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The Same Genetic Factor May Dictate The Sense of Touch and Smell 

Researchers from Southern Methodist University (SMU) have discovered that the same gene links the sense of touch and smell. After analyzing a tiny, translucent worm that shares many traits with the human nervous system, the team determined this.

“This gene has previously been identified as a potential therapeutic target for chronic pain. Now that we know the gene is also involved in olfaction, it might present an opportunity for treating or understanding olfactory defects, such as the mysterious loss of smell that many COVID-19 patients have reported,” said SMU’s Adam D. Norris, co-author of the study published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research.

Norris is the Floyd B. James Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at SMU. He collaborated with SMU graduate students Xiaoyu Liang and Canyon Calovich-Benne, the lead authors of the study.

What Is the Sense of Touch?

Our sense of touch allows us to draw information about our internal and external environments. Scientists consider it the most important sense because it’s crucial to our survival. However, Norris says we still don’t understand very much about it.

Scientists have discovered that it generates a signal in our nervous system via touch receptors in the skin upon touching something. These signals then travel along sensory nerves in the spinal cord and eventually make their way to the thalamus. Finally, it relays the sensory information to other parts of the brain.

This process, known as mechanosensation, allows the brain to perceive various characteristics of touch. For example, it can tell us if the object we touched was sharp or smooth, cold or hot, etc.

However, due to the complexity of the nervous system, scientists still don’t fully understand the mechanics occurring during this electrical response. By studying the nervous system of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, they’ve uncovered more about the genetic factor linking the sense of touch and smell.

sense of touch

The Same Genetic Factor May Dictate The Sense of Touch and Smell

The tiny worm can tell us more about our senses than we think. Scientists often study the nervous system of this worm due to its simplicity. The Caenorhabditis elegans contains 302 nerve cells in its nervous system, compared with billions of nerve cells in our brains. However, many of the same genes that produce neurons in the worm have similar functions in humans.

So, for the study, the SMU researchers began with existing knowledge. They knew that a gene called mec-2 helps trigger touch neurons in C. elegans. However, the SMU team found that this gene does more than activating the sense of touch.

“In addition to turning genes on and off, another way to control a neuron’s function is to generate different (but functionally similar) versions of a single gene called isoforms. We looked for different neurons that contain different isoforms of important genes,” Norris said. “This led us to the fundamental discovery outlined in this paper, which is those different isoforms of a single gene (mec-2) work to enable both mechanosensation and olfaction.”

In particular, they found that the mec-2 isoform which governs mechanosensation requires the mec-8 gene to become activated, Norris said. Neurons can express multiple genes inside of them. Neurons that express the mec-8 gene produce the sense of smell isoform of mec-2 instead.

“Mec-8 makes sure that mec-2 is made in the mechanosensory isoform,” he said.

Without mec-8, mec-2 genes produce olfactory isoforms in C. elegans instead. SMU researchers determine this by using advanced techniques called “deep single-cell sequencing.”

“Single-cell sequencing allows researchers to look at all of the genes turned on in a single cell. Deep single-cell sequencing allows them to see the entirety of each gene, rather than just a small fragment from the end of the gene,” Norris explained.

“Together, deep single-cell sequencing reveals all of the genes and all of the isoforms of those genes expressed in a single cell. Our use of this technology allowed us to determine isoforms in single sensory neurons with unprecedented sensitivity, directly leading to these discoveries,” he said.

Scientists Will Investigate Therapeutic Drug to Treat Loss of Smell

Now that they know how mec-2 influences the sense of smell, the researchers will investigate whether a human gene called stomatin can replicate this effect. To clarify, mec-2 occurs only in worms, not in humans.

However, the stomatin gene in humans functions similarly to mec-2 regarding touch sensation. If researchers find this holds for the sense of smell, Norris said similar therapies for chronic pain could also apply to loss of smell for COVID-19 patients.

Therapeutic drugs work by targeting molecules that cause negative biological function. Once scientists identify a target, they find a chemical key that can bind to the mark and alter its behavior. Scientists can create a therapeutic drug using this chemical key so the molecular target can’t cause harm.

Regarding the Norris team’s research, they want to determine if they can modify mec-2 in the worms and potentially stomatin in humans to control the function of touch and smell.

“The idea in preclinical trials is to turn down the sensitivity of mechanosensory neurons without gumming up the sensory channels themselves by instead modulating the activity of mec-2 to relieve chronic pain,” Norris said. “By doing so perhaps, mec-2 can be used as a “sensory thermostat” to turn sensory activity up or down.”

More Research on the Horizon

However, Norris says that this theory warrants further research.

