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Counselors Reveal 6 Negative Feelings to Release Immediately

Did you know negative feelings get stored in our bodies, making us feel chronically stressed? When we don’t release our emotions, they build up inside us until we eventually explode. It’s a massive problem in the modern world because many people feel trapped in certain situations. This leads to stress, which can cause innumerable health problems.

However, even if we can’t alter our environment, we can change our attitude about it. Frequently, it’s not the circumstance that causes negative feelings but our perceptions. To live a happy, fulfilled life, it’s essential to release destructive thoughts and feelings. By doing so, you will feel much lighter and connect with life and people on a deeper level.

Trapped negative feelings can lead to mental and physical health issues if left unchecked. Some research links negative attitudes to chronic stress, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure, to name a few conditions. People today experience ill health for various reasons, many out of their control.

However, we can control our attitude about life, which isn’t dependent on outer circumstances. For example, many people in third-world countries are happier than those in the Western world, which proves this theory. So, if you want to become more optimistic and release negative feelings, keep these in mind as you emotionally detox.

Self-Help Expert Reveals 6 Negative Feelings Everyone Should Release Immediately

negative feelings

1 – Feeling stuck

You know that feeling when you have so many dreams and goals but can’t seem to get off the couch. Or when you feel like a bystander to your own life, just watching as it passes you by. This stuck feeling means you have trapped energy somewhere in your mind or body. You need to ask yourself what’s causing it and how you can move beyond the feeling.

Perhaps it’s just a gentle reminder you need to switch up your routine or try something new. It could mean taking more radical action, such as changing careers or moving to a new city. Either way, feeling trapped means you need to dig a little deeper to uncover the root cause.

2 – Guilt

Guilt manifests in our consciousness when we’re too hard on ourselves. We might replay events from the past and continue blaming ourselves or feel guilty in the present for taking time to rest instead of being productive 24/7. This toxic emotion causes so many people to suffer needlessly.

We expect too much from ourselves and others, so we naturally feel disappointed and ashamed when we don’t live up to our wildly unrealistic expectations. When you find this negative feeling creeping up on you, remember that you’re worthy already and don’t need to do anything to earn acceptance.

3 – Shame

Many people today also harbor this negative feeling. We feel ashamed for so many reasons – our weight, financial status, career choice, being an introvert, and so on. Our need to label ourselves and ideas as “good” or “bad” led us to this predicament. If you’re feeling shame, stop what you’re doing and repeat after me: “I am enough. I’m proud of who I’ve become. Other people’s opinions of me are none of my business.”

Shame is a very low vibrational energy that drains the life force right out of you. Instead of judging yourself and analyzing everything you’ve done wrong, why not shift that energy into something more positive? Don’t allow negative feelings to take up space in your head because they’re robbing you of your divine birthright to happiness.

negative feelings

4 – Overwhelm

This negative feeling arises when we have too much on our plates. Type A personalities can probably relate to this because they always have a million projects going on. However, even go-getters need a break sometimes, so remember to back off the gas pedal when you’re feeling exhausted. There’s nothing wrong with achieving things in life, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your health, family, and inner peace.

5 – Anxiety (one of the most outcomes of negative feelings)

Anxiety affects millions of people worldwide and is one of the most common mental illnesses. Sadly, the pandemic seems to have exacerbated mental health problems during these uncertain times. However, we can still rein in these negative feelings by practicing mindfulness. If you’re grappling with anxiety, try these simple tips:

  • Remember to breathe. When you’re anxious, your breathing gets fast and shallow, which only makes you feel worse. Breathe deeply and calmly, focusing only on your breath. This will help you regain equilibrium and clear your mind.
  • Simplify your life. Modern society does have its perks, but it comes at the steep price of our mental health. Just because the world is complicated doesn’t mean you have to follow along, however. Do away with unnecessary material items, find a job you enjoy that isn’t overly demanding, and create your joy.
  • Reframe the situation. Remember, it’s often our attitude that determines our reality, not our outer circumstances. When you feel anxious, remember the threats aren’t real – it’s just your mind playing tricks on you.

6 – Regret

Like shame, regret lowers your energy levels because it keeps you stuck in the past. There’s no point in dwelling on past mistakes because you can’t change the outcome. Forgive yourself for anything you’ve done wrong, and move on with your life. Remember the lesson, but don’t define yourself by it.

negative feelings

Final Thoughts on Releasing the Negative Feelings That Weigh You Down

Negative feelings make you feel heavy, mentally and emotionally. When we bear their weight for too long, it can lead to physical and mental health problems, becoming chronic. It’s time for humanity to move past the negative reality we’re creating and usher in a new paradigm. However, we can only do that when we decide to free ourselves from the burden of negative feelings.

