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10 Things Socially Intelligent People Avoid

Are you a socially intelligent person with common sense and street smarts? Genetics plays a significant part in your IQ levels, but when it comes to your social intellect, this is something that you learn as you go. Socially intelligent people must experience life before they fine-tune this skill.

You’ve probably heard that some people are book smart, and others are street smart. While education is always good, socially intelligent people know how to deal with the public. Additionally, this kind of education often trumps those who have spent years in college, as someone can’t learn everything from textbooks.

These are skills that you hone after much trial and error. One of the best movies to illustrate such things is Dangerous Minds. Michelle Pfeiffer played a teacher sent to one of the roughest areas with the highest dropout rates.

While she received an excellent education and was a good teacher, she quickly had to develop her social intelligence to handle one of the roughest school systems in the country. She had to learn to connect with these students on a whole different level, and it’s something that professors couldn’t prepare her for in college. The students began to learn, and she incorporated unusual techniques to gain their acceptance and attention.

According to The Washington Post, the movie is based on the real-life story of U.S. Marine LouAnne Johnson, which makes this harrowing piece even more impressive. Once she retired from the military, she became a teacher in California, but she quickly learned that she needed to step up her street-savvy nature to educate these kids.

How are your social or street smarts? You will find people like this make fabulous sales and business professionals as they can bring themselves to the level of each of their customers. Did you know that having this kind of intelligence can save your life, make you a better person, and get you further than formal teaching?

Five Characteristics of Socially Intelligent People

socially intelligent people

How do you know if you’re a socially intellectual person? Here are some of the signs for you to consider.

1. Socially Intelligent People Have Great Conversational Skills

Remember, the first part of being socially intelligent is that you’re social. You can always tell the person with this skill from the other folks as they’re always the life of the party. You’ll find them working the room during a social event and mingling with others listening and talking to many, and they’re often extroverted.

This person has no issue conversing with someone at the grocery store, and they can talk for ten or fifteen minutes about the weather with someone on the subway. This individual has socially expressive skills that make them a “people person,” They can quickly adapt to many situations to fit in.

2. Understands Social Roles and Guidelines

If you’ve ever been to the theater or seen a Broadway play, you’ve witnessed firsthand people who have learned to adapt to many roles. The socially savvy person knows the rules of the game of life, and they know how to act and react during social interactions. Due to their confident nature, they see others as being wise and socially clever.

3. Realizes What Makes Others Tick

Do you enjoy going to the mall to people-watch? It’s a favorite pastime of socially intelligent people, and this person knows how to acclimatize themselves to read other folks.

It’s imperative to understand the emotions behind people if you interact with them and read their demeanor. The socially savvy person can quickly tune in to many things when observing.

4. Socially Intelligent People Care About Making a Good Impression

Everyone makes an impact when you first meet them. A socially in-tune person likes to make sure they’re leaving a good rather than a bad impression, as it’s often hard to change those first feelings.

They know the difference between managing and controlling the image they portray, which isn’t always easy. They want others to see them as authentic, so they balance this complex element of their socially savvy nature.

5. They’ve Amazing Listening Skills

If you have a problem and need someone to talk to, you might want to find socially intelligent people to listen to. One of the nice things about these folks is they’ve learned how to be fantastic listeners.

Once you’re done talking with them, you will feel as if you’ve connected positively. This skill in counselors and therapists is vital to being effective in their jobs.

Ten Things Socially Intelligent People Avoid

Now that you know how a socially intelligent person acts and reacts, it’s time to learn what they avoid. Since these folks are social butterflies, they’ve developed a few cautious traits.

1. Socially Intelligent People Like to Rely on Others

These individuals have developed these skills that help their independence, so they don’t like to depend on anyone else. When you rely on others, it reduces your power.

2. Don’t Focus on Their Defeats

Sure, socially intelligent people get down, but they don’t let it affect them like others. They know that stumbling and falling is part of the process of growth, and they’ve learned to embrace the journey.

3. Doesn’t Follow the Crowd

While these people are social, this doesn’t mean they let others dictate their lives. If they have a grand idea and want to pursue a passion, they don’t care who stands in opposition. They will probably stand for something they believe in.

socially intelligent people

4. Socially Intelligent People Are Never Overconfident

While this person is savvy, they’re not arrogant. They would never appear overconfident as they know that pride often comes before a fall.

5. Avoid Making Enemies

Socially savvy folks know that you never burn bridges you might need to cross one day again. They don’t look at folks with differing opinions and attitudes as their enemy, but they know that these people are entitled to their views.

6. Never Puts All Their Eggs in One Basket

While putting all your eggs in one basket has worked for people like Milton Hershey and Kentucky Fried Chicken’s Colonel Sanders, it doesn’t always work for everyone. According to Biography, Hershey had two failed attempts at becoming the king of chocolate.

This man staked everything he had into his convictions, which ultimately paid off. However, it was not a wise choice financially, as it caused him to file for bankruptcy. The key is that you don’t want to put all your ideas and hopes into one thing, as you need a backup plan. Socially intelligent people know they need a diversified portfolio to succeed and minimize risks.

