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8 Anxiety Reduction Strategies Never to Ignore

If you’re one of the millions of people that suffer from anxiety in this country, then you’re constantly looking for ways to stop these uncomfortable feelings. Anxiety happens when you least expect it, and there’s often no rhyme or reason for why you feel this way. Thankfully, you should know that this is an easily treatable mental illness, and many people can live full and happy lives by utilizing anxiety reduction techniques.

While there’s often no root cause to your anxiety, it may stem from particular (albeit unknown) circumstances. If you’re under a great deal of chronic stress, it’s only natural to have high levels of tension and panic. Anxiety disorders are a broad spectrum too.

One person may hoard things to make them feel secure and help with their anxiety, while another may pull out their hair or become obsessed with unrealistic rituals. Since the spectrum is so broad, you never really know which way anxiety will affect you.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, you can develop a phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or one of the many other conditions in this mental health category. The key is not to focus on the debilitating condition and how it makes you feel but to find ways to counteract and control this disorder.

Eight Anxiety Reduction Strategies

If you’re like most people, you don’t care how it got here or what caused it, but you want anxiety reduction strategies to make it go away. Below is a list of ways to control this mental health disorder.

These tips range from common therapeutic approaches to bizarre strategies, but the key is that they work. You might need to experiment and find the one that helps you the most.

anxiety reduction

1. Box Breathing as an Anxiety Reduction Technique

There are many ways and techniques to use your breathing to calm yourself. Some call it box breathing, which is where you inhale to the count of four, hold for four breaths, and then exhale slowly to the count of four. You can practice different strategies to see what works.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, box breathing works so well even the United States Navy Seals use it during their training and on the field. The key is that this form of breathing not only lowers your stress hormones, but it also lowers your blood pressure. You will start to feel better almost immediately when you use these tactics.

2. Get Out in the Fresh Air

The critical aspects of an anxiety attack are that it kicks the body into fight or flight mode. Now, you can stay and fight the feeling, but some people find that a change of scenery can stop things. For instance, the fresh air has a calming effect on you.

Have you ever been cooking in the winter and going outside to cool off? The icy air feels good on the body, and it can bring your body temperature into a normal range. There’s something therapeutic about going outside and breathing in the fresh air regarding anxiety reduction.

Even if it’s in the middle of summer, feeling the sun’s warm rays on your skin and the tranquility that nature provides is very healing.

3. Meditate for Anxiety Reduction

People meditate for many reasons, but one of the advantages is controlling anxiety and panic disorder. When you meditate, you cleanse your mind of all the negativity you pick up throughout your day. An anxiety disorder is often based on chronic worrying, so it can stop the anxiety when you learn how to keep your mind at ease.

This ancient art is a spiritual practice that harmonizes the mind-body and spirit. It’s great for chronic stress, and studies have shown that it’s very beneficial for those folks suffering from anxiety disorders.

A study cited on the National Library of Medicine shows an effective therapeutic strategy that showed remarkable results in an 8-week group intervention. The trial also found that it improved stress reactivity and coping skills.

4. Divert Your Mind

Sometimes all you need is a way to divert your mind. Your thoughts and feelings can change at a moment’s notice. One technique that works well involves the cell phone. If you start to feel your anxiety rising, you should grab your phone and play a game.

Focusing on the game and putting your energy into this will help to calm you. Since the brain can’t focus on two things simultaneously, it’s often easier to watch a video, chat with a friend, or play something. It’s a straightforward but effective technique.

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5. Ground Yourself by Walking Barefoot

It’s effortless to become ungrounded when your world turns upside down. Anxiety can often make you feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you, but grounding exercises can allow you to regain your footing. Take your shoes off and walk around your yard.

Don’t just walk around aimlessly, but you need to feel the warmth or coldness of the earth between your toes. According to The Mind’s Eye, only 20 percent of the world’s population wears shoes on their feet. However, here in this country, shoes are essential.

The problem is that these shoes are blocking you from many therapeutic benefits. When you take off your shoes, it causes you to feel a sense of belonging, home, resilience, and security. There are pressure points on your feet that you stimulate when you walk, and the energy from the earth accelerates your body’s electrical activity.

6. Anxiety Reduction Using an Ice Bath

Using ice for anxiety is a simple concept, but the frigid temperature can stimulate the vagal nerve. According to Dr. Sharon Livingston, this method works because it activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Dunking your head in ice water, rubbing an ice cube on the wrists or back of the neck, and taking an ice bath can stop the fight-or-flight response.

If you have a heart condition, you shouldn’t try this method as it can be too much for the heart to handle. However, starting small with an ice cube to see how you do is advisable. You can work your way up, if necessary, to more extreme measures, like the ice bath.

7. Snap Your Wrist with a Rubber Band for Anxiety Reduction

Snapping your wrist with a rubber band is an anxiety reduction strategy based on the concept that the brain can’t focus on two things at once. If you’re in pain, your body will respond to that area and send white blood cells. When you have anxiety and pain simultaneously, the body will pick the most important of the two to “fix.”

Now, it’s essential that if you engage in this remedy, you know that the snap of the band must be light, as this is all it takes. If you’re leaving big marks or causing welts to appear, then you’re going overboard. Cutting is a poor strategy that many folks use for extreme anxiety, and it’s nothing but mutilation tactics. However, the rubber band technique can go to extremes and become self-harm if you’re leaving marks.

8. Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping

Tapping involves touching pressure points throughout the body several times. It’s based on the principles of acupressure, which is where meridian lines or points are in the affected area. For anxiety, The Tapping Solution suggests that you tap 7-9 times on these points in the head, face, and chest.

When you bounce on these areas, you’re stimulating the amygdala area of your brain. This region controls your fight or flight response So you can use this anxiety reduction tool to calm it back to a normal range.

anxiety reduction

Final Thoughts on Anxiety Reduction Strategies

Dealing with anxiety is complicated at best. You want relief and hope that you never have to deal with it again. Sadly, one attack usually leads to more, and sometimes it can overcome you and become debilitating. Remember, you’re in control here and not this mental illness.

Since you’re in the driver’s seat, you can try many different things to bring relief. Everything on this list isn’t going to work for every person, and you may need to play around with methods through trial and error. The key is that if something doesn’t work for you the first time, it doesn’t mean it won’t work at all.

Anxiety is a fear-based condition where you believe and feel that threats are present that are not so. Sometimes your body gets stuck in the fight or flight mode when your stress hormones like cortisol are too high. While you need cortisol if you’re in danger to help you get to safety, it doesn’t do anything but wreak havoc on your nerves when there’s no danger present.

What methods have you tried for anxiety reduction, and were they effective? You can live an extraordinary life without fear when you learn to show anxiety that you are the boss.

15 Ways to Show Admiration Without Saying a Word

How often have you heard your actions speak louder than your words? What comes out of your mouth can be sugar, spice, and everything nice, but if your body language doesn’t align with the spoken word, it’s all a waste. Many people say they love one another but don’t show admiration.

Sure, part of loving someone is telling them how you feel. However, the other part of being in a relationship is demonstrating this love. You can show admiration for someone without ever opening your mouth.

You display true feelings that don’t get lost in the translation in many ways. For instance, it’s cold and snowy outside, and a husband starts his wife’s car and scrapes all the ice from it. So when she leaves for work, her car is toasty warm and ready to go.

Did he have to go out and scrape the ice and battle the elements for her? No! However, he did it because he loved her and didn’t want her to be cold and miserable. What about the wife that takes her husband lunch because she knows he’s so busy he won’t have time for a break that day?

All of these little things can add up and help to fill the love tank, which is essential if you want to make it for the long haul.

Fifteen Ways to Show Admiration Without Speaking

These little things you do each day reiterate your verbal statements. You probably already show admiration in many ways, but here are a few more to add to your list.

affection admiration

1. Show Admiration by Putting Down the Cell Phone

If your partner has something they want to talk about, put down your phone! Don’t scroll through social media as they speak. They shouldn’t have to compete with an electronic device for your attention.

If you go to the movies, dinner, or out with friends, leave the phone in the car or on vibrate. There’s nothing more important than the one that stole your heart. Flirt a little bit and make them feel like a teenager again.

2. Make an Effort with Their Family and Friends

Their family and friends predate your relationship, so these people are essential to the one you love. While you won’t always see eye-to-eye with others, make a conscious effort for your partner. A top reason couples seek counseling is trouble with in-laws.

He further states in his article that parents often have a hard time letting go of their children, and most of the backlash and controlling behavior stems from this issue. Look at the situation with fresh eyes and tell them you love their child and want to love them.

3. Leave Love Notes to Express Admiration

Why not let the loved one know you still have a crush on them? Whether you’re newly dating or married for twenty years doesn’t matter. If you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you must find ways to let them know they’re still the one.

4. Support Them

If you want to show admiration to someone you love, be there for them for all the little things in their life. If they’re being honored at a dinner for their job, then you clear your schedule to show up. They need you to support them through the big and small things, and this goes far beyond lip service and saying you love them.

5. Ask About Their Day and How They’re Doing

When you admire someone, you care about the happenings of their life. Many folks use the “How was your day” question as a filler conversation for dinner time. However, when you love someone, you care about what happened in their day and how they’re doing.

6. Bring Them Breakfast in Bed

Songs have been written about the little things and their importance. A simple gesture like making breakfast in bed for them shows how much you care. You take time out of your day to make them feel special, and it’s a very kind act.

7. Turn on the PDA

Some people would prefer to keep public displays of affection to themselves. However, you must be considerate of the other person’s feelings. Your partner wants you to show the world that you’re not ashamed to be with them, and there’s nothing at that moment more important than feeling their touch and warm embrace.

show admiration

8. Help Them Out

In a romantic relationship, you need to help one another. While it doesn’t seem like the stuff dreams are made of, having the support of your loved one means a lot.

If your partner struggles because of deadlines at work and other responsibilities, pitch in and help them out. Sometimes, you must get your hands dirty when you admire someone to make their lives easier.

9. Check in During the Day to Reveal Admiration

Find some time during the day to connect with text messaging. Even if it’s a funny meme or a joke you can’t wait to share, it shows you’re thinking about them. If you have a break or lunch hour at work, take a couple of minutes to check in with them during the day.

10. Make Time

You’re both busy, but you must make time for one another. You can show admiration by finding a way to be together. When people are dating, they will drive for many hours or fly across the world to see each other.

However, once you’re married or in a committed relationship, this shouldn’t change. If something is important to you, you will make time.