Start today by cleansing yourself of any feelings or thoughts that no longer serve you. You’ll feel a massive weight off your shoulders and have a more cheerful outlook on life as well.

15 Positive Mantras to Help Be Happy Every Day

Positive mantras promote concentration, focus, and confidence. They allow you to feel better and be happy every day as you learn to eliminate negative thinking. These daily affirmations can help with quieting anxiety and maintaining a healthy brain.

Repeat the mantras each morning as you get ready for your day. It’ll start you out on the right path, promoting happiness from the start. Then, use the positive mantras again anytime you feel negativity creeping into your thoughts throughout the day.

You will also benefit from using daily affirmations before bed each night. It calms your mind before you lay down to rest, helping you sleep better and solidifying the positive statements.

Writing the words down or printing them out can help you make them a part of your daily routine. When you see them as you start your day, you’ll take the time to repeat them. Then, you’ll have frequent reminders throughout the day, as well.

Fifteen Positive Mantras to Help Be Happy Every Day

After you become comfortable repeating the following positive mantas, you can come up with your own. The more often you use affirmations, the better they will work for you. Keep an open mind and allow yourself to believe the words.

positive mantras

1 – I am grateful for all the gifts life has given me.

Think about all of the experiences you’ve had, people you’ve loved, or things you’ve acquired. While you likely worked hard to have a good life, these blessings are still gifts.

Use this affirmation to remind yourself that you have great things, people, and opportunities in your life. With the reminder, you’re sure to be happy every day.

2 – I release negativity and open myself to positivity.

As you let go of negative thinking, it leaves space for positive thoughts. As soon as you start getting ready for your day, repeat this affirmation until you feel positivity flowing within. When you do, you’ll experience more positive thoughts throughout the day, allowing for happiness and peace.

3 – I am living a good life.

Even if you aren’t where you want to be yet, you still have a good life. When you use this positive mantra each day, you’ll remember to embrace what you have. Take a few minutes each day to remind yourself that all is well, and you’ll feel much happier.

4 – I am radiating love and accepting it in return.

When you tell yourself that you’re radiating love, you’ll find that it truly happens. Switching your mindset and thinking loving thoughts can make all the difference in your life. When you radiate love and are open to accepting it, you’ll feel happy every day.

5 – I am okay and happy right here, right now.

When times get hard in your life, using this mantra can help you refocus and calm your mind. No matter how chaotic things get, there is still good all around you.

As you say the words, envision things in your life right now that make you happy. Even in the most challenging times, you can think of something. Take a few moments to remind yourself that you are okay and open to happiness right now.

 6 – I am worthy of happiness.

Negative self-talk sometimes convinces you that you don’t deserve to be happy. However, you are worthy of happiness and deserve it every day of your life. Don’t let negativity convince you otherwise and hold you back from living the best possible life.

You don’t have to be like everyone around you to earn a happy life. Instead, you have to be yourself and be an excellent person to experience happiness.

7 – I am surrounded by incredible family and friends.

Many people view their loved ones as the essential thing in their lives. However, it’s easy to forget how great your support system is when times get hard. You might shut everyone out and try to tackle life’s challenges all alone, hindering your happiness.

This positive mantra serves as a reminder of the loving family and friends surrounding you. Think of your support system, and you’ll quickly experience happiness every day. It’ll also encourage you to reach out to them when you need a boost of positivity, as you’ll already be thinking of them.

8 – I love myself for who I am, and I strive to become better every day.

You can want to be a better version of yourself and still love who you are right now. It’s easy to think of who you want to be and beat yourself up for not being there yet. However, you’ll get there quicker if you love yourself and enjoy the person you are today.

Use this affirmation that even as you work to better yourself, you’re already great as you are. Embrace your body, mind, and life as they are now, and it’ll continue to improve.

positive mantras

9 – I am enough, just as I am right now.

You are enough for anything you want or need in life. Use this positive phrase to remind yourself that you have what it takes, no matter what your situation looks like right now. Things might get hard sometimes, but you are enough, and you can get through anything.

By using this positive mantra each morning, you’ll start the day knowing that you have what it takes. It boosts your confidence and self-esteem, making you happy each day of your life.

10 – I am letting go of things that aren’t good for me.

If you want to be happy every day, you must let go of things that no longer serve you. For starters, let go of the past and release the worry of the future. This phrase will help you focus on the present and what you can change.

This phrase may also encourage you to let go of other things that aren’t good for you. You’ll go through your day thinking about the words you repeated that morning, allowing you to prioritize things in your life. Before you know it, you’ll let go of all the things that disrupt your happiness and live a fulfilling life every day.

