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5 Reasons Emotional Integrity Is So Important In A Relationship

Do you recall a situation where your emotional integrity was challenged during a relationship? These moments often occur when you least expect them, but they help to define your character. Sadly, there are times when being vulnerable and transparent can be quite costly to you, and it may end what you thought was a good thing.

Defining Emotional Integrity

Many people know that integrity has to do with your character and honesty, but this takes things one step further. It’s being brave enough to understand your feelings, desires, and aspirations without caring about the judgment of others. Simply put, it means being honest with yourself.

Did you know that many people wouldn’t dare tell a lie to a friend, but they lie to themselves every day? When you have this transparency in your life, you won’t compromise on your desires or beliefs to suit someone else. This honesty is so important in relationships, both romantic and platonic.

Standing Up for Yourself

Emotional integrity means that you must get to know yourself well. While you may feel that you are in touch with your inner being, frequently, you don’t understand yourself fully. You must take a journey of self-discovery and get to know the things that make you function happily.

You understand that your principles are essential to you, and you must stick by those convictions no matter what the rest of the crowd does. It’s challenging to stand up for what you believe in, especially when everyone else is pressuring you to do something else. For example, you go to dinner with some friends after work.

Everyone orders an alcoholic drink but you, making you feel like the odd person out. Your coworkers call out your choice of beverage and try to persuade you to loosen up and try something with a bit of a kick. Still, you made a long vow never to touch alcohol, which is significant to you because you grew up with an alcoholic father.

emotional integrity

You never want to compromise your beliefs and risk becoming what you hated growing up. After much taunting and teasing about your soda, you get firm and let them know you’re not going to drink. Your coworkers weren’t showing or respecting your boundaries, and saying things to make you feel less is nothing but bullying.

Thankfully, you did show honor to yourself, as you held to your values regardless of what the rest of the crowd was doing. Society needs to learn how to establish emotional integrity. Whether the relationships are personal or professional doesn’t matter. Truthfulness is essential.

This is one of the reasons why so many people are afraid to get help when they have a mental health condition like depression or anxiety. They fear that people will judge them if they’re truthful about their illness. So, these folks would rather suffer than get the help they need.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, over 40 million people suffer from these conditions. However, only about 36 percent of those folks seek treatment. This means four percent of the population is struggling and refusing to get help.

Folks should never be afraid to address their emotions or be honest about their feelings simply because they think others will judge them or turn their backs. If you have a mental health need that goes untreated because you fear judgment, you might not get your desperately needed help.

Reasons Why Emotional Integrity is So Important

The foundational building blocks of any relationship are honesty and good communication. You must trust one another and communicate and talk about everything. Beyond the basic things like being honest, here are some reasons this emotional transparency is essential in your relationships.

1. You Don’t Need to Hide Your True Feelings

If you walk on eggshells in a relationship, then you’re not free to express yourself. If you’re sad, hurt, mad, angry, or feel depressed, you should be able to communicate this with your partner. Even in platonic relationships, you must be free to discuss things that bother you.

You will have issues when you hide things and aren’t transparent with one another. The wife who feels neglected and like she’s not essential will one day be the person who takes a stand and walks away. Expressing your feelings is vital for your connection with your partner.

2. You Consider the Wants and Needs of Each Other

Carol wants a new car. She’s tired of putting money into her old clunker that always breaks down. She talks to her husband Tom time and again about the issues. But he always puts her off and says they can’t afford it.

Carol is frustrated and doesn’t think Tom considers the dangers of sitting along the freeway against the cost of a new car payment. After her words fell on deaf ears, she went and traded the car without him knowing. She had all she could take of that car and sitting by the road, so she took matters into her own hands.

Tom was furious and didn’t speak to her for two weeks. In this example, Tom ignores the desperate cries of his wife. He refused to face the fact that they needed a new vehicle.

This vehicle wasn’t a luxury purchase, as it was necessary to get her to work. Plus, it was dangerous for her and the children to sit alongside the road, which happened many times. So, Carol handled it and caused a massive rift between them.

When you ignore one another and don’t take the other person’s needs seriously, it can push your partner to step out of their comfort zone and do what they feel they must. If Tom had emotional integrity, he would have put the safety needs above that of finances, and he would make cuts to make sure the family had what they needed.

emotional integrity

3. You Can Be Forthright with Your Mistakes or Weaknesses

No one has a perfect past. Of course, there are many things that you’ve done in your life that you’re not proud of. However, when you have emotional integrity, you’re strong enough to admit these flaws and share them. Just because you have integrity doesn’t mean you must broadcast your whole life to everyone you know.

However, it becomes essential when you’re in a committed relationship or being transparent with past transgressions with a prospective employer. You can have all the optimism in the world, but if you’re not honest in a relationship, you’re just waiting for them to find something that could end it all.

4. You Have an Optimistic Future

Most folks become a couple with the hopes of making it for eternity. However, the statistics of people in divorce court are staggering. While you’ve probably heard that about 50 percent end in divorce, the current US Census found the number is around 40 percent.

Part of the reason people go their separate ways is that they grow apart. There are many reasons why people drift away from each other. It also often results from an old rift. Arguments happen for the smallest of reasons, but what happens during these times of struggle counts.

Retreating into a shell and shutting the world off might work for a turtle. But that doesn’t work so well for a human being. When your relationship has optimism and a firm foundation of trust for one another, it can make it through the most challenging times.