11. Use Spontaneity

Life can get pretty dull when everything is so routine and regimented. However, when you add a splash of pizzazz into the week, it shakes things up. A quick weekend away or a dinner at a fancy restaurant mid-week shows you can still turn on the charm for your crush.

12. Perform Acts of Service That Display Your Admiration

If you know anything about love languages, you know that some people need acts of service to fill their love tank. Doing little things, like a backrub, running a bubble bath, buying a new outfit, or making their favorite meal, can show how much you admire them.

According to Dr. Marni Amsellem from Psych Central, sometimes the most meaningful things in your relationship can’t be boxed with a pretty bow. She further states that doing little things for no other reason than “just because” can mean everything.

13. Make Their Dreams Come True

If you want to show admiration to someone you love, why not make their dreams come true? Maybe they dream of going to Italy and riding a Gondola down the Arno River. You win their hearts without saying a word when you take their highest hopes and dreams and make them a reality.

There’s an inner child inside each of you who wants someone to buy them the latest toy or take them on a memorable vacation. When you move mountains to make their dreams come true, you’ll capture their heart forever.

14. Write a Thank You Note

When did you last thank your significant other for all they do for you? Do they help keep the laundry clean, the house livable and go to work daily to provide money? Why not thank them for all these things?

So it’s not glamorous and doesn’t stand out as the most memorable thing to do, but it means a lot when you feel down and unappreciated. Hearing how proud you’re of them can show how much they’re admired.

15. Be a Good Listener

Why does it seem that listening to people requires so much work? When your significant other speaks to you, you must stop what you’re doing and engage. Being an active listener demonstrates that not only do you care about what they’re saying, but you’re taking time out of your day for them.


Final Thoughts on Ways to Show Admiration Silently

When you first start dating, you will flirt by playing footsie under the table, pouring affection, and doing anything to get them to commit. However, once you’ve been together for a while, you will find that things shift a bit.

When someone is by your side day in and day out, you slowly slip into a routine that can become mundane. You and your partner want to hear that you’re loved, but more than anything, you want someone to show you. Anybody can come up with beautiful words that seem like they were written for a card, but if there are no actions behind these sayings, they’re nothing more than words.

Things like holding the umbrella when it’s raining, doing all the chores so they can rest, or warming their clothes in the dryer on a cold day all show just how much they mean to you. Many relationships can’t survive without all these little things, as in the grand scale of things, they’re pretty substantial.

12 Benefits of Writing in a Positivity Journal Every Day

Keeping a diary or journal-style recording of life events has been done since the dawn of time. Cave dwellers would carve pictures and leave these records for future generations to see their struggles and celebrations. Writing is a powerful tool, so have you ever considered keeping a positivity journal?

It’s possible that this optimistic writing style could change your life, and it can certainly alter your perspective of the world around you. The problem with journaling is that many people start it only to give it up a few days later, as it can sometimes be mundane. It would be best if you learned how beneficial it is to push through those times when you don’t want to do it.

The difference is that a positivity journal can inspire you and help you feel better. It’s an integral part of your self-care, and it can be beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Everyone benefits from keeping this style of an optimistic diary.

This is especially true of folks who are moody, have a negative mindset, and are often depressed, as they can find it even more helpful. Could this be the key to achieving a better perspective and developing a positive attitude?

Twelve Undeniable Benefits of Writing in a Positivity Journal

Journaling is known to help folks that suffer from anxiety disorders, like obsessive-compulsive disorder. Similar to depression, the encouraging results are well-documented. Here are some benefits to positive journaling for you to consider.

positivity journal

1. Keeping a Positivity Journal Enhances Your Creativity

Everyone has a creative side, but many folks need the inspiration to help them tap into it, and journaling can be that tool. When you get your creative juices flowing, you can bring a healing calm to yourself. Why do you think people paint, learn to play musical instruments, and craft?

Writing is another form of creativity, and greats like Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, and Agatha Christie, learned that writing could also be very profitable. Your imagination can be beneficial in many aspects of life, and journaling is a way to get started.

2. Releases Pent-up Feelings

Part of your emotional well-being is learning how to release your pent-up feelings. As you go through life, you carry a heavy load of stress. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or where you live; stress is inevitable.

However, journaling allows you a great outlet to get rid of those frustrations to develop a more positive mindset.

3. Writing in a Positivity Journal Improves Gratitude

You can make your writings part of a gratitude journal too. Taking the time to write down five things a day that you’re grateful for will change your outlook. Instead of always focusing on how bad things are when you start looking at the good side, it will alter your perceptions.

4. Change Your Mood

Do you wish that you could be in a better mood? A positivity journal may be just what you need to help boost your spirits. When you write down the things you’re thankful for, your goals, and your blessings, it can’t help but change how you feel.

Someone who dwells on the negative all the time will be pessimistic. However, the optimistic person will have a better outlook on life and an enhanced mood.

5. Prove Your Progress and Personal Growth with a Positivity Journal

A daily journal can be like a roadmap; there’s no right or wrong way to do it. You can set up your writings however you wish. This book can be imperative if you’re making a weight loss journey or achieving sobriety.

You can keep track of where you start and monitor your progress. You can look back through these writings and see the things you’ve overcome and how far you’ve been. It can be terrific for your psyche to see progress, which is one thing positivity journaling can provide.