7. Socially Intelligent People Avoid Unnecessary Risks

Everyone takes small risks in the hope of gaining something in life. However, some folks tend to be adrenalin junkies regarding their risk-taking measures, but this is not socially skilled individual. They take chances but calculate every move like a high-stakes chess game.

8. Won’t Back Down from a Worthy Cause

If they feel the cause is worthy, they will fight. Even if all their friends and family members back off, they will continue if they feel passionate about life.

9. Never Passes the Opportunity to Broaden Their Horizons

Socially intelligent people know they can never learn enough or have sufficient education. They’re constantly looking for ways to broaden their horizons, even if it means stepping outside their comfort zone.

When people take the initiative to go beyond their comfort level, they use these experiences to transition, grow, and transform. People who aren’t willing to step beyond these confounds settle for mediocrity.

10. Socially Intelligent People Don’t Complain

One of the most endearing things about socially competent folks is that they don’t whine and complain. They know people don’t like to be around folks who are always about doom and gloom, so they try to keep their problems out of the forefront. Sure, they got problems and burdens, but they don’t focus on these matters with every interaction.

socially intelligent people

Final Thoughts on Socially Intelligent People

Developing your social IQ takes a lot of hard work and effort, but you also need to learn to avoid many things. There’s nothing wrong with paying attention to the world around you, as it will help you become a better listener and to develop good conversation skills.

You should understand the difference between just listening and learning to listen actively, as there’s a huge difference. When you’re actively engaged in the conversation, you are not only in tune with the other person but also reflect on what’s been spoken so that you understand better. The next time you find yourself in a social situation, sit back and observe your behaviors and those of others.

Most importantly, you need to learn things that you don’t or can’t do if you have a high social IQ. Above all else, don’t let your failures define you; your past is a learning experience, not a life sentence.

15 Reasons Long Talks Are So Important in a Relationship

In your relationship, it’s probably easy to talk about lots of mundane topics, like what you want to do over the weekend or what you’re having for dinner tonight. Your life becomes your daily focus and the big topic of most conversations. As crucial as discussing everyday things, you must value long, in-depth discussions for real growth in your relationship as a couple. Here are fifteen reasons long talks are so significant to your relationship.

Fifteen Reasons Why Long Talks Add Value to a Relationship

Learning the impact of having in-depth conversations with your partner might surprise you. Here they are.

1 – Long talks help you get to know each other even better

Of course, not all your conversations are a big deal, but the more you talk, the more you’ll feel connected to one another. You can talk about what you dreamed about last night, when you got up, or how much you enjoyed a new podcast you listened to today. Having long talks helps you grow closer and learn more about one another. Plus, there’s something extraordinary about how this develops your affection for one another.

long talks

2 – Saves time

Of course, on a practical note, long talks with your partner can save you time. You can discuss ideas for vacations or holidays. Long discussions allow you to discuss goals for exercise and whether you should sign up for the new gym that just opened. You might start the conversation by talking about buying a dog but end up talking about renting a bigger apartment or finding a more reliable dog walker. By nature, long talks weave in and out of topics. They are relaxing, long-drawn-out discussions about whatever you want to discuss.

There’s no time limit unless you set one. Because you’ve had a long in-depth conversation about these things, you won’t need to discuss them in detail the next time they come up. This collaboration is essential for problem-solving. When you revisit the topic, you will have a good grip on the information you’ve already discussed and can start where you left off.

3 – Helps you communicate during a conflict

Good communication means you feel comfortable sharing your feelings with your partner without fear of them getting angry or judging you. Scientists found in one study that couples who have learned to communicate during a conflict will have long-lasting relationships. They are committed to discussing things instead of running away or fighting back. These couples value communication and make it work.

4 – Long talks can help save you money

Not talking to your partner about money issues will cost you. Talking about your budget is essential, but some suggest that you could incur more because of forgiveness gifts. These gifts include costly flowers, candy, or tokens given by the partner who said the wrong thing at the wrong time. These gifts can add up. Most of these mistakes result from one partner not listening to what the other says. So, include long conversations in your relationship and save money on forgiveness gifts.

5 – Emotional support

Supporting your partner emotionally means you talk to them when they’re going through difficulties or struggles. Long conversations allow you to ask significant questions to understand better what your partner is going through and how they feel. Your discussions may go down a few rabbit trails, but that’s good. These little detours lead to meaningful conversations. Cutting your conversations short takes away the chance for a long, relaxed talk that allows support for each other and growing closer together.

6 – Better understand one another’s feelings

Long talks allow time to deepen your relationship. Allowing one another to talk about their highs and lows increases your affection for one another. Here are some good questions to go deeper with your partner in a long conversation.

  • Is there something you’d love to do but haven’t done? Why?
  • What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
  • What is your most terrible memory?
  • If you knew that in one year you would die, what would you do differently?
  • How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
  • What is one personal problem that you want advice about?