“Thus far, experiments have been done in C. elegans and mice that agree with each other. It is natural to hypothesize that similar results will hold in humans,” he said. “But that needs to be proven.”

sense of touch

Final Thoughts on How Genetics Determines the Sense of Touch and Smell

Recent SMU research found that a gene that influences the sense of touch may also dictate the sense of smell. They studied the worm Caenorhabditis elegans since its nervous system compares with the human nervous system. The team determined that the mec-2 gene functions similarly to the stomatin gene in humans, which plays a role in the sense of touch and smell.

They hope that the research may eventually lead to a therapeutic drug to treat loss of smell in those with COVID-19.

How to Do A Guided Meditation In 5 Steps

If you’re new to meditating, guided meditation can help you get acquainted with the practice. Even if you’ve been meditating for a while, sometimes it’s nice to have someone guide your journey. Most people enjoy meditating in the morning and evening when they are quiet and free of distractions.

You can find many free guided meditations on YouTube or through paid services like YogaGlo. A yoga or meditation teacher can help take your meditations to the next level and get you in the right mindset. If you’d like to quiet your mind and become more peaceful, read on to learn more about guided meditations.

How to Do A Guided Meditation In 5 Steps

You might think that guided meditation only involves listening to someone talk in a soothing voice about how to meditate. However, it’s essential to follow a couple of steps first to set yourself up for the practice. Before you begin, make sure you’re in a comfortable, quiet place with no distractions. Put your phone on silent and turn on your TV and other devices in the room.

Once you’re seated in a meditation position and feel comfortable, it’s time to get started. Aligning your body and mind first will allow you to entirely focus on the guided meditation.

guided meditation

1 – Get grounded.

Before you do anything, it’s crucial to balance your body and mind. Focus on being present and don’t allow your mind to wander to the day ahead. Place your attention on how you’re feeling and the subtle energies coursing through your body. Block anything else out so that you can get the most out of your practice.

You’ll be able to dive deeper into a guided meditation if you steady yourself first. This might mean doing a few stretches, yoga poses, or visualizations, such as imagining yourself firmly rooted to the ground. Once you feel centered, you can move on to the next step.

2 – Set your intention for your practice.

What do you want to receive from your guided meditation? Whether it’s greater peace, confidence, resilience, or joy, make sure to take a few moments to set your intentions. Close your eyes and imagine how you’d like to feel after meditating. You’ll have a more fulfilling meditation session if you can bring that energy into the here and now.

You can take anywhere from a few minutes to around fifteen minutes to do this step. Most importantly, focus intently on what you want from your guided meditation. When you’re ready, you can begin the meditation practice.

3 – Find a guided meditation that resonates with you.

You can find many guided meditations on YouTube that last anywhere from 5 minutes to one hour. Depending on your availability and preference, choose one that works with your schedule. Also, make sure to pick a teacher that you feel comfortable with and can listen to for the allotted time. Some people prefer male teachers while others enjoy females; either way, you should choose someone whose voice you find relaxing and soothing.

You want to pick a teacher that will get you into the right headspace for the guided meditation. If you’re trying to wind down for sleep, this meditation can help you release stress and drift off into dreamland. However, if you’re waking up for the day, you’ll want to choose something a bit more upbeat and refreshing.

Once you find a teacher and video that resonates with you, you’re ready to begin. Keep these tips in mind during your session:

  • Sit upright with your back, shoulders, and neck straight. Avoid slumping forward or backward, as this can induce sleepiness.
  • Keep your hands comfortably in your lap or on your knees with palms up.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly, allowing all your thoughts to dissipate.
  • Le yourself “be,” and do not try to exert any effort.
  • Relax all your muscles until you no longer feel tension or discomfort.
  • Remember that you’re the watcher when thoughts come along and not your thoughts.

4 – Sit quietly for a few moments following the meditation.

After your guided meditation ends, don’t just jump up and begin your day or crawl into bed. Sit and reflect for a few moments on your reflection. Did you feel peaceful during the meditation, or did any discomfort or negative feelings come up? Assess how you felt during your meditation, and see how you can apply what you learned to your everyday life. Remember, it’s essential to bring the positive energy you feel during meditation into your life off the mat.

Don’t worry if you’re not feeling the benefits right away, though; it takes time and practice to transform your energy.

5 – Write down a quote on mindfulness that you can look at throughout the day.

After each meditation session, please write a quote on a sticky note or on your phone so you can view it during your daily routine. Being mindful throughout your day will allow you to experience life more fully. Plus, being present will keep stress at bay and increase your concentration, as studies have shown.

You could even journal for a few moments following your guided meditation to gather your thoughts. However, you eventually want to clear your mind completely, as meditation aims to transcend ideas altogether. In the beginning, though, being aware of your thoughts can help you create a foundation for spiritual growth.

