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10 Signs Painful Joints Might Mean Something Worse

Painful joints can be a common occurrence for many people. It’s often ignored and considered a normal part of life, but it can mean much more.

Figuring out the cause of your painful joints is essential because it’s the only way to treat it. The treatment options vary based on why you have the pain. Once you know why it’s happening, you can address the problem and ease the discomfort.

Joint pain can result from many conditions, including injury, infection, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and hypothyroidism. Knowing signs of something worse can help determine why you have joint pain. Once you’ve identified the signs, you can talk to your doctor to see what you can do to feel better.

What to Watch for and Why Painful Joints Could Be Important

The signs accompanying painful joints can tell you much about the cause. You’ll want to pay attention to the location of the pain, such as the shoulder, ankle, or knee. Consider whether you experience limping, joint locking, or decreased range of motion.

Additionally, you might experience the following issues near your joints:

  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness

painful joints

Ten Signs That Your Painful Joints Might Mean Something Worse

Millions of Americans experience joint pain each day, and many times it’s a debilitating experience. You must determine the cause so that you can live a fulfilling and joyful life. Getting a diagnosis is essential, and that involves identifying the signs.

1. The Pain Moves Around Your Body and Causes Fatigue

If your joint pain changes locations in your body and causes fatigue, it could indicate fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia results in chronic and acute flare-ups of pain, and you might also experience brain fog and memory issues. This condition affects 2-4% of the population in the United States and more commonly affects women.

You’ll experience tenderness throughout your body and musculoskeletal pain. There isn’t a diagnostic test for fibromyalgia, so telling your doctor your signs is essential.

2. Your Painful Joints Are Also Swollen and Stiff

Painful, swollen, and stiff joints are a sign of psoriatic arthritis. You’ll also have psoriasis, a skin condition that causes red, itchy, scaly patches. Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease affecting nearly 30% of people with psoriasis.

3. You Have a Rash

When a rash accompanies your joint pain, it could indicate Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that results in painful joints and a bulls-eye rash. Typically, only one or two joints are affected, and the episodes decrease as time passes.

4. Your Big Toe, Ankle, and Knee are Red, Warm, or Swollen

When your big toe, ankle, and knee joints hurt, it could signify something more. If those areas become red, warm, or swollen, it could indicate gout, a type of inflammatory arthritis. It affects people with high uric acid levels in their blood.

When the uric acid levels increase, it builds up and forms crystals in your joints. Your immune system will try to destroy the crystals, leading to inflammation and intense pain. It typically only attacks one joint, but the experience is sudden, severe, and involves a burning sensation.

5. It Gets Better with Movement

If your joint pain eases when you move around, it could be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease affecting your wrists, elbows, hips, and neck.

This condition worsens when you rest and involves chronic flare-ups. While it predominantly affects your joints, you might also experience the following symptoms:

  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Low-grade fever
  • Tingling or numbness in your hands

Another condition that gets better with movement is called ankylosing spondylitis. This rare condition affects your back, neck, and sacroiliac joints at the base of your spine.

It causes inflammation and fusing of the vertebrae, resulting in pain in your lower back and hips. If you have ankylosing spondylitis, you might also experience stiffness in the morning that lasts more than 30 minutes.

6. You Also Experience Fatigue, Weight Gain, and Cold Intolerance

If you experience fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, joint pain, it could hint at a thyroid condition. Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland, causing an imbalance in your hormones. Along with the other symptoms mentioned, you might also experience:

  • Stiffness
  • Constipation
  • Dry skin
  • Puffy face
  • A hoarse voice
  • Muscle weakness

7. The Painful Joints Worsen with Movement

While some conditions get better with movement, others worsen. If your pain level increases as you move around but ease up when you rest, it could be osteoarthritis. It affects your knees, hips, neck, lower back, and fingers as it involves the breakdown of cartilage.

Osteoarthritis often occurs because of aging, but it can be caused by trauma, too. The cartilage in your joints cushions between your bones, helping them glide past each other. If the cartilage wears away, it causes the bones to grind together, causing intense pain when you move.

Pain from osteoarthritis starts with intermittent but sharp pains, eventually becoming a constant ache. It results in joint stiffness, swelling, and limited range of motion. As the most common chronic joint condition in the United States, you don’t want to ignore the signs.

8. You Experience a Loss of Interest in Things You Once Enjoyed, Sleep Problems, and Hopelessness

Depression can cause joint pain, so if you have any of these signs, too, you’ll want to address the issue. You might also experience appetite changes and difficulty concentrating.

painful joints

9. You Also Have a Fever

If you have a fever and joint pain, it could indicate septic arthritis, occurring when a joint becomes infected. This type of arthritis causes acute knee, ankle, wrist, and hip symptoms. Bacteria often cause it but can result from fungus or mycobacteria.

Your affected joint will get warm, stiff, and swollen. The infection typically starts in the blood before moving to the joint, but it could result from joint surgery, too.

10. The Pain Moves from One Joint to Another

If your joint pain moves from one joint to another, it is a sign of lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease. It affects your knees, wrists, and finger joints, and the pain will often be on one side of your body. The pain is typically short-lived but can move around your body throughout the day.

You must seek professional help immediately if you think you have lupus. It affects your organs and muscles and can cause many other issues.

Finding a Diagnosis for Your Painful Joints

If you experience painful joints, you should speak with your healthcare provider. It could indicate a more serious issue that needs medical treatment. Even if you’ve already gotten a diagnosis, you should talk to your doctor anytime you:

  • Experience pain in a new area
  • Get a different type of pain
  • Have new symptoms

There are instances when you should seek emergency medical care for your painful joints. These instances include:

  • Getting a fever
  • Losing weight without reason
  • Being unable to function because of the pain
  • Develop significantly swollen or hot joints
  • Experiencing sudden numbness or burning sensation
  • Muscle weakness

When you seek professional help, healthcare providers use diagnostic tools to determine the cause of your joint pain. The doctor will want to know your medical history and perform a physical examination. They’ll also request blood tests, imaging tests, and a joint aspiration procedure.

