis for comparison, twins dread being asked about what it’s like to be a twin. They’ll likely come up with a vague answer, so don’t be offended if this has happened to you. Next time, avoid this type of phrase.

identical twins

8. Your twin is shorter.

Twins don’t like hearing about physical differences between the two of them. They already know the differences, and it only makes them feel scrutinized. Even identical twins can have slight differences in their physical appearance, so don’t stare too hard trying to figure it out.

Things like height and weight can be affected by DNA and lifestyle factors, so twins’ appearances are likely to differ. Levels of nutrition, sleep patterns, and physical activity level can influence physical appearance. Anytime you compare the twins, it diminishes their sense of individuality and can cause body issues.

9. You two must be identical twins.

This phrase seems harmless, but it can quickly get old. Twins don’t want to go through life hearing this comment everywhere they go. Again, it’s about individuality and repetitive comments or conversation.

Pointing out or asking if two people are twins also makes people feel scrutinized. It’s even worse if you then point out why you think they’re twins. In this instance, it’s best to keep the thoughts to yourself and avoid staring.

10. You’re pretty much the same person.

Twins are sure to have many similarities, but they’re still different people. While twin relationships typically involve being close, their personalities, hobbies, style, experiences, and dreams will differ. Saying that they’re the same person implies that you don’t recognize their individuality.

11. Who is the older twin?

Some twins like to brag about who is older, but it unnecessarily categorizes them. Even if you hear one of the twins mention it, they still won’t enjoy hearing it from someone else. It’s one of those things that the two involved can joke about, but no one else should.

On the other hand, some twins don’t like to talk about it. Play it safe altogether and avoid using this phrase that twins don’t want to hear.

12. I wish I were a twin.

Twins don’t know what it’s like not to be a twin, and you don’t know what it’s like to be a twin. Being a twin is a complex situation, and they might not like this statement. It’s frustrating when someone assumes they know what your situation is like. Plus, saying you wish you are a twin implies that the other person has it easy, a potentially offensive statement.

Other Things to Consider About Identical Twins

These phrases and questions aren’t the only things to consider when talking to twins. It goes beyond simple statements or questions, so make sure you’re ready.

The Things You Don’t Say Are Important.

It might not go over well when you tell one twin something but not the other. You can’t just assume that telling one means, they’ll both know. It’s a sign of respect to reach out and tell both identical twins individually.

Don’t Purposefully Call Identical Twins by the Wrong Name.

Sometimes people don’t even try to figure out which twin is which. Other times, they call a twin by their sibling’s name on purpose, assuming it’s funny. However, twins don’t think it’s humorous because it feels a little disrespectful.

Even if the twin doesn’t correct you when you call them the wrong name, it’ll likely be annoying to them. Some people will correct you, and they might not always be nice about it.

Avoid Calling Them “The Twins” or Combining Their Names to Make a Nickname

Calling them “the twins” diminishes their sense of individuality. It makes it seem like you think they’re a package deal rather than two separate people. Additionally, avoid combining their names to create a nickname.

identical twins

Final Thoughts on Phrases Identical Twins Never Want to Hear

Most of us don’t know what it’s like to be a twin, so it’s essential to know what not to say. Avoid asking these questions or saying phrases that identical twins never want to hear. It’ll help the conversation flow better and promote a better relationship.

If you continually say the phrases mentioned above, you’ll likely make the identical twins uncomfortable. The questions are likely to annoy them, and they’ll want to find a way to escape the conversation. Use these tips as a starting place for when you encounter a twin, and you’re sure to find something better to discuss.

8 Signs You Crossed the Line from Supportive to an Enabler

It’s easy and understandable to view yourself as supportive even after crossing the line and becoming an enabler. There’s a fine line between supporting someone through a hard time and enabling their unhealthy or detrimental behavior.

An enabler is anyone who allows someone in their life to continue negative behavior patterns. It’s sometimes hard to see when you’ve crossed the line from being supportive to an enabler because you don’t do it intentionally. You might not realize what you’re doing as you think you’re just helping your friend or loved one through a tragedy.