Final Thoughts on How to Do a Guided Meditation

Whether you’re a beginner or advanced meditator, guided meditation can enhance your practice. When you find a teacher, you connect with, sit quietly and ground yourself before beginning. This will deepen your practice and help you connect with your higher self more intimately.

Just remember that the most critical part of meditation is letting go. Be in the moment, without judging, expecting, or pushing in any direction. This surrender will help you increase your sensitivity and become aware of the subtle energies that illuminate your physical self. Then, as you practice with regularity, you’ll find it easier to go beyond your thoughts into higher realms. Happy meditating!

How Childhood Trauma Impacts Adult Relationships, According to Psychology

Childhood trauma goes well behind the younger years. Many people are surprised when they still struggle after becoming an adult. It causes issues throughout the person’s life, impacting their adult relationships.

Childhood memories should involve innocence, joy, hope, optimism, and wonder. Children should feel secure, protected, and loved by their caregivers, allowing them to form solid relationships. However, many people don’t have this experience, and the effects don’t go away alone.

Trauma causes many effects beginning just after the experience and continuing for a long time. You might recognize some of the impacts discussed below as issues in your life or relationship, letting you know you aren’t alone. It’ll also help you learn how to address problems and overcome issues.

What Experts Say About the Effects of Childhood Trauma on Adult Relationships

Trauma hinders growth and development, impacting the person they become. Children who experience trauma or live in a dysfunctional home don’t understand how to behave in an adult relationship. They struggle to understand boundaries, potentially damaging the connection.

When a child grows up in a dysfunctional home, they learn inappropriate ways to interact with those around them. They watch their caregivers interact, so if the adults in their lives behave in unhealthy ways, the child will, too. Additionally, abandonment during child development drastically impacts the child’s emotional growth.

The way caregivers interact with the child and other adults shape a child’s view of the world. It affects their sense of self, interactions with others, and forming and maintaining adult relationships.

For a child to learn how to have healthy attachments, they must see their caregivers behaving appropriately. They also need a sense of love and security in their home to give them the confidence to grow. Children need a healthy relationship with their caregivers to receive the support they need to learn to behave.

adult relationships

Types of Childhood Trauma That Can Carry Into Adult Relationships

When a child experiences trauma, it interrupts their development and causes problems. However, dysfunctional households and parental abandonment aren’t the only traumatic experiences a child can go through. Other examples of trauma include the following:

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Hospitalization or surgery as a child
  • Intense bullying
  • Natural disaster
  • Witnessing domestic violence
  • Neglect

How Childhood Trauma Impacts Adult Relationships

Childhood trauma permanently impacts a person, eventually affecting their adult relationships. It leads to unhealthy situations and many other issues that you must address.

Fear of Abandonment

Children abandoned by someone who should have cared for them struggle with fears of abandonment throughout their lives. When they enter an adult relationship, they might live with the fear of their partner leaving because they have difficulty trusting people. They often don’t even realize the issue, but you can recognize it with the following signs:

  • Worrying whenever a partner goes somewhere without them
  • Not being able to calm down when a partner walks away during an argument
  • Jealousy or possessiveness
  • Ignoring their needs or wants to please a partner
  • Co-dependency

Getting Easily Annoyed or Irritable

Growing up in a home with constant criticism makes an adult easily annoyed or irritated with others. The critical comments can be directed at the child or other people, but they still affect adult relationships. They learn that lashing out when someone isn’t perfect is how to express their displeasure.

Additionally, it teaches the child that imperfections and unique qualities are unacceptable. The trauma survivor projects that idea onto those around them, becoming irritable in the slightest situation.

Need Frequent Alone Time Throughout Adult Relationships

Experiencing childhood trauma can lead to needing lots of time alone as an adult. This behavior often stems from a stressful or chaotic environment, causing a hypervigilant central nervous system.

In adulthood, the person might require this alone time to control anxiety and nervousness. They’ll often want to stay home because they can maintain the environment, feel safe, and relax. It impacts adult relationships because it’s hard to meet other people. Plus, they must find someone who doesn’t mind their preference for staying home and being alone.

Staying in Unhealthy Relationships

Childhood trauma can cause someone to settle and stay in an unhealthy relationship much longer than they should. If the child had a caregiver who struggled with addiction or mental illness, they might feel guilty for leaving relationships. They’ll feel they must fix the person rather than walk away when they see red flags.

Other times, a trauma survivor might stay in an unhealthy relationship out of fear of being alone. They’ll feel safer with a partner, even if that person isn’t good for them. They might also be so accustomed to relationship toxicity that they think it’s normal.