In rare cases, your doctor might request a biopsy or tissue sample, as well. The tests your doctor requests depend on your symptoms, making it essential to tell them everything. It might help if you write down the following information so that you don’t forget anything:

  • Location of the painful joints
  • The intensity of the pain
  • The time of day it’s worse
  • What you were doing when the pain worsened
  • If anything makes it better or worse
  • Whether you’ve had a recent fever
  • If you’ve experienced fatigue
  • Recent trauma, surgery, or infection

Making a note of all these things will help your healthcare provider narrow down the cause. It’ll help with a diagnosis and treatment plan to manage the symptoms.

Treatment of Painful Joints

Your treatment plan will depend on the diagnosis of your painful joints. A medical professional may recommend self-care tips, medication, physical therapy, or, in rare situations, surgery.

Self-care strategies that you can do at home to alleviate symptoms include:

  • Gentle stretching
  • Rotating ice or heat on the afflicted area
  • Supportive wraps
  • Resting
  • Aerobic or strengthening exercises
  • Focusing on a nutrient-rich diet

painful joints

Final Thoughts on Signs Painful Joints Might Mean Something Worse

Painful joints can be debilitating, but that’s not the only reason to worry about it. Joint pain is a sign of many conditions, so learning more about it and talking to your healthcare provider is essential. Some problems are long-lasting, while others are temporary, but either way, you must find pain relief.

Once you’ve received a diagnosis, you’ll know what you are dealing with. Then, you can determine a treatment plan or a way to relieve symptoms. Pay attention to the signs of painful joints to get your needed help.

10 Behaviors Demanding People Display Before Revealing Themselves

Most people in your circle are fair and will consider you how they want to be treated. However, that difficult or even toxic person always demands your time and attention. How can you spot these demanding people in your personal or professional relationships, and how do you protect yourself?

Throughout your life, there are degrees of difficult people you’ll encounter. Some are Type A personalities naturally domineering and pushy with their agendas. They may often be selfish and quick-tempered, but their ultimate goal isn’t necessarily to control you.

Then, you have the toxic lover, friend, or colleague who’ll use you in any way possible to get what they want. These difficult people want to control every aspect of your life. They zap your time, energy, and resources until you’re entirely depleted.

Ten Traits That Help You Identify a Demanding Person

Many controlling people can be so subtle that you may not notice that you’re being used. It may be someone in your family, at your job, or even your significant other. These are ten behaviors that demanding people display before revealing themselves.

1. A Demanding Person Must Make the Rules

Demanding people want absolute control over every aspect of your personal or professional relationship. If it’s a pushy boss, they’ll micromanage each project and smother you with rules and regulations. They squash your creativity and take credit for your ideas and excellent work.

You may equate the relationship to imprisonment if the controlling person is your partner. They often don’t listen to your opinions, and they call the shots for everything. If you feel like you don’t matter to someone in a relationship, it’s time to rethink the situation.

Having the “it’s my way or the highway” attitude can be very troubling when trying to have a decent relationship with this person. Communication and letting this person know you reject this control is the key to stopping their reign of terror.


2. A Demanding Person Will Constantly Keep Tabs on You

Remember how detectives and private eyes lingered in the shadows in classic films? Their job was to spy on their subject and gather information without them knowing. In reality, a difficult person can do the same to you.

Since they have jealousy and control issues, they demand to know where you are going and who you’re with at all times. Often, they have delusions that you’re cheating on them or plotting against them. They’re not above listening to your phone conversation, reading your texts, and following your every move.

3. They Don’t Respect Personal Boundaries

According to an article published by Forbes Magazine, personal boundaries make you feel heard, validated and appreciated. If you’ve established mutual boundaries in any relationship, you’re less likely to feel disrespected and taken for granted. Demanding people often ignore personal boundaries and stomp on your privacy.

As an individual, you have the right to set and enforce boundaries. Those who can’t respect these boundaries create nothing but toxicity in your life. On the other hand, controlling personalities demand that you honor their limitations, not yours.

4. Demanding People Maintain Power of the Purse

In general, demanding people are stingy and self-serving with money. They weaponize your generosity against you. They know that money is power in any relationship and aren’t sharing their passion with anyone.

This toxic person hopes to keep you dependent on them by controlling the finances. It gives them a perverse sense of power, and they quite enjoy it. Even if you’re the sole source of income in the relationship, you may have to beg for every cent.

5. Guilt is Their Weapon of Choice

Maybe you are in a toxic relationship with a person who’s a travel agent for guilt trips. An article published by Prowess explains that challenging people use guilt to control others and make themselves look better. Like a lethal boa constrictor, they use guilt to crush your life and independence until they suck the life right out of you.

Their guilt tactics may be direct by constantly reminding you of past mistakes. They may even use this information as emotional blackmail to ensure your compliance. Other subtle ways suggest that you should feel guilty about things out of your control.

6. A Demanding Friend or Partner Is an Expert at Gaslighting

Toxic people work tirelessly to deflect any blame from themselves. So, they will often gaslight you as if you’re losing control. They slyly shift the blame and make you look silly and incompetent in front of friends, family, or coworkers.

If you fall for the cruel ruse, you may start second-guessing yourself. Controlling personalities hope you get to this point, so controlling you will be a cinch. Gaslighting is emotional and psychological abuse that has no part in a healthy relationship.

