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5 Ways to Cope With Life When You Have an Anxious Soul

Having an anxious soul in our modern world isn’t uncommon; we have a lot more to juggle than our ancestors did, in some ways. We’re not running from wild animals or fighting over food, but we’re dealing with more mental stressors.

It’s a lot to manage between our demanding jobs, responsibilities at home, and seemingly endless chores. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to live in these times despite all our advances and conveniences.

However, if you’re a chronic overthinker, it’s a sign you need to step back and reevaluate things. Just because everyone else seems caught up in the rat race doesn’t mean you have to follow their lead. Most of the time, what’s best for the economy or society, in general, goes directly against our natural biology. It’s okay to put yourself first because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Five Ways to Cope With Life When You Have an Anxious Soul

Hopefully, the tips below will help you reconnect with your soul and remind you to slow down every so often.

anxious soul

1 – Remember to breathe through the panic or anxiety.

It’s hard to fathom, but we’ve largely forgotten how to do the most natural thing in the world. Breathe. Breathing allows us to refocus on the present moment and aligns our minds, bodies, and souls. However, most of us breathe very quickly and nervously in this modern way of living, which disrupts our peace and inner balance.

Many of us deal with anxiety and panic attacks due to stress, external stimuli, or other reasons as we go about our days. Our minds have become restless and disharmonious because the world demands too much.

Instead of focusing on healing and wellbeing, we’re chasing money and other temporary items. We all need money to live, but we can go about earning it more calmly.

So, next time you feel stressed at work or school, take time to breathe and reconnect to your body. Breathe slowly and deeply, ignoring everything outside yourself for a while so you can heal your anxious soul. Nature doesn’t rush, but everything gets accomplished in the end. Since we’re nature, it’s important to remind ourselves of this interconnectedness.

2 – Put your wellbeing first, not the pursuit of money or other fleeting goals.

There’s nothing wrong with earning money, but you have to put yourself first when you have an anxious soul. This means you should reevaluate your actual needs and perhaps take a low-stress job. Then you can devote more time to inner peace and healing instead of endless demands from your career.

Most people today desire flexibility and better work-life balance, as work-related stresses have reached an all-time high. So, if you want to switch careers or work fewer hours, know that you’re not alone.

People with an anxious soul may thrive in low-key environments such as home offices, libraries, or other quiet spaces. In summary, consider your personal needs and natural inclinations when choosing a career path.

Introverts and people with anxiety usually prefer to work alone or in low-stress environments, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t feel ashamed or inferior if you can’t or don’t want to “keep up with the Joneses,” so to speak.

anxious soul

3 – Get back to nature if you have an anxious soul.

When you have an anxious soul, it’s essential to immerse yourself in nature often. Many people with anxiety have overly sensitive nervous systems and need frequent breaks from the modern world.

Mounting evidence shows that spending time in nature decreases stress, anxiety, and depression and boosts well-being. We’re meant to live close to nature, as we’ve done for thousands of years.

However, since most of us live in large cities, we have to seek out nature activities actively. Consider moving to a smaller town with greater access to natural environments if you have an anxious soul.

Alternatively, you could drive to a nature preserve outside the city on weekends to recharge. Either way, empaths need regular nature trips to heal from a chaotic and stressed-out modern world. Give yourself this gift from time to time if you’re an anxious soul.

4 – Minimize the stressors that trigger anxiety.

While you can’t eliminate stress, it doesn’t make you a stronger person to subject yourself to stressful situations. Some people handle stress better than others due to genetics or personality. If you know specific environments or activities cause immense pressure, don’t force yourself to deal with them. Instead, honor your inner feelings and minimize these stressors because your wellbeing should come first.

5 – Get your body moving.

Much of our anxiety epidemic stems from our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. We have so much pent-up energy that we’re not getting out since we’re not moving enough. Make sure to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week, according to the American Heart Association.

This doesn’t just lower anxiety and depression levels. Indeed, exercise also reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, and other health problems. In addition, regular exercise can improve sleep, cognition, and quality of life, all of which can keep anxiety at bay.

Make sure to choose an exercise you enjoy, such as dancing, biking, or swimming, so that you can stick with it long-term.


Final Thoughts on How to Heal an Anxious Soul

If you have an anxious soul, adjusting to our fast-paced lifestyles isn’t a cakewalk. Many people with anxiety or high sensitivity find themselves at odds with our chaotic modern environment, and for a good reason. They naturally have more delicate nervous systems that become overwhelmed quickly by loud noises, hectic environments, or high stress. Therefore, it benefits them to spend more time alone, either in nature or in the comfort of their homes.

This doesn’t mean those with an anxious soul can’t acclimate to a “normal” life if they wish. However, it’s also crucial for them to listen to their intuition and do what comes naturally. So, if you have anxiety, remember to honor your feelings and focus on inner healing. The world can wait, but the calling of your soul can’t.

4 Relationship Behaviors That Can Break Your Partner’s Heart

When you care about someone, the last thing you want to do is hurt them or break their heart. However, some relationship behaviors can do that even if you don’t realize it’s happening. Knowing the behaviors can help you address issues within your relationship and help you both find happiness.

Experts believe that four relationship behaviors indicate divorce is inevitable. If you notice any of these behaviors in your relationship, you must do what you can to make a change. Relationship therapy can help, or you can find other ways to make a change.