Additionally, the survivor might think they are unworthy of anything better, so they settle for people who aren’t good for them. Staying in an unhealthy relationship often results in constant arguing, fighting, or avoiding conflict entirely. Without the skills to navigate hardship productively, communication will likely be lacking.

adult relationships

Being Afraid to Commit

While some trauma survivors commit to relationships they shouldn’t, others are afraid to commit at all. They might worry that they are settling, or they might be fearful of relationships. This situation often occurs for those who have unreliable caregivers or experienced abandonment.

The trauma leaves the survivor being distrustful of anyone who says they care. They’ll assume everyone will hurt them eventually, so they avoid settling down as a way to play it safe. If they commit to a partner, they’ll likely experience trust issues because they learned not to trust anyone early on.

They Try to Change Others

Childhood trauma sometimes causes people to try and change the people in their lives. They might try to change things about their partner to calm personal fears in the relationship. Trauma survivors must fix others, even if they don’t need or want to change.

How to Heal from Childhood Trauma

Once you know how childhood trauma impacts adult relationships, you can take steps to undo the damage. If you or someone you know is in this situation, you must develop self-awareness to identify the behaviors. Otherwise, you’ll find that you continually repeat the same negative patterns.

Survivors of childhood abuse can overcome the damage caused by childhood trauma. While it might be harder to form healthy relationships, they can let go of the negative perceptions. Doing the work to unlearn the negative aspects of adult relationships is essential to growth.

Spend Time Self-Reflecting

Self-reflection is essential to growth and healing. During self-reflection, take some time to name the emotions you felt at the time of trauma and the ones you experience now. Then, allow yourself to feel the sensations and respond however needed. When you feel the emotions, you get them moving and let them go.

Get Professional Help

Therapy can help with the healing process, holding you accountable and helping you through the emotions. A therapist can help identify the specific feelings, allowing for acknowledgment and acceptance. They’ll help you work through your feelings and acknowledge what’s going on in your mind.

Journal to Reflect on Your Adult Relationships

Writing experiences on paper can help you reflect on the situation. Take the time to write all of the reoccurring traumatic thoughts you experience. Describe what happened, how you reacted, and how you view the situation now.

Write a Letter That You Never Send

If a person is responsible for the trauma, you can write them a letter you never send. Tell the person how they made you feel and what it did to your life in the letter. Say whatever you want in the letter, and express all your anger and other emotions.

When you get the words out, you’ll feel much better. After your letter is complete, you can destroy it or save it, but you don’t have to send it.

Find a Support Group

You don’t have to overcome childhood trauma alone. Many people experience it and strive to heal from the experiences. Find a support group of others who shared similar situations to gain insight.

Talking to others who went through it will help you remember you’re not alone. Plus, you can learn from one another throughout the journey.

Use Positive Affirmations

When trauma has left you with a diminished sense of self-worth that affects your adult relationships, affirmations can help. Positive affirmations can help you release negative thoughts and replace them with helpful ones. As you repeat the positive phrases, it rewires your brain and allows you to see the good in yourself and the world around you.

adult relationships

Final Thoughts on How Childhood Trauma Impacts Adult Relationships, According to Psychology

The effects of childhood trauma don’t disappear as a person reaches adulthood. Instead, it shows in different ways, including impacting adult relationships. While it might seem hard to overcome, you can make it happen.

As you process and heal from trauma, you’ll notice significant improvements in your life. Your relationships will thrive, and you’ll experience more meaning and fulfillment.

Boston University Reveals New Treatment for Sickle Cell Anemia

Boston University researchers have discovered a new treatment for sickle cell anemia, a genetic blood disorder that causes crescent-shaped red blood cells. The disorder can result in frequent infections, pain, extreme fatigue, delayed development, and swelling of the hands and legs. Current treatments typically focus on managing symptoms and can include pain medications, antibiotics, and vaccines.

Researchers have been working on a cure for sickle cell anemia for decades. Now, the Boston University team believes they’ve stumbled upon a possible remedy. They published these findings  in the New England Journal of Medicine (Biologic and Clinical Efficacy of LentiGlobin for Sickle Cell Disease/Kanter et. al).

Boston University Reveals New Treatment for Sickle Cell Anemia

Martin Steinberg, MD, professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine, commented on the study’s findings. He said the research marked the first successful gene therapy that adds a gene to patient blood stem cells which eliminate complications of sickle cell disease.

sickle cell anemia

“Gene therapy with autologous stem cells extends the possibility of a cure to all patients without the need for immunosuppression,” explains Steinberg, who also works as a hematologist at Boston Medical Center.