5. You Can Be Yourself

Why do so many people lie to try to impress others? If you don’t think that people exaggerate their assets or inflate their worth, check out an online dating site. According to a study by Online Dating Pros, one in ten dating profiles is fake.

This means that the person is a catfish scammer or has lied significantly on their profile. One of the most significant issues with this type of dating is that people use old photos of their previous glory days, which look nothing like them now. However, you learn that you can be yourself when you have emotional integrity.

If someone doesn’t like you for who you are, they’re not worth wasting your time. The right person will love everything about you, even those little quirks that tend to drive others mad. Integrity is about being honest with everyone else and yourself, and it’s a beautiful feeling to walk in truthfulness.

emotional integrity

Final Thoughts on the Importance of Emotional Integrity in Life

There’s no better feeling than knowing that you’re okay with yourself and those around you. Emotional integrity is reaching a level of personal achievement that helps you with discipline and emotional strength. People who master this skill learn to control their emotions. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have overwhelming feelings at times.

Sure, you’ll get mad, tired, angry, sad, and feel like running away at times, but you master good coping skills to keep yourself on an even kilter. These folks have good communication, and the value you as much as they value themselves. A person with integrity, both emotional and otherwise, is an individual you should strive to be.

14 Behaviors an Overthinker Displays

Great thinkers brought this world from the stone age to modern technology. These men and women were the movers and shakers of their time, and their influence is perpetual. A critical mind can be one of your greatest strengths, but being an overthinker can hamper your life.

Fourteen Behaviors That Reveal an Overthinker

Why do people believe that if you worry enough about a problem, it will bring resolution? Not only are overanalyzing and rumination unhelpful, but they can prevent you from solving a problem. Being a chronic worrywart can stand in the way of rewarding opportunities and enriching your life.

How do you know if you overthink? Are you making decisions and taking other situations far too seriously? Here are fourteen behaviors that overthinkers display.


1. An Overthinker Will Fuss More Than They Act

If you’re an overthinker, you may spend more time worrying over decisions than doing things. Your mind is too preoccupied with gathering facts and weighing options that you can’t accomplish anything. Each scenario must be played and replayed so you can explore the best outcome.

The problem is that some of your concerns may not be valid. You can’t move on and be productive until you act upon your thought processes. Action is just as crucial as analyzing.

2. Letting Go is Difficult for You

Your time is valuable, and you often use excessive amounts as an overthinker. Consequently, you usually have difficulties releasing ideas and assumptions, even though they’re not working for you. You form an attachment, and you may feel like it’s “giving up” if you let them go.

The nagging sensation may linger even when you’re convinced that you’ve moved on. What if you were right about your analysis in the first place? Constantly second-guessing yourself can make you weary.

3. You Read Things into People’s Actions if You’re an Overthinker

Overthinking compels you to question yourself and makes you second-guess other people. Humans tend to “read things” into others’ actions. You often assign traits to people just by observing a single activity.

You may also be prone to ruminate on what people say. Even the most innocent statement may get your brain’s wheels cranking. Were those words hidden meanings, or were they trying to fool you?

Let’s say a coworker says that they were impressed with a project you recently finished. Instead of expressing gratitude for their comment, you may mull it over. Were they trying to say that your project was subpar or that you don’t often do things successfully?

4. Finding Solutions Make You Ecstatic

Of course, everyone is glad when they’ve finally solved a problem. One of the reasons it takes you over the moon is how long you fixate before the answer hits you. Unfortunately, you may soon doubt the solution and create more problems in your mind.

5. An Overthinker Might Use Organization to Procrastinate

If you’re an overthinker, you may dread making essential decisions. Making decisions may cause you stress and anxiety. So, you draw the thinking process out to delay the inevitable.

The excuse that worriers often give is that they need to consider all aspects of the problem. While making informed decisions is wise, they take it to the extreme. This behavior may be one of the procrastination tactics that you don’t realize you do.

6. You Always Need More Information

Many of life’s decisions require careful research and consideration. It’s like the old proverb admonishes you to look before you leap. The challenge for overthinkers is that they often treat all decisions as if their life depends on them.

For example, one of your friends invites you to a new restaurant in town. It’s not a life-or-death decision, but you may overthink it. You need to know all about it before committing, as the unknown leads to excessive worrying.

So, you play a game of 1000 questions like who owns the place, how they cook their food or the clientele they serve. If you decide to go, you overspend fuss over what to order. Such overthinking is not only frustrating for you, but it also tries the patience of your family and friends.

7. You Need to Know Why

There’s nothing wrong with a healthy sense of curiosity. Without it, there would be no innovation and progress in the world. It’s good to know what you do and why you do it.

Questioning why it is beneficial to solve complicated problems or have difficult discussions. The meanings of these situations go beyond the surface. However, some situations are straightforward, and overthinking makes them more complicated than they should be.

An example may be how crucial it is to ask questions before signing a document. You don’t need the same scrutiny when signing a restaurant reservation. Asking “why” to everything may signify difficulty prioritizing your decisions.


8. You’re Very Patient

If there’s one thing that mulling over everything has taught you, it’s patience. You may feel comfort in knowing that you’ve considered every angle. It doesn’t bother you to check and recheck every fact and process carefully.

Your over-diligence may be a virtue to you, but it can also be a stumbling block, especially when making quick decisions. You can miss out on opportunities by the time you finish debating each point. You’re afraid to take risks, but they are often worth it.