11 – I control my emotions, and I choose happiness.

You can decide how you feel, even when it seems like everything is falling apart. When you encounter an obstacle or something that upsets you, repeat this affirmation. It’ll remind you that no matter what happens, you can choose happiness and focus on the good things in your life.

12 – I forgive myself for the past and focus on the present.

If you haven’t forgiven yourself for past mistakes, you’ll struggle to find happiness each day. By repeating this mantra, you’ll release the past and stop beating yourself up for things you can’t change. You’ll start to focus on the present, allowing you to fully embrace what you have and who you are right now.

Holding onto mistakes from the past only hurts you and stands in the way of your dreams. Don’t be angry or hurt about what happened in the past because you can’t change that now. Use this affirmation to forgive yourself and move on in life.

13 – I am where I’m supposed to be right now.

Everything in life happens for a reason, so trust that you are right where you should be at this moment. You might not be where you want to be, but you can still embrace this stage of your life.

This affirmation reminds you to look for learning opportunities and experiences that can help you improve yourself and your life. You can only build your life on your previous experiences, and there’s a reason you are here right now.

14 – I am looking for things to laugh about.

Laughter is powerful and can help you find happiness each day. Experts say that laughing not only makes you happy but also increases oxygen intake, stimulating the heart, lungs, muscles, and other vital organs.

Laughter also releases endorphins into the brain, decreases heart rate, improves your immune system, and relieves stress. That’s not all, though, as it also reduces pain and increases personal satisfaction.

With all of the benefits of laughter, your happiness relies on finding something to laugh about every day. The more you laugh, the better you’ll feel and the happier you’ll be.

15 – I am calm and at peace.

When you tell yourself that you are calm and at peace, you’ll quickly feel happier about life. While this affirmation is beneficial to anyone, it is helpful for those who suffer from anxiety. It can help you refocus your thoughts and eliminate negative thinking before it gets out of control.

positive mantras

Final Thoughts on Positive Mantras to Help Be Happy Every Day

If you want to be happy every day, you must focus on positive thinking. These positive mantras can help you shift your mindset and start your day with positivity. They help eliminate negative thoughts and focus on the good things in your life.

Positive affirmations are the perfect way to change your habits and convince yourself that life is excellent. Your thoughts impact your emotions, so make sure you focus on the good things in your life.

15 Best Chair Exercises to Burn Fat at Home

If you prefer home workouts, you will love these chair exercises that help burn fat! This is a full-body workout that you can do in just over two minutes. All you need is yourself and a chair, so let’s get to working out!

15 Best Chair Exercises to Burn Fat at Home

Try these moves from the video to get fitter without hitting the gym.

chair exercises

1 – Chair squat exercises

For this chair exercise, sit down in the chair, then stand up straight and squeeze your glutes, bringing your hands down by your sides. Then, lower your body until you’re hovering over the chair to perform the squat, bringing your hands together. Do this for ten seconds, or for several sets if you prefer.

2 – Chair triceps dip

Place your hands on the sides of a chair and straighten your legs out in front of you. Lift your feet so that only your heels touch the ground. Now, lower your bottom as far as possible without compromising your posture. Your body should look like an “L” when you’re performing the exercise. Now, lift your arms and body back up to the starting position, and repeat for ten seconds.

Also, make sure you’re not swinging your elbows out to the sides during this exercise, as this can cause injury.

3 – Knee crunches

For this chair exercise, sit sideways in a chair and bring your legs straight out in front of you, hovering them slightly over the chair. Lean your torso back slightly. Holding onto the back of the chair with one hand, crunch your knees toward your chest. You can cross your arms over your chest during the exercise if this feels more comfortable. Repeat for ten seconds.

4 – Chair leg circles

Slide the chair in front of you until it’s a leg’s length away. Swing one leg over the top of the chair, then squat and repeat on the other side. Continue this for ten seconds, or do more reps if you prefer.

5 – Chair push-up exercise

Bring the chair in front of you and hold your hands on the sides. Bring your legs behind you until you’re in push-up position, then bend your body down toward the chair. When you’re performing the exercise, make sure to keep your core strong and your chest lifted. Repeat for ten seconds.

6 – Donkey kicks

For this chair exercise, sit in front of the chair, then bend down and rest your hands on the edges, keeping your arms straight. With your shoulders and bottom aligned, kick your right leg up and back as far as you can. Repeat on this side for ten seconds, then switch sides.

7 – Chair front squats

Lift a lightweight chair over your head and get into squat position. Then, squat down until you’re parallel with the floor, keeping your chest out and back straight. Squat as low as you can, then bring yourself back up and repeat for ten seconds.