Patients who participated in the study no longer showed symptoms of sickle cell anemia. However, Steinberg did say that many patients still had a shortened lifespan of their red blood cells, which could cause complications in the future. He added that for patients to agree to the costly and arduous treatment, it would need to be both permanent and curative.

“At this point we do not yet know the sustainability of the results but based on this study the prospects seem good,” he says.

Steinberg realizes that a curative or nearly curative gene therapy would not be accessible to most people with sickle cell disease worldwide.

“Most patients with this disease live in Africa and India where access to highly technological health care is limited. What is needed are more drugs that can be taken orally and increase fetal hemoglobin levels. This will have a higher likelihood of benefiting populations suffering the most from this disease.”

Another Study Prevented Sickle Cell Disease Complications for Three Years

In previous research published online in the New England Journal of Medicine, scientists performed another study on experimental gene therapy. They found that it eliminated the most serious symptoms of sickle cell anemia for at least three years in some patients. A single dose of LentiGlobin restored red blood cells to their original shape as well.

Four patients at Columbia University Irving Medical Center/New York-Presbyterian participated in the multicenter study. It marked the first to observe the long-term effects of sickle cell gene therapy. The single-dose gene therapy was given to 35 adults and adolescents with sickle cell anemia.

It corrected the shape of blood cells while also eradicating severe pain episodes, some of which can lead to organ damage. Pain stems from blockage of blood vessels when sickled red blood cells clump together. The painful episodes result in many emergency room visits and may even cause early death.

“You cannot overstate the potential impact of this new therapy,” says Markus Y. Mapara, MD, Ph.D., professor of medicine at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and a co-author of the study. “People with sickle cell disease live in constant fear of the next pain crisis. This treatment could give people with this disease their life back. We hope this therapy will also be successful in younger patients so they can grow up without experiencing pain crises and live longer.”

A New Therapy on the Horizon

The new gene therapy for sickle cell anemia, called LentiGlobin, involves collecting blood stem cells from patients. Then, lentiviruses are introduced to transport modified copies of the beta-globin genes in stem cells. Finally, the cells get reinfused into the patient’s bone marrow and begin producing healthy red blood cells.

In the clinical trial, the sickle cell anemia therapy eliminated severe pain episodes up to 38 months after infusion. This marks the longest observation period for sickle cell gene therapy. Mapara added that unlike conventional bone marrow transplants, there’s no risk of rejection since the therapy uses the patient’s own stem cells.

However, one caveat to the treatment is that it requires high-dose chemotherapy to eradicate old stem cells and provide room for new ones. Researchers are currently investigating less harmful methods of conditioning the bone marrow before gene therapy. They’re also researching strategies to make therapies for sickle cell disease more affordable.

Still, their results are encouraging to people living with sickle cell anemia. Hopefully, many will benefit from gene therapy in the near future as the treatment becomes commercially available.

Tips for Managing Sickle Cell Anemia

Since gene therapy isn’t widely available, there currently isn’t a cure for sickle cell anemia. However, you can still take steps to manage your symptoms and reduce pain episodes:

  • Take supplements. Folate is especially important since it aids in the production of red blood cells. Iron, zinc, copper, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E are also beneficial for anemic patients. However, talk with your doctor first before trying any supplements.
  • Drink plenty of water. This helps improve circulation and increases oxygen in the blood.
  • Avoid temperature extremes and high altitudes. Extreme heat or cold can exacerbate pain, and high altitudes have less available oxygen.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking not only decreases oxygen in the blood but also may increase the risk of pain crises.

sickle cell anemia

Final Thoughts on Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Anemia

Boston University researchers have discovered a new stem cell therapy for sickle cell anemia. The gene therapy adds a modified copy of a gene to stem cells via lentiviruses. Then, the cells are reinfused into the patient and make their way to the bone marrow, where new red blood cells are produced.

The treatment has been successful in clinical trials, but researchers say the cost will prevent access for many living with the disease. They’re currently working on less costly treatments such as medicines that people can take orally. Nevertheless, the discovery of the treatment marks a huge step toward curing sickle cell anemia.

15 Reasons to Treat Yourself Well (Even If You Don’t Feel Like It)

Taking care of others and treating them well comes naturally to most people. However, you might not be as likely to treat yourself well even when you’re kind to others. If you learn why treating yourself well is essential, you’ll be more likely to make positive changes.

Being kind to yourself allows you to become stronger and better able to help yourself and others. Having other people to take care of doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself, either. If you don’t care for yourself, you won’t have enough left to give to others.

Anytime you participate in harsh self-criticism, you hinder your ability to care for yourself. Likewise, neglecting your physical or emotional health will take its toll. When you treat yourself well, you’ll care for your needs while treating yourself with kindness and compassion.