6. Improve Your Quality of Life

Whatever you want to call it, taking time out of your day to sit alone and practice gratitude can significantly improve life quality. Scientists have even reported that writing down five things you’re thankful for every day can dramatically improve your outlook.

If you want an extraordinary life, you need this time to put everything else aside and focus on yourself. Find a comfortable space to sit alone and look at all the good things happening to you. Remember, since this is a positivity journal, you want to focus on the positive aspects.

When you write things in this book like:

  • “I got an unexpected pay raise today.”
  • “My kids picked me wildflowers and made me a handmade card.”
  • “I had a great day at work, and everything went my way.”
  • “I made a memorable dinner with all the trimmings, and my family loved it.”

Again, you can set up your journal however you like it, but the key here is that you’re creating positive memories. One day, when you look back on this list, you will see the little things that make your life so unique.

When you have times when the world seems cruel, and you don’t feel like you can go another day, reading things like these entries above can recharge your spirit.

positivity journal

7. Improves Physical Health

Who knew that keeping a gratitude journal could impact your health? First, writing about your blessings will help you have a sense of calm about yourself. It will allow you to handle stress better and help keep things like hypertension, headaches, and heart disease at bay.

Did you know that you can help control blood sugar with these writings? According to a study by the Journal of Positive Psychology, folks who use positivity journaling could lower their HbA1c levels within months.

8. A Positivity Journal Promotes Spiritual Growth

When you work to maintain a positive mindset, you become grateful for every cycle you experience. Learning to embrace those tough times can significantly impact your mental stress. Once you realize that hardship promotes growth, it changes your outlook when struggles come your way.

Through positive journaling and this process, many people realize the need for divine guidance and power more significant to help them. Using the timeline that this book provides shows that it’s been there all along.

9.  You Increase Self-Esteem if You Keep a Positivity Journal

If you want a better mood, you need to start using a daily journal to enhance your self-esteem. It’s hard to stay in a poor air after reminding yourself of your worth. A study reported by Science Direct proves that people who engaged in body-focused positivity writing had a better overall view of themselves.

Additionally, there was less prejudice about weight, and people learned to accept themselves as they are. Participants became more accepting of themselves and those around them.

10. Improves Relationships

When was the last time someone acknowledged your accomplishments at home or work? How did you feel when you received this praise? It feels fantastic to be recognized for your contributions, but did you know that it can help you to improve your relationships?

It sounds bizarre that being praised helps with relationships. Consequently, some believe it demonstrates that giving and receiving gratitude gives you a deeper connection with people. It can improve your romantic relationships as well as those with coworkers.

11. You Sleep Better

Part of your emotional well-being is hinged on you getting sufficient rest. A study conducted by the National Library of Medicine found that people who express their gratitude and live with a positive mindset get better rest at night. There’s nothing worse than tossing and turning just to get a few hours of shut-eye.

12. Writing in a Positivity Journal Enhances Mental Well-Being

The decision to have a positive mindset will have an overwhelming effect on your mental health. According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, folks who wrote in a positivity journal daily had a more optimistic outlook for their future. The mental health benefits of keeping such a diary impact your physical body and mind.

12 things you should always track in your positivity journal

Here are some ideas to help you start journaling.

positivity journal

1. Track the Day’s Events in Your Positivity Journal

Whether big or small, keeping track of events is a great way to see what a typical day in your life looks like. As you remember these events, you may feel prompted to write how the event made you feel. For instance, if you went to a park during your lunch break, you might note how pleasant it was to sit in the sunshine for twenty minutes while you ate your sandwich. Even if the event seems mundane, it’s still significant because it was part of your day.

2. Make a Note of Any Challenges You Face

Be sure to write any challenges you faced during the day. Again, they can be big or small events. Perhaps someone was rude to you at the grocery, or you lost the car keys, and it took an hour to find them. Whatever your challenges, write them down in your positivity journal.  Remember, you’re not alone. Everyone faces challenges in their daily life. Here are some everyday challenges everyone faces at some point in their life that challenge their positivity.

  • Feeling isolated at work or school.
  • Unsure about future; can’t decide about career or schooling, maybe need to change jobs.
  • No time to rest or relax. Family or work can be consuming. Feel you never get a break.
  • Financial pressures; not making ends meet financially or being in debt.
  • Over-committed: You give to saying yes all the time.
  • Relationship problems with family or friends. These struggles can wear you down.
  • Poor self-care: You don’t feel your best when you don’t eat right or exercise.
  • Being around negative people: You feel like the people around you don’t support you but pull you down.

3. Remember Positive Events of the Day

In light of the challenges you recorded, what positive steps did you take to overcome them? Maybe you ignored the rude person or turned on your favorite music while looking for your car keys. Whatever you did to get through the challenge, write it down.

4. Add Your Daily Accomplishments to a Positivity Journal

As you reflect on the day, look for your achievements that you can be proud of. They don’t need to be earth-shaking to be significant and meaningful. Maybe you finished reading a biography of someone you admire or organized the linen closet in your bathroom. Other things you could write:

  • Taking small steps to complete a project or begin a new project
  • Going to the gym for the first time in months
  • Eating healthy for an entire day
  • Making the dreaded phone call to talk to someone you needed to connect with
  • Making a doctor’s appointment, you’d been putting off
  • Getting the courage to tell someone you can’t do something instead of saying yes automatically

5. Keep Track of Your Exercise and Physical Activities

Record your physical activities, such as any sports you play, exercises you do, or long walks you take. Please record how long you did the training and whether or not you enjoyed it. Ways to get more physical exercise without even trying.

