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Having A Bad Day? Rescue Yourself with These 12 Self-Care Tips

Bad days are inevitable, and everybody has them. How can you be happy when it seems like the whole world is falling in around you? You know there’s power in being positive, but sometimes you feel like throwing in the towel and waving the white flag to surrender.

How would you know how sweet the sunshine is if you never experienced rainy seasons? It’s hard going through those storms, but you must learn to treat yourself well in good times and bad. On those days when you want to run and hide, you need to engage in self-love even more.

Twelve Self-Care Tips to Rescue Yourself at the End of a Bad Day

What you do in these moments that test your will is what matters most. Some people can’t take the pressure and turn to unhealthy habits that do nothing but cause further damage, like smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, and doing drugs. Thankfully, there are much better ways to deal with your problems than putting a band-aid over them.

It’s beneficial to have healthy coping mechanisms to ease your anxiety and allow you to rest your mind. Here are some of the best ways to rescue yourself and show the self-love you desperately need when everything goes wrong.

bad day

1. Take a Bubble Bath to Soothe Your Soul After a Bad Day

Something is soothing and tranquil about water, so it’s no wonder that a bubble bath can make you feel better. The heat from the water can relax tense muscles, which often happens during bad days. To make this bath even more healing, why not add soft music and a few candles to add ambiance?

2. Call a Friend or Family Member

Having an inner circle of positive people is imperative for times like these. Call your friend or relative when you think you can’t go another step. They can listen and give sage advice that can help sustain you until the dark cloud lifts.

Everyone needs someone they can call who will always be on your side, no matter what happens. Sometimes, hearing the voice of someone who loves and cares about you can make you happy on a bad day.

3. Say Goodbye to a Bad Day by Treating Yourself Well

Part of loving yourself is to get the occasional reward. Bad days are the best time to give yourself a little pick me up. Is there a new purse or wallet you’ve had your eye on, or perhaps it’s time for a new, more stylish haircut?

People think children are the only ones who like to be rewarded, but it’s not true. Adults love reward programs, too, and why do you think employers use financial incentives to boost morale and increase production?

4. Go For a Drive

You know it’s essential to treat yourself well, and sometimes, this means getting away from the everyday grind and relaxing. There’s something very tranquil about a car ride in the country. Roll down the windows and blast your favorite songs if the weather permits.

Life often seems like a monotonous routine where you do the same old thing. It would help if you had something to shake up your schedule to make it seem bearable. When you’re having a horrible day, just breaking free, feeling the wind in your hair, and belting out your favorite tunes can change everything.

5. Throw Down in the Kitchen After a Bad Day

Maybe you have culinary skills and like to throw down in the kitchen. Why not look up some fantastic recipes online and try your hand at something new? Did you know that many folks find cooking relaxing and inspirational?

Registered dietician Sharon Palmer contributed to a study published by US News and World Report. They found that some people who engage in cooking find it as relaxing as meditation. Cooking is considered a blessing in many countries, especially in nations that experience shortages and supply issues.

Not only can cooking benefit your mental health, but it can remind you of the blessings you’ve been given, like food on your table.

6. Count Your Blessings

These rough days sometimes happen because we aren’t looking at the big picture. You find yourself stuck in the drama regarding a situation that’s out of your control. However, have you ever stopped and taken a minute to look at all your blessings?

So many times, your blessings come through raindrops, and your healing will come through your tears. In these downtimes, why not develop an attitude of gratitude? It’s pretty hard to be upset and worried about a gossiping coworker or other trivial issues when you focus on things like a roof above you, an excellent place to sleep, food on your table, and a nice pair of shoes on your feet.

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7. Meditate

You’ve already heard the benefits of meditation, but if you haven’t tried it yet, you don’t know what you’re missing. You can inhale a new, more positive attitude and exhale all the bad juju you’ve picked up. Releasing the angst inside and learning to breathe is a powerful way to combat those bad days.

8. End a Bad Day with Prayer

Your religion or beliefs don’t matter here. The key is that it’s very comforting to realize that someone powerful has your back, says a study by Harvard University and McLean Hospital in 2011.

This research aimed to see if believing in God made people happier. The study found that humans are hardwired to believe in a higher power of some kind. They also found that the more intuitive you are, the more likely you believe in God.

Other shocking findings included that people who believe in God don’t worry as much about the future, have a stress-reducing benefit, and find comfort in knowing that something or someone is watching over them from above.

9. Listen To Ted Talks

Ted Talks became a popular outlet a few years ago that showcases the human spirit. These influential videos can make your bad day seem futile when considering what these people have overcome. Besides this one, there are other sites, but Ted Talks appears to be the most popular.

When you feel down and out, and like you can’t go on, find one of these inspirational stories to lift your spirits.

10. Journal Your Feelings

If you hate writing, type out your feelings in a digital log. The key is that you need to get all that depression and anxiety from within your being and put it somewhere safe. A journal creates an excellent roadmap that can help you see where you’ve been but remind you that you’re not stuck on this stormy day.