Many people believe that enabling refers to a drug or alcohol addiction situation. However, experts explain that it can occur anytime you support problematic behavior. If you offer benefits or make it easier for the behavior to continue, it’s a sign of enabling, even if it wasn’t your intention.

Enabling doesn’t mean you’re happy about your loved one’s behavior. Instead, it simply means that you continually help, despite their refusal to make beneficial changes in their lives. If you think you might be an enabler, you must learn the signs and how to stop.

The Difference Between Enabling and Supporting

It’s sometimes hard to recognize the difference between supporting someone and enabling them. When you help someone, it means you do things that are in your loved one’s best interest. You help them conquer their problems so they can go on to live a better life.

Supporting someone involves speaking up and being honest when you see an issue. It requires that you don’t contribute to their negative behaviors. You might even help them seek outside help if necessary for their situation.


Supportive Behaviors

When you are supportive, you might do the following:

  • Give your loved one the tools they need to succeed
  • Help them find access to help and other resources
  • Teach them skills that will help them move past the situation
  • Empower them to make better choices and solve their problems
  • Offer emotional support after they experience trauma

When Supportive Becomes Enabling

However, enabling is much different than supporting someone. Once you know the difference, it’s easier to determine if you’re supportive or being an enabler.

When you enable someone, it makes it easier to continue their lifestyle. While you might not encourage the person’s behavior, that’s what enabling does. It gives them the means or motivation to continue living a detrimental lifestyle rather than forcing them to do what’s best.

Eight Signs You Crossed the Line from Supportive to an Enabler

There’s a fine line between being supportive and enabling someone’s detrimental behavior. However, once you know the signs of enabling, you’ll recognize if an enabling behavior pattern has developed.

1. You Cover for Them or Make Excuses

It’s normal to want to protect a loved one from the consequences of their actions, but it doesn’t help the situation. If you ever cover for someone or make excuses for their behavior, it’s a sign of enabling. They’ll see that you did it once and assume you’ll keep doing it.

Your loved ones will see no reason to change their behavior if they know you’ll cover for them to protect them. You might want to save your loved one from being judged harshly or negatively, or you might want to protect the person from other consequences. Either way, each time you cover for them, it contributes to the problem.

Even when you mean well or think you have no choice, your actions convey that your loved one’s behavior is okay. You might find yourself lying to your other friends and family members about why the person didn’t show up to family events or milestones. Additionally, you might cover them for bosses, teachers, and anyone else who can hand out punishment.

2. You Do Things for Them That They Should Do on Their Own

If you do something for someone they can or should do on their own, you’re enabling instead of supporting. Any time you do something for someone they should do, you teach them that they don’t have to do it.

You show them you’ll pick up the slack and handle their responsibilities. Plus, you’ll show them they don’t have to work hard to improve their lives.

3. You Neglect or Fail to Recognize Your Needs

When enabling someone, you likely sacrifice your needs to help them. You might lose time that could have been used for something else like work, self-care, or fostering other relationships. If you’re constantly struggling to get things done or feel burnt out from caring for someone else, it’s a sure sign of enabling.

Taking on your loved one’s daily tasks or responsibilities can cause you to miss out on your own needs and wants. You might change your schedule to accommodate the other person’s obligations, making your life a second priority.

Some of the responsibilities you might take on when enabling someone to include these:

  • Doing their household chores
  • Caring for their children frequently
  • Taking care of their daily activities
  • Finishing things that they left undone

4. Ignoring Problematic Behavior

If you ignore someone’s problematic behavior, it contributes to their problem. You might disagree with the person’s behavior but ignore it, thinking it’s for the best. However, addressing the issues is the best option when you want to be supportive instead of enabling.

You might focus on what your loved one does well so that you can continue ignoring the problems. However, even when they do well in one area, continuing detrimental behavior isn’t okay. Every time you miss it, you allow them to think it’s okay to continue.


5. You Blame Yourself or Others for Their Behavior

Instead of placing the blame where it belongs, you might give yourself a hard time. You might blame yourself for the problem occurring in the first place. Then, you might continue blaming yourself as your loved one’s behavior continues.