For example, your partner may say something that hurts you, and you let them know how you feel. They insist you’re too sensitive instead of acknowledging their wrong and apologizing. They try to make you seem incompetent and foolish.


7. They’re Sometimes Also Narcissists

Like the legendary King Midas, narcissists affect everything they touch. Instead of Midas’ gold, the narcissist touch destroys relationships and poisons the self-confidence of others. These toxic personalities can be part of personal or professional relationships, and they cause nothing but problems.

A narcissist can’t see beyond their vain nose. They believe the world revolves around them and everyone owes them. They only use people to get what they want and drop them when they’re no longer helpful.

8. They Never Let You Forget Any Favors They’ve Done

Demanding people often create the illusion that they are kindhearted and generous people. In a personal or professional relationship, they know others are watching. So, they try to get a few brownie points and do nice things for the show.

The classic downside of these toxic relationships is that they seldom remember things you do for them. But they never allow you to forget any favors they do for you. The constant reminders may make you resist any offers in the future.

9. Their Wishes are Unrealistic

Demanding bosses and partners are full of unreasonable demands and expectations. They never consider listening to your thoughts or ideas and want things their way. Also, they often expect you to drop everything you’re doing and tend to their demands.

When you go the extra mile for toxic people, they rarely show gratitude. They may be critical and expect even more from you. If you have any complaints, you are a lazy employee or a selfish lover.

10. A Demanding Person Will Pick Fights on Purpose

Demanding people often get nervous when the waters are calm and still. In their skewed minds, they may wonder if you’re plotting against them. So, they need to create a little drama to upset you and uproot your life.

They are expert manipulators who know how to twist your words and try to confuse you. Then, they’ll turn the whole argument onto you until you feel like it’s all your fault. When they do this often enough, you’ll usually agree to almost anything to avoid a fight.

How to Deal with Demanding or Controlling People

You can assert yourself and refuse to allow people to control you. Honest conversation is where you begin. Here are some other suggestions:

  • Identify the behavior: How is this person trying to control and manipulate you? Are they belittling you and shifting blame until you depend on their power?
  • Don’t be fooled: These domineering people want you to believe their toxic behavior is your fault. It’s another way they use gaslighting to manipulate you. Please don’t fall for it.
  • Recognize toxic patterns: Controlling people often use the same patterns and scenarios in mind-control games. When you recognize them, you’ll be more prepared to have something to say or to make your exit.
  • Choose a response carefully: Manipulating people want to use your words against you, so think before you say anything. You can change the subject, ignore them, ask questions, or walk away.


Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Toxic Behaviors of the Demanding People

You’ll encounter unreasonable and demanding individuals in every area of your life. It’s imperative to develop coping skills and manage these complex personalities. First and foremost, you must realize that no one is any better than you, so don’t let them play these head games.

People will only control you if you allow them to do so. Communication is vital to let them know what you will and will not tolerate. True to this personality type, they usually back down when someone stands up to them and rejects their bullying behaviors.

While you can’t avoid these overbearing folks, you can let them know your boundaries. Whether it be a personal or a professional relationship, you can push back to set them straight.

5 Reasons Why Optimistic Thinking Can Help You Have a Better Life

If you’re not an optimist, you might find those who practice optimistic thinking to be a little annoying. They seem almost insufferably happier, and everything seems to go their way. And when it doesn’t, they still smile and carry on with no skin off their back! Pessimists may even wonder if any of that perceived happiness is real.

The truth is that it is authentic! Optimists and those who utilize positive thinking tend to have happier lives and greater satisfaction. The human brain is potent, so how you think can dictate many aspects of your life. Here are five reasons optimistic thinking can help you have a better life.

1.      Higher Achievements Come From Optimistic Thinking

Those who want a better life typically seek to achieve more in it. These achievements can be in any sector that matters to you. They may be in your career, from a financial standpoint, or regarding your impact on the world.

Optimism may be a significant driving force behind achievement. Positivity seems to be a cycle that perpetuates itself, with this happy thinking leading to more happiness through success. Studies suggest that this may be because of these factors:

  • Optimistic thinking encourages you to try your best and reach for goals; you’ll expand your comfort zone and take on new challenges
  • Optimists adapt to challenging situations more quickly, allowing them to overcome hurdles and face challenges with greater determination.
  • You’re less likely to allow discouragement to win you over when you’re optimistic, so you’ll try to achieve more goals at a faster pace.
  • Pessimism often means you believe you’ve done more poorly, which can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. This opens you to the risk of future bad performance.

optimistic thinking

2.      Optimistic Thinking Translates to Better Leadership Skills

It’s almost hard to believe that optimistic thinking may bolster your leadership ability. But it has a lot to do with the contagiousness of positivity and the attitude that comes with it! Even just working in a team with optimism can boost synergy among the team members. Here’s how positive thinking lends itself to better leadership skills:

·         Reliability

Most people are naturally more trusting of positive leaders and have bold, bright personalities. Upbeat leaders exude an air of confidence that makes them inherently more reliable. You get the sense that these people know what they’re doing and can pull off their plans!

·         Communication

A good leader knows how to communicate expectations and handle conflict intelligently. They can manage different desires and needs within their team and talk positively to team members needing more support or advice. They know how to deliver bad news and encourage their team to take on challenges. And finally, they’re willing to hear constructive criticism and don’t react negatively to the feedback. All of these are traits you’ll find in those with optimistic thinking!

·         Engagement

Leaders have to engage with the people who work with them. This means working closely with various people, each with its values, flaws, and strengths. Under the wrong leadership, teams often struggle because of their differences. Optimistic leaders can connect their teams with sound strategies and middle ground on values, as they see the best in their team members.