You might struggle to justify treating yourself right, but these reasons can help. When you know the reasons to prioritize yourself, you’ll be more likely to make it happen. Taking care of yourself is essential to living a fulfilling life, so don’t waste more time.

Fifteen Reasons to Treat Yourself Well

treat yourself well

Treating yourself well changes your life in many ways. Everything will be better as your mental, emotional, and physical health improve. Even when you have other people to take care of, you must make yourself a priority for the following reasons:

1. You Promote Self-Compassion if You Treat Yourself Well

Mistakes happen, and you’ll likely dwell on them if you don’t take care of yourself. Dwelling on your mistakes shows a lack of self-compassion, so give yourself some grace. You’re good enough the way you are, so treat yourself the way you deserve.

When you accept yourself, it promotes self-love and helps you better yourself. Communicate with yourself the way you would communicate with a friend. You’d say nice things to them, encouraging them after a mistake.

If you make a mistake, consider this reason to treat yourself well and as you would a friend. It’ll quickly promote self-compassion, allowing you to maintain or increase your well-being no matter what happens.

2. Increases Motivation

Studies show that taking care of yourself increases your motivation. If you experience failure, you’ll feel more motivated to persevere and overcome the situation. With self-acceptance and kindness, you’ll also have an easier time changing your weaknesses.

3. When You Treat Yourself Well, You Can Reduce Stress

When you practice self-care, you’re less likely to be affected by mental health problems. Research shows that being kind to yourself decreases stress, anxiety, and depression. With less stress, you’ll feel better overall and experience health benefits, too.

4. Inspires Others by How Well You Treat Yourself

If you care for others or want to help people do well, you must start by caring for yourself. When the people in your life see you prioritizing yourself, it’ll inspire them to do the same. People often need to know it’s okay to care for themselves, so set the example by starting with yourself.

Spend time reflecting on your best qualities and achievements. It’ll help you be kinder to yourself, and you’ll be more sympathetic to your mistakes. When you do these things, you influence everyone, so don’t feel selfish for caring for yourself.

5. Promotes Productivity and Increased Performance

When you take care of yourself, it allows you to maintain a healthy balance in life. You’ll have the energy to do well in all areas, increasing productivity and performance. If you want to do well and perform to the best of your abilities, start by caring for yourself.

Skipping nutritious meals or missing sleep to finish work can slow you down. While you think you’re getting the work done, it’ll take longer and won’t be as high-quality. Plus, if you care for others, you’ll do a better job if you feel good yourself.

Taking care of yourself allows you to focus on your goals and tasks. No matter your goals, you’ll do better when you are healthy and feel good.

6. If You Treat Yourself  Well, You Will Promote Resiliency

One of the best reasons to treat yourself well is that it promotes resiliency to adversity. Things don’t always go as planned, and you must learn to overcome the unexpected. Being kind and caring for yourself leads to higher levels of self-care in moments of hardship or heartbreak.

Whether you experience many minor issues or tackle a big problem, taking care of yourself makes it possible. Taking on challenges won’t be as daunting when you feel good physically and mentally.

7. It Helps You Focus on the Positive and Be More Optimistic

If you can focus on the positive aspects of your life, everything else will be a little more accessible. Good things are happening around you no matter what’s going on in your life. By treating yourself well, you’ll focus on the positive things rather than fixating on negativity.

Not only will you see the good all around you, but you’ll also be more optimistic about yourself. You’ll recognize your abilities and continually build your skills.

treat yourself well

8. You’ll Feel Well-Rested

Taking care of yourself helps you feel energized and well-rested. As your stress levels reduce, you’ll feel ready for anything. Along with the energy, you’ll experience a sense of purpose, better communication, and a more focused mind.

9. Increased Sense of Self-Worth

Treating yourself well increases your sense of self-worth. You won’t compare yourself to others as often, and you’ll experience kindness from within.

Taking care of yourself allows you to accept moments of failure, inadequacy, and imperfection. Accepting these things helps you feel better about yourself and understand your value.

10. Increased Happiness Levels When You Treat Yourself Well

When you treat yourself well, it makes you happier. It promotes improved moods and better characteristics that influence your life. Not only will you be more content, but you’ll feel more optimistic, wise, and positively curious. Additionally, you’ll experience increased personal initiative helping you achieve your goals and find more joy.

11. Boosts Immunity

People who care for and comfort themselves have better immune responses than others. They have less inflammation, get few colds, and get over illness and headaches quicker. Plus, they experience an improved immune response to stress, allowing them to cope before it causes physical problems.