7 – Share your spiritual insights through these long talks

Another vital long talk you should have with your partner is about what you believe about God. Share what you think and why you believe this. Willingly, listen to your partner’s beliefs and ask questions. Knowing what one another believes should be a long conversation you have early in your relationship because religious views are essential to couples. It’s best not to be surprised by your partner’s faith or lack thereof. Studies suggest that more religious couples have happier and more stable marriage relationships than other married couples. So, the significance of what you each believe is critical.

long talks

8 – Long talks improve your health

Long talks enhance communication and reduce stress. This allows you to vent to someone you trust entirely about your tension and anxiety regarding your work, co-workers, family members, and more. Long discussions with your partner reduce stress and help you feel better about your life. The sense of feeling safe to talk about anything with someone is enormous. Few relationships give you the same sense of safety, care, and good health.

9 – You learn more about yourself

Putting your thoughts together in words helps you learn something about yourself. As you talk and listen, you know how to ask good questions. You understand what’s important to you and how you best communicate these things. You grow in better expressing your affection and helping someone else.

10 – Help future discussions

Of course, the more you talk with your partner, the more you lay a foundation for future conversations. You build an understanding with one another as you learn what’s important to your spouse and what isn’t. For instance, you may learn things you can talk about later, including:

  • Goals at work
  • Desires for a bigger house
  • Saving money for a trip overseas
  • Investing in stocks
  • People you both want to get to know more

11 – Understand what’s important

Long talks allow you to share what’s important in life. Your partner must know your feelings about family, work, education, and friends. Let them know about what you value and why during these long conversations. Enjoy being known and knowing your partner as they share what’s important to them.

12 – Long talks allow you to concentrate on other things

Once you’ve had a long discussion, you can better concentrate on other things. If a conversation has ever confused you, you understand how distracting it can be. You may rehearse what was said over and over again. Perhaps you wonder why your partner said this or that. Once you get the entire conversation behind you, you’re free to think about other things without your unfinished conversation hanging over your head.

13 – Long talks build affection

All relationships go better when there is good communication. If you don’t communicate with your co-workers or friends, you won’t get to know them or grow in your relationship. In the same way, you need to share with your partner to build affection and love in the relationship. Long talks allow relaxed, easy-going discussions that enable you and your partner to grow closer.

14 – More satisfaction

When you and your partner communicate well, you can feel happier about your relationship. Better discussions help you learn about one another. It helps you understand one another’s struggles and allows respect for complicated topics. This helps you fight less and learn how to navigate the deep waters of complex issues.

15 – Better trust, honesty, and respect

When you and your partner see long talks as a priority, you learn to be honest and open with one another. There is nothing off-limits, which creates a strong sense of trust and respect for the other person. Healthy relationships are built on learning and honoring one another’s feelings and boundaries and supporting one another in bad and good times.

long talks

Final Thoughts on Why Long Talks Are Valuable to a Relationship

If you don’t know what your partner is going through or what is important to them, you’re missing out on really knowing them as a person. Long talks are essential for a variety of reasons. The 15 reasons listed here are just the tip of the iceberg of why long conversations benefit a relationship. If you’re not engaging in long talks with your partner, it puts a strain on your relationship. It steals away your affection and sense of commitment to one another. So, why not start having a long talk with your partner today?

10 Stressful Experiences an Introvert Will Always Avoid

Introverts avoid stressful experiences whenever they can, but they steer clear of some situations more than others. Stress tends to make them feel like they’re drowning because they’re often already on edge. They are more susceptible to emotional exhaustion and anxiety, making it necessary to avoid what they can.

Many normal experiences for other people aren’t so easy for introverted people. They are extra sensitive to situations that might cause stress. Even the idea of a stressful experience can trigger an introvert, and they’ll be anxious before it even begins.

Stress affects your life whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, so you’re not alone either. However, introverted people handle many situations differently because their minds are more prone to burnout and overwhelm. Some experiences that are fun for others make them feel overly stressed and anxious pretty quickly.

Knowing which stressful experiences an introvert will avoid can help you make it easier. Whether you are an introvert or know an introvert, knowing which situations might cause the most stress is essential. Then, you can learn how to make the situation easier when it’s unavoidable.

Why Stressful Experiences Impact Introverts More Than Others

Stress isn’t good for anyone, but it affects introverted people more than others. It affects them more because their external environment overstimulates them. They often suffer from anxiety, especially when put in uncomfortable situations.

Introverts are typically highly sensitive people (HSPs), and life can quickly overstimulate them. Plus, they feel things deeply, causing them to take on the stress and pain of others. They require a quiet, calming place to relax and recover from stressful experiences.

stressful experiences

What It Means to Be an Introvert

Introversion became a common phrase when psychologist Carl Jung described it as being internally focused on thoughts and feelings. Extroverts are the opposite, focusing on people and activities around them. It’s often confused with being shy, but it’s more about becoming overstimulated.

Introverted people prefer to analyze events, feel more energetic alone, and quickly become overwhelmed in crowds. They require less external stimulation than extroverts and prefer calm environments.