8 – Chair split squat

For this chair exercise, stand about two feet in front of a chair and lift one leg up behind you, resting your foot on the edge of the chair. Then, squat down as low as you can, holding your hands in front of you for balance. If this is too hard on your joints, feel free to modify by not squatting as low. Repeat on each side for ten seconds.

9 – Chair plank crunches

Get into push-up position in front of a chair, but place your feet on the edge of the chair. Once you feel stable, crunch your right leg into your chest and bring it back to the chair. Repeat on the left side, and keep alternating sides for ten seconds.

To avoid the chair sliding backwards, you might want to put a heavy object behind it for support. Alternatively, you could do this exercise using the edge of your bed or a small bench.

10 – Chair side lunge

For this chair exercise, stand beside the chair with one foot resting on the edge. Keep that leg straight and bend the other leg to perform the lunge. Make sure you’re standing straight with your shoulders aligned and chest out. Repeat for ten seconds on each side.

11 – Chair elbow-to-hands plank

Get back into the push-up position you were in for exercise 9 with your legs on the chair, except this time, you’ll be doing planks. Start out on your hands and then get down on your elbows, alternating positions for ten seconds. Try not to compromise on form for this one; keep your back straight and core tight.

12- Chair bent over row

Time for some back exercises! Stand up straight and hold the chair in front of you so the legs poke out on each side of your body. Get into a squat position and lift the chair straight up toward your chest. Keep your elbows close to your body as you perform this exercise. Repeat for ten seconds.

13 – Knee to jump squats

For this chair exercise, stand in front of the chair, then drop down to your knees and sit back until your bottom touches your legs. Next, if you’re able, jump up onto your feet from this position and step onto the chair. Step back down, drop onto your knees, and repeat for ten seconds.

14 – Lower back extension

Lay across the chair on your stomach, and keep your legs and arms straight. Now, lift your shoulders, arms and legs simultaneously to give the lower back a workout. Repeat for ten seconds. Only lift your legs as high as you’re comfortable with.

15 – Roman leg raise chair exercise

For this chair exercise, sit down in the chair with your legs out in front of you. Then, keeping your legs together and knees slightly bent, lift your legs in front of you, then bring them back down. Next, lift them slightly to the right, and bring them back down. Come back into center position and repeat. Then, repeat on the left side. Perform this exercise for ten seconds.

chair exercises

Final Thoughts on Chair Exercises You Can Do At Home

We hope you enjoyed this simple, yet effective chair exercises workout. If you’re short on time but still want an intense workout, this is the perfect routine for you! Let us know if you try it out in the comments.

12 Behaviors That Reveal a Damaged Relationship (and How to Fix It)

How do you tell if you’re damaged relationship is beyond repair? Are there specific signs you should look for, or is it a feeling that you get deep down in your soul? People get divorced and break up every day, but how can you fix what’s wrong in your relationship to make it for the long haul?

Twelve Signs of a Damaged Relationship

Below are some of the most ominous signs that there’s some serious trouble in your relationship. Additionally, there are ways that you can fix each one of these common issues. Every relationship goes through ups and downs, but it’s what you do in these downtimes that matters most.

1. Communication is Nonexistent in a Damaged Relationship

One of the essential things in a relationship is communication. When you don’t communicate with your partner, you open the door for speculation. You need to know what’s going on in one another’s lives outside of the home.

•How to Open the Lines of Communication

It would help if you made time to talk. Even if you need to schedule a half-hour each evening to catch up, ensure you know what’s happening in their life. Never assume anything about each other; you should make it a point to learn about their day.

damaged relationship

2. Arguments are Plentiful

Sometimes couples get in a rut and argue just for the sake of arguing. You may not even know what you’re fighting about, but the underlying tension seems to spark debate.

•How to Keep Calm When You Argue

The next time you feel things get heated, walk away and take a breather. People often say things they don’t mean in anger, so it’s best to count to ten and come back and revisit the discussion.

3. There’s no Laughter in a Damaged Relationship

If you’re not laughing together, then things have become too serious. It would help to laugh as much as you talked about bills, kids, and responsibilities.

•How to Restore Joy

Try watching a comedian, visiting a comedy club, or viewing funny videos on YouTube. It would be best to laugh together to help repair your damaged relationship. Even if it takes a trip down memory lane to make you chuckle, make sure you spend time laughing and bonding.

4. One or Both Parties Harbor Hurts

It’s easy to be hurt after misunderstandings, dishonesty, or infidelity. Not communicating about things and letting your mind wander is another way that can creep in.

•How to Release Your Hurt Feelings

Never go to bed angry. Make a pact to talk everything out before you sleep, no matter how hard it is. You need to get something off your chest if something is bothering you.

