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This Artist Uses a Typewriter to Create Absolute Masterpieces

James Cook, a typewriter artist from the UK, creates beautiful artwork using only the antique typing machines. He mostly enjoys creating pictures of buildings since he went to college to study architecture. So far in his artistry career, he’s produced over 75 architectural drawings. However, James doesn’t limit himself to buildings.

He also draws celebrities, family portraits and other commissioned work. He sometimes features his work in exhibitions throughout the UK where he reveals never-before-seen typewriter art for fans. Here’s James’ story, and how he got into this unique art medium.

“I create drawings by typing on mostly old and somewhat broken typewriters, and I’ve been doing so for more than 7 years now. In the collection I have just over 40 typewriters and I have created more than 160 drawings,” James said.

“I describe my drawings as being a picture worth a thousand words and because the drawings are handtyped, I’ll hide messages or words and phrases for people to find when they look at the drawings up close.”

This Artist Uses a Typewriter to Create Absolute Masterpieces

In his unique line of work, creating the typewriter art is only half the fun! Many of these machines have rich histories depending on their previous owners and age.

“A lot of typewriters I end up collecting, they normally have quite interesting backstories to the previous owner. Some of these machines have been around for more than 60 years, so a lot of them have already lived a life and have been passed around from generation to generation, workplace to workplace,” James said. “One of the typewriters behind me has paperwork on it showing that it was bought in London in 1935 just before the second World War and survived all of that, and still fully works.”

James says that sometimes, it’s the stories he hears from people who once owned the typewriters that inspires him. However, he also draws inspiration from buildings, as you can see from his depictions of the famous Big Ben and London Bridge.

“Many of my pictures are architectural, and most recently, I’ve made a series of these large panoramic drawings of the London skyline. More recently, I’ve worked on location in London recreating the Palace Westminster and Greenwich just by simply rolling up on a day when it’s not raining and all. Sometimes I take with me a fold-up chair and a couple of spare typewriters because it’s guaranteed one of them will break on me,” James says.

By far, he enjoys drawing buildings on his typewriter the most since it opens an opportunity to work on-site. Sometimes, people look at him strangely while he’s typing away in public, but they’re usually inquisitive and friendly. Many of the architectural typewriter artworks are panoramic since it offers more room for large buildings.

The Talented Typewriter Artist Aims to Reach New Heights

“The panoramic drawings can take anywhere between 2-3 weeks to create and they are typed on sections of paper which then join to the very end to create these very wide drawings,” James explains.

According to his website, James “creates the largest typewriter art on record as many of his panoramic-scale drawings expand far beyond the size of his typewriters. Most of his art contains more than 100,000 individually-stamped typewritten marks and he can spend at least a month working on a single drawing.”

Aside from architectural drawings, James also enjoys drawing celebrities. Some of these include portraits of Tom Hanks (who collects typewriters), Jeff Goldblum, Blake Shelton, Bill Murray, and Jon Heder. After having so much practice drawing people on typewriters, James feels quite comfortable with the art medium. James said:

“This is a really weird thing to say, but probably now I type people better than I can draw them with a pencil. And I think it’s because, when I get commissions coming in, lots of people like to ask for a family portrait. So I’ve definitely honed my skills with drawing people on typewriters more than I have using any other art material. Some I might use to create a drawing.”

He added that his ultimate dream is to visit a rooftop, balcony or other area that looks out over the city. He loves working on-location, and has received several opportunities in the past to do so. Many of the buildings had incredible views which helped inspire his work.

“But, it is incredibly hard to get permission with the nature of my work. It’s also a really tricky thing to describe to people over email what exactly I do. I’m hoping I can do more of these on-location drawings in the future,” James says.

What the Future Holds for James

We also hope James can expand his work and create even more amazing masterpieces in the future! If you’re impressed with his artwork, make sure to check out his prints available for purchase. Some of these include the Tower Bridge, Big Ben, Palace of Westminster, Parliament, Greenwich University, the London skyline, and a double-decker bus.

He also offers commissioned work in three different sizes – small, medium and large-scale. You can also request a video recording of the typewriter art for an additional cost.

His past commercial clients include WIRED Magazine, Disney STAR, NBC and Alex Preston. News outlets such as BBC News, Sky News, and ITV’s Good Morning Britain also featured his work.


Final Thoughts on the Typewriter Artist Who Creates Mesmerizing Drawings

James is taking the art world by storm with his unique typewriter creations. In the past seven years, he’s produced breathtaking masterpieces of iconic buildings in the UK, celebrities, and personal family portraits. Typewriter art has existed for nearly 100 years, and every artist puts their unique spin on it. For James, it’s his love of architecture that continues to inspire his creativity.