Being an introvert also means having a different work style than others. They prefer to work on one task at a time without being interrupted.

Many people believe introverted people aren’t sociable but can be in the right situation. They don’t thrive in large groups but love spending time with one or two close friends or loved ones. Because they prefer to listen and think before expressing themselves, they often do it better in writing.

The Qualities of an Introvert

A popular misconception of introverted people is that they lack self-confidence or self-esteem. However, while that is sometimes the case, it isn’t always true. Instead, they often display the following traits:

  • Quiet in social situations
  • Absent-minded
  • Difficulty expressing ideas clearly
  • Frequently getting lost in thought
  • Pausing before answering
  • Observing their surroundings acutely
  • Disliking surprises
  • Overly sensitive to sounds, smells, sights, and pain
  • Discomfort when being observed or judged
  • Creativity
  • Empathy
  • Strong conscience
  • Disliking violent TV shows or movies
  • Feeling emotions intensely
  • Preferring one-on-one conversations
  • Enjoying alone time
  • Wanting to work alone without interruptions
  • Good listener
  • Becoming exhausted during or after social gatherings

Stressful Experiences an Introvert Will Always Attempt to Avoid

Introverted people find many situations overwhelming, but there are stressful experiences they always avoid. If you or someone you know avoids many of these situations, it’s a sign of introversion.

1. Dealing with People Without Time to Decompress First

Without time to decompress, dealing with people can be hard. If they had to work with coworkers or customers during the day, they likely won’t want to go out without heading home for some quiet time first. They might not want to head back out afterward, as they’ve already experienced enough stress for the day.

Introverted people must have quiet and calm before dealing with people. They like to get places early so they can sit alone for a moment, even in the car, before socialization begins.

2. Time Pressure and Other Daily Stressful Experiences

Time pressure can quickly cause anxiety, leading to extreme overwhelm and emotional exhaustion. It can cause introverted person to shut down, standing in the way of their productivity and success. They like to work at their own pace and get things done quicker because they aren’t as stressed.

If they know a task has a deadline, they’ll need to start on it immediately. Introverted people avoid putting things off until the last minute to prevent the stress from piling up.

They also avoid other daily stressors that interfere with their peace of mind. The daily pressures of work, general interaction, and multitasking can sometimes be too much for them.

3. Speaking in Front of a Crowd

Introverted people avoid public speaking or speaking in front of a large crowd. It’s one of the most stressful experiences, even when they prepare. They often forget many points they want to make and mess up their speech.

They are better at having conversations with small groups in more relaxed settings. Then they will be confident to hold a meaningful discussion and share their knowledge.

4. Social Events Are Some of the Most Stressful Experiences for Introverts

While introverted people enjoy quiet evenings with close friends, they don’t want anything more than that. They don’t often want to venture out of their home and attend crowded social events.

Crowded spaces trigger anxiety because of all the actions, sounds, and other sensory aspects. It quickly leads to overwhelm and causes their stress to rise. They’ll avoid weddings, parties, large get-togethers, and other events whenever possible.

When they do have to go out, they avoid talkative people. They’d prefer to reflect on their surroundings than engage in conversation with people who don’t stop talking.

5. Being in the Spotlight

Introverted people never want to be the center of attention. When they have to be in the spotlight for any time, their anxiety continues to rise until it’s over. They aren’t comfortable with everyone looking at them, so they avoid it at all costs.

If they’re asked unexpectedly to give ideas in front of everyone at work, they’ll likely freeze up. They’ll have good things to say but can’t respond adequately. Some of the situations they’ll avoid that put them in the spotlight include speeches, job interviews, presentations, or recognition.

stressful experiences

6. Staff Meetings and Networking Events

Staff meetings are hard because introverted people don’t want to discuss their job. If they know how to do their job well, they don’t want other people giving opinions on it.

They want to work on it in private and keep it the way they like it. Plus, they don’t want anyone asking questions that put them on the spot or force them to explain how they do things.

Networking events are typically even worse, as they require so much out of a person. There’s food and drinks, small talk, lots of noise and people, and too much going on at once. It’s sure to make an introverted person feel like shutting down.

7. Saying Goodbye Is One of the Most Stressful Experiences

Goodbyes are hard for introverted people because they become attached to people they care about. When they know they won’t see someone for a while, it’s hard for them to say goodbye. They avoid saying goodbye by resisting becoming attached in the first place. Introverted people don’t open up easily because they fear losing someone they love and having to say goodbye.

8. Working in an Open Office or Participating in Group Projects

Introverted people prefer working alone. They don’t enjoy an open office because there’s too much noise and too many interruptions. The interruptions make them feel stressed and overwhelmed when they’re trying to focus.

Introverted people also don’t like group projects because they come with lots of drama. They prefer to do tasks alone and ensure they get done the way they like. Plus, they don’t want to deal with others as they work.

9. Unannounced Visitors

It’s never a good time for an introvert when visitors unexpectedly show up at their home. They feel uncomfortable when people don’t call before showing up, and they might avoid answering the door. Introverted people require time to prepare mentally for company, or it causes exhausting stress.