11. Sit Outside to Close Out a Bad Day

Though it sounds a bit cliche, grab a glass of lemonade and a good book and head outside. Find a shady spot, curl up with your book, and enjoy all Mother Nature offers. There’s something so relaxing about hearing the birds chirp and enjoying the sights and smells of the great outdoors.

When you’re having a rough day, it seems like stepping outside can make everything seem much better. Additionally, if you need help with grounding, take your shoes off and feel the earth between your toes. The planet’s vibrations can pair with your vibrations and bring you back to a center point.

12. Go Out to Dinner or a Movie

When you’re feeling bad, the worst thing you can do is sit behind four walls and sulk. You should get out and enjoy the company of friends. Why not try a new restaurant you’ve wanted to explore, or there may be a good movie you’ve been waiting to see?

When you’re having a bad day, you must love yourself enough to do something that counters these negative feelings. So, what better way to show yourself how resilient you are than to go out and have fun despite how you feel?

bad day

Final Thoughts on Self-Care Tips to Rescue Yourself After a Bad Day

Which of these twelve self-care tips do you think you’re likely to use? Maybe you have other methods to calm yourself and counter those bad days. The key is not to let anything that life throws your way get you down.

Depression and anxiety can easily slip in, and these feelings are circumstantial in many cases. You’re resilient and can withstand much more than you ever imagine, but it’s all about having the proper coping mechanisms to get you through. If nothing else works, why not visit the less fortunate or those sick in the hospital to help put things into perspective?

Even your worst day here on earth is better than the alternative. So many people would have loved to have one more day on this planet, even if it was bad. As long as you have breath in your body and a will to live, you can overcome anything these down days bring.

15 Websites to Help You Learn Something New Every Day (for Free!)

One of the best ways to improve your life is to learn something new. No matter how much knowledge you possess, there is always something more out there. You can build on skills you already have or spend time focusing on something entirely new.

While you might not think you have the time to take an in-person class, you do have other options. You might also believe that acquiring a new skill requires paying for expensive courses. However, there are many free options for development and growth.

Learning something new is exciting, and you shouldn’t miss out on it because of cost or time constraints. Luckily, you will find websites to help you learn something new every day for free. If you have self-motivation and a focused mind, you can Learn baking and other useful skills online.

Instead of missing out or spending time sitting through long lectures, you can make progress on your schedule. These websites will help you learn something new without requiring schedule or financial changes.

Free Websites to Help You Learn Something New Every Day

Check out these free learning resources.

learn something new

1. Coursera

As a website that works with universities and reputable organizations, Coursera offers many online courses for free. Aside from universities, you’ll find courses from museums and trusts, too. The course selection is vast, and it’s easy to search for something that’ll interest you.

Not only do you have plenty of courses to choose from, but the courses are also in-depth. Each one lasts about four to twelve weeks, depending on the topic. The lessons consist of video lectures, quizzes, weekly exercises, peer-revied assignments, and a final project or exam.

2. Khan Academy

The teachers for Khan Academy break down complicated topics into simple concepts for you to understand. Rather than devoting lots of time to long lessons, Khan Academy allows you to learn in just a few minutes each day. You can spend more time if you want, but it isn’t necessary for making progress.

Khan Academy is user-friendly, making it easy to stick to your goals. They use short videos to teach information, allowing you to retain each bit of information. Plus, you can do optional supplementary practice exercises.

3. Hackaday

Hackaday is a website that offers information on making your life easier and becoming more productive. The courses focus on life hacks and productivity, and many of them take only five minutes each day. If you need to learn more about technology, this website is the perfect one for you.

You can find more than just technology hacks on Hackaday, too. They also offer information on art, design, and science.

4. Open Culture Online Courses

Open Culture Online Courses offer thousands of lectures, videos, and podcasts from universities worldwide. They offer a wide variety of topics, allowing you to learn something new every day. Some of their content comes directly from the private sites of prestigious universities.

Their website is easy to browse, making it easy to find the content you desire. It allows you to choose information from many universities all in one place rather than browsing each website.

5. Highbrow

Highbrow is a user-friendly website with plenty of courses on business, marketing, creativity, design, history, and more. When you sign up, you’ll receive new lessons in your e-mail each morning, allowing you to learn something new every day.

The courses are only five minutes each and offer plenty of information to help you become a better version of yourself. They even give tips and offer lessons on being happy, working with a focused mind, and negotiating better.

6. Lynda

Created by LinkedIn, Lynda offers thousands of courses about business, marketing, design, and software tools, including Photoshop. It is only free for the first ten days, but you can learn so much during that time. The courses are taught by experts, allowing you to improve your skills exponentially.

After the ten days are up, you can decide to pay to continue using their platform. You can use the skills you learn in a professional or personal setting, so you’ll never run out of new content.

7. Academic Earth

Academic Earth brings many courses from universities to one place on their website. The lessons are taught by professionals and experts, ensuring you get the best information. Academic Earth offers courses on many subjects, so you can find anything you’re looking for. It’s easy to find courses that interest you as they are listed by subject and school.

8. Rype

If you want to learn a foreign language, Rype is the website for you. You can get an unlimited number of 1-on-1 language lessons with professionals from around the world. The lessons are thirty minutes each, easily fitting into your daily schedule. Plus, the short sessions make it easier to retain the information.