We hope you enjoyed hearing about this talented artist’s typewriter drawings! Which of his creations was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

Meet a Woman Who is a Real Life Ninja Warrior

Some people make being a ninja warrior look so easy! Fanny Josefine from Sweden, a self-proclaimed “ninja,” makes the world her gym, training in various climates and terrains. She’s even reconfigured her home to make it suitable for her intense workout sessions. For Fanny, nothing is off-limits or too crazy to try, as she’s always pushing herself to the next level.

On her Instagram and other social media accounts, she posts videos of her pulling off insane stunts and routines. For instance, one video shows her taking an ice bath in a frozen lake, presumably somewhere in Sweden. She’s wearing nothing but a thin swimsuit, but doesn’t seem phased by the frigid water!

Another video shows her using a beam underneath a bridge as her personal monkey bars. With a river running below her, she fearlessly climbs across the beam, relying on her strong arm muscles to carry her safely to the other side. She’s truly a beast!

At home, she installed a rock climbing wall and monkey bars in her hallway to maintain her training. She also regularly goes to the gym, lifting weights, running, practicing pull-ups, and performing balancing acts on various gym equipment. It’s amazing to see what this ninja warrior can do!

Meet a Woman Who is a Real Life Ninja Warrior

“My favorite exercise is both pull-ups and muscle-ups – muscle-ups because it took me a really long time to learn how to do it, and pull-ups because it’s just my favorite. I also love running; it’s my favorite thing to do.

“I love doing crazy workouts, I love running, and I really love the sport swim-run. It’s a sport where you are swimming and running in really cool places,” Fanny says.

Swim running resembles a triathlon, except participants don’t typically change clothing during transitions. They also don’t transition between sports just once during the race, like an aquathlon or triathlon. Instead, they switch between swimming and running several times during a single race, keeping their swimsuit or trainers on the entire time.

It’s an increasingly popular endurance sport that takes you along beautiful cross-country trails and backcountry areas. Swim running appeals to many people because it gets them in touch with wild locations that they wouldn’t typically see otherwise.

In addition to swim running and gym workouts, the real-life ninja warrior enjoys other sports as well.

“When I was a child I was always in the stable. I did some running with my dad, but mostly just the stable and the horses. When I was 20 years old, I started with kickboxing and then boxing, and I’ve been competing in both. Kickboxing and boxing was a beginning for me with really hard workouts and I really enjoyed it,” Fanny said.

She never seems to run out of ideas for new challenges or workouts to try. Combining creativity with her athleticism, she’s constantly inspired by the world around her. As we said before, the world is her gym, so there’s always an opportunity for this ninja!

Ninja Warrior Keeps Her Eyes Peeled For New Workouts

“I have a lot of crazy things going on in my head and big ideas, but I also get a lot of inspiration from both Instagram and TikTok. I see a lot of things and I’m wondering, ‘Can I do it in my way?’ And then I’ll try it, and 9 of 10 times it doesn’t go the right way, but I have fun at the same time,” Fanny says.

While she makes everything look effortless and simple, Fanny still struggles in some areas. Like any great athlete, she doesn’t give up the first time she fails at something. She knows it takes dedication, mental strength and willpower to endure and overcome difficulties.

“Right now, the most challenging thing in my workouts is swimming. I’m not really good at the technique, so I’m trying to learn the right technique, and it’s hard because I’m doing different things with my arms, but I’m really motivated to learn to be a better swimmer.

“When something is really hard, I just need to trust myself and know that I can do it, just if I put in the time and all the work. Really, many things are really hard to learn, but you just need to try and try to learn how to do it. If you want to try a new sport, don’t be afraid to be a beginner in the beginning. Remember that it’s not always fun; it should be hard sometimes, but mostly fun,” Fanny says.

She gives wonderful advice, because many people in the world take themselves far too seriously. While it’s important to achieve your goals, you should also make it fun and laugh along the way!

In many of her videos, you can see this positive attitude in action. For example, she sometimes does crunches with her dog sitting at her feet, feeding her treats as she comes up. Another fun workout involved her doing pull-ups while sitting on a blowup unicorn. Another time, she even peeled a banana with one hand while hanging on a pull-up bar with the other!

If you’re inspired by her workouts and want to become a ninja warrior yourself, Fanny offers some tips on creating a “ninja” home.


Final Thoughts on the Inspiring Ninja Warrior Woman

Being a ninja never seems to get old for Fanny, as she jumps on new opportunities to expand her training. Mainly, she enjoys running, swim running, climbing, obstacle course racing and lifting weights. She also brings her partner along for many of the activities since they share a love for fitness. Hopefully, Fanny inspired you to try a new sport or even become a ninja warrior!

Her Instagram account offers many ideas for anyone looking to get involved in obstacle course races. Now, we’re just waiting on her to appear on the actual show, because we’re convinced she would win! If you think she should compete, let us know in the comments.