Sweeping things under the rug to deal with another day will only create more drama. One day, you will have no choice but to tear up the carpet and expose all the rubbish you’ve been avoiding.

5. Physical Aspects of the Relationship Have Died

If there’s no romance in your connection, it’s a sign that there’s a severe disconnect. If you were together for a long time, you would not be as hot for one another as you were earlier. However, if you’re not connecting physically, something is off emotionally.

•How to Rekindle the Spark

There needs to be some physical contact. You must make time for hugging, kissing, cuddling, and intimacy. You need a counselor to help you navigate the lack of intimacy in your relationship, as there’s a significant underlying cause.

According to the Huffington Post, if you’re not intimate at least ten times a year, your relationship is without intimacy. Sadly, most couples with this type of association don’t last long. The problem may be medically based, or it can be trouble between you.

6. Avoidance is Common if You Are in a Damaged Relationship

When there are underlying grievances and other issues, many couples will avoid one another. You’ll take overtime at work to keep from being home, and they might make excuses to stay away.

•How to Confront the First Signs of Trouble

Don’t let days, weeks, or months go by where you slowly drift apart. Call it out and get to the root cause when you see and feel this rift.

damaged relationship

7. Partners in a Damaged Relationship Often Push Each Other Away

There are many ways to push one another away, such as not spending time together, avoiding intimacy, or alienating one another from your life. The problem is that you’re purposely pushing the other person out, and they might keep going till they head out the door.

•How to Reconnect With Your Love

You’re together because you want to be together. There was a spark at one point, so you must find out how to reignite the fires of passion. Take a weekend trip together where you talk or try to date your partner again.

8. You Never Hear a Kind Word in a Damaged Relationship

When things escalate verbally, it’s easy for your connection to become a toxic relationship. Remember your parents telling you that if you didn’t have a kind thing to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all? If you’re calling names, getting angry, or being mean-spirited, don’t talk until you can calm down and chat.

•How to Make Your Language Kinder Again

When you’re being nasty with one another, it’s best to have a mediator help you see both sides. Having that third-party neutral person can be very helpful in allowing you to know where you’re wrong and what you need to do to fix it.

9. Lies and Deception

Are there lies and deceptions that have caused a damaged relationship? There’s a high cost to being deceptive. Those seeds of distrust linger and may poison your connection.

•How to Sort Fact from Fiction and Move Forward

Remember that even a half-truth can cause all sorts of issues. You need to be upfront and honest; if you’ve lied about something, you need to get it out in the open. There’s nothing hidden that isn’t going to come out eventually, so it’s better to hear it from you than from someone else.

10. Feelings of Frustration

It’s completely normal to feel frustrated at some point in your relationship. However, when you think those frustrations bubbling up as they’re becoming too much to handle, it’s time to do something about it.

•How to Let Go of the Pain

Resist the urge to talk about your troubles to other friends or relatives, states an article on Psycom. The more you talk about something, the more power you give it. It’s better to talk about these frustrations with your spouse. Don’t bury your feelings, but make a point each day to get things out in the open.

11. You’re Just Going Through the Motions

Sometimes, you feel like you’re just going through the motions in your damaged relationship. However, it would be best to remember that you also feel this way while driving or working. Getting bored and spicing things up occasionally is easy, so you must prioritize it.

•How to Refocus Your Attention on Your Partner

To fix boredom and routine, you must do something unplanned or that you usually wouldn’t do. Rather than having Taco Tuesday at home, why not visit a new restaurant you’ve wanted to try? Sometimes, you must change things and do the unexpected to keep your life from autopilot.

12. Partners in a Damaged Relationship Lead Separate Lives

By this point, you know that your damaged relationship isn’t going to make it if you don’t do something quickly. You’re living your life, and they’re living theirs. You two barely talk or spend time together; when you do, it’s probably surface things or argue. This is a wake-up call that you’re growing apart and creating a wedge that might not be salvageable.

•How to Become One with Your Partner Again

When you get to this place in a relationship, it’s time to evaluate things. Is this relationship worth saving? Are there too many hurts and issues under the surface that are choking the life out of the two of you? It might be best to cut your losses and move on.

However, it will take plenty of hard work and dedication if you want to fix things at this point. You will most likely need a therapist to step in and help you out, as things are at the breaking point, and you need professional guidance. The reason to have a relationship is to be together, and when you’re leading separate lives, you’re already making it loud and clear that you don’t need this person anymore.

damaged relationship

Final Thoughts on Damaged Relationships and How to Fix Them

Don’t be so quick to give up on your partner because you’ve hit a rough patch. If you’re together for any length of time, you will experience the ups and downs that are part of life. The key is that you experience these things together and never stop communicating.