Rype is only free for the first two weeks, but you can get a good start during that time. You can decide if it works for you before committing financially.

learn something new

9. Codeacademy

Codeacademy can help you learn to build a website through an interactive approach to coding. It helps you learn programming languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and much more.

On Codeacademy, you will learn by practicing the languages without spending time on the theory. You can practice the languages while still viewing the lesson material, allowing optimal progress. The things you learn on Codeacademy can be used on your resume, helping you get a job or promotion. They can also help you build a website and take your future into your own hands.

10. Lifehack Fast Track Class

The skills you’ll learn from Lifehack Fast Track Class will help you make the most of your time, energy, and quality of life. The courses give expert mentoring and coaching to succeed with your business.

You’ll gain tools that allow you to understand powerful internet marketing concepts, including training in affiliate business. The courses also offer general knowledge on business strategies, personal development, management, and many other topics.

11. Calm

Calm is a website all about meditation, teaching you how to get started or do different types. There are step-by-step guides for everyone, no matter how much you know about meditation. It helps with your first experience, but you can also find more in-depth teachings to help build on your skills.

The teachers are easy to follow, and they offer enlightening insight into the practice of mediation. Calm is especially beneficial to those who struggle with stress and anxiety. It teaches you how to use your breathing to increase your overall well-being.

12. Investopedia

If you’re interested in finances, then Investopedia is the website for you. The website offers courses in personal finance, investing, and market analysis.

Finances are tricky, and you might not know where to begin, but Investopedia has all of the information you could ask for. You can spend a little time on their website each day, ensuring that you learn something new every day.

13. Udemy

Udemy offers many courses covering a variety of topics. Their concept is similar to Coursera’s but has some additional options. You can build custom courses from the lessons you find, allowing you to take control.

When you can customize your courses, you ensure the best course for your needs. You won’t have to waste time on concepts you don’t want or need. The customized option still offers courses from professors at top universities worldwide.

Udemy focuses on providing top-quality content, so you’ll always receive the best information. They offer free courses, but you will find paid content mixed in.

14. Big Think

Big Think is another website that allows you to learn from experts worldwide. You can learn about scientific breakthroughs, business concepts, and many other topics. They offer courses about anything from disease research to social media data. Their short videos allow you to learn something new every day, and you commit less than ten minutes of your time.

15. 7-Min

Many people want to become more active but don’t know how to find the time. 7-Min is a website that teaches you dozens of seven-minute workout routines to help you get in shape. With these exercises, you can stay active even with a busy life.

No matter how much time your work, family, and hobbies take, you can spare seven minutes to be active. You can save time by not having to drive to the gym and back, and you’ll still get a little physical activity in. It’s harder to make excuses when the exercise takes up so little of your time.

learn something new

Final Thoughts on Finding Wonderful Websites to Help You Learn Something New Every Day (for Free!)

You no longer have to go to in-person courses to learn something new every day. You can learn new skills or build on pre-existing strengths through these helpful websites. When it’s so easy to develop new skills, you have no excuse for not bettering yourself every day.

Try out the websites and see how much you learn in just a short time. You’ll learn to love free online educational resources, continually boosting your learn .

15 Ways Toxic People Use Humiliation to Control Others

Relationships require mutual trust and respect, whether they are personal or professional. If these elements are lacking, the relationship won’t work. It may also turn toxic when control issues and humiliation are thrown into the mix.

Humiliation, humility, and humbleness have the same Latin root humilis, which means bringing someone low to the ground. While being humble is a virtue, humiliation is merciless. It’s using words and actions to demean, hurt, control, or even destroy others.

Have you ever played the game “King of the Mountain” as a kid? You and your friends found a small hill and raced to see who could reach the top first. The first person to the top was considered king or queen of the mountain until other players pushed them aside and claimed their royal title.

It may have been a harmlessly fun childhood game, but it’s not so fun in real life. Some people are so self-absorbed that they’ll stop at nothing to gain more influence, power, and possessions. They will push, manipulate, and humiliate their way to the top of society’s hill.

The game rules haven’t changed, but it’s just become personal and malicious in the adult world. Humiliation is a toxic mix of verbal, mental, psychological, and emotional abuse. It often goes unnoticed because the resulting scars are internal and can affect the survivor for years afterward.

Fifteen Ways that Abusive People Use Humiliation to Control Others

Abusive control issues can exist in any relationship: family, friends, employers, or coworkers. The ploys usually start with simple problems but gradually escalate to toxicity. These are fifteen ways that toxic people humiliate others to get their way.


1. You Might See Manipulation by Humiliation

Abusive people humiliate others to manipulate their thoughts, words, and actions. They’ll continually needle you until you get frustrated and do what they want. If they have to insult and bully you, they’ll do it to get your cooperation.

2. Gaslighting

A critical element that toxic people use to humiliate others is gaslighting. It’s a cruel psychological game where they try to convince you that you’ve lost your senses. They patronize and shame you until you start believing that every issue in the relationship is your fault.