·         Risk-Taking

Not all risks are made equal, and a good leader wouldn’t take unnecessary risks. But, at the same time, a good leader knows how and when to take calculated risks. They’re willing to step outside of their comfort zone and do things that seem challenging to help their team and goals. Optimists are incredible at this. They can visualize success enough to make fear fade into the background. And, if the risk-taking doesn’t succeed, they have new lessons that they can implement with their team. They’ll also easily take responsibility for the decision and listen to their team’s feedback!

3.      Improved Physical Health Goes Along With Optimistic Thinking

It sounds far-fetched, but it’s surprisingly accurate! Optimistic thinking links to significant improvements in physical health. When you practice positive thinking, you’re more likely to maintain better well-being than pessimists. Studies say that this includes:

  • 50% lower cardiovascular disease risk
  • Reduced infectious disease risk
  • Higher survival rates when fighting cancer
  • Longer lifespans
  • Generally better health

It’s worth noting that some of these benefits may be indirect. For example, optimistic thinking may reduce heart disease risk by reducing stress. Survival rates may be higher because it allows people to better maintain their strength through the ordeal of recovery and treatment.

There are also more adequately studied ways that these indirect benefits occur. For one, optimists tend to know more about the health of their physical bodies. They are also more aware of what they must do for their health, say studies. It’s a natural effect of liking themselves more – they’re more interested in caring for their bodies and getting actively invested in health topics. They keep themselves aware!

optimistic thinking

Benefits of Optimistic Thinking

Those with optimistic thinking engage in healthier behaviors, contributing to their longer lifespans and better general health. For example:

  • They’re less likely to smoke or drink in excess, as they have the best coping mechanisms for stress and other issues, say studies.
  • They exercise more and stick to their fitness goals with incredible willpower and regulation. The same goes for dietary purposes, so they eat healthier, too.
  • According to research, they get more sleep at a better quality due to reduced stress and better time and schedule management.
  • They engage in healthier intimate behaviors, say studies. This means they are less likely to take anonymous casual partners that could put them at risk of disease.

Regardless, the many benefits of optimism can help you live a better life through increased physical health. Even if that occurs indirectly, that’s a good enough reason for many!

4.      Optimistic Thinking Leads to Better Social Relationships

Optimistic individuals tend to have more friends and better social relationships. Research has shown that optimists:

  • They are better liked than pessimists
  • Have more friends
  • Develop more robust, healthier relationships with their friends
  • Have fewer poor social interactions
  • Manage their friendships better
  • Can rely on social circles in times of need
  • Receive a lot of social support that boosts their mental health

On top of that, even if their relationships are primarily average or the support they receive is less than it could be, optimistic thinking morphs that towards the positive. Optimists naturally feel more satisfied with their social relationships and interactions.

The good news is that this can form an upward spiral. The more satisfied you are with your relationships, the more positive people you attract. Then, the more extensive your social network, the better your optimistic thoughts will become as you reap the benefits of that support.

Birds of a feather flock together, which you could say in this case. Optimistic individuals are more likely to enjoy relationships with fellow optimists. This reduces toxic environments and creates healthier social circles.

5.      Better Mental Health Comes From Optimistic Thinking

It’s easy enough to draw a connection between optimistic thinking and mental health. But dismissing that as nothing more than a correlation is also easy. If someone has good mental health, to begin with, indeed, that’s what makes it easy for them to be optimistic, right?

Well, that’s not necessarily the case! Studies have shown that reframing thought processes for more optimistic thinking could be effective in clinical depression treatment. It can be as effective as antidepressants – or even more effective!

Better yet, those benefits, as mentioned earlier, are often long-lasting, so they’re not just a quick, easy fix that goes away after a while. Training your brain for optimistic thinking can completely transform your mental health. This outcome happens for the following reasons:

·         You Envision Positive Things

Visualization is a powerful method for improving mental well-being and life satisfaction. When you imagine positive events, your body gets the rush of joyous anticipation, and you experience the things in your life much more vividly. This creates more pleasure in your life, and waiting for good things feels much quicker.

·         You Cope Better With Difficult Situations

It’s easy to get lost in thoughts about that negativity when bad things happen. Optimists can get their heads above those dark clouds, seeking the positive in bad situations. They believe in the possibility of things working out and see what they can learn from each challenge. This means that their hurdles feel easier to overcome.

·         You Have Higher Self-Esteem

Optimism means you’re kinder to yourself. You see the good parts about you and don’t get lost in an overly critical inner voice. This isn’t to say that you overlook your flaws and weaknesses – you’re just more compassionate about them. You recognize that you don’t have to be perfect and are gentler on yourself. In turn, this facilitates more personal growth, which will lead to even more self-esteem!

optimistic thinking

Final Thoughts On How Optimistic Thinking Helps You Live A Better Life

Optimism is a powerful trait that can grant you better leadership skills, social relationships, mental health, and physical health. It can also help you achieve your goals through resilience, persistence, visualization, and affirmation. These reasons are undoubtedly convincing for pessimists looking for a sign to turn over a new leaf!

In your crusade for optimistic thinking, consider that there are some potential pitfalls of excessive optimism. These pitfalls include poor risk assessment, which can counteract the increased achievement rate from positive thinking. Another pitfall is optimism bias, which causes you to underestimate the real risk of a negative result for a given situation.

The final pitfall to remember is that many fall into it while trying to increase their optimism. This pitfall is toxic positivity, which involves repressing, ignoring, or avoiding negative feelings to overvalue positive feelings. As a result, you might invalidate yourself and others and be unable to process and regulate negative emotions.

Luckily, it’s not difficult to avoid the pitfalls of excessive optimism. Acknowledge the truth of problematic situations while seeking out their silver linings. Realistic approaches to optimism will give you all its benefits and help you have a better life!