10. Giving Negative Feedback

Introverted people struggle with giving negative feedback for a few reasons. First, it triggers their empathetic nature, making them not want to have the conversation. It also causes stress because, even with preparation, the words never seem to come out as they’d hoped.

stressful experiences

Final Thoughts on Ten Stressful Experiences an Introvert Will Always Avoid

There are many stressful experiences an introvert will try to avoid, but it isn’t because they’re shy or antisocial. They enjoy spending time alone to decompress, but they also like getting together in small groups.

Understanding the mind of an introverted person will help you whether you’re an introvert or know someone who is. Learning why they behave as they do will help you adapt to the mindset and see the differences as strengths instead of weaknesses. Don’t be alarmed or offended when someone avoids a situation with you because there’s likely a valid reason for it.

Ireland Builds a Bridge Out of Decommissioned Turbine Blades

A company in Ireland decided to repurpose old wind turbine blades into several small bridges. The aptly named Blade Bridge will wind its way through the Irish countryside, spanning a 16-foot-wide stream. Its walkway will consist of a steel deck and two turbine blades decommissioned from a wind farm in Belfast to support the structure.

Located in East Cork County between Midleton and Youghal, the bridge will accommodate pedestrians, cyclists, and emergency vehicles. Constructed at the end of January 2022, the Re-Wind Network invented the Blade Bridge.

The research organization consists of civil and structural engineers, geographers, and other scientists from University College Cork, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Queen’s University Belfast, and the City University of New York.

The team wanted to brainstorm ways to recycle these materials, so they were incinerated or buried in landfills. In total, they came up with fifty ideas for repurposing decommissioned wind power turbine blades. These included floating pontoons for solar panels, highway noise barriers, coastal breakwaters, and culverts. And, of course, they came up with the Blade Bridge project.

Ireland Builds a Bridge Out of Decommissioned Turbine Blades

The bridge’s steel deck consists of two Nordex N29 turbine blades to provide structural support. These wind blades measure less than 46 feet, making them easier to transport than larger turbines. The team used half of each blade for the girders since the bridge only required that much. However, Angela Nagle, a civil engineering doctoral student at University College Cork who worked on the bridge, said the blades look “virtually complete.”

turbine blades

Belfast wind turbine company Everun donated the blades. It said, “Our engineering team decommissioned an N29 turbine, and we were happy to supply the blades from the turbine for the bridge project.

“The blades were transported to County Cork where they will be repurposed as the main structural element on a number of small bridges spanning the Greenway with two blades laying apart horizontally, with a walkway in between.

“The blades have recently gone through destructive testing to ensure structural integrity, with the rest being retained for the actual construction.”

Wind blades typically have a life cycle of about 20-25 years. Currently, no environmentally friendly recycling methods exist for the giant blades. So many of them find their way into the landfills. That’s why organizations such as Re-Wind Network have begun repurposing the blades into exciting projects like the Blade Bridge.

According to the wind energy trade association WindEurope, Europe will decommission around 25,000 tons of wind blades by 2025. In the United States, that number will likely skyrocket to 2.2 million by 2045. The Blade Bridge marks the second bridge worldwide to use recycled turbine blades in its construction. The first pedestrian bridge opened in October 2021 in Poland.

Keeping Turbines Out of Landfills

Engineers say bridges like these offer a viable, eco-friendly alternative to tossing the turbine blades in landfills. Since they usually last for decades after decommissioning and are durable, engineers like to put them to good use for various projects.

Wind blades can weigh over a dozen tons and measure 150 feet on average. Thus, they take up enormous space in landfills and don’t break down in the environment. Most wind blades consist of a combination of fiberglass or carbon fiber-reinforced polyester and epoxy thermoset resin.

This makes the blades lightweight and resilient. But it is also challenging to separate the plastics and glass fibers. Energy companies have started revamping blade designs to make them biodegradable in response to this issue. However, that doesn’t solve the millions of turbine blades already in use.

Luckily, scientists and engineers constantly explore new ways to reuse the massive turbine blades.

Lawrence C. Bank, Georgia Institute of Technology, says, “We’re exploring the potential reuse of the blades across architecture and engineering. Developing such methods can positively affect air quality and water quality by decreasing a major source of non-biodegradable waste.”

Other Unique Ways to Repurpose Turbine Blades

UK’s high-speed rail link contractor, Skanska Costain Strabag, offers another viable alternative for turbine blades. The organization collaborated with the National Composites Centre to substitute steel for decommissioned turbine blades for reinforcing concrete. This process will result in a 90% decrease in carbon production.

They will utilize sections of blades to build temporary access roads, areas of concrete walls, and other projects. The Re-Wind and Skanska Costain Strabag initiatives could help kickstart the widespread adoption of turbine blades in the construction industry.

Other projects have focused on how to recycle the turbine blade materials. For instance, Danish-based Vestas Wind Turbine Systems collaborated with Aarhus University to break down the thermoset epoxy into fiber epoxy (a type of plastic). Then, the epoxy goes through a process called chemcycling, where’s it’s broken down further into its base elements. And if you are looking for other industrial and construction materials, you may find more info here.