Even when couples seem happy together, these relationship behaviors are red flags. If you want to stay with your partner, you must acknowledge if you’re guilty of these behaviors. You don’t want to break your partner’s heart, so making a change is incredibly necessary.

Four Relationship Behaviors That Can Break Your Partner’s Heart

Once you know the relationship behaviors that can break your partner’s heart, you can learn how to make a change. Getting the behaviors under control can help you return to an enjoyable and satisfying romance.

relationship behaviors

1. Too Much Criticism Is a Damaging Relationship Behaviors

While feedback is essential to fixing issues within your relationship, you don’t want to be overly critical. It’s okay to give reasonable criticism, but anytime you attack your partner’s character, it can break their heart. Avoid calling your partner sensitive, hysterical, dishonest, or anything else that insults which they are.

Additionally, don’t criticize their appearance or unique characteristics. Another massive issue regarding being overly critical is that it can lead to name-calling, including calling them dumb, lazy, or anything else.

Being overly critical is an abusive form of power play. It not only breaks your partner’s heart, but it also chips away at your partner’s sense of self-worth.

Research shows that every critical thought you give requires five instances of positive feedback to make up for it. However, when the criticism undermines your partner’s self-worth, praise won’t make up for what you said.

2. Expressing Contempt

While it’s okay to get angry sometimes, contempt goes too far. It is anger that dismisses your partner’s needs and desires. This behavior hurts them and can destroy your relationship.

One example of contempt is rolling your eyes because it conveys to your partner that they aren’t worth listening to. Additionally, mocking their emotions and refusing to comfort them are other signs. Undermining your partner, bullying them, or publicly humiliating them are other examples of this situation.

When contempt becomes a regular part of your relationship, it continually breaks your partner’s heart. It also might result in your partner showing the same behavior in return.

3. Defensive Behavior

While becoming defensive sometimes is normal, it’s not okay to do it constantly. You should be able to accept criticism from your partner when warranted. If you immediately begin defending yourself or telling your partner they’re wrong, you’re clearly exhibiting overly defensive behavior.

Relationships require communication and compromise. When your partner voices a concern, they want to feel like you hear them and understand where they’re coming from. If you can’t ever see things from their point of view, they’ll become emotionally hurt and might stop communicating.

Once the communication breaks down in your relationship, it becomes impossible to fix problems. Remember that when your partner voices concerns, they aren’t doing it to make you angry. Instead, they’re trying to remedy issues within the relationship.

Defensiveness implies that you don’t think the problem is real, although it hurts your partner. If you exhibit this behavior every time your partner speaks up, they’ll think you don’t care about their needs. It hurts them because they count on you to help keep the relationship healthy and happy.

Signs of contempt

If you’re unsure of what defensive behavior looks like, it occurs when you:

  • Constantly remind your partner of the good things you do when they voice a concern in another area
  • Don’t apologize when your partner is upset about your behavior
  • Say your relationship problems are your partner’s fault
  • Consistently tell your partner that they are wrong about the situation
  • Don’t listen to your partner’s concerns
  • Refuse to see how your behavior affects your partner

3. Defensive Behavior

While becoming defensive sometimes is normal, it’s not okay to do it constantly. You should be able to accept criticism from your partner when warranted. If you immediately begin defending yourself or telling your partner they’re wrong, you’re clearly exhibiting overly defensive behavior.

Relationships require communication and compromise. When your partner voices a concern, they want to feel like you hear them and understand where they’re coming from. If you can’t ever see things from their point of view, they’ll become emotionally hurt and might stop communicating.

Once the communication breaks down in your relationship, it becomes impossible to fix problems. Remember that when your partner voices concerns, they aren’t doing it to make you angry. Instead, they’re trying to remedy issues within the relationship.

Defensiveness implies that you don’t think the problem is real, although it’s real to your partner. If you exhibit this behavior every time your partner speaks up, they’ll think you don’t care about their needs. It hurts them because they count on you to help keep the relationship healthy and happy.

If you’re unsure of what defensive behavior looks like, it occurs when you:

  • Constantly remind your partner of the good things you do when they voice a concern in another area
  • Don’t apologize when your partner is upset about your behavior
  • Say your relationship problems are your partner’s fault
  • Consistently tell your partner that they are wrong about the situation

relationship behaviors

4. Stonewalling Your Partner

Stonewalling is more common than you might realize because it involves things you might do daily. If you ever give your partner the silent treatment, it’s a form of stonewalling. Other examples are walking out during an argument or refusing to talk about things.

Essentially, this behavior occurs anytime you refuse to engage meaningfully. If the behavior only lasts a few minutes, it’s likely okay, but anything longer than ten minutes is a problem. Walking away to cool down for a few minutes is beneficial, but it can hurt your partner if you let it continue.

People stonewall because they don’t have the skills to resolve conflict positively. They hope the issue will dissipate without talking about it, so they leave. However, this doesn’t fix anything and leads to deeper problems within your relationship.

This negative behavior breaks your partner’s heart because it implies you don’t care about resolving the issues. It also shows that you don’t care when your partner is distressed or upset.

Overall, stonewalling implies that the relationship isn’t essential to you. It makes your partner feel disregarded or abandoned, destroying the connection you share.