9. You Assume that People Know Your Thoughts

As an overthinker, you may have constant chattering in your brain. Just because you can hear your mind weighing options doesn’t mean others can listen. You may encounter a lot of misunderstandings when you assume that people know what you’re thinking.

They can’t read your mind if you don’t communicate with them. How can you be upset with your partner for choosing if you didn’t register your opinion? Over-analyzing things can create an illusion that everyone else is on your wavelength.

10. You’re Constantly Analyzing Others

Getting to know people is an essential part of socialization and relationships. You may wonder what it’s like to get into somebody’s head. Although, if you over-analyze, people in your circle can be more damaging to a relationship than beneficial.

Part of loving another is accepting them. You don’t always need to know what they’re thinking or why. If the relationship is kind and mutually beneficial, let some things be a mystery.

11. You Want to Rest Your Mind

Being a person who fusses over everything can be mentally and physically draining. Even though you thrive on over-analyzing, you still long to rest your brain for a while. Eventually, you’ll realize that the world won’t stop, even if you take a break from thinking.

You may consider resting your mind with meditation. This ancient practice helps you to acknowledge your thoughts and release them. You learn to gently silence the inner chatter and allow yourself to “be.”

12. An Overthinker Makes Many Lists

Nothing excites an overthinker more than a list; you may have several. They may include lists for groceries, chores, inventories, ideas, and dreams. You might keep a master list of all the lists you’re trying to juggle.

You feel pleasure as you cross off each accomplishment from your lists. It’s a great way to stay organized if it doesn’t make your thought process too rigid. Sometimes, you need to be spontaneous and take a few risks.

13. You’re Not Satisfied with Short Answers

When you over-analyze everything, your friends and family say that short answers to questions bother you. For example, you might ask a friend when they want lunch, and they say “soon.” Now, you fret about it all day because you don’t know if “soon” means today, tomorrow, or never.

14. An Overthinker Tends to be a Perfectionist

According to an article published by Lewis University, perfectionism can harm your mental health. The article can lead to anxiety, depression, lower self-worth, and lower life satisfaction.

As a reasonable person, you understand that nobody is perfect. However, over-analyzing cultivates perfectionism and unrealistic expectations. You may become too critical of others and yourself.

Your negative rumination deceives you into believing that they’ll be perfect if you mull over things enough. You may soon realize that you don’t want something or can’t do it if something isn’t perfect. A self-defeating mindset can only be broken when you learn to stop over-analyzing.


Final Thoughts About Recognizing Overthinker Habits

Rationalization and thinking are the significant abilities that separate humans from the animal kingdom. Like fire, analysis can be a lifesaver or threaten your well-being. Learning how to prioritize your decisions and minimize over-rationalizing everything can make a difference in your life.

Detroit Will Have a Wireless EV-Charging Road by Next Year

Next year, the first wireless EV-charging road in the United States will be installed in Detroit, Michigan. ElectReon, a leading provider of wireless charging solutions for EVs, partnered with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the project. The electric road system will span a one-mile stretch of roadway in an area of the Motor City known as Michigan Central.

The Israeli technology company ElectReon plans on the road being fully operational by 2023. The EV-charging stretch will be unveiled at the central transportation innovation district. The new infrastructure would charge vehicles whether they are moving or stationary, a revolutionary feat for the state.

ElectReon utilizes specially designed coil segments embedded under roadways that send magnetic signals to EV charging pads. When a car drives or stops anywhere along the road, the vehicle automatically charges. It works similarly to a wireless charging pad for cell phones or tablets.

The company says the EV-charging road can also power electric buses as a bonus. Also, they won’t cause damage to any gas-powered vehicles that travel over the charging hubs. So, it seems the electric road is a win-win for everyone invoMichigan’ss transportation department will contribute $1.9 million toward the EV-charging road project. State officials didn’t reveal the total cost of the electric infrastructure. But they did say that ElectReon would provide additional funding. MDOT also collaborated with Ford and local energy provider DTE, who will provide electricity for the new roadway.

Another contributor to the project is ROUSH CleanTech, a company that transforms commercial vehicles into EVs. They will provide an electric truck to test out the EV-charging road.

The Federal Push for Electric Vehicles


The EV-charging road project in Michigan is a small snapshot of what the future in America holds. The United States government recently passed a federal infrastructure law. They allocated $7.5 billion toward expanding electric charging stations and vehicles in the legislation.

Lawmakers hope that electric cars will comprise half of all new car sales by 2030. Thus, the government pledged to build 500,000 new charging plugs for electric vehicles in that timeframe. Owners of electric vehicles may need the services of an electrical company to install an EV charger in their homes. You may visit the websites of companies like Asbury Electric to find out more about their services.

EV-Charging Roads Being Built Worldwide

Other countries worldwide have jumped on the clean energy bandwagon as well. ElectReon deployed its EV-charging roads in countries such as Germany, Italy, and SwThey’rehey’re planning on creating a wireless charging network to power 200 city buses in Tel Aviv, Israel as well.

For the project in Italy, the company installed a 0.7-mile inter-city electric toll road near Milan. They named the EV-charging road project the “Arena of the Future,” which launched in December 2021. ElectReon used its cloud-based software to make the test track fully operational. So they’ve tested the technology on a Stellantis passenger car and an Iveco electric bus. They will continue testing and research through 2022.