5 Mindfulness Tips to Help Reduce Migraine Pain Immediately

Migraines are a huge problem for a lot of the population. The migraine pain that comes with it is often excruciating, and many people resort to medication as a method for managing that pain.

But what if there were supplementary treatments that could help reduce migraine pain? You may still need to use painkillers, but you might be able to rely on them much less. The secret lies in mindfulness!

Mindfulness is the act of being present in the current moment, accepting the situations you can’t control, and regulating your emotions, thoughts, and responses. It’s great for mental and physical health, and it may also be capable of relieving the pain from migraines! How? Here are five mindfulness tips to help reduce migraine pain immediately.

Meditative Practices to Reduce Migraine Pain

Mindfulness and meditation often get lumped together as one and the same, but they’re not definitions of each other. However, meditation is a common tool to further drive mindfulness. If you’re looking for a good way to handle migraine pain, this is a good place to start.

Studies have shown that mindfulness practices involving meditation can be useful as alternative migraine treatments. They also have lots of other benefits related to reducing inflammation, improving pain tolerance, reducing stress levels, and improving quality of life.

When you feel a migraine setting in, you can work to reduce that migraine pain by performing a few meditative practices. It’s hard to be mindful directly when you’re in pain, and meditation can be a good way to help the process. You can try one of the following methods:

migraine pain

1 – Rhythmic Breathing for Migraine Pain

This process is a common technique used for relaxation, and it can help you with your migraine pain. Start by entering a comfortable lying or sitting position. Loosen your muscles and any tight clothing, close your eyes, and get cozy. Once ready, breath in slowly through your nose. As you do this, count to six. Once you finish your six-count inhale, hold your breath for four counts. Then, exhale slowly to another count of six. Repeat the process for many minutes, focusing on your breathing the whole time. Don’t allow your brain to wander – focus only on your breathing and how air enters and exits your body and affects the rise and fall of your stomach.

2 – Do Guided Meditation to Decrease Migraine Pain

If you need some help with your meditation, try some gentle guided meditation. Mindfulness meditation apps and videos are easily available online for you to use, and they’re easy to follow and evocative for effectiveness. If you can’t listen to audio while experiencing migraine pain, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of regular guided meditation outside of migraines. That way, when you do have a migraine, you can immediately get into your normal meditation routine for mindfulness.

3 – Go For A Walk Could Lessen Migraine Pain

This might not be the best idea for those with severe migraine pain. But if you’re able to, a meditative walk – done in a safe location – can be a great way to get into mindfulness. Put on some comfortable shoes and find a good place to walk, preferably surrounded by nature. Start to walk and focus completely on your legs and feet and how they feel as you move. Pay close attention to each motion of your body and muscles. Take your time focusing on one group of muscles at a time, going from your feet up to your face. Of course, again, walking might not be feasible when you’re in the middle of a migraine. This is a practice better reserved for when you first start noticing migraine symptoms or when you’ve come out of the worst of a migraine.

4 – The C.A.R.E Technique and Migraine Pain

Miles for Migraine’s Executive Director, Shirley Kessel, spoke on a Facebook Live stream by the American Migraine Foundation about this. She explained that mindfulness gives people the ability to slow down so they can stop focusing on worries about the future and pain from the past.

Kessel stated that stress is one of the biggest triggers for migraines, accrediting over 70% of cases to this cause. Mindfulness can help to reduce the severity of migraine pain, as it allows you to stay in the present, free yourself from judgment, and acknowledge how you feel. You’ll be able to better regulate migraine-causing stress that way.

For this purpose, Kessel recommends using the C.A.R.E process. This mindfulness technique is described by her as follows:

C: Check-In

Start by focusing on yourself and asking yourself how you’re doing. You can also use the question “What is here right now?”. This gives you the chance to truly check in with yourself and determine how you’re feeling at that exact moment. This is a big first step to mindfulness. Be present and make sure you answer that question honestly! If you have trouble getting in touch with yourself, focus first on deep breathing, feeling each rise and fall of your chest. A lot of us naturally avoid acknowledging painful emotions because we don’t want to get lost in them. Take time to bring yourself to a state where you can consider your feelings and take inventory of yourself!

A: Allow

This step involves allowing the current moment to simply exist as is without trying to fix, solve, or change it. This even applies if you’re feeling something bad or painful. It’s tough, but it has to be done. This is an important part of learning proper acceptance without judgment. The sooner you stop judging yourself for how you feel, the better. And, of course, the sooner you learn to accept situations outside of your control, the less stress you will experience over them. There’s a lot of power in saying that you’re allowing these circumstances to simply exist as they are. The act of such detachment is incredible for migraines, migraine pain, and mental health.

R: Respond

Once you’ve checked in and allowed the situation to be as it is, you now need to respond to it. When the migraine pain has started to subside, consider what is currently needed and what you can do to improve your situation. Sometimes, this means simply distracting yourself from something that you can’t control and doing something to relax or unwind. At other times, this means taking a more direct approach. Since it’s stress we’re discussing, the right response might be to delegate tasks, ask for help, or organize your schedule. Or it might be to do a few stress-reducing exercises or de-stress with a relaxing night in!

E: Embody

If you want to really reduce migraine pain off the bat, you can’t leave out the final step of C.A.R.E, which is embodying mindfulness. To do this, you must focus on the question “what is enough?” or “how much is enough?”. This involves incorporating mindfulness into your everyday life and determining exactly how much of it that you need. Once you get into the habit of regularly putting mindfulness to work, this will come more naturally. Though you still may experience periodic migraines, you’ll have less migraine pain overall as you stay aware of the present, always.