Six Signs Your Relationship Behaviors Hurt Your Partner and How to Fix Them

If you exhibit these negative relationship behaviors, you likely want to know the signs that your partner is hurting. You can remedy the issue and make a positive change to repair the damage.

When You Exhibit Negative Relationship Behaviors, They Spend Less Time with You

If you break your partner’s heart, they might start avoiding you. While you’ll still see them sometimes, they’ll start spending less time with you. Each time you hurt your partner, it’ll cause them to distance themselves more.

If this is the case in your relationship, spend time discussing the problem. Give your partner a chance to communicate without doing the negative relationship behaviors mentioned before.

They’re Quieter Than Usual

If your partner has been hurt by you many times, they might become quieter than usual. They know that saying anything could set you off, and they might start to feel like it’s best to keep their thoughts to themselves. If your partner used to be talkative and cheerful, but you notice a change, think about your behavior.

Think back and consider what could have caused the change in your partner. If you realize you’ve portrayed negative relationship behaviors, ask your partner to discuss it with you. Commit to making a change, but give them their space if they don’t want to talk yet.

They No Longer Laugh When You Tell a Joke

When your partner stops laughing at your jokes, it’s a sure sign that something is wrong. It shows that they’re experiencing emotional pain, and since they don’t laugh with you, it’s likely because of you. If this happens in your relationship, you must figure out where it went wrong and discuss the situation.

They Give Cold Responses When You Engage in Harmful Relationship Behaviors

Receiving short responses from your partner indicates you’ve broken their heart. They’ll send one-word text messages or won’t respond at all. They might give yes and no answers or respond by nodding when you’re together.

If your partner is giving cold responses, you can be direct and ask them if something is wrong. Avoid defensiveness and other negative relationship behaviors when they explain what’s on their mind. Once you know the issue, you can discuss it and apologize if necessary.

They Don’t Tell You How They Feel Anymore

When you break your partner’s heart, they’ll stop telling you how they feel. They’ll likely clam up because you’ve made them feel insecure about their feelings.

If your partner stops telling you how they feel, do something to show them that you care. Let them know that you think their feelings matter and want them to be open.

They Are More Emotional Than Normal

Destructive relationship behaviors can make your partner bottle their feelings up instead of expressing themselves. When they keep their emotions in, it builds until they can’t take it anymore. Then, the slightest situation can make them break down and become more emotional than usual.

If you notice that they’ve been more emotional, you can work on making a change. Acknowledge how your partner feels and why, and give them a safe space to open up.

relationship behaviors

Final Thoughts on Four Relationship Behaviors That Can Break Your Partner’s Heart

When you get comfortable in a relationship, it’s easy to become lax in your behaviors. You might exhibit some of these relationship behaviors without even realizing it. If you notice any signs of heartbreak in your partner, reflect on how you’ve been acting. While your behavior might not always be the cause, it’s worth thinking about so that you can make things right.

Reduce Anxiety in Life with These 15 Daily Affirmations

Positive affirmations are beneficial to reduce anxiety as overthinking can provide a shifting mindset. They offer relief because it addresses negative thinking, one of the most prominent effects of anxiety.

As the body’s natural response to stress, anxiety happens to everyone. However, some people experience anxiety as an intense, persistent worry. They worry about the past, present, and future, overwhelming their thoughts and emotions.

Using positive mantras to reduce anxiety can drastically improve your well-being. You can use them to prevent negative thinking, ease an anxiety attack, or during times of stress. The positive phrases replace your anxious thoughts, allowing you to think clearly and focus.

As you take control of your thoughts, you also stop your anxiety from overtaking your mind. You can choose your thoughts, and positive phrases can help you make them a habit. Anxiety can cause your worrisome thoughts seem realistic, but positivity can remind you that it’s an illusion.

Daily Affirmations That Help Reduce Anxiety

If you ever suffer from overwhelming worry or other anxiety symptoms, these phrases can help you. They can remind you that nothing terrible is happening, so you can release some of the stress you’re experiencing. Use the words that speak to you and counter your negative self-talk so that you can start reaping the benefits right away.

reduce anxiety

1. I will reduce anxiety with every breath I take.

To reduce anxiety, focus on speaking positive thoughts to yourself. When you tell yourself that the agitation is leaving, you’ll quickly experience relief.

Use visualization as you repeat this mantra, envisioning the anxiety leaving your body each time you exhale. Then, imagine positivity taking its place as you inhale. It might not eliminate it, but it’ll help you get your thoughts back under control.

2. I am talented and have great things to offer the world.

Who you are and what you do matter to those around you. You offer many things to the world, and this phrase will help you remember your talents. Don’t downplay what you are good at because it is beneficial no matter how others view it.

The things you do are important, so don’t let negative self-talk tell you otherwise. Use this phrase to shift your mindset and think about how great you are.

3. I am taking things one baby step at a time.

You can’t accomplish your dreams overnight, but you can take baby steps to make it happen. Break your overall goal into smaller milestones that you can chip away at. Each time you accomplish one of the milestones, you’ll experience a sense of satisfaction.

This phrase reminds you that you don’t have to do everything all at once. You only have to focus on one smaller task, allowing you to feel less overwhelmed.