Additionally, treating yourself well activates the parasympathetic nervous system. When it starts, your body feels restful and rejuvenating, further boosting the immune system. You’ll feel stronger physically and mentally, improving your overall well-being.

12. Fosters Self-Awareness

Taking time to treat yourself well promotes self-discovery and self-awareness. It helps you see yourself clearly, helping with a smooth transition when working toward your goals and dreams. When you’re self-aware, you know you’re following the right path for your life.

Without self-awareness, you might give in to other people’s image of you. It could cause you to chase goals that don’t bring meaning to your life, and you won’t experience as much happiness. However, prioritizing yourself can shift your mindset and help you identify your wants and needs.

Self-awareness helps you understand what you are passionate about and what inspires you. It could lead to a career change, revisiting old hobbies, or shifting priorities.

13. If You Treat Yourself Well, You Strengthen Relationships

When you treat yourself well, it encourages self-love. With self-love, your relationships will get stronger, and you’ll feel happier with how things are going. When you prioritize your health and happiness, you’ll be more likely to admit and correct your mistakes. Admitting your faults in a relationship will help the other person trust and respect you.

14. Improved Body Image and Self-Esteem

Treating yourself well leads to improved body image and less shame. Being kind to yourself plays a huge role in how you view your body, so focus on being kind to yourself. You won’t be as preoccupied with your appearance and won’t waste energy stressing over how you look.

When you feel better about your body image, you’ll notice other healthy habits emerging. You’ll be more likely to eat healthier and stay active.

15. It Boosts Your Overall Well-Being

With the many reasons to treat yourself well, it’s easy to see how beneficial it is. Prioritizing yourself improves all areas of your life, boosting your overall well-being. When your mental, emotional, and physical health improves, you’ll experience contentedness and joy.

treat yourself well

Final Thoughts on Reasons to Treat Yourself Well (Even If You Don’t Feel Like It)

These reasons to treat yourself well can make all the difference in your life. Sometimes you don’t feel like taking care of yourself, but you can revisit the reasons listed here. Remembering why you should treat yourself well makes you more likely to do it.

As you treat yourself better, you’ll continually look for more ways to improve your life. Whether you’re working on yourself or your surroundings, treating yourself well can help make it easier.

8 Ways to Kid-Proof Your Electronic Devices

Having electronic devices and access to the internet has become a way of life for adults and children alike. Many parents rely on tablets and smartphones to keep their kids’ attention while working or doing other errands. However, having access to so much information comes at a hefty price tag, so you must kid-proof these devices to keep them safe. Additionally, preventing component obsolescence is essential to ensure that these devices remain functional and up-to-date for as long as possible.

While the internet is full of good things for your children to see, it’s also full of things they have no business viewing. You must be proactive with the limitations on these devices, as it’s better to set firm boundaries from the start. As soon as your child gets a new device, you should impose restrictions to keep them from getting on sites that aren’t kid-friendly.

Eight Proven Ways to Kid-Proof Your Electronic Devices

Many kids use these devices to socialize these days, as children prefer playing video games to spending time in the great outdoors. However, many kids are developing poor social skills, which can increase loneliness. Not only do you want to protect the device you invested in, but you also want to protect your child.

Here are some ways to make your child’s access to the internet more kid-friendly, which brings you peace of mind.


1. Set Challenging Passwords to Kid-Proof Your Smart Devices

Passwords not only keep your child out of specific areas on the web but also protects any credit cards or other accounts on there. While your child may have their phone, they probably are linked to some of your accounts, which can be a recipe for disaster. Before your child can purchase, download an app, or do anything, they must enter a code.

The beauty of this kid-proof hack is that if they don’t have the code, they must bring the phone to you to override this restriction. Now, when creating passcodes, you want to make sure it’s something that will not be easily guessed. Don’t use any personal information.

Some find that using sentences is best, as it’s nearly impossible for your child or a hacker to figure out. When you set passwords on their phones, you know everything they’re doing online. Plus, you get to control what they can and cannot download. Once you go to the lengths to set up these secret words, make sure that you don’t give it to your child when you’re too busy to override something.

2. Turn Off Buying Opportunities

If a child can buy something, they may not grasp the severity of placing bids on eBay or buying a cart full of goodies on Amazon. Some kids will do it accidentally, while others make their purchases intentionally. However, you will pay the price as they rack up large bills you’re obligated to pay.

Thankfully, there’s a simple solution to preventing such blunders. If you go into your child’s phone settings, there’s an option to turn off purchases under the “Options” menu. Suppose your child uses an Android device. Then you can access the settings section under the Google Play store to turn off this ability.