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5 – Daily Intention-Setting Can Reduce Migraine Pain

If you experience migraines and migraine pain almost daily, it may be time to incorporate mindfulness into your routine in a reliable way. Getting that mindfulness time first thing when you wake up can reduce the chance of a severe migraine later in the day. After all, research shows a reliable link between migraine relief and mindfulness.

Intention-setting is a great daily form of mindfulness and should be done when you wake up every morning. This connects you to your daily goals, personal state, and aligns your subconscious and conscious mind with each other. It also motivates you, so you’ll be more productive on top of being able to potentially better manage your migraines.

To perform daily-intention setting, follow these steps:

Step 1

Wake up and immediately begin. Don’t check your phone or emails. This is really best done as soon as you wake up for the first time that day. You can also do it if you need to reorient yourself after naps. Sit up, either in a chair or in your bed, staying comfortable. Feel the cushion beneath you and keep your back straight but relaxed. Close your eyes and draw awareness to yourself and the present with the first two steps of C.A.R.E.

Step 2

Breathe in and out deeply. Use the rhythmic breathing methods – six counts of inhalation, four counts of holding, and six counts of exhaling. Do this three to five times before allowing your breath to naturally settle into a pace that is most natural to you. Follow that natural instinct and stay aware of your body and how it moves with each breath.

Step 3

Once your breathing is regulated, ask yourself what you want to do today or what your intention for the day is. You can ask yourself general questions or opt for more focused inquiries. For example, “What quality do I want to develop?”, “How can I feel most fulfilled today?”, or “How can I best make my desired impact?” are great questions. You can even ask yourself multiple questions as long as you answer them honestly and don’t overwhelm yourself.

Step 4

Set your daily intention firmly. These intentions can be set with a positive and specific affirmation. For example, you might say “I will be confident at work today and trust in my capabilities.” Or you might say “I will remember my self-worth and value.” You can also string multiple things together, such as “Today, I will be kind to myself, eat well and nourish my body, persevere through challenges, and be tolerant of those around me.” Repeat the intention a couple of times so it sticks.

Step 5

Check-in regularly, following the C.A.R.E technique if desired, throughout the day. When you feel migraines begin to surface, draw your attention to your daily intentions and you might just notice that the migraine pain slowly ebbs away.

migraine pain

Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Reduce Migraine Pain Immediately

Migraine pain is no joke, but mindfulness may be able to help reduce its severity. Tips such as using meditative practices, the C.A.R.E technique, and daily intention-setting can help facilitate those beneficial results.

10 Ways to Communicate with Spiritual Beings Around You

Almost all concepts in the Universe have a polar opposite. For example, yin and yang, light or dark, good or evil, sacred versus profane, etc. Likewise, the temporal world and spiritual world are mirrored images. You can connect with spiritual beings as quickly as earthly ones.

You need to know how to open up your soul and listen for a response.

Four Types of Benevolent Spiritual Beings

If you’re unsure about believing in supernatural beings, they understand. The good news is that they believe in you and want to help you on your spiritual journey. These are four types of benevolent celestial guardians that you probably recognize.

1. Angels

Angelic beings inhabit most religious and cultural traditions in some way. They are divine messengers sent to help their mortal charges. Archangels help with healing and offer guidance, while guardian angels protect from physical and psychic dangers.

Since the beginning, they have been popular subjects in art, music, and literature. Although they’ve been known to assume human form, they’ve never been mortal. Angels are often depicted with wings and swift messengers in the heavens, but they don’t always have wings.

spiritual beings

2. Ascended Masters

Unlike angels, these celestial beings were once human and have transcended into immortality. They are often religious figures of reverence, such as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, or the Virgin Mary. Saints from all religious traditions are also part of this magnificent spiritual heritage.

3. Departed Loved Ones

The bond that connects you with your loved ones isn’t broken at death. They awaken spiritually and continue their relationship of love and devotion. Their spirits work to help you in your bleakest moments, just like they did when they were alive on Earth.

4. Spirit Animals

Many world religions recognize the spirituality of all animals. They believe that the spirits of departed animals connect with humans. They can offer mortals their noted attributes on a spiritual level.

How to Communicate with Spiritual Beings

You must communicate with your spirit guides and other heavenly beings with an open and honest heart. When you’re open to their messages, you’ll be surprised at how you mature mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Here are ten ways for you to consider communicating in spiritual realms.

1. Practice Living in the Present

Getting lost in your thoughts in a society that urges multitasking is easy. You’re often so caught up in life that you haven’t time to open your spiritual senses. Regrets of the past and anxiety for the future hinder the moment’s blessings.

If you want to be more aware of the spiritual beings in your life, try to be available for it. Practice meditation or a mindful exercise to bring your mind, body, and spirit into the present. You may be surprised that heavenly messages have been waiting for you.

2. Look For Signs from the Spiritual Beings That Guide You

If you are new to spiritual awakening, communicating with your spiritual beings may feel intimidating. Your rational mind is used to verify beliefs by the physical senses. It isn’t easy to accept something or someone you can’t see with your eyes and hear with your ears.

Your loving spirit guides understanding of your human limitations and innate need for proof. That’s one of the reasons they leave subtle clues that are only relevant to you. Some of these signs may be so obvious that you don’t recognize them.

Since spirit beings are associated with flying, they often use birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and ladybugs as signs. They also enjoy sending you a caressing breeze or leaving objects, like pennies or pretty stones, to get your attention. It’s their way of assuring you of their benevolent presence and their wish for your happiness.

Also, they’re not a bit offended if you ask them for a specific sign. For example, you may request that someone give you flowers immediately. Or maybe you could ask to see a hummingbird in a place they usually don’t visit.