4. I am a positive contributor to my family.

If your anxiety causes you to think that you don’t contribute to your family, this phrase is for you. Whether you provide an income, take care of children, or take care of the home, your position is valuable. You contribute to your family’s needs, so use this phrase as a reminder of that.

5. I keep an open mind to reduce anxiety when I approach a new situation.

When you have anxiety, it can make a new situation seem dreadful. You might experience the negative feelings as soon as you hear about it, and it’ll continue throughout. When this happens, it forces you to miss out on what could be a positive experience.

Using this positive phrase can help you shift your mindset and remember that not all new situations are bad. Be open to new experiences so that you can embrace life without anxiety holding you back.

6. I am surviving this situation like I have survived everything in the past.

You are stronger than you realize and can successfully handle anything that comes your way. Your anxiety might cause you to feel like you can’t get through the hard times, but you can regain control over your mind. Look in the mirror as you repeat this powerful statement, and you’ll feel the anxiety symptoms reduce.

7. I am doing what it takes to reduce anxiety.

It’s up to you to reduce your anxiety, even when you don’t feel like taking the necessary steps. This positive phrase motivates you to start making changes and improving your well-being.

8. I am looking for the beauty surrounding my life.

Anxiety can cause you to miss out on the beautiful aspects of your daily life. With negativity running rampant in your mind, it’s hard to embrace anything else.

This phrase will help you consciously look around for beauty whenever you feel negativity creeping in. Eventually, it’ll become a habit you don’t even have to think about anymore.

9. I am patient as I work to overcome anxiety every day.

Overcoming anxiety takes time, and the process isn’t always easy. You’ll still experience anxiety attacks and overwhelming negative thoughts sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up when it happens, and use this phrase to help you remain patient with yourself.

reduce anxiety

10. I am strong enough to push away these negative feelings.

You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, and this affirmation serves as a reminder. Whenever negativity creeps into your mind, take a moment to repeat this positive phrase. It’ll help you replace the negativity with positive thoughts, giving you a clearer mindset.

Sometimes all it takes is telling yourself that you are strong enough. Then, you can find the strength that lies within and use it to improve your situation.

11. I focus on my breathing and slow it down as necessary.

You can often recognize anxiety when your breathing increases. If you can slow it down, you can likely reduce anxiety quickly. Focus on your breathing by counting your breaths or simply thinking of each inhale and exhale.

12. I am living in the moment and letting go of negativity.

If you can eliminate negative thoughts of the past or worry about the future, it’ll reduce anxiety. Living in the moment and focusing on the good things around you can reduce your anxious thoughts. It’ll improve your overall life and allow you to experience happiness.

13. I am actively listening to people when they talk.

When your anxiety kicks in, listening actively as people talk can be challenging. You’ll be so caught up in your negative thinking that you don’t hear or process what someone says. This phrase can remind you to listen actively, resulting in decreased anxiety.

When you focus on what other people say, you can engage in conversation. If it’s not a situation you can speak up in, it can still help as you focus on something other than your thoughts.

14. I am not my anxiety, and I don’t have to let it take over.

You can overcome anything, including your anxiety. Don’t let your anxiety disorder define who you are because you are so much more than that. These words can help you prevent negativity from consuming your thoughts.

15. I reduce anxiety by releasing the things that threaten to weigh me down.

There will always be things that threaten to steal your peace, but you can free yourself of them. This positive phrase helps you look at things differently so that it doesn’t weigh on you.

Eight Tips For Creating Positive Affirmations to Reduce Anxiety

Once you become comfortable repeating these phrases, you can start creating your own. Creating personal mantras allows you to make specific ones for your life, helping target the areas you need help with the most. You can also change the phrases listed above to better apply to your specific situation.

Positive phrases can help reduce anxiety and decrease the intensity and duration of attacks. These tips can help you maximize the benefits of your positive words:

  1. Keep them short, limiting them to one sentence.
  2. Make them meaningful to your life goals.
  3. Create them to fit your personality, using humor, lightheartedness, or keeping them serious.
  4. Make them encouraging.
  5. Include facts by mentioning your strengths and accomplishments.
  6. Focus on who you are right now and not what you don’t have.
  7. Use “I” statements and focus on the present.
  8. Write ones that target your negative self-talk.

reduce anxiety

Final Thoughts on How to Reduce Anxiety in Life with These 15 Daily Affirmations

Whether you use positive mantras from the list above or create your own, they can help reduce anxiety. Repeat some of them as you get ready each morning, and use others before bed at night. Memorize a few to repeat throughout the day, too, as you never know when anxiety will creep in.

You can write down the positive phrases to carry with you, and you can display them where you’ll see them often. The more you remember the positivity, the easier it’ll be to reduce anxiety. Eventually, you’ll remember the phrases and notice that they subconsciously stay on your mind.

Every time you use a positive mantra to replace negative thoughts, it’ll help you improve your mindset. The realistic positive self-talk allows you to see reality for what it is and not what your anxiety wants you to believe.

15 Strong Woman Quotes to Straighten Her Crown

Women around the world make a difference every single day. As women become more assertive, they can do more to change the world for the better. Women continue to fight for equality and have come far to make the United States different for females. Female leaders speak out and empower other women to do the same. Strong woman quotes can help you stay strong and find happiness as you stand up for your beliefs. Using the wisdom of these women can help you move forward and maintain your strength when things get complicated.