3. Jealousy

If you’re in a personal or professional abusive relationship, you’ll notice the person’s jealous nature. They are inwardly seething when something good happens or you accomplish something. They’re not interested if they can’t be the star.

Sure, they’ll be right at your side during trying times. However, they’re with you to boast and not as actual support. They not only can’t rejoice with you, but they’ll use humiliation as a weapon to downgrade your good news.

4. Judgmental Statements Cause Others to Feel Humiliation

When condemning others, toxic personalities are the judge and jury. They harshly critique people’s looks and everything about them. Neither family, friends, coworkers, nor strangers are immune from their venomous remarks.

Ironically, the faults these people find in others are often the same ones they have too. So, they hide their imperfections by judgment, humiliation, and hurtful words. Be assured that if they are badmouthing others, they do the same to you behind your back.

5. Blame Shifting

Blame-shifting is a standard tool in narcissists’ arsenal. It is the person’s way of deflecting their responsibility. Rather than own up to their shortcomings and offenses, they blame it on other people, usually those closest to them.

6. Don’t Respect Boundaries

For any relationship to be healthy and lasting, you need boundaries. These are essential, whether it’s personal or professional. Boundaries tell people what you find is acceptable or unacceptable behavior in your life.

Unfortunately, controlling individuals only care about their limitations. They will use manipulation and humiliation to push you past your limits. Little by little, you lose ground until they ultimately control the relationship.

7. Constantly Sarcastic to Cause Humiliation

To increase their habit of humiliation, toxic people often use mean-spirited sarcasm. They don’t even have to raise their voice or utter insults up front. The tone they use and the implications can be hurtful, even when they’re said with a smile.

These poisonous personalities have perfected the intolerable art of the backhanded compliment. They often use these as a twisted form of humor, but they’re the only ones laughing. For example: “Your new hairstyle looks great. Are you wearing a new wig to cover your bald spots?”


8. Refuse to Apologize

Since many abusive people are selfish, they can fathom being wrong. It would indicate that they aren’t perfect and in control. Offering an apology is a sign of weakness they aren’t willing to display.

Even when forced to apologize, it’s rarely genuine or heartfelt. They’ll find a way to turn the tables on you as if you made them do it. Physically abusive people often say, “If you didn’t make me so angry, I wouldn’t have hit you.”

9. Insulting

Malicious people are in their toxic element when they’re in a group. The only way they know how to build themselves up is to belittle others. They can be exceedingly hurtful if you’re their partner, friend, or coworker.

They do their dirty work under the pretext of a joke. Their heartless humor often has veiled prejudice and hate. If you get defensive, this person will quickly say it was a “joke,” and you don’t have a good sense of humor.

10. Demand Loyalty

If you’ve been in a toxic relationship, you understand how these harsh people demand loyalty. Although they’ll never admit it, they are insecure and are afraid of losing control over you. So, they constantly expect you to prove that you choose them over everyone else.

They get agitated and more controlling when they think you’re getting too close to family or friends. They’ll often say, “it’s either them or me.” Unless you take a stand, they’ll completely isolate you.

11. Inconsistent Behavior

Having friends and loved ones treat you the same way every day is refreshing. When dealing with a toxic person, you never know who you’ll get. One day, they may be pleasant, ranting and raving the next.

Beyond obvious mental issues, this is another control ploy. They don’t want you to get comfortable and perhaps stand up to them. It’s like being stuck in a house of mirrors, and you don’t know what you’ll see next. Sadly, there could be a condition like bipolar disorder lingering under the surface and fueling these inconsistencies.

12. Humiliation Tactics and Bragging Go Hand-in-Hand

People who are constantly boasting to others lack self-esteem. They think that if they brag about their possessions and accomplishments, others will admire them more. Abusive individuals take it further by belittling others while making their brags.

Not only have they experienced everything you have, but their story is better. They even try to “one-up” people in a hurtful situations.

13. Take Advantage of You

Healthy relationships are all about giving and taking. However, toxic people are always on the take side. The kinder you are, and the more you try to give them, they expect more.

They can take advantage of you in all aspects of your life, such as your love, time, and resources. Should your generosity hesitate, they’ll often use guilt or abuse to get what they want.

14. Pathological Liars

Poisonous personalities are so used to lying that they may begin to believe the lies themselves. An article published by PsychCentral states that pathological lying happens with little or no empathy. According to the report, it’s usually a borderline, narcissistic, or antisocial personality disorder symptom.

Unlike compulsive liars, pathological liars can control their behavior. Pathological liars also have an ulterior motive for their manipulative falsehoods. They often create a mythical world where they have absolute control and authority.

15. They Have Control Issues

Some individuals can’t be in any relationship unless they exert control. It can be a toxic mate or a micromanaging boss who must have you under their thumb. Such control issues may stem from low self-esteem or power-hungry narcissism.

If they can control small things, they’ll eventually seize complete control. They’ll criticize and manipulate every aspect of your being until you feel like a lifeless puppet. These people will use every cruel trick and device to break your will so that you will obey them without question.


Final Thoughts on Humiliation and Control Issues

Nobody has the right to humiliate, hurt, or control you. If you’ve identified one or more of these signs in a personal or professional relationship. Assert your requests and walk away with the dignity you deserve.