3. Seek More Knowledge about Spiritual Beings

The reward of diligent seekers is knowledge and discovering what they want. If you want to learn more about your heavenly guardians, research. The public library and the internet are virtual treasure troves of information about spirituality.

You may also find a trusted mentor with experience working with spirit guides and the cosmic realms. They can share their knowledge and expertise and offer practical advice. Remember that your beloved guardians long to share their infinite wisdom with you.

4. Remember to Use Spiritual Rules of Etiquette

While many ascended masters and other spiritual beings were once human, some never were. However, it’s essential to remember that they appreciate the same consideration you show to your earthly family and friends. Etiquette in the spiritual realms is congruent to those in the physical world.

When you welcome your spirit guides into your life, treat them as the adoring friend they are. They will happily tell you their name and more about them if you ask. Your celestial guardians also like to be treated respectfully, so “please” and “thank you” are always in order.

5. Cultivate Your Spiritual Side

As a triune being, caring for your spirit is just as important as caring for your body and mind. Indeed, it can make you more gracious, compassionate, and self-actualized.

Resolve to do something every day to cultivate your spirituality. Meditation, yoga, and visualization are excellent tools to open your third eye. The more time you spend in celestial realms, the deeper your connections to spiritual beings will be.

spiritual beings

6. Learn How to Use Divination Tools

Humans developed physical tools over millions of years to make life’s tasks more manageable. Essential tools like the wheel, fulcrum, and levers opened doors for countless tools and innovations in the modern world. Likewise, divination tools are necessary for working in spiritual dimensions.

Divination tools can help you communicate effectively with your heavenly guardians. Choose one that feels right or “speaks” to you. Consider tarot cards, runes, crystals, or I Ching coins.

7. Develop Your Intuition to Detect Spiritual Beings

Did you know you can develop and strengthen your intuitive skills like your muscles? According to an article by the University of Minnesota, it can help you identify and understand your intuitive experiences. The more you practice, the more you increase its usefulness.

Use meditation and visualization and learn how to trust your inner voice. Your spirit guides often use telepathy to speak to you, so it’s an essential skill to hone. Your intuition is a direct line to the heavens and the compassionate spirit beings who long to communicate with you.

8. Communicate with Your Guides Daily

The difference between a friend and an acquaintance is the depth of familiarity and relationship. You may greet a next-door neighbor each morning, but that doesn’t mean you’ve formed a bond. Close friendship requires work, time, and consideration from both parties.

The same principle applies to spiritual relationships as earthly ones. Opening your heart daily and conversing with your celestial guardians creates a stronger bond. You’ll probably notice a difference in your life’s outlook when you spend quality time with these heavenly companions.

9. Trust Your Guides with a Situation

The test of any vibrant relationship is the ability to trust each other. Knowing someone has your back when you’re in distress is a blessing. You also feel honored that a friend has the same confidence in you.

Your spiritual guides are eternally at your side and have your best interests at heart. While they’ll never overstep their boundaries against your free will, they are pleased to help. The key is that you must be willing to allow them.

Try trusting them with more minor issues in the beginning to build trust. You’re short on time and need a good parking spot. Humbly ask your spirit guides for help and be ready to thank them for the anticipated results.

Once you’ve built faith in your heavenly helpers, it’ll be easier to lean on them for more urgent requests. Remember that they’re not genies who will shower you with treasure. They aim to protect you and gently guide you on your destined path.

10. Keep a Journal to Record Interactions with Spiritual Beings

Forming a loving relationship with your spiritual guardians is an adventure every day. Some of the blessings and miracles you’ll encounter may be too numerous to remember. Consider keeping a journal of your spiritual connections as a point of reference and faith-building.

It can be as minimal or elaborate as possible because it’s for your eyes only. Of course, you can share it with a trusted friend if you like. Record any signs and spiritual impressions you see each day and any messages from your spirit guides.

Maybe you have the psychic gift of automatic writing or drawing. These are phenomena that the spirits do through your hands. It’s another way they must communicate with you.

spiritual beings

Final Thoughts about Communicating with Spiritual Beings

Did you know that your loving spiritual guardians are as eager to speak to you as you are to them? Once you connect with their benevolent presence, you’ll never be the same. They knew you before birth and have always been by your side.

13 Key Signs of High-Functioning Depression Never to Ignore

High-functioning depression is perhaps more insidious than we can imagine. It impacts people across the board–even those with significant successes in life.

In Michelle Obama’s podcast, she admits, I’m waking up in the middle of the night, cause I’m worrying about something, or there’s a heaviness … There have been periods … where I just, have felt too low … I know that I am dealing with some form of low-grade depression.

Ms. Obama’s description of what she experienced, calling it low-grade depression, is often called high-functioning depression. This type of depression can plague individuals even in the midst of what seems to those outside to be an everyday, happy, active life.

What is high-functioning depression?

High functioning depression’s scientific name is Persistent Depressive Disorder. NIH estimates that approximately 2.5% of adults in the United States experience Persistent Depressive Disorder at some point in their lives.

High-functioning depression is the term most people use today to describe this type of depression that remains even though a person functions in their work, at home, or in school. It often goes unnoticed by family and friends and sometimes even by the person who has it.

Sadly, many people who have HFD believe they don’t need to get help because they’re able to “press through” their sadness. They feel happy on the surface but could be still battling underlying symptoms of depression.

hiding depression

What are the 13 key signs of high-functioning depression?