Reading strong woman quotes can also help define who you are and what you want. Knowing that you can do anything, you’ll experience joy like never before. These words will help you put yourself first, chase your dreams, and live your desired life.

These quotes will give you the confidence to do the things you’ve always dreamed of. They’ll help you stand up for yourself and go after all of your goals. You’ll find inspiration as you read these strong woman quotes, bringing greater joy to your life today.

Strong Woman Quotes to Bring Greater Happiness

Women are often stronger than they give themselves credit for. They can do anything and persevere in any situation. These strong woman quotes will help you find joy and embrace the power of women.

strong woman quote

1. “A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts.” – Nancy Rathburn

Society expects women to be nurturing and emotional, and it’s okay if you are. However, it is also okay to embrace those qualities with other ones. Logic and decisiveness are just as important, and you can use all your gifts simultaneously.

Remember these wise words from Rathburn the next time you think you must hide some of your qualities. Embrace who you are and learn to love every gift you have to offer.

2. “Truly powerful women don’t explain why they want respect. They simply don’t engage with those who don’t give it to them.” – Sherry Argov

You never have to explain yourself when it comes to demanding respect. Anyone who asks for an explanation doesn’t truly understand what it means to be a good person.

Focus on those who respect you without you having to ask for it because they are the ones that will help bring joy. Letting go of anyone who doesn’t respect you will improve your life in many ways, and it’ll show how strong you are.

3. “A strong woman loves, forgives, walks away, lets go, tries again, and perseveres … no matter what life throws at her.” – Unknown

Strong women are resilient and can deal with anything that comes their way. They don’t hold onto things that no longer serve them and always find another way to make things happen.

No matter what, she keeps going and making things happen. If you’re like this, write this quote down as a reminder to reference each day.

4. “The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved, women who live bravely, both tender and fierce, women of indomitable will.” – Amy Tenney

If you’re a strong woman, you’ll be happy to know that the world needs you. Even when people try to tear you down, you’re valuable and worthy.

Surround yourself with the type of women Tenney explains because they’re the ones who will support all of your endeavors. They’ll build you up and make you feel good about yourself. When women tackle the world together, nothing can stop them.

5. “Don’t let anyone speak for you, and don’t rely on others to fight for you.” – Michelle Obama

When you speak for yourself, you’ll experience empowerment and joy. Fighting for yourself brings positive feelings like nothing else can. Letting others speak for you diminishes your power and makes you feel weak, hindering your progress moving forward.

6. “One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in, and where you want to go.” – Sheila Murray Bethel

When you identify who you are and know what you want, things will improve. Be strong and keep your eye on your goals no matter what happens. When you stay true to yourself and your belief, you’ll be happy every day.

7. “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” – Marie Curie

No one has a perfect life, and things don’t always go as planned. You might have to work harder to figure out another plan, but perseverance will get you where you want to be.

With perseverance and confidence, you’ll find that you’re happy no matter what. Believe in yourself and what you are capable of, and you can make anything happen.

8. “You must know that you can do this. You are strong. And you will make it. Just hang on and keep believing in yourself, always.” – Heather A. Stillufsen

You can do anything you set your mind to. You might encounter obstacles along the way, but you can make it through. Stay strong and don’t lose faith in yourself, and you’ll quickly find joy.

strong women

9. “Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women.” – Maya Angelou

When women speak up for themselves, they make a difference in the world. It changes things for all women, allowing everyone to find joy. If you don’t want to stand up for yourself, do it for all of the other females in the world.

10. “Strong women don’t play the victim. Don’t make themselves look pitiful, and don’t point fingers. They stand, and they deal.” – Mandy Hale

If something unexpected happens, don’t play the victim. Strong women take a stand and deal with every situation. You’ll feel empowered and happy each day when you stand and deal with the predicament.

11. “Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.” – Stephanie Bennett-Henry

Things get hard sometimes, but you’ll be happier if you persevere. The key to finding joy is to keep moving forward. You are strong enough to overcome anything that comes your way.

12. “Do not tame the wolf inside you just because you’ve met someone who doesn’t have the courage to handle you.” – Belle Estreller

Don’t even be any less than your true self, no matter what anyone else wants. If someone can’t handle who you are, you can let that person go and find someone who can.

13. “We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.” – Sheryl Sandberg

This strong woman quote reminds you that all women can make a difference. No matter your level, you can speak up and make a change.

You have what it takes, and it’s up to you to ensure your voice is heard. You’ll feel happier each day when you stay strong and speak up.

14. “Be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else.” – Judy Garland

Strong women don’t try to be anyone but themselves. Stay true to who you are and what you believe in because that is the only way to find joy. When you remain a first-rate version of yourself, you’ll feel happier, as Garland explains.

15. “We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.” – Kavita Ramdas

Strong women don’t have to be mean. They can be gentle, humble, compassionate, and rational. These characteristics don’t make them any weaker, though, as they can still be intelligent, fierce, passionate, and disciplined. Let your good traits shine through no matter what they are because that’s the only way to find true joy.


Final Thoughts on Strong Woman Quotes to Bring Greater Happiness in Life

These strong woman quotes remind all women that they can be fierce and powerful all of the time. You don’t have to downplay your strengths to make other people happy. Stay true to who you are and remain firm in what you believe.