These narcissists will destroy you if you stay and allow them, but leaving this horrible situation takes a stronger person to break the ties that bind.

12 Ways to Repair Broken Trust in a Relationship

Trust is foundational in a healthy relationship. While each person interprets what it means to be trustworthy, in essence, it means to have a firm belief in someone based on truth, honesty, and reliability. You know you can rely on your partner because you feel safe with them and are confident. They won’t purposely hurt you.

Trust makes a relationship more meaningful. It allows you and your partner to be vulnerable with one another without fear of judgment. But sometimes, there is broken trust in a relationship. How do you gain back the confidence you once had with your partner?

12 Ways to restore a relationship fraught with broken trust

Here are some suggestions of twelve ways to repair broken trust in a relationship for you and your partner.

1. Be honest

If there is broken trust in your relationship, honesty is essential. Don’t dance around the issue, but bring it up with our partner in a kind but firm way. Please don’t assume you know what they’re thinking but ask lots of questions. Try to understand what happened and what they’re feeling. Lying won’t help resolve the problems, so resist the temptation to skirt the truth. Even if you think you’re telling a “little white lie,” it’s not helpful for your relationship.

broken trust

2. Open communication

If you don’t understand, ask for clarity. Find a time and a place to talk where you won’t be interrupted. Allow time to discuss what’s going on. You may need to talk about the issues throughout a couple of days. Reassure your partner that you’re for them and want to understand. If they’re sorry for what they’ve done, be sure to assure them of your love. This doesn’t mean you tell them it’s okay what they did but try to separate them from their actions. On the other side of the coin, don’t be quick to say, “It’s okay.” Take your time to figure out what’s going on in your heart.

3. Be respectful when restoring broken trust

When you’re hurt, it’s easy to feel dissatisfied and angry. Even in your anger, be respectful towards them. This is someone you love. Even if they messed up big time, you could be courteous to them.

4. Listen well

Be attentive to your partner as they share. Make eye contact and lean forward in your chair. Nod your head to show you’re fully engaged in listening to what they say. Other things you can do to listen well include:

  • Give your partner your full attention
  • Don’t interrupt them as they share
  • Ask open-ended questions that require more than yes or no.
  • Please clarify what you think you hear them saying to you.
  • Don’t judge until you hear the whole story

5. Forgive as you start to repair broken trust

If your partner has been untrustworthy and is sorry for what they’ve done, forgive them. After all, everyone makes mistakes. Of course, this doesn’t mean you’ll trust them right away. Depending on what they did, it may take some time for them to earn back your trust. But for your own sake and the health of your relationship, you will need to forgive them.

6. Explain what you need to trust them

Honestly, explain to your partner what you need them to do to rebuild your trust. Explain how their actions affected you and what your struggles are now. Your partner isn’t a mind reader. They need to understand what will be helpful to you and what won’t be beneficial.

7. Be patient–broken trust is a lengthy fix

If your partner has been untrustworthy, remember to be patient. Once you hear them out and understand the reason behind their untrustworthiness, then you need to be patient with them as they gain your trust again.

8. Don’t overreact

While your partner is building your trust, it may tempt you to overreact especially if you think they’ve fallen back into their old behavior. If you’re curious about what’s going on, ask. Don’t assume you know and get upset until you have all the facts.

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9. Don’t hold their lack of honesty over their head

If your partner is working hard to change, don’t keep bringing up their past offenses. It’s humiliating and discouraging to rehash past mistakes over and again. If you genuinely offer forgiveness, you must stop reminding them about their past mistakes.

10. Don’t keep secrets

Be quick to share things that happened at work or school. Share your temptations and stuff you’re thinking about. This helps both of you understand there are no secrets between you.

11. Trustworthy behavior earns faith

No amount of gifts or promises can earn back your trust. Remind your partner that their trustworthy actions and behavior will show you they are a reliable individual.

12. Lay a new foundation to rebuild after broken trust

In a relationship with broken trust, you’ll need to rebuild the foundation of trust between the two of you. Begin to incorporate the things like honesty, commitment, and loyalty into your relationship. If you two are wholly committed to making your relationship work, you will succeed in re-establishing the trust you need.

What are signs of broken trust in a relationship?

Signs of broken trust in your relationship include:

  • Dishonesty: Your partner doesn’t tell you the whole truth. Perhaps they lie about buying an expensive item or say they’ll come to an event and then never show up. Their dishonest actions make you feel unfair. They’re not trustworthy.
  • Disloyal: A partner can show disloyalty by sharing private conversations you’ve had as a couple with others. They may make fun of you in public. Relationships are built on trust that another person has your best interest in mind. That means they are loyal and protective of you.
  • Withdraw: When your partner withdraws from you emotionally or physically, it’s a red flag that something is wrong. Perhaps they feel ashamed of what they did. Or they may be angry at you and seeking revenge by withdrawing from you. Whatever the reason, you must understand what’s going on by asking questions.
  • Undependable: Your relationship depends on your ability to trust your partner. You rely upon them to do the things they commit to. If they commit to helping you clean up the backyard but then make excuses when it’s time to work, you’ll feel you can’t depend upon them. Broken promises, no matter how small, are a sign that your partner isn’t wholly omitted from you or the relationship.