Last October, ElectReon partnered with Smartroad Gotland in Visby, Sweden. They installed 1.6 km of EV-charging roads for a pre-commercial demonstration project. The city’s first electric bus traveled along the wirelessly charged road between Visby’s airport and city center, making it a successful launch. The nation aims to deploy 2,000km of commercial electric road systems by 2030.

In early 2021, ElectReon also launched its electrified road system at Germany’s Port of Karlsruhe. According to the company’s website, the EV-charging road will “power a bus line connecting the new EnBW training center in Karlsruhe’s Rhine harbor to the local public transport system hub. The client, EnBW, is one of Germany’s largest energy and electric mobility providers.”

The road will span 100 meters and include a wireless charging station for stationary charging capabilities. The company successfully tested the road and plans to expand it four hundred meters into the city center.

The Future of Transportation Is Electric

The world is transitioning off fossil fuels in favor of clean energy. In addition to ElectReon, many other companies have taken part in this shift to electric-powered vehicles. For example, a German company called Magment partnered with The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to install EV-charging roads in the state. The technology works similar to ElectReon’s, except Magment utilizes recycled ferrite coils instead of the more expensive copper coils.

In addition, governors from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin signed an agreement last October to collaborate on an EV charging network spanning the Midwest to encourage electric car sales. The partnership, known as REV Midwest — the Regional Electric Vehicle Midwest Coalition — aims to accelerate vehicle electrification in the region and create additional economic opportunities for its workforce.

The network will initially focus on electrifying interstates and commercial roadways to support significant industries and logistics hubs. Concentrating on medium- and heavy-duty fleet electrification will also improve air quality in vulnerable communities near highways and freight operations.

Countries all over the world have begun to prioritize cleaner transportation technologies. The transportation sector accounts for about 29% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and 20% of CO2 emissions globally. However, with the transition to electric vehicles well underway, those figures will likely decline in the coming decades.

It’s undoubtedly an exciting time to be alive as we shift from outdated, polluting technologies to solar, electric, and wind power. Perhaps you will see EV-charging roads in your city soon!


EV-Charging Roads in the United States and Other Countries Around the Globe

EV-charging roads have made their way to the USA, with companies like ElectReon and Magment paving the way to a cleaner future. Detroit marks the first city in the United States to adopt the electric road system. However, it’s also being tested in Indiana as well, and eventually, several Midwestern states hope to have an interconnected wireless road system.

Countries like Germany, Italy, and Sweden have also deployed EV-charging roads on highways and city streets. It’s clear that it won’t be long before we begin seeing these roads pop up everywhere. These innovative roads will help usher in the electric age and transform the future of travel as we know it.

Are Women or Men More Likely to Develop Alzheimer’s Disease?

Did you know that more than 5.5 million people in America have Alzheimer’s disease? The neurodegenerative condition makes up between 60 and 70% of all dementia cases. It usually begins slowly but then worsens at a progressive and steadily increasing rate.

Alzheimer’s disease is a scary condition for both those who have it and those who have to watch their loved ones deal with it. The slow and steady loss of memory, language, and motivation leads to eventual behavioral issues, bodily function loss, and death. With a short prognosis of three to nine years post-diagnosis, this disease is incredibly frightening.

There’s still a lot that we don’t know about Alzheimer’s, including how they affect people differently based on age, sex, and lifestyle. One of the main questions is whether women or men are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and why. Read on to find the answers!

1.      Women Have A Higher Risk Of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease

Two-thirds of all patients with Alzheimer’s disease are women, according to recent research. Studies into the gendered differences of neurodegeneration have been at work for decades due to the obvious disparity between women and men who develop this disease.

Originally, it was believed that this was a case of survivorship bias. Since women live longer than men, it was thought that they are at higher risk simply because they’re more likely to reach an age where Alzheimer’s is a greater possibility. However, more studies have shown that even when accounting for this, women are still disproportionately affected.

There are many complexities behind why this may be the case. Some experts in neurology believe that this is due to inherent biological differences, but more and more researchers are coming to different conclusions. The culprit seems to be a mix of diagnostic, social, and biological issues coming together. Read on to find out more about the complexities of these gendered differences.


2.      Genetics and Alzheimer’s Risk

The main biological risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease is genetic. Namely, it comes from Apolipoprotein E or APOE. There are three kinds of this gene, namely APOE2, APOE3, and APOE4. The latter, APOE4, is closely linked to a heightened risk of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment in general.

But the presence of this gene is disproportionately worse for women, say studies. When they have APOE4, they’re more likely than men to:

  • Develop mild cognitive impairment
  • Have decreased memory-related performance
  • Develop Alzheimer’s disease
  • Experience brain atrophy at a greater rate
  • Have lower brain metabolism

This is because women experience hormone fluctuations throughout their life, especially during menopause between the ages of 40 and 50. As different hormone levels drop in women at this age, the hormones also interact with APOE4 in a different way than men, which can have an impact on the brain.

3.      Occupational and Educational Differences

For centuries, women have been at a disadvantage when it came to factors like education and careers. There are some countries in the world where women still don’t have easy or direct access to education. And, even in places where women’s education is more progressive, lots of women still give up careers to raise children or become homemakers.

Studies have shown that lower education levels are related to an increased risk of cognitive decline. They’ve also found that cognitive activity associated with challenging careers can delay the onset of cognitive decline late in life.