Finally, it can be repurposed into the creation of new turbine blades. This circular system offers a more sustainable option for turbine blade materials. The Norwegian company Akers Horizons, a part of Aker Offshore Wind, also wanted to create a unique system for recycling fiberglass material. They worked with the University of Strathclyde to sort and recover glass fiber to be repurposed into new products.

It’s exciting to see how companies find creative ways to reuse these materials. Hopefully, these innovations will continue far into the future.

turbine blades

Final Thoughts on Bridge in Ireland Built from Old Turbine Blades

Turbine blades are difficult to recycle due to their size and construction materials. Since fiberglass and plastics don’t break down in landfills, companies have begun brainstorming ways to reuse them. Scientists and engineers have constructed the second bridge built from decommissioned turbine blades in Ireland. Moreover, the bridge will be accessible to pedestrians, cyclists, and emergency vehicles. Many engineers commend the project. Furthermore, they have plans to create other bridges using turbine blades.

Other companies have found other sustainable alternatives for repurposing turbine blades, including reinforced concrete and recycling base materials from the blades.

Have you heard of any other unique uses for old turbine blades? Let us know in the comments!

10 Signs of a Neglected Child Never to Ignore

Every day you pass children on playgrounds, in your child’s school, or in public places suffering from neglect, but you may not notice the signs. Some kids hide their grief very well, but others show the painful symptoms of a neglected child.

Some of these kids experience trauma and abuse, while others go without food, adequate housing, and their basic needs being met. How do you know that a child is being neglected? Since no definitive test proves neglect or abuse, you must rely on the signs to figure it out.

Ten Signs of a Neglected Child Never to Ignore

A mandated reporter must report issues of abuse or neglect to the authorities. These are folks like a teacher, pastor, social worker, counselor, medical staff, and others that interact with kids daily.

However, just because you’re not a mandated reporter doesn’t release you from the responsibility of being a decent human being and calling attention to an escalating problem. Here are some signs that indicate a child might be in a neglectful situation and needs your help.

neglected child

1. A Neglected Child Often Wears Ill-Fitting or Dirty Clothes

One of the first signs that a child does not have their needs met is looking at their apparel. Children that are neglected often have clothes that don’t fit, and they will either be too big or too small. Another indication of an issue is soiled garments.

The parents are responsible for ensuring a child has clean clothes to wear. There’s no shame in being poor; you can be poor and still be clean. So, please pay special attention to the clothes as they can tell a lot about child care.

2. Worn Out Shoes

Shoes are another place where you can notice neglect. For instance, children will often have too-small shoes, have holes in them, are missing shoestrings, and are dirty.  Remember that children wear out shoes quickly, so don’t mistake poverty or slight wear with lack of care. That indicator becomes true when the shoes no longer protect the feet. The shoes need not be brand names nor do they need to cost a fortune. But they need to protect their feet.

3. Strong Body Odor

It’s standard for teenagers to go through a phase where they smell, especially when their hormones kick into overdrive. If you walk into a high school locker room, you will identify the pungent odor. Kids who are neglected often don’t get baths as they should.

They might also not have access to soap, deodorant, and the things that will help them maintain their hygiene. Most kids won’t brush their teeth or shower unless the parents prod them a bit, which is a sign that the parent isn’t paying proper attention to their child.

4. Anxiety and Depression

According to the CDC, the signs of depression in a child are like an adult, but there are some variations. They state that a child can have phobias, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and panic disorder. Each of these can lead to depressive states.

According to the site, some signs of anxiety are often displayed as ADHD, and many parents think their child is hyperactive, but it’s not the case. There’s a strong link between anxiety and hyperactivity, so it’s very different in children than in adults. So, a child that acts out and is hyperactive may compensate for their anxiety.

5. A neglected child may display aggression

The class bully almost always has a story behind their behavior. They’re acting out and aggressive, and there’s a reason behind it. When a child shows dominance over another child, these control issues often indicate a significant upheaval, displayed through negative behaviors.

Children and adults alike want control of their life. Sadly, it’s not always easy to control your life when you’re in a situation like being neglected. When a child acts out and shows dominance over another kid, it’s not as it seems. According to Good Therapy, people with control issues often fear losing control of a situation, so they act out in disproportionate and unhealthy ways.

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6. Failure to Thrive Might Reveal a Neglected Child

Failure to thrive is a term that’s used to describe a child that’s pediatric-aged. It comes from an inadequate caloric intake and can have neglectful roots or a medical issue behind it. According to the National Library of Medicine, a child is diagnosed with this issue when they don’t meet their age group’s height or weight expectations.

The medical team will evaluate social, psychological, and environmental factors to find the root cause.

7. Developmental Lags

When a child is being neglected or abused, they often don’t meet their milestones. While they may be underweight, food deprivation can cause them to miss milestones. Proper nutrition is imperative for a child to grow and thrive, so missing nutrition might cause a delay in hitting their milestones.