These quotes can help you find the joy you desire as a strong woman. You can also share these strong woman quotes with the women in your life, empowering them along the way. Anything is possible when women stick together and speak up for what is right.

15 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat A Heart Healthy Diet

It’s hard to change your eating style when it’s all you’ve known and enjoyed throughout your life. Your parents instilled food habits that you’ve adapted, whether good or bad. However, if you’re carrying excess weight or not eating healthy foods, it can be causing a great deal of harm to your body.

Things like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and obesity link directly to the foods you eat. If your refrigerator is full of soda, snack foods, and processed stuff, then you’re doing more harm to your body than you realize. It would help if you had a heart-healthy diet full of rich vitamins and minerals to help you thrive.

Your system was designed to eat a plant-based diet, according to studies posted on Era of Light. Some scientists who study the human body believe that humankind should not eat meat or its by-products.

However, the fact that you’re eating things like burgers from the local fast-food joint can be why you have arthritis at the age of 25, due to the higher fat content. If you see a person in top physical shape with glowing skin, few wrinkles, and looks young beyond their years, you will see someone who eats healthily and exercises. A heart-healthy diet is a great way to eat, especially if you want longevity and quality of life.

Fifteen Benefits of Eating a Heart-Healthy Diet

Perhaps you know you should eat better, but you’re not sure where to start. This is the position that many people find themselves in, but this is a comprehensive guide to help you.

Not only will it show you what you should be eating, but it gives you all the reasons why adopting this new lifestyle is the best thing for your body. Here are the benefits of a heart-healthy diet.

heart-healthy diet

1. It’s Good for the Environment

Eating processed foods comes with packaging and waste. Heart-friendly diets contain many fresh fruits and vegetables with little to no waste.

2. A Heart-Healthy Diet Reduces Stress

You have a lot of stress every day, plus your body feels oxidative pressure. However, the powerful antioxidants in fruits and vegetables counteract these issues. Your physical and mental stress will improve with a heart-healthy diet.

3. Slows the Aging Process

Did you know that the food you eat directly impacts how fast you age? The vitamins and minerals in the fruits and veggies help flush out the harmful free radicals, which help support the DNA structure. Yes, eating healthy can make your skin glow.

4. Increases Your Productivity

When you free your system of sugar and carbs, you’re going to notice a drastic change in your energy. Your focus will become more precise, and you will get more done.

5. Increase Immunity by Eating a Heart-Healthy Diet

If your immune system is compromised, you will get every sickness that comes your way. However, you can boost your immunity with a healthy diet. It’s all about the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that you consume, as they will help to fuel your system and not drag it down.

6. A Heart-Healthy Diet Helps You Keep a Healthy Weight

A study done in Brazil shows that when obese people eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, the weight falls off. It’s because you should not eat a diet high in bad fats and sugars. It’s impossible to maintain a healthy weight if you live on fast food and snacks.

However, when you make some changes, according to this study listed on the National Library of Medicine, it alters everything.

7. Improve Sleep Quality with a Heart-Healthy Diet

Did you know that consuming oily and heavy foods can mess with your sleep cycle? When you switch to a healthier eating habit, your rest becomes more productive and routine—no more lying there counting sheep to get some shut eye.

8. Decreases the Risk of Developing Cancer

Your diet and genetic factors can dictate if you will have abnormal cell growth. According to World Health Organization, cancer is the second leading cause of death. What you eat could directly impact whether you get this horrible disease.

9. Strengthens Teeth and Bones

Healthy teeth and bones are imperative for overall good health. Thankfully, a heart-healthy diet can assist. Things like egg yolks, liver, and saltwater fish are packed full of vitamins and minerals that help keep your teeth and bones strong. Plus, you can help keep things like osteoporosis at bay.

10. Eating a Heart-Healthy Diet Increases Longevity

One of the most significant advantages of a plant-based eating style is reducing inflammation. Inflammation causes things like cancer and heart disease. However, you can extend your life by lowering your inflammatory response with healthy eating.

11. Boosts Brain Health and Elevates Your Mood

When talking about brain health, it’s all about those omega-3 fatty acids. Your cell membrane depends on it, which is why a heart-healthy diet is so powerful. Did you know that many mental health conditions are treated with diet first?

Ask anyone who does the Keto diet how their mood and mental clarity shift when they cut the carbs. After all, doctors initially suggested this diet to help people suffering from epilepsy.

12. Can Reverse Diabetes

Many people turn to radical treatments to get their diabetes under control. However, one of the best things you can do for your type 2 diabetes is to switch to a plant-based diet. You will see your glucose levels drop when you fuel your body with fruits and vegetables rather than processed foods, and the weight you lose also helps with diabetes.

13. Your Heart Works More Efficiently

Of course, if you eat a heart-healthy diet, you’re going to have a better heart. It’s key to keep your triglycerides and cholesterol levels in check, or they can cause your heart to weaken and cause a blockage. That’s why this diet is great because it keeps your blood pressure in check as well as your cholesterol.

14. Enhanced Digestion

There’s nothing worse than chronic digestive issues, but the foods that you eat are causing most of the problems. Your gut needs the dietary fiber found in plant-based foods, so consuming junk and fast food isn’t going to help your digestion.