Interestingly, more recent research has shown that the gap between men and women in the development of dementia has been decreasing in past decades. This is due, in part, to greater occupational and educational attainment for all genders. However, women still make up a majority of Alzheimer’s patients.

4.      The Clinical Process May Favor Men

The process of diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s is often not adjusted for sex differences. This has caused the process to favor men over women, sometimes to the point of incorrectly overdiagnosing men. This impacts women in the following ways.

·         Research About Women With Alzheimer’s Is Limited

Neurology research in the past ignored female animal data, with studies dismissing results that included female animals. This is because the results involving female animals were often inconvenient for the conclusions scientists were trying to draw. The data was just too unusual. In recent decades, we have become more and more aware of the necessity of female data in research. Given the fact that Alzheimer’s may affect women differently, it’s more important than ever that women are a part of modern studies on the subject. It wasn’t until 1993 that women were properly included in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s. As such, our understanding of how women are affected by Alzheimer’s may make Alzheimer’s harder to diagnose and treat in women.

·         Women Perform Better On Verbal Memory Tests

The diagnostic process for Alzheimer’s disease involves the use of verbal memory tests. This refers to the ability to remember what was told to you verbally. The hormone estrogen, which is the main hormone for women, regularly activates memory. This causes women to experience hippocampal growth that makes them better at verbal memory, say studies. Of course, there are limits to this, and it’s not 100% accurate for all women. But in the short-term process of a verbal memory test, women outperform men regardless of pathology. They can have Alzheimer’s or early signs of impairment and still pass verbal memory tests, leaving them undiagnosed.

·         Women Are Diagnosed Late

Due to the aforementioned reason, women are often only diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at a late, more dangerous stage. By this point, the disease is advanced and causes a quick decline that is too difficult to manage. Slowing the onset of the more severe symptoms of Alzheimer’s becomes nearly impossible with late detection. This means that women decline much more quickly upon diagnosis, making the disease more deadly for them. Timing is incredibly important in Alzheimer’s diagnosis, more so than treatment efficacy.


5.      Exercise Frequency

Studies have shown that those who exercise regularly have a lower risk of various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Women with high levels of fitness actually have an 88% lower chance of developing any form of neurodegenerative disorder, says recent research.

But a lot of women don’t get the chance to exercise, due in part to different parenting roles that eat up their time. Men exercise more than women, which means they’re more protected from Alzheimer’s.

It’s also worth noting that the exact benefits of exercise can be different across different women. High estrogen levels have been noted as increasing those benefits in Alzheimer’s prevention. Women with hormonal diseases may, therefore, not find this method of Alzheimer’s prevention to be as effective.

6.      Depression

Did you know that studies have shown that depression is linked to a higher risk of developing dementia? Women are twice as likely as men to develop depression, which makes them at higher risk. This heightened rate of depression is due to a mix of expectations, stress from those expectations, and hormonal changes throughout life.

On top of that, depression is typically observed as shrinking the hippocampus in women, but not in men, says research. The hippocampus is responsible for memory formation and may shrink more quickly over time due to a past incident of depression. Women’s hippocampi may also atrophy at a much quicker rate as a result.

It is still not understood why only women experience hippocampal shrinking from depression. Still, it’s clear to see that this affects them more when it comes to Alzheimer’s risk.

7.      Caregiver Burden and an Increase in Alzheimer’s

Women end up in caregiver positions much more than men do, and the same happens for Alzheimer’s care. In fact, women have a two-fold higher burden when it comes to caregiving and is also more likely to give up a career to take care of an ill family member.

Ironically, being a caregiver to someone with Alzheimer’s increases your own risk of developing that disease later in life. Research shows that this also includes being a spousal caregiver. Caregivers are also at a higher risk of developing:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Disabilities
  • Physical health problems

Worse still, you are much more likely to develop Alzheimer’s as a caregiver than you would if you had hypertension, high blood sugar, obesity, or a sleep disorder. That’s a huge risk, and it just comes from caring for a loved one with the disease! This happens because of the following factors.

  • There is less time available to keep oneself healthy and manage risk factors for dementia.
  • Caregiver stress adds a lot of pressure to one’s everyday life and cognitive performance
  • There is less space to enjoy oneself and set boundaries with the person being cared for without guilt.
  • A sense of obligation and guilt that prevents a caregiver from seeking help or taking time to step away from their responsibilities to breathe or rest.

These also tie in with previous points. Caregivers have less time to exercise, might be more depressed, will have less time to devote to education or a career, and could be more adept at verbal memory due to the nature of the care they provide.

8.      Women Have Higher Immunity

Alzheimer’s disease has multiple components in its pathology, but one of them might be amyloid, say studies. The deposition of amyloid in the brain may be a part of the immune system’s responses to various infections, especially those in the brain. But why does that matter from the perspective of gender differences? This is because:

  • Women have a stronger immune system, according to research. They’re more likely to experience bigger immune responses to potential threats in their bodies. This increases the chances of producing amyloids.
  • Women are more likely to develop autoimmune disorders, or so say studies. This is due in part to their stronger immune systems, which tend to overcorrect. This may lend itself to higher amyloid deposition.
  • Because of how women’s genes and hormones affect the brain and further immunity, the increased amyloid deposition may also pose additional problems that impair cognitive function.