For instance, a mother who leaves a child in the crib all the time to avoid dealing with them can cause their walking to be delayed. A child needs room to test their boundaries and learn balance to walk, and they cannot achieve this in a crib. Other issues for these kids include being non-verbal and those who aren’t potty trained at an older age.

Seeing a 4–5-year-old kid in diapers and with a pacifier is a sign of poor parenting, and it displays a neglectful attitude that’s not helping their child meet milestones.

8. Attention Problems/Hyperactivity

Concentration issues are prevalent these days. Some blame it on the increase in the use of technology, while others say that additives in the food are to blame. Whatever the reasons behind ADHD, it can indicate neglect and abuse.

In the classroom, it’s easier to indicate a child who has an attention problem by their inability to focus. Some may be acting out for attention rather than an actual neurological disorder, so it’s important not to mix the two. A child who craves attention from adults because they’re not getting it at home will take any attention they can get.

This means they prefer to sit in the principal’s office to have that one-on-one rather than go unnoticed. They will take positive or negative attention as long as someone gives them some consideration. It’s sad, but these kids act out, and it’s a cry for help.

9. A Neglected Child Displays Low Self-Esteem

Children who don’t have their emotional needs met can experience an impact on their esteem. They may feel unworthy or unloved and have difficulty fitting in social situations, which is especially true of verbal abuse. To avoid detection, a neglectful parent might blame the child for things far beyond their control, inhibiting good self-worth.

The child can feel some responsibility for the situation, feeling unloved or unwanted, leading to poor esteem that can affect them for life.

10. Emotional Avoidance

Neglected children often cannot display appropriate emotions. Your parents teach you how to act and react to certain situations from the cradle. However, when a child isn’t skilled in such things, they might not know how to respond.

Conversely, a child who gets beat when they cry out may learn to shut down their emotions to avoid getting into trouble. So, any child with emotional issues needs to be investigated. There could be a vast array of problems at the crux, such as mental illness, or it can be neglect.

What to Do When You Suspect a Neglected Child

It’s important to report anything you see out of the ordinary to the proper authorities. Most child protective service divisions have a 24-hour hotline to call and report such things. If you suspect abuse and neglect, you can always call your local police or sheriff’s office.

You can make an anonymous report or give them information for further communication. However, the agency will legally be unable to update you on the specifics of a case. Some folks are scared to make such a call as they fear they may be wrong and bring trouble to these parents. Still, it’s better to make the call and be wrong than to have avoided the issue and been right.

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Final Thoughts on Signs of a Neglected Child Never to Ignore

There are more than 656,000 neglected children in this country each year. Additionally, seven percent of those kids are also being abused somehow. Everyone must do their part in making sure children are safe from trauma, abuse, and neglect.

If you see anything out of the ordinary that’s concerning, don’t hesitate to contact someone for help. These kids might be waiting on someone like you to come forward and be their advocate. You may need to be the child’s voice when they cannot speak for themselves.

10 Causes of Chronic Anxiety Most People Don’t Realize

Anxiety is a common problem in this country, but many people suffer in silence as they don’t know where to go or what to do for help. Why is there still a stigma around mental health issues when there’s help readily available? There’s no reason to choose to be miserable when you can make your life and this condition better.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, there’s an estimated 40 million adults in this country that suffer from some anxiety disorder. Anxiety can affect how you think take care of your home, work, relationships, and overall well-being. It’s time to understand this condition and bring things to the forefront so that more people get the help they need. Consider seeking counseling Napa to help you manage your mental health condition.

Ten Causes of Chronic Anxiety

When anxiety is persistent, it becomes chronic. Chronic anxiety is an episode that lasts for six months or more.

While you know things like stress and social situations can cause you to be anxious, did you know there are some other triggers that you may not realize are affecting you? Here are some causes of anxiety that many people don’t consider.

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1. Relationships with Toxic People Can Cause Chronic Anxiety

Negative people are toxic to your life. They bring you down and can make you view things in a pessimistic way. It can be pretty overwhelming when you hang around with someone who gossips, is manipulative, and always talks about their troubles.

The next time you avoid a phone call or try to ditch a date with someone that makes you feel uneasy, it could be that this person has a dark cloud of depression that’s making your anxiety worse. Please make sure you choose your friends wisely, as they can undoubtedly have a dramatic impact on your mental health.

2. You’re Spending Too Much Time Alone

While it’s good to have some time alone to recharge your batteries, spending too much time alone can be counterproductive. Nothing good happens when you isolate yourself behind four walls, and it causes you to dwell on things that may or may not ever happen. Don’t spend your time overthinking things when you can get out and do something productive.

3. You’re Not Eating Properly

Did you know that some things you consume can increase your anxiety? Things like caffeinated foods and beverages are notorious for surging feelings of angst. The good news is that you can eliminate all those extra sodas and coffee you drink, or you can switch to a caffeine-free beverage.