Nutritionists Explain How Flavonoids Increase Brain Health (and What to Eat)

Flavonoids refer to specific natural substances that constitute beneficial effects for a person’s mental and physical health. So, if you are looking to be the most intelligent person in your classroom or family or simply looking to be the best version of yourself, flavonoids are just the thing you need inside your body.

The phenolic structures, any compound with a hydroxyl group attached directly to a benzene ring, contain healthful mutagenic, oxidative, carcinogenic, and inflammatory resistant properties. This means that the information around flavonoids and how the body uses them most efficiently is still debated by doctors.

How Flavonoids Increase Brain Health

The original data reflects the immense amount of positive cardiovascular proficiency one can obtain by incorporating the correct number of fruits, vegetables, teas, grains, and other natural products into a balanced diet. The same can be said for its effects on the human brain on how flavonoids can impact cognitive function and mental stability.

In today’s world, the number of processed foods within our society contributed to mental degradation over the past fifty years. So, when you are considering healthy lifestyle choices, you will find that consuming whole foods is one of the only choices you can make to live a happy and fruitful life.

Dr. David Geier, who is a double-board certified orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist, states that eating foods that are high in flavonoids can slow down the decline of brain health as we age. An adult must consume at least 600 milligrams of flavonoids per day, which, in turn, provides them with a 20% lower risk of cognitive decline.

Since damage to the blood vessels (whose primary purpose is to supply the brain with sufficient oxygen) is a crucial factor regarding cognitive decline, eating foods high in flavonoids is essential if you are looking to maintain healthy cognitive function. Flavonoids are a beneficial phytonutrient for optimal heart health.


Flavonoids: The Six Categories

As the research began to expand and become more inclusive regarding the entire body, the benefits of consuming flavonoids regarding brain health have become widely accepted amongst medical professionals. Part of a plant compound group called “phytonutrients,” flavonoids also break down into sub-categories known as:

1.      Flavonols

Plants synthesize flavonols as secondary metabolites. While they don’t directly contribute to a plant’s reproductive or developmental capabilities, they tend to assist plants with any environmental stress they may come in contact with. A study purports that flavanols are essential to brain health due to increased blood flow. It is also said to assist with organ performance as well.

2.      Flavones

Flavones strictly differ from any other subset of flavonoids due to their molecular structure. That’s because flavones come from plants that produce white (and off-white) colored flowers and wean off insects as well to keep their plant host safe. However, even though scientists and health professionals believe that flavones have an immense impact on cognitive function, it is still unclear exactly how they continue to impact the human body. From what science currently observes, Flavones help lower oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory signaling.

3.      Flavan-3-ols

Typically found in cocoa beans and tea, Flavan-3-ols were isolated by Dr. Michiyo Tsujimura in 1929 at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan. Some may say that Flavan-3-ols are not essential for human health. Regardless, they still have powerful antioxidant properties any health-loving individual should consider. Its ability to defend your brain against free radicals is still somewhat debated on its overall effectiveness. However, nutritionists know that Flavan-3-ols brings an extra layer of benefits for anyone eating a good number of fruits and vegetables.

4.      Flavanones

Flavanones are compounds that affect both a plant’s color and taste. Even though we all cringe at that first bite of grapefruit, flavanones also improve many biological processes within the brain. Forms such as naringin, hesperidin, and eriocitrin are types of flavanones that can be found in anything from lemons to bee pollen, even though the vast majority of flavanones are made with plants themselves.

For example, naringin lowered cholesterol and estrogen in lab animals, while hesperidin worked hand-in-hand with vitamin C to create collagen in joints and skin. Red wine also contains an average number of flavanones. Still, everything in moderation is the key to successful brain function and all bodily functions, for that matter.

5.      Anthocyanidins

This sugarless plant pigment is responsible for the pure and vibrant colors of fruits and vegetables. Blueberries, red cabbage, and raspberries are just a few edible plants that typically contain high levels of anthocyanidins. Some examples of anthocyanidins include malvidin, cyanidin, and delphinidin. Each maintains their chemical structures even after being consumed by humans. In contrast, other flavonoids will go through a transformative process after being eaten.

This is what makes anthocyanidins so unique in comparison to the other five flavonoid compounds. Many healthy individuals go out of their way to consume fruit high in anthocyanidins. That’s because the benefits for both brain health and inflammation are abundant in this flavonoid. However, it is crucial to finish the pieces of the plant that contain the color. For example, skinning an eggplant is the wrong move, as all of the Anthocyanidins properties come from within the flesh itself.


6.      Isoflavones

Isoflavones are another secondary substance within fruits and vegetables that categorize themselves as a healthy estrogen source. While the estrogenic effects of isoflavones are less potent than the estrogen hormone, it is still a foundational flavonoid that is worth consideration. In combination with phytoestrogens, Isoflavones can help bring balance to low estrogen events such as menopause and reduce the effect of hyper-estrogen within cells.