It is worth noting, of course, that the concept of immunity and Alzheimer’s disease is still being researched. These hypotheses may not be accurate, or there may be more to them. More studies are necessary before we can draw any clear conclusions!


Final Thoughts On The Link Between Alzheimer’s And Gender

Alzheimer’s disease disproportionately affects women more than men. Current understanding indicates that this is due to a mix of biological, social, and emotional factors. More research is needed on this topic before the medical field is properly equipped to diagnose and treat men and women in productive and effective ways.

New Study Perfectly Explains How Video Dating Changed the Rules of Romance

Dating has changed over the years, leaving single people to learn new methods. It is a daunting experience that requires patience and resiliency as you work to find the best partner. Meeting people online poses many problems, but video dating is changing the game entirely.

When you meet people online, knowing who you’re genuinely talking to is hard because you can’t see their body language. Video dating makes a difference because it lets you connect before the first in-person meeting. It is a creative way to connect with potential partners.

If you haven’t had success with dating so far, virtual dating might be an option for you to try. Many dating apps offer the opportunity, or you can set up a video chat outside of the app. It’s different from any other type of dating, and it can produce positive results.

Understanding how it’s changing the rules of romance can help you get started. Knowing the many benefits of this type of dating can make all the difference for your love life.

What Is Video Dating?

Video dating is an alternative to meeting in person for movies or dinner on the first date. It allows you to get to know someone before spending time with them outside of the safety of your home. You don’t have to sit and stare at one another, trying to come up with things to talk about.

While talking is essential, you can also do other things together from the comfort of your home. For example, you can watch the same movie while on video chat with one another. Another idea is to cook the same meal or bake a dish from your separate homes.

You can also do online trivia, being on the same team via video chat. Other ideas for your virtual date include watching a stand-up comedy or doing a virtual museum tour. You can do whatever you want on your virtual date as long as you both participate in the same activity.

video dating

Of course, there’s always the option to talk throughout the whole date. You can ask personal questions to get to know one another better. The dating activity you choose is up to you and your potential partner, and there’s no pressure.

The dress code for virtual dating can be a little different, too. Many people think you can dress more casually than if you were meeting in person. Others still prefer to get dressed up as if they were going out somewhere in public.

The point of virtual dating is to get to know someone and recognize a connection. It saves you from an awkward situation on bad dates because you’ll know early on if you vibe well with someone.

New Study Perfectly Explains How Video Dating Changed the Rules of Romance

A new study shows how much video dating has changed the rules of romance. A poll of more than 1,000 single people shows the drastic differences in the dating game. Virtual dating is the perfect alternative to an in-person first date, allowing you to see if there’s a connection early on.

The study shows that when video dating was first introduced, it wasn’t the most popular option, although 7% of those polled had already tried it. However, as people started to stay home more and find new ways to connect, more singles were willing to try it. Interestingly, the rise of crypto casinos also paralleled this shift, as more individuals began exploring new digital platforms for both social interaction and entertainment. Only 5% of single people in the poll said they would never try it, making it a viable option for many.

Video dating allows you to meet people from all over the world if you’re interested in that. You can also wait until you feel comfortable with someone before meeting up in real life. It makes the first in-person date less awkward, and you’ll already know what to talk about.

Plus, getting to know one another over video isn’t the only aspect of dating to go virtual. You can also achieve other milestones through virtual dates, including having your partner meet your family. Some couples even establish their relationship status this way before meeting in person.

Ten Reasons Why Video Dating is Beneficial

If you’ve never video-dated before, you might be skeptical about the situation at first. However, there are many benefits that you wouldn’t achieve if you only sent messages back and forth. Many people use messaging to get to know someone, but video chatting has many perks, too.

1 – You Can Communicate Well on Video Dating

Body language is essential to understanding someone, and tone of voice is essential, too. Getting to know one another can be tricky if you only read the words they type. With a video date, you can immediately see if there’s a spark between the two of you.

With a virtual date, you can truly get to know someone without putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation. The other person won’t have time to think about their answers, so you know that what they say is genuine.

2 – Decreased Chance of Catfishing

Catfishing is common in online dating because people can portray themselves in any way that they want through messages. It’s easy to hide behind false profiles and someone else’s pictures. Having a virtual date ensures that you’re talking to the person behind the profile and that they’re honest about who they are.

3 – Video Dating Is Quicker Than Texting

Messaging with someone isn’t always adequate for having an ongoing conversation. It sometimes takes time for someone to reply to a message. However, if you have a video chat, you can have conversations without waiting for responses.

4 – You Can Look for Red Flags

Body language can indicate red flags, but there are other things to look for. Take some time to examine the person’s background and look for other red flags. You never know what you’ll see in their home that hints at problems.

5 – You Can Hear Their Voice

While it might not seem like a big deal, a person’s voice can affect your level of attraction to them. It will help you decide if you want to know them more or think it’s time to message someone else.

6 – Video Dating Limits Filter Usage

Filters are fun, but they don’t show what you look like. Sending selfies makes it easy to mask your appearance to an extent, but live video chat doesn’t. You can see what your potential partner looks like, and they can do the same with you.

7 – It Ensures Safety

Video dating lets you get to know someone while staying safe and comfortable in your home. You don’t have to give personal details like where you live or your phone number. Plus, they cannot harm you on your first date if it’s virtual.