What causes broken trust issues?

During childhood, the foundation of trust is created. Your experiences with trustworthy adults early in life affect how you interpret trust and respond to in your relationships as an adult. The relationship you had with your parents or caregivers set you up for future relationships. Here are some situations that may cause you to not trust people in relationships.

  • Neglect, lack of love and affection from your parents or caregivers
  • Divorce
  • Emotional or physical abuse
  • Having a parent or caregiver that’s addicted to drugs or alcohol or gambling
  • Being cheated on by a spouse or partner as an adult
  • Being abandoned by a parent or caregiver, or partner

Learning to trust is difficult, but over time, you can learn to trust those people who are genuinely trustworthy. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You may have a good reason for not being able to trust.

Signs your past relationships contribute to your current broken trust:

Being in a relationship reveals how you trust people. You may try to protect yourself, even if your partner is entirely trustworthy. You need to realize that your past is affecting your present-day relationships. Here are some signs that you have a hard time trusting people.

  • You find it hard to get close to others
  • You suspect of people’s motives
  • You’re constantly wondering if your partner or spouse is cheating on you
  • You have unrealistic expectations of other people
  • You are in intense relationships, and then they fall apart
  • You’ve experienced a hard time being vulnerable
  • You struggle with anxiety
  • You try to control the people around you

broken trust

Final thoughts on repairing broken trust in a relationship

Trust is a foundation part of all relationships. You learn early on to trust those around you. If you experience broken trust as a child, you are likely to struggle with trust issues as an adult. Once trust is broken in a relationship, it’s possible to rebuild trust with honesty, commitment, and patience over time.

Be sure to explain to your partner what they need to do to earn back your trust. As you rebuild trust in your relationship, you will experience a more profound connection on a solid foundation.

15 Ways to Awaken Your Sleeping Soul

There’s so much stress in the world that sometimes you feel like going into a spiritual hibernation. This fatigue can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. How can you awaken your soul with renewed determination?

Although many use the words contentment and complacency interchangeably, they don’t mean the same thing. When you are content, you feel an unspeakable joy that transcends materialism. You work to better yourself, but you’re grateful for what you receive.

On the other hand, complacency doesn’t include gratitude. It’s a depth you can go to when you’re unsatisfied with life and lose the initiative to improve it. Complacency causes stagnation in your creativity, thought processes, and spirituality.

Fifteen Ways to Awaken Your Sleeping Soul

If your spirit is in a quiet rest time, it doesn’t have to be forever. You can swing open the shutters of your mind and let the light of joy dispel the darkness. Here are fifteen ways to awaken your sleeping soul.

awaken your soul

1. Awaken Your Soul Through Creative Pursuits

One of the best ways to awaken your soul is to do something creative. It uses all three elements of your being: body, mind, and spirit. There’s no limit to your imagination and inspiration when these are in sync.

Anything that you make to give you and others pleasure is creative. Whether your niche is writing, art, music, or even preparing a splendid meal, it’s your soul at work. You needn’t become an expert artisan to create something beautiful to enjoy and share.

2. Practice Meditation

How long has it been since you’ve had a meaningful conversation with your soul? The overwhelming stress of daily living often blocks that gentle voice deep within your being. Meditation clears the internal chatter, opens your heart, and reminds you to “be still and know.”

All you need is a quiet space or room in your house to call your own. Relax in this sacred space and learn to be present with each breath. You’ll soon recognize the comforting whisper of your awakening soul.

3. Listen to Music

An article published by Frontiers in Psychology says that music is inherently related to the resilience of the human soul. It transcends all races, cultures, and languages now and throughout history. Indeed, the rhythm and rhyme of music is the silver strand that provides connections to the divine.

Awaken your soul each day with any tunes that resonate with you. It can be music you hear, sing, or play on an instrument. Step it up a bit and dance with your favorite beats and the beginning of your awakening process.

4. Helping Others Can Awaken Your Soul

It awakens your soul when you help, encourage, and speak life to others. Spiritual awakening is intensely personal, yet it’s a gift you can share. There’s no better way than to be generous with your time and resources.

Do you have a particular skill or talent that you can share with someone? It can make a difference for others even if you could devote a few hours each week. The beauty of volunteering is that you benefit just as much as those you serve.

5. Spend Time in Nature

An ancient inscription attributed to an ancient Greek philosopher named Hermes Trismegistus says, “as above, so is below.” It’s a stunningly simple reminder that the spiritual realms mirror the natural world and vice versa. So, observing nature is an ideal way to awaken your soul.

The trees raise their hands in celebration toward the heavens. Listen to the birds’ serenade as they take flight with the unseen angels. Every time you see a sunrise, you realize your eternal bond with this awe-inspiring world.

6. Practice Visualization and Dreams

Like daydreaming, you also communicate with your spirituality through night dreams and visualization. These let you peak beyond earthly realms into the mysteries of the spirit. Dreaming and visualization can help awaken your soul to your potential.