15. You’ll Have Healthier Skin by Consuming a Heart-Healthy Diet

Are you prone to breakouts and acne? It could be what you’re eating. Eating things like vegetables, fatty fish, and nuts rich with omega-3 fatty acids as they can improve your skin.

heart-healthy diet

What Foods Can You Eat on A Heart-Healthy Diet?

It’s always good to have a grocery list that can help you prepare for a new eating style. Most fruits and vegetables are acceptable, as well as healthy fats. Here is a comprehensive list, so you know what to buy on your next shopping trip.


  • Avocados
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Apples
  • Cranberries
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Bananas (more green and less ripened)
  • Figs
  • Dates
  • Cherries
  • Plantains
  • Cucumbers
  • Pomegranate
  • Tomatoes
  • Cantaloupe
  • Honeydew

Limit fruits like pineapple, pear, peaches, and watermelon as they have high sugar content.


  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Kale
  • Arugula
  • Green Beans
  • Beets
  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Bell Peppers
  • Asparagus
  • Celery

Limit foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, corn, and peas due to their high sugar content.

Herbs and Spices for a Heart-Healthy Diet

  • Cinnamon
  • Turmeric
  • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Ginger
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Black Cumin
  • Capers
  • Celery Seed
  • Fenugreek


  • Buckwheat
  • Oats
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Barley

Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes

  • Cashews
  • Almonds
  • Brazil nuts
  • Macadamia
  • Pecans
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds

Limit intake of peanuts due to the high mold content that these nuts contain.

Also, note that all legumes are considered heart smart.


  • Olive
  • Coconut
  • Sunflower
  • Canola
  • Ghee
  • Natural or plant-based kinds of butter

Don’t use margarine in exchange for butter. According to Healthy Food, it’s full of harmful ingredients that aren’t heart-healthy.

Dairy Products for a Heart-Healthy Diet

  • Almond, oat, rice, or hemp milk
  • Skim or 1 percent cow’s milk
  • Non-sweetened plain, Greek-style yogurt
  • Cheese (all kinds)
  • Cottage cheese
  • Ricotta
  • Cream cheese

With this list in hand, it shouldn’t be too hard to develop a meal plan that can suit your dietary needs. Remember, the more foods you buy from the fresh produce section, the better your heart health and waistline.

Before you head to the grocery store, a tip is to avoid the center of the store where they display highly processed foods. Try to focus on the perimeters where the grocers stock the healthier foods like fresh produce.

heart-healthy diet

Final Thoughts on Eating a Heart-Healthy Diet

There are numerous benefits to eating a heart-healthy diet. When you stop choosing fast food, sugary snacks, and high-calorie items, you will improve your overall health. You need to fuel your body and not cause it to be compromised from inflammatory issues and a weakened immune system.

When you adopt this new lifestyle, you will lose weight, feel mentally sharp, have more energy, and even have glowing skin. Don’t think of all the foods that you’re giving up that you love but think of the health that you’re gaining.

3 Signs of Stress That People Try to Hide

Stress is a common grievance in today’s society. Everyone has loads of responsibilities they have to handle and not enough time to relax. Because of this lack of time, people tend to throw their issues under the rug. Pretend you don’t have any problems, keep working, and things will turn around somehow. Or at least that’s what you learn to tell yourself.

But that’s neither true nor sustainable. And even if you learn to spot the most common signs of stress, many symptoms can still go under the radar. One day you don’t get enough sleep. But you don’t think anything of it. The next, you eat less than you ate a day before. Again, you don’t think anything of it. And then something else unnoticeable happens until dozens of issues pile up.

Your health deteriorates, energy levels go down, and happiness declines. And you don’t have the time to deal with that, so you hide everything. You pretend everything’s fine, and you put on a happy face. But, if left untreated, stress can take over your life. It’s essential to learn about the hidden signs of stress so you can help the people you know or even yourself.

What Causes Stress?

Stress is the emotion you feel when your body responds to external stimuli perceived as threats. Similarly, you feel stressed when under a lot of pressure or demand. Your body is aiming to go into the “fight-or-flight” response. In this state, you are more focused and alert. It gives you the edge you need to get through difficult situations. For example, stress will kick in when you have to present something in front of many people.

signs of stress

But this stress can help you concentrate. In practice, stress might get out of hand from time to time. So, it’s not uncommon to develop chronic stress disorders if you keep putting yourself in stressful situations. Stressors are the things that trigger this reaction. There are many everyday stressors, like a busy work schedule. But these stressors are usually subjective. Some people thrive when they are always on the move. Others need time to recharge and relax after a day of work.

The Internal Signs of Stress

And not all stressors are external. Some are self-generated, caused by worrying, irrationality, perfectionism, and more. These stressors trigger the hypothalamus to signal the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol. This hormone is the primary stress hormone, and it can control mood and concentration. Cortisol is significant in small quantities from time to time.

It mainly increases your heart rate and derails some functions if the body doesn’t think it needs them. For example, if you must run for your life, cortisol can shut down your digestive and reproductive systems until you’re out of danger. This is great for conserving your resources for a short while. But in the long-term, too much stress, thus too much cortisol, leads to health issues. Your body functions can be derailed, and you can develop anxiety, depression, heart issues, memory and concentration issues, and more.