Instead, you can get to know the potential partner and ensure you feel safe before meeting up. Once you establish that the other person is safe, you can comfortably get together in real life.

8 – You’ll Know If They’re Being Sneaky

Some people meet potential partners online even if they’re already in a relationship. If you have virtual dates, you can look for a few signs of a cheater. It could indicate that they’re hiding something when they only want to video chat at weird times or get nervous about live video.

video dating

9 – You Can End Video Dating Communication at Any Time

Since the potential partner doesn’t have your address or phone number, you can end contact anytime. If they make you uncomfortable, you can move on and not talk to them again. Virtual dating helps you weed out the people you don’t match with before going out in person.

10 – Understand Playlisting

Before committing to virtual dating, you must understand what playlisting is. New dating rules come with different terms and situations, such as playlisting. It is when someone sets up back-to-back virtual dates.

The term “playlisting” comes in because the back-to-back dates seem like a music playlist or video queue. This option lets someone get to know multiple people and weed out who they don’t connect well with.

Four Tips for Video Dating and How to Stay Safe

Knowing a few dating tips can help keep the event as fun as possible. You’ll always be a little nervous on a date, but you can ease the pressure. These tips will also help you stay safe when dating online.

1 – Do Something You Both Enjoy and Can Relax While Doing

Dating should be fun, even when it’s virtual. Discuss date night ideas with your potential partner beforehand so that you can prepare for a fun time.

Make sure to choose an activity you enjoy and relax during your time together. When you’re relaxed and having fun, it’s easier to be yourself and show people who you truly are.

2 – Tidy Up Your Space Before Video Dating

During virtual dates, the other person can see your surroundings. Make sure you set up your date in a space that looks nice and tidy. You don’t want them to see anything embarrassing on the first date.

It’s also essential to remove anything with personal information on it. If your phone number or address is visible, your potential partner can find these things out before you’re ready.

3 – Treat Video Dating Like a Real Date

Being casual on virtual dates is tempting, but you should treat them like an in-person date. Take it seriously because you’re investing time and energy into the situation.

4 – Don’t Feel Pressured to Give Too Much Information

You don’t have to tell a potential partner anything you don’t want to share. If they push you to give them information, don’t give in. Do what you feel comfortable with and end contact if the pressure continues.

video dating

Final Thoughts on New Study Perfectly Explains How Video Dating Changed the Rules of Romance

Video dating has changed the rules of online love for good. You no longer have to stress about going to the perfect venue or being put in an uncomfortable situation. Virtual dating allows you to get to know someone better before meeting up in real life. It helps you see if there’s a connection, and you’ll feel much safer from the comfort of your home.

Being a Chronic Complainer Causes 4 Problems in Life

Do you know a chronic complainer? These types of people always seem to have something to whine about. No matter how much good is going on in their lives, they manage to dig out something negative to vent about.

What if you’re a chronic complainer? You might think that there’s nothing wrong with that sort of behavior. But what you don’t realize is that you’re actively jeopardizing yourself! Here’s how being a chronic complainer causes these four problems in life.

1.      Being a Chronic Complainer Exhausts You Mentally and Physically

Complaining within reason can help to relieve some stress. But there’s a point where it stops being about expressing how you feel and starts creating more negativity instead. Unfortunately, the perceived utility that you see from your complaining actions isn’t always accurate. You might think that complaining is helping you even when it’s actively harming you, say studies.

A chronic complainer will tire themselves out with their complaints. It’s just exhausting to complain all the time. The main reason this happens is that complaining can activate your stress response. Your body rushes to help you deal with the stress, which causes it to go into overdrive and abandon other “unnecessary” functions to focus on survival.

As is likely obvious, putting your body in a constant state of stress is not a good way to live your life. It’s taxing on your body’s stress response and your mental state. This is why being a chronic complainer can exhaust you so much. This can even become a cause for chronic stress that completely upends your body’s hormones and leaves you with many health issues. These may include the following:

·         Poor Mood and Depression

Focusing on the negative things in life will dampen your mood. You’ll have enhanced symptoms of depression and will feel sadder every day. If you’re noting that you’ve been feeling doom and gloom, maybe you need to tone the complaining down.

chronic complainer

·         Anxiety Stems From Chronic Complainer Behaviors

When the stress gets too chronic, anxiety kicks in. You’ll focus on all the bad things in your life, and your brain will be in panic mode. You may even enter fight-or-flight, so you’ll always be on edge and ready to react at a second’s notice. This constant vigilance of anxiety is exhausting, and it can warp your perception of reality.

·         Lack Of Sleep

When you’re stressed out, anxious, and depressed, it’s much harder to sleep. You might face insomnia, nightmares, or generally poor-quality sleep. This further contributes to your everyday exhaustion. If this goes on for long enough, your body will fall apart!

·         Low Immunity

Because your body is in its stress response state, it’s not focused on protecting you from sneakier threats like pathogens and viruses. You’ll catch colds more quickly and be much more susceptible to various forms of sickness.

2.      Being a Chronic Complainer Prevents Progress

Even a chronic complainer typically doesn’t want to stop progressing in life. They still want to succeed and achieve things, even if they’re confused about how or feel discouraged about their current progress.

If you’re a chronic complainer, you might not realize how much the act of complaining is sabotaging you and your success. Here’s how constantly whining impedes you:

·         It Keeps You In The Past

If you often find yourself complaining about past situations and events, the chances are that you’re still stuck there. You can’t change what has already passed, and complaining about it keeps you trapped in a world you’ve already left behind. This kind of rumination means you cannot devote your mind and body to the present – much less to the future.