You might also blame other people for your loved one’s behavior. Rather than admitting that the person creates their problems, you’ll look for anyone else to blame.

6. You Struggle to Express Your Emotions with Your Loved One

If you struggle to tell your loved one how you feel, you might be enabling their behavior. You might be afraid of the way they’ll react or be scared of hurting their feelings. However, choosing to keep your emotions to yourself only enables their behavior.

7. Not Setting or Maintaining Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are essential for every relationship, including one where your loved one needs lots of help. If you don’t set boundaries, it’s a sign that you’re enabling the other person. Additionally, if you place limits but don’t enforce them, it contributes to the problem.

8. You Continually Offer Financial Assistance

While helping a loved one occasionally is okay, you shouldn’t do it regularly. Even if your finances allow it, continually offering financial assistance only exacerbates the issue. It enables the other person to continue their reckless or impulsive behavior, preventing them from wanting to do better.

Why Being an Enabler is a Problem (Versus Being Supportive)

If you or someone you know enables a loved one’s behavior, there is likely a good reason for it. Most enablers think if they don’t help, the situation will worsen. However, it only encourages their negative behavior, which is the worst possible solution.

While you might think enabling helps the person, it has the opposite effect. Enabling causes problems for the people around your loved one. Plus, they don’t see the consequences of their behaviors, making it nearly impossible for them to want to get help.

Your loved ones will never want to do better if you continually jump in to save them. They will think that the people in their lives owe them special treatment and they don’t have to do anything to improve their situation. Every time you enable, you contribute to the problem.

Your loved ones will never learn to do things for themselves. They will never see their potential or know what they can do when you cater to their every need and desire.

When your loved one constantly seems to have drama and hardship, it could be their way to seek attention. They might start making decisions that cause disaster to inflict drama on themselves. They’ll know how to get your support if you run to them whenever they call or fall apart.

How to Stop Being an Enabler (While Learning to Remain Supportive)

If these signs helped you recognize that you’re an enabler, you could make a change. To stop being an enabler, start with the following actions:

  • Speak up and acknowledge the issue
  • Encourage your loved one to get help
  • Set and enforce boundaries
  • Say no sometimes
  • Get therapy for yourself to overcome enabling behavior


Final Thoughts on Signs You Crossed the Line from Supportive to an Enabler

Being an enabler doesn’t mean you agree with your loved one’s behavior. However, it teaches the person that their behavior is okay and you’ll always be there to fix the problems. You must correct your actions if you have crossed the line from supportive to an enabler.

Don’t be afraid you’ll hurt your loved ones because you only want what’s best for them. You need to speak up, set boundaries, and stay supportive to help them overcome their issues. You might struggle to be firm at first, but it’ll get more manageable, and it’s well worth it.

7 Reasons to Trust the Universe…Everything Will Be OK

If you’re feeling lost, anxious, or defeated, remember to trust the universe because everything sorts itself out eventually. You may try to control the course of your life, but then the universe intervenes and has other plans. That’s why you should master the art of letting go and enjoying the journey. We can never predict exactly how life will turn out, but that’s the beauty of it!

How boring would it be to know what’s waiting around every corner? It would take the spontaneity and thrill out of life if everything went according to our exact blueprints. Sometimes life takes us on a bumpy ride, and other times it’s smooth-sailing and peachy.

Either way, not having expectations and being present despite what’s happening around you will bring inner peace. If you can trust the universe and its divine plan for your life, everything will fall into place.

7 Reasons to Trust the Universe…Everything Will Be OK

Remember, what you resist persists, so by breaking down those barriers and opening yourself up to life, you’ll tune yourself to the universal will.

trust the universe

1 – We’re living in a dream.

Everything here appears natural, but it’s simply an illusion. Called maya in Hinduism, it refers to the veil covering the true nature of existence, called Brahman or the Supreme Self. Many people become entangled in this phenomenal world because they can only perceive consciousness through the senses. However, higher realms exist, which we can access through deep meditation, self-awareness, and breathing techniques.