Once the gut bacteria absorb isoflavones within the intestines, isoflavones can begin their beneficial processes that assist with brain cognition. You can find high levels of isoflavones in foods like soybeans, peanuts, pistachios, and various other fruits and vegetables. Naturally occurring isoflavones are predominately glycosylated. That means they have a tough time absorbing directly into the body. Healthy food processing forms can make isoflavones more bioavailable for human consumption.

According to Baptist Health’s Dr. Scott Davis, flavonoids can positively impact your body, especially your gut flora and GI tract, in a way that good bacteria transform into better bacteria. This is important because positively affecting your gut also assists with lowering your blood pressure. As we all know, high blood pressure can cause heart attacks and strokes, so it’s no wonder that eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables can be the saving grace for your overall brain cognition.

6 Foods to Add Flavonoids to Your Diet

Try a few of these foods–they are excellent sources!

1.      Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and grapefruit contain flavanones. Simply consuming raw organic versions of citrus fruits will have a fantastic effect on your gut biome, especially when juiced. The bioavailability of these healthy plant compounds will provide your body with the antioxidants needed for proper brain health.

2.      Berries

Every berry on planet Earth will contain some form of flavonoids, but not every berry is equal in flavonoid production. The most potent antioxidant berry to date is the blackberry, as they are known to contain all six types of flavonoids within them. A few other great options are raspberries, cherries, and blueberries. Of course, each has a decent amount of anthocyanidins.

3, 4, 5.      Onions, Kale, and Red Cabbage

These three vegetables have tremendous effects on brain health due to their nutrient-dense compositions. Of course, onions are a root vegetable. Thus, they pull their nutrient value directly from the earth, making them a powerhouse for vital body functions. They are great for cognitive health and excellent fighters against cancerous cells. Kale is also a great source of flavanols. Indeed, you can add it to other vegetables and fruits to help boost their nutritional value. At the same time, red cabbage could be the lifeblood for anyone looking to mitigate cognitive disorders and diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

6.      Soybeans

While soybeans come in a variety of different options, such as tofu, edamame, tempeh, and soy sauce. Indeed, each of these soybean-derived varieties will give your brain an increase in isoflavones. One word of caution. Be careful about consuming products made with highly concentrated amounts of salt. That’s because the harmful effects of factory production can counteract the health benefits you seek from soybeans.


Final Thoughts On How Flavonoids Increase Brain Health

When adding essential building blocks of healthy brain cognition, you almost cannot find a more beneficial source than the flavonoid family. A balanced diet of fruits and vegetables has been the proverbial lifeforce for as far back as human existence goes, and the opportunity to introduce a high level of dexterity to your brain is an acceptable way to stay sharp and healthy.

While flavonoids are a massive part of a healthy lifestyle, exercising and proper water consumption are crucial as our foods. If we stopped eating processed sugar and processed foods altogether, the clarity and efficiency we need for our best lives would reveal themselves in miraculous ways.

So be sure to get your daily dose of natural and organic fruits and vegetables every day. You will put yourself in the best mental and physical shape that you can. And of course, don’t hesitate to contact your health provider and do your research before switching up your diet, as food sensitivities and allergic reactions can still affect well-being.

Illinois Man Dresses as Superman to Make People Smile

In Rockford, Illinois, one kind-hearted man decided to don a Superman outfit to warm people’s hearts. Of course, not all superheroes wear capes, but some of them do!

When he ventures out into the city dressed in the outfit, people instantly smile and take pictures of the anonymous Superman. He didn’t come to save the town but to spark joy and reignite people’s playful spirits.

“I walked past this big rack of Superman capes, and since I was a small child, I always wanted a full-sized Superman cape. So I grabbed the cape and went out on my motorcycle,” he said. “I was just gonna have fun with it for just a few minutes, you know? Five or ten minutes into the first motorcycle ride, I’d gotten like ten thumbs up, a bunch of honks, waves, people hanging out the windows, smiling.”

So, it seemed to go even better than he thought! After that, he decided to upgrade the costume and hit the streets again.

Illinois Man Dresses as Superman to Make People Smile

“I’m like, ‘These people think it’s just as much fun as I do!’ But I didn’t have a Superman shirt, so I turned around, went back to the store, and bought a Superman shirt,” he said.

He has a lot of fun driving his motorcycle throughout the city and dressing up as Superman. Plus, others seem to get a kick out of it, so he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. He ventures out into the city once every couple of weeks for the Superman shenanigans. And, he never knows what kind of reaction he’ll get from onlookers.

“I pulled up to a light one time, and this lady pulled up next to me, and she was crying. I’m like, ‘Are you okay?’ She had her face in her hands, and she looked up and went, ‘That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all week!’ I mean, she was laughing that hard. She was crying!”