Taking out life’s frustrations on the ones closest to you is effortless. However, it would help if you ran to them and not away from them. You can repair your damaged relationship if there’s still love, a sense of commitment, and a willingness to try.

These 12 Things Reveal a Spiritually Connected Couple

Everyone wants the fairy tale with the prince charming that rides in on his horse or the princess that fits the infamous glass slipper. Who doesn’t want someone to whisk them off their feet so that they can spend eternal bliss together? Consequently, you must remember that these are just fables with happy endings, but if you want a connection like a scripted romance, being spiritually connected is the key.

Do you consider you and your partner a strong couple, or do you have work to do even to make it another year? Good relationships don’t just fall out of the sky, as you must work hard to be the power couple you desire. If your relationship will last, you probably have a certain amount of karma in play.

You must remember that soul mates get divorced daily because they can’t make it. Life and circumstances get in the way that can interfere with a once strong connection. Have you ever heard of a couple that’s been married for 20 or 30 years suddenly getting divorced?

Here’s a Physical World Picture of a Spiritual Connection

spiritually connected

Even the best relationships are complicated, and you must connect deeper to keep that spark alive. Consider this scenario. Have you ever had an electrical problem in your home?

The electrician ensured every wire was tight and properly connected with the ground when your home was built. The ground wire is necessary because it safely directs all the excess electricity from your home into the ground. This line is required to bring equilibrium to your electrical system, but over time these connections fizzle, wires break, and sometimes they catch fire.

The same theory can be used in relationships. If your ground wire is faulty, it allows extra to build up and break your connection. The build-up can be stress from bills, not spending enough time together, and letting in-laws get in the way. Things can become toxic quickly, and a love that once burned so bright can have no power left to sustain it.

Signs of a Spiritually Connected Couple

A spiritual connection with someone doesn’t come quickly, but it can be done. Perhaps you already have a powerful union, and you think you’re one of the strong couples with what it takes to make it. Here are some signs that you’re spiritually connected to your partner.

1. There’s Mutual Respect When a Couple is Spiritually Connected

Respect goes a long way in a relationship. You can freely speak without judgment when connected with someone on a higher plane. They understand your heart and would never put you down for having an opinion different from theirs.

2. There’s Spiritual Compatibility

Being spiritually compatible is vast. If you believe in God and your partner is an atheist, it can cause severe disagreements. However, when you’re spiritually in tune, things flow so much better, and you can have deep conversations about the Universe, karma, and all the spiritual aspects of life.

3. You’re 100 Percent Comfortable if You Are Spiritually Connected

When couples first start dating, they wouldn’t dare burp in front of their partner. They still haven’t reached that comfort level that allows them to be themselves. In fact, some women might have a salad without croutons when they wants a steak and mashed potatoes.

However, when you reach this level of 100 percent comfort, you learn that your person gets you and loves you despite your faults. You don’t have to put on a facade or be anything other than your genuine self.

4. Your Connection is Undeniable

Some folks think having a spiritual bond is only about religion and the spirit world. However, the connection between two people deeply in love is so much more profound. For instance, assume you enter a crowded restaurant during the dinner rush.

Your eye catches a lady or gentlemen with whom you feel these undeniable connections, and you almost feel as if this whole event was scripted. Did you know that many people have the same experience finding their soul mates? It’s as if an unknown force has called you together at a specific time and place so that you can find one another.

5. They Have Your Back

There’s nothing in this world that feels better than knowing that someone has your back. If all the chips are down and everyone turns on you, they will support you regardless. Being spiritually connected means that even when the whole world turns against the person you love, they’re not going to high-tail and run.

6. You Complete Each Other’s Thoughts and Sentences

Strong couples and those who have been together for many years know what the other one is thinking before opening their mouth. Their connection is so deep that their souls seem intertwined. They can finish each other’s sentences and communicate through their thoughts without uttering a word.

spiritually connected

7. You Trust One-Another

The famous country crooner, Travis Tritt, wrote a song entitled “Can I Trust You with My Heart?” According to Genius, Tritt wrote the music for his then-girlfriend before asking her to become his wife. The lyrics show a man scared to take that final step because someone had hurt him earlier.

The song resonated with audiences, and when it was released in November 1992, it made it all the way to number one on the Billboard charts. This song encompasses this point, and people are afraid to be vulnerable and let their hearts be exposed because they don’t want to get hurt. However, when you’re spiritually connected, you’re meant to last for the long haul.

8. You Grow Together

Looking back over the many years of your lie, you see growth and change. A 40-year-old can’t imagine what was going through their mind when they were 20, and it almost seems like it was another life it’s been so long ago. However, you grow together when you’re in a spiritually committed relationship.