So, remember to trust the universe as you navigate through this earthly realm. It’s simply a school where we learn valuable lessons, but it’s not the ultimate reality. Please don’t take it too seriously.

2 – Nothing lasts forever.

Due to the nature of this temporary movie on the screen of limitless consciousness, it’s unwise to cling or get attached to anything. It’s all impermanent phenomena, appearing and fading periodically on the world stage. So, whether you’re experiencing something painful or blissful, remain inwardly calm and remember that you’re here to observe. You’re not here to get entangled with the cosmic dream, as this only adds to your karma.

Trust the universe and remember that everything you need lies within, as the Self watching the manifested dream.

3 – You are the universe experiencing itself.

When we say to trust the universe, we also mean to trust in your higher self. You’re not a separate being; everything you see outwardly also lies within you. Therefore, if you can learn to access your intuition and guide your consciousness through this material plane, you can awaken in the cosmic dream.

There’s nothing to fear because you already have the entire universe. You need to realize it by removing the stains of ignorance covering your soul.

4 – Stress and worries only deepen the delusion in you.

If you’re trying to become more conscious, you will have to relinquish any worries and fears. Trust the universe because you’re a child of the divine, possessing the same powers and consciousness as the creator. Simply believing this and allowing the universal will to move through you will enhance your willpower and magnetism.

Never dream that you’re inferior or unworthy of experiencing this abundance because your thoughts create your reality. Trust the universe and dream instead that you’re a spark of consciousness, complete and fulfilled on your own.

trust the universe

5 – Trust the universe because out of chaos comes order.

Any time you see disorder and chaos around you, know that reorganization will soon follow. Currently, we’re facing many crises and disasters that seem out of our control on this planet. They’re a result of our karma, but it’s simply a dream either way. Try to observe without getting emotionally attached, and remember that it’s all temporary regardless.

Eventually, we will witness a massive restructuring of society because chaos cannot rule forever. Even in times of relative stability, disorder and dysfunction happen personally as well. It’s nothing to fear, though; it’s simply phenomena interacting with you. If you look at it through that perspective, you can remain fearless in the face of anything.

6 – You’re not alone here.

Many people in the modern world suffer from loneliness and isolation. Even if they have friends, a spouse, and close family, loneliness may still affect them at times. Feeling lonely along our life path is expected in this material realm because this isn’t our true home. We’ve strayed far from our divine home, and we feel painfully separated from Source. However, even in your darkest times, trust the universe and remember that you’re never alone.

You always have a guiding hand in the form of your intuition to show you right from wrong. You also have spirit guides and consciousness to light the way back home. Always keep your eternal nature in the back of your mind, as this thought alone will help quell your fears and loneliness.

7 – You have a divine purpose; trust the universe to reveal it to you.

Every single one of us came here for some reason, either to work out karma or realize the nature of our existence. This doesn’t mean you have to win a Nobel Prize or write an award-winning book to fulfill your purpose. In fact, your most significant goal in this life should be to wake up from the cosmic dream. Do that, and you will have fulfilled the desires of millions of incarnations.

Trust the universe and become enlightened to your divine nature, and you’ll have bliss, love, and wisdom unimaginable.

trust the universe

Final Thoughts on  Learning to Trust the Universe

All of our souls came here for one ultimate purpose: to realize that we’re not just mortals struggling on Earth. No, we’re divine embodiments of consciousness itself, only deluded by the karma and ignorance covering our souls. If we can wake up to our true nature, our karma is finished.

While you’re on this earthly plane, trust the universe and the signs it gives you. Pay attention to your inner self above all else because going within will help you unlock your true nature. It’s time to leave this cosmic drama and finally answer the question: “Who am I?”

University of Pittsburgh Proves Exercise Equals Better Memory

Most people know that regular physical activity is beneficial to their physical health. However, it offers more benefits than you might realize because it promotes better memory and cognition.

Regular physical activity improves cognitive health, helping you think clearly, learn, problem-solve, and find emotional balance. You’ll quickly find that it promotes better memory, making life a little easier and more enjoyable.