  • Park farther away from the store, so you need to walk farther.
  • Skip the elevator and walk up the stairs
  • Walk your dog
  • Walk to your friend’s house
  • While you’re at your child’s sporting events, walk around
  • Walk at the golf course instead of driving a golf cart
  • Ride your bike to the store

6. Remember to be Grateful

Write what you are grateful for today. Maybe you’re grateful to be pain-free today, thankful to see your family, or you can work remotely today. Focusing on gratitude can change your outlook on life.

A study at the University of Miami had one group of people record things they were grateful for during their week. A second group wrote their daily irritating situations or something they didn’t like each day. The third group of people wrote about events that happened to them, not bad or good, just what happened. After two and a half months of doing this, the researchers found that the people who wrote about what they were grateful for were more optimistic, didn’t focus on their problems as much, and didn’t go to the doctor. In general, these people were happier than the other groups.

Other ways you focus on gratitude each day include:

  • Thank someone today-Specifically thank someone today. You can do this in person or through an email or text. Tell them how you appreciate what they do. Explain how what they do makes your life and the lives of others better.
  • Pray for someone-Talk to God about this person. Thank him for creating them.
  • Practice mindfulness-Focus on the moment of your day and what you’re incredibly grateful for at that moment.

7. Share Your Thoughts on How Music Impacts Your Mood

Keep a record of any music you listened to today that enhanced your positive thinking. Usually, happy music makes you feel better. The upbeat tune and lyrics help your brain release chemicals that improve your mood. Consider creating a playlist of upbeat songs that make you optimistic about life. Listen to these songs when you’re down or need a boost in your day.

8. Note Anything That Delights You in a Positivity Journal

Who made you laugh out loud today? Was it a guy on TikTok? Or maybe your co-worker did something that made you laugh. Whoever it was, write about the experience in your positivity journal. When you reread this, no doubt just remembering it will give you a chuckle.

9. Reflect on Whether You Are Flexible or Resilient

Were you flexible today when you found out a coworker didn’t reserve the restaurant for a birthday lunch like they said they would? Were you resilient enough to find another place to eat, so the birthday lunch still happened? Life throws you surprise all the time. Flexibility means you can re-adjust when needed when there is a sudden change. Unexpected problems don’t cause you to fall apart, but you recover quickly and get the job done.

10. Think About the Tasty Foods You Ate to Instill Gratitude

It’s basic, but why not write about the foods you ate today in your positivity journal? Perhaps you tried something new and found out you like it. Or maybe you had dinner at your grandma’s, and she served your favorite casserole. If you savored each comforting bite, it’s worth writing about.

11. Release Negative Residue from the Day

So, what wasn’t your favorite thing today? Maybe you had to run errands and hate doing that. Or perhaps it was going to the dentist or taking your dog to the groomers. Everybody has their not-so-favorite things. Why not write about it to release the negative residue?

12. Explain What Made You Happy

What was something you enjoyed today? Maybe you took your kids to the pool, and it was fun chatting with other moms about your kids. Or perhaps you went to the gym with a buddy for the first time in months, and it was good to get caught up. Whatever the activity, write about how it made you feel.

positivity journal

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Writing in a Positivity Journal

It’s easy to see that keeping a positivity journal comes with massive benefits. This powerful practice will help you be a better person and feel better. Journaling can enhance your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being and help you build resilience.

You can improve relationships with your partner, children, coworkers, and the divine, as well as reduce your stress levels. You can improve your self-esteem, learn to be more accepting of others, and be thankful for all the gifts received in life.

While you should strive to write in this journal every day, at least a few times a week will suffice. The important part is to get that pent-up anxiety and stress out of your heart and mind into a positivity journal. This little book is a roadmap of the times you won and the times you’ve lost, but most importantly, it’s a reminder that you’re resilient.

Researchers Reveal Which Exercise Is the Best To Relieve Chronic Anxiety

Studies show that intensive exercise can help relieve symptoms of chronic anxiety. Of course, this doesn’t mean training provides a universal answer for mental health problems. Many other factors contribute to anxiety, such as stress levels, eating habits, brain chemistry, careers, and home life. However, exercising can provide a buffer against the stresses of modern life.

Anxiety often makes people feel paralyzed or afraid for no apparent reason. This feeling can strike unexpectedly, making them feel like they have no control over their mind. Exercise helps to boost confidence and release built-up tension, which eases anxiety temporarily. Over time, these cumulative effects can lead to increased mental resilience and perhaps total relief of anxiety.

How Intensive Exercise Helps Relieve Chronic Anxiety

Chronic anxiety doesn’t discriminate; it can affect anyone at various stages in life. Since our brains haven’t fully evolved for this modern world, many people experience anxiety. We’re no longer scanning the horizon for predators, but we have many other problems.

Since we live more sedentary lifestyles than our ancestors, these stresses accumulate in our bodies. Over time, it overwhelms our nervous systems and can cause chronic anxiety. However, perhaps we should look to the past to answer our mental health epidemic. Moving our bodies can reduce anxiety because it provides an outlet for excess energy.