If your child is using an Apple device, the “User Controls” section will allow you to program a code to enter before making any purchases. If your child logs into a Microsoft account for gaming, you can turn off all permissions for investments under the family settings. Sure, it’s a pain to go in and make all these setting changes but making the device kid-proof can save you and them.

3. Sign Out of Shopping Accounts

It’s only natural that parents stay signed into their accounts to make purchases more straightforward. However, this also makes it easier for your child to get into. Make sure that you sign out after you make any purchases, and don’t keep your log-in information saved on your device either, primarily if your child regularly uses it.

Those one-click services that recognize your device are excellent for adults, but it’s not so good if you have children accessing your accounts. Your child may be tapping away and not even realize what they’re doing, but you will recognize it once some mysterious package arrives or an unauthorized charge appears.

4. Start to Kid-Proof by Setting Firm Guidelines

Since you’re the one that paid for these devices, you set the rules. According to an article on Best Mom Choices, they suggest making rules such as:

  • Setting time restraints
  • Only allowing limited hours on technology
  • Never roughhouse or leave the device on the floor
  • No technology at the table
  • Don’t let the child’s device consume every moment of time

According to this article, a child under the age of nine who is regular on a device has an increased chance of developing addictions. There are particular guidelines set by the Center for Parenting Education for internet use and your child. In fact, this agency suggests the following:

  • Under 2: No internet use
  • 2-10: One hour each day of supervised usage.
  • 11-18: Up to two hours each day. Only after chores and homework are completed.

Sadly, most children spend up to 44 percent of their time on these devices, per this article. So, if your kid is spending more than two hours a day, you’re fueling a possible addiction problem. If your child is acting out and having behavior issues, it could link to spending too much time on their devices.


5. Use Protection Apps to Kid-Proof Devices

The good news for worried parents is that many apps can help you monitor your child’s whereabouts on the internet, and they will allow you to set boundaries. One such app, MM Guardian, is among the top. You can get the app for free. However, you need to pay a subscription fee of $4.99 a month for more in-depth coverage.

An app displays on both the parent and child’s phone to see and control things. You’ll get real-time messages that warn you when inappropriate words are used, or the child visits improper sites. You can customize the restrictions based on age and your personal preferences.

You can disable the phone for only emergency calls, should they get into trouble when they are away from you. It’s an effective way to keep your kid’s internet safety and ensure that you know what’s going on in their web life.

6. Put Everything in a Case

While this is more about protecting your investment than keeping the kids safe, it’s wise to have all devices in a shock-absorbing case. Should the device fall to the ground, these cases will protect them from cracking or becoming damaged.

Kids will drop smartphones and tablets more times than you can count, and a protection case will be under $30 in most instances. It’s a small price to pay for peace of mind.

7. Deactivate the Power Down Ability

This tip is more for parents who have younger children who are fascinated with pushing buttons or playing with things they shouldn’t touch. Your kids can quickly turn off your computer or power down your device, and you might not have your work saved. To avoid any issue, you can reprogram your power options under the control panel section of your computer.

Should little fingers feel inclined to turn off your tower, it won’t do anything when you select the function of your buttons. You can set that power button to do nothing so that if your child does get their hands near it, it’s not going to turn it off. You can also use an app to help you with this, especially with Apple devices. Using Power Block, you can program your system to be childproof.

8. Use Screen Protectors

The screen on your child’s device is the most vulnerable to damage. Putting a screen protector on this expensive electronic is wise. Should your child drop, scratch, or bust the screen area, many devices are more costly to repair than replace. However, an inexpensive screen protector should do the trick.


Final Thoughts on Learning How to Kid-Proof Electronic Devices

Trying to kid-proof electronic devices can be quite a challenge, especially if you have a child that knows how to override all the restrictions. However, these protocols are signs of effective parenting and keeping your child and their devices safe. Having computers and smartphones, as well as tablets, are all part of raising kids these days.

Your child can learn new things, connect with people near and far, as well as give you a few minutes of peace during the day. However, there’s much that they can get into that isn’t so good for them. Kid-proofing their device is not only essential, but it’s a sign of good parenting.

There’s so much good on these devices, but children are naive, and predators play into their innocence. According to the Child Advocacy Center, the dangers of the internet have increased, and human trafficking is now the fastest-growing criminal enterprise worldwide. While you think these things could never happen to your children, are they protected enough to ensure they won’t?

Most parents wouldn’t let their kids touch a hot stove because they know it’s dangerous. So why would they let use an unprotected smart device? Whether you paid $100 or $1,000 for their device, you need to have safety measures in place to protect your investment and your child. Plus, spending too much time on these devices can impact their mental health, and this is just another way that you can help protect your child.

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