When someone is stressed, you need to try to calm them down. And the first step is to notice the signs of stress. It’s safe to say that someone who seems more agitated or anxious is probably stressed. But what are other signs of stress that you might not be as aware of?

3 Signs of Stress Most People Hide from the World

Watch for these hidden signs of stress in your life.

1.     Your Eating Patterns Change

When you are stressed, the cortisol secreted can change your appetite. Cortisol, in high quantities, can make you crave sugary, salty, or fatty foods. All of these foods are instant fuel for your body. Because stress triggers the fight-or-flight response, it makes sense that your brain wants to fuel your body wholly.

Not only do you crave these high-calorie foods when you are stressed, you even eat a larger quantity than you usually eat. You may know this cycle as stress-eating. Most people don’t think much about it. But it’s clear that your stress levels are out of control.

Even though the biological reaction is to eat when stressed, some people get so caught up that they forget to eat. This is more of a psychological response. The hunger cues still exist. Your body still tells you to eat. But you can get so focused on the stress that you forget to listen to your body. So, you might even eat less than what you need.

Stress also affects metabolism. One study shows that people surrounded by more stressors in a 24-hour span will burn around a hundred fewer calories. This is especially true if you eat high-fat meals. Stressed people who eat high-fat foods will gain some pounds over a few months.

If you notice someone overeating or eating too little in your life, make sure you check in on them. These eating patterns can indicate eating disorders, but that’s not always the cause. More often than not, you’ll find that the reason for the change in eating patterns is stress.

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2.     Your Sleep Schedule Is All Over the Place

Chronic stress affects the nervous system, as it keeps it on alert for longer. Being on the lookout all the time will interfere with your sleep schedule. It can delay the onset of sleep. And even if it doesn’t, it causes rapid, anxious thoughts to form at night. These thoughts can easily keep you awake and disrupt the quality of your sleep.

Sometimes, it’s not even stress that causes a lack of sleep. Sometimes, you become more stressed because you can’t sleep. But no matter if stress is the cause or the effect, you still create a vicious cycle. A stressed person can’t sleep. A tired person experiences more stress. So, if you don’t rest, your stress levels stay up, which disallows you from getting good sleep.

But not all people get less sleep. Some people get too much, which makes them feel drowsy. Stress often links to depression, which can often lead to excessive tiredness. You feel like you can’t get out of bed. or oversleep. You might even sleep not to have to feel stressed or sad anymore. If this oversleeping comes from stress linked with depression, you need specialized help. So, if you know someone who oversleeps, help them go to therapy.

Maybe you are stressed, but you can still sleep the recommended seven to nine hours. In that case, stress might cause you to have weird dreams, affecting the quality of your sleep. These dreams are caused by negative and anxious thoughts when you go to bed. And, in many cases, weird dreams will cause you to wake up often or sleep lighter.

3.     Stress Affects Your Memory

Stress is supposed to help you focus when you are in difficult situations. But that’s not always what it does. This primarily happens during times of stress. That’s because people have a more challenging time creating short-term memories. And it’s harder to turn those short-term memories into knowledge that you’ll remember in the long term. In a nutshell, it’s harder for you to learn when you are stressed. Additionally, you tend to gloss over details during these times. So, it’s harder to remember everything about a stressful event accurately.

This is only the case with acute or chronic stress. Conversely, moderate stress could improve your ability to learn. If your learning is directly related to your stressor, you’ll remember what you are learning better. For example, if you feel concerned about a math test, you’ll be able to learn math quite well. But it will be almost impossible for you to learn something unrelated, like literature.

Even memories can change because of stress. A memory is just remembering the last time you experienced a particular event. They aren’t entirely accurate portrayals of the past because every time you remember them, your experiences change the memory. And stress can make you vulnerable to believing false information about the past, which changes your memories.

It even makes it harder for the brain to reencode memories, so it’s easier to misremember things in the long run. You might also harm your memory and concentration due to a lack of sleep or deficient nutrition. So, if your stress causes you to sleep less, you won’t focus as you normally would. You will have trouble being present and understanding what’s going on around you. So, you won’t be in the best space of mind to understand and remember the events surrounding you.

If you see someone zoning out or have trouble recalling what just happened around them, that’s because they could have stress. Or, if they always seem to have difficulty remembering certain things, it’s probably because they are under a lot of pressure. In either case, they probably hide just how stressed they are and need a helping hand.

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Final Thoughts on Signs of Stress Most People Hide from the World

Stress is a common problem in today’s society. It’s normal, and even beneficial, to feel a certain amount of stress. But many people struggle with chronic stress and know how to hide it. Because of how normalized stress has become, most people ignore it and pretend it’s not an issue. Still, stress can affect the body and the mind in noticeable ways from the outside.

People are aware of the common signs of stress, like its anxiety. But some signs of stress are less known. What most people hide about their stress is that it can affect everything, from their sleeping patterns to their diet and mental acuity. Stress makes people sleepless or sleeps worse, and it causes exhaustion and mood changes. The cortisol secreted by stress makes people crave sugary, salty, or fatty foods.

Because of this, stressed people can even gain weight in the long term. Although this seems counterintuitive, feeling too much stress affects your memory negatively. While you may have these hidden signs of stress, it’s good to know how to spot them. Then, you can help the people around you who also struggle with stress.

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