Research shows that intensive exercise, such as aerobic activities, can help treat anxiety. High-intensity workouts may include running, biking, dancing, brisk walking, or swimming. It’s essential to choose something you can stick with long-term to reap the full benefits.

intensive exercise

How Working Out Can Help Alleviate Anxious Feelings

Exercising helps relieve anxiety by:

  • Take the attention off your thoughts and onto an activity.
  • Reducing muscle tension, where most anxiety and stress get stored.
  • Increasing your heart rate alters brain chemicals. Intensive exercise floods the brain with neurotransmitters such as serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and endocannabinoids.
  • Activating frontal regions of the brain govern executive function, including the amygdala. Exercise helps strengthen neural circuits in this part of the brain, effectively reducing anxiety.
  • Increases self-efficacy, which makes a person less prone to anxious feelings.

Best Intensive Exercise to Reduce Anxiety Symptoms

So, you know that intensive exercise can help you feel less anxious and more relaxed. However, choosing the best exercises to relieve anxiety is not always easy. Luckily, experts have found that a few exercises reign supreme when easing anxious feelings.

  • Running boosts norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that increases focus and alertness. It also releases endorphins, feel-good hormones responsible for the “runner’s high.” It can also enhance mental clarity because of increased oxygen in the prefrontal cortex. After just one running session, they were notable but increased with regular exercise.
  • Hiking or walking in the woods. When you’re surrounded by nature, it’s easy to forget about all the daily worries. Green spaces have been proven to lower anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate because nature soothes the senses. In a Japanese study published in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, researchers told participants to walk in either a forest or city for 20 minutes. They found that those who walked in the woods had lower cortisol than those who went on an urban walk.
  • Yoga combines breathing techniques with specific postures to calm the mind and reduce stress. While some types of yoga are slower-paced, others offer intensive exercise. In 2012, a research team studied the impact of yoga on anxiety and stress. They reviewed trials and published the results in Alternative Medicine Review. In 25 of the 35 studies, participants noticed a significant decline in anxiety and stress levels after yoga practice.

Since many people don’t like taking anxiety medications, exercise provides an excellent natural remedy. The list above isn’t exhaustive by any means. Still, it can offer some ideas for a workout routine. In addition to intensive exercise, other lifestyle changes can ease chronic anxiety.

Other Ways to Lower Anxiety Levels

  • Give technology a break. We’re overstimulated with all our technology, between phones, computers, TVs, and other gadgets. Our minds need a break, so make sure to allot time each day for true rest. Many people use their downtime to scroll on social media or binge-watch a show, but this doesn’t relax your mind. To truly experience peace, it’s essential to shut everything off sometimes.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Our diets impact our mental health in profound ways. Studies have linked processed foods high in artificial sweeteners, sugar, gluten, and inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids to anxiety. On the other hand, eating a balanced diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and omega-3 fatty acids protects mental health.
  • Get your beauty rest. Today, many people suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, worsening anxiety, and depression. Put yourself first and make sure you’re sticking to a regular sleep schedule. Notifications on your phone or favorite TV show can always wait until the following afternoon.
  • Live a slower-paced life. To put it bluntly, we’re not designed for such a fast pace of life. Don’t feel inadequate or ashamed if you can’t or don’t want to keep up. Your mental health should come first, so if you feel overwhelmed, consider downsizing to reduce monthly bills. If you have less to pay for, you’ll have more free time and fewer mental burdens.

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Final Thoughts on Engaging in Intensive Exercise to Reduce Chronic Anxiety

In recent years, anxiety levels have skyrocketed due to several factors. The pandemic, financial worries, climate change, career stress, and daily life, in general, have contributed to the mental health crisis. However, studies have shown that intensive exercise may help reduce anxiety symptoms. In addition to other lifestyle factors such as eating well, prioritizing sleep, and embracing minimalism, it’s possible to manage anxiety.

Of course, exercise and lifestyle changes don’t permanently eliminate anxiety for everyone. Many people find relief with medication, therapy, and natural remedies.

8 Social Factors That Hurt Children’s Mental Health, According to Psychology

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University discovered eight social factors that influence childhood mental health. Their comprehensive multi-year study found that children exposed to adversity had an increased risk of developing cognitive, emotional, or behavioral problems. However, having strong family support and resilience could counteract the negative impacts of childhood adversity.

The study categorized adversity into two groups: relational and social. Researchers determined that relational risks decrease mental health in children more than social risks. Children exposed to substance abuse at home, for instance, displayed more behavioral, mental, and emotional problems than those facing social threats such as economic disparity.

The analysis is based on 2016-2019 data survey responses, including nearly 132,000 children ages 3 to 17. It examines the complex relationship between childhood mental health and social and relational health risks. The findings have been published online in the January 2022 issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America.

Overall, the study determined that 21.8% of U.S. children in the age group surveyed experience one or more mental, emotional, or behavioral problems. The frequency of mental health problems across U.S. children ranged from roughly 15-60%. As exposure to social and relational risks increased, children typically displayed worse mental health.

“If we treat children with mental, emotional, and behavioral problems without individually and collectively addressing social and relational health risks, or even assessing them, which is often the case, we are missing some of the biggest factors driving the mental and emotional suffering of our children,” says study leader Christina Bethell, Ph.D., MPH, MBA, professor in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health. She’s also the director of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative at the Bloomberg School.