When you can make someone laugh so hard that they start to cry, you know you’ve done an excellent job! We don’t laugh enough in this world, and this man decided to do something about that. We need more people like him!

He says he realizes some people are probably laughing at him, but most are laughing with him. He doesn’t care either way, though, as long as it brings a smile to someone’s face. It lifts his spirits to know he can make people laugh, even if it’s just for a moment.

“Even for five seconds, make them smile, make them laugh, do something kind for somebody,” he says. “If everybody did that, I mean everybody, it would be a much better place to be.”

He’s Not the Only Superman in Illinois

In February 2015, then 7-year-old Bryce Schottel had been diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. Little did he know that two months later, a superhero would come to town and restore hope to him and his family.

He’d already been through three rounds of chemotherapy at the time and was scheduled for a fourth. During that difficult time, he turned to superheroes to lift his spirits. His favorite? Superman, according to his mom Regina Carlton.

Soon, her son would meet a real-life Superman, much to his surprise. After coming across Bryce’s picture and story online, police senior corporal Damon Cole in Dallas wanted to help somehow.

He already had experience dressing as Superman and other superheroes for “Heroes, Cops, and Kids.” So, he decided to contact Bryce’s family and ask if he could visit him in April. Of course, he planned on wearing his full costume and even decorated his car with the Superman theme!

His family wholeheartedly agreed and couldn’t wait to see their son’s reaction. So, Cole drove 11 hours from Dallas to Bryce’s hometown of Smithton, Illinois, where he surprised the young boy at his home. He wore his Superman costume as promised and even gave Bryce a collectible Superman figurine.

Bryce couldn’t believe someone had driven from so far away just to cheer him up. When he saw Cole’s Superman-themed car, he became even more ecstatic about the whole thing.

Of course, Cole couldn’t leave without a bit of bonding time with Bryce, especially considering he’d driven 11 hours. The two blew bubbles, played cards, and enjoyed some video games together. Before Cole left, he gave Bryce a parting gift of one of his prized Superman capes.

Cole said he could hardly tell Bryce was sick because he “had such a positive attitude,” according to an interview with ABC News.

Cole also planned to visit St. Louis Children’s Hospital during his time in Illinois. He would wear his Man of Steel gear this time to surprise Bryce and the other children there.

Bryce’s mom was blown away by Cole’s generosity and kindness. She told ABC that there aren’t many people left like him anymore who would go out of their way for a complete stranger.

The family encourages the public to donate to cancer research and children’s hospitals worldwide.

fathers superheroes

Final Thoughts on People Dressing As Superheroes to Make Others Smile

It’s not every day you get to meet Superman. But when you do, you never forget it. You often see kind citizens wearing superhero outfits in places like nursing homes or children’s hospitals, as Cole did. Since we associate superheroes with bravery and kindness, it’s easy to see why children look up to them.

However, we can all benefit from seeing someone dressed as a superhero, especially when they’re driving a motorcycle! The man from the first story also boosted people’s spirits simply by wearing the Superman costume. The bike also added to the “cool” factor of the ensemble, making people turn their heads when it passed by.

So, if you want to make people smile, wear a Superman outfit the next time you go out. You will undoubtedly bring joy to anyone who sees you!

Researchers Connect Link Between Restful Sleep And Better Health

Although people spend a significant amount of their time sleeping, most people seem to forget how important getting sleep is. Restful sleep is something people take for granted instead of trying to understand how much it affects their life. There is such thing as getting too much or too little sleep.

And even if you sleep enough, you always have to consider how well you sleep. You might sleep for seven to nine hours and still wake up tired. That’s because the quality of your sleep matters just as much as the quantity. Many things can affect how well you sleep. From psychological disorders all the way to how your day goes. You have to take into account even sleep disorders, like insomnia.

Contrary to popular belief, you can’t exhaust yourself and count on those seven hours of sleep to save you. You have to make a conscious effort to ensure that the quality of your sleep is the best it can be. Even though sleep issues haven’t been discussed a lot in the past, scientists are beginning to underline just how vital sleep is for us. That’s precisely why even scientists from Harvard explain the importance of restful sleep.

Why Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?

While many things can affect the quality of your sleep, chronic sleep deprivation is one of the main issues. Chronic sleep deprivation is a condition caused by getting insufficient sleep or experiencing sleeplessness over an extended period. It can vary in severity, and, in some cases, its cause could be an underlying sleep disorder.

Chronic sleep deprivation can be primary or secondary. When we talk about primary sleep deprivation, that’s when the sleep you get is a problem by itself. Because you don’t get enough sleep, or that sleep is not qualitative, it causes other issues in your life. Secondary means the lack of good sleep is an unrelated issue. Certain medical conditions, like anxiety, can cause sleep deprivation. The symptoms include dark under-eye circles and the inability to keep your eyes open in both cases.