Any amount of regular activity can help you reap these benefits, no matter your age or fitness level. However, adults should get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week for best results. If you break it down, it becomes 30 minutes of exercise each day for five days a week.

How Exercise Means Better Memory

It’s easier to understand why exercise leads to better memory if you know what happens to your body. Your heart rate increases when you exercise, increasing the blood flow to your brain, too. Increased blood flow means that your brain receives more oxygen and nutrients to keep it healthy.

Regular exercise also triggers the release of proteins in your brain, nourishing the neurons. Neurons are the building blocks of the brain, so they’re essential to brain health. From there, more neurons grow, promoting cognitive health and better memory.

Exercise also boosts your mood and reduces stress, allowing your brain to be free of thoughts that might overwhelm your mind. When you can think clearly, you’ll experience better memory.  You’ll also sleep better with less stress, improving overall brain function.

What the Research Shows

Research from psychologists at the University of Pittsburgh used information from many studies to determine how exercise improves memory. The results showed that adults can prevent memory declines by doing regular exercise. Psychologists also found that exercising regularly for four months allows the benefits of episodic memory to kick in.

Episodic memory is about remembering events from the past, and it’s usually the first to decline as a person ages. One example is memories like where they were and who they were with during milestones. Moderately intense exercises increase brain health and promote the retention of episodic memories.

The research showed that those between 55 and 68 had better results regarding improving memory with exercise. This information implies that it’s best to intervene early and start exercising daily as soon as you know that you should. Those between 69 and 85 also experienced benefits, but they weren’t as great as the younger group.

Other studies show that cognitive decline is more common in inactive adults. Inactivity also increases the risk of dementia later on in life, further hindering a person’s ability to remember things.

Children Also Experience Better Memory from Regular Exercise

While the previously mentioned studies involved adults, it’s important to note that children also experience cognitive benefits from regular exercise. However, children require more physical activity than adults, with experts suggesting at least one hour each day.

Improved memory allows children to do better in school because they remember things better. It gives them a chance to clear their mind and let out some tension, giving them a good starting point for remembering things. Regular exercise also promotes concentration, further benefiting a child’s cognitive function.

How to Use Daily Activities as Exercise for Better Memory

Being active doesn’t require intense or complicated workout routines or signing up for a gym membership. You can exercise on your terms, doing things you enjoy every day. If you aren’t sure where to start, think about the activities you do every day that you can add physical activity to.

Playing Sports for Better Memory

Playing sports is beneficial for kids, but adults can participate, too. If you enjoy a sport and there’s a local team in your area, find out how you can sign up. Not only will the exercise improve your memory, but being on a team also has other benefits. Team sports build self-confidence and offer consistent schedules and routines.

Turn On Music and Start Dancing

Dancing works many muscles in your body, but it doesn’t feel like exercise. You’ll have fun listening to your favorite songs and dancing around your house, twisting and turning as you go along. If you like to go out, find a few friends to go out dancing with instead.

Exercise While Watching Your Favorite Show

If you exercise while watching something you like, it’ll feel like a treat. You can do many activities in front of the TV, including squats or marching in place.

For Better Memory, Go For a Walk

Walking is an enjoyable way to increase your level of physical activity. Go for walks in your neighborhood, switching up the route whenever you get bored. You can also walk at local parks or go for a hike.

If you don’t always have the time to go for long walks, you can add more walking into your daily routine. Start by parking your car at the back of a parking lot instead of looking for the closest place. Small changes in your day can make a difference in increasing your physical activity.

Take Your Dog for a Walk and Enjoy Better Memory

Your dog needs exercise, too, so utilize the time wisely and take your pet for a walk. Studies show that people with dogs walk more than others each day. Your dog can help you stay active, and they make great walking companions.

Do Some Yard Work

You have to do the yard work anyway, so make sure you count it into your exercise time. Raking, bagging leaves, pushing a lawnmower, and gardening are all beneficial ways to be active.

Six Workouts for Better Memory

If you want to implement some intentional exercises into your daily routine, you’ll find many that help with brain health. A few helpful exercises to start with include:

1 – Squats

Squats are a great way to exercise while watching your favorite show or need to squeeze in a few minutes of activity. They are ways to alleviate brain fog and improve cognitive function.