Child Psychologists Explain 8 Social Factors That Decrease Mental Health in Kids

social factors

Research shows that social factors and relational risks can cause behavioral, mental, and emotional problems in children. However, most of the previous studies have investigated only individual health risks. This study examines the individual and combined effects of social and relational problems on U.S. children.

Bethell and her team compiled data from the National Survey of Children’s Health for the study. The U.S. leads the yearly survey. Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Parents and caregivers who complete the survey provide data on various, complex aspects of children’s lives. Topics in the survey include:

  • a child’s physical and mental health;
  • access to quality health care;
  • the child’s family life;
  • school and social experiences;
  • and neighborhood environment.

The results determined that over 66% of children with mental health problems experienced at least one of the eight relational or social factors investigated in the study. Only about 50% of children without mental health problems were exposed to adverse childhood experiences.

What Social Factors Did the Scientists Study?

The eight relational and social factors examined in the study included the following:

  1. economic hardship
  2. food insecurity
  3. unsafe neighborhood
  4. racial discrimination
  5. multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as substance abuse or domestic violence
  6. poor caregiver mental health
  7. lack of resilience in caregivers
  8. frequent conflict with their child

Compared with social factors, relational health risks occurred more frequently in children with mental health problems. They also had a stronger correlation with poor mental health. Almost one-third of children with mental disorders experience social and relational health risks.

Social Factors that Boost Childhood Mental Health

While these results are discouraging, the study also found opportunities to bolster children’s mental health. The authors determined that building resilience and being engaged at school could reduce negative impacts from adverse social factors. Being able to self-regulate during challenging times encourages self-confidence and more resilient children.

The research team discovered that children engaged in school 77% less when they lacked self-regulation skills. However, several factors helped increase their engagement in school. Children with mental health problems displayed self-regulation almost six times more often when they had a strong bond with their parents. These odds increased by over 2.25 times when their family remained cheerful and resilient during challenging times.

The findings remained steady among all levels of relational and social factors.

Bethell added that both parent-child relationships and family resilience stem from conditioned behaviors. This means that families can change their behaviors through effort and a desire for positive outcomes. For instance, building skills in resiliency and optimistic thinking can help mitigate any negative experiences.

Bethell also noted that the American Academy of Pediatrics encourages mental health professionals, doctors, and school personnel to promote these skills. Teaching positive social factors to children and their families early in life will help strengthen society as a whole.

The study co-author Tamar Mendelson, Ph.D., MA, a Bloomberg Professor of American Health in the Bloomberg School’s Department of Mental Health, says this:

“There is a mental, emotional, and behavioral health crisis for children in our country, but most children with these conditions have risk factors that we can identify and do something about. Ultimately, we need to address the structural and systemic issues that threaten young people’s well-being; at the same time, there is a lot we can be doing to decrease risk factors for families.”

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the study.

Many children today experience social factors and stressors contributing to poor mental health. We shouldn’t expect them to bear the burdens for their parents or other caregivers at such a young age. As such, it’s essential to provide a calm, loving atmosphere in addition to coping skills. Protecting their emotional health early in life will ensure they become strong, healthy adults.

social factors

Final Thoughts on Social Factors that Impact Childhood Mental Health

Children are like sponges, picking up on social and emotional cues from their environment. Their developing minds require stability, support, and love to function correctly. However, many children today face multiple negative relational and social factors that harm their mental health. Adverse childhood experiences such as poverty, racial discrimination, stressful home life, and unsafe neighborhoods can impact their behavior and school engagement.

However, researchers from Johns Hopkins University also identified coping skills that children can develop to mitigate the adverse effects of these social factors. They say that a strong relationship with the family, resiliency, and self-regulation can promote positive outcomes and better mental health in young children.

How to End a Bad Relationship on a Positive Note

Staying in an unhappy or failed relationship isn’t beneficial to either partner. Many people take relationships lightly and allow bad relationships to affect them mentally, emotionally, and physically. They stick around to avoid the uncomfortable experience of a breakup, but there are ways to end a relationship on a positive note.

While it’s good to try and save your relationship, it’s sometimes not possible. Things don’t always work out, and the relationship could continue to affect you negatively. Even if you want it to last forever, you must admit when it has become a heavy burden.

Ending a relationship is difficult, even when you’re the one doing it. Emotions run high when you close this chapter of your life, and it’s never easy to say goodbye. It’ll be easier if you don’t end things on a negative note, though, and things will be smoother and less harmful.

These tips can help you end your relationship on a positive note, allowing both of you to move forward. They’ll promote healing and acceptance, and it won’t be so awkward if you run into your ex later.

Why Relationships End

positive note

Essentially, it doesn’t always matter why you want to end a romance. If you want out of the relationship or feel like your needs are unmet, that is all the reason you need. However, relationships often end for many different reasons, including these:

  • Conflict
  • Personality differences
  • Lack of quality time
  • Infidelity
  • Lack of positive interactions
  • Low relationship satisfaction overall

Ways to End a Bad Relationship on a Positive Note

There’s no best way to end a relationship, but you can take steps to make it a little easier. Everyone is different, so you must determine which tips work for your situation. Consider the needs and feelings of your partner, and think about their personality before you decide how to end things.

1 – Set up to End on a Positive Note by Having the Conversation in Person

Technology makes it easy to send a message to break up with someone. However, a virtual breakup will always end things negatively, leading to shock and confusion. It can increase heartbreak because of the lack of consideration given.