Besides that, you can experience head nodding, irritability, lack of energy, trouble concentrating, and yawning. Another common condition is insomnia. That’s when you feel like you need and want to sleep, but you just can’t. And even if you fall asleep, you have trouble staying asleep or sleeping as late as you would like. Insomnia affects around 35% of adults, and it’s an issue that people often overlook. Insomnia often results from bad habits and even psychological problems.

Stress, an irregular sleep schedule, and anxiety can cause this disorder. Moreover, having an unhealthy lifestyle can also lead to cases of insomnia. Napping late in the afternoon, sleeping more than you should, and using technological devices can all affect your sleep. Not all cases of insomnia are the same. For some people, the problem is falling asleep (sleep onset). In other cases, the problem is staying asleep (sleep maintenance). Insomnia is also a common issue for teens and older people.

Many other sleep disorders can affect people in all age groups. For example, aging is a common factor that causes a decrease in sleep quality. Besides insomnia and chronic sleep deprivation, people can also suffer from sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. Sleep apnea causes a blockage in the upper airways, which may cause you to wake up abruptly. When it comes to restless leg syndrome, that causes an uncomfortable feeling which can also disrupt your sleep.

Why Is Restful Sleep Important?

Those are just some of the issues that are related to sleep disruption. But you don’t need to suffer from a long-term condition to have bad sleep habits. It’s enough to act indifferently towards your sleeping habits, and you’ll suffer the consequences. But, as with all issues, there are many ways through which you can improve the quality of your sleep.

1.      Restful Sleep Improves Your Health

An adult needs to sleep an average of seven to nine hours every night to be healthy. Children and teenagers need considerably more sleep to develop and be healthy fully. But getting the recommended amount of sleep isn’t enough. If your rest isn’t of good quality, you won’t get the full benefits. Meaning if you find yourself waking up often, having trouble sleeping, or you sleep too lightly, that means you have an issue.

In that case, you should plan to see the doctor, as you might have a sleep disorder. What’s important to know is that lack of sleep leads to serious health issues. If you sleep less than six hours a night, you are at higher risk of developing diabetes. You also risk having heart issues, a stroke, suffering from cognitive decline, and even death in some cases.

Lack of sleep also leads to weight gain and an increase in cortisol levels. Recently, scientists have identified that it activates a brain cleaning function when your brain is at rest. During your sleep, a fluid runs through the lymphatic system. That fluid has been shown to wash away a harmful protein, beta-amyloid. When this process doesn’t occur, the protein builds up, which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of cognitive decline.

The problem with regularly getting too little sleep is that people can tolerate sleep deprivation. You start being less aware of how tired your brain and body are, and you get increasingly less sleep. After some time, getting too little sleep becomes routine, and you risk developing all the conditions mentioned above.

Getting too much sleep can also be a problem. This might seem paradoxical, as most people associate a lot of sleep with being rested. But that’s not the case. Like too little sleep, oversleeping can lead to diabetes, heart issues, stroke, and death. Oversleeping is often caused by depression or not getting too much sleep the night before. So, in many cases, solving sleep deprivation also solves oversleeping.

When you struggle with sleep disruptions, the main thing you need to do is force yourself to stick to a strict sleep schedule. You also need to make sure you have a healthy lifestyle. Don’t drink too much caffeine, exercise, and don’t use technology too much. If your sleep patterns don’t improve, you will need to consult a doctor.


2.      Sleep Reduces Stress

Sleep is tightly linked to a person’s cortisol levels. When you aren’t rested or don’t get enough sleep, your cortisol levels shoot through the roof. High cortisol levels are good in the short term, improving concentration. But in the long-term, they lead to hormonal imbalances and stress. If you are stressed, that takes a toll on your health.

Stress increases the heart rate and shuts down some systems to conserve energy. If you put your body through this every day, you will inevitably struggle with heart issues, increased blood pressure, memory loss, and many other problems. When you get enough sleep, you allow your body to go through the full sleep cycle. In that cycle, the body has the time and resources to solve everything that’s off in your body.

One of the main things that get regulated is your cortisol levels. That means you will be better equipped to deal with stress the next day. And, most importantly, you won’t wake up stressed. As a by-product, being rested improves your memory. When you have restful sleep, the mind can process all the stimuli it has taken in while you were awake. It strengthens neural connections, which allow you to form memories. That means while you sleep, you create new memories, which is vital for the learning process.

3.      Restful Sleep Impacts Your Weight

While your weight isn’t necessary at all from a beauty standpoint, it plays an essential role in your health. Fluctuating a few pounds isn’t an issue at all. But, when you become severely overweight or underweight, that’s when you’ll have to deal with some health issues. And sleep connects to weight gain and calorie regulation.

In 2020, a study found that people who sleep less than seven hours per night have a 41% increased risk of developing obesity. Weight gain takes place because of many factors. For example, increased levels of leptin and decreased ghrelin levels affect your weight gain. The imbalance in hormones causes an increased appetite.