Consider the countless inventions in the world that started with a simple dream. As you visualize your desire, you send positive affirmations into the Universe. You attract the same positive results you’ve affirmed per the law of attraction.

7. Keep a Soul Journal

Have you ever kept a journal while you were traveling? You probably wanted to preserve your memories to reflect on in the future. Likewise, you may consider journaling your progress as your soul awakens to higher consciousness.

Feel free to record any thoughts, feelings, or ideas you have. Some people like to embellish their journals with inspirational quotes, pictures, or their artwork. Highlight each significant touchstone on your journey as you want.

awaken your soul

8. Learn Something New Each Day

Regardless of your age and experiences, there’s always more to learn. Your brain craves a challenge, and its worst enemy is boredom. If you’re uninspired and haven’t anything to look forward to, your spiritual light will diminish.

Make it a habit to discover something each day, like a new word, concept, or fact. If you’ve always wanted to learn a foreign language, play an instrument, or study art, there’s no better time than now. Not only will you exercise your brain, but it starts your soul’s awakening.

9. Have Some Spontaneous Fun

While there are many aspects of spirituality that are solemn and sacred, being glum isn’t one of them. Laughing and having some fun can awaken your soul. It would help if you had a healthy balance of work and play for your entire well-being.

Break out of the ordinary and do something enjoyable, like buying a box of crayons and color with your kids. Go to the pet store and adopt a couple of colorful goldfish. If it makes you smile and not take life so seriously all the time, give it a try.

10. Take a Spiritual Retreat to Awaken Your Soul

Remember the classic commercial for a fragrant bath wash that offered to “take you away?” Sometimes, your exhaustion goes beyond physical and mental, and your soul is tired. An essential way to revive it is to have a spiritual retreat.

Unfortunately, you don’t always have the time and resources to attend a spa. However, you can still take a quiet weekend at home or in a hotel to relax and revive your spiritual energy. Pamper yourself with books, music, incense, and anything that helps you relax.

11. Do a Spiritual Inventory

Your spirit is in a constant state of evolution, and few things are static. Are there attitudes and beliefs you have proven false or no longer work for you? What about burdens from the past like pain, guilt, and bitterness?

These things are like weights that trap you under the bleak waters of despair and darkness. Consider doing an honest introspection to identify these hindrances and then release them. Anything that doesn’t bless your spirit and make you a better person needs to go.

12. Practice Gratitude Daily

It’s a basic human need to feel validated, appreciated, and fulfilled. These are products of your heart, and you cannot buy them with money or power. You cultivate satisfaction in your soul through gratitude.

Part of your journal can be a gratitude list you can add to as needed. Make it a habit of saying “thank you” at the start of each day. Be grateful for everything you have and show others gratitude when they do something kind for you.

13. Connect with Your Spirit Guides

Do you need help to awaken your soul? Your benevolent spirit guides had known you before you were born. They long to reconnect with you and share their wealth of infinite knowledge and compassion.

They are polite and won’t ever enter your life without your invitation. Welcome them and discover peace and awakening you never thought possible. You can connect with angels, archangels, ascended masters, or ancestor spirits.

Your spirit guides anticipate your many questions and won’t ever get tired of you. They have a vested interest in your soul’s evolution and will offer you the tools to help. Experience their compassionate guidance, and you’re well on your way.

14. Consider Past Life Regression

Some traditions like Hinduism and Buddhism believe in the principles of reincarnation. According to them, your soul continues to be reborn until it achieves self-actualization. They also think that you can carry residual energy and memories of your past lives.

If these principles resonate with you, some shamans and practitioners can help you retrieve past life experiences. You can also work with your spirit guides to better understand these memories. Some of the past information you discover can be spiritually relevant today.

15. Call on Your Faith to Help Awaken Your Soul

Religious texts found in the Bible, Qur’an, and the Bhagavad-Gita agree on many aspects, including asking for divine favor. Whether you call it prayer, meditation, or affirmation, you need only to request to receive. If you want a soul awakening, ask for it.

For example, Jesus admonished His followers to seek, and they’ll find, knock, and the door will be opened. Allah said that He responds to the desperate ones when they call. It’s like having a beautiful gift that’s waiting to be opened and adored.

Regardless of whether you appeal to a deity or the Universe, asking applies the law of attraction. You’ll attract more positive blessings if you send positive affirmations into the Universe with faith. You can’t expect an answer to your prayers until you ask.

awaken your soul

Final Thoughts on How to Awaken Your Soul

Are you unfulfilled and haven’t discovered your purpose in life? Perhaps it’s because you’re in a deep spiritual slumber. Once you open your eyes and see the sun’s light, you’ll go from existing to living up to your potential.

15 Quotes About Love That Make Love Feel New Again

The feeling of new romance is incomparable to anything else and brings a happy sensation you can’t describe. After a while, that feeling might fade away a little, leaving you missing those intense feelings early on. These quotes about love can help you find that new romantic feeling again, boosting your relationship intensely.

These quotes about love can help you connect with what that feeling means to you. They will allow you to express yourself in a way you couldn’t before, helping you rekindle the romance. Using the words of others to help you get your point across can help you tell your partner exactly what you want them to know.