Plus, virtually breaking up can make your partner think there’s a chance that things will be okay when you meet up in person. A face-to-face conversation is the best way to handle a breakup. While a secluded location is beneficial, you can choose a public place if you fear a violent reaction.

2 – Don’t Blame the Other Person

Avoid blaming your partner, and don’t accept blame, either. Instead, avoid blame by accepting the situation and planning to move on. Blaming one another can lead to hatred or cause you to cling to each other to prove the other wrong.

While it might be tempting, you should avoid voicing complaints that could hurt your partner’s feelings. Even if your thoughts are accurate, it’s best to let them go because it won’t help. Blaming one another is hurtful and can lead to fights, not allowing you to end things on a positive note.

3 – Give Genuine Reasons, but Don’t Be Mean

While you don’t want to blame your partner, you must give a genuine reason. The other person should have the chance to understand why the relationship is over. It eliminates misunderstandings, helps ease heartbreak, and allows for growth.

As you give the reason, make sure you’re not being harsh. It could make the other person angry and defensive, hindering your efforts to end on a positive note. Be honest about the reason, but don’t give so much detail that it harms your partner’s self-esteem.

4 – Remember That It Isn’t Easy

There is no simple way to end a relationship, so don’t find the easy way out. No matter how you do it, there will be pain involved for both of you. Even when the relationship went south long ago, there will be hurt feelings and pain.

Remembering that it isn’t easy will give you the courage to follow your plan. Don’t linger in an unhappy relationship because it’s easier than ending things. Acknowledging the pain will prepare you for the experience and aftermath.

5 – Don’t Cave to Arguments or Protesting

Your partner might want to argue or protest the breakup, but don’t give in. If the situation surprises your partner, their arguments might be even worse. They will likely get defensive and offer reasons to stay together and try again.

While you might waver because of their arguments, remind yourself of all the reasons you need this to happen. Stay firm, and don’t cave into their protests, or you’ll likely have to do this entire process again soon. If you don’t give in, you can start the healing process immediately, allowing things to end positively.

6 – Don’t Suggest Keeping in Touch

If you want your relationship to end positively, you must make a clean break. You might think it’s kind to suggest keeping in touch or staying friends, but it won’t go well. To move on from a relationship, you must take time away to heal.

If you continually see your ex or spend time with them, it’ll be harder to move on, worsening the pain. It might be possible to become friends again when you’ve both healed, but now isn’t the time.

positive note

7 – Express Sympathy

You’ll likely be sad about the breakup even if you decide to do it. Consider how you feel and say things that help you both feel better. If you feel sad about it, imagine how your soon-to-be ex feels.

Although the relationship didn’t work out, there’s no reason to cause more pain than necessary. Show sympathy during the experience by discussing some of the good times you had together. It helps soften the blow and makes it more likely that you’ll end on a positive note.

Whatever you say, express sympathy by letting your partner know they positively impacted your life. Also, let them know that you feel sad about the situation and that it isn’t what you had hoped for.

8 – Don’t Wait

The timing will never be perfect, so don’t wait for an ideal time or situation. Instead, end the relationship as soon as you know that you will. If you wait, it’ll be harder for both of you.

When you know your relationship is over, please take the necessary steps to end it. You don’t need to receive permission from anyone, as this is your situation. Trust your gut, and don’t put off the inevitable.

9 – Prepare Yourself Mentally to End on a Positive Note

When you realize your relationship has no future, start planning to end it. Preparing for the breakup can help you move on, allowing your partner to realize that things aren’t working. While you shouldn’t wait to end things, you should create a plan and do some things to prepare.

You can start preparing by not making plans together for the future. When you don’t have any upcoming plans, it makes the breakup less devastating when the situation occurs. Plus, it can create an opening to have a discussion.

Additionally, you’ll want to prepare the setting for your breakup. Preparing the stage for the situation might sound crazy, but you’ll want to ensure no distractions. You’ll also want to ensure no third parties present that could create conflicts or offer unwarranted judgment.

10 – Say Some Good Things About the Other Person

Breaking up will likely make your partner feel bad about themselves, so do what you can to ease the situation. Bring up the things you enjoyed about the other person, and be sincere as you do it.

Focus on positive aspects of your relationship and things your partner did well. They’ll feel better knowing that you appreciate and care about them.

11 – Be Clear

Don’t use vague terminology when breaking up with someone. You want your partner to know what you’re getting at and ensure they don’t think they can change your mind. Use specific words to prevent confusion, including:

  • End the relationship
  • Stop being a couple
  • Separate

12 – Avoid Comparisons to Keep Things on a Positive Note

It’s tempting to compare yourself to the other person or compare the other person to someone else you know. However, comparisons are sure to cause the relationship to end negatively. Even if you think your relationship was the worst, avoid comparing because it doesn’t help.

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Final Thoughts on How to End a Bad Relationship on a Positive Note

Breaking up with someone is never easy, but you can take steps to end it on a positive note. Focus on being kind and sympathetic, and avoid blaming and comparing. Remember that as badly as you’re feeling right now, your partner will feel bad, too.

If you want things to end positively, follow the tips discussed above. Then, if you run into your ex later on, things aren’t awkward or tense. Plus, you can move on without worrying about bad karma catching up to you.

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