Moreover, to compensate for lack of sleep, your body will ask for an increased calorie intake. Sleep is crucial for calorie intake that trainers often recommend that athletes sleep up to ten hours. If that’s not bad enough, you might not feel like exercising if you don’t have enough energy. This way, you’ll gain calories without any way to offset that excess.

Weight gain, especially when it gets to obesity, has dire impacts on your health. It causes hypertension, type two diabetes, coronary heart disease, and even death. It even affects your mental well-being, leading to low quality of life, depression, anxiety, and more. The only way to avoid unwanted weight gain because of disruptive sleep patterns is to regulate your sleep. Make sure you have a clear sleep schedule and focus on having a healthy lifestyle.


Final Thoughts on the Importance of Restful Sleep (and How to Get It)

Sleep is an integral part of a person’s life, but many overlook its importance. It seems natural that most people don’t think they could ever mess it up. But having a restful sleep is much more complicated than you might think.

Many factors can interfere with restful sleep. The most common are sleep disorders, like insomnia and chronic sleep disorder. But an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and an irregular sleeping schedule can also decrease the quality of your sleep. From your health to your stress levels and weight, sleeplessness can harm your quality of life.

If you find that your sleep isn’t as qualitative as you might like, you need to make a conscious effort to set a clear sleep schedule. Make sure you have a healthy lifestyle, and if further issues arise, visit a doctor.

14 Signs of Covert Abuse Never to Ignore

Covert abuse is a psychological or emotional type of abuse. A covert abuser uses manipulation hidden behind fake empathy and charm. They profess to be your biggest supporter, all the while belittling and shaming you. Their tactics are hidden, so you aren’t clear about what’s going on while they’ll act as if they’re the victim. They are a narcissist, using mind games to make you doubt yourself so that you end up believing what your abuser says about themselves and you.

Covert abuse occurs in many relationships, not just in a romantic partnership or a parent-child relationship. Friends abuse friends, children abuse parents, and supervisors use their employees. If all this sounds familiar to you, you could be in a covert abuse relationship. Recognizing the abusive behavior is vital for getting the help you need and finding healing.

Other names for covert abuse

  • Ambient abuse
  • Stealth abuse
  • Hidden abuse
  • Passive aggressive abuse

14 Signs of Covert Abuse Never to Ignore

covert abuse

1 – Belittling is a common sign of covert abuse

Covert abusers are skilled at making negative comments to make you feel insecure. They find out where you’re vulnerable, then use tactics to destroy you with belittling, shaming, and mocking. They twist the truth so that you feel confused emotionally by their kindness at one moment and hatefulness the next.

2 – Betraying

When you first meet your abuser, you’ll find them immensely charming. As your relationship progresses, they’ll act like the perfect partner. Because the abuser wants you to trust them, they will present themselves as vulnerable, mirroring your values and ideas so much that you’ll be surprised at how perfect they are for you. Psychologists call this “grooming” because your abuser focuses on you as a target, luring you into their trap with specific tactics. It’s a total betrayal of who they are.

3 – Covert abuse causes isolation

Your abuser will attempt to isolate you from those closest to you. They’ll express their distrust of your loved ones or friends to pull you away from anyone but themselves. You may feel afraid as they criticize your neighbors, family, and friends. The covert abuser may ask you to keep things private because they say they’d be embarrassed if you tell your family. It’s a subtle way to isolate you. To go against their wishes is the “choose” others over them. They’ll sulk if you express a desire to be with your friends or family to coerce you to stay with them.

4 – Controlling

Covert abuse is hard to identify because the abuser is careful of how they appear. They’re narcissists who want to control you by making any scheduling too hard or by making you feel guilty if you’re going to be with your family or friends. If you go out as a couple, they’ll be miserable, playing the victim the entire time. Examples of controlling include:

  • Interrupts you when you’re talking
  • Speaks for you
  • Doesn’t allow you choices
  • Insisting you wear what they like
  • Doing things their way
  • Controlling the spending

5 – Maintains a favorable reputation

Covert abuse hides in plain sight. The abuser works hard to maintain their reputation as a nice person. They flatter, praise, and encourage others, so they’re well-loved by people. Similar to a chameleon, the abuser tries to please everyone. They volunteer, give support and help people. They need to win support and praise because they will carry out smear tactics against you if you tell anyone about the abuse. No one will believe you because your abuser is a nice person.