High-functioning depression is hard to detect because the symptoms are less debilitating and less visible than other depression. The symptoms of this condition include:

  1. Insomnia or sleeping too much
  2. Loss of appetite or overeating
  3. Fatigue
  4. Lack of concentration
  5. Feelings of hopelessness
  6. Feelings of sadness
  7. Poor self-esteem
  8. Lack of energy or motivation
  9. Feelings of guilt about your past
  10. Tearfulness
  11. Irritability
  12. Easily overwhelmed
  13. Getting frustrated easily

Your symptoms may last for a couple of days, or you may constantly have a poor mood that lasts for years. Most people can live reasonably normally but still struggle on the inside. If you struggle with HFD, remember, you’re not alone. There is a treatment for your depression. You don’t need to suffer.

Why is it hard to notice high-functioning depression symptoms?

People who experience high functioning depression rarely have paralyzing depression symptoms. They can usually go about their everyday life and routine with no signs of sadness. They have energy and seem to experience satisfaction and enjoyment. But those individuals who suffer from HFD will describe how they feel inside as “numbness.”

This situation is why mental health providers may misdiagnose HFD. Plus, those who suffer from it have a problem acknowledging their real feelings.

Who is most at risk for high-functioning depression?

Specific individuals are more susceptible to depression, including those who have

  • Family history of depression
  • Trauma, stress, or significant life changes happening
  • Taking certain medications or physical illness

Why don’t individuals who suffer from high functioning depression seek help?

Those who struggle with high functioning depression don’t always seek help because they may feel like their depression isn’t as severe or persistent. They may tell themselves that it isn’t a real problem or don’t want to bother their family or friends.

Maybe they feel as if they should go through the pain and suffer in silence. This may cause those who suffer from high functioning depression to feel isolated. Because they don’t seek help, they feel even more isolated and sad until they increase their risk of suicide. All types of depression are treatable. The first step is to talk with a counselor. They may prescribe medications to help control your depressive feelings and thoughts.

What can help individuals who suffer from high functioning depression?

Besides taking medication and regularly seeing your therapist, you can do some practical things to help fight high-functioning depression.


Accept the fact that you have this persistent condition. By accepting that you experience high functioning depression, you can feel relief or grief. It’s the first step to being able, to be honest with yourself.

Acknowledge that it affects your life. Once you’ve accepted this, you can adjust your life around it if needed.

high-functioning depression

Keep the faith

Connect to God. Find time every day to pray and read about God. Seeking help from a higher being will add meaning and purpose to your life. It can bring a sense of peace and calm to your heart and mind.

Disconnect once in a while

Limit your screen time on your iPhone or computer. There’s such a thing as screen time depression. If you look at a screen for several hours per day, it can make you feel anxious and depressed.

Discuss your emotions

Talk about how you’re feeling. Talking out your sadness and anxiety can help you feel better. Don’t worry about talking about your depressive symptoms. Don’t hide your feelings. In the end, others will be glad you were honest with them.

Keep a routine

A simple daily routine when you eat, exercise, work, and sleep can help reduce your symptoms.

Exercise to decrease high-functioning depression

Getting regular exercise sets off brain molecule changes that enhance your sense of happiness.

Enjoy nature

Get outside. Getting outside is a natural cure for depression. Whether you run, hike or walk, the fresh air and sunshine can help improve your mood. Plus, you get your blood going, allowing you to feel physically better.

Be social

Plan social activities. That’s because even if you don’t want to, time spent with your family and friends helps alleviate your sense of isolation and loneliness.


Try yoga classes, meditation, or massage to fight your high-functioning depression.

Connect in the community

Get active in your community. It may be helpful to get your mind off yourself and focus on the needs around you. Get involved in your community by volunteering at an animal shelter, homeless shelter, or food bank. Maybe you could tutor kids after school to help them learn to read or coach a kid’s baseball team.

How can you help someone with high-functioning depression?

The main thing that you can do for someone suffering from high functioning depression is to let them know you’re there for them. It’s not always easy, but your presence can be crucial for admitting and finding help for their depression. Here are some ways to help someone you know who is suffering from high-functioning depression.

  • Acknowledge that their feelings are valid and authentic.
  • Please encourage them to get counseling.
  • Help them keep a regular schedule of eating, exercising, and sleep.
  • Remember that you’re limited to what you can do. You can’t force them to do something.
  • Don’t judge them.

Things to watch for include:

  1. Hygiene changes such as changes in bathing, shaving, or other toiletries could be a sign of depressive states.
  2. Changes in eating habits. Weight loss or weight gain without trying.
  3. Suicidal thoughts or talk. Here are a few signals. Finding a new home, giving away treasured items, writing a will, sending an email or text that apologizes for things that happened in the past.

If someone you love has suicidal thoughts, get help right now.

Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline right as soon as possible at 1-800-273-8255. You may want to text the crisis text line at 741741. These services are open 24/7 and free. The calls are confidential. If you are concerned about a friend’s social media posts, you can directly connect with the social media outlet or dial 911 on your iPhone and explain your concerns.

Do you have high-functioning depression?

How do you know if you’re dealing with high functioning depression? Here are some signs that you may deal with a form of high-functioning depression.

  • People describe you as gloomy. You rarely see the bright side of things.
  • Have you been called lazy because you can’t get the energy to do things?
  • You don’t feel good about yourself. You hate compliments but like to criticize yourself.
  • Your weight goes up and down because your appetite grows or diminishes depending on how you feel.
  • You cry about things easily or feel hopeless for no reason.
  • You aren’t performing well at work or school.
  • You’re tempted to take something like alcohol or drugs to feel better.

high-functioning depression

Final thoughts on overcoming high-functioning depression

Some people like to call high functioning depression the invisible illness. It’s hard to admit your struggles with depression but usually have the chance to talk about what you’re going through help. Mental struggles aren’t something to be ashamed of, and many people have similar struggles. If you struggle with high functioning depression, be sure to talk with a doctor or counselor right away. There are successful treatments for your depression. You don’t need to suffer alone.

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