To start, stand with your feet pointing straight and set shoulder-width apart. Lower your body while breathing in, and breathe out as you stand back up. Studies show that squats are a powerful way to improve memory and cognitive skills.

2 – Planks

This exercise offers a full-body workout while also improving your mental clarity. It increases brainpower, relieves stress, and helps clear your mind. You can do planks while you meditate, watch tv, or during any other stationary activity.

Start by lying on your stomach, and then use your toes and forearms to raise your body. Keep your body in a straight line with your back flat and your abs tucked in. Make sure your legs extend behind you and keep your head and neck even with the rest of your body.

3 – Jumping Jacks

While jumping jacks are often a warm-up, they also get your blood pumping hard and fast. With your blood pumping, your brain receives more oxygen and nutrients. It boosts your brainpower, allowing it to function better without wearing down.

Stand straight with your hands by your side and feet together. Then, raise your arms above your head while jumping and putting your feet out to the sides. Without stopping, bring your arms and feet back to the starting position. Keep doing the motion without stopping for as long as you can, ideally at least ten minutes.

4 – Yoga for Better Memory

Yoga offers many benefits, including better memory and cognitive function. It works your brain in multiple ways because it involves meditation and exercise. Yoga boosts brain cells and enhances memory as it energizes your mind. Plus, it decreases mental stress and anxiety, allowing you to think with a clear mind.

There are yoga poses for every level of expertise, so don’t worry if you’re a beginner. You can utilize the benefits right away, learning more about the exercise as you go along. Before you know it, you’ll become better and feel ready for some of the more advanced poses.

Yoga offers a few options, too, so you can do it alone or with a group. If you want to do it alone, you can use technology as a guide or take private classes. You can likely find group classes in your area if you prefer to do it in-person and with other participants.

5 – Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle exercise that involves moving while meditating. It promotes brain activity, reduces stress, and improves memory. When you do Tai Chi, you will move from one pose to the next without stopping.

6 – Weight Training and Resistance Exercises

Lighting weights and doing resistance exercises improve memory and reasoning in people. It increases brain power, especially in those over 50 or people with mild cognitive impairment. These exercises improve brain capacity, alertness, and attention, all essential aspects that affect memory.

better memory

Final Thoughts on University of Pittsburgh Proves Exercise Means Better Memory

Physical activity is essential to living a healthy lifestyle. It’s good for your physical health, but it’s also beneficial for your brain. You’ll experience better memory once you implement a regular exercise routine into your life.

If you don’t want to start a workout routine, you can implement physical activity into your daily life. There are many options for being active while doing things you enjoy.

Researchers Finally Understand the Exact Cause of a “Runner’s High”

A new study reveals what causes the euphoric feeling after a workout known as a “runner’s high.” Most prior research attributed this feeling to a flood of endorphins released during exercise. In addition to being produced after a workout, pain or stress also triggers the release of endorphins. However, a new study on the neuroscience of exercise found a different source of  the runner’s high that might surprise you.

A new study published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research found that exercise consistently increases levels of endocannabinoids. These molecules help maintain balance in the body and mind, otherwise known as homeostasis. The natural release of this chemical may explain the benefits of exercise better than endorphins.

Dr. Hilary A. Marusak, a neuroscientist at the Wayne State University School of Medicine, led the study. Her lab researches brain development, mental health, and how the endocannabinoid system can help regulate stress and anxiety disorders. She says the research has implications for those who exercise to lower stress and should help motivate those who don’t exercise regularly.

Exercise Offers Numerous Benefits and Boosts “Feel-Good” Hormones

Mounting evidence proves that exercise can enhance physical health and lower the risk of premature death in addition to chronic health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Exercise also offers many mental health benefits, such as reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. Regular exercise can also improve cognitive performance, mood, self-esteem, and stress levels.

Prior to the study by Dr. Marusak, researchers didn’t know what caused these boosts in mental health. However, exercise affects the brain in several ways, such as increasing metabolism and blood flow. It also promotes the production of new brain cells and increases several chemicals in the brain.