6 – Public slander

If you try to leave a covert abuser, you’ll experience slander. They’ll revile your character with negative comments to friends and family. Of course, they’ll express their “concern” for you and imply that you’re unstable. They may tell others you’re abusive and can’t be trusted. Because they’ve been able to maintain their reputation, people will rally around them, believing their lies. A covert abuser will also engage in these slurs:

  • Deflecting your accusations of abuse
  • Smearing your good name, even to friends and family
  • Making  you feel lonely because people will pull away from you to support them
  • Causing you to doubt yourself
  • Make you feel helpless because everyone believes their lies

7 – Covert abuse deflects responsibility

Covert abusers blame their victims instead of taking responsibility for their actions. For instance, if your abuser hits you, they’ll say something like, You made me angry; I didn’t have a choice, but I had to hit you to make you stop. Your abuser won’t acknowledge that any abuse happened. Instead, they’ll blame you for their actions, making themselves out as the victim.

8 – Plays the victim

Abusers love to act like the victim. This is because they like to use your sympathy to excuse their behavior. The covert abuser will give you the silent treatment, refusing to communicate with to punish you. They’ll act like it’s a sacrifice to be around you as they emotionally withdraw. If you try to bring up their behavior, they’ll

  • Try to get your sympathy
  • Twist it around as your fault
  • Pretend to have self-hatred
  • Acts hurt
  • Tell you that you’re hard to please
  • Tell you that you don’t appreciate all they do for you
  • Blames others-old relationships, their parents or family or work

covert abuse

9 – Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of manipulative lying. Your abuser will confuse the truth to mislead you. They’ll twist what they said, questioning you to where you believe their lies. You lack self-confidence and do not trust your judgment. Or you may feel like there’s something wrong with you. Gaslighting messes with reality and makes you feel frustrated. If you point out what they’re doing, they act hurt and tell you you’re being irrational.

10 – Covert abuse twists your words

When talking to a narcissist, the conversation will be a confusing twist of topics unrelated to the original discussion. They’ll bring up their concern for you, all the while twisting your words and misrepresenting your feelings. You may get so overwhelmed you eventually give up trying to challenge anything they say because it’s just too complicated. They may create drama to get a reaction out of you. If you try to reason with them, they’ll say things like

  • Oh, so you’re perfect?
  • Okay, so you’ve never made a mistake?
  • Am I that bad of a person?

They misconstrue what you shared as feelings into accusations. Telling you you’re being self-righteous.

11 – Blameshift commonly happens during covert abuse

A covert abuser can act sweet and sensitive sometimes. If you share your concerns about things they’ve said or done, they’ll feign listening and act as if they understand. They may even say they’re eager to work on your relationship. As the conversation continues, they’ll twist things so that what you brought up gets painted as your fault. Ultimately, you’ll try to break this cycle in the relationship. They’ll throwback in your face what you shared, accusing you of rejecting them. If you get defensive and try to push back, they’ll belittle you saying you’re an angry, selfish person who cares only for yourself.

12 – Putdowns

Their putdowns are with words and body language. A covert abuser uses subtleties to put you down. They’ll mix a compliment with a negative comment, saying something like I like your new hairstyle, even though it makes you look haggard. But I still love you. It’s a roller coaster experience of feeling loved and hated all at once. They use a condescending tone, inflict jabs, and patronize comments at you. Of course, they’ll say they’re just joking, but their face won’t convince you it was a joke. When you act upset by their comments, they’ll work surprised and tell you you have an anger problem. There is rarely any praise or support, which makes you feel neglected and unloved.

13 – Pretender

Covert abusers are masterful actors. They pretend that their behavior was an accident or that it never happened. When you try to bring up something, they’ll feign confusion or say they don’t know what you’re talking about. They “forget” meaningful conversations or events. You struggle with feeling alone and unloved while making yourself out as innocent.

14 – History revisions

Your abuser may use denial or rewrite history, telling you that you don’t remember the situation correctly. Or they may say to you that you misunderstood what they said. It’s a twisted historical narrative. You may give up trying to point out their inconsistencies. It’s too complicated to convince them otherwise.

The Body Language Displayed in Covert Abuse

Often you can spot a covert abuser in their body language. These are subtle, but they get their message across to you. If you notice these signs in someone, don’t ignore them or think it’s just their “way” of expressing themselves. Good chance you’re detecting abusive activity displayed.

  • Condescending voice or tone
  • Voice tones that don’t match words. For example, the person is saying nice things, but their voice sounds angry.
  • Superior attitude
  • Smiling with only half their mouth
  • Smirk
  • Sighs
  • Shrugs when asked a question
  • Eye rolling
  • Sideways look
  • A disgusted look on their face
  • Raise one eyebrow
  • Patronizing

covert abuse

Final Thoughts on Recognizing Covert Abuse

The dangers of covert abuse are real. It’s more common than you think and plays out in many relationships. Living with a narcissist eats away at your sense of self. It makes you feel as if you’re losing your mind. If these signs are all too familiar in your relationship, seek help right away. Find a trusted friend, pastor, or counselor to help you understand what’s going on and help you get healing. No one needs to live with covert abuse.

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