You look back at the start of your relationship and see how much stronger you’ve become and how you’ve become better people.

9. Your Love is Unconditional When You’re Spiritually Connected

Most people say they love each other unconditionally but only give lip service. They take off at the first sign of trouble. Loving someone with conditions is easy, but when you love someone removing those stipulations, it’s a whole other ballgame.

When you’re spiritually connected, you love one another through the bad times. Even if they end up in jail for a crime, you still love them because your connection is not one that’s easily broken.

10. Your Bond is Tight or Even Unbreakable

Have you ever examined a rope? You can find a strand in many thicknesses and variations, but the strongest one happens when you braid many strands into one. The Bible, in Ecclesiastes 49:9-12, talks about the cord of three strands and the strength behind it, and a spiritual relationship is very much like this strong cord.

Entering into a committed relationship with someone you love is easy, but staying together is hard and takes a lot of work. This passage of scripture is used in wedding ceremonies because it talks about how much stronger you are when you’re together and the importance of not letting anyone come in between you.

11. You Include Them in Anything if Spiritually Connected to Your Partner

Some couples take vacations without their partner, and they like to have a life outside of their love. However, you can’t imagine spending time without your significant other.

If you go on a trip, you want them by your side. They’re the sock to your shoe, and things don’t feel right without them. First and foremost, they’re your best friend.

12. You Have a Deeper Understanding of Yourself

Isn’t it amazing that spiritual love and connection make you understand yourself more? It’s often the case that when a couple falls in love, they lose themselves in the mix. However, it’s just the opposite when your passion is spiritually based.

When you find someone who loves and accepts you as you are, you also learn to get yourself. This person motivates you to move on, explore the world, and urges you to be a better person.

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Final Thoughts on Being a Spiritually Connected Couple

The difference between a stable relationship and a spiritual connection is light-years. When you have a deep and soulful bond with someone, it’s a beautiful experience. By taking the time and understanding the signs of a spiritually connected relationship, you can help to enhance your current connection.

Remember that not all relationships will have such a union, no matter how much work you put into it. It’s not always easy to develop such a deep bond but begin by building a solid foundation based on respect and go from there. Working together, you can strengthen your love and connection for one another, and your relationship will be another one written in the stars.

Navy Seals Use This One Simple Technique to Stay Calm Under Pressure

Everyone deals with pressure sometimes, and it can be hard to stay calm. Some people deal with it daily and must learn to remain calm no matter what happens. Navy SEALs use a simple technique to help reduce pressure and anxiety in hard times, and you can do it, too.

Your stress levels can spike many times throughout the day, so keeping them under control is essential. From work issues to personal and relationship problems, you will have quite a bit to deal with. While tension is a normal part of life, dealing with too much pressure can be debilitating.

Finding an effective way to cope with tense situations can help with anxiety or panic. It’ll help you keep it together and deal with the situation as best you can. Staying calm under pressure will help you find a positive solution and overcome anything.

When you learn the technique that Navy SEALs use, you’ll find it helps you keep cool. The Navy SEALs are a special forces unit of elite soldiers who experience extreme situations daily. While their duties are demanding, their method for staying calm isn’t, and you can implement it in your life.

How Navy SEALs Stay Calm Under Pressure

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Navy SEALs experience some of the most challenging situations imaginable, so they must learn how to manage pressure. They can’t wait until later to decompress when the experience requires their full attention immediately. SEALs must remain calm in even the most threatening situations.

Part of their training requires that they learn to stay calm under pressure. They train their brains to respond differently to overwhelming situations, exhibiting emotional control instead of fear. It helps them stay focused, alert, and functioning without panic and hesitation creeping in.

Navy SEALs use mental training to build mental strength and emotional fitness. It helps them regulate emotions and optimize their ability to make decisions. Mental training also helps them increase concentration and perform to the best of their abilities in any given situation.

These exercises teach SEALs to control their responses at the moment. It doesn’t take much to achieve the results yourself, as it’s all about your breath control.

The Technique Used by SEALs

The technique used by Navy SEALs is called box breathing. It’s a form of controlled deep breathing that helps regulate and calm your nervous system, reducing tension immediately. SEALs use it to manage their psychological reactions using physiological reactions.

Box breathing is easy, and you only have to do the following four steps:

  1. Inhale slow and deep through your nose, counting to four in your mind and letting the airflow into your belly
  2. Hold your breath to the count of four
  3. Exhale evenly through your mouthing, counting to four in your mind again
  4. Hold your breath for another four seconds

Repeat the four steps for five to ten minutes. It might help if you close your eyes during the process, but you don’t have to. After only a few breaths, you’ll start to notice the changes in your mind and body. Your body will relax, your mind will calm, and you’ll be better able to overcome the challenges.