Some of these chemicals are called neurotrophic factors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factors. BDNF plays a vital role in neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to modify and adapt both structure and function throughout life.

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The role of endorphins in a runner’s high

Scientists also discovered that exercise increases endorphins – a natural opioid – in the blood. Opioids not only help relieve pain but reduce stress as well. Some studies in the 1980s attributed this endorphin release to the feeling of bliss called the “runner’s high.”

However, scientists have recently questioned this early research since endorphins cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, which prevents toxins and pathogens from entering the brain. Because of this, endorphins likely don’t trigger the positive effects on mood and mental state following an intense workout.

Dr. Marusak’s research discovered that our body’s naturally occurring cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids, may cause the “runner’s high.” These minuscule molecules of lipids, or fats, circulate throughout the brain and body. Endocannabinoids bind to various cannabinoid receptors throughout our brains and bodies and can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and improve learning and memory. They also impact appetite, inflammation, and the immune system.

Of course, cannabis offers similar benefits but has side effects such as cognitive impairment. Due to this, Dr. Marusak suggests exercising instead of ingesting cannabis to induce euphoria without actually getting high.

Researchers Finally Understand the Exact Cause of a “Runner’s High”

Previous human and animal studies point to endocannabinoids instead of endorphins as the driving mechanism behind a runner’s high. However, those studies didn’t show whether all types of exercise, not just running, produced these effects. Also, it’s unknown whether people with preexisting health conditions like PTSD, depression, and fibromyalgia experience boosts in endocannabinoids.

To find out more about how endocannabinoids influence the brain, undergraduate student Shreya Desai led a systematic review and meta-analysis of 33 previous studies on the subject. The analysis compared the impacts of short-term exercise sessions, such as running for 30 minutes, with long-term programs such as a 10-week weightlifting program.

What the scientists learned

They separated them into two groups since exercise of varying intensity may have different effects on endocannabinoids. The research found that acute, or short-term, exercise boosted endocannabinoid levels consistently across multiple studies. The team observed the greatest consistency in endocannabinoid boosts in one chemical messenger called anandamide – known as the “bliss” molecule.

They also noted this exercise-induced boost across many types of workouts, including swimming, weightlifting, and running. It also remained steady in individuals with and without preexisting conditions.

Finally, the analysis found that moderate-intensity exercise, such as cycling or running, boosted endocannabinoids more than low-intensity exercise. So, you’ll want to keep your heart rate elevated – or at about 70%-80% of maximum heart rate – for at least thirty minutes to experience the “runner’s high” feeling.

However, a few questions remain regarding how endocannabinoids affect exercise. For instance, the researchers didn’t observe consistent effects for how a long-term exercise program may impact resting endocannabinoid levels. Also, it’s unclear how long a person should exercise before they notice a boost in endocannabinoid levels. Finally, researchers aren’t sure how long the chemicals remain elevated after short-term exercise.

Even though further studies are needed, it’s clear that exercise offers numerous benefits for the mind and body. Whether you work out for 30 minutes or longer, you will surely feel more blissful and experience the runner’s high after exercising.

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Final Thoughts on How Endocannabinoids Induce a Runner’s High

Research by a neuroscientist at the Wayne State University School of Medicine determined that endocannabinoids – not endorphins – cause a “runner’s high.” These naturally occurring chemicals bind to various cannabinoid receptors throughout our bodies and can relieve stress, reduce pain, and evoke blissful feelings. The research team found that acute or short-term exercise consistently boosted endocannabinoid levels. One chemical messenger in particular called anandamide – or the “bliss” molecule – showed the most significant increases.

The team discovered that exercises such as running, weightlifting, and swimming caused similar boosts in endocannabinoids. They concluded that moderate-intensity exercise, or keeping your heart rate at 70-80% of its maximum potential, offered the most benefits. However, it’s unclear exactly how long a person should work out before they begin reaping the benefits.

More research is necessary, but knowing that we literally have bliss wired into our DNA is exciting. It just takes some effort on our part to unlock it.

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