·         It Damages Confidence

Confidence is an essential part of progress. You need to believe in your capabilities and strengths to move forward. Complaining can often drain confidence, sapping at your self-esteem. Continually complaining about your life without ever making plans to change things will make you hate yourself. And the less you like yourself, the less you’ll believe that you can achieve great things!

·         It Enhances Feelings Of Powerlessness

A chronic complainer often wastes a lot of time and effect whining about things outside their control. Eventually, this will start to get to them. If you’re in this position, feelings of helplessness have likely begun to overpower you. You might feel empty when faced with the futility of particular circumstances. Instead of focusing on what you can do, you’re focusing on what you can’t, so you never move. You can only see challenges and hurdles. Even if you put on a brave face, your focus will force you to spend your effort and concentration on the unchangeable.

·         It Does Nothing Productive

Even if your complaining doesn’t actively harm you, it still doesn’t help you. This means you’re wasting time on complaints instead of doing something productive. It eats up your time and does nothing for your goals. You could spend this time doing something more positive that brings you closer to success!

chronic complaining

3.      Being a Chronic Complainer Harms Your Brain

Complaining can seem like a minor little action, so it’s hard to see how it can directly harm your brain. And it’s true – a little bit of complaining isn’t harmful. But a chronic complainer will hurt their brain and damage it in the long run with all their negativity and complaints.

Studies show how complaining all the time can cause the hippocampus to shrink. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that is crucial for numerous cognitive functions. These functions include memory, adaptability, and behavior. The hippocampus is also harmed the worst in most forms of dementia and neurodegeneration.

A shrinking hippocampus means you’ll wind up with long-term damage as a chronic complainer. The average individual complains up to thirty times per day. However, chronic venters can’t stop speaking their negative thoughts to anyone who will listen. Worse still, the same study showed that hearing someone complain can already cause problems in the brain.

In this way, complaining is a negative cycle. Chronic complainers attract negative people, who complain more in turn. The process of complaining perpetuates itself until everyone’s dealing with long-term damage to their brains due to all that yakking!

Why does this happen? It’s theorized that this is due to how easily you can rewire your brain. A chronic complainer has trained their brain to seek out negative things and amplify them. They continue to do that at a more and more severe rate. You essentially teach yourself to get better at being a downer! This also means:

  • You’re at a higher risk of developing depression and anxiety
  • You experience more stress every day that can further harm your brain
  • You get worse at regulating and properly managing emotions, so complaining becomes your only coping mechanism
  • Your situations get progressively worse instead of ever-improving

4.      Being a Chronic Complainer Damages Your Relationships

We talked about how being a chronic complainer means attracting other people filled with negativity. On top of that, though, those in your life who aren’t fellow complainers will drift away from you. A chronic complainer creates an environment that feels hostile to positive people. You may notice this if:

·         People Point Out The Complaining

Everyone complains now and then, and most social circles include a fair bit of people venting and complaining about. People are usually happy enough to listen to their friends whine, especially if you’re happy to hear to them in turn. So when people start to point out, whether seriously or jokingly, that you complain too much, it’s probably time to do some reflection.

·         Everyone Around You Is A Chronic Complainer

Complaining attracts other complainers. There’s nothing wrong with a good whine session when someone’s going through a hard time. But if your friend groups are primarily focused on negativity all the time, there’s something wrong, and it needs to be addressed. Worse still, this won’t even help you all bond together. Studies show that exchanging negative attitudes, even when they’re shared, can damage relationships.

·         People Start Avoiding You If You Are A Chronic Complainer

You used to spend time with many different people, but now your old friends and acquaintances don’t want to hang out. They may have stopped inviting you to places or might exclude you from certain events. It can hurt, and sometimes this isn’t necessarily your fault. But if you’ve already had these people talk to you about your complaining, then your chronic whining may have finally pushed them away. There’s nothing quite as upsetting as someone who keeps bringing the mood down with negativity. Speak to those who seem to avoid you and ask them what’s going on.

·         Complaints Turn Into Competitions

When you complain about something, you notice that those in your social circle turn it into a misery competition. For example, if you talk about how tired you are, they’ll tell you how they’re much more tired than you. This goads you into one-upping them, and the whole thing turns into a pointless contest of suffering. This is a sign that you’re a chronic complainer who has attracted people who complain just as much. You’ve formed a closed circle where you reinforce each other’s negativity!

·         You Complain About Your Relationships And Those In Them

This is the point where being a chronic complainer has also led to complete self-sabotage! Nobody wants to be friends with someone who backstabs them or talks negatively about them behind their back. If you catch yourself complaining about one of your friends to several other friends and keep doing that for different people, stop! Your chronic complaining has gone too far!

·         You’re Overly Irritable

When you complain, you reinforce negativity in your mind, putting you in a constant state of irritability. This means you’re more likely to lash out at others and treat those around you poorly. This will undoubtedly harm your close relationships and will likely isolate you.

chronic complainer

Final Thoughts On How Being A Chronic Complainer Causes Problems In Life

Complaining has its purpose, but it also has its time and place. Constantly venting and whining nonstop is a sign that you’re a chronic complainer. That outlook on life will only harm you and add problems to your life, so don’t get trapped in it!

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