The Benefits of This Technique That Navy SEALs Use

Whether you’re in a high-pressure job or want to improve your daily working life, this technique can help. You don’t have to be in a life-threatening situation to utilize the method and stay calm. It will help you stay focused during stressful times, allowing you to handle the experience effectively.

The most significant benefit you’ll experience is ensuring peak performance in all situations. You won’t panic and forget everything you learned, and you won’t shut down under pressure. It will help calm and regulate your nervous system, allowing you to relieve tension quickly.

It lowers stress levels immediately, helping you stay calm under pressure. It can also help you destress at the end of the night before you get into bed too. Without so much pressure as you lay in bed, you’re sure to sleep better.

Additionally, this technique helps regulate body temperature and reduces blood pressure. It has a positive effect on your mood, and it can help treat anxiety disorders and mild cases of depression.

You can practice anywhere and at any time, adding to the list of benefits. No matter what situation you encounter, you can rely on this technique to help you get your though. You’ll find that after you do it, you feel more levelheaded. It makes it easier to communicate effectively and find solutions to your problems.

Other Methods to Stay Calm Under Pressure (Because We Are Not All Navy SEALs)

While the Navy SEALs technique works wonders, there are other methods you can try, too. Learning to cope during stressful situations can help you stay calm under pressure every time.

Take a Deep Breath

When you breathe in slowly and deeply, it triggers the body to stop releasing stress hormones. You’ll start to relax quickly by focusing on your breaths to distract you from the tension. It’ll help you concentrate on the things happening around you now.

Take a few minutes to breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. Make sure you breathe into your belly and not just your chest, and hold the air in for a moment before exhaling.

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Focus on the Positive Aspects

Fixing the negative parts of a situation will make you feel anxious. Try focusing on the positive aspects instead. Even the worst experience has something positive if you take the time to look for it.

Staying positive allows you to avoid pressure and remain calm as you devise a plan. If you can’t think of any other positive about the situation, remember that it is an opportunity to learn and grow. Focusing on the positive aspects will keep your mind logical instead of letting emotions take over.

Get Enough Sleep Each Night

It’s harder to stay calm under pressure when you haven’t had enough sleep. Prioritize sleep, especially when you know you might be in a stressful situation. Go to bed earlier and avoid using electronics before bedtime.

When your body and mind are well-rested, you can keep calm in any situation. You’ll think with a clearer mind, and your emotions won’t stand in the way quite as much. Plus, you’re more likely to make a better decision when you’ve had enough sleep.

Take a Walk Outside

Exercise is one of the best ways to stay calm under pressure. It triggers the release of feel-good hormones, allowing you to clear your head and focus on overcoming the obstacle. Plus, the fresh air will help you gain a new perspective as you see that the situation isn’t impossible to overcome.


Meditation reduces tension and helps you manage your emotions better. It’ll help you stay calm in moments of pressure, allowing you to think clearly when needed.

You only need a few minutes of quiet time to concentrate on your breathing to meditate. When time is an issue, it doesn’t have to be lengthy. However, there are also more in-depth options for meditation if you have more time.

Practice Gratitude

Expressing gratitude for what you have right now will make you feel better. Spend time thinking about all the great people and things in your life, and you’ll keep a positive perspective.

Studies indicate that those who express gratitude daily have lower stress hormones. Take a few minutes daily to be thankful and clear your mind.

Learn to Be Okay with Discomfort

You can’t avoid every high-pressure event, so you must learn to be okay with discomfort. Become comfortable with feeling pressure so that you can stay calm as you work your way through it. Put yourself in situations that make you feel a little uncomfortable so you can start practicing.

Limit Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can trigger your body to produce excess stress hormones. If you know a high-pressure situation is imminent, limit your caffeine intake ahead of time. You might want to consider cutting caffeine out of your diet entirely if you’re prone to anxiety or often experience high-tension situations.

Ask For Some Help

Many people overwhelm themselves because they don’t want to ask for help. However, asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness because we all have different skill sets and knowledge. Ask someone to help you with tasks you know they’ll be good at, and you won’t feel so much pressure.

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Final Thoughts on How Navy SEALs Use This One Simple Technique to Stay Calm Under Pressure

You can’t always control what happens in your life, but you can learn to cope with it. Using the Navy SEALs technique to stay calm under pressure can help you in your daily life. You’ll be more productive as you have a clearer mind, and you will be more resilient to tension.

Box breathing can make a huge difference in your life, so start practicing right away. Keep the other tips for staying calm under pressure in mind, too. You can combine multiple techniques for even more significant benefits.

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