Another primary consideration is consuming sugary foods and carbs. They influence your blood sugar levels, which can cause you to feel ill. When you feel off and dizzy, your body can react to these scary feelings with anxiety, and if you consume these foods regularly, your chronic stress can link directly to it. You will feel a significant difference in your mind and body when you switch to eating healthy foods; ask anyone on the keto diet.

4. You’re Deficient in Vitamins and Minerals

Okay, so now you know that eating right is imperative for your health. However, you could suffer from anxiety when you don’t get enough vitamins, specifically B6, B12, and magnesium. Your brain needs these vitamins to keep things functioning and thrive, and if you’re lacking, you can be stressed, achy, and irritable.

5. Bad Memories

Everyone has a past, which can be overwhelming to manage at times. If you’re constantly ruminating on things that happened to you, then you’re not living in the here and now.

You can feel a great deal of anxiety when you hear a song you shared with your special someone or pass by a restaurant where you went on many dates. Anything that brings back painful memories can contribute to your feelings of angst.

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6. Click Bait and the News Can Cause Chronic Anxiety

It’s no secret that the world is a melting pot of trouble. Natural disasters, crime, and economic situations can weigh you down. Even if you try to keep on the sunny side, there’s always a way to stumble across current events.

Social media is supposed to be a fun place to connect with family and friends. However, many entities take out clickbait ads to lure you in. Even if you’re not looking for the latest news, it’s scrolling on the side of your screen.

Some folks are overwhelmed by reading about the world’s happenings, which can trigger your anxious nature.

7. You’re Dehydrated

You’ve heard a thousand times that you need to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. If you’re deficient in your supply of H20, it can significantly impact you. There’s a direct connection between hydration and your mood, as your brain cells need water to operate.

If you’re dehydrated, you’re not getting the unwanted toxins out of your system. It would help if you were drinking at least 11-15 cups of water each day, depending on your gender. According to Harvard Health, dehydration causes a deficiency and the inability to carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and you’re also not maintaining your electrolyte balance.

8. You’re Living for Others

Sometimes there are people in your life that like to control things. These people can be your spouse, parent, friend, or relative. You can’t live your life trying to please everyone else, or it’s going to make you miserable.

When you have a thought pop into your mind, it’s either going to increase your insecurity or increase your confidence, but the choice is up to you. Don’t worry if someone looked at you and whispered, as they may not have even been discussing you. If you continue to over-analyze everything that others say and think about you, it’s going to drive you mad.

9. Social Situations Can Underly Chronic Anxiety

Chronic anxiety can be caused by the inability to deal with social situations. Social anxiety is a genuine problem, and it can be crippling if you don’t get it under control. This is also known as agoraphobia, where your angst turns into a full-blown phobia that rules your life.

People with social anxiety find it hard to go to school, enjoy a trip to the mall, watch a movie at the theater, or any other situation where many people are involved. According to the National Library of Medicine, Agoraphobia creeps in when you start avoiding these places so that you don’t have these intense feelings of anxiety. Any situation where you feel you can’t escape quickly will be avoided, and some even become housebound because their fears dominate every aspect of their life.

10. You’re Full of Self-Doubt

Have you ever seen those cartoons that depict an angel on one side and a devil on the other? While it’s a humorous attempt at your inner voice, it’s based on many truths. Anytime you’re faced with a choice in life that requires thought, you hear the good and bad voices telling you what you need to do.

Your inner voice can be pretty loud, and it might be enough to make you have self-doubts. The world has a lot of negativities in it, so if you ingest this pessimism all day long, it’s only natural that the fears are the things your inner voice talks about. You must learn how to control this small voice inside you and look at things through optimistic views.

Self-doubt will destroy your esteem and keep you from the job of your dreams, buying that new home, or starting a relationship that will fulfill you. Additionally, if you’re constantly thinking about all the things that you can’t do or that might harm you, then it’s the perfect breeding ground for chronic anxiety.

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Final Thoughts on Causes of Chronic Anxiety

Dealing with anxiety or any mental illness is no fun. Thankfully, there are many things that you can do to help you get through this challenge. The good news is that anxiety is a highly treatable condition, especially when you learn how to change some of the things listed above.

Anxiety can be medically-based, or it can be circumstantial. Some folks will notice their anxiety increases when dealing with a medical illness or going through a divorce. For other folks, it’s the nagging inner voice of self-doubt or a diet rich in carbs and sugars that’s causing them to feel anxious.

Chronic anxiety is a growing problem that must be treated. Did you know that many people addicted to drugs and alcohol often have underlying mental health conditions like depression and anxiety? These folks suffer from poor coping skills, and they turn to unhealthy ways to try to self-medicate the pain away.

You can try things like meditation, yoga, exercise, eating a plant-based diet, and getting out in nature more to control the angst you feel. Counseling is another excellent option to help with these feelings, especially if you’ve been through trauma, abuse, or suffered from childhood neglect.

What changes can you make today that can help with your chronic anxiety? Rather than popping a pill to mask the issue, why not get to the core of the matter that’s causing the overwhelmed feelings? You can start working on these emotions and problems that are likely at the root of how your angst.

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