Not only will the quotes about love send a message to your partner, but they’ll also give you a sense of positivity. It’s easy to take romance for granted and forget about all the significant aspects of it. These quotes about love remind you why you fell for your partner in the first place.

As you read these quotes about love, keep your partner in mind. If they resonate within you, don’t hesitate to share it and experience the passage together.

Quotes About Love That Make It Feel New Again

quotes about love

1. “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get—only with what you are expecting to give—which is everything.” – Katharine Hepburn

When you focus on what you can give instead of what you can get, you’ll experience the exciting feeling of a loving romance again. You’ll remember why you feel for your romantic partner, and it’ll make everything feel new again. Plus, the more you give, the more you get in return, so it all works out well.

2. “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” – Barbara De Angelis

Showing kindness and care in a partnership will make everything seem right. You’ll be happier, your romantic life will improve, and you’ll likely receive the same from your partner. If you can remember this quote from De Angelis, you can rekindle the positive feelings.

3. “Maybe that’s what love is. Having someone who guides you through different experiences, coaxes you to try new things but still makes you feel safe.” – Wally Lamb

When you have someone who guides and encourages you, embracing is a blessing. If they make you feel safe, focus on passion; it’ll continue to feel new. Don’t let these positive feelings escape you when you can quickly improve the romance.

4. “Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.” – Nicole Krauss

Remind yourself of all the things that made you fall for your partner in the first place. If it was their laugh, spend time basking in the sound of their laughter. No matter what it was, please don’t lose sight of the way it made you feel.

5. “I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self-respect. And it’s these things I’d believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn’t all she should be. I love her, and it is the beginning of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Your partner is still the person you met at the beginning of your romance, although they’ve gotten more comfortable. You must look beyond the comfort and ease you’ve found. Remember the things that drew you to them and continue believing in who they are. When you care deeply for someone, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

6. “Love is not about how many days, weeks or months you’ve been together, it’s all about how much you love each other every day.” – Unknown

How long you’ve been with someone doesn’t matter because you can make each day feel new. You can fall for someone quickly; a short romance can have just as much intimacy as a year-long one. Likewise, those in a long relationship can have as much passion as someone with a new romantic partner.

7. “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou

Nothing else will matter when you remember how much your partner means to you. You’ll know when you’ve found the right person, and remember that they are the person for you can make all the difference.

8. “Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.” – Washington Irving

If you care for someone that doesn’t have the same feelings, you’ll be okay. The feelings will return to you and help you become a better person full of self-love. You’ll develop a positive outlook on romance, knowing that it’ll happen when it’s right.

quotes about love

9. “In this crazy world, full of change and chaos, there is one thing of which I am certain, one thing which does not change: my love for you.” – Unknown

This quote about love reminds you of the one constant thing in your life. When you remember that your partner is there and will continue being there, it makes everything else more effortless for you to handle. Your feelings won’t change if you keep this romantic quote on your mind.

10. “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” – Marilyn Monroe

When your partner continually does things to bring joy into your romance, you’ve likely found a good one. The feeling of newness will never cease if you feel the passion within whenever your partner touches you or looks into your eyes. Look for minor aspects of intimacy that mean so much in a healthy partnership.

11. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.” – Noah Calhoun

Experiencing passion and intimacy does things to you that nothing else can. This romantic quote explains that it awakens the soul and encourages you to work toward your dreams. It brings peace and helps you feel good for the rest of your life.

12. “Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

You don’t have to stare at once another all the time to find passion. Instead, focus on moving forward in the same direction. Align your goals with your partner’s, and make it possible for you to both reach your dreams together. When you work things out to take the same path toward your individual goals, you’ll feel good about where things are headed.

13. “It’s like, it’s not even real to me. It’s like my life isn’t even real to me unless you’re there and you’re in it, and I’m sharing it with you.” – Luke Danes

When you’ve found your person, you’ll experience this same feeling that Danes describes. You’ll want to share every part of your life with your partner and tell them everything. Plus, you’ll want to have them by your side as much as possible.

While you can’t always be with your person, you likely wish you could be. Keep this quote on your mind when you think about your partner; it’ll all feel new again.

14. “Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein

It’s not your responsibility to make someone else happy, but you’ll want to when you feel passionate about someone. You won’t experience happiness if you know your loved one isn’t feeling the same way. Do small acts of kindness for your partner to ensure you’re both happy and to keep the romance feeling new.

15. “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

You might want to spend all of your time with your partner, but you can’t make them feel trapped. Don’t give your partner a hard time when they want to do things without you. If you let them feel free, everything will feel new again.

romantic quotes

Final Thoughts on Romantic Quotes That Make Love Feel New Again

Finding the right words to describe your romantic feelings about someone is sometimes hard. These quotes about love will improve your relationship and make it feel new again. The words will help you say anything, making it easier when you can’t put your feelings into words.

Share the quotes with your partner and keep them where you’ll see them often. It’ll remind you never to take your romance for granted, making each day meaningful and fulfilling. As one of the most fulfilling and incredible experiences, make sure your partnership continues feeling new.

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